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Advantage of Reading

We always think only one question, what is the advantage of reading? There are many reasons people
should read. People should read because it helps them to improve in English. It helps them to be a
better reader and it helps people get better jobs. For these reasons people should read books.

First of all, Reading helps people to learn English and improve in English. For example, there are many
words we dont know so when we read a book, we learn these words. If we dont know the meaning of
the word we are going to write it and then look it up in the dictionary, which helps us to learn new word
and meaning of the word.

In addition, Reading helps people to get a better reader. For instance, in school you have to read better
otherwise you cant pass ESL or regents. Also reading is one way that helps you to write a better essay.
For example, when you read a book, it helps you to get new ideas and when you get new ideas you can
use all these ideas and write a better essay.

Reading helps you get a good job. For instance, if want to get a good job you have to read better
because if you get good job there are many things you have to read aloud in front of other people so if
you cant read they are not going to hire you because you dont know how to read. If they hire you they
have to lose lots of money because nobody come to their company all people that they hire they dont
how to read, they dont understand people what they explain them.

In conclusion, I think reading is very important. We have to read otherwise we cant succeed in the
future. Reading is very important. If we dont read books we cant learn better English, if we dont learn
English we cant get better job. Many people think that reading is not so important. I think they should
think more.

My Public Speaking Text : Music
This is my public speaking text that I presented at the competition on the 24th of February...

Assalamualaikum and a very good morning to my fellow friends, teachers and judges. Today, on this fine morning, I would like to
present to you a public speech about Music.

Music. We hear it every day. No matter where we are, music will always be played either
on the radio or just by humming a tune. Did you know that music started as early as the
Paleolithic era? So music is about 200 000 years old. Wow! Its so old. Still people enjoy
listening to this old art for nearly 200 millenniums.

Music is an art which uses sound as its main medium. The word music originated from
a Greek word mousike (musikis), which means art of the Muses (Muses). The Muses are the
Goddesses of Greek who loves art and literature.

The elements needed to produce music are pitch, rhythm and dynamics. The pitch is the
combination of melody and harmony. Rhythm is the beat of the music. Dynamics are the
volume. At first the song starts soft then it gradually starts to get loud. Suddenly theres an
accent and everything settles down and dies away.

An object needs to be vibrated in order to produce sound. Lets take a guitar for example. We
pluck the strings in order to vibrate them. The sound waves then enter the hollow wood and
echoes in order to make the sound louder. How about a woodwind and a brass instrument? Ah,
but theres a catch. These two instruments are the same but they are not alike. Both instruments
need puff power. But a woodwind instrument uses holes to indicate different notes whilst the
brass family uses valves.

Some standard orchestral instrumental families are the strings family, as in pianos,
guitars, violins and so on. Next, the woodwind family. For example, flutes, recorders, bassoons
and others. Lastly, the brass family. The family consists of trumpets, French horns, tubas and
others. Sometimes, people use imaginary instruments like the air guitar. They are just basically
strumming like a guitar but without a guitar. Still the song is playing in their heads.

The music genre is generally endless. It ranges from Acapella to Fusion jazz, Gaana to
Muzak also known as the music you here in elevators, Nagauta, a kind of Japanese style of
music, to Rumba, Sabar to Zydeco. Sabar is not the Malay word for relax. It is a drumming style
found in Senegal. Have you heard? Theres another genre coming! Revolution Pop is created by
Usher Raymond. Oh, you know! Hes Justin Biebers mentor. The most popular genres that we
hear nowadays are pop, dominated by the late King of Pop, Micheal Jackson. Rock, conquered
by Elvis Presley. Punk, played by bands like Green Day and Paramore. Country written by
Taylor Swift and a few others. But the only thing I cant deny is that the most popular genre right
now is K-pop or Korean Pop. Boy bands like Super Junior and girl groups such as 2NE1 are
examples of artists who gets involve in K-pop. Boys and girls are going nuts over the artists.

Through music and the lyrics, a massage could be passed through. Moral values could
also be found in them. Some song lyrics contain impolite words which should be avoided as it
could contaminate the thought. Motivating songs could boost and motivate anyone who listens to

Composers are people whose job is to make music. Music could come out as complex as
it sounds or even as easy as just making up a tune by humming. It may sound difficult but if you
have the will to learn and create music, then it wont be that difficult. An example of a classical
composer that we always hear but seldom know is Ludwig van Beethoven who wrote the song
entitled Fr Elise. At the age of 26, Ludwig van Beethoven started to lose his sense of hearing.
He gradually became deaf but that did not stop him from creating more fantastic music. Dont
know whos Beethoven? How about we take someone local. Edry Abdul Halim. One of the
members of a boy band with the name KRU. He has created music for many Akademi Fantasia
candidates and many are a hit!

Music is written theoretically and made real practically. It lives in every one of us. Music
is like an international language. Even though we do not understand the lyrics but we understand
the melody. The rhythm. The harmony. Everything starts small. In music, it starts with a note.
Then, a tune. After that, a rhythm and a melody. Finally, a harmonious song that unites everyone
disregarding the race or the background or whatever at all was born. Music unites the souls
of Malaysia and the world. Guess what! We enjoy it!
Thank you and Assalamualaikum.

In todays world, ladies and gentlemen, in our everyday lives, more and more pressure are put not lifted in our very own shoulders.. because of this
ladies and gentlemen, the world community and even i myself, had smiled less, laugh less, and enven love and compassion towards others are
forgotten regardlessly.. Regrettably today, even our very own judges' smiles seem to fade a little bit.. So before i begin my speech, i bessech all of you
to smile.PLEASE smile widely during my speech.

So, let us begin.Assalamualaikum and a very pleasant morning to honourable judges, accurate time keeper, and of course, my unforgotten wonderful

Well, as i said earlier, we are currently living in a relly modern era for the human civilisation, a really outstanding achievement for us humans really,
BUT, behind this 'amazing' achievement of ours, DO WE REALIZE, that the world community, YES the world community, that includes all of you and
even me, are brought face to face with intensed anxiety in our everyday lives. As a result of this, ladies and gentlemen, counsellors, had gain more
profit from problemed students, married couples, and even unmaried couples, seek help from these counselors. Ha!! Don't forget even teachers too,
are seeking help.

HAVE ANY OF YOU EVER WONDERED WHY?? HOW?? Could this be happening?
WHY are more and more people seek help or consult for problems in relationship when we are living in a very content life?!

Amor, sarang, liebe, cinta and ai. These words mean to have feelings of affection or love towards somebody.Also known as L.O.V.E,love.The synonym
for this cliche' word is, like, be fond of, adore and be devoted to. Without love, ladies and gentlemen, calamity would definitely be possible. So , Love is
proven important.

Love is something that could not be forced into. For love,ladies and gentlemen, in my opinion
is a great gift from God that comes slowly.this statement of mind, is fit for my topic for today. that is love comes slowly.

For example, I give you, my adorable little sister. I am certain, that each and everyone of you here, have either heard or experience having a quarrel
between siblings or family members. But, not everyone here,has experienced having a sister that is 9 years younger than you.

Well, ladies and gents, apparently,the lovely lady that is standing on the stage right now is the lucky one. Or should i say, the choosen one. Yes, it is
true that i have a sister that is 9 years younger than me. I am the 3rd of 4 siblings, i have 2 older brothers that have finished with high school,well, that
leaves me, with my 'adorable' sister.

For your information, i disliked my sister so much. Why? you ask? To answer this annoying question of yours, i would take you 6 years back down
memory lane.

Well, 6 years ago, I was changing diapers, making milk, d as i ordered by the 'master' whom was my own mother, and all the things a responsible sister
would do. At that time i could still resist. THANk GOD for my patience. The next year was a honeymoon year for me, because, my master had stopped
asking me to do all the chores. even though it was an examination year for me.

But, through this happy period, jealousy was building up as the factor was jealousy. WHY would a 12 years old girl, be jealoused of her 2 year old
sister?? Well, my answer is simple..
I was still a young child deep inside of me. I dearly wanted to be hug, kiss, cuddled and even laugh with my mother just like old times, before the
presence of my sister.

So based on my own experience, i can say that love do comes slowly. In this case, positive thinking, patience and an opened mind are crucial to
ensure a strong bond between individuals. So, here, i can say, LOVE COMES SLOWLY.

I end my speech with wabillahhitaufiq walhidayah, wassalamualaikum warrahmatullahhiwabarakatuh and a very pleasant morning to everybody. Thank

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