Board Training Manual

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Cooperative Board Information Manual

This is a collection of articles, class material and information I have collected

from the internet and other sources. I was taught at the many conferences I
attended to take the material I learn and share it with the rest of my board and
other board members. This information is the property of the people who wrote it
and I have requested permission when possible to use it here for training
purposes. I have tried when known to give the author of the informations name.
See the resource pages and the permissions page for more information.
Collected and prepared by
Rich Berendson,

Page 1 of 221
Annual ee!ing................................................................................................................................................"
Benefi!s of $ousing Coo%era!i&es....................................................................................................................'
Board Recrui!(en!..........................................................................................................................................1)
Board Res%onsi*ili!ies....................................................................................................................................12
Board +,i! In!er&ie-s.....................................................................................................................................1.
Business in !he ho(e......................................................................................................................................1"
Bu/ing In!o a $ousing Co0o%.........................................................................................................................11
Co0o% B/ 2a-s of a Coo%era!i&e 3sa(%le4....................................................................................................15
Co0o% Ar!icles of Organi6a!ion 3sa(%le4........................................................................................................33
Co0o% Board +duca!ion...................................................................................................................................3
Coo%era!i&e As A Cor%ora!ion........................................................................................................................."
Co0o% in Cour!.................................................................................................................................................5
Coo% Co((i!!ee Charges...............................................................................................................................")
Cri(inal $is!or/ Chec70 CORI......................................................................................................................1"
Da(age Polic/ 3sa(%le4.................................................................................................................................11
$ousing for Peo%le -i!h Disa*ili!ies..............................................................................................................1#
+&alua!ing 8our Pro%er!/ anager................................................................................................................#)
9inancing Afforda*le $ousing.......................................................................................................................#2
") :a/s !o 9inance /our Coo%era!i&e............................................................................................................#"
9re;uen!l/ as7ed ;ues!ions.............................................................................................................................'2
<ues! Polic/ 3sa(%le4.....................................................................................................................................'.
2i(i!ed +;ui!/ Co0o%.....................................................................................................................................'"
2ease =iola!ion Polic/ 3sa(%le4.....................................................................................................................'1
2i(i!ing +;ui!/..............................................................................................................................................''
anage(en! Plan 3>a(%le4...........................................................................................................................'5
ar7e!ing Plan 3>a(%le4..............................................................................................................................111
e(*er Par!ici%a!ion...................................................................................................................................113
Ne-sle!!ers for Ne-*ies...............................................................................................................................12)
No- 8ou Are 8our O-n Regula!or/ Agenc/...............................................................................................13)
Occu%anc/ Agree(en! 3sa(%le4...................................................................................................................13.
Pe! Polic/ 3sa(%le4.......................................................................................................................................1.5
Pe! Polic/ 3sa(%le4.......................................................................................................................................1.5
Pro(o!ing /our Coo%era!i&e........................................................................................................................1"1
Purchasing Procedures 3sa(%le4...................................................................................................................1#2
Re;ues! for Pro%osal Audi! 3>a(%le4...........................................................................................................1#3
Re;ues! for Pro%osal Pro%er!/ anage(en! 3>a(%le4................................................................................1#'
>elec!ing a anager.....................................................................................................................................1'5
>e,ual $arass(en!.......................................................................................................................................152
>no- Re(o&al..............................................................................................................................................153
>%ending Polic/ 3sa(%le4.............................................................................................................................15.
Ta7ing ee!ing inu!es...............................................................................................................................15#
Ta,es and Co0o%s..........................................................................................................................................155
Unders!anding The Coo%era!i&e?s 9inances.................................................................................................2))
Unders!anding The anage(en! Process Of The Coo%era!i&e...................................................................2)2
:a!er*ed Polic/ 3sa(%le4.............................................................................................................................2)1
<lossar/ of Ter(s.........................................................................................................................................2)#
Resource and Reference 2is!.......................................................................................................................21#
Per(issions Page..........................................................................................................................................21#
Page 2 of 221
B/ arlene Dau Presiden! @ Tailor ade
2inda Broc7-a/ Presiden! @ +duca!ional Consul!an!s for $ousing O%%or!uni!ies
The (aAori!/ of !he Coo%era!i&es -i!hin !he Uni!ed >!a!es of A(erica are 0incor%ora!ed as no! for
%rofi! or non0%rofi! Coo%era!i&e $ousing Cor%ora!ions. The Coo%era!i&e is incor%ora!ed in !heir
o-n >!a!e !o ser&e a se%ara!e %ur%ose as s!a!ed in Ar!icle II. The Cor%ora!ion (us! s%ecificall/
follo- !he >!a!e?s Cor%ora!ion la-s.
The %ur%ose of a Coo%era!i&e $ousing Cor%ora!ion is !o %ro&ide housing for i!s (e(*ers, -ho
each o-n one share of !he Cor%ora!ion and are !herefore shareholders -ho hold a %ro%rie!ar/ lease
on !he uni! in -hich !he/ li&e. The (e(*ers do no! o-n !heir indi&idual uni!, *u! o-n a share of
!he en!ire cor%ora!ion?s asse!s and lia*ili!ies, or ne! -or!h. As s!a!ed in !he Ar!icles of
Incor%ora!ion, !he cor%ora!ion is se! for!h on a (e(*ershi% *asis -here each (e(*er o-ns one
I! is i(%or!an! !ha! !he (e(*ers, -ho ha&e *een elec!ed !o ser&e on !he Board of Direc!ors,
unders!and ho- !heir Coo%era!i&e -as es!a*lished. The Direc!ors should fur!her unders!and !he
Cor%ora!ion?s docu(en!s, i!s finances, regula!or/ re;uire(en!s, o*liga!ions and !he decision0
(a7ing %rocess for !he en!i!/. This (anual has *een designed !o %ro&ide infor(a!ion !o !he Board
of Direc!ors, so !ha! !he/ can full/ unders!and !heir Coo%era!i&e as a Cor%ora!ion.
In order !o co(%le!el/ co&er !he !o%ics included in !his (anual, a .)0hour !raining session -ould
*e necessar/ and i! -ould s!ill no! co&er all of !he infor(a!ion. Therefore, -e ha&e de&elo%ed !his
(anual as a resource (anual for fu!ure use.
+ach Coo%era!i&e is differen!, !herefore -e feel i! is necessar/ !o %ersonali6e /our Coo%era!i&e
$ousing Cor%ora!ion so i!Bs s%ecific %ur%ose, docu(en!s and si!ua!ion is unders!ood. The &arious
docu(en!s associa!ed -i!h each %ar!icular
Cor%ora!ions are included in !his (anual. These docu(en!s include !he Ar!icles of Incor%ora!ion,
B/0la-s, Occu%anc/ Agree(en!, Regula!or/ Agree(en!, or!gage, ,,CD and !he e(*ershi%
2i7e (os! (aAor Cor%ora!ions, a Coo%era!i&e is se! u% !o elec! a Board of Direc!ors, -ho (ee! on
a (on!hl/ *asis or on a schedule as descri*ed in !he B/0la-s. The Board e(%o-ers an indi&idual
or indi&iduals !o (anage !he Cor%ora!ion on a da/0!o0da/ *asis. The Board has !he o%!ion of hiring
a fee0*ased (anage(en! co(%an/, -ho -ill (anage !he %ro%er!/ on a dail/ *asis or !o de&elo% a
self0(anaged en!i!/, -hich -ill hire s%ecific indi&iduals !o (anage !he %ro%er!/ on a dail/ *asis.
The indi&idual or indi&iduals -ho are res%onsi*le for (anaging !he %ro%er!/ ha&e a res%onsi*ili!/
!o re%or! !o !he Board of Direc!ors %eriodicall/ !o consul! -i!h !he( on (aAor decisions. I! is
i(%or!an! for Board (e(*ers !o unders!and !he (anage(en! %rocess, !he (anage(en! con!rac! or
con!rac!s, and ho- (anage(en! decisions affec! !he %ro%er!/.
The (aAori!/ of !he (aAor decisions a Coo%era!i&e?s Board of Direc!ors -ill (a7e cen!ers on !he
financial %osi!ion of !he Coo%era!i&e. In order !o full/ unders!and !he Coo%era!i&e?s finances, i!
(us! firs! *e de!er(ined e,ac!l/ ho- (uch inco(e is genera!ed !hrough !he collec!ion of caring
charges. Unders!anding Coo%era!i&e 9inance included in !his (anual de!ails ho- !o de!er(ine !he
Page 3 of 221
gross inco(e of a Coo%era!i&e, and discusses !he o%era!ing *udge!, -hich considers !he inco(e
needed !o co&er, and all !he necessar/ e,%endi!ures of !heir Coo%era!i&e on an annual *asis. :e
also include infor(a!ion for ca%i!al e,%endi!ure *udge!s, long0!er( %lanning and ho- !o %roAec!
reser&e sources and uses o&er an e,!ended %eriod of !i(e, (on!hl/ financial re%or!s, audi!s and
o!her financial !ools !ha! call *e useful in !he decision0 (a7ing %rocess.
+ach Coo%era!i&e also has differen! re;uire(en!s de%ending on ho- !he Coo%era!i&e is funded,
-he!her or no! !he Coo%era!i&e is su*sidi6ed, or -he!her or no! !he Coo%era!i&e has fle,0su*sid/
no!es, second (or!gage no!es or o!her financial considera!ions. Regula!or/ Agenc/ -ill discusses
!he curren! regula!or/ re;uire(en!s !ha! !he Coo%era!i&e (us! co(%le!e. The Coo%era!i&e (us!
re%or! !o !he Uni!ed >!a!es De%ar!(en! of $ousing and Ur*an De&elo%(en! 3$UD4 , regarding
!hese re;uire(en!s. os! Coo%era!i&es -ill *e %a/ing off !heir (or!gage o&er !he ne,! !en /ears.
Once !he (or!gage is %aid, !he Coo%era!i&e (us! decide ho- !he/ -ill *eco(e !heir o-n
regula!or/ agenc/, and ho- !he/ -ill incor%ora!e !hese re;uire(en!s !o ensure !ha! !he
Coo%era!i&e re(ains a &ia*le en!i!/.
I! is i(%or!an! !o unders!and !he s%ecific se! u% of !he Coo%era!i&e as a Cor%ora!ion, and !o
unders!and !he (anage(en!, regula!or/, and financial considera!ions and re;uire(en!s of !he
Cor%ora!ion. The Coo%era!i&e is a *usiness, as -ell as !he (e(*er?s ho(es, and should *e !rea!ed
delica!el/ as i! is an e,!re(el/ &alua*le asse!.
Page . of 221
Annual Meeting
Who plans your co-op Annual Meeting?
The Board should (a7e sure all !he *usiness ge!s co&ered
The Recording >ecre!ar/ is ul!i(a!el/ res%onsi*le for ge!!ing !he official 3) da/ no!ice
ou! !o all co0o% (e(*ers.
Co((i!!ees 3e(*ershi% Co((i!!ee or o!hers4 (a/ head u% !he food effor!, coordina!e
childcare, or %lan a cele*ra!or/ ac!i&i!/. Or, an ad hoc co((i!!ee consis!ing of so(e
Board (e(*ers and o!her (e(*ers (a/ %lan !he -hole e&en!.
What happens at the Annual Meeting? What is its purpose?
>ee /our B/la-s 00 !he/ of!en ha&e a s%ecific agenda for !he (ee!ing.
Co0o% De(ocrac/D Co0o% (e(*ers elec! (e(*ers !o !heir Board of Direc!ors
e(*er Par!ici%a!ionD Co0o% (e(*ers choose -hich co((i!!ee3s4 !he/ -ill *e on.
Planning and <oal0>e!!ingD e(*ers discuss and de!er(ine -ha! !hings are i(%or!an! for
!he co0o% !o acco(%lish in !he co(ing /ear, and -ha! <oals -ill !he co0o% se! for i!self.
Ac7no-ledg(en!s are i(%or!an! 3*u! of!en o&erloo7ed4 co(%onen!s of !he Annual
ee!ing. +&er/ (e(*er deser&es !o hear a%%recia!ion for !he -or7 and energ/ !he/?&e
con!ri*u!ed !o !he co0o%. Don?! o&erloo7 !hisE A co(%lain! of!en (ade agains! co0o%
li&ing is !ha! !here is &er/ li!!le ac7no-ledge(en! of fol7s? con!ri*u!ions !o !he co0o%.
9ull e(*ershi% Decisions such as B/0la-s A(end(en!s (a/ ha%%en a! !he Annual
ee!ing. Also, if !here are decisions !ha! !he Board decides !o !urn o&er !o !he full
(e(*ershi% for a &o!e, !he Annual ee!ing (a/ *e !he !i(e !o do !his.
Where should the Annual Meeting Be Held?
>o(e %lace !ha! has s%ace for /our ac!i&i!ies

>o(e %lace !ha! (ee!s /our (e(*ers childcare needs for off0si!e or on0si!e childcare
>o(e %lace -here fol7s -ill feel co(for!a*le, and on neu!ral ground
>o(e %lace !ha! is accessi*le !o all co0o% (e(*ers
>o(e %lace large enough !o sea! all co0o% (e(*ers co(for!a*l/
Why have an Annual Meeting?
Chec7 ou! all !he F:ha!sF a*o&eE 3Besides, i!?s re;uired in /our Co0o%?s B/0la-s.4
When should you hold your Annual Meeting?
Chec7 /our B/0la-s.

Ideall/, /our Annual ee!ing should *e !o-ards !he *eginning of !he /ear, -i!h enough
!i(e !o allo- for /our /ear0end financial s!a!e(en!s !o *e co(%le!ed.
Page " of 221
What should be included in Annual Meeting Packets?
The -ha!, -here, -hen, e!c. of !he Annual ee!ing, -i!h de!ails on childcare
Co&er le!!er fro( Board Presiden!
inu!es fro( %re&ious Annual ee!ing
A%%ro&ed *udge! 3including *rea7do-n of co((i!!ee *udge!s4
9inancial >!a!e(en!sD Balance shee!, Inco(e C +,%ense re%or!
Board No(ina!ion for(
Conflic! Resolu!ion Co((i!!ee no(ina!ion for(
An/ legal or %olic/ %ro%osals 3B/02a-s a(end(en!s, e!c.4
Go* descri%!ions for !he Board and for each Board officer
Go* descri%!ions for co((i!!ees
3I! is fine !o as7 /our (anager !o hel% /ou %u! !his (a!erial !oge!her 00 if /ou ha&e a
Some good idea from t!e collective co"op e#perience
Include a *righ!l/ colored no!e re(inding (e(*ers -ha! !he/ should do *efore !he
annual (ee!ing, and -ha! !he/ should *ring !o !he Annual ee!ing

Include a curren! %honeHaddress lis!
Announce an/ fes!i&i!ies !ha! -ill *e ha%%ening, and gi&e /our %ac7e! a fes!i&e 3no!
e,clusi&el/ *usiness4 !one.
<i&e a con!ac! na(e for ;ues!ions, con!ri*u!ions
Page 1 of 221
B/ Gane! . eane/, CP
=ice Presiden! 0 Bar7an anage(en! Co(%an/
I am a board member in a medium sized co-op We have members !ith arrearages on a "airly regular
basis When should my manager be negotiating a payment plan# and !hen should she be initiating an
eviction? Also# ho! much should !e be charged "or legal costs "or an eviction?
The coo%era!i&e (us! re(e(*er !ha! a shareholder has a legal o*liga!ion !o !he cor%ora!ion and !ha!
landlord0!enan! la- a%%lies in non0%a/(en! issues. +,ce%! for cer!ain ins!ances -here a cour! of la-
-ould decide differen!l/, !he shareholder is largel/ in !he %osi!ion of a !enan!, ra!her !han o-ner as in
a condo(iniu( si!ua!ion. The Board of Direc!ors has a legal du!/ !o !he shareholders as a -hole and
should no! *e s-a/ed */ feelings of s/(%a!h/ for an occu%an!?s %ro*le(s regarding non0%a/(en! of
(on!hl/ carr/ing charges. $ousing charges are es!a*lished *ased on a se! of o%era!ing e,%enses,
-hich is designed !o ensure financial s!a*ili!/ !o !he cor%ora!ion.
os! coo%era!i&es? (on!hl/ charges are due on !he firs! of !he (on!h and are considered !o *e la!e if
no! %aid */ !he firs!, al!hough so(e co0o%s (a/ &ar/. +&er/ coo%era!i&e should ha&e in %lace
de!ailed collec!ion %rocedures in -ri!ing and designed !o ensure %ro(%! and efficien! collec!ion.
+&ic!ion %rocedures should also *e -ell docu(en!ed. Delin;uenc/ re%or!s should *e genera!ed
-i!hin !he firs! -ee7 of !he (on!h and should *e i((edia!el/ re&ie-ed */ !he Board or
(anage(en!. 2a!e no!ices should *e genera!ed and if a%%lica*le, la!er charges should *e assessed.
Nego!ia!ing %a/(en! %lans is generall/ %rac!iced, *u! can *e &er/ !ric7/ if no! handled %ro%erl/. In
addi!ion, !here is an associa!ed ris7 !o !he coo%era!i&e in doing so. <enerall/, if a shareholder is in
o!her-ise good s!anding *u! (a/ *e e,%eriencing a !e(%orar/ financial %ro*le(, a %a/(en! %lan (e
*e an al!erna!i&e !o !he e&ic!ion %rocess. The Board or (anager (us! consider !he na!ure of !he
reason *ehind !he arrearage and -he!her or no! !he shareholder can afford !he housing charges,
o!her-ise !he %a/(en! %lan (a/ *e -or!hless and resul! in fur!her los! !i(e and (one/. The !er(s of
!he %a/(en! %lan should *e in -ri!ing -i!h a reasona*le %a/*ac7 !er( so as no! !o cause undue
financial hardshi% !o !he coo%era!i&e. I! is also ad&ised !ha! !he %a/(en! %lan should incor%ora!e !he
curren! (on!hl/ charges !o *e %aid in addi!ion !he arrearage, o!her-ise !he li7elihood of recei&ing
!he en!ire arrearage is reduced. The !er(s should also s!a!e s%ecific due da!es !ha! if no! (e!, -ould
resul! in i((edia!e e&ic!ion %roceedings.
<i&en !ha! !he legal %rocess for e&ic!ion falls under !he >u((ar/ Process %rocedures, i! is cri!ical
!ha! !he s!e%s *e !a7en %ro(%!l/. 9ailure !o do so could resul! in !he loss of an en!ire (on!h?s inco(e.
Basicall/, 1.0da/ no!ice ac!ions 3for non0%a/(en!4 should *egin no la!er !han !he !en!h of !he (on!h
and should *e !rac7ed carefull/ !o ensure a !i(el/ cour! da!e. I! is reco((ended !ha! an a!!orne/
re&ie- !he coo%era!i&es? e&ic!ions %rocedures %rior !o i(%le(en!a!ion so as !o a&oid %ro*le(s -ell
in!o !he %rocess.
According !o la-/ers -e consul!ed, !he legal cos!s associa!ed -i!h an e&ic!ion for non0%a/(en! can
range fro( as lo- as I2") !o I1,")) or (ore, de%ending on !he co(%le,i!/ of !he case and !he
hourl/ ra!e of !he a!!orne/. :ha! (a7es u% !he cos!J Cour! filing fees alone are I1) %er case in
housing cour! and a%%ro,i(a!el/ I11) in Dis!ric! Cour!. In addi!ion, as in !enan!Hlandlord (a!!ers for
non0%a/(en!, coun!erclai(s such as *reach of ha*i!a*ili!/ are co((on and dri&e !he cos!s higher as
-ell as !he %o!en!ial for a%%eals and !he in&ol&e(en! of legal ser&ices.
$anet M% Meaney& C'M is =ice Presiden! of Bar7an anage(en! Co(%an/ in Bos!on. Bar7an
s%eciali6es in !he (anage(en! of residen!0con!rolled housing, and i!s %or!folio includes
a%%ro,i(a!el/ .,))) uni!s in Ne- +ngland -i!h cor%ora!e offices in Bos!on and <las!on*ur/,
Page # of 221
Benefit of (ouing Cooperative
2o-er do-n %a/(en!, (uch lo-er closing cos!s, econo(ies of scale, longer (or!gage !er( all
(a7e co0o%s (ore afforda*le !han o!her o-nershi% housing.
,iving in a Co"op Stay Affordable
e(*ers ha&e no reason !o su*s!an!iall/ increase (on!hl/ charges unless !a,es or o%era!ing cos!s
go u%, so (on!hl/ charges re(ain reasona*le.
Ta# Deduction
9or inco(e !a, %ur%oses, !he co0o% (e(*er is usuall/ considered a ho(eo-ner and, as such, can
deduc! his or her share of !he real es!a!e !a,es and (or!gage in!eres! %aid */ !he coo%era!i&e.
Co0o%s can %ro&ide for accu(ula!ion of indi&idual (e(*er e;ui!/. 2i(i!ed0e;ui!/ co0o%s
es!a*lish li(i!a!ions on !he accu(ula!ion of e;ui!/ !o assure long0!er( afforda*ili!/ !o ne-
,imited ,iability
e(*ers ha&e no %ersonal lia*ili!/ on !he co0o% (or!gage. The coo%era!i&e associa!ion is
res%onsi*le for %a/ing off an/ (or!gage loans. This can of!en (a7e i! %ossi*le for %ersons -hose
inco(e (igh! no! ;ualif/ !he( for an indi&idual (or!gage !o *u/ a (e(*ershi% in a li(i!ed e;ui!/
Conumer Action
Through !heir coo%era!i&e associa!ion, (e(*ers can Aoin!l/ e,er! influence in order !o change !a,
ra!es and u!ili!/ %rices and o*!ain i(%ro&ed ser&ices fro( local go&ern(en!s. The co0o%, as
consu(er ad&oca!e, can also Aoin -i!h o!her organi6a!ions.
Co0o% (e(*ers can *enefi! fro( econo(/ of scale in co0o% o%era!ing cos!s as -ell as fro( no!0
for0%rofi! o%era!ion. Also, -hen !here are F!ransfersF, onl/ !he ou!0going (e(*er?s e;ui!/ (us! *e
financed */ !he inco(ing (e(*er. Transfers of shares are su*Aec! !o fe-er se!!le(en! cos!s.
)limination of Outide ,andlord
Co0o%s offer con!rol of one?s li&ing en&iron(en! and a securi!/ of !enure no! a&aila*le in ren!al
Community Control
As (u!ual o-ners, (e(*er residen!s %ar!ici%a!e a! &arious le&els in !he decision0(a7ing %rocess.
This is no! !rue of !enan!s -ho usuall/ do no! ha&e !he o%%or!uni!/ !o e,ercise res%onsi*ili!/.
e(*ers o-n !he coo%era!i&e !oge!her and ha&e !he securi!/ of *eing a*le !o re(ain in !heir
ho(es for as long as !he/ -ish, as long as !he/ (ee! !heir (on!hl/ o*liga!ions, and a*ide */ !he
co0o% */la-s, rules, and regula!ions.
Page ' of 221
Cultural Diverity
an/ co0o% (e(*ers indica!e !ha! !he %ossi*ili!/ for in!erac!ion -i!h %eo%le fro( differen!
*ac7grounds, cul!ures, and inco(e le&els is a %osi!i&e fac!or in !heir decision !o *eco(e a
)#tended Service
B/ es!a*lishing coo%era!i&e %rocedures and -or7ing !oge!her, %eo%le are a*le !o %ro&ide ser&ices
for !he(sel&es !ha! o!her-ise -ould *e i(%ossi*le !o o*!ain. :hen one coo%era!i&el/ organi6ed
&en!ure is successful i! of!en *eco(es clear !ha! %eo%le can *e successful in ano!her area as -ell.
As a resul!, !he original effor! of!en can *e s!reng!hened. +,a(%les include a!hle!ic !ea(s, co0o%
%reschools, credi! unions, !u!oring, food0*u/ing clu*s, ar!s and craf!s, and senior heal!h care and
su%%or! ser&ices.
S!ared Maintenance Reponibilitie
Co0o% (e(*ers usuall/ ha&e li(i!ed direc! (ain!enance res%onsi*ili!ies. The coo%era!i&e
associa!ion is res%onsi*le for (aAor re%airs, insurance, re%lace(en! of -orn0ou! e;ui%(en!, and
u%7ee% of co((on grounds and facili!ies.
*andalim and Security
Co0o% (e(*ers &igorousl/ %ro!ec! !heir associa!ion?s %ro%er!/. An i(%or!an! *enefi! of con&er!ing
ren!al %ro%er!ies !o co0o% o-nershi% is reduc!ion in &andalis( and a*use of %ro%er!/ and i(%ro&ed
and shared securi!/ arrange(en!s. And recen! s!udies sho- !ha! !he co0o%s %resence in !he
neigh*orhood *rings neigh*orhood cri(e do-n.
Page 5 of 221
Board Recruitment
Recrui!(en! is a /ear0round ac!i&i!/ !ha! re;uires A22 Board (e(*ers %ar!ici%a!ion. +&er/ Board
(e(*er should 7ee% !heir ears C e/es o%en for %o!en!ial candida!es. The final ac!ion of an
effec!i&e Board is !o (a7e sure !ha! -hen Annual ee!ing !i(e rolls aroundK !here are so(e grea!
ne- Board (e(*ers read/ !o !a7e o&er -here %ar!ing Board (e(*ers lef! offE
What are the $ualities o" an %""ective Board?
Before recrui!ing indi&iduals for !he Board, !hin7 a*ou! -ha! !he Board as a grou% is charged -i!h,
and -ha! -ill (a7e !he Board as a grou% (os! a*le !o fulfill i!s leadershi% res%onsi*ili!ies in -a/s
!ha! -ill *enefi! !he en!ire co0o%. The Board (us! *e a*le !o -or7 !oge!her as a grou% !o fulfill i!s
Ao* descri%!ion res%onsi*ili!ies, -hile re%resen!ing !he di&erse in!eres!s of !he co0o%. 9irs! figure
ou! -ha! ;uali!ies and s7ills /ou -an! !his grou% !o ha&e. Then !a7e a loo7 a! -ha! ;uali!ies and
s7ills are lac7ing o&erall in !he grou%. Targe! /our recrui!(en! *ased on filling !hese ga%s.
Who is a good candidate "or the Board?
>o(e (e(*ers -ill Au(% ou! !o /ou as good candida!es for !he *oard. O!hers -ill ha&e (ore
su*!le ;uali!ies !ha! iden!if/ !he( as a %o!en!iall/ e,cellen! con!ri*u!or !o !he Board. Re(e(*er
!ha! !he Board as a grou% has a leadershi% role00!he indi&idual Board (e(*ers (us! %ro&ide !he
%ieces !ha! fi! !oge!her !o for( an effec!i&e grou%, *u! no indi&idual Board (e(*er is re;uired !o
ha&e e&er/ s7ill or leadershi% ;uali!/ necessar/ !o !he grou% as a -hole. De%ending u%on !he
needs of !he grou%, a good candida!e -ill *e one %erson for one *oard, and a &er/ differen! %erson
for ano!her *oardE Re(e(*er !ha! !he goal is !o *uild an effec!i&e grou%D each indi&idual is onl/ a
%iece of !hisE In an/ case, so(e sources of good Board candida!es (a/ *eD
Peo%le -ho ha&e %ar!ici%a!ed ac!i&el/ a! co0o% 3or o!her grou%4 (ee!ings or e&en!s.
Peo%le -ho ha&e sho-n ini!ia!i&e, di%lo(ac/, 7no-ledge, and Audg(en! in addressing
issues facing /our co0o% or ano!her grou%.
Peo%le -ho are de(anding change, and -ill !a7e on res%onsi*ili!/ !o effec! change
Peo%le -ho hel% a (ee!ing si(%l/ */ *eing !here000!hrough !heir %eo%le s7ills,
organi6a!ional s7ills, sense of hu(or, or %osi!i&e s%iri!.
Peo%le -ho ins%ire !rus! or are seen as Tea( Builders
Who is a &ood 'andidate "or the Board? (ome $uestions to 'onsider
:ha! ga%s -ould !his %erson fill in !he curren! BoardJ
:h/ -ould !his %erson (a7e a good Board (e(*erJ :ha! -ill sHhe con!ri*u!eJ
:ould !his %erson *e in!eres!ed in ser&ing on !he BoardJ :h/ or -h/ no!J
:ould !his %erson ha&e !i(e for !he co((i!(en! re;uiredJ This is i(%or!an!E
Is !his %erson -illing !o share %o-er and -or7 cons!ruc!i&el/ -i!h !he grou%J
Is !here an/ reason !his %erson should no! *e on !he BoardJ
Page 1) of 221
Ho! Will We )ecruit Members "or the Board?
Prior !o !he Annual ee!ing 3%refera*l/ se&eral (on!hs *efore !he (ee!ing4, !he Board should
decide on a sla!e of candida!es00*ased on !he ga%sHneeds of !he grou%00 !he/ -ould li7e !o recrui!
!o run for !he Board. Curren! Board (e(*ers should &olun!eer !o (ee! one on one -i!h !he
candida!es !o discuss !he *enefi!s and res%onsi*ili!ies of ser&ing on !he Board, and !o recrui! !he
e(*er !o run for !he Board. >o(e !i%sD
>!ress &ision, achie&e(en!s, (o(en!u(, de&elo%(en!. 3No! !as7s, %ro*le(s, recurring
crises.4 Be en!husias!ic. >!ress !he %osi!i&e.
<i&e !he e(*er a realis!ic o&er&ie- of !he e,%ec!a!ions in !er(s of !i(e re;uired,
res%onsi*ili!ies, e!c.
2e! !he e(*er 7no- -ha! s!reng!hs /ou !hin7 !he/ -ould *ring !o !he grou%, and -h/
/ouBre en!husias!ic a*ou! ha&ing herHhi( on !he *oard s%ecificall/.
Offer !o ans-er an/ ;ues!ions !he/ ha&e. As7 !he( ho- /ou can hel%.
One las! !i%D >o(e!i(es !he *es! -a/ !o recrui! ne- (e(*ers !o !he Board is !o co((i!
!o no! running /ourselfE If /ou?&e *een on !he Board for -ha! see(s li7e fore&er, %erha%s
i!?s !i(e !o s!e% do-n and crea!e s%ace for so(eone else !o !a7e leadershi%. The change
(a/ *e refreshing00!o /ou and !he co0o%. And /ou can al-a/s run in !he fu!ureE
Who Will )ecruit *hese +ine 'andidates to the Board?
Board recrui!(en! is e&er/ Board (e(*ers res%onsi*ili!/. All Board (e(*ers should see i! as
!heir res%onsi*ili!/ !o iden!if/ and (ee! -i!h %o!en!ial candida!es. $o-e&er, /ou (a/ -an! !o
es!a*lish a su*co((i!!ee of !he curren! Board 3%erha%s 3 Board (e(*ers4 -ho -ill ac! as !he
no(ina!ing co((i!!ee. The no(ina!ing co((i!!ee !a7es organi6ing res%onsi*ili!/ and leadershi%
for !he follo-ingD
Plans s!ra!eg/ for Board recrui!(en!
+s!a*lishes ;ualifica!ions !ha! should *e re%resen!ed in !he Board as a grou%
Iden!ifies ga%s in co(%osi!ion of !he curren! Board
Iden!ifies %o!en!ial candida!es
Presen!s reco((enda!ions !o !he full Board
Coordina!es recrui!(en! in!er&ie-s
Orien!s ne- Board (e(*ers !o !he Board 3!his is a -hole o!her hand0ou!E4
Conduc!s e,i! in!er&ie-s -i!h ou!going Board (e(*ersD !his hel%s %ro&ide %osi!i&e
closure, solici!s cons!ruc!i&e cri!icis( and %osi!i&e feed*ac7, and gi&es !he ou!going
Board (e(*er an o%%or!uni!/ !o ge! ou! !heir gri%es, so !ha! !he/ don?! go %u*lic -i!h
!heir gri%es, da(aging !he credi*ili!/ of !he Board.
Page 11 of 221
Board Reponibilitie
T!in0 about t!e Big 'icture1
Deal -i!h issues !ha! %eo%le *ring !o /ou, *u! also 7ee% /our (ind on all as%ec!s of /our (ission.
The *uildings, !he residen!s, !he neigh*orhood, !he lenders, !he (anage(en! co(%an/, and -ha! is
no! included here.
2/iduciary2 reponibilitie
eaning (anage /our (one/ -ell. 8ou are (anaging !he (one/ and !he o!her asse!s for all !he
organi6a!ion?s (e(*ers. >oD
Be hones!.
FDue diligenceF
anage i! for i!s *es! re!urn.
>e! annual *udge!
Audi! once a /ear
Run organi3ation democratically%
Adhere !o B/la-s
$old elec!ions regularl/
ee!ings should *e o%en and -ell0announced. Bring (aAor issues !o (e(*ershi%.
Pro&ide %len!/ of infor(a!ion a*ou! -ha! /ou are doing.
Operate your development
>u%er&ise /our (anager
Unders!and !he la-s !ha! %er!ain !o /our housing
a7e sure !he housing is safe and sound and !he residen!s are reasona*l/ con!en!.
Supervie your Contractor and Staff
Al-a/s selec! /our con!rac!ors !hrough a FRe;ues! for Pro%osalsF.
Consul!an!s should ha&e con!rac!s.
Re(e(*er !ha! /ou are !he *oss 0 2arge decisions should *e /ours. A! !he sa(e !i(e, /ou
hire a con!rac!or *ecause /ou !rus! !he(. 8ou shouldn?! need !o chec7 e&er/ li!!le !hing
!he/ do.
All consul!an!s, con!rac!ors and s!aff should 7no- e,ac!l/ -ho is su%er&ising !he(,
-he!her a single %erson or !he Board. O!her Direc!ors or e(*ers should no! a!!e(%! !o
direc! !ha! con!rac!or or s!aff %erson.
4eep record% (ave an office%
Page 12 of 221
Lee% (ee!ing (inu!es and no!ices and sign u% shee!s.
Lee% (on!hl/ financial records
Con!rac!s and o!her *inding docu(en!s
Build t!e Organi3ation
Residen! >elec!ion
Orien!a!ion of ne- Residen!s
Recrui!(en! of ac!i&e (e(*ers for Associa!ion
2eadershi% De&elo%(en!
9or ne- (e(*ers
9or ne- direc!ors
Refresher courses
Page 13 of 221
Board )#it Intervie5
3Be!-een a (e(*er lea&ing !he Board and one or !-o curren! Board (e(*ers4
An e,i! in!er&ie- is a good -a/ !o !han7 an ou!going Board (e(*er for !heir con!ri*u!ions !o !he
Board, and ge! !heir ideas on -ha! -or7ed and didn?! -or7 in !heir Board. An e,i! in!er&ie- hel%s
!he (e(*er ha&e a %osi!i&e closure -i!h !he Board. This -ill (a7e !he( a *e!!er a(*assador for
!he Board, and -ill add !o !heir %osi!i&e e,%eriences as a co0o% (e(*er. Ideall/, !he e,i! in!er&ie-
should *e done follo-ing !he las! Board (ee!ing of !he (e(*er?s !er( and *efore !he Annual
(ee!ing. The e,i! in!er&ie- should *e conduc!ed */ a Board (e(*er 3or !-o4 !ha! !he ou!going
(e(*er feels &er/ co(for!a*le -i!h. If !he ou!going (e(*er -ould ra!her Aus! -ri!e ou! !heir
ans-ers, !ha!?s fine... -ha!e&er !he/?re co(for!a*le -i!hE
A!!ached are so(e sugges!ed ;ues!ions for an e,i! in!er&ie-. Thin7 a*ou! -ha! info /ou?re ho%ing
!o ge! fro( !he in!er&ie- and -ha! %osi!i&e !hough!s /ou -an! !o co((unica!e. Then add /our
o-n ;ues!ions and co((en!sE The e,i! in!er&ie- should feel (ore li7e a cha! a(ong friends C
neigh*ors, and less li7e a for(al in!er&ie-, so do -ha!e&er /ou li7e !o (a7e i! fun and
Before /ou Au(% in on an/ ;ues!ions, do a *ig round of !han7 /ou. Than7 !he ou!going Board
(e(*er for !heir con!ri*u!ions.
Before /ou lea&e !he Board, %lease hel% us !o (a7e !he co0o% an e&en *e!!er %lace */ ans-ering !he
follo-ing ;ues!ions. 8our hones! res%onses are grea!l/ a%%recia!edE
:ha! did /ou li7e a*ou! *eing on !he BoardJ
:ha! !hings a*ou! !he Board could use i(%ro&e(en!J
Do /ou ha&e an/ sugges!ions for ho- !o (a7e !hese i(%ro&e(en!sJ
Did /ou feel li7e /our con!ri*u!ions !o !he Board -ere full/ a%%recia!edJ
Did /ou feel li7e /our con!ri*u!ions in (ee!ings -ere lis!ened !o and res%ec!edJ
:ha! do /ou !hin7 a*ou! ho- decisions -ere (ade */ !he BoardJ 3An/ sugges!ions for
:ha! are so(e !hings !ha! -ould *e i(%or!an! !o !ell Board candida!es a*ou! !he BoardJ
Are !here an/ o!her sugges!ions /ou ha&e for ho- !o (a7e !he Board and !he co0o% !he
*es! i! can %ossi*l/ *eJ
Please %ass along an/ addi!ional co((en!s or sugges!ions in !he s%ace *elo-. Than7
Page 1. of 221
Buine in t!e !ome
Editors !ote" The following policy is one way of addressing businesses in the home. #ike all
policies, it should vary with the specifics of the environment in which it is applied. Start with this,
and make changes according to your own development.
The co0o% needs !o adhere !o !he local ci!/ ordinance re;uiring !ha! no residen! shall
dis%la/ signs of an/ !/%e in and a*ou! !he %re(ises, including -indo- areas.
In addi!ion residen!s should sho- considera!ion around ho- !heir *usiness affec!s !raffic
in hall-a/s and noise. $all-a/s and co((on areas are in!ended for residen!ial use onl/.
An/ *usiness ac!i&i!/ shall no! in!rude on residen!ial use i.e. no loi!ering.
A *usiness (us! %resen! i!self *efore !he Ta, Credi! Par!nershi% if a 6oning %er(i! is
re;uired for an/ ac!i&i!/.
Cus!o(ersH*usiness associa!es are su*Aec! !o !he co0o%?s gues! %olic/.
An/ e(*er?s *usiness0in0!he0ho(e -hich re;uires cus!o(erH*usiness associa!es !o &isi!
(us! ha&e *usiness hours a%%ro&ed */ !he Board.
Page 1" of 221
Buying Into a (ouing Co"op
Thin7ing of *u/ing in!o a co0o%J 8ou (a/ ha&e no!iced !ha! a co0o% -or7s a *i! differen!l/ !han
o!her !/%es of ho(eo-nershi%. $ere?s -ha!?s in&ol&ed in a housing coo%era!i&e.
What is a housing cooperative?
A housing coo%era!i&e is for(ed -hen %eo%le Aoin -i!h each o!her on a de(ocra!ic *asis !o o-n or
con!rol !he housing and rela!ed co((uni!/ facili!ies in -hich !he/ li&e. Usuall/ !he/ do !his */
for(ing a no!0for0%rofi! coo%era!i&e cor%ora!ion. +ach (on!h !he/ si(%l/ %a/ an a(oun! !ha!
co&ers !heir share of !he o%era!ing e,%enses of !heir coo%era!i&e cor%ora!ion. Personal inco(e !a,
deduc!ions, lo-er !urno&er ra!es, lo-er real es!a!e !a, assess(en!s 3in so(e local areas4,
con!rolled (ain!enance cos!s, and residen! %ar!ici%a!ion and con!rol are so(e of !he *enefi!s of
choosing coo%era!i&e ho(eo-nershi%.
What do you actually o!n?
The (ain dis!inc!ion *e!-een a housing co0o% and o!her for(s of ho(eo-nershi% is !ha! in a
housing co0o% /ou don?! direc!l/ o-n real es!a!e. Bu! if /ou don?! o-n real es!a!e, -ha! e,ac!l/ are
/ou *u/ingJ 8ou are *u/ing shares or a (e(*ershi% in a coo%era!i&e housing cor%ora!ion. The
cor%ora!ion o-ns or leases all real es!a!e. As %ar! of /our (e(*ershi% 3*eing a shareholder4 in !he
coo%era!i&e /ou ha&e an e,clusi&e righ! !o li&e in a s%ecific uni! 3!his is es!a*lished !horough a
occu%anc/ agree(en! or %ro%rie!ar/ lease4 for as long as /ou -an!, as long as /ou don?! *rea7 an/
of !he rules or regula!ions of !he coo%era!i&e. As %ar! of /our (e(*ershi%, /ou also ha&e a &o!e in
!he affairs of !he cor%ora!ion.
What does the share or membership purchase price involve?
:hen /ou *u/ a share or (e(*ershi% in a housing coo%era!i&e, /ou are %a/ing for Aus! !ha!0a
share of !he coo%era!i&e housing cor%ora!ion. The %urchase %rice -ill &ar/ de%ending on -ha!
7ind of neigh*orhood i! is in, ho- *ig !he uni! is, -he!her !he co0o% li(i!s resale %rices, and
-he!her !he co0o% has an underl/ing (or!gage for !he en!ire %ro%er!/
What is a share loan?
2e!?s sa/ /ou -ere going !o *u/ a I1)),))) ho(e. os! li7el/ /ou -ould no! *e a*le !o %a/ !he
seller I1)),))) in cash for !he house. Ins!ead, /ou -ould %a/ a do-n %a/(en!, and /ou -ould ge!
a (or!gage fro( a lender !o co&er !he res! of !he %urchase %rice. In a co0o%, since /ou are ac!uall/
*u/ing a share3s4 in a cor%ora!ion ra!her !han real es!a!e, /ou ge! a !/%e of loan called a share loan
fro( a lender. A share loan is li7e a (or!gage. I! %ro&ides /ou -i!h *orro-ed funds !o *u/ !he
share3s4 fro( !he seller. 8ou !hen (a7e (on!hl/ %a/(en!s on !he share loan !o !he lenders and
(on!hl/ carr/ing charge 3(ain!enance4 %a/(en!s !o !he co0o%.
Ho! do I accumulate e,uity?
<ood ;ues!ion. I! ac!uall/ de%ends on -ha! !/%e of coo%era!i&e /ou are *u/ing in!o. There are
!hree differen! !/%es of coo%era!i&es as far as e;ui!/ is concerned.
,imited"e-uity !ouing cooperative
In a li(i!ed0e;ui!/ housing coo%era!i&e (e(*ershi% resale %rices are res!ric!ed !o a s%ecific
a(oun! as se! ou! in !he coo%era!i&es */la-s. :hile /ou do gain e;ui!/, i! is li(i!ed for a %eriod of
!i(e in order !o discourage s%ecula!ion, !o encourage long0!i(e residenc/, and !o (ain!ain
afforda*ili!/ for di&erse *u/ers. 2i(i!ed0e;ui!/ co0o%s also !end !o ha&e inco(e li(i!s for %eo%le
-ho are *u/ing (e(*ershi% shares in order !o !arge! !he *enefi!s !o !he fa(ilies -ho need !he(
!he (os!.
What are the monthly charges "or?
Page 11 of 221
Al(os! all co0o%s charge residen!s a (on!hl/ carr/ing charge 3of!en called a (on!hl/ (ain!enance
fee4. The a(oun! of !he (on!hl/ charge &aries fro( co0o% !o co0o%. The charges co&er /our
%ro%or!iona!e share of o%era!ing and (ain!aining !he coo%era!i&e, -hich can include *lan7e!
(or!gage %a/(en!s, %ro%er!/ !a,es, (anage(en! fees, (ain!enance cos!s, insurance %re(iu(s,
u!ili!ies, and con!ri*u!ions !o reser&e funds.
Page 1# of 221
-o I pay real estate
Ta,es are assessed on !he coo%era!i&e cor%ora!ion, as o-ner of !he %ro%er!/. 8our (on!hl/
%a/(en!s !o !he co0o% are, in %ar!, used */ !he co0o% !o %a/ !he real es!a!e !a,es. +&en !hough! /ou
don?! %a/ real es!a!e !a,es direc!l/, federal !a, la- allo-s /ou !o deduc! /our share of !he co0o% !a,
%a/(en!s, as -ell as /our (or!gage in!eres! %a/(en!s, on /ou %ersonal inco(e !a, re!urn.
Are co-ops allo!ed to discriminate?
Of course, li7e an/ o!her for( of housing, coo%era!i&es (a/ no! discri(ina!e *ased on !he
%ro!ec!ed classes lis!ed in !he 9air $ousing Ac!, -hich includes race, color, religion, se,, fa(ilial
s!a!us, na!ional origin, or disa*ili!/. $o-e&er, (an/ co0o%s are selec!i&e in a%%ro&ing
(e(*ershi%s. As co((uni!ies of %eo%le -ho share a financial o*liga!ion and res%onsi*ili!/ for
go&erning ho- !he/ -an! !o li&e !oge!her, i! is i(%or!an! for co0o%s !o ensure !ha! inco(ing
(e(*ers can (ee! !heir financial o*liga!ion and -ill a*ide */ !he rules of !he co((uni!/.
What do most housing cooperatives look like?
Co0o%s can *e al(os! an/ !i(e of housing, and !here is a -ide &arie!/ in !er(s of -ha! housing
coo%era!i&es loo7 li7e. $ousing coo%era!i&es can *e high0rise a%ar!(en! *uildings, garden0s!/le
a%ar!(en!s, !o-nhouses, single0fa(il/ ho(es, senior housing, or (o*ile ho(e %ar7s. Usuall/, !he
coo%era!i&e cor%ora!ion o-ns !he land and all !he *uildings, al!hough so(e co0o%s o-n onl/ !he
land, and o!her co0o%s ren! !heir %ro%er!/.
What ,uestions should I ask be"ore buying into a cooperative?
Re(e(*er, since /ou are *u/ing a share of a cor%ora!ion !ha! o-ns real es!a!e, /ou -ill -an! !o
find ou! a*ou! !he financial heal!h of !he cor%ora!ion. 8ou -ill also -an! a clear unders!anding of
-ha! /our financial o*liga!ions !o !he coo%era!i&e -ill *e. Be sure !o find ou! -ha! all !he rules
and regula!ions of !he co((uni!/ are. $ere are so(e sa(%le ;ues!ions !o as7 *efore (a7ing /our
:ha! is !he share %riceJ
:here can I o*!ain share loan financingJ
$o- (uch are !he (on!hl/ carr/ing chargesJ
:ha! is !he underl/ing (or!gageJ
:ha! is /our %e! %olic/J
:ha! is /our su*le!!ing %olic/J
:ha! is !he %olic/ for (a7ing al!era!ions !o (/ uni!J
Confused on an/ of !hese !er(sJ Chec7 ou! our glossar/..F If /ou ha&e an/ legal ;ues!ions a*ou!
co0o%s, /ou should *e sure !o consul! an a!!orne/.
Page 1' of 221
Co"op By ,a5 of a Cooperative 6ample7
Editors !ote" $ollowing are the bylaws of a %assachusetts #imited Equity &o'op in a Ta( &redit
deal. This co'op was set up so that residents would be involved from the beginning '' even before
all the residents moved in. This document is not a substitute for legal counsel, but it is a good
starting point for developing bylaws.
B.",A8S of
Section 9% ARTIC,)S O/ OR+ANI:ATION; +O*)RNIN+ ,A8
1.1 Ar!icles of Organi6a!ion. The na(e, %ur%oses and %rinci%al office of !he cor%ora!ion shall *e as
se! for!h in !he Ar!icles of Organi6a!ion. These B/02a-s, !he %o-ers of !he cor%ora!ion and of i!s
direc!ors and s!oc7holders and all (a!!ers concerning !he conduc! and regula!ion of !he *usiness
and affairs of !he cor%ora!ion shall *e su*Aec! !o such %ro&isions in regard !here!o, if an/, as are se!
for!h in !he Ar!icles of Organi6a!ion as fro( !i(e !o !i(e in effec!.
1.2 <o&erning 2a-. These B/02a-s shall *e su*Aec! !o such %ro&isions of !he s!a!u!or/ and
co((on la-s of !he Co((on-eal!h of assachuse!!s as (a/ *e a%%lica*le !o coo%era!i&e
housing cor%ora!ions organi6ed under !he la-s of !he Co((on-eal!h of assachuse!!s.
>u*se;uen! references herein !o %ro&isions of la- shall *e dee(ed !o *e references !o !he
aforesaid %ro&isions of la-, as fro( !o !i(e a(ended.
Section <% COO')RATI*) ',AN
The cor%ora!ion is organi6ed and shall *e o%era!ed according !o !he follo-ing coo%era!i&e %lanD
2.1 Organi6a!ional >!ruc!ure and Pur%oses. The land and *uildings in -hich residen!ial a%ar!(en!s
-ill *e loca!ed 3!he FBuildingsF4 -ill *e o-ned and con!rolled */ 3na(e of %ar!nershi%4, a
assachuse!!s li(i!ed %ar!nershi% 3!he FPar!nershi%F4. The cor%ora!ion, !oge!her -i!h a! leas! one
o!her assachuse!!s cor%ora!ion, -ill *e (e(*ers of a assachuse!!s li(i!ed lia*ili!/ co(%an/
3!he F<eneral Par!nerF4 !ha! -ill ac! as a general %ar!ner of !he Par!nershi%. Ini!iall/, !he
cor%ora!ion -ill ha&e !he righ! !o a%%oin! a (inori!/ of !he (anagers of !he <eneral Par!ner. In !he
fu!ure, %ursuan! !o agree(en!s !o *e en!ered in!o *e!-een !he cor%ora!ion, !he o!her (e(*er of !he
<eneral Par!ner and !he Par!nershi%, and su*Aec! !o cer!ain condi!ions, !he cor%ora!ion shall ha&e
!he righ! !o
3i4 a%%oin! a (aAori!/ of !he (anagers of !he <eneral Par!ner, and
3ii4 ac;uire !he Par!nershi%Bs in!eres! in !he Buildings. The %ur%ose of !he
cor%ora!ion is, on i!s o-n and !hrough %ar!ici%a!ion in !he Par!nershi%, !o furnish
residen!ial a%ar!(en! uni!s 3FUni!sF4 !o i!s s!oc7holders 3so(e!i(es called
Fe(*ersF in !hese B/02a-s4 on a no!0for0%rofi! *asis. 9or !he %eriod of !i(e
during -hich !he Par!nershi% o-ns !he Buildings occu%ied */ !he e(*ers, an/
reference in !hese B/02a-s, !he Ar!icles of Organi6a!ion or o!her docu(en!s
Page 15 of 221
This section basically tracks the Massachusetts enabling statute for
limited equity housing cooperatives.
-hich address !he cor%ora!ion?s Buildings shall *e dee(ed !o refer !o !he
Buildings o-ned */ !he Par!nershi%.
2.2 Classes of >!oc7. The cor%ora!ion shall ha&e one and onl/ one class of s!oc7.
2.3 Pro%rie!ar/ 2eases. The %ar!nershi% shall ado%! a s!andard for( of %ro%rie!ar/ lease s!a!ing !he
!er(s on -hich a e(*er (a/ occu%/ a Uni! o-ned */ !he Par!nershi%. 3>uch %ro%rie!ar/ leases
are so(e!i(es referred !o in !hese B/la-s as FOccu%anc/ Agree(en!sF.4
Page 2) of 221
2.. Alloca!ion of >hares. The Board of Direc!ors shall alloca!e one or (ore shares of !he
cor%ora!ion?s s!oc7 !o each Uni!. >hares shall *e alloca!ed in %ro%or!ion !o !he &alue of !he Uni! in
rela!ion !o !he aggrega!e &alue of all !he Uni!s. No!-i!hs!anding !he foregoing !o !he con!rar/, !he
Board of Direc!ors (a/ de!er(ine, in !heir sole discre!ion, !o issue onl/ one 314 share of s!oc7 for
each Uni!.
2." >hares Tied !o Uni!s. The shares of s!oc7 alloca!ed !o a Uni! (a/ no! *e issued or !ransferred
e,ce%! in a *loc7 and e,ce%! in conAunc!ion -i!h !he issue or !ransfer of a %ro%rie!ar/ lease for !ha!
2.1 e(*er?s Righ!s. +ach e(*er, as hereinaf!er defined, is en!i!led, solel/ */ reason of s!oc7
o-nershi% !o occu%/ a Uni! in one of !he Buildings. To *eco(e a e(*er, a %erson (us!
si(ul!aneousl/ en!er in!o or assu(e a %ro%rie!ar/ lease for a Uni! o-ned */ !he Par!nershi% The
%ro&isions of !his >ec!ion 2.1 shall no! a%%l/ !o in!eri( e(*ers, as descri*ed in >ec!ion 3 "
2.# Dis!ri*u!ions. No e(*er is en!i!led 3ei!her condi!ionall/ or uncondi!ionall/4 !o recei&e an/
dis!ri*u!ion no! ou! of !he earnings and %rofi!s of !he cor%ora!ion, e,ce%! on a co(%le!e or %ar!ial
li;uida!ion of !he cor%ora!ion. An/ dis!ri*u!ions shall *e (ade a! !he discre!ion of !he Board of
Direc!ors and shall *e in accordance -i!h a%%lica*le la-.
2.' Realloca!ion of >hares. If s%ace in !he Buildings is regrou%ed */ al!era!ion, co(*ina!ion or
su*di&ision of Uni!s, !he cor%ora!ion shall realloca!e shares of s!oc7 and %ro%rie!ar/ leases !o each
such Uni!, in accordance -i!h !his coo%era!i&e %lan.
2.5 No Discri(ina!ion. The cor%ora!ion -ill no! discri(ina!e or %er(i! discri(ina!ion on !he *asis
of race, color, creed, na!ional origin, se,, se,ual orien!a!ion, religion, %resence of children 3e,ce%!
as re;uired */ s!a!u!e or $UD regula!ion, *ased on !he si6e of Uni!s4, %regnanc/, handica%, source
of inco(e, ances!r/, (ari!al s!a!us, age, or &e!eran s!a!us.
Section =% M)MB)RS
The strong link between owning a share and living in a unit is core of
cooperative living.
The Interim Members, like the Declarant in a condominium, represent the
Developer and simply hold the place and operate the organization
until the residents move in and select Directors.
3.1 +nu(era!ion. The e(*ers of !he cor%ora!ion shall consis! of %ersons -ho are
3i4 s!oc7holders of !he cor%ora!ion and

3ii4 Na(ed as !enan!s under Occu%anc/ Agree(en!s and occu%/ing Uni!s loca!ed in
!he Buildings o-ned */ !he Par!nershi%, -ho (ee! !he inco(e and o!her
eligi*ili!/ cri!eria es!a*lished fro( !i(e !o !i(e */ !he Board of Direc!ors,
e,ce%! !ha! !he In!eri( e(*ers, as hereinaf!er defined, shall no! *e re;uired !o
(ee! such cri!eria in order !o *e e(*ers of !he cor%ora!ion.
3.2 +ligi*ili!/ for e(*ershi%. An/ na!ural %erson a! leas! 1' /ears of age -ho (ee!s (ini(u(
sui!a*ili!/ s!andards is eligi*le for (e(*ershi% in !he cor%ora!ion, e,ce%! !ha! !he cor%ora!ion (a/
fro( !i(e !o !i(e li(i! occu%anc/ of cer!ain Uni!s !o %ersons of lo- or (odera!e inco(e, using
a%%lica*le federal and s!a!e guidelines !o (a7e such de!er(ina!ions.
3.3 A%%lica!ion for e(*ershi%. A%%lica!ion for (e(*ershi% shall *e su*(i!!ed on such for( as
!he Board of Direc!ors fro( !i(e !o !i(e %rescri*es, and all such a%%lica!ions shall *e ac!ed u%on
%ro(%!l/ */ !he Board of Direc!ors or i!s designa!ed agen!.
3.. Au!hori6ed e(*ershi%s. The nu(*er of (e(*ershi%s au!hori6ed shall corres%ond !o !he
nu(*er of Uni!s a&aila*le for occu%anc/ in !he Buildings.
Page 21 of 221
3." In!eri( e(*ers. No!-i!hs!anding an/!hing in !his >ec!ion 3, !he In!eri( e(*ers shall *e
!he original direc!ors of !he Cor%ora!ion as included in !he cor%ora!ion?s original Ar!icles of
Organi6a!ion. In!eri( e(*ershi%s shall !er(ina!e as of !he Ini!ial Occu%anc/ ee!ing, as
hereinaf!er defined.
Section >% M))TIN+S O/ M)MB)RS
..1 Place of ee!ing. ee!ings of !he e(*ers shall *e held in !he co((uni!/ *uilding of !he
de&elo%(en!, or a! such o!her sui!a*le %lace con&enien! !o !he e(*ers as (a/ *e designa!ed
fro( !i(e !o !i(e */ !he Board of Direc!ors.
..2 Annual ee!ings. The Annual ee!ing shall *e held on !he firs! Tuesda/ in 9e*ruar/ of each
/ear 3or !he ne,! *usiness da/ if such da/ shall *e a legal holida/4. A! each Annual ee!ing !he
e(*ers shall elec! direc!ors of !he cor%ora!ion, as %ro&ided in !hese B/02a-s, and shall conduc!
such o!her *usiness as (a/ %ro%erl/ *e *rough! *efore !he (ee!ing. If !he Annual ee!ing is no!
held on !he da!e %ro&ided a*o&e, a >%ecial ee!ing in lieu of an Annual ee!ing (a/ *e held a!
an al!erna!e da!e -i!h all !he force and effec! of an Annual ee!ing.
...3 >%ecial ee!ings. >%ecial ee!ings of !he e(*ers (a/ *e called */ !he Presiden! or */ !he
Board of Direc!ors. A >%ecial ee!ing shall *e called */ !he Presiden! or !he Cler7 u%on !he
-ri!!en %e!i!ion of !-en!/0fi&e %ercen! 32"M4 of !he e(*ers and non0(e(*er heads of
household -ho are no! dis;ualified !hrough >ec!ion ..'. The no!ice of an/ >%ecial ee!ing shall
s!a!e !he !i(e, %lace, and %ur%ose of !he (ee!ing, and no o!her *usiness shall *e !ransac!ed a! !he
>%ecial ee!ing.
T!e <?@ figure can c!ange 5it! t!e i3e of t!e development% T!e bigger t!e development& t!e
mnaller t!e percentage%
... Ini!ial Occu%anc/ ee!ing. :i!hin !hir!/ 33)4 da/s of !he da!e -hen fif!/ %ercen! 3")M4 of !he
Uni!s are occu%ied, !he Board of Direc!ors shall call a >%ecial ee!ing of e(*ers 7no-n as !he
Ini!ial Occu%anc/ ee!ing for !he %ur%ose of elec!ing !-o 324 direc!ors 3!he FTransi!ional
Direc!orsF4 -ho shall ser&e un!il !he firs! Annual ee!ing of e(*ers follo-ing !he 9ull
Occu%anc/ ee!ing descri*ed in >ec!ion .." *elo- and un!il !heir successors are dul/ elec!ed and
.." 9ull Occu%anc/ ee!ing. :i!hin !hir!/ 33)4 da/s of !he da!e -hen nine!/0 four 35.M4 of !he
Uni!s are occu%ied, !he Board of Direc!ors shall call a >%ecial ee!ing of e(*ers 7no-n as !he
9ull Occu%anc/ ee!ing for !he %ur%ose of holding elec!ions. A! !his (ee!ing, !he !hree original
In!eri( Direc!ors, as descri*ed in >ec!ion ".2 *elo-, shall resign and !he e(*ers shall elec! !hree
334 direc!ors fro( a(ong !he e(*ers !o fill !he &acancies crea!ed */ !he resigna!ions of !he
In!eri( Direc!ors. >uch su*s!i!u!e direc!ors shall ser&e un!il !he firs! Annual ee!ing of e(*ers
follo-ing !he 9ull Occu%anc/ ee!ing.
Page 22 of 221
This is one of the unique elements of this cooperative. In many
developments, the units do not all come on line at the same
time. ith language like this !.!, residents can start
participating in the governance of the development from the
beginning. This is very important, as residents need to get used
to being in charge "eliminating the #tenant mentality#$ from the
..1 No!ice of ee!ings. The Cler7 shall send a no!ice of each Annual or >%ecial ee!ing, s!a!ing
!he %ur%ose of !he (ee!ing as -ell as !he !i(e and %lace -here i! is !o *e held, !o each e(*er of
record a! leas! fi&e 3"4 *u! no! (ore !han !hir!/ 33)4 da/s %rior !o !he ee!ing. No!ice shall *e
deli&ered */ hand !o each Uni! or sen! */ firs! class (ail !o !he e(*er?s address as i! a%%ears in
!he records of !he cor%ora!ion. The righ! !o recei&e no!ice (a/ *e -ai&ed */ an/ e(*er in
-ri!ing *efore, during or af!er !he (ee!ing. A!!endance */ a e(*er a! an/ (ee!ing shall *e
dee(ed -ai&er of no!ice as !o !he !i(e and %lace of !he (ee!ing.
..# Nuoru(. The %resence, in %erson or */ general %ro,/, of a! leas! fif!/0one %ercen! 3"1M4 of !he
e(*ers of record of !he cor%ora!ion shall cons!i!u!e a ;uoru( for !he !ransac!ion of *usiness a!
all (ee!ings of e(*ers. If !he nu(*er of e(*ers a! a (ee!ing dro%s *elo- !he ;uoru( and
!he ;ues!ion of a lac7 of ;uoru( is raised, no fur!her *usiness (a/ *e !ransac!ed.
Page 23 of 221
..' AdAourn(en! of ee!ings. If an/ (ee!ing of e(*ers canno! *e held or co(%le!ed *ecause a
;uoru( is no! %resen!, !he e(*ers -ho are %resen!, ei!her in %erson or */ %ro,/, (a/, e,ce%! as
o!her-ise %ro&ided */ la-, adAourn !he (ee!ing !o a su*se;uen! da!e -hich shall no! *e (ore !han
fi&e 3"4 *usiness da/s fro( -hen !he original (ee!ing -as called or las! adAourned, a! -hich
su*se;uen! (ee!ing !he ;uoru( re;uire(en! shall *e !he sa(e as for !he original (ee!ing.
..5 =o!ing. A! e&er/ (ee!ing of !he e(*ers, &o!ing shall *e on !he *asis of one &o!e %er Uni!,
regardless of !he nu(*er of shares alloca!ed !o !ha! Uni!. In !he case of Aoin!l/ held s!oc7, an/ Aoin!
e(*er (a/ cas! !he en!ire &o!eK if an/ Aoin! holders of s!oc7 canno! agree as !o ho- !he &o!e
should *e cas!, such &o!e shall *e dis;ualified. The &o!e of !he (aAori!/ of !hose %resen! in %erson
or */ %ro,/ shall decide an/ ;ues!ion *rough! *efore !he (ee!ing, unless !he ;ues!ion is one u%on
-hich, */ e,%ress %ro&ision of s!a!u!e, !he Ar!icles of Organi6a!ion, or !hese B/02a-s, a differen!
&o!e is re;uired, in -hich case such e,%ress %ro&ision shall con!rol.
..1) Dis;ualifica!ion of Delin;uen! e(*ers. No e(*er shall *e eligi*le !o &o!e, !o sign a
%e!i!ion as descri*ed in >ec!ion 11 or >ec!ion ..3, or !o *e elec!ed !o !he Board of Direc!ors -ho is
sho-n on !he *oo7s or (anage(en! accoun!s of !he cor%ora!ion !o *e (ore !han si,!/ 31)4 da/s
delin;uen! in %a/(en!s due !he cor%ora!ion or !he Par!nershi% under his or her Occu%anc/
Agree(en!, unless !he e(*er has agreed !o a %a/(en! %lan -i!h !he anage(en! Co(%an/ and
is o*ser&ing !ha! %a/(en! %lan.
..11 Pro,ies. A e(*er (a/ a%%oin! as %ro,/ onl/ an adul! (e(*er of his or her household or
ano!her e(*er of !he cor%ora!ion. In no case (a/ a e(*er cas! (ore !han one &o!e */ %ro,/ in
addi!ion !o his or her o-n &o!e. A %ro,/ (a/ *e general or s%ecial, and (us! *e in -ri!ing and
filed -i!h !he Cler7 *efore !he a%%oin!ed !i(e of !he (ee!ing. As used in !hese B/02a-s, an/
reference !o &o!ing shall refer !o &o!es cas! in %erson or */ %ro,/.
..12 Order of Business. The order of *usiness a! Annual ee!ings of e(*ers shall *e as follo-sD
3a4 Proof of Nuoru( and No!ice of ee!ing or :ai&er of No!iceK
3*4 A%%ro&al of (inu!es of %receding (ee!ingK
3c4 Re%or!s of OfficersK
3d4 Re%or!s of Co((i!!eesK
3e4 +lec!ion of Direc!orsK
3f4 Unfinished BusinessK and
3g4 Ne- Business.
In !he case of >%ecial ee!ings, i!e(s 3a4 !hrough 3*4 shall *e a%%lica*le, and !hereaf!er !he
agenda shall consis! of !he i!e(s s%ecified in !he no!ice of (ee!ing.
Section ?% DIR)CTORS
".1 Po-ers. The *usiness of !he cor%ora!ion shall *e (anaged */ !he Board of Direc!ors -ho (a/
e,ercise all !he %o-ers of !he cor%ora!ion, e,ce%! such as */ la-, */ !he Ar!icles of Organi6a!ion
or */ !hese B/02a-s are conferred u%on or reser&ed !o !he e(*ers.
Page 2. of 221
T!i i important& but it !ould be clearer on 5!at !appen 5!en a Board member become
delin-uent% Do t!ey reign from t!e BoardA or But tep do5n temporarily until t!ey
become current%
It generally ma0e ene to !ave a variable number of director& a t!ere 5ill be a different number
of people 5!o are prepared to erve a director at different time%
".2 Nu(*erD >!aggered Ter(s and +lec!ion. The affairs of !he cor%ora!ion shall *e go&erned */ a
Board of Direc!ors co(%osed of !hree 334 !o se&en 3#4 %ersons. A! an/ Annual ee!ing or >%ecial
ee!ing of !he e(*ers called for !ha! %ur%ose, !he e(*ers (a/ increase or decrease !he si6e of
!he Board of Direc!ors.
3a4 Ini!iall/, fro( !he da!e of incor%ora!ion !hrough !he firs! Annual ee!ing of
e(*ers follo-ing !he 9ull Occu%anc/ ee!ing, !hose %ersons na(ed in !he
Ar!icles of Organi6a!ion 3!he FIn!eri( Direc!orsF4, !he Transi!ional Direc!ors, as
descri*ed in >ec!ion ... a*o&e, and !hose %ersons -ho are elec!ed !o re%lace !he
In!eri( Direc!ors a! !he 9ull Occu%anc/ ee!ing, as se! for!h in >ec!ion .." a*o&e,
shall ser&e on !he Board of Direc!ors.

3*4 A! !he firs! Annual ee!ing of e(*ers follo-ing !he 9ull Occu%anc/
ee!ing, !he full sla!e of !he Board of Direc!ors shall *e elec!ed -i!h one0half 3 O4
of such %ersons designa!ed !o ser&e a one 314 /ear !er( un!il !he ne,! Annual
ee!ing of e(*ers and !he o!her half shall *e designa!ed !o ser&e a !-o 324 /ear
!er( un!il !he ne,! succeeding Annual ee!ing of e(*ers, and un!il !heir
res%ec!i&e successors are dul/ elec!ed and ;ualified.
3c4 A! all Annual ee!ings of e(*ers su*se;uen! !o !he firs! Annual ee!ing
of e(*ers, direc!ors shall *e elec!ed !o ser&e !-o 324 /ear !er(s.
3d4 An/ elec!ion of a direc!or !o fill a &acanc/ shall *e for !he re(ainder of !he
!er( !he &aca!ing direc!or -as !o ser&e.
3e4 If a! an/!i(e !he si6e of !he Board of Direc!ors is increased, !he !er(s of !he
ne- direc!ors shall ini!iall/ *e di&ided as e;uall/ as %ossi*le *e!-een one 314 and
!-o 324 /ear !er(s, !o acco(%lish !he goal of !he cor%ora!ion !ha!, !o !he grea!es!
e,!en! %ossi*le, one0half 3O4 of !he (e(*ers of !he Board of Direc!ors are elec!ed
a! each Annual ee!ing of !he e(*ers.
".3 Co((i!!ees. The Board of Direc!ors (a/ es!a*lish, delega!e au!hori!/ !o, and dissol&e
co((i!!ees, -hich (a/ *e %er(anen! or !e(%orar/. >uch co((i!!ees shall ac! for and ha&e !he
%o-ers of !he Board of Direc!ors as delega!ed !o !he(, %ro&ided, ho-e&er, !ha! !he Board of
Direc!ors (a/ no! delega!e an/ of !he follo-ing au!hori!/D
3a4 Au!hori!/ !o elec! direc!ors, officers or !e(%orar/ officers.

3*4 Au!hori!/ !o a%%ro&e e,%endi!ures in e,cess of I2,")).
3c4 Au!hori!/ !o a(end !he cor%ora!ion?s annual *udge!.
3d4 Au!hori!/ !o a(end !he su*scri%!ion agree(en! used */ !he cor%ora!ion, or !he
cor%ora!ion?s rules and regula!ions.
3e4 Au!hori!/ !o !er(ina!e a (e(*ershi%. :hen !he Presiden! or =ice0Presiden! has
recogni6ed !he need for an e(ergenc/ decision of !he Board of Direc!ors, !he officers
shall cons!i!u!e an +,ecu!i&e Co((i!!ee, -hich (a/ (a7e decisions for !he Board of
Direc!ors. All decisions of !he +,ecu!i&e Co((i!!ee (us! *e reconsidered */ !he full
Board of Direc!ors a! i!s ne,! (ee!ing. The +,ecu!i&e Co((i!!ee shall no! (a7e an/
decision !ha! resul!s in an e,%endi!ure e,ceeding a *udge! line i!e( */ (ore !han !en
%ercen! 31)M4.
".. Nualifica!ion. +,ce%! for !he In!eri( Direc!ors, indi&iduals (us! (ee! !he follo-ing
;ualifica!ions !o *e elec!ed !o !he Board of Direc!orsD
3a4 Direc!ors (us! *e a! leas! 1' /ears old.

3*4 Direc!ors (us! *e e(*ers of !he cor%ora!ion.
Page 2" of 221
3c4 Direc!ors (us! no! *e (ore !han 1) da/s delin;uen! in %a/(en!s !o !he cor%ora!ion
or !he Par!nershi%.
3d4 Direc!ors (us! ha&e agreed !o ser&e on !he Board.
Page 21 of 221
"." =acancies. An/ &acancies (a/ *e filled */ &o!e of !he Board of Direc!ors -hen a ;uoru( is
%resen!. If for an/ reason a ;uoru( canno! *e o*!ained, !he &acanc/ (us! *e filled */ an elec!ion
a! an Annual or >%ecial ee!ing. A! an/ Annual or >%ecial ee!ing of e(*ers, an/ direc!or (a/
*e re(o&ed -i!h cause */ !he affir(a!i&e &o!e of !he (aAori!/ of a!!ending e(*ers. An/ direc!or
-hose re(o&al has *een %ro%osed (us! *e gi&en a! leas! se&en 3#4 da/?s no!ice of !his %ro%osal
%rior !o !he &o!e for re(o&al, and shall *e gi&en an o%%or!uni!/ !o *e heard a! !he (ee!ing. A
direc!or (a/ also *e re(o&ed for cause */ !-o !hirds 32P34 of !he disin!eres!ed direc!ors !hen in
office, %ro&ided !ha! !he Board of Direc!ors and !he direc!or !o *e re(o&ed are gi&en a! leas! #
da/s? no!ice of !he (ee!ing a! -hich re(o&al is !o *e considered, and !ha! !he direc!or !o *e
re(o&ed is gi&en an o%%or!uni!/ !o *e heard a! !he (ee!ing. 9or %ur%oses of !his >ec!ion ".",
FcauseF shall include *u! no! *e li(i!ed !o
3i4 The co((ission of fraud or ac!ing in *ad fai!h,
3ii4 The a*sence fro( a! leas! !hree consecu!i&e Board of Direc!ors (ee!ings or
3iii4 Being delin;uen! for (ore !han si,!/ 31)4 da/s in %a/(en!s due !he cor%ora!ion
or !he Par!nershi%.
".1 Co(%ensa!ion. No co(%ensa!ion shall *e %aid !o direc!ors for !heir ser&ices as direc!ors. No
re(unera!ion shall *e %aid !o a direc!or for ser&ices %erfor(ed in an/ o!her ca%aci!/, unless a
resolu!ion au!hori6ing such re(unera!ion shall ha&e *een ado%!ed */ !-o !hirds of !he
disin!eres!ed direc!ors *efore !he ser&ices are under!a7en. A direc!or (a/ no! *e an e(%lo/ee of
!he cor%ora!ion. No!hing in !his sec!ion shall %re&en! rei(*urse(en! !o direc!ors of ou!0of0%oc7e!
e,%enses incurred on *ehalf of !he cor%ora!ion.
".# Board Training. :i!hin si,!/ 31)4 da/s follo-ing each Annual ee!ing of e(*ers, !hose
%ersons elec!ed -ho ha&e %re&iousl/ no! ser&ed on !he Board of Direc!ors shall !a7e a *oard0
!raining course of a! leas! !hree hours? dura!ion on !heir roles and res%onsi*ili!ies.
".' Regular ee!ings. Regular (ee!ings of !he Board of Direc!ors (a/ *e held a! !i(es and %laces
chosen, fro( !i(e !o !i(e, */ !he Board of Direc!ors. A! leas! one (ee!ing shall *e held e&er/
(on!h, e,ce%! !ha! !he Presiden! (a/ cancel u% !o !-o (ee!ings %er /ear. There shall *e an
organi6a!ional (ee!ing of !he Board of Direc!ors -i!hin no! (ore !han four!een 31.4 da/s
follo-ing !he elec!ion of direc!ors a! !he Annual ee!ing of e(*ers. ee!ings of !he Board shall
*e o%en !o all e(*ers and non0(e(*er heads of household, e,ce%! on (a!!ers -hich, */ !heir
na!ure, re;uire confiden!iali!/ and -hich !he Board affir(a!i&el/ &o!es !o consider in e,ecu!i&e
".5 >%ecial ee!ings. >%ecial ee!ings of !he Board of Direc!ors (a/ *e called a! an/ !i(e or an/
%lace */ !he Presiden! or */ a! leas! !-o direc!ors.
".1) No!ice of ee!ings. No!ice of all Regular ee!ings of !he Board of Direc!ors shall *e gi&en
!o all direc!ors and all e(*ers in -ri!ing a! leas! fi&e 3"4 da/s in ad&ance of !he scheduled
(ee!ing, and */ %os!ing no!ice of such (ee!ing in cons%icuous %laces in or a*ou! !he Buildings.
No!ice of >%ecial ee!ings shall *e gi&en !o !he direc!ors in %erson or */ !ele%hone a! leas!
!-en!/0four 32.4 hours in ad&ance of !he (ee!ing or in -ri!ing a! leas! !hree 334 da/s in ad&ance of
such scheduled (ee!ing. :ri!!en no!ices (a/ *e sen! */ regular (ail or */ hand deli&er/ !o !he
Uni!s of !he direc!ors and e(*ers.
".11 :ai&er of No!ice. Before, or a!, or af!er an/ (ee!ing of !he Board of Direc!ors, an/ direc!or
(a/, in -ri!ing, -ai&e no!ice of such (ee!ing and such -ai&er shall *e dee(ed e;ui&alen! !o !he
gi&ing of no!ice. A!!endance */ a direc!or a! an/ (ee!ing of !he Board of Direc!ors shall *e a
-ai&er of no!ice.
".12 Nuoru(. A! (ee!ings of !he Board of Direc!ors, a (aAori!/ of !he curren!l/ ser&ing direc!ors
shall cons!i!u!e a ;uoru( for !he !ransac!ion of *usiness, and !he ac!s of !he (aAori!/ of !he
direc!ors %resen!, e,ce%! -hen !hese B/la-s or !he Cor%ora!ion?s Ar!icles of Organi6a!ion s!i%ula!e
o!her-ise, shall cons!i!u!e !he ac!s of !he Board of Direc!ors. If, a! an/ (ee!ing of !he Board of
Page 2# of 221
Direc!ors, !here is less !han a ;uoru( %resen!, !he (aAori!/ of !hose %resen! (a/ adAourn !he
(ee!ing fro( !i(e !o !i(e. A! an/ such adAourned (ee!ing, an/ *usiness -hich (igh! ha&e *een
!ransac!ed a! !he (ee!ing as originall/ called (a/ *e !ransac!ed -i!hou! fur!her no!ice, %ro&ided a
;uoru( is %resen!.
Page 2' of 221
".13 Pro,ies. Pro,ies shall no! *e allo-ed a! Board (ee!ings for %ur%oses of ;uoru( or &o!ing.
".1. Ac!ion */ Consen!. An/ ac!ion re;uired or %er(i!!ed !o *e !a7en a! an/ (ee!ing of !he Board
of Direc!ors (a/ *e !a7en -i!hou! a (ee!ing if all !he direc!ors !here!o sign a -ri!!en consen!. The
Cler7 shall file such -ri!!en consen! -i!h !he records of !he (ee!ings of !he Board of Direc!ors.
>uch consen! shall *e !rea!ed as a &o!e of !he Board of Direc!ors for all %ur%oses.
".1" ee!ing */ Tele%hone. A %erson (a/ %ar!ici%a!e in a (ee!ing */ (eans of a conference
!ele%hone or si(ilar co((unica!ions e;ui%(en!, -hich %er(i!s all %ersons %ar!ici%a!ing in !he
(ee!ing !o hear each o!her a! !he sa(e !i(eK %ar!ici%a!ion */ such (eans shall cons!i!u!e %resence
in %erson a! !he (ee!ing.
Section C% O//IC)RS
1.1 Nu(*er and Nualifica!ionD +lec!ion. There shall *e four officers of !he cor%ora!ionD a
Presiden!, a =ice0Presiden!, a Treasurer and a Cler7. In addi!ion, !he Board (a/ designa!e an
Assis!an! Treasurer andHor an Assis!an! Cler7. +ach officer shall *e a direc!or of !he cor%ora!ion
and shall *e elec!ed */ !he Board of Direc!ors.
1.2 Tenure. The Presiden!, =ice Presiden!, Treasurer and Cler7 shall each hold office un!il !he firs!
(ee!ing of !he Board of Direc!ors follo-ing !he ne,! Annual ee!ing of e(*ers and un!il his or
her successor is chosen and ;ualified, and each o!her officer shall hold office un!il !he firs!
(ee!ing of !he Board of Direc!ors follo-ing !he ne,! Annual ee!ing of e(*ers unless a shor!er
%eriod shall ha&e *een s%ecified */ !he !er(s of s or her elec!ion or a%%oin!(en!, or in each case
un!il he or she sooner dies, resigns, is re(o&ed or *eco(es dis;ualified. +ach such officer shall
re!ain his or her au!hori!/ and %osi!ion a! !he %leasure of !he Board of Direc!ors.
1.3 Presiden!. The Presiden! shall *e !he officer %ri(aril/ res%onsi*le !o e,ecu!e !he direc!i&es of
!he Board of Direc!ors, shall *e su*Aec! !o !he su%er&ision of !he Board of Direc!ors, and shall
%reside, or designa!e ano!her Direc!or !o %reside a!, all (ee!ings of !he e(*ers and of !he Board
of Direc!ors. The Presiden! shall ha&e all of !he general %o-ers and du!ies -hich are usuall/
&es!ed in !ha! office. including *u! no! li(i!ed !o !he %o-er !o a%%oin! co((i!!ees fro( a(ong !he
e(*ers as he or she finds a%%ro%ria!e !o assis! in !he conduc! of !he affairs of !he cor%ora!ion.
1.. =ice Presiden!. The =ice Presiden! shall !a7e !he %lace of !he Presiden! and %erfor( !he
Presiden!?s du!ies -hene&er !he Presiden! is a*sen! or una*le !o ac!. If nei!her !he Presiden! nor !he
=ice Presiden! is a*le !o ac!, !he Board of Direc!ors shall a%%oin! so(e o!her Direc!or !o ac! on an
in!eri( *asis.
1." Treasurer. The Treasurer shall o&ersee and direc! all recei%!s and dis*urse(en!s of !he
cor%ora!ion and shall o&ersee !he 7ee%ing of all *oo7s and financial records of !he cor%ora!ion,
and shall o&ersee !he %unc!ual %resen!a!ion of a *udge! !o !he Board of Direc!ors. The Treasurer
shall %resen! regular financial re%or!s a! e&er/ (ee!ing of !he Board of Direc!ors and of !he
e(*ers. The Treasurer shall (a7e financial records a&aila*le for ins%ec!ion !o an/ Direc!or u%on
re;ues!. The Treasurer (a/ delega!e an/ or all of !hese du!ies !o an Assis!an! Treasurer.
1.1 Cler7. The Cler7 shall record !he (inu!es of all (ee!ings of !he Board of Direc!ors and of !he
e(*ers. The Cler7 shall *e !he cus!odian of all !he official docu(en!s of !he cor%ora!ion, and
shall gi&e no!ice of (ee!ings !o !he e(*ers and !o !he Board of Direc!ors. The Cler7 shall (a7e
a&aila*le for ins%ec!ion !o an/ e(*er or Direc!or u%on re;ues! !he records of !he Cor%ora!ion
and !he (inu!es of e(*ers (ee!ings. The Cler7 (a/ delega!e an/ or all of !hese du!ies !o an
Assis!an! Cler7.
Section D% CA'ITA, STOC4
#.1 >!oc7 Cer!ifica!es. +ach s!oc7 cer!ifica!e shall s!a!e !ha! !he cor%ora!ion is organi6ed under !he
la-s of !he Co((on-eal!h of assachuse!!s, !he na(e of !he regis!ered holder of !he s!oc7, !he
Page 25 of 221
cor%ora!ion?s lien righ!s as agains! such s!oc7 and !he %references and res!ric!ions a%%lica*le
!here!o, and shall *e in !he for( %rescri*ed */ !he Board of Direc!ors. >!oc7 cer!ifica!es shall *e
consecu!i&el/ nu(*eredK *ound in one or (ore *oo7s, and shall *e issued onl/ u%on full %a/(en!.
+&er/ s!oc7 cer!ifica!e shall *e signed */ !he Presiden! or =ice Presiden!, and */ !he Treasurer or
Assis!an! Treasurer, and shall *ear !he cor%ora!e seal.
#.2 2os! Cer!ifica!es. The Board of Direc!ors (a/ direc! a ne- cer!ifica!e !o *e issued in %lace of
an/ cer!ifica!e %re&iousl/ issued */ !he cor%ora!ion and alleged !o ha&e *een des!ro/ed or los!,
u%on !he (a7ing of an affida&i! of !ha! fac! */ !he %erson re;ues!ing a ne- cer!ifica!e. -hen
au!hori6ing !he issuance of a ne- cer!ifica!e, !he Board of Direc!ors (a/, in i!s discre!ion, re;uire
!he regis!ered o-ner of such los! or des!ro/ed cer!ifica!e !o ad&er!ise !he sa(e in such (anner as
!he Board of Direc!ors shall re;uire and !o gi&e !he cor%ora!ion a *ond in such su( as !he Board of
Direc!ors (a/ re;uire as inde(ni!/ agains! an/ clai( !ha! (a/ *e (ade agains! !he cor%ora!ion */
reason of !he issuance of !he ne- cer!ifica!e.
#.3 Cor%ora!ion?s 2ien. The cor%ora!ion shall ha&e a lien on ou!s!anding s!oc7 of !he cor%ora!ion !o
secure %a/(en! of an/ su(s, -hich shall *e due or *eco(e due !o !he cor%ora!ion or !he
Par!nershi% fro( !he holders !hereof for an/ reason -ha!soe&er, including an/ su(s due under an/
%ro%rie!ar/ lease en!ered in!o -i!h res%ec! !o a Uni!. The cor%ora!ionBs lien shall *e su%erior !o all
o!her liens, encu(*rances or a!!ach(en!s. Unless and un!il such e(*er defaul!s in !he %a/(en!
of an/ ren! or o!her inde*!edness or in !he %erfor(ance of an/ o*liga!ions under a %ro%rie!ar/
lease, said shares shall con!inue !o s!and in !he na(e of !he e(*er u%on !he *oo7s of !he
cor%ora!ion and !he e(*er shall *e en!i!led !o e,ercise !he righ! !o &o!e !hereon. U%on !he
enforce(en! */ !he cor%ora!ion agains! a e(*er of such lien, !he cor%ora!ion shall ha&e !he righ!
!o issue !o a %urchaser of such share, or !o !he no(inee of such %urchaser, a cer!ifica!e for !he
shares of ca%i!al s!oc7 so %urchased in su*s!an!iall/ !he for( of !he cer!ifica!e %re&iousl/ issued !o
such e(*er, and !hereu%on !he cer!ifica!e for such ca%i!al s!oc7 %re&iousl/ issued !o such
e(*er shall *eco(e &oid -he!her or no! such e(*er shall surrender !he sa(e !o !he
cor%ora!ion u%on de(and.
#.. Transfer of >!oc7. The !ransfer of shares of !he ca%i!al s!oc7 of !he cor%ora!ion shall *e su*Aec!
!o !he res!ric!ions con!ained in !he Ar!icles of Organi6a!ion.
Section E% COR'ORAT) S)A,
The Board of Direc!ors shall %ro&ide a sui!a*le cor%ora!e seal con!aining !he na(e of !he
cor%ora!ion, -hich seal shall *e in !he charge of !he Cler7. If so direc!ed */ !he Board of
Direc!ors, a du%lica!e of !he seal (a/ *e 7e%! and used */ !he Treasurer, Assis!an! Cler7 or
Assis!an! Treasurer.
Section F% O')RATIONS
5.1 9iscal 8ear. The ini!ial fiscal /ear of !he cor%ora!ion shall *e !he calendar /ear. The Board of
Direc!ors (a/ change !he fiscal /ear.
5.2 Boo7s and Accoun!s. Boo7s and accoun!s of !he cor%ora!ion shall *e 7e%! under !he direc!ion
of !he Treasurer.
5.3 Audi!ing. A! !he close of each fiscal /ear, !he *oo7s and records of !he cor%ora!ion (us! *e
e,a(ined */ a cer!ified %u*lic accoun!an!, if such an e,a(ina!ion is re;uired *ased on curren! la-.
Based on such re%or!s, if an/, !he cor%ora!ion shall furnish i!s e(*ers -i!h an annual financial
s!a!e(en! including !he inco(e and dis*urse(en!s of !he cor%ora!ion.
5.. Ins%ec!ion of Boo7s. 9inancial re%or!s, financial *oo7s and records, and !he (e(*ershi%
records of !he cor%ora!ion shall *e a&aila*le a! !he %rinci%al office of !he cor%ora!ion for ins%ec!ion
a! reasona*le !i(es */ an/ e(*er.
Page 3) of 221
5." +,ecu!ion of Cor%ora!e Docu(en!s. :i!h !he %rior au!hori6a!ion of !he Board of Direc!ors, all
no!es and con!rac!s, including %ro%rie!ar/ leases, (or!gages and loan agree(en!s shall *e e,ecu!ed
on *ehalf of !he cor%ora!ion */ ei!her !he %residen! or !he &ice %residen!. An chec7s shall *e
e,ecu!ed on *ehalf of !he cor%ora!ion */ %ersons designa!ed fro( !i(e !o !i(e */ !he Board of
5.1 9ideli!/ Bonds. The Board of Direc!ors (a/ re;uire !ha! all officers and e(%lo/ees of !he
cor%ora!ion handling or res%onsi*le for cor%ora!e or !rus! funds shall furnish ade;ua!e fideli!/
*onds. The %re(iu(s on such *onds shall *e %aid */ !he cor%ora!ion.
Page 31 of 221
5.# Righ!s of >hare 2enders The cor%ora!ion (a/ en!er in!o recogni!ion agree(en!s -i!h
ins!i!u!ional lenders regarding !he res%ec!i&e figh!s and re(edies of !he cor%ora!ion 3andHor !he
Par!nershi%4 and !he share lender in connec!ion -i!h share loans (ade !o finance !he %urchase of
shares and secured */ %ledges of s!oc7 and %ro%rie!ar/ leases of !he cor%ora!ion. No %ledge of
shares */ a s!oc7holder shall *e %er(i!!ed o!her !han in connec!ion -i!h !he circu(s!ances
%ro&ided for a*o&e and onl/ if !he s!oc7holder and !he share lender en!er in!o a recogni!ion
agree(en! in for( sa!isfac!or/ !o !he cor%ora!ion.
An/ direc!or, officer, for(er direc!or or for(er officer, elec!ed */ !he s!oc7holders 3including
%erson elec!ed */ !he Board of Direc!ors !o fill &acancies in !he Board of Direc!ors or in such
offices4 shall *e inde(nified */ !he cor%ora!ion agains! e,%enses necessaril/ %aid or incurred */
hi( or her in connec!ion -i!h or arising ou! of an/ clai( (ade, or an/ ci&il or cri(inal ac!ion, sui!
or %roceeding of -ha!e&er na!ure *rough! agains! hi( or her, or in -hich he or she is (ade a %ar!/,
or in -hich he or she is o!her-ise in&ol&ed, */ reasons of *eing or ha&ing *een a direc!or or
officer of !he cor%ora!ion. The Board of Direc!ors (a/, fro( !i(e !o !i(e, %ro&ide for !he
inde(nifica!ion of an/ officer elec!ed */ !he Board of Direc!ors or an/ e(%lo/ee or o!her agen! of
!he cor%ora!ion 3including %ersons -ho ser&e a! i!s re;ues! as direc!ors or officers of ano!her
organi6a!ion in -hich i! o-ns shares or of -hich i! is a credi!or4, u%on such !er(s as i! dee(s in
!he *es! in!eres!s of !he cor%ora!ion.
No inde(nifica!ion shall *e %ro&ided for an/ %erson -i!h res%ec! !o an/ (a!!er as !o -hich he
shall ha&e *een adAudged in an/ %roceeding no! !o ha&e ac!ed in good fai!h in !he reasona*le *elief
!ha! his or her ac!ion -as in !he *es! in!eres!s of !he cor%ora!ion. If he or she has no! *een so
adAudged he or she shall *e en!i!led !o inde(nifica!ion unless !he Board of Direc!ors decides !ha!
he did no! ac! in good fai!h in !he reasona*le *elief !ha! his ac!ion -as in !he *es! in!eres!s of !he
cor%ora!ion. +,%enses incurred of !he charac!er descri*ed in !he %receding %aragra%h (a/, -i!h
!he a%%ro&al of !he Board of Direc!ors, *e ad&anced */ !he cor%ora!ion %rior !o !he final
dis%osi!ion of !he %roceeding in&ol&ed, u%on recei%! of an under!a7ing */ !he reci%ien! !o re%a/ all
such ad&anced if he or she is adAudged no! !o ha&e ac!ed in good fai!h in !he reasona*le *elief !ha!
his ac!ion -as in !he *es! in!eres!s of !he cor%ora!ion or if !he Board of Direc!ors decides !ha! he is
no! en!i!led !o inde(nifica!ion.
An/ righ!s of inde(nifica!ion hereunder shall no! *e e,clusi&e, shall *e in addi!ion !o an/ o!her
figh! -hich a direc!or, officer or e(%lo/ee (a/ ha&e or o*!ain and shall accrue !o his or her es!a!e.
Section 99% AM)NDM)NT
These B/02a-s (a/ *e a(ended */ !he affir(a!i&e &o!e of !-o !hirds of !hose e(*ers en!i!led
!o &o!e a! an/ Annual ee!ing or an/ s%ecial (ee!ing called for !ha! %ur%ose. A(end(en!s (a/ *e
%ro%osed */ !he Board of Direc!ors or */ %e!i!ion signed */ a! leas! !en %ercen! 31)M4 of !he !o!al
of e(*ers and non0(e(*er heads of household -ho are no! dis;ualified !hrough >ec!ion ..1). A
descri%!ion of an/ %ro%osed a(end(en! shall acco(%an/ no!ice of !he (ee!ing a! -hich !he
%ro%osed a(end(en! is !o *e considered.
Page 32 of 221
Co"op Article of Organi3ation 6ample7
Editors !ote" $ollowing are the )rticles of *rgani+ation of a %assachusetts #imited Equity &o'
op in a Ta( &redit deal. The primary area of interest here is in share transfer, other Sections do
not vary a great deal from co'op to co'op. This document is not a substitute for legal counsel, but
it is a good starting point for developing )rticles.
2. The %ur%ose of !his Cor%ora!ion is !o engage in !he follo-ing *usiness ac!i&i!iesD
2.1 To %ro&ide coo%era!i&e housing facili!ies in %er%e!ui!/, es%eciall/ for lo- and (odera!e
inco(e households -ho are i!s s!oc7holders in a fair and non0discri(ina!or/ (anner, and in !ha!
connec!ion !o
3i4 Ac;uire, lease, use, o%era!e and (ain!ain one or (ore *uildings loca!ed on or
near 3loca!ion4 assachuse!!s as coo%era!i&e a%ar!(en!sK

3ii4 To sell, !ransfer, con&e/, lease, (or!gage or o!her-ise dis%ose of sa(e or an/
%ar! !hereof or an/ in!eres! !hereinK !o (a7e such a%ar!(en! uni!s a&aila*le !o
s!oc7holders of !his cor%ora!ion for residen!ial %ur%oses under leases
co((onl/ 7no-n as %ro%rie!ar/ leases 3and so(e!i(es referred !o in !hese
Ar!icles of Organi6a!ion as FOccu%anc/ Agree(en!sF4, said %ro%rie!ar/
leases !o %ro&ide !ha! !he s!oc7holders of !his cor%ora!ion shall *e en!i!led,
solel/ */ reason of !heir o-nershi% of shares of !his cor%ora!ion,
3iii4 To occu%/ such a%ar!(en! uni!s for residen!ial %ur%osesK and
3i&4 To ac;uire, o-n, sell, !ransfer or o!her-ise dis%ose of and deal in real
%ro%er!/ or an/ in!eres! !herein, and all ac!i&i!ies direc!l/ and indirec!l/
rela!ed !here!oK
2.2 To su%%or! effor!s ai(ed a! !he s!a*ili6a!ion and econo(ic de&elo%(en! of !he 3loca!ion4
neigh*orhood, as neigh*orhood residen!s define !hose goalsK
2.3 To de&elo% !enan! a-areness and consciousness */ %ro(o!ing a high degree of !enan!
organi6a!ion and %ar!ici%a!ionK
2.. To %ro(o!e a sense of co((uni!/ a(ong residen!sK
2." To assure a safe and heal!h/ li&ing en&iron(en!K
2.1 To %ro(o!e co((unica!ion -i!h o!her residen! organi6a!ions, and *uild (u!ual su%%or!K
2.# To *orro- (one/ and !o gi&e %ro(issor/ no!es, (or!gages or o!her ins!ru(en!s or
under!a7ings inciden!al !hereofK
2.' To ac! as a (e(*er or (anager of an/ li(i!ed lia*ili!/ co(%an/ or a li(i!ed or general %ar!ner
of an/ %ar!nershi% in fur!herance of !he foregoing %ur%oses, including !he %ar!nershi% -hich o-ns
or con!rols !he *uildings 3or an/ of !he(4 in -hich !he s!oc7holders reside 3!he FPar!nershi%F4K and
Page 33 of 221
%rticle I is the &ame, and is on the cover page provided by the 'tate.
2.5 In fur!herance of !he foregoing %ur%oses, !o carr/ on an/ *usiness or *e a %ar!ner in an/
*usiness %er(i!!ed for a cor%ora!ion organi6ed under Cha%!er 1"#B of !he <eneral 2a-s of !he
Co((on-eal!h of assachuse!!s, as no- in force or as hereaf!er a(ended.
Page 3. of 221
Section =% Retriction on Tranfer
+,ce%! as %ro&ided herein, shares of s!oc7 ( !he Cor%ora!ion shall no! *e !ransfera*le and, in an/
e&en!, no !ransfer of shares shall *e (ade u%on !he *oo7s of !he Cor%ora!ion -i!hin a !en 31)4 da/
%eriod i((edia!el/ *efore !he Annual ee!ing of !he >!oc7holders. 9or %ur%oses of !hese Ar!icles
of Organi6a!ion, a s!oc7holder is so(e!i(es referred !o herein as a F(e(*erF or Fe(*erF. In all
!ransfers of shares, !he Cor%ora!ion shall *e en!i!led !o a reasona*le fee for ser&ices %erfor(ed (
connec!ion -i!h such !ransfer, as de!er(ined */ !he Board of Direc!ors fro( !i(e !o !i(e O!her
res!ric!ions are as follo-sD
3.1 Dea!h of e(*er
3 1 1 e(*ershi% */ e(*er of $ousehold. If, u%on !he dea!h of a s!oc7holder, his or her shares
of s!oc7 of !he Cor%ora!ion %ass */ -ill or in!ers!a!e dis!ri*u!ion !o a (e(*er, a! leas! 1' /ears of
age, of !he deceased?s household as defined a! !he !i(e of dea!h */ !he (os! curren! Occu%anc/
Agree(en!, such lega!ee or dis!ri*u!e (a/, */ assu(ing in -ri!ing !he !er(s of !he a%%lica*le
Occu%anc/ Agree(en! -i!hin si,!/ 31)4 da/s af!er !he s!oc7holder?s dea!h and %a/ing all a(oun!s
due !here under, *eco(e a s!oc7holder of !he Cor%ora!ion.
3.1.2 A%%lica!ion */ lega!ee or Dis!ri*u!ee. If a s!oc7holder dies and !he Occu%anc/ Agree(en! is
no! assu(ed in accordance -i!h !he %ro&isions of >ec!ion 3.1.1 a*o&e, !hen !he lega!ee or
dis!ri*u!ee (a/ a%%l/ !o !he Cor%ora!ion for (e(*ershi%. If !he lega!ee or dis!ri*u!ee is acce%!ed
for (e(*ershi% */ !he Cor%ora!ion, such lega!ee or dis!ri*u!ee (a/, */ assu(ing in -ri!ing !he
!er(s of !he a%%lica*le Occu%anc/ Agree(en! -i!hin si,!/ 31)4 da/s af!er !he s!oc7holder?s dea!h
and %a/ing all a(oun!s due !here under, *eco(e a s!oc7holder of !he Cor%ora!ion. The
Cor%ora!ion?s considera!ion of such an a%%lican! -ill *e iden!ical !o !he %rocess used !o consider
o!her a%%lican!s.
3.1.3 If !he deceased (e(*er?s (e(*ershi% is no! assu(ed in accordance -i!h !he %ro&isions
descri*ed in ei!her >ec!ion 3.1.1 or >ec!ion 3.1.2 a*o&e, !hen !he Cor%ora!ion shall %urchase !he
shares of s!oc7 fro( !he deceased (e(*er?s es!a!e in !he (anner %ro&ided in >ec!ion 3.3 of !his
Ar!icle. If !he Cor%ora!ion does no! e,ercise !his o%!ion, !he %ro&isions of >ec!ion 3.. of !his
Ar!icle shall a%%l/ 3!he reference !o Fs!oc7holderF !herein !o *e cons!rued as a reference !o !he
e,ecu!or3s4 or ad(inis!ra!or3s4 of !he deceased s!oc7holder?s es!a!e4.
3.2 In!ra0household TransfersD Assu(%!ion. If a s!oc7holder desires !o !ransfer his or her shares of
s!oc7 of !he Cor%ora!ion !o a (e(*er, a! leas! 1' /ears of age, of his or her household as defined
*/ !he (os! curren! Occu%anc/ Agree(en!, such !ransferee (a/, */ assu(ing in -ri!ing !he !er(s
of !he a%%lica*le Occu%anc/ Agree(en! and %a/ing all a(oun!s due !hereunder, *eco(e a
s!oc7holder of !he Cor%ora!ion.
3.3 Purchase O%!ions in 9a&or of Cor%ora!ion. An/ !ransfer of s!oc7 !o a %ro%osed !ransferee o!her
!han !hose descri*ed in >ec!ions 3.1 and 3.2 a*o&e shall *e (ade in accordance -i!h !he
%ro&isions of !his >ec!ion 3.3 and >ec!ion 3.. *elo-.
3.3.1 Cor%ora!ion?s O%!ion. The Cor%ora!ion shall ha&e an o%!ion !o %urchase s!oc7 e,ercisa*le
3i4 :i!hin a %eriod of !hir!/ 33)4 da/s follo-ing !he failure of a lega!ee or
dis!ri*u!ee !o *eco(e a s!oc7holder in accordance -i!h and -i!hin !he !i(e
%eriods %rescri*ed under >ec!ions 3.1.1 or 3.1.2 a*o&e, or

3ii4 -i!hin a %eriod of !hir!/ 33)4 da/s af!er recei&ing -ri!!en no!ice fro( a li&ing
s!oc7holder !ha! such s!oc7holder -ishes !o !ransfer shares of s!oc7 o!her
!han !o an eligi*le (e(*er of his or her household, */ no!if/ing !he
!ransferring s!oc7holder or !ransferee or dis!ri*u!ee as a%%lica*le as !o
-he!her !he Cor%ora!ion -ishes !o %urchase such s!oc7 or -ai&es i!s o%!ion
!o %urchase.
Page 3" of 221
3.3.2 +,ercise of O%!ion. If !he Cor%ora!ion elec!s !o %urchase !he s!oc7 -i!hin !he a%%lica*le !i(e
%eriod se! for!h a*o&e, i! shall !ender !he %urchase %rice 3descri*ed *elo-4 -i!hin si,!/ 31)4 da/s
follo-ing i!s no!ice !o !he !ransferring s!oc7holder of i!s in!en! !o %urchase. The %urchase %rice for
!he s!oc7 shall *e !he FTransfer =alueF as defined in >ec!ion 3.# *elo-, less an/ a(oun!s o-ed */
!he s!oc7holder !o !he Cor%ora!ion under !he Occu%anc/ Agree(en! and less !he cos! or es!i(a!ed
cos! of re%airs and re%lace(en!s as are dee(ed necessar/ */ !he Cor%ora!ion !o res!ore !he
a%%lica*le d-elling uni! !o as good condi!ion as !he s!oc7holder recei&ed i!, reasona*le -ear and
!ear e,ce%!ed.
3.3.3 Ter(ina!ion of >!oc7holder Righ!s. The %urchase */ !he Cor%ora!ion of such s!oc7 %ursuan!
!o !his >ec!ion
3.3 -ill i((edia!el/ !er(ina!e !he righ!s of !he s!oc7holder under !hese Ar!icles of Organi6a!ion,
!he B/02a-s and !he Occu%anc/ Agree(en! and !he s!oc7holder shall for!h-i!h &aca!e such
d-elling uni! unless !he s!oc7holder has en!ered in!o a ren!al agree(en! -i!h !he Cor%ora!ion for
occu%anc/ of such uni!.
3.. Procedure -here Cor%ora!ion Does No! +,ercise O%!ion. If !he shares of s!oc7 are no!
%urchased */ !he Cor%ora!ion -i!hin !he a%%lica*le !i(e %eriod descri*ed a*o&e, !he s!oc7holder
(a/ sell or !ransfer his or her shares for no! (ore !han !he Transfer =alue, as hereinaf!er defined,
onl/ af!er !he follo-ing ha&e occurredD
3i4 The Cor%ora!ion -ai&es in -ri!ing i!s righ!s !o %urchase !he s!oc7 under !he
foregoing o%!ion 3failure !o e,ercise such o%!ion -i!hin !hir!/ 33)4 da/s of
recei%! of !he -ri!!en no!ice of !he %ro%osed !ransfer in !he case of a
&olun!ar/ !ransfer */ a li&ing s!oc7holder, or -i!hin !hir!/ 33)4 da/s
follo-ing e,%ira!ion of !he !i(e %eriods s%ecified in >ec!ions 3.1.1 or 3.1.2
for %urchase */ a lega!ee or dis!ri*u!ee, *eing dee(ed a -ai&er, and

3ii4 The Cor%ora!ion has a%%ro&ed !he !ransferee na(ed in !he s!oc7holder?s
no!ice !o !he Cor%ora!ion in accordance -i!h !he B/02a-s, -i!h
considera!ion gi&en !o !he !ransferee?s household inco(e and -he!her i! is
consis!en! -i!h goals !he Cor%ora!ion or an a%%lica*le su*sidi6ing agenc/
(igh! ha&e !ha! rela!e !o !he o&erall inco(e %rofile of (e(*ersK
3iii4 The !ransferee has e,ecu!ed an Occu%anc/ Agree(en! and o!her %a%ers
rela!ed !here!o in !he for( or for(s !hen *eing used */ !he Cor%ora!ionK and
3i&4 If !he Cor%ora!ion agrees, a! !he re;ues! of !he s!oc7holder, !o assis! !he
s!oc7holder in finding a %urchaser, !he Cor%ora!ion shall *e en!i!led !o charge
!he s!oc7holder a fee i! dee(s reasona*le for !his ser&ice.
3." Release fro( O*liga!ions. A shareholder -ho has gi&en no!ice !o sell his or her s!oc7 as
descri*ed in >ec!ion 3.3 a*o&e, and -ho has &aca!ed his or her uni! -i!hin si,!/ 31)4 da/s
follo-ing such no!iceK shall no! *e res%onsi*le for %a/ing carr/ing charges !ha! accrue follo-ing
such si,!/ 31)4 da/ no!ice %eriod, regardless of -he!her !he Cor%ora!ion has re%urchased !he
shareholder?s shares.
3.1 No Transfer */ >!oc7holder. If a s!oc7holder ha&ing gi&en no!ice of an in!en! !o !ransfer s!oc7
does no! !ransfer his or her s!oc7 -i!hin si,!/ da/s fro( !he sa!isfac!ion of !he condi!ions s%ecified
in >ec!ion 3.. a*o&e, !hen !he s!oc7holder?s righ! !o !ransfer his or her shares %ursuan! !o >ec!ion
3.. shall !er(ina!e and !he %ro&isions of !his Ar!icle > -i!h res%ec! !o fu!ure !ransfers, including
!he Cor%ora!ion?s righ! !o %urchase such shares shall once again a%%l/.
Page 31 of 221
3 # Transfer &alue. No s!oc7 (a/ *e sold or o!her-ise !ransferred for considera!ion grea!er !han
!he considera!ion %aid for !he s!oc7 */ !he !ransferor as sho-n on !he *oo7s of !he Cor%ora!ion
increased 3e,ce%! as o!her-ise %ro&ided in !his >ec!ion 3.#4 */ -ha!e&er in!eres! !he s!oc7?s
%urchase %rice has accrued as in&es!ed */ !he Cor%ora!ion, co((encing -i!h !he da!e of !he
%a/(en! in full for !he s!oc7 */ !he %urchaser 3!he FTransfer =alueF4. A cer!ifica!ion */ an officer
of !he Cor%ora!ion as !o !he Transfer =alue of an/ s!oc7 3including *o!h !he s!a!e(en! as !o !he
original considera!ion %aid and !he in!eres! accrued !hereon as in&es!ed */ !he Cor%ora!ion4 shall
*e *inding on !he Cor%ora!ion and on an/ !ransferor or !ransferee.
Page 3# of 221
T!ere are many 5ay to et Tranfer *alue formula% Accumulating interet a inveted 6a et fort!
!ere7 i preferable to inde#ing t!e value to inflation& becaue it avoid creating a ca!
drain for t!e co"op% Ot!er byla5 include proviion for augmenting value according
to improvement in t!e unit% T!i can 5or0& provided t!at proviion are made for t!e
fact t!at improvement can depreciate in value over time%
Some co"op alo add proviion for appreciation a t!e co"op mortgage i
amorti3ed& but t!i i not recommended a it create a need for t!e co"op to raie large
um of money to repurc!ae !are%
3.#.1 e(*er for 2ess !han One 8ear. In !he e&en! of a !ransfer of s!oc7 */ a s!oc7holder -ho -as
a (e(*er of !he Cor%ora!ion for less !han one /ear, !he s!oc7 (a/ no! *e sold or o!her-ise
!ransferred for considera!ion grea!er !han !he considera!ion %aid for !he s!oc7 */ !he !ransferor as
sho-n on !he *oo7s of !he Cor%ora!ion, and !he Transfer =alue shall no! include an/ in!eres!
accrued on !he original s!oc7 %urchase %rice.
3.#.2 >ale */ Cor%ora!ion. Af!er !he Cor%ora!ion re%urchases s!oc7 fro( a de%ar!ing shareholder,
!he Transfer =alue shall re&er! !o i!s original &alue -hen sold */ !he Cor%ora!ion !o !he firs! holder
of !ha! s!oc7.
3.' No Transfers in =iola!ion. The Cor%ora!ion shall no! *e re;uired !o !ransfer an/ shares of s!oc7
on i!s *oo7s -hich shall ha&e *een sold, assigned, or o!her-ise !ransferred 3including !ransfers */
o%era!ion of la-4 in &iola!ion of !he foregoing %ro&isions or in &iola!ion of !he %ro&isions of !he
B/02a-s or !o !rea! !he !ransferee as o-ner, or !o %er(i! an/ such holder of shares !ransferred !o
occu%/ an/ d-elling uni! o-ned */ !he Cor%ora!ion. 9ro( and af!er an/ sale, assign(en! or
!ransfer of an/ shares of s!oc7 (ade in &iola!ion of !hese %ro&isions, !he Cor%ora!ion shall *e
dee(ed !o *e !he o-ner of such shares of s!oc7, su*Aec! !o !he righ!s of an/ for(er holder !hereof
!o recei&e reasona*le co(%ensa!ion !here for.
3.5 Transfer on Boo7s. >u*Aec! !o !he res!ric!ions in !his Ar!icle = and as s!a!ed or no!ed on !he
s!oc7 cer!ifica!es, shares of s!oc7 (a/ *e !ransferred u%on !he *oo7s of !he Cor%ora!ion */ !he
surrender !o !he Cor%ora!ion of !he cer!ifica!e !here for %ro%erl/ endorsed or acco(%anied */ a
-ri!!en s!oc7 !ransfer %o-er %ro%erl/ e,ecu!ed, -i!h an/ necessar/ !ransfer s!a(%s affi,ed, and
-i!h such %roof of !he au!hen!ici!/ of signa!ure as !he direc!ors of !he Cor%ora!ion (a/ reasona*l/
re;uire. +,ce%! as (a/ *e o!her-ise re;uired */ la-, */ !hese Ar!icles, or */ !he B/la-s of !he
Cor%ora!ion, !he Cor%ora!ion shall *e en!i!led !o !rea! !he record holder of s!oc7 as sho-n on i!s
*oo7s as !he o-ner of such s!oc7 for all %ur%oses, including !he righ! !o recei&e no!ice and !o &o!e
-i!h res%ec! !here!o, regardless of an/ !ransfer, %ledge or o!her dis%osi!ion of such s!oc7 un!il !he
shares ha&e *een !ransferred on !he *oo7s of !he Cor%ora!ion in accordance -i!h !he re;uire(en!s
of !hese Ar!icles.
3 1) In a%%ro&ing !ransferees %ursuan! !o >ec!ion 3.. a*o&e, !he Cor%ora!ion shall no! discri(ina!e
on !he *asis of race, e!hnici!/, na!ional origin, religion, disa*ili!/, gender, fa(il/ or (ari!al s!a!us,
se,ual %reference, or an/ o!her fac!or %rohi*i!ed */ a%%lica*le federal, s!a!e, or local s!a!u!e or
regula!ion or */ %olic/ of !he Ci!/ of Bos!on or !he >ecre!ar/ of $ousing and Ur*an De&elo%(en!.
3.11 No!ices and elec!ions -i!h res%ec! !o !he !ransfer of s!oc7 or !he o%!ion held */ !he
Cor%ora!ion under !his Ar!icle = shall *e in -ri!ing and shall *e deli&ered or sen! */ regis!ered or
cer!ified (ail, %os!age %re%aid, if !o !he Cor%ora!ion, a! i!s %rinci%al %lace of *usiness and if !o an/
s!oc7holder, a! !he address !hen lis!ed in !he s!oc7 !ransfer records of !he Cor%ora!ion. No!ices
regarding an/ o!her (a!!er, such as no!ices of (ee!ings of !he s!oc7holders, (a/ *e gi&en in an/
(anner %er(i!!ed under !he B/02a-s of !he Cor%ora!ion.
3.12 Ter(ina!ion of e(*ershi% for Cause. As a ;ualifica!ion of s!oc7 o-nershi%, each
s!oc7holder shall sign an Occu%anc/ Agree(en! -i!h !he Par!nershi%. The Occu%anc/ Agree(en!
shall en!i!le !he s!oc7holder !o occu%anc/ righ!s in !he d-elling uni! !o -hich !he shares %er!ain. If
!he Par!nershi% has !er(ina!ed a s!oc7holder?s righ!s under !he !er(s of !he Occu%anc/ Agree(en!,
!he s!oc7holder shall deli&er i((edia!el/ !o !he Cor%ora!ion his or her s!oc7 cer!ifica!e or
cer!ifica!es and !he Occu%anc/ Agree(en!, each endorsed as !he Cor%ora!ion (a/ direc!. The
Cor%ora!ion shall re%urchase !he s!oc7 a! i!s Transfer =alue 3as hereina*o&e defined4. The selling
s!oc7holder shall *e en!i!led !o ne! %roceeds of such sale af!er deduc!ion of!
3i4 An/ a(oun!s due !he Cor%ora!ion fro( !he s!oc7holder under !he Occu%anc/

Page 3' of 221
3ii4 The cos! or es!i(a!ed cos! of re%airs and re%lace(en!s as are dee(ed
necessar/ */ !he Cor%ora!ion !o as good condi!ion as !he s!oc7holder
recei&ed i!, reasona*le -ear and !ear e,ce%!edK
3iii4 2egal and o!her e,%enses incurred */ !he Cor%ora!ion in connec!ion -i!h !he
defaul! of such s!oc7holder and !he resale of s!oc7.
Page 35 of 221
3.13 +,ercise of Righ!s of Cor%ora!ion. The Cor%ora!ion shall *e dee(ed !o ha&e e,ercised i!s
righ! !o %urchase s!oc7 %ursuan! !o >ec!ion 3.3 and >ec!ion 3.12 a*o&e */ !endering !he Transfer
=alue of such s!oc7 !o !he !ransferring s!oc7holder, regardless of -he!her such !ender is ac!uall/
acce%!ed */ !he !ransferring s!oc7holder 3su*Aec! !o !he righ!s of such s!oc7holder !o recei&e such
Transfer =alue4. Af!er such !ender is (ade, !he Cor%ora!ion shall *e en!i!led !o cancel !he s!oc7
cer!ifica!e issued !o such !ransferor or s!oc7holder on i!s *oo7s and !o issue a ne- s!oc7 cer!ifica!e
in !he na(e of !he Cor%ora!ion, -hich shall !hen *e !rea!ed as !he record holder of s!oc7 as sho-n
on i!s *oo7s.

.. The o!her la-ful %ro&isions for !he conduc! and regula!ion of *usiness and affairs of !he
Cor%ora!ion, for i!s &olun!ar/ dissolu!ion, or for li(i!ing, defining or regula!ing !he %o-ers of !he
Cor%ora!ion, or of i!s direc!ors or s!oc7holders, or an/ class of s!oc7holders, are se! for!h in !his
Ar!icle =I.
. 1 +;ui!/ Con!ri*u!ions. The Cor%ora!ion shall no! s%end a(oun!s recei&ed fro( s!oc7holders in
considera!ion of !heir %urchase of shares of ca%i!al s!oc7 of !he Cor%ora!ion. The Cor%ora!ion shall
(ain!ain such a(oun!s in one or (ore federall/ insured in!eres! *earing sa&ings accoun!s -i!h one
or (ore re%u!a*le co((ercial *an7s or in one or (ore (one/ (ar7e! funds in&es!ing e,clusi&el/
in o*liga!ions of !he Uni!ed >!a!es <o&ern(en! -i!h one or (ore re%u!a*le financial ins!i!u!ions.
..2 ee!ings. ee!ings of !he s!oc7holders of !he Cor%ora!ion shall *e held a! !he de&elo%(en!?s
co((uni!/ *uilding or an/ o!her con&enien! loca!ion in assachuse!!s as de!er(ined */ !he
Board of Direc!ors fro( !i(e !o !i(e.
. 3 Ac!ing as Par!ner. The Cor%ora!ion (a/ *e a general or li(i!ed %ar!ner in an/ *usiness
en!er%rise i! -ould ha&e %o-er !o conduc! */ i!self, including !he Par!nershi%.
. . Inde(nifica!ion. The Cor%ora!ion (a/ %ro&ide, ei!her in !he Cor%ora!ion?s B/0 2a-s or */
con!rac!, for !he inde(nifica!ion of direc!ors, officers, e(%lo/ees and agen!s, */ -ho(e&er
elec!ed or a%%oin!ed, !o !he fulles! e,!en! %resen!l/ %er(i!!ed */ la-, %ro&ided, ho-e&er, !ha! if
a%%lica*le la- is hereaf!er (odified !o %er(i! inde(nifica!ion in si!ua!ions -here i! -as no!
!here!ofore %er(i!!ed, !hen such inde(nifica!ion (a/ *e %er(i!!ed !o !he fulles! e,!en! %er(i!!ed
*/ such la- as a(ended.
.." Transac!ions -i!h In!eres!ed Persons. The B/02a-s (a/ con!ain %ro&isions %ro&iding !ha! no
con!rac! or !ransac!ion of !he Cor%ora!ion shall *e &oid or &oid a*le */ reason of !he fac! !ha! an/
officer, direc!or or s!oc7holder of !he Cor%ora!ion (a/ ha&e held an in!eres! !herein, %ro&ided !ha!
such !ransac!ions (us! *e disclosed and a%%ro&ed */ !he inde%enden! (e(*ers of !he Board of
..1 Di&ision of Direc!ors In!o Classes. The B/02a-s (a/ con!ain %ro&isions %ro&iding for !he
di&ision of direc!ors in!o no! (ore !han fi&e classes and %rescri*e !he !enure of office of !he
direc!ors in each of !he classes.
..# Re%urchase */ Cor%ora!ion. The Cor%ora!ion (a/ fro( !i(e !o !i(e offer !o %urchase shares
fro( an/ s!oc7holder of !he Cor%ora!ion u%on fair and reasona*le !er(s and a! !he Transfer =alue
s%ecified in >ec!ion ".#, -i!hou! offering !o an/ o!her s!oc7holder an e;ual o%%or!uni!/ !o sell a
ra!a*le nu(*er, or an/, of his shares of s!oc7 in !he Cor%ora!ion !o !he Cor%ora!ion u%on
co(%ara*le !er(s or a! a co(%ara*le %rice, or !o (a7e an/ offer !o %urchase -ha!soe&er !o o!her
s!oc7holders of !he Cor%ora!ion.
..' +li(ina!ion of Direc!ors? Personal 2ia*ili!/. No direc!or shall *e %ersonall/ lia*le !o !he
Cor%ora!ion or i!s s!oc7holders for (one!ar/ da(ages for *reach of fiduciar/ du!/ as a direc!or
no!-i!hs!anding an/ %ro&ision la- i(%osing such lia*ili!/K %ro&ided, ho-e&er, !ha! !his %ro&ision
shall no! eli(ina!e or li(i! !he lia*ili!/ of a direc!or
Page .) of 221
3i4 9or an/ *reach of !he direc!or?s du!/ of lo/al!/ !o !he Cor%ora!ion or i!s
3ii4 9or ac!s or o(issions no! in good fai!h or -hich in&ol&e in!en!ional
(isconduc! or a 7no-ing &iola!ion of la-,
3iii4 Under sec!ion si,!/0one or si,!/0!-o of Cha%!er 1"1B of !he assachuse!!s
<eneral 2a-s, or
Page .1 of 221
3i&4 9or an/ !ransac!ion fro( -hich !he direc!or deri&ed an i(%ro%er %ersonal *enefi!. No
a(end(en! !o or re%eal of !his %aragra%h shall a%%l/ !o or ha&e an/ effec! on !he
lia*ili!/ or alleged lia*ili!/ of an/ direc!or of !he Cor%ora!ion for or -i!h res%ec! !o an/
ac!s or o(issions of such direc!or occurring %rior !o !he da!e of such a(end(en! or
re%eal. +ach direc!or and officer of !he Cor%ora!ion shall, in !he %erfor(ance of his or
her du!ies, *e full/ %ro!ec!ed in rel/ing in good fai!h u%on !he *oo7s of accoun! of !he
Cor%ora!ion. re%or!s !o !he Cor%ora!ion */ i!s officers or e(%lo/ees or */ counsel,
accoun!an!s, a%%raisers or o!her e,%er!s or consul!an!s selec!ed -i!h reasona*le care */
!he direc!ors, or u%on o!her records of !he Cor%ora!ion.
..5 >ale. or!gage. fledge. 2ease or +,change of Pro%er!/ or Asse!s. Unless a grea!er %ro%or!ion
is re;uired */ la-, !he affir(a!i&e &o!e of a! leas! eigh!/ %ercen! 3')M4 of !he s!oc7holders en!i!led
!o &o!e shall *e re;uired !o a%%ro&e !he sale, long0 !er( lease or e,change of all or su*s!an!iall/ all
of !he Cor%ora!ion?s %ro%er!/ or asse!sK %ro&ided !ha! no such a%%ro&al shall *e re;uired for an/
(or!gage. %ledge, or financing of such %ro%er!/ or asse!s. In !he e&en! !ha! such a decision is !o
co(e *efore a s!oc7holder (ee!ing, !-o s!a!e(en!s a%%ro&ed */ !he Board, one re%resen!ing
o%inion in fa&or of !he decision and one o%%osed !o !he decision, shall *e dis!ri*u!ed -i!h !he
no!ice for !he (ee!ing.
..1) A(end(en! of Ar!icles of Organi6a!ion. Unless o!her-ise re;uired */ la-, a &o!e of si,!/0
se&en %ercen! 31#M4 of !he s!oc7holders en!i!led !o &o!e shall *e re;uired !o a(end !hese Ar!icles
of Organi6a!ionK %ro&ided !ha! an/ change !ha! i(%airs or di(inishes !he %reference &o!ing
%o-ers, res!ric!ions 3including res!ric!ions on !ransfer4, ;ualifica!ions, s%ecial or rela!i&e righ!s or
%ri&ileges of an/ ou!s!anding shares, or an/ a(end(en! !o an/ one or (ore of >ec!ion ..5 or !o
!his sec!ion shall re;uire a%%ro&al of eigh!/0%ercen! 3')M4 of !he s!oc7holders en!i!led !o &o!e. In
!he e&en! !ha! a decision re;uiring such eigh!/ %ercen! 3')M4 su%er(aAori!ies is !o co(e *efore a
s!oc7holder (ee!ing, !-o s!a!e(en!s a%%ro&ed */ !he Board, one re%resen!ing o%inion in fa&or of
!he decision and one o%%osed !o !he decision, shall *e dis!ri*u!ed -i!h !he no!ice for !he (ee!ing.
A(end(en!s (a/ *e %ro%osed */ !he Board of Direc!ors or */ %e!i!ion signed */ a! leas! !en
%ercen! 31)M4 of !he (e(*ers and non0(e(*er heads of households ren!ing uni!s fro( !he
..11 Ta, (a!!ers Paid in sur%lus in e,cess of %ar &alue and ca%i!al i(%ro&e(en!s shall no! *e
dee(ed !o *e inco(e !o !he Cor%ora!ion.
Page .2 of 221
Co"op Board )ducation
+&er/ residen! con!rolled de&elo%(en! has a Board of Direc!ors.
=er/ fe- of !hese Direc!ors, ho-e&er, ha&e e,%erience running (ul!i0fa(il/ housing. $o- can
!hose Direc!ors (a7e sure !ha! !he/ are -ell0%re%ared for !heir -or7 as a Direc!orJ
:ell, firs!, !he/ should (a7e sure !he/ ha&e a co(%e!en! !rainer or consul!an! -ho can hel% !he(
ge! s!ar!ed and hel% !he( !hrough !he !ough %ar!s 3A Resources Page, -i!h na(es and con!ac!s, is
co(ing4. :ha! 7ind of !raining should !ha! %erson %ro&ideJ The lis! is differen! for each
de&elo%(en!, de%ending on !he si6e, (anage(en!, financing and (ore. Bu! here are so(e *asics
!ha! e&er/ direc!or should 7no-.
O5ner!ip Structure"
:ha! is !he legal s!ruc!ure of (/ de&elo%(en!. Is is a co0o%J a condoJ a %ar!nershi%J a non0%rofi!J
:ha! are !he legal docu(en!s !ha! define !ha! s!ruc!ureJ :here do I loo7 in !hose docu(en!s for
ans-ers !o (os! ;ues!ionsJ
8!o i in C!argeA H
$o- is !he Board elec!edJ :ha! are !he li(i!s !o !heir %o-erJ :ho, if an/one, do !he/ share
%o-er -i!hJ
Management H
:ha! is !he anager?s Ao*J $o- do -e su%er&ise !he(J $o- do -e !ell if !he/ are doing a good
Ao* or no!J $o- do -e loo7 for a ne- (anager, if !he !i(e co(esJ
'!yical 'lant H
:ha! are !he *asic %h/sical s/s!e(s of our de&elo%(en! 3elec!ric, hea!, e!c4J :ha! ser&ice
arrange(en!s do -e ha&e for !he(J $o- long are !he/ e,%ec!ed !o las!J $o- are !he/
Occupancy H
:ha! legal con!rac!s 3leases, e!c4 do -e ha&e -i!h residen!sJ :ha! do !he/ sa/J :ha! are our
%olicies on la!e %a/(en!, %e!s, %ar7ing, gues!s, su*le!!ing and o!her issuesJ
/air (ouing H
:ha! are !he s!a!e and federal fair housing la-s !ha! regula!e usJ $o- can curren! residen!s
%ar!ici%a!e in residen! selec!ionJ :ha! o!her areas of occu%anc/ 3*esides selec!ion4 do 9air
$ousing la-s a%%l/ !oJ
/inancial Management for Operation
Lno- ho- !o read and unders!and /our annual *udge!, and /our financial re%or!s. :ha! are /our
fiduciar/ o*liga!ions as a BoardJ $o- can /ou !ell -hen /our de&elo%(en! is in financial !rou*leJ
/inancial Management for 'lanning H
:ha! reser&es do /ou ha&eJ Are !he/ ade;ua!eJ $o- are !he/ fundedJ :hose %er(ission do /ou
need !o access !he(J
Conflict Reolution H
Conflic!s are i(%or!an!. $o- can -e use !he( !o de&elo% ne- ideasJ $o- can -e (a7e sure !he/
do no! aliena!e Board (e(*ersJ $o- can -e resol&e !he( %eacefull/J :ha! has -or7ed for o!her
)ffective Meeting H
Page .3 of 221
$o- can -e (a7e sure our (ee!ings go -ellJ :ha! are !he 3 ingredien!s !o e&er/ successful
(ee!ingJ :ha! -e ha&e !oo (uch -or7 !o doJ :ho should chair !he (ee!ingJ Do -e need !o !a7e
Increaing 'articipation H
$o- (uch %ar!ici%a!ion is enoughJ $o- can /ou *ring ne- %eo%le inJ $o- is ne- leadershi%
Page .. of 221
Cooperative A A Corporation
B/ arlene Dau Presiden! @ Tailor ade
2inda Broc7-a/ Presiden! @ +duca!ional Consul!an!s for $ousing O%%or!uni!ies
The Coo%era!i&e -as incor%ora!ed as a Coo%era!i&e $ousing Cor%ora!ion, so !he Cor%ora!ion
could sell shares of i!s s!oc7 !hrough !he use of (e(*ershi% fees and cer!ifica!es.
+ach share is sold !o !he residen!s of !he Coo%era!i&e, also referred !o as F(e(*ersF. 9or ins!ance,
if !here are 1"1 uni!s in !he Coo%era!i&e, sales of 1"1 shares of !he Cor%ora!ion could *e
co(%le!ed. The Coo%era!i&e could choose !o hold *ac7 !he sale of s%ecific shares, if !he
Coo%era!i&e decides !o use !he uni!s for o!her %ur%oses. +ach of !he residen!s -ho %urchase !he
shares -ill also *eco(e a (e(*er and ha&e %ro%rie!ar/ righ!s !o a lease allo-ing !he( !o li&e
-i!hin !he Coo%era!i&e, in a s%ecific uni!.
As a (e(*er, !he/ -ill ha&e &o!ing righ!s in !he decision0(a7ing %rocess !o include !he elec!ions
of officers !o ser&e on !he Board of Direc!ors, changes in !he B/la-s and o!her decisions !ha! are
s%ecificall/ discussed -i!hin !he B/la-s.
The (e(*ers or shareholders elec! indi&iduals !o ser&e on !he Board of Direc!ors !o go&ern in
decisions regarding !he o&erall o%era!ion of !he coo%era!i&e cor%ora!ion. e(*ers usuall/ &o!e for
so(eone -ho -ill *es! re%resen! !he( in !hese decisions, in order !o (ain!ain a safe, decen! and
afforda*le co((uni!/.
I! is !he Board (e(*er?s res%onsi*ili!/ !o unders!and !he Cor%ora!ion s!ruc!ure and !o (a7e
decisions for !he Cor%ora!ion as a -hole. The Cor%ora!ion can &ar/ in si6e and &alue, *u! !he
decisions (us! *e (ade in accordance -i!h !he s!a!ed B/la-s. If a Coo%era!i&e has 2") uni!s and
!he a&erage carr/ing charge is I.)) %er uni! %er (on!h, !he /earl/ %o!en!ial gross inco(e for !he
Coo%era!i&e is I1,2)),))). The annual gross inco(e can *e de!er(ined */ (ul!i%l/ing !he
a&erage (on!hl/ carr/ing charge */ !he nu(*er of uni!s and (ul!i%l/ing !ha! nu(*er */ 12
(on!hs. This is discussed fur!her in !he financial sec!ion. I! is &er/ i(%or!an! for !he Board !o
unders!and !he Cor%ora!ion s docu(en!s, as !he decisions (ade */ !he Board can *e li(i!ed !o
-ha! is dic!a!ed in !hose docu(en!s. The Ar!icles of Incor%ora!ion, B/la-s, Occu%anc/
Agree(en!, or!gage, Regula!or/ Agree(en!, and o!her e(*ershi% Docu(en!s !ha! ha&e *een
filed for !he Cor%ora!ion.
A% Article of Incorporation
The Ar!icles of Incor%ora!ion (us! *e re&ie-ed !o de!er(ine !he e,ac! -ording of !he
Cor%ora!ion?s %ur%ose. Addi!ional Ar!icles, -hich (a/ ha&e *een filed for !he Cor%ora!ion, should
*e re&ie-ed and unders!ood, as -ell. The Ar!icles of Incor%ora!ion for each Coo%era!i&e
Cor%ora!ion (a/ *e differen! in -ording, !o de%ending on !he %ur%ose or %ur%oses of !he
The s!andard Ar!icles of Incor%ora!ion usuall/ includes !he follo-ingD
Ar!icle I s!a!es !he na(e or !i!le of !he Cor%ora!ion.

Ar!icle II s!a!es !he %ur%ose or %ur%oses of !he Cor%ora!ion. These can include !he r follo-ingD
1. Pro&ide housing on a Coo%era!i&e *asis.
2. To cons!ruc!, o%era!e, (ain!ain, i(%ro&e, *u/K o-n, sell, con&e/, assign, (or!gage, lease an/
real es!a!e or %ersonal %ro%er!/ necessar/ or !o %ro&ide such housing.
3. Borro- (one/ and issue e&idence of inde*!edness in fur!herance of an/ or all of !he o*Aec!s
of i!s *usinessK !o secure sa(e */ (or!gage, %ledge or o!her (eans.
Page ." of 221
.. To en!er an/ 7ind of ac!i&i!/, and !o %erfor( and carr/ ou! con!rac!s of an/ 7ind necessar/ !o,
In conAunc!ion -i!h or inciden!al !o !he acco(%lish(en! of !he Coo%era!i&e Cor%ora!ion?s
". To lis! an/ o!her %ur%oses necessar/ !o achie&e !he cor%ora!ion?s goals and %ur%oses.

Ar!icle III does s!a!e !ha! !he Cor%ora!ion is se! u% on a (e(*ershi% share *asis. This indica!es !he
&alue of !he asse!s u%on incor%ora!ion. +ach /ear, u%on !he filing of !he annual re%or!, !he asse!
&alue -ill *e u%da!ed.
Ar!icle I= s!a!es !he address of !he regis!ered office -here an/ and all legal docu(en!s (a/ *e
Ar!icle = iden!ifies !he ini!ial incor%ora!or of !he docu(en!s.
Ar!icle =I !hrough Ar!icle QQ can *e used !o descri*e !he Cor%ora!ion, and -ill de!ail ho- !he
Cor%ora!ion -ill o%era!e. This -ill include !he !/%e of Cor%ora!ion !ha! has *een se! u%, i.e. non0
%rofi! or no! for %rofi!.
B% By"la5
The B/0la-s of !he Cor%ora!ion s!a!e ho- !he Cor%ora!ion -ill o%era!e, ho- (ee!ings -ill *e
held, ho- (an/ direc!ors -ill ser&e on !he Board, !he s!ruc!ure of (e(*ershi% (ee!ings and o!her
FrulesF of !he Cor%ora!ion.
The B/0la-s can *e a(ended u%on a (aAori!/ &o!e of !he (e(*ershi%. The a(end(en!,
%rocedures are de!ailed -i!hin !he B/0la-s. The B/0la-s should *e 7e%! in !he Board of Direc!or?s
Cor%ora!e anual and handed !o Board (e(*ers as !he/ are elec!ed. The/ should *e referred !o
-hene&er !here is a ;ues!ion regarding ho- !o %roceed during (ee!ings or ou!side of (ee!ings.
The Cor%ora!ion?s B/0la-s should *e re&ie-ed on an annual *asis. All ;ues!ions regarding !he B/0
la-s should *e for-arded !o !he Board?s a!!orne/.
C% Occupancy Agreement
The Occu%anc/ Agree(en! is an agree(en! *e!-een !he Coo%era!i&e Cor%ora!ion and !he
(e(*er. The agree(en! ser&es as !he %ro%rie!ar/ lease, gran!ing !he (e(*er !he righ! !o li&e in a
s%ecific uni! %ro&iding !he/ follo- !he Occu%anc/ Agree(en! including %a/ing !heir share of
(on!hl/ housing cos!s and a*iding */ an/ rules and regula!ions of !he Cor%ora!ion. The rules and
regula!ions are decided */ !he Board of Direc!ors, ha&e *een %u*lished and are a!!ached !o !he
Occu%anc/ Agree(en! u%on e,ecu!ion.
The Occu%anc/ Agree(en! should also s!a!e !he %rocedures !o follo- if !he (e(*er does no!
adhere !o !he rules and regula!ions, or !he s%ecific language s!a!ed in !he Occu%anc/ Agree(en!.
The Cor%ora!ionBs Occu%anc/ Agree(en! should *e re&ie-ed -i!h !he a!!orne/ !o insure !ha! !he
Board full/ unders!ands !he re;uire(en!s of !he (e(*ers.
D% Member!ip /ee and Subcription Agreement
The B/0la-s -ill usuall/ s!a!e !he ini!ial (e(*ershi% fee charged !o an inco(ing (e(*er. This
fee is an a(oun! due and %a/a*le as !he (e(*ershi% share is %urchased fro( !he Coo%era!i&e. The
B/0la-s and Ar!icles of Incor%ora!ion -ill s!a!e -he!her or no! !he Coo%era!i&e -as originall/
incor%ora!ed as a li(i!ed e;ui!/ Coo%era!i&e or a (ar7e! ra!e Coo%era!i&e.
A li(i!ed e;ui!/ Coo%era!i&e li(i!s !he a(oun! !ha! can *e charged !o inco(ing (e(*ers for a
(e(*ershi% fee. This a(oun!, as ou!lined in !he B/0la-s is usuall/ !ied !o a %ercen!age a(oun!, or
!o a cer!ain dollar a(oun! increase %er /ear.
Page .1 of 221
The (ar7e! ra!e Coo%era!i&e sells (e(*ershi% !o inco(ing (e(*ers a! -ha!e&er !he (ar7e! -ill
*ear. The decision (ade */ !he ini!ial incor%ora!ors -ill also *e de!ailed in !he B/0la-s, and -ill
indica!e ho- !he (e(*ershi% fee ra!e -ill *e se!.
The B/0la-s -ill s!a!e -ho -ill *e res%onsi*le for selling (e(*ershi% shares and ho- !he/ -ill
*e sold. >o(e Coo%era!i&es choose !o sell (e(*ershi%s !o inco(ing (e(*ers *ased on a -ai!ing
lis! se! u% */ !he Cor%ora!ion. In !hese cases, !he inco(ing (e(*ers are screened */ !he office or
(anage(en! agen! and *rough! *efore a (e(*ershi% co((i!!ee.
Af!er !he fee is %aid, a (e(*ershi% cer!ifica!e is gi&en !o !he inco(ing (e(*er lis!ing !he &alue of
!he share.
The >u*scri%!ion Agree(en! for !he (e(*ershi% is also signed */ !he Cor%ora!ion and !he
inco(ing (e(*er. The (e!hod, */ -hich !he (e(*er (us! sell !heir share, once !he decision is
(ade !o so, should *e discussed in leng!h -i!h !he inco(ing (e(*er and should *e Included In
!he language of !he >u*scri%!ion Agree(en! andHor Occu%anc/ Agree(en!.
I! is i(%or!an! for !he Board of Direc!ors !o unders!and !ha! each and e&er/ (e(*er is a
shareholder, and decisions (ade */ !he Board affec! !he (e(*ers of, !he Coo%era!i&e as
shareholders of !he Cor%ora!ion.
)% Board of Director
The nu(*er of direc!ors !ha! -ill ser&e on !he Board of Direc!ors is included -i!hin !he B/0 la-s.
The B/0la-s also s!a!e !he officers? %osi!ions, !he Ao* func!ion of !hose %osi!ions, and ho- !he
%osi!ions in!erac! -i!h each o!her.
The Board -ill (ee! a! a !i(e and %lace s%ecified -i!hin !he B/0la-s, as -ell as hold s%ecial
(ee!ings as ou!lined in !he B/0la-s. The Board is res%onsi*le for (a7ing decisions, -hich affec!
!he Cor%ora!ion. The Board is usuall/ no! res%onsi*le for !he da/0!o0da/ decision, as an Indi&idual
or Indi&iduals are hired !o o&ersee !he dail/ (anage(en! of !he Cor%ora!ion. The %ersons
res%onsi*le for !he dail/ o%era!ions re%or!s !o !he Board of Direc!ors on a (on!hl/ *asis, !hrough
(anage(en! and financial re%or!s as -ell as o!her re%or!s as de!er(ined */ !he Board. The Board
of Direc!ors also ou!lines !he decision0(a7ing righ!s of !he indi&idual or indi&iduals res%onsi*le
for !he dail/ (anage(en!. If decisions !ha! are re;uired e,ceed !hese righ!s, as descri*ed */ !he
Board, !he indi&idual or indi&iduals (us! consul! -i!h !he Board of Direc!ors ou!side of !he
regularl/ scheduled (ee!ing, In order !o ensure consis!enc/ in decision (a7ing. The o%era!ing
(e!hods !ha! -ill *e used */ !he indi&idual or indi&iduals (us! *e de!ailed in ei!her an
e(%lo/(en! or (anage(en! con!rac!.
The Board of Direc!ors (us! unders!and i!s roles and res%onsi*ili!ies of each (e(*er in&ol&ed
-i!h !he Cor%ora!ion !o ensure !he Cor%ora!ion -ill *e run in an effec!i&e (anner.
/% 4no5ing .our Mortgage
+ach Coo%era!i&e should ha&e a! leas! one (or!gage, -i!h a su%%or!ing a(or!i6a!ion schedule. If
!he Coo%era!i&e has (ore !han one sec!ion, !he Coo%era!i&e -ill ha&e (ore !han one (or!gage.
The (or!gage no!e -ill *e a !-o0%age docu(en!. The (or!gage i!self -ill *e an eigh! !o fif!een
%age docu(en!, -hich de!ails !he e,ac! s%ecifica!ions of !he (or!gage. The (or!gage docu(en!s
-ill ou!line !he %a/(en! arrange(en!s of !he (or!gage, an/ %re0%a/(en! %enal!ies, !he e,is!ence
of escro-s, !he incor%ora!ion of !he regula!or/ agenc/, and an/ s%ecific re;uire(en!s of !he e,ac!
(or!gage. The a(or!i6a!ion schedule -ill ou!line ho- !he %rinci%le and in!eres! %a/(en!s are
dis!ri*u!ed in an/ gi&en
(on!h. os! (or!gages are for!/ /ears in leng!h.

There should *e a s%ecific reference !o !he final %a/(en! da!e of !he (or!gage. The final %a/(en!
da!e of !he (or!gage -ill *e on !he (or!gage and also on !he (or!gage a(or!i6a!ion schedule.
Page .# of 221
I! is i(%or!an! !ha! !he Coo%era!i&e 7no-s !heir %a/off da!e, as !here -ill *e so(e s%ecific
decisions !ha! -ill need !o *e (ade in connec!ion -i!h !he %a/off of !he (or!gage. This
infor(a!ion, regarding !he %a/off of !he (or!gage, should also *e included in !he financial audi!ed
s!a!e(en!s !ha! are %resen!ed on a /earl/ *asis.
+ %Regulatory Agreement
+ach Coo%era!i&e !ha! has a $UD insured or $UD ser&iced (or!gage, or has a su*sid/ con!rac!
-ill ha&e a regula!or/ agree(en! !ha! discusses !he re;uire(en!s !ha! are (anda!ed */ !he Uni!ed
>!a!es De%ar!(en! of $ousing and Ur*an De&elo%(en!. This -ill include reser&e funding, ca%i!al
i(%ro&e(en! decisions, *udge!ing re;uire(en!s, residen! re;uire(en!s, and o!her s%ecific
regula!or/ re;uire(en!s. All of !hese re;uire(en!s are ou!lined -i!hin !he regula!or/ agree(en!,
-hich should *e included in !he Cor%ora!ion Docu(en! anual.
(% Cooperative CorporationI Document
The Ar!icles of Incor%ora!ion, B/0la-s, Occu%anc/ Agree(en!, or!gage, Regula!or/ Agree(en!,
e(*ershi% 9ee and >u*scri%!ion Agree(en! -ere discussed. The s%ecific Coo%era!i&e
Cor%ora!ion (a/ ha&e o!her docu(en!s !ha! are effec!i&e onl/ for !heir Cor%ora!ion.
The Board of Direc!ors (us! re&ie- all Cor%ora!ion agree(en!s and docu(en!s so !he/ ha&e a
clear unders!anding of ho- a %ar!icular docu(en! affec!s !he Cor%ora!ion?s (anage(en!. I! is
i(%or!an! !ha! !he Board re!ain an a!!orne/ !o ans-er ;ues!ions regarding !he Coo%era!i&e
Cor%ora!ion?s docu(en!s in order !o ensure !ha! all legal as%ec!s are adhered !o. The decision0
(a7ing %rocess -ill *e easier if all Board (e(*ers unders!and ho- each docu(en! affec!s !heir
Page .' of 221
Co"op in Court
B/ :illard G. >!ie&a!er, +s;.
FA s!range !hing ha%%ened -hen I go! !o Cour!...F *egan !he la(en! of a confused and e(*arrassed
officer of a s(all Bos!on coo%era!i&e. $e -as !here !o e&ic! a residen! -ho did no! %a/ his
carr/ing charges in &iola!ion of his Occu%anc/ Agree(en!. The coo%era!i&e did no! -an! !o hire an
a!!orne/ *ecause of !he e,%ense. $e had follo-ed !he ins!ruc!ions of a friend -ho -as an a!!orne/.
:hen !he case -as called !he officer ans-ered. :hen !he Audge -as !old !ha! !he officer -as no!
an a!!orne/, !he Audge said !ha! he could no! re%resen! !he coo%era!i&e. The case -as con!inued !o
allo- !he coo%era!i&e !i(e !o hire an a!!orne/.
This cour!roo( e,%erience is no! eas/ !o e,%lain !o !he la/(an. :e -ill assu(e !ha! !he case -as
in order, !he defendan! did no! a%%ear and, if !he case -en! for-ard, !he cour! -ould ha&e en!ered
Audg(en! for !he coo%era!i&e.
>o -h/ can?! a coo%era!i&e *e re%resen!ed in Cour! */ a Board (e(*erJ I! is no! unco((on for a
na!ural %erson !o re%resen! hi(self or herself00 of!en referred !o as a F%ro seF %ar!/. >o, -e (us!
again %onder 00-h/ can?! a cor%ora!ion *e re%resen!ed */ i!s officer00 a! leas! -here !he legal fees
could e,ceed !he a(oun! in dis%u!eJ
In assachuse!!s, a cor%ora!ion canno! *e re%resen!ed in cour! */ i!s officer -ho is no! an a!!orne/
*ecause !here is a s!a!u!e 3<2 c. 221 R.14 !ha! -as cons!rued !o %rohi*i! such an officer fro(
re%resen!ing !he cor%ora!ion in cour!, *arney )nterprie& Inc v% 8M/& Inc% 315''4 .)2 ass #5,
'10'2. This %ro%osi!ion has found Funi&ersal acce%!anceF in o!her >!a!e and 9ederal cour!s, Ibid%&
%. '1 and i! is also a -ell0es!a*lished co((on la- %rinci%le, Ibid%& %. '2. And !he Cour! -en! on
!o sa/ !ha! a Fna!ural %ersonF a%%earing %ro se does no! re%resen! ano!her as does a cor%ora!e
officer a%%earing for a cor%ora!ion, Ibid%& %. '2.
Al!hough i! is no! e,%lici! in !he decision, !his -ri!er o%ines !ha! !he underl/ing ra!ionale for !he
decision is -ha! !he %hrase Fre%resen! ano!herF legall/ conno!es *e!-een a cor%ora!ion and i!s
cor%ora!e officer. In !his regard, a la-/er or Audge -ould ha&e in (ind a fiduciar/ rela!ion, one of
!rus!, lo/al!/, a high degree of care. 2ac7ing legal e,%er!ise, a cor%ora!e officer a!!e(%!ing !o
re%resen! his cor%ora!ion in cour! -ould *e &iola!ing !ha! fiduciar/ rela!ionshi%.
-illard .. Stievater is a senior partner in the #aw $irm of %c&ullough, Stievater / 0olvere,
located at 121 %ain Street, &harlestown, %) 32124. The firm has represented cooperatives since
it was established in 1452

Page .5 of 221
Coop Committee C!arge
Page ") of 221
Cooperative Committee
All co((i!!ees re%or! !o !he Board of Direc!ors and should -or7 s!ric!l/ -i!hin !he charges gi&en
!he( */ !he Board of Direc!ors. +ach co((i!!ee -ill ha&e a *oard (e(*er assigned !o !he( as a
Co((i!!ee (e(*ers %la/ a su%%or!i&e role !o !he *oard */ doing research, ga!hering infor(a!ion,
!a*ula!ing da!a, (a7ing co(%arisons, de!er(ining cos! o%!ions, and %resen!ing reco((enda!ions
!o !he Board. Co((i!!ees con!ri*u!e !o %roduc!i&e *oard (ee!ings and facili!a!e !he co0o%Bs
orderl/ o%era!ion.
Co((i!!ees ena*le !he Board of Direc!ors !o recei&e (ore residen! in%u!. Their sugges!ions and
reco((enda!ions !o !he *oard are in!ended !o re%resen! !he coo%era!i&e o-nerBs %oin! of &ie- and
!o offer differen! &ie-%oin!s fro( !hose of !he (anager or a con!rac!or.
Co((i!!ees do no! se! %olic/. Co((i!!ee (e(*ers (us! unders!and !ha! i! is !heir du!/ !o
reco((end, and !ha! i! is !he du!/ of !he Board !o consider and enac!. e(*ers -ho unders!and
!he %ro%er role of !he co((i!!ee are less li7el/ !o *eco(e disillusioned if !heir reco((enda!ions
are no! follo-ed. The co((i!!ee (a/ *e concerned -i!h *u! one seg(en! of !he co0o%, -hile !he
Board (us! consider -ha! is *es! for !he de&elo%(en! as a -hole, *o!h for !he %resen! and for !he
fu!ure. The res%onsi*ili!/ for (a7ing decisions res!s -i!h !he Board of Direc!ors.
Co((i!!ees are an e,cellen! %lace !o for de&elo%ing leaders !o learn !he coo%era!i&e and can *e a
fu!ure *oard (e(*er. Co((i!!ee (e(*ers -or7 on *i!s and %ieces of !he huge Ao* of (a7ing !he
coo%era!i&e -or7. Co((i!!ee (e(*ers are an e,cellen! %lace !o loo7 for ne- *oard (e(*ers !o
re%lace a *oard (e(*er -ho is (o&ing a-a/.
De%ending on !he co((i!!eeBs !as7, fro( !hree !o !en (e(*ers for( a grou% of -or7a*le si6e.
Co((i!!ee (e(*ers should, insofar as %ossi*le, re%resen! all ele(en!s of !he co0o% %o%ula!ion
-i!h regard !o age, race, religion, and se,.
The follo-ing s!anding orders -ill a%%l/ !o each co((i!!ee, s!anding or ad hoc, in addi!ion !o an/
o!her charges issuedD
The general %ur%ose of all co((i!!ees is !o assis! !he Board in fulfilling i!s res%onsi*ili!ies !o !he
(e(*ershi%. This should *e done as efficien!l/, and cos! effec!i&el/ as %ossi*le.
+ach co((i!!eeBs indi&idual charges and assign(en!s -ill *e (ade annuall/ */ !he Presiden!.
+ach co((i!!ee shall e,ercise i!s au!hori!/ onl/ as a%%ro&ed */ !he Board.
All co((i!!ees should su*(i! -ri!!en re%or!s !o !he Board a! i!s (ee!ings. The chair%erson -ill *e
res%onsi*le for !his.
Co((i!!ees are e(%o-ered !o (a7e sugges!ions !o !he Board for i!e(s of e,%endi!ure, %olicies,
o%era!ions and de!ails. In (an/ cases !he Board -ill %re0a%%ro&e i!e(s or -ai&e !he righ! of
a%%ro&al for ongoing ac!i&i!ies, in order !o e,%edi!e co((i!!ee func!ions. $o-e&er no co((i!!ee
(e(*ers is !o direc! !he s!aff or con!rac!ors hired */ !he coo%era!i&e, !he/ are !o ad&ise !he Board.
Page "1 of 221
The co((i!!ees -ill (a7e re%or!s !o !he Board a! !he regular Board of Direc!ors ee!ing, ei!her
!hrough !he Co((i!!ee Chair%erson or !he Board ad&isor. An/ changes in %rocedure (us! *e
%resen!ed !o !he Board for a%%ro&al.
Co((i!!ees (us! *e (indful of deadlines for %u*lica!ion and lead0!i(e re;uired for %urchases
re;uiring ordering. Budge! re;ues! (us! *e su*(i!!ed */ !he >e%!e(*er *oard (ee!ing.
The Presiden! shall *e a liaison !o all co((i!!ees. A!!ending (ee!ings a! -ill.
The Residen! anager -ill *e an e,0 officio (e(*er of all co((i!!ees.
Co((i!!ees are a! all !i(es !o (ain!ain good co((unica!ions -i!h !he Residen! anager !o ensure
!he %ro%er e,ecu!ion of -or7 %lans. The Residen! anager -ill e,ecu!e all ordering of (a!erials,
su%%lies, %rin!ing, e! ce!era, and all con!rac!s.
Page "2 of 221
>!a!e(en! of %ur%oseD
The Ac!i&i!ies co((i!!ee is res%onsi*le for Planning and s!ruc!uring ac!i&i!ies !o %ro(o!e heal!h/
and enAo/a*le social life a(ong !he coo%era!i&eBs adul!s, adolescen!s, and children.
1. Res%onsi*le for encouraging (e(*er %ar!ici%a!ion !hrough organi6ed social and cul!ural
e&en!s for all ages.

2. Plan and %ro(o!e ac!i&a!es !o %ro(o!e and i(%ro&e !he ;uali!/ of life a! !he coo%era!i&e.
3. Pre%are fliers and u%da!e !he calendar of u%co(ing e&en!s for !he ne-s le!!er.
.. <i&e (on!hl/ re%or!s !o !he Board of Direc!ors.
". Pre%are an annual *udge! for !he co((i!!ees needs.
Board 2iaison
Co((i!!ee Chair
Co((i!!ee e(*ers
Page "3 of 221
>!a!e(en! of %ur%oseD
The Co0o% co((i!!ee is res%onsi*le for %lanning !he annual Co0o% %icnic each fall, -hich
includes decisions %er!aining !o food, fun and en!er!ain(en!.
1. Res%onsi*le for encouraging (e(*er %ar!ici%a!ion.

2. Plan, se! u% and run !he Co0o% fes!, -hich include food and en!er!ain(en!.

3. Pre%are fliers for !he ne-s le!!er.
.. <i&e (on!hl/ re%or!s !o !he Board of Direc!ors.
". >u*(i! a final accoun!ing of all funds s%en! for !he co0o% fes!.
1. Pre%are an annual *udge! for !he co((i!!ees needs.
Board 2iaison
Co((i!!ee Chair
Co((i!!ee e(*ers
Page ". of 221
>!a!e(en! of %ur%oseD
The Cour! ca%!ains are res%onsi*le -elco(ing ne- (e(*ers, re&ie-ing and reco((ending
changes !o !he Coo%era!i&es rules and regula!ions, hel% resol&e neigh*or dis%u!es and %ro*le(s in
!heir cour!.
1. Res%onsi*le for encouraging (e(*er %ar!ici%a!ion in ac!i&a!es and e&en!s..

2. :elco(e ne- (e(*ers.

3. Re&ie- !he Coo%era!i&es rules and regula!ions and reco((end changes !o !he Board of
.. $el% resol&e neigh*or dis%u!es and %ro*le(s in !heir cour!.
". Bring !o !he a!!en!ion of !he Board a! (ee!ings an/ in%u! fro( (e(*ers -ho could no! a!!end.
1. Pre%are fliers for !he ne-s le!!er.
#. <i&e (on!hl/ re%or!s !o !he Board of Direc!ors.
'. Pre%are an annual *udge! for !he co((i!!ees needs.
Board 2iaison
Co((i!!ee Chair
Co((i!!ee e(*ers
Page "" of 221
>!a!e(en! of %ur%oseD
The 9inance Co((i!!ee assis!s in !he %re%ara!ion of !he annual *udge!. I! (a/ anal/6e and (a7e
reco((enda!ions regarding !he co0o% (anage(en! agen!Bs (on!hl/ cash flo- re%or!. Re&ie- !he
annual re%or! and reco((end !o !he Board long, (id and shor! !er( goals for !he Coo%era!i&e.
1. Pro&ides o&ersigh! and reco((enda!ions !o !he *oard on *an7ingHcredi! %rocesses and on
financial o*liga!ions and %olices.

2. Re&ie-s, anal/6es and (a7es reco((enda!ions on !he annual *udge! %re%ared */ !he
(anaging agen!.
3. +,a(ines and re%or!s on !he annual s!a!e(en! %re%ared */ !he audi!or.
.. Re&ie-s, anal/6es, and re%or!s rele&an! financial da!a as needed for *oard ac!ion. IncludingD
log, (id and shor! !er( fiscal %olicies, 3 @ 1 (on!h *udge! !rends, and energ/ %roAec!ions,
". Pre%are ar!icles for !he ne-s le!!er.
1. <i&e (on!hl/ re%or!s !o !he Board of Direc!ors.
#. Pre%are an annual *udge! for !he co((i!!ees needs.
Board 2iaison
Co((i!!ee Chair
Co((i!!ee e(*ers
Page "1 of 221
>!a!e(en! of %ur%oseD
$ouse and <rounds, hel%s !he Board (ee! i!s (ain!enance res%onsi*ili!ies. This co((i!!ee
s!udies and re%or!s on !he (ain!enance and general condi!ion of *uildings and grounds, and
reco((ends u%7ee% of la-ns, and grounds *eau!ifica!ion %roAec!s. I! (a/ %rocess a%%lica!ions for
(a7ing i(%ro&e(en!s !o uni!s, ad&ise on !he financial &alue of such i(%ro&e(en!s, and (a7e
reco((enda!ions !o !he Board for !heir a%%ro&al or disa%%ro&al.
1. $el%s regula!e !he use, (odifica!ions, andHor ac;uisi!ions of coo%era!i&e %ro%er!/.
2. Periodicall/ re&ie- and reco((end shor!, (id, and long !er( i(%ro&e(en!s and u%grading
of !he *uilding and grounds.
3. :or7s -i!h Residen! anager !o ini!ia!e andHor e&alua!e %re&en!i&e (ain!enance %rogra(s.
.. Reco((ends %olicies concerning %ar7ing lo!s, %ro%er!/ a!!rac!i&eness.
". Re&ie- a%%lica!ions for (a7ing i(%ro&e(en!s !o uni!s, ad&ise on !he financial &alue of such
i(%ro&e(en!s, and (a7e reco((enda!ions !o !he *oard for !heir a%%ro&al or disa%%ro&al.
1. Re&ie- la-n care and %ro%ose addi!ional %lan!ings, e!c.
#. >e! u% and run our annual flo-er sale.
'. Reco((end !o !he Board and o&er see an/ a-ards %rogra(s.
5. Pre%are ar!icles for !he ne-s le!!er.
1). <i&e (on!hl/ re%or!s !o !he Board of Direc!ors.
11. Pre%are an annual *udge! for !he co((i!!ees needs.
Board 2iaison
Co((i!!ee Chair
Co((i!!ee e(*ers
Page "# of 221
N)8S,)TT)R K 8)B 'A+) COMMITT))
>!a!e(en! of %ur%oseD
The Ne-sle!!er H :e* Co((i!!ee hel%s !he *oard co((unica!e -i!h !he (e(*ers */ edi!ing and
%roducing a co0o% ne-sle!!er and :e* %age.
1. Produce %eriodical or regular ne-s le!!ers.

2. Co((unica!es !he ha%%enings !a7ing %lace in !he Coo%era!i&e.
3. U% da!e !he :e* Page.
.. <i&e (on!hl/ re%or!s !o !he Board of Direc!ors.
". Pre%are an annual *udge! for !he co((i!!ees needs.
Board 2iaison
Co((i!!ee Chair
Co((i!!ee e(*ers
Page "' of 221
>!a!e(en! of %ur%oseD
The e(*ershi% >elec!ion Co((i!!ee is for(ed !o re&ie- all a%%lican!s for !he co0o%
(e(*ershi%, and !o reco((end !o !he Board acce%!ance or denial of !ha! (e(*ershi% re;ues!.
1. Processing a%%lica!ions for (e(*ershi% in !he Coo%era!i&eD
a. The Co((i!!ee shall -eigh each a%%lican! agains! !he >!andard for Coo%era!i&e
e(*ershi% as de!er(ined and furnished */ !he Board of Direc!ors. All reasons for
a%%ro&ing or disa%%ro&ing an a%%lican! -ill *e consis!en! -i!h all Regula!or/
Docu(en!s, as -ell as all 9ederal, >!a!e, and Ci!/ la-s andHor ordinances. This lis! of
>!andards -ill *e 7e%! s!ric!l/ confiden!ial and -ill se! !he s!andards for (e(*ershi%
in !he Coo%era!i&e.

*. The Co((i!!ee shall reco((end !o !he Board for a%%ro&al a se! of >!andard
In!er&ie- Nues!ions !o *e as7ed !o all a%%lican!s for (e(*ershi% in !he Coo%era!i&e.
c. The Co((i!!ee shall re&ie- all a%%lica!ions for (e(*ershi% in !he Coo%era!i&e af!er
i! has *een full/ %rocessed */ !he >ales Office and %rior !o an/ %ersonal in!er&ie-
-i!h !he a%%lican!.
d. The Co((i!!ee -ill in!er&ie- each a%%lican! 3insis! on !he en!ire fa(il/4 for
(e(*ershi% in !he Coo%era!i&e. +ach fa(il/ -ill *e in!er&ie-ed in closed session.
All ;ues!ions shall *e -orded in such a -a/ as !o induce !he a%%lican! !o ans-er -i!h
a full sen!ence, ra!her !han -i!h a F/esF or FnoF.
e. A! !he end of !he in!er&ie-, !he fa(il/ -ill *e infor(ed !ha! !he/ -ill *e no!ified */
le!!er of !he decision reached */ !he Co((i!!ee, and !hen dis(issed. The Co((i!!ee
-ill !hen, in closed session, discuss and e&alua!e !he infor(a!ion recei&ed. I! -ill
!hen a%%ro&e or disa%%ro&e !he a%%lican!.
f. The e(*ershi% chair -ill (a7e %ro%er no!e of !he decision on !he e(*ershi%
Co((i!!ee Co&er >hee! for !rans(i!!al !o !he >ales Office. The office s!aff -ill
%re%are a 2e!!er of Acce%!ance or ReAec!ion and (ail i! !o !he a%%lican! as soon as
g. The reasons for disa%%ro&al -illD
i. Be s!a!ed in !he le!!er !o !he a%%lican!. 3Per $UD regula!ion4
ii. No! *e gi&en !o an/ %erson ou!side !he Co((i!!ee e,ce%! in !he case of
A%%eal !o !he Board. In !hose cases, !he reasons -ill *e gi&en !o !he Board
in closed session.
iii. Be filed in a confiden!ial file for fu!ure reference */ !he Board of Direc!ors.

h. If addi!ional infor(a!ion is needed regarding !he a%%lican! *efore !he Co((i!!ee can
co(e !o a decision, !he e(*ershi% chair -ill so no!e on a Co&ershee! for( and
a!!ach i! !o !he a%%lica!ion folder *efore re!urning i! !o !he >ales Office.

i. To insure confiden!iali!/ of infor(a!ion, all Co((i!!ee in!er&ie- docu(en!s -ill *e
7e%! in a loc7ed file case. The case -ill *e s!ored in !he >ales Office. Persons ha&ing
access !o !he file -ill *e designa!ed */ !he Board of Direc!ors.
Page "5 of 221
A. I! is reasona*le !o assu(e so(e disa%%ro&ed a%%lican!s -ill desire !o a%%eal !he
decision of !he Co((i!!ee. I! is also reasona*le !o assu(e !ha! Co((i!!ee (e(*ers
-ill no! re(e(*er all !he %ar!iculars of each and e&er/ a%%lican! in!er&ie-ed. The
infor(a!ion ga!hered -ill *e su((ari6ed on !he follo-ing docu(en!s and held in !he
Co((i!!ee file for fu!ure reference.
i. The e(*ershi% Chair re%or! on !he a%%lican!.
ii. A co%/ of !he Co&ershee!. This for( -ill lis! !he na(es of all Co((i!!ee
(e(*ers %resen! a! !he in!er&ie-. Addi!ional no!es rela!i&e0!o !he a%%lican!
(a/ *e added on !he *o!!o( of !his for(.
Board 2iaison
Co((i!!ee Chair
Co((i!!ee e(*ers
Page 1) of 221
>!a!e(en! of %ur%oseD
The Orien!a!ion Co((i!!ee ac;uain!s ne- (e(*ers -i!h all !he %olicies and regula!ions of !he co0
o%. I! fa(iliari6es ne- (e(*ers -i!h &arious co((i!!ees, -elco(es !heir %ar!ici%a!ion, and
descri*es !he loca!ion of neigh*oring schools, churches, sho%%ing cen!ers, e!c. In shor!, i! !ries !o
(a7e ne- (e(*ers feel a! ho(e.
1. The Orien!a!ion Co((i!!ee ac;uain!s a%%lican!s and ne- (e(*ers -i!h all !he %olicies and
regula!ions of !he co0o%.

2. 9a(iliari6es ne- (e(*ers -i!h &arious co((i!!ees and -elco(es !heir %ar!ici%a!ion.
3. Re&ie-s, anal/6es and (a7es reco((enda!ions !o !he Board on a!!rac!ing ne- (e(*ers.
.. Pre%are ar!icles for !he ne-s le!!er.
'. <i&e (on!hl/ re%or!s !o !he Board of Direc!ors.
5. Pre%are an annual *udge! for !he co((i!!ees needs.
Board 2iaison
Co((i!!ee Chair
Co((i!!ee e(*ers
Page 11 of 221
>!a!e(en! of %ur%oseD
Pla/grounds co((i!!ee hel%s !he *oard (ee! i!s (ain!enance res%onsi*ili!ies. This co((i!!ee
s!udies and re%or!s on !he (ain!enance and general condi!ion of %la/grounds and reco((ends
rules for !he use of %la/grounds and e;ui%(en!.
1. $el%s regula!e !he use, (odifica!ions, andHor ac;uisi!ions of coo%era!i&e %la/ ground and
recrea!ion %ro%er!/.

2. Periodicall/ re&ie- and reco((end shor!, (id, and long !er( i(%ro&e(en!s and u%grading
of !he %la/ground e;ui%(en!.
3. :or7s -i!h Residen! anager !o ini!ia!e andHor e&alua!e %re&en!i&e (ain!enance %rogra(s.
.. Reco((ends %olicies concerning %la/grounds and recrea!ional areas.
". Pre%are ar!icles for !he ne-s le!!er.
1. <i&e (on!hl/ re%or!s !o !he Board of Direc!ors.
#. Pre%are an annual *udge! for !he co((i!!ees needs.
Board 2iaison
Co((i!!ee Chair
Co((i!!ee e(*ers
Page 12 of 221
&ommittees influence the direction and the quality of life at the cooperative.
The saying 6%any hands make light work7 is true for co'ops.
I -ould *e in!eres!ed in learning (ore a*ou! !he follo-ing co((i!!ees and %ossi*l/ *eco(ing a
%ar!ici%an! in !he(.
LLLL The Ac!i&i!ies Co((i!!ee is res%onsi*le for Planning and s!ruc!uring ac!i&i!ies !o %ro(o!e
heal!h/ and enAo/a*le social life a(ong !he coo%era!i&eBs adul!s, adolescen!s, and
LLLL The Co0o% Co((i!!ee is res%onsi*le for %lanning !he annual Co0o% %icnic each fall, -hich
includes decisions %er!aining !o food, fun and en!er!ain(en!.
LLLL The 9inance Co((i!!ee assis!s in !he %re%ara!ion of !he annual *udge!. Re&ie- !he annual
re%or! and reco((end !o !he Board long and shor! !er( goals for !he Coo%era!i&e.
LLLL $ouse and <rounds Co((i!!ee hel%s !he Board (ee! i!s (ain!enance res%onsi*ili!ies. This
co((i!!ee s!udies and re%or!s on !he (ain!enance and general condi!ion of *uildings
and grounds.
LLLL The Ne-sle!!er @ :e* %age Co((i!!ee hel%s !he Board co((unica!e -i!h !he (e(*ers */
edi!ing and %roducing a co0o% ne-sle!!er and :e* %age.
LLLL The Orien!a!ion Co((i!!ee ac;uain!s ne- (e(*ers -i!h all !he %olicies and regula!ions of
!he co0o%
LLLL The Pla/grounds Co((i!!ee hel%s !he Board (ee! i!s (ain!enance res%onsi*ili!ies. This
co((i!!ee s!udies and re%or!s on !he (ain!enance and general condi!ion of
%la/grounds and reco((ends rules for !he use of %la/grounds and e;ui%(en!.
0lease note that although it is not mandatory that all members participate in the
committees, this &o'op could not continue to operate as it does without the dedication of
its committee members.
Page 13 of 221
Coo%era!i&e Co((i!!ee ee!ing
Nu(*er of (e(*ers Presen! SSSSSSSSSS
Business Conduc!ed D
To *e done a! ne,! (ee!ingD
Page 1. of 221
Criminal (itory C!ec0" CORI
'an you get an Applicant/s 'riminal History?
:e ge! all 7inds of ;ues!ions on residen!0con!rolled housing fro( residen!s, (anagers and
consul!an!s. In !his s%ace, -e?ll direc! /our ;ues!ions !o !he a%%ro%ria!e e,%er!. This issue, $anet
Meaney, =ice0Presiden! of Bar7an anage(en!, ans-ers ;ues!ions a*ou! screening a%%lican!s.
My co-op o"ten gets applications "rom people !ho 0I think1 have a criminal
background Ho! can !e "ind out i" applicants have been convicted o" signi"icant
crimes? And once !e "ind out# can !e not accept those people?
Ans-ering !he firs! ;ues!ion, /ou (igh! *e a*le !o o*!ain li(i!ed access !o an indi&idual?s cri(inal
his!or/ !hrough !he Cri(inal $is!or/ >/s!e(s Board, o!her-ise 7no-n as !he CORI la-. The fee is
I2" %er in;uir/ and !he re;ues!ing %ar!/ should con!ac! C$>B !o in;uire -he!her clearance is
necessar/. An/ infor(a!ion recei&ed !hrough !his %u*lic access is considered %u*lic and !here is no
res!ric!ion on secondar/ disse(ina!ion. In order for !he infor(a!ion !o *e %u*licl/ accessi*le, !he
%erson -hose record is re;ues!ed (us! *e con&ic!ed of a cri(e %unisha*le */
a sen!ence of " /ears or (ore 3i.e. a felon/4 or con&ic!ed of an/ cri(e and sen!enced !o a !er( of
incarcera!ion 3felon/ or (isde(eanor4 and a! !he !i(e of !he re;ues! is one of !he follo-ingD

On %ro*a!ionK
On %aroleK
$a&ing *een con&ic!ed of a (isde(eanor, has *een released fro( all
cus!od/ -i!hin !he %as! /earK

ha&ing *een con&ic!ed of a felon/, has *een released fro( all cus!od/
-i!hin !he %as! !-o /earsK or
ha&ing recei&ed a s!a!e sen!ence, -as ei!her denied %arole -hile
incarcera!ed, or, ha&ing *een re!urned as a %arole &iola!or, is -i!hin
!hree /ears of discharge fro( cus!od/.
This la- has *een -idel/ (isunders!ood as o%ening all cri(inal records !o !he %u*lic. In fac!, i!
onl/ (a7es accessi*le con&ic!ion infor(a!ion on curren! cri(inals.
In addi!ion, CORI a%%lies !o cri(inal his!or/ in assachuse!!s onl/. One could a%%l/ for %u*lic
access in o!her s!a!es, *u! rules (a/ &ar/ fro( s!a!e !o s!a!e.
On !he second ;ues!ion, according !o our lia*ili!/ consul!an!, !he la- is unclear as !o -he!her or
no! i! is la-ful !o refuse housing *ased on cri(inal his!or/. There is a lac7 of case la-, so a! !he
&er/ leas!, if a coo%era!i&e decides !o refuse housing on !he *asis of a con&ic!ion alone, i! (us! *e
&er/ careful and consis!en! in i!s a%%lica!ion !o a&oid a discri(ina!ion la-sui!. In addi!ion, i!
-ould see( reasona*le !o *ase refusal of housing on !he %ercei&ed danger or ris7 !o !he
coo%era!i&e as a resul! of !he !/%e of con&ic!ion of !he a%%lican!.
$anet M% Meaney& C'M is 8ice 0resident for 9arkan %anagement &ompany in 9oston. 9arkan
speciali+es in the management of resident'controlled housing whose portfolio includes
appro(imately 13,333 units in !ew England with corporate offices in both 9oston and
:lastonbury, &onnecticut.
Page 1" of 221
Damage 'olicy 6ample7
Editors !ote" The following policy is one way of addressing lease violations. #ike all policies, it
should vary with the specifics of the environment in which it is applied. Start with this, and make
changes according to your own development.
This %olic/ a%%lies !o da(ages !o !he uni! caused */ a (e(*er or a (e(*er's fa(il/,
including gues!s.
A (e(*er %a/s all re%air cos!s for an/ da(age !o a uni! 3*e/ond nor(al -ear and !ear as
defined */ !he (anage(en! agen! and !he *oard of direc!ors or i!s designee4 andHor
co((on s%ace if herHhi(self or herHhis fa(il/ causes !he da(age, including gues!s.

A (e(*er (a/ choose !o hire an ou!side %rofessional 3a! herHhis o-n cos!4 or call !he
a%%ro%ria!e Co0o% co((i!!ee, -ho -ill arrange for !he re%airs. The Co0o% co((i!!ee
(a/ do (inor re%airs i!self, call in an ou!side %rofessional, or call in !he (anage(en!
If !he Co0o% co((i!!ee arranges for !he (anage(en! or an ou!side con!rac!or !o do !he
re%airs, a (e(*er can arrange !o re%a/ !he Co0o% in ins!all(en!s. The (anage(en! agen!
(ee!s -i!h !he (e(*er !o -or7 ou! a %lan for 1 (on!hs 3or less4. An/ %a/(en! %lan (us!
*e in -ri!ing and signed */ !he (e(*er and (anage(en! agen!. 9ailure !o 7ee% !o !he
!er(s of !he %a/(en! %lan cancels !he %lan, and !he full *alance o-ed i((edia!el/
*eco(es due and %a/a*le.
If !here is a ;ues!ion of -ho is res%onsi*le for da(age !o co((on s%ace, !he
(anage(en! agen! -ill !r/ !o de!er(ine !he indi&idual3s4 res%onsi*le for !he da(age.
A%%eals !o !he (anage(en! agen!?s decision can *e heard */ !he co0o% Board. The
Board?s decision is final.
A (e(*er -ill *e charged for da(ages *e/ond nor(al -ear and !ear found a! (o&e0ou!
ins%ec!ion. The (anage(en! agen! -ill gi&e !he (o&ing0ou! (e(*er a *ill, lis!ing !he
cos! of (a!erial and la*or. If re%airs ha&e !o ha%%en during o&er!i(e, !he (e(*er %a/s a!
o&er!i(e ra!es.
Pa/(en!s for da(ages should *e %aid -i!h a se%ara!e chec7 or (one/ order iden!ified as
%a/(en! for da(ages. 3Do no! add !his (one/ !o a chec7 for /our carr/ing charge.4
e(*ers (a/ do !heir o-n re%airs *u! !he re%airs (us! confor( !o !he Co0o%?s ;uali!/
Page 11 of 221
This policy gives the co(op member some rights in terms of doing the repair him)herself or
arranging for his)her own contractor. In many co(ops, the member is not given the
option. In such co(ops, the management company does the repair and bills the
(ouing for 'eople 5it! Diabilitie
Direc!ors of Residen!0Con!rolled $ousing ha&e !radi!ionall/ *een s/(%a!he!ic !o-ard grou%s !ha!
ha&e *een &ic!i(s of discri(ina!ion, including %eo%le -i!h disa*ili!ies. Besides general s/(%a!h/,
!hough direc!ors and anagers of Residen!0Con!rolled $ousing should *e a-are of !heir legal
o*liga!ions -i!h regard !o %ro&iding housing in a fair (anner.
This ar!icle is %resen!ed as a *rief su((ar/ of a co(%lica!ed area. 9or (ore infor(a!ion /ou
should ge! in !ouch -i!h !he ass Co((ission Agains! Discri(ina!ion or !he co(%ara*le
organi6a!ion in /our s!a!e.
8!o i conidered diabledA
<ood ;ues!ion. Disa*ili!ies are no! al-a/s &isi*le. 8ou (igh! (ee! and !al7 -i!h a disa*led %erson
and no! 7no- !ha! !he/ are disa*led. The A(ericans -i!h Disa*ili!ies Ac! sa/s !ha! a %erson is
disa*led if !he/ ha&e a %h/sical or (en!al i(%air(en! !ha! su*s!an!iall/ li(i!s one or (ore (aAor
life ac!i&i!ies li7e -al7ing, seeing, -or7ing, learning, or *rea!hing. In addi!ion, %eo%le -i!h a
record of *eing disa*led, or %eo%le -ho are %ercei&ed as *eing disa*led are considered disa*led.
>o(e disa*ili!ies are (en!ioned s%ecificall/ and %eo%le -i!h !he( are %ro!ec!ed fro(
discri(ina!ionD %eo%le -i!h hearing or &ision i(%air(en!, (en!al re!arda!ion or (en!al illness,
AID> or $I= infec!ion, alcoholics, and drug addic!s -ho ha&e successfull/ co(%le!ed a drug
addic!ion reco&er/ %rogra( are all co&ered. assachuse!!s regula!ions regarding !he %ro!ec!ed
s!a!us of alcoholics are curren!l/ *eing re&ie-ed and are e,%ec!ed !o *e re&ised shor!l/.
If 5e canMt tell if omeone i diabled& !o5 do 5e 0no5 5!et!er to offer t!em a unit
et aide for people 5it! diabilitieA Can 5e But a0 t!emA
As7ing ;ues!ions is a !ric7/ *usiness. Gus! as7ing a ;ues!ion a*ou! a disa*ili!/ can *e in!er%re!ed
as discri(ina!ion. 8ou can as7 a ;ues!ion li7e !hisD F:e ha&e uni!s !ha! are designed for
-heelchairs. Do /ou ha&e a disa*ili!/ !ha! ;ualifies /ou for one of !hese uni!sJF 8ou can also as7
an a%%lican! if !heir !enanc/ -ould %ose a !hrea! !o !he heal!h, safe!/, or %ro%er!/ of o!her %eo%le,
and if a reasona*le acco((oda!ion -ould re(o&e !ha! ris7. 8ou (us! as7 all a%%lican!s !he sa(e
I 0no5 t!at 5e cannot 6and !ould not7 refue to rent to omeone 5it! any of t!ee
diabilitie% Are t!ere ot!er t!ing t!at 5e are& or are not uppoed to doA
<lad /ou as7ed. 8ou canno! charge so(eone a higher ren! *ecause !he/ ha&e a disa*ili!/. 8ou also
canB! i(%ose e,!ra !er(s, li7e re;uiring !ha! so(eone -i!h a -heelchair li&e on !he firs! floor, or
as7 for an e,!ra securi!/ de%osi!. If /ou ha&e %olicies !ha! effec!i&el/ discri(ina!e agains! %eo%le
-i!h disa*ili!ies, /ou (us! change !he(. 9or e,a(%le, /ou (us! change a FNo Pe!sF %olic/ !o
allo- for seeing e/e dogs. If an a%%lican! has no recen! ren! his!or/ *ecause heHshe -as in a (en!al
hos%i!al, /ou (us! -ai&e !he re;uire(en! for a recen! ren! his!or/ and ge! /our infor(a!ion in
ano!her -a/ 3for e,a(%le, !al7ing !o !he a%%lican!Bs social -or7er4.
8!at if t!e c!ange go beyond But policie% 8!at if 5e 5ould !ave to contruct a
ramp& or c!ange t!e !eig!t of elevator button& for e#ampleA
If !he %erson -an!s !o (a7e !he changes !he(sel&es !o increase accessi*ili!/, /ou (us! allo- !he(
!o (a7e !hose F(odifica!ions.F If !he *uilding has 1) or (ore uni!s or is %u*licl/ assis!ed housing,
!he o-ner (us! %a/ for !he (odifica!ions unless !his -ould cause Fundue hardshi%.F U (eaning
Page 1# of 221
!ha! such (odifica!ions -ould ei!her endanger !he &ia*ili!/ of !he de&elo%(en!, or !he/ -ould
funda(en!all/ change !he %ur%ose of !he de&elo%(en!.
Page 1' of 221
Has some resident-controlled housing been created speci"ically "or people !ith
an/ residen!0con!rolled de&elo%(en!s ha&e *een crea!ed -i!h so(e uni!s se! aside for %eo%le
-i!h disa*ili!ies, and so(e de&elo%(en!s crea!ed s%ecificall/ !o ser&e %eo%le -i!h disa*ili!ies.
There has *een gro-ing in!eres! in crea!ion of s(all residen!0con!rolled %ro%er!ies for adul!s -i!h
(en!al illness and (en!al re!arda!ion, and a! leas! one such de&elo%(en! co(%le!ed.
%uch of the information for this article comes from -hat does $air ;ousing %ean to 0eople with
<isabilities= from the 9a+elon &enter for %ental ;ealth #aw in -ashington, <.&., and $air
;ousing in %assachusetts from the %assachusetts ;ousing $inance )gency.
Page 15 of 221
)valuating .our 'roperty Manager
Ho! do you kno! !hen your Manager is doing a &ood 2ob 0or isn/t1?
Most of us have never been in the position of supervising a property manager before. We have probably
lived in an apartment before, but if a faucet leaked there for 3 weeks, we couldn't do anything about it. Now
we can.
Following is a list of standards that you can use to evaluate your management company. ut don't leave your
good !udgment at home "" these standards are !ust a beginning. #here are many reasons why a manager
might not meet these standards, and they may not be the manager's fault. For e$ample%
&f the development doesn't have enough money for its operations, then some important tasks are
not going to get done. #he manager budgets money "" he or she doesn't print it.

&f the development has fewer than 50 units, it may not be able to attract a top tier company. #he
'Mom and (op' companies that manage smaller developments often do not have the capacity to
get the !ob done the same way a larger company can.
&f the development is located at an especially difficult area "" like a very rural site or one in a very
dangerous neighborhood "" there will be additional costs that drain funds from the coffers.
Older developments and developments spread out over a very large space also generally cost
more to manage.
:i!h !ha! said 00 here is -ha! /ou need !o s!ar! %u!!ing a re%or! card !oge!her for /our (anager.
The (anager and s!aff should res%ec! /ou and all residen!s a! all !i(es. The !radi!ion of !rea!ing
!enan!s li7e su*0hu(ans -as al-a/s degrading, and no- /ou can do so(e!hing a*ou! i!. :i!hou!
res%ec!, !he res! of !his char! doesn?! (a!!er. :i!h res%ec!, /ou can o&erco(e al(os! an/ %ro*le(.
8our (anager should %ro&ide /ou -i!h an/ infor(a!ion 3e,ce%! confiden!ial %ersonnel
infor(a!ion4 concerning /our de&elo%(en!. :i!hou! infor(a!ion, /ou canno! !ell ho- /our
de&elo%(en! and /our (anager are doing. There are (ore de!ails on !his *elo-.
/inancial Report
8our *oard should recei&e financial re%or!s on !he de&elo%(en! once a (on!h, or once a ;uar!er if
/ou agree !o !ha!. 8ou should ge! !he( */ !he 2)!h of !he follo-ing (on!h, and !he/ should
A lis! of all !he !ransac!ions of !he %re&ious (on!h 3<eneral 2edger4

A re%or! on la!e %a/(en!s 3arrearages4
A re%or! on o&erdue %a/(en!s due !o /our &endors 3%a/a*les4
A re%or! on ho- /our inco(e and e,%enses are doing -i!h res%ec! !o /our annual *udge!.
8or0 Order ,og
8ou should also recei&e a -or7 order log on a regular *asis, sa/ing -hen -or7 orders -ere called
in and -hen !he -or7 -as co(%le!ed.
Page #) of 221
Page #1 of 221
8our (anager should -or7 -i!h /ou on /our *udge! s!ar!ing around No&e(*er 1 of !he %re&ious
/ear. B/ Dece(*er, /ou should ha&e a co(%le!e *udge! of inco(e and e,%enses for !he co(ing
De&elo%(en!s !ha! are co(%le!el/ su*sidi6ed should ha&e occu%anc/ ra!es of a! leas! 5'M.
Unsu*sidi6ed de&elo%(en!s should s!a/ a*ou! 5"M occu%ied. This (a/ *e lo-er *ased on s%ecific
8our (anager should *e collec!ing a! leas! 5"M of !he ren! !ha! is due fro( residen!s, and 1))M of
!he su*sidies.
Unit Turnaround
This is !he a(oun! of !i(e needed !o %re%are a &acan! uni! for occu%anc/. Turnaround !i(e can *e
as lo- as 3 da/sK (ore usuall/ i! is 2 !o 3 -ee7s. ore !han 3 -ee7s (eans unnecessaril/ los!
8or0 Order
+(ergenc/ -or7 orders should *e done -i!hin 2. hours. Non0e(ergencies should *e !a7en care
of -i!hin 3 da/s (os! of !he !i(e, unless s%ecial %ar!s ha&e !o *e ordered.
Inpection and Survey
+ach uni! should *e ins%ec!ed a! leas! once a /ear. >i(ilarl/, residen!s should *e sur&e/ed a! leas!
once a /ear !o hear !heir le&el of sa!isfac!ion -i!h !he de&elo%(en!?s o%era!ions. The e,!erior
should *e ins%ec!ed */ !he (anager and a *oard re%resen!a!i&e a! leas! once a ;uar!er.
8our o%era!ing reser&e should *e 1) !o 2"M of /our o%era!ing *udge!K on !he lo- end if /our
de&elo%(en! recei&es %u*lic su*sidies. 8our re%lace(en! reser&e should *e e&alua!ed e&er/ "
/ears, and should *e a! leas! "M of !he !o!al re%lace(en! cos!.
Bills should *e %aid -i!hin 3) da/s of recei%!, or 1) da/s a! !he (os!. To!al %a/a*les should no!
e,ceed 1)M of /our annual *udge!.
Meeting Attendance
8our (anager should *e a&aila*le !o a!!end Board (ee!ings a! leas! once a ;uar!er and
(e(*ershi% (ee!ings a! leas! once a /ear. >o(e *uildings -ill e,%ec! (uch (ore fre;uen!
(anager %ar!ici%a!ion
This lis! is no! co(%rehensi&e. There are so(e s!andards -hich are i(%lied 3no *uilding should *e
conde(nedK no no!e should *e in defaul!4 and o!hers -hich /ou (igh! -an! !o nego!ia!e *ased on
/our %ar!icular si!ua!ion.
Page #2 of 221
/inancing Affordable (ouing
This is a &er/ *asic in!roduc!ion !o financing Coo%era!i&es and o!her for(s of Afforda*le $ousing.
Bu! -hen /ou unders!and !his, /ou?ll a! leas! *e a*le !o unders!and -ha! consul!an!s are !al7ing
Development Budget
Lno-n as FDe&elo%(en! Pro 9or(aF or F>ources and Uses.F 2i7e all good *udge!s, has Inco(e
and +,%enses.
Source 6Income7 0 There are !-o !/%es of sourcesD de*! 3-hich /ou (us! %a/ *ac74 and
e;ui!/ 3cash 0 -hich /ou do no! ha&e !o %a/ *ac7. No!e !ha! (os! afforda*le housing
de&elo%(en!s *orro- (one/ !-ice. 9irs!, !he cons!ruc!ion loan !o *u/ !he land and %a/
for !he cons!ruc!ion. Then, !he %er(anen! financing !o %a/ *ac7 !he cons!ruc!ion loan.
Ue 0 All of !he de&elo%(en! cos!s. IncludesD
Ac-uiition 3of !he e,is!ing land and *uildings4
(ard Cot 3cons!ruc!ion, and a! leas! 1)M cons!ruc!ion con!ingenc/4
Soft Cot1 long lis!, including archi!ec!ure, de&elo%(en! consul!an!, legal, %er(i!s, fees,
in!eres! and o!her cos!s during cons!ruc!ion %eriod, finance cos!s, e!c. Also of!en includes
Fca%i!ali6a!ionF 3s!ar!u% cash4 for reser&e funds.
Total of all development cot is FTDCF for To!al De&elo%(en! Cos!s.
Operating Budget
Also 7no-n as O%era!ing Pro 9or(a.
Income 0 ain inco(e is usuall/ ren!al inco(e 3or carr/ing cos!s4, -hich should *e !he
!o!al %ossi*le ren!al inco(e less " 0 1)M for &acancies and non0%a/(en!. Could also
include co((ercial ren!al inco(e, laundr/, %ar7ing, and in!eres!.
Operating Cot 0 Ano!her long lis!, including (anage(en!, co((on u!ili!ies, legal,
!a,es, insurance, (ain!enance, nor(al re%airs, and %a/(en!s !o reser&e funds. Peo%le
of!en refer !o %er uni! o%era!ing cos!s 3-hich are al(os! al-a/s (ore !han -ha! /ou?d
e,%ec!4 0 ranging fro( I3,")) %er uni! %er /ear u% !o a*ou! I',")).
Inco(e (inus o%era!ing cos!s is Ne! O%era!ing Inco(e or NOI.
De*! >er&ice 0 Pa/(en! on loans 3Fde*!F in T1 a*o&e4, is %aid ou! of NOI.
Ne! O%era!ing Inco(e V De*! >er&ice Co&erage.
De*! >er&ice
D>C should *e a! leas! 1.1), and usuall/ 1.1".
Page #3 of 221
Ot!er Important Idea
Reerve Account 0 (one/ !ha! is %u! aside for -hen necessar/.
Replacement Reerve 0 for (aAor re%airs. Tradi!ionall/ I2")Huni! is %u! in!o RR %er
/ear, *u! !his is reall/ inade;ua!e.
Operating Reerve 0 for !i(es -hen uni!s are &acan! for long %eriods, or o%era!ing
defici!s caused */ o!her reasons. >hould *e a*ou! 3 (on!hs of annual o%era!ing cos!s.
Affordability is usuall/ defined in !er(s of !he nu(*er of households in a de&elo%(en!
!ha! *elong !o an/ of !hree inco(e grou%sD lo-, (odera!e and (ar7e! 3so(e!i(es referred
!o as &er/ lo-, lo- and (ar7e!4.
,o5 Income 0 households -i!h !o!al annual inco(e less !han ")M or 1)M of !he (edian
inco(e for households of !he sa(e si6e for !his geogra%hic area.
Moderate Income 0 households -i!h !o!al annual inco(e less !han ')M of !he (edian
inco(e for households of !he sa(e si6e for !his geogra%hic area.
Mar0et Income 0 households -i!h !o!al annual inco(e (ore !han ')M of !he (edian
inco(e for households of !he sa(e si6e for !his geogra%hic area.
2Mi#ed Income2 de&elo%(en!s are de&elo%(en!s !ha! ha&e (ar7e! uni!s and lo- or
(odera!e uni!s.
De&elo%(en!s !ha! %ar!ici%a!e in al(os! an/ housing %rogra( canno! charge lo-
and (odera!e inco(e %eo%le (ore !han 3)M of !heir adAus!ed household inco(e
for !o!al housing charges 3including u!ili!ies4 e&er/ (on!h.
There are (an/ -a/s !ha! de&elo%(en!s are (ade afforda*le.
)-uity %rogra(s con!ri*u!e e;ui!/ !o a de&elo%(en!. This reduces !he need for de*!,
-hich in !urn reduces !he need for ren!al inco(e.
Interet Subidie& or Belo5 Mar0et Interet Rate 3F*ea(ersF4 reduce !he in!eres! on
de*!, reducing !he re;uired ren!al inco(e.
Rental Subidie hel% occu%an!s %a/ ren! e&er/ (on!h.
MaBor Affordability 'rogram All of !hese %rogra(s are co(%e!i!i&e and all ha&e
differen! res!ric!ions on ho- !he/ are used.
(OM) 0 a federal %rogra(, ad(inis!ered */ ci!ies and !o-ns, !ha! can *e used
for e;ui!/, de*! or ren!al su*sidies.
(O') 0 a federal %rogra(, *eing %hased ou!, for go&ern(en!0o-ned *uildings.
CDB+ 6Community Development Bloc0 +rant7 0 a federal %rogra(,
ad(inis!ered */ ci!ies and !o-ns !ha! is used !o fund hu(an ser&ices,
infras!ruc!ure, and, so(e!i(es, afforda*le housing 3de*! or e;ui!/4.
Page #. of 221
(DS' 62(ead Up27 0 The &ersion of CDB< a&aila*le for afforda*le housing
in s(all ci!ies in assachuse!!s.
(ouing /inance Agencie 0 Pro&ide BIR for affora*le housing. Also
9ederal $o(e 2oan Ban7 and o!hers for U>. +s%eciall/ larger de&elo%(en!s 32)
uni!s or (ore4.
,o5 Income Ta# Credit, or s/ndica!ion 0 A cos!l/, difficul!, inefficien! and
*ureaucra!ic %rogra(, *u! one of !he onl/ -a/s of ge!!ing significan! a(oun!s of
e;ui!/ in!o afforda*le housing.
Section E 0 federal ren!al su*sid/. Can *e (o*ile 3(o&e around -i!h %erson4 or
si!e0*ased 3s!a/ -i!h one a%ar!(en!4. Difficul! !o o*!ain.
Ot!er 0 There are lo!s of o!her (iscellaneous or no0longer0a&aila*le %rogra(s,
including :ea!heri6a!ion, R=P 3a7a ch. #)#4, RDA2, >$ARP and o!hers.
Page #" of 221
?G 8ay to /inance your Cooperative
*/ +rnie . +den
The (ain o*s!acle !o crea!ing afforda*le coo%era!i&e housing, so(e fol7s sa/, is !he lac7 of
financing. The %ro*le( is s!a!ed as if e&er/one unders!ands and agrees !ha! if onl/ financing -ere
a&aila*le, -e could crea!e (ore housing.
This so0called una&aila*ili!/ of financing is no! !he %ro*le(. 9inancing is a&aila*le all around us.
The !ric7 is figuring ou! ho- !o use !he financing !ha! is a&aila*le for our %ar!icular housing
de&elo%(en! and 7ee%ing all !he (o&ing %ar!s going in !he righ! direc!ion un!il !he !ransac!ion is
co(%le!ed. 9inancing can co(e fro( a &arie!/ of sources and a coo%era!i&e de&elo%er (us!
research -hich financing -ill -or7 *es! for each %roAec!. 2is!ed on !he ne,! %age are financing
sources and %rogra(s !ha! can *e used !o crea!e coo%era!i&e housing, including no! onl/ financing
i!self, *u! also enhance(en!s !ha! (a/ (a7e financing easier.
I! is i(%or!an! !o no!e !ha! I define coo%era!i&e housing as housing !ha! generall/ follo-s !he s%iri!
of !he coo%era!i&e %rinci%les. I dis!inguish !his fro( !he In!ernal Re&enue >er&ice?s defini!ion of a
housing coo%era!i&e, -hich (erel/ descri*es ho- U.>. federal !a, la- is a%%lied !o a housing
coo%era!i&e and i!s !enan! s!oc7holders, as defined */ !he IR>. Using !he coo%era!i&e %rinci%les as
!he !ouchs!one *roadens !he %ossi*ili!ies for organi6ing coo%era!i&e housing o-nershi% en!i!ies so
as !o !a7e ad&an!age of !he -ides! range of financing (e!hods. De&elo%ers and (e(*ers or
%ros%ec!i&e (e(*ers (a/ or (a/ no! find i! ad&an!ageous !o organi6e -i!hin !he confines of !he
IR> defini!ion of a housing coo%era!i&e, -hen -eighed agains! !he *roader concerns of !he grou%.
In so(e cases !he sources lis!ed (a/ %ro&ide onl/ one la/er of !he (ul!i%le la/ers of financing
needed !o co(%le!e an/ housing de&elo%(en!, es%eciall/ housing !ha! is afforda*le !o lo-0 and
(odera!e0inco(e fa(ilies. The lis! should gi&e /ou an idea of !he (ul!i!ude of sources a&aila*le !o
finance /our !ransac!ion.
Lee% in (ind also, !ha! !here (a/ *e uses of !he funds !ha! can *e sliced off, !o (a7e i! easier for a
s%ecific funder !o hel% /ou and /our de&elo%(en! !a7e a s(all s!e% in !he righ! direc!ion.
+,a(%les of !hese include !he follo-ingD
Prede&elo%(en! funding !/%icall/ is a gran! or shor!0!er( loan !o co(%le!e feasi*ili!/
s!udies, engineering re%or!s, en&iron(en!al re%or!s, archi!ec!ural %lans, or an a%%raisal.
This !/%e of funding can also %ro&ide o%!ion (one/ or an earnes! (one/ de%osi! re;uired
!o ge! !he %ro%er!/ under o%!ion or under con!rac!.

Pro%er!/ de&elo%(en! can include grading, se-ers, u!ili!ies, s!ree!s, and side-al7s.
Residen! and *oard !raining and educa!ional o%%or!uni!ies are needed as %ar! of !he
crea!ion of !he coo%era!i&e. >o(e co((uni!ies ha&e iden!ified %rogra( areas !he/ call
housing counseling, ho(e0o-nershi% !raining, or econo(ic self0sufficienc/ !raining for
-hich gran! funds (igh! *e a&aila*le for a lo-0 or (odera!e0inco(e %o%ula!ion.
9unds !o (a7e an e,is!ing %ro%er!/ (ore energ/0efficien! can *e used for caul7ing,
-ea!her0s!ri%%ing, adding insula!ion, ins!alling s!or( -indo-s, or re%lacing -indo-s.
<a% financing %ro&ides financing for !he difference *e!-een !he %er(anen! (or!gage and !he !o!al
funds re;uired. This is usuall/ necessar/, *ecause (os! con&en!ional lenders -ill lend onl/ u% !o
#" or ') %ercen! of !he a%%raised &alue or !he !o!al de&elo%(en! cos! of !he %roAec!. <a% financing
can *e %ro&ided !hrough !he use of a second or !hird (or!gage on !he real es!a!e. A second or !hird
(or!gage 3so(e!i(es called a sof! loan4 is su*ordina!e !o !he firs! (or!gage and is ris7ier !o !he
lenderK !herefore, (an/ con&en!ional lenders do no! %ro&ide !his !/%e of lending. an/ of !he
Page #1 of 221
in!er(ediar/ lenders and local and s!a!e sources of financing are -illing !o lend !heir funds as sof!
loans, !hus %ro&iding ga% financing.
Page ## of 221
>hare loans are *orro-ed */ !he (e(*er, %u!!ing u% as colla!eral !he (e(*ershi% cer!ifica!e or
share of s!oc7 and occu%anc/ agree(en! e&idencing !he righ!s !he (e(*er has !o li&e in !he
coo%era!i&e?s uni!. >hare loans can *e used !o shoulder so(e of !he financing *urden, and could *e
o*!ained, for e,a(%le, */ a seller !a7ing *ac7 share loans fro( (e(*ers, fro( a credi! union, or
fro( a local go&ern(en! (a7ing a&aila*le do-n0%a/(en! assis!ance funds !o !he (e(*ers. These
do-n0%a/(en! assis!ance loans could *e secured -i!h !he (e(*ers? shares or (e(*ershi%
This la/er0ca7e a%%roach !o financing doesn?! (a7e i! eas/ !o finance /our !ransac!ion, *u! i! (a/
(a7e i! %ossi*le. The secre! is !o figure ou! ho- !o ge! o-nershi% or con!rol of !he %ro%er!/ as one
of !he ini!ial s!e%s, so /ou don?! lose !he %ro%er!/ in !he %rocess of %u!!ing !he -hole !hing !oge!her.
:ho can /ou call for hel%J In addi!ion !o !he %hone nu(*ers lis!ed a*o&e, in /our co((uni!/ /ou
can find a %u*lic li*rar/, and %erha%s a coun!/ or ci!/ co((uni!/ de&elo%(en! de%ar!(en!, or
housing and econo(ic de&elo%(en! office, -here fol7s can *egin !o ans-er so(e of /our
;ues!ions. In /our s!a!e, /ou can find a $UDH9$A office, a U>DA office !ha! deals -i!h rural
de&elo%(en!, and /our s!a!e housing finance agenc/. In /our region, /ou can find one of !he
!-el&e 9ederal $o(e 2oan Ban7s, and one of !he 9ounda!ion Cen!er 2i*raries. os! of !he larger
in!er(ediar/ non%rofi! organi6a!ions lis!ed a*o&e ha&e se&eral regional offices around !he coun!r/.
The In!erne! is a !re(endous resource, if /ou or so(eone /ou 7no- has access !o !he :orld :ide
:e*. Re(e(*er !ha! !he Na!ional Associa!ion of $ousing Coo%era!i&es can connec! /ou -i!h
%eo%le around !he coun!r/ -ho ha&e e,%erience -i!h financing.
:hen /ou s!ar! as7ing !hese ;ues!ions, 7ee% in (ind !ha! (an/ %eo%le ha&e ne&er heard of
coo%era!i&e housing. Usuall/ /ou ha&e !o sho- !hose on !he o!her end of !he con&ersa!ion ho-
/our %roAec! is eligi*le, e,%lain -h/ i! is a good idea, and descri*e ho- i! acco(%lishes !he goals,
o*Aec!i&es, and %riori!ies !he/ ha&e se! ou! for !heir organi6a!ion.
I ho%e I ha&e offered a sense of !he %ossi*ili!ies !o !hose of /ou -ho !hough! !ha! !here -as no -a/
/ou could finance a ne- coo%era!i&e housing co((uni!/.
<ood luc7 in /our search.
Ernie Eden is a cooperative development consultant in )tlanta, :eorgia. >ou can reach him by e'
mail" ernieden? or by mail" Ernie Eden @ealty, 11A5 8irginia )venue, !E,
)tlanta, :) B3B3C.
This article originally appeared in the .ulyD)ugust 144A issue of the &ooperative ;ousing
9ulletin, which is published by !he Na!ional Associa!ion of $ousing Coo%era!i&es.
9ederal Progra(s
9$A and U>DA or!gage Insurance andHor <uaran!ees
9$A >ec!ion 213
9$A >ec!ion 2213d4334
9$A >ec!ion 2233f4
U>DA >ec!ion 23' 3Rural $ousing4
U>DA Rural Business 2oan <uaran!ees
9ederal Direc! 2oans andHor <ran!s
$UD >ec!ion 2)2 gran!s 3for >enior Ci!i6ens4
$UD >ec!ion '11 gran!s 3for %ersons -i!h disa*ili!ies4
U>DA >ec!ion "1" 3Rural $ousing4
U>DA Rural $ousing >i!e 2oans
U>DA 9ar( 2a*or $ousing 2oans and <ran!s
U>DA $ousing Preser&a!ion <ran!s
U>DA Co((uni!/ 9acili!ies 2oans 3for co((uni!/ cen!ers, da/ care facili!ies, e!c.4
Page #' of 221
Page #5 of 221
Ta, +,e(%! Bonds
3for Blan7e! or!gages 3")13c4334 *onds are an o%!ion if /our coo%era!i&e housing
organi6a!ion can *e s!ruc!ured as a non%rofi! chari!a*le !a,0e,e(%! cor%ora!ion.4
for Indi&idual >hare 2oans
+;ui!/ Through !he >ale of 9ederal Ta, Credi!s
2o- Inco(e $ousing Ta, Credi!s 3a&aila*le !o a li(i!ed %ar!nershi% !ha! can lease real
es!a!e !o a coo%era!i&e4
$is!oric Ta, Credi!s 3sa(e as a*o&e for his!oric *uildingsW*o!h can *e used
9ederal 9unds !ha! 9lo- Through >!a!es, 2ocali!ies, $ousing Au!hori!ies, and Co((uni!/ Ac!ion
$O+ funds
Co((uni!/ De&elo%(en! Bloc7 <ran! funds
$OP:A 3$ousing O%%or!uni!ies for Persons -i!h AID>4
A%%alachian Regional Co((ission funds 3!o hel% %a/ for land de&elo%(en! in %or!ions
of A%%alachian s!a!es4
>ec!ion 1)' 2oan <uaran!ee 3CDB< reci%ien! ci!ies can %ledge fu!ure CDB< funds
agains! a cons!ruc!ion loan !o hel% ge! /our housing *uil!.4
$OP+ 1 Pu*lic $ousing Rede&elo%(en! and Re%lace(en! funds
>ec!ion ' se!0aside of cer!ifica!es for a %ar!icular %roAec! */ local %u*lic housing au!hori!/
3This is no! financing, *u! i! can hel% !o enhance a loan */ %ro&iding co(for! !o !he
lender !ha! a loan can *e re%aid, *ecause !he residen!s -ill *e a*le !o afford !he (on!hl/
9ederal +(ergenc/ anage(en! Agenc/ funds for disas!er relief areas 3af!er a flood,
!ornado, hurricane, e!c.4
+nerg/ conser&a!ionH-ea!heri6a!ion gran! funds !hrough Co((uni!/ Ac!ion Agencies or
o!her non%rofi! organi6a!ions
>!a!e and 2ocal Progra(s 3e,a(%les of -hich I a( a-are4
>!a!e or 2ocal $ousing Trus! 9unds 3A! leas! 2" s!a!es ha&e oneK !he/ are usuall/
affilia!ed -i!h !he s!a!e housing finance agenc/.4
Ta, Incre(en! 9inancing
$igh-a/ Re%lace(en! $ousing 9unds
O!her (iscellaneous local and s!a!e financing %rogra(s
2ocal or >!a!e Do-n0Pa/(en! Assis!ance Progra(s
9irs!0Ti(e $o(e*u/er Assis!ance Progra(s
<o&ernors 3or (a/ors or ad(inis!ra!ors4 discre!ionar/ funds
Air%or! re%lace(en! or re(edia!ion funds
2ocal C >!a!e $o(es!ead +,e(%!ion for Real +s!a!e Ta,es 3Though no! a financing
%rogra( %er se, lo-er real es!a!e !a, allo-s !he lender !o increase !he a(oun! of
%er(anen! financing for !he de&elo%(en!.4
Pri&a!e >ources of 9inancing 3!hese are Aus! a fe- of (an/4
Na!ional Coo%era!i&e Ban7HNCB De&elo%(en! Cor%ora!ion and affilia!es, :ashing!on,
D.C.K 3'))4 5""05122
9ederal $o(e 2oan Ban7 >/s!e( 312 Dis!ric! 9ederal $o(e 2oan Ban7s, each o-ned */
*an7s and sa&ings associa!ions in !he dis!ric!4
Afforda*le $ousing Progra( Direc! Ad&ances
Afforda*le $ousing Progra( >u*sidi6ed 2oans
Co((uni!/ I(%ro&e(en! Progra(
2ocal, s!a!e, regional, and na!ional non%rofi! co((uni!/ de&elo%(en! loan funds
Page ') of 221
Ins!i!u!e for Co((uni!/ +cono(ics, >%ringfield, assachuse!!sK 3.134 #.10'11), fa,
3.134 #.10''12
Page '1 of 221
2ocal *an7s 3s%urred */ !he Co((uni!/ Rein&es!(en! Ac!4
Consor!ia of local *an7s
9ounda!ion gran!s and %rogra(0rela!ed in&es!(en!s The Na!ional <uide !o 9unding for
Co((uni!/ De&elo%(en! 3The 9ounda!ion Cen!er, 32124 12)0.23), a/ 1551, I>BN )0'#5".0
1"50Q, ')' %%., I13"4 lis!s 2,")) founda!ions and cor%ora!e direc!0gi&ing %rogra(s ac!i&e in
co((uni!/ de&elo%(en!. $ere are a fe-D
The 9annie ae 9ounda!ion, :ashing!on, D.C.K 32)24 2#.0')#'
The cAule/ Ins!i!u!e 3e(%hasis on -o(en4, >il&er >%ring, ar/landK 33)14 "''0'11)
The Parodnec7 9ounda!ion 3e(%hasis on Ne- 8or74, Ne- 8or7 Ci!/K 32124 .3105#))
Co((uni!/ De&elo%(en! 9inancial Ins!i!u!ions funded or cer!ified */ !he CD9I fund of U.>.
Treasur/ 3cer!ified CD9Is can *orro- funds a! )M cos! !o !he( and re0lend a! fa&ora*le ra!es4
>eller financing, so(e!i(es */ !he seller !a7ing *ac7 a su*ordina!e loan for a s(all %or!ion of !he
e;ui!/ during a! leas! !he de&elo%(en! %eriod of !he reha*ili!a!ion and sales %rogra(, if no! longer.
In!er(ediar/ Organi6a!ions
$ousing Assis!ance Council 3rural %rede&elo%(en! funds4, :ashing!on, D.C.K 32)24 '.20
2ocal Ini!ia!i&es >u%%or! Cor%ora!ion, Ne- 8or7 Ci!/K 32124 .""05'))
Neigh*orhood Rein&es!(en! Cor%ora!ion 3has a s%ecial in!eres! in (u!ual housing
associa!ions4, :ashing!on, D.C.K 32)24 3#102.))
Rural Co((uni!/ Assis!ance Cor%ora!ion, >acra(en!o, CaliforniaK 35114 ..#02'".
Rural Co((uni!/ Assis!ance Progra(, 2ees*urg, =irginiaK 3#)34 ##10'131
The +n!er%rise 9ounda!ion, Colu(*ia, ar/landK 3.1)4 51.0123)
Pension 9unds
The A920CIO $ousing Trus! is one of !he *e!!er 7no-n %ension funds financing housing
de&elo%(en!K 32)24 3310')""
Page '2 of 221
/re-uently a0ed -uetion
Who o!ns the cooperative?
Coo%era!i&e (e(*ers each o-n a coo%era!i&e in!eres!. Toge!her, !he (e(*ers o-n 1))M of !he
coo%era!i&e, -hile !he coo%era!i&e o-ns 1))M of !he *uilding, land, and an/ co((on areas. A!
!he sa(e !i(e, !he righ! !o reside in each s%ecific d-elling uni! is alloca!ed solel/ !o a s%ecific
coo%era!i&e (e(*er and go&erned */ !ha! (e(*er?s %ro%rie!ar/ lease or occu%anc/ agree(en!.
Who governs the cooperative?
The (e(*ers, as a grou%, are de(ocra!icall/ res%onsi*le for o&erall coo%era!i&e go&ernance,
including elec!ing !he *oard of direc!ors, a(ending !he */la-s, and (a7ing decisions a*ou! !he
sale of !he coo%era!i&e?s %ro%er!/ or dissol&ing !he coo%era!i&e cor%ora!ion. The (e(*ers elec! a
*oard of direc!ors, -hich is res%onsi*le for !he o%era!ion of !he coo%era!i&e. The *oard hires and
o&ersees (anage(en!, se!s co((uni!/ %olicies, a%%ro&es o%era!ing *udge!s, and a%%ro&es
candida!es for coo%era!i&e (e(*ershi%.

What do you o!n as a member o" a housing co-op?
As a (e(*er, /ou o-n a coo%era!i&e in!eres!. +ach coo%era!i&e in!eres! is !he co(*ina!ion of !-o
The (e(*er?s o-nershi% in!eres! in !he coo%era!i&e cor%ora!ion 3re%resen!ed */ a
cer!ifica!e of (e(*ershi% or cor%ora!e shares4, %lus

An e,clusi&e righ! !o occu%/ a %ar!icular d-elling uni! !ha! is o-ned */ !he
coo%era!i&e cor%ora!ion 3re%resen!ed */ an occu%anc/ agree(en! or %ro%rie!ar/
+ach o-nershi% in!eres! gi&es !he (e(*er a %ro0ra!a share in !he o-nershi% of !he coo%era!i&e?s
%ro%er!/ as a -hole. The righ! !o occu%/ a s%ecific d-elling uni! con!inues so long as !he
indi&idual is *o!h a (e(*er of !he coo%era!i&e and a*ides */ !he occu%anc/ agree(en!.
What monthly payments does a cooperative member make?
The occu%anc/ agree(en! re;uires each (e(*er !o %a/ onl/ his %ro0ra!a share of !he *udge!ed
cos!s of !he coo%era!i&e. There are no %rofi!s !o an a*sen!ee landlord. The coo%era!i&e?s *oard of
direc!ors %re%ares an annual o%era!ing *udge! !o co&er !he cos! of o%era!ions, reser&es, %rinci%le
and in!eres! on *lan7e! (or!gages, %ro%er!/ insurance, and %ro%er!/ !a,es. In so(e coo%era!i&es,
all u!ili!/ cos!s are included as %ar! of !he *udge!.
If an indi&idual (e(*er has !a7en ou! a share loan, he or she (us! (a7e !he %rinci%le and in!eres!
%a/(en!s direc!l/ !o !he share lender. :here u!ili!/ cos!s are no! %ar! of !he coo%era!i&e *udge!,
!he (e(*er (us! %a/ !he( direc!l/ !o !he u!ili!/ co(%anies, as -ell.

What ta. bene"its are available to cooperative members?
e(*ers can deduc! !heir %ro0ra!a share of !he coo%era!i&e?s (or!gage in!eres! and real es!a!e
!a,es on !heir %ersonal federal inco(e !a, re!urns, in addi!ion !o !he in!eres! %aid on an/ share
loans. The/ ha&e !he sa(e a*ili!/ !o e,clude gain on sale of !heir coo%era!i&e in!eres!s fro(
!a,a!ion as an/ o!her ho(eo-ner.
In so(e s!a!es, ho(eo-ners recei&e fa&ora*le %ro%er!/ !a, !rea!(en! co(%ared !o co((ercial and
indus!rial uses. In (os! ins!ances, coo%era!i&es and !heir (e(*ers recei&e !he sa(e *enefi! as
single0fa(il/ ho(eo-ners.
Ho! does a member ac,uire e,uity?
Page '3 of 221
Gus! as in a single0fa(il/ si!ua!ion, as a coo%era!i&e (e(*er %a/s do-n his or her share loan, and
as !he (ar7e! &alue of his or her coo%era!i&e in!eres! increases, !he (e(*er *uilds ho(e e;ui!/. As
!he (ar7e! &alue of !he coo%era!i&e %ro%er!/ increases, so does !he (ar7e! &alue of each (e(*er?s
coo%era!i&e in!eres!.
Why is being a cooperative member better than renting?
>e&en ad&an!ages (a7e coo%era!i&e (e(*ershi% (ore a!!rac!i&e !han ren!ingD
The (e(*ers o-n !he coo%era!i&e. The landlord o-ns a ren!al.
The residen!s go&ern !he coo%era!i&e. The landlord go&erns a ren!al.
Operating at Cot
In a coo%era!i&e, occu%anc/ charges are e;ual !o !he ac!ual cos! of o-ning and o%era!ing
!he %ro%er!/. In a ren!al, ren!s go u% far fas!er !han ac!ual cos!s *ecause !he landlord is in
*usiness !o (a7e a %rofi!. Coo%era!i&e (e(*ers 7ee% !he %rofi! !ha! a landlord -ould
The coo%era!i&e allo-s (e(*ers !o cus!o(i6e !heir d-elling uni!s. The landlord con!rols
e&er/!hing in a ren!al.
(omeo5ner Ta# Advantage
The coo%era!i&e %asses inco(e !a, deduc!ions !hrough !o i!s (e(*ers. All of !he inco(e
!a, *enefi!s of ren!al %ro%er!ies go !o !he landlord.
)-uity +ro5t! 'otential
The coo%era!i&e %asses e;ui!/ gro-!h %o!en!ial !o i!s (e(*ers. A ren!al %asses e;ui!/
gro-!h !o !he landlord.
Overall *alue
A coo%era!i&e (a,i(i6es *enefi!s !o i!s (e(*ers. A ren!al (a,i(i6es %rofi!s !o !he
-o I need homeo!ners insurance?
8es, /ou need a %olic/, -hich is si(ilar !o ren!er?s insurance. 8our co0o% generall/ carries a
*lan7e! insurance %olic/ !ha! co&ers da(age !o !he coo%era!i&e?s %ro%er!/ fro( fire, -a!er, or o!her
disas!ers. $o-e&er, !his %olic/ generall/ does no! co&er an/ da(age !o %ersonal *elonging inside
/our uni!. Addi!ional insurance is reco((ended !o co&er /our %ersonal %ossessions and for /our
%ersonal lia*ili!/ in !he e&en! of an acciden! in /our ho(e.
'an I rent out my unit?
NoE Coo%era!i&es se&erel/ res!ric! su*le!!ing in order !o %reser&e !he o-nerHoccu%an! charac!er of
!he co((uni!/. The %olic/ can *e found in /our occu%anc/ agree(en!.
Page '. of 221
+uet 'olicy 6ample7
+di!or?s No!eD The follo-ing %olic/ is one -a/ of addressing gues!s. 2i7e all %olicies, i! should
&ar/ -i!h !he s%ecifics of !he en&iron(en! in -hich i! is a%%lied. >!ar! -i!h !his, and (a7e changes
according !o /our o-n de&elo%(en!.
+uet 'olicy
A gues! is a non0(e(*er -ho is s!a/ing -i!h a co0o% (e(*er.

<ues!s are e,%ec!ed !o follo- !he sa(e %olicies and rules of conduc! as co0o% (e(*ers.
If a gues! -ill s!a/ for (ore !han 2 -ee7s, !he hos! (e(*er (us! infor( !he Board and
(anage(en! agen! and also !ell herHhi( !he leng!h of s!a/ so !ha! !he sheHhe can
de!er(ine if a ne- inco(e &erifica!ion is necessar/. If !he (anage(en! agen! de!er(ines
!ha! !he gues! has F(o&ed inF *ased on 2o- Inco(e $ousing Ta, Credi! regula!ions, a
ne- inco(e cer!ifica!ion is re;uired for !he household. In !his case, !he gues! -ill also *e
re;uired !o go !hrough !he co0o%?s a%%lica!ion %rocess and orien!a!ion.
e(*ers -i!h >ec!ion ' (us! chec7 -i!h !heir $ousing Au!hori!/ for rules regarding
e(*ers (a/ no! ha&e gues!s for (ore !han 1. da/s in a one (on!h !i(e fra(e -i!hou!
s%ecial a%%ro&al */ !he Board.
ani%ula!ion or disregard of !his %olic/ -ill cause !he e(*ershi% Co((i!!ee !o send a
-arning no!ice !o !he hos! (e(*er. A second &iola!ion -ill *e referred !o !he Board of
The hos! (e(*er of !he co0o% is res%onsi*le for herHhis gues!3s4' *eha&ior, and -ill *e
held accoun!a*le for an/ lease &iola!ions co((i!!ed */ !he gues!.
Pro!ocol for co0o% (e(*ers !o use -hen a gues! &iola!es a %olic/ or an/ o!her as%ec! of
!he %ro%rie!ar/ leaseD
In!roduce /ourself !o !he gues!
O*!ain !he na(e of !he gues! and hisHher hos!.
Infor( !he gues!=s hos! of !he %olic/ !heir gues! is &iola!ing. As7 !he hos! !o
s%ea7 -i!h !heir gues! !o s!o% &iola!ing !he %olic/.
If !he gues! con!inues !o &iola!e !he %olic/, infor( !he gues! of !he %olic/ sheHhe
is &iola!ing and !he ra!ionale *ehind !he %olic/.
If !he gues! con!inues !o &iola!e !he %olic/, con!ac! !he hos! again.
If !he hos! is no! a&aila*le or canno! hel%, as7 !he gues! !o lea&e.
If !he gues! refuses !o lea&e, call !he %olice.

Page '" of 221
,imited )-uity Co"op
2i(i!ed e;ui!/ coo%era!i&es are a for( of afforda*le, residen!0con!rolled ho(eo-nershi% !ha! is
gaining %o%ulari!/ in assachuse!!s. Co0o%s can *e fle,i*le for ser&ing afforda*le housing goals
and secure *ecause of !he sharing of res%onsi*ili!ies and lia*ili!ies.
What is a limited e,uity housing cooperative?
Co0o% o-nershi% is shared o-nershi% of housing. A co0o% is a cor%ora!ion (ade u% of !he %eo%le
-ho li&e in !he housing. The housing can *e a%ar!(en!s, !o-nhouses, or indi&idual houses. There
are a gro-ing nu(*er of (o*ile ho(e %ar7 co0o%s.
In a co0o%, !he indi&idual residen! o-ns a share3s4 of s!oc7 in !he cor%ora!ion (ade u% of all of !he
residen!s. The/ do no! o-n !heir o-n uni!. This is differen! fro( a condo(iniu( -here !he
indi&idual o-ns !heir o-n uni! indi&iduall/. I! is differen! fro( !/%ical single fa(il/
ho(eo-nershi% -here !here is no sharing of o-nershi% o*liga!ions.
In a li(i!ed e;ui!/ coo%era!i&e, !he indi&idual does no! need a (or!gage for !heir uni!. Indi&idual
share %urchase %rices are &er/ lo-. Co0o% share o-nershi% en!i!les one !o a long0!er( lease on a
uni! and a &o!e in cor%ora!e go&ernance. The indi&idual is *o!h a F!enan!F *ecause of !heir lease
-i!h !he cor%ora!ion, and an Fo-nerF, *ecause of !heir s!oc7 o-nershi% and %ar!ici%a!ion in grou%
go&ernance. The co0o% (e(*ers elec! a Board of Direc!ors -ho (a7e (os! decisions a*ou! !he
In a co0o%, residen!s are ne&er e&ic!ed unless !he/ &iola!e !heir lease. an/ (e(*ers s!a/ for
decades. :hen residen!s lea&e !he/ sell !heir share3s4 of s!oc7 and no! !heir uni!, as condo(iniu(
o-ners -ould. In a li(i!ed e;ui!/ coo%era!i&e, !he &alue one can o*!ain for one?s s!oc7 a! sale is
res!ric!ed */ a s%ecific for(ula, !o (a7e !he housing afforda*le for curren! and fu!ure residen!s.
2i(i!ed e;ui!/ co0o%s are non0s%ecula!i&e ho(eo-nershi%.
Why develop limited e,uity cooperatives?
Co0o%s %ro&ide (an/ of !he *enefi!s of %ro%er!/ o-nershi% !o !heir (e(*ers. The/ %ro&ide direc!
con!rol o&er one?s housing. There is no landlord %rofi!. 2i(i!ed e;ui!/ coo%era!i&es are a uni;uel/
accessi*le for( of %ro%er!/ o-nershi%. >hare %urchase %rices are !/%icall/ (uch less !han do-n
%a/(en!s on co(%ara*le condo(iniu(s. Therefore, co0o%s can ser&ice a *road range of inco(e
Page '1 of 221
,eae *iolation 'olicy 6ample7
Editors !ote" The following policy is one way of addressing lease violations. #ike all policies, it
should vary with the specifics of the environment in which it is applied. Start with this, and make
changes according to your own development.
,eae *iolation /orm
+ach residen! shareholder is res%onsi*le for re%or!ing !o (anage(en! an/ *eha&ior of o!hers
3residen!s andHor !heir gues!s4 !ha! &iola!es %ro&isions of !he %ro%rie!ar/ lease. To do so, co(%le!e
A 2ease =iola!ion 9or( and see !ha! (anage(en! recei&es !he original for !heir records. U%on
recei%! of a co(%le!ed 2ease =iola!ion 9or(, (anage(en! -ill send a no!e !o !he accused (e(*er
infor(ing !he( of !he accusa!ion and sugges!ing !ha! !he/ %lease refrain fro( !he *eha&ior. The
no!e -ill also descri*e !he %rocess should !-o lease &iola!ions *e recei&ed, a descri%!ion of -hich
If (anage(en! recei&es !-o 2ease =iola!ion 9or(s concerning !he sa(e residen!, (anage(en!
-ill %resen! !he issue !o !he *oard a! !he ne,! regularl/ scheduled *oard (ee!ing. I! is
reco((ended !ha! !he *oard discuss issues %er!aining !o lease &iola!ions in e,ecu!i&e session.
)#ecutive eion
In ins!ances of con!ro&ersial andHor confiden!ial issues, !he *oard of direc!ors can o%! !o &o!e !o go
in!o e,ecu!i&e session. If agreed, !he decision !o go in!o e,ecu!i&e session is recorded and !he
*oard de!er(ines -ho, aside fro( !he direc!ors %resen!, i! feels needs !o *e %resen! 3conflic!ed
*oard (e(*ers should recuse !he(sel&es4 during !he session B i! is reco((ended !ha! onl/ !hose
non0*oard (e(*ers -ho ha&e infor(a!ion or insigh! %er!inen! !o !he discussion a! hand should *e
%resen!. During e,ecu!i&e sessions no (inu!es are !a7en. Onl/ !he (o!ion !o co(e ou! of !he
session and an/ decision3s4 !ha! -as (ade during !he session are !o *e recorded.
:hene&er discussing a defaul!ing (e(*er3s4 !he na(e of !he (e(*er3s4 is ne&er re&ealed.
Al!hough !he (anage(en! agen! 7no-s !he iden!i!/ of !he offending (e(*er3s4 !here is a*solu!el/
no reason for !he *oard !o 7no- !heir na(e3s4 unless !he (e(*er3s4 !he(sel&es co(es for-ard !o
re&eal -ho !he/ are. In %rac!ice, e&en if !he en!ire *oard 7no-s e,ac!l/ -ho is *eing !al7ed a*ou!,
i! is a good idea !o !r/ !o no! refer !o !he %erson3s4 */ na(e. The *oard -an!s !o do all !ha! i! can !o
a&oid an/ of %erce%!ion of *ias. Along !hese lines, (anage(en! -ill refer !o !he defaul!ing
residen!3s4 as Residen! AQX or e(*er AQX.
Ta0ing Action
:hen !he lease &iola!ion3s4 is %resen!ed, !he *oard -ill need !o decide -ha! for(al ac!ion -ill *e
!a7en !o address !he issue3s4. an/ !i(es, a %erson=s %oor *eha&ior 0 as e&idenced */ a
co(%le!ed A 2ease =iola!ion 9or(@ 0 canno! *e used as grounds for a successful e&ic!ion.
>ee7ing an e&ic!ion agains! a (e(*er for sa/, no! loc7ing !he door !o a co((on roo( !hree !i(es
in a ro-, -ill no! s!and u% in a cour! of la-. No Audge in !heir righ! (ind -ill !er(ina!e a
householdBs housing for failing !o loc7 a door. Non0%a/(en! of ren!, /es.
$arassing a neigh*or, (a/*e. No! loc7ing a door, forge! a*ou! i!. In cases of (inor &iola!ions, !he
*oard could decide ins!ead !o send a for(al le!!er !ha! e,%lains !o !he (e(*er !he i(%or!ance of
loc7ing !he door. 9ailing !his, !he *oard could !hin7 a*ou! !he %ossi*ili!/ of addressing !he
si!ua!ion */ %u!!ing a ne- 7ind of loc7 on !he door B one !ha! loc7s */ i!self. Be fle,i*le and
crea!i&e in addressing (inor lease &iola!ions.
Page '# of 221
9or *eha&ior !ha! re%resen!s serious &iola!ions of !he lease B flagran! non0%a/(en! of ren! or o!her
co0o% charges, &iolen! or !hrea!ening *eha&ior, da(ages, e!c. B !he *oard should decide !o %roceed
-i!h !he e&ic!ion %rocess. In doing !his, *oard (e(*ers should 7ee% in (ind !ha! !he defaul!ing
(e(*er3s4 -ill ha&e had and -ill con!inue !o ha&e %len!/ of o%%or!uni!/ !o dis%u!e !he charges
le&ied agains! !he(. ore !han a(%le due %rocess e,is!s in =er(on! !han7s !o !he (an/ -ai!ing
%eriods inheren! in !he la- and !he (an/ dela/ !ac!ics e(%lo/a*le */ a!!orne/s on *ehalf of !heir
9ur!her (ore, co0o%s are *usinesses !ha! are organi6ed !o %ro&ide afforda*le housing !o ;ualified
households. $a&ing a his!or/ of no! %a/ing ren! or harassing a neigh*or !/%icall/ dis;ualifies one
fro( accessing !his !/%e housing in !he firs! %lace B !he sa(e *eha&ior %er%e!ra!ed */ a (e(*er
should *e Aus! as unacce%!a*le. There are %len!/ of %ers%ec!i&e a%%lican!s ca%a*le of res%onsi*le
*eha&ior !ha! is in dire need of afforda*le housing. I! is unfair !o !hese res%onsi*le %eo%le !o allo-
a household !o con!inue !o li&e in a co0o% -ho has, */ -a/ of i!s *eha&ior, essen!iall/ dis;ualified
i!self fro( (e(*ershi%. I! is !his unders!anding of !he A *ig %ic!ure !ha! /ou (us! 7ee% in (ind as
/ou (a7e !hese !ough decisions. In deciding !o %roceed -i!h !he e&ic!ion %rocess, !he *oard is
%u!!ing in!o ac!ion a !ried and !rue %rocedure for de!er(ining *la(e and le&/ing %enal!ies. U!ili6e
!his s/s!e( !o %ro!ec! /our (e(*ers and !he cor%ora!ion fro( !he da(ages !ha! resul! fro( no!
s-if!l/ and decisi&el/ dealing -i!h !hese issues.
B/ religiousl/ follo-ing !he %rocess descri*ed a*o&e, se&eral !hings -ill occur. B/ dealing fairl/
and consis!en!l/ -i!h !hese issues /our (e(*ershi% -ill gain a ne- res%ec! for /our au!hori!/. 8ou
-ill li(i! !he a*ili!/ of disgrun!led (e(*ers !o successfull/ sue !he cor%ora!ion o&er -rongful
!er(ina!ion. 8ou -ill (a7e /our Ao* as a *oard (e(*er so(e-ha! easier */ gi&ing /ourself a
%rocess -hich /ou can use !o ligh! !he -a/ during difficul! !i(es. <ood luc7E
Page '' of 221
,imiting )-uity
Pro&iding e;ui!/ in afforda*le housing (eans co(%ro(ising U -e -an! !o %ro&ide as (uch
e;ui!/ as %ossi*le, so !he o-ner -ill feel F&es!edF in !he %ro%er!/ and so !he o-ner can de&elo%
so(e -eal!h. A! !he sa(e !i(e, -e (us! li(i! e;ui!/ so !ha! !he %ro%er!/ s!a/s afforda*le o&er !he
long !er(.
This co(%ro(ise is acco(%lished !hrough li(i!ing !he e;ui!/ !ha! an o-ner can accu(ula!e. The
a(oun! of e;ui!/ is se! */ a for(ula, -hich is usuall/ in !he organi6a!ionBs Ar!icles of
Organi6a!ion 3if i! is a co0o%4 or Declara!ion of Trus! 3for a condo(iniu(4, or deed res!ric!ion 3for
a s!and0alone ho(e4.
There is no one *es! for(ula. Differen! for(ulas -or7 *es! in differen! si!ua!ions. 9ollo-ing are
so(e of !he (os! co((on for(ulas used for e;ui!/ li(i!a!ionD
+;ui!/ is li(i!ed !o one dollar fore&er. The ra!ionale *ehind !his is !ha! since o-ners are
reall/ no! accu(ula!ing significan! e;ui!/ an/-a/, !he/ should no! *e fooled in!o
!hin7ing !ha! !he/ are. 3ARC$ does no! su%%or! !his !/%e of for(ula4
+;ui!/ is li(i!ed !o !he a(oun! in&es!ed, %lus an allo-ance for infla!ion. The infla!ion is
usuall/ de!er(ined */ !he Consu(er Price Inde,. A &arian! on !his increases !he &alue as
in&es!ed */ !he de&elo%(en!. The a%%recia!ion is of!en ca%%ed a! "M %er /ear.
+;ui!/ is li(i!ed !o !he a(oun! in&es!ed, %lus an allo-ance for infla!ion, %lus !he &alue of
i(%ro&e(en!s ins!alled */ !he o-ner. This can ge! a *i! !ric7/. 9irs!, !he &alue of !he
i(%ro&e(en!s (us! *e a%%ro&ed */ !he Board a! !he !i(e of ins!alla!ion. The &alue (us!
*e se! a! (ar7e! &alue, no! !he cos! !o !he o-ner 3%ur%le shag car%e! (a/ *e e,%ensi&e *u!
i! does no! increase !he &alue of !he uni!4. >econd, i(%ro&e(en!s generall/ de%recia!e
o&er !i(e. This (us! *e *uil! in. In our e,%erience, residen!s of li(i!ed e;ui!/
coo%era!i&es rarel/ (a7e significan! i(%ro&e(en!s, and !his clause is of!en (ore !rou*le
!han i! is -or!h. 9or li(i!ed e;ui!/ condo(iniu(s, !he le&el of &es!ing */ !he o-ner is
grea!er and i(%ro&e(en!s are (ore fre;uen!, so !his is (ore i(%or!an!.
Page '5 of 221
Management 'lan 6Sample7
6T!i ample i intended a an e#ample only; all plan are deigned to property and o5ner
pecific criteria7
Management 'lan
'lan for 1 ABC Apartment
ABC Apartments was constructed in 1973 to provide safe and sanitary housing
for low income families !he property consists of 1"#$3 units and is owned %y
the &etropolitan 'ousing Authority !he property is currently managed %y the
(&oving )orward* +esident &anagement Corporation and ,-. &anagement
!he standard amenities are/ +efrigerator" 0tove" heat 1radiant2" Coo3ing 4as"
5lectric" and +u%%ish +emoval
Management Agreement
A management agreement is in e6ect %etween ABC Apartments +esident
&anagement Corporation and ,-. &anagement A copy of the contract is
maintained at the corporate o7ce and on site in the 8le !he term of the
agreement" including duties" fees and length are detailed
!he 9n site management o7ce is located at 1$3 9a3 0treet 0tructural
composition consists of 11:2 %uildings with &elrose Avenue to the south" ;ar3
0treet to the north" 0tevens Blvd to the east and <ower Ave to the west ABC
Apartments is located on appro=imately 1> acres of land ?nit composition
consists of/
$$@ 1 %r $99 sA ft
7B@ $ %r #$> sA ft
#:B 3 %r >7$ sA ft
$7 : %r 7#B sA ft
$B # %r 9#B sA ft
!otal population/ 17##
!otal 0enior 'ouseholds >1
!otal )emale '9' :@9
Average )amily 0iCe $>
!otal &ale '9' 13@
Average )amily Dncome E#"BBBBB
Racial Occupancy @
African American 7@F
Ghite 13F
'ispanic 9F
9ther BF
Page 5) of 221
'etty Ca!
!he petty cash fund has %een esta%lished at E1"BBBBB and is held %y the
+esident &anager !his fund is for daily incidental e=penses incurred %y the
property !he +esident &anager o%tains reim%ursement of the fund %y
su%mitting a ;etty Cash Houcher to the ;roperty &anager and the )inancial
&anager +eim%ursements are entered into the accounts paya%le system for
priority payments
Any shortages in the petty cash" regardless of the reason" is the responsi%ility
of the +esident &anger.
Rent Collection
Dn accordance with the lease agreement and rules I regulations" rent
payments are due on the 8rst of each calendar month +ent is considered late
if not paid %y the 1#
day of the month Df the 1
day of the month falls on a
wee3end or holiday" rent is due %y # pm on the following %usiness day
+esidents may su%mit payment %y chec3" or money order and mail payment
to the &etropolitan 'ousing Authority post %o= address )ourteen day notices
are issued to all residents in the case of failure to pay rent ?pon e=piration"
they are forwarded to the propertyJs attorney for legal action
+esidents who continually pay their rent late 1who received : Kotices of
!ermination for <ate payments in one 1$ month period2 will %e su%Lect to
termination of lease
)uture rent collections may %e su%Lected to changes allowing residents to
ma3e rent payments on site
Ini!ial cer!ifica!ion and inco(e &erifica!ions are co(%le!ed */ !he e!ro%oli!an $ousing
Au!hori!/Bs Occu%anc/ De%ar!(en! %rior !o !he %ros%ec!i&e residen!s file *eing for-arded !o !he
de&elo%(en!. A second &erifica!ion is ini!ia!ed -hen a %ros%ec!i&e residen!s file arri&es a! !he
(anage(en! office for housing. In addi!ion, each %ros%ec!i&e residen! -ill *e in!er&ie-ed */ a
>creening Co((i!!ee. Inco(e recer!ifica!ion is done annuall/ *ased u%on !he residen!Bs (o&e in
da!e. Corres%ondence for !he recer!ifica!ion %rocess is den! !o !he residen! 35)4 da/s %rior !o !he
anni&ersar/ da!e. Residen! -ill *e no!ified 33)4 da/s %rior !o an/ ren! changes.
Ample par3ing is provided for the residents at ABC Apartments
Inurance 'olicie
Q8Y Pro%er!/ anage(en! has o*!ained co((ercial lia*ili!/ co&erage %ursuan! !o !he agree(en!
for ABC A%ar!(en!s. Q8Y Pro%er!/ anage(en! -ill 7ee% co%ies of !he insurance *inders on
si!e. The *inders are 7e%! in !he file *o!h on si!e and in !he (ain office.
NS/ C!ec0
:hen a residen! issues a %a/(en! !o !he %ro%er!/ !ha! is la!er denied 3i.e., N>94, !he residen! -ill
*e no!ified in -ri!ing of !he N>9 chec7, charged a la!e fee 3if a%%lica*le4, and charged a N>9 fee
3if a%%lica*le4.
'ayroll H 'eronnel
Q8Y Pro%er!/ anage(en! uses a co(%u!eri6ed %a/roll s/s!e( for !he e(%lo/ees of ABC
A%ar!(en!s. A se%ara!e (anual, (ain!ained on si!e, %ro&ides %rocedures and for(s for !he %a/roll
Page 51 of 221
The residen! (anage(en! cor%ora!ion issues a chec7 for co&erage of e(%lo/ee salaries %rior !o !he
scheduled %a/ %eriod. This chec7 is de%osi!ed in !he *an7ing ins!i!u!ion in !he a%%ro%ria!e accoun!
for e(%lo/ee salaries */ on si!e (anage(en!.
Q8Y Pro%er!/ anage(en!Bs financial de%ar!(en! genera!es all %a/chec7s and %a/roll !a, for(s
as needed. The/ -ill de%osi! all %a/roll !a,es -i!h !he a%%ro%ria!e financial and !a, ins!i!u!ions.
All e,%enses rela!ed !o !he on si!e %ersonnel, including -ages, e(%lo/er !a,es, *enefi!s, single
*usiness !a,es and %rocessing fees, are rei(*ursed */ !he Residen! anage(en! Cor%ora!ion.
Personnel for(s and infor(a!ion is (ain!ained */ !he Pa/roll Cler7 a! !he Q8Y Pro%er!/
anage(en!Bs cor%ora!e office.
Chec7s are sen! */ !he 9inancial de%ar!(en! e&er/ o!her :ednesda/ and dis!ri*u!ed */ !he
%ro%er!/ (anagers. Pa/da/s are *i0-ee7l/ on 9rida/s.
ABC A%ar!(en!s uses a !i(e cloc7 H card s/s!e( for s!aff 3office and (ain!enance4. The Residen!
anager con!rols !he !i(e cards. An/ changes in !he !i(e en!ries (us! *e ini!ia!ed */ !he
Residen! anager. Ti(e cards are sen! !o !he Chicago *ased Q8Y Pro%er!/ anage(en! office.
The Residen! anager (ain!ains a record of &aca!ion and sic7 !i(e used and a&aila*le !o each
e(%lo/ee of ABC A%ar!(en!s. This record 3$ourl/ >!a!us 2og4 is %os!ed on !he e(%lo/ee
*ulle!in *oard.
'et 'olicy
ABC A%ar!(en!s has a Zno %e![ %olic/ %er !he anage(en! Con!rac!.
Move Out
+ach residen! is gi&en !he o%%or!uni!/ for a Z%re0(o&e ou! ins%ec!ion[. A! !ha! ins%ec!ion, !he
Residen! anager -ill infor( !he residen! of !he e,%ec!ed charges !o (a7e a! (o&e ou!. :hen
!he uni! *eco(es &acan!, !he Office anager H Assis!an! anager -ill conduc! a final ins%ec!ion.
All i!e(s needing -or7 -ill *e %u! on -or7 orders and an/ charges en!ered on !he residen!Bs
accoun!. A co%/ of !he final ins%ec!ion -ill *e (ain!ained in !he uni! file.
're Move Out
:i!hin 3#4 da/s %rior !o !he residen! (o&ing a %re (o&e ou! ins%ec!ion is done !o (a7e !he
residen! a-are of an/ re%airs !ha! could *e !he res%onsi*ili!/ of !he residen!. Af!er !he ins%ec!ion,
if !he residen! is %resen!, !he ins%ec!ion should *e re&ie-ed -i!h !he residen! and a co%/ of !he
ins%ec!ion gi&en !o !he(.
Maintenance Report
5ach month there is a written report reMecting the months wor3 orders written
and completed !his is monitored %y the +esident &anger to insure that wor3
orders called in are completed in a timely fashion Currently they are hand
delivered to the Customer 0ervice representative and the &aintenance
department chec3s the system to verify completion of emergency items daily
+eports on routine wor3 orders are to %e run %i wee3ly A follow up is
conducted on a wee3ly %asis to verify the Auality of the &aintenance
!echnician wor3
!he mowing season is from &ay through &id 9cto%er as weather permits" the
mowing is done on an as needed %asis
D5elling )-uipment 6refrigerator7
Page 52 of 221
+ach uni! is %ro&ided -i!h a refrigera!or. An in&en!or/ lis! is (ain!ained on each refrigera!or for
(ain!enance and -arran!/ infor(a!ion, on an/ ne- a%%liance.
The elec!ric ser&ices a! ABC A%ar!(en!s are %ro&ided */ !he e!ro%oli!an $ousing Au!hori!/.
The e!ro%oli!an $ousing Au!hori!/ conduc!s (e!er readings (on!hl/ fore each residen!.
Residen!s do no! %a/ an elec!ric *ill unless !here is an e,cess of elec!rici!/ used during !he (on!h.
An/ e,cess a(oun! of allo!!ed elec!rici!/ -ill *e for-arded !he (anage(en! office and reflec!ed
on !he residen!s (on!hl/ s!a!e(en!% Residen!s are res%onsi*le !o %a/ an/ e,cess a(oun! !o !he
e!ro%oli!an $ousing Au!hori!/.
(eating Sytem
5ach %uilding is eAuipped with a radiant heating system 5ngineers monitor
the %oiler areas daily to ensure proper operation
(ot 8ater (eater
+ach *uilding is %ro&ided -i!h a -a!er hea!er. The ho! -a!er hea!ers con!ain .) gallons ca%aci!/.
Annual Inpection 1 (NS
+ach uni! is %h/sicall/ ins%ec!ed a! leas! once %er /ear and conduc!ed */ !he residen! (anage(en!
s!aff. A co%/ of !he ins%ec!ion resul!s is 7e%! in !he residen!s file. An/ -or7 !ha! needs !o *e done
as a resul! of !he ins%ec!ion is recorded on a -or7 order and co(%le!ed. If !he -or7 !ha! needs !o
*e done is !he resul! of neglec! or (is use */ !he residen!, !he -or7, la*or cos!, and (a!erial
charged !o !he residen!s accoun!. Annual ins%ec!ions are a re;uire(en! of !he (anage(en!
agree(en!, and !he De%ar!(en! of $ousing and Ur*an De&elo%(en!.
+round K Building Inpection
>cheduled ins%ec!ions -ill *e conduc!ed for grounds H *uilding (ain!enance on a regular *asis. A
co(%le!e ins%ec!ion -ill *e su*(i!!ed !o !he Residen! anage(en! Cor%ora!ion, and !he Pro%er!/
anager */ A%ril 1"
of each /ear. The ins%ec!ion includes a %lan of ac!ion !o co(%le!e an/ -or7
>hould (aAor re%airs *e needed *u! no! *udge!ed and canno! *e financiall/ funded during !he /ear,
re%air es!i(a!es are o*!ained and alloca!ed in!o !he follo-ing /earBs *udge! or for-arded !o !he
Residen! anage(en! Cor%ora!ion !o *e considered for e,e(%lar/ funding.
Move In
=acan! uni!s -ill *e ins%ec!ed */ !he Office anager H Assis!an! anager %rior !o (o&e in */ ne-
residen!s. No uni! is considered !o *e read/ for leasing un!il !he angers ins%ec!ion has *een
done. An/ deficiencies no!ed in !he ins%ec!ion -ill *e %u! on a -or7 order and gi&en %riori!/ for
co(%le!ion. anage(en! and Residen! anage(en! Cor%ora!ion -ill screen each file.
Maintenance 6After regular 5or0ing !our7
All af!er hours (ain!enance re;ues!s are called in !o !he anage(en! Office and for-arded !o !he
%erson on call for !he de&elo%(en! */ -a/ of a du!/ ros!er. Onl/ (ain!enance fi!!ing !he
defini!ion of Ze(ergenc/[ -ill *e handled during !he af!er0hour %eriod. Those e(ergenc/ i!e(s
No $ea! Bro7en -a!er %i%e
Bro7en %ri(ar/ -indo- 9loods
Toile! ino%era*le 9aul!/ elec!rical ser&ice
No -a!er <as lea7
9ire Na!ural disas!er
Page 53 of 221
ABC A%ar!(en!s does no! %ro&ide loc7 ou! ser&ices. The Residen! anager is res%onsi*le for
ensuring !ha! ade;ua!e s!affing is alloca!ed for e(ergencies. A co(%le!e lis! of all on call ser&ice
re;ues!s -ill *e %ro&ided !o !he Residen! anager. on!hl/ -or7 order s!a!us is %ro&ided !o !he
Residen! anage(en! Cor%ora!ion and !he e!ro%oli!an $ousing Au!hori!/ %er !he P$AP
'urc!ae Order Sytem
9or !he %ur%ose of ordering an/ office H (ain!enance (a!erials a %urchase order s/s!e( has *een
de&ised. This s/s!e( -ill also include e,is!ing accoun!s o%ened %rior !o ini!ia!ing a s/s!e( as
-ell as ne- accoun!s. The %urchase order is s/s!e(a!icall/ designed in a nu(erical fashion and
coded !o iden!if/ !he de&elo%(en!.
Prior !o %es! con!rol -or7 *eing done, !he residen! is no!ified as !o -hen and -ha! !he/ (us! do !o
%re%are for !he a%%lica!ion. This -or7 is usuall/ con!rac!ed !o a %rofessional %es! con!rol
(ain!enance co(%an/. The con!rac!or %ro&ides >D> shee!s for an/ che(ical used.
Refue Maintenance
Curren!l/ , ABC A%ar!(en!s is under con!rac! -i!h :as!e anage(en! Dis%osal Co(%an/.
e!ro%oli!an $ousing Au!hori!/ has e,!ended !he con!rac! */ an addi!ional 1) da/s 3since !he
!ransi!ion of ne- (anage(en! *egan4 . Residen! anage(en! -ill su*(i! *ids for con!inua!ion of
refuse ser&ice.
Page 5. of 221
Bid 'roce
To facili!a!e s%ecific -or7, *ids (us! *e sen! !o con!rac!or. Considera!ion -hen su*(i!!ing isD
1. Ti(eliness of sending ou! and recei&ing
2. Co(%le!e *id %ac7age
a. Co&er shee!
*. >co%e of -or7
c. >%ecifica!ions
d. Price >hee!
Bids are sen! !o con!rac!ors s%eciali6ing in !he gi&en field of -or7 !o *e done -i!h a (ini(u( of
fi&e sen! and !hree re!urned !o !he $A %rior !o deciding on a con!rac!or.
RC re&ie-s all *ids, including *ids o&er I",))).))
Curren!l/, !he le&els of au!hori!/ on ABC A%ar!(en!s isD
Onl/ !he =ice %residen! and Pro%er!/ anager are allo-ed !o sign con!rac!s.
Prior !o sending ou! *ids, !horoughl/ read and unders!and !he *id %rocedures.
Maintenance 8or0 C!arge
An/ -or7 co(%le!ed */ (ain!enance or con!rac!ors -hich -as caused */ !he a*use, neglec! or
(isuse, !he residen! is charged for !he -or7. The residen! is !o *e no!ified of !he charges and -h/
!he charges are *eing (ade. The charges are en!ered */ !he anage(en! office */ -a/ of !he
!enan! accoun!ing.
Maintenance 8or0 Order Sytem
:or7 orders (a/ *e ini!ia!ed */ !he residen!, s!aff, or */ cour! ini!ia!ed Code =iola!ions. :or7
order re;ues!s are !/%icall/ called in !o !he (anage(en! office and en!ered in!o !he s/s!e( fro(
-hich a nu(*ered -or7 order is genera!ed. +ach re;ues! is assigned a %riori!/ code as follo-sD
+(ergenc/ -or7 orders 3a*a!ed -i!hin 2. hours4
Urgen! -or7 orders
Rou!ine -or7 orders
Annual ins%ec!ion -or7 orders
Code &iola!ion -or7 orders
+,!ra0ordinar/ -or7 orders
The (anage(en! office genera!es !he ac!ual %h/sical -or7 order and disse(ina!es !he( !o !he
(ain!enance de%ar!(en!. The (anage(en! office (ain!ains a co(%u!eri6ed !rac7ing s/s!e( of all
-or7 orders issued, co(%le!ed, s!aff %erfor(ance. All co(%le!ed -or7 orders are re!urned !o !he
(anage(en! office and filed in !he uni! file.
Pre%ara!ion of !he O%era!ing Budge! co((ences four (on!hs %rior !o !he fiscal /ear end. The
fiscal /ear closes on 12031 and *udge! %re%ara!ion *egins '031. The *udge! is su*(i!!ed !o !he
$A and RC */ 503).
+eneral ,edger
!he general ledger is an overall summary of the di6erent income and e=pense
transactions occurring during the month !he general ledger is a compilation
of the +ent +oll" Chec3 +egister" and any Lournal entries Copies of all general
ledgers in regards to the property will %e forwarded to the +&C for review At
Page 5" of 221
the reAuest of the +&C 8nancial meetings will %e held %iNwee3ly until further
Page 51 of 221
Rent Collection K ,egal 'rocedure
In accordance -i!h !he lease agree(en!, and rules Hregula!ions, ren! %a/(en!s are due on !he firs!
da/ of each calendar (on!h, %a/a*le !o !he $A. ABC A%ar!(en!s does acce%! residen! ren!al
%a/(en!s on si!e. anage(en! -ill -or7 diligen!l/ !o o*!ain all ou!s!anding ren!s. Residen!s -ill
*e no!ified */ con!ac! le!!ers, ho(e &isi!s, and office &isi!s for delin;uen! ren! %a/(en!s. An/
residen! -ho fails !o %a/ ren! -ill *e for-arded !o !he a!!orne/ and or !he $A legal de%ar!(en!
for %ro(%! e&ic!ion. An/ charges !ha! incur u% un!il or af!er cour! a%%earance is !he full
res%onsi*ili!/ of !he residen! unless o!her-ise -ai&ed */ a cour! order, failure !o %a/ !hese charges
-ill resul! in !he con!inua!ion of !he cour! case for e&ic!ion. All con!ac! -i!h residen!s -ill *e
reflec!ed in !he residen! file for fu!ure references.
Collection K /ormer Tenant Account
ABC A%ar!(en!s curren!l/ uses GAQ Collec!ion >er&ices !o collec! on for(er !enan! accoun!s.
/inancial Report
On !he 1)
of each calendar (on!h a financial re%or! -ill *e for-arded !o !he RC. These re%or!s
include !he follo-ingD
1. on!hl/ re%or!s for es!a*lishing ne! inco(e, !his includes (on!hl/ inco(e,
dis*urse(en!s, %a/a*les, recei&a*les and occu%anc/ as a su((ar/ of !he (on!h.
2. Chec7 regis!er de!ail of (on!hl/ dis*urse(en!s
3. Aging of Accoun!s %a/a*le for !he (on!h end
.. Accoun!s recei&a*le de!ail
". Cash flo- s!a!e(en! de!ails curren! (on!h as -ell as /ear !o da!e &ariance re%or!
of !he o%era!ing *udge!.
Account 'ayable
All &endor in&oices are sen! on si!e for %rocessing and -ill *e %aid */ !he end of each calendar
(on!h 3if funding allo-s4. The e,ce%!ion -ill *e %a/roll and fees -hich are %rocessed a! !he Q8Y
Pro%er!/ anage(en! Office.
+ach *ill is coded on a &endor in&oice for(. The =endor in&oice for(s, -i!h co%ies of &endor
*ills are su*(i!!ed for %a/(en! fro( Q8Y on a -ee7l/ *asis. Original *ills are 7e%! on si!e in !he
&endor in&oice file. This file is 7e%! in al%ha*e!ical order */ &endors na(e.
The Presiden! of !he RC -ill re&ie- all in&oices %rior !o su*(i!!ing !he( !o !he Pro%er!/
anger, and 9inancial anager. On or a*ou! !he 1"
of each calendar (on!h, a cash re;uire(en!
lis!ing is genera!ed for re&ie- */ !he Pro%er!/ anager for a%%ro&al of &endor %a/(en!s. All
chec7s o&er I1,))).)) (us! *e signed */ an officer of Q8Y anage(en!.
/inancial Audit
A financial audi! -ill *e %erfor(ed -i!hin 31)4 da/s of !he %ro%er!/Bs fiscal /ear end. This audi!
-ill *e conduc!ed */ an inde%enden! audi! fir(, selec!ed */ colla*ora!ion of *o!h !he RC and
Q8Y anage(en!. The audi!ing fir( -ill -or7 in conAunc!ion -i!h !he (anage(en! agen! !o
ensure regula!or/ re;uire(en!s are addressed. >igned co%ies of !he audi! are sen! !o !he RC,
Q8Y and $A.
'(MA' Report
P$AP re%or!s are done (on!hl/ and su*(i!!ed !o !he RC.
Page 5# of 221
O.: 'roperty Management /ile Audit
Q8Y audi!s !he si!e files %eriodicall/ !o ensure co(%liance. During !hese audi!s, Q8Y e,a(ines
uni! files, ledger cards, su*sid/ *illings and !he source *oo7. A %assing score of ') is re;uired for
files !ha! are audi!ed.
A fideli!/ *ond is o*!ained */ Q8Y !o guard agains! e(%lo/ee negligence and H or !hef!. This is
rene-ed annuall/, usuall/ in arch. The one si!e co%/ of !he *ond is 7e%! on file in !he
(anage(en! office.
All con!rac!s -i!h &endors are 7e%! in !he onsi!e con!rac! file as -ell as in !he on si!e .). file and in
!he cor%ora!e (anage(en! office. Con!rac!s are !o *e signed */ !he Pro%er!/ anager. A lis!ing
of all con!rac!s -i!h e,%ira!ion da!es and ho- !o &oid !he con!rac! is re;uired !o a%%ear e&er/
(on!h in !he anage(en! re%or!. All con!rac!ors are re;uired !o %resen! %roof of lia*ili!/
insurance %rior !o en!ering an/ agree(en!s -i!h Q8Y. The RC -ill re&ie- all con!rac!s.
Q8Y is re;uired !o carr/ insurance. $A is res%onsi*le for %ro%er!/ da(age co&erageBs.
Ta,es are !he res%onsi*ili!/ of !he $A
8or0manM Comp 6Contractor7
All con!rac!ors or ou!side ser&ice %eo%le are re;uired !o %ro&ide a &alid -or7(anBs co(%ensa!ion
cer!ifica!e. The si!e office -ill au!o(a!icall/ (a7e a co%/ for !he cor%ora!e (anage(en! office.
>hould !he con!rac!or no! *e re;uired !o (ain!ain -or7(anBs co(%ensa!ion 3i.e. sole %ro%rie!or4
!hen !he con!rac!or (us! %ro&ide !he %ro%er!/ -i!h a ZNo!ice of +,clusion[. A co%/ of !he no!ice
-ill also *e sen! !o !he cor%ora!e (anage(en! office.
In !he e&en! nei!her -or7(anBs co(%ensa!ion or !he no!ice of e,clusion are a&aila*le, !he
con!rac!or -ill no! *e allo-ed !o %erfor( !he -or7.
NOT+D Con!rac!or la*or no! co&ered */ con!rac!ors -or7(anBs co(%ensa!ion -ill *e charged !o
!he %ro%er!/ unless a No!ice of +,clusion is o*!ained. This can increase !he cos! of !he con!rac!or
*/ "01" %ercen!.
D5elling )-uipment 6Stove K Range7
+ach uni! is %ro&ided -i!h a gas s!o&e H range. An in&en!or/ is (ain!ained of each s!o&e H range
for (ain!enance and -arran!/ infor(a!ion.
Re%air H re%lace(en! of !he s!o&es is !he %ro%er!/Bs res%onsi*ili!/. An/ re%air H re%lace(en! as a
resul! of negligence or da(age is charged *ac7 !o !he residen! in !he for( of a (ain!enance
charge. Residen!s are allo-ed !o %urchase !heir o-n d-elling e;ui%(en!.
Sno5 Removal
Q8Y anage(en! has de&elo%ed a safe!/ %rocedure, con!ained -i!hin !he %ersonnel %olic/,
i(%le(en!ed a! ABC A%ar!(en!s. All e(%lo/ees are e,%ec!ed !o adhere !o !he %olicies and re%or!
an/ and all condi!ions !ha! (a/ *e dee(ed unsafe.
Page 5' of 221
=iola!ors of !he safe!/ %olic/ -ill *e su*Aec! !o disci%linar/ ac!ion, u% !o and including discharge.
8ater K Se5er
ABC A%ar!(en!s o*!ains i!s -a!er ser&ices fro( !he Ci!/. The $A %a/s all cos! for -a!er usage.
Continued )ducation
Classes are held on a regular *asis !o u%da!e s!aff on $UD regula!ions, sof!-are u%da!es. In
addi!ion, classes are %ro&ided on all as%ec!s of %ro%er!/ (anage(en! including *u! no! li(i!ed !o
9air $ousing, >e,ual $arass(en!, 2easing, Pre&en!a!i&e ain!enance, Cos! Con!rols, e!c.
A!!endance and successful course co(%le!ion is docu(en!ed in each e(%lo/ees file.
)#traordinary Item
T/%icall/, $A con!rac!s !o ha&e a feasi*ili!/ s!ud/ %erfor(ed on !he %ro%er!ies under !heir
o-nershi%. The %ur%ose of !his s!ud/ is !o de!er(ine !he %h/sical needs of !he %ro%er!/ !o ensure
%ro%er o%era!ion of !he *uildings and !heir infras!ruc!ure. Q8Y -ill assis! !he RC */ con!ac!ing
!he a%%ro%ria!e con!rac!ors !o %erfor( !he s!ud/ a! !he re;ues! of !he RC.
Q8Y anage(en!s goal is !o %ro&ide !o% ;uali!/, efficien! and effec!i&e ser&ice !o our clien!s. B/
(anaging !heir %ro%er!/ in a %rofessional and %roficien! (anner, -e *elie&e !ha! !his goal is
cer!ainl/ a!!aina*le.
This sa(%le %ro&ided */
Page 55 of 221
ar7e! +&alua!ion 3>a(%le4
6t!i ample i intended a an e#ample only& all plan are deigned to
property and o5ner pecific criteria7
Mar0et )valuation
Developed for1
ABC Cooperative
9<= Main St
Any to5n& USA CG9G9
>!ud/ Period @ 501"02))1 !hrough 503)0)1
Au!hor of Re%or! D elanie 2. Philli%s, CP Tailor ade Pro%er!/ >er&ices, Inc.
I% )#ecutive Summary
A% Rationale for t!e Mar0et )valuation
>u*Aec! %ro%er!/ is e,%eriencing occu%anc/ and cash flo-
%ro*le(s. The ra!ionale for !his (ar7e! s!ud/ is !o iden!if/ !he
co(%e!i!ion. +&alua!e !he %ro%er!/ s!anding -i!hin !he
co(%e!i!i&e %ro%er!ies. De!er(ine !hrough (ar7e! e&alua!ion, !he
%ro*a*le cause for !he under %erfor(ing s!a!us of !he si!e and (a7e
reco((enda!ions for correc!ion.
B% +eneral Decription of t!e community& including amenitie and
ervice available%
2))1 de(ogra%hic infor(a!ion re%or!s a %o%ula!ion of 11.,).5,13" -i!h 1.,'.1
households. '2M of !he %o%ula!ion are -hi!e -i!h gender *eing e&enl/
di&ided. edian household inco(e is I.#,3.1 3sligh!l/ under !he na!ional
a&erage of I"1,".14.
2))1 a&erage ho(e &alue is I1.1,5#) 3.# %ercen! lo-er !han !he na!ional
a&erage of I21.,32#.4
This %reli(inar/ da!a -ould sugges! !ha! !he area -ould *e a good loca!ion for
(ul!i fa(il/ %ro%er!/ financed !hrough a !a, credi! or (i,ed inco(e %rogra(.
Area de(ogra%hic !a%es!r/ *rea7s do-n in!o !hree ca!egoriesD
Rut Belt Tradition @ !his seg(en! of !he area %o%ula!ion is
co(%rised of s!a*le ho(e o-ners -ho in&es! !he( sel&es and !heir (one/ in
ho(e i(%ro&e(en! %roAec!s and are financiall/ conser&a!i&e. The/ enAo/
fishing and *o-ling, !he/ su*scri*e !o ca*le !ele&ision and are !/%icall/ s%or!s
Page 1)) of 221
Page 1)1 of 221
City Dimenion @ !his seg(en! of !he area %o%ula!ion has a (edian
age of 25 -i!h /oung children. This is !he (os! cul!urall/ di&erse seg(en!. The
household inco(e le&el of !his seg(en! is !/%icall/ under I3",))). T-o !hirds
of !his seg(en! are ren!ers. The/ enAo/ s%or!s, &ideo ga(ing and are !o% in !he
(ar7e! for !he %urchase of !ea( s%or! clo!hing.
.oung and Retle @ is !he !hird seg(en! of !he area %o%ula!ion.
Again, !heir (edian age is 25 /ears old. ore !han #) %ercen! of !his seg(en!
ha&e (o&ed in !he %as! fi&e /ears. This seg(en! %refers (ul!i uni! a%ar!(en!
*uildings . The/ enAo/ !he con&enience and a(eni!ies offered in (an/ ren!al
co((uni!ies. This seg(en! has a !/%ical household inco(e of I.),)))The/ are
!echnologicall/ sa&&/ and %lace a %re(iu( on access !o in!erne! and ca*le
ser&ices. The/ -or7 ou!, read and fre;uen! *ars and nigh! clu*s.
C% 'ropoed target mar0et
2"033 /ear olds -i!h a household inco(e of I3"0.)7 %er /ear.
ar7e!ing effor!s -ould ha&e !o !a7e in!o considera!ion se&eral co(%onen!s 7e/ !o !his
0Access !o in!erne! and ca*le 3%refera*l/ -ireless in!erne!4
This seg(en! of !he %o%ula!ion is accus!o(ed !o !he ins!an!
access %ro&ided */ co((unica!ing &ia in!erne! and ca*le.
The/ are no! li7el/ !o *e ha%%/ -i!h dial u% (ode(s and
02oca!ion close !o sho%%ing and food es!a*lish(en!s
This seg(en! li7es !o sho% and go ou! !o ea!. The/ do no!
-an! !o !ra&el long dis!ances !o ge! !here.
09i!ness cen!er
Al!hough so(e of !his seg(en! -ould use a </( e(*ershi%
!o (ee! ne- friends, !he/ enAo/ !he con&enience of a -or7 ou!
cen!er in !heir o-n surroundings !ha! !he/ can use free of
charge. The/ also enAo/ !he *ragging righ!s a*ou! ha&ing a
fi!ness cen!er in !heir *uilding e&en if !he/ donB! e&er use i!.
0Access !o laundr/ 3%refera*l/ in uni!4
This seg(en! of!en -or7s fro( ho(e or -or7 long hours a!
!heir office. The/ do no! -ish !o drag laundr/ !o co((on
areas. The/ -an! !o do !heir laundr/ a! a !i(e con&enien! !o
!he(. Being ren!ers !he/ also do no! -an! !o -orr/ a*ou! !he
%urchase or u%7ee% of !he a%%liances, !he/ -an! full si6ed in
uni! -asher and dr/ers in !heir ho(es and a (ain!enance
%erson !o call should so(e!hing go -rong.
0U%da!ed a%%liances
Buil! in, eas/ !o use (odern a%%liances are a %lus !o !his
seg(en!. Again, !he/ -an! !he *ragging righ!s and !he
con&enience. icro -a&es do no! cos! (uch (one/ *u! !his
seg(en! of !he %o%ula!ion, as s!a!ed %re&iousl/ does no! -an!
Page 1)2 of 221
!o %urchase or (ain!ain i!e(s !ha! !he/ *elie&e should Aus! *e
Z!here[ -hen !he/ (o&e in.
Page 1)3 of 221
0Trend/ surroundings
A%%earances are 7e/ for !his seg(en!. The/ -an! !heir friends
!o *e i(%ressed a*ou! -here !he/ li&e. Their surroundings no!
onl/ need !o *e clean and -ell (ain!ained, !he/ (us! *e
a!!rac!i&e and !rend/. The/ (us! con!ain an ele(en! of
e,ci!e(en! and e,clusi&i!/.
0I((edia!e <ra!ifica!ion
This seg(en! of !he %o%ula!ion gre- u% in an ins!an! -orld.
Ins!an! %o%corn, oa!(eal, in!erne!, cell %hones, o&ernigh! (ail
e!c. The/ -ill no! !/%icall/ -ai! for a res%onse for an/ leng!h
of !i(e. Cus!o(er ser&ice (us! *e !o% no!ch and res%onse
!i(e (us! *e ra%id or !his seg(en! -ill (o&e. These fol7s
donB! read !he ne-s%a%er !he/ read !he in!erne!, ad&er!ising
effor!s should !a7e !his in!o considera!ion.
II% Mar0et Analyi
A% Reult of mar0et reearc!
9our %ro%er!ies -ere iden!ified as co(%e!i!ion for ABC Coo%era!i&e
This -as due !o !heir %ro,i(i!/ !o !he sigh! and area 7no-ledge. :hile o!her %ro%er!ies
are cer!ainl/ %ro&iding co(%e!i!ion, !hese four -ere ini!iall/ iden!ified as %ri(ar/
0<lenn =alle/
0Teal Run
0The 2andings
0:illo- Cree7
Af!er co(%le!ion of %hone and si!e sho%s and (ar7e! co(%arison grid i! -as de!er(ined
!ha! :illo- Cree7, al!hough !he onl/ one of !he four !o *e offering and ad&er!ising
su*s!an!ial concessions, is no! !rul/ co(%ara*le !o ABC Coo%era!i&e due !o !he huge
&ariance in %rice.
The co(%arison grid also iden!ifies !ha! ABC Coo%era!i&e , al!hough lac7ing in (an/
areas, is (ain!aining a *ase ren!al %rice higher !han i!s (ore successful co(%e!i!ion.
This (a/ ha&e *een iden!ified */ !he ar7e!ing >!aff a! ABC Coo%era!i&e and (a/
e,%lain !he 2 (on!h free ren! concession on a 1. (on!h lease !he/ are offering.
B% )valuation of mar0et upply and demand
:hile i! is !rue !ha! se&eral %ro%er!ies -i!hin Bingha( Cree7 are offering concessions of
u% !o !-o (on!hs ren! along -i!h lo-er securi!/ de%osi!s and free a%%lica!ion fees, !hose
loca!ions iden!ified as Zdoing e&er/!hing righ![ are no! suffering fro( high &acanc/ and
ha&e no! had !o offer such large incen!i&es !o a!!rac! ne- residen!s.
The area does no! see( !o *e sa!ura!ed and should *e %ro&iding a co(%e!i!i&e /e!
lucra!i&e source of re&enue for in&es!ors and o-ners. There ha&e *een no unusuall/
high !urno&er ra!es iden!ified.
C% SubBect 'roperty Strengt! and 5ea0nee
The >u*Aec! %ro%er!/ enAo/s !he *enefi!s of good loca!ion, sa!isfac!or/ uni! si6e and
so(e in uni! laundr/ facili!ies.
Page 1). of 221
Al!hough no! /e! 1) /ears old, !he %ro%er!/ has !he -orn H !ired loo7 of a %ro%er!/
a%%roaching i!s 2)
/ear. There is no color, no -ar(!h. No!hing dra-s /ou in fro( !he
road. The (ain %ro%er!/ sign is sorel/ in need of %ain! or re%lace(en!. 8ou -ould no!
%ull in unless /ou -ere s%ecificall/ loo7ing for ABC Coo%era!i&e . The Clu*house and
(ini (odel, al!hough clean, -ere dra* and crea!ed no e,ci!e(en!.
The >i!e s!aff %erfor(ed %oorl/ *o!h on %hone and si!e sho%s. The/ !rea!ed *o!h sho%s as
in!erru%!ions. The/ crea!ed no urgenc/, !he/ con&e/ no in!eres! in !heir %ros%ec!s, no
ra%%or! *uilding, !he/ %ro&ided no follo- u% -ha!soe&er. On !he %hone sho% i! -ould *e
i(%ossi*le for !he( !o follo- u% due !o !he fac! !ha! !he/ as7ed for no con!ac!
infor(a!ion. During !he si!e sho% !he %ros%ec! -as (ade !o -ai! se&eral (inu!es %rior !o
*eing ac7no-ledged.
The fac! !ha! !he si!e does no! %ro&ide !he s!ac7a*le -asher and dr/ers in each uni! is a
-ea7ness. These are !/%icall/ (ore e,%ensi&e !han con&en!ional -ashers and dr/ers
and as con&e/ed earlier in !his re%or!, !he seg(en! of !he %o%ula!ion (os! li7el/ !o (o&e
in !o ABC Coo%era!i&e or i!s co(%e!i!ion, is no! in!eres!ed in o-ning or (ain!aining
(aAor a%%liances. 9ur!her(ore, !he/ do no! -an! !o !a7e !heir laundr/ ou!. The/ -an! !o
do i! on !heir schedule and a! !heir con&enience.
The s!aff is no! selling !he s%ecial. The/ (en!ioned i! near !he end of *o!h sho%s and
-ere no! en!irel/ co(for!a*le in !he sale of i!. As s!a!ed %re&iousl/, !he *ase ren! a! !his
si!e is higher !han i!s (ain co(%e!i!ors -ho offer no significan! concessions, *u! do offer
a %erce%!ion of &alue.
The/ are ad&er!ising in (an/ &enues, including !-o ads in !he recen! >ho%%er Ne-s 3one
line ad, one dis%la/4 Their (ar7e!ing effor!s docu(en! a %le!hora of ac!i&i!/ *u! no
;uan!if/ing infor(a!ion !o s%ea7 !o !he (o&e ins !he/ are ge!!ing fro( !hese sources.
Calls and &isi!s and a%%earances a! %u*lic ga!herings and e&en!s is good, *u! ul!i(a!el/ i!
is !he ;ualified (o&e in !ha! /ou are %a/ing !he ad&er!ising dollar for. If a source is no!
%roducing (o&e ins, i! should *e eli(ina!ed.
If a%%l/ing !he four PBs of sales, 3Peo%le, Produc!, Price and Pro(o!ion4 i! -ould a%%ear
!ha! ABC Coo%era!i&e , a! !his %oin!, in !i(e does no! ha&e an/ of !hese co(%onen!s
fir(l/ in %lace. Un!il !he/ are *rough! in!o line !he %ro%er!/ %erfor(ance canno! *e
e,%ec!ed !o i(%ro&e.
2i(i!ed -ee7end hours, in addi!ion !o !he un-illingness on !he %ar! of !he s!aff !o (a7e
a%%oin!(en!s af!er 3%( on >a! could inhi*i! -or7ing %ros%ec!s a*ili!/ !o &isi! si!e. :i!h
occu%anc/ *eing an issue, s!aggering -ee7da/ hours and offering a (ore
acco((oda!ing -ee7end schedule could *e an o%!ion -or!h considera!ion.
D% CompetitorM trengt! and 5ea0nee
+lenn *alley
Ou!s!anding grounds and a!(os%here. 9ull si6ed -asher and dr/er included,
lo-er cos! in house ca*le and in!erne! a&aila*le, 3) da/ ou! clause on !heir
leases, %aid hea!, grea! loca!ion, (o!i&a!ed s!aff. No! suffering occu%anc/
issues due !o !he nice Ao* in &alue %erce%!ion !he/ are doing. +&en -i!h hea!
included !heir *ase ren! is lo-er !han ABC Coo%era!i&e .
>!aff %erfor(ed -ell on si!e &isi! and %hone sho%, crea!ed urgenc/, *uil! ra%%or!,
handled o*Aec!ions -ell.
:ea7ness could *e !he lac7 of choice in ca*le and in!erne! ser&ices. Al!hough i!
is ac!uall/ less e,%ensi&e !han an ou!side co(%an/, so(e %ros%ec!s could *e %u!
Page 1)" of 221
off due !o !he lac7 of choice !his affords. In !he o&erall sche(e, !his is no! a
huge issue.
2i(i!ed -ee7end hours could inhi*i! -or7ing %ros%ec!s a*ili!/ !o &isi! si!e.
Teal Run
<rounds and (odels loo7 grea!. +ach uni! has a &ie-. <ood loca!ion, full si6ed
hoo7 u%s. =er/ *us/ %ro%er!/ during %hone and in %erson sho%. >!aff
%erfor(ed -ell on *o!h. A%%ears !he/ are running less !han "M &acanc/.
Page 1)1 of 221
Ta, credi! s!a!us 3")M of uni!s4 could cause confusion !o so(e %ros%ec!s due !o
!he cu(*erso(e %a%er-or7. $o-e&er, area inco(e le&els are sui!a*le !o !his
lo-er cos! housing. The ")M ar7e! uni!s (a/ fro( !i(e !o !i(e ha&e issues in
*eing a*le !o (o&e ;ualified %ersons in due !o firs! a&aila*le uni! rule under
sec!ion .2 %rogra(s. >i!e s!affing (a/ need !o *e 7ic7ed u% !o handle influ,
of &isi!ors and calls if !he ac!i&i!/ le&el of !he si!e on !he da/s of !he %hone and
si!e sho%s are an/ indica!ion of a !/%ical &olu(e. Pros%ec!s -ho ha&e difficul!/
reaching si!e s!aff -ill go else-here.
2i(i!ed -ee7end hours could inhi*i! &isi!s fro( so(e -or7ing %ros%ec!s.
T!e ,anding
<rea! loca!ion. =er/ a!!rac!i&e grounds, grea! signage, grea! floor %lans.
o!i&a!ed, in!eres!ed s!aff. >!aff %erfor(ed &er/ -ell on si!e &isi! and scored
!he highes! on %hone sho%. Curren!l/ leasing in!o la!e Oc! and No&. a%%eared !o
ha&e li(i!ed a&aila*ili!/.
2i(i!ed -ee7end hours could inhi*i! &isi!s fro( so(e -or7ing %ros%ec!s.
8illo5 Cree0
<ood loca!ion, a(%le floor %lans, lo- %rices for ;ualified inco(e le&els.
>!aff %erfor(ed (arginall/ on si!e and %hone sho%s. Pro%er!/ loo7s !-ice i!s
age. Office is dir!/ and ill 7e%!.
No real a(eni!ies !o s%ea7 of. The/ are choosing concessions o&er %ro&iding
;uali!/ %roduc!.
No! ul!i(a!el/ chosen !o *e focus co(%e!i!ion for inges Cree7 =illage.
)% An evaluation of !o5 your amenitie and ervice matc! mar0et
On !he co(%arison grid, ABC Coo%era!i&e sB a(eni!ies co(%are (os! closel/ -i!h Teal
Run follo-ed */ The 2andings. <lenn =alle/ co(es ou! higher due !o !he %aid hea! and
3) da/ ou! clause in !heir lease. $o-e&er, if /ou Z*ac7 ou![ !he I1) <lenn =alle/ -as
gi&en for !hose !-o fea!ures !he/ co(e in (uch closer.
Teal Runs adAus!ed ren! re(ained !he sa(e as i!s curren! ra!e I1#".)) . The a&erage of
!he 3 co(%e!i!ors 3re(o&ing !he I1) fro( <lenn =alle/4 co(es !o I1#).)).
The 7e/ %oin! *eing !ha! ABC Coo%era!i&e %resen!l/ has !hose Za(eni!ies[ *u! !he/
donB! ha&e !he &alue %erce%!ion going on !ha! Teal Run, The 2andings and <lenn =alle/
I! -ould see( !ha! a (ore effec!i&e use of ABC Coo%era!i&e funding -ould *e !o focus
on !raining s!aff, adding life and e,ci!e(en! !o !he %ro%er!/ !hrough color and
i(agina!ion and %ro&iding !he s!ac7a*le laundr/ facili!ies in !he uni!s !he(sel&es and
dro% !he *ase ren!s !o !he range in -hich !heir co(%e!i!ors are enAo/ing lo- &acanc/. If
!his -ere acco(%lished, i! -ould *e li7el/ !ha! !he concession %rogra( could *eco(e a
!hing of !he %as!.
T-o (on!hs ren! on a concession !o!als I1,.1).)) on a 1. (on!h lease. I! doesnB! reall/
(a!!er ho- long of a lease /ou (a7e i!, !he %ro%er!/ is s!ill gi&ing u% !-o (on!hs -or!h
of re&enue. A! !his ra!e !he effec!i&e (on!hl/ ren! is roughl/ I1)".)).
If *ase ren!s -ere lo-ered */ I3)0.) dollars %er (on!h /ou -ould lose less !han one
(on!hs re&enue in a /ear. Plus if !he (one/ -as di&er!ed !o ins!alling !he laundr/
Page 1)# of 221
facili!ies in each uni! in conAunc!ion -i!h s%icing u% !he %ro%er!/ and !raining !he s!aff
/ou are crea!ing real &alue in !he asse!.
Page 1)' of 221
III% Advertiing J 'romotion
Due !o !he lac7 of ;uan!if/ing docu(en!a!ion regarding !he effec!i&eness of an/ of !he
sources of ad&er!ising curren!l/ *eing used i! is no! %ossi*le !o s%ea7 in s%ecifics a*ou!
cos!s *eing incurred */ !he si!e.
If a s!rong source !rac7ing s/s!e( is no! in %lace i! (us! *e %u! in!o ac!ion a! once. If i! is
in %lace and *eing u!ili6ed i! is &i!al !ha! so(eone -i!h !he !raining !o anal/6e !he resul!s
e&alua!e !he infor(a!ion regularl/ and (a7e a%%ro%ria!e changes as needed.
Again, !he goal is !o gain occu%anc/, O=+ IN>. A source is no! al-a/s a good one if i!
%roduces a lo! of !raffic *u! no Z(one/ sho!s[ 3a7a (o&e ins4 .
Prior !o !hro-ing a lo! of (one/ a! ads and !rade sho-s, a!!en!ion and dollars need !o *e
a%%lied !o s!aff !raining and cur* a%%eal enhance(en!. If /ou !a7e ou! an ad and dra-
%ros%ec!s /ou -an! !he( !o (o&e in. If !he/ co(e !o !he si!e *ecause of a grea! ad *u!
/ou do no! i(%ress !he( !he/ are gone 000000 for good.
Ren!al concessions are so(e!i(es a necessar/ e&il, so(e!i(es !he/ are an Zeas/ ou![.
Bu! no (a!!er ho- !he/ are i(%le(en!ed !he/ are a huge -eigh! on !he %ro%er!/ NOI.
This %ro%er!/ should no! ha&e !o *e gi&ing a-a/ so (uch !o a!!rac! residen!s. The/ s!ac7
u% -ell in a(eni!ies !o near */ loca!ions -ho are no! suffering &acanc/ issues and -ho
are no! using concessions !o dra- %ros%ec!s.
The o!her issue -i!h concessions is !ha! !his !/%e of %rogra( does no! lend i!self !o
s!a*ili6ing !he %ro%er!/. :hen !he concessions are used u% !he fol7s (o&e on and loo7
for !he ne,! deal.
Co((uni!/ ou!reach is grea! PR, *u! i! (us! *e done s/s!e(a!icall/, and !rac7ed. If !he
si!e is s%ending hours on Zou!reach[ -i!h no log or !rac7ing of -here !he/ -en! or -ha!
!he/ did /ou ha&e !-o issuesD
1. No &erifica!ion !ha! /our s!aff -as -here !he/ said !he/ -ere.
2. No -a/ !o !rac7 !he effec!i&eness of !he ac!i&i!/.
>a/ /ou go ou! e&er/ Tuesda/ !o Zou!reach[. 8ou s%end . hours and dro% off 2) %ieces
3X 2"0") cen!s a %iece4 of colla!eral (a!erials. 8ou do !his for 12 -ee7s. 8ou -ould
ha&e .' hours of la*or and a*ou! I1)).)) -or!h of (a!erials ou! !here. $o- (an/ (o&e
ins ha&e resul!edJ :ho is ans-ering /our %hone or dealing -i!h /our residen!s -hile
!he s!aff %erson is ou! of !he officeJ I!Bs a *alancing ac! !o *e sure, *u! if !he ac!i&i!/ is
%roducing resul!s, grea!E If no!, eli(ina!e i!. Bu! if /ou are no! !rac7ing /ou can! !ell.
The si!e should (ain!ain a %resence in !he co((uni!/ and i!s ac!i&i!ies *u! no! a! a
nega!i&e cos! !o !he si!e.
Residen! referrals are fan!as!ic and lo- cos!. $o-e&er, !here (us! *e a reason for %eo%le
!o refer !heir friends. If !he &alue %erce%!ion is no! !here !he/ -onB! in&i!e %eo%le !o Aoin
!he(. Una!!rac!i&e, -orn or !ired loo7ing %ro%er!/ and a lac7 lus!er s!aff -ill no! ins%ire
Residen! sur&e/s are a grea! -a/ !o ge! !he %ulse of /our residen!s.
Al!hough !/%icall/ !here is onl/ a 3)M res%onse, /ou can ge! a feel for -here /ou are
succeeding or failing Aus! */ as7ing. I! -as disa%%oin!ing !o see !ha! a sur&e/ is on !he
Z(ar7e!ing ideas !o *e i(%le(en!edB lis! of !he su*Aec! %ro%er!/ as i!e( T..
Page 1)5 of 221
Euote" 6FG <oing a resident survey to find out where they go shopping, eat, grocery
shop, hang out, etc. This way we H!*- where to market. 6
I! -ould see( a logical, and cos! effec!i&e %lace !o *egin e&alua!ing -h/ /ou are ha&ing
occu%anc/ or cash flo- %ro*le(s -ould *e !o loo7 in /our o-n *ac7 /ard %rior !o
s%ending (one/.
I*% Summary
ABC Coo%era!i&e A%ar!(en!s is in a grea! loca!ion. :i!h a!!en!ion %laced on enhancing
!he a%%earance, crea!ing e,ci!e(en! and ei!her !raining or re%lacing !he e,is!ing s!aff i!
could easil/ co(%e!e -i!h near */ loca!ions.
B/ (a7ing !hose changes and e(%lo/ing an aggressi&e and crea!i&e (ar7e!ing ca(%aign
!he &alue %erce%!ion of !he %ro%er!/ could *e dras!icall/ changed. Allo-ing for !he
eli(ina!ion of !he concession %olic/.
I! -ould *e sugges!ed !ha! o-nershi% loo7 a! *ringing !he %ro%er!/ *ase ren!s in!o a
closer align(en! -i!h neigh*oring si!es. I! -ould also *e sugges!ed !ha! !he ca%i!al *e
s%en! !o fur!her enhance !he indi&idual uni!s -i!h -ashers and dr/ers. 3adding *o!h real
and %ercei&ed &alue4.
I! is &i!al !ha! !he sales !ea( and !he res! of !he s!aff under go in!ense Zre !raining[ .
Trac7ing s/s!e(s for all ad&er!ising sources (us! *e i(%le(en!ed !o *e!!er alloca!e
dollars. Considera!ion should *e gi&en !o offering *usiness hours # da/s %er -ee7 */
s!aggering -ee7 da/ -or7 !i(es *e!-een !he office s!aff, a! leas! un!il !he %ro%er!/
reaches a fa&ora*le occu%anc/ or cash flo- le&el.
Rating t!e > 'M of Sale on a cale of 9"9G & it i my opinion t!at t!e
ite core a follo51
'roduct > out of 9G
This could *e dras!icall/ i(%ro&ed */ adding color, life, e!c !o !he signage and
%ro%er!/ o&er all. The addi!ion of -asher and dr/ers -ould *ring !his nu(*er u%
'rice = out of 9G
Their *ase %rice is higher !han !he *e!!er loo7ing and *e!!er %erfor(ing
%ro%er!ies -i!hin a (ile of !he(. The/ are gi&ing a-a/ !he far( in concessions -hen i!
shouldnB! *e necessar/.
'romotion < out of 9G
There a%%ears !o *e no con!rols in %lace, no real %lanning and no !rac7ing for
cos! effec!i&eness of !he dollars *eing s%en!. The (ar7e!ing ac!i&i!ies re%or! %ro&ided
doesnB! see( %ossi*le and ne&er s%ea7s !o an/ resul!s *eing achie&ed.
The si!e -ee7l/ re%or! indica!es !ha! !he si!e is a&eraging 2 (o&e ou!s %er -ee7 and 1."
(o&e ins. The/ are onl/ ne!!ing 1 a%%lica!ion %er -ee7. To!al a%%s are a&eraging 3 %er
-ee7 *u! !he/ are losing an a&erage of 1 !o reAec!ions and 1 !o cancella!ion -ee7l/. This
-ould indica!e !ha! 3rd of !heir %ros%ec!s are no! ;ualified and ano!her 3
are going
else-here. :ha! e&er %ro(o!ion is ac!uall/ in %lace is no! -or7ing as !he si!e is sliding
e&er *ac7-ard according !o !his re%or!.
'eople < out of 9G
Page 11) of 221
The s!aff is no! %rofessional, disin!eres!ed and unin&ol&ed.
The/ ei!her need co(%le!e re !raining or re%lace(en!. Due !o !he ;uali!/ of !he fa,ed
docu(en! I canno! de!er(ine closing ra!ios.
Sample provided by

Page 111 of 221
Mar0eting 'lan 6Sample7
0this sample is intended as an e.ample only# all plans are designed to property
and o!ner speci"ic criteria1
Mar0eting 'lan
I% )#ecutive Summary
A. Ra!ionale for !he ar7e!ing Plan
B. <eneral Descri%!ion of !he co((uni!/, including a(eni!ies and ser&ices a&aila*le.
C. Pro%osed !arge! (ar7e!
II% Mar0et Analyi
A. Resul! of (ar7e! research
B. +&alua!ion of (ar7e! su%%l/ and de(and
C. >!reng!hs and -ea7nesses
i. Of !he %ro%er!/
ii. Of /our co(%an/
D. Co(%e!i!orBs s!reng!hs and -ea7nesses
+. An e&alua!ion of ho- /our a(eni!ies and ser&ices (a!ch (ar7e! needs.
III% Reident 'rofile and +eneral Reearc!
A. 9ocus <rou%s
B. Descri%!ion of Targe! ar7e!
iii. Charac!eris!ics 3!radi!ional de(ogra%hicsD inco(e, e!c.4
i&. Needs, -an!s, desires 3%s/chogra%hics4
C. Residen! >ur&e/
I*% +oal
A. To!al Ren!als Needed
B. Pre02easing In!en!s 3no!ices4
C. To!al Traffic <enera!ed
D. Closing Ra!ios
+. ar7e! Read/ Uni!s
9. Rene-als
<. >er&ice Re;ues!s
$. Residen! >creening Cri!eria
*% Strategie and ObBective
\ A. Ren!als Needed
B. Pre0leasing in!en!s (on!hl/ %ercen!age
C. To!al !raffic genera!ed
D. Closing Ra!ios
+. ar7e! Read/ Uni!s
9. Rene-als
<. >er&ice Re;ues!s
$. Residen! >creening Cri!eria
I. >u%%or!ing Da!a
1. Ac!ion Plan
2. I(%le(en!a!ion >chedules
Page 112 of 221
*I% Advertiing
A. A%ar!(en! Pu*lica!ions
B. Dri&e B/ >ignage
C. Radio
D. Ou!door ad&er!ising
+. Ne-s%a%er
9. In!erne!
<. aga6ine
$. Colla!eral Pieces.
*II% 'romotion
A. Real!or Referrals
B. Residen! Referrals
C. Ren!al Concession
D. Residen! re!en!ion
+. >ales H !ea( *uilding
9. O!her
*III% 'ublic Relation
A. Co((uni!/ In&ol&e(en!
B. Press Releases
IO% Summary
A. +&alua!ion of effor!s
B. Resul!s
C. <rea!es! acco(%lish(en!s
D. Ne-l/ defined challenges
+. Reco((enda!ions for Change
9. Ne,! >!e%s
This sa(%le %ro&ided */
Page 113 of 221
Member 'articipation
The i(%or!ance of %ar!ici%a!ion */ all co0o% (e(*ers in Co0o% decision (a7ing, -or7, and
co((uni!/ can?! *e o&ers!a!ed.
Co((i!(en! !o co((uni!/ and in&ol&e(en! in co((uni!/ is the (aAor difference *e!-een co0
o%s and o!her !/%es of housing. :hen /ou li&e in a co0o%, /ou no! onl/ li&e in a nice a%ar!(en! a!
a grea! %rice, /ou li&e in a co((uni!/. In order for a co0o% co((uni!/ !o -or7, all (e(*ers (us!
%ar!ici%a!e on so(e le&el00*ringing !heir s7ills and in!eres!s !o !he grou% !o *enefi! !he en!ire co0
Par!ici%a!ion */ i!s indi&idual (e(*ers !o-ards grou% goals is -ha! *uilds co0o% co((uni!/. A
co0o% e,is!s *ecause a grou% of %eo%le co((i!!ed !o afforda*le, ;uali!/ housing and co((uni!/
*uilding ca(e !oge!her !o crea!e !he co0o%. Their &ision for !he co0o% and !heir %ooled effor!s,
s7ills, and en!husias( (ade !he co0o% ha%%en. The con!inuing effor!s of co0o% (e(*ers 7ee% !he
co0o% goingE
Co0o% (e(*ers don?! need fanc/ degrees or financial or legal e,%er!ise !o con!ri*u!e !o !heir co0
o%. The onl/ %rere;uisi!es for *eing an i(%or!an! co0o% con!ri*u!or are en!husias( and !he
-illingness and ca%aci!/ !o lis!en and -or7 -i!h o!hers. There are so(e co0o% !as7s !ha! re;uire a
cer!ain a(oun! of !raining or e,%erience 3such as hel%ing !o crea!e !he co0o%?s *udge!, 7ee%ing !he
co0o% *oo7s, or hel%ing !o selec! ne- co0o% (e(*ers4. 8our !rainer -ill assis! an/ co0o% (e(*er
-ho -ould li7e !raining in !hese areas.
Co0o%s *uc7 !he !rend !o-ards increasing isola!ion and indi&idualis(. Co0o%s de%end on grou%
effor!, %ooling grou% resources, and (a7ing grou% decisions. Building co((uni!/ in !he %laces -e
li&e is a (aAor goal of co0o% housing.
Crea!ing a co0o% -here e&er/oneVs con!ri*u!ions are &alued and recei&ed is a co0o%?s ul!i(a!e
challenge. Indi&idual %ar!ici%a!ion is !he 7e/ !o co0o% co((uni!/, afforda*ili!/, and s(oo!h
o%era!ions. :hen /ou %ic7 u% /our 7e/s !o /our co0o% a%ar!(en!, as7 a*ou! -ha! co((i!!ees !he
co0o% has, and offer !o Aoin one or !-o. I!?s so(e!i(es in!i(ida!ing !o *e !he ne- %erson in a
grou%, *u! /our con!ri*u!ions are guaran!eed !o *e a%%recia!edE
Ho! Many People is %nough?
$o- (an/ %eo%le should co(e !o a co0o%?s annual (ee!ingJ $o- (an/ should sho- u% !o /our
regular *oard (ee!ingJ Al(os! e&er/ Board (e(*er !ha! -e 7no- of -ould ans-er !his ;ues!ion
in !he sa(e -a/D 2Not )noug!%2
Bu! ho- (uch is enoughJ I! -ould *e nice !o !hin7 !ha! e&er/ (e(*er -ho cares a*ou! /our co0
o% -ill co(e !o (ee!ings and %ar!ici%a!e, *u! !ha! doesn?! ha%%en. >o(e (e(*ers are *us/ -i!h
!heir church or li!!le leagueK o!hers are !ired af!er a long da/K (an/ are single %aren!s of s(all
children and find i! &er/ hard !o ge! !o (ee!ings.
If no one sho-s u%, of course, /ou?&e go! a real %ro*le(. >o(eone has !o do !he -or7, and !ha!
Fso(eoneF shouldn?! *e Aus! !he sa(e old %eo%le, or /ou -ill -a7e u% one da/ and !hose sa(e old
%eo%le -ill ha&e (o&ed on, and !here -on?! *e an/one lef!.
>o ho- (uch is enoughJ The easies! ans-er is !ha! if !here is i(%or!an! -or7 !ha! is no! ge!!ing
done *ecause !here is no one !o do i!, !hen /ou don?! ha&e enough %ar!ici%a!ion. Bu! a! (os! co0
o%s, !he reali!/ is no! !ha! s!ar7. The -or7 is ge!!ing done, *u! !he leaders aren?! !oo ha%%/ a*ou!
ha&ing !o do all of !he(sel&es, /ear in and /ear ou!. The/ -ould li7e so(e hel%, or a! leas! so(e
Page 11. of 221
Page 11" of 221
:hen /ou ge! frus!ra!ed enough a*ou! /our co0o%?s lac7 of %ar!ici%a!ion, /ou can go ou! and !r/ !o
recrui! ne- ac!i&e (e(*ers 3see !he las! <round*rea7er for (ore on *uilding /our organi6a!ion4.
Bu! !here is also a ceiling !ha! i!?s hard !o rise a*o&e. :hen /ou hi! !ha! ceiling, all !he door
7noc7ing and -orr/ing in !he -orld -on?! hel% /ou.
>o !o hel% /ou figure ou! if /our co0o% is in need of serious organi6a!ion *uilding, and if recrui!ing
ne- ac!i&e (e(*ers is reall/ %ossi*le, ARC$ offers !he follo-ing 30s!e% ;ues!ionnaire.
+irst# ho! much participation is there?
Usuall/, (ore %eo%le are %ar!ici%a!ing !han /ou !hin7. Ans-er !hese ;ues!ions, *u! don?! Fdou*le
coun!F an/one. $o- (an/ %eo%le co(e !o (os! Board (ee!ingsJ
O!her !han /our regulars, ho- (an/ %eo%le ha&e Fdro%%ed inF on Board (ee!ings during !he las!
$o- (an/ %eo%le -or7 on co((i!!ees *u! don?! co(e !o Board (ee!ingsJ
During !he las! /ear, ho- (an/ %eo%le ha&e -or7ed on !heir o-n s%ecial %roAec!s, such as *a7ing
a ca7e for a s%ecial e&en!, !a7ing care of children during (ee!ings, e!cJ
No- add ?e( u%. TOTA, %ar!ici%a!ion in !he las! /earD
(econd# ho! much participation do you need?
Tenan! organi6a!ions go !hrough a fairl/ %redic!a*le life c/cle, and !he a(oun! of %ar!ici%a!ion
needed de%ends on -here /ou are in /our c/cle. Ta7e a loo7 a! !he s!ages *elo-.
1. os! grou%s s!ar! a! %osi!ion 1. Their *uilding has a %ro*le( 00usuall/ ei!her -i!h !he
landlord, or !he old !enan! council. The old leaders (igh! ha&e *een !here a long !i(e, and
*e seen as ou! of !ouch -i!h (os! residen!s.
2. >o(e ne- leadershi% e(erges 00 %eo%le -ho -an! !hings !o *e *e!!er and !hin7 !he/ can
(a7e i! ha%%en.
3. The ne- leaders are full of energ/ and high ho%es. The/ (a7e a lo! of %lans and ge! in
!ouch -i!h neigh*orhood and ci!/0-ide organi6a!ions. A! !his %oin!, !here is a for7 in !he
.. >o(e %eo%le are -onderful drea(ers, *u! lac7 follo-0!hrough. And -hen i! co(es !i(e
!o se! u% (ee!ings, -ri!e %ro%osals, and 7noc7 and doors, !he/ don?! ha&e !he !i(e. Their
organi6a!ion usuall/ dies ;uic7l/, *ecause i! didn?! ha&e (uch of a founda!ion in !he firs!
". O!her %eo%le ha&e !he !i(e and !he energ/, and !he/ suddenl/ find !he(sel&es &er/ *us/.
The/ (igh! *e ha&ing (ee!ings e&er/ nigh!, and !he/ *egin !o feel close !o o!her
%ar!ici%an!s. The/ are -or7ing on (ul!i%le %roAec!s a! !he sa(e !i(e, and i! (igh! *e hard
!o 7ee% e&er/!hing Auggled. The/ are -or7ing hard, and !he/ usuall/ succeed in gaining
so(e con!rol -i!h res%ec! !o !he old Tenan! Council or !he landlord. This is !he :olden
)ge of !he organi6a!ion 00 hard -or7 -i!h real re-ards.
1. +&en!uall/, !he <olden Age ends. The organi6a!ion acco(%lishes 3or fails !o acco(%lish4
i!s *ig goal, and so(e of !heir leaders ha&e !o s!ar! going *ac7 !o !heir li&es. There is less
%ar!ici%a!ion no-, *ecause less %ar!ici%a!ion is needed. Peo%le -ho s!a/ &er/ in&ol&ed
feel so(e disa%%oin!(en! !ha! no! as (an/ %eo%le %ar!ici%a!e an/(ore. Then !here is
ano!her for7 in !he road.
Page 111 of 221
#. >o(e organi6a!ions can adAus! !o !he ne- le&el of ac!i&i!/. A s(all grou% of leaders 7ee%s
!he organi6a!ion going fro( -ee7 !o -ee7.
# A 9ro( !i(e !o !i(e, !here is a crisis 3or a %ar!/4 and !he/ *ring in o!hers for a
*rief flurr/ of ac!i&i!/. Then !hings die do-n again.
'. O!her organi6a!ions ha&e !rou*le a! !his %oin!. 9or %ersonali!/ reasons or o!her-ise, (os!
(e(*ers don?! s!a/ in&ol&ed, lea&ing one or !-o %eo%le -ho do all !he -or7. These
leaders resen! !he %eo%le -ho ha&e lef!, and don?! *ring in ne- %eo%le. The organi6a!ion
essen!iall/ *eco(es one or !-o leaders and no follo-ers. +&en!uall/, ne- leaders (a/
co(e in and !he c/cle s!ar!s all o&er again.

5. 9inall/, so(e o!her organi6a!ions cru(*le a! !his %oin!. No one s!a/s in&ol&ed, and !he
organi6a!ion is dis*anded.
3o!# "igure out !hat is a realistic level o" participation "or your stage o" development
If /ou?re in one of !he high s!ages 00 3, ., or #a 00 /ou should ai( for a *rief !i(e -i!h high
in&ol&e(en!. 8ou could *e seeing a*ou! 1)M of /our residen!s once a (on!h or (ore, and /ou
should ai( for ac!i&e in&ol&e(en! fro( a! leas! 1) (e(*ers.
If /ou?re in one of !he s!a*le s!ages 002, 1, or #00 /ou can e,%ec! a lo-, *u! consis!en! le&el of
%ar!ici%a!ion. 8ou should ha&e a core of a! leas! four %eo%le -ho (ee! on a (on!hl/ *asis, and
/our total participation 3-hich /ou figured ou! a*o&e4 should *e a*ou! 1)M of /our residen!s.
If /our organi6a!ion is in ei!her a high or a s!a*le s!age, and %ar!ici%a!ion is lo-er !han sugges!ed,
don?! %anic. +ach de&elo%(en! is differen!. Are /ou a*le !o ge! /our -or7 doneJ Are /ou *ringing
in ne- (e(*ers, e&en if slo-l/J If so, /ou are co&ering /our *ases. If no!, (a/*e i! is !i(e !o
s%end so(e energ/ *uilding /our organi6a!ion.
If /ou?re in >ec!ion ' 3s!agna!ing4, /ou ha&e /our -or7 cu! ou! for /ou. In !he long run,
organi6a!ions -i!h Aus! one or !-o ac!i&e %ar!ici%an!s do no! las!. I!?s !i(e !o s!ar! 7noc7ing on
doors, and o!her-ise *uilding /our organi6a!ion. Call ARC$ or ano!her co((uni!/ organi6a!ion
for hel%.
If /ou?re in an/ of !he o!her s!ages 001, ", or 5 00 /our organi6a!ion is on !he edge of e,!inc!ion. If
/our organi6a!ion is a !enan! council, le!!ing i! fold is no! necessaril/ *ad. If !here is no! enough
energ/ !o 7ee% i! going, *es! !o ge! ou! of !he -a/ and le! o!hers !a7e a sho! a! i!. On !he o!her
hand, if /ou are a residen!0con!rolled de&elo%(en!, /our organi6a!ion has so(e i(%or!an!
res%onsi*ili!ies. 2e!!ing /our organi6a!ion go could (ean le!!ing /our housing go 00 so !a7e a
(inu!e !o call /our co0o%?s de&elo%er, or ano!her co((uni!/ organi6a!ion. I!?s !i(e !o as7 for hel%.
Why do so "e! people come?
FCoo%eri!isF is a disease !ha! s!ri7es co0o%s and 7ee%s %eo%le fro( co(ing !o (ee!ings. ,eading
Symptom are1
Meeting t!at lat for more t!an t5o !our
Board is ac!ing as a co((i!!eeD ge!!ing in!o !oo (an/ ni!!/ gri!!/ de!ails !ha! should
ha&e *een -or7ed ou! */ !he co((i!!ee or indi&idual %resen!ing a %ro%osal and
included in !he %ro%osal *efore e&er reaching !he *oard le&el.
Board acce%!s !oo (an/ agenda i!e(s
9acili!a!or AND grou% (e(*ers do no! ha&e a clear sense of (ee!ing %rocess
3including -hen !o call for consensus, ho- a(end(en!s can *e in!roduced, ho- !o
address (o!ions4.
Page 11# of 221
Board (e(*ers ha&e no! recei&ed ade;ua!e infor(a!ion %rior !o !he (ee!ing 3-ri!!en
%ro%osals, (inu!es, e!c.4
Go* of Ti(e7ee%er isn?! !a7en seriousl/ */ grou% andHor */ !i(e7ee%er
Conenu by e#!aution
Board is *ound !o consensus */ */0la-s, *u! doesn?! e(*race !he &alues of
consensus, or %rac!ices i! in such a -a/ !ha! i! is less de(ocra!ic !han &o!ing. Or,
Board doesn?! dis!inguish *e!-een consen! and %erfec! agree(en!.
Page 11' of 221
Confuion over 5!at 6if any7 deciion !a been made
for(al decision (a7ing %rocess isn?! follo-ed
%ro%osals and resolu!ions are no! in -ri!ing, and are no! signed -hen a%%ro&ed
(inu!es are no! !i(el/ and accura!e
/rutration t!at Anyt!ing ever get done%
+&er/!hing a*o&e
Board doesn?! reflec! *ac7 on acco(%lish(en!s
Board (e(*ers C Board as a -hole don?! recei&e %osi!i&e feed*ac7
Treatment of Cooperate
:ell, /ou guessed i!, !here?s no eas/ cure. Bu! !here are (an/ !hings !ha! e&er/ Board can do !o
%re&en! or !rea! !his de*ili!a!ing illness. $ere are so(e sugges!ionsD
Re(e(*er, !he Ao* of !he Board is !o (a7e decisions. Delega!e -hen necessar/E

Pic7 or de&elo% a clear (ee!ing %rocess, and s!ic7 -i!h i!.
Crea!e s!ruc!ure !o hel% -i!h clari!/D %ro%osal for(s -i!h signa!ure lines, re%or! for(s,
Pu! (ore !i(e in!o (ee!ing %lanningD co(%le!ing C dis!ri*u!ing %ro%osals, (inu!es, and
2oo7 a! larger fra(e-or7D does /our co((i!!ee C *oard s!ruc!ure -or7 for /ouJ
2oo7 a! e&en larger fra(e-or7D :e?re learning !o do so(e!hing !ha!?s rare in !his -orldD
-or7ing coo%era!i&el/. <i&e /ourself a *rea7E
Page 115 of 221
These -onderful !i%s are cour!es/ of Cher/l Ca%odilu%o of !he Presiden!ial <ardens
Neigh*orhood Associa!ion.
Tip to Aure MOST of your Ne5letter 5ill get Read
<ossi%, gossi% and (ore gossi%, -i!hou! offending an/one of course. Residen!s lo&e !o read
a*ou! !he(sel&es. Crea!e a gossi% colu(n -i!h a ca!ch/ !i!le and (a7e sure !o run i! each
(on!h. 9li% !hrough /our *ir!hda/ lis!s and lis! all !he *ir!hda/s, anni&ersaries, e!c., !ha! /ou
7no- of for !ha! (on!h. In&i!e residen!s !o call /ou -i!h infor(a!ion such as re%or! cards,
engage(en!s, *ir!hs, e!c. Residen!s -ill loo7 for-ard !o !his each (on!h and -ill !end !o
read !he res! of !he ne-s as -ell.

Use residen! na(es -hen ad&er!ising an e&en!, such as +dna >(i!h and Rose Dioda!i each
-on !-o ga(es a! !he las! Bingo ga(e. Goin us !his (on!h and /ou (a/ *e one of !he luc7/
a7ing good e,a(%les ou! of residen!s encourages co(%liance as o%%osed !o Aus! %oin!ing
ou! %olic/ *rea7ers. 2as! -ee7 -e no!iced se&eral ice crea( -ra%%ers on !he ground af!er
!he ice crea( !ruc7 lef! !he %ro%er!/. /es!erda/, Nor( o*ser&ed ason, Priscilla, <ene&a
and <ina !hro- !heir -ra%%ers in !he *arrels near !he %la/ground. A *ig !hu(*s u% !o all of
!he 7ids -ho are no- using !he !rash rece%!acles or !he du(%s!ers.
$a&e colu(ns !ha! run e&er/ (on!h !ha! al-a/s ha&e !he sa(e !i!le such as !he <arden
<a!e, Residen!s in !he Ne-s, e!c. Residen!s loo7 for-ard !o !hese i!e(s and -ill read !he
ne-sle!!er as !he/ search for !heir s!ories.
Residen!s -ill read !hrough !he financial re%or!s, !he (anage(en! u%da!es, and e&en !he
FRen! is DueF re(inders -hen Ne-sle!!ers are enAo/a*le
Page 12) of 221
Ne5letter for Ne5bie
Ne5letter /or Ne5bie
Presen!ed */
Brian C Gud/ Ducan
Colonial =illage Coo%era!i&e
Ri&er&ie-, ichigan
Ne5letter for Ne5bie &
Mid5et Aociation of (ouing Cooperative
A% 'lanning your Ne5letter
Build a sense of co((uni!/.
Build a-areness of Co0o% issues.
Boos! %ride in /our Co0o% .
Lee% (e(*ers in&ol&ed.
I(%ro&e ;uali!/ of life in !he Co0o%.
Increase safe!/ a-areness.
Page 121 of 221
ee!ings and e&en!s.
ain!enance schedules0
Co0o% Polic/ Re&ie-s, Changes.
Re%or!s fro( !he Presiden!, anager, ain!enance.
Ne- e;ui%(en!, ne- facili!ies.
A-ards and s%ecial (en!ions.
Co0o% 9unding Dri&e or Ne- Cause.
$u(an in!eres!K infor(a!ionK a-areness.
4no5 your Audience
9ocus on needs of your (e(*ershi%.
:ha! is !he %re&alen! age grou%D singles, /oung (arried -i!h children, seniors or
(i,ed *agJ
+!hnic *ac7ground. V +duca!ion le&el.
8riting your Ne5letter
Pur%ose of ar!icle0
To change (e(*ers? a!!i!udeHac!ionsJ
A Fho-0!oFJ
To educa!e and infor(J
Include *ac7ground infor(a!ion for (e(*ers !o unders!and %ur%ose.
The (e(*ers? needs C concerns should de!er(ine -ha! infor(a!ion ge!s !he (os!
O(i! unnecessar/ Fcha!!erF.
.our Reader
No! all readers are ali7e. >o(e -ill. ..
consul! ne-sle!!er for ongoing infor(a!ion.
Aus! s7i( for %ersonal in!eres!.
read fro( co&er !o co&er
;ow members use the newsletter should determine how you arrange the contents.
Page 122 of 221
a7e i! eas/ and enAo/a*le !o read.
a7e i! in!eres!ing 07ee% !he( co(ing *ac7 for (ore
Use a (ain !he(eD
o >easonal
o $olida/
+,%ress infor(a!ion clearl/ and concisel/. ..
Don?! *e o&er-hel(ed -hen /ou ha&e lo!s !o re%or!E Di&ide infor(a!ion in!o %ri(ar/ C
secondar/ %oin!s.
Ue Caution
2e!!ers fro( e(*ers.
Reci%es 0No !/%osEEEE 31 !s%. ins!ead of I !*s%.4
Lid?s %ages.
To Compute or Not to Compute%
Progra(s !o (a7e i! easier .
Cu! and Pas!e can s!ill ge! !he Ao* done.
8!ere to /ind Stuff
2ocal li*rar/
Curren! e&en!s
Ne-sle!!er con!en! su%%liers 3so(e!i(es %rice/4
9rus!ra!ed Co0o% Aournalis!s -ho -an! !o -ri!e (o&ie re&ie-s, T= re&ie-s, *oo7
re&ie-s, e!c
B% /ormatting
Page 123 of 221
The -a/ /ou %resen! infofn1a!ion on !he %age is Aus! as i(%or!an! as !he -ords and
sen!ences /ou use !o %resen! !ha! infor(a!ion.
A -ell -ri!!en docu(en! is harder !o read if i! is %oorl/ laid ou!.
A good for(a! hel%s highligh! i(%or!an! infofn1a!ion, lin7s rela!ed sec!ions and se%ara!es
$o- /our docu(en! loo7s can (a7e !he difference *e!-een /our (essage *eing
unders!ood or los!.
,egibility vs Readability
2egi*ili!/ refers !o ho- easil/ a reader can deci%her !he le!!ers on a %age. >i(%l/, legi*le
!/%e is eas/ !o read.
Reada*ili!/ refers !o a ne-sle!!ers con!en! and o&erall a%%earance. A reada*le ne-sle!!er
is %leasing !o !he e/e and i!s con!en!s a!!rac!s and holds a (e(*er?s in!eres!.
/actor Affecting ,egibility
T/%e s!/le
T/%e si6e
2ine s%acing
Nu(*er of !/%efaces used
T/%e shading /Dor %a%er con!ras!
argin s!/le
Baic Definition Concerning Type
Typeface1 A fa(il/ of !/%e.
/ont1 The si6e and s!/le of !he !/%e or &aria!ions -i!hin !he !/%e Ffa(il/.F
Stro0e1 Basic co(%onen! of !he le!!er.
8eig!t1 Thic7ness of !he le!!er. 9on! !/%e -eigh! -ill &er/ according !o !/%e of fon!
chosen, and !he heigh! -ill usuall/ re(ain !he sa(e.
Serif1 A shor! cross line a! !he end of !he (ain s!ro7e of a le!!er .
San erif1 A le!!er -i!hou! serifs.
Page 12. of 221
Selecting a Typeface
Choose a solid, %lain !/%eface -hich is eas/ !o read.
a7e sure !he !/%e si6e is *ig enough for /our readers.
Peo%le -ill of!en s7i% o&er !e,! -hich is !oo s(all.
A ten point fon! is a good minimum si6e !o use. >(all !/%e (a7es an ar!icle loo7
cra((ed and unin&i!ing.
Be sure !o consider !ha! seniors, %eo%le -i!h a &isual i(%air(en! and o!hers (igh! %refer
a larger !/%e si6e.
Adding )mp!ai
To e(%hasi6e a -ord, %hrase, shor! s!or/ or ins!ruc!ion, use !hese fea!ures
R+=+R>+ T8P+
Attracting Attention 5it! (eadline
Use a larger !/%e si6e.
Tr/ differen! !/%eface. Re(e(*er, i! (us! co(%le(en! !he !/%eface used in !he !e,!.
Tr/ so(e color.
Use ac!ion &er*s.
a7e i! hu(orous.
Tell -ho, -ha!, -hen, -here and -h/.
Tr/ crea!i&e headlines.
Pages of long %aragra%hs -i!hou! lis!s or su((aries a%%ear harder !o read.
Lee% /our %aragra%h shor!, generall/ no (ore !han four or fi&e sen!ences .
2ea&e s%ace *e!-een %aragra%hs0
Di&ide /our docu(en!s in!o sec!ions of rela!ed infor(a!ion.
Colu(ns can (a7e !he !e,! a%%ear friendlier and (ore in&i!ing !o read0
o >o(e ne-sle!!ers choose no! !o %rin! on e&er/ inch of s%ace on !he %age. In
colu(n for(a!, !he/ use onl/ !-o colu(ns for !e,! on a !hree colu(n %age. Par!
of !he e,!ra -hi!e s%ace is !hen used !o dra- a!!en!ion !o i(%or!an! *o,es or
*oldface !/%e.
Page 12" of 221
o The Colonial Chronicle uses !he !hree colu(n for(a! -hich allo-s for (ore
-ri!!en (a!erial on a li(i!ed a(oun! of %ages.
Be generous -i!h (argin s%ace
UPP+R AND 2O:+R CA>+. R+>+ARC$+R> $A=+ 9OUND T$AT P+OP2+ R+AD
In u%%er and lo-er case, -ords ha&e dis!inc! sha%es !ha! are (ore easil/ recogni6ed.
A22 CAP> can *e useful !o dra- a!!en!ion !o headings or a *rief s!a!e(en!, such asD
P2+A>+ PRINT .
The !/%e si6e of headings should *e no!icea*l/ larger !han !he !e,!.
CA'S <
A serif !/%eface, -i!h hoo7s on each le!!er, (a7es !e,! easier !o read *ecause i! leads /our
e/e fro( le!!er !o le!!er.
A sans serif !/%eface, -i!h no hoo7s on le!!ers, can *e good for !i!les. I! leads /our e/e
do-n in!o !he *od/ of !he !e,!0
The Colonial Chronicle ne-sle!!er uses !he sans serif F=erdanaF 3*old4 !/%eface for
headings and !he serif !/%eface FTi(es Ne- Ro(anF for !he !e,!.
Use *o,es, side*ars or call ou!s !o e(%hasi6e 7e/ %oin!s fro( !he res! of /our !e,!.
Ano!her %ur%ose -i!h !he use of !his !/%e of highligh!ing isD
Pro&ide &isual relief
>%eed u% or slo- do-n !he !e(%o of /our ar!icles or %age.
Ot!er /orm of (ig!lig!ting are1
Bullet1 Use !he( for %oin! for( lis!s and su((aries. The/ can *e s!/li6ed as arro-s or
(inia!ure gra%hics.
Italic print1 Use i! !o e(%hasi6e a %hrase or -ord, as in,
F>he -as au!hori6ed !o con!inue her s%ecial %roAec!, *u! onl/ on her !i(eEF
Underlining1 Use i! under !i!les or !o add e(%hasis.
Color1 If *udge! %er(i!s, use color !o add in!eres! !o !he %age.
S!aded areaD Can *e used !o se! !e,! a%ar!0
Italic are also used for %hrases in o!her languages.
'oint to Remember1 I!alic %rin! is difficult !o read -hen o&erused.
Page 121 of 221
*iual Aid
+rap!ic and Illutration
=isual aids, such as illus!ra!ions ]cli% ar!4, %ho!ogra%hs, diagra(s, lines and s/(*ols -ill
hel% /our (e(*ers unders!and /our (essage and re(e(*er -ha! /ou ha&e -ri!!en.
a7e sure !ha! !he/ (ean !he sa(e !hing !o /our reader as !he/ do !o /ou. Chec7 -i!h
s!aff and (e(*ers on /our choice of gra%hics and illus!ra!ions.
Are s/(*ols easil/ recogni6a*leJ
Do !he lines hel% guide !he readerJ
Don?! o&eruse gra%hics.
Place all gra%hics and illus!ra!ions as close as %ossi*le !o !he !e,! !he/ refer !o.
Ta*les, char!s and gra%hs can *e useful for an/one fa(iliar -i!h !he(. $o-e&er, !hese
&isual aids are generall/ (ore difficul! !o use and unders!and and /ou canno! assu(e !ha!
%eo%le -ill unders!and !he(.
In0 and 'aper
Use a dar7 in7, such as na&/ or *lac7, on ligh! %a%er such as -hi!e or crea(0
A&oid color co(*ina!ions -i!h lo- con!ras!, such as *lue -i!h green or %in7 or /ello- on
A&oid large %assages of ligh! %rin! on *lac7 *ac7ground.
:i!h !he e,ce%!ion of !he *ac7 co&er, !he Colonial Chronicle ne-sle!!er is %rin!ed *lac7
on -hi!e -i!h shades of gra/.
Ne5letter Cover
2Mat!ead& Name plate& Banner2
De&elo% a good original (as!head !ha! -ill *e onl/ associa!ed -i!h /our ne-sle!!er.
The na(e for /our ne-sle!!er -ill also *e !he *ill*oard for /our coo%era!i&e.
Use /our fron! co&er for !he (ain (essage, su*Aec! of curren! in!eres! or for cli% ar!.
c% 'roofreading
os! ne-sle!!er edi!ors learn !he hard -a/ a*ou! %roofreading. 9irs!, if /ou ha&en?!
alread/ done so, use /our s%ell chec7er .
Ne,!, ha&e so(eone %roofread all of /our ne-sle!!er . >ugges!ionD !he (ore %eo%le /ou
ha&e %roofreading, !he less (is!a7es /ou -ill ha&e in !he final edi!ion.
Colonial =illage uses !he ser&ices of i!?s Board of Direc!ors and !he >%elling and
Punc!ua!ion +nforce(en! Di&ision of !he C=C Ne-sle!!er Co((i!!ee. 3:i!hin !he
=illage, !he/ are 7no-n as !he F2adies of >.P.+.D.F4
Page 12# of 221
'roofreading C!ec0lit
Read e&er/!hing once !hrough for an o&erall feel.
Chec7 for s%elling and %unc!ua!ion.
Read all ar!icles and headlines aloud.
Read !he ne-sle!!er backwards .
Chec7 all s%ellings of na(es. )lways ha&e !he correc! s%elling of a %erson? s na(eE
Call %hone nu(*ers !o &erif/.
Chec7 for %ro%er da!es in !he ne-sle!!er .
Is !he logos, cli% ar! and ar!icles in !heir %ro%er loca!ionsJ
D% Copyrig!t ,a5
:i!hou! %er(ission, /ou canno! ;uo!e direc!l/ fro( o!hers? (a!erial. $o-e&er /ou can
Fre%or!F on !he (a!erial offered.
A co%/righ! %ro!ec!s a gi&en co(*ina!ion of -ords, *u! does no! gi&e an/ e,clusi&e righ!s
!o !he infor(a!ion or ideas %resen!ed */ !hose -ords.
3Don?! re%ea! !he -ords !he sa(e -a/ !he/ -ere originall/ -ri!!en.4
+!hicall/, /ou should lis! /our sources.
This also hel%s readers -ho -an! (ore infor(a!ion on !he su*Aec!.
)% 8!oI in C!argeA
>o(e!i(es !here are Aus! !oo (an/ chiefsE
Decide -i!h /our Board of Direc!ors, -ho has !he final a%%ro&al on !he ne-sle!!er con!en! and
final a%%ro&al on each issue?s -ri!ing and la/ou!0
ThenD Set It In Stone
/% 'ubli!ing Budget
:ha! is /our Board of Direc!ors? co((i!(en! !o !he ne-sle!!erJ
:ha! is /our +di!or?s co((i!(en! !o !he ne-sle!!erJ
Ac!ions */ a Co0o%?s Board of Direc!ors andHor !he +di!or can and -ill F(a7e or *rea7F a
ne-sle!!er .
Page 12' of 221
.early Sc!edule
:ha! -ould *e !he (os! effec!i&e schedule for reaching /our coo%era!i&e (e(*ershi%J
on!hl/, *i0(on!hl/ or ;uar!erl/J
o A ne-sle!!er needs !o *e %u*lished a! leas! ;uar!erl/ 3. !i(es a /ear4 !o ha&e an/
%osi!i&e *enefi! !o /our coo%era!i&e readershi%.
o Bi0(on!hl/ 31 !i(es a /ear4 is a good %rogra( for a li(i!ed *udge! and does
hel% in ge!!ing !he -ord ou! !o /our (e(*ershi% .
o A (on!hl/ issue is !he *es! -a/ !o 7ee% /our (e(*ershi% infor(ed. $o-e&er,
(on!hl/ %u*lica!ion (a/ *e !oo e,%ensi&e if /ou are sending */ (ail
Time and Money
$o- (uch !i(e and (one/ do /ou -an! !o de&o!e !o !he ne-sle!!erJ
8ou need !o de!er(ine !he for(a! and si6e of ne-sle!!er !o *e
ail &s. $and Deli&er/J
$ere are so(e -a/s !o sa&e (one/ on ne-sle!!ersD
>end a shor! single shee!, !-o %age ne-sle!!er .
Do !he -ri!ing /ourself.
Do !he la/ou! /ourself0
Do !he co%/ing /ourself.
Do !he deli&er/ /ourself.
Use %rofessionall/ designed !e(%la!es0
Design /our ne-sle!!er for self (ailing 3no! in an en&elo%e and .!h class %os!age4 <o
high !ech and send ne-sle!!er */ +0(ail, fa, or !he in!erne!.
+% Burnout Avoidance
The cons!an! deadlines and crea!i&e de(ands on an edi!or can crea!e an en&iron(en! %rone !o
$ere are so(e sugges!ions !o a&oid *urnou!D
>!a/ infor(ed.
Lee% u% -i!h !echnolog/.
Ne!-or7 -i!h o!her edi!ors and s!aff (e(*ers.
a7e sure /our -ri!ing con!ains %ar! of /ou.
>hare ne-sle!!er !alen!s -i!h fa(il/ and friends.
Dona!e !alen!s !o chari!ies and causes.
Page 125 of 221
>e! /our o-n s!andards.
Cele*ra!e /our successE
Deign Blunder T!at Scream PAmateurQR
Too (uch -hi!e s%ace on !he %age.
Too li!!le -hi!e s%ace on !he %age.
Inconsis!en! use of colu(ns -i!hin a ne-sle!!er
2ong lines of s(all !/%e and shor! lines of large !/%e.
A-7-ard headlines
Tin/ headlines
Using !-o s%aces a! !he end of a sen!ence.
>!ar!ing colu(ns of !e,! a! differen! dis!ances fro( !he !o% of !he %age.
Ri&ers of -hi!e s%ace !ha! flo- !hrough !he !e,!.
<ra%hic accen! o&er7ill0 !oo (an/ *o,es, lines and shading.
+,cessi&e use of underlining.
Ina%%ro%ria!e h/%hena!ion.
$eadlines and su*headings a%%earing on !he sa(e *aseline in adAoining colu(ns.
Te,! and *ac7ground !ha! run !oge!her due !o lac7 of con!ras!.
Char!s, gra%hics and %ie char!s -i!h !oo (uch confusing infor(a!ion.
$eadlines and su*headings se! a! !he *o!!o( of a colu(n.
i,ing !oo (an/ !/%efaces.
Page 13) of 221
No5 .ou Are .our O5n Regulatory Agency
B/ arlene Dau Presiden! @ Tailor ade
2inda Broc7-a/ Presiden! @ +duca!ional Consul!an!s for $ousing O%%or!uni!ies
I! is !he Coo%era!i&e?s res%onsi*ili!/ !o unders!and !he Cor%ora!ion?s res%onsi*ili!ies. >ince !he
Coo%era!i&e -as incor%ora!ed as a Cor%ora!ion in !he s%ecific s!a!e, i! is i(%or!an! !ha! !he
Coo%era!i&e unders!ands !he Cor%ora!ion?s du!ies and res%onsi*ili!ies. This -ill include !he
filing of an annual financial s!a!e(en!, !he filing of an annual non0%rofi! organi6a!ion re%or!, and
!he incor%ora!ion of s%ecific s!a!e docu(en!s !ha! are due on an annual *asis.
os! of !he Coo%era!i&es !ha! ha&e (or!gages !ha! are ei!her insured or ser&iced */ !he Uni!ed
>!a!es De%ar!(en! of $ousing and Ur*an De&elo%(en!. The Coo%era!i&e (a/ also ha&e a
su*sid/ con!rac!. In ei!her case, !he Coo%era!i&e -ill ha&e en!ered in!o a Regula!or/
Agree(en! -i!h $UD !ha! iden!ifies !he a%%ro%ria!e re;uire(en!s. The !er( of !he Regula!or/
Agree(en! is usuall/ !ied !o !he !er( of !he (or!gage, -hich is usuall/ for!/ /ears.
The regula!or/ agree(en! s%ecificall/ s!a!es !he differen! re;uire(en!s !ha! are curren!l/
o&erseen */ $UD. Once !he (or!gage is %aid off, and !he res%onsi*ili!/ of $UD in connec!ion
!o !he (or!gage co(%an/ is lif!ed, !he regula!or/ agree(en! -ill e,%ire. All of !he curren!
re;uire(en!s !ha! are ou!lined and genera!ed !hrough !he regula!or/ agree(en! -ill *e lif!ed.
Al!hough so(e of !he regula!or/ re;uire(en!s (a/ see( cu(*erso(e, !he (aAori!/ of !he
re;uire(en!s are *ased on good *usiness %rac!ice. I! is i(%or!an! !ha! !he Coo%era!i&e learn
fro( !hese re;uire(en!s. The Coo%era!i&e -ill *eco(e !heir o-n regula!or/ agenc/ in
o&erseeing !hese re;uire(en!s. os! of !he re;uire(en!s are direc!l/ a!!ri*u!ed !o !he financial
o*liga!ions of !he Cor%ora!ion. This -ill include !he reser&e funding, !he need for financial
audi!ed s!a!e(en!s, and !he need for o&ersigh! of !he ca%i!al i(%ro&e(en!s, re%lace(en! i!e(s,
and general (ain!enance.
:e ha&e iden!ified !he s%ecific regula!or/ re;uire(en!s !ha! are curren!l/ included in !he Uni!ed
>!a!es De%ar!(en! of $ousing and Ur*an De&elo%(en! regula!or/ o&ersigh!. :e ha&e discussed
!hese re;uire(en!s, and ha&e included our reco((enda!ion as !o ho- !he Coo%era!i&e should
handle !hese re;uire(en!s in !he fu!ure.
I! is i(%or!an! for !he Coo%era!i&e !o unders!and !ha! !he/ -ill *e res%onsi*le for !he decisions
!ha! are curren!l/ o&erseen */ $UD. This -ill *e necessar/ in order !o con!inue !o o%era!e a
financiall/ &ia*le Cor%ora!ion !ha! o&ersees !he needs and !he a(eni!ies of each indi&idual
s!oc7holder ](e(*er4 .The Board of Direc!ors of a Coo%era!i&e -ill assure !hese regula!or/
re;uire(en!s, if !he Coo%era!i&e chooses !o re(ain a li(i!ed e;ui!/ Coo%era!i&e or !o *eco(e a
(ar7e! ra!e Coo%era!i&e. If !he Coo%era!i&e decides !o *eco(e a condo(iniu( or o!her s!oc7
o-nershi% de&elo%(en!, i! is i(%or!an! !ha! !he/ do unders!and so(e of !he financial
re;uire(en!s of an organi6a!ion, in order !o re(ain financiall/ &ia*le.
Page 131 of 221
Budget 'roce
The *udge! is curren!l/ a%%ro&ed */ !he Uni!ed >!a!es De%ar!(en! of $ousing and Ur*an
De&elo%(en! 3$UD4 on annual *asis. os! *udge!s are *ased on a de!er(ina!ion of inco(e !o
co&er !he a%%ro&ed e,%enses. These e,%enses -ill incor%ora!e cos! es!i(a!es for (ain!enance
e,%enses, (ain!enance %ersonnel, office %ersonnel, office e,%ense, insurance, !a,es, (or!gage
%rinci%le, and (or!gage in!eres!. $UD re&ie-s !he cos! es!i(a!es for !he e,%enses, and (a7es a
de!er(ina!ion if !he cos! es!i(a!es are fair. The inco(e is calcula!ed !o de!er(ine ho- (uch
inco(e is necessar/ !o co&er !he es!i(a!ed e,%enses.
Once !he (or!gage is %aid off, -ha!e&er -as ini!iall/ incor%ora!ed for !he %rinci%le and in!eres!
e,%ense, -ill *e an a&aila*le line i!e( in!o !he *udge!. Af!er !he %a/off, !he Coo%era!i&e -ill *e
res%onsi*le for a%%ro&ing i!s o-n *udge!. I! is i(%or!an! !ha! !he/ de!er(ine ho- (uch of !he
*udge! -ill *e a&aila*le !o !he(, once !he (or!gage %rinci%le and in!eres! %a/(en!s are
discon!inued. I! -ill *e !he Coo%era!i&e?s decision as !o ho- !o incor%ora!e !his dollar a(oun!
in!o !he *udge!. The Coo%era!i&e could decide !o reduce carr/ing charges, or could decide !o
increase reser&es, or increase o!her cos!s. >ince !he *udge! -ill no! *e a%%ro&ed */ an ou!side
source, !he Coo%era!i&e -ill need !o incor%ora!e a *udge! a%%ro&al %rocess in!o !he Board?s
Cor%ora!ion anual.
Replacement Reerve
Curren!l/, !he Uni!ed >!a!es De%ar!(en! of $ousing and Ur*an De&elo%(en! 3$UD4 re;uires
a cer!ain a(oun! of funding for re%lace(en! reser&e and general o%era!ing reser&e. The
re%lace(en! funding is calcula!ed a! !he !i(e of !he co(%le!ion of !he de&elo%(en!, using a
!o!al de&elo%(en! cos! de!er(ina!ion. This calcula!ion is clearl/ defined -i!hin !he regula!or/
agree(en!. The funding is re&ie-ed and a%%ro&ed */ $UD. $UD a%%ro&es -i!hdra-als fro(
!he re%lace(en! reser&e funding, and an a%%ro&al le!!er is for-arded !o !he (or!gage
co(%an/, *efore !he ac!ual funding can *e released.
The general o%era!ing reser&e is a calcula!ion *ased on funding 3M of !he annual gross inco(e,
un!il 1"M is funded. The Coo%era!i&e (us! !hen fund 2M of !he annual inco(e, un!il 2"M of !he
annual inco(e is funded. Once 2"M of !he annual inco(e is funded, !he Coo%era!i&e can cease
fro( funding in !he fu!ure, unless !he !o!al dollar a(oun! decreases *elo- !he se! a(oun!.
I! -ill *e !he Coo%era!i&e?s Board of Direc!or?s res%onsi*ili!/ !o de!er(ine ho- (uch should *e
funded in!o !he reser&es. I! is a 7no-n fac! !ha! al!hough !he Coo%era!i&e (a/ %a/off !heir
(or!gage, !he Coo%era!i&e -ill s!ill ha&e ")0/ear0old *uildings !ha! !he/ -ill con!inue !o
(ain!ain. I! is i(%or!an!, !ha! an ade;ua!e a(oun! of reser&es *e funded. The Coo%era!i&e?s
Board of Direc!ors -ill need !o decide -he!her or no! !his funding -ill *e incor%ora!ed !hrough
so(e of !he funding !ha! -ill *e a&aila*le fro( !he non%a/(en! of %rinci%le and in!eres!, or if
!he funding -ill *e incor%ora!ed !hrough an increase in !he *udge!ar/ inco(e.
I! -ill *e necessar/ for !he Board of Direc!ors !o es!i(a!e ho- (uch reser&es -ill *e a&aila*le
on hand a! !he !i(e of %a/off. Once !he/ ha&e !ha! es!i(a!e, along -i!h !he es!i(a!e of !he
%ro%osed ca%i!al i(%ro&e(en!s, !he Board of Direc!ors can !hen (a7e a de!er(ina!ion of ho- !o
fund !he reser&es in !he fu!ure. I! is i(%or!an! !ha! !he Coo%era!i&e no! onl/ re&ie-s !he curren!
funding le&els, *u! should also hire %rofessionals, such as (anage(en! agen!s, engineers,
archi!ec!s, e!c. !o de!er(ine !he life of !he &arious (aAor co(%onen!s of !he *uilding. A long
range ca%i!al i(%ro&e(en! %lan should *e co(%le!ed, and co(%ared !o !he reser&e funding, in
order !o (a7e %ro%er decisions regarding !he reser&es.
Page 132 of 221
$UD re;uires !ha! all in&es!(en!s *e %laced in go&ern(en!all/ insured funding choices. Once
$UD is no longer res%onsi*le for !he regula!or/ re;uire(en!s of !he Coo%era!i&e, !he Board
of Direc!ors (us! (a7e !heir o-n decisions regarding in&es!(en!s. :hile i! is !rue !ha! /ou
can (a7e (one/ on in&es!(en!s, i! is also !rue, !ha! !he (ore (one/ /ou (a7e, !he (ore ris7
/ou are under!a7ing. I! is i(%or!an! !ha! !he Board de&elo%s an in&es!(en! %olic/, -hich
re&ie-s !he %ro%osed ris7, and re&ie-s !he %ro%osed funding (echanis(s. A s%ecific
in&es!(en! %olic/ should *e %ro%osed */ !he Board of Direc!ors, a%%ro&ed */ !he Board of
Direc!ors, and incor%ora!ed !o !he Cor%ora!ion anual.
Inurance and Ta# )cro5
on!hl/ funding for insurance and !a,es is incor%ora!ed in!o !he (or!gage %a/(en!. +ach
(on!h, a (or!gage %a/(en! is sen! !o !he (or!gage co(%an/, -hich includes 1H12 of !he
%ro%osed insurance %a/(en! and 1H12 of !he %ro%osed !a, %a/(en!. :hen !he !a, %a/(en! and
insurance %a/(en! are due, !he (or!gage co(%an/ !hen %rocesses !he %a/(en!. Once /ou are no
longer res%onsi*le for sending a (or!gage %a/(en! !o !he (or!gage co(%an/, /ou -ill also *e
res%onsi*le for (ain!aining /our o-n !a, escro- and /our o-n insurance escro-, for %a/(en!
of !he /earl/ in&oice. I! is i(%or!an! !ha! /ou incor%ora!e a re&ie- %rocess si(ilar !o !he
(or!gage co(%an/?s re&ie- %rocess, !o ensure !ha! /ou are reser&ing enough (one/ each (on!h
for !he %a/(en! of !he !a, and insurance *ills u%on !he due da!e. The Coo%era!i&e -ill *e
res%onsi*le for (ee!ing -i!h !he Assessors Office, and (ee!ing -i!h !he insurance agen!, !o
de!er(ine if !here -ill *e an increase in !he !a, *ills and !he insurance *ills, once !he (or!gage
is %aid off. I! -ill *e i(%or!an! !o de!er(ine !he e,ac! cos!s in order !o de!er(ine !he reser&e
'ayoff Re-uirement
I! -ill *e i(%or!an! for !he Coo%era!i&e !o (ee! -i!h !he Uni!ed >!a!es De%ar!(en! of $ousing
and Ur*an De&elo%(en! !o discuss !he regula!or/ re;uire(en!s !ha! -ill *e , assu(ed */ !he
Coo%era!i&e. I! is i(%or!an! fro( !he s!and%oin! !ha! !he Coo%era!i&e can learn fro(
re%resen!a!i&es fro( !he Uni!ed >!a!es De%ar!(en! of $ousing and Ur*an De&elo%(en! 3$UD4
regarding !he o&ersigh! of !hese regula!or/ re;uire(en!s. Arrange(en!s should *e (ade for !he
-i!hdra-al of !he curren! funding !ha! is held */ !he (or!gage co(%an/ a! !i(e of %a/off. The
(or!gage co(%an/ -ill *e holding a re%lace(en! reser&e a(oun!, as -ell as a !a, escro-
a(oun!, and an insurance escro- a(oun!. I! is i(%or!an! !ha! $UD -or7s -i!h !he Coo%era!i&e
in order !o for-ard !he necessar/ a%%ro&als !o -i!hdra-al &arious reser&es !ha! are held a! !i(e
of %a/off. >ince i! -ill no longer *e a res%onsi*ili!/ of $UD !o a%%ro&al all re%lace(en! reser&e
dra-s, !he Coo%era!i&e -ill -an! !o learn fro( $UD ho- !he/ %rocess a reser&e re;ues!
a%%ro&al. The Coo%era!i&e can !hen incor%ora!e !his reser&e a%%ro&al %rocess in!o !heir o-n
regula!or/ re;uire(en! assu(%!ions.
Audited /inancial Statement
I! is curren!l/ a re;uire(en! of !he Uni!ed >!a!es De%ar!(en! of $ousing and Ur*an
De&elo%(en! 3$UD4 !ha! !he Coo%era!i&e (us! hire an ou!side Cer!ified %u*lic Accoun!an!
3CPA4 !o co(%le!e an audi!ed financial s!a!e(en! on an annual *asis. These audi!ed financial
s!a!e(en!s are su*(i!!ed !o !he $UD Real +s!a!e Assess(en! Cen!er for re&ie-. The/ are
curren!l/ elec!ronicall/ !rans(i!!ed for re&ie- in !heir s/s!e(. Once $UD is no longer
res%onsi*le for !he o&ersigh! of !he regula!or/ re;uire(en!s, !he Coo%era!i&e -ill need !o (a7e
a decision as !o -he!her or no! !he/ -an! !o con!inue annual audi!ed financial s!a!e(en!s. I! is
our reco((enda!ion !ha! i! is i(%or!an! for !he Coo%era!i&e !o con!inue !his s!andard *usiness
%rac!ice. B/ hiring an ou!side CPA, /ou -ill *e a*le !o ensure !ha! all func!ions are *eing
handled in accordance -i!h /our (anage(en! con!rac!, and in accordance -i!h generall/
acce%!ed audi!ed %rinci%les. A decision should *e (ade and a %olic/ should *e incor%ora!ed in!o
!he Cor%ora!ion anual.

Page 133 of 221
Outtanding ,oanKNote
The Coo%era!i&e (a/ ha&e so(e ou!s!anding loans or no!es a! !he !i(e of %a/off of !he
(or!gage. One of !he ou!s!anding loans or no!es !ha! (igh! *e a res%onsi*ili!/ of !he
Coo%era!i&e -ill *e !he fle, su*sid/ no!e. The Coo%era!i&e (a/ also ha&e o!her ca%i!al
i(%ro&e(en! loans, general o%era!ing reser&e no!e loans, e;ui%(en! loans, co%ier loans, e!c. I!
-ill *e !he res%onsi*ili!/ of !he Coo%era!i&e !o nego!ia!e !he loan %a/(en! of an/ ou!s!anding
loans a! !he !i(e of %a/off. The fle, su*sid/ no!e -ill *e due and %a/a*le a! !he !i(e of !he
(or!gage %a/off. I! is i(%or!an! !ha! !he Coo%era!i&e?s Board of Direc!ors discusses !his
ou!s!anding loan -i!h $UD *efore i! is due. :e need !o discuss !his in leng!h, as none of !he
fle, no!es !ha! ha&e *een researched ha&e ac!uall/ *een recorded. I! is i(%or!an! !ha! !he
Coo%era!i&e do I!s research *efore I! discusses !his infor(a!ion -i!h $UD.
Capital ImprovementKInpection
The Coo%era!i&e needs !o hire ou!side agen!s, !o re&ie- !he need for ca%i!al i(%ro&e(en!s on
!he si!e. These ca%i!al i(%ro&e(en!s -ill include !he ac!ual ca%i!al re%airs, as -ell as
re%lace(en! reser&e i!e(s. A de!ailed long range %lan should *e co(%le!ed, !o ou!line e,ac!l/
-hen !he ca%i!al re%airs are needed and ho- !he/ -ill *e funded. The Coo%era!i&e -ill ha&e !o
decide ho- !he/ are going !o o&ersee !he ac!ual co(%le!ion of !he ca%i!al i(%ro&e(en!s.
Curren!l/, ins%ec!ions are co(%le!ed on an annual *asis */ !he Uni!ed >!a!es De%ar!(en! of
$ousing and Ur*an De&elo%(en!. The %ro%er!/ -ill ha&e !o de!er(ine e,ac!l/ ho- !he/ -ill
hold !heir annual ins%ec!ions, -ho !he/ -ill hire !o co(%le!e !he annual ins%ec!ion, and -ha!
%rocess !he/ -ill use !o co(%le!e !he ins%ec!ion %rocess.
The ins%ec!ion should include !he ins%ec!ion of !he ca%i!al i(%ro&e(en!s !ha! are unco(%le!ed,
and !he o&ersigh! of !he cons!ruc!ion (anage(en!. An ou!side cons!ruc!ion (anage(en!
engineer could *e hired !o o&ersee !his %rocess. I! is i(%or!an! !ha! !he Coo%era!i&e consider !he
o&ersigh! of an/ cons!ruc!ion and !he co(%le!ion of an/ ins%ec!ions.
Management Contract
$UD a%%ro&es !he ou!side agenc/ (anage(en! con!rac!s. These con!rac!s are usuall/ co(%le!ed
on a con!rac! e,%ira!ion *asis. >ince $UD -ill no longer *e res%onsi*le for a%%ro&ing !he
(anage(en! con!rac!, !he Board of Direc!ors (us! o&er!a7e !he res%onsi*ili!/ for -or7ing -i!h
!he (anage(en! co(%an/, de!er(ining if !he (anage(en! co(%an/ ser&es i!s needs,
de!er(ining if !he (anage(en! co(%an/?s %rices are reasona*le, e!c. This can *e co(%le!ed */
incor%ora!ing an e,!ensi&e *id %rocess. All (anage(en! con!rac!s should *e *id ou! !o a! leas!
!hree %o!en!ial con!rac!ors. The *ids should *e re&ie-ed */ an ou!side agenc/ -hich -ould
include an a!!orne/, financial re%resen!a!i&e, and o!her %ar!ies. The (anage(en! agen! -ill *e
res%onsi*le for -or7ing -i!h !he Coo%era!i&e !o assu(e !he regula!or/ re;uire(en!s. I! is
i(%or!an! !ha! -e all -or7 !oge!her !o ensure !ha! -e are incor%ora!ing e,ac! %rocesses and
co(%le!ing !he o&ersigh! in a (e!hod, -hich -ill %ro&ide !he Cor%ora!ion -i!h !he %ro%er
decision (a7ing s7ills.
There are o!her re;uire(en!s !ha! are curren!l/ o&erseen */ !he regula!or/ agenc/. I! is
i(%or!an! !ha! !he Coo%era!i&e re&ie- !he regula!or/ agree(en! -i!h $UD !o ensure !ha! all
curren! i!e(s !ha! are o&erseen */ $UD are incor%ora!ed in!o !he Board of Direc!ors cor%ora!e
(anual and o&erseen */ !he Board of Direc!ors. >ince !he Cor%ora!ion does ha&e res%onsi*ili!/
!o i!s (e(*ers and shareholders, i! is i(%or!an! !ha! !he/ o&ersee !hese i!e(s, in order !o
(ain!ain a financial &ia*le and -ell (ain!ained %ro%er!/ .Regardless of !he decisions regarding
!he %a/off, i! is i(%or!an! !ha! !he Board of Direc!ors (ain!ain an ongoing co((unica!ion
%rocess -i!h !heir (e(*ers and !ha! !he/ do o&ersee !hese s%ecific %rocesses !ha! are curren!l/ a
$UD res%onsi*ili!/.
Page 13. of 221
Occupancy Agreement 6ample7
!ote" $ollowing are the )rticles of *rgani+ation of a %assachusetts #imited Equity &o'op. It is
in many Ibut not allJ ways identical to a lease in a rental development. This document is not a
substitute for legal counsel, but it is a good starting point for developing an *ccupancy
Beac!To5n Cooperative
Occupancy Agreement
BeachTo-n Coo%era!i&e Cor%ora!ion here*/ leases !o !he follo-ing Residen! !he follo-ing
a%ar!(en! on !he follo-ing !er(s and condi!ions 3such lease *eing referred !o herein as !he
Name of Reident1 6t!e 2Reident27
Name of Development1 Beac!To5n Cooperative 6 t!e 2Development27
A%ar!(en! AddressD
A%ar!(en! Nu(*erD
BeachTo-n Coo%era!i&e Cor%ora!ion, a assachuse!!s coo%era!i&e cor%ora!ion 3also so(e!i(es
referred !o herein as !he FCoo%era!i&eF or FO-nerF4 has *een for(ed for !he %ur%ose of ac;uiring,
con!rolling and o%era!ing !he De&elo%(en! as housing, coo%era!i&el/ run */ i!s residen!s, -i!h !he
in!en!ion !ha! i!s (e(*ers shall ha&e !he righ! !o occu%/ !he uni!s under !he !er(s of occu%anc/
agree(en!s. The Residen! is and a! all !i(es shall re(ain a s!oc7holder in !he coo%era!i&e, and has
!he !rue in!en!ion !o reside in a uni! of !he De&elo%(en!.
The De&elo%(en! is o%era!ed */ !he Board of Direc!ors of !he Coo%era!i&e, -hich is elec!ed */
Coo%era!i&e (e(*ers according !o !he Cor%ora!ion?s B/0la-s. The Board delega!es su*s!an!ial
res%onsi*ili!/ for da/ !o da/ o%era!ions !o !he anage(en! Co(%an/.
Residen!?s (on!hl/ carr/ing charge for !he leased a%ar!(en!, e,ce%! as (a/ *e su*se;uen!l/
adAus!ed %ursuan! !o Paragra%h B of !his Agree(en!, shall *e I %er (on!h 3!he FCarr/ing ChargeF4,
-hich re%resen!s a %ercen!age of !he Residen!?s AdAus!ed $ousehold Inco(e. Residen!?s Carr/ing
Charge shall *e %a/a*le in ad&ance of !he firs! da/ of each (on!h, for !ha! (on!h, !o anage(en!
a! !he address in >ec!ion 2 of !his Agree(en!, -hich address (a/ *e changed */ no!ice fro(
anage(en! or O-ner !o !he Residen!. If !he !er( of !he Agree(en! includes a %ar!ial (on!h, !he
Residen! shall %a/ a %ro ra!a %or!ion of !he Carr/ing Charge for !ha! (on!h.
The Carr/ing Charge includes !he follo-ing u!ili!ies and ser&icesD hea!, ho! -a!er.
The a(oun! of !he Carr/ing Charge due under !his Agree(en! (a/ *e changed a! an/ !i(e during
!he !er( hereof, or an/ e,!ension or rene-al, u%on si,!/ 31)4 da/s %rior -ri!!en no!ice !o Residen!,
*ased u%on an/ of !he follo-ing reasonsD
3a4 su*Aec! !o !he %ro&isions of Paragra%h 9334 of !his Agree(en!, a change in !he *asic
Carr/ing Charge schedule for !he en!ire De&elo%(en! as de!er(ined */ !he Coo%era!i&e,
3*4 */ reason of !he e,clusion of a u!ili!/ cos! %re&iousl/ included as %ar! of Residen!?s
Carr/ing Charge.
Page 13" of 221
3c4 an/ change in !he Residen!?s adAus!ed household inco(e.
If !here is such a change in !he Carr/ing Charge, Residen! (a/ !er(ina!e !his Agree(en!
*/ gi&ing -ri!!en no!ice !o anage(en! -i!hin !hir!/ 33)4 da/s of -hen !he change
no!ice is sen!. If Residen! sends !ha! !er(ina!ion no!ice !o anage(en!, Residen! -ill no!
*e *ound */ !he change. >uch !er(ina!ion shall *e effec!i&e si,!/ 31)4 da/s af!er !he da!e
!ha! !he change -as !o *eco(e effec!i&e. >uch !er(ina!ion shall *e su*Aec! !o %ro&isions
of >ec!ion C of !his Agree(en!, e,ce%! !ha! a Residen! !er(ina!ing under !his >ec!ion B
shall no! *e re;uired !o %a/ !he increased %or!ion of !he Carr/ing Charge.
No!-i!hs!anding !he a*o&e, if a! an/ %oin!, including -hen !he Residen! is no longer
li&ing in !he De&elo%(en!, !he Cor%ora!ion de!er(ines !ha! !he Carr/ing Charge s!a!ed
a*o&e -as co(%u!ed *ased on incorrec! or inco(%le!e infor(a!ion, -he!her %ro&ided */
!he Residen! or */ an/ o!her %ar!/, !he Cor%ora!ion (a/ adAus! !he Carr/ing Charge
effec!i&e i((edia!el/ and re!roac!i&e !o !he da!e of !his agree(en! !o an a(oun!
co(%u!ed *ased on !he Cor%ora!ion?s (ore recen! infor(a!ion. The Cor%ora!ion -ill
no!if/ !he Residen! in -ri!ing of !he adAus!(en!, and !he Residen! -ill *e *ound */ !he
Cor%ora!ion?s adAus!(en!, -i!hou! an/ righ! !o (ain!ain !he original Carr/ing Charge.
C% T)RM O/ A+R))M)NT1
This Agree(en! is for a %eriod of one 314 /ear, co((encing on !he Da/ of , 15 . Unless !er(ina!ed
as %ro&ided in >ec!ion B, Residen! (a/ !er(ina!e !his Agree(en! a! an/ !i(e */
3a4 gi&ing si,!/ 31)4 da/s %rior -ri!!en no!ice !o anage(en!, and
3*4 co(%l/ing -i!h !he %ro&isions of !his >ec!ion and Ar!icle " of !he Ar!icles of
Organi6a!ion. The Residen! shall *e lia*le for !he Carr/ing Charge un!il !he earlier of
1. A shares of s!oc7 -i!h res%ec! !o !he uni! ha&e *een !ransferred in accordance
-i!h Ar!icle " of !he Ar!icles of Organi6a!ion, or
2. un!il !he end of !he si,!/0da/ no!ice %eriod.
On or *efore !he !er(ina!ion da!e, !he Residen! (us! alsoD
a. +ndorse !he Residen!?s s!oc7 cer!ifica!e for !ransfer in *lan7K
*. Pa/ all !he a(oun!s due under !his Agree(en! u% !o !he !er(ina!ion da!eK
c. =aca!e and re!urn !he uni! !o anage(en! in as good condi!ion as -hen
recei&ed, nor(al -ear and !ear e,ce%!ed.

Un!il all !he s!e%s s!a!ed a*o&e are co(%le!ed, !he Residen! -ill s!ill *e lia*le for !he cos!s of !he
uni!, including !he Carr/ing Charge. The Residen! (us! co(%l/ -i!h all %ro&isions of !he B/la-s
and Ar!icles of Organi6a!ion -i!h res%ec! !o !he re;uire(en!s of !ransfer of s!oc7 and li(i!a!ion of
co(%ensa!ion !o !he Residen! for such !ransfer.
If Residen! is no! curren!l/ occu%/ing !he A%ar!(en!, and if anage(en!, *ecause of condi!ions
*e/ond i!s con!rol, is no! a*le !o deli&er !he a%ar!(en! !o Residen! -i!hin !hir!/ 33)4 da/s fro( !he
!i(e called for herein, ei!her %ar!/ has !he righ! !o !er(ina!e !his Agree(en! */ -ri!!en no!ice !o
!he o!her %ar!/, in -hich case !here shall *e refunded for!h-i!h !o Residen! an/ %a/(en! (ade
hereunder, and !his Agree(en! shall !hereu%on !er(ina!e -i!hou! an/ lia*ili!/ */ ei!her %ar!/ !o !he
Page 131 of 221
anage(en! and Residen!, -i!hin !en 31)4 da/s af!er co((ence(en! of !enanc/, shall ins%ec! !he
d-elling uni! as !o i!s %resen! condi!ion. The Residen!, */ signing !he ins%ec!ion for(, A!!ach(en!
1, ad(i!s !ha! !he leased %re(ises ha&e *een ins%ec!ed */ hi(Hher, (ee! -i!h hisHher a%%ro&al, and
!ha! e,ce%! as o!her-ise no!ed on !he Ins%ec!ion 9or(, !he a%ar!(en! is read/ for occu%anc/, and
!ha! anage(en! -ill no! *e re;uired !o %ain!, %las!er or o!her-ise %erfor( an/ o!her -or7, la*or
or ser&ice %rior !o occu%anc/ */ Residen!. Residen! ac7no-ledges !ha! !he a%ar!(en! is in a good
li&a*le condi!ion, and agrees a! !he end of !he occu%anc/ hereunder !o deli&er u% and surrender !he
a%ar!(en! !o anage(en! in !he sa(e condi!ion as -hen recei&ed, reasona*le -ear and !ear
Prior !o Residen!?s (o&ing ou!, anage(en! shall conduc! -i!h Residen! an ins%ec!ion of
a%ar!(en!. A! !ha! ins%ec!ion anage(en! shall de!er(ine an/ need for re%airs or redecora!ing
%ro%erl/ chargea*le !o !he Residen!. A -ri!!en s!a!e(en! s%ecif/ing !he da(age in&ol&ed shall *e
%re%ared a! !ha! !i(e, and a co%/ %ro&ided !o Residen!.
If residen! (o&es ou! -i!hou! no!ice, !he ins%ec!ion need no! *e carried ou! in Residen!?s %resence,
*u! a -ri!!en s!a!e(en! s%ecif/ing !he da(age in&ol&ed, !he correc!ional ac!ion !a7en and !he
resul!ing cos! shall s!ill *e %ro&ided !o Residen! if Residen! %ro&ides anage(en! -i!h a
for-arding address.
)% R)SID)NT A+R))S1
1. To %a/ Carr/ing Charge on !he firs! da/ of each (on!h. I! is unders!ood !ha!
re%ea!ed la!e %a/(en! of Carr/ing Charges -hen due cons!i!u!es a *reach of !his
Agree(en! sufficien! !o Aus!if/ i!s !er(ina!ion */ anage(en! as hereinaf!er
s%ecified. The carr/ing charge -ill *e dee(ed la!e as of !he si,!h 31!h4 da/ of !he
2. No! !o cause !he disru%!ion or !er(ina!ion of elec!rical u!ili!/ ser&ices !o !he
uni! as a resul! of non%a/(en! of u!ili!/ charges. I! is unders!ood !ha! disru%!ion or
!er(ina!ion of !his ser&ice -ill seriousl/ Aeo%ardi6e !he heal!h and safe!/ of o!her
residen!s and !he %h/sical %ro%er!/ and -ill Aus!if/ !he !er(ina!ion of !his Agree(en!
*/ anage(en! as hereinaf!er s%ecified.
3. To li&e in a %eaceful -a/ res%ec!ing !he righ! of o!her residen!s !o %ri&ac/,
securi!/, and %eaceful enAo/(en! and !o refrain fro( all ac!s -hich -ould in!erfere
-i!h such righ!s.
.. To (ain!ain !he uni! in clean condi!ionK !o use all a%%liances, fi,!ures,
e;ui%(en! in a safe (anner and onl/ for !he %ur%oses -hich !he/ are in!endedK no! !o
li!!er, des!ro/, deface, da(age or re(o&e an/ %ar! of !he a%ar!(en!, co((on areas,
or grounds. Co((on areas include *u! are no! li(i!ed !o !he lo**/, ele&a!ors,
hall-a/s, s!aircases and !he laundr/ roo(.
". To re(o&e gar*age and !rash fro( !he a%ar!(en! in a clean and safe (anner.
All !rash should *e dis%osed of in closed %las!ic *ags. If /ou ha&e an/ !o,ic gar*age
3*a!!eries, %ain!, e!c.4 or !rash !ha! is !oo large !o fi! do-n !he chu!e, lea&e i! in !he
!rash roo( and !hen no!if/ anage(en! !ha! i! is !here.
1. To %a/ a(oun!s due for loc7ou!s, or for re%airs for %ro%er!/ da(age,
reasona*le -ear and !ear e,ce%!ed, caused */ !he in!en!ional or negligen! conduc! of
Residen!, a (e(*er of !he Residen!?s household or gues!s, u%on recei%! of a *ill fro(
anage(en!. The -ri!!en *ill sen! !o !he Residen! shall include an i!e(i6a!ion of
da(ages, !he correc!i&e ac!ion !a7en and !he cos! !hereof.
#. To re%or! %ro(%!l/ !o anage(en! all (ain!enance %ro*le(s and da(age
!o !he a%ar!(en!.
Page 13# of 221
'. No! !o assign or su*le! !he a%ar!(en! nor !o %er(i! occu%anc/ in !he
a%ar!(en! */ %ersons no! lis!ed in Paragra%h I of !his Agree(en! -i!hou! o*!aining in
each ins!ance !he %rior -ri!!en a%%ro&al of !he Board, -hich shall ha&e final
de!er(ina!ion o&er su*le!s. Under no circu(s!ances shall an/ su*le! agree(en!
e,!end *e/ond !he !er( of one /ear. The !o!al (on!hl/ carr/ing cos!s %aid */ >u*
lessee !o >!oc7holder (a/ no! e,ceed !he (on!hl/ Carr/ing Charge designa!ed */
!he Cor%ora!ion under !his agree(en! as i! (a/ *e su*se;uen!l/ (odified or
e,!ended during !he !er( of !he >u*le! Agree(en! %lus reasona*le e,%enses for !he
ren!al of ho(e furnishings and !he li7e. +ach su*lease shall *e in -ri!ing in a for(
acce%!a*le !o !he Cor%ora!ion and one original coun!er%ar! !hereof, !oge!her -i!h an/
a(end(en!s, shall *e filed -i!h !he Cor%ora!ion %rior !o !he co((ence(en! of !he
!er( of said su*le!!ing.
5. Residen! (a/ ha&e house gues!s *u! (us! o*!ain ad&ance -ri!!en consen!
fro( anage(en! for a gues! s!a/ing (ore !han !-en!/0one 3214 da/s in an/ (on!h.
1). Residen! agrees !o o*e/ !he rules and regula!ions, -hich are a!!ached here!o
as A!!ach(en! No. 2 and (a7e a %ar! hereof, as !he/ (a/ *e a(ended fro( !i(e !o
!i(e 3!he FRules and Regula!ionsF4.
11. To use !he a%ar!(en! for a %ri&a!e d-elling and for no o!her %ur%ose
-i!hou! !he %rior -ri!!en consen! of anage(en!.
12. To allo- anage(en! !o en!er !he a%ar!(en! a! reasona*le !i(es -i!h
ade;ua!e no!ice !o (a7e re%airs !here!o, !o (a7e %re&en!i&e (ain!enance ins%ec!ions,
!o e,!er(ina!e or !o sho- !he %re(ises !o %ros%ec!i&e residen!s or re%resen!a!i&es of
!he De%ar!(en! of $ousing and Ur*an De&elo%(en!K in cases of e(ergenc/, !o allo-
anage(en! !o en!er i((edia!el/. In !he case of %erfor(ing necessar/
e,!er(ina!ion ser&ice, !he Residen! agrees !o coo%era!e */ %ro%erl/ %re%aring !he
uni! in accordance -i!h reasona*le ins!ruc!ions fro( !he anage(en!.
13. No! !o (ain!ain %e!s e,ce%! as %er(i!!ed */ !he Rules and Regula!ions.
1.. No! !o crea!e or allo- !o *e crea!ed */ Residen!, (e(*ers of Residen!?s
household, rela!i&es, gues!s, in&i!ees or agen!s, an/ disru%!i&e, nois/ or o!her-ise
offensi&e use of !he leased %re(isesK no! !o co((i! an/ dis!ur*ance or nuisance,
%ri&a!e or %u*licK no! !o o*s!ruc! free use or access of co((on areas.
1". No! !o crea!e or allo- !o *e crea!ed */ Residen!, (e(*ers of Residen!?s
household, rela!i&es gues!s, in&i!ees or agen!s an/ unla-ful ac!s or an/ unla-ful use
of !he a%ar!(en!, co((on areas, or de&elo%(en! groundsK such ac!s or use !o include
*u! no! li(i!ed !o !he illegal sale, use or %ossession of drugs or o!her con!rolled
su*s!ances or !he co((ission of ac!s !ha! cause or !hrea!en !o cause %h/sical har( !o
11. No! !o %ain!, decora!e or o!her-ise e(*ellish andHor change nor (a7e an/
addi!ions or al!era!ions !o !he a%ar!(en! e,ce%! as %er(i!!ed */ !he Rules and
1#. To re;ues! and o*!ain -ri!!en %er(ission fro( anage(en! in ad&ance for
an/ increase in household si6e for reasons o!her !han !he *ir!h or ado%!ion of a child,
su*(i!!ing a! !he !i(e of !he re;ues! a re&ised a%%lica!ion for residenc/, including !he
%ro%osed ne- household (e(*ers3s4. 9ailure !o o*!ain such %er(ission fro(
anage(en! shall *e sufficien! grounds for anage(en! !o !er(ina!e !his
Agree(en! as hereinaf!er s%ecified.
Page 13' of 221
1'. To *e solel/ res%onsi*le for insuring !he %ersonal %ro%er!/ of Residen!.
Residen! here*/ ac7no-ledges !ha! all %ersonal %ro%er!/ in or a*ou! !he a%ar!(en! or
an/ o!her %ar! of !he De&elo%(en! shall *e a! !he sole ris7 of !he Residen!, su*Aec! !o
!he %ro&isions of a%%lica*le la-. anage(en! and O-ner shall no! *e lia*le for
da(age !o or loss of %ro%er!/ of an/ 7ind -hich (a/ *e los! or s!olen, da(aged or
des!ro/ed */ fire, -a!er, s!ea( */ an/ o!her cause -ha!soe&er, -hile in !he
a%ar!(en! or in an/ s!orage s%ace in !he *uilding or else-here on !he or a*ou! !he
De&elo%(en! or for an/ %ersonal inAur/ unless caused */ !he negligence or o!her
(isconduc! of anage(en!. Residen! ac7no-ledges !ha! anage(en! does no!
%ro&ide insurance for Residen!?s %ersonal %ro%er!/.
15. 2oc7s shall no! *e changed, al!ered or re%laced nor shall ne- loc7s *e
added */ !he residen! -i!hou! !he -ri!!en %er(ission of anage(en!. An/ loc7s so
%er(i!!ed !o *e ins!alled shall *eco(e !he %ro%er!/ of anage(en! and shall no! *e
re(o&ed */ !he Residen!. The Residen! shall %ro(%!l/ gi&e a du%lica!e 7e/ !o an/
such changed, al!ered, re%laced or ne- loc7 !o anage(en!. U%on e,%ira!ion or
!er(ina!ion of !his Agree(en!, residen! shall deli&er !he 7e/s of !he a%ar!(en! !o
2). Residen! shall, u%on re;ues!, %ro&ide such infor(a!ion and cer!ifica!ions
-i!h regard !o i!s household inco(e as (a/ *e re;ues!ed fro( !i(e !o !i(e */ O-ner
or anage(en!.
21. As a Coo%era!i&e, !he Cor%ora!ion relies on !he %ar!ici%a!ion of i!s
(e(*ers. Residen! agrees !o a!!end u% !o four hours of !raining -i!hin si,!/ da/s of
(o&ing in or as soon as %ro&ided */ !he Coo%era!i&e, and !o a!!end Annual and
>%ecial ee!ings of !he Cor%ora!ion, called in accordance -i!h !he Cor%ora!ion B/0
/% MANA+)M)NT& ON B)(A,/ O/ O8N)R& A+R))S1
1. To (ain!ain !he leased a%ar!(en!, co((on areas and e;ui%(en! loca!ed !herein in
good condi!ion in co(%liance -i!h !he >!a!e >ani!ar/ Code and all o!her a%%lica*le
la-s, rules and regula!ions of agencies of co(%e!en! Aurisdic!ion.

2. :i!hou! li(i!ing !he foregoing, !o re%air all defec!s in !he leased %re(ises and
co((on areas no! caused */ !enan! negligence as %ro(%!l/ as %ossi*le af!er recei%!
of no!ice fro( Residen!.
3. To i(%le(en! De&elo%(en!0-ide carr/ing charge increases no (ore !han once in
an/ !-el&e 3124 (on!h %eriod, including !he firs! /ear of occu%anc/, and -hen such
increases occur !o gi&e si,!/ 31)4 da/s -ri!!en no!ice !o Residen!.
.. To en!er !he Residen!?s uni! onl/ for !he %ur%oses of sho-ing !he uni! !o %ros%ec!i&e
a%%lican!s for housing or !o re%resen!a!i&es of !he De%ar!(en! of $ousing and Ur*an
De&elo%(en!, (a7ing re%airs, or %re&en!i&e (ain!enance ins%ec!ions. anage(en!
shall en!er !he uni! onl/ af!er gi&ing reasona*le no!ice !o !he Residen! and a! a
reasona*le !i(e, %ro&ided !ha! anage(en! (a/ en!er i((edia!el/ a! an/ !i(e if
anage(en! *elie&es an e(ergenc/ e,is!s. anage(en! (us! al-a/s gi&e no!ice
-i!hin 2. hours !o Residen! of !he da!e, !i(e and na!ure of !he e(ergenc/ -hich
necessi!a!ed en!r/ if Residen! -as no! ho(e a! !he !i(e of en!r/.
". To gi&e Residen! no! less !han four!een 31.4 da/s -ri!!en no!ice %rior !o !er(ina!ing
!his Agree(en! for non%a/(en! of Carr/ing Charges.
Page 135 of 221
1. To gi&e Residen! no! less !han !hir!/ 33)4 da/s -ri!!en no!ice %rior !o !er(ina!ion of
!his Agree(en! for reasons o!her !han non%a/(en! of Carr/ing Charge. All no!ices of
!er(ina!ion shall *e in clear and unders!anda*le !er(s and shall includeD
a. 9ull s!a!e(en! of !he reason3s4 for !he ac!ionK

*. Reference !o !he alleged &iola!ion3s4 of !his Agree(en! and !he
alleged fac!s u%on -hich !he ac!ion is *asedK and
c. !he ac!ion, if an/, -hich !he residen! (a/ !a7e !o re(ed/ !he
defec! for -hich !he no!ice -as issuedK
#. To i(%ose no fees, %enal!ies, cos!s or o!her charges on Residen! e,ce%! !hose
s%ecificall/ %ro&ided for in !his Agree(en! or in !he >u*scri%!ion Agree(en! or in
Rules and Regula!ions.

'. No! !o discri(ina!e agains! Residen! in !he %ro&ision of ser&ices, or in an/ o!her
(anner, on !he grounds of race, color, creed, religion, se,, handica%, (ari!al s!a!us,
se,ual orien!a!ion, age, na!ional origin, or an/ o!her *asis %rohi*i!ed */ la-.
5. To !er(ina!e !he Agree(en! or e&ic! Residen! for no o!her reason !han !he follo-ingD
a. Non%a/(en! of charges due !o !he Coo%era!i&eK

*. Disru%!ion or !er(ina!ion of hea!ing andHor elec!rical u!ili!/ ser&ices due !o
non%a/(en! of u!ili!/ chargesK
c. Non%a/(en! of an/ share loan for !he Residen!?s s!oc7 in !he Coo%era!i&e, if
d. a!erial nonco(%liance -i!h !his Agree(en!, -hich !er( shall includeD one
or (ore su*s!an!ial, re%ea!ed, or in!en!ional failures !o a*ide */ an/
o*liga!ions under !his Agree(en!K or re%ea!ed (inor &iola!ions of !his
Agree(en! -hich disru%! !he li&a*ili!/ of !he %roAec!, ad&ersel/ affec! !he
heal!h and safe!/ of an/ %erson or !he righ! of an/ Residen! !o !he ;uie!
enAo/(en! of !he leased %re(ises and rela!ed %roAec! facili!ies, in!erfere -i!h
!he (anage(en! of !he %roAec! or ha&e an ad&erse financial effec! on !he
%roAec!K or
e. The Residen!Bs ceases !o *e !he o-ner of shares of s!oc7 in !he Coo%era!i&e.
This ha%%ens -henD
314 The Residen! has !ransferred o-nershi% of !he Residen!?s shares in !he

324 The uni! a%%ears !o *e a*andonedK
334 The Residen! dies and !his Agree(en! is no! assu(ed as %ro&ided in !he
Ar!icles of Organi6a!ion andHor */0la-sK
3.4 The Residen! declares *an7ru%!c/ or *eco(es insol&en!, according !o
la-K or
3"4 O!her good cause %ro&ided anage(en! has gi&en Residen! !hir!/ 33)4
da/s %rior -ri!!en no!ice !ha! !he grounds for good cause cons!i!u!e a
*asis for !er(ina!ion of !he !enanc/.
f. An/ (isre%resen!a!ion of fac!s */ Residen! !o !he Cor%ora!ion in Residen!?s
a%%lica!ion or cer!ifica!ion or inco(e.
Page 1.) of 221

g. >u*le!!ing or assigning !he a%ar!(en! -i!hou! o*!aining %rior %er(ission as
descri*ed a*o&e.

+% +RI)*ANC) 'ROC)DUR)1
The Residen! is en!i!led !o a hearing *efore !he Board of Direc!ors of !he Coo%era!i&e or a
co((i!!ee -hich !he Board (a/ designa!e for !his %ur%ose 3!he F<rie&ance Co((i!!eeF4 ac!ing on
*ehalf of !he O-ner, -hene&erD
1. The Residen! has recei&ed a no!ice of a serious &iola!ion or no!ices of
re%ea!ed (inor &iola!ions of !he Agree(en! and a!!ach(en!s, orK

2. The Residen! is aggrie&ed */ ano!her residen!K or
3. The Residen! is aggrie&ed */ an/ ac!ion or inac!ion of anage(en!. In
order !o *e gran!ed a hearing, !he Residen! (us! deli&er !o !he <rie&ance Co((i!!ee,
%ersonall/ or */ (ail, a re;ues! for a hearing -hich s%ecifies !he reason or reasons
for !he re;ues!. If !he re;ues! rela!es !o a no!ice fro( anage(en!, !his hearing
re;ues! (us! *e deli&ered or %os!(ar7ed -i!hin !en 31)4 -or7ings da/s of
anage(en!?s %os!(ar7ed no!ice.
The <rie&ance Co((i!!ee -ill schedule a hearing -i!hin fi&e 3"4 -or7ing da/s af!er recei%! of !he
re;ues!. A! !he hearing, all %ar!ies in&ol&ed in !he grie&ance (us! *e gi&en an o%%or!uni!/ !o
%resen! !heir case and !o ;ues!ion or refu!e an/ e&idence or !es!i(on/.
The <rie&ance Co((i!!ee de!er(ina!ion -ill *e deli&ered !o !he Residen! -i!hin fi&e 3"4 -or7ing
da/s. If grounds for e&ic!ion for cause are %resen!, anage(en! -ill *e direc!ed in -ri!ing !o
deli&er !o !he Residen! a no!ice !o ;ui!.
The a*o&e are !he (os! i(%or!an! !er(s go&erning !he rela!ionshi% *e!-een O-ner, anage(en!
and Residen!. O!her !er(s no! inconsis!en! -i!h !his Agree(en! (a/ *e con!ained in A!!ach(en! 2
and in Rules and Regula!ions for !he de&elo%(en!, if an/, a%%ro&ed */ s!a!e or federal agencies
%ro&iding financing for !he de&elo%(en! or ren!al su*sid/ for !he uni!, including, *u! no! li(i!ed
!o, !he Uni!ed >!a!es De%ar!(en! of $ousing and Ur*an De&elo%(en! 3F$UDF4 and !he regula!or/
and (anage(en! agree(en!s, if an/, *e!-een $UD or an/ o!her such agenc/ and !he O-ner.
Co%ies of !hese docu(en!s, if an/, are a&aila*le !o *e ins%ec!ed a! !he anage(en! office.
If !he -hole or an/ su*s!an!ial %ar! of !he leased %re(ises shall during !he !er( of !his Agree(en!
or an/ e,!ension hereof *e des!ro/ed */ fire or o!her disas!er no! caused */ Residen! or an/
Residen! in&i!ee, fa(il/ or agen!, !henD
a. If ei!her anage(en! or Residen! chooses, !his Agree(en! shall !er(ina!e
*/ -ri!!en no!ice !o !he o!her %ar!/. In such e&en!, !he Coo%era!i&e -ill de!er(ine !he
a(oun! !o *e %aid !o !he Residen! !o redee( !he Residen!?s s!oc7 in !he Coo%era!i&e
according !o !he B/la-s of !he Coo%era!i&e, *u! in no case (a/ !he considera!ion
%aid !o !he Residen! *e grea!er !han !he Transfer Price as defined in !he B/la-sK or
*. If nei!her %ar!/ !er(ina!es !his Agree(en! !hen a Aus! %or!ion of !he
Carr/ing Charge shall *e a*a!ed un!il !he %re(ises are res!ored and sui!a*le for
No!ices of !er(ina!ion under !his sec!ion shall cause !his Agree(en! !o !er(ina!e on !he las! da/ of
!he (on!h in -hich !he no!ice is gi&en.
Page 1.1 of 221
O-ner and anage(en! (a/, -i!h, in !he case of ren!al su*sid/ reci%ien!s, !he %rior -ri!!en
a%%ro&al of !he su*sidi6ing agenc/, (odif/ !he !er(s and condi!ions of !he Agree(en! */ ser&ing
an a%%ro%ria!e no!ice on !he Residen! !oge!her -i!h !he offer of a re&ised Agree(en! or an
addendu( re&ising !he e,is!ing Agree(en!. Residen! -i!hin !en 31)4 da/s of recei%! of such no!ice
(us! ei!her acce%! !he (odified !er(s and condi!ions */ e,ecu!ing such re&ised Agree(en! or
addendu( or !er(ina!e !he !enanc/ */ gi&ing anage(en! -ri!!en no!ice in accordance -i!h !he
Agree(en! !ha! !he Residen! in!ends !o !er(ina!e !he !enanc/. >uch !er(ina!ion shall *e effec!i&e
si,!/ 31)4 da/s af!er !he da!e u%on -hich !he (odifica!ion -as !o *eco(e effec!i&e as s!a!ed in !he
(odifica!ion no!ice. 9ailure of Residen! !o e,ecu!e !he (odifica!ion or !o offer !o !er(ina!e !he
!enanc/ shall *e grounds for e&ic!ion.
This Agree(en! and i!s A!!ach(en!s, and !he Ar!icles of Organi6a!ion, B/la-s, and >u*scri%!ion
Agree(en! of !he Coo%era!i&e (a7e u% !he en!ire agree(en! *e!-een !he %ar!ies regarding !he
occu%anc/ of !he uni!. No re%resen!a!ions o!her !han !hose con!ained in such docu(en!s -ill *e
*inding on anage(en!, !he O-ner or !he Coo%era!i&e. If an/ %ro&ision of such docu(en!s or !he
a%%lica!ion !hereof !o an/ %erson or circu(s!ance is held in&alid, !he re(ainder !hereof 3or !he
re(ainder of such %ro&ision4 and !he a%%lica!ion hereof !o o!her %ersons or circu(s!ances shall no!
*e effec!ed here*/.
No!ices re;uired */ !his Agree(en! shall *e dee(ed !o *e %ro%erl/ gi&enD
a. !o anage(en! andHor O-ner if (ailed */ regis!ered or cer!ified (ail !o !he
anage(en! Agen! a! !he address indica!ed in Paragra%h 2 *elo- or a! such o!her
address as anage(en! (a/ designa!e in -ri!ing, or */ deli&er/ in hand !o !he
Pro%er!/ anager of !he De&elo%(en! *u! no! */ deli&er/ !o an/ residen!
su%erin!enden!, (ain!enance, or o!her %ersonnelK

*. To residen! if sen! */ regis!ered or cer!ified (ail, re!urn recei%! re;ues!ed or
%ersonall/ deli&ered !o !he Residen!?s a%ar!(en! -i!h a co%/ */ firs! class (ail !o !he
Residen!?s address in !he De&elo%(en!.
This Agree(en! is su*ordina!e !o an/ (or!gage or rela!ed agree(en! no- in e,is!ence or hereaf!er
gran!ed, */ o-ner and i!s successors and assigns. In !he e&en! of an/ conflic! or inconsis!enc/, !he
%ro&isions and condi!ions of said (or!gages, agree(en!s, con!rac!s, s!a!u!es, rules and regula!ion
and a(end(en!s !here!o shall !a7e %recedence o&er !his Agree(en!.
The Residen! here*/ au!hori6es !he O-ner !o *e !he Residen!?s irre&oca*le a!!orne/0in0fac! !o sign
an/ docu(en!s !o su*ordina!e !his Agree(en! !o an/ fu!ure (or!gage, deed of !rus! or o!her rela!ed
The -ai&er of an/ *reach of a !er(, condi!ion, %ro(ise or o*liga!ion of !his Agree(en! */ an/
%ar!/ shall no! *e considered !o *e a -ai&er of an/ o!her !er(, condi!ion, %ro(ise or o*liga!ion, or
of an/ su*se;uen! *reach !hereof.
The Residen! agrees and hereinaf!er cer!ifies */ signing !his Agree(en! !ha! onl/ !he follo-ing
na(ed %ersons shall *e considered as residen!s0in0occu%anc/ of !he leased a%ar!(en!, and !ha!
Residen! shall no! assign !his Agree(en!, su*le! !he %re(ises -i!hou! %er(ission as descri*ed
a*o&e, gi&e %er(anen! acco((oda!ion !o an/ roo(ers, lodgers or an/ o!her %ersons no! lis!ed in
!his %aragra%h, nor %er(i! !he use of !he %re(ises for an/ %ur%ose o!her !han as a %ri&a!e d-elling
solel/ for !he follo-ing residen!0in0occu%anc/D

Page 1.2 of 221
The Residen! cer!ifies !ha! !he Residen! has recei&ed a co%/ of !his Agree(en! and !he follo-ing
A!!ach(en!s !o !his Agree(en! and unders!ands !ha! !hese A!!ach(en!s are %ar! of !his Agree(en!.
a. A!!ach(en! No.1 0 Ins%ec!ion 9or(
*. A!!ach(en! No.2 0 Rules and Regula!ions
c. A!!ach(en! No.3 0 Occu%anc/ Infor(a!ion
O!her a!!ach(en!s as re;uired.

Residen! shall %ro&ide anage(en! -i!h !he !ele%hone nu(*er a! -hich Residen! can *e reached
a! ho(e and -or7, if a%%lica*le. An/ change in !hese !ele%hone nu(*ers (us! *e %ro(%!l/
re%or!ed -hen changed.
$o(e !ele%hone :or7 !ele%hone
Residen! shall %ro&ide anage(en! -i!h !he !ele%hone nu(*er of a %ar!/ no! li&ing -i!h residen!
-ho can *e called in case of an e(ergenc/.
Na(e of Person Phone Nu(*er
The %resen! address and !ele%hone nu(*er of !he O-ner is
BeachTo-n Coo%era!i&e Cor%ora!ion
25) ABC A&enue,
ABC To-n, assachuse!!s
The %resen! address and !ele%hone nu(*er of anage(en!, -ho is res%onsi*le for !he care,
(ain!enance and re%air of !he de&elo%(en!, and -ho is au!hori6ed !o recei&e no!ices of &iola!ions
of !he la- and !o acce%! ser&ice of %rocess on *ehalf of !he O-ner, isD

$a&ing read and unders!ood !he a*o&e, !his Agree(en! is e,ecu!ed under seal !his da/ SSSSSS of
BeachTo-n Coo%era!i&e Cor%ora!ion
anage(en! Agen!
Page 1.3 of 221
BeachTo-n Coo%era!i&e
A%ar!(en! Condi!ion Re%or! */ Residen!

The Residen! here*/ infor(s anage(en! !ha! in his or her o%inion !he A%ar!(en! is in good
-or7ing order and safe condi!ion, e,ce%! as no!ed *elo-. Af!er recei%! of !his re%or!, BeachTo-n
-ill also ins%ec! !he A%ar!(en! regarding an/ e,ce%!ions and no!if/ !he Residen! of re%airs !o *e
(ade. This (us! *e signed and da!ed *elo-. 3If no e,ce%!ions, s!a!e FNON+F *elo-.4

Beac!To5n Cooperative
Rule and Regulation
These rules %ro&ide for !he safe!/, care and cleanliness of BeachTo-n Coo%era!i&eK !he safe!/,
co(for! and con&enience of !he Residen!sK and !he efficien! (anage(en! and ad(inis!ra!ion of !he
These rules re%resen! a (ini(u( of acce%!a*le s!andards for !he co((uni!/, and do no! re%lace
!he rules of co((on cour!es/.
The con!inua!ion of enAo/a*le, afforda*le housing de%ends on !he conscien!ious o*ser&a!ion and
unifor( enforce(en! of !hese rules.
Collecting and /ee
on!hl/ carr/ing charges, and share loan %a/(en! for a loan (ade */ co0o%, (us! *e %aid !o
anage(en!, on or *efore !he firs! da/ of e&er/ (on!h.
Re%air or loc7ou! charges (us! *e %aid !o !he anage(en! office -i!hin 3) da/s of recei%! of !he
Cash -ill no! *e acce%!ed for an/ %a/(en!.
All %a/(en!s recei&ed -ill *e a%%lied as follo-sD
1. 9irs!, !o an/ ou!s!anding Carr/ing Charges due, for %rior (on!hsK !hen

2. To !he curren! (on!hl/ Carr/ing ChargesK !hen
3. To an/ ou!s!anding re%air or loc7ou! charges.
.. To Par7ing and an/ o!her ou!s!anding charges,
Repair and loc0out C!arge
8ou -ill *e charged for !he cos! of la*or and (a!erial !o re%air or re%lace loc7s, 7e/s, screens,
s!or( -indo-s, and -indo- glass if i! is de!er(ined !ha! !he -or7 is necessi!a!ed */ carelessness,
(isuse or neglec! on !he %ar! of /ou /our fa(il/, or /our gues!s, -he!her !he -or7 is needed in
/our o-n uni!, or co((on area, or !ha! of ano!her residen! in !he de&elo%(en!.

Page 1.. of 221
8ou -ill *e charged for !he cos! of la*or and (a!erial !o re%air or re%lace da(age caused */ /ou,
/our fa(il/, or /our gues!s, -he!her !he -or7 is needed in /our o-n uni!, or co((on area, or !ha!
of ano!her residen! in !he De&elo%(en!. >uch da(age (a/ include, *u! no! *e li(i!ed !oD
1. Punc!ured andHor defaced -alls, ceilings, e!c.K

2. Bro7en sin7s, -ash *asins, !oile! !an7s, ligh! fi,!ures, e!c.K
3. Ga((ed %lu(*ing lines and %lugged !oile!s, caused */ flushing ina%%ro%ria!e i!e(s
3e.g., %a(%ers, ca! li!!er e!c.4K
.. Bro7en railings and %unc!ured e,!erior siding.
The reasona*leness of all da(ages charges (a/ *e discussed -i!h anage(en!.
If !he Residen! can %roduce sa!isfac!or/ %roof !ha! da(age !o doors or -indo-s is !he resul! of
*urglar/, !he Residen! -ill no! *e lia*le. Proof (us! include a co%/ of %olice re%or!.
The cos! of loc7ou!s is as follo-sD
1. no charge firs! and second !i(e fro( #D)) a( !o (idnigh!K I" %er loc7ou! !hereaf!er.

2. 9ro( (idnigh! !o #D)) a(, and on -ee7ends and holida/s, I1) for e&er/ loc7ou!.
There is a refunda*le I1) de%osi! for each ini!ial se! of 7e/s %ro&ided.
There is a charge of I" for each re%lace(en! 7e/, and I1) for re%lace(en! access cards.
There is a charge of I1) for an/ *ounced chec7.
Le/s (a/ no! *e gi&en !o an/ one -ho is no! lis!ed on !he Occu%anc/ Agree(en!. In addi!ion,
%roof of residenc/ (us! *e sho-n in order !o *e le! in!o !he uni!.
)#terminating Service
+,!er(ina!ing ser&ices include s%ra/ing for roaches and *ai!ing for (ice.
Rou!ine e,!er(ina!ing ser&ices -ill *e %ro&ided a! no cos! !o /ou.
8ou ha&e !he o*liga!ion !o allo- anage(en! !o %erfor( e,!er(ina!ing ser&ices in /our
a%ar!(en! -hene&er i! is necessar/ !o do so in order !o (ain!ain /our a%ar!(en! or o!her
a%ar!(en!s in a sani!ar/ condi!ion.
If /ou refuse !he ser&ice, and (ice or roaches con!inue !o *e e&iden!, /ou -ill ha&e !o %a/ for !he
e,!er(ina!or?s re!urn &isi!, -he!her or no! !he ser&ices are %ro&ided in /our uni!.
Before e,!er(ina!ing ser&ices are %erfor(ed, /ou (us! re(o&e all i!e(s fro( !he 7i!chen ca*ine!s
and %ro%erl/ co&er all food and u!ensils.
Rubbi! Removal
Ru**ish is collec!ed fro( designa!ed con!ainers */ a con!rac!or.
All ru**ish (us! *e securel/ -ra%%ed and fas!ened and U>T B+ P2AC+D IN>ID+
Re%ea!ed, docu(en!ed &iola!ions -ill *e ade;ua!e reason for !er(ina!ing !he Occu%anc/
Aerial and Antenna
8ou are no! allo-ed !o erec! on or a!!ach !o /our uni! an/ aerials or an!ennas.
anage(en! reser&es !he righ! !o re(o&e an/ an!enna or aerial.
Ca*le ser&ice is a&aila*le */ arrange(en! -i!h !he local ser&ice %ro&ider.
Page 1." of 221
Ue of Balconie& 8indo5 and Door
8ou ha&e !he e,clusi&e use of !he *alcon/ !o /our uni!, if !here is one.
8ou are res%onsi*le for 7ee%ing /our *alcon/ or %orch free fro( lea&es or o!her de*ris.
Bar*ecue grills are %rohi*i!ed */ local fire code.
No sign, no!ice, no!ice or ad&er!ise(en! shall *e inscri*ed or e,%osed a! an/ -indo-, door or
o!her %ar! of !he *uilding, nor shall an/!hing *e %roAec!ed ou! of an/ -indo- of !he *uilding.
Residen!s (a/ decora!e !heir door-a/ in a !as!eful (anner, *u! !he Board reser&es !he righ! !o
re;ues! !ha! an/ ina%%ro%ria!e decora!ion *e re(o&ed. +,ce%! for !he a*o&e, no %or!ions of !he
co((on areas shall *e decora!ed */ an/one in an/ (anner.
Una!!ended %e!s are no! %er(i!!ed on *alconies or co((on areas.
Par7ing in !he !urnaround in fron! of !he *uilding is for !he use of &isi!ors and gues!s onl/, su*Aec!
!o a&aila*ili!/ of s%ace and !o !he follo-ing res!ric!ionsD
All %ersons -ho use !his area (us! sign in a! !he anage(en! OfficeK
There -ill *e a !-o hour %ar7ing li(i! unless !he gues! has recei&ed %rior %er(ission fro(
anage(en! !o %ar7 longerK
Residen!s of !he Building are no! allo-ed !o %ar7 in !his area e,ce%! !o dischargeH%ic70u%
%assengers, loadHunload %ersonal i!e(s, e!c.K
Cars (a/ %ar7 onl/ along !he cur*ing and (a/ no! %ar7 in fron! of !he *uilding en!rance
3designa!ed */ /ello- cur*ing4.
o&ing arrange(en!s for a s%ecific da!e and !i(e (us! *e cleared -i!h !he anage(en! Office in
=iola!ors (a/ *e !o-ed a! !he car o-ner?s e,%ense -i!hou! %rior no!ice or -arning.
'et and Animal
The Cor%ora!ion res%ec!s !he desire of so(e residen!s !o enAo/ !he *enefi!s of o-ning cer!ain %e!s.
Underl/ing !his %olic/ is !he %re(ise !ha! %e!s should no! *e allo-ed */ !heir o-ners !o infringe
u%on !he righ!s of o!her residen!s !o a clean, safe and %eaceful en&iron(en!. I! is !he res%onsi*ili!/
of each residen! %e! o-ner !o insure !ha! his or her %e!3s4 do no! *eco(e a nuisance !o o!her
residen!s. No!-i!hs!anding !he %aragra%hs direc!l/ *elo-, failure !o %re&en! such a nuisance is
grounds for (anage(en! !o -i!hdra- %er(ission !o (ain!ain an/ %e! or %e!s.
No dogs are %er(i!!ed as %er(anen! or !e(%orar/ %e!s. The onl/ e,ce%!ions are !hose ani(als
s%ecificall/ for !he use of &isuall/ or hearing0i(%aired residen!s, and docu(en!a!ion of such (us!
*e %ro&ided !o anage(en!.
Residen!s (a/ ha&e one ca! %er uni!, e,ce%! !ha! residen!s a! !he !i(e !he cor%ora!ion ac;uires !he
de&elo%(en! (a/ con!inue !o ha&e !-o ca!s for as long as !he indi&iduals li&e a! BeachTo-n. All
residen!s (us! no!if/ (anage(en! of each indi&idual ca! !ha! li&es in !heir uni!.
Residen!s (a/ ha&e u% !o !-o *irds as %e!s, *u! !he/ (us! *e caged and !he o-ner (us! o*!ain
%er(ission fro( (anage(en! !o ha&e *irds.
Residen!s (a/ (ain!ain fish as %e!s, *u! !he o-ner (us! o*!ain %er(ission fro( (anage(en! !o
do so.
Una!!ended %e!s are no! %er(i!!ed on *alconies or in co((on areas.
All %e!s no! s%ecificall/ %er(i!!ed */ !his ar!icle are %rohi*i!ed.
Page 1.1 of 221
No residen! shall send an/ e(%lo/ee of !he *uilding on an/ %ri&a!e errands nor as7 an e(%lo/ee !o
do %ri&a!e -or7 for !he( during his or her scheduled shif!.
2i!!ering in !he co((on areas is %rohi*i!ed.
No loud (usic or noise is %er(i!!ed *e!-een 1)D)) %.(. and #D)) a.(. Residen!s and !heir gues!s
should *e conscious a! all !i(es of !he noise le&el and o*ser&e !heir res%onsi*ili!/ !o refrain fro(
(a7ing noises !ha! could anno/ o!her residen!s. usical ins!ruc!ion */ a residen! is no! %er(i!!ed
-he!her ins!ru(en!al or &ocal.
Residen!s are %ersonall/ res%onsi*le for !he ac!ions of !heir gues!s. Residen!s -ill *e held
res%onsi*le for an/ &iola!ions of !he Occu%anc/ Agree(en!, Rules and Regula!ions and !he B/0
2a-s, caused */ !heir gues!s and (a/ *e su*Aec! !o e&ic!ion for !hese &iola!ions.
A! such !i(e as residen!s en!er !he *uilding, !he/ shall no! %er(i! an/one !o en!er in!o !he *uilding
unless !he residen! 7no-s !heir iden!i!/.
>!orage of gasoline, 7erosene, oil or o!her fla((a*le or ha6ardous (a!erial on !he %re(ises is
No redecora!ion such as %ain!ing or -all%a%ering is %er(i!!ed e,ce%! -i!h anage(en! a%%ro&al,
and -hen a Residen! -ho has redecora!ed (o&es ou!, anage(en! (a/ re;uire !ha! Residen!
res!ore a%ar!(en! !o i!s original a%%earance. In no case can !he Residen! *e rei(*ursed for !he
cos!s of redecora!ing.
No %ersonal *elongings 3s!roller, *ic/cles, e!c.4 (a/ *e 7e%! in en!r/ -a/s or o!her co((on areas.
Re%ea!ed, docu(en!ed &iola!ions of !hese rules and regula!ions are ade;ua!e reasons for
!er(ina!ing !he Occu%anc/ Agree(en!.
An/ consen! or a%%ro&al gi&en under !hese rules and regula!ions */ Board andHor anage(en!
shall *e re&oca*le a! an/ !i(e.
The Board (a/ delega!e i!s au!hori!/ !o gran! an/ %er(ission referred !o in !his agree(en!.
These rules and regula!ions (a/ *e changed, (odified, or a(ended */ !he Cor%ora!ion a! an/

Occupancy Information
The follo-ing infor(a!ion is %ro&ided !o !ha! all residen!s of BeachTo-n -ill *e a-are of
(anage(en! ser&ices, a%%liance usage and o!her (iscellaneous (a!!ers.
ain!enance ser&ice is a&aila*le for rou!ine (a!!ers *e!-een a.(. and %.(. onda/ !hrough
9rida/ and for e(ergencies a! all !i(es. To o*!ain ser&ice, call or s!o% */ !he Office, and s!a!e /our
na(e, a%ar!(en! nu(*er, and na!ure of /our call. 8our re;ues! -ill cons!i!u!e /our %er(ission !o
allo- (anage(en! !o en!er /our a%ar!(en! !o co(%le!e !he -or7. A no!ice -ill *e lef! af!er en!r/.
Page 1.# of 221
Co(%lain!s regarding !he ser&ice of !he *uilding and grounds or regarding ac!ions of o!her
residen!s shall *e (ade in -ri!ing !o !he anage(en! Office. If such a co(%lain! is no! resol&ed !o
!he sa!isfac!ion of ei!her %ar!/, !ha! %ar!/ (a/ follo- !he <rie&ance Procedure descri*ed in !he
Occu%anc/ Agree(en!.
8ou (us! (a7e /our o-n arrange(en!s -i!h Bos!on +dison Co(%an/ for elec!ric ser&ice !o /our
a%ar!(en!. Bos!on +dison -ill *ill /ou direc!l/ for !he elec!rici!/ /ou use as sho-n on !he (e!er
for /our a%ar!(en!. 8ou (us! call Bos!on +dison and re;ues! !ha! ser&ice *e %u! in /our na(e
effec!i&e on !he da/ /our !enanc/ *egins. All re%lace(en! ligh! *ul*s for !he in!erior of /our
a%ar!(en! -ill *e furnished */ /ou, e,ce%! !ha! fluorescen! *ul*s (a/ *e re%laced */ (anage(en!
for !he cos! of !he *ul*. Before re%or!ing elec!rical failures, *e sure !he circui! *rea7ers in /our
a%ar!(en! are on rese!. The circui! *rea7ers are in !he 7i!chen in !he s!udio a%ar!(en!s and in !he
hall-a/ leading !o !he *edroo( in !he one0*edroo( uni!s.
8ou (us! (a7e /our o-n arrange(en!s -i!h !he !ele%hone co(%an/ if /ou desire !ele%hone
ser&ice. +,!ensions are %er(i!!ed if !he -ires can *e run -i!hou! drilling !hrough or nailing in!o
floors, -alls, or ceilings.
There is a (as!er !ele&ision an!enna connec!ion in !he li&ing roo( of each a%ar!(en!. Building
(anage(en! -ill su%%l/ coa,ial ca*le !o connec! !he ou!le! !o /our se!.
The in!erco( connec!s each a%ar!(en! !o !he %anel in !he ou!er &es!i*ule. The !al7 *u!!on (us! *e
%ressed -hile !al7ing and !he lis!en *u!!on %ressed -hile lis!ening. Do no! le! s!rangers in!o !he
ail ser&ice is %ro&ided direc!l/ !o /our (ail*o,. 8ou (us! include /our a%ar!(en! nu(*er and
6i% code 3)211"4 on /our re!urn address.
The fire alar( s/s!e( is designed !o de!ec! hea! increases. Do no! le! sources of hea! co(e near or
in con!ac! -i!h hea! de!ec!ors. Our alar( s/s!e( is connec!ed !o !he ci!/ fire de%ar!(en!?s cen!ral
s/s!e(. Ba!!er/ o%era!ed s(o7e de!ec!ors are loca!ed in !he ceiling a! !he en!rance of !he
*edroo(3s4. Con!ac! !he (anage(en! office if !he de!ec!or *ee%s con!inuousl/, for !his indica!es
!ha! !he *a!!er/ needs !o *e re%laced.
8our a%ar!(en! is hea!ed */ a cen!ral %lan!, -hich %ro&ides a forced circula!ion of ho! -a!er
!hrough con&ec!ors in each roo( of /our a%ar!(en!. This %lan! also %ro&ides do(es!ic ho! -a!er.
To recei&e !he (a,i(u( hea!, 7ee% !he fron!s of !he con&ec!ors free and uno*s!ruc!ed */
furni!ure, dra%es, cur!ains 3regardless of ho- !hin4, and !he li7e. Before calling *uilding
(ain!enance regarding lac7 of hea!, *e sure !ha! all /our con&ec!ors are o%ened and !ha! all /our
-indo-s are closed */ loc7ing !he handle.
In using !he 7i!chen sin7 gar*age dis%osal, 7ee% a s!rong flo- of cold running -a!er. Do no! allo-
-as!e !o re(ain in !he dis%osal. Do NOT use che(ical or sol&en! drain co(%ounds in /our
dis%osal. Do no! %u! /our hand in!o !he dis%osal. The uni! (a/ *e !urned on */ !he s-i!ch on !he
-all a*o&e /our sin7. If /ou o&erload !he uni!, !he (o!or -ill au!o(a!icall/ !urn i!self off. I! (a/
*e rese! as follo-sD
3a4 If necessar/, re(o&e foreign o*Aec!s -i!h ice !ongs or such. Do NOT inser! /our
hand or fingers in!o !he dis%osal.

3*4 Run cold -a!er again.
3c4 Push rese! *u!!on on (o!or under sin7.
3d4 Turn on !he o%era!ing s-i!ch again.
Page 1.' of 221
8ou should defros! /our free6er as needed or -hen ice is 1H.F !hic7. 8ou should ne&er use an/
shar% ins!ru(en!s !o chi% a-a/ a! !he ice. :e reco((end !he follo-ingD
14 Turn dial !o O99.

24 8ou (a/ -ra% fro6en food in ne-s%a%er.
34 Place a %an of *oiled -a!er in free6er and close door 3re%lace as i! ge!s cool4.
.4 Pour ou! e,cess -a!er fro( free6er !ra/ as needed.
"4 :i%e free6er dr/ *efore /ou re0s!oc7 -i!h food.
14 Turn dial !o T" se!!ing
The ou!side air &en! on !he air condi!ioner 3if /our a%ar!(en! is so e;ui%%ed4 should *e in !he
closed %osi!ion !o recei&e (a,i(u( cooling.
The fron! en!rance of !he *uilding is for !he use of indi&iduals en!ering or lea&ing !he *uilding. The
*ac7 en!rance of !he *uilding is for deli&eries and for (o&ing %ossessions and o!her large i!e(s
in!o and ou! of !he *uilding.
I! is !he Cor%ora!ion?s %olic/ no! !o %er(i! an/ sales -or7, collec!ing, solici!ing, gi&ing sa(%les,
dis!ri*u!ing hand *ills or no!ices, circula!ing %e!i!ions, !a7ing %olls, and !he li7e */ an/ %erson
o!her !han a residen! or la-ful occu%an!.
Residen!s should re%or! lea7s or o*s!ruc!ion in !he -as!e %i%es %ro(%!l/.
Residen!s should close all -indo-s -hen necessar/ !o a&oid %ossi*le da(age fro( s!or(s.

Page 1.5 of 221
'et 'olicy 6ample7
Editors !ote" The following policy is one way of addressing pets. #ike all policies, it should vary
with the specifics of the environment in which it is applied. Start with this, and make changes
according to your own development.
'et 'olicy 6ample from Burlington& *T7
9% +eneral Reponibilitie1
e(*ers (a/ 7ee% dogs, ca!s, and con!ained %e!s in !he Co0o% if !he/ follo- !his %olic/.
Con!ained %e!s are a reasona*le ;uan!i!/ of ani(als !ha! are nor(all/ 7e%! in a cage, !an7, or o!her
con!ainer. +,a(%les include fish, *irds, roden!s, e!c.
Pe!s (us! *e of a s%ecies and genus !ha! are co((onl/ and !radi!ionall/ recogni6ed as a
do(es!ica!ed hu(an co(%anion. Pe!s (us! *e a%%ro%ria!e for !he indoor and ou!door s%ace
a&aila*le a! !he Co0o%. The ani(al (us! no! *e one of an endangered s%ecies or o!her-ise under
s%ecial go&ern(en! sur&eillance or con!rol. Ani(als !ha! are e,o!ic, unusual or un7no-n as %e!s
are no! allo-ed. No &eno(ous ani(als are allo-ed in !he co0o%.
If a (e(*er isn?! cer!ain as !o -he!her a %e! is %er(i!!ed or needs !o *e regis!ered -i!h !he Co0o%,
!he (e(*er is res%onsi*le for consul!ing !he Co0o% *efore ac;uiring !he %e!.
Pe! o-ners (us! co(%l/ -i!h all >!a!e and Ci!/ of Burling!on la-s and ordinances go&erning %e!
licensing, &accina!ions, and con!rol. O-ners (us! ha&e %a%ers %ro&ing !ha! !he ani(al sa!isfies all
go&ern(en!al con!rols.
Pe! o-ners (us! sho- res%onsi*le and reasona*le care for !heir %e!s.
Pe!s (us! *e Fregis!eredF -i!h !he Co0o% in accordance -i!h %rocedures es!a*lished */ !he Co0o%
The Ci!/ of Burling!on?s Pe! Ordinance (us! *e follo-ed a! all !i(es 3see *elo-4
No %e!s are %er(i!!ed in Co0o% co((on areas 3laundr/ roo(, (ee!ing roo(, office, hall-a/s4,
e,ce%! !o %ass !hrough

,imit to Number of 'et
A e(*er household (a/ ha&e one dog or one ca!. The Board of Direc!ors -ill consider %e!i!ions
for a second ca! on a case */ case *asis. $o-e&er, under no circu(s!ances (a/ an/ household
ha&e (ore !han one dog or !-o ca!s. The Board re!ains !he righ! !o i(%ose fur!her li(i!s on %e!s as
!he need arises. 39or e,a(%le, !he Board (a/ %u! a (ora!oriu( on ne- %e!s a! an/ !i(e,
regardless if e&er/ household has (e! !he (a,i(u( of one dog or one ca!.4
Approval of 'et
All %e!s (us! *e a%%ro&ed */ !he Board of Direc!ors. The Board of Direc!ors -ill re;uire all
a%%lican!s -i!h %e!s or e(*ers ho%ing !o ge! a %e! !o su*(i! a reference for !heir %e! or (ee!
-i!h a re%resen!a!i&e fro( !he co0o% for a A %e! in!er&ie-X %rior !o final a%%ro&al. The Board
re!ains !he righ! !o reAec! an/ %e! !ha! does no! (ee! !he re;uire(en!s of !his %olic/ or, in !he
BoardVs Audg(en!, (a/ cause %ro%er!/ da(age or a nuisance !o co0o% (e(*ers.
Specific Retriction
Dog Breed1
>!affordshire Terriers 3a.7.a. Pi! Bulls4, Ro!!-eilers, Do*er(an Pincers, -olf0dogs, and o!her
!radi!ionall/ aggressi&e *reeds are no! %er(i!!ed in !he co0o%. An e,ce%!ion (a/ *e gran!ed */ !he
Co0o% Board if !here is a 1))M consensus of all co0o% (e(*ers.
Page 1") of 221
Pu%%ies are re;uired !o ha&e o*edience or cra!e !raining. This is !o (ini(i6e or %re&en! %ro*le(s
li7e noise and %ro%er!/ da(age.
Roden!s 3(ice, ha(s!ers, ra!s, ger*ils, guinea %igs, e!c.4 re;uire Board a%%ro&al. These ani(als
could %resen! fire danger if !he/ ge! loose and che- on elec!rical condui!s.
$ouseholds (a/ no! ha&e (ore !han .) gallons of fish a;uariu(s. This is !o a&oid e,cessi&e
condensa!ion %ro*le(s and -a!er da(ages fro( acciden!s.
Insec! *reeding, research, or %e! *reeding on !he Co0o% grounds is %rohi*i!ed. +,ce%!ions, -i!hin
reason, (a/ *e (ade for unin!en!ional *reeding 3li7e %e! *irds or ger*ils4.
Condition of Animal
All dogs and ca!s (us! *e s%a/ed or neu!ered according !o !he follo-ing char!D
s%a/ fe(ales */ 1 (on!hs old s%a/ fe(ales */ 1 (on!hs old
neu!er (ales */ 1 (on!hs old neu!er (ales */ 5 (on!hs old

Certificate from (umane Society
A cer!ifica!e fro( !he $u(ane >ocie!/ or a &e!erinarian !ha! %ro&es !ha! !he %e! has *een s%a/ed or
neu!ered (us! *e filed -i!h !he Co0o% -hen !he %e! is regis!ered -i!h !he Co0o%, or -i!hin one
(on!h of !he %e! !urning !he re;uired age. +,ce%!ions (a/ *e gran!ed */ !he Co0o% Board -hich
-ai&e or dela/ !hese re;uire(en!s. An e,ce%!ion re;uires a -ri!!en s!a!e(en! fro( a &e! indica!ing
!ha! !he ani(al should no! *e s%a/ed or neu!ered.
e(*ers (us! clean u% af!er !heir %e!s 3s!oo% and scoo%4. e(*ers (us! re%air an/ da(age a
(e(*er?s %ersonal %ro%er!/ and !o Co0o% %ro%er!/ caused */ !heir %e!s. e(*ers (us! con!rol
!heir %e!s !o %re&en! an/ chronic *ar7ingHho-ling or o!her noise !ha! dis!ur*s o!her (e(*ers.
Ani(als (us! *e con!ained !o !he o-ner?s uni!. Dogs (us! *e leashed a! all !i(es -hen %assing
!hrough co0o% co((on areas 3lo**/, hall-a/s, e!c.4.

City of Burlington 'et Ordinance
According !o !he Burling!on Ci!/ Pe! Ordinance, , i! is illegal for an/ dogD
!o *e unlicensed, !o *e re%ea!edl/ a! large, !o a!!ac7 o!her ani(als, !o a!!ac7 %eo%le, !o chase
&ehicles, !o da(age %ri&a!e or %u*lic %ro%er!/, !o defeca!e off !he %re(ises of !he ani(alsV o-ner
and !he o-ner in con!rol of !he dog fails !o re(o&e such de%osi!s, !o *ar7, -hine, ho-l, or cr/ in
an e,cessi&e, con!inuous or un!i(el/ fashion so as !o dis!ur* !he %eace, !o run a! large,
uncon!rolled or unleashed. Dog o-ners &iola!ing !hese ordinances (a/ *e fined */ !he ci!/ of
Burling!on I"). To re!rie&e a dog fro( !he %ound cos!s I2" for 1s! offense, I") for 2nd offense,
and I#" for 3rd offense. Poo%er scoo%ers or dog de%osi! *ags are re;uired in all ou!door %u*lic
s%aces in Burling!on. Please res%ec! s!ree!s, occu%an!s, es%eciall/ children.
Page 1"1 of 221
'romoting your Cooperative
'romoting .our Cooperative
To Current and /uture Member
an/ of us ha&e -an!ed !o -ri!e so(e!hing !o %ro(o!e !he coo%era!i&e *u! ha&e *een a! a
co(%le!e loss as !o ho- !o s!ar!. Lno-ing -ha! is !he *es! -a/ !o ge! !ha! infor(a!ion !o /our
audience is &i!al in !oda/Bs infor(a!ion -orld. :e -ill in!roduce /ou !o a &arie!/ of
co((unica!ion for(a!s, such as Ne-sle!!ers, Brochures, :e* PageBs, Training (anuals and >lide
sho-s. This is a sa(%le !o hel% /ou ge! s!ar!ed.
'reented By
Ric! Berendon
Mid5et Aociation of (ouing Cooperative
Annual Conference <GG=
:e -ill gi&e /ou an o&er&ie- of !he follo-ingD
>!ra!eg/ !o %ro(o!e /our coo%era!i&e !o %o!en!ial (e(*ers.
>!ra!eg/ !o %ro(o!e /our coo%era!i&e !o ne- (e(*ers.
>!ra!eg/ !o %ro(o!e /our coo%era!i&e !o curren! (e(*ers.
Pro&ide !i%s on *rochures, ne-s le!!ers and :e* %ages.
e(*er re!en!ion
>lide sho-s
o Brochures
o Ne-s le!!ers
o 9l/ers
o :elco(e cards
o :e* Pages
an/ of us ha&e -an!ed !o -ri!e so(e!hing !o %ro(o!e !he coo%era!i&e *u! ha&e *een a! a
co(%le!e loss as !o ho- !o s!ar!. Lno-ing -ha! is !he *es! -a/ !o ge! !ha! infor(a!ion !o /our
audience is &i!al in !oda/Bs infor(a!ion -orld. :e -ill in!roduce /ou !o a &arie!/ of
co((unica!ion for(a!s, such as Ne-sle!!ers, Brochures, :e* %ageBs , Training (anuals and >lide
As a *enefi! !o (/ -or7 sho% a!!endees I include all of !he class hand ou!s I ha&e !augh! o&er !he
/ears. A co%/ of (/ coo%era!i&e -e* %age, A$C -e* %age, Re;ues! for %ro%osals, %ro(o!ional
(a!erial and (uch (ore. an/ %eo%le !ell (e !ha! !he CD is !he *es! !hing !ha! go! fro( !he
conference. 8ou (us! a!!end one of (/ classes !o ge! i!.
On !he CD I ha&e included infor(a!ion for !his class under !he !raining sec!ion under -e*
%ro(o!ing /our coo%era!i&e . I! is *ro7en do-n in se&eral areas, a co%/ of !his (anual, ar!icles and
Page 1"2 of 221
Ar!icles includeD
12 !i%s !o a *e!!er *rochures
$o- good are /our *rochures
Residen! re!en!ion
Road !o residen! re!en!ion
Ti(e and !alen! for(
:e* si!e !i%s
Co%/ righ! infor(a!ion
:elco(e card
And ore
an/ sa(%le i(ages !o ge! /ou s!ar!ed
'romoting Organi3ation
-ell'planned and well'e(ecuted publicity does more than help ensure attendance at meetings. It also
enhances your organi+ations sense of purpose, builds pride, and creates community awareness. :ood
promotion of your organi+ations activities can be one of its best assets.
T!e Bob i t5ofold1
1. To ser&e as a co((unica!ion lin7 -i!h (e(*ers and o!hers in&ol&ed in /our organi6a!ion?s
%rogra(s. Infor( %eo%le of u%co(ing e&en!s, %ro(o!ing i!e(s of in!eres! and %ro&iding
ne-s-or!h/ infor(a!ion.
2. To ser&e as a co((unica!ion lin7 -i!h !he general %u*lic. +,%lain !he o*Aec!i&es of /our grou%
and %lace /our successful %rogra(s and ac!i&i!ies *efore !he %u*lic !o fos!er unders!anding and
Deigning A 'romotion 'lan
There are lo!s of differen! !ools /ou can use !o infor( !he co((uni!/ or %ro(o!e ac!i&i!ies. I!
!a7es research and so(e careful e&alua!ion of !he resul!s !o selec! !he righ! !ool for each (e!hod.
The firs! s!e% is !o de!er(ine -ha! !/%e of %ro(o!ion is re;uired for /our ac!i&i!/. Ongoing e&en!s
such as u%co(ing (ee!ings can usuall/ *e %u*lici6ed */ an announce(en!. >%ecial e&en!s such as
fund0raising, (e(*ershi% dri&es, and co((uni!/ ac!i&i!ies re;uire a *roader range of %u*lici!/
and de(and (ore in!ensi&e !rea!(en!.
Bo!h !/%es re;uire research. A s(all grou% -i!h fe- financial resources should ne&er feel
co(%elled !o orches!ra!e an e,%ensi&e, high0gloss ca(%aign, nor should an organi6a!ion e&er send
ou! (a!erial -hich loo7s as if i! had *een !hro-n !oge!her a! !he las! (inu!e.
9our fac!ors should *e considered in a %ro(o!ion %lanD
/our organi6a!ion?s %u*lici!/ needs
/our organi6a!ion?s calendar
!he %eo%le /ou -an! !o infor(
!he infor(a!ion cen!ers and (edia ou!le!s in /our area
<a!her infor(a!ion a! /our (ee!ings. >elec! infor(a!ion carefull/ */ as7ing -ha! -ill *e of
grea!es! in!eres! !o /our audience. Ans-er !he " :s 0 :hoJ :ha!J :hereJ :henJ :h/J0and
Page 1"3 of 221
$o-J 2oo7 for hu(an in!eres! fac!s !ha! -ill gi&e /our s!or/ an unusual angle. a7e i! s!and ou!
fro( !he res!.
Ongoing ac!i&i!ies are (os! of!en %ro(o!ed */ !he use of announce(en!s. These are usuall/
%u*lici6ed -i!hou! charge in !he co(ing e&en!s sec!ion in ne-s%a%ers, or as a %u*lic ser&ice
announce(en! for radio and !ele&ision. The announce(en!s should *e 7e%! shor! 3.)0") -ords4,
*e !/%e-ri!!en and dou*le s%aced. The con!ac! %erson?s na(e and !ele%hone nu(*er should *e
loca!ed in !he !o% lef!0hand corner. All (a!erial should *e da!ed and sen! in *efore !he (edia
If /ou ha&e de!er(ined !ha! /our e&en! is ne-s-or!h/ enough !o (eri! (ore e,!ensi&e co&erage
3i.e., i! in&ol&es a large nu(*er of !he co((uni!/ and has a lo! of co((uni!/ in!eres!4, !hen /ou
re;uire a %ress release.
Releases should *e sen! !-o -ee7s *efore !he deadline da!e. A follo-0u% %hone call can *e (ade
!o !he edi!or !o fur!her discuss co&erage of !he e&en! or an/ ;ues!ions. :hen (a!erial /ou %ro&ide
is no! %u*lished or *roadcas!ed, %oli!el/ find ou! -h/. This -ill hel% eli(ina!e %ro*le(s in !he
9ull0scale %u*lici!/ doesn?! ha&e !o s!o% a! !he %ress release. Pos!ers, fl/ers and *rochures can *e
%roduced a! lo- cos! and dis!ri*u!ed !hrough local *usinesses, direc! (ail, li*raries, e!c. O!her
ideas could include dis%la/s a! sho%%ing cen!ers, schools, co((uni!/ e&en!s, slide %resen!a!ions, a
s%ea7ers? *ureau, ads on res!auran! %lace(a!s, o!her organi6a!ions? ne-sle!!ers, *anners, and (uch
(ore. Lno- -ha! /our (essage is and -ho !he in!ended audience is. Then decide -hich
!echni;ue or co(*ina!ion of !echni;ues is *es!.
One of !he s!ronges! %ro(o!ional !ools is -ord0of0(ou!h. +&er/one in&ol&ed in /our organi6a!ion
is a %o!en!ial sales%erson. The %ro(o!ion co((i!!ee should ensure !ha! e&er/one is -ell &ersed in
all !he ac!i&i!ies in order !o *e an effec!i&e %ro(o!er.
:a/s !o a!!rac! ne- (e(*ers
Cur* A%%eal
>!udies sho- i! cos! I2") Aus! !o ha&e a %ros%ec! -al7 in !he door. :hen !he/ ge! !here *e sure !o
ca!ch !heir a!!en!ion.
>igns eas/ !o unders!and and read.
:ell (ain!ained and groo(ed landsca%e.
Pain!ing of *uildings, di&ider -alls, and sheds.
>eal coa!ed %ar7ing -i!h lined %ar7ing %laces
+nclosed !rash *ins.
9lo-ers and landsca%e
>igns (us! *e eas/ !o read and gi&e an i(age of !he co((uni!/. Ta7e ad&an!age of *o!h sides of
!he sign. :elco(e !he( !o /our co((uni!/ on !he fron! *u! !han7 !he( for co(ing on !he *ac7 of
!he sign as !he/ lea&e.
Banner and Decorative /lag
>ince *anners are ;uic7 sales (essages, changing flags hel%s highligh! differen! *enefi!s of /our
co((uni!/. Decora!i&e 9lags loo7 %rofessional and fun.
Page 1". of 221
,eaing office and Model
*iual Image
Lee% in (ind -ha! /our %ros%ec!s see in !he firs! 1) seconds -ill effec! ho- !he/ &ie- /our
co((uni!/. $ere are so(e !hings !o (a7e sure !ha! %ros%ec!s ge! !he righ! i(%ression.
+as/ !o read direc!ion on signs 0 %eo%le ha&e !o feel -elco(e and no! confused on -here
!o go.
Clean floors, and -alls.0 ne- car%e!, ne-l/ %ain!ed -alls sho- !ha! /ou !a7e care of
/our uni!s.
Pho!os 0 %ho!os on !he -all of /our co((uni!/ hel% sho- /our %ride in !he co((uni!/
and gi&es a -or( feeling of ho(e.
Clean des7s 0 cleaned unclu!!ered office des7s gi&e !he i(%ression of a organi6ed
Dress !he %ar!. 0 ho- !he s!aff dress re%resen!s !he co((uni!ies iden!i!/.
Po!!ed !rees and %lan!s0 hel% s%ruce u% /our office.
Res!roo( 0 7ee% clean and fresh s(elling, !a7e ad&an!age of !he *ac7 of !he door !o %u!
a (essage !o read on !here -a/ ou!.
Additional item
usic @ usic (a7es %eo%le (ore co(for!a*le. +(%lo/ees -or7 and feel
*e!!er also.
>(ells 0 >!udies sho- !ha! a%%le %ie s(ells close (ore sales ;uic7l/, and
Aas(ine and &anilla s(ells hel% %eo%le rela,.
Bulle!in *oard0 %u! residen! %ic!ures on *ulle!in *oard.
'romotional item for propective member
It has been proven that photos increase response by over K3L
'!oto boo0
A %ho!o *oo7 -i!h %ho!os of !he uni!s.
Pho!os of e&en!s.
Pho!os of %eo%le li&ing in !he co((uni!/.
Brochure of !he highligh!s of /our co((uni!/.
Pho!os of /our co((uni!/.
9loor %lans of !he uni!s.
:i!h Coo%era!i&es -e need !o e,%lain -ha! a coo%era!i&e is.
Page 1"" of 221
Ne5 letter
<i&e a co%/ of !he ne-s le!!er i! is a grea! sales !ool
8eb 'age
:e* si!es allo- %ros%ec!s !o *ro-se for !heir ne- ho(e on !heir o-n !i(e, a! !heir o-n
%ace, and -i!h ou! an/ con!ac! fro( Zsales[ %eo%le.
'ot Card
Al-a/s follo- u% -i!h a !han7 /ou %os!card. If !he/ are unsure i! (a/ hel% change !here (ind if
no! i! -ill hel% !he( re(e(*er /ou in !he fu!ure. 9ollo- u% %os! cards are a %erfec! for (ar7e!ing
/our co((uni!/ since !he/
The/ donB! need !o *e o%en
The/ can *e read easil/.
Are chea%er !o (ail.
>ho- a sincere in!eres! in !he %eo%le -ho ha&e s!o%%ed */.
8ay to Increae Traffic
ar7e! a! high co((u!e areas li7e *us s!o%s, ferr/ !er(inals or !oll *oo!hs. This -or7s
es%eciall/ -ell in (e!ro areas.
Residen! referrals @ I! -or7s and e(*ers are our *es! sales %eo%le.
<o !o local fes!i&als and %ass ou! 9ris*ees -i!h /our %ro%er!/ logoE
os! areas ha&e all !/%es of fes!i&als es%eciall/ in !he 9all or >%ring and !his is an
ine,%ensi&e -a/ !o reach hundreds or (a/*e !housands of %o!en!ial residen!sE I!?s fun and
a grea! -a/ !o ge! /our %ro%er!/ na(e ou! !hereE
Reident retention
9irs! on !he a&erage, i!Bs se&en !i(es (ore e,%ensi&e !o find ne- (e(*ers !han i! is !o
7ee% /our curren! ones.
>econd !he cos! of !he uni! !urn o&er has (an/ non o*&ious cos! associa!ed -i!h
co(%le!ing !he (a7e0read/.
Residen! re!en!ion s!ar!s *efore !he/ e&en (o&e in !o !he co((uni!/.
T!e goal""to ma0e t!e member feel at !ome 5it! t!e co"op%
Do /ou -an! !o 7no- !he secre! !o ha&ing (e(*ers feel !his -a/ and desiring !o s!a/ in !he co0o%
for a life!i(eJ And -ha! if (anage(en! could 7ee% !he co0o% full -i!h a -ai!ing lis! *ecause !he
(e(*ers lo&ed !he -a/ !he co0o% a%%recia!ed !he(J Through !he co(*ined effor!s of
(anage(en!, *oard of direc!ors, si!e s!aff, and coo%era!i&e (e(*ers, i! is eas/ !o de&elo% a
%o-erful, successful residen! re!en!ion %rogra( */ crea!ing securi!/, *uilding co((uni!/, ha&ing
fun, recogni6ing s%ecial occasions, genera!ing in&ol&e(en!, solici!ing feed*ac7, re-arding
%ar!ici%a!ion, and searching for los! (e(*ers.
Page 1"1 of 221
Ne5 member orientation
This is !he %erfec! o%%or!uni!/ !o sell !he co((uni!/. I!Bs no! onl/ a*ou! rules *u! -elco(ing
!he( in!o !he co((uni!/.
Item to ue
=ideo @ !elling !he( a*ou! -ha! a coo%era!i&e is all a*ou!.
Pho!o *oo70 -hen !al7ing a*ou! %ar7ing or (ail *o,es sho- !he( a %ho!o of
-ha! /ou are !al7ing a*ou!.
$andou! @ gi&e !he( a hand ou! of e&er/ !hing /ou Aus! !old !he( for !he( !o
refer *ac7 !o a! a la!!er !i(e.
Nice !o Lno- @ infor(a!ion a*ou! school, sho%%ing, res!auran!s, e!c.
Ne-s le!!er0 gi&e ne- (e(*ers a co%/ of !he curren! ne-s le!!er
Annual re%or! 0 if /ou ha&e an annual re%or! /ou gi&e ou! a! !he annual (ee!ing,
gi&e !he ne- (e(*ers a co%/ of i!.
2ocal *rochures0 ci!/ ne-s le!!ers, %ar7 dis!ric! *rochures, e!c.
Ti(e and !alen! for( 0 in&i!e !he( !o ge! in&ol&ed in !he co((uni!/ !hrough
in&ol&e(en! in co((i!!ees.
Ne5 member follo5 up
8!en t!ey move in
:elco(e card on !he !a*le.
<if! on !a*le of coun!er 0 Dinner on us a! local %i66a %lace, or (o&ie !ic7e!s. This
reall/ (a7es !he( feel -elco(e
Af!er !he/ ha&e *een !here a fe- -ee7s
:elco(e le!!er fro( !he coo%era!i&e.
o&e in sur&e/ @ !his -ill gi&e /ou feed *ac7.
Building Community
Ne-s le!!er 0
Bulle!in *oard0 %u! residen! %ic!ures and infor(a!ion on *ulle!in *oard in !he
clu* house or in !he s-i((ing %ool area.
2aundr/ roo( @ add a *ulle!in *oard -i!h %ho!os and infor(a!ion, 7ee% clean
and fresh loo7ing.
Ac!i&es @ for !he (e(*ers and !he 7ids
The(e @ all /our s!a!ionar/, *usiness cards, ne-sle!!er , and %ro(o!ional
(a!erial should ha&e !he sa(e !he(e and iden!i!/.
Page 1"# of 221
I(%ecca*le and relia*le ser&ice and (ain!enance.
>ur&e/s0 As7, As7, As7 /our (e(*ers for feed*ac7 and i(%le(en! !heir
'romotional item for current member
It has been proven that photos increase response by over K3L
Member communication
Ne-s le!!er
:e* Page
e(*ershi% >ur&e/
>ugges!ion Bo,
Co((uni!/ Bulle!in Board
<eneral (e(*ershi% (ee!ing
>!aff Professionalis(
Ne5 letter
Did /ou 7no- ne-sle!!ers ha&e a .))M higher readershi% !han *rochuresJ
Re(e(*er !o !han7 (e(*ers for an/ and e&er/ reason.
Calendar of e&en!s in !he co((uni!/ and in !o-n.
Lee% (e(*ers u% !o da!e -i!h !hings going on in !he co((uni!/.
+duca!e (e(*ers !o !he coo%era!i&e life s!/le and ad&an!ages.
Ac!i&a!es no!ifica!ion
Bir!hda/s, anni&ersaries, s%ecial a-ards -on.
Go7es and fun i!e(s.
8eb 'age
:e* si!es allo- (e(*ers !o see !he( selfBs and fa(il/ (e(*ers !o see !heir co((uni!/. :e*
%ages can allo- (e(*ers !o con!ac! !he office -i!h (ain!enance re;ues!, or co((en!s
Pho!os of co((uni!/
Pho!os of (e(*ershi%
Infor(a!ion on !he coo%era!i&e ad&an!ages
Page 1"' of 221
$ighligh!s of /our co((uni!/.
9loor %lan of uni!s.
9or( for (ain!enance re;ues!.
+(ail lin7s.
Member!ip /eedbac0
>a!isfac!ion sur&e/
Ne- (e(*er (o&e in sur&e/
o&e ou! (e(*er sur&e/
>ugges!ion *o,
Community information and involvement
Co((uni!/ *ulle!in *oard0 dis%la/ -ere i! is accessi*le !o e&er/one an/ !i(e.
Calendar of u%co(ing e&en!s, no!ices, e!c.
Ac!i&a!es 0 (o&ie nigh!, *ingo, +as!er egg hun!, %o! luc7 dinners, e!c.
Bea!ifica!ion con!es!.
Af!er school %rogra(s
Neigh*or -a!ch %rogra(s
Maintenance re-uet form
In clu*house
In laundr/ roo(
B/ ren! dro% off *o,.
Can *e e(ailed
Can *e fa,ed
Maintenance opportunitie
:hile -e -ere ser&icing /our uni! -e found and fi,ed !he follo-ing i!e(s !ha! need a!!en!ion.
This is !he *es! PR. Tha! /ou can do in /our co((uni!/.
9i, i!e(s -i!h in 2. hrs
2oo7 for o!her (ain!enance i!e(s needed.
2ea&e a card sho-ing /ou -ere !heir and -ha! /ou did.
2ea&e %o%corn, cand/ or o!her gif!s -hen /ou lea&e.
Staff 'rofeionalim
Page 1"5 of 221
9irs! i(%ression of !he co((uni!/
9riendl/ anner
Personal A!!i!ude
Clean A%%earance.
A!!i!ude H Pride
Page 11) of 221
(o5 +ood are your Broc!ureA
Do /ou find /ourself reluc!an! or e&en a !ad a%ologe!ic -hen /ou hand ou! /our co(%an/?s
*rochureJ Are /ou unha%%/ -i!h i!, *u! no! sure -h/J If so, chances are /ou need a ne- *rochure.
Bu! *efore /ou lea% in!o !ha! %roAec!, consider so(e of !he %oin!s !ha! follo-. A li!!le !hough! and
%lanning no- -ill go a long -a/ in !he crea!ion of a *rochure -hich *o!h %roAec!s /our cor%ora!e
iden!i!/ and i(age %osi!i&el/ and is a *rochure of -hich /ou can *e %roud.
8!y Do .ou )ven Need a Broc!ureA
9irs! and fore(os!, a *rochure is Aus! as i(%or!an! and *asic a !ool as /our *usiness card. $o-e&er,
-here /our *usiness card si(%l/ in!roduces /ou as an indi&idual, /our co(%an/ *rochure
in!roduces /our en!ire co(%an/. I! is li7e an e,ecu!i&e su((ar/ of /our o%era!ion and offerings. I!
is an i(%or!an! (ar7e!ing and sales !ool, one in -hich /ou can do a li!!le *ragging and
sha(elessl/ %resen! /our creden!ials in !he (os! fa&ora*le ligh!. I! is /our o%%or!uni!/ !o crea!e a
las!ing i(%ression. a7e sure !ha! i! is a good one.
A +ood Broc!ure
Is essen!ial !o !he success of /our *usiness. I! (us! *e *rief. I! (us! effec!i&el/ co((unica!e !he
(os! i(%or!an! funda(en!als a*ou! /our *usiness and /our %roduc!s or ser&ices. I! (us!
co((unica!e -i!h, reach and (o&e a %ros%ec!i&e cus!o(er -ho, /ou (us! assu(e, 7no-s no!hing
a*ou! /our co(%an/. Tha! is a !all order.
A +ood Broc!ure
us! lea&e !he reader -i!h !he i(%ression !ha! /ours is a solid, relia*le co(%an/ and !herefore i!s
%roduc!s (us! *e e;uall/ as good, solid and relia*le. I! is a corner s!one in *uilding !rus! -i!h /our
%ros%ec!i&e cus!o(ers. I! (us! lea&e !he reader -an!ing !o learn (ore a*ou! /our co(%an/, *u! no!
necessaril/ !oda/.
A +ood Broc!ure
:ill in!roduce /our co(%an/ and gi&e !he %ros%ec! a &isual feel for -ho /ou are and -ha! /ou do.
I! should func!ion -ell as *o!h a door o%ener *efore a sales call and a re(inder af!er-ards !o
-hich %ros%ec!i&e clien!s (a/ refer. :hile /our *rochure -ill seldo( ac!uall/ ge! /ou a sale, i!
-ill (a7e ge!!ing !he order so (uch easier
A Bad Broc!ure I ,i0e Bad Breat!%
No one -ill !ell /ou -ha! is -rong, *u! !he/ -ill a&oid /ou, or in !his case, /our co(%an/. 8our
*rochure, along -i!h /our %hone nu(*er, -ill si(%l/ go righ! !o !he !rash.
:hen !ha! ha%%ens, /ou -ill find /ou ha&e done (ore !han Aus! -as!e /our (one/ and !i(e. 8ou
ha&e !urned a %ros%ec! in!o a %er(anen! no sale -i!hou! e&en ge!!ing a chance !o ge! in !he door. If
/ou sa&ed a fe- hundred dollars on %roducing /our *rochure, -as i! -or!h i!J
A *adl/ done or chea% loo7ing *rochure reflec!s *adl/ on /ou, /our co(%an/ and /our %roduc!s.
Do no! scri(%. A co(%an/ -hich econo(i6es on a *rochure (a/ also *e seen as scri(%ing on i!s
.our Broc!ure S!ould Not
A!!e(%! !o *e a co(%rehensi&e !echnical (anual de!ailing all /our %roduc! s%ecs. I! should no! *e
a %rice shee! lis!ing s%ecial sales i!e(s and !he li7e. These are sales shee!s and ha&e co(%le!el/
differen! re;uire(en!s in loo7, design, and %ur%ose.
:hen co(%anies !r/ !o co(*ine !hese func!ions in a one %iece all things to all people *rochure,
!he/ of!en end u% -i!h a confusing, disorgani6ed (ess. 8ou can *e a*solu!el/ cer!ain !ha! if /our
*rochure is difficul! !o read, i! -on?! *e. This could reflec! a confused co(%an/ !o a %ros%ec!.
Re(e(*er L.I.>.>.J
Page 111 of 221
An acce%!a*le co(*ina!ion of *o!h !/%es is of!en seen in a %resen!a!ion folder. One %oc7e! holds
/our cor%ora!e *rochure, !he o!her %oc7e! holds s%ecial deals, sales shee!s, %rice lis!s and !he li7e.
Broc!ure Are Uually Ued In T!ree 8ay1
Initially1 as an in!roduc!or/ (ailer. 8ou (a/ (ass (ail !he *rochure !o sales leads and
follo- u% la!er */ %hone.
Secondarily1 8our *rochure should al-a/s *e used as a lea&e *ehind a! ini!ial sales calls.
+&en -hen /ou ha&e (ailed ou! a co%/ in ad&ance of a (ee!ing, i! is al-a/s a good idea
!o lea&e ano!her co%/ as /ou finish u% /our sales call. I! ser&es as a re(inder !ha! !here is
a solid, res%ec!a*le co(%an/ *ehind !he sales re% -ho Aus! lef!. And i! cer!ainl/ ne&er
hur!s !o ha&e se&eral co%ies of /our *rochure circula!ing in /our %ros%ec!?s office3s4.
T!irdly1 A cor%ora!e *rochure is essen!ial !o fulfill re;ues!s fro( %o!en!ial clien!s for
li!era!ure, ei!her in res%onse !o an ad or a %hone en;uir/.
Ne5letter1 T!ing to Conider1
1. Do /ou -an! !o read /our ne-sle!!erJ

2. <i&e /our ne-sle!!er !o so(e friends ou!side !he indus!r/. :ha! do !he/ !hin7 of
3. :ha! do /ou -an! !o -ri!e a*ou!J

.. Do /ou educa!e /our residen!s on ha%%enings around !he co((uni!/J Or do /ou
include rules and regula!ionsJ
%ducating is#
F:e are in !he %rocess of i(%ro&ing !he %ool dec7E :e are adding (ore s%ace for
(ore lounge chairs !o acco((oda!e /ou and /our gues!s. The i(%ro&e(en! is
scheduled for co(%le!ion in !he ne,! (on!h. Please do no! %ar7 in fron! of !he
%ool area so !he -or7ers can ha&e eas/ access and can co(%le!e !he Ao* (ore
-)ules are4
F:e are reno&a!ing !he %ool dec7 so s!a/ a-a/ !o a&oid *eing hur!. Do no! %ar7 in
!he %ar7ing s%aces in fron! of !he %ool !o (a7e roo( for !he ser&ice &ehicles.
Than7 /ou.F
". Are t!ere any proBect& ervice or ne5 t!ing in t!e community to 0eep
reident updated onA
If /ou !hin7 a %roAec! -ill !a7e !-o -ee7s !o co(%le!e, !ell residen!s i! -ill !a7e
!hree -ee7s. Tha! -a/ if an/ unforeseen circu(s!ances arise, /ou -on?! ha&e
residen!s co(%laining af!er !-o -ee7s and a da/.
1. Do you provide reident 5it! 5ay to improve t!eir live& live !ealt!ier&
ma0e more moneyA
#. Do your reident 0no5 every ervice you !ave to offerA
'. Do you include a reident tetimonial eac! mont!A
5. Do you include a letter from t!e preident or manager eac! mont!A
1). Relevant article%%%
:ha! is !he a&erage age grou% of /our residen!sJ
Page 112 of 221
:ha! %u*lica!ions do !he/ readJ
Page 113 of 221
11. 8!at ubBect do your reident 5ant to read aboutA A0 t!em 5!ic! of
t!ee topic t!ey 5ould li0e to read about%
>ugges!ed !o%ics
0hel%ful :e* si!es
residen! %ic!ures 3ne- *a*ies, (arriages, %ro(o!ions, re!ire(en!s4
0funn/ car!oons or carica!ures
0solu!ions !o co((on (ain!enance %ro*le(s
0hard ne-s
0ne- de&elo%(en! -i!hin a !en0(ile radius
0-ha!?s ha%%ening in !he co((uni!/ in calendar for(
0s!age, !hea!er, concer! schedules and re&ie-s
0res!auran! re&ie-s
0residen! concerns
0educa!ional infor(a!ion 3!o% !en lis!s, *oo7 re&ie-s, !i%s for success4
0-ord or Ao7e a (on!h
0in&es!(en! or s!oc7 infor(a!ion
0ho- !o ge! s!ains ou! of an/!hing
0ins%ira!ional ;uo!es or s%eeches
0%ersonal and *usiness
0fashion do?s and don?!s
0follo- u% on ho- (uch food -as collec!ed during !he food dri&e
0con!es!s and dra-ings
0(ore %ar!ies and e&en!s on0si!e0
0co((uni!/ college infor(a!ion
0&o!ing loca!ions.
9G% It nice to put omet!ing li0e&
1. Co((uni!/ Ne-s. 9or curren! and fu!ure residen!s of Cu(*erland
<reen Coo%era!i&e and !heir gues!s under !he ne-sle!!er s !i!le.
99% 'ut t!e !eavy tuff firt& t!en t!e lig!ter material to5ard t!e end%
9<% 8!at t!e S9 concern of your reident rig!t no5A
1. 3:ha! ha&e /ou go!!en !he (os! %hone calls or co(%lain!s a*ou!J4 Can
/ou sol&e or assuage !he %ro*le( in !he ne-sle!!erJ
9=% /or calendar and local event remember to include1
1. 0da!e, 0!i(e, 0%lace, 0cos! of ad(ission 3if an/4 0direc!ions
2. 0%hone nu(*er !o call for (ore infor(a!ion.
9>% (eadline of torie !ould tell reader all t!ey need to 0no5%
1. Don?! *ur/ i(%or!an! infor(a!ion in an ar!icle. os! %eo%le don?! read
en!ire s!ories. If /ou are reading !his, !han7s for s!ic7ing -i!h (eE
9?% Can a local reporter contribute articleA
9C% I t!ere a reident 5!o 5rite 5ell t!at 5ould enBoy reearc!ing topicA
Page 11. of 221
9D% Remember to t!an0 reident for AN. and )*)R. reaon%
FThan7s !o residen! Goe >(i!h for hel%ing us sho&el !he (oun!ains of sno- during !he
*li66ard. Goe gi&es (eaning !o !he -ords !rue neigh*or.F
F>%ecial !han7s !o our neigh*or rs. Conro/ for sharing her delicious %u(%7in *read
-i!h us. :e lo&ed e&er/ *i!eEF
8eb Site Tip
9% Too Many +rap!ic On .our SiteA
8ou donB! -an! !o lose /our audience *efore !he firs! i(age a%%ears. 8ou lose a*ou! 1DB
of /our &isi!ors if I! !a7es (ore !han ' seconds for /our si!e !o a%%ear. <rea! headlines
and sales !e,! sell /our co((uni!/.
<% Deign It /rom .our CutomerM 'oint Of *ie5
As7 curren! residen!s and surfers -ho s!o% */ /our si!e -ha! else should *e included and
-ha! infor(a!ion can *e eli(ina!ed. >!rea(line !he %rocess and /ouBll ha&e surfers -ho
-ill s!ic7 -i!h /our si!e.
=% 'rovide )ay ,in0 To MaBor Area Of T!e Site
!o sa&e /our surfer !i(e. 9or su%er surfing ease, se! u% !he $T2 code !o %ro&ide ZA2T[
!e,! !ags for lin7 *u!!ons !ha! dis%la/ -hile !he gra%hics are loading.
>% +ive Somet!ing /ree /or *iiting
Than7 !he surfer for &isi!ing -i!h a free *rochure of (o&ing !i%s, cou%on for lunch in
/our neigh*orhood. discoun!s for (o&ing co(%anies. on line gif! cer!ifica!es. e!c.
?% C!ange T!e Information Often
Lee% !he *asic si!e !he sa(e *u! cons!an!l/ u%da!e i! !o 7ee% surfers in!eres!ed. >!udies
sho- residen!s *egin loo7ing for ne- %laces !o li&e as earl/ as 1") da/s ou!. 8our surfer
(a/ &isi! /our si!e for (on!hs *efore co(ing !o &isi! /ou in %erson. Things !o u%da!eE
ro!a!eD Residen! !es!i(onials, (o&e in s%ecials. u%da!es on ne- a(eni!ies or
i(%ro&e(en!s, a calendar of local e&en!s and ac!i&i!ies *o!h on si!e and in !he
co((uni!/, and res!auran!s or %oin!s of in!eres! in /our neigh*orhood.
Succeful Tenant Retention
9% 4eep reident informed about t!emelve%
I!?s s(ar! !o *e a ne-s source a*ou! -ha!?s going on inside our co((uni!/ -i!hou!
a%%earing !o *e a *us/ *od/. Infor( /our residen!s in /our ne-sle!!er of lease rene-als,
ne- residen!s, anni&ersaries, %ro(o!ions, changes in e(%lo/(en!, and an/!hing s%ecial
!ha! ha%%ens !o a residen!. This (a7es e&er/one feel as if !he/ are (e(*ers of a close0
7ni! grou%.
<% Admit mita0e%
If /ou or one of /our s!aff has (ade a (is!a7e, ad(i! i!. No*od/ is %erfec!, and a residen!
doesn?! e,%ec! /ou !o *e righ! all !he !i(e. If /our residen!s (a7e an error, don?! !ell !he(.
No*od/ li7es !o *e re(inded !ha! !he/ ha&e (ade a (is!a7e. Re(e(*er, !he cus!o(er is
al-a/s righ!.
=% Contant contact%
+&en !hough /ou (igh! *e !he -orld?s grea!es! leasing consul!an!, (ain!enance %erson or
(anager, !o !he residen! -ho is %a/ing !he ren! i! of!en co(es do-n !o, F:ha! ha&e /ou
done for (e la!el/JF 9or so(e reason or ano!her, !he ou!0of0sigh!, ou!0of0(ind s/ndro(e
do(ina!es residen!s? (inds. :e ha&e all e,%erienced !he firs! of !he (on!h ren!0%a/ing
!i(e. The office *eco(es !he *ig ser&ice re;ues! cen!er for !he firs! fi&e da/s.
Page 11" of 221
>% More contact%
:hen -as !he las! !i(e /ou %ic7ed u% !he %hone and called a residen! !o find ou! if
e&er/!hing in !heir a%ar!(en! -as o7a/J >e! /ourself a goal of !en residen!s a -ee7, Aus!
!-o calls a da/. 8ou can (a7e con!ac! */ !ele%hone or si(%l/ 7noc7ing on !heir door
-hile /ou are ou! chec7ing on /our (odel or &acan!s.
?% 'eronality%
Al-a/s, al-a/s *e friendl/, cour!eous and 7ind !o residen!s. 8ou are in a sales and
ser&ice *usiness.
C% 'unctuality%
Ne&er, e&er *e la!e for a (ee!ing -i!h a residen!. If /ou are slo%%/ in !his regard, !he
residen! -ill sooner or la!er *e con&inced /ou are slo%%/ in !he -a/ /ou (anage !he
D% Call report%
This !echni;ue has sa&ed (e (ore residen!s !han I can coun!. :hen a residen! de(ands
!o see or s%ea7 !o !he (anager, i!?s generall/ *ecause !he/ ha&e a %ro*le( !ha! hasn?! *een
sol&ed. I!?s i(%era!i&e !ha! /ou -ri!e u% a call re%or! ou!lining !he !hings /ou agreed !o do
for !he residen!. To sho- /ou are on !he *all, *e cer!ain !o gi&e a co%/ !o e&er/one
in&ol&ed or o!her-ise concerned so !he/ are a-are of -ha! ac!ions (us! !a7e %lace. The
ne,! s!e% is !o follo- u% -i!h !he residen! !o (a7e cer!ain e&er/!hing is no- sa!isfac!or/.
I al-a/s %u! !he sa(e residen! on (/ call *ac7 lis! for !-o -ee7s la!er !o (a7e cer!ain
e&er/!hing else is fine. I! is -ell -or!h !he !i(e in&es!ed.
E% 'rogre report%
I sen! !hese *rief li!!le no!ices !o (/ residen!s e&er/ !i(e an/ ac!i&i!/ -as going !o !a7e
%lace. +,a(%lesD %es! con!rol 3change in da!es or co(%an/4, %ain!ing of !he e,!erior,
e,!ended -or7 going on in &acan! uni!s, addi!ion or a ne- ser&ice or a(eni!/, fil!er
changes, uni!0*/0uni! ins%ec!ions, and %ool o%ening and closing.
F% T!ing to do%
I don?! care ho- grea! a (e(or/ /ou ha&e, /ou canno! ho%e !o re(e(*er e&er/ single
!as7 !ha! needs !o *e done in !he da/0!o0da/ (anage(en! of /our %ro%er!/. Lee% a legal
%ad, (a7e /our lis! of !hings !o *e done, cross off !he i!e(s !ha! are co(%le!el/ finished,
and add !o i! dail/. A! !he end of !he da/ !ransfer !he re(aining i!e(s !o a clean %age for
!he ne,! da/.
Page 111 of 221
Sample form
Page 11# of 221
Page 11' of 221
Page 115 of 221
Page 1#) of 221
Page 1#1 of 221
Page 1#2 of 221
Ne5 Neig!bor Move In Nuetionnaire
Than7 /ou for choosing our co((uni!/ !o call ho(eE :e are a! /our ser&ice and are here !o assis!
/ou in an/ -a/ -e can. Please !a7e a fe- (inu!es !o e&alua!e /our firs! i(%ressions. :elco(e
Have you received prompt# courteous and pro"essional service "rom our
2easing >!affJ O 8es O O7a/ O No
anage(en! >!affJ O 8es O O7a/ O No
ain!enance Re%resen!a!i&esJ O 8es O O7a/ O No
Was your apartment properly prepared "or your arrival? O 8es O O7a/ O No

Ho! did you hear about our community?
What !as the M5(* signi"icant reason "or choosing our community?
Con&enience !oD
O :or7 O >chools O Pu*lic Trans%or!a!ion
O >ho%%ing O O!her O >ense of Co((uni!/
$o(eD O >i6e O 2a/ou! O 9ea!ures O Price O O!her
Thank you for your assistanceM 0lease return this form to the %anagement *ffice.
Page 1#3 of 221
Satifaction Survey
:e need /our hel%E Please hel% us i(%ro&e our co((uni!/ */ co(%le!ing !he follo-ing sur&e/.
Gus! hand i! in on !he firs! -hen /ou %a/ /our ren!. 8ou DO NOT need !o include /our na(e.
Than7 /ouE
Outide /actor
Ho! satis"ied are you !ith the "ollo!ing?- Please circle one
anage(en! >!aff su%er sa!isfied sa!isfied neu!ral dissa!isfied
2easing >!aff su%er sa!isfied sa!isfied neu!ral dissa!isfied
ain!enance Personnel su%er sa!isfied sa!isfied neu!ral dissa!isfied
$ouse7ee%ing >!aff su%er sa!isfied sa!isfied neu!ral dissa!isfied
2oca!ion su%er sa!isfied sa!isfied neu!ral dissa!isfied
2andsca%ing su%er sa!isfied sa!isfied neu!ral dissa!isfied
Par7ing su%er sa!isfied sa!isfied neu!ral dissa!isfied
Recrea!ional 9acili!ies su%er sa!isfied sa!isfied neu!ral dissa!isfied
Neigh*ors su%er sa!isfied sa!isfied neu!ral dissa!isfied
Area >ho%%ing su%er sa!isfied sa!isfied neu!ral dissa!isfied
Inide /actor
Ho! satis"ied are you !ith the "ollo!ing? Please circle one
Ren!al =alue su%er sa!isfied sa!isfied neu!ral dissa!isfied
2a/ou! of !he Uni! su%er sa!isfied sa!isfied neu!ral dissa!isfied
>!orage >%ace su%er sa!isfied sa!isfied neu!ral dissa!isfied
2aundr/ 9acili!ies su%er sa!isfied sa!isfied neu!ral dissa!isfied
A%%liances su%er sa!isfied sa!isfied neu!ral dissa!isfied
Have your maintenance re,uests been handled to your satis"action ?
su%er sa!isfied sa!isfied neu!ral dissa!isfied
What do you consider an ade,uate response time "or non-emergency
maintenance service?
:i!hin 2. hours .' hours #2 hours -ee7
Ho! long do you usually !ait be"ore reporting a non-emergency problem?
I call !he sa(e da/ I no!ice i! Usuall/ a fe- da/s
ore !han a -ee7 >o(e!i(e (ore !han a (on!h
Page 1#. of 221
Maintenance 6cont%7
Ho! can !e make the process easier "or you so the problems are reported more
+eneral Information
Many o" our residents re"er "riends to our community Would you?
8es a/*e No
-o you plan to stay !ith us "or a!hile?
one /ear !-o /ears ho%efull/ (ore !han !-o
What do you like most about our communityJ
What do you like least about our communityJ
What additional services !ould you like us to provideJ
I" you could improve one thing# !hat !ould it beJ
5verall your satis"action is
=er/ sa!isfied >o(e-ha! sa!isfied Neu!ral
>o(e-ha! dissa!isfied =er/ dissa!isfied
Co((en!s or sugges!ions
Optional Information
Than7 /ou so (uch for /our hel%E Please re!urn !his sur&e/ !o !he office.
Page 1#" of 221
'urc!aing 'rocedure 6ample7
#hanks to )harlie Maniekis of )ornu Management for this sample policy*
The Pro%er!/ anager -ill recogni6e !ha! !he de!ailed o%era!ing *udge! is !he con!rolling financial
docu(en!. The *udge! %ro&ides !he Pro%er!/ anager -i!h !he au!hori!/ !o %urchase !he su%%lies
and ser&ices i! reflec!s. :e shall -or7 !o su%%or! local *usiness and ser&ice %ro&iders -hene&er
%ossi*le in ligh! of o&erall fiduciar/ res%onsi*ili!ies including B+H:B+ goals.
<enerall/, !he s!e%s in !he %urchasing %rocess are as follo-sD
:e shall follo- good *usiness %rac!ices in o*!aining co(%e!i!i&e %rices !ha! shall include
!he follo-ing (ini(u( s!andardsD
U% !o I1,))) 0 One =er*al Nuo!a!ion

I1,))) 0 I3,))) 0 Three =er*al Nuo!a!ions
I3,))) 0 I1),))) 0 Three :ri!!en Nuo!a!ions
A*o&e I1),))) 0 Three -ri!!en ;uo!a!ions -i!h -ri!!en Board a%%ro&al
The Pro%er!/ anager -ill e,ecu!e a %urchase order au!hori6ing !he
%urchase of su%%lies or ser&ices.

Pac7ing sli%s shall *e chec7ed for each shi%(en! and held in !he
(anage(en! office %ending recei%! of in&oice.
>i!e in&en!or/ shall *e u%0da!ed.
In&oices recei&ed a! !he si!e shall *e a!!ached !o a %ac7ing sli%, cos! accoun!
coded and gi&en !o !he Pro%er!/ anager for re&ie- and a%%ro&al *efore su*(ission !o
!he cen!ral office for %a/(en!. Original in&oices shall *e for-arded !o cen!ral office on a
-ee7l/ *asis. Co%ies of all in&oices are re!ained a! !he si!e in &endor files.
Cen!ral office accoun!s %a/a*le cler7 re&ie-s each in&oice for %ac7ing sli%,
a%%ro%ria!e cos! accoun! coding, and Pro%er!/ anager?s au!hori6a!ion.
Co(%u!eri6ed chec7 runs are e,ecu!ed on !he 1)!h and 2"!h of each (on!h
and chec7s are signed */ !he +,ecu!i&e =ice Presiden!.
Pa/(en! !er(s are !/%icall/ ne! 3) da/s unless o!her-ise s%ecified *e!-een
!he %ar!ies.If %a/(en! canno! *e (ade according !o !he a*o&e cri!eria due !o cash flo-
cons!rain!s, !he Pro%er!/ anager shall *e no!ified for co((unica!ion -i!h &endors.
Page 1#1 of 221
Re-uet for 'ropoal Audit 6Sample7

A. ABC Coo%era!i&e -ill acce%! %ro%osals -i!h >!a!e(en!s of Nualifica!ions fro( Cer!ified
Pu*lic Accoun!ing 9ir(s for !he Coo%era!i&es annual audi! ser&ices for a !hree 334 /ear
con!rac! !er( !o include !he /ears ending Dece(*er 31, 2))2, !hrough Dece(*er 31, 2))..
In!eres!ed fir(s should su*(i! fi&e 3'4 co%ies of !heir %ro%osal in !he for(a! descri*ed *elo-
Gane Doe
An/ To-n, Illinois 1)123
The ini!ial con!rac! %eriod shall *e !ha! of !hree 334 /ears, enco(%assing !hree 334 annual
audi!s in accordance !o !he !er(s and condi!ions -i!hin !hese s%ecifica!ions, con!rac!s and
ABC Coo%era!i&e Procure(en! Polic/.
B. Technical infor(a!ion regarding !he accoun!ing s/s!e( (a/ *e o*!ained fro( r. Gane Doe ,
Residen! anager, 313)4 1230."1#.
C. ABC Coo%era!i&e reser&es !he righ! !o reAec! an/ or all %ro%osals and !o selec! !he fir( -hich in
i!s Audg(en!, *es! (ee!s !he needs of !he Coo%era!i&e. The Coo%era!i&e fur!her reser&es !he
righ! !o !er(ina!e !he con!rac! -i!h %ro%er no!ice.
D. The selec!ion %rocess con!e(%la!ed */ !his re;ues! for %ro%osals -ill resul! in !he selec!ion of
a fir( !o audi! The Coo%era!i&e.
+. The Audi! -or7ing %a%ers shall *e re!ained */ !he Audi!or for fi&e /ears. The -or7ing %a%ers
shall *e (ade a&aila*le !o !he Coo%era!i&e should !he need arise during !ha! !i(e.
A !he o%Lective of the audit is to provide an opinion on the 8nancial
statements ta3en as a whole !he audit must meet accounting policies in
accordance with 4overnment Auditing 0tandards" the Dllinois 'ousing
Oevelopment Authority )inancial +eporting and Audit 4uidelines of
&ortgagors of &ultifamily 'ousing Oevelopments and the consolidated
Audit 4uide for Audits of '?O ;rograms issues %y the ? 0 Oepartment of
'ousing and ?r%an Oevelopment
B !he audit will %e a 8nancial and program compliance audit with a report on
the CooperativeBs internal control over 8nancial reporting and on test of
itBs compliance with certain provisions of laws" regulations" contracts and
C !he audit 8eldwor3 should %e completed %y Panuary 31
of each year !he
statements must %e ready for pu%lication %y )e%ruary $@
of the calendar
year following the audit year
D. The e,a(ina!ion of !he Coo%era!i&e?s financial records (us! *e (ade in accordance -i!h
generall/ acce%!ed accoun!ing %rinci%les 3<AAP4, and go&ern(en!al audi!ing s!andards.
Page 1## of 221
+. Acco(%an/ing !he financial s!a!e(en!s, !he Audi!or -ill su*(i! a anage(en! 2e!!er of
Co((en!s and Reco((enda!ions, if a%%lica*le, for i(%ro&e(en! of %rogra( and financial
(anage(en! %er !he Audi!or?s o%inion af!er e,a(ining !he Coo%era!i&eBs s/s!e(s.
9. The Audi!or shall su*(i! an audi! re%or! -hich shall co(%l/ -i!h !he a%%lica*le re%or!ing
s!andards. T-en!/ co%ies of each re%or! shall *e (ade. +ach audi! re%or! shall con!ain a! leas!
!he follo-ingD
1.An inde,.
2.The audi!or?s re%or!s onD
a. The annual financial s!a!e(en!s and an/ su%%le(en!ar/ da!a -i!hin !he sco%e of !he
*. The audi!or?s s!ud/ and e&alua!ion of !he en!i!/?s s/s!e( of in!ernal accoun!ing
con!rol and, -here a%%lica*le, %er!inen! o!her con!rol s/s!e(s. The audi!or?s
re%or! shall iden!if/ !hose s/s!e(s es!a*lished, !hose s/s!e(s e&alua!ed, !hose
s/s!e(s no! e&alua!ed and also shall disclose an/ (a!erial con!rol deficiencies
co(ing !o !he audi!or?s a!!en!ion.
c. Co(%liance (a!!ers -hich (a/ ha&e a (a!erial effec! on !he financial s!a!e(en!s
re%or!ed u%on. The audi!or?s re%or! shall include s!a!e(en!s of %osi!i&e
assurance *ased on all i!e(s !es!ed and nega!i&e assurance on i!e(s no! !es!ed.
d. An/ o!her disclosures or e,%ressions of o%inion re;uired */ %re&iousl/ referenced
federal guidelines.
e. Addi!ional ac!i&i!ies, if an/, re;uired !o *e included -i!hin !he sco%e of !he annual
financial audi! and re;uired !o *e included in !he audi! re%or!s.
3. a. s!a!e(en! !ha! !he audi! -as (ade in accordance -i!h generall/ acce%!ed go&ern(en!
audi!ing s!andards as -ell as all a%%lica*le la-s and %ro&isions.
<. An e,i! conference -i!h !he Residen! anager and s!aff -ill *e conduc!ed */ !he audi!or in
charge. A! !he e,i! conference findings and reco((enda!ions regarding co(%liance and
in!ernal con!rol shall *e discussed. The anager or a designee shall ha&e !he o%%or!uni!/ !o
res%ond, orall/ or in -ri!ing, !o !he findings. An/ such -ri!!en res%onses shall *e included in
!he audi! re%or!.
$. The Audi!or shall gi&e a o&er&ie- and ans-ers an/ ;ues!ions a! !he Coo%era!i&es arch Board
of direc!ors (ee!ing.
A. T.') O/ +O*)RNM)NT
The ABC Coo%era!i&e3!he ZCoo%era!i&e[4 -as organi6ed in 15#2 under !he Illinois <eneral
No!09or0Profi! Cor%ora!ion Ac! for !he %ur%ose of %ro&iding housing for %ersons of lo- !o
(odera!e inco(e on a (u!ual o-nershi% *asis, in !he (anner and for !he %ur%oses %ro&ided
in >ec!ion 231 of Ti!le II of !he Na!ional $ousing Ac!, as a(ended. ABC Coo%era!i&eis
loca!ed in >!. Charles, Illinois, and consis!s of 2). housing uni!s.
1. The Coo%era!i&e recei&es a%%ro,i(a!el/ I1,')),))) fro( ren! collec!ion of -hich is
used !o fund !he organi6a!ion. An a&erage of 1 full0!i(e s!aff recei&e *i0-ee7l/
%a/roll. The Coo%era!i&e (ain!ains a%%ro,i(a!el/ 1 chec7ing accoun! and 5
in&es!(en! accoun!s.
2. +,%endi!ures are con!rolled in accordance -i!h -ri!!en %olicies and %rocedures. The
98?)2 o%era!ing *udge! is a%%ro,i(a!el/ I1,')),))). !he Cooperative
Page 1#' of 221
e=pects that its %udget will continue to increase over the
ne=t 8scal years
3 Accounting records consist of an automated general ledger" system
and source documents 1vouchers" deposits" Lournal entries" canceled
chec3s2 located in the Cooperatives )inance Oepartment
: !he %oo3s are normally closed for the 8scal year %y the second wee3
of Panuary as per '?O +egulations
A !he )inance Oepartment 0ta6 will prepare the 4eneral ledger and
0u%sidiary <edger !rial Balances during the audit period Additional
supporting schedules where appropriate will %e prepared to assist the
audit process 0ta6 will %e availa%le to answer Auestions and to locate
documents as needed
B Copy machines will %e made availa%le at no charge" %ut the auditors
will %e e=pected to provide the la%or to ma3e any necessary copies
C Gor3 area is availa%le
O ;rior audit reports and management letters are availa%le for the Auditor
to e=amine Ko maLor audit 8ndings from previous years are open
5 !he +esident &anager will act as the liaison for auditors in arranging
for the delivery of 8les and records and in providing supporting
documentation as needed
Dn order to facilitate the evaluation of the proposals" it is reAuested that
the reAuired information %e arranged in the following format/
1 Oescri%e the e=perience in government audits of each senior and
higher level person assigned to the audit" including years on each Lo%
and their position while on each audit Dndicate the percentage of the
time the senior will %e onNsite
$ Oescri%e the relevant educational %ac3ground of each individual to %e
assigned to the audit !his should include volunteer wor3" seminars
and courses attended within the past three years
3 Oescri%e e=perience of assigned individuals in auditing programs"
activities" and functions funded %y ?0 Oepartment of '?O Dndicate
training and familiarity of sta6 in auditing '?O )unded programs
: Oescri%e any specialiCed s3ills" training" or %ac3ground in pu%lic
8nance %y assigned individuals !his may include participation in 0tate
or Kational professional organiCations" spea3er or instructor roles in
conferences or seminars" or authorship of articles and %oo3s
Page 1#5 of 221
1 0tate whether your audit organiCation is national" regional" or local
Oescri%e the organiCation" siCe" and structure or your 8rm
$ 0tate the address of the local o7ce which will %e conducting the audit
3 A7rm that your audit organiCation is properly licensed for pu%lic
practice as a certi8ed pu%lic accountant or a pu%lic accountant A7rm
that your organiCation meets the independence reAuirements of
0tandards for Audit of 4overnmental organiCations" ;rograms"
Activities and )unctions" pu%lished %y the ?0 4A9 or any su%seAuent
amendments or superseding revisions
: Dndicate the num%er of people %y level within the local o7ce that will
handle the audit Dndicate which other audits this sta6 will %e wor3ing
on concurrently 0tate your policy on noti8cation of changes in 3ey
personnel Also" indicate the overall supervision to %e e=ercised over
the audit team %y the 8rm's management
# ;rovide a list of the local o7ce's current and prior government audit
clients indicating the type1s2 of services performed and the num%er of
years served for each Dndicate your e=perience in auditing entities
which are similar in siCe and comple=ity to BC'A
> Dndicate the local o7ce's e=perience in providing additional services to
government clients %y listing the name of each government" the
type1s2 of services performed" and the year1s2 of engagement
Oescri%e your technical approach to the audit Oescri%e your
understanding of the wor3 to %e performed and indicate time estimates for
the audit

C,I)NT R)/)R)NC)
2is! !he na(es, addresses, and %hone nu(*ers of go&ern(en! audi! clien! references.
Include an/ o!her infor(a!ion -hich (a/ *e hel%ful !o !he >elec!ion Co((i!!ee in e&alua!ing
/our fir(?s ;ualifica!ions, including %eer re&ie-s -i!hin !he %as! !hree /ears and an/
disci%linar/ ac!ion recei&ed -i!hin !he %as! !hree /ears. Also, descri*e an/ regula!or/ ac!ion
!a7en */ an/ o&ersigh! *od/ agains! !he %ro%osing audi! organi6a!ion or local office.

Page 1') of 221
Indica!e /our fee for !his engage(en!.

Page 1'1 of 221
Re-uet for 'ropoal 'roperty Management 6Sample7
A. ABC Coo%era!i&e -ill acce%! %ro%osals -i!h >!a!e(en!s of Nualifica!ions fro( e,%erienced
%ro%er!/ (anage(en! organi6a!ion !o (anage our Coo%era!i&e. ABC Coo%era!i&e is a grou% of
2). !o-nhouse d-elling uni!s on 33 acres. :e offer si, differen! ho(e s!/les. 9ro( a one
*edroo( single s!or/ uni!s !o a !-o s!or/ four *edroo( uni!s. The Coo%era!i&e %ro&ides a R=
s!orage lo!, s-i((ing %ool, clu*house, *as7e!*all cour! and 2 %ar7s for use */ i!s (e(*ers.
In!eres!ed fir(s should su*(i! fi&e 3'4 co%ies of !heir %ro%osal in !he for(a! descri*ed *elo- !oD
Gane Doe
An/ To-n , Illinois 1)1#.
The ini!ial con!rac! %eriod shall *e !ha! of !hree 334 /ears.
B. Technical infor(a!ion regarding !he Coo%era!i&e (a/ *e o*!ained fro( r. Gane Doe ,
Presiden!, $o(e 313)4 1230."1#. :or7 313)4 1230."1#.
C. ABC Coo%era!i&e reser&es !he righ! !o reAec! an/ or all %ro%osals and !o selec! !he fir( -hich in
i!s Audg(en!, *es! (ee!s !he needs of !he Coo%era!i&e. The Coo%era!i&e fur!her reser&es !he
righ! !o !er(ina!e !he con!rac! -i!h %ro%er no!ice.
D. The selec!ion %rocess con!e(%la!ed */ !his re;ues! for %ro%osals -ill resul! in !he selec!ion of
a fir( !o (anage !he Coo%era!i&e.

A. Nuic7 !urno&er of &acan! uni!s !o fa(ilies of a%%ro%ria!e si6e and inco(e.
B. anage(en! -ill -or7 -i!h !he Board of Direc!ors and co((i!!ees in order !o ins!ruc! !he
residen!s on ho- !o con!rol, o%era!e and (anage !his %ro%er!/. This shall include onHoff si!e
!raining, hands on e,%erience and unders!anding of all essen!ial re;uire(en! !o o%era!e !he
C. +nsure !ha! !he Coo%era!i&e is -ell (ain!ained, %ro&ide safe and sani!ar/ condi!ions, (a7e
necessar/ re%airs, res%ond !o !enan! co(%lain!s and arrange for %ro&ision of !he en!ire
Coo%era!i&eBs ser&ices and u!ili!ies.
D. >u%er&ise !he Coo%era!i&eBs e(%lo/ees, o&ersee all %a/roll ser&ices, and order all necessar/
su%%lies, e;ui%(en!, la*or and ser&ices.
+. >e! u% (ar7e!ing %lans and %rocedures for (ain!aining full occu%anc/ and (ain!ain a -ai!ing
9. Bill and collec! ren! fro( residen!s, enforce !er(s of residen!Bs lease and !a7e a%%ro%ria!e legal
<. Perfor( all necessar/ accoun!ing func!ions.
Page 1'2 of 221
$. Pro&ide accura!e and !i(el/ (on!hl/ re%or!s !o Board (e(*ers. If i! is !o !horoughl/ anal/6e
and unders!and !he co0o%Bs financial %osi!ion, !he *oard needs !he follo-ing -ri!!en re%or!s
e&er/ (on!hD
Accoun!s Recei&a*le fro( e(*ers and 9or(er e(*ers
Accoun!s Pa/a*le */ !he Co0o%
Co%/ of Ban7 >!a!e(en! and Reconcilia!ion
=acancies and Collec!ions
o&e0InHo&e0Ou! Re%or!s
2is! of Pre%aid Residen!s
>!a!us of Accoun!s and >chedule of Dis*urse(en!s
Cash flo- re%or!.
Delin;uencies of (e(*ers
Co%/ of -ai!ing lis!
2is!ing of all con!rac!s and e,%ira!ion da!es
Coo%era!i&e re;uire(en! due da!es for !he /ear
on!hl/ (ain!enance and %re&en!i&e (ain!enance re%or!.
Re%or! of all curren! and %ending legal (a!!ers

I. Pro&ide a de!ailed %rogra( for %re&en!i&e and e(ergenc/ (ain!enance and re%air, including
regular ins%ec!ion of d-elling uni!s, schedule for %ain!ing and redecora!ing, and in&en!or/
and ser&icing of a%%liances and e;ui%(en!
G. ain!ain accura!e records and (ee!ing $UD C ID$A re;uire(en!s, including %rocedures for
(on!hl/ re%or!ing re;uired for s%ecial %rogra(s, such as ren! su%%le(en! or in!eres! reduc!ion
L. Pro&ide accura!e and !i(el/ re%or!s !o !he (e(*ers. This is !o include !he %u*lica!ion of !he
(on!hl/ Coo%era!i&e ne-s le!!er and !he re%or! for !he annual (ee!ing.
2. ain!ain good !enan! rela!ions and (ee! -i!h !enan!s as needed.
. Pre%are and o&er see !he *udge! for !he coo%era!i&e. A narra!i&e of each line i!e( should *e
included -i!h !he *udge!. Re%or! . !i(es a /ear !o !he Board of Direc!ors as !o -he!her or no!
!here -as a &ariance in line -i!h !he *udge! and -h/.
ABC Coo%era!i&e has !ried !o (a7e !his su*(ission as *rief as %ossi*le -hile s!ill collec!ing
sufficien! infor(a!ion !o ascer!ain !he e,%erience and ca%a*ili!ies of /our fir(. :e are also as7ing
for so(e sa(%le re%or!s for %ro%er!ies si(ilar !o ABC Coo%era!i&e.
The uni;ue na!ure of ABC Coo%era!i&e re;uires seasoned (anage(en! s7ills. Therefore, -e are
re;uiring !he follo-ing fir( e,%erience and %rofessional cer!ifica!ions. >u*(i! as a!!ach(en! 1.
9ir(s failing !o (e! an/ one of !he follo-ing re;uire(en!s or (ini(u( eligi*ili!/ cri!eria -ill *e
reAec!ed -i!h ou! fur!her e&alua!ionD
Page 1'3 of 221
The %ro%osal (us! include all re;uired infor(a!ion re;ues!ed in
!his sec!ion of !he R9P.
A (ini(u( of !en 31)4 /ears e,%erience (anaging a (ini(u( of 1") uni!s of
lo- inco(e housing */ a! leas! one fir( %rinci%al.
A (ini(u( of fi&e 3"4 /ears e,%erience in (anaging Coo%era!i&eBs and sec!ion
231 %ro%er!ies and %re%aring annual !a, credi! recer!ifica!ion fillings -i!h ID$A and
Cer!ified Pro%er!/ anage(en! earned */ indi&idual -i!h direc! res%onsi*ili!/
for !he (anage(en! of ABC Coo%era!i&e. Addi!ional s!aff and %rinci%alBs
cer!ifica!ions -ill *e considered.
2is! of %ro%er!ies curren!l/ (anaged and %ro%er!ies (anaged a! an/ !i(e during !he %as! !hree
/ears. If !here -as a %ro%er!/ !ha! is or -as %ro*le(a!ic, do no! e,clude i!. Please %ro&ide a
foo!no!e e,%laining !he %ro*le( and ho- i! -as resol&ed. Pro&ide !he follo-ing infor(a!ion
for each %ro%er!/D 2a*el !his a!!ach(en! as A!!ach(en! 2
Pro&ide !he address of !he %ro%er!/ and !he %roAec! na(e if a%%lica*le.
Descri*e !he loca!ion of !he %roAec! including !he na(e of !he neigh*orhood 3if i! has
one4, !he sec!ion of !o-n or !he Co((uni!/ Board.
Indica!e !he nu(*er of *uildings and ho- (an/ se%ara!e s!ruc!ures are in&ol&ed in
!he %roAec!.
The !o!al nu(*er of uni!s in !he %roAec!.
2is! all cons!ruc!ion de!ails including !he nu(*er of s!ories, !/%e of s!ruc!ure and
-he!her i! is Ne- Cons!ruc!ion odera!e Reha* or older +,is!ing $ousing 3e.g. 2
s!or/, garden a%ar!(en!s, cons!ruc!ed 2 /ears ago, e!c.4.
Indica!e !he o-nershi% !/%e such as ren!al, coo%, condo, or sonic co(*ina!ion.
Indica!e /our fir(Bs role as (anager, o-nerH(anager or recei&er of !he %ro%er!/.
Indica!e !he inco(e le&els of !he %roAec! residen!s.
Indica!e an/ go&ern(en! %rogra(s used !o finance cons!ruc!ion 3e.g. 2o- Inco(e
$ousing Ta, Credi!s, ho(e or ren!al su*sidies in %lace, e!c4.
Indica!e !he da!e /our fir( s!ar!ed (anaging !he %ro%er!/ and !he da!e (anage(en!
ended if /our fir( no longer (anages !he %ro%er!/.
Pro&ide !he %ro%er!/ o-ner 3s4 na(e and address.
If a %ro%er!/ is delin;uen! in Real +s!a!e Ta,es, or o!her regular charges 3e.g. -a!er
charges, se-er charges4, %lease %ro&ide an e,%lana!ion in foo!no!e on !he char!.
Co(%le!e and su*(i! /our *id as A!!ach(en! 3. Be sure !o include all fees /ou in!end !o
charge and an/ salaries /ou in!end !o charge !o !he %roAec!. Please no!e !ha! !he %roAec! has a
Page 1'. of 221
li(i!ed inco(e s!rea(. :e are see7ing a fir( !ha! -ill %ro&ide high ;uali!/ (anage(en!
ser&ices -i!hin !he %roAec! *udge!.
A!!ach a anage(en! Plan for o&erseeing our %ro%er!/. 2a*el !his a!!ach(en! as A!!ach(en!
8our Plan should con!ain a co(%rehensi&e and de!ailed descri%!ion of !he %olicies and
%rocedures /our fir( -ill follo- -hile (anaging !he %ro%er!/, including s!aff ;ualifica!ions.
I! is -i!hin !his docu(en! !ha! /ou should de!ail /our fir(Bs a*ili!/ and -illingness !o %ro&ide
direc!ion !o, and su%%or! for, !he %re%ara!ion for residen! (anage(en!. Because !he
anage(en! Plan -ill *e a!!ached !o and, */ reference, (ade a %ar! of !he anage(en!
Agree(en!, i! is su*Aec! !o nego!ia!ion.
The Plan should descri*e !he fir(Bs (anage(en! and (ain!enance s!affing %olicies 3e.g. -ha!
s!aff is on si!e, ho- !he/ are su%er&ised, -ha! re%airs are handled */ fir( s!aff and -ha!
re%airs are con!rac!ed ou!4. The Plan should also descri*e %olicies and %rocedures for &arious
(anage(en! !as7s including residen! selec!ion and screening, residen! orien!a!ion, residen!
cer!ifica!ion and re0cer!ifica!ion, ren! collec!ion and delin;uencies, residen! co(%lain!s,
rou!ine (ain!enance, e(ergencies, securi!/ and !enan! rela!ions.
If !here are %ar!icular %rocesses /ou %ro%ose !o %u! in %lace for our %roAec!, %lease include
!he( as A!!ach(en! .0A.
A!!ach a sa(%le se! of re%or!s for a %roAec! in /our curren! %or!folio !ha! -ould nor(all/ *e
%ro&ided !o o-ners. 2a*el !he re%or! as A!!ach(en! ". If a! all %ossi*le, %lease choose a
%ro%er!/ si(ilar !o !he one descri*ed in !his R.9P.
A!!ach !he (os! recen! audi!ed financial re%or! a&aila*le for /our fir(. 2a*el !he re%or! as
A!!ach(en! 1.
Include an/ o!her infor(a!ion -hich (a/ *e hel%ful !o !he >elec!ion Co((i!!ee in e&alua!ing
/our fir(?s ;ualifica!ions, including %eer re&ie-s -i!hin !he %as! !hree /ears and an/
Page 1'" of 221
disci%linar/ ac!ion recei&ed -i!hin !he %as! !hree /ears. Also, descri*e an/ regula!or/ ac!ion
!a7en */ an/ o&ersigh! *od/ agains! !he organi6a!ion or local office.
2a*el !his a!!ach(en! as A!!ach(en! #.
During !he !hree -ee7s follo-ing !he su*(ission of %ro%osals, -e -ill re&ie- !he docu(en!s
su*(i!!ed, call references and o!hers -ho ha&e -or7ed -i!h /our fir(, &isi! si!es in /our
curren! %or!folio, &isi! (anage(en! offices !o &ie- s!aff and s/s!e(s in o%era!ions and discuss
%or!folios and a%%roaches !o (anage(en! -i!h /our fir(Bs s!aff and %rinci%als.
I! is our in!en!ion !o selec! !he fir( !ha! %resen!s !he *es! co(*ina!ion of e,%erience, ca%aci!/,
sensi!i&i!/ !o !he needs of our coo%era!i&e.
' co%ies of /our %ro%osal and all a!!ach(en!s and e,hi*i!s (us! *e recei&ed */ close of
*usiness on 9rida/, >e%!e(*er ., 2))2 */ Gane Doe, Presiden! ABC Coo%era!i&e.
>end all %ro%osals !o (/ %erson (ailing address and no! !he coo%era!i&es address.
Gane Doe
123 >!ree!
An/ To-n , Illinois 1)1#.
If /ou re;uire a guided !our of ABC Coo%era!i&e %lease con!ac! Gane Doe . $o(e 313)4 1230
."1# :or7 313)4 1230."1#
The co((i!!ee ho%es !o co(%le!e !he re&ie- and e&alua!ion %rocess of R9PBs */ our
>e%!e(*er 5, 2))2 *oard (ee!ing.
:e -ill schedule a %resen!a!ion in fron! of !he -hole *oard of direc!ors in >e%!e(*er of all
;ualified fir(s s!ill *eing re&ie-ed. :e -ill *egin con!rac! nego!ia!ions shor!l/ !hereaf!er and
ha&e a !en!a!i&e (anage(en! agree(en! */ No&e(*er 11, 2))2 *oard of direc!ors (ee!ing.
anage(en! agree(en! !a7ing effec! in Ganuar/ 2))3.
Page 1'1 of 221
1. Da!e 9ir( -as es!a*lished.SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
2. >i6e of %or!folio and dura!ion of (anage(en!.
Nu(*er of *uildingsHuni!s fir( curren!l/ (anages.SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
Nu(*er of *uildingsHuni!s fir( has (anaged for (ore !han 3 /ears.SSSSSSSSSSSS
3. Na(es and addresses of Princi%als also include %osi!ion and leng!h of !i(e -i!h fir(D
.. +,%erience (anaging go&ern(en!all/ assis!ed housing %ar!icularl/ %roAec!s financed -i!h 2o- Inco(e
housing Ta, Credi!s, sec!ion 231, $O+, local go&ern(en! financing %ar!icular !o !he area e!c.
>u((ari6e in one or !-o sen!ences. Do no! lis! addresses here. Include !he( on anage(en!
+,%erience 2is!ing.
". +,%erience (anaging %roAec!s -i!h lo-H(odera!e inco(e residen!s, %ar!icularl/ residen!s recei&ing
>ec!ion 231 Ren!al >u*sidies and or on Pu*lic Assis!ance. >u((ari6e in one or !-o sen!ences. Do no! lis!
addresses here. Include !he( on anage(en! +,%erience 2is!ing.
1. Co(%u!er ca%a*ili!ies of fir(. Briefl/ descri*e /our co(%u!er s/s!e( *elo-, includeD hard-are
configura!ion, !he na(e of !he Pro%er!/ (anage(en! sof!-are, 7e/ sof!-are fea!ures, %ar!icularl/ i!s
a*ili!/ !o handle s%ecial needs of su*sidi6ed housing e.g. accoun!ing for ren! %a/(en!s recei&ed so !ha!
residen! and go&ern(en! %or!ions are !rac7ed and re%or!ed se%ara!el/K cer!ifica!ion of residen! inco(es
and fa(il/ co(%osi!ionK lin7ages -i!h $UD co(%liance sof!-are e!c.
Page 1'# of 221
#. >!affing
a. A!!ach resu(es for %rinci%als and 7e/ s!aff.
*. 2is! nu(*er and !i!les or func!ions of indi&iduals or s!aff, indica!e languages
A!!ach Organi6a!ional Char! if one e,is!s.
c. 2is! na(es of s!aff -ho -ill -or7 on !his %roAec! and !heir role on !his %roAec!D
3A!!ached resu(es if no! alread/ %ro&ided as %ar!B of #a a*o&e4
d. If fir( has recen!l/ *een engaged !o (anage addi!ional %roAec!s !ha! are no! reflec!ed in !he
curren! (anage(en! figures a*o&e and on !he (anage(en! +,%erience lis!ing, descri*e !he si6e
of !he ne- %roAec!3s4, (anage(en! s!ar! da!e and -he!her /ou %lan !o hire ne- s!aff for !he
%roAec!3s4 or use e,is!ing s!aff.
'. Na(e, Address, Phone and Occu%a!ion for 3 References
5. Pro&ide an/ addi!ional infor(a!ion /ou !hin7 -ill hel% in!roduce /our fir(. Include *rochures of !he/
Page 1'' of 221
Please *e ad&ised !ha! i! is e,%ec!ed !ha! !he (anage(en! fee of ei!her a %ercen!age of ren! roll or a
fla! dollar a(oun! %er (on!h -ill *e all inclusi&e. $o-e&er, if /ou in!end !o add o!her fees or charge
s!aff !o !he %roAec! o%era!ing *udge!, -e -ould li7e !o 7no- a*ou! !hese i!e(s a! !he ou!se! so !ha!
-e can !a7e !he( In!o accoun! in e&alua!ing /our %ro%osed fee.
S)CTION A% 0 /OR ')RC)NTA+) /)) BID%
>elec! one of !he follo-ing and %rin! on line a*o&eD
ren!s *illed
ren!s collec!ed
gross %o!en!ial ren!
o!her 3descri*e in -ords on line a*o&e4.
S)CTION B%" /OR /,AT /)) BID1
Transac!ion 9ees and +,!ra I!e( ChargesD
If /ou in!end !o charge addi!ional fees for &arious !ransac!ions or for an/ o!her i!e(s, descri*e each
charge *elo- and en!er feeD
If /ou in!end !o e,%ense an/ fir( salaries or %or!ion of salaries !o !he %roAec! *udge! 3o!her !han !hose
-hich are s%ecificall/ included in !he ProAec! Budge! included as A!!ach(en! B !o !he R9P4, %lease
s%ecif/ *elo-D
Ti!le, Annual >alar/, and a(oun! /ou in!end !o charge !o !he %roAec! each (on!h.
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Re&ised arch ", 2))2
Selecting a Manager
B/ Da&id >a!!er!h-ai!e
!ote" The following article is being reprinted from an earlier issue of the :roundbreaker at the request of many
resident 9oards.
One of !he (os! i(%or!an! !as7s in residen! con!rol is selec!ing a res%onsi*le (anage(en! co(%an/ !ha! can -or7
-i!h /ou and (anage /our s%ecific de&elo%(en!. >elec!ing a (anage(en! co(%an/, ho-e&er, is a !i(e0consu(ing
There are !en Ffun0filled s!agesF in !he enchan!ing Aourne/ !o-ards selec!ionD
Defining !he !as7 of !he (anage(en! co(%an/K

Infor(al nego!ia!ions -i!h e,cellen! candida!esK
Issue of Fre;ues!s for %ro%osalsF 3R9P4K
Re&ie- su*(i!!ed (anage(en! %ro%osalsK
Chec7 referencesK
In!er&ie- finalis!sK
>i!e &isi!sK
a7e a selec!ionK
9inal, for(al nego!ia!ionsK
9inal con!rac!.
If /ou are s!ar!ing a ne- de&elo%(en!, !he (anage(en! co(%an/ should *e chosen as soon as %ossi*le. The o%era!ion
of /our de&elo%(en! -ill *e far (ore effec!i&e if !he (anage(en! co(%an/ has a hand in 7e/ decisions. 9ollo-ing is
a s!e%0*/0s!e% guide !o selec!ing a (anage(en! co(%an/.
Define t!e Management Ta01
8ou should !a7e !he !i(e !o define -ha! good (anage(en! (eans for /our %ar!icular de&elo%(en!. +&er/ co(%an/ is
e,%ec!ed !o %erfor( *asic (anage(en! ser&ices such as collec!ions, (ain!enance, rules enforce(en!, e!c., *u! !hese
*asic ser&ices (a/ no! address issues s%ecific !o /our de&elo%(en!. :ha! -ill *e !he role of residen! in&ol&e(en! in
!he o%era!ion of !he de&elo%(en!J :ill !he (anage(en! co(%an/ %ar!ici%a!e in !he social ser&ices of !he
de&elo%(en!J I! is i(%or!an! !ha! /our e,%ec!a!ion of !he (anage(en! co(%an/ *e clear and reasona*le.
Tal0 to a /e5 )#cellent Candidate
>ecuring an infor(al co((i!(en! !o su*(i! a %ro%osal fro( a! leas! a cou%le res%ec!ed co(%anies ensures !ha! /ou
-ill ha&e a! leas! !-o relia*le ;uo!a!ions !o use as a s!andard. Reco((enda!ions a*ou! -hich (anage(en! co(%anies
!o a%%roach can *e o*!ained fro( CDC?s, lenders or o!her de&elo%(en!s. This s!e% of con!ac!ing (anage(en! fir(s
*efore issuing a for(al re;ues! for %ro%osal 3R9P4 can hel% /ou %u! !oge!her !he R9P.
Iuing a Re-uet for 'ropoal 6R/'7
<ood R9P?s are direc!, hones! and co(%le!e. :hile i! is fine !o acce%! a (anage(en! co(%an/?s s!andard li!era!ure, i!
is also i(%or!an! !o as7 s%ecific ;ues!ions !ha! re;uire !hough!ful and uni;ue res%onses. In !he case of a residen!
con!rolled de&elo%(en! !hese ;ues!ions -ill (os! li7el/ concern ho- !he (anage(en! co(%an/ %lans !o e(%o-er
/ou in !he o%era!ion of /our de&elo%(en!.
Board Training Manual
:i!h sa(%le files
A good R9P includesD a defini!ion of !he (anager?s Ao*, a descri%!ion of !he %ro%er!/, a co%/ of !he de&elo%(en!?s
(os! recen! o%era!ing *udge!, a descri%!ion of /our o-nershi% s!ruc!ure, a s!a!e(en! of !he %ro%osed (anage(en! fee,
a due da!e for !he %ro%osal and an o&er&ie- and !i(e!a*le of !he selec!ion %rocess. An effor! should *e (ade !o -idel/
%u*lici6e !he R9P !hrough (edia and housing organi6a!ions. I! is in /our *es! in!eres! !ha! as (an/ co(%anies as
%ossi*le are a-are of /our need for a (anager.
'ropoal Revie5
A good (anage(en! co(%an/ -ill !a7e !he !i(e !o address de!ails !ha! (a/ see( inconse;uen!ial. A co(%an/ una*le
!o address such de!ails in i!s %ro%osal -ill (os! li7el/ *e una*le !o %ro%erl/ (anage /our de&elo%(en!.
A good %ro%osal is ;ui!e long. I! includesD a (anage(en! %lan for !he s%ecific %ro%er!/, a cor%ora!e resu(e, !he na(es
and resu(es of !he s!aff -ho -ill -or7 as si!e and regional (anagers, ans-ers !o !he s%ecific ;ues!ions as7ed in /our
R9P, a lis! of %ro%er!ies curren!l/ under (anage(en! as -ell as co%ies of con!rac!s for !hose %ro%er!ies, references of
all 7inds, a (ar7e!ing s!ra!eg/ -hich is a!!en!i&e !o rele&an! regula!ions, a selec!ion and assign(en! %rocess for ne-
!enan!s, a ren! collec!ion %rocedure, %rocedure for rule enforce(en!, an ins%ec!ion %rogra(, a securi!/ %rogra(, a
de!ailed %rocedure for !he (anage(en! of finances, and a ca%i!al i(%ro&e(en! %rogra(. The re&ie- %rocess is !he
*es! !i(e for /ou !o as7 !he (anage(en! co(%an/ !o (a7e s%ecific changes in i!s nor(al o%era!ing %rac!ices. The
co(%an/ (a/ or (a/ no! *e -illing !o (a7e such changes, *u! i! is *es! !o resol&e concerns *efore !he selec!ion
%rocess con!inues. B/ !he end of !he %ro%osal re&ie- s!age /ou should narro- !he candida!e %ool !o *e!-een 3 !o "
C!ec0ing Reference
Be/ond calling and -ri!ing !o !he references lis!ed */ !he (anage(en! co(%an/, /ou should also con!ac! indi&iduals
-ho (igh! ha&e al!erna!i&e infor(a!ion. As7 a -ide range of ;ues!ions in order !o ge! an o&erall sense of !he
rela!ionshi% *e!-een !he reference %erson and !he (anage(en! co(%an/. +&er/ s!or/ has a! leas! !-o sides. Reser&e
Audg(en! of !he (anager un!il /ou ha&e had !he o%%or!uni!/ !o hear !heir &ersion during !he in!er&ie-.
The o*Aec! is no! !o find a (anage(en! co(%an/ -hich has ne&er had conflic!s -i!h i!s clien!s, *u! one -hich
a%%roaches !hese conflic!s in a res%onsi*le and !ru!hful (anner.
Intervie5 /inalit
In!er&ie-s are generous in !i(e 3one or !-o hours4 in order !o ge! !o 7no- !he co(%an/ re%resen!a!i&es. In!er&ie- no!
onl/ a co(%an/ e,ecu!i&e 3li7e !he Presiden!4 *u! also %ersonnel -ho -ould -or7, da/0!o0da/, on /our de&elo%(en!.
A %osi!i&e in!er0%ersonal rela!ionshi% -i!h !he (anagers is essen!ial !o successful o%era!ion of /our de&elo%(en!. 8ou
should as7 s%ecific ;ues!ions !ha! re;uire de!ailed res%onses, such as Fho- -ould /ou crea!e a ca%i!al i(%ro&e(en!
%rogra(JF or F-ha! are so(e %olicies /ou ha&e found hel%ful in -or7ing -i!h a residen!0con!rolled de&elo%(en!JF
As7ing each co(%an/ !he sa(e ;ues!ions (a7es co(%arison easier.
<ood (anagers (igh! offer o%inions a*ou! s!rong or -ea7 %oin!s in /our (anage(en! %lan or R9P. If %hrased
di%lo(a!icall/, such cri!icis( should *e acce%!ed as a sign !ha! a (anager has e,%erience and is -illing !o a%%roach
/our Ao* -i!h crea!i&e !hin7ing. B/ !he end of !he in!er&ie-s /ou should narro- /our finalis!s !o one or !-o fir(s.
Site *iit
>i!e &isi!s should ideall/ *e co(%le!ed *efore !he in!er&ie- %rocess, *u! &isi!s are &er/ !i(e0consu(ing, es%eciall/ if
/ou ha&e a lo! of finalis!s. If /our finalis!s ha&e *een narro-ed !o one or !-o !hen &isi! !he si!es *efore !he in!er&ie-s.
=isi!s can *e announced and %lanned ahead of !i(e, or (ade -i!hou! no!ice. If announced, !he !our can *e led */ /our
con!ac! fro( !he %ros%ec!i&e co(%an/. >i!e in!er&ie-s should include !i(e -i!h residen!s. 8ou should also *e a-are of
general cleanliness and organi6a!ion.
Ma0e A Selection
Of!en one candida!e has s!ood ou! as !he *es! choice fro( !he *eginning. If each s!age of !he selec!ion %rocess
su%%or!s !his ini!ial in!ui!ion !han !he final selec!ion is eas/. If no!, li&el/ discussion (a/ ensue. If a decision canno! *e
reached, i! is *e!!er !o s!ar! !he %rocess ane- ra!her !han se!!le for a co(%an/ -hich (igh! no! fulfill /our needs.
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/inal Negotiation and 'erformance Standard
If /our dialogue -i!h !he %ros%ec!i&e co(%an/ has *een o%en, !hen !his s!age -ill *e ;ui!e *rief. I! is i(%or!an! !o
ha&e concre!e %erfor(ance s!andards concerning such issues as ren! collec!ion, -or7 orders, ca%i!al and o%era!ing
reser&es, e!c., !o guaran!ee !ha! /ou are a*le (easure !he (anage(en! co(%an/?s %erfor(ance o&er !i(e. Perfor(ance
s!andards are no! a*solu!e, *u! !he/ deser&e a %lace in !he final con!rac!.
Signing A Contract
The con!rac! al-a/s de(ands !ha! !he (anage(en! co(%an/ %erfor( !he *asic (anage(en! ser&ices and !ha! /ou
coo%era!e in all necessar/ -a/s. Be/ond !hese *asic ser&ices !he con!rac! con!ains all !he addi!ional condi!ions !ha!
ha&e *een discussed !hroughou! !he selec!ion %rocess, such as !raining %rogra(s, residen! in&ol&e(en! and
%erfor(ance s!andards. Unless !he circu(s!ances are unusual, !he con!rac! should *e for no longer !han !-o or !hree
/ears -i!h defined cri!eria for !er(ina!ion.
:hile !he (anage(en! co(%an/ ul!i(a!el/ -or7s for /ou, !he selec!ion %rocess %ro&ides !he o%%or!uni!/ !o crea!e a
heal!h/ gi&e0and0!a7e rela!ionshi%. One of !he grea! ele(en!s of residen! con!rol is !ha! /ou co((unica!e direc!l/ -i!h
/our (anager ins!ead of !hrough an a*sen!ee o-ner. Residen! con!rol %ro&ides !he chance !o o&erco(e !he !radi!ional
ad&ersarial a%%roach !o (anage(en! and allo-s /ou and /our ne- (anager !o -or7 !oge!her for a cleaner and safer
%lace !o li&e.
The #ocal Initiative Support &orporations :uide to 0roperty %anagement was an invaluable asset in preparing this
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Se#ual (arament
Editors !ote" The following policy is one way of addressing se(ual harassment. #ike all policies, it should vary with
the specifics of the environment in which it is applied. Start with this, and make changes according to your own
>e,ual harass(en! a! !he Co0o% -ill no! *e !olera!ed. This includes se,ual harass(en! in *o!h !he *usiness and li&ing
en&iron(en!s of !he co0o%. I((edia!e ac!ion shall *e !a7en agains! an/ indi&idual -ho se,uall/ harasses a (e(*er,
gues! or con!rac!ed e(%lo/ee of !he Co0o%.
>e,ual harass(en! is a for( of discri(ina!ion -hich su*Aec!s i!s !arge!s !o un-an!ed se,ual a!!en!ion.
>e,ual harass(en! (a/ *e (anifes!ed */, *u! is no! li(i!ed !o, ac!ions !ha! are !arge!ed a! indi&iduals or disru%!i&e of
!he -or7 or li&ing en&iron(en! such asD Re%ea!ed se, s!ereo!/%ed co((en!s or de%ic!ionsK innuendoK <enerali6ed
resis!ance andHor hos!ili!/ !o-ard %ersons of one se, or se,ual %referenceK >e,uall/ e,%lici! deroga!or/ co((en!s or
re(ar7sK %ro%osi!ionsK sugges!i&e ac!i&i!/ or o!her se,0lin7ed *eha&ior */ %ro(ise of re-ards or !hrea! of %unish(en!K
su*!le %ressure for se,ual ac!i&i!/ 3%h/sicall/ !ouching, %a!!ing, %inching, *rushing agains! ano!herVs *od/, e!c.4K
coercion of se,ual ac!i&i!/ */ !hrea! of %unish(en!K or re!alia!ion for refusal !o co(%l/ -i!h an/ for( of se,ual
The Co0o% does no! condone and -ill no! !olera!e an/ !/%e of se,ual harass(en!. >e,ual harass(en! is a serious lease
&iola!ion under >ec!ion " of !he Pro%rie!ar/ 2ease. An/ residen! of !he Co0o% -ho se,uall/ harasses ano!her residen!,
gues!, or con!rac!ed e(%lo/ee of !he Co0o% -ill *e su*Aec! !o disci%linar/ (easures u% !o and including !er(ina!ion of
e(*ershi% and e&ic!ion. =iola!ions of !he se,ual harass(en! %olic/ */ gues!s of a residen! shall *e considered
&iola!ions of !he Pro%rie!ar/ 2ease */ !he residen!. 8ou are res%onsi*le for /our gues!s? adherence !o all Co0o%
%olicies. =iola!ion of !he se,ual harass(en! %olic/ */ a con!rac!ed e(%lo/ee of !he Co0o% shall *e grounds for
i((edia!e dis(issal.
e(*ers, gues!s, or con!rac!ed e(%lo/ees of !he Co0o% -ho feel !he/ ha&e *een or are *eing se,uall/ harassed
should infor( !he anage(en! Agen! i((edia!el/.
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Sno5 Removal
:as /our *udge! *uried */ sno- re(o&al cos!s las! /earJ 9or (os! Ne- +ngland (ul!i0fa(il/ housing, sno- re(o&al
is !he larges! unpredictable line i!e( in !heir *udge!. There are /ears -hen !here is al(os! no sno- !o re(o&e, and
!hen...!here are /ears !ha! are ou! of con!rol.
One -a/ of (a7ing /our sno- re(o&al cos!s (ore %redic!a*le is *u/ing >no- Re(o&al Insurance. Through !his
insurance, de&elo%(en!s are rei(*ursed for e,%enses incurred in e,cess of !heir deduc!i*le, *ased on recorded
sno-fall da!a fro( -ea!her s!a!ions near !he si!e of !he de&elo%(en!. Purchasing !his insurance, of course, -ill
increase /our cos!s in so(e /ears 3-hen !here is &er/ li!!le sno-4 and decrease /our cos!s in o!her /ears. The *enefi! is
!ha! /our e,%enses -ill *e (ore %redic!a*le. If /ouBre in!eres!ed, s%ea7 !o /our (anage(en! co(%an/, /our insurance
agen!, or call ARC$ for a referral.
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Spending 'olicy 6ample7
+di!or?s No!eD The follo-ing %olic/ is one -a/ of crea!ing a s%ending %olic/. 2i7e all %olicies, i! should &ar/ -i!h !he
s%ecifics of !he en&iron(en! in -hich i! is a%%lied. >!ar! -i!h !his, and (a7e changes according !o /our o-n
Regularly Occurring Operating )#pene
The co0o%?s (anaging agen! is au!hori6ed !o (a7e %a/(en!s fro( !he co0o%?s *an7 accoun!3s4 as necessar/ !o %a/
regularl/ occurring *ills. These *ills include, *u! are no! necessaril/ li(i!ed !o, !he follo-ingD
Co((on area u!ili!ies

Dues !o !he Co0o% 9edera!ion
2ease fee !o Ta, Credi! Par!nershi%
anage(en! fees
Con!rac! (ain!enance and (a!erials
Pro%er!/ !a,es
Trash and sno- re(o&al
:a!er and se-er ser&ice
=acanc/ reser&e
Assu(ing !ha! funds are a&aila*le, !hese *ills (a/ *e %aid -i!hou! an/ fur!her a%%ro&al fro( !he co0o% or !he
Ot!er Operating )#pene
The Treasurer (a/ au!hori6e an/ o!her %a/(en! !ha! falls -i!hin !he *udge! se! */ !he Board.
Maintenance Spending
The Building C <rounds Co((i!!ee 3BC< co((i!!ee4 de!er(ines s%ending fro( all line i!e(s -i!hin !he co0o%Vs
*oard0a%%ro&ed (ain!enance *udge!. This a%%lies onl/ !o i!e(i6ed (ain!enance e,%enses a%%ro&ed */ !he Board as
%ar! of !he annual o%era!ions *udge!.
+,a(%les of !hese line i!e(s areD

Trash re(o&al
>no- re(o&al
Re%airs (a!erial
Re%airs con!rac!
>%rin7ler (ain!enance
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Pain!ing C decora!ing
Uni! !urno&er
All o!her s%ending 3including ca%i!al e,%endi!ures and e,%endi!ures a*o&e !he *oard0a%%ro&ed *udge!4 (us! firs! go !o
!he *oard for a%%ro&al. In !hese cases, !he role of !he BC< co((i!!ee is ad&isor/ onl/.
'ropoal for Maintenance Spending
+,ce%! for On0Call s%ending as descri*ed in !he On0Call %olic/, all %ro%osals for (ain!enance s%ending !o !he BC<
Co((i!!ee (us! *e in -ri!ing using !he co0o%?s a%%ro&ed %ro%osal for(. This a%%lies !o %ro%osals fro( co0o%
e(*ers, co((i!!ees, co((i!!ee (e(*ers, and su%%or!ing s!aff.
)#cept in t!e cae of an emergency 6a determined by t!e BJ+ committee7& t!e BJ+ Committee 5ill not
conider any pending propoal& regardle of merit& unle t!i form i completedQ
To re;ues! !ha! a %ro%osal *e %laced on !he BC< co((i!!ee agenda, !he %ro%osalVs s%onsoring con!ac! %erson should
con!ac! !he BC< co((i!!ee chair %rior !o !he (ee!ing. To ensure !ha! !he co((i!!ee has had sufficien! !i(e !o re&ie-
and consider !he %ro%osal, a co%/ of !he co(%le!ed %ro%osal for( should *e su*(i!!ed !o !he BC< Co((i!!ee
Chair%erson eigh! da/s or (ore *efore !he BC< Co((i!!ee (ee!ing. 3This -ill allo- !he chair%erson !o %os! !he
agenda se&en da/s *efore !he BC< (ee!ing.4 The BC< co((i!!ee (a/ decide !o consider %ro%osals !ha! are recei&ed
less !han eigh! da/s *efore !he (ee!ing.
All changes !o %ro%osals as originall/ su*(i!!ed (us! *e no!ed on !he %ro%osal for( andHor in !he (inu!es of !he
co((i!!ee (ee!ing.
All s%ending */ !he BC< co((i!!ee as -ell as a su((ar/ of On0Call e,%endi!ures (us! *e re%or!ed ;uar!erl/ !o !he
finance co((i!!ee.
)#pene Above or Beyond t!e Budget
An/ significan! changes in !he *udge! (us! *e a%%ro&ed */ !he Board of Direc!ors and !he Ta, Credi! Par!nershi%.
>%ecificall/, !his includes adding line i!e(s or increasing an/ line i!e( a*o&e 11)M.
C!ec0 Re-uet and 'etty Ca! 6Committee Spending7
Co((i!!ees (a/ recommend s%ending !o !he Board of Direc!ors, ho-e&er, !he Board of Direc!ors (us! a%%ro&e all
s%ending. Indi&idual or co((i!!ee s%ending !ha! has no! *een a%%ro&ed */ !he Board may not be reimbursed. Unless
de!er(ined o!her-ise */ !he Board of Direc!ors, Co((i!!ees can s%end fro( !heir Board a%%ro&ed co((i!!ee *udge!
O!her s%ending (us! *e firs! au!hori6ed */ !he Board.
+ach co0o% co((i!!ee shall na(e a con!ac! %erson designa!ed !o *e !he one %erson fro( !ha! co((i!!ee !o *e allo-ed
!o re;ues! chec7s fro( !he Treasurer. No one else (a/ re;ues! chec7s for !ha! co((i!!ee. This s/s!e( -ill *e
(ain!ained */ !he Treasurer.
9or %urchases -i!hin a co((i!!ee?s 9oard approved *udge! 3under !he a%%ro&ed
O%era!ion Budge! line i!e( FBoard and Co((i!!ee >%endingF4, !he Co((i!!ee con!ac! %erson (us! re;ues! a chec7
fro( !he Treasurer. 9or all %urchases, !he con!ac! %erson (us! %resen! !he Treasurer -i!h docu(en!a!ion !ha! !he
co((i!!ee a%%ro&ed !he e,%ense. 3A signed resolu!ion or signed a%%ro&ed (ee!ing (inu!es indica!ing a%%ro&al of !he
e,%ense.4 Recei%!s and docu(en!a!ion !ha! !he co((i!!ee a%%ro&ed !he e,%ense (us! acco(%an/ re;ues!s for
rei(*urse(en!. The !reasurer -ill re%or! !o all co((i!!ees ;uar!erl/ !o le! !he( 7no- !heir Board a%%ro&ed co((i!!ee
*udge! *alance.
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The Par7 Place Co0o% has a %e!!/ cash s/s!e( es!a*lished and (ain!ained */ !he Treasurer. The %e!!/ cash s/s!e( (a/
no! ha&e (ore !han I"). An/ co((i!!ee (e(*er (a/ re;ues! %e!!/ cash for s(all %urchases a%%ro&ed */ !ha!
co((i!!ee. 9or e,%enses under I1), !he co((i!!ee (a/ access (one/ !hrough !he Co0o%Vs %e!!/ cash s/s!e(.
>%ending fro( %e!!/ cash -ill *e deduc!ed fro( !he Co((i!!eeVs re(aining funds. 9or rei(*urse(en!, recei%!s (us!
*e %resen!ed !o !he Treasurer.
Capital )#pene
All ca%i!al e,%enses (us! *e %re0a%%ro&ed */ !he Board of Direc!ors and !he Ta, Credi! Par!nershi%.

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Ta0ing Meeting Minute
Ta7ing (ee!ing (inu!es is no! a gla(orous Ao*, *u! i! doesn?! need !o (ean scri**ling
(adl/ for an en!ire (ee!ing. A! a (ini(u(, (inu!es need !o include !he da!e, -ho is a!
a (ee!ing, !he agenda, an/ resolu!ions !ha! %ass, and an/ !as7s !ha! %eo%le agree !o do
for !he ne,! (ee!ing.
9ollo-ing are !-o sa(%lesD firs! a for( for filling ou! !he *are essen!ials, !hen sa(%le
(inu!es -i!h a li!!le (ore !han !he *are essen!ials.
ee!ing inu!es
Type of %eeting" ;appy <ays 9oard %eeting
inu!es !a7en */D
1. Agenda i!e(D
:ho -ill !a7e res%onsi*ili!/, and -hen !he/ -ill ge! i! done */D

2. Agenda i!e(D
:ho -ill !a7e res%onsi*ili!/, and -hen !he/ -ill ge! i! done */D

3. Agenda i!e(D
:ho -ill !a7e res%onsi*ili!/, and -hen !he/ -ill ge! i! done */D

.. Agenda i!e(D
:ho -ill !a7e res%onsi*ili!/, and -hen !he/ -ill ge! i! done */D

". Agenda i!e(D
:ho -ill !a7e res%onsi*ili!/, and -hen !he/ -ill ge! i! done */D
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A%ril 1, 1555 Board ee!ing inu!es
Disne/ Charac!ers Co0o%
Uncle >crooge?s ansion
Ac!ual (ee!ing !i(eD 12D1) 0 1D")
e(*ers %resen!D ic7e/ ouse, innie ouse, Dais/ Duc7, Donald Duc7, Plu!o, <oof/, Gi((/ Cric7e!, Uncle
>crooge, Tin7er*ell, Du(*o, >lee%/, <ru(%/, Du(%/, >nee6/, Prince Char(ing.
<ues!sD La!ie and +lena fro( !he 9l/nn Co0o%.
e(*ers a*sen!D Pe!er Pan.
Agenda Re&ie-D
Chari!a*le Dona!ions Discussion, 9inance U%da!e, and 9air >hare of Ro/al!ies !a*led !o !he ne,! *oard (ee!ing.
Pe!er Pan is reall/ sic7. >end cards and flo-ers !o Ne&er, Ne&er 2and.
9ol7s in!eres!ed in hel%ing draf! B/la-s changes, !al7 !o Donald Duc7.
:elco(e %ar!/ for ne- (e(*ers on A%ril 1) a! Plu!o?s doghouse.
<oing !o Disne/land Pro%osalD
Presen!ed */ >nee6/.
Clarif/ing infoD $o!el roo(s are free onl/ if -e go as a grou%. Disne/land 3D24 has "M fe-er &isi!ors since !he
Disne/ %ar7 o%ened in 9rance.

aAor discussion %oin!sD +&er/one forgo! D2 af!er -e o%ened in +uro%e. <ood !o do so(e!hing fun as a grou%.
2a!er no! a good !i(e of /ear !o go 00 !oo ho!. <o no- !o !a7e ad&an!age of chea% air fares. :h/ no! Aoin !he
cro-d and chec7 ou! !he 9rench oneJ There are o!her *e!!er -a/s !o su%%or! D2.
Passed -i!h !he a(end(en! FIf -e canno! arrange !he !ri% *efore a/ 2", i! -ill *e canceled.F 1) /es, 2 no, 3
Alladin Cas! e(*ershi% Pro%osalD
Presen!a!ionD Unani(ous &o!e of reco((enda!ion fro( !he e(*ershi% Co((i!!ee.
aAor discussion %oin!sD The (ore !he (errier. The/ (ade grea! fil( 00 -e?d *e %roud !o ha&e !he(E e(*ershi%
Co((. does i! Ao* -ell 00 -e !rus! !he(.
Passed. 1" /es, ) no, ) a*s!en!ions.
e(*er ConcernsD
Are -e ge!!ing a refund !his /earJ 00 for-arded !o 9inance Co((.
Plu!o 00 -or7 ou! !ra&el arrange(en!s !o go !o D2 and re%or! *ac7 a! !he ne,! (ee!ingK
Tin7er*ell 00 !ell Alladin !ha! !heir (e(*ershi% is a%%ro&edK innie ouse 00 %re%are ne,! agenda.
Ne,! ee!ing se! for a/ 1, 1553 a! 2D3) in !he +nchan!ed Cas!le.
Du(*o, D.C.C. Recorder
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Ta#e and Co"op
If /ou?re a co0o% residen!, /ou 7no- !ha! /ou ha&e (an/ of !he sa(e *enefi!s as ho(eo-nersD long !er( housing
securi!/, con!rol o&er /our o-n uni!, s!a*le housing cos!s, e!c. 8ou should also 7no- !ha!, li7e a ho(eo-ner, /ou ha&e
%o!en!ial !a, *enefi!s and lia*ili!ies.
2i7e ho(eo-ners, (an/ co0o% residen!s are eligi*le !o declare so(e of !heir carr/ing cos!s as a deduc!ion on
>chedule A of federal for( 1).). This is %o!en!iall/ a (aAor deduc!ion, *u! i! can onl/ hel% /ou if /ou file a !a, re!urn,
if /ou i!e(i6e /our deduc!ions, and if /our co0o% is !he righ! 7ind of co0o%. >/ndica!ed co0o%s, for e,a(%le, and co0
o%s -i!h su*s!an!ial co((ercial inco(e canno! %ass !his deduc!ion along !o (e(*ers.
On !he o!her side of !he ledger, /ou could also ha&e a ca%i!al gains lia*ili!/ -hen /ou lea&e /our co0o%.
Ca%i!al gains !a,es are !a,es on an asse!?s a%%recia!ion. A ho(eo-ner, for e,a(%le, -ho sells hisHher house for (ore
!han i! -as *ough! for (igh! %a/ ca%i!al gains !a,es on hisHher %rofi!. 2i7e-ise, a co0o% (e(*er -ho sells hisHher
shares for (ore !han !he/ %aid for !he( (igh! ha&e !o %a/ ca%i!al gains !a,es. In ei!her case, of course, !he o-ner
should consul! -i!h a ;ualified %rofessional.
One -a/ !o 7ee% /our ca%i!al gains lia*ili!/ do-n is !o 7ee% !rac7 of !he i(%ro&e(en!s /ou (a7e !o /our uni!,
es%eciall/ if !hese i(%ro&e(en!s increase !he &alue of /our share. The share of /our F%rofi!F !ha! is due !o /our
i(%ro&e(en!s -ould !hen no! *e considered a %rofi! */ !he IR>, and !hus no! *e !a,ed. 9or (ore infor(a!ion on -ha!
!he IR> considers an i(%ro&e(en!, /ou can order %u*lica!ion "3) fro( !he In!ernal Re&enue >er&ice 310'))0TAQ0
9OR4 and loo7 under FAdAus!ed Basis.F
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Undertanding T!e CooperativeI /inance
B/ arlene Dau Presiden! @ Tailor ade
2inda Broc7-a/ Presiden! @ +duca!ional Consul!an!s for $ousing O%%or!uni!ies
The (aAori!/ of !he (aAor decisions a Coo%era!i&e?s Board of Direc!ors -ill (a7e cen!ers on !he
financial %osi!ion of !he Coo%era!i&e.
The financial %osi!ion of !he Coo%era!i&e (us! *e anal/6ed /earl/, (on!hl/ and (a/*e e&en on a dail/
*asis. The gross inco(e of !he Coo%era!i&e is calcula!ed *ased on !he (on!hl/ carr/ing charges !o
indica!e !he a(oun! of inco(e !ha! could *e a&aila*le on an annual *asis. The inco(e is a&aila*le !o !he
Coo%era!i&e decisions (us! *e (ade as !o ho- !he inco(e -ill *es! *e ser&ed.

9inancial %lanning is an i(%or!an! %ar! of !he Board of Direc!or?s decision (a7ing. The %lanning done
for !he finances !oda/ -ill affec! !he Coo%era!i&e far in!o !he fu!ure. These decisions -ill assis! -i!h
fu!ure reser&e %lanning, re%lace(en! %rogra(s and ca%i!al e,%endi!ure %rogra(s.
The financial %lanning %rocess is *es! co(%le!ed !hrough !he use of *udge!s, long0range ca%i!ol
e,%endi!ure %lanning, reser&e %lanning, re&ie-ing (on!hl/ financial s!a!e(en!s, re&ie-ing audi!ed
financial s!a!e(en!s and !a, re!urns and es!a*lishing an unders!anding of !he Cor%ora!ionBs o&erall
9inancial %lanning is a da/0long class in i!self, *u! !he o&erall %lanning !ools -ill *e descri*ed *riefl/ so
!he/ can *e used as resource !ools -hene&er i! is necessar/ .
The /earl/ o%era!ing *udge! considers !he inco(e needed !o co&er all of !he necessar/ e,%endi!ures of
!he coo%era!i&e. Budge!ing is no! an e,ac! science, *u! an Zeduca!ed guessF *ased on his!orical da!a and
%lanned ac!i&i!ies. I! is i(%or!an! !ha! !he Board of Direc!ors -or7s -i!h a *udge! co((i!!ee, -ho
in&es!iga!es all of !he i!e(s, no!ed on !he F-ish lis!F of !he coo%era!i&e and -ill re&ie- reser&e needs for
addi!ions !o reser&es for long0range %lanning in !he fu!ure.
The inco(e %or!ion of !he *udge! is deri&ed */ considering -ha! !he curren! carr/ing charges are and !he
curren! an!ici%a!ed collec!ion of o!her recei%!s. The e,%endi!ure %or!ion of !he *udge! should *e *ased on
his!orical da!a !o include !he las! !hree /ear?s ac!ual o%era!ing his!or/. Infor(a!ion can *e ga!hered fro(
%re&ious *udge!s, audi!ed financial s!a!e(en!s and %re&ious (on!hl/ financial re%or!s, -hich include
annual inco(e and e,%ense re%or!s. $is!orical da!a should *e re&ie-ed and infor(a!ion should *e
ga!hered regarding !he e,%ec!ed increase for each i!e( for !he /ear for -hich /ou are *udge!ing.
Reser&es should *e anal/6ed */ co(%le!ing long0range reser&e %lanning forecas!s !o de!er(ine !he
a(oun! of reser&es curren!l/ *eing funded -ill assis! !he Board in !he fu!ure !o achie&e !he goals as se!
*/ !he Board of Direc!ors.
Mont!ly /inancial Statement
9inancial s!a!e(en!s should *e co(%le!ed on a (on!hl/ *asis !o %ro&ide financial infor(a!ion !o !he
Board of Direc!ors.

The financial re%or! should include a co(%le!e de!ailed re%or! of inco(e recei&ed and e,%enses incurred
!o indica!e !he (on!hl/ %rofi! or loss. The re%or! should also include an accoun!s %a/a*le lis!ing sho-ing
all &endors curren!l/ *eing o-ed (one/K an accoun!s recei&a*le lis!ing -hich lis!s (e(*ers -ho
curren!l/ o-e !he cor%ora!ion (one/K a chec7 regis!er indica!ing all !he chec7s -ri!!en during !he (on!h
and a (on!hl/ cash flo- re%or! indica!ing !he inco(e and e,%enses, as -ell as a *udge! co(%arison
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,ong Range Capital )#penditure 'lanning
The Coo%era!i&e gro-s -i!h age. An increasing nu(*er of large ca%i!al e,%endi!ure %roAec!s -ill *e
needed In order !o 7ee% !he Coo%era!i&e In safe, decen!, and good condi!ion. As !he Board considers !he
ca%i!al e,%endi!ure %rogra(, !he Board (us! , loo7 a! !he sources of inco(e !ha! can *e ca%i!ali6ed on in
order !o co(%le!e !he necessar/ %rogra(s. I! is sugges!ed !ha! !he Board co(%le!es a !en /ear reser&e
forecas!, !o iden!if/ reser&e *alances, !he curren! fundingD !he fu!ure funding, and ho- !he reser&es can
*es! *e used !o *enefi! !he coo%era!i&e.
Audi!ed financial s!a!e(en!s are co(%le!ed */ /our cer!ified %u*lic Accoun! each and e&er/ /ear in
order !o cer!if/ !he (on!hl/ financial re%or!s !ha! are re%or!ed !o /ou */ /our (anage(en! en!i!/.
The audi!ed financial s!a!e(en! -ill de!ail a *alance shee!, inco(e and e,%ense s!a!e(en!, %rofi! and loss
s!a!e(en!, (e(*er?s e;ui!/, and s%ecific infor(a!ion regarding !he financial %osi!ion of /our
The audi! is a &er/ good reference !ool !o unders!and !he financial %osi!ion of /our Cor%ora!ion, and !o
%ro&ide !he Cor%ora!ions Board of Direc!ors -i!h reser&e %roAec!ions and financial %roAec!ions.
8our cer!ified %u*lic Accoun! should re&ie- !he audi!ed financial s!a!e(en!s -i!h /ou on a /earl/ *asis,
and *e a*le !o ans-er an/ ;ues!ions /ou (a/ ha&e as /ou are using /our audi! for a financial !ool.
Overall Corporation /inance
A (on!hl/ re%or! should *e %ro&ided !o !he Board of Direc!ors !ha! indica!es !he o&erall Cor%ora!ion?s
finances on a (on!hl/ *asis, -hich should include reser&e funding, (or!gage escro- funding, (or!gage
%rinci%al *alances, secondar/ financing %roduc! *alances, accoun!s %a/a*le, accoun!s recei&a*le, and
an/ o!her financial *alances.
The (anage(en! en!i!/ should %ro&ide /ou -i!h an ongoing de!ailed re%or! of an/ ca%i!al
e,%endi!ures, .re%lace(en! reser&e i!e(s, or o!her large e,%endi!ure i!e(s !ha! should *e considered.
9inancial %lanning is an i(%or!an! !ool for !he Coo%era!i&es, and for !he Cor%ora!ion as a -hole. 8our
Cer!ified Pu*lic Accoun! is !he *es! resource !o ans-er an/ and all ;ues!ions /ou ha&e regarding /our
Cor%ora!ion?s finances.
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Undertanding T!e Management 'roce Of T!e Cooperative
B/ arlene Dau Presiden! @ Ta/lor ade
2inda Broc7-a/ Presiden! @ +duca!ional Consul!an!s for $ousing O%%or!uni!ies
The Board of Direc!ors of each Coo%era!i&e Cor%ora!ion is res%onsi*le for !he o&erall decision0(a7ing %rocess. The
Board (a/ also o%! !o hire a fee0*ased (anage(en! co(%an/ !o o&ersee !he dail/ (anage(en! o%era!ions. The Board
of Direc!ors (a/ al!erna!i&el/ decide !o hire an indi&idual or indi&iduals -ho -ill -or7 direc!l/ for !he Coo%era!i&e !o
o&ersee !he dail/ (anage(en! o%era!ions, as a self0(anaged Coo%era!i&e Cor%ora!ion.
In ei!her case, !he Board of Direc!ors (us! unders!and !he o&erall (anage(en! %rocess in order !o su%er&ise !heir
(anage(en! en!i!/. The (anage(en! )f !he Coo%era!i&e Cor%ora!ion includes, *u! is no! li(i!ed !o, !he follo-ingD
1. ar7e!ing
2. e(*ershi% sales
3. Collec!ion of housing charges and o!her recei%!s
.. +nforce(en! of !he occu%anc/ agree(en!
". ain!enance and re%air
1. The (anage(en! of e(%lo/ees
#. O&erseeing !he *udge! !o include inco(e and e,%enses
'. Records and re%or!s
5. Nego!ia!ion of con!rac!s, hiring con!rac!ors and ou!side %ar!ies
1). O&erseeing !he on0si!e (anage(en! facili!ies
11. Addi!ional du!ies as assigned */ !he Board of Direc!ors
>ince !he Cor%ora!ionBs asse!s are e,!re(el/ &alua*le, !he (anage(en! )f !ha! asse! is &er/ i(%or!an!. Al!hough !he
Board of Direc!ors (a/ no! *e in&ol&ed in !he da/0!o0cla/ o%era!ions, !he/ (us! unders!and !he sco%e of (anage(en!
and !he (anage(en! %rocess in order !o direc! !he (anage(en! %rocess.
8!at i ManagementA
anage(en! is !he %rocess of Zacco(%lishing %lanned resul!s !hrough %eo%le.[
The Z%lanned resul!s[ are !hose resul!s !ha! ha&e *een iden!ified as goals */ !he Board of Direc!ors. These goals are
iden!ified in !he original Ar!icles of Incor%ora!ion, as -ell as !he B/la-s. O!her goals (a/ ha&e *een iden!ified */ !he
Board of Direc!ors in !he for( of rules and regula!ions. The BoardBs goals and o*Aec!i&es se! !hrough discussions -i!h
!he (e(*ershi% and */ re&ie-ing !he o%era!ions, finances, ca%i!al e,%endi!ure %lans, and !he o&erall Cor%ora!ion as a
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The goals, as iden!ified */ !he Board of Direc!ors, should *e co((unica!ed (anage(en! en!i!/. The (anage(en!
en!i!/ should !hen de!ail !heir (anage(en! (e!hods !o !he Board !hrough a (anage(en! %lan. The (anage(en! %lan
-ill ou!line s%ecific %erfor(ance o*Aec!i&es and de!ail ho- !hese o*Aec!i&es -ill *e achie&ed. The %lan sh)uld also
de!ail ho- !he (anage(en! en!i!/ -ill achie&e !he goals as co((unica!ed */ !he Board of Direc!ors. Ti(e lines,
o%era!ional %rocesses and re%or!ing %rocesses should *e included in !he %lan.
The Board of Direc!ors (us! unders!and !he (anage(en! %rocess so !he/ can -or7 -i!h !he (anage(en! co(%an/ !o
achie&e !he goals se! for!h */ !he Board. The (anage(en! %rocess c/cle includes %lanning, direc!ing and con!rolling.
+ach of !hese %rocesses is de!ailed in !he ou!line. The Board should ha&e a full unders!anding of ho- !he (anage(en!
en!i!/ o%era!es.
8!o i t!e Management )ntityA
The (anage(en! en!i!/ -ill *e res%onsi*le for o&erseeing !he cla/0!o0da/ o%era!ions of !he %ro%er!/. The Board of
Direc!ors has final decision regarding !he (anage(en! of !he %ro%er!/. The Board could choose !o *eco(e self0
(anaged and hire indi&iduals !o o&ersee !he da/0!o0da/ %rocesses. The Board )f Direc!ors !hen *eco(es an e(%lo/er
and ac!s as !he (anage(en! co(%an/ for !he %ro%er!/, !here*/ *eco(ing an ac!i&e (e(*er of !he (anage(en! !ea(.
The Board (a/ choose !o hire an ou!side (anage(en! co(%an/ on a fee *asis. This (anage(en! co(%an/ and !he
Board of Direc!ors -ill en!er in!o a (anage(en! con!rac!.
The (anage(en! Z!ea(,[ -ill *e res%onsi*le for %ro&iding !he lin7 *e!-een !he Board, e(%lo/ees, (e(*erBs
&endors, ou!side agencies and an/ o!her %ar!ies direc!l/ affec!ed */ !he cor%ora!ionBs de&elo%(en!.
The (anage(en! !ea(Bs direc! con!ac! -i!h !hese grou%s affec!sD
1. The co((uni!/Bs re%u!a!ion as a %lace !o li&e.
2. The ;uali!/ of life of !hose -ho li&e -i!hin !he co((uni!/.
3. The ser&ice !he co((uni!/ recei&es fro( !he e(%lo/ees.
.. The &acanc/ and !urno&er ra!e, as -ell as fu!ure (e(*ershi% sales.
". The co((uni!/Bs re%u!a!ion as a %o!en!ial e(%lo/er.
1. The ;uali!/ and s!a*ili!/ )f an e(%lo/eeBs dail/ life.
#. The (anage(en! !ea(Bs re%u!a!ion -i!h &endorsHcon!rac!ors -hich affec!s !he ser&ice recei&ed fro(
'. The o&erall a!!i!ude of !he Board of Direc!ors, (e(*ers and !he co((uni!/ surrounding !he %ro%er!/.
The (anage(en! !ea( se!s an i(%or!an! %receden! in !he o%era!ions of !he cor%ora!ion. The Board of Direc!ors should
de&elo% a s!rong -or7ing 7no-ledge of !he (anage(en! %rocess and (anage(en! en!i!/, and should co((unica!e
successes, %ro*le(s, and o&erall o*Aec!i&es -i!h !he (anage(en! en!i!/.
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Management Contract
If !he Board of Direc!ors chooses !o hire an ou!side (anage(en! co(%an/ !o (anage !he da/0!o0da/ o%era!ions of !he
%ro%er!/, i! is sugges!ed !ha! a (anage(en! con!rac! *e signed */ !he (anage(en! co(%an/ and !he Board of
Direc!ors of !he Coo%era!i&e Cor%ora!ion.
The %ur%ose of !he con!rac! is !o o*!ain (anage(en! ser&ices !he coo%era!i&e needs and desires a! !er(s fa&ora*le and
acce%!a*le !o !he coo%era!i&e. In order !o de!er(ine !he !er(s fa&ora*le and acce%!a*le !o !he Coo%era!i&e
Cor%ora!ion, !he Board (us! firs! de!er(ine !he needs and desires of !he Coo%era!i&e, -ha! !er(s are acce%!a*le and
-he!her !he %referred (anage(en! co(%an/ has !he a*ili!/ and -illingness !o %ro&ide !he ser&ices !he Coo%era!i&e
Cor%ora!ion desires.
The (anage(en! con!rac! addresses a nu(*er of *road areasD
1. Ter(s of an e(%lo/(en! con!rac! *e!-een !he Coo%era!i&e Cor%ora!ion and !he (anage(en! co(%an/,
of !he Coo%era!i&e is hiring an ou!side (anage(en! co(%an/ !o %erfor( (anage(en! ser&ices.
NOT+D If !he Coo%era!i&e chooses !o *eco(e self0(anaged, !he Coo%era!i&e should consider
en!ering in!o e(%lo/(en! con!rac!s -i!h !he e(%lo/ees, i! hires !o (anage !he
2. The (anage(en! con!rac! es!a*lishes an agenc/ rela!ionshi% gi&ing !he (anage(en! agenc/ !he righ! !o
ac! on !he coo%era!i&eBs *ehalf and assu(e o*liga!ions in !he na(e of !he Coo%era!i&e. This %or!ion of
!he con!rac! es!a*lishes a fiduciar/ rela!ionshi% *e!-een !he (anage(en! co(%an/ and !he Coo%era!i&e
3. The (anage(en! con!rac! should s%ell ou! !he righ!s, res%onsi*ili!ies and li(i!a!ions of !he (anage(en!
.. The con!rac! should s!i%ula!e !he (anage(en! co(%an/Bs co(%ensa!ion */ se!!ing fees a! ei!her a
%ercen!age of gross inco(e or a se! (on!hl/ fee.
". The con!rac! should co&er all ;ues!ions !ha! !he Coo%era!i&e Cor%ora!ions -ishes !o ans-er -i!hin !he
T!e BoardM Role in t!e CooperativeM Management
The Board of Direc!ors is ul!i(a!el/ res%onsi*le for !he (anage(en! of !he Coo%era!i&e. The res%onsi*ili!/ has *een
gi&en !o !he Board */ !he (e(*ershi% *od/, and should *e re%or!ed !o !he (e(*ershi% a! !he annual (ee!ing, as -ell
as !hrough ne-sle!!ers and o!her (e!hods.
Because !he Coo%era!i&eBs Board of Direc!ors has !he ul!i(a!e res%onsi*ili!/ for !he (anage(en! of !he Cor%ora!ion,
!he/ should en!er in!o an/ and all agree(en!s af!er careful considera!ion and consul!a!ion -i!h !he cor%ora!ionBs
a!!orne/ and accoun!an!, as -ell as an/ o!her %rofessional affilia!e !he Coo%era!i&e Board of Direc!ors feels could
assis! !he( in !heir decision (a7ing.
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The da/0!o0da/ o%era!ions -ill *e handled */ !he (anage(en! en!i!/ as decided */ !he Board of Direc!ors. The
(anage(en! en!i!/ -ill re%or! !o !he Board as decided !hrough an e(%lo/(en! con!rac! or (anage(en! con!rac!.
The Board (us! in!erac! and co((unica!e -i!h !he (anage(en! en!i!/ so !ha! all goals are (e!, and all %o!en!ial
conflic!s and %ro*le(s are sol&ed. ee!ings -i!h !he %ro%er!/ (anage(en! en!i!/ should *e held on ei!her a A0-ee7l/
or (on!hl/ *asis, so !he Board can feel co(for!a*le -i!h !he direc!ion of !he (anage(en! and can ha&e in%u! in !ha!
The (anage(en! of a Coo%era!i&e Cor%ora!ion is a Z!ea([ effor!. The !ea( (us! -or7 !oge!her in order !o achie&e !he
goals and o*Aec!i&es se! for!h, and ser&e !he co((uni!/ as a -hole.
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8aterbed 'olicy 6ample7
Editors !ote" The following policy is one way of addressing waterbeds. #ike all policies, it should vary with the
specifics of the environment in which it is applied. Start with this, and make changes according to your own
:a!er*eds can cause serious da(age !o *uildings. 9or !his reason, no e(*er (a/ ha&e a -a!er*ed a! !he Co0o%. The
Board (a/ gran! e,ce%!ions !o !his rule for -a!er*eds !ha! (ee! !he follo-ing cri!eriaD :a!er*eds (us! *e of s!andard
co((ercial (anufac!ure and ha&e fla-less liners ins!alled. Ins!alla!ion (us! *e acco(%lished */ a full/
7no-ledgea*le residen! or a %rofessional. :a!er*ed o-ners (us! carr/ ade;ua!e lia*ili!/ insurance for -a!er da(age.
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+loary of Term
" A "
The -a/ a *an7 figures ou! (on!hl/ %a/(en!s on a loan.
Annual Meeting
A (ee!ing legall/ re;uired of all coo%era!i&es for !he (e(*ers of !he coo%era!i&e. A! !he (ee!ing,
(e(*ers (a/ elec! re%resen!a!i&es !o !he co0o%?s Board, hear financial re%or!s, a(end !he co0o%?s
rules, or a!!end !o o!her *usiness.
An official es!i(a!ion of !he &alue of a %ro%er!/.
Resources, %ro%er!ies and %ro%er!/ righ!s o-ned */ an indi&idual or *usiness en!er%rise.
Article of Aociation, or Article of Incorporation
A docu(en! filed -i!h !he s!a!e descri*ing ho- a cor%ora!ion is !o *e organi6ed. A co0o%?s Ar!icles
of Associa!ion -ill also s!a!e !he coo%era!i&e?s li(i!ed e;ui!/ for(ula.

" B "
Balance S!eet
A financial Fsna%sho!F of a cor%ora!ion sho-ing -ha! i! o-ns and -ha! i! o-es.
Blan0et Mortgage
A loan !a7en ou! */ a coo%era!i&e !ha! co&ers all !he *uilding?s de*!.
Board of Director
+lec!ed */ a co0o%?s (e(*ershi%, !he co0o% Board of Direc!ors o&ersees !he co0o%?s o%era!ions and
The rules of !he coo%era!i&e. B/la-s co&er such !o%ics as &o!ing, res%onsi*ili!ies of !he co0o%?s
officers, and o!her usuall/ Fgo&ernanceF issues.

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" C "
Asse!s -hich -ill *e %u! !o long0!er( use. aAor i(%ro&e(en!s or (ain!enance, *u/ing %ro%er!/,
and (aAor a%%liance %urchases are called ca%i!al e,%enses. Borro-ed (one/ for !hese e,%enses
are called ca%i!al loans.
Carrying C!arge
A carr/ing charge is li7e ren!.
The !i(e -hen a FdealF is closed or legall/ co(%le!ed. 9or housing co0o%s, closing is !he !i(e
-hen !he co0o% legall/ recei&es i!s %ro%er!/ and co((i!s for i!s loans.
A %iece of %ro%er!/ used !o guaran!ee a loan. If !he *orro-er defaul!s on !he loan, !he *an7 (a/
sei6e !his %ro%er!/.
A -a/ !o o-n /our o-n a%ar!(en! in a a%ar!(en! *uilding or !o-nhouse co(%le,. In a
condo(iniu(, residen!s ac!uall/ Fo-nF !heir o-n a%ar!(en!s, *u! a se%ara!e cor%ora!ion o-ns !he
-hole *uilding.
The %rocess of con&er!ing a *uilding fro( ren!al housing !o co0o% housing.
A cor%ora!ion Aoin!l/ o-ned and go&erned ei!her */ i!s -or7ers 3a -or7er coo%era!i&e4 or i!s
cus!o(ers 3a consu(er coo%era!i&e4. A housing coo%era!i&e is a 7ind of consu(er coo%era!i&e.
Cooperative Interet
>o(e!i(es called a share, a coo%era!i&e in!eres! is a su( of (one/ indi&iduals %a/ in!o a
coo%era!i&e in order !o *eco(e (e(*ers. 32i7e a do-n0%a/(en!.4
Agree(en!s, usuall/ %ar! of legal docu(en!s.
" D "
Debt Service
The a(oun! of (one/ %aid !o a lender for a loan, usuall/ including *o!h in!eres! and re%a/(en! of
!he loan i!self.
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No! honoring a legal co((i!(en! is 7no-n as a defaul!. One co((on !/%e of defaul! is no!
%a/ing *ac7 a loan.
The a(oun! of F-ear and !earF on a %iece of e;ui%(en! or a *uilding. Usuall/, !his a(oun! is
s%read ou! e;uall/ o&er a fi,ed !i(e s%an. Buildings usuall/ de%recia!e e;uall/ o&er 2#." /earsK
furnaces o&er 1" /earsK car%e!ing o&er #K !ha! is, each /ear !he *uilding is -or!h 1H2#." lessK !he
furnace 1H1" less and !he car%e!ing 1H# less. The IR> le!s /ou deduc! !hese a(oun!s each /ear fro(
!he co0o%?s earned inco(e. 3No!eD 2and does no! de%recia!e.4
Development Budget
A %roAec!ion of ho- (uch i! -ill cos! !o s!ar! u% a coo%era!i&e.
:hen a co(%an/ decides or is forced !o go ou! of *usiness.
An a(oun! %aid !o shareholders in a cor%ora!ion ou! of !he cor%ora!ion?s %rofi! or sur%lus.

" ) "
314The !o!al a(oun! of shares or coo%era!i&e in!eres!s is called (e(*er?s e;ui!/.
324In accoun!ing, e;ui!/ is !he &alue of a *usiness de!er(ined */ su*!rac!ing lia*ili!ies fro( asse!s.
The legal %rocess of forcing a !enan! or co0o% (e(*er !o lea&e a *uilding.
The cos!s of o%era!ing !he co0o%. The (ain e,%enses usuall/ fall in!o fi&e (ain areasD loan
%a/(en!s, !a,es, insurance, u!ili!ies, and (ain!enance.

" / "
/inancial Statement
3>o(e!i(es called an Inco(e >!a!e(en!.4 A re%or! on all !he inco(e and e,%enses for a
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/ical .ear
A !-el&e (on!h %eriod used for !he %ur%oses of a cor%ora!ion?s accoun!ing.
The %rocess a lender goes !hrough !o reco&er i!s (one/ af!er a *orro-er has defaul!ed on a loan.

" + "
" ( "
(oue Rule
Rules de&elo%ed */ a co0o%?s (e(*ers for !he o%era!ion of a coo%era!i&e. $ouse rules co&ers such
issues as %ar7ing, gar*age, (ain!enance, noise and resol&ing conflic!s.
(ouing J Urban Development
Ad(inis!ra!ion 3$UD4 An agenc/ of !he federal go&ern(en! -hich s%onsors a &arie!/ of %rogra(s
including ren!al assis!ance, loans for reha*ili!a!ion, and loans for !he cons!ruc!ion of coo%era!i&es.
" I "
314 An/ reno&a!ions, addi!ions, or %h/sical i(%ro&e(en!s !o
an e,is!ing *uilding.
324 Accoun!an!s so(e!i(es refer !o *uildings !he(sel&es as
Fi(%ro&e(en!sF !o a %iece of land.
334 9ro( !he !a, %oin! of &ie-, an i(%ro&e(en! (us! *e a
ne- fea!ure, or add a use or e,!end !he life of an e,is!ing fea!ure.
Cash, ser&ices, or o!her !ransfers of asse!s !o a cor%ora!ion.
The %rocess of recei&ing recogni!ion fro( a s!a!e as a legal en!i!/.
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To agree no! !o *la(e or sue and !o %ro!ec! so(eone fro( la-sui!s arising fro( /our rela!ionshi%
-i!h hi(Hher.

" $ "
" 4 "
" , "
An agree(en! *e!-een a ren!er and a %ro%er!/0o-ner for use of !he %ro%er!/. 2eases should
ou!line !he righ!s and res%onsi*ili!ies of *o!h !he lessee 3ren!er4 and !he lessor 3%ro%er!/0o-ner4.
,eae!old Co"op
A coo%era!i&e -hich leases i!s *uilding ins!ead of o-ning i!.
A clai( on real es!a!e, e;ui%(en! or o!her %ossessions for %a/(en! of so(e de*! or cour! ordered
o*liga!ion. 2iens are recorded in a ci!/ or !o-n?s land records !o infor( e&er/one !ha! !he %ro%er!/
or %ossession canno! *e sold un!il !he lien is %aid off.
,imited )-uity Cooperative
A coo%era!i&e -hich li(i!s !he ra!e of a%%recia!ion of (e(*er e;ui!/.
,imited )-uity /ormula
The for(ula descri*ing ho- (e(*er e;ui!/ (a/ a%%recia!e.
The %rocess of dissol&ing a cor%ora!ion and selling off all i!s asse!sK usuall/ !his %rocess is
i(%osed on a cor%ora!ion */ a cour!.
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" M "
Management Company
3or anage(en! >er&ice or Agen!4 A co(%an/ -hich -or7s for !he coo%era!i&e !o handle financial
or %ro%er!/ (anage(en! for !he coo%era!i&e.
Mar0et Rate Cooperative
A coo%era!i&e -hich does no! li(i! !he ra!e of a%%recia!ion in (e(*er e;ui!/.
Mec!anicI ,ien
A lien %laced agains! a *uilding */ con!rac!or doing ser&ice on !he *uilding.
An/ indi&idual holding shares in a coo%era!i&e.
A real es!a!e loan in -hich !he *an7 uses !he %ro%er!/ as colla!eral.
Mutual (ouing Aociation
A coo%era!i&e -hich ser&ices se&eral differen! %ro%er!ies.
" N "
National Aociation of (ouing Cooperative
3NA$C4 The na!ional associa!ion of coo%era!i&es in !he Uni!ed >!a!es.
Net Income
3O%era!ing >ur%lus4 The F%rofi!F a! !he end of a fiscal /ear. Co0o%s ei!her choose !o use !his (one/
!o i(%ro&e !he co0o% or re!urn i! !o (e(*ers.
Notice of Converion
3=er(on!4 A legal no!ice fro( a %ro%er!/ holder !ha! sHhe in!ends !o con&er! !he %ro%er!/ !o
coo%era!i&e o-nershi%.
" O "
The */la-s of a coo%era!i&e usuall/ descri*e se&eral %osi!ions !o *e held */ (e(*er in !he
coo%era!i&eK !hese %osi!ions can *e Presiden!, >ecre!ar/, =ice Presiden!, Treasurer, and so on.
>o(e!i(es a legal docu(en! -ill re;uire !he signa!ure of cor%ora!e officers.
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Operating IncomeK)#pene
+,%enses and inco(e associa!ed -i!h !he da/0!o0da/ o%era!ion of !he co0o%.

" ' "
'ar *alue
The s!ar!ing &alue for shares in a coo%era!i&e. 3No!eD !his &alue is (eaningless e,ce%! a! !he &er/
s!ar! of a coo%era!i&e.4
'erpetual )#itence
Cor%ora!ions (us! !ell !he s!a!e ho- long !he/ %lan !o *e in *usiness. Cor%ora!ions -hich do no!
an!ici%a!e going ou! of *usiness declare !heir e,is!ence !o *e %er%e!ual.
314 The a(oun! of an ou!s!anding loan.
324 Pa/(en!s -hich reduce !he a(oun! of an ou!s!anding loan.
'ro /orma
A F*es! guessF for &arious 7inds of financial infor(a!ion. T/%es of %ro for(asD %ro for(a *alance
shee!s, %ro for(a financial s!a!e(en!s, %ro for(a de&elo%(en! *udge!s.
'roprietary ,eae
The lease signed */ a coo%era!i&e and a co0o% (e(*er.
'urc!ae"Sale Agreement
A legal agree(en! !ha! s!a!es !he !er(s of !he sale of %ro%er!/. Purchase0>ale Agree(en!s usuall/
include such !hings as !he %rice of !he %ro%er!/, ho- and -hen !he (one/ -ill *e %aid for !he
*uilding, and an/ s%ecial condi!ions of !he sale.

" N "
Nuiet )nBoyment
A legal !er( (eaning !ha! /ou -ill *e lef! alone.
The (ini(u( nu(*er of %eo%le -ho (us! sho- u% *efore a (ee!ing can !ransac! *usiness.
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" R "
>!a!e(en!s of &arious fac!s for !he record.
Reident Agent
3=er(on!4 >o(eone -ho agrees !o recei&e official no!ices fro( !he >!a!e of =er(on! for a
The %rocess of !ransferring co0o% shares fro( a (e(*er -ho is (o&ing ou! !o a (e(*er -ho is
(o&ing in.
one/ se! aside for s%ecial %ur%oses */ a coo%era!i&e 3li7e a sa&ings accoun!4. Co((on reser&es
for housing coo%era!i&es are &acanc/ reser&es, (ain!enance reser&es, and o%era!ing reser&es.
Rig!t of /irt Refual
A righ! !o *u/ so(e!hing *efore an/*od/ else has a chance !o.
3or Coo%era!i&e4 Princi%les A se! of si, %rinci%les es!a*lished */ a coo%era!i&e in Rochdale,
+ngland -hich define ho- coo%era!i&es ough! !o run. Briefl/, !he/ areD non0discri(ina!ion, non0
%rofi! (anage(en!, li(i!ed re!urn on (e(*er e;ui!/, one (e(*er one &o!e, con!inuous educa!ion,
and coo%era!ion -i!h o!her coo%era!i&es.

" S "
B/ la- all cor%ora!ions are re;uired !o ha&e a s!a(% -hich is uni;ue. 3os! cor%ora!ions do no!
*o!her !o ha&e !heir seal ac!uall/ (ade in!o a s!a(%.4
Section E Aitance
A %rogra( -hich assis!s lo- inco(e %eo%le in %a/ing ren!s. Under !his %rogra(, a %or!ion of !he
ren! for !hose assis!ed co(es fro( !he go&ern(en!.
A share re%resen!s a %or!ion of !he &alue of a cor%ora!ion or coo%era!i&e. In a li(i!ed e;ui!/
housing coo%era!i&e, (e(*ers *u/ shares of !he coo%era!i&eK !hese shares are !he (e(*er e;ui!/
of !he coo%era!i&e.
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S!are ,oan
A loan !a7en ou! */ a (e(*er !o *u/ shares of a coo%era!i&e.
Ano!her -ord for legal.
A lease *e!-een a curren! !enan! and ano!her %erson.
The acce%!ance of a lo-er %riori!/ in %a/(en! in !he e&en! of li;uida!ion. Also, !he agree(en! !o
gi&e u% o!her righ!s and %ri&ileges !o so(e*od/ else.
Subcription Agreement
An agree(en! *e!-een a co0o% and a %ros%ec!i&e (e(*er. This agree(en! is signed *efore !he
(e(*er is official (ade a (e(*er of !he co0o%.
Subcription /und
one/ %aid along -i!h a su*scri%!ion agree(en!.
S5eat )-uity
The con!ri*u!ion (ade !o !he cons!ruc!ion or i(%ro&e(en! of a *uilding !hrough la*or.

" T "
A residen! leasing %ro%er!/ fro( a %ro%er!/0o-ner.
The %rocess of ending an agree(en!.
A legal docu(en! -hich signifies !he curren! o-nershi% of a %iece of %ro%er!/. 3>o(e!i(es called
a Deed.4
Tranfer *alue
The a(oun! a! -hich a (e(*er?s share in&es!(en! in a co0o% (a/ *e sold, according !o !he co0
o%?s li(i!ed e;ui!/ for(ula.
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Board Training Manual
:i!h sa(%le files
" U "
Agree(en! */ 1))M of !he %eo%le in&ol&ed.
" * "
An/ a%ar!(en! in a *uilding no! genera!ing re&enue for !he *uilding.
*ermont Cooperative (ouing O5ner!ip ,a5
A la- %assed in 15'' -hich allo-s for !he incor%ora!ion of housing coo%era!i&es in =er(on!.
*ermont (ouing /inance Corporation
3=$9A4 An agenc/ of !he >!a!e of =er(on! -hich %ro&ides lo- in!eres! ho(e (or!gage loans !o
;ualified *orro-ers.
" 8 "
8aiver An agree(en! allo-ing so(eone !o ignore a %re&ious agree(en! or unders!anding.
" O "
" . "
" : "
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Board Training Manual
:i!h sa(%le files
Reource and Reference ,it
A Brief $is!or/ of Afforda*le $ousing Coo%era!i&es in !he Uni!ed >!a!es @ <erald >a6a(a, De%ar!(en! of +cono(ic,
Uni&ersi!/ of Connec!icu!
A <uide !o Coo%era!i&e $ousing0 Uni!ed >!a!es De%ar!(en! of Agricul!ure
An +&alua!ion of 2i(i!ed +;ui!/ $ousing Coo%era!i&es in !he Uni!ed >!a!es, B/ <erald >a6a(a and Roger :illco,,
9unded */ gran! fro( !he Uni&ersi!/ of Connec!icu! Cen!er for Real +s!a!e of Ur*an +cono(ic >!udies,
Dece(*er, 1551
Coo%era!i&e $ousing 0 id-es! Associa!ion of $ousing Coo%era!i&es and Organi6a!ion for A%%lied >cience in
Coo% $ousing Coali!ion @ ---.co0o%housingcoali!
Coo%era!i&e $ousing Cor%ora!ion Ac! @!.h!(l
Coo%era!i&e $ousing $UD @ ---.hud.go&
Coo%era!i&esD A Tool for Co((uni!/ +cono(ic De&elo%(en! @ ---.-isc.eduHu-ccH(anual
Coo%era!i&eD A $ousing Al!erna!i&e 9or Rural A(erica0 Uni!ed >!a!es De%ar!(en! of Agricul!ure, >er&ice re%or! ."
Coo%era!i&e $ousing for Rural A(erica0 Uni!ed >!a!es De%ar!(en! of Agricul!ure, Coo%era!i&e Infor(a!ion Re%or! "3
, arch 1551
<eneral Infor(a!ion a*ou! Co0o%s @ :::.u(ich.eduHPnascoHcoo%.h!(l
$ousing Associa!ions and Coo%era!i&es @ h!!%DHH-e*.s/r.eduHP!hech%Hhcoo%s.h!(
Le/s !o >uccessful Coo%era!i&e $ousing in Rural Areas 0 Uni!ed >!a!es De%ar!(en! of Agricul!ure, >er&ice re%or! ..
Na!ional Associa!ion of $ousing Coo%era!i&es 0
Rural De&elo%(en!D Crea!ing Ne- O%%or!uni!/ for Rural A(erica @ U> De%ar!(en! of Agricul!ure
Rural Coo%era!i&e $ousing for Older Adul!s @ ---.Aoe.orgHAoeH2))1a%rilHa3.h!(l
>(all Business Resources <uide @ Ci!/ of >! Charles, De%ar!(en! of +cono(ic De&elo%(en!
:e O-n I! @!
'ermiion 'age
To reuse !his infor(a!ion /ou (us! con!ac! !he sources !o ge! %er(ission !o re%rin! (a!erial included in !his (anual.
A (aAori!/ of !he infor(a!ion -as collec!ed fro(D
:e o-n i!
Classes fro( !he id-es! Associa!ion of $ousing
Classes and ar!icles fro( Na!ional Associa!ion of $ousing Coo%era!i&es
Training (a!erial fro( arlene Dau C 2inda Broc7-a/
<o&ern(en! sources.
Than7 /ou for /our %er(ission for (e !o use !his infor(a!ion !o fur!her !he cause of !he coo%era!i&e s%iri!.
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