Apple Cider Vinegar

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Experiment #2. Fill the Jar up to the top with Apples

I tried the same recipe with the cores of 6 ls of apples! "his time I
used a# tomato $ar! "he#% I filled the $ar up to the top with apple
cores the# added the li&uid! E'er(o#e else ta)es out their cores out
at wee) o#e or two! I uc)ed the tre#d a#d #e'er too) out the apple
cores duri#* the ferme#tatio# time!
Results+ I fou#d the li&uid *ot cloud( a#d a scum was de'elopi#* at
the top! It is called the mother!
,ep! "he apples were ferme#ti#*!
I $umped with $o(- I fi#all( arri'ed! ./m% the 'i#e*ar arri'ed!0 At wee)
three% I started chec)i#* if it smelled 'i#e*ar(! 1( wee) four or fi'e% I
2he# as recipe called for apple cider 'i#e*ar% I *ladl( *raed m(
suppl(! .,eah% I stuttered li)e a peacoc)! 0
Experiment #3. Fill the &uart up to the top with 1row# Apple Cores!
For Jar 34% I used the cores of aout 6 ls of apples a#d followed
the ad'ice of a# apple core 'i#e*ar recipe o# 5ealth( Eati#* 6ite !
"he recipe called for letti#* the apple cores row# first! Note% this
recipe o#l( calls for apple cores a#d water! No su*ar or ho#e(7
howe'er% the process ca# ta)e 8 mo#ths!
I am too impatie#t for 8 mo#ths so I used the ao'e Nourishi#*
Coo)9s recipe% ut filled the tomato $ar up to the top with apple cores
a#d the ho#e( water solutio#!
Results+ 6imilar to E:perime#t 3; ut I thi#) I will row# the cores
#e:t time efore I put them i# the $ar! I thi#) it ferme#ted sli*htl(
<h% that scum .the mother0 ca# e added to the #e:t atch if (ou
wa#t to ferme#t (our #e:t atch &uic)er!
Also% (ou ca# add (our peels too to ma)e 'i#e*ar! I ha'e other uses
for them! Let9s $ust sa( the( are lips smac)i#* *ood! Chec) ac)
soo# for the apple peel recipe!
I produced apple cider not apple vinegar. [below]
Experiment#1: Remo'i#* the Apple Cores after a Few Da(s=
E:perime#t 3> was ased upo# a Nourishi#* "raditio#9s recipe! 6ee
the fruit scrap recipe here! .Note% recipes i# the oo) are ased
upo# traditio#al food coo)i#*!0 2he( helps $ump start the
ferme#tatio#! 5owe'er% I a'oid it li)e the pla*ue si#ce dair( a#d I
do#9t alwa(s *et alo#*!
5owe'er% (ou ca# use ho#e( or or*a#ic Rapadura su*ar
.u#leached a#d u#refi#ed su*ar0 without the whe(! If (ou use ho#e(
rather tha# Rapadura su*ar% the ferme#tatio# will ta)e lo#*er! I# a
#utshell% here is m( recipe adapted from the ao'e recipe from
Nourishi#* Coo)!
(ou use >?@ cup ho#e( or su*ar to o#e &uart warm #o#Achlori#ated
water! .Chlori#ated water halts ferme#tatio#!0 I used locall( sourced
6tir the water a#d su*ar mi:ture so it dissol'es!
Fill the $ar up half wa( with apple cores% a#d the# add the solutio#!
Put a cheese cloth or towel with a ruer a#d o'er the lid! I used
a paper towel with a ruer a#d!
Put the $ar i# a cool place!
After a wee)%(ou will see the li&uid dar)e#! .5o#estl( I did#9t see
that much of a cha#*e!0
"a)e out the apples a#d the# let the li&uid sit for aout two to three
wee)s! 6tir e'er( da( u#til it has the ri*ht 'i#e*ar smell!
I follow the recipe to a B"C e:cept I did#9t cut up the cores! Due to the
fact that I used ho#e(% I let the mi:ture sit for almost fi'e wee)s! After
the third wee)% it smelled the same as it did the fifth wee)! I
produced apple cider not apple vinegar. <r perhaps a reall( wea)
apple cider 'i#e*ar!
Perhaps I #eeded whe( for m( pro$ect to wor)+ I was 'er(
disappoi#ted% ut used it as apple cider a#(wa(!

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