Acronyms - Short-Name

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This is Murice Joice with words and their stories.
Americans often try to say things as quickly as possible. So, for some expressions, we use
the first letters of the words instead of saying each word.
Many common expressions or long names are shortened this way !"#! is a short way
of saying, $!ring your own bottle%. The letters !"#! are often found at the bottom of a
written in&itation to a simple, social e&ent or gathering of friends. 'or example, ( decide
to ha&e a party on Sunday afternoon, ( might write a note saying $)lease come to the
party and !"#!%. The bottle each person brings is what that person wants to drink at the
party. An in&itation to a special e&ent such as a wedding would ne&er say !"#!.
*owe&er, an in&itation to an official or &ery special e&ent often has other letters at the
bottom of it. The letters are +S,). These letters represent the 'rench expression
$+eponde- ,ous )lait%. (n /nglish, the word means $+espond if it pleases you%.
Americans use the letters as a short way to say $)lease answer this in&itation%.
Another expression ASA) is often heard in business offices. My boss might say she
wants something done ASA). (t means $As soon as possible%. She also might tell me she
wants something done by 0.#.! that means she wants it finished by $close of business%
or $the end of the workday%.
A0+#1"MS S*#+T2 1AM/
Page 1
!eginning letters often are used to represent the name of a uni&ersity. A famous one is
M(T. (t is short for the Massachusetts (nstitute of Technology. An other ma3or uni&ersity
is 405A. Almost no one e&er says its real name6 The 4ni&ersity of 0alifornia at 5os
Angeles. That takes too long.
Some American businesses are better known for the beginning letters of their name than
for for their complete name. 'or example, you may not ha&e heard of the company called
(nternational !usiness Machines, but you probably ha&e heard of the company by its
short name (!M. And the American Telephone and Telegraph company is much better
known as AT7T.
Many American 8o&ernment agencies are known by the beginning letters of their name,
too. 'or example, the '!( is the 'ederal !ureau of (n&estigation. The '!( in&estigates
criminal acti&ities in the 4nited States. Then there is the (+S, the (nternal +e&enue
Ser&ice. (t is not a &ery popular agency6 (t collects federal taxes.
*ere is an example you.&e already known. 0an you guess whai it is9 *ow about ,#A,
the short name of the ,oice of America.
A0+#1"MS S*#+T2 1AM/
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