Conference Room - Full of Students

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When you fiind a new way the universe rejoice

Mountains, forests, village, fields. No one around just a 9 year old girl and a young-lookin boy talkin
yo eachother.
- Can i call grandpa to come play with us?
- Did you tell ?
- No, i remeber what you said! They must never know abou you or else you will leave.
- Good .
- So are we goin to meet other elfs like you there? (all exited) Can i become a princess there?
- Of course princess. (kneeling and and smiling with the most warm and full of love face) Close
your eyes take a deep breath and tell me how do you imagine this place.
- (eyes closed) wow, i hope its awsome, a big castle, in the sky, all made of gold and everyone
is coloured in different rainbows and can fly coz they have big wings
The boy reaches in this back takes a gun and shoots the girl in the forehead. The girl falls. He takes a
breath and then sits on his back relaxed next to her.
- Im sorry princess but right now this world is not ready for you.
He then takes out a phone and dials he stratches.
- Mission completed waiting for furher instrunctions
- Proceed how u consider optimal. Dont loose tracking of her Self.
I miss my wings

Conference Room.Full of students.
34-year old man talkin.
-Remeber if u burry them they come back in the same area but it takes some time because the Self
will still be attached to the energy body that only stops after the physicals connections are ended , if
u burn them the restabilisation process takes less but the ,location will be unknown.
Why are we playing like gods? Because we can because we are and now we seek.
I still cant remeber all. I remeber entering the atmosphere, the trials, birth, but before that just
glimpses. How did I get here (puff) ahhh i missed again what he was saying NO THOUGHTS! NO
Boy walking through a corridor
Everyday i look at thesee walls and everyday there iz something new im aware off. A symbol i
missed, a phrase i find new meaning. They begin before the wars when the planet was fully
habbitated. Evolution took an interesting turn, pragmatic science and ezotheric religion slowly began
to symbiothesys resulting in a catharsys on all levels of the world. Then technology? The soul of the
specie? The Gods? Separated us. As we choosed our way of improvemet we becamed different. To a
point we couldnt reconigze ourselves in the others. Our bodies adapted generating caracteristics we
couldnt empathesys. And then the split! On all levels it was fast and brutal, maybe even painful if we
would have had the time to relalize. And now there are two worlds on this blessed planet.
We are few, we are our own masters, we are less ego driven, we are capable of love not as an
emotion for atachmed iz not our way but as an energy that we can use to remember. We always
knew. So we decided to continue and improve what we have. We believe and succesfully practice
that if we have enough understanding and energy we are able to evolve in the same energy body.
They dont have enough energy so their Self must abandon the energy vehicle and create a new one
so they believe that catharsys/purification happenes on by destruction. We prooved them wrong and
now they hate us, at least the ones that knows of our existance. Evolutin and technology made our
bodies more resistant so we build cities in places they couldnt survive nor reach. They are many and
we dont have time and energy to whaste on fighting. They live in their own moled fantasia where
hierarchy is vertical and everybody should have a master. We live in a brotherhood where we
understand that everyboy has a place, and that if u are given permision to be born/incarnated in this
world than you have the right to be here. But sometimes we need them, they are wasteing a lot of
their energy that we can fiind use for that.
The boy reaches the end of the corridor. Another one comes near him.
- I need to ask you a favour involving the infirmery.
- I only do occasional work now.
- Its minor. And i have a ritual tomorrow ive waited a whole year for
- And i just happen to look like an angel? Well if I look like one maybe there is hope for me
- Its schedualed after the evening meditation
- It better be something attractive
- Thank you.
As more healing you do as better you get at it. Once I wanted to heal but now theres more to it.
The boy that killed the little girl.
- Nature of Problem!?
- Cant u see it just by looking?
- Im using my energy for something else.
- Youre not even a full time healer? (frustrated)
- No. But dont you want to make this quicker?
- I killed someone! (very disturbed and angry)
- Previous encounters?
- I knew her from before. First we met in the ancient worlds and we made a deep connection,
lasting until the wars ,in present incarnation there was an interference in the system and we
were separeted time/spacewise, and from then on i kept on tracking her. Better if i did it.
- Lay down.
Trackers have not completly changed their energy vehicle so they respond to lot of stimuls of the old
formulas. Thats why they do those jobs its easyer to repair them. At a low level we are programed
how to perceive reality when and if we are aware we can reprogram.
Sexual stimulation was found to be the easyer and fastest way to induce the state we needed in
order to modify brain/energy activity especially into one that uses an older version of the energy
vehicle. And its one of the first things you learn as a healer. Blocks, guilt, fear So we offer our LOVE
not as a feeling but full of detachment as a pure universal energy, its more like a fetus cell that has
an intelligent system which determines how it should be best used. Physical attraction its no longer
a problem since we are all modified/enhanced to resemble the hero archetype and symethrical. And
so healing is possible in a way the other half of the planet would condemn, and some are not born
with as stable so they loose a lot of energy wen doing this and they have to wa8 for ay least a day.
And after the process is complete :
- Are you ok?
- Yea, is that Im feeling a lot of things emotions right now. It was different than other times.
- Sometimes the bodies respond more intense In a few hours they will stabilize.
- Do you think we can meet outside the Temples?
- I think in a few hours youll let go of that idea.
- And what if I dont?
- I am born of the 1
Sun passage you of the 8
(that means im not very understanding of
weaknesses and self-limitations)
- Youll swich healer
- But what if I know you from another existence, what if we have a karmic connection?
- i remember everything sience the ancientens and youre not in there
- Maybe its from before that!
- (surprised and partially numbed) Before that?! You dont remember!(moment of silence) if
the thoughts are still that intense after sleep come by and someone will give you a
Most of the energy comes when sleeping, is like the bodyes open and LOVE comes to balance and
recharge everything and everyone no discrimination. But not everybody opens in the same way and
at the same wideness.
Proffesor and a few students.
- There is a research expedition starting in the Sleepers territory we need to ceck on some
new found texts. I kno its from short but It will be a good experience.
I havent been in the Sleepers teritory sience the wars. We call them sleepers they call us
- You will all be assigned personal trackers for protection.
We have our own organizations within the sleepers states. Some hidden with underground
activity and some widespread and very popular corporations. We try to provide help to the ones
that are in process of awaking or dreaming.
Before we exit to sleeper territory we go tough a process of changing appearance, its mostly
hologram based.
The boy from the infirmary
- What a coincidence Guess well be working together now
- Its a possibility, werent they suppose to ckeck you after the treatment?
- They did
- So youre emotions are gone?
- Thats what I told them
- That means you tricked the psychologist
- Glad to have couth your attention

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