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Galvan, Cristel Jane B.


1. What is the theme of the seminar??

I am a Young Mover: The MarkProf Roadshow Series 2014

2. Enumerate all the speakers and discuss each speakers talking about.

The 1
speaker was Mr. Dominic Briguera, product manager in GlaxoSmithKline. He
differentiated between information and insights. What you see is not all there. Information is
the act or fact of informing while an insight is the ability of seeing into inner character or
underlying truth.

Gino Yturralde was the 2
speaker on the seminar. He taught us about the Integrated
Marketing Communication (IMC). Integrated Marketing Communication is important because
customers use Multiple Channels to learn about a product service, brand or company and
today consumer power is at its highest because of the internet.

The 3
speaker was Albet Buddahim, who is the head for Digital and Business
Transformation in AVON Philippines. He talks about the E-marketing. He also shows us the
different online advertising.

3. What are your learnings on the seminar that you can apply to your subject?

The MarkProf Roadshow presents three prominent speakers. During the seminar I learn
that Marketing is all about people or your customers. Today, Internet helps businesses to
reach their customers faster and easier. Companies may use the social media to know the
likes of their customers. Therefore, Companies should know the deep insights of their
customers needs and wants. They can use insights to create more value for their customers.
Companies need to go through a 3 step process before making the marketing plan. First, you
need to know your objective. They can only choose one objective. Then, define your target.
The narrower youre targeting the bolder the strategy. Lastly, stick with your brand identity.
Companies need to be unique and consistent and they need to have one idea. I learned that it
is important to be prepared in everything you do. It is also important that your customers will
truly understand your idea. I can apply all these learnings in my subject because we know that
Marketing Management is the process of allocating the resources of the organization toward
marketing activities. I learned on that seminar how to plan efficiently and effectively and how
to easily get your customers through online marketing. When I become a manager, I need to
imply a depth of understanding the customers and also help people to fulfill their needs and
wants. Because of this seminar I have now the idea to help them. Remember always be
optimistic in everything you do.

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