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i. Preface 2
ii. Introduction 3
iii. Glossary 4
iv. User Requirement Definition 5
v. System Architecture 6
vi. System Requirements Specification 7
vii. System Models 9
viii. System Evolution 12
ix. Appendix 13
! Preface
As people these days are getting busier with their work tasks and also daily life,
most of us do not hae time to for gro!ery shopping" #orking people do find that
gro!ery shopping is a time !onsuming task and that something !an be done to ease this
task and help them to sae time"
$ur goal was to !reate a system for online supermarket shopping system to
make things easier" %his pro&e!t is a web portal where the user !an sear!h and order
produ!ts online in the 'alaysian supermarkets" %he main fun!tionality of this system is
browse and also the order fun!tion" %he system is deeloped a!!ording to the software
deelopment life !y!le whi!h is the pro!ess of !reating or altering systems, and the
models and methodologies that people use to deelop these systems" %he !on!ept
generally refers to !omputer or information systems" %hree users are inoled in the
system" %hey are iewing, feeding data and manage the supermarket system" %his
system is also deeloped using the ()*+ method"
%here are lots of te!hnologies that aailable for deeloping software" ,n this
report we mentioned our desired te!hnologies for this pro&e!t and adantages using it"
"! Introduction
%oday, the business is done online worldwide, the management of institutions
and !ompany is done through network te!hnology using internet, all the systems of
information management has been digiti-ed" All these innoations hae the aim to
simplify life by making a lot of things easily and in a short time" #ith this being said,
$nline (upermarket (hopping (ystem is web portal where the !ustomer !an pur!hase
their produ!ts or gro!eries online and after a su!!essful payment, the goods will be
deliered to their doorstep" This system allows us to order a wide range of
products from the comfort of our own home, and have them delivered
directly to our door at a time to suit us. ,t is also aimed to proide information
to the user about the produ!t and seri!es of the supermarkets in 'alaysia" ,n parti!ular
s!enario, the !ustomer !ould hae to a!!ess internet" And he.she !an sear!h or browse
for their preferred produ!t or seri!es a!!ording to their need" %he interfa!e is proided
with some sear!hing !riteria and filters that allows user to sear!h about the produ!t and
iew its details easily" /sers !an not only iew but also pur!hase the items online"
+omparing pri!es between supermarkets is also one of the spe!ialities of the system"
0y haing this system, the problems we fa!e when going for shopping for our
daily needs, su!h as transportation, traffi! &ams on the way and others !an be redu!ed"
%his also saes our time by not using up our pre!ious time to trael to the lo!ation, shop
and !arrying all those items by ourseles" $ther than that, the pur!hase details !an also
printed if there are any items missing during the deliery" #e are sure that this system
will be ery helpful to our users as it easy to use and not to say saes a lot of time"
#! Glossary
! Admin
Administrator 1sometimes abbreiated admin2 a person who is
responsible for the enironmental aspe!ts of a database"
"! Authori$ation
%he pro!ess of granting or denying a!!ess to a network resour!e"
#! SD%&
%he systems deelopment life !y!le 1()*+2, also referred to as
the appli!ation deelopment life3!y!le, is a term used in systems
engineering, information systems and software engineering to des!ribe a pro!ess
for planning, !reating, testing, and deploying an information system
'! Sequence Dia(ram
A se4uen!e diagram is an intera!tion diagram that shows how pro!esses
operate with one another and in what order"
)! Systems Architecture
(ystems Ar!hite!ture is a generi! dis!ipline to handle ob&e!ts 1e5isting or
to be !reated2 !alled 6systems6, in a way that supports reasoning about the
stru!tural properties of these ob&e!ts.
*! +e, Service
A #eb seri!e is a method of !ommuni!ations between two ele!troni!
dei!es oer the #orld #ide #eb!
-! Use &ase Dia(ram
A use !ase diagram at its simplest is a representation of a user7s
intera!tion with the system and depi!ting the spe!ifi!ations of a use !ase"
'! User Requirement Definition
#hen an e5ternal system submits a re4uest of a !ertain form, it gets a
parti!ular response" %he main purpose of re4uirements do!ument is to sere as
an agreement between the deelopers and the users on what the appli!ation will
do" %his system is to be able to !ome up with an online sear!h and pur!hase
system where user sear!hes or browses through the produ!ts offered by the
supermarket" Also this system has a sear!h produ!t fun!tion, !ompare pri!es
among other supermarkets and proide detail about the produ!t, su!h as pri!e,
sto!k aailability and more" $ther than that, deliering to the !orre!t address in a
spe!ified time is also to be e5pe!ted from this system"
'! .unctional Requirements
%his part of the re4uirements do!ument states in detailed and pre!ise manner
what the appli!ation will do" %his will fo!us on ordering produ!t, payment,
deliering produ!t to !ustomer, !he!king produ!t on store" At least one
ma!hine !onne!ted to the network and a user is re4uired" $ther than that,
logging in with the !orre!t username and password, logging out after a
!onfirmation is made is also part of fun!tional re4uirements"
'!" /on0.unctional Requirements
8on3fun!tional re4uirements are those !hara!teristi!s that !annot be
e5pressed in this pro&e!t" Any person will not able to a!!ess for !hanging,
deleting and to adding something to the system without authori-ation of
)! System Architecture
'ther $ontent
*! System Requirements Specification
%here are three type of users are inole with the system"
$nline /ser9 +an enter the website and sear!h parti!ular produ!t and iew the
result" %hey !an also sear!h, browse and pur!hase a produ!t from the system
(upermarket Admin9 ,s responsible for proiding details of the supermarket and
the produ!ts" %hey !an register, add and update produ!t details in the system and also
notidy the (uperAdmins"
$hoose %isle-s.
Type #earch
%dd to Trolley
*in+ing #earch
/roceed to $hec+out
(uperAdmin9 %his user is the site administrator" %his user is responsible for site
maintenan!es" %his user !an iew all the status of the system and !hange it"
*! Search Products online
Description and Priority9 %his is main feature of the system" A parti!ular
user sear!hes produ!ts online by spe!ifying keyword on to the input bo5"
:riority of this feature is high"
Input/Response9 $nline user input their key word for sear!hing and the
system retriee the detail of the produ!t"
Functional Requirements9 (pe!ified mapping te!hnology has to be
implemented to get !orre!t details with low 4uery time" A!!ording to the key
word the result should be listed by !omparing, guessing the key word"
*!" Specifies the searchin( criteria
Description and Priority9 /ser !an filter their sear!h by sele!ting the
option gien in the user interfa!e" %he produ!t ranges, substituting produ!ts et!"
priority is high for this feature"
Input/Response9 $nline users input their key word and spe!ify the
Functional Requirements9 /ser !an sele!t different option in radio
buttons, !he!k bo5es and !ombo bo5 and filter the result"
*!# Addin( product details
Description and Priority9 (upermarket admin is responsible for adding
the produ!t details for the system" :riority is high"
Input/Response: Admin !an input details of the produ!ts by gien user
Functional Requirements: (pe!ifies mapping te!hni4ue for get produ!t
details to the system" ,nputs alidations are ne!essary"
*!' /otify the supermar1et admins
Description and Priority9 :ri!es, dis!ount of produ!ts are !hanges on
times" %herefore details of the produ!ts must be updated" %he system should
notify the admins by email or web seri!e" :riority is medium"
Stimulus/Response9 (ystem will notify weekly or monthly by sending
emails or web seri!e"
Functional Requirements9 8otify admin by sending email
-! System Models
A system model is the !on!eptual model that des!ribes and represents a system"
%he system model des!ribes and represents the multiple iews possibly using two
different approa!hes" %he first one is the non3ar!hite!tural approa!h and the se!ond one
is the ar!hite!tural approa!h"
Use &ase Dia(ram
1ormal 0ser
8egister to
%dd to cart
#earch for an
rowse items
;et item details
%dd 7tems
)dit 7tems
et %dmin
;et 7tem
#earch for
an item
%dd 0ser
<anagement and
#ystem #etting
(e4uen!e )iagram
t %dmin
1. $lic+ add 1ew
6. 8eturn
2. %dd
3. #ave
4. 8eturn
1. $lic+ on
7. 8eturn
2. /roduct
6. 8eturn
3. =alidate
4. /roduct
5. 8eturn
/roduct *ist
2! System Evolution
%his !ore ob&e!tie of this system is to deelop an online shopping system that is
more on gro!eries, this sae time of going dire!tly to the supermarket for gro!ery
shopping" 0y using this system, the problems we fa!e when going for shopping for our
daily needs, su!h as transportation, traffi! &ams on the way and others !an be redu!ed"
As the system is aimed for perfe!tion, there will always be modifi!ation in terms
of both hardware and software" Attention will be gien to keep up the system updated
with the !urrent te!hnologies" %he system will also be updated to add new
fun!tionalities to it" $ther than that, this system also will be updated fre4uently so that
more detailed information !an be added to the system sin!e this system deals with
money and also daily produ!ts whi!h pri!e aries eery now and then" Also it has been
proposed to add a new fun!tion to shop by different supermarkets from one pla!e so that
the users !an get on the lowest pri!e"
3! Appendix
a4 5oo1s and Pu,lications
1" 0eier, 0" and ;aughan, '" 12<<32, =%he 0ull7s3>ye9 A ?ramework for
#eb Appli!ation /ser ,nterfa!e )esign @uidelinesA in Proceedings of
the CHI'! Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, ?t"
*auderdale, ?lorida, /(A, A+'"
2" '" Bumar and ("," ?eldman, C0usiness 8egotiations on the ,nternet,D
pro!" inet79E, @enea (wit-erland, Fuly 21323 199E"
,4 +e,sites
1" %hese sites help to get idea and re4uirements of system"
3 https9..www"keellssuper"!om.defaultnew"asp
3 http9..www"bgdportal"!om.
2" Gesour!es
3 http9..en"wikipedia"
3 http9..www"businessdi!tionary"!om.definition.supermarket"html
3 http9..www"memoireonline"!om.<7.12.5995.$nline3ordering3and3
3 http9..www"tes!o"!om"my.e("asp5I,)J2K:,)J5
3 http9..www"li5"polyte!hni4ue"fr.Lgolden.systemsHar!hite!ture"html
c4 &ourses
3 +(>0 233 8otes, by )r" Abdallah Abu3alkishik
3 BA@AGA'A Fean 0aptiste, (ystem Analysis and )esign +ourse
notes, independent institute of lay Adentists of Bigali, 2<<9"

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