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Department of Management Studies

University of Rajshahi
Course Title of Evening MBA Program
Academic Session/Semester: Batch-1 (January-June 2011
Sixth Batch
Prere!uisite "ourses
#irst Semester
E!"#$ %undamentals of Management
E!"&$ Business Economics
E!"'$ Business Communication
E!"($ %undamentals of Mar)eting
E!"!$ %undamentals of %inance
Second Semester
E!"*$ %undamentals of +ccounting
E!",$ Entrepreneurship Development
E!"-$ Management .nformation Systems
E!"/$ 0egal Environment of Business
E!#"$ 1uantitative Methods for Business
$hird Semester
E!##$ 2roject Management
E!#&$ %undamentals of 3uman Resource Management
E!#'$ 4perations Management
E!#($ .nternational Business and Management
E!#!$ Strategic Management
#ourth Semester
"oncentration Areas
"oncentration on %rgani&ation and Management
E*"#$ 4rgani5ational Development and Changes
E*"&$ Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsi6ility
E*"'$ Comparative Management Systems
E*"($ 784 4perations and Management
E*"!$ Management of Service 4rgani5ation9
"oncentration on 'uman (esource Management
E*"*$ Strategic 3uman Resource Management
E*",$ 4rgani5ational Behavior
E*"-$ .ndustrial Relations
E*"/$ Compensation Management
E*#"$ Training and Development

"ourse Syno)sis
#irst Semester
E-*01: #undamenta+s o, Management
De:nition of Management 7ature; 2urpose and 2rinciples of Management Managerial
Responsi6ility Types of Managers Management 2rocess S)ills Concepts of productivity
e<ectiveness and e=ciency.s Management a Science or +rt .s Management of 2rofession9
Environment of 4rgani5ations9 2lanning9 Management 6y 46jectives9 Decision Ma)ing9
4rgani5ing9 0eadership9 Controlling9
E-*02: Business Economics
7ature and Scope of Economics; economic 0a>9 Theory of Demand9 Theory of Supply9 Theory of
2roduction and Cost9 Theory of %irm9 Theory of Distri6ution$ Rent ?ages .nterest 2ro:t9 Some
%undamental Concepts of Macro Economics +ggregate .ncome; Consumption; Savings and
.nvestment; Stoc) and %lo> @aria6les; StaticAs and Dynamics9 7ational .ncome +ccounting9
Classical theory of output; .ncome and Employment9 The Bayncian theory of .ncome and
Employment9 Simple Concept of Consumption and Savings %unctions9 Simple Concept of
E-*0-: Business "ommunication
Types; 7ature Scope 2urposes 2rinciples %unctions Barriers9 Classi:cation and land
method of communication9 Di<erent medals of communication 2rocess9 Communication
net>or)s9 ?riting 7otice; +genda and Minutes of Meetings9 Report ?ritings9 Mass
Communication in the Business Enterprises of Bangladesh and .ts .mportance9 Media of Mass
communication9 Business English $ ?ith a @ie> to Developing 2ro:ciency in 0istening; Reading;
comprehension; Spea)ing and ?riting English9 Commercial terms C +66reviations9
E-*0.: #undamenta+s o, Mar/eting
De:nition 7ature o6jectives Scope and importance 9Mar)eting %unctions9 Mar)et and
Buyers Behavior9 Mar)eting Environment9 2roduct 9 2rice 9 Channel of Distri6ution9 2romotion
E-*0*: #undamenta+s o, #inance
Basic concepts and analytical tools used in 6usiness :nance9 Topics include$ Conceptual
%rame>or); %inancial Decision Ma)ing; Role of %inance in + :rm; 8oal of %inancial Management
of + %irm; %inance +s + Discipline9 Time @alue of Money9 Ris) and Return9 @aluation9 %inancing
?or)ing Capital9 .ntermediate and 0ong term %inancing9 0easing9 Capital Basic Concepts
Second Semester
E-*00: #undamenta+s o, Accounting
This is a 6asic course and deals >ith functional of 6oo))eeping and accounting9 The course
covers accounting concept C conception; accounting Cycles; dou6le entry accounting; Dournal;
0edger; Trial Balance; Balance 6y +djustment; ?or) sheet; Trading; 2ro:t and 0oss +ccount;
Balance sheet; Correction of Errors9 2urchase Dournal; Sales Dournal and other Special Dournal;
Su6sidiary 0edger; Cash Boo) 2urchases and Sales discount Ban) Reconciliation Statement9
Balance Day +djustments9 Single Entry System9 +ccounting for di<erent types of 4rgani5ation9
E-*01: Entre)reneurshi) 2eve+o)ment
De:nition of Entrepreneurship; Classi:cation; Characteristics C 1ualities of Entrepreneur
%unctions of Entrepreneur Role of Entrepreneurship in Economic Development9 Theories on
Entrepreneurship9 Entrepreneurship development in Bangladesh9 Su6contracting industries9
E-*03: Management 4n,ormation Systems
.ntroduction to Management .nformation System .nformation characteristics information
systems and organi5ation structure M.S is an evolving concept M.S and other academic
disciplinesM.S in Bangladesh9 Technical foundations of M.S computer hard>are C soft>are
Telecommunication and net>or)s9 Data6ase Design9 Business application of .SDSS9 Strategic
and managerial implication of information systems9
E-*05: 6ega+ Environment o, Business
Examines the nature; formation and application of legal principles in 6usiness9 Topics include
the roles of la> in societyE the legal environment in >hich 6usiness operates; particularly
government taxationE the regulation of commerce; competition; and la6ourmanagement
relationsE and the concepts of property$ its creation; transfer and importance to our 6usiness
E-*10: 7uantitative Methods ,or Business
Estimation Test of hypothesis9 2arametric and 7onparametric statistics9 The ?ilcox on Ran)
Sum Test Sign Test9 .nterpolation C Extrapolation9 Statistical 1uality Control9
$hird Semester
E-*11: Pro8ect Management
This course deals >ith project identi:cation; preparation; appraisal; management of
implementation and postproject evaluation9 Topics include: 7ature of project Management
de:nition; features and types of project project life cycle elements and functions of project
Management project organi5ation traditional management and project management
Fualities; functions and responsi6ilities of a project manager9 2roject %ormulation and appraisal9
2lanning and Scheduling of projects9 Resource Mo6ili5ation9 2roject .mplementation9 Monitoring
@aluation and Termination of 2rojects9 2roject Management in Bangladesh9
E-*12: #undamenta+s o, 'uman (esource Management
Changing concept of la6our 7ature of human resource management$ 46jectives Scope
Signi:cance 2rinciples 3uman resource management and personal management an
industrial relations9 3uman resource policy and planning9 Recruitment; selection and
performance appraisal9 Training and development9 %uture of human resource management9
3uman resource management in Bangladesh9
E-*1-: %)erations Management
De:nition of production Elements of 2roduction 2roduction System 2roduction and
4perations Management %unctions of 4perations Management Scope of 4perations
Management9 2lant layout9 2roduction Control9 ?or) Measurement9 .nventory Control9 Method
+nalysis9 1uality Control9 Critical path scheduling9
E-*1.: 4nternationa+ Business and Management
7ature and scope of international 6usiness.nternational 6usiness environment and 6usiness
opportunitiesthe frame>or) for international transactionglo6al 6usiness strategy
multinational corporation concepts and characteristicsfunctional aspects of international
6usinessimpact of multinationals on developed countriesimpact of multinational on
developing countries9
E-*1*: Strategic Management
Strategic Management strategies a policy >hy strategic managementdi<erence Bet>een
operation Management C strategic Managementstrategic Management Elements Tas)s of
Strategic Management9 %rame>or) of Decision Ma)ing9 Strategic advantage analysis C
diagnosis9 .mplementing Strategy9 Evaluation the strategy9 Case Methods of Teaching and
+nalysis of Business pro6lems through cases9
#ourth Semester
"oncentration on %rgani&ation and Management
E-001: %rgani&ationa+ 2eve+o)ment and "hanges
2rovides an understanding of 6asics of organi5ational development; organi5ational rene>al and
change; development process; intervention process; 4D$ the challenge and the future9
46jective is to provide students >ith an integrated and comprehensive vie> of the :eld of
organi5ational development9 %undamentals of changeE ?hy Change 3appensE 46stacles to
ChangeE 2lanning for ChangeE %acilitating through changeE 3andling ResistanceE Change
CommunicationsE Managing the 7e> Beginnings 2hase9
E-002: Business Ethics and "or)orate Socia+ (es)onsi9i+ity
2hilosophical issues in 6usiness ethicsEconomics; values; and justiceRights; lia6ility; and the
stateBusiness and the employeeBusiness and the consumerBusiness and the government
Business in modern societyCorporate social responsi6ility GCSRH$ De:nitionEvolutionDi<erent
concepts of CSR2ro:ta6ility @s 2hilanthropy; and CSR in Bangladesh9
E-00-: "om)arative Management Systems
The course deals >ith analysis of administration varia6les in organi5ation of di<ering
o>nership; purpose and operation functioning in di<ering economic; sociocultural; political;
technological and moral environments9
E-00.: :;% %)erations and Management
The course deals >ith nonpro:t private development organi5ations >ith respect to their
operations and management in the context of their sectoraltargeted activities9 + comparison
>ith pu6lic sector is included as is 84784 cooperation9
E-00*: Management o, Service %rgani&ation
Examines the development of service pac)ages; yield management; scheduling; Fueuing;
Fuality measurement; management of professional services such as health care; tax consulting
services; travels and tourism; 6an)ing and transports; particularly in South +sian region9 %ield
survey of service organi5ations and projects are the integral part of the course
"oncentration on 'uman (esource Management
E-000: Strategic 'uman (esource Management
Managing 3RME 3RM functions in organi5ationsE ?hat is Strategic 3RMI 3R planning;
recruitment and selectionE Managing of Training and DevelopmentE 2erformance Management
and +ppraisalE MotivationE Compensation and Bene:tsE Employee RelationsRights of
Management and ?or)manE ?or)er issues such as grievance; a6senteeism; pro6ation; etc9E
0egal +spects of Employment in Bangladesh9
E-001: %rgani&ationa+ Behavior
De:nition; 7ature and importance of organisational 6ehaviour.ndividul 6ehaviour and its
element %undamental element of organisational 6ehaviourSocial system9 ConJict in
organisation9 7otational Theories9 0eadership in organisation9 Management development and
E-003: 4ndustria+ (e+ations
7ature of industrial relations 7eed for desira6le industrial relations; industrial relations and
development9 .ndustrial conJict9 2arties to industrial relation9 Trade Union Movement9
Collective Bargaining9 State and industrial relations Role of state9
E-005: "om)ensation Management
The o6jective of this course is to understand the process of managing compensation9 Special
focus is on compensation issues in the context of current theory; research and practice9 Topics
include$ 2ay model and strategic perspectives; internal consistency; determining pay structure;
external competitiveness; determining pay level; employee contri6utions; determining
individual pay; employee 6ene:ts; extending and managing the compensation system9
E-010: $raining and 2eve+o)ment
Training and development functionE Strategy and trainingE 4rgani5ations of the training
departmentE Training needs assessmentE 0earning and 6ehaviorE Designing of training
programsE Evaluation of training programsE Training techniFuesE Technical trainingE Training and
development of managersE Training in organi5ation developmentE Theory and practice of career
developmentE Developing career structuresE .dentifying organi5ational needsE .nstitutionali5ing
the career development systemE Evaluating the system9

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