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Non-fiction: Ancient Greece The Ancient Greeks

Ancient Greece
The Ancient Greeks

Greece is a country in Europe. It lies on the Mediterranean Sea. Greece has
been settled
since ancient times. Today, we still follow many ideas the ancient
Greeks had about science, sports, the arts, and government.

Towns in ancient Greece were called city-states. City-states were very
independent and very proud. Athens, which is now the capital of Greece, was a
famous ancient city-state. It was named after Athena, the Greek goddess of
and knowledge.

The people of Athens invented a new kind of government. It was called
democracy. This meant that the citizens of Athens were allowed to take part in their
government. They could vote and make big decisions. We use this kind of
government in the United States today. We owe it to the ancient Athenians.

The ancient Greeks had their own religion. They believed in many different
gods. Each god represented something specific to the Greeks. For instance, there
was a god of war and a goddess of love. They even had a god of sleep.

The ancient Greeks did many things to honor
their gods. They put on
plays. They held sporting events. In fact, the first Olympic Games were held in
ancient Greece. We still hold Olympic Games today. Like democracy, it is just one
of many things that we got from the ancient Greeks!
settled: lived in by people
wisdom: important knowledge about the world
honor: show respect to

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Questions: Ancient Greece The Ancient Greeks
Name: ____________________________ Date:______________________

1. Where is Greece located?

a. in the United States
b. near the Mediterranean Sea
c. in Italy
d. in the Pacific Ocean

2. Which of these answers is NOT something about ancient Greeks that is
described in the passage?

a. their sports
b. their religion
c. their clothing
d. their government

3. Studying the ancient Greeks can be important to Americans today because

a. the Greeks were the first civilization in America.
b. we have city-states that are based on the Greek system.
c. their government was very different from ours.
d. some parts of our society were started by the Greeks.

4. Read the following sentences: Each god represented something specific to the
Greeks. For instance, there was a god of war and a goddess of love.

The word represented means

a. created or invented
b. wrote stories about
c. was used as a symbol for
d. voted in an election

5. What is the main purpose of this passage?

a. to introduce important things about ancient Greece
b. to explain the type of religion ancient Greeks had
c. to compare and contrast ancient Greece and America
d. to explain the ancient origins of the Olympic Games

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Questions: Ancient Greece The Ancient Greeks
6. What are two things we still have today that the ancient Greeks invented?




7. Based on the passage, explain how we know that the ancient Greek gods were
very important to them.




8. The question below is an incomplete sentence. Choose the answer that best
completes the sentence.

Some religions have only one god, __________ the ancient Greeks believed in
many gods.

a. in the end
b. but
c. because
d. consequently

9. Read the following sentence.

To make sure everyone was invol ved in government, ancient Greeks in
Athens invented democracy.

Answer the questions below based on the information provided in the sentence you
just read. One of the questions has already been answered for you.

1. Who? ancient Greeks

2. What did ancient Greeks do? _____________________________________

3. Why? _______________________________________________________

4. Where? ______________________________________________________

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Questions: Ancient Greece The Ancient Greeks
10. Vocabulary Word: wisdom: the ability to use your experience and knowledge
to make good decisions.

Use the vocabulary word in a sentence: ________________________________


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Answers: Ancient Greece The Ancient Greeks
Teacher Guide and Answers

Passage Reading Level: Lexile 560

Featured Text Structure: Descriptive the writer explains, defines or illustrates a
concept or topic

Passage Summary: Today, we still do many things that were invented in ancient
Greece. For example, we have a government based on democracy; we have
sports, including the Olympic Games; and we have theater.

1. Where is Greece located?

a. in the United States
b. near the Mediterranean Sea
c. in Italy
d. in the Pacific Ocean

2. Which of these answers is NOT something about ancient Greeks that is
described in the passage?

a. their sports
b. their religion
c. their clothing
d. their government

3. Studying the ancient Greeks can be important to Americans today because

a. the Greeks were the first civilization in America.
b. we have city-states that are based on the Greek system.
c. their government was very different from ours.
d. some parts of our society were started by the Greeks.

4. Read the following sentences: Each god represented something specific to the
Greeks. For instance, there was a god of war and a goddess of love.

The word represented means

a. created or invented
b. wrote stories about
c. was used as a symbol for
d. voted in an election

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Answers: Ancient Greece The Ancient Greeks
5. What is the main purpose of this passage?

a. to introduce important things about ancient Greece
b. to explain the type of religion ancient Greeks had
c. to compare and contrast ancient Greece and America
d. to explain the ancient origins of the Olympic Games

6. What are two things we still have today that the ancient Greeks invented?

Suggested answer: The ancient Greeks invented the form of government
known as democracy. They also invented the Olympic Games, which we still
have today.

7. Based on the passage, explain how we know that the ancient Greek gods were
very important to them.

Suggested answer: The Greeks named the city Athens after the goddess
Athena. They also did many things to honor them such as putting on plays
and sporting events.

8. The question below is an incomplete sentence. Choose the answer that best
completes the sentence.

Some religions have only one god, __________ the ancient Greeks believed in
many gods.

a. in the end
b. but
c. because
d. consequently

9. Read the following sentence.

To make sure everyone was invol ved in government, ancient Greeks in
Athens invented democracy.

Answer the questions below based on the information provided in the sentence you
just read. One of the questions has already been answered for you.

1. Who? ancient Greeks

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Answers: Ancient Greece The Ancient Greeks
2. What did ancient Greeks do? invented democracy

3. Why? to make sure everyone was invol ved in government

4. Where? in Athens

10. Vocabulary Word: wisdom: the ability to use your experience and knowledge
to make good decisions.

Use the vocabulary word in a sentence: answers may vary.

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