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and Labrador
B. Delaney
G. Norris
Deputy Clerk
eerti/zed to be a true copy 0/ a minute 0/ a meeting
0/ tke eommittee 0/ tke Gxecutive eouncilo/ newfoundland and
clabrador approved by fiitJ fionour the clieutenant-(jovernor on
MC2010-0688. FIN2010-024. EPC2010074.
WHEREAS, the Parliament of Canada enacted the Economic Recovery Act (stimulus),
Statutes of Canada, 2009, c. 31, (hereinafter referred to as the "Act") which received
Royal Assent on December 15,2009.
AND WHEREAS subsection 43(2) of the Act provides, among other things, that section
33, of the Act comes into force in accordance with subsection 114(4) of the Canada
Pension Plan R.S.C., 1985, c. C-8, (hereinafter referred to as the "CPP"), and in
accordance with that subsection, the Lieutenant Governor in Council of each of at least
two thirds of the included provinces, having in the aggregate not less than two thirds of
the population of all of the included provinces, has signified the consent of the province to
the enactment.
AND WHEREAS section 33 of the Act was brought into force on September 1, 2010.
AND WHEREAS subsection 46(7) of the CPP, as enacted by section 33 of the Act,
provides, among other things, that for the purposes of subsection 46(3.1) of the CPP, as
enacted by section 33 of the Act, the Governor in Council may make regulations fixing
one or more adjustment factors or the methods of calculating them - including factors or
methods that may apply on specified dates - to reflect the time interval between the month
in which the retirement pension commences and the month in which the contributor
reached, or would reach, 65 years of age.
AND WHEREAS subsection 46(8) of the CPP, as enacted by section 33 of the Act
provides, among other conditions, that the Governor in Council may make regulations
and Labrador
Certified to be a true cOflj 0/ a minute 0/ a meeting
0/ tke Committee 0/ tke Cxecutive Councilo/ newfoundland and
o f b ~ d o r afff'oved blj fiio fionouf' tke cfieutenanl-(jovef'nof' on
under subsection 46(7) or repeal them only if the Lieutenant Governor in Council of each
of at least two thirds of the included provinces, having in total not less than two thirds of
the population of all of the included provinces, has signified the consent of that province
to the making or repeal of the regulations.
AND WHEREAS the Governor in Council (Canada) proposes to make the Regulations
Amending the Canada Pension Plan Regulations, as proposed in Annex A of the
Minister's Submission, which fix one or more adjustment factors or the methods of
calculating them - including factors or methods that may apply on specified dates - to
reflect the time interval between the month in which the retirement pension commences
and the month in which the contributor reached, or would reach, 65 years of age.
THEREFORE His Honour the Lieutenant Governor in Council of the Province of
Newfoundland and Labrador, on the'recommendation of the Minister of Finance, in
accordance with subsections 46(8) of the CPP, as enacted by section 33 of the Act, hereby
consents on behalf of the Province ofN ewfoundland and Labrador to the making of the
Regulations Amending the Canada Pension Plan Regulations.
Clerk of the Executive Council
and Labrador
eertified to be a true cOp'J 01 a mlnute 0/ a meeting
01 the Committee 01 tlw Cxecutive eounclol r/ew/ourulland and
c:labrador approved by -fJid -fJonour the c:lieutenant-(jovernor on
(Forwarded November 15,2010 - To Replace OC2010-291 previously forwarded)

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