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Try these Basic Rebounder Exercises to Get the Most Out of Your

I bet you're thinking, !on't I "ust "u#$ u$ and do%n on it&
Rebounder exercises ha'e a (itt(e #ore to the# than that)
*o, ho% to rebound)))&
There are genera((y four basic categories of bounces to get the #ost
out of this #ini tra#$o(ine exercise+
needak rebounder
, The hea(th bounce
- The aerobic bounce
. The strength bounce
/ The sitting bounce
These are going to be #ost(y se(f0ex$(anatory, so I %on't go into too
#uch detai() You can incor$orate the# a(( into a fun rebounder
1o%e'er, as a %ord of caution, $(ease do not o'erexert yourse(f %hen
first using a rebounder) It can be te#$ting because it see#s (ike such
an easy exercise, but %hen first beginning #oderation is the key)
Rebounding has a $rofound effect on your body, so take it s(o%) 2fter
a((, %hen %as the (ast ti#e you exercised your (i'er, kidneys, and
s$(een& *ee #y $oint& !on't shock your syste#)
2(so, a fe% %ords of ad'ice to beginning bouncers+
If you fee( $ain any%here, sto$ bouncing and try again at another
ti#e) 3isten to your body as you ad"ust to your ne% exercise routine)
If you fee( ting(y sensations in your ar#s, (egs, buttocks 4any%here
rea((y5, this shou(d not concern you) It is actua((y a good sign that
circu(ation is returning to these areas)
The first cou$(e of ti#es you start exerting yourse(f on your
rebounder, you #ight find that a ca(( to the bathroo# interru$ts your
routine) This is nor#a( and is caused because bouncing he($s get
things #o'ing a(ong in the digesti'e tract) Once your body gets
accusto#ed to the exercise, your bo%e(s %i(( beha'e the#se('es)
Okay, %ith that said, on to the rebounder exercises6
The Health Bounce
This #ini tra#$o(ine exercise is the easiest, so you'(( %ant to start
%ith it)
The hea(th bounce is "ust that, a bounce for your hea(th)
*tand on the #at %ith your feet shou(der %idth a$art) 3ight(y bounce
u$ and do%n, #aking sure your feet do not e'en co#e c(ose to
(ea'ing the #at) This is a s#a((, re(axing bounce)
!o this for a fe% #inutes a fe% ti#es a day to fu((y f(ush your
(y#$hatic syste# and energi7e your i##une syste#)
This bounce shou(d a(so be used as a %ar#0u$ and coo( do%n for
your other rebounder exercises)
You can %ear ath(etic shoes or go barefoot) The choice is yours)
I do 8OT reco##end socks, as they can be 9uite s(i$$ery %hi(e
bouncing6 *ocks cou(d turn your hea(th bounce into a hurt bounce)))
The Aerobic Bounce
The aerobic bounce is %ay better than a regu(ar aerobics routine or
ste$ c(ass) Why&
The rebounder #at absorbs :;< of the shock of the bounce6 It is
=ERY (o% i#$act)
Rebounder exercises actua((y *TIM>32TE hea(ing to the knees,
ank(es and back) Other exercises such as running and "ogging can
tear do%n these areas o'er ti#e, es$ecia((y %ithout the right shoes)
Because of the cushioning effect of the rebounder #at, 82*2 has
stated that rebounding is ?:< #ore effecti'e than running or "ogging)
Why does 82*2 care about #ini tra#$o(ines&
Because they %ere (ooking for an exercise that %ou(d a((o%
astronauts to 9uick(y reco'er fro# their %eakened conditions 0 due to
the $ro(onged %eight(essness of s$ace tra'e()
%o#an "ogging on a rebounder
But back to the to$ic 0 the aerobic bounce is %hate'er you %ant it to
You can run, "og, or s$rint in $(ace) You can do "u#$ing "acks) You
can bounce fast and high)
@ust turn on so#e of your fa'orite #usic and get creati'e %ith a fun
rebounder aerobics routine) Ahange it u$ e'ery once in %hi(e and
you'(( ne'er get bored)
Or exercise in front of your fa'orite T= sho%)
I (ike to take it easier %hen #y sho% is on and then bounce (ike a
#ad %o#an during the co##ercia( breaks) If you think those breaks
are (ong %hi(e sitting on the couch, "ust %ait unti( you're doing so#e
serious bouncing) You'(( be begging for your sho% to co#e back on)
The botto# (ine here is that the $ossibi(ities are end(ess) @ust be sure
that your ba(ance is u$ to your intensity (e'e()
Other%ise you #ight "ust go f(ying off6 Yikes6
The Strength Bounce
This is an easy rebounder exercise in theory) In $ractice, it's 9uite
The $ur$ose of the strength bounce is to, you guessed it, bui(d
You rea((y need to #ake sure that your ba(ance is good before
atte#$ting this exercise) 2t (east #ake sure you are far a%ay fro#
any shar$ corners)))
The strength bounce in'o('es "u#$ing as high as you $ossib(y can)
Your ce((s beco#e stronger %ith higher bounces because you are
sub"ecting the# to increased gra'itationa( $u(() Re#e#ber, the #ore
you resist gra'ity, the stronger you %i(( beco#e)
*etting u$ your rebounder %orkouts around the strength bounce %i((
be 9uite cha((enging and re%arding)
The Sitting Bounce
This bounce is a rebounder exercise that ser'es t%o $ur$oses)
The first is #ain(y for those %ho are in a %eakened condition and
cannot stand on the #at)
The %eakened $erson sits on the #at %hi(e another $erson behind
hi# bounces (ight(y u$ and do%n) Or if the $erson is u$ to it, he can
bounce (ight(y hi#se(f)
This s#a(( bounce %i(( sti(( f(ush the (y#$hatics and boost i##une
syste# hea(th)
senior rebounding %ith stabi(i7ing bar
2s the $erson gets stronger, he can #o'e to (ight(y bouncing %hi(e
ho(ding a stabi(i7ing bar) Once enough strength is gained so he can
stand, then he cou(d start hea(th bouncing and go fro# there)
The second use for the sitting bounce is to strengthen your core
#usc(es) *it on the #at, (ean back a (itt(e and take your feet off the
f(oor) 1o(d you ar#s straight out and use the# to bounce)
2s you get stronger, ho(d your (egs straight out and u$ so your torso
and (egs for# a =0sha$e) On(y your butt %i(( touch the #at)
This bounce %i(( tone your abs, back, and (egs)
It is not a good idea for beginners to try this bounce) 3ike I said
before, start s(o%)
But the #ore ad'anced exercisers #ight (ike to use this near the end
of their rebounder %orkout) Binish things off %ith a #inute or t%o of
hea(th bouncing and congratu(ate yourse(f on #astering these
rebounder exercises)
The Easiest & Most Effective Exercise in
the World!
by Ross Bridgeford
Imagine, a piece of exercise equipment that can strengthen
the entire body from the inside out; increase circulation,
improve digestion and elimination, melt away fat, strengthen
the heart, improve cell efficiency.
*ti#u(ate body functionsC thyroid, endocrine syste#,
adrena(s, strengthen #usc(es and bones, re(ease stress and
he($ you (i'e a (onger #ore $roducti'e (ife)
One piece of equipment for all age groups to improve the
immune system, fight diseases and reverse the symptoms of
!r Young, author of The $1 Mirac(e
Rebounding for Bri((iant 1ea(th
There are #any %ays to get fit, but rebounding has to be the #ost
efficient, #ost effecti'e and easiest)
Rebounding, or "u#$ing on a #ini0tra#$o(ine is easy, it is (o%0%eight
bearing 4so anyone can do it, at any si7e or any (e'e( of fitness5 and
the benefits are %ide0ranging and astonishing)
@ust for starters, it burns #ore ca(ories than "ogging6
When you use a rebounder it tones #usc(e, rebui(ds ce((s 4s(o%ing
the aging $rocess5, burns fat, c(eanses the (y#$h syste#, increases
#etabo(is#, strengthens the heart and increases energy)
2nd the best $art& @ust ,D #inutes $er day on a rebounder %i(( see
you ex$erience significant benefits) That is right, "ust ,D #inutes $er
Bro# the @une -EE. Idaho Obser'er+
The Miracles of Rebound Exercise
by Greg Fa$$as
2fter se'er(y in"uring #y neck and back t%o years ago in a s(edding
accident, #y chiro$ractor %as ab(e to #ani$u(ate #y back into
a(ign#ent, but #y #usc(es %ere unab(e to ho(d the ad"ust#ent for
#ore that a fe% hours) I needed a %ay to strengthen #y #usc(es
%ithout causing any #ore in"ury or $ain)
2 friend of #ine suggested that I bounce on a #ini0tra#$o(ine kno%n
as a rebounder) The first #ini0tra#$o(ine0(ike $roduct that I $urchased
%as .: inches in dia#eter and about : inches ta(( %ith constant rate
stee( s$rings) Though the (ight bouncing I did ga'e #e so#e ne%(y
de'e(o$ed #usc(es in #y neck and back, I sti(( ex$erienced strain
and $ain in #y feet, ank(es, shins, knees, hi$s and (o%er back) I kne%
there %as $robab(y a better rebounder out there so#e%here) Then I
disco'ered the Rebound2IR G*oft0BounceH Rebounder by the
originator and $ioneer of Rebound exercise+ 2(bert Ear( Aarter)
Once I began bouncing and running dai(y on the Rebound2IR,
starting %ith se'era( sessions of a fe% #inutes each, #y neck and
back #usc(es res$onded by ra$id(y getting stronger) I no (onger
needed to 'isit #y chiro$ractor three to four ti#es a %eek) Instead I
sa% hi# once a %eek, and then once e'ery t%o %eeks, unti( once a
#onth %as a(( I needed)
2t age /;, I a# in the sa#e $hysica( condition I %as %hen I %as in
#y #id -Es and running three #i(es three ti#es a %eek and %orking
out %ith %eights three ti#es a %eek) The $rob(e# %ith extensi'e
running is that it e'entua((y causes in"ury due to %ear and tear on the
%eight bearing "oints) Rebounding $ro'ides us %ith a su$erior for# of
excercise %ithout the risk of these in"uries)
The conce$t of rebounding can best be ex$erienced in a si#i(ar %ay
%hen standing u$ and #o'ing u$ and do%n on the ba((s of your feet)
F(ace your hands on your shou(ders next to the base of your neck
and fee( the #usc(es ex$and and contract %ith your #o'e#ent) 8o%
"ust i#agine that sa#e sensation %hi(e bouncing on a Rebound2IR)
E'ery ce(( in your body %i(( be excercising at the sa#e ti#e %ithout
any $ain or in"ury fro# the excercise)
Aa(isthenics, %eight (ifting and "ogging exercise on(y s$ecific $arts of
the body at a ti#e by iso(ating #usc(e grou$s and $ro'iding an
exercise designed for that $articu(ar #usc(e grou$) But the #ost
a#a7ing as$ect of rebounding 'ersus other for#s of exercise is the
resu(ting c(eansing and strengthening of the entire (y#$hatic syste#)
2ccording to !r) A) *a#ue( West, Grebounding is the best %ay to
circu(ate the (y#$hatics) If the (y#$hatic syste# is circu(ating
$ro$er(y, it is $ractica((y i#$ossib(e to get sick)H
The reason for this is that the condition of both our b(oodstrea# and
(y#$hatic syste# are the baro#eter of our hea(th) But %hi(e ,-
$ercent of our tota( bodi(y f(uids is b(ood, our (y#$h f(uid co#$rises .?
$ercent of our tota( body f(uids) Is it any %onder then that the
(y#$hatic syste# has been referred to as our i##une syste#& 2
'eteran natura$athic doctor recent(y to(d #e that the functioning of
the (y#$hatic syste# is crititica( in the hea(ing of the body and that he
did not kno% of another %ay of c(eansing the (y#$hatic syste# better
than rebound excercise)
Rebounding is the right exercise for e'erone of a(( ages fro# , to ,EE
because uti(i7ing %hat is kno%n as the G1ea(th Bounce,H a (ight
bounce %ith or %ithout a bar %i(( sti#u(ate the entire body to
strengthen and hea() Aonsider the case of :. year o(d Eunice %ho
%as bedridden) *he a(%ays fe(t tired, drained and fair(y use(ess to her
fa#i(y) 1er daughter bought a Rebounder2IR) With a (itt(e coaxing,
Eunice sat do%n on the rebounder %hi(e her ;I yr) o(d husband, Bud,
$roceeded to bounce behind her) This took $(ace se'era( ti#es a day)
2fter on(y four days, Eunice %as u$ and around, $uttering in the
kitchen) *he no (onger needed to sit on the rebounder and ha'e
so#eone e(se do the bouncing) *he %as no% bouncing on her o%n
se'era( ti#es a day) Within on(y eight days, Eunice %as (aughing and
%orking around the kitchen, s%ee$ing f(oors, "oking %ith her husband
and en"oying (ife once again)
My o%n :?0year0o(d father $urchased a rebounder and began
en"oying the benefits of the 1ea(th Bounce %ith a Ba(ancing Bar on
the >(ti#ate Rebound in *e$te#ber of -EE-) 1e began i##ediate(y
to ex$erience the strengthening of his neck, back and (eg #usc(es
%hi(e reducing his %aste (ine by se'era( inches) 1is bo%e( transit ti#e
a(so increased fro# one bo%e( #o'e#ent dai(y to one for each ,E to
,D #inute session of rebounding) 1e no% rebounds D ti#es a day)
The $ositi'e hea(th benefits deri'ed fro# rebounding are
innu#erab(e) Many $rob(e#s such as ba(ance or 'estibu(ar
dysfunction due to (ack of f(uid #o'e#ent %ithin the inner ear can be
i#$ro'ed by rebounding) =ision degeneration that is often caused by
incorrect nutritiona( intake and (ack of bodi(y #o'e#ent, can be
re'ersed by rebounding %hen co#bined %ith a $ro$er(y $(anned and
consistent(y i#$(e#ented dietary $rogra#) One's #e#ory %i(( a(so
benefit fro# rebounding as our brain recei'es increased b(ood f(o%)
Where'er your body is %eak, rebounding %i(( strengthen that area
and he($ bring you into greater $hysica( ba(ance)
My entire fa#i(y rebounds dai(y) My four chi(dren ha'e benefitted fro#
rebounding %ith resu(ts of o'era(( i#$ro'ed hea(th and #e#ory, and
greater $hysica( agi(ity) My %ife, %ho has been batt(ing so#e serious
hea(th issues, has ex$erienced strong (y#$hatic c(eansing %hi(e
rebounding and no% rebounds se'era( ti#es each day as $art of her
doctor's a$$ro'ed thera$y)
3ook for a rebounder that is /E inches in dia#eter and stands ,E
inches ta(( %ith a Fer#atron #at 4one that does not stretch (ike 'iny(5,
and .? high resi(ience and soft bounce s$rings in order to achie'e
o$ti#a( in"ury free rebounding) Furchasing a high 9ua(ity rebounder
can #ake a(( the difference in both the en"oy#ent of your ne%
exercise $rogra# and the resu(tant hea(th benefits)
*o#e of the infor#ation contained in this artic(e is fro# the book, The
8e% Mirac(es of REBO>8! EJERAI*E by 2(bert E) Aarter) You can
'isit his %ebsite at %%%)Rebound02erobics)co#
Greg Fa$$as is a distributor of the co#$(ete (ine of Rebound2ir
$roducts and #ay be contacted at e0#ai(+ g$truthLearth(ink)net or by
te(e$hone at 4-E:5 ;?-0-//-)

1i @ustine
I recei'ed #y rebounder on Briday afternoon) I ha'e been rebounding
a(( %eekend and I (o'e it666 Thank you for your great ser'ice)
Mind regards 0 Irene
1i @ustine
I a# so thri((ed %ith #y rebounder6 It arri'ed yesterday and I (o'e it)
The !=! and book are both great) I did a session yesterday and %i((
continue e'ery day) I a# so ha$$y that I bought it) Good (uck %ith
your future sa(es 0 I a# sure you %i(( continue to do %e(()
2(( the best 0 G3ORI2
1i @ustine
WOW is a(( that I can say )))) I rea((y did not ex$ect #y rebounder to
arri'e so 9uick(y ))) It is fantastic )))) the %ho(e fa#i(y has had a go ))))
e'en #y (itt(e yorkie) I ha'e a tread#i(( )))) In the garage, no (ess and
has beco#e a cushion ho(der for the $atio furniture )))) this I can
do ))))) no s%eatiness %hich is a $rob(e# %hen you ha'e to %ork and
can't ha'e . sho%ers a day) 8o% I can "ust $o$ do%nstairs and ha'e
a fe% bounces throughout the day )))) and hey %ou(d you be(ie'e, I
e'en drea#ed about bouncing (ast night )))) Trust #e I ne'er drea#
about exercise )))) e'er6 I %as i(( ear(ier this year and I urgent(y
needed to go for (y#$h drainage #assage ))) once again a ti#e
$rob(e#))))) so %hen I found out about the rebounder I %as thri((ed
and it's good for #y %ho(e fa#i(y) The 'ideo is fantastic and I can't
%ait to bui(d u$ #y strength again )))) and shed a fe% ki(o's in the
$rocess) Thank you thank you thank you)
Tanya 0 FT2
4and a (ater one fro# Tanya5
This has rea((y changed #y (ife, I a# fee(ing %onderfu(, I a# ca((ing
#yse(f a sha$e shifter as e'erything is changing, #y be((y fat see#s
to be breaking do%n and disa$$earing, and %hen I bounce before
bed I a# no% s(ee$ing, this is %onderfu()
2(( I can say is again, thank you, thank you, thank you)
Thank you for bri((iant ser'ice and a 9ua(ity $roduct) IN# using #y
rebounder at (east . or / ti#es $er %eek and I thorough(y en"oy the
%ork out6 What an exce((ent fun %ay to stay fit and in sha$e) I can
rea((y reco##end your $roduct to e'eryone)
Es#e 0 @1B
1e((o Meith
@ust %ant to (et you kno% that I'# =ERY ha$$y %ith #y rebounder
and that I''e been s$reading the ne%s) We((, actua((y the rebounder
did 0 it's standing in our (i'ing roo# and e'eryone %ho co#es to 'isit
%ants one6
Fau(ine 0 @1B
1i @ustine
Thanks for the great ser'ice and for a %onderfu( $roduct) I think it's
the best exercising e9ui$#ent I ha'e e'er bought) Thanks again)
Regards 0 Fhi((i$ 0 MO8
1i @ustine
Thanks a (ot) IN'e recei'ed the Rebounder yesterday P WOW) I "ust
(o'e it) I can actua((y fee( ho% this exercise is %orking)
Mind regards 0 Maryke 0 B(oe#fontein
1i @ustine
IN# 3O=I8G this disco'ery of the rebounder) IN'e been (ooking for
so#ething that %ou(d so('e a(( the G$rob(e#sH of exercise and IN'e
found it) IN# reading the book no% and $assing on the good %ord to
#y friends)
IN# doing e'erything on the A! too and so #uch #ore easi(y than I
thought I cou(d) IN# finding the aerobics 'ery #anageab(e %hereas I
had it in #y head that aerobics %as too strenuous for #e) But this is
Thanks to you and Meith for your disco'eryQies and effort) ItNs #uch,
#uch a$$reciated) IN# o'er the #oonRThe rebounder is ne'er far
fro# #e6
Regards 0 2((ison
!ear @ustine,
I ha'e had so #uch success %ith rebounding that I %ou(d (ike to send
you a testi#onia()
I %as to(d about the Rebounder by a friend %ho rebounded back to
hea(th after the $oisonous che#o fo((o%ing breast cancer) I a# 'ery
satisfied %ith the resu(ts that rebounding has achie'ed for #e and
ha'e been urging friends, fa#i(y and co((eagues to #ake this s#a((
in'est#ent in their hea(th P for guaranteed success) This is rea((y a
fantastic $roduct for e'eryone %ho needs to i#$ro'e hea(th and
%eight) 2nd itNs es$ecia((y great for those of us %ho donNt ha'e ti#e to
exercise, or %ho donNt (ike going to the gy# or doing other acti'ities
that disru$t our dai(y routine)
@ust $rior to starting rebounding P I %as to(d by #y gynaeco(ogist that
due to #y being in #eno$ause P the extra %eight I had gained %as
not going to shift P and that I shou(d get used to it)
1ereNs ho% I benefited fro# rebounding
S I dro$$ed a $ants si7e %ithin a #onth6 2nd I can see and fee( the
(oss of body fat and a fir#er body)
S I (ost - ki(os P and that o'er the Ahrist#as ho(idays, %ithout dieting
P and ha'e ke$t that off for another #onth so far, %ithout any extra
S My digesti'e syste# is functioning better than e'er in #y (ife P no
#ore need for dai(y unnatura( (axati'es I ha'e been taking for about
.E years)
S I fee( #ore energised and hea(thy P and sti(( kee$ u$ #y ,/0hour
%ork day)
S I kno% this has been as a resu(t of the Rebounder because I didnNt
do any other exercises) In fact, I s$ent #ost of !ece#ber $assi'e(y at
#y desk %riting a book)
My si#$(e success for#u(a+
,) I try to Rebound -E #inutes e'ery day P genera((y ,E #inutes in
the #orning and ,E in the e'ening, or a(( together in the e'ening) If I
#iss one day, I do ,E #inutes extra the next day)
-) I drink at (east DEE#( of %ater after each ,E0#in session P but #y
body te((s #e that it needs %ater) Often I ha'e to sto$ ha(f %ay to
9uench #y thirst)
.) I %atch the T= ne%s head(ines %hi(e rebounding, so it doesnNt take
any ti#e out of #y hectic day 4as a %orkaho(ic I donNt (ike to %aste
/) I %eigh #yse(f e'ery #orning P and if I see any increase, I do an
extra ,E #inutes that day) 8ext day+ the extra %eight is gone)
D) *i#$(e, easy, hass(e0free and non0disru$ti'e routine that I $(an to
kee$ u$ for the rest of #y (ife6
Thanks for a tru(y #irac(e $roduct)
*u7anne 41R! consu(tant5 0 Fretoria
I s(ee$ better, #y "oint0aches are a(#ost gone and I fee( so #uch
#ore energetic after rebounding)
Ahar(otte P Fretoria
1i @ustine
Thanks to you and Meith for your kind attention on *aturday)
I #ust te(( you the strangest thing ))) re#e#ber I said I %anted the
rebounder because of a $ain in #y (eg that cou(d ha'e been caused
by a tra$$ed ner'e) We(( I rebounded and rebounded #ad(y on
*aturday and %hen I %a(ked out into the garden in the afternoon #y
(eg %ent grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrk and the ner'e #ust ha'e been re(eased
because the $ain has been di#inished e'er since) ItNs not entire(y
gone but it's certain(y a (ot better) Aoincidence or %hat&
Mar(ene 0 @1B
!ear Meith and @ustine
Thank you for the o$$ortunity and $ri'i(ege to share a short
testi#onia( %ith regard to rebounding)
I %as introduced to rebounding by #y $artner during (ate -EE;)
1e initia((y on(y ga'e #e a $rintout brochure %hich contained a(( the
infor#ation and ad'antages of bouncing)
I actua((y in'estigated the rebounding o$tion for #y daughter %ho# is
chubby, thinking that it %ou(d be a fun %ay of getting her #oti'ated to
(ose %eight, but then the rebounding thing bit #e66
I bought a rebounder in !ece#ber -EE;) Be(ie'e #e, %hen I started,
I cou(d on(y #anage to stay on the #at for . to D #inutes, but I ke$t
goingRe'eryday, unti( the disci$(ine %as there) I current(y bounce
a$$roxi#ate(y ,D #inutes, / days $er %eek and en"oy it
I ha'e (ost .Dkg since I started bouncing6 2$art fro# the %eight (oss,
it definite(y increases #y energy (e'e(s, and creates %onderfu(
re(axation after so#eti#esR cha((enging days) I a(so find that it
creates a s$ace of si(ence in #y #ind)
Bouncing has beco#e a friend to #e and I encourage $eo$(e dai(y to
take the rebounding o$tion as a so(ution to GRE2T hea(th6
2nna(i7e P 8e(s$ruit
!ear Meith,
I %as in the teaching $rofession for -I years and %itnessed the
frustration of #any students to co$e in c(ass) I %as $ri'i(eged to study
Educationa( Minesio(ogy, to i#$ro'e %ho(e brain (earning, and ha'e
been in $ractice for / years)
2(%ays (ooking for %ays in %hich I can he($ and assist young,
strugg(ing students, I disco'ered your rebounding so(ution) In
co#bining Edu0M, Brain Gy#T exercises, and rebounding, IN'e had
astonishing resu(ts) Ahi(dren ex$eriencing ba(ance, coordination,
'ision and auditory $rob(e#s soon sho%ed i#$ro'e#ent) One gir(Ns
#other e'en re$orted %eight (oss in her I year o(d daughter) What
i#$ressed #e the #ost %as the i#$ro'e#ent of #usc(e tone in #any
chi(dren as %e(( as $ostura( i#$ro'e#ent) Ref(exes %hich ha'enNt
been inhibited, sho%ed re#arkab(e i#$ro'e#ent, and acade#ic and
s$ort resu(ts i#$ro'ed %hi(e se(f estee# and confidence (ea$t
through the roof) They (o'e the sessions because %e F32Y and ha'e
(ots of B>8 a(( the ti#e) They no% rea(i7e theyNre s$ecia( s$ark(ing
dia#onds %ith un(i#ited $otentia()
I reco##end your Rebounder to a(( $ractitioners in the hea(th
Regards and b(essings 0 2nnette 0 @1B
1i Meith,
IN'e used the Gchea$H #ode(s on and off 4(itera((y ha ha5 for the $ast
fe% years and %hen I un$acked and bounced on yours about a
#onth ago, I fe(t that it %as the Ro((s Royce of these things P a rea(
$(easure to bounce on and no "arring at a(( 4hea'en5) It (ooks and
fee(s strong as %e(( and IN# ho$ing it %i(( (ast fore'er because I
cou(dnNt bear to bounce on anything e(se no%)
G(ynnis 0 @1B
!ear @ustine and Meith,
I "ust had to te(( you this #orning that I %ho(ehearted(y be(ie'e in the
rebounder666 Work has been taking its to(( on #e P and yesterday I
had a headache and neck s$as# bordering on a #igraine 0 and I
ha'e been fee(ing tired and s(uggish the %ho(e %eek)
When I got ho#e (ast night I "ust thought, this is enough and I "u#$ed
on #y rebounder) -E #inutes (ater #y headache %as gone and is sti((
gone666 I fee( re"u'enated and %i(( not $ut #y rebounder a%ay for one
#ore day of #y (ife)
The strongest tab(et on the #arket has ne'er had this effect on #e66
Thanks and thanks again66666 0 Maryn P @1B
1i @ustine
Thank you 6 I recei'ed #y rebounder yesterday U %e "ust %ant to (et
you kno% that %e are so i#$ressed by your $roduct U ser'ice)
!are((e P Aa$e To%n
!ear @ustine,
I recei'ed the Rebounders yesterday, and #y daughter and I are
abso(ute(y thri((ed)
I ha'e used it t%ice today, and WOW) 2fter ; years of Tai Ahi training,
and a ? #onth break %ith no training at a((, I get the sa#e Gfee( goodH
fee(ing after D #inutes gent(e bounce as I did in training6
YouN'e $robab(y had a re9uest fro# Irene today, another friend of
#ineR) 2nd IN# ho$ing to send (ots of orders your %ay6
I (ook for%ard to #any hours of ha$$y bouncing6
Many thanks and kind regards 0 @an 0 Aa$e To%n
1e((o Meith and @ustine,
It is so nice to %ork %ith $eo$(e that ha'e ser'ice as a to$ $riority)
3ee02nn P @1B
Thanks @ustine R)) ta(k about ser'ice P its a(ready been de(i'ered66
I started reading your book (ast night and its abso(ute(y fascinating R
I a# a(( ins$ired and bouncing %ith ne% enthusias#)
Take care 0 @ayne P @1B
1i @ustine and Meith,
I ha'e recent(y started rebounding and find it extre#e(y he($fu( %ith
#y sco(iosis $ain #anage#ent 4circu(ation5)
I ha'e no% %orked u$ to one .E #inute session $er day, and I find
that I ha'e increased energy (e'e(s, and #y abi(ity to concentrate has
2ctua((y by the .Eth #inute I'# ha'ing such fun 0 a(( hot and s%eating
0 I fee( (ike I %ant to carry on )))
2nnie P @ohannesburg
3o'e the !=! 0 nice beat ))))))) Thank you 666
Thirsia P East 3ondon
!ear @ustine
Bor the $ast fe% #onths I ha'e been rebounding for a #ini#u# of D0
days $er %eek) !uring this ti#e I got rid of a(( the excess %eight,
%hich I GthoughtH I did not ha'e and I no% carry the sa#e %eight as at
-D years of age P $ro#ise6 It is a#a7ing6
I ha'e not ex$erience any i((ness during this ti#e, energy (e'e(s are
astounding P and #y eyesight 4%hich ha'e been d%ind(ing so#e5 has
i#$ro'ed) I ha'e a(so no% begin to incor$orate #any of the other
exercises, as $er your !=! and it is in'igorating, to say the (east6
I ha'e e'en started an a%areness G$rogra#H a#ongst co((eagues at
Matthys Berreira0 8e(s$ruit

1i there @ustine,
I recei'ed the !=! and book on the %eekend P thank you 'ery #uch)
I did #y first rebound session tonight P it %as 9uite cha((enging as IN#
'ery unfit at the #o#ent, but I abso(ute(y 3O=E! it)
INd "ust (ike to say that I (o'e this rebounding and (ook for%ard to
ex$eriencing the $ositi'e benefits in the co#ing #onths)
Brances P Fretoria
!ear @ustine and Meith
GI started rebounding because I %anted to ha'e a bit of G#eH ti#e 0
no% the %ho(e fa#i(y use it) I sti(( (o'e using it, but not "ust for G#eH
ti#e any#ore, but because I fee( so good after #y %orkout, $(us I
donNt ha'e to go to a gy#, I can do it in #y o%n ho#e666
What is so nice about it is that you can #ake your o%n #o'es once
you are confident %ith bouncing, %ith your o%n #usic, you can "ust
ha'e fun fo((o%ed by #ore fun)
Gi(( 0 B(oe#fontein
!ear @ustine,
2s discussed ear(ier today 0 My daughter %ho %as in a re#edia(
schoo( for / years started rebounding and it has definite(y he($ed her
to concentrate, so #uch so that she is no% in a #ain strea# schoo(
and %e are current(y trying her %ithout #edication) My o(der daughter
(acked se(f confidence but %hi(st using the Re0bounder she said
$ositi'e thoughts to herse(f and it is #aking a huge difference)
Thank you, I en"oy the nice soft bounce as %e(()
Gai( Feters 0 @1B
@ustine and Meith,
@ust a note to say thanks for a(( the %onderfu( %ork that you do %ith
integrity and sincerity) You are so kno%(edgeab(e and hu#b(e) I read
this in so#e book so#e ti#e back 0 '3ord, transfor# the $o'erty of
#y nature by the richness of your (o'e', this re#inds #e of you guys,
constant(y (earning and sharing)
Many b(essings 0 2nthea P @1B
1i @ustine and Meith
It %as an abso(ute $(easure to #eet you both at (ast and to s$end the
%eekend on your course (earning VGO @>MFN) I (o'ed e'ery #inute of
it) Meith, the energy you trans#it is unbe(ie'ab(e, you are (ike a
bouncing ba(( that "ust canNt be sti(( and I %a(ked a%ay fee(ing huge(y
I a# so $(eased I did the course as it has gi'en #e a #uch better
understanding of #y body and I a# facing it %ith a tota((y different
attitude no%) I fee( a#a7ing and "ust %ant to get u$ and bounce)
1a'ing said that, I des$erate(y need a rebounder for our office as
%e((, "ust to get u$ and re(ie'e the stress fro# ti#e to ti#e)
Be'er(ey P @1B
!ear @ustine,
@ust to (et you kno% )))) #y rebounder is here and it is %onderfu(66 2nd
the book is rea((y 'ery infor#ati'e 66
@i##y P East 3ondon
Many thanks 0 You ha'e been so su$er and a $(easure to order fro#6
@anice P Western Aa$e
1i there @ustine
I ha'e indeed been ha'ing fun %ith rebounding) Bee(ing a#a7ing and
ins$ired6 4and a# con'inced I can a(ready see a difference in #y
body)5 I %as 'ery sur$rised to find that the $art of #e that fee(s #ost
stiff is #y be((y6
Tenie((e P AT
1i @ustine
The bounce on the rebounder is "ust terrific so RRR))
IN'e "ust de$osited #oney for another rebounder for #y sister)
@udith P Aa$e To%n
1i there)
I #eant to ca(( but I ha'e been busy) I a# *o$hie and I recent(y
$urchased a Rebounder) Wo%) The ser'ice you ga'e %as great and I
a# en"oying the Rebounder so #uch) My son is ecstatic and he
s%eats serious(y on it) I guess I #ust buy hi# his one because %e
fight o'er #ine)
Thank you so #uch for e'erything)
War# Regards 0 *o$hie P MO8
1e((o @ustine,
Thanks 'ery #uch, #y rebounder has arri'ed and I asse#b(ed it a
%hi(e ago) It certain(y bounces faaaar better than any ones I ha'e
used $re'ious(y, and it doesnNt s9ueak666, so I a# 'ery chuffed %ith
#y $urchase)
E(i7abeth P FE
1i @ustine
1o$e this e#ai( finds you %e(()
I %anted to dro$ you a (ine and (et you kno% ho% #uch fun #y staff
are ha'ing %ith the Rebounder6 They are #ore re(axed and energi7ed
no% P and gratefu( to ha'e a VbouncyN break fro# %riting their artic(es)
Rone(( P Weigh(ess Maga7ine
1i @ustine and Meith
Thank youR)) Thank youR) Thank youR)) I (o'e #y rebound)
Bee(ing better a(ready666666
!ebbie P MO8
!ear Meith and @ustine,
Recei'ed #y rebounder and "ust %anted to (et you kno% that IN#
a#a7ed at ho% GRE2T the bounce is) IN'e so #any others o'er the
$ast fe% years 0 and yours is definite(y the best 0 a great find)
Graha# 0 AT
1i Meith
I took your course in Bebruary and (o'e rebounding dai(y P (ost / kgs
and fee( considerab(y #ore energetic) Thank you6
3i7 0 @1B

GRebound exercise WAe((erciseXa((o%s the
#usc(es to go through the fu(( range of #otion at
e9ua( force) It he($s $eo$(e (earn to shift their
%eight $ro$er(y and be a%are of body $ositions
and ba(ance)
ItNs great $ractice for skiing) It i#$ro'es your tennis stroke and itNs a
good %ay to burn ca(ories and (ose %eight)H
0 !r) @a#es White, Fh)!) >A*!
G!a'e 1a((sN Ae((erciser is T1E BE*T 233 2RO>8! $iece of fitness
e9ui$#ent I ha'e e'er ex$ierenced) I ha'e been using the Ae((erciser
for about / years no%) Back in #y younger years I used to (i'e in the
gy#, /0D ti#es a %eek %eight training and an additiona( -0/ ti#es a
%eek for cardio training) I %as to in the gy# :0,- hours a %eek to
achie'e the fitness goa(s I desired)
The gy# %as basica((y a $art ti#e "ob for #e) That %as ,Eyrs ago
and back then I %eighed ,:D(bs and %as bet%een ,-0,D< body fat)
We(( (ife ha$$ens and o'er ti#e, thre% a ne% career and *tarting #y
fa#i(y, I no (onger had the ti#e to go to the gy#) O'er the course of
-0.yrs I gained .D(bs and -E<) When I found the ce((erciser I %as
#axed out --E (bs and .?< body fat6
With the he($ of the ce((erciser I a# no% in the best sha$e of #y (ife6 I
a# no% ,;E(bs and ,E<) I %i(( te(( you %hat, it sure does not hurt #y
fee(ings to be ,Eyrs o(der, %orking out a fraction of the ti#e 4#aybe a
tota( of -0. hours a %eek, %hich is a 9uarter of the ti#e I did ,Eyrs
ago5, and ha'ing (ess aches U Fains than e'er before) You can
de'e(o$ a *u$iorior $hysi9ue %ith out ha'ing to (i'e in the gy# %ith
the he($ of the Ae((erciser6 I ha'e reco##ended this a#a7ing $roduct
to anyone and e'eryone I care about to he($ the# achie'e a hea(thier
(ifesty(e) T128M YO> !2=E 1233 for creating the
@ustin 2nderson P *a(t 3ake Aity >T
GWith Ae((ercise, the #e#branes around the ce((s strengthen as they
de#and #ore $rotein) These thicker #e#branes are better ab(e to
fight off foreign in'aders (ike ger#s, toxins, $oisons and other
$o((utants #ore effecti'e(y) 1ere, e'erything i#$ro'es+ the b(ood, the
brain, the (ungs, the #usc(es, a(( the interna( organs, those of the
senses and e'en #ore)H
!r) Gus @) Frosch, @r) of Bio#ed 1ea(th *er'ices
G!ear !a'id, IN# %riting to te(( you ho% #uch I (o'e #y Ae((erciser6
IN'e had it for a #onth and I canNt i#agine (i'ing %ithout it6 I do t%o ten
#inute sessions a day, one in the #orning, one in the e'ening) I had
a right knee $rob(e# fro# an o(d gy# in"ury for / years) ItNs gone6 My
body has fir#ed, toned and gone do%n a si7e) It has i#$ro'ed #y
#enta( attitude at %ork dea(ing %ith stress issues) It definite(y he($s
reduce stress) I fee( better $hysica((y, #enta((y and e#otiona((y6 My
#other has decided to buy one6 This is tru(y a#a7ing6H
0 Ban for 3ife
GFerha$s the greatest Ae((ercise success story co#es fro# I/ year
o(d Ruth Mary Mc!o%e(( of *eatt(e, W2) *he %as featured in the
*eatt(e Ti#es, March I, -EE, as a testa#ent to the (ife a(tering
effects of Ae((ercise)
1er story is one of triu#$h o'er the effects of aging) *he no% en"oys
the hea(th she once had decades ago) *uffering fro# an inabi(ity to
#aintain %eight, she constant(y strugg(ed to stay abo'e :E $ounds, a
$rob(e# that robbed her body of 'a(uab(e, (ife gi'ing nutrients and
#inera(s) 8o%, after Ae((ercise, she ho(ds steady at IE $ounds)
Ruth#ary %rote to us saying she be(ie'es the Ae((erciser sa'ed her
(ife) *he %ent on to say that the *eatt(e Ti#es has had #ore re9uests
for du$(ications of the artic(e than any other artic(e they ha'e E=ER
You kno% ho% you can fee( kind of o(d in the #orningR2fter being
'ery i((, I cou(d not see# to get better) It %as #ost discouraging) I
ex$ress ho% I fee( about %hat it has done for #e) I rea((y ha'e the
$o%er to (i'e or die) I rea((y think it has sa'ed #y (ife) I rea((y think it
has sa'ed #y (ife)H
0 Ruth
GYou can use it %ithout (ea'ing your house) You can use it any ti#e of
the day) 4If I donNt do it in the a)#), I ne'er get to it)5 E'ery ce(( in your
entire body, e'en your organs, is exercised, hence the na#e
GAe((erciserH) Because of the ex9uisite design of fabric and s$ecia(
s$rings, it is a safe %ay to exercise) Bor exa#$(e, running is not good
for "oints) You can %atch T= and (isten to your fa'orite #usic)
Though I a(so do %eights and yoga, if you Ae((ercise, you donNt need
to do anything e(se) I a# not saying that it is the so(e reason that #y
'ision has i#$ro'ed in one of #y eyes, but fro# the info I ha'e read,
this is a $ossibi(ity)
My %hite b(ood count is u$ a (itt(e, and #y $u(se is #uch (o%er)
Feo$(e %ho need to (ose %eight, (ose %eightC $eo$(e %ho need to
gain %eight, gain %eight) It increases your #etabo(ic rate, resu(ting in
#ore energy) Though I try to do -E #inute on #ost days, ,E #inutes
is enough) The %ho(e fa#i(y can use itC it is rea((y a good in'est#ent)
Other than the $urchase of the Ae((erciser, there is no additiona(
ex$ense as far as s$ecia( c(othing or #e#bershi$ fees for c(ubs)
It is fun, because you can #ake u$ your o%n ca(isthenics, and dance
routines, and nobody has to see you)You ha'e noticed, I a# sure,
that babies (ike to "u#$ in their cribs, and kids (ike to "u#$ on their
beds) In fact, %hen #y kids %ere (itt(e, %e used to ha'e a G"u#$ing
roo#H %here they "u#$ed on an o(d 9ueenPsi7ed #attress)
The $eo$(e at the Aenter for Ae((u(ar 1ea(th are a(%ays there for you
in ans%ering any detai(ed 9uestions that you ha'e) 1ea'en kno%s, I
a# a good exa#$(e of that) They are a(%ays so kind and $(easant to
#e, and no 9uestion or $rob(e# is stu$id)
I donNt kno% of any other e9ui$#ent that is suitab(e for e'eryone)
E'en a handica$$ed $erson can use it, e'en though there has to be
ad"ust#ents in the GbouncingH de$ending on the
condition of the $erson)
It fo(ds u$, and it co#es %ith a sturdy carry case) The (egs are not
scre%ed into the fra#eC they ha'e s$rings instead)
I found out about the Ae((erciser fro# a neighbor) *he and her
husband ha'e it, but donNt use it) If you donNt use it, and you "ust (ook
at it, then nothing i#$ro'es) You ha'e to schedu(e ti#e, and be
co##itted) If you can do that, that is ha(f the batt(e) E'en if you
schedu(e D #inutes a day to start) The hardest thing, I be(ie'e, is
getting started, schedu(ing a ti#e, and then staying disci$(ined) 2(so,
not to kick yourse(f, if you s(i$ u$ once in a %hi(eRH
*incere(y, !iane
GI reco##end the AE33ERAI*ER to a(( of #y $atients) It is the one
and on(y, origina( #ini0tra#$o(ine that I trust to reco##end) This
$roduct has (itera((y changed the (i'es of #any of #y $atients) You
cou(d bounce on this a(( day and on(y fee( #ore energi7ed and strong)
Your "oints %i(( ne'er hurt and it co#$(e#ents any other exercise
routine a $erson has) It is great for those %o are o(d and fee( they
ha'e troub(e #o'ing, it bui(ds strength and stabi(ity) It he($s $eo$(e
%ho are c(eansing or in a detox byincreasing circu(ation and #o'ing
Bor those %ho %ant to (ose %eight, get in sha$e or "ust fir# u$ it is a
#ust to their routine) I ha'e e'en re$orts of itNs natura( face (ift abi(ity)
It fir#s under ar#s, neck, and butt sags) It is es$ecia((y good for
those needing to start exercising but ha'e (itt(e energy and strengthC
nothing is better at bui(ding energy and strength %ithout stress on any
This Ae((erciser is a#a7ing and the on(y one I ha'e reco##ended for
years) There is no co#$arison to the others out there) 1ere is a test I
gi'e to those %ho ha'e another s#a(( tra#$o(ine) @u#$ on your
tra#$ for D #inutes and see ho% your "oints fee( i##ediate(y after
and the next day then try the Ae((erciser) The #ore you bounce the
#ore you %ant to, it actua((y gets easier the (onger you bounce and
your "oints %i(( ne'er hurt) Bina((y the Ae((erciser gets resu(ts fast and
is funC I (ook for%ard to bouncing to hea(th) I trust W!a'id 1a(('sX
Aenter for Ae((u(ar 1ea(th to $ro'ide #e %ith the best,
safest, and origina( Ae((erciser)H
!r) Aasey
GI %anted you to kno% ho% #uch %e (ike your Ae((erciser rebounder)
We "ust $urchased our second one) My sister took our first one %ith
her recent(y %hen she #o'ed to Aosta Rica) In the #eanti#e she
ordered a different brand for us, I think Rebound or Reboundair) It
(ooks 'ery si#i(ar to yours, but I %as not satisfied %ith the texture of
the #at) It sinks in the #idd(e #aking the 'arious exercises difficu(t or
dangerous) I can not use it) It %as a big re(ief to recei'e yours) We
use it e'ery day)H
Thank you6 Rache(
GI high(y endorse !a'e 1a((Ns Ae((erciser) I ha'e tried #any other
#ini0tra#$o(ines, but the Ae((erciser is unsur$assed in construction
and $erfor#ance) I fee( that the Ae((erciser is a basic necessity for
anyone serious about i#$ro'ing their o'era(( $hysica( and e#otiona(
G!ear !a'id, It %as %onderfu( to ta(k %ith you brief(y on Monday and
to te(( you ho% the Ae((erciser is such a b(essing to #e) I a# de(ighted
to $ut this in %riting for you) I ha'e o%ned t%o other brands of
tra#$o(inesQrebounders o'er the $ast -EY years and this $iece of
e9ui$#ent is by far and a%ay the best)H
*incere(y, Be'er(y
GOh #y gosh6 I canNt $raise your Ae((erciser enough6 IN# D? and ha'e
tried so #any different $ieces of exercise e9ui$#ent and nothing
co#es c(ose to ho% I fee( after
doing a Ae((erciser session6R))H
GWhen #y gir(friend to(d #e about hers, #oney %as tight for us, so I
%ent to a (oca( *$orts *tore and bought a #ini0tra#$o(ine) It %as "ust
a%fu() It hurt to use it and I actua((y in"ured #yse(f on it)
I "ust cou(dnNt understand ho% #y gir(friend $raised her Ae((erciser so
so #uch) I ga'e the #ini0tra#$o(ine to #y grandkids)8o% %ith the
rea( Ae((erciser 4it sure is 8OT at a(( (ike any other rebounder65 I see
%hat an incredib(e difference the rea( thing #akes)Thanks so #uch
for creating this su$erb exerciser, !a'e6 Mee$ u$ the good %ork6H
B(essings Aaro(
G2s a $ast %or(d tra#$o(ine cha#$ion and uni'ersity gy#nastics
coach, IN'e a(%ays en"oyed the "oys of "u#$ing but no% a$$reciate
the $rofound hea(th benefits of WAe((erciseX as described by !a'id
1a((, GMr) RebounderH) I find his enthusias# and dedication both
contagious and ins$iring) I f(ex #y ce((s regu(ar(y as an i#$ortant $art
of #y exercise regi#e, and reco##end that you do the sa#e)H
0 !an Mi((#an, 2uthor
GWe((, !a'e, you are certain(y the $oster chi(d to #oti'ate us to stick
%ith our Ae((ercisers6 I used to ha'e a Rebound 2ir rebounder, but
ended u$ gi'ing it a%ay %hen I ke$t ha'ing to re$(ace the s$rings,
4and I %as %ay under the %eight (i#it for it5, $(us, it "ust %asnNt that
co#fortab(e to bounce on) E'er since doing #ore reseaerch and
disco'ering your rebounder, I a# #uch, #uch ha$$ier %ith your
$roduct and ha'e not had a bit of troub(e %ith it)H
GI ha'e been a Fersona( Trainer for ,: years and ha'e ne'er seen a
better $iece of e9ui$#ent e9ui$#ent than the Ae((erciser) It is the rea(
thing, it is not a gi##ick, I train a((
#y c(ients on a Ae((erciser)H
Extre#e(y 1a$$y Austo#er
G!ear *irs, I ha'e had Mu(ti$(e *c(erosis 4M*5 for -D years and use a
%a(ker but for the (ast : #onths I ha'e had to use a %hee(chair
because of excruciating knee $ain) When I %as introduced to the
Ae((erciser I cou(d not get on or off %ithout he($) *tarting off %ith .0D
#inutes, %ithin - %eeks I %as ab(e to go for ,E #inutes and get on by
#yse(f but had he($ getting off) 8O% after . #onths I get on and off
%ith 8O he($) My ba(ance %as so bad dressing had to be done in
stages) 8o% I can stand for at (eat D #inutes %ithout hanging onto
so#ething) Aircu(ation %as so bad both #y feet %ere a dark $ur$(e
co(or %ith #uch s%e(ing and $ain) 8o% s%e((ing is gone and feet are
a hea(thy $ink co(or %ith 'ery (itt(e $ain) O'era(( I fee( so good) This is
the on(y $iece of exercise e9ui$#ent that I ha'e been ab(e to use and
I ha'e tried #any) Bor the first ti#e I a# seeing a re'ersa( of the
effects of Mu(ti$(e *c(erosis 4M*5) I a# so gratefu( for the Ae((erciser
and ex$ect continued resu(ts as I bounce a%ay)H

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