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Employer Branding New Trend in Recruitment

Ever thought of how the organization you want to work with should be like? Or why a
particular company is desirable to be worked with? Or what is it that pulls you
towards an organization, makes you work happily those extra hours, if needed? Well,
that train of thoughts makes its halt at the term called Employer Branding.
f you look up the internet, you would find umpteen number of definitions for
Employer !randing. Wikipedia tags it as "an organization#s reputation as an
employer#. Well, it basically deals with an all$inclusive recruitment strategy that
positions one#s company in an eye$catchy way. %aving said that, it is certainly not &ust
another advertising campaign to build up a brand name while developing a catchy
tagline' t is a long term vision that comprehends the core values and behaviours
which define what employers expect of their employees and vice versa.
Planning, Creating and Deploying
(or an organization, it all boils down to building up its Employer )alue *roposition
+E)*, because E)*, in simple words, is the promise you make to your current and
future employees. While a company is busy devising its employer branding strategy, it
must ensure at the back of its mind that it has clear factual points supporting its
message and that it is in line with its overall corporate brand - in consistency with its
core values.
!ob .elleher, a renowned Employee Engagement /peaker, always refers to
the one thing that is common to 0pple, !1W and /outhwest 0irlines $ they are all
exceptional at linking employment and product brand. 0pple hires the most creative
people, !1W hires people who are the driving enthusiasts, while, /outhwest 0irlines
hires people who have 2fun3 in their 450''
The Whys and Wherefores
With the population ageing, retirements in colossal numbers, and fewer graduates
with the right skills entering the workforce, companies will scuffle to find the right fit
for the hard$to$fill positions. 9his calls for a complete shift in the way employers
approach their hiring methods.
:ong gone are the days of organic growth wherein an organization posts a &ob
and waits for candidates to apply. 9oday, companies must become the first choice in
order to recruit and retain the bright candidates - and this is exactly where employer
branding comes in' t is about delivering a compelling and authentic experience to
candidates, more importantly, at the same time.
Breaing the !yth
One of the most common myths associated with employer branding is that it appears
to be &ust as a typical wish list of how the company would like to be perceived but in
reality, there#s more to it. (or example, promoting 2work$life balance3 as a significant
benefit to entice candidates is no doubt a great idea, but if the organization doesn#t
have the right programs in the right place in the right discipline, the message won#t be
credible and would eventually lead to undesirable conse;uences, sully the reputation
of the already existent brand image of the company, to start with.
678 .elleher !ob, Why Employer !randing 1atters 5ow 1ore than Ever
*repared by=
<ohan /hukla
>oa nstitute of 1anagement
*>41 ?@7A$7B

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