Roland William Jean 1963 India

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Woodstock School
, ^ Mussoorie, U.P,: IIIA
-Jleporting- Winter l^o3 -Forwarding Address-^
William and Jean Roland Box 147
and Family Lincoln, 111.5 U.S.A.
Ridgewood is what the name implies - built on a ridge between hills, and surrounded
by beautiful oak and pine woods, Amore ideal place for active school boys to live away
from home would be hard to find.
Since May we have been working as supervisors in this dormitory for grades 1 to 8,
Our job is to provide a home for up to 110 boys. Have you ever tried to take care of a
hT^dred lively boys? If not you should try it some day. We can assure you that there
will never bo a dull moment, and seldom a quiet one. We are busy from early morn *till
late at night. And besides our work here William goes up to school each afternoon for
Shop and Drafting classes, and Jean }ias Home Ec, classes two days a week. Now you know
Wby you haven't heard from us so often lately! Wo are busy, but the joys of working with
the students far outweigh problems we have had. Tho notable mischievous exceptions just
go to'add a bit of spice to dormitory life.
Our most enjoyable times with the boys are Wednesday and Thursday evenings; and Sun
day afternoons. On the two week days we "do duty" for the housefather and matrons, v;hich
devotions. Sunday afternoons we have C.E, programs - William with,
5th, oth^grades and Jean with 1st, 2nd, 3rd grades. We have been having flannelgraph and
film strip lessons with them. Recently we had a sing-song together, with discussions on
the songs' meanings, Tho response of this age group to Christian teaching makes the time
very rewarding. The joy of Christian service can't be measured! We are happy in it, and
^.re ever grateful to you for making it possible for us to bo here,
Yes, it is getting close! In less than a year wo hope to be in the States, We are
^o^^rd to visits witl^ yl^_ tell about our years^ of service. Plans for Univer-
uiid Bible uoxiege studies are also taking definite shape. There are two things for
which we ask your prayers and special help.
First_, the trip home. We plan to tour and visit for about two months in the Middle
East, Mediterranean Area, and Europe; reaching New York August 12. The trip will cost
about ^700 each - that is $4200 for our six, who are all considered adults now. We have
$1300 in our furlough fund. Still needed is $2QOO. It is through faithfia Christian
brethren that the Lord supplies such needs. In faith, and with confidence, we are plac
ing this need before you. Please consider it prayerfully, now. Can you help us get homo
by sending a special gift to the furlough fund now? Every dollar you send \d.ll be grated
fully appreciated.
Second, furlough. Both of us will bo taking University and Bible College studies,
V/illiam will study for a Masters degree in education, and teacher certification. It will
^ke two, possibly three, years. This means a longer furlough, but we feel it is very
hocessary. Woodstock has Invited us to teach again after furlough. We want to be trained
to do the job here for Christ in the best way possible. Looking back we remember that wo
have had to the States in ten years. So we feel a longer fur
lough jfOr jgra^Qat'o *^udies la ie^^qrder. Wo want to ask whether you can continue our sup
port f"a^tl^GG-yoar furlough; ah^, will you be able to give some extra to help us meet
furlough expensbs'w^'iilghQi^"living costs, house rent, university fees, etc,? We have a
real opportunity hero at Woodstock to train young people for world service, and help mold
their lives for Christ. Wo hopo you \d.ll continue to support us as we prepare better for
the job. Do pray and think about these things, and let us know what you can do.
Janet Schultz has two sets of slides showing our activities during the Winters of
1961 and 1962, If you haven't seen these, and can use them, please send a request to our
forwarding address.
Once again we say thankyou for yoiir prayers, gifts, and encouragement in every way.
May wo continue to share His blessings together in His service.

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