Supply Chain Meena Bazar

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Impacts of E-Business and Factors Influencing

the Implementation of E-Business in Grocery

Study on Meena Bazar
Impacts of E-Business and Factors Influencing the Implementation
of E-Business in Grocery Industry: Study on Meena Bazar
Prepared For:
Mimnun Sultana
Senior Lecturer
School of Business and Economics
Prepared By:
1. Farah Hasan Sarah- 111 122 135
2. ShiffatAra Bonny- 111 !2 122
3. "inath"ahan #oor- 111 !2 5$
%. &uhina"ahan- 111 '1 21
3 A(ril 213
Ms. Mimnun Sultana
Senior Lecturer
School of Business
)nited *nternational )ni+ersity
Subject: Solicitation for Acceptance of the report.
,ear Madam-
.e are (leased to su/mit the reporton 0Impacts of E-business and Factors Influencing the
Implementation of E-business in Grocery Industry: Study on Meena Bazar1. We have tried
our /est to ma2e this report holistic and informati+e enou3h. All the 4or2s (resented here are
done 4ith utmost sincerely and honesty.
.e a((reciate your coo(eration and 3uidelines. .or2in3 4ith such an interestin3 (ro3ram
has3i+en us the o((ortunity to achie+e e5(erience on it. .e shall /e hi3hly encoura3ed if you
are2ind enou3h to recei+e this re(ort. .e are al4ays a+aila/le for any further 6uarries
re3ardin3this re(ort.
1. Farah Hasan Sarah- 111 122 135
2. ShiffatAra Bonny- 111 !2 122
3. "inath"ahan #oor- 111 !2 5$
%. &uhina"ahan- 111 '1 21
5. #asrin A2hter- 111 !3 1
First of all 4e 4ould li2e to than2 our honora/le faculty Ms. Mimnun Sultana, senior lecturer-
School of Business and Economics- )nited *nternational )ni+ersity- for 3i+in3 us such an
iii | P a g e
o((ortunity to (re(are the re(ort onImpacts of E-business and Factors Influencing for
Implementation of E-business in Grocery Shopsfor the course Supply Chain Management.
7ur s(ecial than2s to the mana3ement of Meena Ba8ar for their coo(eration and (ro+idin3 us
4ith re6uired information 4ithout any hindrance. .e are also 3rateful to each other of our 3rou(
mem/ers for e+eryone9s time and sincere coo(eration in doin3 the assi3nment in time.
iv | P a g e
Table of ontent
1 INTRODUCTION:.........................................................................................1
2 Bangladeh !hain upertore" e!tor:.....................................................1
# $WOT %nal&i o' (eena Ba)ar:.................................................................*
+ ,-!!e i /eing ue in (eena /a))ar:...............................................0
+.1 The IT-/aed ervi!e uing /& (eena Ba)ar:......................................0
+.2 Role o' e-!!e in (eena Ba)ar:...................................................0
+.# ,./ar1 on e-!!e:......................................................................2
+.+ Initiating peron o' e-!!e in .eena /a)ar:................................2
* ,C give a !o.petitive advantage to .eena /a)ar:..................................3
*.1 Bene4t o'!e to Organi)ation:............................................3
*.2 ,-!!e help (eena Ba)ar to !o.pete 5ith other !o.petitor:. 3
*.# The other /ene4t e-!!e give (eena Ba)ar:...........................6
0 The 5a& ,-!!e hould /e ued in (eena Ba)ar............................17
0.1 The opportunitie to i.prove e-!!e pra!ti!e in (eena Ba)ar: 17
0.2 The additional ,C a!tivitie !ould /e developed in (eena Ba)ar:.....11
0.2.1 %dvertie:.....................................................................................11
0.2.2 $o!ial (edia:................................................................................11
0.2.# Other:.........................................................................................11
2 The Organi)ational 8a!tor9 Individual 8a!tor9 and ,:ternal
,nviron.ental 8a!tor In;uen!e the I.ple.entation o' e-!!e:..........12
2.1 OR<%NI=%TION%> 8%CTOR$:..............................................................12
7.1.1 8ir. i)e:......................................................................................12
2.1.2 Chara!teriti! o' the produ!t:.....................................................1#
2.1.# Degree o' diveri4!ation:.............................................................1#
2.1.+ (ar1eting a/ilitie:.......................................................................1#
2.1.* Te!hni!al 1ill:.............................................................................1#
7.1.6 Range o' a!tivit&:..........................................................................1+
v | P a g e
2.1.2 Degree o' third part& dependen!e:..............................................1+
2.1.3 Co.petitive trateg&:...................................................................1+
2.2 P,R$ON%> 8%CTOR$:..........................................................................1+
2.2.1 %ttitude and per!eption:...............................................................1+
2.2.2 Trut:............................................................................................1*
2.2.# Reitan!e to !hange:..................................................................1*
2.# ,?T,RN%> 8%CTOR$:..........................................................................1*
7.3.1 In'ratru!ture and /uine related 'a!tor:.................................1*
7.3.2 Co.petition related 'a!tor:.........................................................10
3 ,-!!e Change the Organi)ational Buine Pro!e o' (eena
3.1 The Reour!e That Change Organi)ational Buine Pro!e:........10
3.1.1 Reour!e:........................................................................10
3.1.2 8un!tional Reour!e:...................................................................10
3.1.# Te!hnologi!al Capa/ilitie:...........................................................12
3.1.+ Organi)ational Capa/ilitie:..........................................................12
3.2 The Change are (anaged B&:...........................................................12
3.# The DiA!ultie Dealing 5ith ,-!!e:.........................................16
3.#.1 $e!urit&:.......................................................................................16
3.#.2 $&te. and Data Integrit&:...........................................................16
3.#.# $&te. $!ala/ilit&:.......................................................................16
3.#.+ ,B!!e I Not 8ree:..............................................................16
3.#.* $ear!h I Not ,A!ient or CotBeCe!tive:.....................27
3.#.0 Relation Pro/le.:......................................................27
3.#.2 Produ!t People 5onDt /u& online:................................................27
3.#.3 Corporate Eulnera/ilit&:................................................................27
3.#.6 @igh Ri1 o' Internet $tartBup:.....................................................21
6 The reaon 'or ! 5ouldFhould not li1e to ue ,C:...................21
6.1 The reaon ! hould li1e ,C:..............................................21
6.2 The reaon ! hould not li1e e-!!e:..........................21
17 Re'eren!e:..............................................................................................22
vi | P a g e
vii | P a g e
!"ecuti#e $ummar%
Electronic commerce is no4 a means for /usiness 3ro4th and e5(ansion in relation to /oth small
and lar3e firms irres(ecti+e of their 3eo3ra(hical locations. Ban3ladesh is still far from
de+elo(ment of such e-commerce s(ecially B2: ;Business to :onsumer< e-commerce. Meena
Ba8ar is a 4ell-de+elo(ed su(er sho((in3 in ,ha2a :ity. *t has also some outlets outside ,ha2a
:ity. *t is a retailer of the daily 3oods includin3 all the fast mo+in3 consumer 3oods li2e
household- 3roceries- stationeries and cosmetics etc. *t offers clean and friendly en+ironment
4ith a 4ide ran3e of 6uality (roducts at afforda/le (rices and it has /ecome the (rimary channel
for distri/ution of foods and other household effects on the consumers.
&he re(ort mainly focuses on the emer3ence of e-commerce and the factors that affect the
im(lementation of e-commerce in retail sector. &he study has /een conducted on Meena Ba8ar
4hich is one of the (ioneers in su(ermar2et chain in Ban3ladesh. &he re(ort also co+ers the
+arious issues related to e-commerce and its im(lementation in retail chain. Accordin3 to the
findin3s- Meena Ba8a has introduced e-commerce- althou3h not in its full e5tent. &he re(ort
concludes 4ith a discussion on the chan3es in /usiness (rocess of Meena Ba8ar resultin3 from
the use of e-commerce- the challen3es and the difficulties of im(lementin3 e-commerce from
/oth sellers9 and customers9 (ers(ecti+e.
viii | P a g e
Impacts of E-Business and Factors Influencing the Implementation of
E-Business in Grocery Industry: Study on Meena Bazar
1 &'T()*+T&)':
Meena Ba8ar is one of the chain su(er mar2ets of the Ban3ladesh 4hich ser+e in Ban3ladesh
from 2. Meena Ba8ar- the first truly national su(ermar2et chain 4as founded 4ith the
(romise of year-round. .ith a stron3 15-2 (er cent annual sales 3ro4th- a/out 3 com(anies
4ith more than 2 outlets ha+e already made foray into the industry since =ahimafroo8- one of
the lar3est /usiness 3rou(s in Ban3ladesh- introduced A3ora- a chain su(erstore- in the ca(ital a
decade a3o.
Stren3ths of the Meena Ba8ar is Si8e allo4s for com(etiti+e /uyin3 terms- Stron3 senior
mana3ement- Fle5i/le formats. 7((ortunities of the Meena Ba8ar are formin3 or mer3in3 a
strate3ic alliance 4ith su((liers- >ro4th of non-food- >ro4th of con+enience and com(act
hy(ermar2et formats- effecti+e use of :lu/ card data/ase to increase /as2et si8e and ,e+elo(
additional ser+ices.
Meena Ba8aar has successfully im(lemented the or3ani8ational culture to the 4or2er. &hey ha+e
a dress code in the outlets. From this the /uyer can easily tress out 4ho 4ill ser+e them and can
hel( them. Another culture is that they are +ery a4are a/out the time. &hey ha+e a 3ood
or3ani8ational /ondin3.
2 ,anglade$- c-ain $uper$tore.$ $ector$:
Su(erstores are set to /oom in the country as the current mar2et (layers. &hey are (lannin3 to
o(en se+eral hundred more outlets in the ne5t fe4 years to co(e 4ith the risin3 demand from the
consumers. .ith a stron3 15-2 (er cent annual sales 3ro4th- a/out 3 com(anies 4ith more
than 2 outlets ha+e already made foray into the industry since =ahimafroo8- one of the lar3est
/usiness 3rou(s in Ban3ladesh- introduced A3ora- a chain su(erstore- in the ca(ital a decade a3o.
&he annual turno+er of the su(erstores no4 stands at around &215. /illion ;15 crore<-
1 | P a g e
accordin3 to Ban3ladesh Su(ermar2et 74ners Association ;BS7A<. &hey say that- a rise in
or3ani8ed retailin3 4ould offer the consumers hy3ienic foods at com(etiti+e (rices- com(ared to
those offered /y retailers in the 2itchen mar2ets- 4here commodities are sold mostly in
unhy3ienic condition.
&he rise in the num/er of su(ermar2ets- accordin3 to analysts- 4ill di+ersify the choices of
consumers and /oost their s(endin3- so much needed for economic 3ro4th- 4hile the 4et
mar2ets 4ill also im(ro+e 6uality and ser+ices follo4in3 in the footste(s of su(ermar2ets. But a
decade a3o- the retail-le+el trade 4as in the hands of thousands of small traders in the 4et
mar2ets and the 3rocery sho(s in cities and remained out of the focus of the /i3 /usiness houses.
&he landsca(e /e3an to chan3e in 2 4hen =ahimafroo8 Su(erstores- o(eratin3 A3ora- mo+ed
in to sei8e a slice of the retailin3 and 4holesale trade- 4hich has /een 3ro4in3 at $ (er cent- on
an a+era3e- annually.
,ha2a-/ased A3ora no4 runs four outlets- Meena Ba8ar nine includin3 se+en in ,ha2a- ?@S
fi+e- ?rince Ba8ar t4o- #andan fi+e and S4a(no A includin3 3 outside the ca(ital. Ban3ladesh
=ifles ;B,=< also runs 11 stores in the ca(ital. Accordin3 to o(erators- more than $ chain
retail outlets are e5(ected to /e set u( in the ne5t fi+e years in an attem(t to attract more
:onsumers can /uy as much as nearly 2- (roducts of different 2inds from such a store- the
o(erators /oast. Su(ermar2ets ha+e successfully made a /rea2throu3h in the ur/an lifestyle 4ith
the idea of all essential commodities under one roof. *n the early days of the /usiness- around
5 customers 4ould +isit a su(ermar2et outlet daily. #o4 some 5- customers come to a
store e+ery day- they say.
3 /iterature (e#iew of !0ommerce:
311 2-at i$ e0ommerce3
E-:ommerce refers to the (rocess of /uyin3 or sellin3 (roducts or ser+ice o+er an electronic
net4or2. &he most (o(ular medium in 4hich e-:ommerce is conducted is the internet. *t
com/ines a ran3e of (rocess such asB
2 | P a g e
Electronic ,ata *nterchan3e ;E,*<
Electronic mail ;E-mail<
.orld .ide .e/ ;...<
*nternet A((lications
#et4or2 A((lications.
Basically e-:ommerce in+ol+es the sale or (urchase of 3oods or ser+ices o+er com(uter
mediated net4or2s. &hese 3oods or ser+ices may /e ordered throu3h these net4or2s- /ut
(ayment for them and the ultimate deli+ery of the 3oods and ser+ices may /e conducted on or off
line. Some analyst define e-commerce as sim(le /uyin3 and sellin3 o+er electronic net4or2sC
and use e-/usiness ;/u884ord< to refer to these 4ider ran3e of su((ortin3 /usiness acti+ities that
can /e conducted o+er such net4or2s.
&here are three /asic com(onents to e+ery e-commerce solutionB
312 4i$tor% of !0ommerce:
*n 1'59s com(anies /e3an to use com(uters to store and (rocess internal transaction
By 1'$9s /usinesses that en3a3ed lar3e +olume of transaction had /e3an e5chan3in3
transaction information on (unched card
*n 1'$! &rans(ortation ,ata :o-ordination :ommittee ;&,:: < 4as formed /y some
*n 1'A' A#S* ;American #ational Standards *nstitute< chattered a ne4 committee to
de+elo( uniform E,* ;Electron ,ata *nterchan3e<
*n 1'!A )# (u/lish its first standards under the title E,*
# | P a g e
313 Traditional and !lectronic$ ,u$ine$$ Tran$action:
&he /usiness (rocesses are /roadly di+ided into fi+e main cate3ories namelyB
Mar2et (roduct and ser+ices
Sell and deli+er (roducts and ser+ices
?rocess (ayments
Mana3e relationshi(
Mana3e the enter(rise
315 T%pe$ of !0ommerce:
E-!!e !an /e divided into pri.aril& three !ategorie
31511 ,u$ine$$ to con$umer 6,27:
Where enterprie ell dire!tl& to the !uto.er9 o'ten !utting out GHdiinter
.ediating"I 5holealer or H/ri!1 and .ortar" retail outlet. B2C i the .ot
! undertood 'or. o' internet /uine. The .ot u!!e'ul trading
ha /een 5ith tandard produ!t u!h a CD9 Boo19 $o't5are9
do5nloada/le .ui! et!.
31512 ,u$ine$$ to ,u$ine$$ 6,2,7:
It i larger9 gro5ing 'ater. Thi in!lude pro!ure.ent o' ra5 .aterial and
upplie9 liaion 5ith !ontra!tor9 ale !hannel9 ervi!ing !uto.er9
!olla/orating 5ith partner9 integrated .anage.ent 5ith data and
31513 ,u$ine$$ to 8o#ernment 6,287:
@ere /uine trade dire!tl& 5ith govern.ent oA!e and agen!ie 'or pu/li!
pro!ure.ent Ge.g. upplie 'or hopital9 !hool and other govern.ent
31515 on$umer to con$umer 627:
Online trana!tion /et5een private individual.
+ | P a g e
5 Meena ,a9ar: A ,rief )#er#iew:
Meena Ba8ar D one of the chain su(er mar2ets of the Ban3ladesh 4hich ser+e in Ban3ladesh
from 2. Meena Ba8ar- the first truly national su(ermar2et chain 4as founded 4ith the
(romise of year-round freshness- afforda/le (rice- and the most (leasura/le and hassle-free
family sho((in3 e5(erience for all. Eee(in3 true to this con+iction- Meena Ba8ar has ca(tured
the hearts of sho((ers all o+er. ,ue to our continuous e5(ansion (lans- 4e are loo2in3 for smart-
hard4or2in3 and (roacti+e youn3 (eo(le to /e (art of our dynamic team.
Here the Meena Ba8ar is the selected or3ani8ation for the study and access this or3ani8ation for
the find our 4hich 4ill hel( to do /etter (erformance of it.
: S2)T Anal%$i$ of Meena ,a9ar:
Si8e allo4s for com(etiti+e /uyin3 terms
Stron3 senior mana3ement
Fle5i/le formats
Stron3 hy(ermar2et (ortfolio
:o+era3e the Me3a :ity ,ha2a
*ncreasin3 le+el of in+estment
Stron3 (rice messa3e and offer at com(etiti+e
(rice than the com(etetors
E5(andin3 non-food and online offer
Efficient distri/ution
:annot s(read the outlets all o+er the
*ncreasin3 3eo3ra(hical s(read ma2es focus
on s(ecific
Mar2ets difficult
E5(osed to macroeconomic difficulties in
some mar2ets
*nternational e5(ansion re6uires su/stantial
Hi3h reliance on ,ha2a Mar2et
?oor :S= and community im(act
Formin3 or mer3in3 a strate3ic alliance 4ith
>ro4th of non-food
>ro4th of con+enience and com(act
hy(ermar2et formats
Effecti+e use of :lu/ card data/ase to
increase /as2et si8e
Faces ran3e of di+erse com(etitors
*ncreased le+el of Featin3 outF
Mo+e to4ards (remium does not sit 4ith
Meena Ba8arGs traditional stren3ths
=estricti+e (lannin3 3uidelines
?olitical o((osition to the (o4er of
* | P a g e
,e+elo( additional ser+ices su(ermar2ets tends to focus on Meena Ba8ar
Table: 111 S2)T Anal%$i$ of Meena ,a9ar
; !0commerce +$ed b% Meena ,a99ar:
E-commerce is used in Meena Ba8ar /y follo4in3 ty(esB
;11 T-e &T0ba$ed $er#ice$ u$ing b% Meena ,a9ar:
. Meena Ba8ar stores e5(loit the follo4in3 technolo3iesB
.ireless de+ices
*ntelli3ent scale
Electronic shelf la/elin3
Self-chec2-out machine
=adio Fre6uency *dentification ;=F*,<.
&echnolo3y is a maHor macro-en+ironmental +aria/le 4hich has influenced the de+elo(ment of
many of the Meena Ba8ar (roducts. &he ne4 technolo3ies /enefit /oth customers and the
com(anyB customer satisfaction rises /ecause 3oods are readily a+aila/leC ser+ices can /ecome
more (ersonali8ed and sho((in3 more con+enient. &he launch of the Efficient :onsumer
=es(onse ;E:=< initiati+e (ro+ided the shift that is no4 a((arent in the mana3ement of food
su((ly chains.
;12 (ole of e0commerce in Meena ,a9ar:
&he roles of E-commerce in Meena Ba8ar areB
E-commerce is one of the chea(est means of doin3 /usiness as it is ecommerce de+elo(ment
that has made it (ossi/le to reduce the cost of (romotion of (roducts and ser+ices.
&here is no time /arrier in sellin3 the (roducts. 7ne can lo3 on to the internet e+en at
midni3ht and can sell the (roducts at a sin3le clic2 of mouse.
&he on-time alerts are meant for the con+enience of the consumers and inform the
consumers a/out ne4 (roducts.
0 | P a g e
E-commerce reduces deli+ery time and la/or cost thus it has /een (ossi/le to sa+e the time
of /oth D the +endor and the consumer.
Hence- in this cut-throat com(etition- an interacti+e user friendly and focused 4e/site in the
form of online sho(s can 3enerate Meena Ba8ar 3ood /usiness. &hey can find a lot of 4e/
de+elo(ment ser+ices from 4here they can 3et your 4e/site made /ut it is ad+isa/le to hire
a relia/le and user friendly 4e/ de+elo(ment ser+ice.
;13 !mbark on e0commerce:
Meena Ba8ar- a chain su(ermar2et of >emcon >rou(- on 2
a(ril 213 Sunday launched a fully e-commerce-/ased 4e/
site for its customers li+in3 at home and a/road. &he (ortal-
4hich can /e reached at 444.meena/ aims to
(ro+ide home deli+ery of ordered 3oods.
7n the same occasion- the chain su(ermar2et also launched
Iclu/ card9 at >emcon9s,hanmondi office. :laimin3 that they
4ould deli+er the ordered item 4ithin 2% hours- Meena Ba8ar chief o(eratin3 officer Shaheen
Ehan said customers 4ould /e a/le to (lace orders throu3h the 4e/ site and the deli+ery 4ould
ta2e a ma5imum of 3$ hours.
I,eli+ery time is from 'Bam till 1B(m- de(endin3 on the time the order 4as (laced and
traffic on the road-9 he added.
*nformin3 that customer9s Jisa- Master and American E5(ress (ayments are 3oin3 throu3h
secured (ayment 3ate4ays o(erated /y the res(ecti+e /an2s- Shaheen said- I:ustomer9s card
details 4ill /e securely transmitted to the /an2 for transaction authorisation.9
;15 &nitiating per$on of e0commerce in meena ba9ar:
>emcon 3rou( director Ea8i*nam Ahmed and communication mana3er Ahmed Shoye/*6/al
addressed the 4e/ site and Iclu/ card9 launch.
I:ustomers ha+e to enter the country and the credit card /illin3 address- in addition to the normal
credit card details at the (oint of (ayment. &he tele(hone num/er of the recei+in3 (arty is a
com(ulsory field in the order form. .e 4ill call and confirm the address and the route /efore
deli+erin3 the order-9
2 | P a g e
< !0ommerce =ro#iding ompetiti#e Ad#antage to Meena ,a9ar:
:om(etiti+e ad+anta3e has to do 4ith a com(anyGs a/ility to outdo com(etitors- either /y
im(ro+in3 u(on 4hat com(etitors are currently doin3 or /y doin3 somethin3 com(letely
different in a 4ay that (ro+es successful. Bein3 a/le to im(lement an e-commerce (lan that
im(ro+es sales or cuts costs mi3ht 3i+e one retailer a com(etiti+e ad+anta3e o+er another. At the
same time- /ein3 the first to come u( 4ith a ne4 e-commerce /usiness model- or a uni6ue t4ist
on an e5istin3 model- mi3ht also allo4 an u(-start to 3ain an early com(etiti+e ad+anta3e.
<11 ,enefit$ of e0ommerce to )rgani9ation:
E5(ands the Mar2et(lace to national and international mar2et
,ecrease the cost of creatin3- (rocessin3- distri/utin3- storin3 and retrie+in3 (a(er /ased
Allo4s reduced in+entories and o+erhead /y facilitatin3 (ull-ty(e su((ly chain mana3ement
&he (ull-ty(e (rocessin3 allo4s for customi8ation of (roducts and ser+ices 4hich (ro+ides
com(etiti+e ad+anta3e to its im(lementers
=educes the time /et4een the outlay of ca(ital and the recei(t of (roduct and ser+ices
Su((orts Business (rocess re-en3ineerin3 ;B?=< efforts
Lo4ers telecommunication cost- the internet is much chea(er than +alue added net4or2s
<12 !0commerce -elp$ Meena ,a9ar to compete wit- ot-er competitor$:
Ena/les consumers to sho( or do other transaction 2% hours a day- all year round from
almost any location
?ro+ides consumers 4ith more choices
?ro+ides consumers 4ith less e5(ensi+e (roducts and ser+ices /y allo4in3 them to sho( in
many (laces and conduct 6uic2 com(arisons
Allo4s consumers to interact 4ith other consumers n electronic communities and e5chan3e
ideas as 4ell as e5(eriences
Facilitates com(etition 4hich results in su/stantial discounts
Allo4s 6uic2 deli+ery of (roducts and ser+ices ;in some cases< es(ecially 4ith di3iti8ed
3 | P a g e
:onsumers can recei+e rele+ant and detail information in seconds rather than in days or
Ma2es it (ossi/le to (artici(ate in +irtual auction
<13 T-e ot-er benefit$ e0commerce for Meena ,a9ar:
Ena/les more indi+iduals to 4or2 at home- and to do less tra+elin3 for sho((in3- resultin3
in less traffic on the roads and lo4er air (ollution
Allo4s some merchandise to /e sold at lo4er (rices /enefitin3 less affluent (eo(le
Ena/le (eo(le in third 4orld countries and rural areas to enHoy (roduct and ser+ices 4hich
other4ise are not a+aila/le to them
Facilitates deli+ery of (u/lic ser+ices at reduced cost- increases effecti+eness and or
im(ro+e 6uality
> T-e 2a% !0commerce S-ould be +$ed in Meena ,a9ar
,ue to the increased (o(ularity and a+aila/ility of *nternet access many traditional small /usiness are considerin3 e-
:ommerce as a +alid and (rofita/le sales channel. *t9s im(ortant for Meena Ba8ar to 4ei3ht carefully the differences
6 | P a g e
/et4een e-:ommerce and traditional commerce in order to decide if it 4ould /e a 3ood fit for your /usiness or Hust a
costly mista2e.
>11 T-e opportunitie$ to impro#e e0commerce practice in Meena ,a9ar:
Traditional ommerce #$1 e0ommerce:
&tem$ e0ommerce Traditional ommerce
Sales :hannel Enter(ri8e *nternet
.holesaler =etailer
Sales Hour K=e3ion Entire 4orld
=estricted area
=estricted sales hour
Sales (laceKmethod Mar2et s(ace
Sale /ased on
Mar2et s(ace ;store<
Sale /ased on
:ustomer information
Any time ac6uisition
throu3h internet
,i3ital ,ata 4ithout
no re-entry
Mar2et sur+ey and
=e6uire information
Mar2etin3 acti+ity 1B1 Mar2etin3 +ia /i-
directional communication
7ne 4ay mar2etin3 to
:ustomer su((ort =eal time su((ort
for customer
=eal time
ac6uisition of
customer needs
,elayed su((ort for
&ime different for
catchin3 customer
ca(ital small lar3e
>12 T-e Additional !0oomerce Acti#itie$ to be *e#eloped in Meena ,a9ar:
Meena Ba8ar can de+elo( their e-commerce /y usin3 additional acti+ities such as- ad+ertise and
social media. Because- mar2etin3 is /oth +ital to 3et ne4 clients and one of those areas 4here
17 | P a g e
/ud3et and time cuts are more li2ely to ha((en. *t is understanda/le that 4hen choosin3 4here to
s(end money- a salesman salary 4ill ran2 hi3her than hisKher /ud3et. So online ad+ertisin3 4ill hel(
them to select a faster time 4ith a hu3e collection of (roduct for them.
>1211 %dvertie.ent:
&he /est 4ay of reducin3 the cost and time s(ent on mar2etin3 is selectin3 4here to s(end them.
7(timi8in3 the cam(ai3ns to tar3et the net4or2s and 4e/sites- Meena Ba8ar9s tar3et audience is
most li2ely to +isit can reduce /oth the money and the time re6uired to mana3e them. So that
customers can 3et satisfied /y usin3 these 4e/ sites.
>1212 $o!ial(edia:
Social Media can /e e5tremely +alua/le to en3a3e 4ith the customers- current and (otential. *t9s also
relati+ely chea(- if Meena Ba8ar can create an account in &4itter or e+en a fan (a3e in Face/oo2
4ith Hust a /it of technical 2no4led3e. &he only thin3 those channels 4ill re6uire of (ro(er time to
interact 4ith the audience- a 3eneral understandin3 of ho4 (eo(le communicate there and may/e a
fe4 &a2as a month for a su/scri(tion to automation tool that 4ill ma2e Meena Ba8ar9s /usiness
>1213 )t-er$:
La(alla and >ray ;2$< mention the conce(t of 0!0,u$ine$$ Adaptation /adder1 (ro(osed /y
#achira ;22< that di+ides the (rocess of e+olution of e-/usiness to its current sta3e into the
follo4in3 si5 sta3esB
Stage 1 D introduction of e-mail as one of the most efficient /usiness communication
Stage 2 D 4ith the introduction of 4e/sites /usinesses 3ained access to 4orld mar2ets
Stage 3 D e-commerce 4as introduced and the con+enient (rocedures of orderin3 and
(ayin3 online chan3ed 3lo/al /usiness en+ironment irre+ersi/ly
Stage 5 D 4ith the de+elo(ment of e-/usiness the su((ly-chain o(erations of the /usiness
4ere inte3rated
Stage : D the conce(t of net4or2ed or3anisations introduced and the (rinci(les of o(en
information 4ith customers- su((liers and /usiness (artners are 4idely em/raced.
11 | P a g e
Stage ; D 4ith the ad+ent of di3ital ecosystem such /usiness conce(ts as 2no4led3e
sharin3- natural selection and the e+olution of ser+ices 4ere (romoted.
? T-e )rgani9ational @actor$, &ndi#idual @actor$, and !"ternal
!n#ironmental @actor$ &nfluence t-e &mplementation of e0
&here are a num/er of factors that can influence the im(lementation of e-commerce in a retail
chain li2e Mena Ba8aar. &hese factors can /e 3rou(ed into three formsB or3ani8ational- (ersonal
and e5ternal en+ironmental factors. &he influences of these three factors are discussed in the
follo4in3 su/sections.
?11 )(8A'&AAT&)'A/ @AT)(S:
Se+eral or3ani8ational factors ha+e /een identified that may affect the ado(tion and
im(lementation of e-commerce in an or3ani8ation.
?1111 @irm $i9e:
?ast research has found that firm size is an im(ortant determinant of a firm9s in+ol+ement and
decision (rocess in ac6uirin3 *:& ;,hola2ia et al.- 1''3<.&he firm si8e is fundamental since it
influences the ma5imum a/solute +alue of any in+estment. Si8e of a firm 4as also a maHor
influence on the selection of a com(etiti+e strate3y ;*/rahim- 1''3<. As one of the (ioneers in the
retail chain industry of Ban3ladesh- Meena Ba8aar is considered to ha+e its resources and
infrastructure to im(lement e-commerce.
?1112 -aracteri$tic$ of t-e product:
&he (roduct tan3i/ility and a+aila/ility are also im(ortant determinants of a firm9s in+ol+ement
in e-commerce. Sellin3 an intan3i/le (roduct throu3h *nternet means +ery lo4 constraints and
costs due to its lo3istic mana3ement. Besides- e-commerce could turn out to /e a (o4erful
(romotion channel for uni6ue (roducts ;such as handicrafts of s(ecific re3ions<- not su/Hect to
12 | P a g e
constraints deri+in3 from customers9 3eo3ra(hical distance. Since Mina Ba8aar sells tan3i/le
3oods- it is costly as 4ell as it in+ol+es other resource constraints.
?1113 *egree of di#er$ification:
&he im(lementation of e-commerce should also /e ade6uate to the de3ree of di+ersification. &he
more di+ersified the /usiness o(eration- the more resources are li2ely to /e in+ested in
im(lementin3 the e-commerce. &he Mina Ba8aar has its o4n di+ersification (lan that calls for its
(re(aration to u(date its e-commerce accordin3ly.
?1115 Marketing abilitie$:
Marketing abilities re(resent an im(ortant influence for the o(eration of the e-commerce
o((ortunities. Since the ado(tion of e-commerce could affect all the +aria/les of the mar2etin3
mi5 ;(roduct- (rice- (romotion- and (lace<- com(anies should ma2e a s(ecific online mar2etin3
(lan. Besides- the intrinsic characteristics of the *nternet could ma2e it the natural a((lication
field of direct mar2etin3 techni6ues.
?111: Tec-nical $kill$:
E-commerce is /y nature a hi3hly technical issue and accordin3lytechnical s2ills stron3ly
influence the de3ree at 4hich the e-commerce system could /e actually im(lemented. Since
Mina Ba8aar sells a rich assortment of 3oods- it needs ade6uate technical s2ills in fully
im(lementin3 e-commerce system.
?111; (ange of acti#it%:
&he range of actiity denotes the 3eo3ra(hical e5tension of the mar2et area.
&his +aria/le can (ositi+ely /e influenced /y the ado(tion of e-commerce a((lications and can
/e assessed throu3h the (ro(ortion of turno+er (er 3eo3ra(hical area.
1# | P a g e
?111< *egree of t-ird part% dependence:
&he degree of third party dependence refers to com(anies /elon3in3 to the same +alue system-
4hich choices can /e more or less constrained /y commercial (artners. Li2e other retail chain-
Mina Ba8aar has to de(end on third (arties for su((lyin3 the 3oods it sells. A hi3h le+el of
coordination and commitment from third (arty is needed for successful im(lementation of e-
?111> ompetiti#e $trateg%:
&he com(any competitie strategy has a stron3 im(act on e-commerce a((lications- /oth 4hen it
aims at fulfillin3 a leadershi( in costs and 4hen it is /ased on the differentiation of (roducts and
?12 =!(S)'A/ @AT)(S:
&he maHor (ersonal factors that can affect the im(lementation of e-commerce are discussed
?1211 Attitude and perception:
Hill- Smith and Mann ;1'!A< found that self-efficacy 4hich is one dimension of attitude- the
/elief in one9s a/ility to (erform a (articular /eha+ior- influences the ado(tion of a technolo3y.
Hence to( mana3ement needs to ha+e a hi3h le+el (ositi+e attitude in ado(tin3 and im(lementin3
any technolo3y li2e e-commerce.
?1212 Tru$t:
A hi3h le+el of trust is re6uired from the (art of mana3ement re3ardin3 the /enefits and necessity
of e-commerce. *f the mana3ement does not ha+e trust on the /enefits of e-commerce- it is not
(ossi/le to im(lement e-commerce re3ardless of the resources and ca(a/ilities the or3ani8ation
1+ | P a g e
?1213 (e$i$tance to c-ange:
*t assumes that the e-commerce ado(tion could im(ly or3ani8ational transformations in terms of
tas2 chan3es- introduction of ne4 roles- and rearran3ement of the or3ani8ation as 4hole-
inno+ati+e or3ani8ations should face less resistance to chan3e 4hile im(lementin3 any of the e-
commerce acti+ities. Here the to( mana3ement has to /e mentally ready for any 2ind of chan3e
that calls for im(lementin3 e-commerce.
?13 !BT!('A/ @AT)(S:
E5ternal factors e5ist at three le+elsB industry- macroeconomic- and national (olicy le+el
;Lefe/+re and Lefe/+re- 1''$<. &hese e5ternal factors affect the 3eneral and com(etiti+e
en+ironment 4ithin 4hich a (articular firm has to o(erate.
?1311 &nfra$tructure and bu$ine$$ related factor$:
Electronic and telecommunications en+ironments as 4ell as the /usiness en+ironment in 4hich a
s(ecific firm o(erates influence the le+el of in+ol+ement of the firm in the *nternet. Businesses
fortunate enou3h to /e located in ne4 and hi3h-/and4idth telecommunication re3ions can e5(ect
to o/tain /etter technolo3ical ser+ices to su((ort e-commerce a((lications. Such access is
3enerally /etter in ur/an than in rural areas. A /usiness en+ironment 4here other firms in+est in
technolo3ies- share their e5(eriences offer 3reater su((ort for a s(ecific firm to acti+ely or
(assi+ely (ursue a s(ecific strate3y.
?1312 ompetition related factor$:
:om(etiti+e en+ironments ha+e a stron3ly influence on the ado(tion of a technolo3y ;see- for
e5am(le- ,as3u(ta et al.- 1'''<. >hosh ;1''!< (ro+ides se+eral e5am(les of com(anies in the
).S. that ado(ted the *nternet mainly /ecause of com(etiti+e (ressures. *t also a((lies in
Ban3ladesh althou3h not in the same scale. As it is e+idenced from last fe4 years- retail chain
has 3ot a si3nificant (ro3ress in Ban3ladesh- es(ecially in the metro(olitan areas. As a result-
com(etition in the industry is 3ettin3 stiff that calls for the retailers li2e Mina Ba8aar to
im(lement e-commerce 4ith a +ie4 to increasin3 the connecti+ity 4ith the customers.
1* | P a g e
10 !0commerce -anging t-e )rgani9ational ,u$ine$$ =roce$$ of
Meena ,a9ar:
An or3ani8ation9s /usiness (rocess can /e measured throu3h some features. &he features are
3i+en /elo4 and assess the Meena Ba8ar.
1011 T-e (e$ource$ T-at -ange )rgani9ational ,u$ine$$ =roce$$:
101111 4uman (e$ource$:
Human resources are an or3ani8ation9s most im(ortant asset.
)ltimately an or3ani8ation9s distincti+e com(etences lie in the s2ills
and a/ilities of its em(loyees. Because these s2ills and a/ilities 3i+e
an or3ani8ation a com(etiti+e ad+anta3e- or3ani8ations must
continually monitor their structures to find the most effecti+e 4ay of
moti+atin3 and or3ani8in3 human resources to ac6uire and use their
101112 @unctional (e$ource$:
Each or3ani8ational function needs to de+elo( (rocedures that allo4 mana3in3 the (articular
en+ironment it faces. As the en+ironment chan3es- or3ani8ations often transfer resources to the
functions 4here the most +alue can /e created. :rucial functions 3ro4 in im(ortance- 4hile
those 4hose usefulness is declinin3 shrin2.
For Meena Ba8aar the functional resources include its a+aila/ility of the (roducts in e+ery outlet.
From the assessment Meena Ba8aar is not fully successful to a+aila/le the (roducts in e+ery
outlets in at time. *t is ha((en for their distri/ution system.
101113 Tec-nological apabilitie$:
&echnolo3ical ca(a/ilities 3i+e an or3ani8ation an enormous ca(acity to chan3e itself in order to
e5(loit mar2et o((ortunities. &he in+entory mana3ement system should /e +ery stron3 and
10 | P a g e
automated in the chain su(er sho(. &he Meena Ba8ar has in+entory soft4are for their in+entory
By the in+entory mana3ement system the manufacturin3 com(any can /e /enefited in many
4ays. &he 2ey acti+ities are ;1< (urchasin3- ;2< (roduction- and ;3< sellin3. *n other 4ords-
(urchasin3 and (roduction functions 4ould de(end u(on the le+el of sales.
101115 )rgani9ational apabilitie$:
7r3ani8ational chan3e often in+ol+es chan3in3 the relationshi(s /et4een (eo(le and functions to
increase their a/ility to create +alue. 7r3ani8ational chan3e often in+ol+es chan3in3 the
relationshi(s /et4een (eo(le and functions to increase their a/ility to create +alue. :han3es in
structure and culture ta2e (lace at all le+els of the or3ani8ation and include chan3in3 the routines
an indi+idual uses to 3reet customers- chan3in3 4or2 3rou( relationshi(s. *m(ro+in3 inte3ration
/et4een di+isions- and chan3in3 cor(orate culture /y chan3in3 the to( mana3ement team.
1012 Managing t-e -ange$:
Su(ermar2et chainindustry has cau3ht on to the /and4a3on and has /e3un to offer 7nline
Sho((in3. *n the early 1''s 4e sa4 :om(anies settin3 u( 4e/sites 4ith +ery little
understandin3 of E :ommerce and :onsumer /eha+ior. E commerce as a /usiness (rocess is
totally different from the traditional sho((in3 in all res(ect. Li2e other or3ani8ations usin3 e-
commerce- Mina Ba8aar considers E commerce strate3y se(arately /ut as a (art of o+erall retail
=etail strate3y in+ol+es (lannin3 for the /usiness 3ro4th 2ee(in3 in +ie4 the current mar2et
trends- o((ortunities as 4ell as threats and /uildin3 a strate3ic (lan that hel(s the
or3ani8ationdeal 4ith all these e5ternal factors and stay on course to reach its 3oals. Further the
retail /usiness strate3y is concerned 4ith identifyin3 the mar2ets to /e in- /uildin3 the (roduct
(ortfolio and /and 4idth cou(led 4ith /rand (ositionin3 and the +arious elements of /rand
+isi/ility and in store (romotions etc. 7+erall /usiness (rocesses are more or less standard and
(ro+en models that are ada(ted as /est (ractices.
Ho4e+er 4hen it comes to definin3 an E :ommerce strate3y for the /usiness- the dynamics of
the +arious elements contri/utin3 to the /usiness are totally different. &he one factor that remains
12 | P a g e
common is the focus on :ustomer. .hile in the (hysicalM traditional sellin3 method- there e5ists
a (hysical e5(erience from the :ustomer9s end and hence it is easier to /uild :ustomer
relationshi( and en3a3e the :ustomer- E :ommerce (latform has 3ot to de+ise methods to reach
out to the +irtual :ustomer on 7ne to 7ne /asis and /uild the relationshi(. &he E commerce
3enerally (ro+ides more (roduct information and technical details to the :ustomers than
(ro+ided throu3h the &raditional Sales channel. E :ommerce has 3ot to define the sales
transaction- third (arty (ayment and financial transaction as 4ell as :ustomer ser+ice (rocesses.
As com(ared to traditional M(hysical channel sales- all these (rocesses are ne4 and ha+e /een
4ell defined and (ro+en.
7ne im(ortant 6uestion that 4e ha+e 3ot to ans4er is to fi3ure out IHo4 ,o .e ,iffer from
:om(etition9 or ha+e an ed3e o+er :om(etition in the E commerce mar2et. 7ne of the 2ey
differentiators has /een the system security and the third (arty /illin3 des2 (artners used /y the
or3ani8ation. .here+er 4e ha+e (artnered 4ith 4ell-2no4n and re(uted /an2ers and /illin3 des2
ser+ice com(anies (ro+idin3 safe and secure transactions- the customer confidence in dealin3
4ith such :om(any is enhanced. Secondly 7nline :ustomer ser+ice cou(led 4ith (u/lici8ed
(olicy of customer returns and 4arranty mana3ement are successful in /uildin3 loyal customer
?ricin3 of (roducts is another area that is re6uired to /e addressed throu3h the E :ommerce
strate3y. .hile the sellin3 and o(erational costs are hi3her in traditional sales model- the E
commerce or Jirtual Sales costs are ne3li3i/le. &here e5ists a (otential to (rice (roducts
attracti+ely and en3a3e the customer to /uy in /ul2.
&he fact that traditional sho((in3 e5(erience as 4ell as /ac2 end o(erations is totally different
from the +irtual and instantaneous 7nline sho((in3- 4e ha+e 3ot to come u( 4ith se(arate sales
strate3y for /oth traditional sales channel as 4ell as electronic commerce tradin3 channel.
1013 T-e *ifficultie$ *ealing wit- !0commerce:
&he difficulties dealin3 4ith e-commerce 4ith the ne4 4or2in3 style are 3i+en /elo4B
13 | P a g e
101311 Securit%:
Security continues to /e a (ro/lem for online /usinesses. :ustomers ha+e to feel confident a/out
the inte3rity of the (ayment (rocess /efore they commit to the (urchase.
101312 S%$tem and *ata &ntegrit%:
,ata (rotection and the inte3rity of the system that handles the data are serious concerns.
:om(uter +iruses are ram(ant- 4ith ne4 +iruses disco+ered e+ery day. Jiruses cause
unnecessary delays- file /ac2u(s- stora3e (ro/lems- and other similar difficulties. &he dan3er of
hac2ers accessin3 files and corru(tin3 accounts adds more stress to an already com(le5
101313 S%$tem Scalabilit%:
A /usiness de+elo(s an interacti+e interface 4ith customers +ia a 4e/site. After a 4hile-
statistical analysis determines 4hether +isitors to the site are oneDtime or recurrin3 customers. *f
the com(any e5(ects 2 million customers and $ million sho4 u(- 4e/site (erformance is /ound
to e5(erience de3radation- slo4do4n- and e+entually loss of customers. &o sto( this (ro/lem
from ha((enin3- a 4e/site must /e scala/le- or u(3rada/le on a re3ular /asis.
101315 !Ccommerce &$ 'ot @ree:
So far- success stories in eDcommerce ha+e forced lar3e /usiness 4ith dee( (oc2ets and 3ood
fundin3. Accordin3 to a re(ort- small retailers that 3o headDtoDhead 4ith eDcommerce 3iants are
fi3htin3 losin3 /attle. As in the /ric2DandDmortar en+ironment- they sim(ly cannot com(ete on
(rice or (roduct offerin3. Brand loyalty is related to this issue- 4hich is su((osed to /e less
im(ortant for online firms. Brands are e5(ected to lo4er search costs- /uild trust- and
communicate 6uality. A search en3ine can come u( 4ith the /est music deals- for e5am(le- yet
consumers continue to floc2 to trusted entities such as HMJ.
16 | P a g e
10131: on$umer Searc- &$ 'ot !fficient or o$tCeffecti#e:
7n the surface- the electronic mar2et(lace seems to /e a (erfect mar2et- 4here 4orld4ide sellers
and /uyers share and trade 4ithout intermediaries. Ho4e+er- a closer loo2 indicates that ne4
ty(es of intermediaries are essential to eDcommerce. &hey include electronic malls that 3uarantee
le3itimacy of transactions. All these intermediaries add to transaction costs.
10131; u$tomer (elation$ =roblem$:
#ot many /usinesses reali8e that e+en eD/usiness cannot sur+i+e o+er the lon3 term 4ithout
loyal customers.
10131< =roduct$ =eople wonDt bu% online:
*ma3ine a 4e/site called or 4here +enture ca(italists are in+estin3
millions in sellin3 home furnishin3s online. *n the case of a sofa- you 4ould 4ant to sit on it- feel
the te5ture of the fa/ric etc. Beside the sofa test- online furniture stores face a costly return 4hich
ma2es the (roduct harder to sell online.
10131> orporate Eulnerabilit%:
&he a+aila/ility of (roduct details- catalo3s- and other information a/out a /usiness throu3h its
4e/site ma2es it +ulnera/le to access /y the com(etition. &he idea of e5tractin3 /usiness
intelli3ence from the 4e/site is called 4e/ framin3.
10131? 4ig- (i$k of &nternet StartCup:
Many stories unfolded in 1''' a/out successful e5ecuti+es in esta/lished firms lea+in3 for
*nternet startDu(s- only to find out that their 3etDrich dream 4ith a 4as Hust that D a
27 | P a g e
11 T-e (ea$on$ for u$tomer$ 2ouldFS-ould not /ike to +$e !0
1111 T-e rea$on$ cu$tomer$ $-ould like !0ommerce:
Faster /uyin3Ksellin3 (rocedure- as 4ell as easy to find (roducts.
Buyin3Ksellin3 2%KA.
More reach to customers- there is no theoretical 3eo3ra(hic limitations.
Lo4 o(erational costs and /etter 6uality of ser+ices.
#o need of (hysical com(any set-u(s.
Easy to start and mana3e a /usiness.
:ustomers can easily select (roducts from different (ro+iders 4ithout mo+in3 around
1112 T-e rea$on$ cu$tomer $-ould not like e0commerce:
Any one- 3ood or /ad- can easily start a /usiness. And there are many /ad sites 4hich eat
u( customers9 money.
&here is no 3uarantee of (roduct 6uality.
Mechanical failures can cause un(redicta/le effects on the total (rocesses.
As there is minimum chance of direct customer to com(any interactions- customer
loyalty is al4ays on a chec2.
&here are many hac2ers 4ho loo2 for o((ortunities- and thus an ecommerce site- ser+ice-
(ayment 3ate4aysC all are al4ays (rone to attac2.
12 (eference$:
,as3u(ta- Su/hasish- ,e+raHA3ra4al- Anthony *oannidis and Shanthi>o(al2rishnan ;1'''<.
,eterminants of *nformation &echnolo3y Ado(tionB An E5tension of E5istin3 Models to Firms
in a ,e+elo(in3 :ountry. !ournal of Global Information Management- ;"ulyD
Se(tem/er<- 3D%.
21 | P a g e
,hola2ia- =u/y =oy- "ean L. "ohnson- Al/ert ". ,ella Bitta and #i2hilesh,hola2ia ;1''3<.
,ecision-ma2in3 &ime in 7r3ani8ational Buyin3 Beha+iorB An *n+esti3ation of *ts Antecedents.
!ournal of the "cademy of Marketing Science- 21;%<- 2!1D2'2.
>hosh- Shi2har ;1''!<. Ma2in3 the Business Sense of the *nternet. #arard Business $eie%-
A$;2<- 12$D135.
Hill- &.- #. ,. Smith and M. F. Mann ;1'!A<. =ole of Efficacy E5(ectations in ?redictin3 the
,ecision to )se Ad+anced &echnolo3iesB &he :ase of :om(uters. !ournal of "pplied
&sychology- A2- 3AD313.
*/rahim- A. B. ;1''3<- Strate3y &y(e and Small Firm9s ?erformanceB An Em(irical
*n+esti3ation. !ournal of Small Business Strategy- %;1<- 13D22.
Lefe/+re- Nlisa/eth and Louis A. Lefe/+re ;1''$<. Factors Affectin3 Ado(tion in *nformation
and &elecommunication &echnolo3iesB &he *m(act of &heir Ado(tion on Small and
Medium-si8ed Enter(rises- *,=:- A+aila/le atB htt(BKK444.idrc.caK/oo2sKfocusK!A
La((ala- S O >ray- :- 2$-
*m(act of E-:ommerce on :onsumers and Small Firms- Ash3ate ?u/lishin3
=ead moreB :om(etiti+e Ad+anta3e - ,ell- Business- E/ay- and Site
;online edition<
*m(ortance of Ecommerce for Business-May 2A- 21-4ritten /y admin
e!!e-'or-/uineF ;online edition<
Meena Ba8ar launches e-ser+ice- Monday- A(ril 2- 213- #e4
;online edition<
Ad+anta3es and ,isad+anta3es of e-commerce- A(ril
&he Ad+anta3e and ,isad+anta3es of e-coomerce- A(ril 2!- 213
22 | P a g e
2# | P a g e

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