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Symbolism Essay

Unit 1 Writing Assignment

Choose ONE of the topics below. Compose a well-developed, 4 paragraph essay that
effectively address the prompt. Remember to include a strong thesis statement in your
introduction, topic sentences for each body paragraph which relate to the thesis
statement, and a conclusion.
We will be following the 12332334 paragraph format that you learned last year. Each

body paragraph must also contain at least one embedded quotation from the novel.
Use your book and notes for references.

The Pearl
Steinbeck uses symbolism to explore the themes throughout The Pearl. For example, the pearl
is said to symbolize the changes that Kino is experiencing throughout the novel, the scorpion
symbolizes evil, and the canoe symbolizes Kinos link to his past. Pick two important symbols
in The Pearl (they do not have to be the 3 I mentioned), and show their importance to the story.
Using examples and quotes show why the symbols are important and how Steinbeck
uses them to teach a lesson.

The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Christian symbolism is widely present throughout The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Eustaces
transformation from a dragon to a boy could be symbolic of baptism. Lewis also uses symbolic
imagery from the Bible as Aslan is shown in various forms: a bird, a lamb, and a lion. The
Dawn Treaders journey itself could also hold symbolic meaning. Pick two important
examples of symbolic imagery in The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, and show the importance to the
story. Using examples and quotes show how Lewis uses them to teach a lesson.

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer *Honors Only

Tom Sawyer is known to have changed dramatically throughout the course of the novel.
Choose 2 ways in which he changes. Using examples and quotes show how Tom Sawyer is
portrayed in the beginning of the novel and how he transforms towards the end of the

I know you are used to the 123234 paragraph from last year, but I am going to be
rewording the type of sentence to:
1: Topic Sentence
2: Concrete Detail (CD) a fact or proof
3: Commentary (CM) your support of the fact
4: Concluding/Transition Sentence
* A chunk is 1 sentence of concrete detail and 2 commentaries (CD, Com, Com) or (233), so 2 chunks would be (233233)

Introduction Paragraph (3-4 sentences long): should go from broad (big ideas: hook) to
specific (exactly what the essay is about: thesis statement)
1) Because 1st impressions are so important, you want to make sure you start the introduction
paragraph with a strong first sentence, or a hook. It should hook the reader in to wanting to read your
essay. Hooks can be:
a quote
an anecdote (short story)
a curiosity
a surprising fact
anything else intriguing
2) The 2nd and 3rd sentences should be introducing what the story is about only the main ideas of the
novel. You also need to include the title of the novel and the author.
3) The final sentence of the introduction paragraph should be your thesis statement. * This sentence is
covering exactly (and only!) what you are going to write about in your essay (nothing more, nothing

Example of an introduction paragraph:

The fonts are
underlined and
bolded only to
show you the
difference in
sentences your
intro will be in a
normal 12pt font!

Hook (1st sentence)

(mine is a quote)

Information and Summary

(2nd- 3rd sentence)
Thesis Statement (4th

Paragraph Organizers

"And, as with all retold tales that are in people's hearts,

there are only good and bad things and black and white things
and good and evil things and no in-between (Prologue). What
John Steinbeck proves in his novel The Pearl, is that human
nature can change from good to evil and that there is no inbetween. This is portrayed through Kino, the main character,
when he finds the Pearl of the World and turns into a savage
beast who will do anything to protect his new found
possession. Steinbeck portrays this evil through the
symbolic elements of the pearl, which reflects evil in
human nature, and the scorpion, representing natural

Background (includes title of novel and author):
Thesis (states only what the essay is about):

Conclusion Paragraph (3-4 sentences long): wraps up the entire essay and leaves the reader
with a final sense of conclusion.
A conclusion should have:
1 Sentence: Restate the thesis statement in different words
2-3 Sentences: Restate the most important points in your paper
1 Sentence: Refer back to your hook (explain or restate)

Example of a conclusion paragraph:

The fonts are
underlined and
bolded only to show
you the difference
in sentences
your intro will be in
a normal 12pt font!

Restate thesis (1st

Restate important events
(2nd- 3rd sentence)
Refer back to hook (4th

Steinbeck proves that both the pearl and the

scorpion are symbols of evil aspects in both human nature
as well as natural evil. The pearl is considered a reflection
of Kinos ever changing evil heart, while the scorpion
reflects evil that humans cannot control. As Steinbeck
stated in the prologue, human nature can be black
and white or good and evil, and it is proven
through the symbols in the novel that there can be
no in-between.

Paragraph Organizer
Restate thesis (using different words)

Notice how the

last sentence
refers back to the
very first
sentence in the
entire essay

Restate important events or facts (in different words):
Refer back to your hook (make the connection)

Shaping the Essay Symbolism

(This is for body paragraph #1!)

Topic Sentence (What you are going to prove in this body paragraph!):
Concrete Detail #1 (CD) (fact or quote #1):
Commentary (CM) (Analysis, interpretation, opinion, or explanation of fact or quote #1)
(Steinbeck reveals)

More Commentary (CM) (Explain how fact or quote #1 supports the topic sentence.)
(Furthermore he shows/ This worldview

Concrete Detail #2 (CD) (fact or quote #2):
Commentary (CM) (Analysis, interpretation, opinion, or explanation of fact or quote #2)
(The author uses this incident to show)

More Commentary (CM) (Explain how fact or quote #2 supports the topic sentence.)
(In addition)

Concluding/Transition Sentence (Wrap up your topic sentence and bring up your new topic)

Shaping the Essay Symbolism

(This is for body paragraph #2!)

Topic Sentence (What you are going to prove in this body paragraph!):
Concrete Detail #1 (CD) (fact or quote #1):
Commentary (CM) (Analysis, interpretation, opinion, or explanation of fact or quote #1)
(Steinbeck reveals)

More Commentary (CM) (Explain how fact or quote #1 supports the topic sentence.)
(Furthermore he shows/ This worldview shows)

Concrete Detail #2 (CD) (fact or quote #2):
Commentary (CM) (Analysis, interpretation, opinion, or explanation of fact or quote #2)
(The author uses this incident to show)

More Commentary (CM) (Explain how fact or quote #2 supports the topic sentence.)
(In addition/ Additionally)

Concluding/Transition Sentence (Wrap up your topic sentence and bring up your new topic)

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