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Gerona Junior College

Pob. 3 Gerona, Tarlac

Tel No. (045) 931-3673

NAME : ________________________________________ SCORE : _________
DATE : Midterms
Child and Adolescent Development
I. Multiple Choice. Write the letter of the BEST answer on the space provided for.

____1. Teacher Jake believes that Angelo, one of his students, cannot cope up with the class because he
failed to practice his intellectual abilities. What developmental perspective does he believe?
a. Marxism b. Utilitarianism c. Evolution d. Socialism

____2. Teacher April uses cooperative teaching approach and ensures that every member of a group has
a unique role to perform to make each of them feel important and useful. What developmental
perspective does she believe?
a. Marxism b. Utilitarianism c. Evolution d. Socialism

____3. Teacher Federico always tells his class that studying is important to improve their current social
status. What developmental perspective does he believe?
a. Marxism b. Utilitarianism c. Evolution d. Socialism

____4. What hormone makes males more aggressive than females?
a. Estrogen b. Testosterone c. Progesterone d. Steroid

____5. What hormone makes females appear more physically attractive?
a. Estrogen b. Progesterone c. Testosterone d. Dopamine

____6. Which steroid hormone is considered and known as stress hormone?
a. Testosterone b. Estrogen c. Cortisol d. Steroid

____7. What hormones are secreted every time humans anticipate a very stressful experience?
a. Stress Hormones b. Adrenal Hormones c. Steroids d. Dopamine

____8. This hormone is responsible for the development of the body fats of females especially in the
breast and pelvic area.
a. Testosterone b. Progesterone c. Estrogen d. Serotonin

____9. This hormone is responsible for the physical development of males?
a. Testosterone b. Adrenaline c. Steroid d. Serotonin

____10. According to studies, what growth hormone is used to treat commercial chickens in fast foods?
a. Testosterone b. Progesterone c. Estrogen d. Serotonin

II. True or false. Write true if the statement is true and false if the statement if false.
__________1. Males are generally more aggressive than females.

__________2. Testosterone is exclusively found in males and not in females.

__________3. Adrenaline hormones give humans extra strength.

__________4. Males also have female hormones in their body.

__________5. Dopamine is a happy hormone because it relaxes the body.

__________6. According to Marxist point of view development occurs out of necessity to be more useful
in the society.

__________7. Class struggle is an important aspect of development according to the Utilitarianism.

__________8. Evolution is a continuous process of adaptation to the new environment.

__________9. Survival of the fittest means survival of the strongest.

__________10. The concept of development is always positive.

__________11. Language acquisition is an active process of learning a language.

__________12. Generally, language acquisition lasts until the child reaches the age of 6 or 7.

__________13. There is no such thing as Third or Fourth Language in language development theories.

__________14. English is considered as Second Language among Filipinos but as foreign language to
__________15. Language gives form to your thoughts, hence, it is an important element of development.

__________16. Pregnant women should avoid eating too much poultry-raised chicken such as those being
sold in fast foods because such can cause excessive intake of a growth hormone known as

__________17. Depression is a clinical condition that needs to be addressed with the help of professionals.

__________18. Males, according to studies, have more suicidal tendency than females.

__________19. Females have more suicidal tendency, only that males are more successful in committing
__________20. Prolonged Depression is sometimes good for your mental health.

III. Identification. Identify what is being asked or described in the following statements:
__________1. Teacher Russel believes that not all students are born to become teachers; some are
born to become other type of professionals or laborers. What view does he subscribe?
__________2. Teacher Joy grouped the class and ensures that each member of the group has a unique
role and is useful for their group. What view does she subscribe?
__________3. Thinking is an active and fun exercise. The more thinking you do, the more developed
your brain becomes. What view is described?
__________4. Equality is an essential aspect in the lesson of Teacher Mary. Each student should be
treated alike. What theory does she subscribe?
__________5. Teacher Russel believes that not all can survive the class and decided to give a failing
grade to half of the class if they were not able to cope up with the demands of the course. What theory
does he subscribe?
__________6. These are the hormones that are secreted every time we experience stress.

__________7. What do you call to the syndrome that one feels the effect of stress by simply imagining
or expecting the stressor such as feeling excessive nervousness even before the actual day of the test.
__________8. It is a disorder when one feels extremely down to the point of facing prolonged sadness.

__________9. This view tells us that development is continuous struggle to belong to another class of
citizens in the society.
__________10. This view defines development as a continuous process of adapting to changes in the
society through time.
__________11. This view defines development as the product of the want to become useful in the
__________12. This view tells us that humans should learn to develop equality and empower those who
are weak for the betterment of the society.
__________13. The goal of Philippine education system is to simply make us good workers someday i.e.
you study hard so that you can have a good work someday. What view is used?
__________14. Philippine education wants us to become more productive citizens i.e. you study hard so
that you can help improve the quality of life of the society where you belong and your own family.
What view is used?
__________15. Philippine educations should strictly become mandatory to the point of jailing the
parents of out of school youth and force everyone to finish, at least, their basic education so that the
poor will be empowered and will have the chance to rise from their present social status.
__________16. It is known as the passive way of learning a language.

__________17. This developmental theory explains why people suffering from amnesia do not forget
the use of language.
__________18. This is responsible in making the connections in our brains more permanent and it is
also the reason why more intelligent brains are whiter.
__________19. This part connects the left and the right hemisphere making the thinking process faster.
A more intelligent and developed brain has this part thicker.
__________20. What part of the brain is responsible in secreting growth hormones responsible for our

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