Effect of Lime

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Effect of Lime-Stabilized Sludge as Landfill Cover on Refuse

by Rodney D. Rhew, S.M.ASCE, (Engr., Anderson & Assoc., 7349-F West Friendly Ave., reensboro,
!C "74#$% &nd orton !. "arlaz, M.ASCE, (Assoc. 'ro(.,, )e*t. o( Civ. Engrg., +o, 79$-, !ort.
C&rolin& St&te /niv., 0&leig., !C "7192-79$-%
Journal of Environmental Engineering, 3ol. #"#, !o. 7, 45ly #992, **. 499-2$1,
(doi6 .tt*677d,.doi.org7#$.#$1#7(ASCE%$733-937"(#992%#"#67(499% %,
!bstract# 8ncre&sed 95&ntities o( :&ste:&ter-tre&t;ent sl5dge co5*led :it. ;ore stringent
reg5l&tions ;&<e it i;*ort&nt to develo* &ltern&tives (or resid5&ls ;&n&ge;ent. =.e
5se o( & ;i,t5re o( &n&erobic&lly digested, li;e-st&bili>ed :&ste:&ter sl5dge (?SS%
&nd soil &s & cover ;&teri&l :&s ev&l5&ted (or its e((ect on re(5se deco;*osition &nd
le&c.&te 95&lity. =ests :ere cond5cted in 4-? re&ctors (illed :it. s.redded re(5se &nd
o*er&ted to &cceler&te re(5se st&bili>&tion. Cover ;i,t5res ev&l5&ted in 95&dr5*lic&te
incl5ded *5re soil, *5re li;e, &nd ;i,t5res cont&ining 4$@ &nd 7$@ ?SS in soil.
Met.&ne *rod5ction &nd le&c.&te st&bili>&tion :ere en.&nced in re&ctors cont&ining
&dded li;e or ?SS. =.e *resence o( ?SS in t.e cover did not incre&se t.e
concentr&tions o( !A3-!, 'B4-',Cd, Cr, Fe, !i, 'b, or Cn in t.e le&c.&te. =.ere :&s &
slig.t incre&se in C5 &ttrib5t&ble to ?SS. =.e 5se o( ?SS, or ot.er li;e-cont&ining
:&stes in l&nd(ill cover ;&teri&l .&s t.e *otenti&l to be bene(ici&l &s & so5rce o(
ine,*ensive cover ;&teri&l, &s &n o5tlet (or li;e :&ste, &nd &s & ;et.od to en.&nce
re(5se deco;*osition &nd le&c.&te st&bili>&tion.
Use of lime-treated wastewater sludge-soil
mixtures for daily cover in solid waste landflls
by Aziz Amoozegar, Morton A. Barlaz, A.R. Rubin.
Amoozegar-"ard, Azizola.
Barlaz, Morton A., Rubin, A. Robert $%&'-, (ater Resources Researc
)nstitute of te University of *ort +arolina.
,anguage! -nglis
.ublised! /Raleig, *.+.01 ! (ater Resources Researc )nstitute of te University of
*ort +arolina, $%%'
2eries! 23ecial re3ort series 4(ater Resources Researc )nstitute of te University
of *ort +arolina5 6 no. $7.
2ub8ects! 2ewage sludge.
,and treatment of wastewater.
2ewage dis3osal in te ground.
*o 9ags, Be te frst to tag tis record
!&tion&l Co5ncil (or Air &nd Stre&; 8;*rove;ent, 8nc. (!CAS8%. "$$2. Co;*il&tion o( Altern&tive ?&nd(ill Cover
E,*erience /sing W&ste:&ter =re&t;ent 'l&nt 0esid5&ls. =ec.nic&l +5lletin !o. $9$$. 0ese&rc. =ri&ngle '&r<, !C6
!&tion&l Co5ncil (or Air &nd Stre&; 8;*rove;ent, 8nc.
W&ste M&n&g 0es March 1993 vol. 11no. 2 127-142
W&ste M&n&ge;ent & 0ese&rc.
$ydraulic and echanical Characteristics of
a Compacted unicipal Solid %aste
Craig $. "enson
Environ;ent&l eotec.nics 'rogr&;, )e*&rt;ent o( Civil &nd Environ;ent&l Engineering, /niversity
o( Wisconsin-M&dison, M&dison, Wisconsin 237$1, /.S.A.
a&di !. 'thman
Environ;ent&l eotec.nics 'rogr&;, )e*&rt;ent o( Civil &nd Environ;ent&l Engineering, /niversity
o( Wisconsin-M&dison, M&dison, Wisconsin 237$1, /.S.A.
0es5lts o( & l&bor&tory st5dy &re *resented t.&t describe .ydr&5lic &nd ;ec.&nic&l *ro*erties o( &
co;*&cted co;*ost derived (ro; & ;i,t5re o( ;5nici*&l solid :&ste &nd tre&t;ent *l&nt sl5dge. =.e
obDective o( t.e st5dy :&s to deter;ine i( co;*&cted co;*ost .&s *ro*erties desir&ble o( & .ydr&5lic
b&rrier 5sed in liners &nd (in&l covers o( l&nd(ills. Brdin&rily, t.e .ydr&5lic b&rrier is constr5cted :it.
co;*&cted cl&y &nd7 or & geo;e;br&ne. ?&bor&tory tests :ere *er(or;ed to deter;ine t.e *&rticle si>e
distrib5tion, co;*&ction c.&r&cteristics, .ydr&5lic cond5ctivity &nd s.e&r strengt. o( t.e co;*&cted
co;*ost. =ests .&ve &lso been cond5cted to ev&l5&te6 (#% t.e resist&nce o( co;*ost to c.&nges c&5sed
by desicc&tion &nd (ree>e-t.&:, ("% t.e e((ects o( e,tended *er;e&tion &nd (3% t.e concentr&tion o(
cont&;in&nts le&c.ed d5ring *er;e&tion. =.e res5lts o( t.e st5dy s.o: t.&t co;*ost c&n be co;*&cted
into & dense ;&ss :it. lo: .ydr&5lic cond5ctivity (" , #$
; s
%. 8t is &lso ;ore resist&nt to incre&ses in
.ydr&5lic cond5ctivity c&5sed by desicc&tion &nd (ree>e-t.&: t.&n co;*&cted cl&y. Co;*&cted co;*ost
&lso .&s gre&ter s.e&r strengt. t.&n co;*&cted cl&y &nd t.ere(ore is li<ely to re;&in st&ble on ty*ic&l
l&nd(ill slo*es. Ao:ever, cont&;in&nts considered .&>&rdo5s, s5c. &s .e&vy ;et&ls, :ere le&c.ed (ro;
t.e co;*ost &t levels e,ceeding /nited St&tes drin<ing :&ter st&nd&rds. =.e res5lts s5ggest t.&t t.e
co;*ost 5sed in t.is st5dy .&s .ydr&5lic &nd ;ec.&nic&l *ro*erties desir&ble o( & .ydr&5lic b&rrier &nd
(5rt.er det&iled st5dy o( its 5se is :&rr&nted.
W&ste M&n&g 0es August 1999 vol. 17 no. 4 288-295
"ottom ash from sludge ca(e as a barrier
material to pollutant migration in landfills
). Remigius Egwuonwu '(oli
#. Aydr&5lic &nd Environ;ent&l Engineering )ivision, )e*&rt;ent o( Civil Engineering,
Aristotle /niversity o( =.ess&loni<i, 24$$1 =.ess&loni<i, reece
). *eorge "alafoutas
#. Aydr&5lic &nd Environ;ent&l Engineering )ivision, )e*&rt;ent o( Civil Engineering,
Aristotle /niversity o( =.ess&loni<i, 24$$1 =.ess&loni<i, reece
=re&ted 5rb&n se:&ge sl5dge, :.ic. .&d been de:&tered &nd dried in &n o*en bed, :&s loc&lly b5rnt in
&n o*en dr5; &nd botto; &s.es :ere (or;ed. =.is :or< investig&ted :.et.er t.ese botto; &s.es o(
dried sl5dge c&<es (SCb&s.%E *rod5ced by loc&l l&bo5r &nd e95i*;ent, co5ld be 5sed &s l&nd(ill covers or
liners, & (5nction nor;&lly served by cl&y. ?&bor&tory tests :ere *er(or;ed to deter;ine t.e *&rticle si>e
distrib5tion, Atterberg li;its, co;*&ction c.&r&cteristics, .ydr&5lic cond5ctivity &nd s.e&r strengt.
*&r&;eters o( t.e sl5dge c&<e. =.e e((ects o( desicc&tion &nd (ree>e-t.&: *rocesses on t.e .ydr&5lic
cond5ctivity o( SCb&s. :ere &lso e,&;ined. 8t :&s (o5nd t.&t *ro*erly co;*&cted &nd st&bili>ed SCb&s. .&s
t.e re95isite *ro*erties (or 5se &s l&nd(ill covers or liners. =.e SCb&s. c&n be co;*&cted into & dense
;&ss :it. & lo: .ydr&5lic cond5ctivity o( t.e order o( #.#2 F #$
; s
(&s & co;*&rison, t.e .ydr&5lic
cond5ctivity o( co;*&cted cl&y is &ro5nd #$
; s
%. =.e co;*&cted SCb&s. &lso s.o:ed good de(ence
&g&inst t.e incre&ses in .ydr&5lic cond5ctivity c&5sed by desicc&tion &nd (ree>e-t.&: *rocesses
co;*&red :it. t.e d&t& re*orted (or co;*&cted cl&ys. =.e co;*&cted SCb&s. &lso .&s & gre&ter s.e&r
strengt. t.&n is ty*ic&lly e,*ected o( co;*&cted cl&y &nd t.ere(ore is li<ely to re;&in st&ble on & ty*ic&l
l&nd(ill slo*e design b&sed on t.e s.e&r strengt. o( cl&y.
Utilization of Illinois PCC Dry Bottom Ash for Compacted
Landfll Barriers
Authors: Sanjeev Kumar
; ames Ste!art
Source: So"l an# Se#"ment $ontam"nat"on %&ormerl' ournal o& So"l $ontam"nat"on() *olume
12) +um,er 3) Ma'-une 2--3 ) ... 4-1-415%15(
Publisher: /a'lor an# 0ranc"s 1t#
+om3acted soil barriers are one of te most im3ortant com3onents of munici3al
waste landflls. 9e material used to construct a landfll liner and:or ca3 must
3revent te ;ow of ;uids troug tem. 2oils wit low values of 3ermeability 4suc
as com3acted clays5 are often used to construct landfll barriers. *atural sands and
oter coesionless materials are used to construct ydraulic barriers by adding
admixtures to modify teir 3ro3erties. 2everal studies ave been conducted tat
dealt wit determining geotecnical engineering 3ro3erties of sand-bentonite
mixtures. .ulverized coal combustion 4.++5 dry bottom as is a coal combustion by-
3roduct of burning coal to 3roduce electricity. Because of te increasing costs
associated wit te dis3osal of bottom as and te environmental regulations in
3lace, tere is a need to develo3 alternate metods for 3roftable and
environmentally safe uses of tis waste material. Most scientists and researcers
ave concluded tat bottom as as geotecnical caracteristics similar to tose of
sands. <owever, information on te use of bottom as, wit or witout admixtures,
in te construction of landfll barriers is limited. Most of te available literature on
te engineering 3ro3erties of bottom as deals wit its use as a fll material. 9e
3ysical and cemical caracteristics of bottom as de3end on several factors
including ty3e of coal used and ty3e of boiler and collection system. 9is 3a3er
3resents te results of an ex3erimental study conducted to determine te 3ossible
use of )llinois .++ dry bottom as amended wit bentonite to construct landfll
barriers. 9est results 3resented sow tat te average value of ydraulic
conductivity of )llinois .++ dry bottom as wit $'= bentonite content is close to
te acce3table value re>uired for its use as ydraulic barrier. 9erefore, it was
concluded tat )llinois .++ dry bottom as, modifed wit $'= or iger bentonite
content, is li?ely to 3rovide ade>uate ydraulic conductivity for its use to construct
landfll barriers.
Keywords: ,ottom ash; coal ash; cla' ,arr"ers; lan#&"lls; h'#raul"c con#uct"v"t'
Reclamation of solid waste landflls by cappin with
dreded material
A!te!r"s# $ A!thor"s#
M#<A* R. @.
6 <-RB)+< A. B.
6 <#22*-R ,. R.
6 (),,)AM2 ". 2.
A cost-eDective metod for reclaiming solid waste landflls by ca33ing wit clayey
dredged material is illustrated in tis 3a3er using a closure design develo3ed for
bauxite residue landflls in 9exas. 9e design consisted of ca33ing te landflls wit
dredged material obtained from maintenance dredging at a nearby bay and
establising a vegetative layer on te ca3 using salt-tolerant 3lant s3ecies. A
researc metodology com3rised of laboratory cylinder tests, feld revegetation
tests and com3uter-based trans3ort modeling was used to evaluate te
eDectiveness of te various ca33ing alternatives and to select te fnal design
3arameters for te landfll. Results from tis study indicated tat a ca3 consisting of
a E.C$ m 4$.Eft5 sandy dredged material layer 4to3soil layer for establising
vegetation5 underlain by a E.7$ m 4B.E ft5 clayey dredged material layer 4low
3ermeability layer5 can be used as an eDective barrier for closure of solid waste
landflls yielding eDective isolation of te waste from te environment. 9e design
develo3ed in tis study can be a33lied to oter similar solid waste sites wit minor
modifcations de3ending u3on te waste 3ro3erties, site caracteristics, and closure
re>uirements of te facility.
Re%!e $ &o!rnal 'itle
Aournal of azardous materials I(() ECE&-CF%& C*D+) A<MAG%
(o!rce $ (o!rce
$%%H, vol. 'C, n
$-C, 33. $&$-$7& 4B% ref.5
<ydraulic conductivity of ;y asIsewage sludge mixes for
use in landfll cover liners

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