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Shatabhisha (640' to 2000' Aquarius) | All about BirthStars |
A group of faint stars, completely within the sign of Aquarius, form the
nakshatra Shatabhisha. When gazing at this nakshatra in the sky,
Sadalachbia (Gamma Aquarii) is the brightest star of the group.
Shatabhisha is known as "100 physicians" and is connected to
medicine and healing abilities. People born under this star are
independent and intrigued with puzzles, research and getting to the
bottom of things. The symbol of Shatabhisha is an empty circle, which
indicates the ability to explore mysteries and philosophies of the
unknown. Shatabhisha is a secretive star with a focus on the hidden
powers of life. This may lead to a reclusive life and those born under
this star must be cautious of depression and seclusion. Overall,
Shatabhisha bestows a truthful, perceptive and ambitious nature.
General Characteristics: Independent; harsh, yet truthful speech;
grief-stricken, but conquers enemies; thoughtlessly engages in work.
Translation: "Hundred Physicians", "Hundred Medicines", "Possessing a Hundred Healers"
Symbol: An ox cart; an empty circle or round charm.
Animal Symbol: A Female Horse
Presiding Deity: Lord Varuna, the God of rain and cosmic waters.
Controlling Planet: Rahu
Ruling Deity of Rahu: Durga
Nature: Rakshasa (demonic)
Mode: Active
Gender: Neuter
Dosha: Vata
Guna: Tamasic
Element: Ether
Disposition: Moveable
Bird: Raven
Common Name: Kadambha
Botanical Name: Anthocephalus cadamba a
Seed Sounds: Go, Sa, Si, Su (see Padas of Shatabhisha)
Also related to Planets: Saturn, the ruler of Aquarius, gives practicality
Each Nakshatra is divided into four quarters called padas that contain more specific characteristics of a person
born during the pada of Shatabhisha:
First Pada 0640' - 1000' of Aquarius.
Ruled by Jupiter
Soul Sound: Go
Keyword: Enthusiasm
Second Pada 1000' - 1320' of Aquarius.
Ruled by Saturn
Soul Sound: Sa (Saa)
Keyword: Pragmatic
Third Pada 1320' - 1640' of Aquarius.
Ruled by Saturn
Soul Sound: Si (See)
Keyword: Forward thinking
Fourth Pada 1640' - 2000' of Aquarius.
Ruled by Jupiter
Soul Sound: Su (Soo)
Keyword: Imagination

Strength: Independent; original; truthful; sharp mind; perceptive; emotionally controlled; interested in getting to
the bottom of things; prosperous; economical; clever; able to defend themselves; enterprising; interested in
astrology and other esoteric subjects; likes to solve puzzles; provides good service; finds happiness within
themselves; strong principles; strong sense of justice; charitable; skilled in writing; sharp memory; daring; bold;
artistic nature; defeats enemies.
Weakness: Loneliness; lacks self confidence; restricted; quiet yet will blurt things out in an unrefined manner; con
artist; unstable; argumentative; uncommunicative; hides true intentions; miser; dependent on others to meet their
needs; feels intensely restrained or mentally anguished; problematic relationships; reserved; secretive; keeps
weaknesses to themselves; stubborn.
Professions: Physicians, healers, surgeons, X-ray technician, astronomers, astrologers, engineers, aeronautics,
space engineer, pilots, nuclear physicists, researchers, electricians, writers, clerical work, secretaries, film and
television, drug and pharmaceutical, working with herbs, drug dealers, waste disposal, plastics and petroleum,
automobile industry, explorer, Zen practitioners
Famous Shatabhishas: Paul Newman, Robin Williams, Elvis Presley, J. Edgar Hoover, Paul Klee, Joe DiMaggio
Favorable Activities: Signing business deals and contracts, land and property deals, education, travel, bike
riding, acquiring new vehicles, recreational ventures, meditation, sexual activity, astronomy and astrology,
medicine, therapies, media events, technological activities, visiting the sea/ocean
Unfavorable Activities: Marriage, childbirth, fertility treatments, law suits, arguments, negative action, new
beginnings in general, too much socializing, financial matters, buying clothes or jewelry, domestic activities

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