8 - 1 - Lecture Video Module Module 43 - Develop The Principle of Impulse-Momentum For Rigid Bodies in 2D Planar Motion (6-02)

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Hi, and welcome to Module 43 of two

dimensional dynamics.
And I want to to take a look at the
overview of the course, because we're
getting near the end.
We did the section on particles and
systems and particles.
We're in the bu- section on bodies in
rigid planar two dimensional motion.
And we went through all the kinematics and
we are in the kinet, kinetic section.
We did Newton Euler Equations.
Last time, we finished up the work energy
principle by doing a problem in
And, we're going to do the last block of
instruction now
which is applying impulse and momentum to
bodies in 2-D motion.
And so we'll get started.
Before we do so however I just wanted to
make a little observation about how to
approach these problems.
Because it can be difficult as far as, how
do you start these dynamics problems?
And so, I've made some observations
here that are really over simplifications.
But that can be at least a good starting
point when deciding how to approach a
dynamics problem?
So, in looking at the, the kinetics
methods, when you using the Newton-Euler
Free body diagram equals kinetic diagram,
often, the problem
is given in terms of some forces and some
Remember, I do the FBD, for my forces and
My accelerations are
on the kinetic diagram, my, my motion
And the interval of time is an instant of
We usually look at a snapshot in time.
And so that's, that's a good way if when,
if you get
a problem in these terms, that might be
the, the way to go.
With the work energy principle, the
problem is usually is
in terms of forces and velocities, because
we're talking about energy,
kinetic energy in terms of velocities.
And the interval is, is some displacement
or, between two positions.
And then finally, we're going to work on
the principle of impulse momentum
which we also did with particle systems of
particles and those type problems.
You are often dealing with forces and
velocities again but we are al, always
over a period of time because an impulse
is force's acting over a body on
a body over a period of time and so the
interval is, is time.
And again, these are over simplifications,
obviously, if you get the acceleration,
you can integrate to get velocities or you
can go back and forth.
But these, these, are, are, are a nice
little kind of rule of thumb, if you will.
Okay, so, for today's learning outcome
we're going to go
ahead and develop the principle of
Impulse-Momentum for 2-D Motion.
And so
we'll start off recalling the definition
linear momentum for a system of particles.
Here I have a system of particles.
Each one of those particles, has a little
mass times
its velocity, I can sum them up over the
entire body.
And, and that's the entire linear
We then extended that to a body of
continuously distributed mass and we saw
that then the linear momentum is mass
times the velocity of a very particular
point, the mass center.
If we take the derivative of momentum, we
get for constant mass classical mechanics
m, dv, dt, or m times
the acceleration of the mass center, which
we know is also the sum of the forces.
And so we can also write the sum of the
forces is the
time derivative of the linear momentum for
a continuously distributed body of mass.
And so, we'll use that to now, that
relationship, to now
develop the Impulse-Momentum by
integrating both
sides over some period of time.
So I'm going from t1 to t2, I integrate
the forces acting on the body.
I get a change in linear momentum.
So I have m v final minus m v initial, and
this is called
the linear impulse, forces acting over
some period of time, and this is the
change in linear momentum.
And so, Similarly, for a, a, a rigid body
of continuously
distributed mass for rotation, we have
moments acting on the body.
We saw that the, sum of the moments was
equal to
the time rated change of the angular
momentum about the mass center.
And that form was, was good for two
points, the mass center, or about a point
fixed in space.
But you can see that it's analogous,
these, there's an analogy here forces
and moments time derivative of, of linear
momentum and time derivative of angular
And, so, with that relationship for
angular momentum and moments,
we can integrate both sides between two
periods of time again.
And we have the angular impulse or the
moments due
to couples acting on a body over some
period of time, about point
c equals the change in angular momentum of
the body, about point c.
And so, as a, a recap, here's the linear
impulse equals change
in linear momentum, the angular impulse
equals the change in angular momentum.
And remember, in general, for 2
dimensional motion, this
is the expression we came up for the
angular momentum.
This was the product of inertia, angular
velocity, product from
inertia angular velocity mass moment of
inertia and angular velocity.
But for symmetric bodies we had the
of inertia vanish, so that we stayed in
motion and so we just had the angular
momentum was equal to the mass moment of
About the Z axis true point c times the
angular velocity all in the k direction.
And we can take that now,
substitute it up into our expression for
Impulse-Momentum for
angular impulse and angular momentum, and
we get this result.
And so now we have developed and can put
together next module and solve a problem.
The impulses on the left hand side, the
momentum change and momentum on the
right-hand side.
So, we'll get started next time and I'll
look forward to seeing you then.

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