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ersonnel are responslble for carrylng ouL all ma[or granL
acLlvlLles as ouLllned ln Lhe granL proposal and ln ?ear Cne
8udgeL narraLlve
3 *4 )567
CranL laclllLaLor 1.0l1L 100 $63,723 $63,637 $67,606 $196,968
School Soclal Worker 1.0 l1L 100 $60,270 $62,078 $63,940 $186,289
School Soclal Worker 1.0 l1L 100 $60,270 $62,078 $63,940 $186,289
?ouLh Career Coach (1) - sLlpend [ $34 x 13/week x 48 13 hrs/wk $24,480 $24,480 $24,480 $73,440
1ranslLlon CoordlnaLors (6) - SLlpends [ 1 per nlnLh Crade
Academy x 6 Academles x $2,100 each $12,600 $12,600 $12,600 $37,800
CosL of provldlng one plannlng perlod per day for Lhe
1ranslLlon CoordlnaLors Lo plan and dellver LranslLlon servlces
and Lo meeL wlLh ?L ll parLlclpanLs x 6 schools x $6,000 per
plannlng perlod $36,000 $36,000 $36,000 $108,000
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CranL laclllLaLor 1.0 l1L $18,468 $18,787 $19,116 $36,372
School Case Manager 1.0 l1L $17,891 $18,193 $18,304 $34,388
School Case Manager 1.0 l1L $17,891 $18,193 $18,304 $34,388
?ouLh Career Coach (1) - SLlpend x 9.3 lrlnge $2,326 $2,326 $2,326 $6,977
1ranslLlon CoordlnaLors (7) - SLlpends x 9.3 lrlnge $1,197 $1,197 $1,197 $3,391
1ranslLlon CoordlnaLors lannlng erlod 16.7 $6,012 $6,012 $6,012 $18,036
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lrlnge beneflLs are calculaLed as follows: varlable lrlnge 16.7
llxed lrlnge AmounL $7,826 per sLaff member, proraLed Lo of Llme
lrlnge for SLlpend [ 9.3
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ueparLmenL of PealLh S1l 1esLlng SpeclallsL [ $18.90/hour x
2hours per parLlclpanL x 30 parLlclpanLs per year $1,890 $1,890 $1,890 89;=:F
AbsLlnence 8eLween SLrong 1eens lnc. (A8S1l) for lnLenslve
servlces provlded Lo aL-rlsk males aL Lhe LargeL schools
lncludlng assessmenLs, workshop faclllLaLlon ln a varleLy of
prevenLlon and sklll developmenL Loplcs and behavlor change
evaluaLlon. $30,000 $30,000 $30,000 8GF;FFF
8lg 8roLhers 8lg SlsLers of CreaLer Mlaml MenLorlng 8esource
CenLer - MenLorlng 1ralnlng [ $2,300 per sesslon for up Lo
30 menLors per sesslon x 3 sesslons per year (2 orlenLaLlons
and 3 sub[ecL maLLer sesslons) $12,300 $12,300 $12,300 8(:;9FF
LvaluaLlon ConsulLanL $30,000 $30,000 $30,000
)0)#2 H01)$#H)I#2 J.#$)1"$/K
8:<;(GF 8:<;(GF 8:<;(GF 8''(;&:F
)0)#2 "PI@.Q"1) 8F 8F 8F
S1u 1esL anel [ 2 per sLudenL per year x 30 sLudenLs x
$89.30 per panel (Syphllls, 88+ConflrmaLory 88, PepaLlLls-
7 LesLs, Ampllfled Cenprobe, CC/Chlamydla, and Plv)
$8,930 $8,930 $8,930 $26,830
1 moblle compuLer (LableL pc or lpad) x 3 l1L x $1,000 each ln
?ear 1 $3,000 $3,000
Ceneral offlce supplles needed for day Lo day funcLlon,
wrlLlng supplles (pens, paper), posLage, eLc. MaLerlals wlll be
used by all parLlclpanLs ln program.
$1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $3,000
8CS wlll follow Lhe procedures for procuremenL under 34 Cl8 arLs 74.40-74.48 and arL 80.36. ConsulLanLs wlll be conLracLed and processed ln accordance
wlLh guldellnes seL forLh by Lhe School 8oard of 8roward CounLy and ollcy 3320, secLlon C for professlonal servlces. An unnamed consulLanL for evaluaLlon
wlll be procured based on crlLerla esLabllshed by Lhe School 8oard of 8roward CounLy SLudenL AssessmenL and 8esearch ueparLmenL.
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ln CounLy $113 $113 $113 $339
ln SLaLe $0
CuL-of-CounLy (Conferences) $2,610 $2,610 $2,610 $7,830
CLher 1ravel: CranLee MeeLlngs=2 meeLlngs [ 3 days
for 2 persons CranL laclllLaLor and 1 key sLaff. CosL
lnclude LransporLaLlon $330, lodglng 2 nlghLs aL
$180=$360, per dlem $36/day [ 3 days $108, = $818 x 2
persons = $1,636
$1,636 $1,636 $1,636 $4,908
)0)#2 )$#R"2 8<;(9G 8<;(9G 8<;(9G 8&(;F::
)C,DT5+5*D H,6UT ($3,000 per school * 6 schools for 9Lh
grade academy LranslLlon camps) $18,000 $18,000 $18,000 $34,000
)0)#2 0)S"$ 8&>;FFF 8&>;FFF 8&>;FFF 89<;FFF
/IB)0)#2 JM@$"H) H0/)K 8<(F;>'G 8<(<;'>F 8<<F;G'9 8&;(F=;F((
SubLoLal - LqulpmenL $430,829 $434,280 $440,923 $1,249,033
@1M@$"H) H0/) (4.01 of SubLoLal mlnus LqulpmenL/SofLware) 8&:;':= 8&:;<&9 8&:;=>& 89';(:'
A$#1M )0)#2 8<<>;&F9 8<9&;=G9 8<9>;=F= 8&;(9>;<F9
1he Case Managers wlll Lravel Lo Lhe parLlclpaLlng schools, agencles, and communlLy venues on a monLhly basls, averaglng 100 mlles per monLh each, Lo
oversee as well as dellver program acLlvlLles. Local Lravel ls calculaLed aL .363 cenLs per mlle. 1ravel esLlmaLes are based upon Lhe School 8oard of 8roward
CounLy's formal wrlLLen Lravel pollcy. 1he CranL laclllLaLor and 1 sLaff member wlll Lravel Lo Lhe Cfflce of Safe and PealLhy SLudenLs naLlonal Conference each
year of Lhe granL. 1he CranL laclllLaLor and 1 sLaff member wlll Lravel Lo aLLend a granLee meeLlng each year of Lhe granL

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