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Children of the Mountains

Go on silent toes--
Looking beneficios al exportador for the culprits
Who gave them poisoned meat...!

Be aware one: ninety one.7 Radio "Tremendous Latina", ten/19/2005, inteviewer Joseito
Arrieta, achieving one.two million men and women in the Mantaro Valley Region about the
guide "Spell of the Andes" (paraphrased): the Municipality and the Cultura Residence from
Huancayo should give an acknowledgement for the function you did on The Mantaro Valley.


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English Model

Struggle of Concepcion

((...battle with the Chileans) (July ninth, & ten, 1882))

A part of the Chilean Army was in the vicinity and inside the city of Concepcion, for about 6
months, the struggle, and clashes between equally armies ended up on July nine and the 10,
1882: the town of Comas joined in with the guerrillas of San Jeronimo, and other nearby
cities to battle the Chileans. On July 10, much more Peruvians reinforcements arrived, and
this direct to the defeat of the Chileans, leaving no survivors.

On fireplace and sand and turf,
I see

the place smells of burning was on
each road, even close to the
churchyard sq. (and the lifeless lay
everywhere-all over the place in the City of

the Wanka Race, fought and broke the Chilean
shackles free, from their ankles...

they experienced fought struggle with the Chilean Military-
no thought of fearful wills-while fighting in the sierras
embrace: they had fought the Chilean Army-with
enjoy and braveness, and remaining a printed trace

- this kind of is enjoy and braveness
glad to be, - it was the last day of struggle
for the Metropolis of Concepcion...! And no Chilean
would be spared or freed...

for, cruel and unbendablethoughts to gain victory
experienced seeped deep into
the Chilean thoughts
as gloom rained down upon their unhallowed struggle-

(They resorted to waving white flags,
in pretence-asking for mercy in their deadly plight
then shooting and killing Peruvians
displaying dishonor and disgrace! ) (and thus, no
Chilean would be spared or freed...))

You see, where enjoy and bravery has
left a printed trace-
they could not defeat, the partitions and
wills and bordering hills
that circled the streets of Concepcion,
nor the Wanka Race...!

We must never ever forget-
people Peruvian souls,
who fought the struggle of
this Pacific War so lengthy ago
in Concepcion
for they not only won
but loved
this sacred ground,
we now stand on-
much more so,
than their very own lives...!

"For what better reward can gentleman give
than to lay down his daily life for one more?"

Written at the Ask for of the Mayor of Concepcion..., "The Struggle for Concepcion" (No:
2949/2950) which took area on July 9th, and July ten, 1882, was composed through the
month of June, 2011, to be go through at the general public sq. by the writer on July 9 & 10,
2011, the Anniversary of the metropolis of Concepcion, commemoration of that fight.

Sin embargo, el General Andrs Avelino Cceres planeaba el ataque por las Sierras.

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