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Kuma Homa Vidhi

Diacritics with English Translation

Pt. Srirama Ramanuja Achari

Simha Publications
Makara Sankranti 2013


Homas can be classified into two broad categories. 1. Kmyrtha homa, to derive gain and fulfill
certain wishes. The other one is 2. Pryachitta homa, to deliver us from the sins of our undesirable
acts of omission and commission. Kushma homa falls in the second category.
Difference between Yga and Homa:
Yga and Homa are not the same. Yagas are categorized as "srauta" karmas and are performed in
"agnihotra" agnis. Homas are categorized as "smarta" karmas and are performed in "aupasana"
Agnihotra Agni: This Agni has the characteristic of being a continuum. Yaga is performed by
highly qualified Vedic scholars, who have to be Grihastas, well-versed in all the prayogas and
Sastras as well, for universal benefit. Yagas such as Aswamedha, Soma and Vajapeya come under
this category.
Aupsana Agni: All Grihastas (married persons) are supposed to perform Aupasana every day
both in the morning and in the evening. Homas like Vstu nti and Srddha are done in Aupsana
Agni. A few more examples of homas would be the Ganapati homa, Navagraha homa and
Sudarshana homa which are done in laukika agni. These homas are referred to as Smrta karmas.
Homas have been codified, compiled and given to us by Sages with their divine powers. While the
Vedas speak about Yagas, they contain no reference to homas - with the exception of one homa, i.e.
Kushmanda Homa. The details of this powerful homa are found in the Yajur Veda (Second
prasnam in Taitiriya Aranyaka)
Why is it done?
It is primarily done by a person wishing to cleanse himself of a sin he may have wittingly or
unwittingly committed. Vaagalai rvaiavas sometimes do this homa later in life to atone for all
the offences that were done since the original act of prapatti. Some people are also advised to
perform it as a remedy for some specific astrological doa in their birth charts.
The mantras in Kuma homa mention certain sins people commit, and one is absolved from
their negative karmic effects through the performance of this homa. Some of the sins referred to
1. Being flipant or arrogant in Deva karmas
2. Lying in the course of day to day activities
3. Gossiping and speaking ill of others
4. The hardship we cause to our mother during pregnancy, birth and childhood.
5. The mental anguish we cause to both our parents with or without our knowledge.

6. Bad behaviour
7. Using impolite language while speaking to our elders, Purohits or Acharyas.
The mantras also clarify benefits that can accrue to the person doing Kushmanda homa. Some of
the benefits:
1. Karmic debts are effaced.
2. Extended life, sound health and a pure heart and make us better human beings.
3. Crossing the sea the only method of foreign travel in olden days was considered to pollute.
A dvija lost caste through crossing the seas mainly due to the inability to perform Sandhya
Vandana on a boat. and even today some orthodox people perform kuma homa after they
return to India in order to purify themselves.
How is Kuma Homa to be performed?
Kushmanda homa is surprisingly simple in terms of the process, and therefore it does not cost
much. The number of Ritviks (Purohits) required is minimal. Apart from the Pradhana Acharya,
one or two other Vedic scholars are enough. Of course one can invite more Purohits if one wishes
to do the homa on a larger scale. Even the Homa dravyam, articles used for the Homa are very few
as there is no preliminary puja.
While the material aspects of the homa are easy to observe, the discipline niyama that has to
be followed is quite demanding. The following aspects have been codified and have to be observed
with total diligence:
1) Diksha niyama one is required at least for 10 days to abstain from meat, alcohol and sex.
2) Gayatri japa to the maximum extent.
3) A ritualistic bath on the day of the homa along with tarpaam
4) Nndi rddha (this is not needed when the Kushmanda homa is done as a prelude to
Pratyabdika Srddha)
5) a purification ceremony (puyha vcanam)
When should it be done?
It is usually done on the full moon, new-moon, ekdasi or any other specified auspicious time.
Further, this homa can be performed as a prelude to auspicious events (mangala karya) like
Upanayana, Vivha, etc. It gives one the confidence and qualification for the mangala karya. It is
also the practice of some to observe this homa prior to doing the annual Pratybdika rddha.
In Kuma homa, the kart should preferably personally perform the Homa in his own Aupasana
Agni under the guidance of the stri, and chant all the mantras himself, but in fact most people still
have it done through the crya.
This homa is one of immense significance and has great value. It is a great remedy for absolution of
a person's conscious and unconscious sins, if done with devotion and in complete consonance with
the laid down procedure. The benefits that accrue from Kushmanda homa are many - the most
important of which is freedom from guilt and peace of mind.

rmate rmnujya nama

PPrrttaa SSnnnnaa vviid

Sakalpa Hari o tatsat. Bhagavad jay bhagavad kaikarya rpa
aktya karaa kty karaa bhagavad apacra bhgavata apacrdnm nn
vidhn sarve ppn sadya apanodana dvr nitya naimittika karmayat
siddhyartha snngre prta snnam aham kariye ||
With the permission of the Supreme Lord and as service to Him in order to immediately rectify all
those various offences which I have committed; having done the deeds which I shouldnt have, having not
done what I shouldve, offences to the Lord and to the other devotees, and to make myself fit to perform
the daily as well as periodical duties incumbent upon me I take my morning bath in the bathroom.

Taking Permission if bathing in a river or tank

samasta jagaddhra akha-cakra gaddhara |
dehi deva mam nuj yumat trtha nievae ||
O Lord who is the basis of the entire universe, the wielder of the conch, discus and mace, please
give me permission to use your sacred waters.

Invocation of the Ganga

vhaymi tvm dev snnrtham iha sundar |
ehi gage namastubhya sarva trtha samanvite ||
I invoke you O beautiful goddess Ganga, in order to take my bath, please be present here,
salutations to you who are present in all the sacred tirthas.

gaga ca yamuna caiva godhvari sarasvati |

narmade sindhu kvari jalesmin sannidhi kuru ||
May Ganga, Yamuna, Godhavari, Sarasvati, Narmade, Sindhu and Kavari be present here in
this water.

pukardyni trthni gagdy saritas tath |

gacchantu mah-bhg snna kle sad mama ||
O Great Beings, the Pushkara and all the sacred waters along with the Ganga always be
present here at the time of bathing.

Then recite the Varua sktam or Aghamarana skta while bathing.

Varua Sktam
udduttama varua pam asmad avgha vimadhyamagu rathya |
ath vaya ditya vrate tavngaso aditaye syma || 1 ||
Varuna, from the upmost noose release us, let down the lowest and remove the midmost. So in the
Dharma may we become faultless and achieve the state of undivided consciousness, O you who are
undifferentiated. (V.S. 12;12)

astabhndym abho antarikam amimta varima pthivy |

asdad viv bhuvanni samr vivet-tni varuasya vratni || 2 ||
The Lord of all wealth, the Sovereign who propped up the heavens, and measured out the broad earth's
wide expanses. He, King Supreme, governed all living creatures. All these are Holy Varuna's operations.

yat kiceda varua daivye janebhidroha manuycaram asi |

acitt yat tava dharm yuyopim m nas tasmd enaso deva rria ||
O Lord Varuna as undiscriminating people we may have neglected the regular daily worship, but O
Varuna such deceit might have been done unwittingly. All that we have done, all the Dharmas that we
have transgressed; O Lord Varuna save us and do not punish us for them!

kitvso yadri ripura dvi yad vgh satyam uta yanna vidma |
sarv t viya ithireva devth te syma varua priysa ||
The blame that is attributed to me unjustly or the errors which I have wittingly and unwittingly
committed; may all these be effaced by you O Varuna and may we all receive your grace.

avate heo varua amobhir ava yajobhir mahe havirbhi |

kayanna asmabhyam asura praceto rjan nengu si iratha ktni ||
With prostration, oblations, and sacrifices O Varuna we mollify your anger. Wise Sovereign, King of wide
dominion, loosen the bonds of negative karma by us committed.

tat tv ymi brahma vanda mnas tad ste yajamno havirbhi |

aheamno varueha bodhyuruagu sa m na yu pramo |
O Varuna! Praised by Vedic hymns, may I reach your refuge for which I long, through these oblations. I
offer you abundant praise, withhold your anger now and enlighten us. Hail! ( RV 4.1.5 TS

Aghamarana Sktam
hiraya ga varua prapadye trtha me dehi ycita |
yan may bhuktam asdhn ppebhyaca pratigraha ||
I take refuge in Varuna, who is radiant like gold. O Varuna I entreat you to grant me the saving grace, for
I have enjoyed that which belongs to unworthy people and have accepted gifts from people whose
earnings were unlawful.

yan me manas vc karma v dukta ktam |

tan na indro varuo bhaspati savit ca punantu puna puna ||
May Indra, Varuna, Brahaspati and Savitar completely absolve me and my people from the sins that we
have committed in thought word or deed.

namo'gnaye'psumate nama indrya namo varuya namo vruyai

namo'dbhya || yad ap krra yad amedhya yad anta tad
apagacchatt ||
Salutations to the mystic fire hidden within the waters, Salutations to Indra, Salutations to Varuna,
Salutations to the energy of Varuna, Salutations to the cosmic powers that are represented by water.
Through the power of this chant let all that is injurious, impure or troublesome in water be destroyed.

atyand at pnd yacca ugrt pratigraht |

tan me varuo rj pin hyavamaratu ||
May King Varuna efface and absolve me of whatever sins I have incurred by eating unlawful food,
drinking unlawful beverages and accepting gifts from unlawful persons.

so'ham appo virajo nirmukta mukta kilbia |

nkasya pham ruhya gacched brahma salokatm ||
Thus becoming sinless and pure and freed from negative desires and attachment, may I ascend to the
Supreme State of enlightenment and achieve union with the cosmic consciousness.

yacpsu varuas sa puntvagha-maraa ||

May the all pervading sin-effacing Varuna purify us.

Sakalpam hari o bhagavad jay bhagavad kaikarya rpea kuma
homa agatvena deva-i-pit tarpaam kariye ||
[N.B. If the father is alive then only deva & i tarpaam is done.]

1. Deva Tarpaam
Hold the sacred thread around the thumb of the right hand.
Take water in the uddharini in the left hand pour it into the right hand and then let the water trickle
onto a platter from the finger tips with each mantra;

1. o brahmdayo ye devs tn devs tarpaymi |

2. o sarvn devs tarpaymi |
3. o sarva deva gas tarpaymi |

4. o sarva deva patns tarpaymi |

5. o sarva deva gaa patns tarpaymi |
I gratify all the Devas from Brahma downwards by these libations of water. I gratify all the Devas by
these libations of water. I gratify all the host of the Devas by these libations of water. I gratify all the
wives of Devas by these libations of water. I gratify all the wives of the hosts of the Devas by these
libations of water.

2. i Tarpaam
Hang the sacred thread around the neck (navti) and hold it with the thumb as before, the
water should be trickled down from the side of the palm at the base of the little finger.

1. o ka dvaipyandayo ye ayas tn igas tarpaymi |

2. o sarvn igas tarpaymi |
3 o sarva i gagas tarpaymi |
4. o sarva i patns tarpaymi |
5. o sarva i gaa patns tarpaymi |
6. o prajpati ka tarpaymi |
7. o soma ka tarpaymi |
8. o agni ka tarpaymi |
9. o vivn devn ka tarpaymi |
10. o sgahitr devat upaniadas tarpaymi |
11. o yjikr devat upaniadas tarpaymi |
12. o vrur devat upaniadas tarpaymi |
I gratify all the Sages from Vyasa onwards by these libations of water. I gratify all the Sages by these
libations of water. I gratify all the whole host of patriarchal Sages by these libations of water. I gratify all
the wives of the Sages by these libations of water. I gratify all the wives of the whole host of patriarchal
Sages by these libations of water.

Now let the water trickle from the base of the palm down the arm;

13. o brahma svaya bhuva tarpaymi |

I gratify Brahman the Self-born by this libation of water.

Now from the tips of the fingers;

14. o sadasas-pati tarpaymi |

I gratify the Lord of the Assembly (Siva) by this libation of water.

3. Pit Tarpaam
Wear the sacred thread over the right shoulder (prcnavti).
Allow the water to trickle from the pitr trtam of the hand.

1. soma pitmn yamo angirasvn agni kavya-vhana itydayo ye pitaras tn

pits tarpaymi |
2. sarvn pits tarpaymi |
3. sarva pit-gas tarpaymi |
4. sarva pit-patns tarpaymi |
5. sarva pit-gaa-patns tarpaymi |

I gratify all the Manes commencing with Soma. Pitrman, Angirasan, Agni Kavyavahana and others by
these libations of water. I gratify all the Manes by these libations of water. I gratify all the host of the
Manes by these libations of water. I gratify all the wives of the Manes by these libations of water. I
gratify all the wives of the host of Manes by these libations of water.

rja vahantr amta ghta paya klla parisruta{gm}

svadhstha tarpayata me pitn || tripyata tripyata tripyata ||
Bearers of vigour and immortal abundance, essence, sweet beverage and foaming drink, you are a
refreshing draught, bring delight to my ancestors. VS.3.34

4. Vastra Nipanam
Recite the following mantra and then squeeze the water from the cloth which was worn
during bathing.

ye ke asmat kule jt aputr gotraj mt |

te ghantu may datta vastra nipan odakam ||
To all those who are unknown, who were my clansmen and who died childless; to them I
offer this water squeezed from my garment.

Wear the sacred thread in upavti fashion and do camanam twice.

Now change the sacred thread.

Yaajjooppaavvttaa D
Dhhrraaaa K
Sit facing the east do camanam and aga-vandanam then hold the hands in brahmjali and
repeat the sakalpam:

Sakalpa asy ubha tithau bhagavat jay bhagavat kaikarya

rpea | rauta smrta vihita nitya karma anuhna yogyat sidhyartha
brahma teja abhivdhyertha yajopavta dhraa kariye ||
On this auspicious day with the sanction of the Supreme Being and as service to Him alone, in order to be
ritually fit to perform all the daily rituals ordained by the Vedas and the Smritis, and to increase my
Brahmic radiance I now don the sacrificial thread.

Hold the sacred thread with the left hand over the pacaptra and the right hand palm
upwards towards the ceiling and recite the mantra:

yajopavta dhraa mahmantrasya; parabrahma i [touch the forehead]

anuup chanda [touch the mouth] paramtma devat [touch the heart]
yajopavta dhrae viniyoga |
yajopavta parama pavitra prajpater yat sahaja purastt |
yuya agriya pratimuca ubhra yajopavta bala astu teja ||
This sacred thread, supremely holy, born with Prajapati of yore, conducive to long life, and excellent,
wear this pure sacred thread; may it conduce to strength and vigour.

yajopavta yajasya tva yajopavta dhraymi.

wear the new thread.
If married repeat the following sakalpam and repeat the performance with a second thread.

Sakalpa asy subha tithau (mama upta ..) bhagavat jay | bhagavat
kaikarya rpa | rauta smrta vihita nitya karma anuhna yojat sidhyartha
grhasthyrtha dvitya yajopavta dhraa kariye;
On this auspicious day with the sanction of the Supreme Being and as service to Him alone, in order to be
ritually fit to perform all the daily rituals ordained by the Vedas and the Smritis, and to be established in
the state of a householder I now don the second sacrificial thread.

don the second thread.

repeat the following sloka and then remove the old thread:

upavta bhinna tantu jra kamala ditam |

visrajmi punar brahma varco drghyur astu me ||
I now again discard this old sacrificial thread, thread-bare, worn, and stained, may I attain brahmic
radiance and longevity O Brahma.

repeat acamanam twice.

namas-sadase namas-sadasas-pataye namas-sakhnm |
purog cakue namo dive nama pthivyai ||
I offer obeisance to the aembly, homage to the Lord of the aembly, salutations to the friends who go
before, homage to Heaven and to Earth. (TS. 3;2;4)

saprath sabh me gopya | ye ca sabhys sabh sada |

tn indriyvata kuru | sarva yur upsat ||
May this august aembly afford me its protection, all those who are present here. May they protect my
sense organs, I offer my lifelong obeisance. (TB.

o sarvebhyo rvaiavebyo nama!

The yajamna stands holding a tray with fruit, flowers, betel and dakia, after reciting the
following statement, he offers a coin to each of the brhmins present.

aea he pariat bhavat pda mle may samarpitam im sauvar yat kicit
dakim api yathokta dakim iva sviktya ______ gotrasya ______ armaa
sapatnkasya aragati (mama vivha) prabhti etat kaa paryanta sabhvita
buddhi prvaka abuddhi prvaka aktya karaa ktykaraa bhagavad-apacra
bhgavad-apacra asahypacra rpa nna vidhni apacra janita bhagavan nigraha
sakalpa nti dvr, samasta ensi yvanti mayi sabhavanti tvat tm enas
nirharaa dvr ca bhagavat prtyartha sakt kma homa karma kartum yogyata
siddhim anugraha ||


O assembly of learned brahmins, may this gratuity which is offered at your feet, whatever it may be, be
acceptable to you. Please grant me your sanction to perform this rite of Kuhmanda homa.

ukl baradhara viu ai vara caturbhuja |
prasanna vadana dhyyet sarva vighnopa ntaye ||
The All-pervading Lord is to be meditated upon for the removal of obstacles; Clad in white garments,
resplendent like the Moon, the four armed and cheerful-faced.

hari o tat sat | r govinda 3 | ubhe obhane muhrte adye r bhagavato mahpuruasya r vio jaya pravartamnasya, dya brahmaa dvitya parrdhe r
veta varha kalpe, vaivasvata manvantare a-viatttame kali yuge, kali yugasya
prathama pde, jmbu-dvpe mero gneya1 dig-bhge, hiramaya vare hiramaya
dee ______ dee ______ mah nagari antargate vyavahriknm prabhavdi ahi
savatsarn madhye, ______ nma savatsare, ______ ayane, ______ tau,
msottame ______ mse ______ pake ______ tithau ______ vsara yukty
______ nakatra yuktym r viu yoge r viu karae, ubha yoga ubha karae,
sakala graha gua vieaa visihym,
Harih om tatsat. Govinda, Govinda, Govinda, with the sanction of the Supreme Being Lord Vishnu, in this
period during the second half of the life-span of the demiurge Brahma, during the aeon of the White Boar,
during the universal rule of Vaivasvata Manu in the 28th period, during the first quarter of the age of
Kali, on the planet Earth in land of mount Meru, in the country of ...., in the city of
.., in the year .................... of the 60 year Jovian cycle, in the .......................... solstice, during the
................... season, in the month of ...................... in the .................. fortnight, on the .................. lunar day, on a
.............. day under the constellation of .................... with auspicious conjunctions, and all the planets being
benevolently disposed;

__________ gotrasya __________ armaa __________ sapatnkasya mama

prapatti uttara kaam rabhya etat kaa paryanta nirdea prvaka sabhvita
buddhi prvaka abuddhi prvaka aktya karaa ktykaraa bhagavad apacra
bhgavad apacra asahypacra rpa nna vidhni pacra aspya sparana
abhakya bhakaa abhojya bhojana apeya-pna apkteya sahabhojana apa
praveya praveandi asabhya sabhadi janita bhagavan nigraha sakalpa
nti dvr, bhra-hatyy arvci ensi yvanti mayi sabhavanti tvat tm
enas nirharaa dvr ca bhagavat prtyartha sakt kuma homam kariye ||
I ____________ of the clan of _____________ with the sanction of the Supreme Lord and in order to invoke His
grace, on this auspicious day I now perform the Kushmanda rite for the absolution of all offences that
may have been committed since my marriage (since my surrender). Those offenses done knowingly or
unknowingly , those that are proscribed, all those various offenses against the Lord, the devotees and the
acaryas, touching the forbidden, enjoying the forbidden, eating the prohibited, drinking the forbidden,
entering wrong places, speaking with unworthy persons, for all these offenses, and in order to avert the
stern judgment of the Lord, for all possible sins that I have committed up to the committing of abortion.
Through this homa I seek to please the Lord and make atonement for all my wrong doings.

1 Insert the direction of the country in relation to the Himlaya mountains: east prva, south dakina,
west pacima, north uttara, NE ainya, SE gneya, SW nairrti, NW vyavya


rambha mantra;
Hari o tat sat, kta ca kariymi bhagavan nityena, bhagavat kaikarya rpa,
mah vibhti ctur-tmya bhagavad vsudeva pdravinda arcanena, jyay,
bhagavata karman, bhagavanta arcayiymi ||
All those actions of worship which have been done and which I am about to do as eternal service to the
Lord the Supreme Being who has a fourfold Hypostatic form I offer the fruit of all those deeds at the
feet of the Lord.

Bala mantra Empowerment

bhagavato balena bhagavato vryea bhagavatas tejas
bhagavata karma kariymi bhagavato vsudevasya ||

bhagavata karman

By the power of the Lord, by the energy of the Lord, by the refulgence of the Lord, by the instigation of the
Lord I now perform the work of the Supreme Lord Vasudeva.

Sttvika tygam
bhagavn eva sva-niymya sva-rpa sthiti pravtti sva-eataika rasena, anena tman
kartr svakiyai-copakaraai svrdhanaika prayojanya, parama-purua sarva e
rya pati svaea-bhtam, ida [jya] khya karma svasmai, svaprtaye svayameva krayati ||
The Lord God with all His paraphernalia and attendants begins to make Himself pleased with the most
auspicious materials which are his own. These materials are supplied by me who is His servant through
my body, senses and mind all of which are given by Him and exist for His pleasure alone.


K a r m g a A b h y u d a y a m [n n d ]
o eko viur mahad bhta pthak bhtny anekaa |
trn lokn vypya bhttm bhukte vivabhug avyaya ||
Vishnu is the unique and unparalleled deity in that he pervades the great elements of different kinds and
the three worlds of existence. He is the Supersoul of all beings and their Protector. He transcends all of
them and is not touched by their defects thus He enjoys supreme bliss.

o namo brahmaya devya go-brhmaa hitya ca |

jagad-hitya kya govindya namo namah ||
devatbhya pitbhyaca mahyogbhya eva ca |
namas svhyai svadhyai nityam eva namo nama ||
Hari o tatsat | Govinda x 3 .. sakalpita kuma homa karmgatay
abhyudaya hiraya-rpea adya kariye || apa upaspya ||
On this auspicious day with the sanction of the Supreme Being and as service to Him alone, [in order to
absolve myself of all sins and to please the Supreme Lord] I now, as an ancilliary to . perform the
memorial rite to my ancestors through charity.

hiraya-garbha garbha-stha hema bja vibhvaso |
ananta puya phaladam ata nti prayaccha me ||
adya sakalpita kuma homa karmga bhtesminn abhyudaye satya-vasu
sajaka vivedeva abhyudaya sarakaka r mah viu sahita, nnd obhana
devat prtyartha, idam gneya hiraya satya-vasu sajaka vivedeva
abhyudaya sarakaka r mah viu sahita, nnd obhana devat svarpebhyh
brhmaebhya sapradade na mama ||
nnd obhana devat pitara pryantm ||
give the money to the brahmins

svmina may hirayena kta abhyudayika sapannam | [susapannam] ||

May this memorial rite to my ancestors done through these offerings be acceptable.

i devahr manur yajan

bhaspati uktmadni agu
vivedeva skta-vca pthivi mtar m m higu s madhu maniye
madhu janiye madhu vakymi madhu vadiymi madhu-mati
devebhya vcam udysagu uruey manuyebhyas ta m dev
avantu obhyai pitaro'numadantu ||

Ida summons the gods, Manu leads the sacrifice, Brihaspati recites the chants and acclamations. The
All-gods recite the hymns, O Earth Mother do not harm me. Of sweetness shall I think, sweetness shall I
produce, sweetness shall I proclaim, sweetness shall I speak, may I utter speech full of sweetness for the
gods and acceptable to men, may the gods aid me to radiance may the manes rejoice in me. TS.3.3.2

i ehi | aditi ehi | sarasvatyehi | obhana obhanam |

Come O Ida! Come Sarasvati! May all be well

manas-samdhyatm |

[samhita manasa sma]

Reverend sirs may you be gratified.

prasdantu bhavanta |

[prasann sma]

Reverend sirs may you be gratified.

rrastviti bhavanto bruvantu ||

[astu r]

Reverend sirs may we obtain wellbeing.

puyha bhavanto bruvantu ||


Reverend sirs may we be sanctified.

dhysm havyair namaso pasadya | mitram deva mitradheya no astu |

anrdhn havi vardhayanta | ata jvema aradas-savr ||
[drghyuyam-astu] || TB.
May we prosper, having approached with oblations with salutations, may the radiant Supreme Being be
our support. May His bliss-bestowing Grace with oblations ever increase, may we live a hundred autumns
in the company of our heroes.

namas sadase namas sadasas-pataye namas sakhnm

purog cakue namo dive nama pthivyai |
I offer obeisance to the assembly, homage to the Lord of the assembly, salutations to the friends who go
before, homage to Heaven and to Earth. T. S. 3;2;4

sapratha sabh me gopya | ya ca sabhys sabh sada |

tn indriyvata kuru | sarvam yur upsatm ||
May this august assembly afford me its protection, all those who are present here. May they protect my
sense organs, I offer my lifelong obeisance.

irvda | tadaga puyha vcayet ||


Puyh V canam
sakalpa Hari o tat sat | govins x3 .. adya bhagavad jay
bhagavad kainkarya rpea tma uddhyertham arra uddhyartham, gha maapa
uddhyartham sarvopakaraa uddhyartham, sakalpita kua homa agatvena
uddhi puyha vcanam kariye ||

bhavadbhi anujta puyha vcayiye |

With your permission I shall recite the benediction.


o vcyatm Please recite.

puyham bhavanto bruvantu | May this rite be sanctified.
o puyham astu | So may it be.
karmae svasti bhavanto bruvantu | May this rite be propitious
o karmae svasti astu | So may it be
dhi bhavanto bruvantu | May this rite flourish
o karma dhyatm | So may it be

With the following declarations with the darbha-mui remove a little water from the kumbha
and drip it into another vessel.

ddhir-astu | samddhir-astu | puyha-samddhir-astu | ntir-astu | puir-astu |

tuir-asti | vddhir-astu | avighnam-astu | yuyam-astu | rogyam-astu | o ivam
astu | o iva karmstu | o karma samddhir-astu | o dharma samddhir-astu |
o veda samddhir-astu | o stra samddhir-astu | o dhana-dhnya samddhirastu | o putra pautra sapad-astu | o ia-sapad-astu |
drip a little water out in the naiti kona

o sakala aria nirasanam-astu | o yat ppa roga okam akalya tat dre
pratihatam-astu |
Return the water to the kumbha

sarva obhana bhavatu | sarva sampads santu | o anno astu dvipade a

catupade || o nti nti nti ||
May there be for you prosperity, advancement, sanctification, peace, nourishment, satisfaction, prosperity,
absence of impediments, longevity, health. May all the world and the spiritual aspirants have
auspiciousness. May all your difficulties be eliminated. May you be absolved of all your sins, may all glory
be yours, may all prosperity be yours. Om Peace, Peace, Peace.


Varua vhnam
ima me varua rudh havam adyca maya | tvm avasyurcake ||
tat tv ymi brahma vanda mnas tad ste yajamno havirbhi |
aheamno varueha bodhyuruagu sa m na yu pramos ||
O Lord Varuna listen now to my invocation. Be gracious even now. I approach you seeking your
protection. O Varuna! Praised by Vedic hymns, may I reach your refuge for which I long, through these
oblations. I offer you abundant praise, withhold your anger now and enlighten us. Hail! (RV. 4.1.5 TS.

asmin kumbhe varuam dhyymi vhaymi ||

sanam samarpaymi | arghya | pdyam | camanam | snnam | vastra artham
akatm | upavitam | gandham | pupai pjaymi | o varuya nama, pracetase,
surpie, ap-pataye, makara-vhanya, jaldhipataye, pa-hastya, aneka-maibhitya, jhasanya, o varuya nama | dhpam | dpam | neivedyam | tmblam | karpra nirajanam |
o jala-bimbya vidmahe nla-puruya dhmahi | tanno varua pracodayt ||

dadhi krvio kria jior avasya vjina |
surabhi no mukh karat praa ygui triat ||
May the Lord, the Supporter, the Ruler and the victorious Measurer of the Cosmos, the Repository of all
knowledge who has taken the form of Hayagriva and to whom I offer my obeisance; free us from all
hindrances to the performance of righteous deeds. (RV.4.39.6 TS.

po hiho mayo bhuva | t na rje dadhtana | mahe raya cakate | yo

va-ivatamo rasa | tasya bhjayateha na | uatr-iva mtara | tasm
araga mma va | yasya kayya jinvatha | po janayath ca na |
O Waters! you are beneficent, so grant to us nourishment that we may behold great delight. Grant us a
share in that great bliss that you possess, like Mothers in their tender solicitous love. To you we come
gladly for Him, to whose abode you lead us on. Make us pure through wisdom and grant us to be reborn
with splendour.

hiraya var ucaya pvak ysu jta kayapo ysvindra |

agni y garbha dadhire virps t na pa aggas syon bhavantu ||
Golden of colour, pure and purifying, in which was born Kashyapa, in which Indra. May these waters who
have conceived Agni as a germ, of varied forms; be gentle and kind to us.

ysgu rj varuo yti madhye satynte avapayan jannm |

madhucuta ucayo y pvaks t na pa ggas syon bhavantu ||
Those in whose midst Varuna (The cosmic mind) moves, gazing on the truth and falsehood of the people,
exuding sweetness, pure, purifying; may these waters be kind and grant us peace.

ys dev divi kvanti bhaka y antarike bahudh bhavanti |

y pthivim payasondanti ukrs t na pa ggas syon bhavantu ||

Those Waters which in the heavens the gods consume, those that are abundant in the atmosphere.
Those that inundate the earth with their liquid, the pure ones; may these waters be kind and grant us

ivena m caku payatpa ivay tanuvopa spata tvaca me |

sarvgu agngu rapsuado huve vo mayi varco balam ojo nidhatta ||
With auspicious eyes gaze on me, O Waters; with auspicious form, touch my skin; I invoke all the
principles of divine wisdom that dwell in the waters; confer on me enlightenment, strength and
spiritual force. (Krishna Yajur Veda 5;6;1a-d)

pavamnas suvarjana | pavitrea vicarai | ya pot sa puntu m |

May Pavamana (Agni the principle of enlightenment) with his purifying capabilities, popular amongst
all peoples, purify us today.

punantu m deva-jan | punantu manavo dhy | punantu viva yava ||

Purify me O gods, purify the thoughts of my mind. Purify me of all things that be. (V.S. 19;39)

jtaveda pavitravat | pavitrea punhi m |

ukrea deva ddyat | agne kratv kratgu ranu |
O Radiant God the omniscient, as a filter; purify me, refulgent with your pure bright capacity to purify
with powers according to your own. (V.S.19;40)

yatte pavitram arcii | agne vitatam antar | brahma tena punmahe ||

O Agni your capacity to purify is diffused through all your fiery glow. O Sacred knowledge! through you
may I become pure. (V.S. 19;41)

ubhbhym deva savita | pavitrena savena ca | idam brahma punmahe |

God who impels (to enlightenment), purify me by both these, purifying power and sacrifice, and may I be
purified through sacred knowledge. (V.S. 19;43)

vaivadev punat devygt | yasyai vahvs tanuvo vta ph |

tay madantas sadham adyeu | vayaggas syma patayo raym ||
The purifying goddess who is dear to all gods has come, she who contains these many beautiful forms.
Through her may we in sacrificial banquets rejoice, and may we become prosperous. (V.S. 19;44).

vaivnaro ramibhir m puntu | vta preneiro mayo bh |

dyv pthiv payas payobhi | tvar yajiye m puntm ||
O Internal Principle of Life purify me with your rays. O Wind, with your Cosmic Breath purify me,
invogorating me that I may attain happiness. O Heaven and earth, with your rain and with your water
sources purify me, make me pure and fit for self- sacrifice.

bhadbhis savitas tbhi | varihair deva manmabhi | agne dakai

punhi m ||

By the three great Savitars ( Gayatris prayers for enlightenment recited at morning, noon and dusk)
may I be made pure, May the Highest and preeminent God by wisdom purify me, O Mystic Fire by your
skill purify me.

yena deva apunata | yenpo divyakaa |

tena divyena brahma | idam brahma punmahe |
May that Divine Spiritual Knowledge, that is hallowed by the gods, by which water; by the Divine
Wisdom, may Wisdom purify this.

ya pvamnr adhyeti | ibhis sambhtagu rasam |

sarvagu sa ptam anti | svaditam mtarivan ||
One who studies (and chants) these Pavamani verses; the essence of the knowledge gathered by the
Rishis becomes purified, he then enjoys all things made sweet by the touch of the Mystic Fire.

pvamnr yo adhyeti | ibhis sambhtagu rasam |

tasmai sarasvat duhe | kragu sarpir madhdakam |
Whoever studies the verses, the essence of knowledge stored by the Sages. For him Sarasvati (the
goddess of knowledge) pours forth milk, butter, honey and water.

pvamnis svastyayan | sudugh hi payasvat |

ibhis sambhto rasa | brhmaev-amtagu hitam |
Yea, for the purifying Cosmic Wisdom, flows abundantly, exuding the principle of life, bringing us weal,
spiritual substance stored by the sages, the nectar of immortality deposited with the Brahmins.

pavamnr diantu na | imam lokam atho amum |

kmn samardhayantu na | devr devai sambht ||
So may the Mystic Fire bestow on us this world and the next, and gratify the desires of our hearts, so may
all the goddesses along with the gods.

pvamnis svastyayan | sudugh hi ghtacuta |

ibhis sambhto rasa | brhmaev-amtagu hitam |
Yea, for the purifying Cosmic Wisdom, flows abundantly, exuding the principle of sacrifice, bringing us
weal, spiritual substance stored by the sages, the nectar of immortality deposited among the Brahmins,

yena dev pavitrea | tmnam punate sad |

tena sahasra dhrea | pvamnya punantu m ||
The purifying flood (of wisdom) whereby the gods ever purify themselves, with that Wisdom in a
thousand currents may the Mystic Fire purify us.

prjpatya pavitram | atodymagu hiramayam |

tena brahma vido vayam | ptam brahma punmahe |
That which is offered to the Creator is pure; with an hundred precious efforts, may we strive to become
Knowers-of-Brahman, may that Spiritual Wisdom purify us. (S.V. Part ii, book 5 Hymn 8)

indras sunt saha m puntu | somas svasty varuas samcy |


yamo rj prambhi puntu m | jtaved morjayanty puntu |

o bhrbhuvasuva ||
May Indra (The Mind) purify me with good polity, Soma (the Moon) with health, Varuna (The Cosmic
Witness) with propriety, Yama the king (the Principle of Dharma) with restraint; and Agni (the Mystic
Fire) with energy.

tacchayo rvmahe | gtu yajya | gtu yaja-pataye | daiv

svastir astu na | svastir mnuebhya | rdhva jigtu bheajam |
anno astu dvipade | a catupade || o nti x 3
We worship the Supreme Being for the welfare of all. May we be free from all miseries and shortcomings
so that we may always chant in the sacrifices and for the Lord of Sacrifices. May the medicinal herbs
grow in potency, so that diseases can be cured effectively. May the devas grant us peace. May all human
beings be happy, may all the birds and the beasts also be happy. Om Peace Peace Peace.

Varua udvsanam |

devasya tv savitu prasave vinor bhubhy po hastbhygu

sarasvatyai vco yantur yantregnis tv smrjyenbhisicmi |
drupaddi venmumucna | svinna-sntv mald iva | ptam
pavitreevjya | pa undhantu mainasa | o bhrbhuvasuva x 3 ||
Impelled by the Lord Savita the Impeller, with the arms of the Ashvins (Right Knowledge & Right
Action) and with the hands of Pushan the Nourisher, with the voice of Sarasvati Divine Knowledge,
with the control of the Controller, I asperse with sovereignty. As one released from a fetter, or cleansed
by bathing after toil. As butter which has been purified through a filter, let this water purify me from all
sins. (VS. 20;20)


pa idv u bheajr po amva ctan |

pas sarvasya bheajs t me kvantu bheajam ||
These waters have their healing powers. These waters drive away disease (Spiritual imperfections).
These waters have a balm for all, let them be as (spiritual) medicine for you. (RV. 10.137.6)


V ic c h in n a -a u p s a n a a g n i S a n d h n a m
Wash hands and feet, acamanam, pavitri-dhraan, akata-gahaam

sarvebhyo r vaiavebhyo nama offer akata & dakia to the brahmins
aea he pariat bhavat pda mle may samarpit im sauvarm yatkicid
daki yathokta dakitvena svktya, vayo vicchinna aupsana
agnisandhna kartu yogyat siddhirastviti bhavanto mahnto'nughantu ||
tathstu yogyat siddhirastu.
railea dayptram dhbhaktydi guravam |
yatindra pravaam vande ramyajmtara munim ||
ukl baradharam -------- yasya dviradha vaktrd
sakalpa ...... asy ubha tithau rbhagavadjay bhagavad kaikarya
rpea vicchinna aupsangni sandhna kariye ||
On behalf of the wife repeat sakalpa:

vayo aupsangnim dhsye vicchinna sandhnrtha ||

A g n im u k h a m
1. Sthaila Nirmam.
Where the fire is to be established an altar [sthaila] is to be prepared using rice flour. The
dimensions should be one cubit square. If a ku is being used then rice flour is sprinkled on the
bottom of the pit.

2. Parisamham.
The sthaila is to be smoothed down with the hand. (in a kua the debris is cleared from the
mekhalas (steps). All acts are done from left to right in the case of the Devas, and right to left in the
case of the manes.

3. Rekh Kriya.
Using the handle of the spoon draw three lines from West to East, and bisecting them from South
to North.

1. om brahmae nama
2. o yamya nama
3. om somya nama
4 o rudr nama
5. o viave nama
6. o indrya nama

With the thumb and index finger of the right hand a pinch of earth is taken from the centre and cast
towards the South-West.

4. Abhyukaam. The sthaila is sprinkled with water using a flower

5. Agni-sthpanam.
A few twigs are placed on the sthaile. The fire is kindled using a few camphor blocks in a copper
dish, this is circled around the fire three times and then placed on top of the twigs on the sthaila.

candram manaso jta | cakos-sryo ajyata |

mukhd indra cgni ca | prd vyur ajyata ||
The Moon was created from His mind, and from His eye the Sun had birth.
From His mouth were Indra and Agni born, from His breath came the wind.

o bhrbhuvassuva vit-nma agni sthpaymi

Water and akata are sprinkled on the dish that was used to bring the fire.

6. Agnim Prajvalanam.

The fire is fed with some more small twigs.

7. Paristaraam.
Darbha grass in three or five layers is placed around the fire. In the East with the points to the
North. In the South with the points to the East. In the West with the points to the North, and in the
North with the points to the East.

8. Ptra Sdhanam.
To the North of the fire on a layer of darbha grass arrange in pairs the vessels to be used. They are
placed upside down; the spoons, jyasthli, prokai ptra, prat patra and the bunch of fuel 12
sticks tied with a piece of string.

9. Brahma Varaam.
On a seat to the South of the fire the Brhmaa priest is asked to be seated.

asmin homa karmai brahma tv ve |

If no brhmaa priest is available then a krca (bunch of darbha) or a flower is placed on the
seat and Brahma is invoked;

o kha brahmae nama sakalrdhanai svarcitam ||


10. Prokai ptra sdhanam

The prokai ptra (vessel for sprinkling) is filled with water. Two pieces of darbha grass with their
points in tact and about a span in length are used to purify the water. This water is then poured into
the prata patra and then refilled.

11. Prat patre Varua vhaam.

Akata and a flower is placed in the prata patra and Varua is invoked into it and worshipped.

o varuya nama
12. jya saskra.
The ghee is purified in this manner. First check to see that there is no impure thing in the ghee. A
pavitri made of two darbha blades is passed through it, the knot released and the pavitri is thrown
into the fire. A few coals or burning sticks are removed from the fire and place to the South-east.
The jyasthli (ghee vessel) is placed thereupon and a burning blade of darbha grass (or a stick) is
waved around it. The jya is then purified by showing the dhenu mudra. The coals are returned to
the fire.

13. Sruk-sruvau Saskra.

The sacrificial ladles are taken and heated in the fire. They are wiped down with darbha grass,
reheated and then sprinkled with water. They are placed to the right.

14. Paridhi Paridadhnam.

15. Parisicanam.

Four pieces of wood a cubit in length are placed around the fire.

Water is sprinkled around the fire using a flower

South o adite'numanyasva
West o anumate'numanyasva
North sarasvate'numanyasva
All sides deva savita prasuva
O Earth please allow me to obtain the kingdom. O Wife of the Deva, who willingly supports all actions
allow me to obtain what I desire. O Sarasvati - goddess of speech, please allow me to obtain what I
desire, O Savita who impels all beings, incite me to sacrifice.

16. Agner Dhyanam.

Using the Agni bjam visualise Agni seated within your heart.

o ra agnaye nama
meruham ca vakrgam jtaveda samanvayam |
dvi-ra sapta-hasta tri-pda sapta-jihvakam
varada akti-pi ca bibhrm sruk-sruvau tath ||
abhtidam carma-dharam vme-cjya-dhara kare ||
I contemplate Lord Agni who rides upon a ram, whose limbs are twisted and who is endowed with
omniscience, who has two heads, and seven arms, three feet and seven tongues, He shows us the gesture of
munificence, and bears the shakti weapon and the two ladles, he shows us the gesture of protection and
carries the vessel full of ghee.


catvri g trayo'sya pd dve re sapta hastso'sya |

tridh baddho vabho roravti maho devo martygu vivea |
ea hi deva pradionu sarv prvo hi jtassa u garbhe anta |
sa vijyamnassa janiyama pratya mukh stihati vivato-mukha ||
he agne pr mukho deva mambhimukho bhava ||
The Great Deity Agni has come down to men and is attended by sacrifices, he has the four Vedas as His
horns, the three svaras as his feet, Brahmodana and Pravargya are his two heads, the seven vedic meters
are his seven hands. He is regulated by the Mantra, Kalpa and Brahmana; He is the bestower of fortune.
He is sung with and without music by the hymns of the Rg, Yajus and Sama by the sacrificial priests such
as the Hota. Self-resplendent Paramatma realised by the wise having been present in all quarters was
born as Hiranyagarbha in the beginning of creation. He is the same Paramatma. He has been born as
Devas, beasts etc; and will be born as such in future too. He is the indweller of the hearts of all beings, is
the witness to all and the inciter of action. O Agni of divine splendor, please be seated in the eastern
direction and be well disposed towards me.

Offer akata in the eight directions around the kua

agnaye namah | jtavedase | sahojase | ajirprabhave | vaivnarya | narypase |

paktirdhase | visarpie | r yajapuruya | tmane nama | sarvebhya ri
vaiavebhyo nama ||
17. Alankram.
Worship the regents of space situated around the fire by placing flowers in the respective directions.

indrya nama
agnaye, nama
yamya, nama
nitaye nama
varuya, nama
vyave, nama
somya, nama
nya nama

18. Samidha dnam.

The yajamna stands and faces the brhmin and says the following and then places the bundle
of fuel upon the fire. (or 3 samits)

asmin homa karmai brahman idhmam dhsye || dhatsva! ||

agnis-uddhyrtha vyhti homam kariye |
With the sruva take ghee four times and place in the sruk and then offer with the fire with the
To the South;
om bhssvh | agnaye idam na mama |
To the North:
o bhuvassvh | vyave ida na mama


om suvassvh | sryya idam na mama

Om bhr-bhuvas-suvas-svah prajpataye idam na mama.

sakalpa hari o tatsat | .. aneka kla sya prtar aupsana akaraa

pryacittrtham sarva pryacitta hoymi ||
Offer 3 oblations with

anjta yad ajta yjasya kriyate mithu | agne tadasya kalpaya

tvagu hi vettha yath tathagass svh ||agnayedam na mama |
Whatever error I may have committed in this sacrifice, knowingly or unknowingly, O Agni you know full
well, please amend it and make it perfect. (TB.

purua sammito yajo yaja purua sammita | agne tadasya kalpaya

tvagu hi vettha yath tathagass svh || agnayedam na mama |
The Supreme Lord is coequal with Sacrifice, the Sacrifice is coequal with the Lord. O Agni you know full
well, please amend it and make it perfect. (TB.

yat pkatra manas dna dak na | yajasya manvate martsa |

agniad hot kratu-vid vijnan yajiho devgu kratuo yajti svh ||
agnayedam na mama ||
Since we humans of feeble energies, with immature minds, are unacquainted with the correct procedure
of sacrifice, may the Mystic Fire who is skilled in the rites, well knowing all that is to be done, the best
offerer, offer worship (on our behalf) according to fit season. (RV.10.2.5a)

19. ghra.
Silently meditating on Prajapati offer a stream of ghee from the North-east to the South-east

o prajpataye svh | prajpataye ida na mama

Then a second stream to Indra from the South-west to the North-east.

o indrya svh | indrya ida na mama

20. jya-bhgam.
In the above manner offer two oblations. One to Agni and the other to Soma.

o agnaye svh | agnaye ida na mama

om somya svh | somya idam na mama
21. Vyhti Homa.
To the South;
To the North:

om bhssvh | agnaye idam na mama |

o bhuvassvh | vyave ida na mama
om suvassvh | sryya idam na mama

22. Pryacitta homam

asmin kuma homa karmai sakalpa prabhti etat kaa paryantam madhye


sabhvita samasta doa pryacittrtha sarva pryacitta hoymi |

Om bhr-bhuvas-suvas-svah prajpataye idam na mama ||
Prepare the havis as for sthlipka and offer it to the Lord who is invoked in the fire.

PPrraaddhhnnaa H
Sakalpa prvokta gua vieana visihy mama sakala enas nirharaa
dvr ca bhagavat prtyartha sakt kuma homam hoymi ||

nti pha
namo brahmae namo stvagnaye nama pthivyai nama auadhbhya
| namo vce namo vcas-pataye namo viave bhate karomi ||
om nti x 3 ||
I pay my obeisance to Brahma (The Vedas) and to you O Agni (Fire of Wisdom), to the Earth (my
Support) and to the Herbs (that nourish me). Salutations to Speech and the Lord of Speech,
salutations to Vishnu (the omnipresent Truth), this I do for the Sacred Vedas. Om Peace Peace

1. om bh bhuva suva | tat savitu vareya bhargo devasya dhmahi
| dhiyo yo na pracodayt svh || savitra ida na mama ||
We meditate up the Self-existent Being who is worthy of adoration, and is the source of all illumination.
May He illumine our intellect.

2. yaddev deva-heana devcakam vayam | ditystas tasmn m

mucatartasyartena mmita svh || devebhya dityebhya ida ||
O learned ones, whatever wrong, we as learned people have committed to disgrace the learned and
provoke their wrath; may you brilliant like the Sun, deliver us from that offence, through the knowledge
of the Vedas of the Self. (VS.20.14a AV.6.114.1 TA.2.3.1. TB.2.44.8a)

3. dev jvana kmy yad vc'ntam dima | tasmn na iha mucata

vivedevs sajoasas svh || vivebhyo devebhyo ida ||
O Gods, we, desirous of self-preservation, have sometimes spoken untruth, forgive us for that, O Lord of
the Universe. (TA. 2.3.1 TB.

4. tena dyv-pthiv tena tvagu sarasvati | ktnna phyenaso yat

kicntam dima svh || dyvpthivbhy sarasvaty ida ||
O Heaven and Earth, O Sarasvati (Goddess of Speech) through the cosmic law liberate me from the
burden of all my transgression. (TA. 2.3.1 TB.


5. indrgn mitr-varuau somo dht bhaspati | te no mucantvenaso

yad anya ktam rima svh || indrgnibhy mitrvarubhy
somodht bhaspatibhya ida ||
O Indra-agni, O Mitra-Varuna, O Soma, O Dhata, and Brhaspati, absolve me from all the sins that I have
committed. (TA. 2.3.1 AV.13.1.31)

6. sajtaagu sduta jmi agu sjjyya saagu sduta v kanyasa |

andha deva-kta yad enas tasmt tvam asm jtavedo mumugdhi
svh || agnaye jtavedase idam na mama ||
All my family and relatives, my spouse and even our dependants, beseech you to forgive all our
shortcomings done unknowingly O Omniscient One. (TA. 2.3.1 TB.

7. yad vc yan manas bhubhym rubhym ahvadbhygu inair

yad anta cakm vayam | agnir m tasmd enaso grhapatya
pramucatu cakm yni dukt svh || agnaye grhapatyedam ||
O Agni Lord of the hearth, absolve us all from the deceitful actions that we have committed by our
speech, thoughts or actions, our loins as well as sexual indiscretions. (TA. 2.3.1 TB.

8. yena trito aravn nirbabhva yena srya tamaso nirmumoca |

yenendro viv ajahd artstenha jyoti jyotir-anana ki svh ||
agnaye jyotia ida || (TA 2.3.1)
9. yat kusdam aprattta mayeha yena yamasya nidhin carmi | etat tad
agne ano bhavmi jvanneva prati tatte dadhmi svh || agnaya ida ||
That loan which I have not yet paid back; the tribute that I still owe to Yama, Here do I make requital for
it; here O Agni, may I be freed from that debt. TA. 2.3.2 TS. MS.4.14.17

10. yan mayi mt garbhe sati | ena-cakra yat pit | agnirm tasmd
enasa | grhapatya pramucatu | durit yni cakma | karotu mm
anenasaggas svh || agnaye grhapatyayedam ||
Whatever sexual indiscretions my mother or father may have committed I now make atonement for
them. May God, the Lord of the Universe absolve us from this sin which we have done, and make us pure.
(TA. 2.3.1 TB.

11. yad pipea mtara pitaram | putra pramudito dhayann | ahigu

sitau pitarau may tat | tad agne ano bhavmi svh || agnayedam ||

Whatever hurt we have caused to our mother or father, from inconsideration and through ignorance of
dharma and adharma, or through anger, through thy grace O Lord may I be absolved of that. (TA. 2.3.1
TB. VS.19.11a)

12. yad antarika pthivm uta dym | yan mtara pitara v jihigu si
m | agnir m tasmd enasa| grhapatya pramucatu | durit yni
cakma | karotu mm anenasaggas svh || agnaye grhapatyayedam ||
Whatever damage we have done to the atmosphere, to the earth and to the sky; if we have wronged our
mother or our father, may God, the Lord of the Universe absolve us from this sin which we have done, and
make us pure. (TA. 2.6.2 TB. TS. AV. 6.120.1)

13. yadas nias yat paras | yad ena-cakm ntana yat puram |
agnir m tasmd enasa | grhapatya pramucatu | durit yni cakma |
karotu mm anenasaggas svh || agnaye grhapatyayedam ||
Whatever pain we have caused, to other beings however small, knowing full well, in this birth or the
previous ones, may God the Lord of the Universe absolve us from this sin which we have done. (TA. 2.3.1

14. atikrmmi durita yad ena | jahmi ripra parame sadhasthe | yatra
yanti sukto npi dukta | tam rohmi sukt nu lokaggas svh ||
agnayedam ||
The pain that is caused by our impious actions, by Thy grace we will cross over, and ascend to that
realm attained by the virtuous, not the unvirtuous, may we ascend to the realm of the pious. TB.

15. trite dev amjatai tad ena | trita etan manuyeu mm je | tato m
yadi kicid nae | agnir m tasmd enasa | grhapatya pramucatu |
durit yni cakma | karotu mm anenasaggas svh || agnaye
grhapatyayedam ||
O Lord absolve me of the three sins (of body, mind and speech) which are found amongst human beings.
Release me from their reactions and prevent me from sinning again. For all the negative actions that I
have done for give me and make me pure, O Garhapati. TB.

16. divi jt apsu jt | y jt oadhbhya | atho y agnij pa | t na

undhantu undhans svh | adbhya undhanbhya idam ||
May the Cosmic Waters that are present in the heavens, and in the precipitation, and those that are in the
healing herbs, and those that are present in the rays of the sun may they cleanse me and make me pure.


17. yadpo nakta durita carma | yadv div ntana | yat pura |
hiraya varstata utpunta nas svh || adbhyo hirayavarbhym ida ||
O Cosmic Waters, whatever sin we have committed by night, or by day, recently or of old, O Radiant
Waters purify us of them all. TB.

18. ima me varua rudh havam adyca maya |

tvm avasyurcake svh || varuyedam na mama ||
O Lord Varuna listen now to my invocation. Be gracious even now. I approach you seeking your

19. tat tv ymi brahma vanda mnas tad ste yajamno havirbhi |
aheamno varueha bodhyuruagu sa m na yu pramos svh |
varuyedam na mama ||
O Varuna! Praised by Vedic hymns, may I reach your refuge for which I long, through these
oblations. I offer you abundant praise, withhold your anger now and enlighten us. Hail! ( RV
4.1.5 TS

20. tvanno agne varuasya vidvn devasya heo vaysi sih | yajiho
vahni tama-oucno viv dvegusi pramum ugdhyasmat svh |
agni-varubhym idam na mama ||
O Agni! Mollify the anger of the gods and Lord Varuna. The Most Worshipful, the BestConveyer, the Most-Resplendent as you are, With these oblations we express our gratitude;
turn away from us all them that hate us. Hail! (RV 4.1.4 TS

21. sa tvanno agne vamo bhavoti nediho asya uaso vyuau | avayakva
no varuagu raro vhi mkagu suhavo na edhi svh | agnivarubhym idam na mama ||
O Agni! Foremost amongst the gods, protect us at dawn and during the day and night. May we
never be hindered, grant us ever expanding happiness, O you who are easily invoked. Hail! This
is an offering to Agni and Varuna.

22. tvam agne aysya ysan manas hita | aysan havyam hie yno dhehi
bheajaggas-svh | agni-ayase idam na mama ||
O Agni! You are our refuge and mental solace. O Bearer-of-oblations, vouchsafe to us healing
remedies. Hail! This is an offering to Agni. (TB

23. yadadcyannam aha babhvditsanv sajagara janebhya | agnir

m tasmd indraca savidnau pramucatggas svh || agnndrbhya
ida ||


24. yaddhastbhy cakara kilbiy-ak agnimupajighnmna |

ugra pay ca rrabhcca tnyapsaras vanudattam ni svh ||
ugra paye rrabhdbhy apsarobhya ida ||
For the offences we have committed by our actions, by our vision, may the vigilant agents of Lord Yama
the King not punish us for the sins that we have committed, may we be absolved from them. (TA. 2.4.1
TB. MS.4.14.17)

25. ugra paye rrabht kilbii yad akavttam anudattam etat | nenna
n ava itsamno yamasya loke adhiraj-jurya svh || ugra paye
rrabhdbhy apsarobhya ida ||
Whatever offences we have committed with our sense organs attached as we are to sense gratification,
let the vigilant agents of the King Yama forgive us for all of them and return to their abodes. TA. 2.4.1
TB. MS.4.14.17 AV.6.118.1

26. ava te hea varua namobhirava yajebhir mahe havirbhi | kayanna

asmabhyam asura praceto rjann engu si iratha ktni svh ||
varuyeda na mama ||
Your anger O Lord Varuna, we would avert with obeisance, with self-sacrifice and with offerings. O Lord
of the Universe, liberate us from the burden of the sins which we have committed. (RV ts. 1.5.11
TB ta 2.4.1)

27. uduttama varua pam asmad avdhama vi madhymagu

rathya | ath vayam ditya vrate tavngaso aditaye syma svh |
varuyeda |
Unloose from us, O Varuna, the highest, the lowest, the midmost noose of bondage; Then may we, O
Aditya, in the practice of the Dharma, Be guiltless before Aditi.

28. ima me varua rudh havam adyca maya |

tvm avasyurcake svh || varuyedam na mama ||
O Lord Varuna listen now to my invocation. Be gracious even now. I approach you seeking your

29. tat tv ymi brahma vanda mnas tad ste yajamno havirbhi |
aheamno varueha bodhyuruagu sa m na yu pramos svh |
varuyedam na mama ||
O Varuna! Praised by Vedic hymns, may I reach your refuge for which I long, through these
oblations. I offer you abundant praise, withhold your anger now and enlighten us. Hail! ( RV
4.1.5 TS


30. tvanno agne varuasya vidvn devasya heo vaysi sh | yajiho

vahni tama-oucno viv dvegusi pramum ugdhyasmat svh |
agni-varubhym idam na mama ||
O Agni! Mollify the anger of the gods and Lord Varuna. The Most Worshipful, the BestConveyer, the Most-Resplendent as you are, With these oblations we express our gratitude;
turn away from us all them that hate us. Hail! (RV 4.1.4 TS

31. sa tvanno agne vamo bhavoti nediho asya uaso vyuau | avayakva
no varuagu raro vhi mkagu suhavo na edhi svh | agnivarubhym idam na mama ||
O Agni! Foremost amongst the gods, protect us at dawn and during the day and night. May we
never be hindered, grant us ever expanding happiness, O you who are easily invoked. Hail! This
is an offering to Agni and Varuna.

32. tvam agne aysya ysan manas hita | aysan havyam hie yno
dhehi bheajaggas-svh | agni-ayase idam na mama ||
O Agni! You are our refuge and mental solace. O Bearer-of-oblations, vouchsafe to us healing
remedies. Hail! This is an offering to Agni. (TB

33. sakusuko vikusuko nirtho yaca nisvana | te2' esmad yakmam

angso drd dram accataggas svh || sasuka vikusuka nitha
nisvanebhya ida || TA. 2.4.1
34. niryakmam accate kty nirti ca | tena yo2' o-smat samcchtai
tamasmai prasuvm asi svh || niryakma nir tibhymida ||

TA. 2.4.1

35. duagu snuagu sbhy ghaennu ghaena ca | tennyo2

smat samcchtai tam asmai prasuvm asi svh || duagu snuagu
sbhy ghanughabhym ida ||

TA. 2.4.1 .4

36. sa varcas payas sa tanbhir aganmahi manas sagu ivena |

tva no atra vidadhtu ryo'nu mru tanvo2 o yad viliaggas sv ||
tvaa ida ||
With spiritual glory, with knowledge, with our very selves are we integrated, with our minds focused on
the welfare of others; May Tvastr (the Divine designer) guide us to success, may he rectify whatever is
amiss in us. (TS AV 6.53.3 VS 2.24 TA 2.4.1.)


37. yue vivato dadhad ayam agnir vareya | punaste pra yti par
yakmagu suvi te svh ||
May this adorable Agni here grant you healthy longevity in every way. Let your life force return to its
original strength. I drive ail ailments from you. (T.S.

38. yurd agne havio juo ghta pratko ghta-yonir edhi | ghta ptv
madhu cru gavya piteva putram abhi rakatd imaggas svh ||
Life-giving Agni rejoice in this oblation, consume this ghee which is your portion. Having consumed this
sweet delightful ghee produced from the cow, protect him as a father his son. (T.S. TA 2.5.1.)

39. imam agna yue varcase kdhi tigmam ojo varua sagu idhi |
mtevsm adite arma yaccha vive dev jaradair yath'sat svh ||
vivebhyo devebhyo ida ||
O Agni give him longevity and spiritual brilliance, O Soma and Varuna strengthen his vigour (immunity).
Like a mother O Aditi grant him peace, O All-Gods lead him to old age. (TS. TA. 2.5.1 TB.
MS.2.3.4 AV.2.28.5)

40. agna ygu i pavasa suvorjarmia ca na |

re bdhasva ducchunggas svh || agnaye pavamnyeda ||
O Agni, you radiate life; by your grace may we abound in food and vigorous strength; Drive misfortune
far away from us. (TA 2.5.1. RV 9.66.19. SV 2.814 VS 19.38)

41. agne pavasva svap asme varcasas suvryam |

dadhat poagu rayi mayi svh || agnaye pavamnayeda ||
O skilled Agni, purify us and grant us glory and heroism. Grant us increase or prosperity and
nourishment. (TA. 2.5.1 TB. RV.9.66.21 VS.8.38 .)

42. agnir i pavamna pcajanya purohita |

tammahe mahgayaggas svh || agnaye pavamnayeda ||
Agni is the purifyer the Sage and Chief Priest of the five social groups. We pray to Him (the Mystic Fire)
whose wealth (in knowledge ) is great. (TA. 2.5.2 RV.9.66.20 SV.2.869 VS.26.9)

43. agne jtn praudnas sapatnn pratyajt jtavedo nudasva | asme

ddihi suman aheaccharmante syma trivartha udbht svh | agnaye
jtavedasa ida ||
O Agni, drive away those foes of ours that are born with us (selfishness, anger, delusion, greed, arrogance,
greed and envy); Drive away those too that are unborn (those negative traits that have been acquired), O

Omniscient One; Shine out for us in kindliness and without anger, under your protection may I be secure
in body, speech and mind and victorious.(TS. AV.7.34.1 VS.15.1)

44. sahas jtn praudnas sapatnn pratyajt jtavedo nudasva | adhi

no brhi sumanasyamno vayaggas syma praudnas sapatnn svh ||
agnaye jtavedasa idam ||
O Agni, drive away those foes of ours that are born with us (selfishness, anger, delusion, greed,
arrogance, greed and envy); Drive away those too that are unborn (those negative traits that have been
acquired), O Omniscient One Favour us out of compassion, May we (enjoy your protection); drive away
our all forces obstructive of our spiritual progress. (TS.

45. agne yo no'bhito jano vko vro jighgu sati | tgu stva vtraha
jahi vasvasmabhyam bhara svh || agnaya ida ||
O Agni vanquish those enemies of ours who roam around like predatory wolves seeking to harm us, O Indra,
Vanquisher of Vritra , and grant us prosperity. (TA. 2.5.2 TB.

46. agne yo nobhidsati samno yaca niya | ta vayagu samidha

ktv tubhyam agne'pi dadhmasi svh || agnaya idam || (TA
47. yo na apdaapato yaca na apata apt | uca tasmai nimrukca
sarva ppagu samhatggas svh || uo nimrugbhym ||

(TA 2.5.1)

48. yo nas sapatno yo rao marto'bhidsati dev | idhmasyeva prakyato

m tasyocchei kicana svh || agnaya ida ||

(TB TA 2.5.2)

49. yo m dvei jtavedo ya cha dvemi yaca m | sarvgu stn

agne sadaha ygucha dvemi ye ca mggas svh || agnaya ida ||
(TA 3.14.3)

50. yo asmabhyam artydyaca no dveate jana | ninddyo asmn

dipsca sarvgu stn mama kuru svh || agnaya idam ||
The one who is hostile to us, and the one who hates us, the one who reviles us, and the one who strives to
hurt us; O Agni! every one of them smash to smithereens. (TS 4.1.10; TA 2.5.2 )

51. sagu ita me brahma sagu ita vry2 bala | sagu ita
katra me jiu yasyham asmi purohitas svh || agnaya idam ||
Intensified is my spiritual power, intensified is my physical strength and might. Increased is the power
of victory of the one of whom I am the domestic Priest. (TA. 2.5.2 TS. VS.11.81)


52. ude bh atiramud varco atho balam | kiomi brahma 'mitrn

unnaymi sv2 ahaggas svh || brahmae ida ||
Their arms have I raised, I have raised their radiance and their strength. With spiritual force I
overcome their lower nature and lift my friends to high estate. (TA. 2.5.2 TS. VS.11.82)

53. punar mana punar yurma gt puna-caku puna rotra ma gt

puna pra punar kta ma gt puna citta punar dhta ma gt |
vaivnaro me 'dabdhas tanp avabdhat duritni viv svh ||
|| agnaye vaivnaryeda ||
Right thought has returned to me and life too, my vision and sight and hearing have all returned, my
life-force and lifes purpouse have been regenerated, my recollection and study have all returned. Guard
our health, O Agni Vaisvanara, preserve us from misfortune and dishonour. (VS.4.15 TA. 2.5.23)

54. siguhe vyghra uta y pdkau | tviiragnau brhmae srye y |

indra y dev subhag jajna | s na gan varcas savidn svh ||
O Goddess, Whatever force a lion, tiger, serpent, burning fire, a brahmana or the sun has, and the blessed
spiritual force that makes one a reagent, may that force come unto us together with strength and vigour.
(AV.6.38.1 TB.

55. y rjanye dundubhv-yatym | avasya krandhe puruasya myau |

indra y dev subhag jajna | s na gan varcas savidn svh ||
O Goddess, Whatever might exists in the warrior, in the war-drum stretched and tuned for battle, in the
horse's neigh, and in warriors war cry, and the blessed spiritual force that makes one a reagent, may
that come unto us together with strength and vigour. (AV.6.38.4 TB.

56. y hastini dvpini y hiraye | tviiraveu purueu gou | indra y

dev subhag jajna | s na gan varcas savidn svh ||
O Goddess, All the energy of the elephant and the panther, all brilliance in horses, men and cattle and
waters, and the blessed spiritual force that makes one a reagent, may that come to us conjoined with
strength and vigour. TB. AV.6.38.2

57. rathe akeu vabhasya vje | vte parjanye varuasya ume || indra
y dev subhag jajna | s na gan varcas savidn svh ||
|| tviyai devyai ida na mama ||
O Goddess, Whatever might that exists in chariot, axles, in the strong bull's courage, in the wind, in the
rain cloud and in the warmth of the sun, and the blessed spiritual force that makes one a reagent, may
that come to us conjoined with strength and vigour. (A.V.6.38.3; TB


Abbhhyyvvaarrttiinnaa H
agne'bhyvartinneti catas agnir i triup chanda abhyvartino
devat jya home viniyoga ||
58. agne'bhyvartinn abhina vartasvyu varcas sany medhay prajay
dhanena svh || agnaye abhyvartina ida ||
O Agni, the great returner, to us return with life, with radiance, with gain, with wisdom, with offspring,
with wealth. (TS; VS . 12.7 )

59. agne agira ata te satvvtas sahasra ta upvta | ts

poasya poea punar no naam kdhi punar no rayim kdhi svh ||
agnaye abhyvartina ida ||
O Agni, O Angirasa, may you return again a hundred times, a thousand be your movements; with
increment of increase bring back for us what is lost, bring back to us spiritual wealth (virtue and merit).
(TS; VS 12.8 )

60. punar rj nivarttasva punar agna iyu | punar na phi vivatas

svh || agnaye abhyvartina ida ||
Return with strength, return, O Agni, with nourishment and longevity; again guard us on all sides. (TS; TA 4.20.2)

61. saha rayy nivartasvgne pinvasya dhray | vivapsniy vivataspari

svh || agnaye abhyvartina ida ||
O Agni, return with store of wealth through the stream of ghee oblated. Expand with the overflowing
stream that feeds all on every side. (VS 12.10; TS & TA 4.20.2)

miiddhhaa D
The yajamana & wife stands to the south of the fre facing north with fuel in their hands.

vaivnarya prati vedaymo yadnagu sagaro devatsu |

sa etn pn pramucan pra veda sa no muctu duritd avadyt ||
I acknowledge to the Lord of Beings, the debt that I have incurred, and the vows made to the gods. The
Lord knows how to remove these bonds from us, so that we may dwell with Him the gentle-minded.

vaivnara pavaynna pavitrair yat sagaram abhidhvmym |

anjnan manas ycamno yadatraino ava tsuvmi ||
O God, the Purifier, purge from me the offense of disappointment and broken promises. Whatever offense
I have caused unintentionally in my heart, I beseech you to forgive. (AV.6;119.2,3)


am ye subhage divi victau nma trake | prehmtasya yacchatm etad

baddhaka mocanam |

vijihrva lokn kdhi bandhn mucsi baddhakam

| yoner iva pracyuto garbhas savnpatho anuva || sa prajnan pratigbhta

vidvn prajpati prathamaj tasya | asmbhir datta jarasa parastd
acchinna tantum anusacarema || (TA 2.6.1)
tata tantum anveke anusacaranti ye datta pitryamyanavat |
abandhveke dadata prayacchd dtu cacchaknavgu sas svarga em ||
This long-drawn thread of tradition some follow, who have offered in ordered course oblations to the
Fathers: Some, offering and giving to the isolated and needy, if they can give: herein they find their
heaven. (AV 6.122.2 TA 2.6.2)

ramethm anu sagu ramethgu samna panthm avatho ghtena |

yadv prta parivia yad agnau tasmai gotryeha jypat sagu
rabhetm ||
yad antarika pthivm uta dy yan mtara pitara v jihigu sima |
agnir m tasmd enaso grhapatya unno nead-durit yni cakma ||
Whatever hurt we have cause to those beings who reside in the atmosphere, in the earth, in the sky, to
mother or to father, may the Lord of the Universe absolve us from this sin; may he make us blameless in
respect of all the suffering we have wrought. (AV 6:120:1)

bhmir mtdi'tirno janitra bhrtntarikam abhiasta ena |

dyaur na pit pit yccham bhavsi jmim itv m vivitsi lokt ||
Earth is our Mother, Aditi the unbounded Absolute our origin: our brother Air and our Father Sky, May all
these save us from afflictions and conduce to our welfare! May we never be separated from our Lord. (AV

yatra suhrdda sukt madante vihya rogan tanv2gu svym |

alogair ahruts svarge tatra payema pitara ca putram ||
In that house where our virtuous friends, who left behind them their bodily infirmities, are happy, in
that paradise of a happy home, free from distortion of the limbs and lameness, may we behold our sons
and parents. (AV 6:120:3)

yad annam adbhyantena dev dsyanna dsyann-utav kariyan |

yad devn caku-ygo asti yad eva kica pratijagrham agnir m
tasmd ana kotu ||
Whatever food I eat unjustly, Gods! or, doubtful between bestowing and refusing, (AV 6.71.3) whatever
was meant for the gods, and whatever I have taken in please absolve me of any offence in that regard.
(TA 2.6.2)


yad annam admi bahudh virpa vso hirayam uta gm ajmavim | yad
devn caku-ygo asti yad eva kica pratijagrham agnir m tasmd
ana kotu ||
Whatever food I have eaten of various types, living substances, of beef or mutton, whatever was meant
for the gods, and whatever I have taken in please absolve me of any offence in that regard

Yajamna recites
yanmay manas vc ktam ena kadcana |
sarvasmt meito mokitva hi vettha yath tatha ||
Those offences that have ever been committed by myself in this birth or the previous ones, O Praise-
worthy Lord, you know them all, please absolve me and return me to my original state of essential
purity. (TA.2.6.6)

Svirakt offering
yanthmavatho ghtena | yadv prta parivia
gotryeha jypat sagu rabhetm | (TA 2.6.2 )

yadagnau tasmai

yad antarika pthivm uta dy yan mtara pitara v jihigu sima |

agnir m tasmd enaso grhapatya unno nead-durit yni cakma ||
Whatever hurt we have cause to those beings who reside in the atmosphere, in the earth, in the sky, to
mother or to father, may the Lord of the Universe absolve us from this sin; may he make us blameless in
respect of all the suffering we have wrought. (AV 6:120:1)

havyavham abhimtiha | rakohaa ptansu jiu | jyotimanta

ddyata purandhim | agnigu sviaktam huvema | sviam agne abhi
tat phi | viv deva ptan abhiya | uru na panth pradianvi
bhhi | jyotimad dhehyajara na yus svah || agnaye sviakta ida na
mama ||



M Jaydi Homam M
Sakalpa hari o tatsat | prvokta gua etat kuma homa
karma-samruddhyartham jaydi homam kariye ||
citta ca svh | cittyedam na mama || 1 ||
cittica svh | citty idam na mama || 2 ||
1 - 2. To Thought and thinking hail!

kta ca svh | ktyedam || 3 ||

ktica svh | kty idam || 4 ||
vijtam ca svh | vijtyedam || 5 ||
vijnam ca svh | vijnyedam || 6 ||
5 6. To the known and to knowledge hail!

manaca svh | manasa idam || 7 ||

akvarca svh | akvarbhya idam || 8 ||
7 8. To the mind and to ability hail!

daraca svh | daryedam || 9 ||

pramsaca svh | pramsyedam || 10 ||
9 10. To the new moon and the full moon hail!

brhaca svh | brhata idam || 11 ||

rathantara ca svh | rathantaryedam || 12 ||
11 12. To the Brhat and the Rathantara hail!

2. abhytana Homa
prajpatir jayn indrya vre pryacchad-ugrah prtanjyeu | tasmai viassamanam amanta sarvh sa ugras-sa hi havyo babhva svh | prajpataya
idam na mama || 13 ||
13 Prajapati bestowed victories on Indra The Strong, [through this homa] he who is dreaded in
battle contest, to him all people are bowed in reverence, for he became formidable, worthy of
offering. To him all hail.

agnir bhtnm adhipatis-sa mvatvasmin brahmann-asmin katre symiyasym purodhym asmin karmann-asym deva-htygu svh |
agnaya idam || 14 ||

14 O Agni is the lord of beings, may He help me; to attain Spiritual Dominion, to obtain dominion
over the material, in this prayer, in this sacerdotal rite, in this ritual act, this invocation of the gods.

indro jyehnm adhipatis-sa mvatu .... svh | indryedam || 15 ||

15. Indra is lord of the elite, may he help me .. Hail!

yamah prthivy adhipatis-sa mvatu .... svh | yammyedam || 16 ||

16. Yama is lord of the earth, etc.

vyur antarikasydhipatis-sa .... svh | vyava idam || 17 ||

17. Vayu is lord of the atmosphere; etc

sryo divodhipats-sa .... svh | sryyedam || 18 ||

18. Surya is lord of the Cosmos, etc

candram nakatrm adhipatis-sa mvatu .. svh | candramasa || 19 ||

19. Chandrama is the lord of the luminaries, etc

brhaspatir brahmao dhipatis-sa mvatu .... svh | brhaspataya idam || 20 ||

20. Brhaspati is the lord of spirituality; etc

mitras satynm adhipatis-sa mvatu .... svh | mitryedam || 21 ||

21. Mitra is the lord of truths; etc

varuopm adhipatis-sa mvatu .... svh | varuyedam || 22 ||

22. Varuna is the lord of waters, etc

samudras srotynm adhipatis-sa mvatu .... svh | samudryedam || 23 ||

23. Ocean is the lord of rivers; etc

annagu smrjynm adhipatis-tanmvatu .... svh | annyedam || 24 ||

24. Food is the lord of Emperors; etc

soma oadhnm adhipatis-sa mvatu .... svh | somyedam na mama || 25 ||

25. Soma is the lord of plants, etc

savit prasavnm adhipatis-sa mvatu .... svh | savitra idam || 26 ||

26. Savitar is the lord of enterprise, etc

rudra panm adhipatis-sa mvatu .... svh | rudryedam || 27 ||

27. Rudra is the the Lord of creatures, etc

(apa upasprya)

tva rpm adhipatis-sa mvatu....... svh | tvara idam || 28 ||

28. Tvastra is the lord of visible forms, etc

viuh parvatnm adhipatis-sa mvatu .... svh | viava idam || 29 ||

29. Visnu is the lord of the Mountains; etc

maruto ganm adhipatayas te mvantu .... svh | marudbhya idam || 30 ||

30. Maruts are the lords of society; etc.

pitarah pitmahh parevare tats tat mah idam vata | asmin brahmannasmin katre sym-iyasym purodhym asmin karmann-asym devahtygu svh | pitrubhya idam || 31 ||
31. O ye Fathers, ye Grandfathers, ye further, ye nearer, ye Great grandfathers, ye Great Great
grandfathers, do ye help me here. May they protect this our Spiritual Achievement and our
Material Achievement, may they protect this our sacerdotal rite, this pious act, this invocation of
the gods. To them all hail.

(apa upaspruya)

3. Rrabhrt homa.
rut ruta dhmgni gandharvas tasya oadhayopsarasa rjo nma sa idam
brahma katram ptu t idam brahma katram pntu tasmai svh | agnaye
gandharvyedam || 32 ||
32. O Maintainer of the Holy Cosmic Order, abounding in truth, the Mystic Fire is the Celestial Harmony,
his manifest potential are the herbs, called Nourishing. May he protect this our Spiritual Dominion ,
and Temporal Dominion; to him all hail!

tbhyas svh | oadhbhyopsarobhya idam || 33 ||

33. To them all hail!

sagu hito viva-sm sryo gandharvas tasya marcayopsarasa yuvo nma

..... svh | sryya gandharvya idam || 34 ||
34. The Conjoined, [of day and night] lauded by the Universe, the Sun is the Celestial Harmony, His
manifest potential are His rays called the Vital Forces. May he protect ...................

tbhyas svh | marchibhyopsarobhya idam || 35 ||

35. To them all hail!

suumnas srya rami candram gandharvas tasya nakatry-apsarasa

bekurayo nma .... svh | candramase gandharvyedam || 36 ||
36. The Highly-Blessed, radiant-rayed Moon is the Celestial Harmony, his manifest potential are the
Asterisms called Luminous. May he .................

tbhyas svh | nakatrebhyopsarobhya idam || 37 ||

37. To them all hail!

bhujyus suparo yajo gandharvas tasya daki apsarasas tav nma .... svh
|| yajya gandharvyedam || 38 ||
38. The protecting, the Strong-winged Sacrifice is the Celestial Harmony, his manifest Potential are the
sacrificial fees, (called) praises . May he protect ....................

tbhyas svh | dakibhyopsarobhya idam || 39 ||

39. To them all hail!

prajpatir vivakarm mano gandharvas tasya rk-smnyapsaraso vahnayo

nma .... svh | manase gandharvyedam || 40 ||
40. Prajapati the Creator of the Universe, the Cosmic Mind is the Celestial Harmony ; his manifest
potential are the Rc and the Sama verses, called hymns. May he protect ....................


tbhyas svh | ruksmebhyopsarobhya idam || 41 ||

41. To them all hail!

iiro vivavyac vto gandharvas tasypopsaraso mud nma .... svh |

vtya gandharvyedam || 42 ||
42. The All-pervading Life-Force is the Celestial Harmony; his manifest potential are the waters (called)
delights. May he protect ..........................

tbhyas svh | adbhyopsarobhya idam || 43 ||

43. To them all hail!

bhuvanasya pate yasya ta upari gruh iha ca | sa no rv-jynigu ryas

poagu suvryagu samvatsargu svastigu svh | bhuvanasya pataya
idam || 44 ||
44. O Lord of the world, thou who dwells above and below, do thou give us increase of wealth, unfailing,
rich in heroes, prosperity abiding throughout the year. All hail.

paramehy-adhipatir mrutyu gandharvas tasya vivam apsaraso bhuvo nma

.... svh | mrutyave gandharvyedam || 45 ||
45. The Supreme Ruler , the Overlord, the Controller is the Celestial Harmony; his manifest potential is
the whole universe called the worlds. May he protect .................

tbhyas svh | vivasm apsarobhya idam || 46 ||

46. To them all hail!

sukitis subhtir bhadrakrt suvarvn parjanyo gandharvas tasya vidyutopsaraso ruco nma.... svh | parjanyya gandharvyedam || 47 ||
47. With fair abode, fair wealth, doer of good deeds, holding the light, Parjanya is the Celestial Harmony,
his manifest potential is the lightening (called) the radiant.

tbhyas svh | vidyudbhyopsarobhya idam || 48 ||

48. To them all hail!

drehetir amruayo mrtyur gandharvas tasya praj apsaraso bhruvo nma ....
svh | mrutyuve gandharvyedam || 49 ||
49. He Whose dart speeds afar, the Pitiless, Death is the Celestial Harmony; his manifest potential are
the creatures, (called) the Fearfull. May he protect this .........................

tbhyas svh | prajbhyopsarobhya idam || 50 ||

50. To them all hail!

cruh krpaak kmo gandharva tasydhayopsarasa ocayantr-nma sa

idam brahma katram ptu t idam brahma katram pntu tasmai svh |
kmya gandharvyedam || 51 ||
51. The dear one, looking with desire, Love is the Celestial Harmony; his manifest potential are thoughts
(called) burning; May he protect this ..................

tbhyas svh | dhibhyopsarobhya idam || 52 ||

52. To them all hail!


sa no bhuvanasya pate yasya ta upari gruh iha ca | ru brahmaesmai

katrya mahi arma yaccha svh | bhuvanasya patye brahmaa idam || 53 ||
O lord of the world, who dwells above and below, please grant extensive, great protection to this
Spiritual Dominion and to this Temporal Dominion and grant us peace for ever.


prajpate na tvad etnyanyo viv jtni pari t babhva | yat kmas te

juhumas tanno astu vayagu syma patayo raygu svh || prajpataya
idam na mama |
O Lord of Beings, you alone can comprehend all these created forms, and none beside you. Grant us our
heart's desire when we invoke you, may we become the lords of rich possessions. (VS. 10;20)

om bhssvh | agnaye idam na mama |

o bhuvassvh | vyave ida na mama
om suvassvh | sryya idam na mama
yad asya karmao tyarrica yad v nynam ihkaram | agniat svia-kd
vidvn sarvagu sviagu suhutam karotu svh | agnaye sviaktedam
na mama |
Whatever there has been done that is superfluous or deficient in this sacrifice, you know it all, please
accept it as complete O Agni Svistakrta.

Paridhi pariharaam;
Offer the paridhis into the fire after having dipped them in ghee; the middle one first followed
by the three others.

Samsrva Homa
Fill the sruva with ghee then cover with the sruk then offer a continuous stream of ghee;

svh | vasubhyo rudrebhya ditebhya sasrva bhgebhya idam na

mama |
All Hail! To the Vaus, the Rudras and the Adityas I offer this oblation.

om bhr-bhuvas-suvas-svh | prajpataye idam na mama |

To The Physical, Mental and Spiritual realms All Hail, to the Lord of Creation I make this offering.


Sakalpa o prvokta gua vieea visihy asy ubha tithau

bhagavad jay bhagavad kaikarya rpea asmin kuma homa
karmai avijta pryacitta dni kariye ||

On this auspicious day characterized by the afore mentioned Astrological parameters, with the sanction
of the Supreme Person and as service to Him alone , in this rite of kushmanda homa I shall now make the
atonement offerings.

anjta yad ajta yjasya kriyate mithu | agne tadasya kalpaya

tvagu hi vettha yath tathagass svh || agnayedam na mama |
Whatever error I may have committed in this sacrifice, knowingly or unknowingly, O Agni you know full
well, please amend it and make it perfect. (TB.

purua sammito yajo yaja purua sammita | agne tadasya kalpaya

tvagu hi vettha yath tathagass svh || agnayedam na mama |
The Supreme Lord is coequal with Sacrifice, the Sacrifice is coequal with the Lord. O Agni you know full
well, please amend it and make it perfect. (TB.

yat pkatra manas dna dak na | yajasya manvate martsa |

agniad hot kratu-vid vijnan yajiho devgu kratuo yajti svh ||
agnayedam na mama ||
Since we humans of feeble energies, with immature minds, are unacquainted with the correct procedure
of sacrifice, may the Mystic Fire who is skilled in the rites, well knowing all that is to be done, the best
offerer, offer worship (on our behalf) according to fit season. (RV.10.2.5a)

om bhssvh | agnaye idam na mama |

Om to the material plane All Hail!

o bhuvassvh | vyave ida na mama

Om to the Astral realm All Hail!

om suvassvh | sryya idam na mama

Om to the transcendental realm All Hail!

Sakalpa asmin homa karmai madhye sabhvita samasta doa

pryacittrtha sarva pryacittam hoymi
For all shortcomings that occurred during the course of this sacrifice I now offer final atonement and

om bhr-bhuvas-suvas-svh | prajpataye idam na mama |

Om To the physical, mental and transcendental realms All Hail!

om rviave-svh | viave paramtmane idam na mama |

Om, To the Omnipresent Lord All Hail!

o rudrya paupataye svh | rudrya paupataye ida na mama

Om, To the Destroyer, the Lord of all beings, All Hail!

Sakalpa o prvokta gua vieea visihy asy ubha tithau
bhagavad jay bhagavad kaikarya rpea asmin kuma homa
karmaa sapra phala prptyrtha vit nmgnau prhuti
hoymi | tadanantara sgata siddhyartha vsordhr hoymi ||
On this auspicious day characterized by the afore mentioned Astrological parameters, with the sanction
of the Supreme Person and as service to Him alone , in this rite of kuma homa in the fire named vit I

shall make the final offering. Thereafter I shall, for the success of the ritual make the offering called

o prhutim uttam juhoti | sarva vai pr-huti | sarvam evpnoti

| atho iya vai pr-huti | asym eva prati-tihati svh || agnaye
He sacrifices the best of final oblations; Totality is the final oblation; through that everything is
obtained ; therefore is this, that final oblation; in this is it established.

Vasordhra Homa
o sapta te agne samidhas sapta jihvs sapta aya sapta dhma priyi |
sapta hotr sapta-dh tv yajanti sapta yonir pasva ghtena svh ||
agnaye saptavateda na mama ||
Seven are your faggots O Agni, seven your tongues, seven the seers and seven the beloved locations. Seven
are the priests that oblate to you, seven are the sources, with this oblation of ghee grant us protection.

Pryma & Pariecanam

aditenvamagass sth | anumatenvamagass sth |
sarasvatenvamagass sth | deva savita prsv ||
Aditi has granted us permission, Anumati has granted permission. Sarasvati has granted
permission, Deva Savita has impelled us.

Valediction of Varuna from the pranta patra

varuya nama sakala ardhanai svarcitam | yath-sthnam .

O Varuna I offer you all my homage, please depart where you will, for Glory, well-being and the
hope that you will return.

Pouring out of the water

prcy di dev rtvijo mrjayantm

In the eastern quarter may the gods, the priests make me bright.

dakiasya di ms pitaro mrjayantm

In the southern quarter may the months, the manes make me illustrious.

prtcy di grh paavo mrjayantm

In the western quarter may the houses, the cattle make me illustrious.

udcy diypa oadhayo mrjayantm

In the northern quarter may the waters, the plants, the trees make me illustrious.

rdhvy di yaja savatsaro yaja-patir mrjayantm

In the zenith may the sacrifice, the year, the Lord of Sacrifice make me illustrious.

o vaivnarya vidmahe | lllya dhmahi | tanno agni pracodayt

We cognize the Mystic Fire within the soul of all beings, may that Illuminator enlighten us.


Homage to Agni
agne naya supath rye asmn vivni deva vayunni vidvan |
yuyodhyasmaj-juhuram eno bhyihnte nama uktim vidhema ||
o agnaye nama agni tmanyudvsaymi ||
O Refulgent Agni you possess all kinds of knowledge and are therefore wise. Lead us in a goodly path to
the wealth of Beatitude. Keep away from us corrupting sin which stands in the way of our attainment.
We offer you many salutations.
Om Obeisance to Agni - I return you to your place within my heart

namaste grhapatyya namaste dakignaye |
nama havanyya mah vedyi namo nama ||
Reverence to the Garhapatya fire , reverence to the dakshina fire. Reverence to the Ahavaniya fire and to
the Main Altar I pay repeated reverence.

ka dvaya upapdhyya karma brahma svarpiam |

svarga apavarga rpya yajeya namo nama ||
I pay my obeisances to the Lord of Sacrifices who is manifest in the form of the twin divisions of the Vedas
relating to Action (karma-kanda) and to Knowledge (Brahma-kanda) which are the causes of heaven
and liberation respectively.

yajecyuta govinda mdhava anata keava |

ka vio hkea vsudeva namo'stu te ||
Salutations to you O Krishna, the Lord of Sacrifice, The All-pervading One, the Lord-of-the-senses, the
Eternal One, the Consort of Lakshmi, the Indweller, and Lord of the Universe.

mantra hna kriya hna bhakti hna hutana |

yad huta tu may deva paripra tad astu te ||
Deficient as this sacrifice is in formulae, methodology and devotion O Agni! Whatever I have offered my
Lord, let it be acceptable to you.

pryacitta anya ei tapa karmtma kni vai |

yni tem ae ka anusmaraa param ||
There is no other expiation in austerities and other actions whereby everything that is deficient becomes
whole other than by the remembrance of the name of Krishna.

yasya smtya c nmokta tapa yaja kriydiu |

nynam sampratm yti sadyo vande tam acyutam ||
o r ka ka ka

Brhmaa Bhojanam


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