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1211 E. Santa Clara St.
San Jose, California

An expert senior technical writer and technical publications manager, a proficiencyand process-certified graphics designer, a profit-proven marcom strategist, and an
industry-certified web developer and software engineerall with over 16 years of
experience at both established and startup technology companies in Silicon Valley.
Technical and Marketing Communications
Recognized by high-profile customers and well-known media outlets for
empowering technical audiences with clear, customer-focused and timely technical
documentation; recognized as a key contributor to revenue stream
Effectively communicates with both technical and non-technical audiences,
targeting home and corporate end-users, network and IT administrators, sales
partners, third-party software developers, industry press, and corporate executives
Leverages 16 years of hands-on experience with a vast array of computer hardware
and software products, industries and subjects for versatile application of
communication skills
Creates highly successful marketing campaigns targeted to any audience to
increase revenue and market visibility; promotes services and products through
traditional and modern venues, including all forms of printed collateral, creative
media campaigns and search engine optimization strategies
Manages entire publications process, from concept to authoring to production;
leverages knowledge of and experience with all print and digital processing
techniques and methodologies to maximize publication output quality while meeting
budget constraints
Database, Network & Internet Software Development
Designs, develops, tests, implements and maintains customized enterprise-critical
software in OpenCV, OpenGL ES 3.0 and Python for automating adaptive medical
and scientific image-processing procedures; Java, Perl, Objective-C, DHTML
(HTML, CSS, JavaScript) to streamline sales, operations, support tasks for
respective in-house staff

Uses expert knowledge of latest Java APIs and Objective-C frameworks to develop
database-driven network (client/server) and web-based applications to facilitate
customer sales and support
Installs, deploys and administers web, e-mail, database and application servers on
Windows Servers and Unix/ Linux network operating systems using Apache,
Microsoft IIS and SMTP services, sendmail, all SQL database software (e.g.,
mySQL) and Tomcat
Decreases development time and improves code stability with industry-leading IDEs,
such as JBuilder, NetBeans, Eclipse and Xcode
All-Media Graphics Design
Develops style guidelines to create a consistent and tasteful corporate image;
designs marketing collateral, product packaging and all other customer-facing
materials; creates highly creative lead-generation campaign packages
Certified proficiency in industry-standard software tools, including Adobe
Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, DreamWeaver, FrameMaker, Acrobat, After Effects;
Apple Final Cut Pro; Microsoft Office and HTML Help Workshop
Blogger and Software Developer The Life of a Demoniac
Researches, writes, publishes and disseminates an ever-growing collection of
scientific notes relating observations and experiences with demonic and criminal
activity in the Bay Area of Northern California to a worldwide audience, totaling over
2 million readers in its short three-year history.
By leveraging my 16-year background as a professional technical writer, student
journalist, software engineer and web developer, graphics and web designer, and
marketing communications specialist, I garnered a 50% increase in new readers
month-over-month since August 2014, doubled the number of pages views, while
halving the bounce rate during the same period, as a result of top-notch newsgathering and leading-edge scientific breakthroughs and other relevant and timely
The blog features several scientific discoveries of significance, specifically, concepts
and processes related to scientific and medical imaging was adapted into methods
for image-mapping demonic entities using the same CCD sensors found in everyday
cellphones and free, open-source software or a Photo Editing Extension for iPhone
developed explicitly for this task, allowing for the visible detection in digital media of
any such entities that may otherwise be invisible to the naked eye.

To easily and quickly apply these methods to digital media, a series of multispectral
imaging video filters were developed and distributed to readers, enabling anyone
with a digital camera and a computer to discover the unseen world on their own
even when shooting in the dark.
Last year, The Life of a Demoniac blog has assisted five law enforcement agencies
(one federal, four city) in the following:
the apprehension of a gun-toting, murderous serial stalker, now being held in
custody without bail, for which the FBI has given explicit credit to my blog;
the shuttering of a crime-addled drug house, which had plagued its
neighborhood for years with related criminal activity; and,
solving 16 murders and numerous drug- and illegal weapons-related crimes.
Software Engineer Eyenovation Multimedia
Developed stock portfolio performance monitoring software for Mac OS X using
latest technologies from Apple, including Core Data, Cocoa and WebKit
frameworks; integrated eSellerates embedded web store SDK for purchasing and
validating user licenses
Created a complimentary Dashboard Widget with DHTML that tracks stock portfolio
value and current stock prices for each stock
Senior Technical Writer Cloudmark
Wrote installation and administration guides for spam-filtering technology used by
administrators of large-scale Internet service providers (e.g., Openwave), developers
of high-end abuse filter software, end-users; drafted data sheets and white papers,
website content and reviewers guides
Developed product guide templates and book covers, and templates for technical
documentation authored in the systems engineering and technical support
departments; designed product packaging materials, including CD labels and jewel
case inserts and quick-start cards
Reviewed all documentation and collateral originating from the marketing, sales,
technical support and systems engineering departments to ensure accuracy of
technical information and consistency in corporate and product messaging
Developed email analysis software to help technology evaluators compare the
accuracy and performance of the leading email abuse filter applications; performed
scalability testing to ensure optimal performance of data stream analysis in low- and
high-traffic deployments
Tech Pubs Manager, Software Developer DigitalPersona


Wrote and illustrated online and printed documentation, ReadMe files and Release
Notes for Active Directory and Windows NT network administrators; wrote
developer/API documentation for SDK products for C++, Visual Basic and Java
developers; wrote quick start guides and created multimedia instructional animation
for home and corporate end-users; tapped by Microsoft to author online help for a
co-branded fingerprint reader keyboard
Developed all aspects of distributed media, including packaging, marketing and
sales collateral, magazine ad work and trade show and presentation display and
handout materials; coordinated printing and production of materials with third-party
Created a lead-generation campaign strategy, which generated 80% of 2003
revenue and led to joint marketing campaign partnerships with Microsoft, GTSI,
PricewaterhouseCoopers and VeriSign
Wrote reviewers guide that introduced flagship product to Walt Mossberg (Wall
Street Journal) and PC Magazine
Increased customer satisfaction in sales and delivery by creating automated, online
mechanisms for online product ordering (e-commerce), shipping, registration, and
support; eliminated company shipping charges and costs of materials for all
software products by creating a web-based automated order fulfillment system for
deployment by operations and sales
Simplified partner application process for third-party vendors and developers by
creating an interactive, online application form, and by writing software that enabled
the sales team to easily review applications; created product marketing and
developer resources distribution web portal for approved partners
Wrote technical support request submission and management software that
enabled customers to submit technical support questions online, providing technical
support department a convenient way to respond to and manage support requests
Provided key contributions in GUI design and quality assurance for each product
during development via close collaboration with software engineers, marketing and
sales departments and by working directly with key customers and business
Automated distribution of company news and product announcements to over
14,000 partners and customers via newsletter electronic distribution software that
culled email addresses from existing sales and marketing databases; eliminated
manual (and redundant) data entry, reduced a formerly three-day task to 15 minutes

Saved $40,000 by coding company web site in-house; increased savings by

installing, configuring and administering the web server and by performing site
updates and enhancements
Tech Pubs Supervisor, Web Developer Harris Corporation
Wrote and illustrated reference, installation and troubleshooting guides for television
broadcast automation software and hardware products used by broadcasters, such
as HBO, Disney, ESPN and MTV
Produced CD-ROM-based interactive presentations and marketing materials for
conferences and trade shows
Designed and implemented division-wide style guide and publication standards for
all technical documentation; created and implemented technical documentation
quality review procedures for entire division
Promoted from technical writer to technical publications supervisor; recruited and
managed technical writing staff
Developed web software that simplified and expedited conference registration for
customers; deployed network (distributed) applications that provided real-time
notification of new registrations
Managed development of sales and marketing materials with outside advertising
and PR firms
Tech Writer, Web Designer International Consulting Group
Created company web site, including concept, coding, artwork and deployment,
and wrote and designed print advertisements
Wrote network administrator guides for Metricoms broadband wireless
communication systems
Wrote white papers for Cabletrons multi-layer routing technology
Wrote and edited online help content for Apples web application development tool,
Authored and designed service brochures for an ASIC and DSP software design
Technical Certifications
Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Edition 1.4
Novell Certified Web Designer

Novell Certified Internet Business Strategist

Adobe Certified Expert, Photoshop & Adobe Certified Expert, Illustrator
Higher-Education Degrees
Ball State University, General Studies, German Associate of Arts
Work samples and references available upon request.

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