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Proudly serving the communities of Babbitt, Brainerd, Burnsville, Cook, Duluth, Ely, Eveleth,
Grand Rapids, Metro/Faribault, Orr, Rochester, St. Cloud, Silver Bay and Willmar
Rodger Rice has lived at Carefree Living in Burnsville for a little over a year. When asked what he likes best about Carefree Living, Rodger said,
the people. He says he feels like he is at home. Rodger is a jokester and he enjoys having fun with the residents and the staff.
One day Rodger said he was giving Connie in Laundry a hard time. Connie had a squirt gun and she was just checking to see if it worked. What
she did not know, was that Rodger had one as well and the rest was history. Another time, Rodger recalled Godfrey, the Lead HHA, walking by
with the string from the keys hanging out of his pocket. Rodger would grab the string and the
keys. After a few times, Godfrey has learned to carry the keys in his pocket out of sight. Rodg-
er said Godfrey was a good sport and is a super guy. I have also been a victim of Rodgers
humor. I remember coming down the elevator with my hands completely full, carrying 2 boxes,
with no where to put them down. When the elevator door opened, Rodger asks boldly, got a
One morning while I was walking through the dining room, I noticed Rodger was peeling pota-
toes with another resident. They had a lot of russet potatoes to peel; twenty pounds to be ex-
act. Our cook washed and sliced the peeled potatoes. Rodger shared his favorite recipe with
our Dining Services Manager to prepare; scalloped potatoes. This was Rodgers mothers
recipe. Following lunch, there were many empty plates. Needless to say, Rodger handed out
the recipe for all to keep!
Rodger also enjoys getting in his red pick-up and driving to the market to pick up vegetables.
Kohlrabi is one of his many favorites. Rodger and some volunteers planted two kohlrabi in our
backyard garden area in a flower pot. Rodger recalled that he had his own garden up north on
a lake. He grew sweet corn, cabbage, lettuce, musk melon, and radishes. Deer, fox, and
wolves roamed the area, but mostly did not touch the produce in the garden. Rodger continues
planting flowers and vegetables. Rodger is a very generous, giving, and thoughtful man. We
are happy to have him at Carefree Living.
Submitted by Joel Ulland, BV CFL Executive Director

Dear Jen, Jeanne and the entire Carefree Staf,
This noe is long overdue, with apologies. On behalf o our entire family, and
especially myself and brohers Jim and Mike, I want to thank everyone from the
botom o our hears and top o our souls for the outstanding care, friendship, as-
sistance and hearfelt love you gave our mom, Caroline, during all the years she
lived at Carefree. She truly enjoyed living there and could never say enough good
about your tremendous staf, some o whom will always have a special place in
her and our hears. She was delighted to be among the frst tenants in your inde-
pendent living section, and as she spends her remaining time in the nursing
home, I know she will always miss tending to your common room fowers and
plants and leading the jigsaw puzzles.
You all played an imporant role in Carolines life at a time she needed a change in
living quarers. She, and we, were blessed to have you in her life and we will be forev-
er grateful for your care, proessionalism and many kindnesses.
Thank you and keep up the great work,
John Musich
Submitted by Diane Serena, Babbitt and Ely CFL Executive Director

September is already here. Hard to believe kids are returning to school and another fall season is fast

As a result of the feedback from the focus groups conducted in July, designed to gather feedback as to
what we as an organization do well and areas we can improve on, I had an opportunity to identify
common themes between our various housing, home care and corporate branches. Your feedback was
as follows:

While there is always room for improvement, Im proud to see the dedication and commitment to each other, our resi-
dents and clients, and to the organization. It is this attitude and level of engagement that will continue us towards being
the BEST provider (and employer of choice)!

Im also proud to say that as an organization, we have started or continued to take action based on your responses.
COLA distribution for qualifying individuals.
Hired 2 Community Liaisons to perform sales functions and brand awareness in designated areas, with future
representatives added as opportunities allow.
Employee newsletters to keep you informed of changes as they occur.
Increased awareness and utilization of company (S)Miles recognition program.
In process - actively evaluating tools to help our customers and staff be more efficient with their time and
resources. For example, using technology to chart on the spot using iPads or similar devices.
In process - Carefree Living, Aurora development with a January 2015 completion.
In process - Enhanced orientation and training to meet the changing needs of our customers and regulation.
In process - Evaluating our Total Compensation opportunities, which include benefits, incentives, and wages.

Progress and change is inevitable, no matter the line of work or industry. As a company, we will continue to adapt to
our changing workforce and customer needs. Rest assured we are doing our best to work within operational, state and
federal laws to provide the best service, benefits and experience possible.

Thank you for your valuable feedback. I appreciate all you do each and every day.
H o r i z o n s P a g e 2
Common Strengths:
Supportive team members
Staff go above and beyond for our residents/ clients
Spectrum has a good reputation
Family oriented
Organizational growth and facility improvements

Common Weaknesses:
Limited workforce
Common Opportunities:
Increased staff recognition
Increased name recognition within the communities served
Increased personal and professional growth opportunities

Common Threats:
Increased competition
Increased acuity/ workload with a decrease in available staff
Merle Sampson
The annual employee satisfaction survey will be available during the month of Septem-
ber. This survey covers many different areas through its questions training, teamwork,
communication, supervision, wages, benefits and overall alignment to the organizations
mission and values. Please make sure to fill out a survey when they are available!

2014-2015 Benefit Plan Year Changes

Those of you who have been with Spectrum for over a year now, youre accustomed to benefit open enroll-
ment meetings taking place between the months of August and September. Open enrollment allows you to
add, terminate or change existing benefit elections.

Effective January 1, 2015, the benefit plan year for Spectrum will run January to December which will allow us to enhance
benefit opportunities and streamline the renewal process.

In addition, in response to Obamacare (aka Health Care Reform, Affordable Care Act) and the current requirement for employers
to provide health insurance to employees, we are actively evaluating opportunities which would comply with the requirements of
the law and provide an added value to you, the employee.

So, what do these changes mean for me?
Annual open enrollment meetings will be scheduled in November, 2014. Dates TBD.
Medical Flexible Spending and Dependent Daycare Flexible Spending accounts will be available between October 1, 2014
and December 31, 2014 using a short plan year. Current participants will still have until December 15, 2014 to incur and
submit expenses for the 2013-2014 plan year.
Under IRS rules, Spectrum will no longer be able to pre-tax employee health care premiums (sec125) as of 10/1/2014.
Insurance Reimbursement will remain in effect through December 31, 2014. IRS guidelines restrict employers from provid-
ing this benefit effective January 1, 2015.
Effective January 1, 2015 benefit eligible status is as follows: Full Time Status = 30+ hours per week (currently 32), Part
Time Status = <30 hours per week, Casual Status = not regularly scheduled.

As your employer, we are taking steps to offer you not only cost effective, but value added benefits. If you wish to participate in
the Flexible Spending accounts between the months of October to December, please see your administrative support staff for
individual enrollment materials. To participate in the short plan year, enrollment forms are due no later than September 12, 2014.

As an employee of Spectrum Health Companies, we continue to offer:

Please speak with administrative staff if you have any questions prior to open enrollment.
Delta Dental Insurance
Paid Time Off
Life Insurance provided by Lincoln Financial
401k Retirement Investment Plan
Pre-Tax Flexible Spending Accounts
Voluntary Insurance Products by UNUM
Spectrum (S)Miles Recognition Program
Safety Incentive and No Lost Time Programs
Flexible Scheduling
Cell Phone Discounts
And More!

H o r i z o n s P a g e 3
Jeni Lahring

Babbitt CFL
Brittany Schwarz
Jennifer Bloom

Brainerd CFL
Carrie Martonik

Burnsville CFL
Nell Kaas
Erica Morrow

Catherine Chavers
Maria Oldenburg
Kirbie Glowaski

Silver Bay CFL
Richard Harthan
Amanda Barstow
Nancy Harthan
Jenna Anderson

St. Cloud CFL
Erica Reiff
Tacinca Laducer
Rebecca Vorobyev
Jennifer Lewis

Eveleth HC
Brandi Benoit
Cassidy White

Duluth HC
Amy Theisen
Beth Wichner

H o r i z o n s P a g e 4
Would you like to receive our newsleter via email? Sign up by emailing:
Period Ending August 31, 2014

Lost Time Accidents..0
Injury-Related Days Lost this Month......0
Injury-Related Days Lost 2014...........0
Minor injuries Reported 2014..25

Please work safely!
Lost-time injuries drive up our cost of providing quality care.

The (S)Miles Recogniton Programs purpose is designed to allow
all employees (or clients) to express appreciaton to any Spec-
trum employee who exhibits performance that goes above and
beyond normal expectatons. Spectrum (S)Miles are awarded to
employees who go above and beyond normal expectatons in the
areas of:

Each valid Spectrum (S)Mile is accompanied by ten Spectrum
points. Employees can use their accumulated points to purchase
Spectrum branded merchandise thru Spectrums Recogniton
Catalog. Please see your supervisor or administratve staf for
more informaton on how to give or receive Spectrum S(Miles).

This months Spectrum (S)Miles were awarded to:
Glenda Aijala, Taylor Bakk, Sam Bradley, Monika Brown,
Dawn Carlson, Jan Carter, Amy Consoer, RaeAnn Debeltz,
Melissa Eisenbraun, Roberta Johnson, Patsy Jonas, Chelsea
Kennedy, Deb Lenzen, Corissa Lindell, Timothy Rowell, Tonya
Ruoho, Jeannine Ruuska, Ashley Sarazine, Julie Thole, Sara
Wipf and Shannon Zupancich.

They received recogniton from their supervisors or co-workers
for going above and beyond their day-to-day dutes. These indi-
viduals will receive points that can be applied towards Spectrum

Thousands of (S) Miles have been given to deserving Spectrum
employees since the program began in 2010.
Customer satsfacton
Cost savings

Construction is well underway at Aurora Carefree Living!
1 (15 ounce) can garbanzo beans,
1 (4 ounce) jar roasted red peppers
3 tablespoons lemon juice
1 1/2 tablespoons tahini

1 clove garlic, minced
1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley
1. In an electric blender or food processor, puree the chickpeas, red peppers, lemon juice, tahini, garlic, cumin, cayenne,
and salt. Process, using long pulses, until the mixture is fairly smooth, and slightly fluffy. Make sure to scrape the mix-
ture off the sides of the food processor or blender in between pulses. Transfer to a serving bowl and refrigerate for at
least 1 hour. (The hummus can be made up to 3 days ahead and refrigerated. Return to room temperature before serv-
ing.) 2. Sprinkle the hummus with the chopped parsley before serving.
Spiced Sweet Roasted Red Pepper Hummus

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