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Leon Trotsky

The History of the Russian Revolution

The Triumph of the Soviets
ONLINE VERSION: Translated by Max Eastman, 1932
Library o !on"ress !atalo" !ard N#mber $%$399&
IS'N %913&(%$3&
Trans)ribed or t*e +orld +ide +eb by ,o*n
/0#stralia1, 0l2*anos 3an"as /-ree)e1 and 4a5id +alters
/6nited States1 1997 t*ro#"* 2%%%
!on5erted to e'oo8 ormat by 9onstantine T*o#8ydidis
Table of Contents
!*a2ter 3$: T*e 3easantry 'eore O)tober:::::::::::::::::::::::::2
!*a2ter 39: T*e 3roblem o Nationalities::::::::::::::::::::::::::&7
!*a2ter &%: +it* rom t*e
3re;3arliament and Str#""le or t*e So5iet !on"ress:::::::$<
!*a2ter &1: T*e Military;Re5ol#tionary !ommittee::::::::12%
!*a2ter &2: Lenin S#mmons to Ins#rre)tion:::::::::::::::::::1($
!*a2ter &3: T*e 0rt o Ins#rre)tion:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::22(
!*a2ter &&: T*e !on=#est o t*e !a2ital::::::::::::::::::::::::2(9
!*a2ter &<: T*e !a2t#re o t*e +inter 3ala)e::::::::::::::::321
!*a2ter &(: T*e O)tober Ins#rre)tion:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::3(9
!*a2ter &7: T*e !on"ress o t*e So5iet 4i)tators*i2:::::&%&
Note to t*e 022endi)es /and 022endix No:11:::::::::::::::::&($
022endix 1; S#22lementary Essay: Some Le"ends o t*e
022endix No:2: So)ialism in a Se2arate !o#ntry>::::::::::<%9
022endix No:3: ?istori) Reeren)es on t*e T*eory o
@3ermanent Re5ol#tionA::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::<73
Chapter 38: The Peasantry Before
!i5ilisation *as made t*e 2easantry its 2a)8 animal: T*e
bo#r"eoisie in t*e lon" r#n only )*an"ed t*e orm o t*e
2a)8: 'arely tolerated on t*e t*res*old o t*e national lie,
t*e 2easant stands essentially o#tside t*e t*res*old o
s)ien)e: T*e *istorian is ordinarily as little interested in
*im as t*e dramati) )riti) is in t*ose "rey i"#res .*o s*it
t*e s)enery, )arryin" t*e *ea5ens and eart* on t*eir
ba)8s, and s)r#b t*e dressin";rooms o t*e a)tors: T*e
2art 2layed by t*e 2easantry in 2ast re5ol#tions remains
*ardly )leared #2 to t*is day:
@T*e Bren)* bo#r"eoisie be"an by liberatin" t*e
2easantry,A .rote Marx in 1$&$: @+it* t*e *el2 o t*e
2easantry t*ey )on=#ered E#ro2e: T*e 3r#ssian
bo#r"eoisie .as so blinded by its o.n narro. and )lose;by
interests t*at it lost e5en t*is ally, and t#rned it into a
.ea2on in t*e *ands o t*e e#dal )o#nter;re5ol#tion:A In
t*is )ontrast .*at relates to t*e -erman bo#r"eoisie is
tr#eC b#t t*e assertion t*at @t*e Bren)* bo#r"eoisie be"an
by liberatin" t*e 2easantryA is an e)*o o t*at oi)ial
Bren)* le"end .*i)* exer)ised an inl#en)e in its day e5en
#2on Marx: In reality t*e bo#r"eoisie, in t*e 2ro2er sense
o t*e term, o22osed t*e 2easant re5ol#tion .it* all t*e it *ad: E5en rom t*e r#ral instr#)tions o 17$9 t*e
lo)al leaders o t*e T*ird Estate t*re. o#t, #nder t*e "#ise
o editin", t*e 8eenest and most bold demands: T*e
amo#s de)ision o 0#"#st &, ado2ted by t*e National
0ssembly amid t*e "lo. o r#ral )onla"rations, lon"
remained a 2at*eti) orm#la .it*o#t )ontent: T*e
2easants .*o .o#ld not re)on)ile t*emsel5es to t*is
de)eit .ere adD#red by t*e !onstit#ent 0ssembly to
@ret#rn to t*e #lilment o t*eir d#ties and *a5e t*e
2ro2er res2e)t or Ee#dalF 2ro2erty:A T*e )i5il "#ard tried
more t*an on)e to 2#t do.n t*e 2easantry in t*e )o#ntry:
'#t t*e )ity .or8ers, ta8in" t*e side o t*ose in re5olt, met
t*e bo#r"eois 2#niti5e ex2editions .it* stones and bro8en
T*ro#"*o#t i5e years t*e Bren)* 2easantry rose at e5ery
)riti)al moment o t*e re5ol#tion, 2re5entin" a deal
bet.een t*e e#dal and bo#r"eois 2ro2erty;*olders: T*e
3arisian Sans-culottes, 2o#rin" o#t t*eir blood or t*e
re2#bli), liberated t*e 2easant rom *is e#dal )*ains: T*e
Bren)* re2#bli) o 1792 mar8ed a ne. so)ial rG"ime H in
)ontradistin)tion to t*e -erman re2#bli) o 191$, or t*e
S2anis* re2#bli) o 1931, .*i)* mean only t*e old rG"ime
min#s t*e dynasty: 0t t*e bottom o t*is dieren)e it is not
*ard to ind t*e a"rarian =#estion:
T*e Bren)* 2easant did not t*in8 dire)tly o a re2#bli)C *e
.anted to t*ro. o t*e landlord: T*e 3arisian re2#bli)ans
ordinarily or"ot all abo#t t*e )o#ntry: '#t it .as only t*e
2easant 2ress#re #2on t*e landlord .*i)* "#aranteed t*e
)reation o a re2#bli), )learin" t*e e#dal r#bbis* o#t o its
road: 0 re2#bli) .it* a nobility is not a re2#bli): T*is .as
ex)ellently #nderstood by t*e old man Ma)*ia5elli, .*o in
*is Blorentine exile &%% years beore t*e 2residen)y o
Ebert, bet.een *#ntin" t*r#s*es and 2layin" at tric-trac
.it* t*e b#t)*er, "eneralised t*e ex2erien)e o
demo)rati) re5ol#tions: @+*o e5er .ants to o#nd a
re2#bli) in a )o#ntry .*ere t*ere are many nobles, )an
only do t*is i to be"in .it* *e exterminates t*em all: T*e
R#ssian Muzhiks .ere essentially o t*e same o2inion, and
t*ey re5ealed t*is o2enly .it*o#t any @Ma)*ia5ellianism:A
+*ile 3etro"rad and Mos)o. 2layed t*e main rIle in t*e
mo5ement o t*e .or8ers and soldiers, t*e irst 2la)e in
t*e 2easant mo5ement m#st be a))orded to t*e ba)8.ard
-reat R#ssian a"ri)#lt#ral )entre, and t*e middle re"ion o
t*e Vol"a: ?ere t*e reli)s o serdom *ad es2e)ially dee2
rootsC t*e noblesJ 2ro2rietors*i2 in t*e land .as most
2arasiti) in )*ara)terC t*e dierentiation o t*e 2easantry
.as ar be*ind and t*e 2o5erty o t*e 5illa"e t*#s more
na8edly re5ealed: '#rstin" o#t in t*is re"ion as early as
Mar)*, t*e mo5ement *ad been immediately adorned .it*
a)ts o terror: T*ro#"* t*e eorts o t*e dominant 2arties
it .as soon*ed, *o.e5er, into t*e )*annel o
)om2romise 2oliti)s:
In t*e ind#strially ba)8.ard 68raine, a"ri)#lt#re, )arried
on or ex2ort, *ad a)=#ired a ar more 2ro"ressi5e and
)onse=#ently more )a2italisti) )*ara)ter: ?ere t*e
stratii)ation o t*e 2easantry *ad "one )onsiderably
art*er t*an in -reat R#ssia: T*e str#""le or national
liberation moreo5er ine5itably delayed, at least or t*e
time bein", ot*er orms o so)ial stra""le: '#t t*e 5ariation
in re"ional, and e5en national, )onditions ex2ressed itsel
in t*e lon" r#n only in a dieren)e o dates: 'y a#t#mn t*e
territory o t*e 2easant str#""le *ad be)ome almost t*e
.*ole )o#ntry: O#t o t*e (2& )o#nties )onstit#tin" old
R#ssia, &$2, or 77 2er )ent, .ere in5ol5ed in t*e
mo5ement: 0nd omittin" t*e borderlands, distin"#is*ed by
s2e)ial a"rarian )onditions H t*e nort*ern distri)t, t*e
Trans)a#)as#s, t*e re"ion o t*e ste22es, and Siberia H o#t
o &$1 )o#nties, &39, or 91 2er )ent, .ere dra.n into t*e
2easant re5olt:
T*e met*ods o str#""le dier a))ordin" to .*et*er it is a
=#estion o 2lo#"*ed land, orest, 2ast#re, o rentals or o
*ired labo#r: T*e str#""le )*an"ed its orms and met*ods,
too, at 5ario#s sta"es o t*e re5ol#tion: '#t in "eneral t*e
mo5ement o t*e 5illa"es 2assed, .it* ine5itable delay,
t*ro#"* t*e same t.o "reat sta"es as t*e mo5ement o
t*e )ities: In t*e irst sta"e t*e 2easants .ere still
a))ommodatin" t*emsel5es to t*e ne. rG"ime, and tryin"
to sol5e t*eir 2roblems by means o t*e ne. instit#tions:
E5en *ere, *o.e5er, it .as more a matter o orm t*an
s#bstan)e: T*e Mos)o. liberal ne.s2a2er H tinted beore
t*e re5ol#tion .it* a Narodni8 *#e H ex2ressed .it*
admirable dire)tness t*e state o mind o t*e landlord
)ir)les in t*e s#mmer o 1917: @T*e muzhik is "lan)in"
ro#nd, *e is not doin" anyt*in" yet, b#t loo8 in *is eyes H
*is eyes .ill tell yo# t*at all t*e land lyin" aro#nd *im is
*is land:A 0 2ere)t 8ey to t*is @2ea)e#lA 2oli)y o t*e
2easantry, is a tele"ram sent in 02ril by one o t*e Tomboy
5illa"es to t*e 3ro5isional -o5ernment:
@+e desire to 8ee2 t*e 2ea)e in t*e interests o t*e
reedom .on: '#t or t*is reason, orbid t*e sale o t*e
landlordsJ land #ntil t*e !onstit#ent 0ssembly: Ot*er.ise
.e .ill s*ed blood, b#t .e .ill not let anyone else 2lo#"*
t*e land:A
T*e muzhik o#nd it easy to maintain a tone o res2e)t#l
t*reat, be)a#se in brin"in" *is 2ress#re to bear a"ainst
*istori) ri"*ts, *e *ardly *ad to )ome into dire)t )onli)t
.it* t*e state at all: Or"ans o t*e "o5ernmental
.ere la)8in" in t*e lo)alities: T*e 5illa"e )ommittees
)ontrolled t*e militia, t*e )o#rts .ere disor"anised, t*e
lo)al )ommissars .ere 2o.erless, @+e ele)ted yo#,A t*e
2easants .o#ld s*o#t at t*em, @and .e .ill 8i)8 yo# o#t:A
4#rin" t*e s#mmer t*e 2easants, de5elo2in" t*e str#""le
o t*e 2re)edin" mont*s, )ame nearer and nearer to )i5il
.ar, and t*eir let .in" e5en ste22ed o5er its t*res*old:
0))ordin" to a re2ort o t*e landed 2ro2rietors o t*e
Ta"anro" distri)t, t*e 2easants on t*eir o.n initiati5e
seiKed t*e *ay )ro2, too8 2ossession o t*e land, *indered
t*e 2lo#"*in", named arbitrary rental 2ri)es, and remo5ed
2ro2rietors and o5erseers: 0))ordin" to a re2ort o t*e
NiK*e"orod )ommissar, 5iolent a)ti5ities and seiK#res o
land and orest in *is 2ro5in)e .ere m#lti2lyin": T*e
)o#nty )ommissars .ere araid o seemin" to t*e 2easants
li8e deenders o t*e bi" landlords: T*e r#ral militia .ere
not to be relied on: @T*ere *a5e been )ases .*en oi)ers
o t*e militia too8 2art in 5iolen)e to"et*er .it* t*e mob:A
In S)*liasselb#r" )o#nty a lo)al )ommittee 2re5ented t*e
landlords rom )#ttin" t*eir o.n orest: T*e t*o#"*t o t*e
2easants .as sim2le: No !onstit#ent 0ssembly )an
res#rre)t t*e trees t*at are )#t do.n: T*e )ommissar o
t*e Ministry o t*e !o#rt )om2lains o t*e seiK#re o *ay:
+e *a5e *ad to b#y *ay or t*e )o#rt *orses In 9#rs8
2ro5in)e t*e 2easants di5ided amon" t*emsel5es t*e
ertilised allo. land o Teres*)*en8o: T*e 2ro2rietor .as
Minister o Borei"n 0airs: T*e 2easants de)lared to
S)*neider, a *orse breeder o Orlo5 2ro5in)e, t*at t*ey
.o#ld not only )#t t*e )lo5er on *is estate, b#t *im too
t*ey mi"*t @send into t*e army:A T*e 5illa"e )ommittee
dire)ted t*e o5erseer o RodKian8oJs estate to s#rrender
t*e *ay to t*e 2easants: JI yo# donJt listen to t*is land
)ommittee, yo#Jll "et treated dierently, yo#Jll "et
arrested Si"ned and sealed:
Brom all )orners o t*e )o#ntry )om2laints and .ails
2o#red in H rom 5i)tims, rom lo)al a#t*orities, rom
noble;minded obser5ers: T*e tele"rams o t*e lando.ners
)onstit#te a most brilliant re#tation o t*e )r#de t*eory o
)lass str#""le: T*ese titled nobles, lords o t*e lati#ndia,
s2irit#al and tem2oral r#lers, are .orryin" ex)l#si5ely
abo#t t*e 2#bli) .eal: T*eir enemy is not t*e 2easants,
b#t t*e 'ols*e5i8s H sometimes t*e anar)*ists, T*eir o.n
2ro2erty en"a"es t*e landlordJs interest solely rom t*e
2oint o 5ie. o t*e .elare o t*e at*erland: 3%%
members o t*e 9adet 3arty in !*erni"o5 2ro5in)e de)lare
t*at t*e 2easants, in)ited by 'ols*e5i8s, are remo5in" t*e
.ar 2risoners rom .or8 and t*emsel5es inde2endently
rea2in" t*e *ar5est: 0s a res#lt, t*ey )ry, .e are
t*reatened .it* @inability to 2ay t*e taxes:A T*e 5ery
meanin" o existen)e or t*ese liberal landlords lay in
s#22ortin" t*e national treas#ryL T*e 3odols8 bran)* o
t*e State 'an8 )om2lains o t*e arbitrary a)tions o 5illa"e
)ommittees, @.*ose 2residents are oten 0#strian
2risoners:A ?ere it is inD#red 2atriotism t*at s2ea8s: In
Vladimir 2ro5in)e, in t*e manor o a re"istrar o deeds,
Odintso5, t*e 2easants too8 a.ay b#ildin" materials t*at
*ad been @made ready or 2*ilant*ro2i) instit#tions:A
3#bli) oi)ials li5e only or t*e lo5e o man8indL 0 bis*o2
rom 3odols8 re2orts t*e arbitrary seiK#re o a orest
belon"in" to t*e *o#se o t*e 0r)*bis*o2: T*e 2ro)#rator
)om2lains o t*e seiK#re o meado.lands rom t*e
0lexandro;Ne5s8y Monastery: T*e Mot*er S#2erior o t*e
9iKliars8 !on5ent )alls do.n t*#nder and li"*tnin" #2on
t*e members o t*e lo)al )ommittee: T*ey are intererin"
in t*e aairs o t*e )on5ent, )onis)atin" rentals or t*eir
o.n #se, @in)itin" t*e n#ns a"ainst t*eir s#2eriors:A In all
t*ese )ases t*e s2irit#al needs o t*e )*#r)* are dire)tly
ae)ted: !o#nt Tolstoi, one o t*e sons o Leo Tolstoi,
re2orts in t*e name o t*e Lea"#e o 0"ri)#lt#rists o
6ims8 2ro5in)e t*at t*e transer o land to t*e lo)al
)ommittees*o#t .aitin" or a de)ision o t*e
!onstit#ent 0ssembly ::: is )a#sin" an o#tb#rst o
dissatisa)tion amon" t*e 2easant 2ro2rietors, o .*om
t*ere are more t*an 2%%,%%% in t*e 2ro5in)eA T*e
*ereditary lord is tro#bled ex)l#si5ely abo#t *is lesser
brot*ers: Senator 'el"ardt, a 2ro2rietor o T5er 2ro5in)e, is
ready to re)on)ile *imsel to )#ttin"s in t*e orest, b#t is
"rie5ed and oended t*at t*e 2easants @.ill not s#bmit to
t*e bo#r"eois "o5ernment:A 0 Tombo5 landlord,
Veliamino2, demands t*e res)#e o t.o estates .*i)* @are
ser5in" t*e needs o t*e army:A 'y a))ident t*ese t.o
estates *a22ened to belon" to *im: Bor t*e 2*iloso2*y o
idealism t*ese landlord tele"rams o 1917 are 5erily a
treas#re: 0 materialist .ill rat*er see in t*em a dis2lay o
t*e 5ario#s models o )yni)ism: ?e .ill add 2er*a2s t*at
"reat re5ol#tions de2ri5e t*e 2ro2erty;*olders e5en o t*e
2ri5ile"e o di"niied *y2o)risy:
T*e a22eals o t*e 5i)tims to t*e )o#nty and 2ro5in)ial
a#t*orities, to t*e Minister o t*e Interior, to t*e 3resident
o t*e !o#n)il o Ministers, bro#"*t as a "eneral r#le no
res#lt: Brom .*om t*en s*all .e as8 aid> Brom RodKian8o,
2resident o t*e State 4#maL 'et.een t*e ,#ly 4ays and
t*e 9ornilo5 ins#rre)tion, t*e Lord !*amberlain a"ain elt
*imsel an inl#ential i"#re: m#)* .as done at a rin" rom
*is tele2*one:
T*e #n)tionaries o t*e Ministry o t*e Interior send o#t
)ir)#lars to t*e lo)alities abo#t brin"in" t*e "#ilty to trial:
T*e br#s=#e landlords o Samara tele"ra2* in
@!ir)#lars .it*o#t t*e si"nat#re o t*e so)ialist minister
*a5e no or)e:A T*e #n)tion o so)ialism is t*#s re5ealed:
Tseretelli is )om2elled to o5er)ome *is bas*#lness: On t*e
1$t* o ,#ly *e sends o#t a .ordy instr#)tion abo#t ta8in" and de)isi5e meas#res:A Li8e t*e landlords
t*emsel5es, Tseretelli .orries solely abo#t t*e army and
t*e state: It seems to t*e 2easants, *o.e5er, t*at
Tseretelli is 2rote)tin" t*e landlords:
T*ere )ame a s#dden )*an"e in t*e "o5ernmentJs met*od
o 2a)iyin" t*e 2easants: 62 to ,#ly t*e 2re5ailin" met*od
*ad been tal8in" t*em o#t o it: I military deta)*ments
.ere also sent into t*e lo)alities, it .as only in t*e
)a2a)ity o a "#ard or t*e "o5ernment orator: 0ter t*e
5i)tory o5er t*e 3etro"rad .or8ers and soldiers, *o.e5er,
)a5alry troo2s H no. .it*o#t 5o)al 2ers#aders H 2#t
t*emsel5es dire)tly at t*e dis2osal o t*e landlords: In
9aKan 2ro5in)e, one o t*e most t#m#lt#o#s, t*ey
s#))eeded H to =#ote t*e yo#n" *istorian, M#"o5 H @only by
means o arrests, by brin"in" armed troo2s into t*e
5illa"es, and e5en by re5i5in" t*e )#stom o lo""in" ::: in
red#)in" t*e 2easants to s#bmission:A In ot*er 2la)es, too,
t*ese meas#res o re2ression .ere not .it*o#t ee)t: T*e
n#mber o dama"ed landlord 2ro2erties ell some.*at in
,#ly: rom <1( to <%3: In 0#"#st t*e "o5ernment a)*ie5ed
still #rt*er s#))esses: t*e n#mber o #nsatisa)tory
)o#nties ell rom 32< to 2$$ H t*at is, 11 2er )entC t*e
n#mber o 2ro2erties in5ol5ed in t*e mo5ement .as e5en
red#)ed 33 2er )ent:
!ertain distri)ts, *eretoore t*e most restless, no. =#iet
do.n or retire to se)ond 2la)e: On t*e ot*er *and, distri)ts
.*i)* .ere reliable yesterday no. )ome into t*e str#""le:
Only a mont* a"o t*e 3enKa )ommissar .as 2aintin" a
)onsolin" 2i)t#re: @T*e )o#ntry is b#sy rea2in" t*e *ar5est
::: 3re2arations are #nder .ay or t*e ele)tions to t*e
5illa"e Kemst5os: T*e 2eriod o "o5ernmental )risis 2assed
=#ietly: T*e ormation o t*e ne. "o5ernment .as "reeted
.it* "reat satisa)tion:A In 0#"#st t*ere is not a tra)e let
o t*is idyll: @Mass de2redations #2on or)*ards and t*e
)#ttin" do.n o orests ::: To =#ell t*e disorders, .e *a5e
*ad to resort to armed or)e:A
In its "eneral )*ara)ter t*e s#mmer mo5ement still
belon"s to t*e @2ea)e#lA 2eriod: ?o.e5er, #nmista8able,
alt*o#"* indeed .ea8, sym2toms o radi)alisation are
already to be obser5ed: +*ereas in t*e irst o#r mont*s
)ases o dire)t atta)8 #2on t*e landlordsJ manors
de)reased, rom ,#ly on t*ey be"in to in)rease:
In5esti"ators *a5e establis*ed in "eneral t*e"
)lassii)ation o t*e ,#ly )onli)ts, arran"ed in a diminis*in"
order startin" .it* t*e most n#mero#s: SeiK#re o
meado.s, o )ro2s, o ood;st#s and odder, o 2lo#"*ed
ields, o im2lementsC )onli)t o5er t*e )onditions o
em2loymentC destr#)tion o manors: In 0#"#st t*e order is
as ollo.s: SeiK#re o )ro2s, o reser5e 2ro5isions and
odder, o meado.s and *ay, o land and orestC a"rarian
0t t*e be"innin" o Se2tember 9erens8y, in *is )a2a)ity o
)ommander;in;)*ie, iss#ed a s2e)ial order re2eatin" t*e
re)ent ar"#ments and t*reats o *is 2rede)essor, 9ornilo5,
a"ainst @5iolent a)ti5itiesA on t*e 2art o t*e 2easants: 0
e. days later Lenin .rote: @Eit*er ::: all t*e land to t*e
2easants immediately ::: or t*e landlords and )a2italists :::
.ill brin" t*in"s to t*e 2oint o an endlessly ero)io#s
2easant re5olt:A 4#rin" t*e mont*s" t*is be)ame
a a)t:
T*e n#mber o 2ro2erties ae)ted by a"rarian )onli)ts in
Se2tember rose 3% 2er )ent o5er t*at in 0#"#stC in
O)tober, &3 2er )ent o5er t*at in Se2tember: In Se2tember
and t*e irst t*ree .ee8s o O)tober t*ere o))#rred o5er a
t*ird as many a"rarian )onli)ts as all t*ose re)orded sin)e
Mar)*: T*eir resol#teness rose, *o.e5er, in)om2arably
aster t*an t*eir n#mber: 4#rin" t*e irst mont*s e5en
dire)t seiK#res o 5ario#s a22#rtenan)es .ore t*e as2e)t
o bar"ains miti"ated and )amo#la"ed by t*e
)om2romisist instit#tions: No. t*e le"al mas8 alls a.ay:
E5ery bran)* o t*e mo5ement ass#mes a more a#da)io#s
)*ara)ter: Brom 5ario#s orms and de"rees o 2ress#re, t*e
2easants are no. 2assin" o5er to 5iolent seiK#res o t*e
5ario#s 2arts o t*e landlordJs b#siness, to t*e
extermination o t*e nests o t*e "entility, t*e b#rnin" o
manors, e5en t*e m#rder o 2ro2rietors and o5erseers:
T*e str#""le or a )*an"e in t*e )onditions o rent, .*i)*
in ,#ne ex)eeded in n#mber o )ases t*e destr#)ti5e
mo5ement, alls in O)tober to
N&% t*e n#mber: Moreo5er
t*e rent mo5ement itsel )*an"es its )*ara)ter, be)omin"
merely anot*er .ay o dri5in" o#t t*e landlord: T*e 5eto
on b#yin" and sellin" land and orest "i5es 2la)e to dire)t
seiK#re: T*e mass .ood;)#ttin"s and mass "raKin"s
a)=#ire t*e )*ara)ter o a deliberate destr#)tion o t*e
landlordJs "oods: In Se2tember 279 )ases o o2en
destr#)tion o 2ro2erty are re)ordedC t*ey no. )onstit#te
more t*an one ei"*t* o all t*e )onli)ts: O5er &2 2er )ent
o all t*e )ases o destr#)tion re)orded by t*e militia
bet.een t*e Bebr#ary and t*e O)tober re5ol#tion o))#rred
in t*e mont* o O)tober:
T*e str#""le or t*e orests .as es2e)ially bitter: +*ole
5illa"es .ere re=#ently b#rned to t*e "ro#nd: T*e timber
.as stron"ly "#arded and sellin" at a *i"* 2ri)eC t*e
muzhik .as star5in" or timberC moreo5er t*e time *ad
)ome to lay #2 ire.ood or t*e .inter: !om2laints )ame in
rom Mos)o., NiK*e"orod, 3etro"rad, Orel, and Volyn
2ro5in)es H rom all )orners o t*e )o#ntry H abo#t t*e
destr#)tion o orests and t*e seiK#re o t*e reser5es o
)orded .ood: @T*e 2easants are arbitrarily and r#t*lessly
)#ttin" do.n t*e orest: T.o *#ndred essiatins o t*e
landlordJs orest *a5e been b#rned by t*e 2easants:A @T*e
2easants o 9limo5i)*e5s8y and !*eri8o5s8y )o#nties are
destroyin" t*e orests and layin" .aste t*e .inter;
.*eat :::A T*e orests "#ards are in li"*tC t*e landlordJs
orests are "roanin"C t*e )*i2s are lyin" t*ro#"*o#t t*e
.*ole )o#ntry: 0ll t*at a#t#mn t*e muzhikJs axe .as
e5eris*ly beatin" time or t*e re5ol#tion:
In t*e distri)ts .*i)* im2orted "rain t*e ood sit#ation in
t*e 5illa"es deteriorated at a aster 2a)e t*an in t*e )ity:
Not only ood .as la)8in", b#t seed: In t*e ex2ortin"
re"ions, in )onse=#en)e o a redo#bled 2#m2in" o#t o
ood reso#r)es, t*e sit#ation .as b#t little better: T*e
raisin" o t*e ixed 2ri)e o "rain *it t*e 2oor: In a n#mber
o 2ro5in)es t*ere o))#rred *#n"er riots, 2l#nderin" o
"ranaries, assa#lts on t*e instit#tions o t*e Bood
0dministration: T*e 2o2#lation resorted to s#bstit#tes or
bread: Re2orts )ame in o )ases o s)#r5y and ty2*#s, o
s#i)ides rom des2air: ?#n"er and its ad5an)in" s*ado.
made t*e nei"*bo#r*ood o o2#len)e and l#x#ry
es2e)ially intolerable: T*e more destit#te strata o t*e
5illa"es mo5ed into t*e ront ran8s o t*e i"*t:
T*ese .a5es o bitter eelin" raised #2 no little slime rom
t*e bottom: In 9ostroma 2ro5in)e @a 'la)8 ?#ndred and
anti;,e. a"itation is obser5ed: !riminality is on t*e
in)rease ::: 0 .anin" o interest in t*e 2oliti)al lie o t*e
)o#ntry is noti)eable:A T*is latter 2*rase in t*e re2ort o
t*e )ommissar means:
T*e ed#)ated )lasses are t#rnin" t*eir ba)8 on t*e
re5ol#tion: T*e 5oi)e o 'la)8 ?#ndred monar)*ism
s#ddenly rin"s o#t rom 3odols8 2ro5in)e: T*e )ommittee
o t*e 5illa"e o 4emido58a does not re)o"nise t*e
3ro5isional -o5ernment and )onsiders t*e !Kar Ni8olai
0lexandro5i)* @t*e most loyal leader o t*e R#ssian
2eo2le: I t*e 3ro5isional -o5ernment does not retire, .e
.ill Doin t*e -ermans:A S#)* bold a)8no.led"ements,
*o.e5er, are #ni=#e: T*e monar)*ists amon" t*e
2easants *a5e lon" a"o )*an"ed )olo#r," t*e
exam2le o t*e landlords: In 2la)es H or instan)e, in t*at
same 3odols8 2ro5in)e H military deta)*ments in )om2any
.it* t*e 2easants in5ade t*e .ine )ellars: T*e )ommissar
re2orts anar)*y: @T*e 5illa"es and t*e 2eo2le are
2eris*in"C t*e re5ol#tion is 2eris*in":A No, t*e re5ol#tion is
ar rom 2eris*in": It is di""in" itsel a dee2er )*annel T*e
ra"in" .aters are nearin" t*eir mo#t*:
On a ni"*t abo#t t*e $t* o Se2tember, t*e 2easants o
t*e 5illa"e Sy)*e58a in Tombo5 2ro5in)e, "oin" rom door
to door armed .it* )l#bs and 2it)*or8s, )alled o#t
e5erybody, small and "reat, to raid t*e landlord, Romano5:
0t a 5illa"e meetin" one "ro#2 2ro2osed t*at t*ey ta8e t*e
estate in an orderly as*ion, di5ide t*e 2ro2erty amon" t*e
2o2#lation, and 8ee2 t*e b#ildin"s or )#lt#ral 2#r2oses:
T*e 2oor demanded t*at t*ey b#rn t*e estate, lea5in" not
one stone #2on anot*er: T*e 2oor .ere in t*e maDority: On
t*at same ni"*t an o)ean o ire s.allo.ed #2 t*e estates
o t*e .*ole to.ns*i2: E5eryt*in" inlammable .as
b#rned, e5en t*e ex2erimental ields: T*e breedin" )attle
.ere sla#"*tered: @T*ey .ere dr#n8 to madness:A T*e
lames D#m2ed o5er rom to.ns*i2 to to.ns*i2: T*e r#sti)
.arriors .ere no. no lon"er )ontent .it* t*e 2atriar)*al
s)yt*e and 2it)*or8: 0 2ro5in)ial )ommissar tele"ra2*ed:
@3easants and #n8no.n 2ersons armed .it* re5ol5ers and
*and "renades are raidin" t*e manors in Ranenb#r" and
RiaK*s8y )o#nties:A It .as t*e .ar t*at introd#)ed t*is
*i"* te)*ni=#e into t*e 2easant re5olt: T*e Lea"#e o
Lando.ners re2orted t*at 2& estates .ere b#rned in t*ree
days: @T*e lo)al a#t*orities .ere 2o.erless to restore
order:A 0ter some delay troo2s arri5ed, sent by t*e distri)t
)ommander: Martial la. .as de)lared, meetin"s orbidden,
t*e insti"ators arrested: Ra5ines .ere illed .it* t*e
landlordJs 2ossession and m#)* o t*e booty .as s#n8 in
t*e ri5er:
0 3enKa 2easant, 'e"is*e5, relates : @In Se2tember all
rode o#t to raid Lo"5in /*e .as raided in 19%<, too1: 0
troo2 o teams and .a"ons streamed o#t to *is estate and
ba)8, *#ndreds o muzhiks and .en)*es be"an to dri5e
and )arry o *is )attle, "rain, et):A 0 deta)*ment )alled
o#t by t*e land administration tried to "et ba)8 some o
t*e booty, b#t t*e m#K*i8s and .en)*es assembled <%%
stron" in t*e 5illa"e, and t*e deta)*ment dis2ersed: T*e
soldiers .ore e5idently not at all ea"er to restore t*e
tram2led ri"*ts o t*e landlord: In Ta#ride 2ro5in)e,
be"innin" .it* t*e last se5en days o Se2tember,
a))ordin" to t*e re)olle)tions o t*e 2easant, -a2onen8o,
@t*e 2easants be"an to raid t*e b#ildin"s, dri5e o#t t*e
o5erseers, ta8e t*e .or8 animals, t*e ma)*inery, t*e "rain
rom t*e "ranaries ::: T*ey e5en tore o t*e blinds rom
t*e .indo.s, t*e doors rom t*eir rames, t*e loors rom
t*e rooms, and t*e Kin) roos, and )arried t*em a.ay :::A
@0t irst t*ey only )ame on oot, too8 .*at t*ey )o#ld and
l#""ed it o,A relates -r#n8o, a 2easant rom Mins8, @b#t
ater.ards t*ey *it)*ed #2 t*e *orses, .*oe5er *ad any,
and )arried t*in"s a.ay in .*ole .a"on;loads: T*ere .as
no room to 2ass: T*ey D#st dra""ed and )arried t*in"s o,
be"innin" at t.el5e oJ)lo)8 noon, or t.o days and t.o
ni"*ts .it*o#t a sto2: In t*ose orty;ei"*t *o#rs t*ey
)leaned o#t e5eryt*in":A T*e seiK#re o 2ro2erty,
a))ordin" to a Mos)o. 2easant, 9#Kmi)*e5, .as D#stiied
as ollo.s: @T*e landlord .as o#rs, .e .or8ed or *im, and
t*e 2ro2erty *e *ad o#"*t to belon" to #s alone:A On)e
#2on a time t*e landlords #sed to say to t*e sers: @Mo#
are mine and .*at is yo#rs is mine:A No. t*e 2easants
.ere "i5in" t*eir @?e .as o#r lord and all *is
"oods are o#rs:A
@In se5eral lo)alities t*ey be"an to 8no)8 #2 t*e landlords
in t*e ni"*t,A remembers anot*er Mins8 2easant, No5i8o5:
@Otener and otener t*ey .o#ld b#rn t*e landlordJs
manor:A It )ame t*e t#rn o t*e estate o t*e -rand 4#8e
Ni8olai Ni8olai5i)*, ormer )ommander;in;)*ie: @+*en
t*ey *ad ta8en a.ay all t*ey )o#ld "et, t*ey be"an
brea8in" #2 t*e sto5es, remo5in" t*e l#e;2lates, ri22in"
#2 t*e loors and 2lan8s, and dra""in" it all *ome :::A
'e*ind t*ese destr#)ti5e a)ti5ities stood t*e )ent#ry;old,
t*o#sand;year;old strate"y o all 2easant .ars: to raKe to
t*e "ro#nd t*e ortiied 2osition o t*e enemy: Lea5e *im
no 2la)e to )o5er *is *ead: @T*e more reasonable ones,A
remembers a 9#rs8 2easant, TKy"an8o5, @.o#ld say O+e
m#st not b#rn #2 t*e b#ildin"s H t*ey .ill be o #se to #s
or s)*ools and *os2itals,J b#t t*e maDority .ere t*e 8ind
t*at s*o#t o#t O+e m#st destroy e5eryt*in" so t*at in )ase
anyt*in" *a22ens o#r enemy .ill *a5e no 2la)e to *ide:JA
@T*e 2easants seiKed all t*e landlordsJ 2ro2erty,A relates
an Orel 2easant, Sa5)*en8o, @dro5e t*e landlords O#t o
t*e estates, smas*ed t*e .indo.s, doors, )eilin"s and
loors o t*e landlordsJ *o#ses ::: T*e soldiers said OI yo#
destroy t*e .ol5esJ nests, yo# m#st stran"le t*e .ol5es
too:J T*ro#"* s#)* t*reats t*e bi""est and most im2ortant
landlords *id o#t, and or t*at reason t*ere .as no m#rder
o landlords:A
In t*e 5illa"e o Palessye, in Vitebs8 2ro5in)e, t*ey b#rned
barns #ll o "rain and *ay in t*e estate belon"in" to a
Bren)*man, 'arnard: T*e muzhiks .ere t*e less in)lined to
in5esti"ate =#estions o nationality, sin)e many o t*e
landlords *ad transerred t*eir land in a *#rry to 2ri5ile"ed
orei"ners: @T*e Bren)* embassy re=#ests t*at meas#res
be ta8en :::A In t*e ront re"ion in t*e middle o O)tober it
.as dii)#lt to ta8e @meas#res,A e5en in be*al o t*e
Bren)* embassy:
T*e destr#)tion o t*e "reat estates near RiaKan )ontin#ed
o#r days: @E5en )*ildren too8 2art in t*e lootin":A T*e
Lea"#e o Landed 3ro2rietors bro#"*t to t*e attention o
t*e ministers t*at i meas#res .ere not ta8en @lyn)*;la.,
amine and )i5il .ar .o#ld brea8 o#t:A It is dii)#lt to
#nderstand .*y t*e landlords .ere still s2ea8in" o )i5il
.ar in t*e #t#re tense: 0t a )on"ress o t*e !o;o2erati5es
at t*e be"innin" o Se2tember, 'er8en*eim, one o t*e
leaders o t*e stron" tradin" 2easantry, said: @I am
)on5in)ed t*at not yet all R#ssia *as be)ome a mad*o#se,
t*at as yet or t*e most 2art only t*e 2o2#lation o t*e bi"
)ities *as "one mad:A T*is sel;)om2la)ent 5oi)e o t*e
solid and )onser5ati5e 2art o t*e 2easantry .as
*o2elessly be*ind t*e times: It .as d#rin" t*at 5ery mont*
t*at t*e 5illa"es totally bro8e loose rom all t*e nooses o
reason, and t*e ero)ity o t*eir str#""le let t*e
@mad*o#seA o t*e )ities ar be*ind:
In 02ril Lenin *ad still )onsidered it 2ossible t*at t*e
2atrioti) !o;o2erators and t*e kulaks .o#ld dra" t*e main
mass o t*e 2easantry ater t*em alon" t*e road o
)om2romise .it* t*e bo#r"eoisie and t*e landlord: Bor t*is
reason *e so tirelessly insisted #2on t*e )reation o s2e)ial
so5iets o arm *andsJ de2#ties, and #2on inde2endent
or"anisations o t*e 2oorest 2easantry: Mont* by mont* it
be)ame )lear, *o.e5er, t*at t*is 2art o t*e 'ols*e5i8
2oli)y .o#ld not ta8e root: Ex)e2t in t*e 'alti) state t*ere
.ere no so5iets o arm *ands: T*e 2easant 2oor also
ailed to ind inde2endent orms o or"anisation: To ex2lain
t*is merely by t*e ba)8.ardness o t*e arm *ands and
t*e 2oorest strata o t*e 5illa"es, .o#ld be to miss t*e
essen)e o t*e t*in": T*e )*ie )a#se lay in t*e s#bstan)e
o t*e *istori) tas8 itsel H a demo)rati) a"rarian
62on t*e t.o 2rin)i2al =#estions, rent and *ired labo#r, it
be)omes )on5in)in"ly )lear *o. t*e "eneral interests o a
str#""le a"ainst t*e reli)s o serdom )#t o t*e road to an
inde2endent 2oli)y not only or t*e 2oor 2easants, b#t or
t*e *ired *ands: T*e 2easants rented rom t*e landlords in
E#ro2ean R#ssia 27 million essiatins H abo#t (% 2er )ent
o all t*e 2ri5ately o.ned land H and t*ey 2aid a yearly H
rental trib#te o &%% million ro#bles: T*e str#""le a"ainst
2eona"e )onditions o rent be)ame ater t*e Bebr#ary
re5ol#tion t*e )*ie element o t*e 2easant mo5ement: 0
smaller, b#t still 5ery im2ortant, 2la)e .as o))#2ied by t*e
str#""le o t*e r#ral .a"e;.or8ers, .*i)* bro#"*t t*em in
o22osition not only to t*e landlord, b#t also to t*e 2easant
ex2loiters: T*e tenant .as str#""lin" or an alle5iation o
t*e )onditions o rent, t*e .or8er or an im2ro5ement in
t*e )onditions o labo#r: 'ot* o t*em, ea)* in *is o.n
.ay, started o#t by re)o"nisin" t*e landlord as 2ro2erty;
*older and boss: '#t as soon as t*e 2ossibility o2ened o
)arryin" t*e t*in" t*ro#"* to t*e end H t*at is, o ta8in"
t*e land and o))#2yin" it t*emsel5es H t*e 2oor 2easants
)eased to be interested in =#estions o rent, and t*e trade
#nion be"an to lose its attra)tion or t*e *ired *and: It .as
t*ese r#ral .or8ers and 2oor tenants .*o by Doinin" t*e
"eneral mo5ement "a5e its #ltimate determination to t*e
2easant .ar and made it irre5o)able:
'#t t*e )am2ai"n a"ainst t*e landlord did not dra. in
=#ite so )om2letely t*e o22osite 2ole o t*e 5illa"e: So
lon" as it did not )ome to o2en re5olt, t*e #22er )ir)les o
t*e 2easantry 2layed a 2rominent rIle in t*e mo5ement,
at times a leadin" rIle: In t*e a#t#mn 2eriod, *o.e5er, t*e
.ell;to;do muzhiks loo8ed .it* )ontin#ally in)reasin"
distr#st at t*e s2read o t*e 2easant .ar: T*ey did not
8no. *o. t*is .o#ld endC t*ey *ad somet*in" to loseC
t*ey stood aside: '#t t*ey did not s#))eed in *oldin" o
entirely: t*e 5illa"e .o#ld not 2ermit it:
More reser5ed and *ostile t*an @o#r o.nA )omm#nal
kulaks, .ere t*e small lando.ners standin" o#tside t*e
)omm#ne: In t*e .*ole )o#ntry t*ere .ere (%%,%%%
*omesteads o 2easants o.nin" 2lots #2 to <% essiatins:
In many lo)alities t*ey )onstit#ted t*e ba)8bone o t*e !o;
o2erati5es, and "ra5itated, es2e)ially in t*e so#t*,
to.ards t*e )onser5ati5e 3easant 6nion .*i)* *ad already
be)ome a brid"e to.ards t*e 9adets: @T*e Se)essionists
and ri)* 2easants,A a))ordin" to -#llis, a Mins8 2easant,
@s#22orted t*e landlords and tried to a22ease t*e
2easantry .it* ar"#ments:A In some 2la)es, #nder t*e
inl#en)e o lo)al )onditions, t*e str#""le .it*in t*e
2easantry ass#med a #rio#s )*ara)ter e5en beore t*e
O)tober re5ol#tion: T*e Se)essionists E1F s#ered most
)r#elly in t*is str#""le: @0lmost all t*eir arm b#ildin"s
.ere b#rnt,A says 9#Kmi)*e5, a NiK*e"orod 2easant:
@T*eir 2ro2erty .as 2artly anni*ilated and 2artly seiKed by
t*e 2easants:A T*e Se)essionist .as @t*e landlordJs
ser5ant entr#sted .it* se5eral o t*e landlordJs orest
tra)tsC *e .as a a5o#rite o t*e 2oli)e, t*e "endarmerie
and t*e r#lers:A T*e ri)*est 2easants and mer)*ants o
se5eral 5illa"es o NiK*e"orod )o#nty disa22eared in t*e
a#t#mn and ret#rned to t*eir nei"*bo#r*oods only ater
t.o or t*ree years:
'#t in most se)tions o t*e )o#ntry t*e inner relations
amon" t*e 2easantry .ere ar rom rea)*in" s#)*
bitterness: T*e kulaks )ond#)ted t*emsel5es
di2lomati)ally, 2#t on t*e brea8s and resisted, b#t tried
not to set t*emsel5es too s*ar2ly a"ainst t*e @mir:A E2F
T*e ran8;and;ile 5illa"er, on *is 2art, Dealo#sly .at)*ed
t*e kulaks and .o#ld not let t*em #nite .it* t*e landlords:
T*e str#""le bet.een t*e nobles and t*e 2easantry or
inl#en)e #2on t*e kulak )ontin#ed t*ro#"*o#t t*e .*ole
year 1917 in 5ario#s dierent orms, rom @riendlyA
2ress#re to ero)io#s terrorism:
+*ile t*e lords o t*e lati#ndia .ere in"ratiatin"ly
t*" o2en to t*e 2easant 2ro2rietors t*e main
entran)es to t*e assemblies o t*e nobility, t*e small
lando.ners .ere demonstrati5ely" a2art rom t*e
nobility in order not to 2eris* .it* t*em: In 2oliti)s t*is
o#nd ex2ression in t*e a)t t*at t*e landlords, .*o *ad
belon"ed beore t*e re5ol#tion to t*e extreme ri"*t 2arty,
rede)orated t*emsel5es no. in t*e tints o liberalism,
ado2tin" t*em rom memory as a 2rote)ti5e )olo#ration,
.*ereas t*e 2easant 2ro2rietors, .*o *ad oten s#22orted
t*e 9adets in t*e 2ast, no. s*ited to t*e let:
0 )on"ress o 2etty 2ro2rietors o 3erm 2ro5in)e, *eld in
Se2tember, em2*ati)ally distin"#is*ed itsel rom t*e
Mos)o. !on"ress o Landed 3ro2rietors at t*e *ead o
.*om stood @)o#nts, d#8es and barons:A 0n o.ner o <%
essiatins said:
@T*e 9adets ne5er .orearmyaki and lapti E3F and t*ereore
.ill ne5er deend o#r interests:A 3#s*in" a.ay rom t*e
liberals, t*e labo#rin" 2ro2rietor .o#ld loo8 aro#nd or
s#)* @so)ialistsA as .o#ld stand or 2ro2erty ri"*ts: One o
t*e dele"ates )ame o#t or t*e so)ial demo)ra)y: @T*e
.or8er>A *e said: @-i5e *im land and *e .ill )ome to t*e
5illa"e and sto2 s2ittin" blood: T*e so)ial demo)rats .ill
not ta8e t*e land a.ay rom #s:A ?e .as s2ea8in", o
)o#rse o t*e Mens*e5i8s: @+e .ill not "i5e a.ay o#r land
to anybody: T*ose .ill easily 2art .it* it .*o easily "ot it,
as or exam2le, t*e landlord, b#t t*e 2easant *ad a *ard
time "ettin" t*e land:A
In t*at a#t#mn 2eriod t*e 5illa"es .ere str#""lin" .it* t*e
kulaks, not t*" t*em o, b#t )om2ellin" t*em to
ad*ere to t*e "eneral mo5ement and deend it a"ainst
blo.s rom t*e ri"*t: T*ere .ere e5en )ases .*ere a
re#sal to 2arti)i2ate in a raid .as 2#nis*ed by t*e deat*
o t*e )#l2rit: T*e kulak mane#5ered .*ile *e )o#ld, b#t at
t*e last moment, s)rat)*in" t*e ba)8 o *is *ead on)e
more, *it)*ed t*e .ell;ed *orses to t*e iron;rimmed
.a"on and .ent o#t or *is s*are: It .as oten t*e lionJs
s*are: @T*e .ell;to;do "ot t*e most o#t o it,A says t*e
3enKa 2easant, 'e"is*e5, @t*ose .*o *ad *orses and ree
men:A Sa5)*en8o rom Orel ex2ressed *imsel in almost
t*e same .ords: @T*e kulaks mostly "ot t*e best o it,
bein" .ell;ed and .it* somet*in" to dra. t*e .ood in:A
0))ordin" to t*e )al)#lations o Vermeni)*e5, to &,9<&
a"rarian )onli)ts .it* landlords bet.een Bebr#ary and
O)tober, t*ere .ere 32& )onli)ts .it* t*e 2easant
bo#r"eoisie: 0n extraordinarily )lear )orrelation It alone
irmly establis*es t*e a)t t*at t*e 2easant mo5ement o
1917 .as dire)ted in its so)ial o#ndations not a"ainst
)a2italism, b#t a"ainst t*e reli)s o serdom: T*e str#""le
a"ainst kulakism de5elo2ed only later, in 191$, ater t*e
)on)l#si5e li=#idation o t*e landlord:
T*is 2#rely demo)rati) )*ara)ter o t*e 2easant
mo5ement, .*i)* s*o#ld, it .o#ld seem, *a5e "i5en t*e
oi)ial demo)ra)y an #n)on=#erable, did in a)t
)om2letely re5eal its rottenness: I yo# loo8 at t*e t*in"
rom abo5e, t*e 2easants .ere .*olly led by t*e So)ial
Re5ol#tionaries, ele)ted t*em, ollo.ed t*em, almost
blended .it* t*em: 0t t*e May )on"ress o 2easant
so5iets, in t*e ele)tions to t*e exe)#ti5e )ommittee,
!*erno5 re)ei5ed $1% 5otes, 9erens8y $%&, .*ereas Lenin
"ot only 2% 5otes all in all: It .as not or not*in" t*at
!*erno5 d#bbed *imsel R#ral MinisterL '#t it .as not or
not*in", eit*er, t*at t*e strate"y o t*e 5illa"es br#s=#ely
2arted )om2any .it* !*erno5Js strate"y: T*eir ind#strial
isolation ma8es t*e 2easants, so determined in str#""le
.it* a )on)rete landlord, im2otent beore t*e "eneral
landlord in)arnate in t*e state: ?en)e t*e or"ani) need o
t*e muzhiks to rely #2on some le"endary state as a"ainst
t*e real one: In olden times t*ey )reated 2retenders, t*ey
#nited ro#nd an ima"ined -olden Edi)t o t*e )Kar, or
aro#nd t*e le"end o a ri"*teo#s .orld, 0ter t*e Bebr#ary
re5ol#tion t*ey #nited ro#nd t*e So)ial Re5ol#tionary
banner @Land and Breedom,A see8in" *el2 in it a"ainst t*e
liberal landlord .*o *ad be)ome a "o5ernmental
)ommissar: T*e Narodni8 2ro"ramme bore t*e same
relation to t*e real "o5ernment o 9erens8y, as t*e
ima"ined edi)t o t*e )Kar to t*e real a#to)rat:
In t*e 2ro"ramme o t*e So)ial Re5ol#tionaries t*ere .as
al.ays m#)* t*at .as 6to2ian: T*ey *o2ed to )reate
so)ialism on t*e basis o a 2etty trade e)onomy: '#t t*e
o#ndation o t*eir 2ro"ramme .as demo)rati)ally
re5ol#tionary: to ta8e t*e land rom t*e landlord: +*en
)onronted .it* t*e ne)essity o )arryin" o#t its
2ro"ramme, t*e 2arty "ot tan"led #2 in a )oalition: Not
only t*e landlords rose a"ainst t*e )onis)ation o t*e
land, b#t also t*e 9adet ban8ers: T*e ban8s *ad loaned
a"ainst real estate no less t*an o#r billion ro#bles:
Intendin" to di)8er .it* t*e landlords at t*e !onstit#ent
0ssembly re"ardin" 2ri)es b#t end t*in"s in a riendly
manner, t*e So)ial Re5ol#tionaries Kealo#sly 8e2t t*e
muzhik a.ay rom t*e land: T*ey .ent to 2ie)es,
t*ereore, not on t*e 6to2ian )*ara)ter o t*eir so)ialism,
b#t on t*eir demo)rati) in)onsisten)y: It mi"*t *a5e ta8en
years to test o#t t*eir 6to2ianism: T*eir betrayal o
a"rarian demo)ra)y be)ame )lear in a e. mont*s: 6nder
a "o5ernment o So)ial Re5ol#tionaries t*e 2easants *ad
to ta8e t*e road o ins#rre)tion in order to )arry o#t t*e
So)ial Re5ol#tionary 2ro"ramme:
In ,#ly, .*en t*e "o5ernment .as )omin" do.n on t*e
5illa"es .it* meas#res o re2ression, t*e 2easants in *ot
*aste ran or deen)e to t*ose same So)ial
Re5ol#tionaries: Brom 3onti#s t*e yo#n" t*ey a22ealed or
2rote)tion to 3ilate t*e old: T*e mont* o t*e "reatest
.ea8enin" o t*e 'ols*e5i8s in t*e )ities .as t*e mont* o
t*e "reatest ex2ansion o t*e So)ial Re5ol#tionaries in t*e
)o#ntry: 0s #s#ally *a22ens, es2e)ially in a re5ol#tionary
e2o)*, t*e maxim#m o or"anisational s)o2e )oin)ided
.it* t*e be"innin" o a 2oliti)al de)line: ?idin" be*ind
So)ial Re5ol#tionaries rom t*e blo.s o a So)ial
Re5ol#tionary "o5ernment, t*e 2easants steadily lost
)oniden)e bot* in t*e "o5ernment and t*e 2arty: T*#s t*e
s.ellin" o#t o t*e So)ial Re5ol#tionary or"anisations in
t*e 5illa"es be)ame atal to t*is #ni5ersal 2arty, .*i)*
.as rebellin" at t*e bottom b#t restorin" order at t*e to2:
In Mos)o. at a meetin" o t*e Military Or"anisation on t*e
3%t* o ,#ly, a dele"ate rom t*e ront, *imsel a So)ial
Re5ol#tionary, said: 0lt*o#"* t*e 2easants still t*in8
t*emsel5es So)ial Re5ol#tionaries, a rit *as ormed
bet.een t*em and t*e 2arty: T*e soldiers )onirmed t*is:
6nder t*e inl#en)e o So)ial Re5ol#tionary a"itation t*e
2easants are still *ostile to t*e 'ols*e5i8s, b#t in 2ra)ti)e
t*ey de)ide t*e =#estions o land and in a 'ols*e5i8
manner: T*e 'ols*e5i8, 3o5olK*s8y, .*o .or8ed in t*e
Vol"a re"ion, testiies t*at t*e most res2e)ted So)ial
Re5ol#tionaries, t*ose .*o *ad ta8en 2art in t*e
mo5ement o 19%<, .ere more and more eelin"
t*emsel5es 2#s*ed aside: @T*e muzhiks )alled t*em Oold
men,J treatin" t*em .it* external deeren)e, b#t 5otin" in
t*eir o.n .ay:A It .as t*e .or8ers and soldiers .*o *ad
ta#"*t t*e 5illa"es to 5ote and ta8e a)tion @in t*eir o.n
.ay: It is im2ossible to .ei"* t*e inl#en)e o t*e
re5ol#tionary .or8ers #2on t*e 2easantry: It .as
)ontin#o#s, mole)#lar, 2enetratin" e5ery.*ere, and
t*ereore not )a2able o )al)#lation: 0 m#t#al 2enetration
.as made easier by t*e a)t t*at a )onsiderable n#mber o
t*e ind#strial 2lants .ere sit#ated in r#ral distri)ts: '#t
e5en t*e .or8ers o 3etro"rad, t*e most E#ro2ean o
)ities, 8e2t #2 a )lose )onne)tion .it* t*eir nati5e 5illa"es:
6nem2loyment, in)reasin" d#rin" t*e s#mmer mont*s,
and t*e lo)8o#t o t*e em2loyers, t*re. ba)8 many
t*o#sand o .or8ers into t*e 5illa"es: 0 maDority o t*em
be)ame a"itators and leaders:
Brom May to ,#ne t*ere .ere )reated in 3etro"rad ba)8;
*ome )l#bs )orres2ondin" to dierent 2ro5in)es, )o#nties
and e5en 5illa"es: +*ole )ol#mns in t*e .or8ersJ 2ress
.ere de5oted to anno#n)ements o ba)8;*ome )l#b
meetin"s, .*ere re2orts abo#t Do#rneys to t*e 5illa"es
.o#ld be *eard, instr#)tions dra.n #2 or dele"ates, and
money )olle)ted or a"itation: Not lon" beore t*e #2risin",
t*ese )l#bs #nited ro#nd a s2e)ial )entral b#rea# #nder
t*e leaders*i2 o t*e 'ols*e5i8s: T*is ba)8;*ome )l#b
mo5ement soon s2read to Mos)o., T5er, and 2robably to
a n#mber o ot*er ind#strial )ities:
?o.e5er, in t*e matter o dire)t inl#en)e #2on t*e 5illa"e
t*e soldiers .ere still more im2ortant: It .as only in t*e
artii)ial )onditions o t*e ront or in t*e )ity barra)8 t*at
t*e yo#n" 2easants, o5er)omin" to a )ertain de"ree t*eir
isolation, .o#ld )ome a)e to a)e .it* 2roblems o
nation.ide s)o2e: ?ere too, *o.e5er, t*eir 2oliti)al
de2enden)e made itsel elt: +*ile )ontin#ally allin"
#nder t*e leaders*i2 o 2atrioti) and )onser5ati5e
intelle)t#als and t*en stri5in" to "et ree o t*em, t*e
2easants tried to or"anise in t*e army se2arately rom
ot*er so)ial "ro#2s: T*e a#t*orities loo8ed #na5o#rably
#2on t*ese in)linations, t*e +ar Ministry o22osed t*em,
t*e So)ial Re5ol#tionaries did not .el)ome t*em: T*e
so5iets o 2easantsJ de2#ties too8 b#t .ea8 root in t*e
army: E5en #nder t*e most a5o#rable )onditions t*e
2easant is #nable to )on5ert *is o5er.*elmin" =#antity
into a 2oliti)al =#alityL Only in t*e bi" re5ol#tionary
)entres #nder t*e dire)t inl#en)e o t*e .or8ers did t*e
so5iets o 2easant soldiers s#))eed in de5elo2in" any
im2ortant .or8: T*#s bet.een 02ril 1917 and ,an#ary 1,
191$, t*e 2easant so5iet in 3etro"rad sent 1,39< a"itators
into t*e 5illa"es .it* s2e)ial mandatesC and abo#t t*e
same n#mber .it*o#t mandates: T*ese dele"ates )o5ered
(< 2ro5in)es: In 9ronstadt ba)8;*ome )l#bs .ere ormed
amon" t*e sailors and soldiers," t*e exam2le o
t*e .or8ers, and t*ey s#22lied t*eir dele"ates .it*
)redentials "i5in" t*em t*e @ri"*tA to ree 2assa"e on
railroads and steamboats: T*e 2ri5ate lines a))e2ted t*ese
2a2ers .it*o#t a m#rm#r: !onli)ts arose on t*e
"o5ernment lines:
T*ese oi)ial dele"ates o or"anisations .ere ater all,
*o.e5er, mere dro2s in t*e 2easant o)ean: 0n ininitely
"reater .or8 .as a))om2lis*ed by t*ose *#ndreds o
t*o#sands and millions o soldiers .*o =#it t*e ront and
t*e rear "arrisons o t*eir o.n a))ord .it* t*e stron"
slo"ans o mass;meetin" s2ee)*es rin"in" in t*eir ears:
T*ose .*o *ad sat silent at t*e ront be)ame "arr#lo#s at
*ome in t*e 5illa"es: T*ey o#nd no la)8 o "reedy
listeners: @0mon" t*e 2easantry s#rro#ndin" Mos)o.,A
says M#ralo5, one o t*e Mos)o. 'ols*e5i8s, @t*ere .as a
tremendo#s" to t*e let ::: T*e 5illa"es and to.ns o
Mos)o. 2ro5in)e .ere s.armin" .it* deserters rom t*e
ront: T*ey .ere 5isited also by )ity 2roletarians .*o *ad
not yet )#t o t*eir )onne)tions .it* t*e )o#ntry:A T*e
dreamy and ba)8.ard 5illa"es o 9al#"a 2ro5in)e,
a))ordin" to t*e 2easant Na#m)*en8o5 H @.ere .a8ed #2
by soldiers )omin" *ome rom t*e ront or 5ario#s reasons
d#rin" ,#ne and ,#ly,A T*e NiK*e"orod )ommissar re2orts
t*at @all t*e la.brea8in" and la.lessness is )onne)ted
.it* t*e a22earan)e .it*in t*e bo#ndaries o t*e 2ro5in)e
o deserters, soldiers on #rlo#"*, or dele"ates rom t*e
re"imental )ommittees:A T*e o5erseer o t*e 2ro2erties o
3rin)ess 'ariatins8y o Polotonos*K8y )o#nty )om2lains in
0#"#st o t*e arbitrary a)ts o t*e land )ommittee .*ose
2resident is a 9ronstadt sailor, -atran: @Soldiers and
sailors on #rlo#"*,A re2orts t*e )ommissar o '#"#lmins8
)o#nty, @are )arryin" on an a"itation .it* a 5ie. to
)reatin" anar)*y and a 2o"rom state o mind:A @In M"lins8
)o#nty, in t*e 5illa"e o 'ielo"os*, an arri5in" sailor on *is
o.n a#t*ority orbade t*e 2re2aration and ex2ort o
ire.ood and railroad ties rom t*e orest:A 0nd .*en it
.as not t*e soldiers .*o be"an t*e str#""le, it .as t*ey
.*o inis*ed it: In NiK*e"orod )o#nty t*e muzhiks *arried
a )on5ent, )#t t*e meado. "rass, bro8e do.n t*e en)es,
and bot*ered t*e n#ns: T*e mot*er s#2erior re#sed to
"i5e in, and t*e militia .o#ld )arry o t*e muzhiks and
2#nis* t*em: @So t*e t*in" dra""ed alon",A .rites t*e
2easant 0rbe8o5, @#ntil t*e soldiers arri5ed: T*e b#ddies
immediately too8 t*e b#ll by t*e *orns T*e )on5ent .as
)leaned O#t: In Mo"*ilie5 2ro5in)e, a))ordin" to t*e
2easant 'ob8o5, @t*e soldiers *ome rom t*e ront .ere
t*e irst leaders in t*e )ommittee, and dire)ted t*e
ex2#lsion o t*e landlords:A
T*e men rom t*e ront introd#)ed into t*e b#siness t*e
*ea5y determination o 2eo2le a))#stomed to *andle t*eir .it* rile and bayonet: E5en t*e soldiersJ .i5es
)a#"*t t*is i"*tin" mood rom t*eir *#sbands: Says t*e
3enKa 2easant, 'e"is*e5: @In Se2tember t*ere .as a
stron" mo5ement o soldiersJ .i5es .*o s2o8e at
meetin"s in a5o#r o t*e raids:A T*e same t*in" .as
obser5ed in ot*er 2ro5in)es: In t*e )ities, too, t*e soldiers
.i5es .ere oten t*e lea5en in t*e l#m2:
T*ose )ases in .*i)* soldiers too8 t*e lead in 2easant
disorders )onstit#ted in Mar)*, a))ordin" to Vermeni)*e5Js
)al)#lations, 1 2er )ent, in 02ril, $ 2er )ent, in Se2tember,
12 2er )ent, and in O)tober, 17 2er )ent: T*ese i"#res
)annot 2retend to be a))#rate, b#t t*ey s*o. t*e "eneral
tenden)y #nmista8ably: T*e dyin" leaders*i2 o t*e So)ial
Re5ol#tionary tea)*ers, to.n;)ler8s and #n)tionaries, .as
"i5in" 2la)e to t*e leaders*i2 o soldiers .*o .o#ld sto2
at not*in":
3ar5#s, a -erman Marxian .riter 2rominent in *is day, .*o
s#))eeded in a)=#irin" .ealt* and losin" bot* *is
2rin)i2les and *is 2enetration d#rin" t*e .ar, *as
)om2ared t*e R#ssian soldiers .it* t*e mer)enary
troo2ers, robbers and *old;#2 men o medie5al times: Bor
t*is it is ne)essary to s*#t oneJs eyes to t*e a)t t*at in all
t*eir la.lessness t*e R#ssian soldiers remained merely t*e
exe)#ti5e or"an o t*e "reatest a"rarian re5ol#tion in
So lon" as t*e mo5ement *ad not bro8en )om2letely .it*
le"ality, t*e sendin" o troo2s into t*e 5illa"es 2reser5ed a
symboli) )*ara)ter: In 2ra)ti)e it .as almost t*e !ossa)8s
alone .*o )o#ld be #sed as 2#niti5e troo2s: @Bo#r *#ndred
!ossa)8s .ere sent into Serdobs8y )o#nty ::: t*is meas#re
*ad a tran=#iliKin" ee)tC t*e 2easants de)lared t*at t*ey
.o#ld a.ait t*e !onstit#ent 0ssembly,A says t*e liberal
2a2er, Russkoe Selo, on t*e 11t* o O)tober: Bo#r
*#ndred !ossa)8s is )ertainly an ar"#ment in a5o#r o t*e
!onstit#ent 0ssembly: '#t t*ere .ere not eno#"*
!ossa)8s, and moreo5er t*ey too .ere #n)ertain:
Meantime t*e "o5ernment .as otener and otener bein"
)om2elled to @ta8e de)isi5e meas#res:A 4#rin" t*e irst
o#r mont*s o t*e re5ol#tion Vermeni)*e5 )o#nts 17
)ases in .*i)* armed or)es .ere sent a"ainst t*e
2easantsC in ,#ly and 0#"#st, 39 )asesC in Se2tember and
O)tober, 1%< )ases:
To 2#t do.n t*e 2easantry by armed or)e .as only to
2o#r oil on t*e ire: In a maDority o )ases t*e soldiers .ent
o5er to t*e 2easants: 0 )o#nty )ommissar o 3odols8
2ro5in)e re2orts: @T*e army or"anisations and e5en
indi5id#al #nits are de)idin" so)ial and e)onomi)
=#estions, are or)in" />1 t*e 2easants to )arry o#t
seiK#res and )#t t*e orest, and at times, in )ertain
lo)alities, t*ey t*emsel5es ta8e 2art in t*e lootin" ::: T*e
lo)al military #nits re#se to Doin in 2#ttin" do.n a)ts o
5iolen)e: ::A T*#s t*e r#ral re5olt loosened t*e last bolts o
t*e army: T*ere .as not t*e sli"*test 2ossibility t*at in t*e
)ir)#mstan)es o a 2easant .ar *eaded by t*e .or8ers,
t*e army .o#ld 2ermit itsel to be t*ro.n a"ainst t*e
ins#rre)tion in t*e )ities:
Brom t*e .or8ers and soldiers t*e 2easants irst learned
somet*in" ne. H somet*in" older t*an .*at t*e So)ial
Re5ol#tionaries *ad told t*em H abo#t t*e 'ols*e5i8s: T*e
slo"ans o Lenin, and *is name, 2enetrated t*e 5illa"e:
T*e steadily in)reasin" )om2laints a"ainst 'ols*e5i8s
.ere, *o.e5er, in many )ases in5ented or exa""erated:
T*e landlords *o2ed in t*is .ay to ma8e more s#re o
"ettin" *el2: @In Ostroys8y )o#nty )om2lete anar)*y
rei"ns, a )onse=#en)e o 'ols*e5i8 2ro2a"anda:A Brom 6a
2ro5in)e )omes t*e ne.s: @0 member o a 5illa"e
)ommittee, Vassilie5, is distrib#tin" t*e 2ro"ramme o t*e
'ols*e5i8s and o2enly de)larin" t*at t*e landlords are to
be *an"ed:A In see8in" @2rote)tion rom robberyA t*e
No5"orod landlord, 3olonni8, does not or"et to add: @T*e
Exe)#ti5e !ommittees are brim#l o 'ols*e5i8s:A T*at
means t*at t*ey are #na5o#rable to t*e landlord: @In
0#"#st,A remembers a Simbirs8 2easant, P#morin,
@.or8ers be"an to ma8e t*e ro#nds o t*e 5illa"es,
a"itatin" or t*e 'ols*e5i8 3arty and tellin" abo#t its
2ro"ramme:A 0n in5esti"ator o SebeK* )o#nty tells abo#t
t*e arri5al rom 3etro"rad o a .ea5er Tatiana Mi8*ailo5a,
2( years old, .*o @)alled on t*e 2eo2le o *er 5illa"e to
o5ert*ro. t*e 3ro5isional -o5ernment, and 2raised t*e
ta)ti)s o Lenin:A In Smalens8 2ro5in)e to.ards t*e end o
0#"#st, a))ordin" to t*e 2easant 9oto5, @+e be"an to
interest o#rsel5es in Lenin, be"an to listen to t*e 5oi)e o
Lenin :::A In t*e 5illa"e Kemst5o, *o.e5er, t*ey .ere still
ele)tin" an immense maDority o So)ial Re5ol#tionaries:
T*e 'ols*e5i8 3arty .as tryin" to "et )loser to t*e
2easant: On t*e 1%t* o Se2tember Ne5s8y demanded t*at
t*e 3etro"rad )ommittee #nderta8e t*e 2#bli)ation o a
2easant ne.s2a2er: @+e m#st ix t*in"s so t*at .e s*all
not *a5e t*e ex2erien)e o t*e Bren)* !omm#ne, .*ere
t*e 2easantry did not #nderstand 3aris and 3aris did not
#nderstand t*e 2easantry:A T*e ne.s2a2er, Byednot,
soon )ame o#t: '#t e5en so, t*e 2#rely 2arty .or8 amon"
t*e 2easants remained insi"nii)ant: T*e stren"t* o t*e
'ols*e5i8 3arty lay not in te)*ni)al reso#r)es, not in
ma)*inery, b#t in a )orre)t 2oli)y: 0s air )#rrents )arry
seeds, t*e .*irl.inds o t*e re5ol#tion s)attered t*e ideas
o Lenin:
@'y Se2tember,A remembers a T5er 2easant, Vorobie5,
@not only t*e soldiers, b#t t*e 2oor 2easants t*emsel5es
.ere otener and more boldly be"innin" to )ome o#t at
meetin"s in deen)e o t*e 'ols*e5i8s :::A T*is is )onirmed
by t*e Simbirs8 2easant, P#morin: @0mon" t*e 2oor and
some o t*e middle 2easants t*e name o Lenin .as on
e5erybodyJs li2sC t*e tal8 .as only o Lenin:A 0 No5"orod
2easant, -ri"orie5, tells *o. a So)ial Re5ol#tionary in t*e
5illa"e )alled t*e 'ols*e5i8s @#s#r2ersA and @traitorsA and
*o. t*e muzhiks t*#ndered: @4o.n .it* t*e do"L 3o#nd
*im .it* ro)8L 4onJt tell #s any more airy stories: +*ere
is t*e land> T*atJs eno#"* rom yo#L -i5e #s t*e
'ols*e5i8sLA It is 2ossible, by t*e .ay, t*at t*is e2isode H
and t*ere .ere many li8e it H deri5es rom t*e 2ost;
O)tober 2eriod: Ba)ts stand stron" in a 2easantJs memory
b#t *is )*ronolo"y is .ea8:
T*e soldier !*ineno5, .*o )ame ba)8 to *is *ome in Orel
2ro5in)e .it* a tr#n8#l o 'ols*e5i8 literat#re, *ad not
been .el)omed by t*e *ome 5illa"e: ItJs 2robably -erman
"old, t*ey said: '#t in O)tober @t*e 5illa"e n#)le#s *as
7%% members and many riles, and al.ays )omes o#t in
deen)e o t*e So5iet T*e 'ols*e5i8 Vra)*e5 tells
*o. t*e 2easants o t*e 2#rely a"ri)#lt#ral 2ro5in)e o
VoroneK* @.o8e #2 rom t*e ee)ts o t*e So)ial
Re5ol#tionary #mes and be"an to ta8e an interest in o#r
2arty: T*an8s to .*i)* .e already *ad a n#mber o 5illa"e
and to.ns*i2 lo)als and s#bs)ribers to o#r 2a2ers, and
re)ei5ed many "ood ello.s in t*e tiny *ead=#arters o o#r
)ommittee:A In Smolens8 2ro5in)e, a))ordin" to t*e
re)olle)tions o I5ano5, @'ols*e5i8s .ere 5ery rare in t*e
5illa"es: T*ere .ere 5ery e. o t*em in t*e )o#nties:
T*ere .ere no 'ols*e5i8 2a2ers: Lealets .ere 5ery rarely
"i5en o#t ::: 0nd ne5ert*eless t*e nearer it )ame to
O)tober, t*e more t*e 5illa"es s.#n" o5er to t*e
@In t*ose )o#nties .*ere t*ere .as a 'ols*e5i8 inl#en)e
in t*e So5iet beore O)tober,A .rites I5ano5 a"ain, @t*e
element o raids #2on landlordsJ estates eit*er did not
a22ear, or a22eared only to a small extent:A In t*is
res2e)t, *o.e5er, it .as not t*e same e5ery.*ere: @T*e
'ols*e5i8 demand or t*e transer o land to t*e
2easants,A says, or exam2le, Tade#s*, ta8en #2 .it*
extraordinary ra2idity by t*e mass o t*e 2easants o
Mo"*ilie5 )o#nty, .*o laid .aste t*e estates, in some
)ases b#rnin" t*em, and seiKed t*e *ar5ests and t*e
orest:A In essen)e t*ere is no )ontradi)tion bet.een t*e
t.o testimonies: T*e "eneral a"itation o t*e 'ols*e5i8s
#ndo#btedly no#ris*ed t*e )i5il .ar in t*e )o#ntry: '#t
.*ere5er t*e 'ols*e5i8s *ad s#))eeded in 2#ttin" do.n
irm roots, t*ey nat#rally tried, .it*o#t .ea8enin" t*e
assa#lt o t*e 2easants, to re"#late its orms and de)rease
t*e amo#nt o destr#)tion:
T*e land =#estion did not stand alone: T*e 2easant
s#ered es2e)ially d#rin" t*e last 2eriod o t*e .ar, bot*
as seller and b#yer: -rain .as ta8en rom *im at a ixed
2ri)e, and t*e 2rod#)ts o ind#stry .ere be)omin" more
and more #nattainable: T*e 2roblem o e)onomi)
)orrelation bet.een t*e )o#ntry and t*e )ity, destined
s#bse=#ently #nder t*e name o t*e @s)issorsA to be)ome
t*e )entral 2roblem o So5iet e)onomy, .as already
s*" its t*reatenin" a)e: T*e 'ols*e5i8s .ere sayin"
to t*e 2easants: T*e so5iets m#st seiKe t*e, "i5e
yo# t*e land, end t*e .ar, demobilise ind#stry, establis*
.or8ersJ )ontrol o 2rod#)tion, and re"#late t*e 2ri)e
relations bet.een ind#strial and a"ri)#lt#ral 2rod#)ts:
?o.e5er s#mmary t*is may *a5e been, it did
indi)ate t*e road: @T*e 2artition .all bet.een #s and t*e
2easantry,A said Trots8y on t*e 1%t* o O)tober at a
)oneren)e o a)tory )ommittees, @is t*e little )o#nsellors
o 058sentie5: +e m#st brea8 t*ro#"* t*is .all: +e m#st
ex2lain to t*e 5illa"e t*at all t*e attem2ts o t*e .or8er to
*el2 t*e 2easant by s#22lyin" t*e 5illa"e .it* a"ri)#lt#ral
im2lements .ill "i5e no res#lt #ntil .or8ersJ )ontrol o
or"anised 2rod#)tion is establis*ed:A T*e )oneren)e
iss#ed a maniesto to t*e 2easants in t*is sense:
T*e 3etro"rad .or8ers )reated at t*e a)tories in t*ose
days s2e)ial )ommissions .*i)* .o#ld assemble metals,
dama"ed 2arts and ra"ments or t*e #se o a s2e)ial
)entre )alled @+or8er to 3easant:A T*is s)ra2;iron .as
#sed or ma8in" t*e sim2lest a"ri)#lt#ral im2lements and
reser5e 2arts: T*at irst 2lanned entry o t*e .or8ers into
t*e 2ro)ess o 2rod#)tion H still tiny in s)o2e and .it*
a"itational aims 2re5ailin" o5er e)onomi)s H ne5ert*eless
o2ened o#t a 2ros2e)t or t*e near #t#re: Bri"*tened at
t*is entran)e o t*e 'ols*e5i8s into t*e orbidden s2*ere
o t*e 5illa"e, t*e 2easant Exe)#ti5e !ommittee made an
attem2t to "et *old o t*e ne. enter2rise: '#t t*e de)re2it
!om2romisers .ere no lon"er in any )ondition to )om2ete
.it* t*e 'ols*e5i8s on t*e )ity arena .*en t*e "ro#nd .as
already sli22in" rom #nder t*eir eet in t*e 5illa"es:
T*e e)*oes o t*e 'ols*e5i8 a"itation @so aro#sed t*e
2easant 2oor,A .rites Vorobie5, t*e T5er 2easant, @t*at .e
may deinitely say: I O)tober *ad not )ome in O)tober it
.o#ld *a5e )ome in No5ember:A T*is )olo#r#l des)ri2tion
o t*e 2oliti)al stren"t* o 'ols*e5ism does not )ontradi)t
t*e a)t o its or"anisational .ea8ness: Only t*ro#"* s#)*
stri8in" dis2ro2ortions does a re5ol#tion ma8e its .ay: It is
or t*is 5ery reason, to tell t*e tr#t*, t*at its mo5ement
)annot be or)ed into t*e rame.or8 o ormal demo)ra)y:
To a))om2lis* t*e a"rarian re5ol#tion, .*et*er in O)tober
or No5ember, t*e 2easantry *ad no ot*er )o#rse b#t to
ma8e #se o t*e #nra5ellin" .eb o t*at same So)ial
Re5ol#tionary 3arty: Its let elements .ere *astily and
#nsystemati)ally ormin" a "ro#2 #nder t*e 2ress#re o
t*e 2easant re5olt H" t*e 'ols*e5i8s and
)om2etin" .it* t*em: 4#rin" t*e )omin" mont*s t*e
2oliti)al s*it o t*e 2easantry .ill ta8e 2la)e )*iely #nder
t*e "lossy banner o t*e Let So)ial Re5ol#tionaries: T*is
e2*emeral 2arty .ill be)ome a rele)ted and #nstable
orm o r#ral 'ols*e5ism, a tem2orary brid"e rom t*e
2easant .ar to t*e 2roletarian re5ol#tion:
T*e a"rarian re5ol#tion *ad to *a5e its o.n lo)al
instit#tions: ?o. did t*ey loo8> T*ere existed se5eral
ty2es o or"anisation in t*e 5illa"e: state instit#tions s#)*
as t*e exe)#ti5e )ommittee o t*e to.ns*i2, t*e land and
ood )ommitteesC so)ial instit#tions li8e t*e so5ietsC 2#rely
2oliti)al instit#tions li8e t*e 2artiesC and inally or"ans o
sel;"o5ernment exem2liied in t*e to.n Kemst5os: T*e
2easant so5iets *ad as yet de5elo2ed only on a 2ro5in)e,
or to some extent a )o#nty s)ale: T*ere .ere e. to.n
so5iets: T*e to.n Kemst5os *ad been slo. to ta8e root:
T*e land and exe)#ti5e )ommittees, on t*e ot*er *and,
alt*o#"* state or"ans in desi"n, be)ame H stran"e as it
may seem at a irst "lan)e H t*e or"ans o t*e 2easant
T*e *ead land )ommittee, )onsistin" o "o5ernmental
#n)tionaries, landlords, 2roessors, s)ientii)
a"ri)#lt#rists, So)ial Re5ol#tionary 2oliti)ians and an
admixt#re o d#bio#s 2easants, be)ame in essen)e t*e
main bra8e o t*e a"rarian re5ol#tion: T*e 2ro5in)e
)ommittees ne5er )eased to be t*e )ond#)tin" .ires o
t*e "o5ernmental 2oli)y: T*e )o#nty )ommittees os)illated
bet.een t*e 2easants and t*e men *i"*er #2: T*e to.n
)ommittees, *o.e5er H ele)ted by t*e 2easants and
.or8in" ri"*t t*ere beore t*e eyes o t*e 5illa"e H be)ame
t*e instr#ments o t*e a"rarian mo5ement: T*e
)ir)#mstan)e t*at t*e members o t*ese )ommittees
#s#ally re"istered as So)ial Re5ol#tionaries made no
dieren)e: T*ey 8e2t ste2 .it* t*e 2easantJs *#t and not
t*e lordJs manor: T*e 2easants es2e)ially treas#red t*e
state )*ara)ter o t*eir land )ommittees, seein" in t*is a
sort o 2atent;ri"*t to )i5il .ar:
@T*e 2easants say t*at t*ey re)o"nise not*in" b#t t*e
to.n )ommittee,A )om2lains one o t*e )*ies o militia in
Sarans8y )o#nty as early as May: @0ll t*e )o#nty and )ity
)ommittees, t*ey say, .or8 or t*e landlords:A 0))ordin"
to a NiK*e"orod )ommissar, @t*e attem2ts o )ertain to.n
)ommittees to o22ose t*e inde2endent a)tion o t*e
2easants almost al.ays ends in ail#re and brin"s abo#t a
)*an"e o members*i2 o t*e )ommittee:A 0))ordin" to
4enisso5, a 2easant rom 3s8o5, @t*e )ommittees .ere
al.ays on t*e side o t*e 2easantsJ mo5ement a"ainst t*e
landlord be)a#se t*e most re5ol#tionary 2art o t*e
2easantry and soldiers rom t*e ront .ere ele)ted to
T*e )o#nty, and more es2e)ially t*e 2ro5in)e )ommittees
.ere led by t*e #n)tionary @intelli"entsia,A .*i)* .as
tryin" to 8ee2 #2 2ea)e#l relations .it* t*e landlord: @T*e
2easants sa.,A .rites t*e Mos)o. 2easant, M#r8o5, @t*at
t*is .as t*e same )oat only inside o#t, t*e same
b#t .it* anot*er name:A @0n eort is #nder .ay,A re2orts
t*e 9#r8s8 )ommissar, @::: to "et ne. ele)tions to t*e
)o#nty )ommittees, .*i)* are in5ariably )arryin" o#t t*e
dire)tions o t*e 3ro5isional -o5ernment:A It .as 5ery
*ard, *o.e5er, or t*e 2easants to "et into t*e )o#nty
)ommittees: T*e So)ial Re5ol#tionaries 8e2t *old o t*e
2oliti)al ties bet.een t*e 5illa"es and to.ns*i2s, and t*e
2easants .ere t*#s )om2elled to a)t t*ro#"* a 2arty
.*ose )*ie mission )onsisted o t#rnin" t*e old )oat
inside o#t:
T*e )oolness o t*e 2easantry to.ard t*e Mar)* so5iets,
astonis*in" at irst "lan)e, *ad as a matter o a)t 5ery
dee2 )a#ses: T*e so5iet .as not a s2e)ial or"anisation li8e
t*e land )ommittee, b#t a #ni5ersal or"an o t*e
re5ol#tion: No. in t*e s2*ere o "eneral 2oliti)s t*e
2easant )annot ta8e a ste2 .it*o#t leaders*i2: T*e only
=#estion is, .*ere is it to )ome rom: T*e 2ro5in)ial and
)o#nty 2easant so5iets .ere )reated on t*e initiati5e, and
to a )onsiderable extent at t*e ex2ense, o t*e !o;
o2erati5es, not as or"ans o a 2easant re5ol#tion b#t as
or"ans o a )onser5ati5e "#ardians*i2 o5er t*e 2easants:
T*e 5illa"ers tolerated t*ese Ri"*t So)ial Re5ol#tionary
so5iets standin" abo5e t*em as a s*ield a"ainst t*e
a#t*orities: '#t at *ome, amon" t*emsel5es, t*ey
2reerred t*e land )ommittees:
In order to 2re5ent t*e 5illa"e rom s*#ttin" itsel #2 in a
)ir)le o @2#rely 2easant interests,A t*e "o5ernment made
*aste to )reate demo)rati) Kemst5os: T*at alone .as
eno#"* to 2#t t*e muzhik on *is "#ard: It .as re=#ently
ne)essary to enor)e t*e ele)tions: @T*ere .ere )ases o
la.lessness,A re2orts t*e 3enKa )ommissar, @res#ltin" in a
brea8;#2 o t*e ele)tions:A In Mins8 2ro5in)e t*e 2easants
arrested t*e 2resident o t*e ele)toral )ommission o t*e
to.n, 3rin)e 4r#ts8oi;Li#bets8oi, a))#sin" *im o
tam2erin" .it* t*e lists: It .as not easy or t*e muzhiks to
)ome to an a"reement .it* *im abo#t t*e demo)rati)
sol#tion o t*eir a"e;old =#arrel: T*e )o#nty )ommissar o
'#"#lmins8 re2orted: @T*e ele)tions to t*e to.n Kemst5os
t*ro#"*o#t t*e )o#nty *a5e not "one =#ite a))ordin" to
2lan ::: T*e members o t*e ele)torate are ex)l#si5ely
2easants: T*ere is a noti)eable estran"ement rom t*e
lo)al intelli"entsia, es2e)ially rom t*e lando.ners:A In t*is
orm t*e Kemst5o .as b#t little dierent rom t*e
)ommittee: @T*e attit#de o t*e 2easant masses to.ard
t*e intelli"entsia, and es2e)ially t*e lando.ners:A
)om2lains t*e Mins8 )o#nty )ommissar, @is ad5erse:A +e
read in a Mo"*ilie5 ne.s2a2er o Se2tember 23: @!#lt#ral
.or8 in t*e )o#ntry is a))om2anied .it* a )ertain ris8,
#nless one )ate"ori)ally 2romises to )oo2erate to.ard t*e
immediate transer o all t*e land to t*e 2easants:A +*ere
a"reement and e5en inter)o#rse bet.een t*e #ndamental
)lasses o t*e 2o2#lation be)omes im2ossible, t*e "ro#nd
or demo)rati) instit#tions disa22ears: T*e still;birt* o t*e
to.n Kemst5os #nmista8ably oretold t*e )olla2se o t*e
!onstit#ent 0ssembly:
@T*e lo)al 2easantry,A re2orts t*e NiK*e"orod )ommissar,
@*a5e "ot a ixed o2inion t*at all )i5il la.s *a5e lost t*eir
or)e, and t*at all le"al relations o#"*t no. to be
re"#lated by 2easant or"anisations:A -ettin" )ontrol o t*e
militia in )ertain lo)alities, t*e to.n )ommittees .o#ld
iss#e lo)al la.s, establis* rents, re"#late .a"es, 2#t t*eir
o.n o5erseers on estates, ta8e o5er t*e land, t*e )ro2s,
t*e .oods, t*e orests, t*e tools, ta8e t*e ma)*inery a.ay
rom t*e landlords, and )arry o#t sear)*es and arrests:
T*e 5oi)e o )ent#ries and t*e res* ex2erien)e o t*e
re5ol#tion bot* said to t*e muzhik t*at t*e =#estion o
land is a =#estion o T*e a"rarian re5ol#tion
needed t*e or"ans o a 2easant di)tators*i2: T*e muzhik
did not yet 8no. t*is Latin .ord, b#t t*e muzhik 8ne.
.*at *e .anted: T*at @anar)*yA o .*i)* t*e landlords,
liberal )ommissars, and )om2romise 2oliti)ians
)om2lained, .as in reality t*e irst sta"e o t*e
re5ol#tionary di)tators*i2 In t*e 5illa"e:
T*e ne)essity o )reatin" s2e)ial, 2#rely 2easant or"ans o
land re5ol#tion in t*e lo)alities *ad been deended by
Lenin d#rin" t*e e5ents o 19%<;(: @T*e 2easant
re5ol#tionary )ommittees,A *e ar"#ed at t*e 2arty
)on"ress in Sto)8*olm, @2resent t*e sole road alon" .*i)*
t*e 2easant mo5ement )an tra5el:A T*e muzhiks *ad not
read Lenin, b#t Lenin 8ne. *o. to read t*e minds o t*e
T*e 5illa"es )*an"ed t*eir attit#de to t*e so5iets only in
t*e all, .*en t*e so5iets t*emsel5es )*an"ed t*eir
2oliti)al )o#rse: T*e 'ols*e5i8 and Let So)ial
Re5ol#tionary so5iets in t*e )o#nty or 2ro5in)ial )ity no.
no lon"er *eld ba)8 t*e 2easants, b#t on t*e )ontrary
2#s*ed t*em or.ard: +*ereas d#rin" t*e irst mont*s t*e
5illa"es *ad loo8ed to t*e )om2romisist so5iets or a le"al
)o5erin", only to )ome later into *ostile )onli)t .it* t*em,
no. t*ey irst be"an to ind in t*e re5ol#tionary so5iets a
real leaders*i2: T*e Sarato5 2easants .rote in Se2tember:
@T*e t*ro#"*o#t all R#ssia o#"*t to "o ::: to t*e
So5iets o +or8ers, 3easants and SoldiersJ 4e2#ties: T*at
.ill be saer:A Only in t*e all did t*e 2easantry be"in to
Doin t*eir land 2ro"ramme to t*e slo"an o to t*e
So5iets: '#t *ere, too, t*ey did not 8no. by .*om or *o.
t*ese so5iets .ere to be led:
0"rarian dist#rban)es in R#ssia *ad t*eir "reat tradition,
t*eir sim2le b#t )lear 2ro"ramme, t*eir lo)al martyrs and
*eroes: T*e )olossal ex2erien)e o 19%< *ad not 2assed
.it*o#t lea5in" its tra)e in t*e 5illa"es: 0nd to t*is .e
m#st add t*e .or8 o t*e se)tarian ideas .*i)* *ad ta8en
*old o millions o 2easants: @I 8ne. many 2easants,A
.rites a .ell;inormed a#t*or, @.*o a))e2ted ::: t*e
O)tober re5ol#tion as t*e dire)t realisation o t*eir
reli"io#s *o2es:A O all t*e 2easant re5olts 8no.n to
*istory t*e mo5ement o t*e R#ssian 2easantry in 1917
.as #ndo#btedly in t*e *i"*est de"ree ertilised by
2oliti)al ideas: I ne5ert*eless it 2ro5ed in)a2able o
)reatin" an inde2endent leaders*i2 and ta8in" t*e
in its o.n *ands, t*e )a#ses o t*is are to be o#nd in t*e
or"ani) nat#re o an isolated, 2etty and ro#tine ind#stry:
+*ile s#)8in" all t*e D#i)e o#t o t*e muzhik, *is e)onomi)
2osition did not "i5e *im in ret#rn t*e ability to "eneralise:
T*e 2oliti)al reedom o a 2easant means in 2ra)ti)e t*e
ability to )*oose bet.een dierent )ity 2aris*es: '#t e5en
t*is )*oi)e is not made a 2riori: T*e 2easantry 2#s*ed t*e
'ols*e5i8s to.ard .it* t*eir re5olt: '#t only ater
)on=#erin" t*e )o#ld t*e 'ols*e5i8s .in o5er t*e
2easantry, )on5ertin" t*eir a"rarian re5ol#tion into t*e
la.s o a .or8ersJ state:
0 "ro#2 o in5esti"ators #nder t*e "#idan)e o Ma8o5le5
*a5e made an extremely 5al#able )lassii)ation o
material, )*ara)terisin" t*e e5ol#tion o t*e a"rarian
mo5ement rom Bebr#ary to O)tober: 4esi"natin" t*e
n#mber o disor"anised a)tions in ea)* mont* as 1%%,
t*ese in5esti"ators *a5e estimated t*at t*ere .ere in
02ril, 33 or"anised )onli)tsC in ,#ne, $(C in ,#ly, 12%: ,#ly
.as t*e moment o *i"*est s#))ess o t*e So)ial
Re5ol#tionary or"anisations in t*e )o#ntry: In 0#"#st or
one *#ndred disor"anised )onli)ts t*ere .ere only (2
or"anised, and in O)tober, 1&: Brom t*ese i"#res H
.onder#lly instr#)ti5e, alt*o#"* o =#aliied si"nii)an)e H
Ma8o5le5 dra.s a totally #nex2e)ted )on)l#sion: @+*ereas
#2 to 0#"#st,A *e says, @t*e mo5ement *ad "ro.n steadily
more or"anisedC in t*e all it a)=#ired a more and more
Os2ontaneo#sJ E&F )*ara)ter:A 0not*er in5esti"ator,
Vermeni)*e5, arri5es at t*e same orm#la: @T*e lo.erin"
o t*e i"#re o or"anised mo5ements in t*e 2eriod o t*e
2re;O)tober .a5es, testiies to t*e s2ontaneo#sness o t*e
mo5ements o t*ose mont*s:A I t*e s2ontaneo#s is
)ontrasted to t*e )ons)io#s, as blindness to eyesi"*t H and
t*is is t*e only s)ientii) )ontrast H t*en .e m#st )ome to
t*e )on)l#sion t*at t*e )ons)io#sness o t*e 2easant
mo5ement in)reased #2 to 0#"#st, and t*en be"an to all
ra2idly eno#"* to disa22ear )om2letely at t*e moment o
t*e O)tober ins#rre)tion: '#t t*is o#r in5esti"ators
ob5io#sly did not .is* to say: Ta8in" a some.*at rele)ti5e
attit#de to t*e =#estion, it is not dii)#lt to #nderstand, or
exam2le, t*at t*e 2easant ele)tions to t*e !onstit#ent
0ssembly, in s2ite o t*eir externally @or"anisedA
)*ara)ter, .ere in)om2arably more @s2ontaneo#sA H t*at
is, t*o#"*tless, s*ee2li8e, blind H t*an t*e @disor"anisedA
2easant )am2ai"ns a"aoinst t*e landlord, .*ere ea)*
2easant 8ne. =#ite .ell .*at *e .anted:
In t*e a#t#mn )risis t*e 2easants did not abandon
)ons)io#s a)tion o s2ontaneo#sness, b#t abandoned
)om2romisist leaders*i2 or t*e )i5il .ar: t*e de)line in
or"anisation .as really a s#2eri)ial eat#reC t*e
)om2romisist or"anisation ell a.ay, b#t .*at .as let .as
by no means a 5a)ant s2a)e: T*e 2easants )ame o#t on
t*e ne. road #nder t*e dire)t leaders*i2 o t*e most
re5ol#tionary elements, t*e soldiers, sailors and .or8ers:
In enterin" #2on de)isi5e a)ti5ities t*e 2easants .o#ld
=#ite oten )all a mass;meetin", and e5en ta8e 2ains t*at
t*e resol#tion ado2ted s*o#ld be si"ned by all t*ose li5in"
in t*e same 5illa"e: @In t*e a#t#mn 2eriod o t*e 2easant
mo5ement .it* its raidin" orms,A .rites a t*ird
in5esti"ator, S*esta8o5, @.*at otenest a22ears #2on t*e
s)ene is t*e Oold 2easant assembly :::J 'y means o t*e
assembly t*e 2easants di5ide t*e a22ro2riated "oods,
t*ro#"* t*e assembly t*ey )ond#)t ne"otiations .it* t*e
landlord and o5erseers, .it* t*e )o#nty )ommissars and
.it* 2#niti5e ex2editions o all 8inds:A
T*e =#estion .*y t*e to.n )ommittees, .*i)* *a5e led
t*e 2easants ri"*t #2 to t*e )i5il .ar, no. disa22ear rom
t*e s)ene, inds no dire)t in t*ese materials: '#t
t*e ex2lanation )omes o itsel: 0 re5ol#tion 5ery =#i)8ly
.ears o#t its or"ans and im2lements:" to t*e mere
a)t t*at t*e land )ommittees *ad been )ond#)tin" semi;
2ea)e#l a)ti5ities, t*ey .ere bo#nd to seem o little #se
or dire)t assa#lts: 0nd t*is "eneral )a#se is s#22lemented
by 2arti)#lar ones no less .ei"*ty: In ta8in" t*e road o
o2en .ar .it* t*e landlord, t*e 2easants 8ne. too .ell
.*at a.aited t*em in )ase o deeat: 0 n#mber o t*e land
)ommittees e5en .it*o#t t*at .ere #nder 9ereas8yJs lo)8
and 8ey: To s)atter t*e res2onsibility be)ame a ta)ti)al
need: T*e @mirA oered t*e most ex2edient orm or t*is:
T*e )#stomary m#t#al mistr#st o t*e 2easants
#ndo#btedly .or8ed in t*e same dire)tion: It .as a
=#estion no. o t*e dire)t seiK#re and di5ision o t*e
landlordsJ "oodsC ea)* .anted to ta8e 2art in t*is *imsel,
not entr#stin" *is ri"*ts to anybody: T*#s t*e *i"*est
tension o t*e str#""le led to a tem2orary retirement o
t*e re2resentati5e or"ans in a5o#r o 2rimiti5e 2easant
demo)ra)y in t*e orm o t*e assembly and t*e )omm#nal
T*is )r#de mista8e in deinin" t*e )*ara)ter o t*e 2easant
mo5ement may seem es2e)ially s#r2risin" rom t*e 2en o
'ols*e5i8 in5esti"ators: '#t .e m#st not or"et t*at t*ese
are 'ols*e5i8s o t*e ne. mo#ld: T*e b#rea#)ratisation o
t*o#"*t *as ine5itably led to an o5er5al#in" o t*ose orms
o or"anisation .*i)*, .ere im2osed #2on t*e 2easants
rom abo5e, an #nder5al#in" o t*ose .*i)* t*e 2easants
t*emsel5es ass#med: T*e ed#)ated #n)tionary,"
t*e liberal 2roessor, loo8s #2on so)ial 2ro)esses rom t*e
2oint o 5ie. o administration: In *is 2osition as 3eo2leJs
!ommissar o 0"ri)#lt#re, Ma8o5le5 s#bse=#ently s*o.ed
t*e same s#mmary b#rea#)rati) mode o a22roa)* to t*e
2easantry, b#t in an ininitely broader and more
res2onsible s2*ere H t*at namely o introd#)in" @)om2lete
)olle)ti5isation,A T*eoreti) s#2eri)iality ta8es a )r#el
re5en"e .*en it )omes to a 2ra)ti)al a)tion on a lar"e
'#t .e are still a "ood t*irteen years beore t*e mista8es
o )om2lete )olle)ti5isation: It is no. only a =#estion o
t*e ex2ro2riation o t*e landed estates: 13&,%%% landlords
are still tremblin" or t*eir 1$ million essiatins: Most
t*reatened is t*e sit#ation o t*ose on t*e s#mmit, t*e
3%,%%% lords o old R#ssia .*o o.n 7% million essiatins H
2,%%% on t*e a5era"e 2er 2erson: 0 lord, 'obory8in, .rites
to t*e !*amberlain, RodKian8o: @I am a landlord, and
some*o. it .onJt it into my *ead t*at I am to be de2ri5ed
o my land, and t*at, too, or a most im2robable 2#r2ose H
or an ex2erimental test o so)ialisti) tea)*in"s:A '#t it is
t*e tas8 o re5ol#tion to a))om2lis* D#st t*ose t*in"s
.*i)* .ill not it into t*e *eads o t*e r#lin" )lass:
T*e more ar;si"*ted landlords )annot *el2 realisin",
*o.e5er, t*at t*ey .ill not be able to 8ee2 t*eir estates:
T*ey are no lon"er e5en tryin" to: T*e sooner .e "et rid o
o#r land, t*ey are sayin", t*e better: T*e !onstit#ent
0ssembly 2resents itsel to t*em 2rimarily as a 5ast
)learin";*o#se .*ere t*e state .ill re)om2ense t*em not
only or t*e land, b#t also or t*eir anxieties:
T*e 2easant lando.ners ad*ered to t*is 2ro"ramme o
t*eirs on t*e let: T*ey .ere not #n.illin" to *a5e an end
o t*e 2arasiti)al nobility, b#t t*ey .ere araid o
#nsettlin" t*e )on)e2tion o landed 2ro2erty: T*e state is
ri)* eno#"*, t*ey de)lared at t*eir meetin"s, to 2ay t*e
landlords somet*in" li8e 12 billion ro#bles: In t*eir =#ality
o @2easantsA t*ey .ere )o#ntin" on bein" able to ma8e
#se o t*ese noble estates, on)e t*ey *ad been 2aid or by
t*e 2eo2le, on a5o#rable terms:
T*e 2ro2rietors #nderstood t*at t*e extent o t*e
indemnity .as a 2oliti)al ma"nit#de to be determined by
t*e )orrelation o or)es at t*e moment o 2ayment: 62 to
t*e end o 0#"#st t*ere remained a *o2e t*at t*e
!onstit#ent 0ssembly, )on5o8ed ! la 9ornilo5, .o#ld ollo.
a line o a"rarian reorm mid.ay bet.een RodKian8o and
Mili#8o5: T*e )olla2se o 9ornilo5 meant t*at t*e
2ossessin" )lasses *ad lost t*e "ame:
4#rin" Se2tember and O)tober t*e 2ossessin" )lasses
.ere a.aitin" t*e o#t)ome as a *o2elessly si)8 man
a.aits deat*: 0#t#mn .it* muzhiks is t*e time or 2oliti)s:
T*e ields are mo.ed, ill#sions are s)attered, 2atien)e is
ex*a#sted: Time to inis* t*in"s #2 T*e mo5ement no.
o5erlo.s its ban8s, in5ades all distri)ts, .i2es o#t lo)al
2e)#liarities, dra.s in all t*e strata o t*e 5illa"es, .as*es
a.ay all )onsiderations o la. and 2r#den)e, be)omes
a""ressi5e, ier)e, #rio#s, a ra"in" t*in", arms itsel .it*
steel and ire, re5ol5ers and *and;"renades, demolis*es
and b#rns #2 t*e manorial d.ellin"s, dri5es o#t t*e
landlords, )leanses t*e eart* and in some 2la)es .aters it
.it* blood:
-one are t*e nests o t*e "entility )elebrated by 3#s*8in,
T#r"enie5 and Tolstoi: T*e old R#ssia *as "one #2 in
smo8e: T*e liberal 2ress is a )olle)tion o "roans and
o#t)ries abo#t t*e destr#)tion o En"lis* "ardens, o
2aintin"s rom t*e br#s*es o sers, o 2atrimonial
libraries, t*e 2art*enons o Tomboy, t*e ridin" *orses, t*e
an)ient en"ra5in"s, t*e breedin" b#lls: 'o#r"eois
*istorians *a5e tried to 2#t t*e res2onsibility #2on t*e
'ols*e5i8s or t*e @5andalismA o t*e 2easantJs mode o
settlin" a))o#nts .it* t*e @)#lt#reA o *is lords: In reality
t*e R#ssian muzhik .as )om2letin" a b#siness entered
#2on many )ent#ries beore t*e 'ols*e5i8s a22eared in
t*e .orld: ?e .as #lillin" *is 2ro"ressi5e *istori) tas8
.it* t*e only means at *is dis2osal: +it* re5ol#tionary
barbarism *e .as .i2in" o#t t*e barbarism o t*e middle
a"es: Moreo5er, neit*er *e *imsel, nor *is "randat*er,
nor *is "reat "randat*er beore *im e5er sa. any mer)y
or ind#l"en)eL
+*en t*e e#dal landlords "ot t*e best o t*e ,a)=#erie
o#r and a *al )ent#ries beore t*e liberation o t*e Bren)*
2easants, a 2io#s mon8 .rote in *is )*roni)le: @T*ey did
so m#)* e5il to t*e )o#ntry t*at t*ere .as no need o t*e
)omin" o t*e En"lis* to destroy t*e 8in"domC t*ese ne5er
)o#ld *a5e done .*at .as done by t*e nobles o Bran)e:A
Only t*e bo#r"eoisie H in May 1$71 H 2ro5ed able to
ex)eed t*e Bren)* nobles in ero)ity: T*e R#ssian 2easants
H t*an8s to t*e leaders*i2 o t*e .or8ers, and t*e R#ssian
.or8ers H t*an8s to t*e s#22ort o t*e 2easants, a5oided
learnin" t*is t.oold lesson rom t*e deenders o )#lt#re
and *#manity:
T*e inter;relations bet.een t*e #ndamental )lasses o
R#ssia at lar"e .ere re2rod#)ed in t*e 5illa"e: ,#st as t*e
.or8ers and soldiers .ent into a i"*t .it* t*e monar)*y
)ontrary to t*e 2lans o t*e bo#r"eoisie, so t*e 2easant
2oor rose boldest o all a"ainst t*e landlord, not *eedin"
t*e .arnin"s o t*e kulak: ,#st as t*e !om2romisers
belie5ed t*at t*e re5ol#tion .o#ld stand irmly on its eet
only rom t*e moment it .as re)o"niKed by Mili#8o5, so
t*e middle 2easants, "lan)in" ro#nd to ri"*t and let,
ima"ined t*at t*e si"nat#re o t*e kulak .o#ld le"itimise
t*e seiK#res: 0nd inally, some.*at as t*e bo#r"eoisie,
alt*o#"* *ostile to t*e re5ol#tion, did not *esitate to
a22ro2riate t*e, so t*e kulaks, ater resistin" t*e
raids, did not re#se to enDoy t*eir r#its: T*e did not
remain lon" in t*e *ands o t*e bo#r"eoisie, nor t*e
landlordJs )*attels in t*e *ands o t*e kulaks H or li8e
T*e stren"t* o t*e a"rarian;demo)rati) and essentially
bo#r"eois re5ol#tion .as maniested in t*e a)t t*at it
o5er)ame or a time t*e )lass )ontradi)tions o t*e 5illa"e:
t*e arm *and *el2ed t*e kulak in raidin" t*e landlord: T*e
17t*: 1$t* and 19t* )ent#ries o R#ssian *istory )limbed
#2 on t*e s*o#lders o t*e 2%t*, and bent it to t*e "ro#nd:
T*e .ea8ness o t*is belated bo#r"eois re5ol#tion .as
maniested in t*e a)t t*at t*e 2easant .ar did not #r"e
t*e bo#r"eois re5ol#tionists or.ard, b#t t*re. t*em ba)8
)on)l#si5ely into t*e )am2 o rea)tion: Tseretelli, t*e *ard;
labo#r )on5i)t o yesterday, deended t*e estates o t*e
landlords a"ainst anar)*yL T*e 2easant re5ol#tion, t*#s
reDe)ted by t*e bo#r"eoisie, Doined *ands .it* t*e
ind#strial 2roletariat: In t*is .ay t*e 2%t* )ent#ry not only
"ot ree o t*ose 2ast )ent#ries *an"in" #2on it, b#t
)limbed #2 on t*eir s*o#lders to a ne. *istori) le5el: In
order t*at t*e 2easant mi"*t )lear and en)e *is land, t*e
.or8er *ad to stand at t*e *ead o t*e state: t*at is t*e
sim2lest orm#la or t*e O)tober re5ol#tion:
1: 3easants .*o *ad let t*e )omm#ne and ta8en 2ri5ate
land #nder Stoly2inJs la. o No5ember 9, 19%(: H Trans"
2: T*is .ord, a22lied to t*e 5illa"e as a )omm#ne, literally
means @t*e .orldA H t*at is, e5erybody: H Trans"
3: #rmyaki is a *ome;made .oollen )oat, lapti are s*oes
made o#t o .o5en stri2s o bar8: H Trans"
&: T*e R#ssian .ord translated @s2ontaneo#sA means
literally elemental, and is )ommonly )ontrasted in
re5ol#tionary literat#re to )lass;)ons)io#s mo5ements led
by an or"anisation .it* a t*eory and 2ro"ramme: H Trans"
Chapter 39: The Problem of
Lan"#a"e is t*e most im2ortant instr#ment o *#man
)omm#ni)ation, and )onse=#ently o ind#stry: It be)omes
national to"et*er .it* t*e tri#m2* o )ommodity ex)*an"e
.*i)* inte"rates nations: 62on t*is o#ndation t*e national
state is ere)ted as t*e most )on5enient, 2roitable and
normal arena or t*e 2lay o )a2italist relations: In +estern
E#ro2e t*e e2o)* o t*e ormation o bo#r"eois nations, i
yo# lea5e o#t t*e str#""le o t*e Net*erlands or
inde2enden)e and t*e ate o t*e island )o#ntry, En"land:
be"an .it* t*e "reat Bren)* re5ol#tion, and .as
essentially )om2leted a22roximately one *#ndred years
later .it* t*e ormation o t*e -erman Em2ire:
'#t d#rin" t*at 2eriod .*en in E#ro2e t*e national state
)o#ld no lon"er !ontain t*e 2rod#)ti5e or)es and .as
o5er"ro.n into t*e im2erialist state, in t*e East H in 3ersia,
t*e 'al8ans, !*ina, India H t*e era o national demo)rati)
re5ol#tions, ta8in" its im2et#s rom t*e R#ssian re5ol#tion
o 19%<, .as only D#st be"innin": T*e 'al8an .ar o 1912
mar8ed t*e )om2letion o t*e ormin" o national states in
so#t*;eastern E#ro2e: T*e s#bse=#ent im2erialist .ar
)om2leted in)identally t*e #ninis*ed .or8 o t*e national
re5ol#tions in E#ro2e leadin" as it did to t*e
dismemberment o 0#stria;?#n"ary, t*e establis*ment o
an inde2endent 3oland, and o inde2endent border states
)#t rom t*e em2ire o t*e )Kars:
R#ssia .as ormed not as a national state, b#t as a state
made #2 o nationalities: T*is )orres2onded to its belated
)*ara)ter: On a o#ndation o extensi5e a"ri)#lt#re and
*ome ind#stry )ommer)ial )a2ital de5elo2ed not dee2ly,
not by transormin" 2rod#)tion, b#t broadly, by in)reasin"
t*e radi#s o its o2eration: T*e trader, t*e landlord and t*e
"o5ernment oi)ial ad5an)ed rom t*e )entre to.ard t*e
2eri2*ery," t*e 2easant settlers .*o, in sear)* o
res* lands and reedom rom im2osts, .ere 2enetratin"
ne. territory in*abited by still more ba)8.ard tribes: T*e
ex2ansion o t*e state .as in its o#ndation an ex2ansion
o a"ri)#lt#re, .*i)* .it* all its 2rimiti5eness s*o.ed a
)ertain s#2eriority to t*at o t*e nomads in t*e so#t* and
east: T*e b#rea#)rati);)aste state .*i)* ormed itsel
#2on t*is enormo#s and )ontin#ally broadenin" basis,
be)ame s#i)iently stron" to s#bD#"ate )ertain nations in
t*e .est, 2ossessed o a *i"*er )#lt#re b#t #nable
be)a#se o t*eir small n#mbers or )ondition o inner )risis
to deend t*eir inde2enden)e /3oland, Lit*#ania, t*e 'alti)
states, Binland1:
To t*e se5enty million -reat R#ssians )onstit#tin" t*e
main mass o t*e )o#ntry, t*ere .ere "rad#ally added
abo#t ninety million @o#tlandersA s*ar2ly di5ided into t.o
"ro#2s: t*e .estern 2eo2les ex)ellin" R#ssia in t*eir
)#lt#re, and t*e eastern standin" on a le5el: T*#s
.as )reated an em2ire o .*ose 2o2#lation t*e r#lin"
nationality )onstit#ted only &3 2er )ent: T*e remainin" <7
2er )ent, .ere nationalities o 5ario#s de"rees o )#lt#re
and s#bDe)tion, in)l#din" 68rainians 17 2er )ent, 3oles (
2er )ent, +*ite R#ssians &Q 2er )ent:
T*e "reedy demands o t*e state and t*e mea"reness o
t*e 2easant o#ndation #nder t*e r#lin" )lasses "a5e rise
to t*e most bitter orms o ex2loitation: National
o22ression in R#ssia .as in)om2arably ro#"*er t*an in t*e
nei"*bo#rin" states not only on its .estern b#t e5en on its
eastern borders: T*e 5ast n#mbers o t*ese nationalities
de2ri5ed o ri"*ts, and t*e s*ar2ness o t*eir de2ri5ation,
"a5e to t*e national 2roblem in )Karist R#ssia a "i"anti)
ex2losi5e or)e:
+*ereas in nationality *omo"eneo#s states t*e bo#r"eois
re5ol#tions de5elo2ed )entri2etal tenden)ies,
rallyin" to t*e idea o o5er)omin" 2arti)#larism, as in
Bran)e, or o5er)omin" national dis#nion, as in Italy and
-ermany H in nationally *etero"eneo#s states on t*e
)ontrary, s#)* as T#r8ey, R#ssia, 0#stria;?#n"ary, t*e
belated bo#r"eois re5ol#tion released )entri#"al or)es: In
s2ite o t*e a22arent )ontrariness o t*ese 2ro)esses .*en
ex2ressed in me)*ani)al terms, t*eir *istori) #n)tion .as
t*e same: In bot* )ases it .as a =#estion o #sin" t*e
national #nity as a #ndamental ind#strial reser5oir:
-ermany *ad or t*is 2#r2ose to be #nited, 0#stria;
?#n"ary to be di5ided:
Lenin early learned t*e ine5itability o t*is de5elo2ment o
)entri#"al national mo5ements in R#ssia, and or many
years st#bbornly o#"*t H most 2arti)#larly a"ainst Rosa
L#xemb#r" H or t*at amo#s 2ara"ra2* 9 o t*e old 2arty
2ro"ramme .*i)* orm#lated t*e ri"*t o nations to sel;
determination H t*at is, to )om2lete se2aration as states:
In t*is t*e 'ols*e5i8 3arty did not by any means #nderta8e
an e5an"el o se2aration: It merely ass#med an obli"ation
to str#""le im2la)ably a"ainst e5ery orm o national
o22ression, in)l#din" t*e or)ible retention o t*is or t*at
nationality .it*in t*e bo#ndaries o t*e "eneral state: Only
in t*is .ay )o#ld t*e R#ssian 2roletariat "rad#ally .in t*e
)oniden)e o t*e o22ressed nationalities:
'#t t*at .as only one side o t*e matter: T*e 2oli)y o
'ols*e5ism in t*e national s2*ere *ad also anot*er side,
a22arently )ontradi)tory to t*e irst b#t in reality
s#22lementin" it: +it*in t*e rame.or8 o t*e 2arty, and
o t*e .or8ersJ or"anisations in "eneral, 'ols*e5ism
insisted #2on a ri"id )entralism, im2la)ably .arrin"
a"ainst e5ery taint o nationalism .*i)* mi"*t set t*e
.or8ers one a"ainst t*e ot*er or dis#nite t*em: +*ile
latly re#sin" to t*e bo#r"eois states t*e ri"*t to im2ose
)om2#lsory )itiKens*i2, or e5en a state lan"#a"e, #2on a
national minority, 'ols*e5ism at t*e same time made it a
5erily sa)red tas8 to #nite as )losely as 2ossible, by means
o 5ol#ntary )lass dis)i2line, t*e .or8ers o dierent
nationalities: T*#s it latly reDe)ted t*e national;ederation
2rin)i2le in b#ildin" t*e 2arty: 0 re5ol#tionary or"anisation
is not t*e 2rototy2e o t*e #t#re state, b#t merely t*e
instr#ment or its )reation: 0n instr#ment o#"*t to be
ada2ted to as*ionin" t*e 2rod#)tC it o#"*t not to in)l#de
t*e 2rod#)t: T*#s a )entralised or"anisation )an "#arantee
t*e s#))ess o re5ol#tionary str#""le H e5en .*ere t*e
tas8 is to destroy t*e )entralised o22ression o
Bor t*e o22ressed nations o R#ssia t*e o5ert*ro. o t*e
monar)*y ine5itably meant also t*eir o.n national
re5ol#tion: In t*is matter, *o.e5er, .e obser5e t*e same
t*in" as in all ot*er de2artments o t*e Bebr#ary rG"ime:
t*e oi)ial demo)ra)y, *eld in leas* by its 2oliti)al
de2enden)e #2on an im2erialist bo#r"eoisie, .as totally
in)a2able o brea8in" t*e old etters: ?oldin" in5iolable its
ri"*t to settle t*e ate o all ot*er nations, it )ontin#ed
Dealo#sly to "#ard t*ose so#r)es o .ealt*, and
inl#en)e .*i)* *ad "i5en t*e -reat R#ssian bo#r"eoisie
its dominant 2osition: T*e )om2romisist demo)ra)y merely
translated traditions o t*e )Karist national 2oli)y into t*e
lan"#a"e o libertarian r*etori): it .as no. a =#estion o
deendin" t*e #nity o t*e re5ol#tion: '#t t*e r#lin"
)oalition *ad also anot*er more 2ointed ar"#ment:
.artime ex2edien)y: T*is meant t*at t*e as2irations o
indi5id#al nationalities to.ard reedom m#st be 2ortrayed
as t*e .or8 o t*e 0#stro;-erman -eneral Sta: ?ere too
t*e 9adets 2layed irst 5iolin and t*e !om2romisers
T*e ne. "o5ernment )o#ld not, o )o#rse, lea5e absol#tely
#nto#)*ed t*at dis"#stin" le"al tan"le, t*e )om2li)ated
medie5al mo)8eries o t*e o#tlanders: '#t it did *o2e and
endea5o#r to sto2 at a mere ann#lment o t*e ex)e2tional
la.s a"ainst indi5id#al nations H t*at is, to establis* a bare
e=#ality o all 2arts o t*e 2o2#lation beore t*e -reat
R#ssian state b#rea#)ra)y:
T*is ormal e=#ality "a5e most o all to t*e ,e.s, or t*e
la.s limitin" t*eir ri"*ts *ad rea)*ed t*e n#mber o (<%:
Moreo5er, bein" )ity d.ellers and t*e most s)attered o all
t*e nationalities, t*e ,e.s )o#ld ma8e no )laim eit*er to
state inde2enden)e or e5en territorial a#tonomy: 0s to t*e
2roDe)t o a so;)alled @national;)#lt#ral a#tonomyA .*i)*
s*o#ld #nite t*e ,e.s t*ro#"*o#t t*e .*ole )o#ntry
aro#nd s)*ools and ot*er instit#tions, t*is rea)tionary
6to2ia, borro.ed by 5ario#s ,* "ro#2s rom t*e
0#strian t*eoreti)ian, Otto 'a#er, melted in t*ose irst
days o reedom li8e .ax #nder t*e s#nJs rays:
'#t a re5ol#tion is a re5ol#tion or t*e 5ery reason t*at it is
not satisied eit*er .it* doles or deerred 2ayments: T*e
abolition o t*e more s*ame#l national limitations
establis*ed a ormal e=#ality o )itiKens re"ardless o t*eir
nationality, b#t t*is re5ealed only t*e more s*ar2ly t*e
#ne=#al 2osition o t*e nationalities as s#)*, lea5in" t*e
maDor 2art o t*em in t*e 2osition o ste2;)*ildren or
oster;)*ildren o t*e -reat R#ssian state:
T*e 2ro)lamation o e=#al ri"*ts meant not*in" to t*e
Binns es2e)ially, or t*ey did not desire e=#ality .it* t*e
R#ssians b#t inde2enden)e o R#ssia: It "a5e not*in" to
t*e 68rainians, or t*eir ri"*ts *ad been e=#al beore, t*ey
*a5in" been or)ibly 2ro)laimed to be R#ssian: It )*an"ed
not*in" in t*e sit#ation o t*e Letts and Est*onians,
o22ressed by t*e -erman landlordJs manor and t*e R#sso;
-erman )ity: It did not li"*ten in t*e least t*e ate o t*e
ba)8.ard 2eo2les and tribes o !entral 0sia, .*o *ad
been *eld do.n to t*e ro)8 bottom not by D#ridi)al
limitations, b#t by e)onomi) and )#lt#ral ball and )*ain: 0ll
t*ese =#estions t*e Liberal;!om2romisist )oalition re#sed
e5en to brin" #2: T*e demo)rati) state remained t*e same
old state o t*e -reat R#ssian #n)tionary, .*o did not
intend to yield *is 2la)e to anybody:
T*e dee2er t*e re5ol#tion san8 amon" t*e masses in t*e
borderlands, t*e more )lear it be)ame t*at t*e R#ssian
state lan"#a"e .as t*ere t*e lan"#a"e o t*e 2ossessin"
)lasses: T*e rG"ime o ormal demo)ra)y, .it* its reedom
o 2ress and assembla"e, made t*e ba)8.ard and
o22ressed nationalities only t*e more 2ain#lly a.are to
.*at extent t*ey .ere de2ri5ed o t*e most elementary
means o )#lt#ral de5elo2ment: t*eir o.n s)*ools, t*eir
o.n )o#rts, t*eir o.n oi)ials: Reeren)es to a #t#re
!onstit#ent 0ssembly only irritated t*em: T*ey 8ne. .ell
eno#"* t*at t*e same 2arty .o#ld dominate t*at
assembly .*i)* *ad )reated t*e 3ro5isional -o5ernment,
and .as )ontin#in" to deend t*e tradition o R#sti)ation,
ma8in" )lear .it* its Dealo#s "reed t*at line beyond .*i)*
t*e r#lin" )lasses .o#ld not "o:
Binland be)ame rom t*e irst a t*orn in t*e les* o t*e
Bebr#ary rG"ime: T*an8s to t*e bitterness o t*e a"rarian
2roblem, in Binland a 2roblem o @torparsA H t*at is, small
ensla5ed tenants H t*e ind#strial .or8ers, alt*o#"*
)om2risin" only 1& 2er )ent o t*e 2o2#lation, )arried t*e
r#ral 2o2#lation .it* t*em: T*e Binnis* Seim .as t*e only
2arliament in t*e .orld .*ere t*e so)ial;demo)rats "ot a
maDority: 1%3 seats o#t o 2%%: ?a5in" by t*eir la. o ,#ne
< de)lared t*e Seim a so5erei"n ex)e2t on
=#estions o .ar and orei"n 2oli)y, t*e Binnis* so)ial;
demo)rats a22ealed or s#22ort @to t*e )omrade 2arty o
R#ssia:A '#t t*eir a22eal, as it t#rned o#t, .as sent =#ite
to t*e .ron" address: T*e 3ro5isional -o5ernment ste22ed
aside at irst, 2ermittin" t*e @)omrade 2artyA to a)t: 0n
ad5isory dele"ation *eaded by !*eidKe .ent to
?elsin"ors and ret#rned em2ty;*anded: T*en t*e so)ialist
ministers o 3etro"rad H 9erens8y, !*eno5, S8obele5,
Tseretelli H de)ided to dissol5e by or)e t*e so)ialist
"o5ernment at ?elsin"ors: T*e )*ie o t*e *ead=#arters
sta, t*e monar)*ist L#8oms8y, "a5e .arnin" to t*e )i5il
a#t*orities and t*e 2o2#lation o Binland t*at in )ase o
any a)tion a"ainst t*e R#ssian army @t*eir )ities, and
?elsin"ors, irst o all, .o#ld be laid .aste:A 0ter t*is
2re2aration, t*e -o5ernment iss#ed a solemn maniesto H
a 2la"iarism rom t*e monar)*y e5en in its literary style H
dissol5in" t*e Seim: 0nd on t*e irst day o t*e oensi5e
t*ey 2la)ed R#ssian soldiers .it*dra.n rom t*e ront at
t*e doors o t*e Binnis* 2arliament: T*#s t*e re5ol#tionary
masses o R#ssia H ma8in" t*eir .ay to O)tober H "ot a
"ood lesson on t*e =#aliied 2la)e o))#2ied by t*e
2rin)i2les o demo)ra)y in a str#""le o )lass or)es:
!onronted by t*is #nbridled nationalism o t*e r#lin"
)lasses, t*e re5ol#tionary troo2s in Binland ado2ted a
.ort*y attit#de: 0 re"ional )on"ress o t*e so5iets *eld in
?elsin"ors early in Se2tember anno#n)ed: @I t*e Binnis*
demo)ra)y inds it ad5isable to rene. t*e sessions o t*e
Seim, any attem2t to *inder t*is .ill be re"arded by t*e
So5iet )on"ress as a )o#nter;re5ol#tionary a)t:A T*at .as
a dire)t oer o military *el2: '#t t*e Binnis* demo)ra)y,
in .*i)* )om2romisist tenden)ies 2redominated, .as not
ready to ta8e t*e road o ins#rre)tion: Ne. ele)tions, *eld
#nder t*e t*reat o a ne. dissol#tion, "a5e a maDority o
1$% o#t o 2%% to t*ose bo#r"eois 2arties in a"reement
.it* .*om t*e "o5ernment *ad dissol5ed t*e Seim:
'#t *ere domesti) =#estions )ome to t*e ront, =#estions
.*i)* in t*is S.itKerland o t*e Nort*, a land o "ranite
mo#ntains and "reedy 2ro2rietors, .o#ld lead inexorably
to )i5il .ar: T*e Binnis* bo#r"eoisie .as *al o2enly
2re2arin" its military )adres: Se)ret n#)lei o t*e Red
-#ard .ere ormin" at t*e same time: T*e bo#r"eoisie
t#rned to S.eden and -ermany or .ea2ons and
instr#)tors: T*e .or8ers o#nd s#22ort in t*e R#ssian
troo2s: Mean.*ile in bo#r"eois )ir)les H yesterday still
in)lined to a"reement .it* 3etro"rad H a mo5ement .as
de5elo2in" or )om2lete se2aration rom R#ssia: T*eir
leadin" ne.s2a2er, Khuvudstatsbladet, .rote: @T*e
R#ssian 2eo2le are 2ossessed by an anar)*ist renKy :::
O#"*t .e not in t*ese )ir)#mstan)es ::: to se2arate
o#rsel5es as ar as 2ossible rom t*at )*aos>A T*e
3ro5isional -o5ernment o#nd itsel obli"ed to ma8e
)on)essions .it*o#t a.aitin" t*e !onstit#ent 0ssembly:
On t*e 23rd o O)tober a de)ree .as ado2ted re)o"nisin"
@in 2rin)i2leA t*e inde2enden)e o Binland ex)e2t in
military and orei"n aairs: '#t @inde2enden)eA "i5en by
t*e *and o 9erens8y .as not .ort* m#)*: it .as no. only
t.o days beore *is all:
0 se)ond and ar more "i"anti) t*orn in t*e les* .as t*e
68raine: Early in ,#ne, 9erens8y orbade t*e *oldin" o a
68rainian soldier;)on"ress )on5o8ed by t*e Rada: T*e
68rainians did not s#bmit: In order to sa5e t*e a)e o *is
"o5ernment 9erens8y le"alised t*e )on"ress e$ post facto,
sendin" a de)lamatory tele"ram .*i)* t*e assembled;
de2#ties "reeted .it* disres2e)t#l la#"*ter: T*is bitter
lesson did not 2re5ent 9erens8y rom orbiddin" t*ree
.ee8s later a military )on"ress o t*e M#ss#lmans in
Mos)o.: T*e demo)rati) "o5ernment seemed anxio#s to
ma8e it 2lain to t*e dis)ontented nations: yo# .ill "et only
.*at yo# "rab:
In its irst @#ni5ersalA iss#ed on ,#ne 1%t*, t*e Rada,
a))#sin" 3etro"rad o o22osin" national inde2enden)e,
de)lared: @?en)eort* .e .ill b#ild o#r o.n lie:A T*e
9adets deno#n)ed t*e 68rainian leaders as -erman
a"entsC t*e !om2romisers addressed t*em .it*
sentimental admonitionsC t*e 3ro5isional -o5ernment sent
a dele"ation to 9ie5: In t*e *eated atmos2*ere o t*e
68raine, 9erens8y, Tseretelli and Teres)*en8o elt obli"ed
to ta8e a e. ste2s to meet t*e Rada: '#t ater t*e ,#ly
raids on .or8ers and soldiers, t*e -o5ernment 5eered
ri"*t on t*e 68rainian =#estion also: On 0#"#st <, t*e
Rada by an o5er.*elmin" maDority a))#sed t*e
"o5ernment, @imb#ed .it* t*e im2erialist tenden)ies o
t*e R#ssian bo#r"eoisie,A o *a5in" bro8en t*e a"reement
o ,#ly 3rd: @+*en t*e time )ame or t*e "o5ernment to
redeem its 2led"e,A de)lared t*e *ead o t*e 68rainian
"o5ernment, Vinni)*en8o, @it t#rned o#t t*at t*e
3ro5isional -o5ernment ::: is a 2etty )*eat, .*o *o2es to
"et rid o a "reat *istori) 2roblem by s.indlin":A T*is
#ne=#i5o)al lan"#a"e )on5eys an ade=#ate idea o t*e
a#t*ority o t*e "o5ernment e5en in t*ose )ir)les .*i)*
o#"*t 2oliti)ally to be rat*er )lose to it: Bor in t*e lon" r#n
t*e 68rainian !om2romiser, Vinni)*en8o, .as
distin"#is*ed rom 9erens8y only as a medio)re no5elist
rom a medio)re la.yer:
It is tr#e t*at in Se2tember t*e "o5ernment did inally
iss#e a de)ree re)o"nisin" or all t*e nationalities o R#ssia
H .it*in limits to be desi"nated by t*e !onstit#ent
0ssembly H t*e @ri"*t o sel;determination:A '#t t*is
.*olly #n"#aranteed and in.ardly )ontradi)tory 2romise
or t*e #t#re H extremely 5a"#e in e5eryt*in" b#t its
limitations H ins2ired no )oniden)e In anybody: T*e doin"s
o t*e 3ro5isional -o5ernment .ere already )ryin" O#t too
lo#dly a"ainst it:
On Se2tember 2 t*e Senate H t*at same body .*i)*
re#sed to admit ne. members .it*o#t t*e old #niorm H
de)ided to deny 2#bli)ation to t*e instr#)tions iss#ed to
t*e 68rainian -eneral Se)retariat H t*at is, to t*e
Ministerial !abinet in 9ie5 H and )onirmed by t*e
-o5ernment: ,#stii)ation: no la. 2ro5ides or t*is
Se)retariat, and it is im2ossible to iss#e instr#)tions to an
ille"al instit#tion: T*e loty D#rists did not )on)eal t*e a)t,
eit*er, t*at t*e 5ery a"reement entered into bet.een t*e
"o5ernment and t*e Rada .as a #s#r2ation o t*e ri"*ts o
t*e !onstit#ent 0ssembly H t*ese )Karist senators *a5in"
no. be)ome t*e most inlexible 2artisans o 2#re
demo)ra)y: In t*is s*o. o )o#ra"e t*e o22ositionists rom
t*e Ri"*t .ere ris8in" not*in" at all: t*ey 8ne. t*at t*eir
o22osition .as =#ite ater t*e *eart o t*e r#lin" )lasses:
0lt*o#"* t*e R#ssian bo#r"eoisie *ad s.allo.ed a )ertain
amo#nt o inde2enden)e or Binland H #nited to R#ssia as
s*e .as by .ea8 e)onomi) ties H it )o#ld not 2ossibly
a"ree to an @a#tonomyA o 68rainian "rain, 4onetK )oal,
and t*e ores o 9ri5oro":
On O)tober 19, 9erens8y sent a tele"ra2*i) order to t*e
-eneral Se)retary o t*e 68raine @to )ome 2rom2tly to
3etro"rad or 2ersonal ex2lanationsA in re"ard to a
)riminal a"itation started t*ere in a5o#r o a 68rainian
!onstit#ent 0ssembly: 0t t*e same time t*e 4istri)t
0ttorney o 9ie5 .as dire)ted to be"in an in5esti"ation o
t*e Rada: '#t t*ese t*reats "a5e as little ri"*t to t*e
68raine as t*e a)ts o "ra)e *ad "i5en Doy to Binland:
T*e 68rainian !om2romisers .ere at t*is time eelin"
ininitely more se)#re t*an t*eir elder )o#sins in
3etro"rad: 0side rom t*e a#s2i)io#s atmos2*ere
s#rro#ndin" t*eir str#""le or national ri"*ts, t*e
)om2arati5e stability o t*e 2etty bo#r"eois 2arties in t*e
68raine H as also in a n#mber o ot*er o22ressed nations H
*ad e)onomi) and so)ial roots des)ribable in one .ord,
ba)8.ardness: In s2ite o t*e ind#strial de5elo2ment
o t*e 4onetK and 9ri5oro" 'asins, t*e 68raine as a .*ole
)ontin#ed to la" be*ind -reat R#ssia: T*e 68rainian
2roletariat .as less *omo"eneo#s, less tem2ered: T*e
'ols*e5i8 3arty .as .ea8 bot* in n#mbers and =#ality,
*ad been slo. in brea8in" a.ay rom t*e Mens*e5i8s, and
.as 2oorly 5ested in t*e 2oliti)al, and es2e)ially t*e
national sit#ation: E5en in t*e ind#strial eastern 2arts o
t*e 68raine, a re"ional )oneren)e o t*e so5iets as late as
t*e middle o O)tober s*o.ed a sli"*t )om2romisist
T*e 68rainian bo#r"eoisie .as )om2arati5ely still .ea8er:
One o t*e )a#ses o t*e so)ial instability o t*e R#ssian
bo#r"eoisie ta8en as a .*ole lay, .e remember, in t*e a)t
t*at its more se)tion )onsisted o orei"ners not
e5en d.ellin" in R#ssia: In t*e borderlands t*is a)t .as
s#22lemented by anot*er no less si"nii)ant: t*eir o.n
domesti) bo#r"eoisie did not belon" to t*e same nation as
t*e 2rin)i2al mass o t*e 2eo2le:
T*e 2o2#lation o t*e )ities in t*ese borderland +as
)om2letely dierent in its national in"redients rom t*e
2o2#lation o t*e )o#ntry: In t*e 68raine and +*ite R#ssia
t*e landlord, )a2italist, la.yer, Do#rnalist, .as a -reat
R#ssian, a 3ole, a ,e., a orei"nerC t*e r#ral 2o2#lation .as
.*olly 68rainian and +*ite R#ssian: In t*e 'alti) states
t*e )ities .ere *a5ens o t*e -erman, R#ssian and ,*
bo#r"eoisieC t*e )o#ntry .as alto"et*er Lettis* and
Est*onian: In t*e )ities o -eor"ia, a R#ssian and 0rmenian
2o2#lation 2redominated, as also in T#r8is* 0KerbaidDan,
bein" se2arated rom t*e #ndamental mass o t*e 2eo2le
not only by t*eir le5el o lie and )#lt#re, b#t also by
lan"#a"e, as are t*e En"lis* in India: 'ein" indebted or
t*e 2rote)tion o t*eir 2ossessions and in)ome to t*e
b#rea#)rati) ma)*ine, and bein" )losely bo#nd #2 .it*
t*e r#lin" )lasses o all ot*er )o#ntries, t*e landlords,
ind#strialists and mer)*ants in t*ese borderlands "ro#2ed
aro#nd t*emsel5es a narro. )ir)le o R#ssian
#n)tionaries, )ler8s, tea)*ers, 2*ysi)ians, la.yers,
Do#rnalists, and to some extent .or8ers also, )on5ertin"
t*e )ities into )entres o R#ssii)ation and )olonisation:
It .as 2ossible to i"nore t*e 5illa"es so lon" as t*ey
remained silent: +*en t*ey be"an, *o.e5er, more and
more im2atiently to lit t*eir 5oi)es, t*e )ity resisted and
st#bbornly )ontin#ed to resist, deendin" its 2ri5ile"ed
2osition: T*e #n)tionary, t*e mer)*ant, t*e la.yer, soon
learned to dis"#ise *is str#""le to retain t*e )ommandin"
*ei"*ts o ind#stry and )#lt#re #nder t*e orm o a to2;
loty )ondemnation o an in)reasin" @)*a#5inism:A T*e
desire o a r#lin" nation to maintain t*e stat#s =#o
re=#ently dresses #2 as a s#2eriority to @nationalism,A
D#st as t*e desire o a 5i)torio#s nation to *an" on to its
booty easily ta8es t*e orm o 2a)iism: T*#s Ma)4onald in
t*e a)e o -and*i eels as t*o#"* *e .ere an
internationalist: T*#s, too, t*e "ra5itation o t*e 0#strians
to.ard -ermany a22ears to 3oin)arG an oen)e a"ainst
Bren)* 2a)iism:
@3eo2le li5in" in t*e )ities o t*e 68raineA H so .rote a
dele"ation o t*e Rada to t*e 3ro5isional -o5ernment in
May H @see beore t*em t*e R#ssiied streets o t*ese
)ities ::: and )om2letely or"et t*at t*ese )ities are only
little islets in t*e sea o t*e .*ole 68rainian 2eo2le:A +*en
Rosa L#xemb#r", in *er 2ost*#mo#s 2olemi) a"ainst t*e
2ro"ramme o t*e O)tober re5ol#tion, asserted t*at
68rainian nationalism, *a5in" been ormerly a mere
@am#sementA o t*e )ommon2la)e 2etty bo#r"eois
intelli"entsia, *ad been artii)ially raised #2 by t*e yeast
o t*e 'ols*e5i8 orm#la o sel;determination, s*e ell,*standin" *er l#mino#s mind, into a 5ery serio#s
*istori) error: T*e 68rainian 2easantry *ad not made
national demands in t*e 2ast or t*e reason t*at t*e
68rainian 2easantry *ad not In "eneral risen to t*e *ei"*t
o 2oliti)al bein": T*e )*ie ser5i)e o t*e Bebr#ary
re5ol#tion H 2er*a2s its only ser5i)e, b#t one am2ly
s#i)ient H lay exa)tly in t*is, t*at it "a5e t*e o22ressed
)lasses and nations o R#ssia at last an o22ort#nity to
s2ea8 o#t: T*is 2oliti)al a.a8enin" o t*e 2easantry )o#ld
not *a5e ta8en 2la)e ot*er.ise, *o.e5er, t*an t*ro#"*
t*eir o.n nati5e lan"#a"e H .it* all t*e )onse=#en)es
ens#in" in re"ard to s)*ools, )o#rts, sel;administration: To
o22ose t*is .o#ld *a5e been to try to dri5e t*e 2easants
ba)8 into non;existen)e:
T*e dieren)e in nationality bet.een t*e )ities and t*e
5illa"es .as 2ain#lly elt also in t*e so5iets, t*ey bein"
2redominantly )ity or"anisations: 6nder t*e leaders*i2 o
t*e )om2romise 2arties t*e so5iets .o#ld re=#ently
i"nore t*e national interests o t*e basi) 2o2#lation: T*is
.as one )a#se o t*e .ea8ness o t*e so5iets in t*e
68raine: T*e so5iets o Ri"a and Re5al or"ot abo#t t*e
interests o t*e Letts and t*e Est*onians: T*e
)om2romisist so5iet in 'a8# s)orned t*e interests o t*e
basi) T#r)oman 2o2#lation: 6nder a alse banner o
internationalism t*e so5iets .o#ld re=#ently .a"e a
str#""le a"ainst t*e deensi5e nationalism o t*e
68rainians or M#ss#lmans, s#22lyin" a s)reen or t*e
o22ressi5e R#ssiyin" mo5ement o t*e )ities: 0 little time
ater, tinder t*e r#le o t*e 'ols*e5i8s, t*e so5iets o t*ese
borderlands be"an to s2ea8 t*e lan"#a"e o t*e 5illa"es:
T*eir "eneral e)onomi) and )#lt#ral 2rimiti5eness did not
2ermit t*e Siberian o#tlanders H 8e2t do.n as t*ey .ere
bot* by nat#re and ex2loitation H to rise e5en to t*at le5el
.*ere national as2irations be"in: Vod8a, taxes and
)om2#lsory ort*odoxy .ere *ere rom time immemorial
t*e 2rin)i2al instr#ments o state*ood: T*at disease .*i)*
t*e Italians )alled t*e Bren)* e5il, and t*e Bren)*, t*e
Nea2olitan, .as )alled @R#ssianA by t*e Siberian 2eo2les:
T*at s*o.s rom .*at so#r)es )ame t*e seeds o
)i5ilisation: T*e Bebr#ary re5ol#tion did not rea)* t*at ar:
T*e *#nters and reindeer breeders o t*e 2olar .astes
m#st still .ait lon" or t*eir da.n:
T*e 2eo2les and tribes alon" t*e Vol"a, in t*e nort*ern
!a#)as#s, in !entral 0sia H a.a8ened or t*e irst time o#t
o t*eir 2re;*istori) existen)e by t*e Bebr#ary re5ol#tion H
*ad as yet neit*er national bo#r"eoisie nor national
2roletariat: 0bo5e t*e 2easant or s*e2*erd mass a t*in
layer *ad deta)*ed itsel rom amon" t*eir #22er strata,
)onstit#tin" an intelli"entsia Not yet risin" to a 2ro"ramme
o national sel;administration, t*e str#""le *ere .as abo#t
matters li8e *a5in" t*eir o.n al2*abet, t*eir o.n tea)*ers
H e5en at times t*eir o.n 2riests: In t*ese .ays t*e most
o22ressed .ere bein" )om2elled to learn in bitter
ex2erien)e t*at t*e ed#)ated masters o t*e state .o#ld
not 5ol#ntarily 2ermit t*em to rise in t*e .orld: T*e most
ba)8.ard o t*e ba)8.ard .ere t*#s )om2elled to see8
t*e most re5ol#tionary )lass as an ally: T*ro#"* t*e let
elements o t*eir yo#n" intelli"entsia t*e Votia8s, t*e
!*#5as*es, t*e Pyrians, t*e tribes o 4a"*estan and
T#r8estan, be"an to ind t*eir .ay to.ard t*e 'ols*e5i8s:
T*e ate o t*e )olonial 2ossessions, es2e)ially in )entral
0sia, .o#ld )*an"e to"et*er .it* t*e ind#strial e5ol#tion
o t*e )entre, 2assin" rom dire)t and o2en robbery,
in)l#din" trade robbery, to t*ose more dis"#ised met*ods
.*i)* )on5erted t*e 0siati) 2easants into s#22liers o
ind#strial ra. material, )*iely )otton: ?ierar)*i)ally
or"anised ex2loitation, )ombinin" t*e barbarity o
)a2italism .it* t*e barbarity o 2atriar)*al lie,
s#))ess#lly *eld do.n t*e 0siati) 2eo2les in extreme
national abasement: 0nd *ere t*e Bebr#ary rG"ime let
e5eryt*in" as it .as:
T*e best lands, seiKed #nder )Karism rom t*e 'as*8irs,
'#riats, 9ir"*iK, and ot*er nomadi) tribes, *ad )ontin#ed
in t*e 2ossession o t*e landlords and .ealt*y R#ssian
2easants s)attered abo#t in )olonisin" oases amon" t*e
nati5e 2o2#lation: T*e a.a8enin" o a national s2irit o
inde2enden)e *ere meant irst o all a str#""le a"ainst
t*ese )olonisers, .*o *ad )reated an artii)ial stri2 system
o land;o.ners*i2 and )ondemned t*e nomads to *#n"er
and "rad#al extin)tion: T*e )olonisers, on t*eir side,
#rio#sly deended t*e #nity o R#ssia H t*at is, t*e
san)tity o t*eir "rabbin"s H a"ainst t*e @se2aratismA o
t*e 0siati)s: T*e *atred o t*e )olonisers or t*e nati5e
mo5ements ass#med Koolo"i)al orms in t*e Transbai8al:
3o"roms o t*e '#riats .ere in #ll" #nder t*e
leaders*i2 o Mar)* So)ial Re5ol#tionaries re)r#ited rom
5illa"e )ler8s and non;)ommissioned oi)ers ret#rnin"
rom t*e ront:
In t*eir anxiety to 2reser5e t*e old order as lon" as
2ossible, all t*e ex2loiters and 5iolaters in t*e )olonised
re"ions a22ealed *en)eort* to t*e so5erei"n ri"*ts o t*e
!onstit#ent 0ssembly: T*is 2*raseolo"y .as s#22lied t*em
by t*e 3ro5isional -o5ernment, .*i)* *ad o#nd *ere its
s#rest b#l.ar8: On t*e ot*er *and, t*e 2ri5ile"ed #22er
)ir)les o t*e o22ressed 2eo2les .ere also )allin" more
and more oten on t*e name o t*e !onstit#ent 0ssembly:
E5en t*e M#ss#lman )ler"y .*o .o#ld lit abo5e t*e
a.a8enin" mo#ntain 2eo2les and t*e tribes o t*e
nort*ern !a#)as#s, t*e "reen banner o t*e S*ariat
.*ene5er a 2ress#re rom belo. made t*eir 2osition
dii)#lt, .ere no. 2ost2onin" t*e =#estion @#ntil t*e
!onstit#ent 0ssembly:A T*is be)ame t*e slo"an o
)onser5atism, o rea)tion, o s2e)ial interest and 2ri5ile"e
all o5er t*e )o#ntry: To a22eal to t*e !onstit#ent 0ssembly
meant to 2ost2one and "ain time: 3ost2onement meant:
assemble yo#r or)es and stran"le t*e re5ol#tion:
T*e leaders*i2 ell into t*e *ands o t*e )ler"y or e#dal
"entry, *o.e5er, only at irst, only amon" t*e ba)8.ard
2eo2les H almost only amon" t*e M#ss#lmans: In "eneral,
t*e national mo5ement in t*e 5illa"es .as *eaded as a
matter o )o#rse by r#ral tea)*ers, 5illa"e )ler8s,
#n)tionaries and oi)ers o lo. ran8, and, to some extent,
mer)*ants: 0lon"side t*e R#ssian or R#ssianised
intelli"entsia, )om2osed o t*e more res2e)table and .ell
2ro5ided elements, t*ere .as ormed in t*e borderland
)ities anot*er layer, a yo#n"er layer, )losely bo#nd #2
.it* its 5illa"e ori"in and la)8in" a))ess to t*e ban=#et o
)a2ital, and t*is layer nat#rally too8 #2on itsel t*e tas8 o
re2resentin" 2oliti)ally t*e national, and in 2art also t*e
so)ial interests o t*e basi) 2easant mass:
0lt*o#"* *ostilely dis2osed to t*e R#ssian !om2romisers
alon" t*e line o t*is national as2iration, t*ese borderland
!om2romisers belon"ed to t*e same #ndamental ty2e,
and e5en or t*e most 2art .ent by t*e same name: T*e
68rainian So)ial Re5ol#tionaries and so)ial demo)rats, t*e
-eor"ian and Lettis* Mens*e5i8s, t*e Lit*#anian
@Tr#do5i8s,A tried li8e t*eir -reat R#ssian namesa8es to
)onine t*e re5ol#tion .it*in t*e rame.or8 o t*e
bo#r"eois rG"ime: '#t t*e extreme .ea8ness o t*e nati5e
bo#r"eoisie *ere )om2elled t*e Mens*e5i8s and So)ial
Re5ol#tionaries, instead o enterin" a )oalition, to ta8e t*e
state into t*eir o.n *ands: !om2elled to "o art*er
on a"rarian and labo#r =#estions t*an t*e )entral
"o5ernment, t*ese borderland !om2romisers *ad also t*e
"reat ad5anta"e o bein" able to a22ear beore t*e army
and t*e )o#ntry as o22onents o t*e )oalitional 3ro5isional
-o5ernment: 0ll t*is .as s#i)ient, i not to )reate
dierent destinies or t*e R#ssian !om2romisers and t*ose
o t*e borderlands, at least to "i5e a dierent tem2o to
t*eir rise and all:
T*e -eor"ian so)ial demo)rats not only led ater t*em t*e
2a#2er 2easantry o Little -eor"ia, b#t also laid )laim H
and t*at not .it*o#t s#))ess H to lead t*e mo5ement o
t*e @re5ol#tionary demo)ra)yA or all R#ssia: 4#rin" t*e
irst mont*s o t*e re5ol#tion t*e *eads o t*e -eor"ian
intelli"entsia re"arded -eor"ia not as a national
at*erland, b#t as a -ironde H a blessed so#t*ern 2ro5in)e
)alled to 2ro5ide leaders or t*e .*ole )o#ntry: 0t t*e
Mos)o. State !oneren)e one o t*e 2rominent -eor"ian
Mens*e5i8s, !*en8eli, boasted t*at t*e -eor"ians *ad
al.ays said e5en #nder )Karism, in air .eat*er and o#l:
@0 sin"le at*erland, R#ssia:A @+*at s*all .e say o t*e
-eor"ian nation>A )ried t*is same !*en8eli a mont* later
at t*e 4emo)rati) !oneren)e: @It is .*olly at t*e ser5i)e
o t*e -reat R#ssian re5ol#tion:A 0nd it is =#ite tr#e t*at
t*e -eor"ian !om2romisers, li8e t*e ,*, .ere al.ays
@at t*e ser5i)eA o t*e "reat R#ssian b#rea#)ra)y .*en it
.as ne)essary to moderate, or 2#t bra8es on t*e national
)laims o indi5id#al re"ions:
T*is )ontin#ed only so lon", *o.e5er, as t*e -eor"ian
so)ial demo)rats still *o2ed to )onine t*eir 5ol#tion .it*in
t*e rame.or8 o bo#r"eois demo)ra)y: In 2ro2ortion as
t*e dan"er a22eared o a 5i)tory o t*e masses led by
'ols*e5ism, t*e -eor"ian so)ial demo)rats relaxed t*eir
ties .it* t*e R#ssian !om2romisers and #nited )losely
.it* t*e rea)tionary elements o -eor"ia itsel: T*e
moment t*e so5iets .ere 5i)torio#s, t*ese -eor"ian
2artisans o a sin"le R#ssia be)ame t*e tr#m2eters o
se2aration, and s*o.ed to t*e ot*er 2eo2les o
Trans)a#)asia t*e yello. an"s o t*eir )*a#5inism:
T*is ine5itable national dis"#ise o so)ial )ontradi)tions H
less de5elo2ed in t*e borderlands, any.ay, as a "eneral
r#le H ade=#ately ex2lains .*y t*e O)tober re5ol#tion .as
destined to meet more O22osition in most o t*e
o22ressed nations t*an in !entral R#ssia: '#t, on t*e ot*er
*and, t*e )onli)t o nationalities by its 5ery nat#re )r#elly
s*oo8 t*e Bebr#ary rR"ime and )reated s#i)ient
a5o#rable s#rro#ndin"s or t*e re5ol#tion in t*e )entre:
In t*ese )ir)#mstan)es t*e national anta"onisms
.*ene5er t*ey )oin)ided .it* )lass )ontradi)tions be)ame
es2e)ially *ot: T*e a"e;old *ostility bet.een t*e Lettis*
2easants and t*e -erman barons im2elled many
t*o#sands o labo#rin" Letts to 5ol#nteer at t*e o#tbrea8
o t*e .ar: T*e s*ar2;s*ootin" re"iments o Lettis* arm
*ands and 2easants .ere amon" t*e best troo2s at t*e
ront: 0s early as May, *o.e5er, t*ey *ad already )ome
o#t or a So5iet "o5ernment: T*eir nationalism .as only
t*e o#ter s*ell o an immat#re 'ols*e5ism: 0 li8e 2ro)ess
too8 2la)e in Est*onia:
In +*ite R#ssia, .it* its 3olis* or 3olised landlords, its
,* 2o2#lation in t*e )ities and small to.ns, and its
R#ssian oi)ials, t*e t.i)e and t*ri)e o22ressed 2easantry
*ad some time beore O)tober, #nder t*e inl#en)e o t*e
nearby ront, 2o#red its national and so)ial indi"nation into
t*e )*annel o 'ols*e5ism: In t*e ele)tions or t*e
!onstit#ent 0ssembly t*e o5er.*elmin" mass o +*ite
R#ssians .o#ld )ast its 5ote or t*e 'ols*e5i8s:
0ll t*ese 2ro)esses in .*i)* an a.a8ened national di"nity
.as lin8ed #2 .it* so)ial indi"nation, no. *oldin" it ba)8,
no. 2#s*in" it or.ard, o#nd an extremely s*ar2
ex2ression in t*e army: ?ere t*ere .as a 5eritable e5er
or )reatin" national rG"ime nts, and t*ese .ere at one
time 2atronised, at anot*er tolerated, at still anot*er
2erse)#ted by t*e )entral "o5ernment, a))ordin" to t*eir
attit#de to t*e .ar and t*e 'ols*e5i8s: '#t in "eneral t*ey
8e2t "" more and more *ostile to 3etro"rad:
Lenin 8e2t a irm *and on t*e @nationalA 2#lse o t*e
re5ol#tion: In a amo#s arti)le, The %risis is Ripe, .ritten
to.ard t*e end o Se2tember, *e insistently 2ointed o#t
t*at t*e National )#ria o t*e 4emo)rati) !oneren)e @*ad
stood se)ond in t*e matter o radi)alism yieldin" only to
t*e trade #nions, and standin" *i"*er t*an t*e So5iet )#ria
in its 2er)enta"e o 5otes a"ainst t*e !oalition /&% o#t o
<<1:A T*is meant t*at t*e o22ressed 2eo2le .ere no lon"er
*o2in" or any beneit rom t*e -reat R#ssian bo#r"eoisie:
T*ey .ere more and more tryin" to "et t*eir ri"*ts by
inde2endent a)tion, a bite at a time and in t*e orm o
re5ol#tionary seiK#res:
In an O)tober )on"ress o t*e '#riats in ar o
Ver8*ney#dins8, a s2ea8er de)lared t*at @t*e Bebr#ary
re5ol#tion introd#)ed not*in" ne.A in t*e 2osition o t*e
o#tlander: ?is s#mmin" #2 o t*e sit#ation made it seem
ne)essary, i not yet to ta8e t*e side o t*e 'ols*e5i8s, at
least to obser5e an attit#de o more and more riendly
ne#trality to.ard t*em:
0n all;68rainian soldier;)on"ress .*i)* met d#rin" t*e
5ery days o t*e 3etro"rad ins#rre)tion, ado2ted a
resol#tion to str#""le a"ainst t*e transer o to t*e
68rainian So5iet, b#t at t*e same time re#sed to re"ard
t*e ins#rre)tion o t*e -reat R#ssian 'ols*e5i8s as an
@anti;demo)rati) a)tion,A and 2romised to ta8e all
meas#res to 2re5ent t*e soldiers bein" sent to 2#t do.n
t*e ins#rre)tion: T*is e=#i5o)ation .*i)* 2ere)tly
)*ara)terises t*e 2etty bo#r"eois sta"e o t*e national
str#""le, a)ilitated t*at re5ol#tion o t*e 2roletariat .*i)*
intended to 2#t an end to all e=#i5o)ations:
On t*e ot*er *and t*e bo#r"eois )ir)les in t*e borderlands,
.*i)* *ad *eretoore in5ariably and al.ays "ra5itated
to.ard t*e )entral, no. la#n)*ed into a se2aratism
.*i)* in many )ases no lon"er *ad a s*red o national
o#ndation: T*e 'alti) bo#r"eoisie, .*i)* only yesterday
*ad been" in a state o *#rra*;2atriotism t*e
-erman barons, t*e irst b#l.ar8 o t*e Romano5s, too8 its
stand in t*e str#""le a"ainst 'ols*e5i8 R#ssia and its o.n
masses, #nder t*e banner o se2aratism: Still more )#rio#s
2*enomena a22eared alon" t*is road: On t*e 2%t* o
O)tober t*e o#ndations .ere laid or a ne. state
ormation, @T*e So#t*;eastern 6nion o t*e !ossa)8
Troo2s, !a#)asian Mo#ntaineers and Bree 3eo2les o t*e
Ste22es:A ?ere t*e leaders o t*e 4on, 9#ban, Tyer and
0stra8*an !ossa)8s, t*e )*ie b#l.ar8 o im2erial
)entralism, .ere transormed in t*e )o#rse o a e.
mont*s into 2assionate deenders o t*e ederal 2rin)i2le,
and #nited on t*is "ro#nd .it* t*e leaders o t*e
M#ss#lman mo#ntaineers and ste22e;d.ellers: T*e
bo#ndaries o t*e ederati5e str#)t#re .ere to ser5e as a
barrier a"ainst t*e 'ols*e5i8 dan"er )omin" rom t*e
nort*: ?o.e5er, beore )reatin" t*e 2rin)i2al drill "ro#nd
or t*e )i5il .ar a"ainst t*e 'ols*e5i8s, t*is )o#nter;
re5ol#tionary se2aratism .ent dire)tly a"ainst t*e r#lin"
)oalition, demoralisin" and .ea8enin" it:
T*#s t*e national 2roblem, alon" .it* all ot*ers, s*o.ed
t*e 3ro5isional -o5ernment a Med#saJs *ead on .*i)*
e5ery *air o t*e Mar)* and 02ril *o2es *ad )*an"ed into
a sna8e o *ate and indi"nation:

0 B#rt*er Note on t*e 3roblem o Nationalities
T*e 'ols*e5i8 3arty did not by any means immediately
ater t*e Bebr#ary re5ol#tion ado2t t*at attit#de on t*e
national =#estion .*i)* in t*e lon" r#n "#aranteed its
5i)tory: T*is .as tr#e not only in t*e borderlands, .it*
t*eir .ea8 and inex2erien)ed 2arty or"anisations, b#t also
in t*e 3etro"rad )entre: 4#rin" t*e .ar t*e 2arty *ad so
.ea8ened, t*e t*eoreti)al and 2oliti)al le5el o its )adres
*ad be)ome so lo.ered, t*at on t*e national =#estion too
its oi)ial leaders too8 an extremely )on#sed and *al;
.ay 2osition #ntil t*e arri5al o Lenin:
To be s#re," t*eir tradition, t*e 'ols*e5i8s
deended t*e ri"*t o a nation to sel;determination: '#t
t*e Mens*e5i8s also s#bs)ribed to t*is orm#la in .ords:
T*e text o t*e t.o 2ro"rammes remained identi)al: It .as
t*e =#estion o .*i)* .as de)isi5e: 0nd t*e
tem2orary leaders o t*e 2arty 2ro5ed .*olly in)a2able o
#nderstandin" t*e irre)on)ilable anta"onism bet.een t*e
'ols*e5i8 slo"ans on t*e national, as .ell as t*e a"rarian,
=#estion, and t*e 2reser5ation o a bo#r"eois;im2erialisti)
rG"ime: e5en t*o#"* dis"#ised in demo)rati) orms:
T*e demo)rati) 2osition o#nd its most )rass ex2ression
rom t*e 2en o Stalin: On Mar)* 2<, in an arti)le dealin"
.it* a "o5ernment de"ree on t*e abolition o national
limitations, Stalin tried to orm#late t*e national =#estion
on a *istori) s)ale: @T*e so)ial basis o national
o22ression,A *e .rites, @t*e ins2irin" it, is a
de)ayin" land aristo)ra)y:A T*e a)t t*at national
o22ression de5elo2ed #n2re)edentedly d#rin" t*e e2o)*
o )a2italism, and o#nd its most barbari) ex2ression in
)olonial 2oli)ies, seems to be beyond t*e 8en o t*e
demo)rati) a#t*or: @In En"land,A *e )ontin#es, @.*ere t*e
landed aristo)ra)y s*ares t*e .it* t*e bo#r"eoisie,
.*ere t*e #nlimited o t*is aristo)ra)y lon" a"o
)eased to exist, national o22ression is milder, less
in*#mane H lea5in" o#t o a))o#nt, o )o#rse, t*e
)ir)#mstan)e t*at d#rin" t*e )o#rse o t*e .ar, .*en t*e *ad "one o5er into t*e *ands o t*e landlords/L1
national o22ression .as )onsiderably stren"t*ened
/2erse)#tion o Ireland and India1:A T*ose "#ilty o
o22ressin" Ireland and India are t*e landlords, .*o;
e5idently in t*e 2erson o Lloyd -eor"e H *a5e seiKed t*e t*an8s to t*e .ar: @::: In S.itKerland and Nort*
0meri)a,A )ontin#es Stalin, @.*ere t*ere is no landlordism
and ne5er *as been /L1, .*ere t*e is #ndi5ided in
t*e *ands o t*e bo#r"eoisie, nationalities *a5e de5elo2ed
reely: National o22ression, "enerally s2ea8in", inds no
2la)e :::A T*e a#t*or )om2letely or"ets t*e Ne"ro, Indian,
immi"rant and )olonial 2roblems in t*e 6nited States:
Brom t*is *o2elessly 2ro5in)ial analysis, .*i)* )omes only
to a )on#sed )ontrastin" o e#dalism .it* demo)ra)y,
2#rely liberal 2oliti)al ineren)es are dra.n: @To remo5e
t*e e#dal aristo)ra)y rom t*e 2oliti)al s)ene, to snat)*
t*e rom it H t*at is exa)tly t*e same t*in" as to 2#t
an end to national o22ression, to )reate t*e a)t#al
)onditions ne)essary or national reedom:A @Insoar as t*e
R#ssian re5ol#tion *as )on=#ered,A .rites Stalin, @it *as
a)t#ally )reated t*ese )onditions :::A +e *a5e *ere
2er*a2s a more 2rin)i2led a2olo"y or t*e im2erialisti)
@demo)ra)yA t*an all t*at *as been .ritten on t*is t*eme
by t*e Mens*e5i8s: ,#st as in orei"n 2oli)y Stalin, alon"
.it* 9amene5, *o2ed to a)*ie5e a demo)rati) 2ea)e by
means o a di5ision o labo#r .it* t*e 3ro5isional
-o5ernment, so in domesti) 2oli)y *e o#nd in t*e
demo)ra)y o 3rin)e L5o5 t*e @a)t#al )onditionsA o
national reedom:
0s a matter o a)t t*e all o t*e monar)*y irst #lly
ex2osed t*e a)t t*at not only t*e rea)tionary landlords,
b#t also t*e .*ole liberal bo#r"eoisie, and" ater
it t*e .*ole 2etty bo#r"eois demo)ra)y, alon" .it* t*e
2atrioti) #22er )r#st o t*e .or8in" )lass, .as im2la)ably
*ostile to a "en#ine e=#ality o national ri"*ts H t*at is to
say, an abolition o t*e 2ri5ile"es o t*e dominant nation:
T*eir .*ole 2ro"ramme )ame do.n to a b#siness o
miti"ation, o )#lt#ral s#"ar;)oatin", o demo)rati)
)on)ealment o t*e -reat R#ssian as)endan)y:
0t t*e 02ril )oneren)e, in deendin" LeninJs resol#tion on
t*e national =#estion, Stalin ormally starts rom t*e t*esis
t*at @national o22ression is t*at system ::: t*ose meas#res
.*i)* are ado2ted by t*e im2erialisti) )ir)les:A '#t *e
strai"*t.ay and ine5itably "ets o t*e tra)8 and "oes
ba)8 to *is Mar)* 2osition: @T*e more demo)rati) a
)o#ntry, t*e .ea8er its national o22ression and 5i)e
5ersa:A S#)* is t*e s2ea8erJs o.n s#mmary, and not t*e
one *e borro.ed rom Lenin: T*e a)t t*at demo)rati)
En"land is o22ressin" e#dal and )aste;ridden India
es)a2es, as beore, rom *is limited ield o 5ision: In
distin)tion rom R#ssia, .*ere @an old land aristo)ra)yA
*as dominated H )ontin#es Stalin H @in En"land and
0#stria;?#n"ary t*e national o22ression *as ne5er ta8en
t*e orm o 2o"roms:A 0s t*o#"* a land aristo)ra)y
@ne5erA dominated in En"land, and as t*o#"* it does not
dominate to t*is day in ?#n"aryL T*e )ombined )*ara)ter
o *istori) de5elo2ment .*i)* #nites @demo)ra)yA .it*
t*e stran"lin" o .ea8 nations, *ad remained or Stalin a
sealed boo8:
T*at R#ssia too8 orm as a state made #2 o nationalities,
is t*e res#lt o *er *istori) belatedness: '#t belatedness is
a )om2lex )on)e2tion ine5itably )ontradi)tory: T*e
ba)8.ard )o#ntry does not ollo. in t*e tra)8s o t*e
ad5an)ed, 8ee2in" t*e same distan)e: In an e2o)* o
.orld;.ide e)onomy t*e ba)8.ard nations, be)omin"
in5ol5ed #nder 2ress#re rom t*e ad5an)ed in t*e "eneral
)*ain o de5elo2ment, s8i2 o5er .*ole series o
intermediate sta"es: Moreo5er t*e absen)e o irmly
establis*ed so)ial orms and traditions ma8es t*e
ba)8.ard )o#ntry H at least .it*in )ertain limits extremely
*os2itable to t*e last .ord in international te)*ni=#e and
international t*o#"*t: 'a)8.ardness does not, *o.e5er,
or t*is reason )ease to be ba)8.ardness: T*e .*ole
de5elo2ment "ets a )ontradi)tory and )ombined
)*ara)ter: 0 2redominan)e o *istori) extremes is 2ro2er
to t*e so)ial str#)t#re o a belated nation H 2redominan)e
o t*e ba)8.ard 2easants and t*e ad5an)ed 2roletarians
o5er t*e intermediate ormations o t*e bo#r"eoisie: T*e
tas8s o one )lass are s*o#ldered o #2on anot*er: In t*e
national s2*ere also, t*e #2rootin" o medie5al remnants H
alls to t*e lot o t*e 2roletariat:
Not*in" so )learly )*ara)terises t*e *istori) belatedness o
R#ssia .*en )onsidered as a E#ro2ean )o#ntry, as t*e a)t
t*at in t*e t.entiet* )ent#ry s*e *ad to li=#idate
)om2#lsory land rent and t*e 2ale H t*ose
barbarisms, serdom and t*e -*etto: '#t In 2erormin"
t*ese tas8s R#ssia, exa)tly be)a#se o *er belated
de5elo2ment, made #se o ne. and #tterly modem
)lasses, 2arties, 2ro"rammes: To ma8e an end o t*e idea
and met*ods o Ras2#tin, s*e re=#ired t*e ideas and
met*ods o Marx:
3oliti)al 2ra)ti)e remained, o )o#rse, ar more 2rimiti5e
t*an 2oliti)al t*eory: Bor t*in"s are *arder to )*an"e t*an
ideas: '#t t*eory ne5ert*eless only )arried t*e demands
o 2ra)ti)al a)tion )lear t*ro#"*: In order to a)*ie5e
liberation and a )#lt#ral lit, t*e o22ressed nationalities
.ere )om2elled to lin8 t*eir ate .it* t*at o t*e .or8in"
)lass: 0nd or t*is t*ey *ad to ree t*emsel5es rom t*e
leaders*i2 o t*eir o.n bo#r"eois and 2etty bo#r"eois
2arties H t*ey *ad to ma8e a lon" s2#rt or.ard, t*at is, on
t*e road o *istori) de5elo2ment:
T*is s#bordination o t*e national mo5ements to t*e
#ndamental 2ro)ess o t*e re5ol#tion, t*e str#""le o t*e
2roletariat or, .as not a))om2lis*ed at on)e, b#t in
se5eral sta"es H and moreo5er dierently in dierent
re"ions: T*e 68rainian, +*ite R#ssian and Tartar .or8ers,
2easants, and soldiers .*o .ere *ostile to 9erens8y, t*e
.ar and t*e R#ssii)ation, be)ame t*ereby, in s2ite o t*eir
)om2romisist leaders*i2, allies o t*e 2roletarian
ins#rre)tion: Brom bein" an obDe)ti5e s#22ort o t*e
'ols*e5i8s, t*ey be)ame obli"ed at a #rt*er sta"e to "o
o5er )ons)io#sly also to t*e 'ols*e5i8 road: In Binland,
Lat5ia and Est*onia, and more .ea8ly in t*e 68raine, t*e
stratii)ation o t*e national mo5ement *ad ta8en s#)*
s*ar2 orms by O)tober, t*at only t*e intereren)e o
orei"n troo2s )o#ld 2re5ent t*e s#))ess o t*e 2roletarian
re5ol#tion: In t*e 0siati) East, .*ere t*e national
a.a8enin" .as ta8in" 2la)e in more 2rimiti5e orms, it
)o#ld only by de"rees and .it* a )onsiderable la" )ome
#nder t*e leaders*i2 o t*e 2roletariat H only, indeed, ater
t*e 2roletariat *ad )on=#ered t*e I yo# ta8e t*is
)om2li)ated and )ontradi)tory 2ro)ess as a .*ole t*e
)on)l#sion is ob5io#s: t*e national )#rrent, li8e t*e
a"rarian, .as 2o#rin" into t*e )*annel o t*e O)tober
T*e irre5o)able and irresistible "oin" o5er o t*e masses
rom t*e most r#dimentary tas8s o 2oliti)al, a"rarian and
national eman)i2ation and abolition o serdom to t*e
slo"an o 2roletarian r#lers*i2, res#lted not rom
@dema"o"i)A a"itation, not rom 2re)on)ei5ed s)*emes,
not rom t*e t*eory o 3ermanent Re5ol#tion as t*e
Liberals and !om2romisers t*o#"*t, b#t rom t*e so)ial
str#)t#re o R#ssia and t*e )onditions o t*e .orld.ide
sit#ation: T*e t*eory o 3ermanent Re5ol#tion only
orm#lated t*e )ombined 2ro)ess o t*is de5elo2ment:
It is a =#estion *ere not o R#ssia alone: T*is s#bordination
o belated national re5ol#tions to t*e re5ol#tion o t*e
2roletariat ollo.s a la. .*i)* is 5alid t*ro#"*o#t t*e
.orld: +*ereas in t*e nineteent* )ent#ry t*e #ndamental
2roblem o .ars and re5ol#tions .as still to "#arantee a
national mar8et to t*e 2rod#)ti5e or)es, t*e 2roblem o
o#r )ent#ry is to ree t*e 2rod#)ti5e or)es rom t*e
national bo#ndaries .*i)* *a5e be)ome iron etters #2on
t*em: In t*e broad *istori) sense t*e national re5ol#tions
o t*e East are only sta"es o t*e .orld re5ol#tion o t*e
2roletariat, D#st as t*e national mo5ements o R#ssia
be)ame ste22in" stones to t*e So5iet di)tators*i2:
Lenin a22raised .it* admirable 2ro#ndity t*e
re5ol#tionary or)e in*erent in t*e de5elo2ment o t*e
o22ressed nationalities: bot* in )Karist R#ssia and
t*ro#"*o#t t*e .orld: T*at *y2o)riti)al @2a)iism,A .*i)*
@)ondemnsA in t*e same .ay t*e .ar o ,a2an a"ainst
!*ina aimin" at *er ensla5ement, and t*e .ar o !*ina
a"ainst ,a2an in t*e )a#se o *er liberation, "ot not*in"
b#t s)orn rom Lenin: Bor *im a .ar o national liberation,
in )ontrast to .ars o im2erialisti) o22ression, .as merely
anot*er orm o t*e national re5ol#tion .*i)* in its t#rn
enters as a ne)essary lin8 in t*e liberatin" str#""le o t*e
international .or8in" )lass:
T*is a22raisal o national .ars and re5ol#tions does not by
any means im2ly, *o.e5er, t*at t*e bo#r"eoisie o t*e
)olonial and semi;)olonial nations *a5e a re5ol#tionary
mission: On t*e )ontrary, t*is bo#r"eoisie o ba)8.ard
)o#ntries rom t*e days o its mil8 teet* "ro.s #2 as
a"entry o orei"n )a2ital, and*standin" its en5io#s
*atred o orei"n )a2ital, al.ays does and al.ays .ill in
e5ery de)isi5e sit#ation t#rn #2 in t*e same )am2 .it* it:
!*inese )om2radorism is t*e )lassi) orm o t*e )olonial
bo#r"eoisie, and t*e 9#omintan" is t*e )lassi) 2arty o
)om2radorism: T*e #22er )ir)les o t*e 2etty bo#r"eoisie,
in)l#din" t*e intelli"entsia, may ta8e an a)ti5e and
o))asionally a 5ery noisy 2art in t*e national str#""les, b#t
t*ey are totally in)a2able o 2layin" an inde2endent rIle:
Only t*e .or8in" )lass standin" at t*e *ead o t*e nation
)an )arry eit*er a national or an a"rarian re5ol#tion )lear
T*e atal mista8e o t*e E2i"ones, and abo5e all Stalin, lies
in t*is, t*at rom LeninJs tea)*in" abo#t t*e 2ro"ressi5e
*istori) si"nii)an)e o t*e str#""le o o22ressed nations
t*ey *a5e inerred a re5ol#tionary mission o t*e
bo#r"eoisie o t*e )olonial )o#ntries: 0 ail#re to
#nderstand t*e 2ermanent )*ara)ter o re5ol#tion in an
im2erialist e2o)*C a 2edanti) s)*ematisation o t*e )o#rse
o de5elo2mentC a )*o22in" #2 o t*e li5in" and )ombined
2ro)ess into dead sta"es ima"ined to be ne)essarily
se2arated in time H all t*ese errors *a5e bro#"*t Stalin to
a 5#l"ar idealisation o demo)ra)y or a @demo)rati)
di)tators*i2,A a t*in" .*i)* )an be not*in" in reality b#t
eit*er an im2erialist di)tators*i2 or a di)tators*i2 o t*e
2roletariat: Ste2 by ste2 StalinJs "ro#2s *a5e 2ro)eeded
alon" t*is road to a )om2lete brea8 .it* t*e 2osition o
Lenin on t*e national =#estion, and to t*eir )atastro2*i)
2oli)y in !*ina:
In 0#"#st 1927, in )onli)t .it* t*e O22osition /Trots8y,
Ra8o5s8y, and ot*ers1 Stalin said at a 2lenary session o
t*e !entral !ommittee o t*e 'ols*e5i8s: @0 re5ol#tion in
im2erialist )o#ntries is one t*in"C t*ere t*e bo#r"eoisie :::
its )o#nter;re5ol#tionary at all sta"es o t*e re5ol#tion ::: 0
re5ol#tion in )olonial and de2endent )o#ntries is
somet*in" else t*ere t*e national bo#r"eoisie )an at a
"i5en sta"e and a "i5en date s#22ort t*e re5ol#tionary
mo5ement o t*eir )o#ntry a"ainst im2erialism:A
+it* side remar8s and sotenin"s d#e only to *is la)8 o
)oniden)e in *imsel, Stalin *ere transers to t*e )olonial
bo#r"eoisie t*ose same traits .it* .*i)* *e .as adornin"
t*e R#ssian bo#r"eoisie in Mar)*: Obedient to its dee2ly
or"ani) nat#re StalinJs o22ort#nism inds its .ay as
t*o#"* im2elled by some la. o "ra5itation, t*ro#"*
.*ate5er )*annels al.ays in t*e same dire)tion: T*e
)*oi)e o t*eoreti) ar"#ments be)omes *ere a 2#rely
a))idental matter:
Brom t*is transer o *is Mar)* a22raisal o t*e 3ro5isional
-o5ernment to t*e @nationalA "o5ernment o !*ina
res#lted StalinJs t*ree;year )o;o2eration .it* t*e
9#omintan", a 2oli)y .*i)* led #2 to one o t*e most
s*o)8in" a)ts o modern *istory: In t*e )a2a)ity o loyal
armo#r;bearer, t*e 'ols*e5ism o t*e E2i"ones
a))om2anied t*e !*inese bo#r"eoisie ri"*t #2 to 02ril 11,
1927, t*e day o its bloody massa)re o t*e S*an"*ai
2roletariat: @T*e #ndamental mista8e o t*e O22ositionA H
t*#s Stalin tried to D#stiy *is )omrades*i2 in arms .it*
!*an" 9ai S*e8 H @lies in t*e a)t t*at it identiies t*e
re5ol#tion o 19%< in R#ssia H in an im2erialist )o#ntry
o22ressin" ot*er 2eo2les, .it* t*e re5ol#tion in !*ina, an
o22ressed )o#ntry :::A It is astonis*in" e5en in Stalin t*at
*e *as ne5er t*o#"*t o" t*e re5ol#tion in R#ssia,
not rom t*e stand2oint o t*e nation @o22ressin" ot*er
2eo2les,A b#t rom t*e stand2oint o t*e ex2erien)e o
t*ese same @ot*er 2eo2lesA o R#ssia .*o *a5e s#ered
no less o22ression t*an t*e !*inese:
In t*at "i"anti) ield o ex2erien)e re2resented by R#ssia
in t*e )o#rse o *er t*ree re5ol#tions, yo# )an ind e5ery
5ariant o national and )lass str#""le ex)e2t one: t*at in
.*i)* t*e bo#r"eoisie o any o22ressed nation 2layed a
liberatin" rIle in relation to its o.n 2eo2le: 0t e5ery sta"e
o its de5elo2ment e5ery border: land bo#r"eoisie, no
matter in .*at )olo#rs it mi"*t dan)e, .as in5ariably
de2endent #2on t*e )entral ban8s, tr#sts, and )ommer)ial
instit#tions .*i)* .ere in essen)e t*e a"ents o all
R#ssian )a2ital: T*ey s#bDe)ted t*e bo#r"eoisie to t*e
R#ssiyin" mo5ement, and s#bDe)ted to t*e bo#r"eoisie
broad )ir)les o t*e liberal and demo)rati) intelli"entsia:
T*e more @mat#reA a borderland bo#r"eoisie mi"*t be, t*e
more )losely .as it bo#nd #2 .it* t*e "eneral state
ma)*ine: Ta8en as a .*ole, t*e bo#r"eoisie o t*e
o22ressed nation 2layed t*e same rSle in relation to t*e
r#lin" bo#r"eoisie t*at t*e latter 2layed in relation to
international inan)e )a2ital: T*e )om2lex *ierar)*y o
anta"onisms and de2enden)ies did not remo5e or one
sin"le day t*e #ndamental solidarity o t*e t*ree in t*e
str#""le a"ainst t*e ins#rre)tionary masses:
In t*e 2eriod o )o#nter;re5ol#tion /19%7;19171, .*en t*e
leaders*i2 o t*e national mo5ements .as in t*e *ands o
t*e nati5e bo#r"eoisie, t*ey .ere e5en more )andid t*an
t*e R#ssian liberals in see8in" a .or8in" a"reement .it*
t*e R#ssian monar)*y: T*e 3olis*, 'alti), Tartar, 68rainian,
,* bo#r"eois 5ied .it* ea)* ot*er in t*e dis2lay o
im2erialist 2atriotism: 0ter t*e Bebr#ary re5ol#tion t*ey
*id be*ind t*e ba)8s o t*e 9adets H or, li8e t*e 9adets,
be*ind t*e ba)8s o t*eir o.n national !om2romisers: T*e
bo#r"eoisie o t*e border nations entered t*e road o
se2aratism in t*e a#t#mn o 1917, not in a str#""le
a"ainst national o22ression, b#t in a str#""le a"ainst t*e
ad5an)in" 2roletarian re5ol#tion: In t*e s#m total t*e
bo#r"eoisie o t*e o22ressed nations maniested no less
*ostility to t*e re5ol#tion t*an t*e -reat R#ssian
T*is "i"anti) *istori) lesson o t*ree re5ol#tions *as let
not a tra)e, *o.e5er, in t*e minds o many o t*ose .*o
too8 2art in t*e e5ents H notably in t*e mind o Stalin: T*e
)om2romisist H t*at is, 2etty bo#r"eois H )on)e2tion o t*e
)orrelation o )lasses .it*in )olonial nations, t*at
)on)e2tion .*i)* 8illed t*e !*inese re5ol#tion o 192<;
1927, *as e5en been introd#)ed by t*e E2i"ones into t*e
2ro"ramme o t*e !omm#nist International, )on5ertin"
t*is 2ro"ramme in t*at se)tion into a mere tra2 or t*e
o22ressed 2eo2les o t*e East:

In order to #nderstand t*e real )*ara)ter o LeninJs 2oli)y
on t*e national =#estion, it is a "ood idea H" t*e
met*od o )ontrasts H to )om2are it .it* t*e 2oli)y o t*e
0#strian so)ial demo)rats: 'ols*e5ism based itsel #2on
t*e ass#m2tion o an o#tbrea8 o national re5ol#tions
)ontin#in" or de)ades to )ome, and instr#)ted t*e
ad5an)ed .or8ers in t*is s2irit: T*e 0#strian so)ial
demo)ra)y, on t*e )ontrary, s#bmissi5ely a))ommodated
itsel to t*e 2oli)y o t*e r#lin" )lassesC it deended t*e
)om2#lsory )o;)itiKens*i2 o ten nations in t*e 0#stro;
?#n"arian monar)*y, and at t*e same time, bein"
absol#tely in)a2able o a)*ie5in" a re5ol#tionary #nion o
t*e .or8ers o t*ese dierent nationalities, en)ed t*em
o in t*e 2arty and in t*e trade #nions .it* 5erti)al
2artitions: 9arl Renner, an ed#)ated ?a2sb#r" #n)tionary,
.as ne5er tired o 2robin" t*e in8.ells o 0#stro;Marxism
in sear)* o some means o reD#5enatin" t*e r#le o t*e
?a2sb#r"s H #ntil one day *e o#nd *imsel t*e berea5ed
t*eoreti)ian o t*e 0#stro;?#n"arian monar)*y: +*en t*e
!entral Em2ires .ere )r#s*ed, t*e ?a2sb#r" dynasty
a"ain tried to raise t*e banner o a ederation o
a#tonomo#s nations #nder its s)e2tre: T*e oi)ial
2ro"ramme o t*e 0#strian so)ial demo)ra)y, based as it
.as #2on t*e ass#m2tion o a 2ea)e#l de5elo2ment
.it*in t*e rame.or8 o t*e monar)*y, no. be)ame in one
se)ond t*e 2ro"ramme o t*e monar)*y itsel, )o5ered
.it* t*e bloody ilt* o its o#r years o .ar: '#t t*at r#sty
*oo2 .*i)* *ad bo#nd ten nations to"et*er le. to 2ie)es:
0#stria;?#n"ary ell a2art as a res#lt o internal )entri#"al
tenden)ies reinor)ed by t*e s#r"ery o Versailles: Ne.
states .ere ormed, and t*e old ones re)onstr#)ted: T*e
0#strian -ermans *#n" o5er an abyss: T*eir 2roblem .as
no lon"er to 2reser5e t*eir dominan)e o5er ot*er nations,
b#t to a5oid allin" t*emsel5es #nder a orei"n yo8e: 0nd
Otto 'a#er, re2resentin" t*e @letA .in" o t*e 0#strian
so)ial demo)ra)y, )onsidered t*is a s#itable moment to
brin" or.ard t*e orm#la o national sel;determination:
T*at 2ro"ramme .*i)* d#rin" t*e 2re)edin" de)ades
s*o#ld *a5e ins2ired t*e str#""le o t*e 2roletariat a"ainst
t*e ?a2sb#r"s and t*e r#lin" bo#r"eoisie, .as no.
bro#"*t in as an instr#ment o sel;2reser5ation or t*e
nation .*i)* *ad dominated yesterday, b#t today .as in
dan"er rom t*e side o t*e liberated Sla5i) 2eo2les: ,#st
as t*e reormist 2ro"ramme o t*e 0#strian so)ial
demo)ra)y *ad be)ome in t*e .in8 o an eye t*e stra. at
.*i)* a dro.nin" monar)*y tried to "rab, so t*e orm#la
o sel;determination, emas)#lated by t*ese 0#stro;
Marxists, .as no. to be)ome t*e an)*or o sal5ation or
t*e -erman bo#r"eoisie:
On O)tober 3, 191$, .*en t*e matter no lon"er de2ended
on t*em in t*e sli"*test de"ree, t*e so)ial demo)rati)
de2#ties o t*e Rei)*srat* ma"nanimo#sly Jre)o"nisedA
t*e ri"*t o t*e 2eo2les o t*e ormer em2ire to sel;
determination: On O)tober &t*, t*e bo#r"eois 2arties also
ado2ted t*e 2ro"ramme o sel;determination: ?a5in" t*#s
o#tstri22ed t*e 0#stro;-erman im2erialists by one day,
t*e so)ial demo)rats immediately res#med t*eir .aitin"
2oli)y, it bein" still #n)ertain .*at t#rn t*in"s .o#ld ta8e
and .*at +ilson .as "oin" to say: Only on t*e 13t* o
O)tober, .*en t*e )on)l#si5e )olla2se o t*e army and t*e
monar)*y *ad )reated H in t*e .ords o Otto 'a#er H @t*e
re5ol#tionary sit#ation or .*i)* o#r national 2ro"ramme
.as desi"ned,A did t*e 0#stro;Marxists raise t*e =#estion
o sel;determination in a 2ra)ti)al orm: In 5ery tr#t* t*ey
*ad no. not*in" to lose: @+it* t*e )olla2se o its r#lers*i2
o5er ot*er nations,A ex2lains 'a#er =#ite ran8ly, @t*e
-erman national bo#r"eoisie )onsidered at an end t*at
*istori) mission in .*ose )a#se it *ad 5ol#ntarily s#ered
a se2aration rom t*e -erman at*erland:A T*#s t*e ne.
2ro"ramme .as 2#t in )ir)#lation not be)a#se it .as
need#l to t*e o22ressed, b#t be)a#se it *ad )eased to be
dan"ero#s to t*e o22ressors: T*e 2ossessin" )lasses,
dri5en into a ti"*t 2la)e *istori)ally, *ad o#nd t*emsel5es
obli"ed to re)o"nise t*e national re5ol#tion D#ridi)ally, and
0#stro;Marxism o#nd t*is an a22ro2riate moment to
le"itimise it t*eoreti)ally: T*is .as a mat#re re5ol#tion,
t*ey said, timely, *istori)ally 2re2ared H it is all o5er
any.ay: T*e s2irit o t*e so)ial demo)ra)y is *ere beore
#s as t*o#"* in t*e 2alm o t*e *andL
It .as =#ite ot*er.ise .it* t*e so)ial re5ol#tion, .*i)*
)o#ld not *o2e or any re)o"nition rom t*e 2ossessin"
)lasses: T*is *ad to be 2ost2oned, )om2romised, robbed
o "lory: Sin)e t*e em2ire *ad s2lit #2 alon" t*e .ea8est,
t*at is t*e national, seams, Otto 'a#er dre. t*e"
)on)l#sion as to t*e )*ara)ter o t*e re5ol#tion: @It .as by
no means a so)ial, b#t a national re5ol#tion:A In reality t*e
mo5ement *ad *ad rom t*e 5ery be"innin" a dee2 so)ial;
re5ol#tionary )ontent: Its @2#rely nationalA )*ara)ter is
airly .ell ill#strated by t*e a)t t*at t*e 2ossessin"
)lasses o 0#stria o2enly in5ited t*e Entente to ta8e
2risoner t*e .*ole army: T*e -erman bo#r"eoisie
besee)*ed t*e Italian "eneral to seiKe Vienna .it* Italian
T*is 5#l"ar and 2edanti) se2aration o national orm rom
so)ial )ontent in t*e re5ol#tionary 2ro)ess, as t*o#"* t*ey
)onstit#ted t.o inde2endent *istori) sta"es H .e see *ere
*o. )losely Otto 'a#er a22roa)*es StalinL H *ad an
extremely #tilitarian destination: Its 2#r2ose .as to D#stiy
t*e )ollaboration o t*e so)ial demo)ra)y .it* t*e
bo#r"eoisie in its str#""le a"ainst t*e dan"er o so)ial
I yo# ado2t t*e orm#la o Marx t*at re5ol#tion is t*e
lo)omoti5e o *istory, t*en 0#stro;Marxism o))#2ies t*e
2osition o t*e bra8e: E5en ater t*e a)t#al )olla2se o t*e
monar)*y, t*e so)ial demo)ra)y, )alled to 2arti)i2ate in
t*e "o5ernment, .as still #nable to ma8e #2 its mind to a
r#2t#re .it* t*e old ?a2sb#r" ministry: T*e @nationalA
re5ol#tion limited itsel to reinor)in" t*e old ministers .it*
state se)retaries: Only ater O)tober 9t*, .*en t*e
-erman re5ol#tion *ad t*ro.n o#t t*e ?o*enKollern, did
t*e 0#strian so)ial demo)rats 2ro2ose to t*e State !o#n)il
t*at t*ey 2ro)laim a re2#bli), ri"*tenin" t*eir bo#r"eois
2artners into it .it* t*e mo5ement o t*e masses at .*i)*
t*ey .ere already t*emsel5es =#a8in" to t*e marro. o
t*eir bones: @T*e !*ristian So)ialists,A says Otto 'a#er
.it* im2r#dent irony, @.*o on t*e 9t* and 1%t* o
No5ember .ere still on t*e side o t*e monar)*y, de)ided
on No5ember 11 to )ease t*eir resistan)e :::A Bor t.o
.*ole days t*e so)ial demo)rats .ere in ad5an)e o t*is
2arty o t*e 'la)8 ?#ndred Monar)*yL 0ll t*e *eroi)
le"ends o *#manity "ro. 2ale beore t*is re5ol#tionary
0"ainst its .ill t*e 0#strian so)ial demo)ra)y too8 its 2la)e
a#tomati)ally rom t*e be"innin" o t*e re5ol#tion at t*e
*ead o t*e nation, D#st as *ad t*e R#ssian Mens*e5i8s
and So)ial Re5ol#tionaries: Li8e t*em too it eared abo5e
all t*in"s its o.n In t*e )oalition "o5ernment t*e
so)ial demo)rats tried to o))#2y D#st as small a 2la)e as
2ossible: Otto 'a#er ex2lains t*is as ollo.s: @T*e a)t t*at
t*e so)ial demo)rats at irst demanded only a modest
2arti)i2ation in t*e "o5ernment )orres2onded 2rimarily to
t*e 2#rely national )*ara)ter o t*e re5ol#tion:A T*e
=#estion o .as de)ided by t*ose 2eo2le not on a
basis o t*e real )orrelation o or)es, t*e mi"*t o t*e
re5ol#tionary mo5ement, t*e ban8r#2t)y o t*e r#lin"
)lasses, t*e 2oliti)al inl#en)e o t*e 2arty, b#t by a
2edanti) little label @2#rely national re5ol#tionA 2asted by
some .isea)re )lassiiers #2on t*e a)t#al )o#rse o
9arl Renner .aited o#t t*e storm in t*e 2osition o *ead
se)retary o t*e State !o#n)il: T*e ot*er so)ial demo)rati)
leaders )on5erted t*emsel5es into assistants o t*e
bo#r"eois ministers: In ot*er .ords, t*e so)ial demo)rats
*id #nder t*e oi)e tables: T*e masses, *o.e5er, .ere not
satisied to eed on t*e national s*ell o t*at n#t .*ose
so)ial meat t*e 0#stro;Marxists .ere sa5in" #2 or t*e
bo#r"eoisie: T*e .or8ers and soldiers s*o5ed o#t t*e
bo#r"eois ministers and )om2elled t*e so)ial demo)rats to
)ome o#t o *idin": T*e irre2la)eable t*eoreti)ian, Otto
'a#er, ex2lains t*is also: @Only t*e e5ents o t*e"
days, dri5in" t*e national re5ol#tion o5er to t*e side o
so)ial re5ol#tion, in)reased o#r .ei"*t in t*e
"o5ernment:A To translate t*is into intelli"ible lan"#a"e:
#nder t*e assa#lt o t*e masses, t*e so)ial demo)rats
.ere )om2elled to )ra.l o#t rom #nder t*e tables:
'#t t*is did not )*an"e t*eir #n)tion or a moment: T*ey
too8 t*e, b#t only to start a .ar a"ainst
romanti)ism and ad5ent#rism, .it* .*i)* titles t*ese
sy)o2*ants no. desi"nated t*at same so)ial re5ol#tion
.*i)* *ad @in)reased t*eir .ei"*t in t*e "o5ernment:A I
t*ese 0#stro;Marxists s#))ess#lly #lilled in 191$ t*eir
*istori) mission as "#ardian an"els 2rote)tin" t*e Vienna
9reditanstalt rom t*e re5ol#tionary romanti)ism o t*e
2roletariat, it is only be)a#se t*ey met no obsta)le rom
t*e side o a "en#ine re5ol#tionary 2arty:
T*e t.o states )om2osed o nationalities, R#ssian and
0#stria;?#n"ary, *a5e .it* t*eir most re)ent ate set a
seal #2on t*e dieren)e bet.een 'ols*e5ism and 0#stro;
Marxism: T*ro#"*o#t a de)ade and a *al Lenin, in
im2la)able )onli)t .it* all s*ades o -reat R#ssian
)*a#5inism, 2rea)*ed t*e ri"*t o all o22ressed nations to
)#t a.ay rom t*e em2ire o t*e )Kars: T*e 'ols*e5i8s
.ere a))#sed o as2irin" to.ard t*e dismemberment o
R#ssia, b#t t*is bold re5ol#tionary orm#lation o t*e
national 2roblem .on or t*e 'ols*e5i8 2arty t*e
indestr#)tible )oniden)e o t*e small and o22ressed
2eo2les o )Karist R#ssia: In 02ril 1917 Lenin said: @I t*e
68ranians see t*at .e *a5e a So5iet re2#bli) t*ey .ill not
)#t a.ay, b#t i .e *a5e a Mili#8o5 re2#bli) t*ey .ill:A In
t*is *e 2ro5ed ri"*t: ?istory *as 2ro5ided an in)om2arable
)*e)8;#2 o t*e t.o 2oli)ies on t*e national =#estion:
+*ereas 0#stria;?#n"ary, .*ose 2roletariat .as ed#)ated
in t*e s2irit o a )o.ardly *al.ay 2oli)y, .ent all to 2ie)es
#nder a ormidable s*a8e;#2, and moreo5er t*e initiati5e
in t*is 2ro)ess .as ta8en in t*e main by t*e national
se)tions o t*e so)ial demo)rati) 2arty, in R#ssia on t*e
r#ins o )Karism a ne. state )om2osed o nationalities *as
been ormed, and *as been )losely .elded to"et*er bot*
e)onomi)ally and 2oliti)ally by t*e 'ols*e5i8 3arty:
+*ate5er may be t*e #rt*er destiny o t*e So5iet 6nion H
and it is still ar rom a =#iet *a5en H t*e national 2oli)y o
Lenin .ill ind its 2la)e amon" t*e eternal treas#res o
Chapter 40: Withdraal from the
Pre!Parliament and "tr#$$le for the
"o%iet Con$ress
E5ery additional day o .ar .as disinte"ratin" t*e ront,
.ea8enin" t*e "o5ernment, dama"in" t*e international
2osition o t*e )o#ntry: 0t t*e be"innin" o O)tober t*e
-erman leets, bot* na5al and air, de5elo2ed a)ti5e
o2erations in t*e -#l o Binland: T*e 'alti) sailors o#"*t
)o#ra"eo#sly tryin" to 2rote)t t*e road to 3etro"rad: '#t
t*ey, more )learly and 2roo#ndly t*an any ot*er #nit o
t*e ront, #nderstood t*e dee2 )ontradi)tion in t*eir
2osition as 5an"#ards o a re5ol#tion and in5ol#ntary
2arti)i2ants in an im2erialist .ar, and t*ro#"* t*e radio
stations on t*eir s*i2s t*ey sent o#t a )ry to t*e o#r
)orners o t*e *oriKon or international re5ol#tionary *el2:
@0tta)8ed by s#2erior -erman or)es o#r leet .ill "o do.n
in #ne=#al battle: Not one o o#r s*i2s .ill de)line t*e
i"*t: T*e slandered and mali"ned leet .ill do its d#ty H
b#t not at t*e )ommand o a miserable R#ssian 'ona2arte,
r#lin" by t*e lon";s#erin" 2atien)e o t*e re5ol#tion :::
not in t*e name o t*e treaties o o#r r#lers .it* t*e 0llies,
bindin" in )*ains t*e *ands o R#ssian reedom :::A No, b#t
in t*e name o t*e deen)e o t*e a22roa)*es to t*e
*eart*;ire o t*e re5ol#tion, 3etro"rad: @In t*e *o#r .*en
t*e .a5es o t*e 'alti) are stained .it* t*e blood o o#r
brot*ers, .*ile t*e .aters are )losin" o5er t*eir bodies, .e
raise o#r 5oi)e: ::: O22ressed 2eo2le o t*e .*ole .orldL
Lit t*e banner o re5oltLA
T*ese .ords abo#t battles and 5i)tims .ere not em2ty:
T*e s=#adron *ad lost t*e s*i2 Slava and retired ater
i"*tin": T*e -ermans *ad )a2t#red t*e Moon;s#nd
0r)*i2ela"o: One more bla)8 2a"e in t*e boo8 o t*e .ar
*ad been t#rned: T*e "o5ernment de)ided to #se t*is ne.
military blo. as a 2retext or mo5in" t*e )a2ital: T*is old
idea o#t at e5ery s#itable o22ort#nity: It .as not
t*at t*e r#lin" )ir)les *ad any 2arti)#lar ae)tion or
Mos)o., b#t t*ey *ated 3etro"rad: T*e monar)*ist
rea)tion, t*e liberals, t*e demo)ra)y H all stro5e in t#rn to
denote t*e )a2ital, to brin" it to its 8nees, to beat it do.n:
T*e most extreme 2atriots .ere no. *atin" 3etro"rad .it*
a ar more bitter *atred t*an t*ey elt or 'erlin:
T*e =#estion o e5a)#atin" t*e )a2ital .as ta8en #2 as a
t*in" to be a))om2lis*ed in extraordinary *aste: Only t.o
.ee8s .ere allotted or t*e transer o t*e "o5ernment
to"et*er .it* t*e 3re;3arliament: It .as also de)ided to
e5a)#ate in t*e brieest 2ossible time t*e a)tories
.or8in" or t*e deen)e: T*e !entral Exe)#ti5e !ommittee
as a @2ri5ate instit#tionA .o#ld *a5e to loo8 o#t or itsel:
T*e 9adet insti"ators o t*e 2lan #nderstood t*at a mere
transer o t*e "o5ernment .o#ld not settle t*eir 2roblem,
b#t t*ey )o#nted on ater.ard )a2t#rin" t*e seat o
re5ol#tionary ine)tion .it* *#n"er, disease and
ex*a#stion: 0n internal blo)8ade o 3etro"rad .as already
in #ll": T*e a)tories .ere bein" de2ri5ed o ordersC
t*e s#22ly o #el *ad been )#t do.n t*ree;=#artersC t*e
Ministry o 3ro5isions .as *oldin" #2 )attle on t*eir .ay to
t*e )a2italC rei"*t mo5ements on t*e Mariins8y Railroad
System *ad been sto22ed:
T*e .arli8e RodKian8o, 2resident o t*at state 4#ma .*i)*
t*e "o5ernment *ad at last dissol5ed at t*e be"innin" o
O)tober, s2o8e =#ite ran8ly in t*e liberal Mos)o.
ne.s2a2er Utro Rossii abo#t t*e military dan"er
t*reatenin" t*e )a2ital: @I say to mysel, -od *el2 *er, -od
*el2 3etro"rad ::: 0 ear .as ex2ressed in 3etro"rad lest
t*e )entral instit#tions /t*at is t*e so5iets, et):1 .ill be
destroyed: To t*is I ans.ered t*at I .o#ld be 5ery "lad i
t*ose instit#tions .ere destroyed, or t*ey *a5e bro#"*t
not*in" .*ate5er b#t e5il to R#ssia:A To be s#re, .it* t*e
)a2t#re o 3etro"rad t*e 'alti) leet also .o#ld *a5e been
destroyed, b#t a"ainst t*at too RodKian8o *ad no
)om2laint: @T*e s*i2s t*ere are )om2letely de2ra5ed:A
T*an8s to t*e a)t t*at t*e Lord !*amberlain )o#ld not
8ee2 *is ton"#e be*ind *is teet*, t*e 2eo2le *ad t*is
)*an)e to ind o#t t*e most intimate t*o#"*ts o noble and
bo#r"eois R#ssia:
T*e R#ssian char&' (affaires re2orted rom London t*at
t*e 'ritis* na5al *ead=#arters, in s2ite o all #r"in"s, did
not )onsider it 2ossible to relie5e t*e sit#ation o its 0lly in
t*e 'alti): It .as not t*e 'ols*e5i8s alone .*o inter2reted
t*is to mean t*at t*e 0llies, in )ommon .it* t*e
2atrioti) #22er )ir)les o R#ssia *ersel, loo8ed only or
beneits to t*e )ommon )a#se rom a -erman blo. at
3etro"rad: T*e .or8ers and soldiers *ad no do#bt H
es2e)ially ater RodKian8oJs )onession H t*at t*e
"o5ernment .as )ons)io#sly "ettin" ready to send t*em
to s)*ool to L#dendor and ?omann:
On t*e (t* o O)tober t*e soldiersJ se)tion ado2ted .it* a
#nanimity *it*erto #n8no.n t*e resol#tion introd#)ed by
Trots8y: @I t*e 3ro5isional -o5ernment is in)a2able o
deendin" 3etro"rad, it m#st eit*er ma8e 2ea)e or "i5e
2la)e to anot*er "o5ernment:A T*e .or8ers .ere no less
irre)on)ilable: T*ey )onsidered 3etro"rad t*eir ortress:
T*eir re5ol#tionary *o2es .ere bo#nd #2 .it* *er: T*ey
did not intend to s#rrender 3etro"rad: Bri"*tened by t*e
military dan"er, t*e e5a)#ation, t*e indi"nation o t*e
soldiers and .or8ers, t*e ex)itement o t*e .*ole
2o2#lation, t*e !om2romisers, on t*eir side, so#nded an
alarm: +e m#st not abandon 3etro"rad to t*e )a2ri)e o
ate: !on5in)ed t*at an attem2ted e5a)#ation .o#ld meet
resistan)e rom all sides, t*e "o5ernment be"an to dra.
ba)8: +e .ere not tro#bled so m#)*, yo# 8no., abo#t o#r
o.n saety as abo#t t*e =#estion o a meetin";2la)e or
t*e #t#re !onstit#ent 0ssembly: '#t t*is 2osition, too,
t*ey )o#ld not maintain: In less t*an a .ee8 t*e
"o5ernment .as )om2elled to anno#n)e t*at it not only
intended to remain in t*e +inter 3ala)e itsel, b#t
2ro2osed as beore to )on5o8e t*e !onstit#ent 0ssembly
in t*e Ta#ride 3ala)e: T*is anno#n)ement )*an"ed not*in"
in t*e military and 2oliti)al sit#ation: '#t it re5ealed on)e
more t*e 2oliti)al o 3etro"rad, .*i)* )onsidered
itsel )alled to 2#t an end to t*e "o5ernment o 9erens8y,
and .o#ld not let t*at "o5ernment es)a2e rom its .alls: It
.as only t*e 'ols*e5i8s .*o s#bse=#ently dared transer
t*e )a2ital to Mos)o.: T*ey )arried t*is o#t .it*o#t t*e
sli"*test dii)#lty be)a#se or t*em it .as really a
strate"i) mo5e: T*ey )o#ld not *a5e any 2oliti)al reason
or lyin" rom 3etro"rad:
T*at )ontrite de)laration abo#t t*e deen)e o t*e )a2ital
.as made by t*e "o5ernment #2on t*e demand o t*e
)om2romisist maDority o a )ommission o t*e !o#n)il o
t*e R#ssian Re2#bli) or @3re;3arliament:A T*is .onder#l
instit#tion *ad at last s#))eeded in "ettin" born:
3le8*ano5, .*o lo5ed Do8es and 8ne. *o. to ma8e t*em,
disres2e)t#lly named t*is im2otent and e2*emeral
!o#n)il o t*e Re2#bli) @t*e little *o#se on )*i)8enJs eet:A
3oliti)ally t*is deinition is not at all ina))#rate: It is only
ne)essary to add t*at or a little *o#se t*e 3re;3arliament
2#t #2 a 2retty "ood ront: t*e ma"nii)ent Mariins8y
3ala)e, .*i)* *ad ormerly s*eltered t*e State !o#n)il o
Ministers, .as 2la)ed at its dis2osal: T*e )ontrast bet.een
t*is ele"ant 2ala)e and Smolny Instit#te, r#n;do.n and
sat#rated .it* soldier smells, made a "reat im2ression
#2on S#8*ano5: @0mid all t*is ma"nii)en)e,A *e
)onesses, @one .anted to rest, to or"et abo#t labo#r and
str#""le, abo#t *#n"er and .ar, abo#t r#in and anar)*y,
abo#t t*e )o#ntry and t*e re5ol#tion:A '#t t*ere .as 5ery
little time let or rest and or"et#lness:
T*e so;)alled @demo)rati)A maDority o t*e 3re;3arliament
)onsisted o 3%$ men: 12% So)ial Re5ol#tionaries, amon"
t*em abo#t 2% Lets, (% Mens*e5i8s o 5ario#s s*ades, ((
'ols*e5i8sC ater t*at )ame t*e !o;o2erators, t*e
dele"ates o t*e 2easant exe)#ti5e )ommittee, et): T*e
2ossessin" )lasses .ere a))orded 1<( seats, o .*i)* t*e
9adets o))#2ied almost *al: To"et*er .it* t*e !o;
o2erators, t*e !ossa)8s, and t*e rat*er )onser5ati5e
members o 9erens8yJs Exe)#ti5e !ommittee, t*e Ri"*t
+in" on a n#mber o =#estions )ame near bein" a
maDority: T*e distrib#tion o seats in t*at )omortable little
*o#se on )*i)8enJs eet .as t*#s in la"rant )ontradi)tion
to all de)isi5e ex2ressions o t*e .ill o t*e 2eo2le t*at
*ad been made eit*er in )ity or )o#ntry: Moreo5er, in
o22osition to t*e d#ll "rey re2resentation to be o#nd in
t*e so5iets and else.*ere, t*e Mariins8y 3ala)e assembled
.it*in its .alls t*e o t*e nation:A Inasm#)* as t*e
members o t*e 3re;3arliament did not de2end #2on t*e
a))idents o ele)ti5e )om2etition, #2on lo)al inl#en)es
and 2ro5in)ial 2reeren)es, ea)* so)ial "ro#2 and ea)*
2arty sent its most eminent leaders: T*e 2ersonnel .as, to
=#ote S#8*ano5, @extraordinarily brilliant:A +*en t*e 3re;
3arliament assembled or its irst session, a .ei"*t .as
lited, says Mili#8o5, rom t*e *earts o many s)e2ti)s: @It
.ill be ine i t*e !onstit#ent 0ssembly is no .orse t*an
t*is:A T*e o t*e nation loo8ed #2on itsel in t*e
2ala)e mirrors .it* "reat satisa)tion and ne"le)ted to
noti)e t*at it .as in)a2able o bearin" r#it:
In o2enin" t*is !o#n)il o t*e Re2#bli) on O)tober 7,
9erens8y did not or"o t*e o22ort#nity to remar8 t*at
alt*o#"* t*e "o5ernment 2ossessed @all t*e #llness o,A it .as ne5ert*eless ready to listen to @any
"en#inely 5al#able s#""estion:A 0lt*o#"* absol#te, t*at is
to say, t*e "o5ernment *ad not )eased to be )#lti5ated: In
t*e 2rTsidi#m, .*i)* )onsisted o i5e members .it*
058sentie5 as 2resident, one 2la)e .as oered to t*e
'ols*e5i8s: it remained #no))#2ied: T*e dire)tors o t*is
2iti#l and #n*a22y )omedy elt si)8 at *eart: T*e entire
interest o its "rey o2enin" on a rainy day .as )entred
#2on t*e ort*)omin" a)tion o t*e 'ols*e5i8s: In t*e
couloirs o t*e Mariins8y 3ala)e, a))ordin" to S#8*ano5, a
@sensational r#mo#rA .as in t*e air: @Trots8y *as .on by a
maDority o t.o or t*ree 5otes ::: and t*e 'ols*e5i8s are
"oin" to .it*dra. at on)e rom t*e 3re;3arliament:A In
reality t*e de)ision to .it*dra. demonstrati5ely rom t*e
Mariins8y 3ala)e .as ado2ted on t*e <t* at a meetin" o
t*e 'ols*e5i8 a)tion by all 5otes ex)e2t one: So "reat *ad
been t*e s*it let.ard d#rin" t*e 2re)edin" t.o .ee8sL
Only 9amene5 remained tr#e to *is ori"inal 2osition H or
rat*er *e alone dared deend it: In a s2e)ial de)laration
addressed to t*e !entral !ommittee, 9amene5 )andidly
des)ribed t*e )o#rse ado2ted as @5ery dan"ero#s or t*e
2arty:A T*e do#bt abo#t t*e intentions o t*e 'ols*e5i8s
)a#sed a )ertain anxiety in t*e 3re;3arliament: It .as not
so m#)* a brea8do.n o t*e rG"ime t*at t*ey eared, as a
@s)andalA beore t*e eyes o t*e 0llied di2lomats, .*om
t*e maDority *ad D#st "reeted .it* an a22ro2riate 5olley o
2atrioti) a22la#se: S#8*ano5 relates *o. t*ey des2at)*ed
an oi)ial 2ersona"e H 058sentie5 *imsel H to t*e
'ols*e5i8s to in=#ire in ad5an)e: +*at is "oin" to *a22en>
@0 mere not*in",A ans.ered Trots8y, @a mere not*in", a
little s*ot rom a 2istol:A 0ter t*e o2enin" o t*e session,
#2on t*e basis o r#les o order ta8en o5er rom t*e state
4#ma, Trots8y .as oered ten min#tes or a s2e)ial
anno#n)ement in t*e name o t*e 'ols*e5i8 a)tion: 0
tense silen)e rei"ned in t*e *all: T*e de)laration be"an by
statin" t*at t*e "o5ernment .as at 2resent D#st as
irres2onsible as it *ad been beore t*e 4emo)rati)
!oneren)e, .*i)* .as s#22osed to *a5e been )on5o8ed
or t*e )#rbin" o 9erens8y, and t*at t*e re2resentati5es
o t*e 2ossessin" )lasses .ere 2resent in t*is 2ro5isional
)o#n)il in n#mbers to .*i)* t*ey *ad not t*e sli"*test
ri"*t: I t*e bo#r"eois .ere really 2re2arin" or a
!onstit#ent 0ssembly to meet in a mont* and a *al, t*eir
leaders .o#ld *a5e no reason to deend so ier)ely at t*e
2resent time t*e irres2onsibility o t*e "o5ernment e5en to
t*is do)tored re2resentation: @T*e essen)e o it all is t*at
t*e bo#r"eois )lasses *a5e de)ided to =#as* t*e
!onstit#ent 0ssembly:A T*e blo. .as .ell aimed, and t*e
Ri"*t +in" 2rotested t*e more noisily: +it*o#t de2artin"
rom t*e text o t*e de)laration t*e s2ea8er deno#n)ed
t*e ind#strial, a"rarian ood 2oli)y: It .o#ld be im2ossible
to ado2t any ot*er 2oli)y, e5en i yo# set yo#rsel t*e
)ons)io#s aim o im2ellin" t*e masses to ins#rre)tion:
@T*e idea o s#rrenderin" t*e re5ol#tionary )a2ital to t*e
-erman troo2s ::: .e a))e2t as a nat#ral lin8 in a "eneral
2oli)y desi"ned to 2romote ::: a )o#nter;re5ol#tionary
)ons2ira)y:A T*e 2rotest *ere t#rned into a storm: !ries
abo#t 'erlin, abo#t -erman "old, abo#t t*e sealed train H
and on t*is "eneral ba)8"ro#nd, li8e 2ie)es o bro8en
bottle in t*e m#d, o#l;mo#t*ed ab#se: Not*in" li8e it .as
e5er *eard d#rin" t*e most 2assionate )onli)ts in Smolny,
dirty and r#ndo.n and s2at all o5er by soldiers as it .as:
@+e only *a5e to "et into t*e "ood so)iety o Mariins8y
3ala)e,A .rites S#8*ano5, @in order to re5i5e at on)e t*at
atmos2*ere o t*e lo.;)lass saloon .*i)* 2re5ailed in t*e
state 4#ma .it* its restri)ted ran)*ise:A
3i)8in" *is .ay t*ro#"* t*ese ex2losions o *atred
alternatin" .it* moments o *#s*, t*e s2ea8er )on)l#ded:
@No, t*e 'ols*e5i8 a)tion anno#n)e t*at .it* t*is
"o5ernment o treason to t*e 2eo2le and .it* t*is !o#n)il
o )o#nter;re5ol#tionary )onni5an)e .e *a5e not*in"
.*ate5er in )ommon ::: In .it*" rom t*e
2ro5isional )o#n)il .e s#mmon t*e .or8ers, soldiers and
2easants o all R#ssia to be on t*eir "#ard, and to be
)o#ra"eo#s: 3etro"rad is in dan"erL T*e re5ol#tion is in
dan"erL T*e 2eo2le are in dan"erL ::: +e address o#rsel5es
to t*e 2eo2le: 0ll to t*e so5ietsLA 0s t*e orator
des)ended rom t*e trib#ne t*e e. s)ore o 'ols*e5i8s
let t*e *all a))om2anied by )#rses: 0ter t*eir moment o
alarm t*e maDority *ea5ed a *a22y si"* o relie: Only t*e
'ols*e5i8s .ent o#t: T*e o t*e nation remained at
t*eir 2osts: T*e Let +in" o t*e !om2romisers bent a little
#nder a blo. not dire)ted, it seemed, at t*emsel5es: @+e,
t*e nearest nei"*bo#rs o t*e 'ols*e5i8s,A )onesses
S#8*ano5, @sat t*ere )om2letely a22alled by all t*at *ad
*a22ened:A T*ese Imma)#late 9ni"*ts o t*e .ord .ere
sensin" t*e a)t t*at t*e time or .ords *ad 2assed:
T*e Minister o Borei"n 0airs, Teres*)*en8o, inormed t*e
R#ssian ambassadors abo#t t*e o2enin" o t*e 3re;
3arliament in a se)ret tele"ram: @T*e irst session 2assed
o #ne5ent#lly .it* t*e ex)e2tion o a s)andal )reated by
t*e 'ols*e5i8s:A T*e *istori) brea8 bet.een t*e 2roletariat
and t*e state me)*anism o t*e bo#r"eoisie .as
)on)ei5ed by t*ose 2eo2le as a mere @s)andal:A T*e
bo#r"eois 2ress did not miss t*e o22ort#nity to "oad t*e
"o5ernment by reeren)es to t*e resol#teness o t*e
'ols*e5i8s: T*e *ono#rable ministers .ill only t*en lead
t*e )o#ntry o#t o anar)*y .*en t*ey @a)=#ire as m#)*
resol#tion and .ill to a)tion as is to be o#nd in !omrade
Trots8y:A 0s t*o#"* it .ere a =#estion o resol#tion and t*e
.ill o indi5id#al 2eo2le and not o t*e *istori) destiny o
)lassesL and as t*o#"* t*e sortin" o#t o 2eo2le and
)*ara)ters "oes on inde2endently o *istori) tas8s: @T*ey
s2o8e and a)ted,A .rote Mili#8o5 on t*e s#bDe)t o t*e
'ols*e5i8 .it* rom t*e 3re;3arliament: @li8e 2eo2le
eelin" a be*ind t*em," t*at t*e morro.
belon"ed to t*em:A
T*e loss o t*e Moon;s#nd Islands, t*e "" dan"er to
3etro"rad, and t*e .it* o t*e 'ols*e5i8s rom t*e
3re;3arliament into t*e street, )om2elled t*e
!om2romisers to ta8e t*o#"*t or t*e #rt*er de5elo2ment
o t*e .ar: 0ter a t*ree;day dis)#ssion 2arti)i2ated in by
t*e Minister o +ar and Na5y, and t*e )ommissars and
dele"ates o t*e army or"anisations, t*e !entral Exe)#ti5e
!ommittee )ame at last to a sa5in" de)ision: @To insist
t*at re2resentati5es o t*e R#ssian demo)ra)y be
admitted to t*e 3aris !oneren)e o t*e 0llies:A 0ter
rene.ed eorts t*ey named S8obele5 as dele"ate:
4etailed instr#)tions .ere dra.n #2: 3ea)e .it*o#t
annexations or indemnitiesC ne#tralisation o straits and
)anals, in)l#din" t*e S#eK and 3anama !anals H t*e
!om2romisers *ad a .ider o#tloo8 "eo"ra2*i)ally t*an
2oliti)allyC abolition o se)ret di2loma)yC "rad#al
disarmament: T*e !entral Exe)#ti5e !ommittee ex2lained
t*at t*e aim o its dele"ate in t*e 3aris !oneren)e .as @to
brin" 2ress#re to bear #2on t*e 0llies:A 3ress#re o
S8obele5 #2on Bran)e, -reat 'ritain and t*e 6nited StatesL
T*e 9adet 2a2er 2#t a 2oisono#s =#estionL @+*at .ill
S8obe1e5 do i t*e 0llies #n)eremonio#sly reDe)t *is
)onditions> +ill *e t*reaten t*em .it* anot*er a22eal to
t*e 2eo2le o t*e .*ole .orld>A T*e !om2romisers, alas,
*ad lon" been bl#s*in" or t*at old a22eal o t*eirs:
+*ile intendin" to or)e #2on t*e 6nited States t*e
ne#tralisation o t*e 3anama !anal, t*e !entral Exe)#ti5e
!ommittee 2ro5ed in)a2able in a)t#al a)t o brin"in"
2ress#re to bear e5en #2on t*e +inter 3ala)e: On t*e
12t*, 9erens8y sent Lloyd -eor"e a 5ol#mino#s letter #ll
o "entle re2roa)*es, sorro.#l )om2laints, and er5ent
2romises: T*e ront, *e said, is @in better )ondition t*an it
.as last s2rin":A O )o#rse t*e deeatist 2ro2a"anda H
t*#s t*e R#ssian 2remier )om2lains to a 'ritis*er a"ainst
t*e R#ssian 'ols*e5i8s H *as *indered t*e )arryin" o#t o
all t*e 2lans indi)ated: '#t t*ere )an be no tal8 o 2ea)e:
T*e "o5ernment 8no.s only one =#estion: @?o. to
)ontin#e t*e .arLA It "oes .it*o#t sayin" t*at as an
earnest o *is 2atriotism 9erens8y be""ed or )redits:
?a5in" "ot rid o t*e 'ols*e5i8s, t*e 3re;3arliament also
lost no time in ta8in" #2 t*e .ar: On t*e 1%t* t*e debate
o2ened on im2ro5in" t*e i"*tin" )a2a)ity o t*e army:
T*e dialo"#e, .*i)* o))#2ied t*ree .eary sessions,
de5elo2ed a))ordin" to one in5ariable s)*eme: +e m#st
)on5in)e t*e army t*at it is i"*tin" or 2ea)e and
demo)ra)y, said t*e Let: +e m#st not )on5in)e b#t
)om2el, ans.ered t*e Ri"*t: Mo# *a5e not*in" to )om2el
.it*C in order to )om2el yo# m#st irst at least 2artially
)on5in)e, ans.ered t*e !om2romisers: In t*e matter o
)on5in)in" t*e 'ols*e5i8s are stron"er t*an yo#, ans.ered
t*e 9adets: 'ot* sides .ere ri"*t: '#t a dro.nin" man is
also ri"*t .*en *e lets o#t a yell beore "oin" do.n:
On t*e 1$t* )ame t*at de)isi5e *o#r .*i)* in t*e nat#re o
t*in"s not*in" in t*e .orld )o#ld alter: T*e orm#la o t*e
So)ial Re5ol#tionaries "ot 9< 5otes a"ainst 127, .it* <%
abstainin": T*e orm#la o t*e Ri"*t "ot 13< Votes a"ainst
139: 0stonis*in"L T*ere .as no maDority: T*ro#"*o#t t*e
*all, a))ordin" to t*e ne.s2a2er a))o#nts, t*ere .as
"eneral mo5ement and )on#sion: In s2ite o its #nity o
aim, t*e o t*e nation 2ro5ed in)a2able o ado2tin"
e5en a 2latoni) de)ision #2on t*e most #r"ent =#estion o
t*e national lie: T*is .as no a))ident: T*e same t*in" .as
bein" re2eated day by day in t*e )ommissions and in t*e
2lenary sessions #2on all ot*er =#estions: T*e ra"ments
o o2inion )o#ld not be 2#t to"et*er: 0ll t*e "ro#2s .ere
li5in" on ill#si5e s*adin"s o 2oliti)al t*o#"*t: t*o#"*t
itsel .as absent: Maybe it *ad "one o#t into t*e street
.it* t*e 'ols*e5i8s> ::: T*e blind alley o t*e 3re;
3arliament .as t*e blind alley o t*e .*ole rG"ime:
To re)on5in)e t*e army .as dii)#lt, b#t to )om2el it .as
also im2ossible: To a ne. s*o#t rom 9erens8y at t*e 'alti)
leet, .*i)* *ad D#st been t*ro#"* a battle and lost
5i)tims, a )on"ress o t*e sailors addressed to t*e !entral
Exe)#ti5e !ommittee a demand t*at t*ey remo5e rom t*e
sta o t*e 3ro5isional -o5ernment @a 2erson .*o is
dis"ra)in" and destroyin" t*e "reat re5ol#tion .it* *is
s*ameless 2oliti)al )*anta"e:A It .as t*e irst time
9erens8y *ad *eard s#)* lan"#a"e rom t*e sailors: T*e
Re"ional !ommittee o t*e 0rmy, Bleet and R#ssian
+or8ers in Binland, #n)tionin" as a so5erei"n, *eld
#2 t*e "o5ernment rei"*t: 9erens8y t*reatened t*e So5iet
)ommissars .it* arrest: T*e .as: T*e Re"ional
!ommittee tran=#illy a))e2ts t*e )*allen"e o t*e
3ro5isional -o5ernment: 9erens8y made no re2ly: In
essen)e t*e 'alti) leet .as already in a state o
ins#rre)tion: On t*e land ront, t*in"s *ad not yet "one so
ar, b#t t*ey .ere tra5ellin" in t*e same dire)tion: T*e
ood sit#ation .as ra2idly deterioratin" t*ro#"*o#t
O)tober: T*e )ommander;in;)*ie o t*e Nort*ern ront
re2orted t*at *#n"er @is t*e )*ie )a#se o t*e moral
disinte"ration o t*e army:A 0t t*e same time t*at t*e
)om2romisist #22er )ir)les on t*e ront .ere )ontin#in" to
assert H to be s#re, no. only be*ind t*e ba)8s o t*e
soldiers H t*at t*e i"*tin" )a2a)ity o t*e army .as
im2ro5in", t*e ran8s, re"iment ater re"iment, .ere
2#ttin" ort* demands or a 2#bli)ation o t*e se)ret
treaties and an immediate oer o 2ea)e: T*e )ommissar
o t*e +estern ront, P*dano5, re2orted d#rin" t*e irst
days o O)tober: @T*e mood is extremely alarmin", ta8en
in )onne)tion .it* t*e nearness o )old .eat*er and t*e
deterioration o t*e ood ::: T*e 'ols*e5i8s are s)orin" a
deinite s#))ess:A
T*e "o5ernmental instit#tions at t*e ront .ere *an"in" in
t*e air: T*e )ommissar o t*e 2nd 0rmy re2orted t*at t*e
military )o#rts )o#ld not #n)tion be)a#se t*e soldier;
.itnesses re#sed to a22ear and testiy: @T*e m#t#al
relations bet.een t*e )ommandin" sta and t*e soldiers
is embittered: T*e oi)ers are blamed or dra""in" o#t t*e
.ar:A T*e *ostility o t*e soldiers to t*e "o5ernment and
t*e )ommandin" sta *ad lon" a"o been transerred also
to t*e army )ommittees, .*i)* *ad not been rene.ed
sin)e t*e be"innin" o t*e re5ol#tion: O5er t*e *eads o
t*e )ommittees t*e re"iments .ere sendin" dele"ates to
3etro"rad, to t*e So5iet, to )om2lain o t*e intolerable
sit#ation in t*e tren)*es, .*ere t*ey li5ed .it*o#t bread,
.it*o#t )lot*in", .it*o#t ait* in t*e .ar: On t*e
Ro#manian ront, .*ere t*e 'ols*e5i8s .ere 5ery .ea8,
.*ole re"iments .ere re#sin" to s*oot: @In t.o or t*ree
.ee8s t*e soldiers t*emsel5es .ill de)lare an armisti)e
and lay do.n t*eir arms:A T*e dele"ates rom one o t*e
di5isions re2orted: @+it* t*e )omin" o t*e irst sno. t*e
soldiers *a5e de)ided to "o *ome:A T*e dele"ates o t*e
133rd 0rmy !or2s made t*is t*reat at a 2lenary session o
t*e 3etro"rad So5iet: @I t*ere is not a real str#""le or
2ea)e, t*e soldiers t*emsel5es .ill ta8e t*e and
de)lare an armisti)e:A T*e )ommissar o t*e 2nd 0rmy
re2orted to t*e +ar Minister: @T*ere is no little tal8 to t*e
ee)t t*at .it* t*e arri5al o )old .eat*er t*ey .ill
abandon t*eir 2osition:A
Braternisin", .*i)* *ad almost sto22ed sin)e t*e ,#ly days,
be"an a"ain and "re. ra2idly: Instan)es not only o t*e
arrest o oi)ers by t*e soldiers, b#t o t*e m#rder o t*e
more *ate#l be"an to m#lti2ly: T*ese t*in"s .ere done
almost 2#bli)ly, beore t*e eyes o t*e soldiers: Nobody
interered: t*e maDority did not .ant to, t*e small minority
did not dare: T*e m#rderer al.ays s#))eeded in *idin": *e
.as dro.ned and lost in t*e soldier mass: One o t*e
"enerals .rote: @+e )on5#lsi5ely "ras2 at t*is or t*at, .e
2ray or some sort o mira)le, b#t t*e maDority o #s
#nderstand t*at t*ere is already no *o2e o sal5ation:A
Mixin" )#nnin" .it* st#2idity, t*e 2atrioti) 2a2ers
)ontin#ed to .rite abo#t a )ontin#ation o t*e .ar, abo#t
an oensi5e and abo#t 5i)tory: T*e "enerals s*oo8 t*eir
*eadsC some o t*em e=#i5o)ally Doined in: @Only
)om2letely )raKy 2eo2le,A .rote 'aron '#dber", t*e
)ommander o a )or2s near 45ins8, on t*e 7t* o O)tober,
@)o#ld dream abo#t an oensi5e at t*e 2resent time:A T*e
5ery next day *e .as )om2elled to .rite in t*e same diary
@Startled and a22alled to re)ei5e orders or an oensi5e
not later t*an O)tober 2%t*:A ?ead=#arters, belie5in" in
not*in" and s*r#""in" its s*o#lders at e5eryt*in", .as" #2 2lans or a ne. o2eration: T*ere .ere not a
e. "enerals .*o sa. t*e last *o2e o sal5ation in a
re2etition on a "rand s)ale o 9ornilo5Js ex2eriment .it*
Ri"a: 4ra" t*e army into battle and try to brin" do.n a
deeat on t*e *ead o t*e re5ol#tion:
On t*e initiati5e o +ar Minister Ver8*o5s8y it .as de)ided
to transer t*e oldest )lasses into t*e reser5e: T*e railroad
"roaned #nder t*e b#rden o t*ese ret#rnin" soldiers: In
t*e o5erloaded )ars t*e s2rin"s bro8e and t*e loors ell
t*ro#"*: T*is did not im2ro5e t*e mood o t*ose let
be*ind: @T*e tren)*es are brea8in" do.n,A .rites
'#dber": @T*e )omm#ni)ation tren)*es are loodedC t*ere
is re#se and ex)rement e5ery.*ere ::: T*e soldiers latly
re#se to .or8 at )leanin" #2 t*e tren)*es ::: It is dread#l
to t*in8 .*ere t*is .ill lead .*en s2rin" )omes and all t*is
be"ins to rot and de)om2ose:A In a state o embittered
ina)tion t*e soldiers re#sed in dro5es e5en to #nder"o
2re5enti5e ino)#lation: T*is too be)ame a orm o str#""le
a"ainst t*e .ar:
0ter 5ain eorts to raise t*e i"*tin" )a2a)ity o t*e army
by de)reasin" its n#mbers, Ver8*o5s8y s#ddenly )ame to
t*e )on)l#sion t*at only 2ea)e )o#ld sa5e t*e )o#ntry: 0t a
2ri5ate )oneren)e .it* t*e 9adet leaders, .*om t*is
yo#n" and naU5e minister ima"ined *e )o#ld brin" o5er to
*is side, Ver8*o5s8y dre. a 2i)t#re o t*e material and
s2irit#al )olla2se o t*e army: @0ny attem2t to 2rolon" t*e
.ar )an only brin" on a )atastro2*e:A T*e 9adets )o#ld
not #nderstand t*is: '#t .*ile t*e ot*ers remained silent
Mili#8o5 s)orn#lly s*r#""ed *is s*o#lders: @T*e *ono#r o
R#ssia,A @loyalty to t*e 0llies:A ::: Not belie5in" in one o
t*ese .ords, t*e leader o t*e bo#r"eoisie .as st#bbornly
stri5in" to b#ry t*e re5ol#tion #nder t*e r#ins and 2iles o
)or2ses t*at .o#ld be let by t*e .ar: Ver8*o5s8y re5ealed
a )ertain amo#nt o 2oliti)al a#da)ity: +it*o#t inormin" or
.arnin" t*e "o5ernment, *e a22eared on t*e 2%t* beore
t*e )ommission o t*e 3re;3arliament and anno#n)ed t*e
ne)essity o an immediate 2ea)e .it* or .it*o#t t*e
)onsent o t*e 0llies: ?e .as #rio#sly atta)8ed by all
t*ose .*o a"reed .it* *im in 2ri5ate )on5ersations: T*e
2atrioti) 2ress .rote t*at t*e .ar minister @*ad D#m2ed on
t*e ootboard o !omrade Trots8yJs )*ariot:A '#rtse5
*inted at t*e 2resen)e o -erman "old: Ver8*o5s8y .as
sent a.ay on a 5a)ation: In *eart to *eart )on5ersations
t*e 2atriots .ere sayin": In essen)e *e is ri"*t: '#dber"
*ad to s2ea8 )a#tio#sly e5en in *is diary:@Brom t*e 2oint
o 5ie. o 8ee2in" o#r .ord,A *e .rote, @t*e 2ro2osal, o
)o#rse, is tri)8y: '#t rom t*e stand2oint o t*e e"oisti)
interests o R#ssia, it is 2er*a2s t*e only one .*i)* oers
*o2e o a sa5in" .ay o#t:A In)identally t*e baron
)onessed *is en5y o t*e -erman "enerals to .*om @ate
*as "i5en t*e "ood l#)8 to be t*e a#t*ors o 5i)tories:A ?e
did not oresee t*at t*e t#rn o t*e -erman "enerals .o#ld
)ome next: T*ose 2eo2le ne5er oresa. anyt*in", e5en
t*e )le5erest o t*em: T*e 'ols*e5i8s oresa. m#)* and
t*at .as t*eir stren"t*:
T*e .it* rom t*e 3re;3arliament in t*e eyes o t*e
2eo2le b#rned t*e last brid"es #nitin" t*e 2arty o
ins#rre)tion .it* oi)ial so)iety: +it* rene.ed ener"y H or
t*e nearness o t*e "oal redo#bles oneJs stren"t* H t*e
'ols*e5i8s )arried on t*eir a"itation, an a"itation )alled
dema"o"ism by t*e enemy be)a#se it bro#"*t o#t into t*e
2#bli) s=#are .*at t*ey t*emsel5es .ere *idin" in t*e
)*an)elleries and 2ri5ate oi)es: T*e )on5in)in"ness o
t*is tireless e5an"el "re. o#t o t*e a)t t*at t*e
'ols*e5i8s #nderstood t*e )o#rse o t*e obDe)ti5e
de5elo2ment, s#bDe)ted t*eir 2oli)y to it, .ere not araid
o t*e masses, and #n)on=#erably belie5ed in t*eir o.n
tr#t* and t*eir 5i)tory: T*e 2eo2le ne5er tired o *earin"
t*em: T*e masses elt a need to stand )lose to"et*er:
Ea)* .anted to test *imsel t*ro#"* ot*ers, and all tensely
and attenti5ely 8e2t obser5in" *o. one and t*e same
t*o#"*t .o#ld de5elo2 in t*eir 5ario#s minds .it* its
dierent s*ades and eat#res: 6nn#mbered )ro.ds o
2eo2le stood abo#t t*e )ir)#ses and ot*er bi" b#ildin"s
.*ere t*e more 2o2#lar 'ols*e5i8s .o#ld address t*em
.it* t*e last ar"#ments and t*e last a22eals:
T*e n#mber o leadin" a"itators *ad "reatly de)reased by
O)tober: Birst o all Lenin .as la)8in" H bot* as an a"itator
and still more as an immediate day;to;day ins2iration: ?is
sim2le and dee2 "eneralisations .*i)* )o#ld so lastin"ly
insert t*emsel5es into t*e )ons)io#sness o t*e masses,
*is )lear sayin"s )a#"*t #2 rom t*e 2eo2le and *anded
ba)8 to t*em, .ere sadly missed: T*e irst;)lass a"itator
Pino5ie5 .as la)8in": ?a5in" *idden rom 2rose)#tion
#nder an indi)tment or @ins#rre)tionA in ,#ly, *e de)isi5ely
t#rned a"ainst t*e O)tober ins#rre)tion, and t*#s or t*e
.*ole )riti)al 2eriod .it*dre. rom t*e ield o a)tion:
9amene5, t*e irre2la)able 2ro2a"andist, t*e ex2erien)ed
2oliti)al instr#)tor o t*e 2arty, )ondemned t*e 2oli)y o
ins#rre)tion, did not belie5e in t*e 5i)tory, sa.
)atastro2*es a*ead and "loomily retired into t*e s*ado.s:
S5erdlo5, by nat#re an or"aniser rat*er t*an an a"itator,
a22eared oten at mass meetin" and *is e5en,
and tireless bass 5oi)e ins2ired tran=#il )oniden)e: Stalin
.as neit*er a"itator nor orator: ?e ne5er a22eared as a
s2o8esman at 2arty )oneren)es: '#t did *e a22ear so
m#)* as on)e in t*e mass meetin"s o t*e re5ol#tion> In
t*e do)#ments and memoirs no re)ord o it *as been
0 brilliant a"itation .as )ond#)ted by Volodars8y,
Las*e5i)*, 9ollontai, !*#dno5s8y, and ater t*em by
s)ores o a"itators o lesser )alibre: 3eo2le listened .it*
interest and sym2at*y H and t*e mat#re also .it* a )ertain
)ondes)ension H to L#na)*ars8y, a s8illed orator .*o 8ne.
*o. to 2resent a)t and "eneralisation and 2at*os and
Do8e, b#t .*o did not 2retend to lead anybody: ?e *imsel
needed to be led: In 2ro2ortion as t*e re5ol#tion
a22roa)*ed, L#na)*ars8y aded ra2idly and lost *is
)olo#r#l ee)ts:
S#8*ano5 says o t*e 2resident o t*e 3etro"rad So5iet E1F:
@Tearin" *imsel rom t*e .or8 in re5ol#tionary
*ead=#arters *e .o#ld ly rom t*e Ob#8*o5s8y a)tory to
t*e Tr#bo)*eny, rom t*e 3#tilo5 to t*e 'alti) s*i2yards,
rom t*e Ridin" 0)ademy to t*e barra)8s, and seemed to
be s2ea8in" sim#ltaneo#sly in all 2la)es: E5ery 3etro"rad
.or8er and soldier 8ne. *im and *eard *im 2ersonally: ?is
inl#en)e H bot* in t*e masses and in *ead=#arters H .as
o5er.*elmin": ?e .as t*e )entral i"#re o t*ose days,
and t*e )*ie *ero o t*is remar8able 2a"e o *istory:A
'#t in)om2arably more ee)ti5e in t*at last 2eriod beore
t*e ins#rre)tion .as t*e mole)#lar a"itation )arried on by
nameless .or8ers, sailors, soldiers, .innin" )on5erts one
by one, brea8in" do.n t*e last do#bts, o5er)omin" t*e
last *esitations: T*ose mont*s o e5eris* 2oliti)al lie *ad
)reated inn#merable )adres in t*e ran8s, *ad
ed#)ated *#ndreds and t*o#sands o ro#"* diamonds,
.*o .ere a))#stomed to loo8 on 2oliti)s rom belo. and
not abo5e, and or t*at 5ery reason estimated a)ts and
2eo2le .it* a 8eenness not al.ays a))essible to orators o
t*e a)ademi) ty2e: T*e 3etro"rad .or8ers stood In t*e
ront ran8 H *ereditary 2roletarians .*o *ad 2rod#)ed a
ra)e o a"itators and or"anisers o extraordinary
re5ol#tionary tem2er and *i"* 2oliti)al )#lt#re,
inde2endent in t*o#"*t, .ord and a)tion: !ar2enters,
itters, bla)8smit*s, tea)*ers o t*e #nions and a)tories,
ea)* already *ad aro#nd *im *is s)*ool, *is 2#2ils, t*e
#t#re b#ilders o t*e Re2#bli) o So5iets: T*e 'alti)
sailors, )lose )omrades in arms o t*e 3etro"rad .or8ers H
to a )onsiderable extent iss#ed rom t*eir midst H 2#t
or.ard a bri"ade o a"itators .*o too8 by storm t*e
ba)8.ard re"iments, t*e )o#nty to.ns, t*e 5illa"es o t*e
m#K*i8s: 0 "eneralisin" orm#la tossed o#t in t*e %ir)ue
Moerne by one o t*e re5ol#tionary leaders .o#ld ta8e
les* and blood in *#ndreds o t*in8in" *eads, and so
ma8e t*e ro#nds o t*e .*ole )o#ntry:
Brom t*e 'alti) states, rom 3oland and Lit*#ania,
t*o#sands o re5ol#tionary .or8ers and soldiers *ad been
e5a)#ated d#rin" t*e retreat o t*e R#ssian armies,
)omin" .it* t*e Ind#strial enter2rises or one by one: 0ll
t*ese be)ame a"itators a"ainst t*e .ar and t*ose "#ilty o
it: T*e Lettis* 'ols*e5i8s, torn a.ay rom t*eir *ome soil
and .*ole*eartedly standin" on t*e soil o t*e re5ol#tion,
)on5in)ed, st#bborn, resol#te, .ere )arryin" on day by
day and all day lon" a minin" o2eration in all 2arts o t*e
)o#ntry: T*eir an"#lar a)es, *ars* a))ent, and oten t*eir
bro8en R#ssian 2*rases, "a5e s2e)ial ex2ressi5eness to an
#n)easin" s#mmons to ins#rre)tion:
T*e mass .o#ld no lon"er end#re in its midst t*e
.a5erin", t*e d#bio#s, t*e ne#tral: It .as stri5in" to "et
*old o e5erybody, to attra)t, to )on5in)e, to )on=#er: T*e
a)tories Doined .it* t*e re"iments in sendin" dele"ates to
t*e ront: T*e tren)*es "ot into )onne)tion .it* t*e
.or8ers and 2easants near by in t*e rear: In t*e to.ns
alon" t*e ront t*ere .as an endless series o meetin"s,
)oneren)es, )ons#ltations in .*i)* t*e soldiers and sailors
.o#ld brin" t*eir a)ti5ity into a))ord .it* t*at o t*e
.or8ers and 2easants: It .as in t*is manner t*at t*e
ba)8.ard +*ite R#ssian ront .as .on o5er to
In 2la)es .*ere t*e lo)al 2arty leaders*i2 .as irresol#te
and dis2osed to .ait, as or exam2le in 9ie5, VoroneK*,
and many ot*er 2oints, t*e masses not inre=#ently ell
into a 2assi5e )ondition: To D#stiy t*eir 2oli)y, t*e leaders
.o#ld 2oint to t*is mood o de2ression .*i)* t*ey
t*emsel5es *ad )reated: On t*e ot*er *and: @T*e more
resol#te and bold .as *is s#mmons to ins#rre)tion,A .rites
3o5olK*s8y, one o t*e 9aKan a"itators, @t*e more tr#st#l
and *earty .o#ld be t*e attit#de o t*e soldier mass
to.ard t*e s2ea8er:A
T*e a)tories and re"iments o 3etro"rad and Mos)o.
.ere no. more insistently 8no)8in" at t*e .ooden "ates
o t*e 5illa"es: T*e .or8ers .o#ld Doin to"et*er in sendin"
dele"ates into t*eir nati5e 2ro5in)es: T*e re"iments .o#ld
2ass resol#tions s#mmonin" t*e 2easants to s#22ort t*e
'ols*e5i8s: T*e .or8ers in a)tories .it*in t*e )ities .o#ld
ma8e 2il"rima"es to t*e s#rro#ndin" 5illa"es, distrib#tin"
ne.s2a2ers and layin" t*e o#ndations o 'ols*e5i8
n#)lei: Brom t*ese ro#nds t*ey .o#ld )ome ba)8 brin"in"
in t*e 2#2il o t*eir eyes a rele)tion rom t*e lames o t*e
2easant .ar:
'ols*e5ism too8 2ossession o t*e )o#ntry: T*e 'ols*e5i8s
be)ame an #n)on=#erable T*e 2eo2le .ere .it*
t*em: T*e )ity d#mas o 9ronstadt, !Karitsyn, 9ostroma,
S*#ia, ele)ted on a #ni5ersal ran)*ise, .ere .*olly in t*e
*ands o t*e 'ols*e5i8s: T*e 'ols*e5i8s re)ei5ed <2 2er
)ent o t*e 5otes at an ele)tion to t*e distri)t d#mas o
Mos)o.: In ar;o and tran=#il Toms8, as also in t*e .*olly
non;ind#strial Samara, t*e 'ols*e5i8s dominated in t*e
d#ma: O#t o o#r members o t*e S)*l#sselber" )o#nty
Kemst5o, t*ree .ere 'ols*e5i8s: In t*e Li"o5s8y )o#nty
Kemst5o, t*e 'ols*e5i8s "ot <% 2er )ent, o t*e 5otes: It
.as not so a5o#rable e5ery.*ere, b#t e5ery.*ere it .as
)*an"in" in t*e same dire)tion: T*e relati5e .ei"*t o t*e
'ols*e5i8 3arty .as on t*e ra2id rise:
T*e 'ols*e5isation o t*e masses re5ealed itsel ar more
)learly, *o.e5er, in t*e )lass or"anisations: T*e trade
#nions in t*e )a2ital )om2rised o5er a *al million .or8ers:
T*e Mens*e5i8s t*emsel5es, .*o still *ad t*e
administration o )ertain #nions, elt t*at t*ey .ere a reli)
o 2ast days: No matter .*at 2arts o t*e 2roletariat mi"*t
orm an or"anisation, and no matter .*at its immediate
aim mi"*t be, it .o#ld ine5itably arri5ed at 'ols*e5i8
)on)l#sions: 0nd t*is .as no a))ident: T*e trade #nions,
t*e a)tory )ommittees, t*e e)onomi) and )#lt#ral
assemblies o t*e .or8in" )lass, bot* 2ermanent and
transitory, .ere )om2elled by t*e .*ole sit#ation, #2on
e5ery 2ri5ate 2roblem .*i)* mi"*t arise, to raise one and
t*e same =#estion: +*o is t*e master o t*e *o#se>
T*e .or8ers o t*e artillery a)tories, bein" )alled to"et*er
in )oneren)e to re"#late t*eir relations .it* t*e
administration, de)ided t*at t*ey )o#ld best re"#late t*em
t*ro#"* a So5iet "o5ernment: T*is .as no lon"er a mere
orm#la, b#t a 2ro"ramme o e)onomi) sal5ation: 0s t*ey
a22roa)*ed t*e t*e .or8ers also a22roa)*ed more
and more )on)retely t*e 2roblems o ind#stry: T*e artillery
)oneren)e e5en establis*ed a s2e)ial )entre or t*e st#dy
o met*ods o transition rom m#nition a)tories to
2ea)e#l 2rod#)tion:
T*e Mos)o. )oneren)e o a)tory and s*o2 )ommittees
de)lared t*at t*e lo)al So5iet s*o#ld in t*e #t#re de)ide
all stri8e )onli)ts by de)ree, on its o.n a#t*ority o2en t*e
2lants s*#t do.n by t*e lo)8o#ts, and by sendin" its o.n
dele"ates to Siberia and t*e 4onetK 'asin "#arantee )oal
and "rain to t*e a)tories: T*e 3etro"rad )oneren)e o
a)tory and s*o2 )ommittees de5oted its attention to t*e
a"rarian =#estion, and #2on a re2ort by Trots8y dre. #2 a
maniesto to t*e 2easants: T*e 2roletariat eels itsel to be
not only a s2e)ial )lass, b#t also t*e leader o t*e 2eo2le:
T*e 0ll;R#ssian )oneren)e o a)tory and s*o2
)ommittees, meetin" d#rin" t*e se)ond *al o O)tober,
raised t*e =#estion o .or8ersJ )ontrol to t*e 2osition o a
national 2roblem: @T*e .or8ers are more interested t*an
t*e o.ners in t*e )orre)t and #ninterr#2ted o2eration o
t*e 2lants:A +or8ersJ )ontrol @is in t*e interest o t*e
.*ole )o#ntry and o#"*t to be s#22orted by t*e
re5ol#tionary 2easantry and t*e re5ol#tionary army:A T*is
resol#tion, o2enin" t*e door to H a ne. e)onomi) order,
.as ado2ted by t*e re2resentati5es o all t*e ind#strial
enter2rises o R#ssia .it* only i5e 5otes o22osin" and
nine abstainin" rom t*e 5ote: T*e e. indi5id#al
abstainers .ere old Mens*e5i8s no lon"er able to ollo.
t*eir o.n 2arty, b#t still la)8in" )o#ra"e to raise t*eir
bands o2enly or t*e 'ols*e5i8 re5ol#tion, Tomorro. t*ey
.ill do it:
T*e demo)rati) m#ni)i2al "o5ernments, only re)ently
)reated, .ere dyin" a.ay alon" .it* t*e or"ans o t*e
"o5ernmental T*e most im2ortant tas8s, s#)* as
"#aranteein" .ater, li"*t, #el and ood to t*e )ities, .ere
all allin" more and more #2on t*e so5iets and ot*er
.or8ersJ or"anisations: T*e a)tory )ommittee o t*e
li"*tin" station o 3etro"rad .as r#s*in" abo#t t*e )ity
and t*e s#rro#ndin"s *#ntin" #2 at one time )oal, at
anot*er "rease or t*e t#rbines, and "ettin" t*em bot*
t*ro#"* )ommittees o ot*er 2lants a)tin" in o22osition to
t*eir o.ners and t*e administration:
No, t*e "o5ernment o t*e so5iets .as not a )*imera, an
arbitrary )onstr#)tion, an in5ention o 2arty t*eoreti)ians:
It "re. #2 irresistibly rom belo., rom t*e brea8do.n o
ind#stry, t*e im2oten)e o t*e 2ossessors, t*e needs o
t*e masses:
T*e so5iets *ad in a)t#al a)t be)ome a "o5ernment: Bor
t*e .or8ers, soldiers and 2easants t*ere remained no
ot*er road: No time let to ar"#e and s2e)#late abo#t a
So5iet "o5ernment: it *ad to be realised:
0t t*e irst )on"ress o t*e so5iets, in ,#ne, it *ad been
de)ided to )all t*e )on"ress e5ery t*ree mont*s: T*e
!entral Exe)#ti5e !ommittee, *o.e5er, *ad not only ailed
to )all t*e se)ond )oneren)e on time, b#t *ad s*o.n a
dis2osition not to )all it at all, in order to a5oid )onrontin"
a *ostile maDority: T*e )*ie tas8 o t*e 4emo)rati)
!oneren)e *ad been to )ro.d o#t t*e so5iets, re2la)in"
t*em .it* or"ans o t*e @demo)ra)y:A '#t t*at *ad not
been so easy: T*e so5iets did not intend to ma8e .ay or
On Se2tember 21, at t*e )lose o t*e 4emo)rati)
!oneren)e, t*e 3etro"rad So5iet raised its 5oi)e or t*e
2rom2t, )allin" o a )on"ress o t*e so5iets: 0 resol#tion in
t*is sense .as ado2ted #2on t*e re2ort o Trots8y and a
"#est rom Mos)o., '#8*arin, ormally based on t*e
ne)essity o "ettin" ready or @a ne. .a5e o )o#nter;
re5ol#tion:A T*eir 2lan or a deensi5e .*i)* s*o#ld lay
do.n t*e road to t*e )omin" oensi5e relied #2on t*e
so5iets as t*e sole or"anisations )a2able o ma8in" t*e
str#""le: T*e resol#tion demanded t*at t*e so5iets
stren"t*en t*eir 2osition amon" t*e masses: +*ere t*e e
facto is already in t*eir *ands, t*ey are in no )ase
to let it sli2: T*e re5ol#tionary )ommittees )reated in t*e
9ornilo5 days m#st remain ready or a)tion: @In order to
#nite and )o;ordinate t*e a)tion o all t*e so5iets in t*eir
str#""le .it* t*e ad5an)in" dan"er, and in order to de)ide
2roblems o or"anisation o t*e re5ol#tionary, t*e
immediate )allin" o a )on"ress o t*e so5iets is
ne)essary:A T*#s a resol#tion on sel;deen)e brin"s #s
ri"*t #2 to t*e ne)essity o o5ert*" t*e "o5ernment:
T*e a"itation .ill be )ond#)ted on t*is 2oliti)al 8eynote
rom no. strai"*t on to t*e moment o ins#rre)tion:
T*e dele"ates rom t*e so5iets to t*e 4emo)rati)
!oneren)e raised t*e =#estion o a So5iet !on"ress
beore t*e )entral Exe)#ti5e !ommittee t*e next day: T*e
'ols*e5i8s demanded t*at t*e !on"ress be )alled .it*in
t.o .ee8s, and 2ro2osed, or rat*er t*reatened, to )reate
or t*is 2#r2ose a s2e)ial body restin" on t*e 3etro"rad
and Mos)o. So5iets: In reality t*ey 2reerred to *a5e t*e
!on"ress )alled by t*e old !entral Exe)#ti5e !ommittee:
T*is .o#ld ob5iate =#arrels abo#t t*e D#ridi)al ri"*ts o t*e
)on"ress, and ma8e it 2ossible to o5ert*ro. t*e
!om2romisers .it* t*eir o.n )o;o2eration: T*e semi;
)amo#la"ed t*reat o t*e 'ols*e5i8s .as ee)ti5e: Not
yet ris8in" a brea8 .it* So5iet le"ality, t*e leaders o t*e
!entral Exe)#ti5e !ommittee de)lared t*at t*ey .o#ld
entr#st to nobody t*e #lilment o t*eir d#ties: T*e
!on"ress .as )alled or O)tober 2% H .it*in less t*an a
T*e 2ro5in)ial dele"ates *ad no more t*an de2arted,
*o.e5er, .*en t*e leaders o t*e !entral Exe)#ti5e
!ommittee s#ddenly o2ened t*eir eyes to t*e a)t t*at t*e
!on"ress .o#ld be #ntimely H it .o#ld .it*dra. lo)al
2arty .or8ers rom t*e ele)toral )am2ai"n, and t*#s do
*arm to t*e !onstit#ent 0ssembly: T*eir real ear .as t*at
t*e !on"ress .o#ld 2ro5e a mi"*ty 2retender to t*e, b#t abo#t t*is t*ey 8e2t a di2lomati) silen)e: On
t*e 2(t* o Se2tember 4an made *aste to introd#)e into
t*e b#rea# o t*e !entral Exe)#ti5e !ommittee, .it*o#t
bot*erin" abo#t t*e ne)essary 2re2aration, a 2ro2osal to
2ost2one t*e !on"ress:
+it* t*e elementary 2rin)i2les o demo)ra)y t*ese 2atent
medi)ine demo)rats .ere least o all )on)erned: T*ey *ad
D#st "ot t*ro#"* =#as*in" t*e resol#tion o a 4emo)rati)
)oneren)e, .*i)* t*ey t*emsel5es *ad s#mmoned,
reDe)tin" a )oalition .it* t*e 9adets: 0nd no. t*ey
re5ealed t*eir so5erei"n )ontem2t or t*e so5iets,
be"innin" .it* t*e 3etro"rad So5iet #2on .*ose s*o#lders
t*ey *ad been lited into t*eir seats: 0ter all, *o. )o#ld
t*ey, .it*o#t abandonin" t*eir lea"#e .it* t*e
bo#r"eoisie, 2ay any attention to t*e *o2es and demands
o t*ose tens o millions o .or8ers, soldiers and 2easants
.*o stood or t*e so5iets>
Trots8y ans.ered t*e 2ro2osal o 4an by statin" t*at t*e
!on"ress .o#ld be )alled D#st t*e same, i not
)onstit#tionally, t*en by re5ol#tionary means: T*e #s#ally
so s#bmissi5e b#rea# re#sed t*is time to ollo. alon" t*e
road o a So5iet coup ('tat: '#t t*is little deeat .as ar
rom )om2ellin" t*e )ons2irators to lay do.n t*eir arms:
On t*e )ontrary it seemed to e"" t*em on: 4an o#nd an
inl#ential s#22ort in t*e military se)tion o t*e !entral
Exe)#ti5e !ommittee, .*i)* de)ided to @=#eryA t*e
or"anisations o t*e ront as to .*et*er t*ey s*o#ld )arry
o#t a de)ision t.i)e ado2ted by t*e *i"*est So5iet body: In
t*e inter5al t*e )om2romise 2ress o2ened a )am2ai"n
a"ainst t*e !on"ress: In t*is t*e So)ial Re5ol#tionaries
.ere 2arti)#larly #rio#s: @S*all a )on"ress be s#mmoned
or not>A .rote Dyelo Naroda: @It )an *a5e not*in" to say
in sol#tion o t*e =#estion o ::: T*e "o5ernment o
9erens8y .ill not s#bmit in any )ase:A To .*at .ill it not
s#bmit> as8ed Lenin: @To t*e o t*e so5iets, to t*e o t*e .or8ers and 2easants, .*i)* Dyelo Naroda,
in order to 8ee2 #2 .it* t*e 2o"rom;ma8ers and anti;
Semites, t*e monar)*ists and 9adets, )alls t*e o
Trots8y and Lenin:A
T*e 2easant Exe)#ti5e !ommittee, in its t#rn, de)lared
t*is )allin" o t*e !on"ress @dan"ero#s and #ndesirable:A
0 )on#sion o ill;.ill t*#s 2re5ailed in t*e So5iet #22er;
)ir)les: 4ele"ates o t*e )om2romise 2arties tra5ellin"
o5er t*e )o#ntry mobilised t*e lo)al or"anisations a"ainst
a )on"ress .*i)* *ad been oi)ially )alled by t*e s#2reme
So5iet body: T*e oi)ial or"an o t*e !entral Exe)#ti5e
!ommittee 2rinted rom day to day resol#tions a"ainst t*e
!on"ress ado2ted at t*e biddin" o t*e leadin"
!om2romisers, ins2ired entirely by t*e old Mar)* "*osts H
.earin", to be s#re, 5ery im2osin" names: Izvestia b#ried
t*e so5iets in a leadin" arti)le, de)larin" t*em tem2orary
barri)ades .*i)* s*o#ld be remo5ed as soon as t*e
!onstit#ent 0ssembly )ro.ns t*e @edii)e o t*e ne.
T*e 'ols*e5i8s least o all .ere )a#"*t na22in" by t*is
a"itation a"ainst t*e !on"ress: On t*e 2&t* o Se2tember
t*e !entral !ommittee o t*e 2arty, .it*o#t ban8in" #2on
any a)tion by t*e !entral Exe)#ti5e !ommittee, *ad
de)ided to set in motion rom belo., t*ro#"* t*e lo)al
so5iets and or"anisations o t*e ront, a )am2ai"n or t*e
!on"ress: T*e 'ols*e5i8s dele"ated S5erdlo5 to sit in t*e
!entral Exe)#ti5e !ommitteeJs oi)ial )ommission on t*e
)allin" H or rat*er t*e sabota"e H o t*e !on"ress: 6nder
*is leaders*i2 t*e lo)al or"anisations o t*e 2arty .ere
mobilised, and t*ro#"* t*em also t*e so5iets: On t*e 27t*
all t*e re5ol#tionary instit#tions o Re5al demanded t*at
t*e 3re;3arliament be immediately dissol5ed, and a
)oneren)e o t*e so5iets or t*e ormation o a
"o5ernment immediately )alledC t*ey moreo5er solemnly
2romised to s#22ort it* all t*e or)es and
instr#mentalities to be o#nd in t*e ortress:A Many lo)al
so5iets, be"innin" .it* t*e distri)ts o Mos)o., 2ro2osed
t*at t*e #n)tion o s#mmonin" t*e !on"ress be
.it*dra.n rom t*e *ands o t*e disloyal !entral Exe)#ti5e
!ommittee: 0"ainst t*e resol#tions o t*e army
)ommittees o22osin" t*e !on"ress demands or its
)on5o)ation lo.ed in rom battalions, re"iments, )or2s
and lo)al "arrisons: @T*e !on"ress o So5iets m#st seiKe
t*e and sto2 at not*in",A says a mass meetin" o
soldiers in 9ys*tin in t*e 6rals: T*e soldiers o No5"orod
2ro5in)e s#mmoned t*e 2easants to ta8e 2art in t*e
!on"ress, and 2ay no attention to t*e resol#tion o t*e
2easantsJ Exe)#ti5e !ommittee: 3ro5in)ial so5iets, )o#nty
so5iets H t*ese, too, in t*e art*est )orners o t*e )o#ntry H
a)tories, mines, re"iments, dreadno#"*ts, destroyers, .ar
*os2itals, meetin"s, an a#tomobile deta)*ment in
3etro"rad, an amb#lan)e s=#ad in Mos)o. H all .ere
demandin" t*e remo5al o t*e "o5ernment and t*e
transer o to t*e so5iets:
Not )ontent .it* t*is a"itational )am2ai"n, t*e 'ols*e5i8s
)reated an im2ortant or"anisational base by )allin" a
)on"ress o t*e so5iets o t*e nort*ern re"ion )onsistin" o
1<% dele"ates rom 23 2oints: T*at .as a .ell;)al)#lated
blo.L T*e !entral Exe)#ti5e !ommittee #nder t*e
leaders*i2 o its "reat masters in small aairs de)lared
t*is nort*ern )on"ress a 2ri5ate )oneren)e: T*e *and#l
o Mens*e5i8 dele"ates re#sed to ta8e 2art in t*e .or8 o
t*e !on"ress, remainin" only @or 2#r2oses o
inormation:A 0s t*o#"* t*at )o#ld diminis* by a tittle t*e
si"nii)an)e o a )on"ress in .*i)* .ere re2resented t*e
so5iets o 3etro"rad and its s#b#rbs, Mos)o., 9ronstadt,
?elsin"ors, and Re5al H t*at is to say, bot* )a2itals, t*e
na5al ortresses, t*e 'alti) leet and t*e "arrisons
s#rro#ndin" 3etro"rad: T*e !on"ress, o2ened by 0ntono5
H to .*om a military tint .as bein" intentionally "i5en H
too8 2la)e #nder t*e 2residen)y o Ensi"n 9rylen8o, t*e
best a"itator o t*e 2arty at t*e ront, t*e #t#re 'ols*e5i8
)ommander;in;)*ie: 0t t*e )entre o t*e 2oliti)al re2ort,
made by Trots8y, stood t*e =#estion o t*e ne. attem2t o
t*e "o5ernment to remo5e t*e re5ol#tionary re"iments
rom 3etro"rad: T*e !on"ress .ill not 2ermit @t*e
disarmin" o 3etro"rad and stran"lin" t*e So5iet:A T*e
=#estion o t*e 3etro"rad "arrison is an element in t*e
#ndamental 2roblem o @T*e .*ole 2eo2le is
5otin" or t*e 'ols*e5i8sC t*e 2eo2le are tr#stin" #s and
a#t*orisin" #s to seiKe t*e T*e resol#tion
2ro2osed by Trots8y read: @T*e *o#r *as )ome .*en t*e
=#estion o t*e )entral "o5ernment::: )an be de)ided only
by a resol#te and #nanimo#s )omin";o#t o all t*e
so5iets:A T*is almost #ndis"#ised s#mmons to ins#rre)tion
.as ado2ted by all 5otes .it* t*ree abstainin":
Las*e5i)* #r"ed t*e ot*er so5iets to ollo. 3etro"radJs
exam2le and "et )ontrol o t*e lo)al "arrisons: T*e Lettis*
dele"ate, 3eterson, 2romised orty t*o#sand Lettis* s*ar2;
s*ooters or t*e deen)e o t*e !on"ress o So5iets: T*is
anno#n)ement o 3eterson, ra2t#ro#sly "reeted, .as no
em2ty 2*rase: Only a e. days later t*e So5iet o t*e
Lettis* re"iments anno#n)ed:
@Only a 2o2#lar ins#rre)tion:: : .ill ma8e 2ossible t*e
transer o to t*e so5iets:A On t*e 13t* t*e radio
stations o t*e .ars*i2s broad)ast t*ro#"*o#t t*e .*ole
)o#ntry t*e s#mmons o t*e Nort*ern !on"ress to 2re2are
or an 0ll;R#ssian !on"ress o So5iets: @Soldiers, sailors,
2easants, .or8ersL It is yo#r d#ty to o5er)ome all
T*e !entral !ommittee o t*e 2arty s#""ested to t*e
'ols*e5i8 dele"ates o t*e Nort*ern !on"ress t*at in 5ie.
o t*e a22roa)*in" !on"ress o t*e So5iets t*ey s*o#ld not
lea5e 3etro"rad: Indi5id#al dele"ates, at t*e dire)tion o a
b#rea# ele)ted by t*e !on"ress, .ent to t*e army
or"anisations and t*e lo)al so5iets to ma8e re2orts H in
ot*er .ords, to 2re2are t*e 2ro5in)e or ins#rre)tion: T*e
!entral Exe)#ti5e !ommittee sa. a a22arat#s
"ro.n #2 beside itsel, restin" #2on 3etro"rad and
Mos)o., )on5ersin" .it* t*e )o#ntry t*ro#"* t*e radio
stations on t*e dreadno#"*ts, and ready at any moment to
re2la)e t*e de)re2it s#2reme So5iet or"an in t*e matter o
s#mmonin" t*e !on"ress: 3etty or"anisational tri)8s )o#ld
be o no *el2 to t*e !om2romisers *ere:
T*e str#""le or and a"ainst t*e !on"ress "a5e t*e last
im2#lse in t*e lo)alities to t*e 'ols*e5isation o t*e
so5iets: In a n#mber o ba)8.ard 2ro5in)es, Smolens8 or
exam2le, t*e 'ols*e5i8s, eit*er alone or to"et*er .it* t*e
Let So)ial Re5ol#tionaries, "ot t*eir irst maDority only
d#rin" t*is )am2ai"n or t*e !on"ress or d#rin" t*e
ele)tion o dele"ates to it: E5en in t*e Siberian )on"ress o
t*e so5iets t*e 'ols*e5i8s s#))eeded in t*e middle o
O)tober in )reatin" .it* t*e Let So)ial Re5ol#tionaries a
2ermanent maDority .*i)* easily 2la)ed its im2rint #2on
t*e lo)al so5iets: On t*e 1<t* t*e So5iet o 9ie5, by 1<9
5otes a"ainst 2$, .it* 3 abstainin", re)o"nised t*e )omin"
!on"ress o So5iets as @t*e so5erei"n or"an o On
t*e 1(t* t*e !on"ress o So5iets o t*e nort*;.estern
re"ion at Mins8 H t*at is, in t*e )entre o t*e +estern ront
H de)lared t*e )allin" o t*e !on"ress #n2ost2onable: On
t*e 1$t* t*e 3etro"rad So5iet *eld ele)tions or t*e
)omin" !on"ressC &&3 5otes .ere )ast or t*e 'ols*e5i8
list /Trots8y, 9amene5, Volodars8y, M#rene5 and
Las*e5i)*1C or t*e So)ial Re5ol#tionaries, 1(2 H t*ese all
Let So)ial Re5ol#tionaries, tendin" to.ard t*e 'ols*e5i8sC
or t*e Mens*e5i8s &&: 6nder t*e 2residen)y o 9restins8y
a )on"ress o t*e so5iets o t*e 6rals, .*ere $% o#t o t*e
11% dele"ates .ere 'ols*e5i8s, demanded in t*e name o
223,9%% or"anised .or8ers and soldiers t*at t*e !on"ress
o So5iets be )alled at t*e a22ointed date: On t*e same
day, t*e 19t*, an 0ll;R#ssian )oneren)e o a)tory and
s*o2 )ommittees, t*e most dire)t and ind#bitable
re2resentation o t*e 2roletariat in t*e .*ole )o#ntry,
)ame o#t or an immediate transer o to t*e
so5iets: On t*e 2%t* I5ano5o;VoKnesens8 de)lared all t*e
so5iets o t*e 2ro5in)es to be @in a state o o2en and
r#t*less str#""le a"ainst t*e 3ro5isional -o5ernment,A and
s#mmoned t*em to sol5e inde2endently t*e ind#strial and
administrati5e 2roblems o t*eir lo)alities: 0"ainst t*is
resol#tion, .*i)* meant t*e o5ert*ro. o lo)al
"o5ernmental a#t*orities, only one 5oi)e .as raised, .it*
one abstainin": On t*e 22nd, t*e 'ols*e5i8 2ress
2#blis*ed a ne. list o <( or"anisations demandin" a
transer o to t*e so5iets: T*ese .ere all )om2osed
o t*e a#t*enti) masses o t*e 2eo2le, and to a
)onsiderable de"ree armed masses:
T*is all; m#ster;roll o t*e deta)*ments o t*e
)omin" re5ol#tion did not 2re5ent 4an rom re2ortin" to
t*e b#rea# o t*e !entral Exe)#ti5e !ommittee t*at o#t o
917 existin" So5iet or"anisations, only <% *ad res2onded
.it* an a"reement to send dele"ates, and t*ese *ad done
so*o#t any ent*#siasm:A It is easy eno#"* to
#nderstand t*at t*ose e. so5iets .*o still )onsidered it
ne)essary to re2ort t*eir eelin"s to t*e !entral Exe)#ti5e
!ommittee re"arded t*e !on"ress .it*o#t ent*#siasm: 0n
o5er.*elmin" maDority o t*e lo)al so5iets and t*e army
)ommittees *ad sim2ly i"nored t*e !entral Exe)#ti5e
!ommittee alto"et*er:
0lt*o#"* t*ey *ad ex2osed and )om2romised t*emsel5es
.it* t*ese eorts to sabota"e t*e !on"ress, t*e
!om2romisers did not dare )arry t*e .or8 t*ro#"* to t*e
end: +*en it be)ame #tterly ob5io#s t*at t*ey )o#ld not
a5oid a )on"ress, t*ey made an abr#2t abo#t;a)e and
s#mmoned all t*e lo)al or"anisations to ele)t dele"ates to
t*e !on"ress in order not to "i5e t*e 'ols*e5i8s a maDority:
?a5in" .a8ed #2 to t*e sit#ation too late, *o.e5er, t*e
!entral Exe)#ti5e !ommittee o#nd itsel obli"ed only t.o
or t*ree days beore t*e a22ointed date to 2ost2one t*e
!on"ress to O)tober 2<:
T*an8s to t*is last manoe#5re o t*e !om2romisers, t*e
Bebr#ary rG"ime, and bo#r"eois so)iety alon" .it* it,
re)ei5ed an #nex2e)ted 2eriod o "ra)e H rom .*i)*,
*o.e5er, it .as no lon"er )a2able o deri5in" any
s#bstantial beneits: T*e 'ols*e5i8s, moreo5er, em2loyed
t*ese i5e s#22lementary days to "reat ad5anta"e: T*e
enemy a)8no.led"ed t*is later on: @T*e 2ost2onement o
t*e )omin";o#t,A says Mili#8o5, made #se o by t*e
'ols*e5i8s, irst o all to reinor)e t*eir 2osition amon" t*e
3etro"rad .or8ers and soldiers: Trots8y a22eared at
meetin"s in t*e 5ario#s #nits o t*e 3etro"rad "arrison:
T*e mood )reated by *im is exem2liied in t*e a)t t*at in
t*e Semeno5s8y re"iment t*e members o t*e Exe)#ti5e
!ommittee a22earin" ater *im, S8obele5 and -otK, .ere
not allo.ed to s2ea8:A
T*is t#rnin" o t*e Semeno5s8y re"iment, .*ose name
*ad been .ritten in letters o ill omen in t*e *istory o t*e
re5ol#tion, *ad a 8ind o symboli) si"nii)an)e: In
4e)ember 19%<, it .as t*e Semeno5tsi .*o did t*e )*ie
.or8 o )r#s*in" t*e ins#rre)tion in Mos)o.: T*e
)ommander o t*e re"iment, -eneral Min, "a5e t*e order:
@Ta8e no 2risoners:A On t*e Mos)o.;-ol#t5ino railroad
se)tion t*e Semeno5tsi s*ot 1<% .or8ers and )ler8s:
-eneral Min, lattered by t*e )Kar or *is *eroi) deed, .as
8illed in t*e a#t#mn o 19%( by a So)ial Re5ol#tionary
.oman, 9ono2lianni8o5a: Tan"led #2 in t*ese old
traditions t*e Semeno5s8y re"iment *ad *eld its "ro#nd
lon"er t*an t*e maDority o t*e #nits o t*e "#ard: Its
re2#tation or @reliabilityA .as so stron", t*at in s2ite o
t*e dole#l ail#re o S8obele5 and -otK, t*e "o5ernment
st#bbornly )ontin#ed to )o#nt #2on t*e Semeno5tsi ri"*t
#2 to t*e day o t*e ins#rre)tion and e5en ater it:
T*e =#estion o t*e !on"ress o t*e So5iets remained t*e
)entral 2oliti)al =#estion t*ro#"*o#t t*e i5e .ee8s
di5idin" t*e 4emo)rati) !oneren)e rom t*e O)tober
ins#rre)tion: 0t t*e !oneren)e itsel t*e de)laration o t*e
'ols*e5i8s *ad 2ro)laimed t*e )omin" !on"ress o t*e
So5iets t*e so5erei"n or"an o t*e )o#ntry: @Only s#)*
de)isions and 2ro2osals o t*e 2resent !oneren)e ::: )an
ind t*eir .ay to realisation as are ratiied by t*e 0ll;
R#ssian !on"ress o +or8ersJ, 3easantsJ, and SoldiersJ
4e2#ties:A T*e resol#tion a5o#rin" a boy)ott o t*e 3re;
3arliament, s#22orted by one;*al o t*e members o t*e
!entral !ommittee a"ainst t*e ot*er *al, de)lare: @+e
2la)e t*e =#estion o o#r 2artiesJ 2arti)i2ation in t*e 3re;
3arliament in dire)t de2enden)e #2on t*ose meas#res
.*i)* t*e 0ll;R#ssian !on"ress o So5iets s*all ta8e to
)reate a re5ol#tionary "o5ernment:A T*is a22eal to t*e
!on"ress o So5iets r#ns t*ro#"* all t*e 'ols*e5i8
do)#ments o t*is 2eriod almost .it*o#t ex)e2tion:
+it* t*e 2easant .ar 8indlin", t*e national mo5ements
"" bitter, t*e brea8do.n "oin" dee2er, t*e ront
disinte"ratin", t*e "o5ernment #nra5ellin", t*e so5iets
.ere be)omin" t*e sole s#22ort o t*e )reati5e or)es:
E5ery =#estion t#rned into a =#estion abo#t t*e,
and t*e 2roblem o led strai"*t to t*e !on"ress o
So5iets: T*is !on"ress m#st "i5e t*e to all
=#estions, amon" t*em t*e =#estion o t*e !onstit#ent
Not one 2arty *ad yet .it*dra.n t*e slo"an o t*e
!onstit#ent 0ssembly, and t*is in)l#ded t*e 'ols*e5i8s:
'#t almost #nnoti)eably in t*e )o#rse o t*e e5ents o t*e
re5ol#tion, t*is )*ie demo)rati) slo"an, .*i)* *ad or a
de)ade and a *al tin"ed .it* its )olo#r t*e *eroi) str#""le
o t*e masses, *ad "ro.n 2ale and aded o#t, *ad
some*o. been "ro#nd bet.een millstones, *ad be)ome
an em2ty s*ell, a orm na8ed o )ontent, a tradition and
not a 2ros2e)t: T*ere .as not*in" mysterio#s in t*is
2ro)ess: T*e de5elo2ment o t*e re5ol#tion *ad rea)*ed
t*e 2oint o a dire)t battle or bet.een t*e t.o
basi) )lasses o so)iety, t*e bo#r"eoisie and t*e
2roletariat: 0 !onstit#ent 0ssembly )o#ld "i5e not*in"
eit*er to t*e one or t*e ot*er: T*e 2etty bo#r"eoisie o t*e
to.n and )o#ntry )o#ld 2lay only an a#xiliary and
se)ondary rSle in t*is )onli)t: T*ey .ere in any )ase
in)a2able o seiKin" t*e t*emsel5es: I t*e
2re)edin" mont*s *ad 2ro5ed anyt*in", t*ey *ad 2ro5ed
t*at: Ne5ert*eless in a !onstit#ent 0ssembly t*e 2etty
bo#r"eoisie mi"*t still .in H and t*ey a)t#ally did .in as it
t#rned o#t H a maDority, 0nd to .*at end> Only to t*e end
o not" .*at to do .it* it: T*is re5eals t*e
ban8r#2t)y o ormal demo)ra)y in a dee2 *istori) )risis: It
re5eals t*e stren"t* o tradition, *o.e5er, t*at e5en on
t*e e5e o t*e last battle neit*er )am2 *ad yet reno#n)ed
t*e name o t*e !onstit#ent 0ssembly: '#t as a matter o
a)t t*e bo#r"eoisie *ad a22ealed rom t*e !onstit#ent
0ssembly to 9ornilo5, and t*e 'ols*e5is8s to t*e !on"ress
o So5iets:
It may be )onidently ass#med t*at rat*er .ide se)tions o
t*e 2eo2le, and e5en )ertain small strata o t*e 'ols*e5i8
3arty, no#ris*ed )ertain )onstit#tional ill#sions o t*eir
o.n in re"ard to t*e !on"ress o So5iets H t*at is, t*ey
asso)iated .it* it t*e idea o an a#tomati) and 2ainless
transer o rom t*e *ands o t*e !oalition to t*e
*ands o t*e So5iet: In reality it .o#ld be ne)essary to
ta8e t*e by or)eC it .as im2ossible to do t*is by
5otin": Only an armed ins#rre)tion )o#ld de)ide t*e
?o.e5er, o all t*e ill#sions .*i)* a))om2any as an
ine5itable 2remise e5ery "reat 2o2#lar mo5ement, e5en
t*e most realisti), t*is ill#sion o a So5iet
@2arliamentarismA .as in all t*e )ombined )ir)#mstan)es
t*e least dan"ero#s: T*e so5iets .ere in reality str#""lin"
or t*e 2o.erC t*ey .ere )ontin#ally more and more
relyin" #2on armed or)eC t*ey .ere be)omin"
"o5ernments in t*e lo)alitiesC t*ey .ere .innin" t*eir o.n
)on"ress in a i"*t: T*#s t*ere remained b#t little 2la)e or
)onstit#tional ill#sions, and .*at e. s#r5i5ed .ere
.as*ed a.ay in t*e 2ro)ess o t*e str#""le:
In )o;ordinatin" t*e re5ol#tionary eorts o t*e .or8ers
and soldiers o t*e .*ole )o#ntry, "i5in" t*em a sin"le
"oal, "i5in" t*em #nity o aim and a sin"le date or a)tion,
t*e slo"an o t*e So5iet !on"ress, at t*e same time made
it 2ossible to s)reen t*e semi;)ons2irati5e, semi;2#bli)
2re2aration o an ins#rre)tion .it* )ontin#al a22eals to
t*e le"al re2resentation o t*e .or8ers, soldiers and
2easants: ?a5in" t*#s 2romoted t*e assemblin" o or)es
or t*e re5ol#tion, t*e !on"ress o So5iets .as ater.ard
to san)tion its res#lts and "i5e t*e ne. "o5ernment a orm
irre2roa)*able in t*e eyes o t*e 2eo2le:
1: Trots8y: H Trans"
Chapter 4&: The 'ilitary!
(e%ol#tionary Committee
In s2ite o t*e )*an"e o mood be"innin" to.ard t*e end
o ,#ly, t*e So)ial Re5ol#tionaries and Mens*e5i8s
dominated t*e reor"anised 3etro"rad "arrison all t*ro#"*
0#"#st: T*e 2roletariat .as disarmedC t*e Red -#ard *ad
8e2t only a e. t*o#sand riles: In t*ose )ir)#mstan)es,*standin" t*e a)t t*at t*e masses .ere a"ain
)omin" o5er to t*e 'ols*e5i8s, an ins#rre)tion mi"*t end
in )r#el deeat:
T*e sit#ation steadily )*an"ed, *o.e5er, t*ro#"*
Se2tember: 0ter t*e re5olt o t*e "enerals t*e
!om2romisers s.itly lost t*eir" in t*e "arrison:
4istr#st o t*e 'ols*e5i8 .as re2la)ed by sym2at*y, or at
t*e .orst by a .at)*#l ne#trality: '#t t*e sym2at*y .as
not a)ti5e: T*e "arrison remained in a 2oliti)al sense
extremely s*a8y and H as muzhiks are H s#s2i)io#s: 0renJt
t*e 'ols*e5i8s "oin" to de)ei5e #s> +ill t*ey really "i5e #s
2ea)e and land> T*e maDority o t*e soldiers still *ad no
idea o i"*tin" or t*ese aims #nder t*e banner o t*e
'ols*e5i8s: 0nd sin)e t*ere remained in t*e "arrison an
almost )om2letely #nabsorbed minority *ostile to t*e
'ols*e5i8s H i5e or six t*o#sand D#n8ers, t*ree !ossa)8
re"iments, a bi)y)le battalion and an armo#red )ar
di5ision H t*e o#t)ome o a )onli)t in Se2tember seemed
do#bt#l: To *el2 t*in"s alon", *o.e5er, t*e )o#rse o
e5ents bro#"*t one more obDe)t lesson in .*i)* t*e ate o
t*e 3etro"rad soldiers .as s*o.n to be inse2arably bo#nd
#2 .it* t*e ate o t*e re5ol#tion and t*e 'ols*e5i8s:
T*e ri"*t to )ontrol bodies o armed men is a #ndamental
ri"*t o t*e state T*e irst 3ro5isional -o5ernment,
.is*ed #2on t*e 2eo2le by t*e Exe)#ti5e !ommittee, "a5e
an obli"ation not to disarm and not to remo5e rom
3etro"rad t*ose military #nits .*i)* *ad ta8en 2art in t*e
Bebr#ary o5ert#rn .as t*e ormal be"innin" o a military
d#alism inse2arable in essen)e rom t*e do#ble
so5erei"nty: T*e maDor 2oliti)al dist#rban)es o t*e
s#))eedin" mont*s H t*e 02ril demonstration, t*e ,#ly
days: t*e 2re2aration o t*e 9ornilo5 ins#rre)tion and its
li=#idation H ea)* one ine5itably ran into H t*e =#estion o
t*e s#bordination o t*e 3etro"rad "arrison: '#t )onli)ts
bet.een t*e "o5ernment and t*e !om2romisers #2on t*is
t*eme .ere, ater all, a amily matter, and ended
ami)ably: +it* t*e 'ols*e5isation o t*e "arrison t*in"s
too8 a dierent t#rn: T*e soldiers t*emsel5es no. be"an
to re)all t*at obli"ation "i5en by t*e "o5ernment to t*e
Exe)#ti5e !ommittee in Mar)* and trea)*ero#sly bro8en
by t*em: On Se2tember $ t*e soldiersJ se)tion o t*e
So5iet 2#t or.ard a demand t*at t*e re"iments
transerred to t*e ront in )onne)tion .it* t*e ,#ly e5ents
be ret#rned to 3etro"rad: T*is .*ile t*e members o t*e
!oalition .ere tearin" t*eir *air abo#t *o. to "et rid o t*e
remainin" re"iments:
In a n#mber o 2ro5in)ial )ities t*in"s stood abo#t t*e
same .ay as in t*e )a2ital: 4#rin" ,#ly and 0#"#st t*e
lo)al "arrison #nder.ent a 2atrioti) re)onstr#)tionC d#rin"
0#"#st and Se2tember t*e re)onstr#)ted "arrisons
#nder.ent a 2ro)ess o 'ols*e5isation: It .as t*en
ne)essary to be"in o5er rom t*e be"innin" H t*at is, on)e
more #nderta8e transers and re)onstr#)tions: In
2re2arin" its blo. a"ainst 3etro"rad t*e "o5ernment
be"an .it* t*e 2ro5in)es: Its 2oliti)al moti5es .ere
)are#lly )on)ealed #nder 2retexts o strate"y: On
Se2tember 27 a Doint session o t*e so5iets o Re5al H t*at
o t*e )ity and t*e ortress H ado2ted on t*e =#estion o
transers t*e" resol#tion: To )onsider a re"ro#2in"
o or)es admissible only .*en a"reed to in ad5an)e by
t*e )orres2ondin" so5iets: T*e leaders o t*e Vladimir
So5iet in=#ired o Mos)o. .*et*er t*ey s*o#ld obey an
order o 9erens8y transerrin" t*e .*ole "arrison: T*e
Mos)o. re"ional b#rea# o t*e 'ols*e5i8s obser5ed t*at
@orders o t*is 8ind are be)omin" systemati) in relation to
t*e re5ol#tionary;minded "arrisons:A 'eore s#rrenderin"
all its ri"*ts, t*e 3ro5isional -o5ernment .as tryin" to "et
*old o t*e #ndamental ri"*t o e5ery "o5ernment H t*e
ri"*t to dis2ose o armed bodies o men:
T*e reor"anisation o t*e 3etro"rad "arrison .as be)omin"
all t*e more #r"ent be)a#se t*e )omin" !on"ress o
So5iets .as destined to )arry to a de)ision one .ay or
ot*er t*e str#""le or T*e bo#r"eois 2ress, led by
t*e 9adet or"an Rech, .as assertin" e5ery mornin" t*at
.e m#st not @let t*e 'ols*e5i8s )*oose t*e moment or a
de)laration o )i5il .ar:A T*at meant: +e m#st stri8e a
timely blo. at t*e 'ols*e5i8s: T*e attem2t at a
2reliminary )*an"e o t*e )orrelation o or)es in t*e
"arrison lo.ed ine5itably rom t*is 2remise: 0r"#ments
rom strate"i) )onsiderations loo8ed s#i)iently
im2ressi5e ater t*e all o Ri"a and t*e loss o t*e Moon;
s#nd Islands: 4istri)t *ead=#arters iss#ed an order or t*e
reor"anisation o t*e 3etro"rad #nits in 2re2aration or an
oensi5e: 0t t*e same time, #2on t*e initiati5e o t*e
!om2romisers, t*e matter .as bro#"*t #2 in t*e soldiersJ
se)tion o t*e So5iet: ?ere t*e 2lan o t*e enemy .as not
bad: 2resentin" a 2erem2tory strate"i) demand to t*e
So5iet to snat)* t*eir military s#22ort rom #nder t*e eet
o t*e 'ols*e5i8s, or in )ase t*e So5iet resisted, to 2ro5o8e
a s*ar2 )onli)t bet.een t*e 3etro"rad "arrison and t*e
ront, .*i)* .as in need o s#22lementary or)es and
T*e leaders o t*e So5iet, =#ite .ell a.are o t*e tra2
.*i)* *ad been set or t*em, made #2 t*eir minds to eel
o#t t*e "ro#nd )are#lly beore ta8in" any irre5o)able
ste2: 0 lat re#sal to #lil t*e order .as 2ossible only i
t*ey .ere s#re t*at t*e moti5es o t*e re#sal .o#ld be
)orre)tly #nderstood by t*e ront: Ot*er.ise it mi"*t be
more ad5anta"eo#s to )arry o#t, by a"reement .it* t*e
tren)*es, a re2la)ement o )ertain #nits o t*e "arrison
.it* re5ol#tionary #nits rom t*e ront .*i)* .ere In need
o rest: It .as in t*is latter sense, as .e *a5e s*o.n
abo5e, t*at t*e Re5al So5iet *ad already s2o8en:
T*e soldiers a22roa)*ed t*e =#estion more br#s=#ely:
Ta8e t*e oensi5e at t*e ront no., in t*e middle o
a#t#mn> Re)on)ile t*emsel5es to a ne. .inter )am2ai"n>
No, t*ey sim2ly *ad no room in t*eir *eads or t*at idea:
T*e 2atrioti) 2ress immediately o2ened ire on t*e
"arrison: t*e 3etro"rad re"iments, "ro.n at in idleness,
are betrayin" t*e ront: T*e .or8ers too8 t*e side o t*e
soldiers: T*e 3#tilo5 men .ere t*e irst to 2rotest a"ainst
t*e transer o t*e re"iments: Brom t*at time on t*e
=#estion .as ne5er absent rom t*e order o t*e day eit*er
in barra)8 or a)tory: T*is dre. to"et*er t*e t.o se)tions
o t*e So5iet: T*e re"iments be"an to s#22ort most
*eartily t*e demand t*at t*e .or8ers be armed:
0ttem2tin" to 8indle t*e 2atriotism o t*e masses by
t*reatenin" t*e loss o 3etro"rad, t*e !om2romisers
introd#)ed into t*e So5iet on O)tober 9 a motion to )reate
a @!ommittee o Re5ol#tionary 4een)e:A .*ose tas8
s*o#ld be to ta8e 2art in t*e deen)e o t*e )a2ital .it*
t*e a)ti5e )o;o2eration o t*e .or8ers: +*ile re#sin" to
ass#me res2onsibility or @t*e so;)alled strate"y o t*e
3ro5isional -o5ernment and in 2arti)#lar t*e remo5al o
troo2s rom 3etro"rad,A t*e So5iet ne5ert*eless *ad made
no *aste to ex2ress itsel #2on t*e s#bstan)e o t*e order
remo5in" t*e soldiers, b#t *ad de)ided to test its moti5es
and t*e a)ts #2on .*i)* it .as based: T*e Mens*e5i8s
*ad raised a 2rotest: It is not 2ermissible to interere in t*e
o2erati5e orders o t*e )ommandin" sta: '#t it .as only
a mont* and a *al sin)e t*ey *ad tal8ed t*e same .ay
abo#t t*e )ons2iratorial orders o 9ornilo5, and t*ey .ere
reminder o t*is: In order to test t*e =#estion .*et*er t*e
remo5al o t*e troo2s .as di)tated by military or 2oliti)al
)onsiderations, )om2etent body .as needed: To t*e
extreme s#r2rise o t*e !om2romisers t*e 'ols*e5i8s
a))e2ted t*e idea o a @!ommittee o 4een)e:A T*is
)ommittee s*o#ld be t*e one to "at*er all data relatin" to
t*e deen)e o t*e )a2ital: T*at .as an im2ortant ste2:
?a5in" snat)*ed t*is dan"ero#s .ea2on rom t*e *ands o
t*e enemy, t*e So5iet remained in a 2osition to t#rn t*e
de)ision abo#t remo5in" t*e troo2s t*is .ay or t*at
a))ordin" to )ir)#mstan)es H b#t in any )ase a"ainst t*e
"o5ernment and t*e !om2romisers:
T*e 'ols*e5i8s =#ite nat#rally seiKed #2on t*is Mens*e5i8
2roDe)t o a military )ommittee, or t*ere *ad been
)on5ersations oten eno#"* in t*eir o.n ran8s abo#t t*e
ne)essity o )reatin" in "ood season an a#t*oritati5e
So5iet )ommittee to lead t*e )omin" ins#rre)tion: In t*e
Military Or"anisation o t*e 2arty t*ey *ad e5en dra.n #2
2lans or s#)* a body: T*e one dii)#lty t*ey *ad not yet
"ot o5er .as t*at o re)on)ilin" an instr#ment o
ins#rre)tion .it* an ele)ti5e and o2enly #n)tionin"
So5iet, #2on .*ose ben)*es, moreo5er, sat
re2resentati5es o t*e *ostile 2arties: T*e 2atrioti)
2ro2osal o t*e Mens*e5i8s, t*ereore, )ame #2 most
a22ro2riately, and )ame #2 D#st in time to assist in t*e
)reation o a re5ol#tionary *ead=#arters H a body soon to
be renamed @Military Re5ol#tionary !ommitteeA and to
be)ome t*e )*ie le5er o t*e re5ol#tion:
T.o years ater t*e e5ents des)ribed abo5e, t*e a#t*or o
t*is boo8 .rote in an arti)le dedi)ated to t*e O)tober
re5ol#tion: @0s soon as t*e order or t*e remo5al o t*e
troo2s .as )omm#ni)ated by ?ead=#arters to t*e
Exe)#ti5e !ommittee o t*e 3etro"rad So5iet ::: it be)ame
)lear t*at t*is =#estion in its #rt*er de5elo2ment .o#ld
*a5e de)isi5e 2oliti)al si"nii)an)e:A T*e idea o an
ins#rre)tion be"an to ta8e orm rom t*at moment: It .as
no lon"er ne)essary to in5ent a So5iet body: T*e real aim
o t*e #t#re )ommittee .as #ne=#i5o)ally bro#"*t o#t
.*en in t*e same session Trots8y )on)l#ded *is re2ort On
t*e .it* o t*e 'ols*e5i8s rom t*e 3re;3arliament
.it* t*e ex)lamation: @Lon" li5e t*e dire)t and o2en
str#""le or a re5ol#tionary t*ro#"*o#t t*e
)o#ntryLA T*at .as a translation into t*e lan"#a"e o
so5iet le"ality o t*e slo"an: @Lon" li5e t*e armed
On t*e 5ery next day, t*e 1%t*, t*e !entral !ommittee o
t*e 'ols*e5i8s, ado2ted in se)ret session t*e resol#tion o
Lenin 2resentin" armed ins#rre)tion as t*e 2ra)ti)al tas8
o t*e )omin" days: Brom t*at moment t*e 2arty ass#med
a )lear and im2erati5e i"*tin" ormation: T*e !ommittee
o 4een)e .as in)l#ded in its 2lans or a dire)t str#""le
T*e "o5ernment and its allies s#rro#nded t*e "arrison .it*
)on)entri) )ir)les: On t*e 11t* t*e )ommander o t*e
Nort*ern ront, -eneral !*eremisso5, re2orted to t*e +ar
Minister a demand o t*e army )ommittees t*at t*e tired;
o#t ront #nits be re2la)ed by 3etro"rad #nits rom t*e
rear: In t*is instan)e ?ead=#arters .as merely a
transmittin" me)*anism bet.een t*e !om2romisers in t*e
army )ommittees and t*eir 3etro"rad leaders, .*o .ere
stri5in" to )reate a broad )o5er or t*e 2lans o 9erens8y:
T*e !oalition 2ress a))om2anied t*is en)ir)lin" o2eration
.it* a sym2*ony o 2atrioti) ra5in"s: 4aily meetin"s o t*e
re"iments and a)tories demonstrated, *o.e5er, t*at t*is
m#si) o t*e r#lin" s2*eres .as not ma8in" t*e sli"*test
im2ression #2on t*e ran8s: On t*e 12t*, a mass
meetin" o t*e .or8ers o one o t*e most re5ol#tionary
a)tories o t*e )a2ital /t*e Old 3ar5iainen1 made t*e" to t*e atta)8s o t*e bo#r"eoisie: @+e
de)lare t*at .e .ill "o into t*e street .*en .e deem it
ad5isable: +e are not araid o t*e a22roa)*in" str#""le,
and .e )onidently belie5e t*at .e .ill )ome o
In )reatin" a )ommission to dra. #2 re"#lations or t*e
@!ommittee o 4een)e,A t*e Exe)#ti5e !ommittee o t*e
3etro"rad So5iet desi"nated or t*e #t#re military body
s#)* tas8s as t*e": To "et in to#)* .it* t*e
Nort*ern ront and .it* t*e *ead=#arters o t*e 3etro"rad
distri)t, .it* !entrobalt and t*e re"ional so5iet o Binland,
in order to as)ertain t*e military sit#ation and ta8e t*e
ne)essary meas#res: to ta8e a )ens#s o t*e 2ersonal
)om2osition o t*e "arrison o 3etro"rad and its en5irons,
also o t*e amm#nition and military s#22liesC to ta8e
meas#res or t*e 2reser5ation o dis)i2line in t*e soldier
and .or8er masses: T*e orm#la .ere all;in)l#si5e and at
t*e same time ambi"#o#s: t*ey almost all balan)ed on a
ine line bet.een deen)e o t*e )a2ital and armed
ins#rre)tion: ?o.e5er, t*ese t.o tas8s, *eretoore
m#t#ally ex)l#si5e, .ere no. in a)t#al a)t "" into
one: ?a5in" seiKed t*e, t*e So5iet .o#ld be
)om2elled to #nderta8e t*e military deen)e o 3etro"rad:
T*e element o deen)e;)amo#la"e .as not, t*ereore,
5iolently dra""ed in, b#t lo.ed to some extent rom t*e
)onditions 2re)edin" t*e ins#rre)tion:
+it* t*is same 2#r2ose o )amo#la"e a So)ial
Re5ol#tionary and not a 'ols*e5i8 .as 2la)ed at t*e *ead
o t*e )ommission on t*e @!ommittee o 4een)e:A T*is
.as a yo#n" and modest intendant, LaKimir, one o t*ose
Let So)ial Re5ol#tionaries .*o .ere already tra5ellin"
.it* t*e 'ols*e5i8s beore t*e ins#rre)tion H alt*o#"*, to
be s#re, not al.ays oreseein" .*it*er t*e )o#rse .o#ld
lead: LaKimirJs 2reliminary ro#"* drat .as edited by
Trots8y in t.o dire)tions: t*e 2ra)ti)al 2lans relatin" to t*e
)on=#est o t*e "arrison .ere more s*ar2ly deined, t*e
"eneral re5ol#tionary "oal .as still more "lossed o5er: 0s
ratiied by t*e Exe)#ti5e !ommittee a"ainst t*e 2rotest o
t.o Mens*e5i8s, t*e drat in)l#ded in t*e sta o t*e
Military Re5ol#tionary !ommittee t*e 2rTsidi#ms o t*e
So5iet and o t*e soldiersJ se)tion, re2resentati5es o t*e
leet, o t*e re"ional )ommittee o Binland, o t*e railroad
#nions, o t*e a)tory )ommittees, t*e trade #nions, t*e
2arty military or"anisations, t*e Red -#ard, et): T*e
or"anisational basis .as t*e same as in many ot*er )ases,
b#t t*e 2ersonal )om2osition o t*e )ommittee .as
determined by its ne. tas8s: It .as ass#med t*at t*e
or"anisations .o#ld send re2resentati5es amiliar .it*
military aairs or standin" near to t*e "arrison: T*e
)*ara)ter o an or"an s*o#ld be )onditioned by its
0not*er ne. ormation o t*is 2eriod .as no less
im2ortant: 6nder t*e dire)tion o t*e Military Re5ol#tionary
!ommittee t*ere .as )reated a 3ermanent !oneren)e o
t*e -arrison: T*e soldiersJ se)tion re2resented t*e
"arrison 2oliti)ally, t*e de2#ties bein" ele)ted #nder t*e
2arty symbols: T*e -arrison !oneren)e, *o.e5er, .as to
)onsist o t*e re"imental )ommittees .*i)* "#ided t*e
daily li5es o t*eir #nits and t*#s )onstit#ted a more
immediate 2ra)ti)al @"#ildA re2resentation: T*e analo"y
bet.een t*e re"imental and t*e a)tory )ommittees is
ob5io#s: T*ro#"* t*e mediation o t*e .or8ersJ se)tion o
t*e So5iet t*e 'ols*e5i8s .ere able #2on bi" 2oliti)al
=#estions to rely )onidently #2on t*e .or8ers: '#t in
order to be)ome masters in t*e a)tories it *ad been
ne)essary to )arry t*e a)tory and s*o2 )ommittees: T*e
)om2osition o t*e soldiersJ se)tion "#aranteed to t*e
'ols*e5i8s t*e 2oliti)al sym2at*y o t*e maDority o t*e
"arrison: '#t in order to "et t*e 2ra)ti)al dis2osal o t*e
military #nits it .as ne)essary to rely dire)tly on t*e
re"imental )ommittees: T*is ex2lains .*y in t*e 2eriod
2re)edin" t*e ins#rre)tion t*e -arrison !oneren)e
nat#rally )ro.ded o#t t*e soldiersJ se)tion and mo5ed to
t*e )entre o t*e sta"e: T*e more 2rominent de2#ties in
t*e se)tion .ere also, by t*e .ay, members o t*e
In an arti)le .ritten not lon" beore t*ese days H The %risis
is Ripe H Lenin *ad re2roa)*#lly as8ed: @+*at *as t*e
2arty done in t*e matter o as)ertainin" t*e attit#de o t*e
troo2s, et): :::>A*standin" t*e de5oted .or8 o t*e
Military Or"anisation, LeninJs re2roa)* .as D#st: 0 stri)tly
military examination o t*e or)es and materials .as
dii)#lt or t*e 2arty to a)*ie5e: t*e *abit o mind .as
la)8in" and t*e a22roa)*: T*is sit#ation )*an"ed t*e
moment t*e -arrison !oneren)e )ame on t*e s)ene:
?en)eort* a li5in" 2anorama o t*e "arrison H not only o
t*e )a2ital b#t also o t*e military rin" s#rro#ndin" it H
2assed beore t*e eyes o t*e leaders:
On t*e 12t* t*e Exe)#ti5e !ommittee too8 #2 t*e
re"#lations drated by LaKimirJs )ommission: In s2ite o t*e
sessionJs bein" se)ret t*e debate .as )arried on to a
)ertain extent in e=#i5o)al lan"#a"e: @?ere t*ey said one
t*in" and meant anot*er,A .rites S#8*ano5 not #nD#stly:
T*e re"#lations 2ro5ided or t*e establis*ment #nder t*e
!ommittee o de2artments o deen)e, s#22lies,
)omm#ni)ations, intelli"en)e, et):: t*is .as a
*ead=#arters or )o#nter;=#arters: T*ey de)lared it to be
t*e aim o t*e !oneren)e to raise t*e i"*tin" )a2a)ity o
t*e "arrison: t*at .as entirely tr#e, b#t a i"*tin" )a2a)ity
may be a22lied in dierent .ays: T*e Mens*e5i8s
obser5ed .it* *el2less indi"nation t*at an idea ad5an)ed
by t*em or 2atrioti) 2#r2oses .as bein" )on5erted into a
s)reen or t*e 2re2aration o an ins#rre)tion: T*e
)amo#la"e .as by no means im2enetrable H e5erybody
#nderstood .*at t*e tal8 .as abo#t H b#t at t*e same
time it )o#ld not be bro8en t*ro#"*: ?ad not t*e
!om2romisers t*emsel5es be*a5ed in exa)tly t*e same
.ay in t*e 2ast, "ro#2in" t*e "arrison aro#nd t*emsel5es
at )riti)al moments and )reatin" so5erei"n bodies 2arallel
.it* t*ose o t*e "o5ernment> T*e 'ols*e5i8s .ere merely" t*e traditions, so to s2ea8, o t*e d#al '#t
t*ey .ere brin"in" a ne. )ontent into t*ese old orms:
+*at *ad ormerly ser5ed t*e 2#r2ose o )om2romise .as
no. leadin" to )i5il .ar: T*e Mens*e5i8s demanded t*at it
be 2la)ed in t*e re)ord t*at t*ey .ere a"ainst t*e
#nderta8in" as a .*ole: T*is 2latoni) re=#est .as "ranted:
On t*e next day t*e =#estion o t*e Military Re5ol#tionary
!ommittee and t*e -arrison !oneren)e .as ta8en #2 by
t*e soldiersJ se)tion, .*i)* only a little .*ile beore *ad
)onstit#ted t*e lie"#ard o t*e !om2romisers: T*e )*ie
2la)e in t*is 5ery si"nii)ant session .as ri"*tly o))#2ied
by t*e 2resident o t*e !entrobalt, t*e sailor 4yben8o, a
bla)8;bearded "iant, a man .*o ne5er *ad to loo8 in *is
2o)8et or a .ord: T*e s2ee)* o t*is ?elsin"ors "#est
)ras*ed into t*e sta"nant atmos2*ere o t*e "arrison li8e
a 8een and res* sea .ind: 4yben8o told abo#t t*e inal
brea8 o t*e leet .it* t*e "o5ernment and t*eir ne.
attit#des to t*e )ommand: 'eore t*e latest na5al
o2erations be"an, *e said, t*e admiral addressed a
=#estion to t*e !on"ress o Sailors t*en sittin": +ill t*ey
)arry o#t military orders> +e ans.ered: @+e .ill H #nder
s#2er5ision rom o#r side: '#t ::: i .e see t*at t*e leet is
t*reatened .it* destr#)tion, t*e )ommandin" sta .ill be
t*e irst to *an" rom t*e mast;*ead:A To t*e 3etro"rad
"arrison t*is .as a ne. lan"#a"e: E5en in t*e leet it *ad
)ome into #se only in t*e last e. days: It .as t*e
lan"#a"e o ins#rre)tion: T*e little "ro#2 o Mens*e5i8s
"r#mbled distra)tedly in a )orner: T*e 2rTsidi#m loo8ed
o#t .it* some alarm #2on t*at )om2a)t mass o "rey
soldier )oats: Not one 2rotestin" 5oi)e rom t*eir ran8sL
Eyes b#rned li8e )oals in t*eir ex)ited a)es: 0 s2irit o
darin" .as in t*e air:
In )on)l#sion, stim#lated by t*e #ni5ersal sym2at*y,
4yben8o )onidently ex)laimed: @T*ey tal8 abo#t t*e need
o brin"in" o#t t*e 3etro"rad "arrison or t*e deen)e o
t*e a22roa)*es to 3etro"rad and o Re5al in 2arti)#lar:
4onJt belie5e a .ord o it: +e .ill deend Re5al o#rsel5es:
Stay *ere and deend t*e interests o t*e re5ol#tion :::
+*en .e need yo#r s#22ort .e .ill say so o#rsel5es, and I
am )onident t*at yo# .ill s#22ort #s:A T*is )*allen"e,
.*i)* exa)tly mat)*ed t*e mood o t*e soldiers, )alled o#t
a 5eritable .*irl.ind o sin)ere ent*#siasm in .*i)* t*e
2rotests o a e. indi5id#al Mens*e5i8s .ere )om2letely
dro.ned: T*e =#estion o remo5in" t*e re"iments .as
settled rom t*at moment:
T*e re"#lations 2ro2osed by LaKimir .ere ado2ted by a
maDority o 2$3 5otes a"ainst 1, .it* 23 abstainin": T*ese
i"#res, #nex2e)ted e5en to t*e 'ols*e5i8s, "a5e a
meas#re o t*e 2ress#re o t*e re5ol#tionary masses: T*e
5ote meant t*at t*e soldiersJ se)tion *ad o2enly and
oi)ially transerred t*e administration o t*e "arrison
rom *ead=#arters to t*e Military Re5ol#tionary
!ommittee: T*e )omin" days .o#ld s*o. t*at t*is .as no
mere "est#re:
On t*at same day t*e Exe)#ti5e !ommittee o t*e
3etro"rad So5iet made 2#bli) t*e )reation #nder its
s#2er5ision o a s2e)ial de2artment o t*e Red -#ard: T*e
matter o armin" t*e .or8ers, ne"le)ted #nder t*e
!om2romisers and e5en obstr#)ted by t*em, *ad be)ome
one o t*e most im2ortant tas8s o t*e 'ols*e5i8 So5iet:
T*e s#s2i)io#s attit#de o t*e soldiers to.ard t*e Red
-#ard .as already ar in t*e 2ast: On t*e )ontrary, almost
all t*e resol#tions o t*e re"iments )ontained a demand
or t*e armin" o t*e .or8ers: Brom no. on t*e Red -#ard
and t*e "arrison stand side by side: Soon t*ey .ill be still
more )losely #nited by a )ommon s#bmission to t*e
Military Re5ol#tionary !ommittee:
T*e "o5ernment .as .orried: On t*e mornin" o t*e 1&t*,
a )oneren)e o t*e ministers in 9erens8yJs oi)e ratiied
t*e meas#res #nderta8en by *ead=#arters a"ainst t*e
@)omin";o#tA #nder 2re2aration: T*e r#lers .ere "#essin":
+ill it sto2 t*is time at an armed demonstration or .ill it
"o to t*e 2oint o ins#rre)tion> T*e )ommander o t*e
distri)t said to t*e re2resentati5es o t*e 2ress: @In any
)ase .e are ready:A T*ose doomed to deat* not
inre=#ently ex2erien)e an al#x o lie or)e D#st beore
t*e end:
0t a Doint session o t*e Exe)#ti5e !ommittees, 4an,
imitatin" t*e ,#ne intonations o Tseretelli, .*o *ad no.
ta8en re#"e in t*e !a#)as#s, demanded o t*e 'ols*e5i8s
an to t*e =#estion: 4o t*ey intend to )ome o#t,
and i t*ey do, .*en> Brom t*e o RiaKano5, t*e
Mens*e5i8 'o"dano5 dre. t*e not #nD#stiied )on)l#sion
t*at t*e 'ols*e5i8s .ere 2re2arin" an ins#rre)tion and
.o#ld stand at t*e *ead o it: T*e Mens*e5i8 2a2er .rote:
@0nd t*e 'ols*e5i8s are e5idently relyin" in t*eir 2lans or
a )omin" OseiK#re o 2o.erJ on t*e "arrisonJs stayin"
*ere:A '#t in t*is remar8 t*e 2*rase @seiK#re o 2o.erA
.as in =#otation mar8s: T*e !om2romisers still did not
serio#sly belie5e in t*e dan"er: T*ey did not ear t*e
5i)tory o t*e 'ols*e5i8s so m#)* as t*e tri#m2* o t*e
)o#nter;re5ol#tion in )onse=#en)e o ne. )i5il .ar
?a5in" #nderta8en to arm t*e .or8ers, t*e So5iet *ad to
ind its .ay to t*e .ea2ons: T*is did not *a22en all at
on)e: ?ere too ea)* 2ra)ti)al ste2 or.ard .as s#""ested
by t*e masses: It .as only ne)essary to listen attenti5ely
to t*eir s#""estions: Bo#r years ater t*e e5ent, Trots8y, in
an e5enin" de5oted to re)olle)tions o t*e O)tober
re5ol#tion, told t*e" story: @+*en a dele"ation
rom t*e .or8ers )ame to me and said t*ey needed
.ea2ons, I ans.ered: O'#t t*e arsenals, yo# see, are not in
o#r *ands:J T*ey ans.ered: O+e *a5e been to t*e
Sestrorets8 0rms Ba)tory:J O+ell, and .*at abo#t it>J OT*ey
said t*at i t*e So5iet ordered t*ey .o#ld deli5er:J I "a5e
an order or i5e t*o#sand riles, and t*ey "ot t*em t*e
same day: T*at .as t*e irst ex2eriment:A T*e *ostile
2ress immediately raised a )ry a"ainst t*is deli5ery o
.ea2ons by a "o5ernment a)tory #2on t*e order o a
2erson indi)ted or state treason, and only released rom
2rison on bail: T*e "o5ernment 8e2t still, b#t t*e *i"*est
or"an o t*e demo)ra)y )ame or.ard .it* a stri)t
)ommand: +ea2ons .ere to be "i5en to nobody .it*o#t
its stri)t 2ermission H t*e 2ermission o t*e !entral
Exe)#ti5e !ommittee o t*e So5iets: It mi"*t seem t*at on
t*e =#estion o deli5erin" .ea2ons 4an and -otK .ere as
little in a 2osition to orbid, as Trots8y to 2ermit or "i5e
orders: T*e a)tories and arsenals .ere s#22osed to be
#nder "o5ernment administration: '#t i"norin" t*e oi)ial
a#t*orities at all serio#s moments *ad be)ome a tradition
.it* t*e !entral Exe)#ti5e !ommittee, and *ad
2ermanently entered into t*e )#stoms o t*e "o5ernment
itsel, )orres2ondin" as it did to t*e nat#re o t*in"s: T*e
5iolation o tradition and )#stom )ame, *o.e5er, rom
anot*er dire)tion: ?a5in" )eased to distin"#is* t*e
t*#nderin"s o t*e !entral Exe)#ti5e !ommittee rom t*e
li"*tnin"s o 9erens8y, t*e .or8ers and soldiers i"nored
t*em bot*:
It .as more )on5enient to demand t*e transer o t*e
3etro"rad re"iments in t*e name o t*e ront t*an in t*e
name o t*e )*an)elleries at t*e rear: Bor t*ese reasons
9erens8y 2la)ed t*e 3etro"rad "arrison #nder t*e
)ommander;in;)*ie o t*e Nort*ern ront, !*eremisso5:
+*ile ex)l#din" t*e )a2ital in its military as2e)t rom *is
o.n administration as t*e *ead o t*e "o5ernment,
9erens8y too8 )omort in t*e t*o#"*t t*at *e .o#ld
s#bDe)t it to *imsel as )ommander;in;)*ie o t*e army: In
*is t#rn -eneral !*eremisso5, .*o .as "oin" to be a 5ery
*ard n#t to )ra)8, so#"*t *el2 rom t*e )ommissars and
)ommittee;men: +it* t*eir )ommon labo#rs a 2lan o
#t#re a)ti5ities .as dra.n #2: On t*e 7t* t*e
*ead=#arters at t*e ront, to"et*er .it* t*e army
or"anisations, .as to s#mmon re2resentati5es o t*e
3etro"rad So5iet to 3s8o5 in order in t*e 2resen)e o t*e
tren)*es to 2resent t*em .it* a br#s=#e demand:
T*ere .as not*in" or t*e 3etro"rad So5iet to do b#t
a))e2t t*e )*allen"e: T*e dele"ation o a s)ore or so
a22ointed at t*e session o t*e 1(t* H abo#t *al members
o t*e So5iet and *al re2resentati5es o t*e re"iments H
.as *eaded by t*e 2resident o t*e +or8ersJ Se)tion,
Beodoro5, and leaders o t*e SoldiersJ Se)tion and t*e
Military Or"anisation o t*e 'ols*e5i8s H Las*e5i)*,
Sado5s8y, Me8*onos*in, 4as*8e5i)* and ot*ers: 0 e. let
So)ial Re5ol#tionaries and Mens*e5i8;Internationalists,
in)l#ded in t*e dele"ation, 2romised to deend t*e 2oli)y
o t*e So5iet: 0t a )oneren)e o t*e dele"ates *eld beore
t*eir de2art#re t*e drat o a de)laration 2ro2osed by
S5erdlo5 .as ado2ted:
T*e same session o t*e So5iet too8 #2 t*e re"#lations o
t*e Military Re5ol#tionary !ommittee: T*is instit#tion *ad
barely )ome into existen)e .*en it ass#med in t*e eyes o
t*e enemy an as2e)t "" e5ery day more *ate#l:
@T*e 'ols*e5i8s ma8e no,A )ried an orator o t*e
o22osition, @to t*e dire)t =#estion: 0re t*ey 2re2arin" an
atta)8> T*is is eit*er )o.ardi)e or la)8 o )oniden)e in
t*eir or)es:A T*e meetin" "reeted t*is remar8 .it* *earty
la#"*ter: t*e re2resentati5e o t*e "o5ernment 2arty .as
demandin" t*at t*e 2arty o ins#rre)tion o2en t*e se)rets
o its *eart to *im: T*e ne. )ommittee, )ontin#ed t*e
orator, is not*in" else b#t @a re5ol#tionary *ead=#arters
or t*e seiK#re o T*ey, t*e Mens*e5i8s .o#ld not
enter it: @?o. many are t*ere o yo#>A )ried a 5oi)e rom
t*e ben)*es: t*ere .ere indeed only a e. Mens*e5i8s in
t*e So5iet, ity alto"et*er: '#t ne5ert*eless it seemed
a#t*oritati5ely 8no.n to t*em t*at @t*e masses are not in
a5o#r o )omin" o#t:A In *is re2ly Trots8y did not deny
t*at t*e 'ols*e5i8s .ere 2re2arin" or a seiK#re o
@+e ma8e no se)ret o t*at:A '#t at 2resent, *e said, t*at
is not t*e =#estion: T*e "o5ernment *as demanded t*e
remo5al o t*e re5ol#tionary troo2s rom 3etro"rad and to
t*at @.e *a5e to yes or no:A T*e re"#lations
drated by LaKimir .ere ado2ted by an o5er.*elmin"
maDority: T*e 2resident 2ro2osed to t*e Military
Re5ol#tionary !ommittee to be"in .or8 on t*e"
day: T*#s one more or.ard ste2 .as ta8en:
T*e )ommander o t*e distri)t, 3ol8o5ni8o5, *ad t*at day
on)e more re2orted to t*e "o5ernment t*at an a)tion .as
#nder 2re2aration by t*e 'ols*e5i8s: T*e re2ort .as
)o#)*ed in bold lan"#a"e: t*e "arrison as a .*ole is on
t*e side o t*e "o5ernmentC t*e oi)ersJ s)*ools *a5e
re)ei5ed an order to be ready: In an a22eal to t*e
2o2#lation 3ol8o5ni8o5 2romised in )ase o ne)essity to
ado2t @t*e most extreme meas#res:A T*e b#r"omaster,
S)*reider, a So)ial Re5ol#tionary, added a 2rayer on *is
2art t*at @no disorders s*all be insti"ated so t*at .e may
a5oid a)t#al amine in t*e )a2ital:A T*reatenin" and
adD#rin", ma8in" bold and ma8in" timid, t*e 2ress
mean.*ile .as risin" to a *i"*er and *i"*er note:
To im2ress t*e ima"ination o dele"ates rom t*e
3etro"rad So5iet, a military;t*eatri)al settin" .as arran"ed
or t*e re)e2tion in 3s8o5: In t*e oi)e o *ead=#arters
aro#nd tables )o5ered .it* im2osin" ma2s stood notable
"enerals, *i"* )ommissars, .it* Voitins8y at t*eir *ead,
and re2resentati5es o t*e army )ommittees: T*e )*ies o
t*e de2artments read re2orts o t*e military sit#ation on
land and sea: 0ll t*e re2orts )ame to one and t*e same
)on)l#sion: It is ne)essary to )all o#t t*e 3etro"rad
"arrison immediately or t*e deen)e o t*e a22roa)*es to
t*e )a2ital: T*e )ommissars and )ommittee;men
indi"nantly re#ted all s#s2i)ions in re"ard to *idden
2oliti)al moti5es: t*e .*ole o2eration, t*ey de)lared, *as
been di)tated by strate"i) ne)essity: T*e dele"ates *ad no
dire)t 2roos to t*e )ontrary: in t*is 8ind o b#siness
e5iden)e does not "ro. on e5ery b#s*: '#t t*e .*ole
sit#ation .as a re#tation: T*e ront *ad no la)8 o men:
+*at it la)8ed .as .illin"ness to i"*t: T*e mood o t*e
3etro"rad "arrison .as by no means s#)* as to reinor)e a
ront so s*a8en: Moreo5er t*e lessons o t*e 9ornilo5 days
.ere still in t*e memories o all: T*oro#"*ly )on5in)ed o
t*eir )orre)tness, t*e dele"ation easily resisted t*e assa#lt
o *ead=#arters, and ret#rned to 3etro"rad more
#nanimo#s t*an .*en t*ey *ad let:
T*ose dire)t 2roos .*i)* t*e 2arti)i2ants at t*at time
la)8ed are no. at t*e dis2osal o t*e *istorian: T*e se)ret
military )orres2onden)e 2ro5es t*at it .as not t*e ront
.*i)* *ad demanded t*e 3etro"rad re"iments, b#t t*at
9erens8y *ad im2osed t*em #2on t*e ront: To a tele"ram
rom *is +ar Minister, t*e )ommander;in;)*ie o t*e
Nort*ern ront ans.ered on t*e dire)t .ire: @Se)ret: 17: V:
T*e initiati5e or sendin" t*e troo2s o t*e 3etro"rad
"arrison to t*e ront .as yo#rs and not mine ::: +*en it
be)ame )lear t*at t*e troo2s o t*e 3etro"rad "arrison did
not .ant to "o to t*e ront, t*at is, t*at t*ey are not
)a2able o i"*tin", I t*en in a 2ri5ate )on5ersation .it*
yo#r oi)er;re2resentati5e said t*at ::: .e *a5e already
2lenty o s#)* troo2s at t*e rontC b#t in 5ie. o t*e desire
ex2ressed by yo# to send t*em to t*e ront, I did not
re#se t*em and I do not re#se t*em no., i yo#, as
beore, )onsider t*eir transer rom 3etro"rad ne)essary:A
T*e semi;belli)ose tone o t*is tele"ram is ex2lained by
t*e a)t t*at !*eremisso5, a "eneral .it* a taste or *i"*
2oliti)s, *a5in" been )onsidered @RedA .*ile in t*e )KarJs
army, and *a5in" ater.ard be)ome, a))ordin" to
Mili#8o5Js ex2ression, @t*e a5o#rite o t*e re5ol#tionary
demo)ra)y,A *ad e5idently )ome to t*e )on)l#sion t*at it
.o#ld be better to dra. a2art in "ood season rom t*e
"o5ernment and its )onli)t .it* t*e 'ols*e5i8s: T*e
)ond#)t o !*eremisso5 d#rin" t*e days o t*e re5ol#tion
.*olly )onirms t*is ass#m2tion:
T*e str#""le abo#t t*e "arrison inter.o5e .it* t*e
str#""le abo#t t*e So5iet !on"ress: Only o#r or i5e days
remained beore t*e date ori"inally desi"nated: T*e
@)omin";o#tA .as ex2e)ted in )onne)tion .it* t*e
!on"ress: It .as ass#med t*at as in t*e ,#ly 4ays t*e
mo5ement .o#ld de5elo2 on t*e ty2e o an armed mass
demonstration .it* street i"*tin": T*e ri"*t Mens*e5i8
3otresso5, ob5io#sly relyin" #2on data s#22lied by t*e
Intelli"en)e Ser5i)e, or by t*e Bren)* +ar Mission H al.ays
bold in t*e man#a)t#re o or"ed do)#ments H ex2o#nded
in t*e bo#r"eois 2ress t*e 2lan o a 'ols*e5i8 a)tion .*i)*
.as to ta8e 2la)e on t*e ni"*t o O)tober 17: T*e
in"enio#s a#t*ors o t*e 2lan did not or"et to oretell t*at
at one o t*e "ates o t*e )ity t*e 'ols*e5i8s .ere to 2i)8
#2 t*e @dar8 elements:A T*e soldiers o t*e -#ard
re"iments .ere as "ood at la#"*in" as t*e "ods o ?omer:
T*e .*ite 2illars and )*andeliers o Smolny s*oo8 .it*
#2roario#s 5olleys .*en 3otresso5Js arti)le .as read at a
meetin" o t*e So5iet: '#t t*e all;.ise "o5ernment, #nable
as e5er to see .*at .as ta8in" 2la)e beore its eyes, too8
serio#s ri"*t at t*is a.8.ard or"ery, and *astily
assembled at t.o oJ)lo)8 in t*e mornin" in order to *old
o t*ese @dar8 elements:A 0ter rene.ed )oneren)es
bet.een 9erens8y and t*e military a#t*orities t*e
ne)essary meas#res .ere ta8en: T*e "#ards o t*e +inter
3ala)e and t*e State 'an8 .ere reinor)edC t.o trainin"
s)*ools .ere )alled in rom Oranienba#m, and e5en an
armo#red train rom t*e R#manian ront: @0t t*e last
moment,A .rites Mili#8o5, @t*e 'ols*e5i8s re5o8ed t*eir
2re2arations: +*y t*ey did t*is is not )lear:A E5en se5eral
years ater t*e e5ent t*e learned *istorian still 2reers to
belie5e an in5ention .*i)* )ontained its o.n re#tation:
T*e a#t*orities dire)ted t*e militia to in5esti"ate t*e
en5irons o t*e )ity to see i t*ey )o#ld ind si"ns o any
2re2aration or a )omin";o#t: T*e re2orts o t*e militia
.ere a )ombination o li5e obser5ations .it* 2oli)e
st#2idity: In t*e 0lexandro;Ne5s8y se)tion, .*i)* )ontains
a n#mber o bi" a)tories, t*e in5esti"ators o#nd
)om2lete tran=#illity: In t*e Vybor" distri)t t*e ne)essity o
o5ert*" t*e "o5ernment .as bein" o2enly 2rea)*ed,
b#t @externallyA all .as =#iet: In t*e Vassilie;Ostro5 distri)t
t*e mood .as *i"*, b#t *ere too @externalA si"ns o an
a)tion .ere not to be obser5ed: On t*e Nar5a side a
redo#bled a"itation in a5o#r o a)tion .as "oin" on, b#t it
.as im2ossible to "et an rom anybody to t*e
=#estion, D#st .*en: Eit*er t*e day and *o#r .ere bein"
8e2t stri)tly se)ret, or t*ey .ere really #n8no.n to
anybody: 4e)ision: to reinor)e t*e 2atrols in t*e s#b#rbs
and *a5e t*e )ommissars o t*e militia ins2e)t t*e sentry
2osts more re=#ently:
!ertain )orres2onden)e in t*e Mos)o. liberal 2ress is not
a bad s#22lement to t*e re2orts o t*e militia: @In t*e
s#b#rbs, at t*e 3etersb#r" a)tories, Ne5s8y, Ob#8*o5s8y
and 3#tilo5, 'ols*e5i8 a"itation in a5o#r o a )omin";o#t
is in 2ro"ress e5ery.*ere: T*e .or8ers are in a state to
start mo5in" at any moment: 4#rin" re)ent days t*ere *as
been obser5ed in 3etro"rad an #n*eard o inl#x o
deserters ::: 0t t*e +arsa. station yo# )anJt "et t*ro#"*
be)a#se o t*e soldiers .it* t*eir s#s2i)io#s loo8s, t*eir
b#rnin" eyes in ex)ited a)es ::: T*ere is inormation o t*e
2resen)e in 3etro"rad o .*ole "an"s o t*ie5es .*o *a5e
)a#"*t t*e smell o t*eir 2rey: T*e dar8 or)es are bein"
or"anised, and t*e dens and l#n)*;rooms are brim #ll o
t*em :::A 3*ilistine ri"*t and 2oli)e r#mo#r *ere
inter.ea5e .it* )ertain amo#nt o a#stere a)t: In
a22roa)*in" its )limax t*e re5ol#tionary )ries stirred #2
t*e so)ial dee2s to t*e 5ery bottom: 4eserters and robber;
"an"s and t*e dens o ini=#ity did a)t#ally all rise at t*e
r#mble o t*e a22roa)*in" eart*=#a8e: T*e leaders o
so)iety "aKed .it* 2*ysi)al *orror at t*e #nleas*ed or)es
o t*eir o.n rG"ime, at its #l)ers and 5i)es: T*e re5ol#tion
*ad not )reated b#t only #n)o5ered t*em:
0t t*e *ead=#arters o a )or2s in 45ins8 in t*ose days,
'aron '#dber", a man already 8no.n to #s, a bilio#s
rea)tionary, b#t not .antin" a "it o obser5ation and *is
o.n 8ind o 2enetration, .rote: @T*e 9adets, t*e
9adetoids, t*e O)tobrists, and t*e many;)olo#red
re5ol#tionists o t*e an)ient and o t*e Mar)* ormation,
eel t*eir end a22roa)*in" and )*ir2 and )*atter on all
sides, remindin" one o t*e M#ss#lman .*o tried to sto2
an e)li2se o t*e moon .it* a rattle:A
T*e -arrison !oneren)e .as irst )alled to"et*er on t*e
1$t*: T*e tele2*ono"ram sent to t*e military #nits told
t*em to rerain rom a)tions on t*eir o.n initiati5e, and
#lil only t*ose orders o *ead=#arters .*i)* s*o#ld be
)o#ntersi"ned by t*e SoldiersJ Se)tions: In t*is t*e So5iet
.as ma8in" a de)isi5e and o2en attem2t to ta8e )ontrol o
t*e "arrison: T*e tele2*ono"ram .as in essen)e not*in"
else t*an a s#mmons to o5ert*ro. t*e existin" a#t*orities:
'#t it )o#ld be inter2reted i one .is*ed, as a 2ea)e#l a)t
o re2la)in" t*e !om2romisers .it* 'ols*e5i8s in t*e
me)*ani) o t*e d#al 3ra)ti)ally t*is )ame to t*e
same t*in", b#t t*e more lexible inter2retation let room
or ill#sions: T*e 2rTsidi#m o t*e !entral Exe)#ti5e
!ommittee, )onsiderin" itsel t*e master o Smolny, made
an attem2t to sto2 t*e des2at)* o t*e tele2*ono"ram: It
only )om2romised itsel on)e more: T*e assembly o
re2resentati5es o t*e re"imental and )om2any
)ommittees o 3etro"rad and t*e en5irons o))#rred at t*e
desi"nated *o#r, and t#rned o#t to be extraordinarily
T*an8s to t*e atmos2*ere )reated by t*e enemy, t*e
re2orts o t*e 2arti)i2ants in t*is -arrison !oneren)e
a#tomati)ally )on)entrated #2on t*e =#estion o t*e
2ros2e)ti5e @)omin";o#t:A T*ere o))#rred a si"nii)ant
m#ster;roll, #2on .*i)* t*e leaders .o#ld s)ar)ely *a5e
5ent#red #2on t*eir o.n initiati5e: T*ose a"ainst t*e
a)tion .ere t*e military s)*ool in 3eter*o and t*e Nint*
!a5alry re"iment: T*e s=#adrons o t*e )a5alry o t*e
-#ard .ere in)lined to ne#trality: T*e military S)*ool in
Oranienba#m .o#ld s#bmit only to t*e )ommands o t*e
!entral Exe)#ti5e !ommittee: T*at ex*a#sted t*e *ostile
or ne#tral 5oi)es: T*ose de)larin" t*eir readiness to )ome
o#t at a .ord rom t*e 3etro"rad So5iet .ere t*e":
t*e E"ers8y, t*e Mos)o., t*e Volyns8y, t*e 3a5ol5s8y, t*e
9e8s"olms8y, t*e Semeno5s8y, t*e IKmailo5s8y, t*e irst
s*ar2s*ooters and t*e t*ird reser5e re"iments, t*e se)ond
'alti) )re., t*e ele)tro;te)*ni)al battalion and t*e artillery
di5ision o t*e -#ardC t*e "renadier re"iment .o#ld )ome
o#t only at t*e s#mmons o t*e !on"ress o So5iets: T*at
.as eno#"*: T*e less im2ortant #nits ollo.ed t*e lead o
t*e maDority: T*e re2resentati5es o t*e !entral Exe)#ti5e
!ommittee, .*o *ad not lon" a"o D#stly )onsidered t*e
3etro"rad "arrison t*e so#r)e o t*eir, .ere no.
almost #nanimo#sly denied t*e loor: In a state o im2otent
exas2eration t*ey let t*e @#na#t*orisedA assembly, .*i)*
immediately t*ereater at t*e s#""estion o t*e 2resident
de)lared: No orders are 5alid .it*o#t t*e )o#ntersi"n o
t*e So5iet:
T*at .*i)* *ad been 2re2arin" in t*e minds o t*e
"arrison d#rin" t*e last mont*s, and es2e)ially .ee8s .as
no. )rystallisin", T*e "o5ernment t#rned o#t more
insi"nii)ant t*an it *ad been 2ossible to t*in8: +*ile t*e
to.n .as b#KKin" .it* r#mo#rs o a )omin";o#t and o
bloody battles, t*e !oneren)e o re"imental !ommittees,
s*" an o5er.*elmin" 2redominan)e o 'ols*e5i8s,
made bot* demonstrations and mass battles essentially
#nne)essary: T*e "arrison .as )onidently ad5an)in" to
t*e re5ol#tion, seein" it not as an ins#rre)tion, b#t as a
realisation o t*e irre#table ri"*t o t*e So5iet to de)ide
t*e ate o t*e )o#ntry: T*is mo5ement *ad in)om2arable, b#t at t*e same time a )ertain *ea5iness: T*e
2arty .as obli"ed to att#ne its a)ti5ity .it* some s8ill to
t*e 2oliti)al stride o t*e re"iments, a maDority o .*om
.ere a.aitin" a s#mmons rom t*e 3etersb#r" So5iet, b#t
some rom t*e !on"ress o So5iets:
In order to .ard o t*e dan"er o e5en a tem2orary
intereren)e .it* t*e de5elo2ment o t*e oensi5e, it .as
ne)essary to one =#estion .*i)* .as dist#rbin"
not only enemies b#t riends: +ill not an ins#rre)tion
s2ontaneo#sly brea8 o#t almost any day> In t*e tram.ays,
on t*e streets, in t*e stores, t*ere .as no tal8 b#t o an
ex2e)ted )omin";o#t: On t*e 3ala)e S=#are, in ront o t*e
+inter 3ala)e and t*e -eneral Sta, lon" =#e#es o
oi)ers .ere oerin" t*e "o5ernment t*eir ser5i)es and
re)ei5in" re5ol5ers in ex)*an"e: in t*e *o#rs o dan"er
neit*er t*e re5ol5ers nor t*eir o.ners .ill 2#t in one
se)ondJs a22earan)e: T*e leadin" editorials in all t*e
)#rrent 2a2ers .ere de5oted to t*e =#estion o t*e
ins#rre)tion: -or8y demanded o t*e 'ols*e5i8s t*at
#nless t*ey .ere t*e @*el2less 2layt*in"s o t*e enra"ed
m#ltit#de,A t*ey s*o#ld re#te t*ese r#mo#rs: T*is alarm
o #n)ertainty 2enetrated e5en t*e .or8ersJ se)tions, and
still more t*e re"iments: To t*em, too, it be"an to seem as
t*o#"* a )omin";o#t .ere bein" 2re2ared .it*o#t t*em:
0nd by .*om> +*y .as Smolny silent> T*e sel;
)ontradi)tory sit#ation o t*e So5iet as a 2#bli) 2arliament
and at t*e same time a re5ol#tionary *ead=#arters,
)reated "reat dii)#lties in t*ose last moments: It be)ame
im2ossible to remain lon"er silent:
@4#rin" t*e last days,A de)lared Trots8y at t*e end o an
e5enin"Js session o t*e So5iet, @t*e 2ress *as been #ll o
)omm#ni)ations, r#mo#rs, arti)les abo#t an im2edin"
a)tion ::: T*e de)isions o t*e 3etro"rad So5iet are
2#blis*ed and made 8no.n to e5erybody: T*e So5iet is an
ele)ti5e instit#tion, and )annot *a5e a de)ision .*i)*
.o#ld not be 8no.n to t*e .or8ers and soldiers ::: I
de)lare in t*e name o t*e So5iet t*at no armed a)tions
*a5e been settled #2on by #s, b#t i t*e So5iet in t*e
)o#rse o e5ents s*o#ld be obli"ed to set t*e date or a
)omin";o#t, t*e .or8ers and soldiers .o#ld )ome o#t to
t*e last man at its s#mmons: T*ey say t*at I si"ned an
order or i5e t*o#sand riles ::: Mes, I si"ned it ::: T*e
So5iet .ill )ontin#e to or"anise and arm t*e .or8ersJ
"#ard:A T*e dele"ates #nderstood: t*e battle .as near,
b#t .it*o#t t*em and o5er t*eir *eads t*e si"nal .o#ld
not be "i5en:
?o.e5er, besides a reass#rin" ex2lanation, t*e masses
*ad to *a5e a )lear re5ol#tionary 2ros2e)ti5e: Bor t*is
2#r2ose t*e s2ea8er #nited t*e t.o =#estions H remo5al o
t*e "arrison and )omin" !on"ress o So5iets: @+e are in
)onli)t .it* t*e "o5ernment #2on a =#estion .*i)* may
be)ome extremely s*ar2 ::: +e .ill not 2ermit t*em ::: to
stri2 3etro"rad o its re5ol#tionary "arrison:A T*is )onli)t
is in its t#rn s#bordinate to anot*er t*at a22roa)*es: @It is
8no.n to t*e bo#r"eoisie t*at t*e 3etro"rad So5iet is
"oin" to 2ro2ose to t*e !on"ress o So5iets t*at t*ey seiKe
t*e ::: 0nd oreseein" an ine5itable battle, t*e
bo#r"eois )lasses are tryin" to disarm 3etro"rad:A T*e
2oliti)al set;#2 o t*e re5ol#tion .as irst "i5en in t*is
s2ee)* .it* )om2lete deinition: +e ex2e)t to seiKe t*e, .e need t*e "arrison, and .e .ill not "i5e it #2: @0t
t*e irst attem2t o t*e )o#nter;re5ol#tion to brea8 #2 t*e
!on"ress, .e .ill .it* a )o#nter;atta)8 .*i)* .ill
be r#t*less, and .*i)* .e .ill )arry t*ro#"* to t*e end:A
?ere, too, t*e anno#n)ement o a de)isi5e 2oliti)al
oensi5e .as made #nder t*e orm#la o military deen)e:
S#8*ano5, .*o t#rned #2 at t*is meetin" .it* a *o2eless
2lan to dra. t*e So5iet into a )elebration o -or8yJs itiet*
anni5ersary, s#bse=#ently made an a2t )omment on t*e
re5ol#tionary 8not .*i)* .as tied t*ere: Bor Smolny, *e
said, t*e =#estion o t*e "arrison is a =#estion o
ins#rre)tionC or t*e soldiers it is a =#estion o t*eir o.n
ate: @It .o#ld be dii)#lt to ima"ine a more ort#nate
startin" 2oint or t*e 2oli)y o t*ose days:A T*is did not
2re5ent S#8*ano5 rom )onsiderin" t*e 2oli)y o t*e
'ols*e5i8s as a .*ole r#ino#s: 0lon" .it* -or8y and
t*o#sands o radi)al intelle)t#als *e eared abo5e all
t*in"s t*at so;)alled @enra"ed m#ltit#deA .*i)* .as .it*
admirable deliberation de5elo2in" its oensi5e rom day to
T*e So5iet .as s#i)iently to anno#n)e o2enly
its 2ro"ramme o state re5ol#tion and e5en set t*e date:
0t t*e same time H ri"*t #2 to t*e date set by itsel or t*e
)om2lete 5i)tory H t*e So5iet .as 2o.erless in t*o#sands
o "reat and small =#estions: 9erens8y, 2oliti)ally already
red#)ed to a Kero, .as still "i5in" o#t de)rees in t*e
+inter 3ala)e: Lenin, t*e ins2irer o t*is in)om2arable
mo5ement o t*e masses, .as *idin" #nder"ro#nd, and
t*e Minister o ,#sti)e, Milianto5i)*, *ad rene.ed in t*ose
days *is instr#)tions to t*e distri)t attorney to brin" abo#t
LeninJs arrest: E5en in Smolny, on its o.n territory, t*e all; 3etro"rad So5iet seemed to be li5in" only by
"ra)e o t*e a#t*orities: T*e administration o t*e b#ildin",
o t*e )as*box, o t*e des2at)*in" room, t*e a#tomobiles,
t*e tele2*ones H all .as still in t*e *ands o t*e !entral
Exe)#ti5e !ommittee .*i)* itsel only *#n" on by t*e
mere t*read o an abstra)t ri"*t o s#))ession:
S#8*ano5 tells *o. ater t*e meetin" *e )ame o#t in t*e
t*i)8 o ni"*t on Smolny S=#are, in bla)8 dar8ness .it*
rain )omin" do.n in s*eets: T*e .*ole )ro.d o dele"ates
.ere *o2elessly millin" aro#nd a )o#2le o smo8in" and
stin8in" a#tomobiles .*i)* *ad been assi"ned to t*e
'ols*e5i8 So5iet rom t*e o2#lent "ara"es o t*e !entral
Exe)#ti5e !ommittee: @T*e 2resident, Trots8y, .as also
abo#t to a22roa)* t*e a#tomobile,A relates t*is
omni2resent obser5er: @'#t ater sto22in" and loo8in" on
or a min#te *e )*#)8led and, s2las*in" t*ro#"* t*e
2#ddles, disa22eared in t*e dar8ness:A On t*e 2latorm o
t*e tram)ar, S#8*ano5 ran into some #n8no.n small;siKed
ello. o modest a22earan)e .it* a bla)8 "oatee: T*e
#n8no.n tried to )onsole S#8*ano5 in all t*e dis)omorts
o t*e lon" Do#rney: @+*o is t*at>A as8ed S#8*ano5 o *is
'ols*e5i8 )om2anion: @0n old 2arty .or8er, S5erdlo5:A In
less t*an t.o .ee8s t*is small man .it* a little bla)8
"oatee .ill be 2resident o t*e !entral Exe)#ti5e
!ommittee, t*e s#2reme "o5ernin" o t*e So5iet
Re2#bli): It may be t*at S5erdlo5 )onsoled *is tra5ellin"
)om2anion o#t o a eelin" o "ratit#de: Ei"*t days beore
t*at in t*e a2artment o S#8*ano5 H to be s#re, .it*o#t *is
8no.led"e H *ad o))#rred t*at meetin" o t*e 'ols*e5i8
!entral !ommittee .*i)* 2la)ed t*e armed ins#rre)tion on
t*e order o t*e day:
T*e next mornin" t*e !entral Exe)#ti5e !ommittee made
an attem2t to t#rn ba)8 t*e .*eel o e5ents: T*e
2rTsidi#m )on5o8ed a @la.#lA assembly o t*e "arrison," into it also t*ose ba)8.ard )ommittees .*i)*
s*o#ld lon" a"o *a5e been re;ele)ted, and .*i)* *ad not
been 2resent t*e day beore: T*is s#22lementary test o
t*e "arrison, .*ile also "i5in" somet*in" ne., still more
)learly )onirmed yesterdayJs 2i)t#re: T*is time t*ose
o22osed to t*e )omin";o#t .ere a maDority o t*e
)ommittees o t*e troo2s =#artered in t*e 3eter and 3a#l
ortress, and t*e )ommittees o t*e armo#red )ar di5ision:
T*ey bot* anno#n)ed t*eir s#bmission to t*e !entral
Exe)#ti5e !ommittee: T*is inormation .as not to be
Sit#ated on an island .as*ed by t*e Ne5a and its )anal,
bet.een t*e )entre o t*e )ity and t.o o#tlyin" distri)ts,
t*is ortress dominates t*e nearby brid"es, and 2rote)ts H
or, i yo# .ill, lays bare H rom t*e side o t*e ri5er t*e
a22roa)*es to t*e +inter 3ala)e .*ere t*e "o5ernment
*ad its seat: 0lt*o#"* de2ri5ed o military si"nii)an)e in
lar"e s)ale o2erations, t*e ortress )an s2ea8 a .ei"*ty
.ord in a street i"*t: Moreo5er H and t*is, 2er*a2s, is
more im2ortant H t*e .ell;sto)8ed 9ron5er8s8y arsenal
adDoins t*e ortress: T*e .or8ers .ere in need o riles H
yes, and t*e more re5ol#tionary re"iments, too, .ere
almost disarmed: T*e im2ortan)e o armo#red )ars in a
street battle needs no ex2lanation: On t*e side o t*e
"o5ernment t*ey mi"*t )a#se many r#itless sa)rii)esC on
t*e side o t*e ins#rre)tion t*ey .o#ld s*orten t*e road to
5i)tory: In t*e a22roa)*in" days t*e 'ols*e5i8s .o#ld *a5e
to "i5e s2e)ial attention to t*e ortress and t*e armo#red
)ar di5ision: Bor t*e rest, t*e )orrelation o or)es at t*is
ne. )oneren)e t#rned o#t to be t*e same as on t*e
2re)edin" day: T*e attem2t o t*e !entral Exe)#ti5e
!ommittee to )arry its o.n 5ery )a#tio#s resol#tion .as
)oldly re2#lsed by an o5er.*elmin" maDority: Not *a5in"
been s#mmoned by t*e 3etro"rad So5iet, it .as noted, t*e
)oneren)e does not )onsider itsel em2o.ered to ado2t
de)isions: T*e !om2romise leaders *ad t*emsel5es
be""ed or t*is s#22lementary sla2 in t*e a)e:
Bindin" t*e a22roa)* to t*e re"iments barri)aded belo.,
t*e !entral Exe)#ti5e !ommittee tried to "et *old o t*e
"arrison rom abo5e: 'y a"reement .it* t*e sta, t*ey
a22ointed !a2tain Male5s8y, a So)ial Re5ol#tionary, )*ie
)ommissar or t*e .*ole distri)t, and anno#n)ed t*eir
.illin"ness to re)o"nise t*e )ommissars o t*e So5iet on
)ondition t*at t*ey s#bmit to t*e )*ie )ommissar: T*is
attem2t to "et astride o t*e 'ols*e5i8 "arrison t*ro#"*
t*e instr#mentality o a )a2tain #n8no.n to anybody .as
ob5io#sly *o2eless: ?a5in" reDe)ted it, t*e So5iet bro8e o
t*e ne"otiations:
T*e ins#rre)tion, laid bare by 3otresso5 *ad not o))#rred:
T*e enemy no. )onidently named anot*er date, t*e 2%t*
o O)tober: On t*at day, as .e 8no., t*e !on"ress o
So5iets .as ori"inally to *a5e o2ened, and t*e ins#rre)tion
ollo.ed t*at !on"ress li8e its o.n s*ado.: To be s#re, t*e
!on"ress *ad already 2ost2oned its o2enin" i5e days:
Ne5er mind: t*e obDe)t *ad mo5ed, b#t t*e s*ado.
remained: T*is time, too, all ne)essary meas#res .ere
ta8en by t*e "o5ernment to 2re5ent a @)omin";o#t:A
Reinor)ed sentry "#ards .ere 2la)ed in t*e s#b#rbsC
!ossa)8 2atrols rode t*ro#"* t*e .or8ersJ distri)ts all
ni"*t lon"C )a5alry reser5es .ere )on)ealed at 5ario#s
2oints t*ro#"*o#t t*e )ityC t*e militia .as made ready or
a)tion, and *al o its members did )ontin#al d#ty in t*e
)ommissariats: 0rmo#red )ars, li"*t artillery and ma)*ine;
"#ns .ere set #2 near t*e +inter 3ala)e: T*e a22roa)*es
to t*e 3ala)e .ere "#arded by 2atrols:
On)e more t*e ins#rre)tion .*i)* no one .as 2re2arin",
and or .*i)* no one *ad iss#ed a )all, did not ta8e 2la)e:
T*e day .ent by more 2ea)e#lly t*an many ot*ersC .or8
in t*e s*o2s and a)tories ne5er )eased: Izvestia, edited
by 4an, )ro.ed abo#t t*is 5i)tory o5er t*e 'ols*e5i8s:
@T*eir ad5ent#rin" .it* armed demonstrations in
3etro"rad is abo#t o5er:A T*e 'ols*e5i8s *a5e been
)r#s*ed by t*e mere indi"nation o t*e #nited demo)ra)y:
@T*ey are already s#rrenderin":A One mi"*t literally t*in8
t*at t*e enemy *ad lost t*eir *eads and .ere deliberately
tryin" .it* #ntimely ri"*ts and still less timely
tr#m2etin"s o 5i)tory to lead @2#bli) o2inionA astray, and
)on)eal t*e a)t#al 2lans o t*e 'ols*e5i8s:
T*e de)ision to )reate a Military Re5ol#tionary !ommittee,
irst introd#)ed on t*e 9t*, .as 2assed at a 2lenary
session o t*e So5iet only a .ee8 later: T*e So5iet is not a
2artyC its ma)*inery is *ea5y: Bo#r days more .ere
re=#ired to orm t*e !ommittee: T*ose ten days, *o.e5er,
did not "o or not*in": t*e )on=#est o t*e "arrison .as in
#ll", t*e !oneren)e o re"imental !ommittees *ad
demonstrated its 5iability, t*e armin" o t*e .or8ers .as
"oin" or.ard: 0nd t*#s t*e Military Re5ol#tionary
!ommittee, alt*o#"* it .ent to .or8 only on t*e 2%t*, i5e
days beore t*e ins#rre)tion, o#nd H ready to its *ands H a
s#i)iently .ell or"anised dominion: 'ein" boy)otted by
t*e !om2romisers, t*e sta o t*e !ommittee )ontained
only 'ols*e5i8s and Let So)ial Re5ol#tionaries: t*at eased
and sim2liied t*e tas8: O t*e So)ial Re5ol#tionaries only
LaKimir did any .or8, and *e .as e5en 2la)ed at t*e *ead
o t*e b#rea# in order to em2*asise t*e a)t t*at t*e
!ommittee .as a So5iet and not a 2arty instit#tion: In
essen)e, *o.e5er, t*e !ommittee, .*ose 2resident .as
Trots8y, and its )*ie .or8ers 3od5ois8y, 0ntono5;
O5seen8o, Las*e5i)*, Sado5s8y, and Me8*onos*in, relied
ex)l#si5ely #2on 'ols*e5i8s: T*e )ommittee *ardly met
on)e in 2lenary session .it* dele"ates 2resent rom all t*e
instit#tions listed in its re"#lations: T*e .or8 .as )arried
on t*ro#"* t*e b#rea# #nder t*e "#idan)e o t*e
2resident, .it* S5erdlo5 bro#"*t in #2on all im2ortant
matters: 0nd t*at .as t*e "eneral sta o t*e ins#rre)tion:
T*e b#lletin o t*e !ommittee t*#s modestly re"isters its
irst ste2: )ommissars .ere a22ointed in t*e )ombatant
#nits o t*e "arrison and in )ertain instit#tions and store
*o#ses @or obser5ation and leaders*i2:A T*is meant t*at,
*a5in" .on t*e "arrison 2oliti)ally, t*e So5iet .as no.
"ettin" or"anisational )ontrol o it: T*e dominant rIle in
sele)tin" t*ese )ommissars .as 2layed by t*e Military
Or"anisation o t*e 'ols*e5i8s: 0mon" its 3etro"rad
members, a22roximately a t*o#sand, t*ere .as no small
n#mber o resol#te soldiers and yo#n" oi)ers #tterly
de5oted to t*e re5ol#tion, and .*o *ad sin)e t*e ,#ly 4ays
been tem2ered in t*e 2risons o 9erens8y: T*e )ommissars
re)r#ited rom its midst o#nd in t*e troo2s o t*e "arrison
a soil .ell 2re2ared: T*e "arrison )onsidered t*em its o.n
and s#bmitted to t*eir orders .it* )om2lete .illin"ness:
T*e initiati5e in "ettin" 2ossession o instit#tions )ame in
most )ases rom belo.: T*e .or8ers and )leri)al
em2loyees o t*e arsenal adDoinin" t*e 3eter and 3a#l
ortress t*emsel5es raised t*e =#estion o t*e ne)essity o
establis*in" )ontrol o5er t*e "i5in" o#t o arms: 0
)ommissar sent t*ere s#))eeded in sto22in" a
s#22lemental armin" o t*e D#n8ers, *eld ba)8 1%,%%%
riles on t*eir .ay to t*e 4on re"ion, and smaller
assi"nments to a n#mber o s#s2i)io#s or"anisations and
2ersons: T*is )ontrol .as soon extended to ot*er arsenals
and e5en to 2ri5ate dealers in .ea2ons: It .as only
ne)essary to a22eal to t*e )ommittee o t*e soldiers,
.or8ers or )leri)al em2loyees o t*e "i5en instit#tion or
store, and t*e resistan)e o t*e administration .o#ld be
immediately bro8en: +ea2ons .ere "i5en o#t *en)eort*
only #2on t*e order o t*e )ommissars:
T*e ty2o"ra2*i)al .or8ers, t*ro#"* t*eir #nion, )alled t*e
attention o t*e !ommittee to an in)rease o 'la)8
?#ndred lealets and bro)*#res: It .as de)ided t*at in all
s#s2i)io#s )ases t*e 2rintersJ #nion s*o#ld )ome or
instr#)tions to t*e Military Re5ol#tionary !ommittee: T*is
)ontrol t*ro#"* t*e ty2o"ra2*i)al .or8ers .as t*e most
ee)ti5e o all 2ossible orms o )ontrol o5er t*e 2rinted
a"itation o t*e )o#nter;re5ol#tion:
Not satisied .it* its ormal denial o t*e r#mo#r o an
ins#rre)tion, t*e So5iet o2enly desi"nated S#nday t*e
22nd as t*e day or a 2ea)e#l re5ie. o its or)es H not,
*o.e5er, in t*e orm o street 2ro)essions, b#t o meetin"s
in t*e a)tories, barra)8s, and all t*e maDor instit#tions o
3etro"rad: +it* t*e ob5io#s aim o 2ro5o8in" bloody
intereren)e, some mysterio#s .ors*i22ers set t*e same
day or a )*#r)* 2ro)ession t*ro#"* t*e streets o t*e
)a2ital: T*eir s#mmons, iss#ed in t*e name o some
#n8no.n !ossa)8s, in5ited t*e )itiKens to ta8e 2art in a
reli"io#s 2ro)ession @in memory o t*e deli5ery o Mos)o.
rom t*e enemy in 1$12:A T*is *istori)al 2retext .as none
too "en#ine, b#t o5er and abo5e t*is t*e or"anisations
2ro2osed to t*e 0lmi"*ty to *and do.n a blessin" #2on
t*e !ossa)8 arms @standin" "#ard a"ainst t*e enemies o
t*e R#ssian land,A a 2ro2osal .*i)* )learly related to t*e
year 1917:
T*ere .as no reason to ear a serio#s )o#nter;
re5ol#tionary maniestation: T*e )ler"y *ad no
amon" t*e 3etro"rad massesC t*ey )o#ld raise #2 a"ainst
t*e So5iet #nder )*#r)* banners only 2iti#l remnants o
t*e 'la)8 ?#ndred "an"s: '#t .it* t*e )o;o2eration o t*e
ex2erien)ed 2ro5o)ate#rs o t*e Intelli"en)e Ser5i)e and
o !ossa)8 oi)ers, bloody en)o#nters .ere not
im2ossible: 0s a meas#re o 2re5ention t*e Military
Re5ol#tionary !ommittee #ndertoo8 in t*e irst 2la)e to
stren"t*en its inl#en)e #2on t*e !ossa)8 re"imentsC a
stri)ter rG"ime .as also introd#)ed in t*e b#ildin"
o))#2ied by t*e re5ol#tionary sta: @It .as no lon"er easy
to "et into Smolny,A .rites ,o*n Reed: @T*e 2ass system
.as )*an"ed e5ery e. *o#rsC or s2ies )ontin#ally
snea8ed t*ro#"*:A 0t a meetin" o t*e -arrison
!oneren)e on t*e 21st de5oted to a dis)#ssion o t*e
@So5iet 4ayA to ollo., t*e s2o8esman 2ro2osed a series o
meas#res or t*e 2re5ention o 2ossible street )las*es: T*e
o#rt* !ossa)8 re"iment, .*i)* stood art*est to t*e Let,
anno#n)ed t*ro#"* its dele"ates t*at it .o#ld not ta8e
2art in t*e reli"io#s 2ro)ession: T*e o#rteent* !ossa)8
re"iment anno#n)ed t*at it .o#ld str#""le .it* all its a"ainst t*e attem2ts o t*e )o#nter;re5ol#tion, b#t
at t*e same time t*at it )onsidered a )omin";o#t or t*e
seiK#re o @#ntimely:A O t*e t*ree !ossa)8
re"iments only one .as absent H t*e 6rals8y H t*e most
ba)8.ard re"iment, one bro#"*t into 3etro"rad in ,#ly or
t*e )r#s*in" o t*e 'ols*e5i8s:
62on t*e 2ro2osal o Trots8y, t*e !oneren)e ado2ted
t*ree s*ort resol#tions:
/11 @T*e "arrison o 3etro"rad and its en5irons
2romises t*e Military Re5ol#tionary !ommittee
#ll s#22ort in all its ste2sC
/21 O)tober 22nd is to be a day de5oted to a
2ea)e#l re5ie. o or)es: T*e "arrison a22eals to
t*e !ossa)8s: +e in5ite yo# to o#r meetin"
tomorro.: Mo# are .el)ome, brot*er !ossa)8sLAC
/31 @T*e 0ll;R#ssian !on"ress o So5iets m#st
ta8e t*e in its *ands and "#arantee to t*e
2eo2le 2ea)e, land and bread:A T*e "arrison
solemnly 2romises to 2la)e all its or)es at t*e
dis2osal o t*e So5iet !on"ress: @Rely #2on #s,
a#t*orised re2resentati5es o t*e soldiers,
.or8ers and 2easants: +e are all at o#r 2osts
ready to )on=#er or die:A
?#ndreds o *ands .ere raised or t*is resol#tion .*i)*
sealed t*e 2ro"ramme o t*e ins#rre)tion: Bity;se5en men
abstained: T*ese .ere t*e @ne#tralsA H t*at is, t*e
.a5erin" enemy: Not one *and .as raised a"ainst t*e
resol#tion: T*e noose aro#nd t*e ne)8 o t*e Bebr#ary
rG"ime .as bein" dra.n in a reliable 8not:
In t*e )o#rse o t*e day it be)ame 8no.n t*at t*e
mysterio#s insti"ators o t*e reli"io#s 2ro)ession *ad
"i5en #2 t*eir demonstration @at t*e s#""estion o t*e
)ommander;in;)*ie o t*e distri)t:A T*is serio#s moral
s#))ess, an ex)ellent meas#re o t*e so)ial 2ress#re o t*e
-arrison !oneren)e, 2ermitted a )onident 2redi)tion t*at
on t*e" day t*e enemy, "enerally s2ea8in", .o#ld
not 5ent#re to 2o8e t*eir *eads into t*e street:
T*e Military Re5ol#tionary !ommittee a22ointed t*ree
)ommissars to t*e distri)t *ead=#arters H Sado5s8y,
Me8*onis*in and LaKimir: Orders o t*e )ommander .ere
to be)ome ee)ti5e only .*en )o#ntersi"ned by one o
t*ese t*ree: 0t a tele2*one )all rom Smolny t*e sta sent
an a#tomobile or t*e dele"ation H t*e )#stoms o t*e d#al .ere still in ee)t H b#t )ontrary to ex2e)tations
t*is extreme 2oliteness o t*e sta did not im2ly a
readiness to ma8e )on)essions:
0ter listenin" to t*e de)laration o Sado5s8y, 3ol8o5ni8o5
stated t*at *e did not re)o"nise any )ommissars and *ad
no need o any "#ardians*i2: To a *int rom t*e dele"ation
t*at alon" t*at road *ead=#arters mi"*t meet .it*
resistan)e rom t*e side o t*e troo2s, 3ol8o5ni8o5 dryly
ans.ered t*at t*e "arrison .as in *is *ands and its
s#bmission .as ass#red: @?is ass#ran)e .as sin)ere,A
.rites Me8*onos*in in *is memoirs: @+e elt no ae)tation
in it:A Bor t*e ret#rn tri2 to Smolny t*e dele"ates did not
re)ei5e an oi)ial a#tomobile:
0 s2e)ial session o t*e !oneren)e, to .*i)* Trots8y and
S5erdlo5 .ere s#mmoned, ado2ted a de)ision: To )onsider
t*e brea8 .it* *ead=#arters an a))om2lis*ed a)t, and
ma8e it t*e startin" 2oint or a #rt*er oensi5e: T*e irst
)ondition o s#))ess: T*e distri)ts m#st be 8e2t in to#)*
.it* all sta"es and e2isodes o t*e str#""le: T*e enemy
m#st not be allo.ed to )at)* t*e masses #na.are:
T*ro#"* t*e distri)t so5iets and )ommittees o t*e 2arty
t*e inormation .as sent into all 2arts o t*e to.n: T*e
re"iments .ere immediately inormed o .*at *ad
*a22ened: T*e instr#)tions .ere )onirmed: !arry o#t only
t*ose orders .*i)* are )o#ntersi"ned by t*e )ommissars:
It .as also s#""ested t*at t*ey send o#t only t*e most
reliable soldiers or 2atrol d#ty:
'#t *ead=#arters also de)ided to ta8e meas#res: S2#rred
on e5idently by *is )om2romisist allies, 3ol8o5ni8o5 )alled
to"et*er at one oJ)lo)8 in t*e aternoon *is o.n
)oneren)e o t*e "arrison, .it* re2resentati5es o t*e
!entral Exe)#ti5e !ommittee 2resent: 0nti)i2atin" t*is
mo5e o t*e enemy, t*e Military Re5ol#tionary !ommittee
)alled an emer"en)y )oneren)e o t*e re"imental
)ommittees at ele5en oJ)lo)8, and *ere it .as de)ided to
orm#late t*e brea8 .it* *ead=#arters: T*e a22eal to t*e
troo2s o 3etro"rad and t*e en5irons dra.n #2 at t*is
meetin" s2ea8s t*e lan"#a"e o a de)laration o .ar:
@?a5in" bro8en .it* t*e or"anised "arrison o t*e )a2ital,
*ead=#arters is a dire)t instr#ment o t*e )o#nter;
re5ol#tionary or)es:A T*e Military Re5ol#tionary
!ommittee dis)laims all res2onsibility or t*e a)ti5ities o
*ead=#arters, and standin" at t*e *ead o t*e "arrison
ta8es #2on itsel @t*e deen)e o re5ol#tionary order
a"ainst )o#nter;re5ol#tionary attem2ts:A
T*at .as a de)isi5e ste2 on t*e road to ins#rre)tion: Or
.as it 2er*a2s only t*e next )onli)t in t*e me)*ani)s o
t*at d#al .*i)* is so #ll o )onli)ts> ?ead=#arters,
at any rate, tried or its o.n )onsolation so to inter2ret it H
ater )onerrin" .it* t*e re2resentati5es o t*ose #nits
.*i)* *ad not re)ei5ed in "ood season t*e s#mmons o
t*e Military Re5ol#tionary !ommittee: 0 dele"ate sent
rom Smolny #nder t*e leaders*i2 o t*e 'ols*e5i8 ensi"n,
4as*8e5i)*, briely made 8no.n to *ead=#arters t*e
resol#tion o t*e -arrison !oneren)e: T*e e.
re2resentati5es o t*e troo2s 2resent reairmed t*eir
loyalty to t*e So5iet, b#t re#sed to ma8e a de)ision and
dis2ersed: @0ter a 2rolon"ed ex)*an"e o o2inionsA H t*e
2ress so =#oted t*e .ords o *ead=#arters H @no deinite
de)ision .as ado2tedC it .as t*o#"*t ne)essary to a.ait a
sol#tion o t*e )onli)t bet.een t*e !entral Exe)#ti5e
!ommittee and t*e 3etro"rad So5iet:A ?ead=#arters t*#s
)on)ei5ed its do.nall as a =#arrel bet.een t.o so5iet
instit#tions as to .*i)* one s*o#ld )ontrol its a)ti5ities:
T*at 2oli)y o 5ol#ntary blindness *ad t*is ad5anta"e, t*at
it relie5ed t*em o t*e ne)essity o de)larin" .ar on
Smolny, or .*i)* a)t t*e r#lers la)8ed ade=#ate or)es:
T*#s t*e re5ol#tionary )onli)t, already on t*e 2oint o
brea8in" o#t, .as on)e more .it* t*e *el2 o t*e
"o5ernmental or"ans, )onined .it*in t*e le"al rame.or8
o t*e d#al Bearin" to loo8 reality in t*e a)e,
*ead=#arters t*e more loyally )o;o2erated in
)amo#la"in" t*e ins#rre)tion: '#t .as not t*is li"*t;
minded )ond#)t o t*e 2o.ers only a )amo#la"e or t*eir
o.n a)t#al 2#r2ose> 4id not *ead=#arters intend, #nder
)o5er o t*is b#rea#)rati) naU5etG, to deal an #nex2e)ted
blo. at t*e Military Re5ol#tionary !ommittee> S#)* an
attem2t #2on t*e 2art o t*e distra#"*t and demoralised
or"ans o t*e 3ro5isional -o5ernment .as )onsidered
*i"*ly im2robable in Smolny: T*e Military Re5ol#tionary
!ommittee, *o.e5er, too8 t*e most sim2le meas#res o
2re)a#tion: in t*e nearby barra)8s )om2anies .ere 8e2t
#nder arms ni"*t and day, ready at t*e irst si"nal o
alarm to )ome to t*e aid o Smolny:
In s2ite o t*e )allin";o o t*e reli"io#s 2ro)ession, t*e
bo#r"eois 2ress oretold bloods*ed on S#nday: T*e
)om2romisist 2a2er anno#n)ed in its mornin" edition:
@Today t*e a#t*orities ex2e)t a )omin";o#t .it* better
2robability t*an on t*e 2%t*:A T*#s or t*e t*ird time in
one .ee8 H t*e 17t*, t*e 2%t*, t*e 22nd H t*is na#"*ty
boy *ad de)ei5ed t*e 2eo2le .it* a alse )ry o @.olLA T*e
o#rt* time, i .e )an belie5e t*e old able, t*e boy .ill all
into t*e .olJs Da.s: T*e 'ols*e5i8 2ress, in s#mmonin"
t*e masses to attend meetin"s, s2o8e o a 2ea)e#l
a22raisal o re5ol#tionary or)es on t*e e5e o t*e
!on"ress o So5iets: T*is #lly ans.ered t*e 2lan o t*e
Military Re5ol#tionary !ommittee: to )arry o#t a "i"anti)
re5ie. .it*o#t )las*es, .it*o#t em2loyin" .ea2ons, e5en
.it*o#t s*" t*em: T*ey .anted to s*o. t*e masses
t*eir o.n n#mbers, t*eir stren"t*, t*eir resol#tion: T*ey
.anted .it* #nanimo#s n#mbers to )om2el t*e enemy to
*ide, to 8ee2 o#t o si"*t, to stay indoors: 'y ex2osin" t*e
im2oten)e o t*e bo#r"eoisie beside t*eir o.n masses,
t*ey .anted to erase rom t*e )ons)io#sness o t*e
.or8ers and soldiers t*e last *inderin" re)olle)tions o t*e
,#ly 4ays H to brin" it abo#t t*at *a5in" seen t*emsel5es
t*e masses s*o#ld say: Not*in" and nobody )an any
lon"er o22ose #s:
@T*e ri"*tened 2o2#lation,A .rote Mili#8o5 i5e years
later, @remained at *ome or stood aside:A It .as t*e
bo#r"eoisie t*at remained at *ome, and t*ey really *ad
been ri"*tened by t*eir o.n 2ress: 0ll t*e rest o t*e
2o2#lation t*ron"ed o#t to meetin"s rom early mornin" to
ni"*t H yo#n" and old, men and .omen, boys and "irls,
mot*ers .it* )*ildren in t*eir arms: No meetin"s li8e t*is
*ad been seen beore t*ro#"*o#t t*e re5ol#tion: 0ll
3etro"rad, .it* t*e ex)e2tion o its #22er strata, .as one
solid meetin": In t*ose a#ditori#ms, )ontin#ally 2a)8ed to
t*e doors, t*e a#dien)es .o#ld be entirely rene.ed in t*e
)o#rse o a e. *o#rs: Bres* and e5er res* .a5es o
.or8ers, soldiers and sailors .o#ld roll #2 to t*e b#ildin"s
and lood t*em #ll: T*e 2etty bo#r"eoisie o t*e to.n
bestirred t*emsel5es, too, aro#sed by t*ese .a5es and by
t*ose .arnin"s .*i)* .ere s#22osed to ri"*ten t*em:
Tens o t*o#sands brimmed t*at immense b#ildin" 8no.n
as t*e ?o#se o t*e 3eo2le: T*ey illed all t*e t*eatres,
illed t*e a#ditori#ms o t*e t*eatres, t*eir smo8e;rooms,
b#ets, and oyers H illed t*em .it* a solid and ex)ited
and at t*e same time dis)i2lined mass: Brom iron )ol#mns
and #2stairs .indo.s *#man *eads, le"s and arms .ere
*an"in" in "arlands and )l#sters: T*ere .as t*at ele)tri)
tension in t*e air .*i)* orebodes a )omin" dis)*ar"e:
4o.n .it* 9erens8yL 4o.n .it* t*e .arL to t*e
So5ietsL None o t*e !om2romisers any lon"er dared
a22ear beore t*ese red *ot )ro.ds .it* ar"#ments or
.arnin"s: T*e 'ols*e5i8s *ad t*e loor: 0ll t*e oratori)al
or)es o t*e 2arty, in)l#din" dele"ates to t*e !on"ress
.*o .ere be"innin" to arri5e rom t*e 2ro5in)es, .ere
bro#"*t into a)tion: O))asionally Let So)ial
Re5ol#tionaries s2o8e H in some 2la)es anar)*ists H b#t
t*ey bot* tried as little as 2ossible to distin"#is*
t*emsel5es rom 'ols*e5i8s:
T*e 2eo2le o t*e sl#ms, o t*e atti)s and basements,
stood still by t*e *o#r in t*readbare )oat or "rey #niorm,
.it* )a2s or *ea5y s* still on t*eir *eads, t*e m#d o
t*e streets soa8ed t*ro#"* t*eir s*oes, an a#t#mn )o#"*
)at)*in" at t*eir t*roats: T*ey stood t*ere 2a)8ed
s*o#lder to s*o#lder, and )ro.din" e5en )loser to ma8e
room or more, to ma8e room or all, listenin" tirelessly,
*#n"rily, 2assionately, demandin"ly, earin" lest t*ey miss
a .ord o .*at it is so ne)essary to #nderstand, to
assimilate, and to do: It *ad seemed as t*o#"* d#rin" t*e
mont*s 2ast, t*e .ee8s H at least d#rin" t*e 5ery last days
H all t*e .ords *ad been s2o8en: '#t noL Today at least
t*ose .ords *a5e a dierent so#nd: T*e masses are
ex2erien)in" t*em in a ne. .ay, not as a "os2el b#t as an
obli"ation to a)t: T*e ex2erien)e o t*e re5ol#tion, t*e
.ar, t*e *ea5y str#""le o a .*ole bitter lietime, rose
rom t*e dee2s o memory in ea)* o t*ose 2o5erty;dri5en
men and .omen, ex2ressin" itsel in sim2le and im2erio#s
t*o#"*ts: T*is .ay .e )an "o no art*er, .e m#st brea8 a
road into t*e #t#re:
E5eryone .*o too8 2art in t*e e5ents *ere des)ribed *as
s#bse=#ently t#rned *is eyes ba)8 to t*at sim2le and
.onder#l day so )learly s*inin" o#t a"ainst t*e
ba)8"ro#nd o t*e re5ol#tion H 5i5id eno#"* e5en .it*o#t
t*at: T*e ima"e o t*at ins2ired *#man lood H ins2ired,
and yet in its #n)on=#erable restrained H is
)*iselled or e5er in t*e memory o t*ose .*o sa. it: @T*e
day o t*e 3etro"rad So5iet,A .rites t*e Let So)ial
Re5ol#tionary, Mstisla5s8y,A .as )elebrated at
inn#merable meetin"s .it* enormo#s ent*#siasm:A T*e
'ols*e5i8, Test8o5s8y, .*o s2o8e at t.o a)tories o t*e
Vassilie;Ostro5 distri)t, says: @+e s2o8e ran8ly to t*e
masses o t*e )omin" seiK#re o by #s, and *eard
b#t .ords o en)o#ra"ement:A @0ro#nd me,A says
S#8*ano5, des)ribin" a meetin" in t*e ?o#se o t*e
3eo2le, @t*ere .as a mood 5ery near to e)stasy ::: Trots8y
*ad orm#lated some brie "eneral resol#tion ::: T*ose in
a5o#r ::: T*o#sands and t*o#sands raised t*eir *ands as
one man: I loo8ed at t*e lited *ands and b#rnin" eyes o
men, .omen, boys, .or8ers, soldiers, 2easants, and o
ty2i)ally 2etty;bo#r"eois )*ara)ters too ::: Trots8y
)ontin#ed to s2ea8: T*e m#ltit#de )ontin#ed to *old t*eir
*ands in t*e air: Trots8y )*iselled o#t ea)* .ord: Let t*is
5ote o yo#rs be yo#r oat* ::: T*e m#ltit#de *eld t*eir
*ands *i"*: T*ey a"reed: T*ey too8 t*e oat*:A T*e
'ols*e5i8 3o2o5 tells o a ra2t#ro#s oat* s.orn by t*e
masses: @To r#s* o#t at t*e irst .ord rom t*e So5iet:A
Mstisla5s8y tells o an ele)triied )ro.d ta8in" an oat* o
loyalty to t*e so5iets: T*e same s)ene .as to be obser5ed
on a smaller s)ale in all 2arts o t*e )ity rom )entre to
s#b#rbs: ?#ndreds o t*o#sands o 2eo2le, at one and t*e
same *o#r, lited t*eir *ands and too8 a 5o. to )arry t*e
str#""le t*ro#"* to t*e end: T*e daily meetin"s o t*e
So5iet, t*e soldiersJ se)tion, t*e -arrison !oneren)e, t*e
a)tory and s*o2 )ommittees, *ad "i5en inner solidarity to
a bi" "ro#2 o leadersC se2arate mass meetin"s *ad #nited
t*e a)tories and re"imentsC b#t t*at day, t*e 22nd o
O)tober, .elded in one "i"anti) )a#ldron and #nder *i"*
tem2erat#re t*e a#t*enti) 2o2#lar masses: T*e masses
sa. t*emsel5es and t*eir leadersC t*e leaders sa. and
listened to t*e masses: Ea)* side .as satisied .it* t*e
ot*er: T*e leaders .ere )on5in)ed: +e )an 2ost2one no
lon"erL T*e masses said to t*emsel5es: T*is time t*e t*in"
.ill be doneL
T*e s#))ess o t*is S#ndayJs re5ie. o or)es by t*e
'ols*e5i8s s*attered t*e sel;)oniden)e o 3ol8o5ni8o5
and *is *i"* )ommand: 'y a"reement .it* t*e
"o5ernment and t*e !entral Exe)#ti5e !ommittee,
*ead=#arters made an attem2t to )ome to terms .it*
Smolny: +*y not ater all re;establis* t*e "ood old riendly
)#stoms o )onta)t and )om2romise> T*e Military
Re5ol#tionary !ommittee did not re#se to send emissaries
or an ex)*an"e o o2inion: 0 better o22ort#nity or
re)onnoitrin" )o#ld *ardly be .is*ed: @T*e ne"otiations
.ere brie,A remembers Sado5s8y: @T*e re2resentati5es o
*ead=#arters a"reed in ad5an)e to all t*e )onditions 2#t
ort* by t*e So5iet in ex)*an"e or .*i)* t*e order o t*e
Military Re5ol#tionary !ommittee or O)tober 22 .as to be
ann#lled:A T*is reerred to t*e do)#ment de)larin"
*ead=#arters an instr#ment o t*e )o#nter;re5ol#tionary
or)es: T*e 5ery same emissaries .*om 3ol8o5ni8o5 *ad
so dis)o#rteo#sly sent *ome t.o days a"o no. demanded,
and re)ei5ed in t*eir *ands or t*e 2#r2ose o t*eir re2ort
to Smolny, t*e ro#"* drat o an a"reement si"ned by
*ead=#arters: On Sat#rday t*ese )onditions o semi;
*ono#rable )a2it#lation .o#ld *a5e been a))e2ted: Today,
on Monday, t*ey .ere already too late: ?ead=#arters
a.aited an .*i)* ne5er )ame:
T*e Military Re5ol#tionary !ommittee addressed to t*e
2o2#lation o 3etro"rad a 2ro)lamation ex2lainin" t*e
a22ointment o )ommissars in t*e military #nits and t*e
most im2ortant 2oints o t*e )a2ital and its en5irons: @T*e
)ommissars as re2resentati5es o t*e So5iet are in5iolable:
O22osition to t*e )ommissars is o22osition to t*e So5iet o
+or8ersJ and SoldiersJ 4e2#ties:A T*e )itiKens .ere in5ited
in )ase o dist#rban)es to a22eal to t*e nearest )ommissar
to )all o#t armed or)es: T*at .as t*e lan"#a"e o
so5erei"nty: '#t still t*e !ommittee did not "i5e t*e si"nal
or o2en ins#rre)tion: S#8*ano5 as8s: @Is Smolny a)tin"
st#2idly, or is it 2layin" .it* t*e +inter 3ala)e li8e a )at
.it* a mo#se, tryin" to 2ro5o8e an atta)8>A Neit*er t*e
one nor t*e ot*er: T*e !ommittee is )ro.din" o#t t*e
"o5ernment .it* t*e 2ress#re o t*e masses, .it* t*e
.ei"*t o t*e "arrison: It is ta8in" all t*at it )an .it*o#t a
battle: It is ad5an)in" its 2ositions .it*o#t irin",
inte"ratin" and reinor)in" its army on t*e mar)*: It is
meas#rin" .it* its o.n 2ress#re t*e resistin" o t*e
enemy, not ta8in" its eyes o *im or a se)ond: Ea)* ne.
ste2 or.ard )*an"es t*e dis2osition o or)es to t*e
ad5anta"e o Smolny: T*e .or8ers and t*e "arrison are
"" #2 to t*e ins#rre)tion: +*o is to be irst to iss#e
t*e )all to arms, .ill be)ome 8no.n in t*e )o#rse o t*is
oensi5e, t*is )ro.din" o#t: It is no. only a =#estion o
*o#rs: I at t*e last moment t*e "o5ernment inds t*e
)o#ra"e, or t*e des2air, to "i5e t*e si"nal or battle,
res2onsibility or t*is .ill lie #2on t*e +inter 3ala)e: '#t
t*e initiati5e D#st t*e same .ill *a5e been ta8en by
Smolny: Its de)laration o O)tober 23 *ad meant t*e
o5ert*ro. o t*e beore t*e "o5ernment itsel .as
o5ert*ro.n: T*e Military Re5ol#tionary !ommittee .as
tyin" #2 t*e arms and le"s o t*e enemy rG"ime beore
stri8in" *im on t*e *ead: It .as 2ossible to a22ly t*is
ta)ti) o @2ea)e#l 2enetration,A to brea8 t*e bones o t*e
enemy le"ally and *y2noti)ally 2aralyse t*e remnants o
*is .ill, only be)a#se o t*e ind#bitable s#2eriority o
or)es on t*e side o t*e !ommittee and be)a#se t*ey
.ere in)reasin" *o#r by *o#r:
T*e !ommittee *ad been st#dyin" rom day to day t*e
ma2 o t*e "arrison .ide o2en beore it: It 8ne. t*e
tem2erat#re o ea)* re"iment, and ollo.ed e5ery s*it in
t*e 5ie.s and sym2at*ies o t*e barra)8s: 0 s#r2rise rom
t*at side .as im2ossible: T*ere remained, *o.e5er, some
dar8 s*ado.s on t*e ma2: 0n attem2t m#st be made to
eradi)ate, or at least de)rease, t*em: It *ad be)ome )lear
on t*e 19t* t*at t*e maDority o t*e )ommittees o t*e
3eter and 3a#l ortress .ere #na5o#rably, or at least
d#bio#sly, dis2osed: No. .*en t*e .*ole "arrison is or
t*e !ommittee and t*e ortress is )a#"*t in a rin", at least
2oliti)ally, it is time to ta8e de)isi5e meas#res or its
)on=#est: !or2oral 'la"onra5o5, t*e )ommissar a22ointed
to t*e ortress, *ad met resistan)e: T*e "o5ernmental
)ommandant o t*e ortress *ad re#sed to re)o"nise t*is
'ols*e5i8 "#ardians*i2C t*ere .ere e5en r#mo#rs o *is
boastin" t*at *e .o#ld arrest t*e yo#n" "#ardian: It .as
ne)essary to do somet*in" and do it =#i)8ly: 0ntono5
oered to ta8e a reliable battalion o t*e 3a5lo5s8y
re"iment into t*e ortress and disarm t*e *ostile #nits: '#t
t*at .as a too drasti) o2eration, one .*i)* mi"*t be #sed
by t*e oi)ers to )a#se bloods*ed and brea8 t*e #nity o
t*e "arrison: +as it really ne)essary to ado2t s#)*
extreme meas#res> Says 0ntono5 in *is memoirs: @Trots8y
.as )alled in to )onsider t*is =#estion ::: Trots8y .as t*en
2layin" t*e de)isi5e rIle: T*e ad5i)e *e "a5e #s .as a
2rod#)t o *is re5ol#tionary int#ition: t*at .e )a2t#re t*e
ortress rom .it*in: OIt )annot be t*at t*e troo2s t*ere are
not sym2at*eti),J *e said: 0nd *e .as ri"*t: Trots8y and
Las*e5i)* .ent to a meetin" in t*e ortress:A T*e res#lts o
t*is enter2rise, .*i)* seemed ris8y, .ere a.aited in
Smolny .it* t*e "reatest ex)itement: Trots8y s#bse=#ently
.rote: @On t*e 23rd I .ent to t*e ortress at abo#t t.o
oJ)lo)8 in t*e aternoon: 0 meetin" .as in 2ro"ress in t*e
)o#rt: T*e orators o t*e ri"*t .in" .ere in t*e *i"*est
de"ree )a#tio#s and e5asi5e ::: T*e soldiers listened to #s
and t*ey )ame .it* #s:A On t*e t*ird loor o Smolny t*ey
dre. a dee2 breat* .*en t*e tele2*one bro#"*t t*is Doy#l
ne.s: T*e "arrison o 3eter and 3a#l *as solemnly
2romised to ta8e orders *en)eort* only rom t*e Military
Re5ol#tionary !ommittee:
T*at )*an"e in t*e mood o t*e ortress troo2s .as not o
)o#rse t*e res#lt o one or t.o s2ee)*es: It *ad been .ell
2re2ared in t*e 2ast: T*e soldiers t#rned o#t to be ar to
t*e let o t*eir )ommittees: It .as only t*e )ra)8ed s*ell
o t*e old dis)i2line t*at *eld o#t a little lon"er be*ind t*e
ortress .alls t*an in t*e )ity barra)8s: One ta2 .as
eno#"* to s*atter it:
'la"onra5o5 )o#ld no. )onidently establis* *imsel in t*e
ortress, or"anise *is little *ead=#arters, and set #2
)omm#ni)ations .it* t*e 'ols*e5i8 so5iet o t*e adDoinin"
distri)t and t*e )ommittees o t*e nearest barra)8s:
Mean.*ile dele"ates rom t*e a)tories and military #nits
.ere )omin" #2 to see .*at t*ey )o#ld do abo#t "ettin"
.ea2ons: 0n indes)ribable li5eliness no. 2re5ailed in t*e
ortress: @T*e tele2*one ran" )ontin#ally brin"in" ne.s o
o#r ne. s#))esses at assemblies and mass meetin"s:A
O))asionally an #namiliar 5oi)e .o#ld anno#n)e t*e
arri5al at some railroad station o 2#niti5e deta)*ments
rom t*e ront: Immediate in5esti"ation .o#ld re5eal t*at
t*is .as an in5ention 2#t in )ir)#lation by t*e enemy:
T*at day t*e e5enin" session o t*e So5iet .as
distin"#is*ed by t*e ex)e2tional n#mber 2resent and t*e
exalted mood: T*e o))#2ation o 3eter and 3a#l and t*e
)on=#est o t*e 9ron5er8s8y arsenal )ontainin" 1%%,%%%
riles H t*is .as no small "#arantee o s#))ess: T*e
s2o8esman or t*e Military Re5ol#tionary !ommittee .as
0ntono5: ?e dre. a 2i)t#re o t*e )ro.din" o#t o t*e
"o5ernmental or"ans ste2 by ste2 by t*e a"ents o t*e
Military Re5ol#tionary !ommittee: T*ese a"ents, *e said,
are bein" re)ei5ed e5ery.*ere as nat#ral a#t*oritiesC t*ey
obeyed not t*ro#"* ear b#t t*ro#"* 2rin)i2le: @Brom all
sides )ome demands or t*e a22ointment o )ommissars:A
T*e ba)8.ard #nits are *#rryin" to )at)* #2 to t*e
ad5an)ed: T*e 3reobraK*sns8y, .*i)* in ,#ly *ad been t*e
irst to all or t*e slander abo#t -erman "old, *ad no.
iss#ed t*ro#"* its )ommissar !*#dno5s8y a 5iolent 2rotest
a"ainst t*e r#mo#r t*at t*e 3reobraK*entsi are or t*e
"o5ernment: T*e 5ery idea is re"arded as a mali)io#s
ins#ltL ::: To be s#re, t*e )#stomary 2atrol d#ties are still
bein" )arried o#t, relates 0ntono5, b#t t*is is done .it*
t*e )onsent o t*e !ommittee: Orders o *ead=#arters or
t*e deli5ery o .ea2ons and a#tomobiles are not bein"
)arried o#t: ?ead=#arters t*#s *ad am2le o22ort#nity to
ind o#t .*o is t*e master o t*e )a2ital:
To a =#estion: @4oes t*e )ommittee 8no. abo#t t*e
mo5ement o "o5ernment troo2s rom t*e ront and t*e
s#rro#ndin" distri)ts, and .*at meas#res *a5e been ta8en
a"ainst t*is>A t*e s2o8esman ans.ered: @!a5alry #nits
.ere sent rom t*e R#manian ront, b#t t*ey *a5e been
*eld #2 at 3s8o5C t*e 17t* Inantry 4i5ision, indin" o#t on
t*e road .*ere and .*y t*ey *ad been sent, re#sed to
"oC in Venden t.o re"iments s#))ess#lly resisted t*e
attem2t to send t*em a"ainst 3etro"radC .e *a5e as yet
no ne.s abo#t t*e !ossa)8s and D#n8ers s#22osed to *a5e
been sent rom 9ie5, or t*e s*o)8 troo2s s#mmoned rom
Tsars8oe Selo: T*ey do not dare, and t*ey .ill not dare, lay
*ands on t*e Military Re5ol#tionary !ommittee:A T*ose
.ords so#nded 2retty "ood in t*e .*ite *all o Smolny: 0s
0ntono5 read *is re2ort, one *ad t*e im2ression t*at t*e
*ead=#arters o t*e ins#rre)tion .as .or8in" .it* .ide
o2en doors: 0s a matter o a)t, Smolny *ad almost
not*in" to *ide: T*e 2oliti)al set;#2 o t*e re5ol#tion .as
so a5o#rable t*at ran8ness itsel be)ame a 8ind o
)amo#la"e: S#rely t*is isnJt t*e .ay t*ey ma8e an
ins#rre)tion> T*at .ord @ins#rre)tion,A *o.e5er, .as not
s2o8en by any one o t*e leaders: T*is .as not .*olly a
ormal meas#re o )a#tion, or t*e term did not it t*e
a)t#al sit#ation: It .as bein" let to t*e "o5ernment o
9erens8y, as yo# mi"*t say, to ins#rre)t: In t*e a))o#nt in
Izvestia it does say t*at Trots8y at t*e session o t*e 23rd
irst a)8no.led"ed t*at t*e aim o t*e Military
Re5ol#tionary !ommittee .as a seiK#re o It is
#n=#estionably tr#e t*at t*e ori"inal attit#de, .*en t*e
tas8 o t*e !ommittee *ad been de)lared to be a testin"
o#t o t*e strate"i) ar"#ments o !*eremisso5, *ad lon"
been abandoned: T*e transer o t*e re"iments .as
indeed all b#t or"otten: '#t on t*e 23rd t*e tal8 .as still
not abo#t ins#rre)tion, b#t abo#t t*e @deen)eA o t*e
)omin" !on"ress o So5iets H .it* armed or)es i
ne)essary: It .as still in t*is s2irit t*at t*e resol#tion .as
ado2ted on t*e re2ort o 0ntono5:
?o. .ere t*ese e5ents estimated in t*e "o5ernmental
#22er )ir)les> On t*e ni"*t o t*e 22nd, in )omm#ni)atin"
to t*e )*ie o t*e *ead=#arters sta, 4#8*onin, t*e ne.s
o t*e attem2t o t*e Military Re5ol#tionary !ommittee to
"et t*e re"iments a.ay rom t*e )ommand, 9erens8y
added: @I t*in8 .e )an easily *andle t*is:A ?is o.n
de2art#re or *ead=#arters .as delayed, *e said, not at all
t*ro#"* ear o any sort o an ins#rre)tion: @T*at matter
)o#ld be re"#lated .it*o#t me, sin)e e5eryt*in" is
or"anised:A To *is anxio#s ministers 9erens8y reass#rin"ly
de)lared t*at *e 2ersonally, #nli8e t*em, .as 5ery "lad o
t*e )omin" atta)8 sin)e it .o#ld "i5e *im t*e o22ort#nity
to @settle on)e or all .it* t*e 'ols*e5i8s:A @I .o#ld be
ready to oer a 2rayer,A says t*e *ead o t*e "o5ernment
to t*e 9adet Nabo8o5, a re=#ent "#est at t*e +inter
3ala)e, @t*at s#)* an atta)8 may o))#r:A @'#t are yo# s#re
t*at yo# .ill be able to *andle t*em>A @I *a5e more or)es
t*an I need: T*ey .ill be stam2ed O#t or "ood:A
In t*eir s#bse=#ent ridi)#le o t*is o2timisti) li"*t;
mindedness o 9erens8y, t*e 9adets *a5e e5idently been a
little or"et#l: In reality 9erens8y .as loo8in" at t*ose
e5ents t*ro#"* t*eir o.n eyes: On t*e 21st, Mili#8o5Js
2a2er .rote t*at i t*e 'ols*e5i8s, )orroded as t*ey are
.it* a 2roo#nd inner )risis, dare to )ome o#t, t*ey .ill be
2#t do.n instantly and .it*o#t dii)#lty: 0not*er 9adet
2a2er added: @0 storm is )omin", b#t it .ill 2er*a2s )lear
t*e air:A 4an testiies t*at in t*e couloirs o t*e 3re;
3arliament t*e 9adets and t*ose "ro#2ed aro#nd t*em
.ere tal8in" alo#d o t*eir .is* t*at t*e 'ols*e5i8s mi"*t
)ome o#t as soon as 2ossible: @In an o2en battle t*ey .ill
be beaten to t*e last man:A 3rominent 9adets said to ,o*n
Reed: 0ter bein" deeated in an ins#rre)tion, t*e
'ols*e5i8s .onJt dare lit t*eir *eads at t*e !onstit#ent
4#rin" t*e 22nd and 23rd 9erens8y too8 )o#nsel, no. .it*
t*e leaders o t*e !entral Exe)#ti5e !ommittee, no. .it*
*ead=#arters: +o#ld it not be ad5isable to arrest t*e
Military Re5ol#tionary !ommittee: T*e !om2romisers did
not ad5ise it: t*ey t*emsel5es .o#ld try to re"#late t*e
=#estion abo#t )ommissars: 3ol8o5ni8o5 also t*o#"*t it
.o#ld *ardy be .ort* .*ile to *asten .it* t*e arrests: t*e
military or)es in )ase o need are @more t*an ade=#ate:A
9erens8y listened to 3ol8o5ni8o5, b#t still more to *is
riends, t*e !om2romisers: ?e .as )onidently )al)#latin"
t*at in )ase o dan"er t*e !entral Exe)#ti5e !ommittee, in
s2ite o all amily mis#nderstandin"s, .o#ld )ome to *is
aid in time: It .as so in ,#ly and in 0#"#st: +*y s*o#ld it
not )ontin#e so>
'#t no. it is no lon"er ,#ly and no lon"er 0#"#st: It is
O)tober: !old and ra. 'alti) .inds rom t*e dire)tion o
9ronstadt are" t*ro#"* t*e s=#ares and alon" t*e
=#ays o 3etro"rad: ,#n8ers in lon" )oats to t*eir *eels are
2atrollin" t*e streets, dro.nin" t*eir anxiety in son"s o
T*e mo#nted 2oli)e are ridin" #2 and do.n, 2ran)in",
t*eir re5ol5ers in brand;ne. *olsters: No: T*e still
loo8s im2osin" eno#"*L Or is t*is 2er*a2s an o2ti)al
ill#sion> 0t a )orner o t*e Ne5s8y, ,o*n Reed, an 0meri)an
.it* naU5e and intelli"ent eyes in *is *ead, b#ys a
bro)*#re o LeninJs entitled Will the Bolsheviks Be Able
To old the State !o"er# 2ayin" or it .it* one o t*ose
2osta"e stam2s .*i)* are no. )ir)#latin" in 2la)e o
Chapter 4): *enin "#mmons to
'esides t*e a)tories, barra)8s, 5illa"es, t*e ront and, t*e
so5iets, t*e re5ol#tion *ad anot*er laboratory: t*e brain o
Lenin: 4ri5en #nder"ro#nd, Lenin .as obli"ed or a
*#ndred and ele5en days H rom ,#ly ( to O)tober 2< H to
)#t do.n *is meetin"s e5en .it* members o t*e !entral
!ommittee: +it*o#t any immediate inter)o#rse .it* t*e
masses, and de2ri5ed o )onta)ts .it* any or"anisations,
*e )on)entrated *is t*o#"*t t*e more resol#tely #2on t*e
#ndamental 2roblems o t*e re5ol#tion, red#)in" t*em H
as .as bot* *is r#le and t*e ne)essity o *is nat#re H to
t*e 8ey 2roblems o Marxism:
T*e )*ie ar"#ments o t*e demo)rats, e5en t*e most
let.ard, a"ainst seiKin" t*e, .as t*at t*e toilers
.ere In)a2able o masterin" t*e ma)*inery o state:
O22ort#nist elements e5en .it*in t*e 'ols*e5i8 3arty
)*eris*ed t*e same ears: @T*e ma)*inery o stateLA E5ery
2etty bo#r"eois is bro#"*t #2 in adoration o t*is mysti)
2rin)i2le ele5ated abo5e 2eo2le and abo5e )lasses: 0nd
t*e ed#)ated 2*ilistine )arries in *is marro. t*e same a.e
t*at *is at*er did, or *is #n)le, t*e s*o28ee2er or .ell;o
2easant, beore t*ese all; instit#tions .*ere
=#estions o .ar and 2ea)e are de)ided, .*ere
)ommer)ial 2atents are "i5en o#t, .*en)e iss#e t*e .*i2s
o t*e taxes, .*ere t*ey 2#nis* and on)e in a .*ile also
2ardon, .*ere t*ey le"itimise marria"es and birt*s, .*ere
deat* itsel *as to stand in line res2e)t#lly a.aitin"
re)o"nition: T*e ma)*inery o stateL Remo5in" in
ima"ination not only *is *at b#t *is s*oes too, t*e 2etty
bo#r"eois )omes ti2;toein" into t*e tem2le o t*e idol on
sto)8in"ed eet H it matters not .*at *is name is,
9erens8y, La5al, Ma)4onald or ?ilerdin" H t*at is t*e .ay
*e )omes .*en 2ersonal "ood;l#)8 or t*e or)e o
)ir)#mstan)es ma8es *im a minister: S#)* "ra)io#s
)ondes)ension *e )an .it* a *#mble s#bmission
beore t*e @ma)*inery o state:A T*e R#ssian radi)al
intelli"entsia .*o *ad ne5er dared )ra.l into t*e seats o e5en d#rin" t*e re5ol#tion ex)e2t be*ind ba)8s o
titled landlords and bi" b#siness men, "aKed .it* ri"*t
and indi"nation #2on t*e 'ols*e5i8s: T*ose street
a"itators, t*ose dema"o"#es, t*in8 t*at t*ey )an master
t*e ma)*inery o stateL
0ter t*e So5iet, )onronted by t*e s2ineless im2oten)e o
t*e oi)ial demo)ra)y, *ad sa5ed t*e re5ol#tion in t*e
str#""le a"ainst 9ornilo5, Lenin .rote: @Let t*ose o little
ait* learn rom t*is exam2le: S*ame on t*ose .*o say,
O+e *a5e no ma)*ine .it* .*i)* to re2la)e t*at old one
.*i)* "ra5itates inexorably to t*e deen)e o t*e
bo#r"eoisie:J Bor .e *a5e a ma)*ine: 0nd t*at is t*e
so5iets: 4o not ear t*e initiati5e and inde2enden)e o t*e
masses: Tr#st t*e re5ol#tionary or"anisations o t*e
masses, and yo# .ill see in all s2*eres o t*e state lie t*at
same, maDesty and #n)on=#erable .ill o t*e
.or8ers and 2easants, .*i)* t*ey *a5e s*o.n in t*eir
solidarity and ent*#siasm a"ainst 9ornilo5ism:A
4#rin" t*e irst mont*s o *is #nder"ro#nd lie Lenin .rote
a boo8 The State and Revolution, t*e 2rin)i2al material
or .*i)* *e *ad )olle)ted abroad d#rin" t*e .ar: +it* t*e
same 2ainsta8in" )are .*i)* *e dedi)ated to t*in8in" o#t
t*e 2ra)ti)al 2roblems o t*e day, *e *ere examines t*e
t*eoreti) 2roblems o t*e state: ?e )annot do ot*er.ise:
or *im t*eory is in a)t#al a)t a "#ide to a)tion: In t*is
.or8 Lenin *as not or a min#te 2ro2osed to introd#)e any
ne. .ord into 2oliti)al t*eory: On t*e )ontrary, *e "i5es
*is .or8 an extraordinarily modest as2e)t, em2*asisin"
*is 2osition as a dis)i2le: ?is tas8, *e says, is to re5i5e t*e
"en#ine @tea)*in" o Marxism abo#t t*e state:A
+it* its meti)#lo#s sele)tion o =#otations, its detailed
2olemi)al inter2retations, t*e boo8 mi"*t seem 2edanti) H
to a)t#al 2edants, in)a2able o eelin" #nder t*e analysis
o texts t*e mi"*ty 2#lsation o t*e mind and .ill: 'y a
mere re;establis*ment o t*e )lass t*eory o t*e state on a
ne. and *i"*er *istori)al o#ndation, Lenin "i5es to t*e
ideas o Marx a ne. )on)reteness and t** a ne.
si"nii)an)e: '#t t*is .or8 on t*e state deri5es its
immeas#rable im2ortan)e abo5e all rom t*e a)t t*at it
)onstit#ted t*e s)ientii) introd#)tion to t*e "reatest
re5ol#tion in *istory: T*is @)ommentatorA o Marx .as
2re2arin" *is 2arty or t*e re5ol#tionary )on=#est o a
sixt* 2art o t*e *abitable s#ra)e o t*e eart*:
I t*e state )o#ld sim2ly re;a))ommodate itsel to t*e
demands o a ne. *istori) rG"ime, re5ol#tions .o#ld ne5er
*a5e arisen: 0s a a)t, *o.e5er, t*e bo#r"eoisie itsel *as
ne5er yet )ome to ex)e2t by .ay o re5ol#tion: No.
it is t*e .or8ersJ t#rn: 62on t*is =#estion, too, Lenin
restored to Marxism its si"nii)an)e as t*e t*eoreti)
.ea2on o t*e 2roletarian re5ol#tion:
Mo# say t*e .or8ers )annot master t*e ma)*inery o
state> '#t it is not a =#estion H Lenin tea)*es H o "ettin"
2ossession o t*e old ma)*ine and #sin" it or ne. aims:
t*at is a rea)tionary 6to2ia: T*e sele)tion o 2ersona"es in
t*e old ma)*ine, t*eir ed#)ation, t*eir m#t#al relations,
are all in )onli)t .it* t*e *istori) tas8 o t*e 2roletariat:
0ter seiKin" t*e o#r tas8 is not to re;ed#)ate t*e
old ma)*ine, b#t to s*atter it to ra"ments: 0nd .it* .*at
re2la)e it> +it* t*e so5iets: Brom bein" leaders o t*e
re5ol#tionary masses, instr#ments o ed#)ation, t*e
so5iets .ill be)ome or"ans o t*e ne. state order:
In t*e .*irl2ool o t*e re5ol#tion t*is .or8 .ill ind e.
readersC it .ill be 2#blis*ed, indeed, only ater t*e seiK#re
o Lenin is .or8in" o5er t*e 2roblem o t*e state
2rimarily or t*e sa8e o *is o.n inner )oniden)e and or
t*e #t#re: One o *is )ontin#al )on)erns .as to 2reser5e
t*e s#))ession o ideas: In ,#ly *e .rites to 9amene5:
@EnTre nous: I t*ey b#m2 me o I as8 yo# to 2#blis* my
little noteboo8 $ar%is& on the State /stranded in
Sto)8*olm1: 'o#nd in a bl#e )o5er: 0ll t*e =#otations are
)olle)ted rom Marx and En"els, li8e.ise rom 9a#ts8y
a"ainst 3anne8oe8: T*ere is a .*ole series o notes and
)omments: Borm#late it: I t*in8 yo# )o#ld 2#blis* it .it* a
.ee8Js .or8: I t*in8 it im2ortant, or it is not only
3le8*ano5 and 9a#ts8y .*o "ot o t*e tra)8: My
)onditions: all t*is to be absol#tely entre nous:A T*e
re5ol#tionary leader, 2erse)#ted as t*e a"ent o a *ostile
state and i"#rin" on t*e 2ossibility o attem2ted
assassination by *is enemies, )on)erns *imsel .it* t*e
2#bli)ation o a @bl#eA noteboo8 .it* =#otations rom Marx
and En"els: T*at .as to be *is se)ret last .ill and
testament: T*e 2*rase @b#m2 me oA E1F .as to ser5e as
an antidote a"ainst t*at 2at*os .*i)* *e *ated, or t*e
)ommission is 2at*eti) in its 5ery essen)e:
'#t .*ile a.aitin" t*is blo. in t*e ba)8, Lenin *imsel .as
"ettin" ready to deli5er a rontal blo.: +*ile *e .as
2#ttin" in order, bet.een readin" t*e 2a2ers and .ritin"
letters o instr#)tion, *is 2re)io#s noteboo8, 2ro)#red at
last rom Sto)8*olm, lie did not stand still: T*e *o#r .as
a22roa)*in" .*en t*e =#estion o t*e state .as to be
de)ided in 2ra)ti)al a)tion:
+*ile still in S.itKerland immediately ater t*e o5ert*ro.
o t*e monar)*y, Lenin .rote: @+e are not 'lan=#ists, not
ad5o)ates o t*e seiK#re o by a minority :::A T*is
same t*o#"*t *e de5elo2ed on *is arri5al in R#ssia: @+e
are no. in a minority H t*e masses do not tr#st #s yet: +e
8no. *o. to .ait ::: T*ey .ill" to o#r side, and ater
ex2lainin" t*e )orrelation o or)es .e .ill t*en say to
t*em: O#r day is )ome:A T*e =#estion o t*e )on=#est o .as 2resented d#rin" t*ose irst mont*s as a
=#estion o .innin" a maDority in t*e so5iets:
0ter t*e ,#ly raids Lenin de)lared: @T*e )an be
seiKed *en)eort* only by an armed ins#rre)tionC .e m#st
ob5io#sly rely in t*is o2eration not #2on t*e so5iets,
demoralised by t*e !om2romisers, b#t on t*e a)tory
)ommitteesC t*e so5iets as or"ans o .ill *a5e to be
)reated ane. ater t*e 5i)tory:A 0s a matter o a)t, only
t.o mont*s ater t*at t*e 'ols*e5i8s *ad .on o5er t*e
so5iets rom t*e !om2romisers: T*e nat#re o LeninJs
mista8e on t*is =#estion is *i"*ly )*ara)teristi) o *is
strate"i) "eni#s: or t*e boldest desi"ns *e based *is
)al)#lations #2on t*e least a5o#rable 2remises: T*#s in
)omin" to R#ssia t*ro#"* -ermany in 02ril *e )o#nted on
"oin" strai"*t to 2rison rom t*e station: T*#s on ,#ly < *e
.as sayin": @T*ey .ill 2robably s*oot #s all:A 0nd t*#s
no. *e .as i"#rin": t*e !om2romisers .ill not let #s "et
a maDority in t*e so5iets:
@T*ere is no man more aint;*earted t*an I am, .*en I am
.or8in" o#t a military 2lan,A .rote Na2oleon to -eneral
?ert*ier: @I exa""erate all dan"ers and all 2ossible
misort#nes ::: +*en my de)ision is ta8en e5eryt*in" is
or"otten ex)e2t .*at )an ass#re its s#))ess:A Ex)e2t or
t*e 2ose in5ol5ed in t*e ina22ro2riate .ord aint;*earted,
t*e essen)e o t*is t*o#"*t a22lies 2ere)tly to Lenin: In
de)idin" a 2roblem o strate"y *e be"an by )lot*in" t*e
enemy .it* *is o.n resol#tion and arsi"*tedness: T*e
ta)ti)al mista8es o Lenin .ere or t*e most 2art by;
2rod#)ts o *is strate"i) In t*e 2resent instan)e,
indeed, it is *ardly a22ro2riate to #se t*e .ord mista8e:
+*en a dia"nosti)ian arri5es at t*e deinition o a disease
by a met*od o s#))essi5e eliminations, *is *y2ot*eti)al
ass#m2tions, be"innin" .it* t*e .orst 2ossible, are not
mista8es b#t met*ods o analysis: 0s soon as t*e
'ols*e5i8s *ad "ot )ontrol o t*e so5iets o t*e t.o
)a2itals, Lenin said: @O#r day is )ome:A In 02ril and ,#ly *e
*ad a22lied t*e bra8esC in 0#"#st *e .as 2re2arin"
t*eoreti)ally t*e ne. ste2C rom t*e middle o Se2tember
*e .as *#rryin" and #r"in" on .it* all *is T*e
dan"er no. lay not in a)tin" too soon, b#t in la""in": @In
t*is matter it is no. im2ossible to be 2remat#re:A
In *is arti)les and letters addressed to t*e !entral
!ommittee, Lenin analyses t*e sit#ation, al.ays
em2*asisin" irst o all t*e international )onditions: T*e
sym2toms and t*e a)ts o an a.a8enin" E#ro2ean
2roletariat are or *im, on t*e ba)8"ro#nd o t*e .ar,
irre#table 2roo t*at t*e dire)t t*reat a"ainst t*e R#ssian
re5ol#tion rom t*e side o orei"n im2erialism .ill steadily
diminis*: T*e arrest o t*e so)ialists in Italy, and still more
t*e ins#rre)tions in t*e -erman leet, made *im anno#n)e
a s#2reme )*an"e in t*e .*ole .orld sit#ation: @+e stand
in t*e 5estib#le o t*e .orld;.ide 2roletarian re5ol#tion:A
T*e e2i"one *istorians *a5e 2reerred to *#s* #2 t*is
startin" 2oint o LeninJs t*o#"*t H bot* be)a#se LeninJs
)al)#lation *as been re#ted by e5ents, and be)a#se
a))ordin" to t*e most re)ent t*eories t*e R#ssian
Re5ol#tion o#"*t to be s#i)ient #nto itsel in all
)ir)#mstan)es: 0s a matter o a)t LeninJs a22raisal o t*e
international sit#ation .as anyt*in" b#t ill#sory: T*e
sym2toms .*i)* *e obser5ed t*ro#"* t*e s)reen o t*e
military )ensors*i2 o all )o#ntries did a)t#ally 2ortend t*e
a22roa)* o a re5ol#tionary storm: +it*in a year it s*oo8
t*e old b#ildin" o t*e !entral Em2ires to its 5ery
o#ndation: '#t also in t*e 5i)tor )o#ntries, En"land and
Bran)e H to say not*in" o Italy H it lon" de2ri5ed t*e r#lin"
)lasses o t*eir reedom o a)tion: 0"ainst a stron",
)onser5ati5e, sel;)onident )a2italisti) E#ro2e, t*e
2roletarian re5ol#tion in R#ssia, isolated and not yet
ortiied, )o#ld not *a5e *eld o#t e5en or a e. mont*s:
'#t t*at E#ro2e no lon"er existed: T*e re5ol#tion in t*e
.est did not, to be s#re, 2#t t*e 2roletariat into H
t*e reormists s#))eeded in sa5in" t*e bo#r"eois rG"ime H
b#t ne5ert*eless it 2ro5ed eno#"* to deend t*e
So5iet Re2#bli) in t*e irst and most dan"ero#s 2eriod o
its lie:
LeninJs dee2 internationalism .as not ex2ressed solely in
t*e a)t t*at *e al.ays "a5e irst 2la)e to *is a22raisal o
t*e international sit#ation: ?e re"arded t*e 5ery )on=#est
o in R#ssia 2rimarily as t*e im2et#s or a E#ro2ean
re5ol#tion, a t*in" .*i)*, as *e oten re2eated, .as to
*a5e in)om2arably more im2ortan)e or t*e ate o
*#manity t*an t*e re5ol#tion In ba)8.ard R#ssia: +it*
.*at sar)asm *e las*ed t*ose 'ols*e5i8s .*o did not
#nderstand t*eir international d#ty: @Let #s ado2t a
resol#tion o sym2at*y or t*e -erman ins#rre)tionists,A
*e mo)8s, @and reDe)t t*e ins#rre)tion in R#ssia: T*at .ill
be a "en#inely reasonable internationalismLA
In t*e days o t*e 4emo)rati) !oneren)e, Lenin .rote to
t*e !entral !ommittee: @?a5in" "ot a maDority in t*e
so5iets o bot* )a2itals ::: t*e 'ols*e5i8s )an and s*o#ld
seiKe t*e state in t*eir *ands :::A T*e a)t t*at a
maDority o t*e 2easant dele"ates o t*e sta)8ed
4emo)rati) !oneren)e 5oted a"ainst a )oalition .it* t*e
9adets, *ad or *im de)isi5e si"nii)an)e: T*e muzhik .*o
does not .ant a #nion .it* t*e bo#r"eoisie *as not*in"
let b#t to s#22ort t*e 'ols*e5i8s: @T*e 2eo2le are tired o
t*e .a5erin" o t*e Mens*e5i8s and So)ial
Re5ol#tionaries: Only o#r 5i)tory in t*e )a2itals .ill brin"
t*e 2easants o5er to #s:A T*e tas8 o t*e 2arty is: @To
2la)e #2on t*e order o t*e day armed ins#rre)tion in
3etersb#r" and Mos)o., )on=#est o, o5ert*ro. o
t*e "o5ernment :::A 62 to t*at time nobody *ad so
im2erio#sly and na8edly set t*e tas8 o ins#rre)tion:
Lenin 5ery st#dio#sly ollo.ed all t*e ele)tions and 5otin"s
in t*e )o#ntry, )are#lly assemblin" t*ose i"#res .*i)*
.o#ld t*ro. li"*t on t*e a)t#al )orrelation o or)es: T*e
semi;anar)*isti) indieren)e to ele)toral statisti)s "ot
not*in" b#t )ontem2t rom *im: 0t t*e same time Lenin
ne5er identiied t*e indexes o 2arliamentarism .it* t*e
a)t#al )orrelation o or)es: ?e al.ays introd#)ed a
)orre)tion in a5o#r o dire)t a)tion: @T*e stren"t* o a
re5ol#tionary 2roletariat,A *e ex2lained, @rom t*e 2oint o
5ie. o its a)tion #2on t*e masses and" t*em into
t*e str#""le, is ininitely "reater in an extra;2arliamentary
t*an a 2arliamentary str#""le: T*is is a 5ery im2ortant
obser5ation .*en it )omes to t*e =#estion o )i5il .ar:A
Lenin .it* *is s*ar2 eye .as t*e irst to noti)e t*at t*e
a"rarian mo5ement *ad "one into a de)isi5e 2*ase, and
*e immediately dre. all t*e )on)l#sions rom t*is: T*e
muzhik, li8e t*e soldier, .ill .ait no lon"er: @In t*e a)e o
s#)* a a)t as t*e 2easant ins#rre)tion,A .rites Lenin at
t*e end o Se2tember, @all ot*er 2oliti)al sym2toms, e5en
i t*ey .ere in )onli)t .it* t*is ri2enin" o an all;national
)risis, .o#ld *a5e absol#tely no si"nii)an)e at all:A T*e
a"rarian =#estion is t*e o#ndation o t*e re5ol#tion: 0
5i)tory o t*e "o5ernment o5er t*e 2easant re5olt .o#ld
be t*e @#neral o t*e re5ol#tion +e )annot *o2e or more
a5o#rable )onditions: T*e *o#r o a)tion is at *and: @T*e
)risis is ri2e: T*e .*ole #t#re o t*e international .or8ersJ
re5ol#tion or so)ialism is at sta8e: T*e )risis is ri2e:A
Lenin s#mmons to ins#rre)tion: In ea)* sim2le, 2rosai),
sometimes an"#lar line, yo# eel t*e *i"*est tensity o
2assion: @T*e re5ol#tion is done or,A *e .rites early in
O)tober to t*e 3etro"rad 2arty )oneren)e, @i t*e
"o5ernment o 9erens8y is not o5ert*ro.n by 2roletarians
and soldiers in t*e near #t#re ::: +e m#st mobilise all
or)es in order to im2ress #2on t*e .or8ers and soldiers
t*e #n)onditional ne)essity o a des2erate, last, resol#te
str#""le to o5ert*ro. t*e "o5ernment o 9erens8y:A
Lenin *ad said more t*an on)e t*at t*e masses are to t*e
let o t*e 2arty: ?e 8ne. t*at t*e 2arty .as to t*e let o
its o.n #22er layer o @old 'ols*e5i8s:A ?e .as too .ell
a)=#ainted .it* t*e inner "ro#2in"s and moods in t*e
!entral !ommittee to ex2e)t rom it any *aKardo#s ste2s
.*ate5er: On t*e ot*er *and *e "reatly eared ex)essi5e
)a#tion, Babianism, a lettin" sli2 o one o t*ose *istori)
sit#ations .*i)* are de)ades in 2re2aration: Lenin did not
tr#st t*e !entral !ommittee H .it*o#t Lenin: In t*at lies
t*e 8ey to *is letters rom #nder"ro#nd: 0nd Lenin .as not
so .ron" in *is mistr#st:
'ein" )om2elled in a maDority o )ases to ex2ress *imsel
ater a de)ision *ad already been rea)*ed in 3etro"rad,
Lenin .as )ontin#ally )riti)isin" t*e 2oli)y o t*e !entral
!ommittee rom t*e let: ?is o22osition de5elo2ed .it* t*e
=#estion o ins#rre)tion as a ba)8"ro#nd: '#t it .as not
limited to t*at: Lenin t*o#"*t t*at t*e !entral !ommittee
.as "i5in" too m#)* attention to t*e )om2romisist
Exe)#ti5e !ommittee, t*e 4emo)rati) !oneren)e,
2arliamentary doin"s in t*e #22er so5iet )ir)les in "eneral:
?e s*ar2ly o22osed t*e 2ro2osal o t*e 'ols*e5i8s or a
)oalition 2rTsidi#m in t*e 3etro"rad So5iet: ?e branded as
@s*ame#lA t*e de)ision to 2arti)i2ate in t*e 3re;
3arliament: ?e .as indi"nant at t*e list o 'ols*e5i8
)andidates or t*e !onstit#ent 0ssembly 2#blis*ed at t*e
end o Se2tember: Too many intelle)t#als, not eno#"*
.or8ers: @To Dam #2 t*e !onstit#ent 0ssembly .it* orators
and littGrate#rs .ill mean to tra5el t*e .orn;o#t road o
o22ort#nism and )*a#5inism: T*is is #n.ort*y o t*e T*ird
International:A Moreo5er t*ere are too many ne. names
amon" t*e )andidates, members o t*e 2arty not tried o#t
in t*e str#""leL ?ere Lenin )onsiders it ne)essary to ma8e
an ex)e2tion: @It "oes .it*o#t sayin" t*at ::: nobody .o#ld
=#arrel .it* s#)* a )andida)y, or exam2le, as t*at o L:4:
Trots8y, or in t*e irst 2la)e Trots8y too8 an
internationalist 2osition immediately #2on *is arri5alC in
t*e se)ond 2la)e, *e o#"*t or amal"amation amon" t*e
MeK*rayontsiC in t*e t*ird 2la)e, in t*e dii)#lt ,#ly 4ays
*e stood at t*e *ei"*t o t*e tas8 and 2ro5ed a de5oted
)*am2ion o t*e 2arty o t*e re5ol#tionary 2roletariat: It is
)lear t*at t*is )annot be said o a maDority o t*e
yesterdayJs 2arty members .*o *a5e been introd#)ed into
t*is list :::A
It mi"*t seem as t*o#"* t*e 02ril 4ays *ad ret#rned H
Lenin a"ain in o22osition to t*e !entral !ommittee: T*e
=#estions stand dierently, b#t t*e "eneral s2irit o *is
o22osition is t*e same: t*e !entral !ommittee is too
2assi5e, too res2onsi5e to so)ial o2inion amon" t*e
intelle)t#al )ir)les, too )om2romisist in its attit#de to t*e
!om2romisers: 0nd abo5e all, too indierent, atalisti), not
atta)8in" * la 'ols*e5i8 t*e 2roblem o t*e armed
It is time to 2ass rom .ords to deeds: @O#r 2arty *as no.
at t*e 4emo)rati) !oneren)e 2ra)ti)ally its o.n )on"ress,
and t*is )on"ress *as "ot to de)ide /.*et*er it .ants to or
not1 t*e ate o t*e re5ol#tion:A Only one de)ision is
t*in8able: 0rmed o5ert*ro.: In t*is irst letter on
ins#rre)tion Lenin ma8es anot*er ex)e2tion: @It is not a
=#estion o Ot*e dayJ o t*e ins#rre)tion, nor Ot*e momentJ
in a narro. sense: T*is )an be de)ided only by t*e "eneral
5oi)e o t*ose .*o are in )onta)t .it* t*e .or8ers and
soldiers, .it* t*e masses:A '#t only t.o or t*ree days later
/letters in t*ose days .ere )ommonly not dated H or
)ons2irati5e reasons, not t*ro#"* or"et#lness1 Lenin,
ob5io#sly im2ressed by t*e de)om2osition o t*e
4emo)rati) !oneren)e, insists #2on immediate a)tion and
ort*.it* ad5an)es a 2ra)ti)al 2lan:
@+e o#"*t at on)e to solidiy t*e 'ols*e5i8 a)tion at t*e
!oneren)e, not stri5in" ater n#mbers ::: +e o#"*t to
dra. #2 a s*ort de)laration o t*e 'ols*e5i8s ::: +e o#"*t
to mo5e o#r .*ole a)tion to t*e a)tories and barra)8s: 0t
t*e same time .it*o#t losin" a min#te .e o#"*t to
or"anise a sta o Ins#rre)tionary deta)*ments, de2loy
o#r or)es, mo5e t*e loyal re"iments into t*e most
im2ortant 2ositions, s#rro#nd t*e 0lexandrin8a /t*e
t*eatre .*ere t*e 4emo)rati) !oneren)e .as sittin"1
o))#2y 3eter and 3a#l, arrest t*e -eneral Sta and t*e
"o5ernment, send a"ainst t*e D#n8ers and t*e Sa5a"e
4i5ision t*ose deta)*ments .*i)* are ready to die
i"*tin", b#t not let t*e enemy ad5an)e to t*e )entre o
t*e )ityC .e o#"*t to mobilise t*e armed .or8ers, s#mmon
t*em to a des2erate, inal battle, o))#2y t*e tele"ra2*
and tele2*one stations at on)e, install o#r ins#rre)tionary
sta at t*e )entral tele2*one station, 2la)in" in )onta)t
.it* it by tele2*one all t*e a)tories, all t*e re"iments, all
t*e )*ie 2oints o armed str#""le, et):A T*e =#estion o
date is no lon"er 2la)ed in de2enden)e #2on t*e @"eneral
5oi)e o t*ose .*o are in )onta)t .it* t*e masses:A Lenin
2ro2osed an immediate a)t: To lea5e t*e 0lexandrins8y
t*eatre .it* an #ltimat#m and ret#rn t*ere at t*e *ead o
t*e armed masses: 0 )r#s*in" blo. is to be str#)8 not only
a"ainst t*e "o5ernment, b#t also, sim#ltaneo#sly, a"ainst
t*e *i"*est or"an o t*e !om2romisers:
@Lenin, .*o in 2ri5ate letters .as demandin" t*e arrest o
t*e 4emo)rati) !oneren)e,A H s#)* is t*e a))#sation o
S#8*ano5 H Jin t*e 2ress, as .e 8no., 2ro2osed a
J)om2romiseJ: Let t*e Mens*e5i8s and So)ial
Re5ol#tionaries ta8e o5er t*e .*ole and t*en see
.*at t*e So5iet !on"ress says ::: T*e same idea .as
insistently deended by Trots8y at t*e 4emo)rati)
!oneren)e and aro#nd it:A S#8*ano5 sees a do#ble "ame
.*ere t*ere .as not t*e sli"*test *int o it: Lenin 2ro2osed
an a"reement to t*e !om2romisers immediately ater t*e
5i)tory o5er 9ornilo5 H d#rin" t*e irst days o Se2tember:
T*e !om2romisers 2assed it #2 .it* a s*r#" o t*eir
s*o#lders: T*ey .ere en"a"ed in )on5ertin" t*e
4emo)rati) !oneren)e into a s)reen or a ne. )oalition
.it* t*e 9adets a"ainst t*e 'ols*e5i8s: +it* t*at t*e
2ossibility o an a"reement ell a.ay absol#tely: T*e
=#estion o )o#ld *en)eort* be de)ided only in
o2en str#""le: S#8*ano5 mixes #2 t.o sta"es one o
.*i)* 2re)eded t*e ot*er by t.o .ee8s and 2oliti)ally
)onditioned it:
'#t alt*o#"* t*e ins#rre)tion lo.ed inexorably rom t*e
ne. )oalition, ne5ert*eless t*e s*ar2ness o LeninJs
)*an"e o ront too8 e5en t*e *eads o *is o.n 2arty by
s#r2rise: To #nite t*e 'ols*e5i8 a)tion at t*e !oneren)e
on t*e basis o *is letter, e5en .it*o#t @stri5in" ater
n#mbersA .as )learly im2ossible: T*e mood o t*e a)tion
.as s#)* t*at it reDe)ted by se5enty 5otes a"ainst ity t*e
2ro2osal to boy)ott t*e 3re;3arliament H t*e irst ste2, t*at
is, on t*e road to ins#rre)tion: In t*e !entral !ommittee
itsel LeninJs 2lan o#nd no s#22ort .*ate5er: Bo#r years
later at an e5enin" o reminis)en)es, '#8*arin .it*
)*ara)teristi) exa""erations and .itti)isms, "a5e a tr#e
a))o#nt o t*at e2isode: @T*e letter /o Lenin1 .as .ritten
.it* extraordinary or)e and t*reatened #s .it* all sorts o
2#nis*ments: +e all "as2ed: Nobody *ad yet 2osed t*e
=#estion so abr#2tly ::: 0t irst all .ere be.ildered:
0ter.ards, *a5in" tal8ed it o5er, .e made a de)ision:
3er*a2s t*at .as t*e sole )ase in t*e *istory o o#r 2arty
.*en t*e !entral !ommittee #nanimo#sly de)ided to b#rn
a letter o Lenin ::: 0lt*o#"* .e belie5ed #n)onditionally
t*at in 3etersb#r" and Mos)o. .e s*o#ld s#))eed in
seiKin" t*e, .e ass#med t*at in t*e 2ro5in)es .e
)o#ld not yet *old o#t, t*at *a5in" seiKed t*e and
dis2ersed t*e 4emo)rati) !oneren)e .e )o#ld not ortiy
o#rsel5es in t*e rest o R#ssia:A
T*e b#rnin" o se5eral )o2ies o t*is dan"ero#s letter," to )ons2irati5e )onsiderations, .as as a matter o
a)t not #nanimo#sly resol5ed #2on, b#t by six 5otes
a"ainst o#r .it* six abstainin": One )o2y, l#)8ily or
*istory, .as 2reser5ed: '#t it is tr#e, as '#8*arin relates,
t*at all t*e members o t*e !entral !ommittee, alt*o#"*
or dierent moti5es, reDe)ted t*e 2ro2osal: Some o22osed
an ins#rre)tion in "eneralC ot*ers t*o#"*t t*at t*e moment
o t*e )oneren)e .as t*e least ad5anta"eo#s o allC
ot*ers sim2ly 5a)illated and ado2ted a .aitin" attit#de:
?a5in" r#n into t*is dire)t resistan)e, Lenin entered into a
sort o )ons2ira)y .it* Smil"a, .*o .as also in Binland and
as 3resident o t*e Re"ional !ommittee o t*e So5iets *eld
a tolerable amo#nt o real in *is *ands: Smil"a
stood in 1917 on t*e extreme let .in" o t*e 2arty and
already in ,#ly *ad been in)lined to )arry t*e str#""le
t*ro#"* to t*e end: 0t t#rnin" 2oints in *is 2oli)y Lenin
al.ays o#nd somebody to rely on: On Se2tember 27 Lenin
.rote Smil"a a 5ol#mino#s letter: @+*at are .e doin">
Only 2assin" resol#tions> +e are losin" time, .e are
settin" OdatesJ /O)tober 2% H !on"ress o So5iets H IsnJt it
ridi)#lo#s to 2ost2one t*is .ay> IsnJt it ridi)#lo#s to rely
on t*at>1 T*e 'ols*e5i8s are not )arryin" on a systemati)
.or8 o 2re2arin" t*eir armed or)es or t*e o5ert*ro. o
9erens8y ::: +e m#st a"itate in t*e 2arty or a serio#s
attit#de to.ard armed ins#rre)tion ::: 0nd #rt*er, as to
yo#r rIle :::C To )reate a se)ret )ommittee o t*e most loyal
military men, tal8 t*e t*in" o5er on all sides .it* t*em,
)olle)t /and yo#rsel 5eriy1 t*e most a))#rate inormation
abo#t t*e ma8e;#2 and 2osition o t*e troo2s in and
aro#nd 3etro"rad, abo#t t*e trans2ortation o Binland
troo2s to 3etro"rad, abo#t t*e mo5ements o t*e leet,
et):A Lenin demanded @a systemati) 2ro2a"anda amon"
t*e !ossa)8s lo)ated *ere in Binland ::: +e m#st st#dy all
inormation abo#t t*e attit#de o t*e !ossa)8s and
or"anise a sendin" o a"itatorial deta)*ments rom o#r
best or)es o sailors and soldiers o Binland:A 0nd inally:
@Bor a )orre)t 2re2aration o minds .e m#st immediately
2#t into )ir)#lation a slo"an o t*is 8ind: T*e m#st
immediately 2ass to t*e 3etro"rad So5iet .*i)* .ill *and
it o5er to t*e !on"ress o So5iets: Bor .*y end#re t*ree
more .ee8s o .ar and o 9ornilo5ist 2re2arations by
9erens8y>A In t*is letter .e *a5e a ne. 2lan o
ins#rre)tion: 0 se)ret )ommittee o t*e more im2ortant
military men in ?elsin"ors as a i"*tin" sta, t*e R#ssian
troo2s =#artered in Binland as i"*tin" or)es: @It seems
t*at t*e only ones .e )an #lly )ontrol and .*o .ill 2lay a
serio#s military rIle are t*e Binland troo2s and t*e 'alti)
Bleet:A T*#s .e see t*at Lenin )o#nted on dealin" t*e
)*ie blo. a"ainst t*e "o5ernment rom o#tside 3etro"rad:
0t t*e same time a @)orre)t 2re2aration o mindsA is
ne)essary, so t*at an o5ert*ro. o t*e "o5ernment by
military or)es rom Binland s*all not all #nex2e)tedly
#2on t*e 3etro"rad So5iet, .*i)* #ntil t*e !on"ress o
So5iets .as to be t*e in*eritor o
T*is ne. drat o a 2lan, li8e t*e 2re)edin" one, .as not
realised: '#t it did not "o by .it*o#t ee)t: T*e a"itation
amon" t*e !ossa)8 4i5isions soon "a5e res#lts: .e *a5e
*eard abo#t t*is rom 4yben8o: T*e 2arti)i2ation o 'alti)
sailors in t*e )*ie blo. a"ainst t*e "o5ernment, also
entered into t*e 2lan later ado2ted: '#t t*at .as not t*e
)*ie t*in": +it* *is extremely s*ar2 2osin" o t*e
=#estion Lenin 2ermitted nobody to e5ade or manoe#5re:
+*at seemed #ntimely as a dire)t ta)ti)al 2ro2osal
be)ame ex2edient as a test o attit#des in t*e !entral
!ommittee, a s#22ort to t*e resol#te a"ainst t*e
.a5erin", a s#22lementary 2#s* to t*e let:
+it* all t*e means at *is dis2osal in *is #nder"ro#nd
isolation Lenin .as tryin" to ma8e t*e )adres o t*e 2arty
eel t*e a)#teness o t*e sit#ation and t*e stren"t* o t*e
mass 2ress#re: ?e s#mmoned indi5id#al 'ols*e5i8s to *is
*idin";2la)e, 2#t t*em t*ro#"* 2artisan )ross;
=#estionin"s, tested o#t t*e .ords and deeds o t*e
leaders, #sed indire)t .ays to "et *is slo"ans into t*e
2arty H dee2 do.n in it H in order to )om2el t*e !entral
!ommittee to a)t in t*e a)e o ne)essity and )arry t*e
t*in" t*ro#"*:
0 day ater *is letter to Smil"a, Lenin .rote t*e abo5e
=#oted do)#ment The %risis is Ripe, )on)l#din" it .it*
somet*in" in t*e nat#re o a de)laration o .ar a"ainst t*e
!entral !ommittee: @+e m#st ::: a)8no.led"e t*e tr#t*
t*at t*ere is in t*e !entral !ommittee and t*e #22er
)ir)les o t*e 2arty a tenden)y or an o2inion in a5o#r o
.aitin" or t*e !on"ress o So5iets, a"ainst t*e immediate
seiK#re o, a"ainst immediate ins#rre)tion:A T*is
tenden)y .e m#st o5er)ome at any )ost: @!on=#er
9erens8y irst and t*en s#mmon t*e !on"ress:A To lose
time .aitin" or t*e !on"ress o So5iets is @)om2lete
idio)y or else )om2lete trea)*ery T*ere remain more t*an
t.el5e days #ntil t*e !on"ress desi"nated or t*e 2%t*:
@+ee8s and e5en days are no. de)idin" e5eryt*in":A To
2ost2one t*e s*o.;do.n means a )o.ardly ren#n)iation
o ins#rre)tion, sin)e d#rin" t*e !on"ress a seiK#re o .ill be)ome im2ossible: @T*ey .ill "et to"et*er t*e
!ossa)8s or t*e day o t*at st#2idly Oa22ointedJ
T*e mere tone o t*e letter s*o.s *o. r#ino#s t*e
Babianism o t*e 3etro"rad leaders*i2 seemed to Lenin:
'#t t*is time *e is not satisied .it* #rio#s )riti)ismC by
.ay o 2rotest *e resi"ns rom t*e !entral !ommittee: ?e
"i5es *is reasons: t*e !entral !ommittee *as made no
res2onse sin)e t*e be"innin" o t*e !oneren)e to *is
insisten)e in re"ard to t*e seiK#re o 2o.erC t*e editorial
board o t*e 2arty or"an /Stalin1 is 2rintin" *is arti)les .it*
intentional delays, omittin" rom t*em *is indi)ation o
s#)* @la"rant mista8es o t*e 'ols*e5i8s as t*eir s*ame#l
de)ision to 2arti)i2ate in t*e 3re;3arliament,A et): T*is
2ro)ed#re Lenin does not )onsider it 2ossible to )on)eal
rom t*e 2arty: @I am )om2elled to re=#est 2ermission to
.it*dra. rom t*e !entral !ommittee, .*i)* I *ereby do,
and lea5e mysel reedom o a"itation in t*e ran8s o
t*e 2arty and at t*e 2arty )on"ress:A
T*e do)#ments do not s*o. .*at #rt*er ormal a)tion
.as ta8en in t*is matter: Lenin in any )ase did not
.it*dra. rom t*e !entral !ommittee: 'y anno#n)in" *is
resi"nation, an a)t .*i)* )o#ld not 2ossibly be .it* *im
t*e r#it o momentary irritation, Lenin ob5io#sly .anted
to ma8e it 2ossible to ree *imsel in )ase o need rom t*e
internal dis)i2line o t*e !entral !ommittee: ?e )o#ld be
=#ite s#re t*at as in 02ril a dire)t a22eal to t*e
ran8s .o#ld ass#re *im t*e 5i)tory: '#t t*e road o o2en
m#tiny a"ainst t*e !entral !ommittee re=#ired t*e
2re2aration o a s2e)ial sessionC it re=#ired timeC and time
.as D#st .*at .as la)8in": 9ee2in" t*is anno#n)ement o
*is resi"nation in reser5e, b#t not .it*" )om2letely
beyond t*e limits o 2arty le"ality, Lenin no. )ontin#ed
.it* "reater reedom to de5elo2 *is oensi5e alon"
internal lines: ?is letter to t*e !entral !ommittee *e not
only sent to t*e 3etro"rad and Mos)o. )ommittees, b#t *e
also sa. to it t*at )o2ies ell into t*e *ands o t*e more
reliable 2arty .or8ers o t*e distri)t lo)als: Early in
O)tober H and no. o5er t*e *eads o t*e !entral
!ommittee H Lenin .rote dire)tly to t*e 3etro"rad and t*e
Mos)o. )ommittees: @T*e 'ols*e5i8s *a5e no ri"*t to
a.ait t*e !on"ress o So5iets: T*ey o#"*t to seiKe t*e ri&ht no+ ::: 4elay is a )rime: +aitin" or t*e
!on"ress o So5iets is a )*ildis* toyin" .it* ormalities, a
s*ame#l toyin" .it* ormalities, betrayal o t*e
re5ol#tion:A Brom t*e stand2oint o *ierar)*i)al attit#des
to.ards a)tion, Lenin .as by no means beyond re2roa)*,
b#t t*e =#estion *ere .as o somet*in" bi""er t*an
)onsiderations o ormal dis)i2line:
One o t*e members o t*e Vybor" 4istri)t !ommittee,
S5es*ni8o5, remembers: @Ily)* rom #nder"ro#nd .as
.ritin" and .ritin" #ntirin"ly, and NadyeK*da
!onstantino5na /9r#2s8aia1 oten read t*ese man#s)ri2ts
to #s in t*e distri)t )ommittee ::: T*e b#rnin" .ords o t*e
leader .o#ld redo#ble o#r stren"t* ::: I remember as
t*o#"* it .ere yesterday t*e bendin" i"#re o NadyeK*da
!onstantino5na in one o t*e rooms o t*e distri)t
administration, .*ere t*e ty2ists .ere .or8in", )are#lly
)om2arin" t*e )o2y .it* t*e ori"inal, and ri"*t alon"side
stood 6n)le and -ene demandin" a )o2y ea)*:A @6n)leA
and @-eneA .ere old )ons2irati5e 2se#donyms or t.o
leaders o t*e distri)t: @Not lon" a"o,A relates t*e distri)t
.or8er, Na#mo5, @.e "ot a letter rom Ily)* or deli5ery to
t*e !entral !ommittee ::: +e read t*e letter and "as2ed: It
seems t*at Lenin *ad lon" a"o 2#t beore t*e !entral
!ommittee t*e =#estion o ins#rre)tion: +e raised a ro.:
+e be"an to brin" 2ress#re on t*em:A It .as D#st t*is t*at
.as needed:
In t*e irst days o O)tober, Lenin a22ealed to a 3etro"rad
2arty )oneren)e to s2ea8 a irm .ord in a5o#r o
ins#rre)tion: 62on *is initiati5e t*e )oneren)e @insistently
re=#ests t*e !entral !ommittee to ta8e all meas#res or
t*e leaders*i2 o t*e ine5itable ins#rre)tion o t*e .or8ers,
soldiers and 2easants:A In t*is 2*rase alone t*ere are t.o
8inds o )amo#la"e: D#ridi)al and di2lomati): It s2ea8s o
t*e leaders*i2 o an @ine5itable ins#rre)tionA instead o t*e
dire)t 2re2aration o ins#rre)tion, in order not to 2la)e
tr#m2 )ards in t*e *ands o t*e distri)t attorneyC and it
@re=#ests t*e !entral !ommitteeA H it does not demand,
and it does not 2rotest H t*is in ob5io#s deeren)e to t*e
2resti"e o t*e *i"*est instit#tion o t*e 2arty: '#t in
anot*er resol#tion, also .ritten by Lenin, t*e s2ee)* is
more ran8: @In t*e #22er )ir)les o t*e 2arty a .a5erin" is
to be obser5ed, a sort o dread o t*e str#""le or,
an in)lination to re2la)e t*is str#""le .it* resol#tions,
2rotests, and )oneren)es:A T*is is already almost a dire)t
2ittin" o t*e 2arty a"ainst t*e !entral !ommittee: Lenin
did not de)ide li"*tly #2on s#)* ste2s: '#t it .as a
=#estion o t*e ate o t*e re5ol#tion, and all ot*er
)onsiderations ell a.ay:
On O)tober $, Lenin addressed t*e 'ols*e5i8 dele"ates o
t*e ort*)omin" Nort*ern Re"ional !on"ress: @+e m#st
not a.ait t*e 0ll;R#ssian !on"ress o So5iets .*i)* t*e
!entral Exe)#ti5e !ommittee is able to 2ost2one e5en to
No5ember: +e m#st not delay and let 9erens8y brin" in
more 9ornilo5 troo2s:A T*at Re"ional !oneren)e, at .*i)*
Binland, t*e leet and Re5al .ere re2resented, s*o#ld ta8e
t*e initiati5e in @an immediate mo5e on 3etro"rad:A T*e
dire)t s#mmons to immediate ins#rre)tion .as t*is time
addressed to t*e re2resentati5es o s)ores o so5iets: T*e
s#mmons )ame rom Lenin 2ersonally: T*ere .as no 2arty
de)isionC t*e *i"*er instit#tions o t*e 2arty *ad not yet
ex2ressed t*emsel5es:
It re=#ired a mi"*ty )oniden)e in t*e 2roletariat, in t*e
2arty, b#t also a 5ery serio#s mistr#st o t*e !entral
!ommittee, in order o5er its *ead, #2on *is o.n 2ersonal
res2onsibility, rom #nder"ro#nd, and by means o a e.
small s*eets o note2a2er min#tely ins)ribed, to raise an
a"itation or an armed re5ol#tion, or an armed o5ert*ro.
o t*e "o5ernment: ?o. )o#ld it *a22en t*at Lenin, .*om
.e *a5e seen at t*e be"innin" o 02ril isolated amon" t*e
leaders o *is o.n 2arty, o#nd *imsel a"ain solitary in
t*e same "ro#2 in Se2tember and early O)tober> T*is
)annot be #nderstood i yo# belie5e t*e #nintelli"ent
le"end .*i)* 2ortrays t*e *istory o 'ols*e5ism as an
emanation o t*e 2#re re5ol#tionary idea: In reality
'ols*e5ism de5elo2ed in a deinite so)ial milie#
#nder"oin" its *etero"eneo#s inl#en)es and amon" t*em
t*e inl#en)e o a 2etty bo#r"eois en5ironment and o
)#lt#ral ba)8.ardness: To ea)* ne. sit#ation t*e 2arty
ada2ted itsel only by .ay o an inner )risis:
In order t*at t*e s*ar2 2re;O)tober str#""le in t*e
'ols*e5i8 #22er )ir)les may )ome beore #s in a tr#e li"*t,
it is ne)essary a"ain to loo8 ba)8 at t*ose 2ro)esses in t*e
2arty o .*i)* .e s2o8e in t*e irst 5ol#me: T*is is t*e
more ne)essary sin)e exa)tly at t*is 2resent time t*e
a)tion o Stalin is ma8in" #n*eard;o eorts, and t*at,
too, on an international s)ale, to .i2e o#t o *istori)
memory e5ery re)olle)tion o *o. t*e O)tober re5ol#tion
.as in reality 2re2ared and a)*ie5ed:
In t*e years beore t*e .ar t*e 'ols*e5i8s *ad des)ribed
t*emsel5es in t*e le"al 2ress as @)onsistent demo)rats:A
T*is 2se#donym .as not a))identally )*osen: T*e slo"ans
o re5ol#tionary demo)ra)y, 'ols*e5ism and 'ols*e5ism
alone )arried t*ro#"* to its lo"i)al )on)l#sion: '#t in its
2ro"nosis o t*e re5ol#tion it did not "o beyond t*is: T*e
.ar, *o.e5er, inse2arably bindin" #2 t*e bo#r"eois
demo)rats .it* im2erialism, 2ro5ed )on)l#si5ely t*at t*e
2ro"ramme o @)onsistent demo)ra)yA )o#ld be no
ot*er.ise ena)ted t*an t*ro#"* a 2roletarian re5ol#tion:
E5ery 'ols*e5i8 to .*om t*e .ar did not ma8e t*is )lear
.as ine5itably destined to be )a#"*t #na.are by t*e
re5ol#tion, and )on5erted into a let ello.;tra5eller o t*e
bo#r"eois demo)ra)y:
?o.e5er, a )are#l st#dy o t*e materials )*ara)terisin"
t*e 2arty lie d#rin" t*e .ar and t*e be"innin" o t*e
re5ol#tion,*standin" t*e extreme and
#n2re)edented s)antiness o t*ese materials H and t*en
be"innin" .it* 1923 t*eir in)reasin" disin"en#o#sness H
re5eals more )learly e5ery day t*e immense intelle)t#al
ba)8slidin" o t*e #22er strat#m o t*e 'ols*e5i8s d#rin"
t*e .ar .*en t*e 2ro2er lie o t*e 2arty 2ra)ti)ally )ame
to an end: T*e )a#se o t*is ba)8slidin" is t.oold:
isolation rom t*e masses and isolation rom t*ose abroad
H t*at is 2rimarily rom Lenin: T*e res#lt .as a dro.nin" in
isolation and 2ro5in)ialism:
Not one o t*e old 'ols*e5i8s in R#ssia, let ea)* to
*imsel, orm#lated t*ro#"*o#t t*e .*ole .ar one
do)#ment .*i)* mi"*t be loo8ed #2on as e5en t*e tiniest
bea)on;li"*t on t*e road rom t*e Se)ond International to
t*e T*ird: @T*e 2roblems o 2ea)e, t*e )*ara)ter o t*e
)omin" re5ol#tion, t*e r(le o t*e 2arty in a #t#re
3ro5isional -o5ernment, et):A H t*#s .rote one o t*e old
members o t*e 2arty, 0ntono5;Sarato5s8y, some years
a"o H @.ere )on)ei5ed by #s 5a"#ely eno#"* or did not
enter into o#r ield o rele)tion at all:A 62 to t*is time
t*ere *as not been 2#blis*ed one arti)le, not one 2a"e o
a diary, not one letter in .*i)* Stalin, Moloto5, or any
ot*er o t*e leaders orm#lated e5en indire)tly, e5en 5ery
*astily, *is 5ie.s #2on t*e 2ers2e)ti5es o t*e .ar and t*e
re5ol#tion: T*is does not mean, o )o#rse, t*at t*e @old
'ols*e5i8sA .rote not*in" on t*ese =#estions d#rin" t*e
years o t*e .ar, o t*e )olla2se o t*e so)ial demo)ra)y
and t*e 2re2aration o t*e R#ssian re5ol#tion: T*ese
*istori) e5ents too insistently demanded an ans.erC Dail
and exile, moreo5er, "a5e 2lenty o leis#re or meditation
and )orres2onden)e: '#t amon" all t*at .as .ritten on
t*ese t*emes, not one t*in" *as t#rned #2 .*i)* mi"*t
e5en .it* stret)*in" be inter2reted as an a22roa)* to t*e
ideas o t*e O)tober re5ol#tion: It is s#i)ient to
remember t*at t*e Instit#te o 3arty ?istory *as been
orbidden to 2rint one line rom t*e 2en o Stalin d#rin"
t*e years 191&;1917, and *as been )om2elled to *ide
)are#lly t*e most im2ortant do)#ments o Mar)* 1917: In
t*e oi)ial 2oliti)al bio"ra2*ies o a maDority o t*e r#lin"
strat#m, t*e years o t*e .ar 2resent a 5a)ant s2a)e: T*at
is t*e #nadorned tr#t*:
One o t*e most re)ent yo#n" *istorians, 'aye5s8y,
s2e)ially dele"ated to demonstrate *o. t*e #22er )ir)les
o t*e 2arty de5elo2ed d#rin" t*e .ar in t*e dire)tion o
2roletarian re5ol#tion, .as #nable, in s2ite o *is maniest
lexibility o s)ientii) )ons)ien)e, to s=#eeKe o#t o t*e
materials anyt*in" more t*an t*e" mea"re
statement: @It is im2ossible to ollo. t*e )o#rse o t*is
2ro)ess, b#t )ertain do)#ments and memoirs ind#bitably
2ro5e t*at t*ere .ere s#bterranean sear)*in"s o t*e
2arty mind in t*e dire)tion o t*e 02ril t*eses o Lenin :::A
0s t*o#"* it .ere a =#estion o s#bterranean sear)*in"s,
and not o s)ientii) a22raisals and 2oliti)al 2ro"nosesL
It .as 2ossible to arri5e a priori at t*e ideas o t*e O)tober
re5ol#tion, not in Siberia, not in Mos)o., not e5en in
3etro"rad, b#t only at t*e )rossin" o t*e roads o .orld
*istory: T*e tas8s o a belated bo#r"eois re5ol#tion *ad to
be seen inter;)rossin" .it* t*e 2ers2e)ti5es o a .orld
2roletarian mo5ement, beore it )o#ld seem 2ossible to
ad5an)e a 2ro"ramme o 2roletarian di)tators*i2 or
R#ssia: 0 *i"*er 2oint o obser5ation .as ne)essary H not
a national b#t an international *oriKon H to say not*in" o a
more serio#s armament t*an .as 2ossessed by t*e so;
)alled R#ssian @2ra)ti)alsA o t*e 2arty:
In t*eir eyes t*e o5ert*ro. o t*e monar)*y .as to o2en
t*e era o a @reeA re2#bli)an R#ssia, in .*i)* t*ey
intended," t*e exam2le o t*e .estern )o#ntries,
to be"in a str#""le or so)ialism: T*ree old 'ols*e5i8s,
Ry8o5, S85ortKo5, and Ve"man, @at t*e dire)tion o t*e
so)ial demo)rats o t*e Narym distri)t liberated by t*e
re5ol#tion,A sent a tele"ram in Mar)* rom Toms8: @+e
send a "reetin" to t*e res#rre)ted !ravda .*i)* *as so
s#))ess#lly 2re2ared t*e re5ol#tionary )adres or t*e
)on=#est o 2oliti)al liberty: +e ex2ress o#r 2roo#nd
)oniden)e t*at it .ill s#))eed in #nitin" all aro#nd its
banner or t*e #rt*er str#""le in t*e name o t*e national
re5ol#tion:A 0 .*ole .orld;2*iloso2*y emer"es rom t*is
)olle)ti5e tele"ram: It is se2arated by an abyss rom t*e
02ril t*eses o Lenin: T*e Bebr#ary re5ol#tion immediately
)on5erted t*e leadin" layer o t*e 2arty, .it* 9amene5,
Ry8o5 and Stalin at t*eir *ead, into demo)rati) deensists
H in motion, moreo5er, to.ard t*e ri"*t, in t*e dire)tion o
a ra22ro)*ement .it* t*e Mens*e5i8s: T*e #t#re *istorian
o t*e 2arty, Marosla5s8y, t*e #t#re *ead o t*e !entral
!ontrol !ommission, OrdK*oni8idKe, and t*e #t#re
2resident o t*e 68rainian !entral Exe)#ti5e !ommittee,
3etro5s8y, 2#blis*ed d#rin" Mar)* in Ma8#ts8, in )lose
#nion .it* t*e Mens*e5i8s, a 2a2er )alled t*e So)ial
4emo)rat, .*i)* stood on t*e borderland o 2atrioti)
reorm and liberalism: In re)ent years t*e iss#es o t*is
2#bli)ation *a5e been )are#lly )olle)ted and destroyed:
T*e 3etersb#r" !ravda tried at t*e be"innin" o t*e
re5ol#tion to o))#2y an internationalist 2osition H to be
s#re, a 5ery )ontradi)tory one or it did not trans)end t*e
rame.or8 o bo#r"eois demo)ra)y: T*e a#t*oritati5e
'ols*e5i8s arri5in" rom exile immediately im2arted to t*e
)entral or"an a demo)rati)al;2atrioti) 2oli)y: 9alinin, in
deendin" *imsel on t*e 3%t* o May a"ainst a )*ar"e o
o22ort#nism, re)alled t*is a)t: @Ta8e !ravda or exam2le:
0t t*e be"innin" !ravda *ad one 2oli)y: !ame Stalin,
M#rano5, 9amene5, and t#rned t*e *elm o !ravda to t*e
ot*er side:A
@+e m#st ran8ly a)8no.led"e,A .rote 0n"ars8y, a
member o t*is strat#m, .*en it .as still 2ermissible to
.rite s#)* t*in"s, @t*at an enormo#s n#mber o t*e old
'ols*e5i8s *eld ast #2 to t*e 02ril 2arty )oneren)e to t*e
old 'ols*e5i8 5ie.s o 19%< as to t*e )*ara)ter o t*e
re5ol#tion o 1917, and t*at t*e ren#n)iation o t*ese
5ie.s, t*e o#t"" o t*em, .as not so easily
a))om2lis*ed:A It .o#ld be .ell to add t*at t*ose ideas o
19%<, *a5in" o#tli5ed t*emsel5es, *ad )eased in 1917 to
be @old 'ols*e5i8 5ie.sA and *ad be)ome t*e ideas o
2atrioti) reorm:
@T*e 02ril t*eses o Lenin,A says an oi)ial *istori)
2#bli)ation, @D#st sim2ly *ad no l#)8 in t*e 3etro"rad
)ommittee: Only t.o a"ainst t*irteen 5oted or t*ese
t*eses, .*i)* )reated an e2o)*, and one abstained rom
t*e 5ote:A @LeninJs ar"#ment seemed too bold e5en or *is
most ra2t#ro#s ollo.ers,A .rites 3od5ois8y: LeninJs
s2ee)*es H in t*e o2inion o t*e 3etro"rad )ommittee and
t*e Military Or"anisation H @isolated t*e 2arty o t*e
'ols*e5i8s, and t*#s, it "oes .it*o#t sayin", dama"ed t*e
2osition o t*e 2roletariat and t*e 2arty in t*e extreme:A
@+e m#st say ran8ly,A .rote Moloto5 some years a"o,
@t*e 2arty la)8ed t*at )larity and resol#tion .*i)* t*e
re5ol#tionary mo5ement demanded ::: T*e a"itation and
t*e .*ole re5ol#tionary 2arty .or8 in "eneral *ad no irm
o#ndation, sin)e o#r t*o#"*ts *ad not yet arri5ed at bold
)on)l#sions in re"ard to t*e ne)essity o an immediate
str#""le or so)ialism and t*e so)ialist re5ol#tion:A T*e
brea8 be"an only in t*e se)ond mont* o t*e re5ol#tion:
@Brom t*e time o LeninJs arri5al in R#ssia in 02ril 1917A H
so testiies Moloto5 H @o#r 2arty elt irm "ro#nd #nder its
eet ::: 62 to t*at moment t*e 2arty .as only .ea8ly and
diidently "ro2in" its .ay:A
Stalin at t*e end o Mar)* *ad s2o8en in a5o#r o military
deen)e, o )onditional s#22ort to t*e 3ro5isional
"o5ernment and t*e 2a)iist maniesto o S#8*ano5, and
o mer"in" .it* t*e 2arty o Tseretelli: @T*is mista8en
2osition,A Stalin *imsel retros2e)ti5ely a)8no.led"ed in
192&, @I t*en s*ared .it* ot*er 2arty )omrades, and I
reno#n)ed it #lly only in t*e middle o 02ril .*en I
ad*ered to t*e t*eses o Lenin: 0 ne. orientation .as
ne)essary: Lenin "a5e t*e 2arty t*at ne. orientation in *is
)elebrated 02ril t*eses:A
9alinin e5en at t*e end o 02ril .as still standin" or a
5otin" blo) .it* t*e Mens*e5i8s: 0t t*e 3etro"rad )ity
)oneren)e o t*e 2arty Lenin said: @I am s*ar2ly o22osed
to 9alinin, be)a#se a blo) .it* ::: )*a#5inists is
#nt*in8able ::: T*at is treason to so)ialism:A 9alininJs
attit#de .as not ex)e2tional e5en in 3etro"rad: It .as said
at t*e )oneren)e: @6nder t*e inl#en)e o Lenin t*e
amal"amation #mes are dissi2atin":A
In t*e 2ro5in)es t*e resistan)e to LeninJs t*eses lasted
)onsiderably lon"er H in a n#mber o 2ro5in)es almost to
O)tober: 0))ordin" to a 9ie5 .or8er, Si5tKo5, @T*e ideas
set ort* in t*e t*eses /o Lenin1 .ere not immediately
a))e2ted by t*e .*ole 9ie5 'ols*e5i8 or"anisation: 0
n#mber o )omrades, in)l#din" -: 3iata8o5, disa"reed .it*
t*e t*eses :::A 0 railroad .or8er o 9*ar8o5, Mor"#no5,
says: @T*e old 'ols*e5i8s enDoyed a "reat inl#en)e amon"
all t*e roalroad .or8ers ::: Many o t*e old 'ols*e5i8s
remained o#tside o o#r a)tion: 0ter t*e Bebr#ary
re5ol#tion a n#mber o t*em re"istered as Mens*e5i8s by
mista8e, a t*in" at .*i)* t*ey t*emsel5es ater.ards
la#"*ed, .onderin" *o. it )o#ld *a5e *a22ened:A T*ere is
no la)8 o t*is and similar testimony:
In s2ite o all t*is, t*e mere mention o a rearmin" o t*e
2arty )arried o#t by Lenin in 02ril, is re"arded by t*e
2resent oi)ial *istorians as blas2*emy: T*ese most re)ent
*istorians *a5e s#bstit#ted or t*e *istori) )riterion t*e
)riterion o *ono#r to t*e 2arty #niorm: On t*is t*eme
t*ey are de2ri5ed o t*e ri"*t to =#ote e5en Stalin *imsel,
.*o .as obli"ed to a)8no.led"e t*e "reat de2t* o t*e
02ril )*an"e: @T*e amo#s 02ril t*eses o Lenin .ere
ne)essary,A *e .rote, @in order t*at t*e 2arty s*o#ld )ome
o#t .it* one bold ste2 on a ne. road:A @0 ne.
orientation,A @a ne. roadA H t*at means t*e rearmin" o
t*e 2arty: Six years later, *o.e5er, Maroslo5s8y, .*o
5ent#red in *is )a2a)ity o *istorian to re)all t*e a)t t*at
Stalin *ad o))#2ied at t*e be"innin" o t*e re5ol#tion @a
mista8en 2osition #2on #ndamental =#estionsA .as
#rio#sly deno#n)ed rom all sides: T*e idol o 2resti"e is
t*e most "l#ttono#s o all monsters:
T*e re5ol#tionary tradition o t*e 2arty, t*e 2ress#re o t*e
.or8ers rom belo., and LeninJs )riti)ism rom abo5e,
)om2elled t*e #22er strat#m d#rin" t*e mont*s o 02ril
and May H em2loyin" t*e .ords o Stalin H @to )ome o#t on
a ne. road:A '#t one .o#ld *a5e to be )om2letely
i"norant o 2oliti)al 2sy)*olo"y to ima"ine t*at a mere
5otin" or t*e t*eses o Lenin meant an a)t#al and
)om2lete ren#n)iation o t*e @mista8en 2osition on
#ndamental =#estions:A In reality t*ose )rass demo)rati)
5ie.s or"ani)ally ortiied d#rin" t*e .ar, merely
a))ommodated t*emsel5es to t*e ne. 2ro"ramme,
remainin" in silent o22osition to it:
On t*e (t* o 0#"#st 9amene5, )ontrary to t*e de)ision o
t*e 02ril )oneren)e o t*e 'ols*e5i8s, s2o8e in t*e
Exe)#ti5e !ommittee in a5o#r o 2arti)i2atin" in t*e
Sto)8*olm )oneren)e o t*e So)ial 3atriots t*en in
2re2aration: 9amene5Js s2ee)* met no o22osition in t*e
)entral or"an o t*e 2arty: Lenin .rote a ormidable arti)le,
.*i)* a22eared, *o.e5er, only ten days ater 9amene5Js
s2ee)*: T*e resol#te insisten)e o Lenin *imsel and ot*er
members o t*e !entral !ommittee .as re=#ired to ind#)e
t*e editorial sta, *eaded by Stalin, to 2#blis* t*e
2rotestin" arti)le:
0 )on5#lsion o do#bt .ent t*ro#"* t*e 2arty ater t*e ,#ly
4ays: T*e isolation o t*e 2roletarian 5an"#ard ri"*tened
many leaders, es2e)ially in t*e 2ro5in)es: 4#rin" t*e
9ornilo5 days t*ese ri"*tened ones tried to "et in )onta)t
.it* t*e !om2romisers, .*i)* a"ain e5o8ed a .arnin" )ry
rom Lenin:
On 0#"#st 2%, Stalin, as editor o !ravda, 2rinted .it*o#t
dissentin" )omment an arti)le o Pino5ie5, entitled ,hat
-ot to .o, an arti)le dire)ted a"ainst t*e 2re2aration o an
ins#rre)tion: @+e m#st loo8 t*e tr#t* in t*e a)e: In
3etro"rad t*ere are no. many )onditions a5o#rable to t*e
o#tbrea8 o an ins#rre)tion o t*e ty2e o t*e 3aris
!omm#ne o 1$71 :::A On Se2tember 3, Lenin H in anot*er
)onne)tion and .it*o#t namin" Pino5ie5 b#t stri8in" *im
an indire)t blo. H .rote: @T*e reeren)e to t*e !omm#ne
is 5ery s#2eri)ial and e5en st#2id: Bor in t*e irst 2la)e
t*e 'ols*e5i8s ater all *a5e learned some t*in" sin)e
1$71: T*ey .o#ld not ail to seiKe t*e ban8s, t*ey .o#ld
not reno#n)e t*e oensi5e a"ainst Versailles, and in t*ese
)onditions e5en t*e !omm#ne mi"*t *a5e s#))eeded:
Moreo5er t*e !omm#ne )o#ld not immediately oer t*e
2eo2le .*at t*e 'ols*e5i8s )an i t*ey )ome to,
namely, land to t*e 2easants and an immediate 2ro2osal
o 2ea)e :::A T*is .as a nameless b#t #ne=#i5o)al .arnin"
not only to Pino5ie5, b#t also to t*e editor o !ravda,
T*e =#estion o t*e 3re;3arliament s2lit t*e !entral
!ommittee in *al: T*e de)ision o t*e 'ols*e5i8 a)tion o
t*e !oneren)e in a5o#r o 2arti)i2atin" in t*e 3re;
3arliament .as ratiied by many lo)al )ommittees, i not a
maDority o t*em: It .as so or instan)e in 9ie5: @On t*e
=#estion o ::: enterin" t*e 3re;3arliament,A says E: 'os* in
*er memoirs, @t*e maDority o t*e )ommittee 5oted or
2arti)i2ation and ele)ted 3iata8o5 as its dele"ate:A In
many )ases H as or exam2le 9amene5, Ry8o5, 3iata8o5
and ot*ers H it is 2ossible to tra)e a s#))ession o
.a5erin"s: a"ainst t*e t*eses o Lenin in 02ril, a"ainst t*e
boy)ott o t*e 3re;3arliament in Se2tember, a"ainst t*e
ins#rre)tion in O)tober: On t*e ot*er *and, t*e next
strat#m o t*e 'ols*e5i8s, standin" nearer to t*e masses
and bein" more res* 2oliti)ally, easily a))e2ted t*e
slo"an o boy)ott and )om2elled t*e )ommittees,
in)l#din" t*e !entral !ommittee itsel, to ma8e an abo#t;
a)e: 6nder t*e inl#en)e o letters rom Lenin, t*e )ity
)oneren)e o 9ie5 5oted .it* an o5er.*elmin" maDority
a"ainst t*eir )ommittee: Similarly at almost all s*ar2
2oliti)al t#rnin";2oints Lenin relied #2on t*e strata
o t*e 2arty ma)*ine a"ainst t*e *i"*er, or on t*e 2arty
mass a"ainst t*e ma)*ine as a .*ole:
In t*ese )ir)#mstan)es t*e 2re;O)tober .a5erin"s )o#ld
least o all )at)* Lenin #na.ares: ?e .as armed in
ad5an)e .it* a s*ar2;eyed s#s2i)ion, .as .at)*in" or
alarmin" sym2toms, .as ma8in" t*e .orst 2ossible
ass#m2tionsC and *e )onsidered it more ex2edient to brin"
ex)ess 2ress#re t*an to be ind#l"ent:
It .as at t*e s#""estion o Lenin beyond a do#bt t*at t*e
Mos)o. Re"ional '#rea# ado2ted at t*e end o Se2tember
a bitter resol#tion a"ainst t*e !entral !ommittee,
a))#sin" it o irresol#tion, .a5erin" and introd#)in"
)on#sion into t*e ran8s o t*e 2arty, and demandin" t*at
it @ta8e a )lear and deinite )o#rse to.ard ins#rre)tion:A In
t*e name o t*e Mos)o. '#rea#, Lomo5 on t*e 3rd o
O)tober re2orted t*is de)ision to t*e !entral !ommittee:
T*e min#tes remar8: @It .as de)ided not to debate t*e
=#estion:A T*e !entral !ommittee .as still )ontin#in" to
dod"e t*e =#estion .*at to do: '#t LeninJs 2ress#re,
bro#"*t to bear t*ro#"* Mos)o., *ad its res#lt: 0ter t.o
days t*e !entral !ommittee de)ided to .it*dra. rom t*e
T*at t*is ste2 meant enterin" t*e road o ins#rre)tion .as
)lear to t*e enemies and o22onents: @Trots8y in leadin"
*is army o#t o t*e 3re;3arliament,A .rites S#8*ano5,
deinitely steerin" a )o#rse to.ards 5iolent re5ol#tion:A
T*e re2ort o t*e 3etro"rad So5iet on .it* rom t*e
3re;3arliament ended .it* t*e )ry: @Lon" li5e t*e dire)t
and o2en str#""le or re5ol#tionary in t*e )o#ntryLA
T*at .as O)tober 9t*:
On t*e" day, #2on t*e demand o Lenin, o))#rred
t*e amo#s session o t*e !entral !ommittee .*ere t*e
=#estion o ins#rre)tion .as latly 2osed: Brom t*e
be"innin" o t*at session Lenin 2la)ed *is #rt*er 2oli)y in
de2enden)e #2on its o#t)ome: eit*er t*ro#"* t*e !entral
!ommittee or a"ainst it: @O ne. Dest o t*e merry m#se o
*istoryLA .rites S#8*ano5: @T*at *i"*;#2 and de)isi5e
session .as *eld in my a2artment, still on t*e same
9ar2o58a /32, 02artment 311: '#t all t*is .as .it*o#t my
8no.led"e:A T*e .ie o t*e Mens*e5i8, S#8*ano5, .as a
'ols*e5i8: @T*at time s2e)ial meas#res .ere ta8en to
ass#re my slee2in" o#tside t*e *o#se: at least my .ie
made )are#lly s#re o my intention, and "a5e me riendly
and im2artial ad5i)e H not to tire mysel o#t ater my .or8
.it* t*e lon" Do#rney *ome: In any )ase t*e loty
assembla"e .as )om2letely sae rom any in5asion rom
me:A +*at .as more im2ortant, it 2ro5ed sae rom
in5asions rom 9erens8yJs 2oli)e:
T.el5e o t*e t.enty;one members o t*e !entral
!ommittee .ere 2resent: Lenin )ame in .i" and
s2e)ta)les .it*o#t a beard: T*e session lasted abo#t ten
*o#rs H dee2 into t*e ni"*t: In t*e inter5als t*ere .ere tea
.it* bread and sa#sa"e or reinor)ement: 0nd
reinor)ement .as needed: it .as a =#estion o seiKin" t*e in t*e ormer em2ire o t*e )Kars: T*e session
be"an, as al.ays, .it* an or"anisational re2ort rom
S5erdlo5: T*is time *is )omm#ni)ation .as de5oted to t*e
ront H and e5idently by 2re5io#s a"reement .it* Lenin, in
order to "i5e *im s#22ort or t*e ne)essary ineren)es:
T*is .as =#ite in a))ord .it* LeninJs met*ods:
Re2resentati5es o t*e army o t*e nort*ern ront "a5e
.arnin" t*ro#"* S5erdlo5 o 2re2arations by t*e )o#nter;
re5ol#tionary )ommand or some sort o @s*ady 2lot
in5ol5in" a .it* o troo2s inlandAC rom Mins8, t*e
*ead=#arters o t*e .estern ront, it .as re2orted t*at a
ne. 9ornilo5 ins#rre)tion .as in 2re2arationC in 5ie. o t*e
re5ol#tionary )*ara)ter o t*e lo)al "arrison, *ead=#arters
*ad s#rro#nded t*e )ity .it* !ossa)8 troo2s: @Some sort
o ne"otiations o a s#s2i)io#s )*ara)ter are in 2ro"ress
bet.een *ead=#arters and t*e "eneral staAC it is =#ite
2ossible to seiKe t*e *ead=#arters in Mins8: t*e lo)al
"arrison is ready to disarm t*e !ossa)8 rin"C t*ey are also
in a 2osition to send a re5ol#tionary )or2s rom Mins8 to
3etro"radC t*e mood on t*e ront is or t*e 'ols*e5i8sC
t*ey .ill "o a"ainst 9erens8y: H S#)* .as S5erdlo5Js
re2ort: It .as not in e5ery 2art s#i)iently deinite, b#t it
.as entirely en)o#ra"in" in )*ara)ter:
Lenin immediately too8 t*e oensi5e: @Brom t*e be"innin"
o Se2tember t*ere *as been a 8ind o indieren)e to t*e
=#estion o ins#rre)tion:A Reeren)es are made to t*e
)oolin" o and disa22ointment o t*e masses: No .onder:
@T*e masses are tired o .ords and resol#tions:A +e m#st
ta8e t*e sit#ation as a .*ole: E5ents in t*e )ity are no.
ta8in" 2la)e a"ainst t*e ba)8"ro#nd o a "i"anti) 2easant
mo5ement: T*e "o5ernment .o#ld re=#ire )olossal or)es
in order to =#ell t*e a"rarian ins#rre)tion: @T*e 2oliti)al
sit#ation is t*#s ready: +e m#st tal8 o t*e te)*ni)al side:
T*at is t*e .*ole t*in": Mean.*ile in t*e manner o t*e
deensists .e are in)lined to re"ard t*e systemati)
2re2aration o ins#rre)tion as somet*in" in t*e nat#re o a
2oliti)al sin:A T*e s2ea8er .as ob5io#sly restrainin"
*imsel: ?e *ad too m#)* eelin" 2iled #2 in *im: @+e
m#st ma8e #se o t*e nort*ern re"ional )on"ress and t*e
2ro2osal rom Mins8 in order to start a de)isi5e a)tion:A
T*e nort*ern )on"ress o2ened exa)tly on t*e day o t*is
session o t*e !entral !ommittee, and .as to )lose in t.o
or t*ree days: T*e be"innin" o @de)isi5e a)tionA Lenin
2resented as t*e tas8 o t*e next days: +e m#st not .ait:
+e m#st not 2ost2one: On t*e ront H as .e *a5e *eard
rom S5erdlo5 H t*ey are 2re2arin" an o5ert#rn: +ill t*e
!on"ress o So5iets e5er be *eld> +e do not 8no.: +e
m#st seiKe t*e immediately and not .ait or any
)on"resses: @Ne5er to be )omm#ni)ated or re2rod#)ed,A
.rote Trots8y se5eral years later, t*e "eneral s2irit o
t*ose tense and 2assionate im2rom2t# s2ee)*es,
sat#rated .it* a desire to instil into t*e obDe)tin", t*e
.a5erin", t*e do#bt#l, *is t*o#"*t, *is .ill, *is
)oniden)e, *is )o#ra"e :::A
Lenin ex2e)ted stron" resistan)e, b#t *is ears .ere soon
dis2elled: T*e #nanimity .it* .*i)* t*e !entral
!ommittee *ad reDe)ted t*e 2ro2osal o immediate
ins#rre)tion in Se2tember *ad been e2isodi): T*e let .in"
*ad been a"ainst t*e @s#rro#ndin" o t*e 0lexandrin8aA
or tem2orary reasonsC t*e ri"*t or reasons o "eneral
strate"y, alt*o#"* t*ese .ere not as yet t*oro#"*ly
t*o#"*t o#t: 4#rin" t*e t*ree .ee8s" t*ere *ad
been a )onsiderable s*it to t*e let in t*e !entral
!ommittee: Ten a"ainst t.o 5oted or t*e ins#rre)tion:
T*at .as a bi" 5i)toryL
Soon ater t*e re5ol#tion, at a ne. sta"e in t*e inner 2arty
str#""le, Lenin re)alled d#rin" a debate in t*e 3etro"rad
)ommittee *o. #2 to t*at session o t*e !entral
!ommittee, *e @*ad ears o o22ort#nism rom t*e side o
t*e internationalist #sionists, b#t t*ese .ere dissi2ated: In
o#r 2arty, *o.e5er, )ertain members /o t*e !entral
!ommittee1 did not a"ree: T*is "rie5ed me dee2ly:A 0side
rom Trots8y, .*om Lenin )o#ld *ardly *a5e *ad in mind,
t*e only @internationalistsA in t*e !entral !ommittee .ere
,oG, t*e #t#re ambassador in 'erlin, 6ritK8y t*e #t#re
*ead o t*e !*e8a in 3etro"rad, and So8olni8o5, t*e #t#re
in5entor o t*e !*er5onetK: 0ll t*ree too8 t*e side o Lenin:
?is o22onents .ere t.o old 'ols*e5i8s, )losest o all to
Lenin in t*eir 2ast .or8: Pino5ie5 and 9amene5: It is to
t*em *e reerred .*en *e said @t*is "rie5ed me 5ery
m#)*:A T*at session o t*e 1%t* red#)ed itsel almost
entirely to a 2assionate 2olemi) a"ainst Pino5ie5 and
9amene5: Lenin led t*e atta)8, and t*e rest Doined in one
ater t*e ot*er:
T*e resol#tion, .ritten *astily by Lenin .it* t*e "na.ed
end o a 2en)il on a s*eet o 2a2er rom a )*ildJs noteboo8
r#led in s=#ares, .as 5ery #nsymmetri)al in ar)*ite)t#re,
b#t ne5ert*eless "a5e irm s#22ort to t*e )o#rse to.ards
ins#rre)tion: @T*e !entral !ommittee re)o"nises t*at bot*
t*e international sit#ation o t*e R#ssian re5ol#tion /t*e
ins#rre)tion in t*e -erman leet, as t*e extreme
maniestation o t*e "ro.t* t*ro#"*o#t E#ro2e o a .orld;
.ide so)ialist re5ol#tion, and also t*e t*reat o a 2ea)e
bet.een t*e im2erialists .it* t*e aim o stran"lin" t*e
re5ol#tion in R#ssia1 H and t*e military sit#ation /t*e
ind#bitable de)ision o t*e R#ssian bo#r"eoisie and
9erens8y and !o: to s#rrender 3etersb#r" to t*e -ermans1
H all t*is in )onne)tion .it* t*e 2easant ins#rre)tion and
t*e" o 2o2#lar )oniden)e to o#r 2arty /t*e ele)tions
in Mos)o.1, and inally t*e ob5io#s 2re2aration o a
se)ond 9ornilo5 atta)8 /t*e .it* o troo2s rom
3etersb#r", t*e im2ortation o !ossa)8s into 3etersb#r",
t*e s#rro#ndin" o Mins8 .it* !ossa)8s, et):1 H all t*is
2la)es armed ins#rre)tion on t*e order o t*e day: T*#s
re)o"nisin" t*at t*e armed ins#rre)tion is ine5itable and
#lly ri2e, t*e !entral !ommittee re)ommends to all
or"anisations o t*e 2arty t*at t*ey be "#ided by t*is, and
rom t*is 2oint o 5ie. )onsider and de)ide all 2ra)ti)al
=#estions /t*e !on"ress o So5iets o t*e Nort*ern Re"ion,
t*e .it* o troo2s rom 3etersb#r", t*e )omin";o#t
o Mos)o. and Mins81:A
0 remar8able t*in" *ere as )*ara)terisin" bot* t*e
moment and t*e a#t*or is t*e 5ery order in .*i)* t*e
)onditions o t*e ins#rre)tion are en#merated: Birst )omes
t*e ri2enin" o t*e .orld re5ol#tionC t*e ins#rre)tion in
R#ssia is re"arded only as t*e lin8 in a "eneral )*ain: T*at
.as LeninJs in5ariable startin";2oint, *is maDor 2remise: *e
)o#ld not reason ot*er.ise: T*e tas8 o ins#rre)tion *e
2resented dire)tly as t*e tas8 o t*e 2arty: T*e dii)#lt
=#estion o brin"in" its 2re2aration Into a))ord .it* t*e
so5iets is as yet not to#)*ed #2on: T*e 0ll;R#ssian
!on"ress o So5iets does not "et a .ord: To t*e nort*ern
re"ional )on"ress and t*e @)omin";o#t o Mos)o. and
Mins8A as 2oints o s#22ort or t*e ins#rre)tion .as added,
#2on t*e insisten)e o Trots8y, @t*e .it* o troo2s
rom 3etersb#r":A T*is .as t*e sole *int o t*at 2lan o
ins#rre)tion .*i)* .as s#bse=#ently di)tated by t*e
)o#rse o e5ents in t*e )a2ital: Nobody 2ro2osed any
ta)ti)al amendments to t*e resol#tion, .*i)* deined only
t*e strate"i)al startin";2oint o t*e ins#rre)tion, as a"ainst
Pino5ie5 and 9amene5 .*o reDe)ted t*e 5ery ne)essity o
T*e 5ery re)ent attem2t o oi)ial *istorians to 2resent
t*is matter as t*o#"* t*e .*ole "#idin" strat#m o t*e
2arty ex)e2t Pino5ie5 and 9amene5 stood or t*e
ins#rre)tion, "oes to 2ie)es .*en )onronted by a)ts and
do)#ments: 0side rom t*e a)t t*at t*ose 5otin" or
ins#rre)tion .ere m#)* o t*e time in)lined to 2#s* it o
into an indeinite #t#re, t*e o2en enemies o t*e
ins#rre)tion, Pino5ie5 and 9amene5, .ere not alone e5en
in t*e !entral !ommittee: Ry8o5 and No"in .*o .ere
absent at t*e session o t*e 1%t* stood .*olly #2on t*eir
2oint o 5ie., and Mili#tin .as )lose to t*em: @In t*e #22er
)ir)les o t*e 2arty a .a5erin" is to be obser5ed, a sort o
dread o t*e str#""le or 2o.erA H s#)* is t*e testimony o
Lenin *imsel: 0))ordin" to 0ntono5;Sarato5s8y Mili#tin,
arri5in" in Sarato5 ater t*e 1%t*, @told abo#t t*e letter o
Ily)* demandin" t*at .e Obe"in,J abo#t t*e .a5erin"s in
t*e !entral !ommittee, t*e 2reliminary Oail#reJ o LeninJs
2ro2osal, abo#t *is indi"nation, and inally abo#t *o. t*e
)o#rse .as ta8en to.ards ins#rre)tion:A T*e 'ols*e5i8,
Sado5s8y, .rote later abo#t @a )ertain 5a"#eness and la)8
o )oniden)e .*i)* 2re5ailed at t*at time: E5en amon"
o#r !entral !ommittee o t*ose days, as is .ell 8no.n,
t*ere .ere debates and )onli)ts abo#t *o. to be"in and
.*et*er to be"in at all:A
Sado5s8y *imsel .as d#rin" t*at 2eriod one o t*e
leaders o t*e military se)tion o t*e So5iet and Military
Or"anisation o t*e 'ols*e5i8s: '#t it .as exa)tly t*ese
members o t*e Military Or"anisation H as a22ears rom
n#mero#s memoirs H .*o .ere most ex)e2tionally
2reD#di)ed in O)tober a"ainst t*e idea o ins#rre)tion: T*e
s2e)ii) )*ara)ter o t*e or"anisation in)lined its leaders to
#nderestimate t*e 2oliti)al )onditions and o5erestimate
t*e te)*ni)al: On t*e 1(t* o O)tober, 9rylen8o re2orted:
@T*e lar"er 2art o t*e b#rea# /t*e Military Or"anisation1
t*in8 t*at .e s*o#ld not or)e t*e iss#e 2ra)ti)ally, b#t t*e
minority t*in8 t*at .e )an ta8e t*e initiati5e:A On t*e 1$t*
anot*er 2rominent member o t*e Military Or"anisation,
Las*e5i)*, said: @O#"*t .e not to seiKe t*e
immediately> I t*in8 t*at .e o#"*t not to s2eed #2 t*e
)o#rse o e5ents ::: T*ere is no "#arantee t*at .e .ill
s#))eed in *oldin" t*e ::: T*e strate"i) 2lan
2ro2osed by Lenin lim2s on all o#r le"s:A 0ntono5;
O5seWn8o tells abo#t a meetin" o t*e )*ie military
.or8ers .it* Lenin: @3od5ois8y ex2ressed do#btC Ne5s8y at
irst se)onded *im, b#t t*en ell into t*e )onident tone o
Ily)*C I des)ribed t*e sit#ation in Binland ::: LeninJs
)oniden)e and irmness *ad a ortiyin" ee)t #2on me
and )*eered #2 Ne5s8y, b#t 3od5ois8y remained
st#bbornly d#bio#s:A +e m#st not or"et t*at in all
re)olle)tions o t*is 8ind, t*e do#bts are 2ainted in .it*
.ater )olo#rs and t*e )oniden)e in *ea5y oil:
!*#dno5s8y s2o8e de)isi5ely a"ainst t*e ins#rre)tion: T*e
s)e2ti)al Man#ils8y .arnin"ly asserted t*at @t*e ront is
not .it* #s:A Toms8y .as a"ainst t*e ins#rre)tion:
Volodars8y s#22orted Pino5ie5 and 9amene5: Moreo5er by
no means all t*e o22onents o t*e ins#rre)tion s2o8e
o2enly: 0t a session o t*e 3etro"rad !ommittee on t*e
1<t*, 9alinin said: @T*e resol#tion o t*e !entral
!ommittee .as one o t*e best resol#tions e5er ado2ted
by t*e !entral !ommittee ::: +e are 2ra)ti)ally
a22roa)*in" t*e armed ins#rre)tion: '#t .*en it .ill be
2ossible H 2er*a2s a year rom no. H is #n8no.n:A T*is
8ind o @a"reementA .it* t*e !entral !ommittee, alt*o#"*
2ere)tly )*ara)teristi) o 9alinin, .as not 2e)#liar to *im:
Many ad*ered to t*e resol#tion in order in t*at .ay to
ins#re t*eir str#""le a"ainst t*e ins#rre)tion:
In Mos)o. least o all .as t*ere #nanimity amon" t*e
leaders: T*e re"ional b#rea# s#22orted Lenin: In t*e
Mos)o. )ommittee t*ere .ere 5ery )onsiderable
*esitationsC t*e 2re5ailin" mood .as in a5o#r o delay:
T*e 2ro5in)ial )ommittee o))#2ied an indeinite 2osition,
b#t in t*e re"ional b#rea#, a))ordin" to Ma8o5le5a, t*ey
t*o#"*t t*at at t*e de)isi5e moment t*e 2ro5in)ial
)ommittee .o#ld" o5er to t*e o22onents o
Lebede5 rom Sarato5 tells *o. in 5isitin" Mos)o. not lon"
beore t*e re5ol#tion, *e too8 a .al8 .it* Ry8o5, and *o.
t*e latte, 2ointin" to t*e stone *o#ses, t*e ri)* stores, t*e
b#siness;li8e ex)itement abo#t t*em, )om2lained o t*e
dii)#lty o t*e )omin" tas8: @?ere in t*e 5ery )entre o
bo#r"eois Mos)o. .e really seem to be 2y"mies t*in8in"
o mo5in" a mo#ntain:A
In e5ery or"anisation o t*e 2arty, in e5ery one o its
2ro5in)ial )ommittees, t*ere .ere 2eo2le o t*e same
mood as Pino5ie5 and 9amene5: In many )ommittees t*ey
.ere t*e maDority: E5en in 2roletarian I5ano5o;VoKnesens8,
.*ere t*e 'ols*e5i8s r#led alone, t*e disa"reement
amon" t*e r#lin" )ir)les too8 an extraordinarily s*ar2
orm: In 192<, .*en memoirs *ad already a))ommodated
t*emsel5es to t*e demands o t*e ne. )o#rse, 9issele5,
an old .or8er 'ols*e5i8, .rote: @T*e .or8ersJ 2art o t*e
2arty, .it* t*e ex)e2tion o )ertain indi5id#als, .ent .it*
Lenin: 0"ainst Lenin, *o.e5er, .as a small "ro#2 o 2arty
intelle)t#als and solitary .or8ers:A In 2#bli) dis)#ssion t*e
o22onents o ins#rre)tion re2eated t*e same ar"#ments
as t*ose o Pino5ie5 and 9amene5: @'#t in 2ri5ate
ar"#ments,A .rites 9issele5, @t*e 2olemi) too8 a more
a)#te and )andid orm, and *ere t*ey .ent so ar as to say
t*at OLenin is a )raKy manC *e is 2#s*in" t*e .or8in";)lass
to )ertain r#in: Brom t*is armed ins#rre)tion .e .ill "et
not*in"C t*ey .ill s*atter #s, exterminate t*e 2arty and
t*e .or8in";)lass, and t*at .ill 2ost2one t*e re5ol#tion or
years and years, et):JA S#)* .as t*e attit#de o Br#nKe in
2arti)#lar, a man o "reat 2ersonal )o#ra"e b#t not
distin"#is*ed by a .ide o#tloo8:
E5en t*e 5i)tory o t*e ins#rre)tion in 3etro"rad .as ar
rom brea8in" e5ery.*ere t*e inertia o t*e .aitin" 2oli)y
and t*e dire)t resistan)e o t*e ri"*t .in": T*e .a5erin" o
t*e leaders s#bse=#ently almost s* t*e
ins#rre)tion in Mos)o.: In 9ie5, t*e )ommittee *eaded by
3iata8o5, .*i)* *ad been )ond#)tin" a 2#rely deensi5e
2oli)y, t#rned o5er t*e initiati5e in t*e lon" r#n H and
ater.ard t*e also H to t*e Rada: @T*e or"anisation
o o#r 2arty in VoroneK*,A says Vra)*e5, @.a5ered 5ery
)onsiderably: T*e a)t#al o5ert#rn in VoroneK* ::: .as
)arried o#t not by a )ommittee o t*e 2arty, b#t by its
a)ti5e minority .it* Moiseie5 at t*e *ead:A In a .*ole
series o 2ro5in)ial )ities t*e 'ols*e5i8s ormed in O)tober
a blo) .it* t*e !om2romisers @a"ainst t*e )o#nter;
re5ol#tion:A 0s t*o#"* t*e !om2romisers .ere not at t*at
moment one o its )*ie s#22orts 0lmost e5ery.*ere a
2#s* .as re=#ired bot* rom abo5e and belo. to s*atter
t*e last inde)isi5eness o t*e lo)al )ommittee, )om2el it to
brea8 .it* t*e !om2romisers and lead t*e mo5ement:
OT*e end o O)tober and t*e be"innin" o No5ember .ere
5erily days o Ot*e "reat t#rmoilJ in o#r 2arty )ir)les: Many
=#i)8ly s#rrendered to moods:A T*#s re2orts S*lia2ni8o5,
.*o *imsel made no small )ontrib#tion to t*ese
0ll t*ose elements .*i)*, li8e t*e 9*ar8o5 'ols*e5i8s, *ad
o#nd t*emsel5es in t*e Mens*e5i8 )am2 in t*e be"innin"
o t*e re5ol#tion and ater.ards t*emsel5es .ondered
@D#st *o. t*at )o#ld *a5e *a22ened,A o#nd no 2la)e or
t*emsel5es at all as a "eneral r#le in t*e O)tober 4ays b#t
merely .a5ered and .aited: T*ese 2eo2le *a5e no. all
t*e more )onidently ad5an)ed t*eir )laims as @old
'ols*e5i8sA in t*e 2eriod o intelle)t#al rea)tion: In s2ite o
t*e 5ast .or8 t*at *as been done in re)ent years to.ards
)on)ealin" t*ese a)ts, and e5en .it*o#t t*e se)ret
ar)*i5es .*i)* are no. ina))essible to t*e in5esti"ator,
2lenty o testimony *as been 2reser5ed in t*e
ne.s2a2ers, memoirs and *istori) Do#rnals o t*at time, to
2ro5e t*at on t*e e5e o t*e o5ert#rn t*e oi)ial ma)*ine
e5en o t*is most re5ol#tionary 2arty 2#t #2 a bi"
resistan)e: !onser5atism ine5itably inds its seat in a
b#rea#)ra)y: T*e ma)*ine )an #lil a re5ol#tionary
#n)tion only so lon" as it remains an instr#ment in t*e
ser5i)e o t*e 2arty, so lon" as it remains s#bordinate to
an idea and is )ontrolled by t*e mass:
T*e resol#tion o O)tober 1%t* be)ame immensely
im2ortant: It 2rom2tly 2#t t*e "en#ine ad5o)ates o
ins#rre)tion on t*e irm "ro#nd o 2arty ri"*t: In all t*e
2arty or"anisations, in all its n#)lei, t*e most resol#te
elements be"an to be ad5an)ed to t*e res2onsible 2osts:
T*e 2arty or"anisations, be"innin" .it* 3etro"rad, 2#lled
t*emsel5es to"et*er, made an in5entory o t*eir or)es
and material reso#r)es, stren"t*ened t*eir
)omm#ni)ations, and "a5e a more )on)entrated )*ara)ter
to t*e )am2ai"n or an o5ert#rn:
'#t t*e resol#tion did not 2#t an end to disa"reements in
t*e !entral !ommittee: On t*e )ontrary, it only orm#lated
t*em and bro#"*t t*em to t*e s#ra)e: Pino5ie5 and
9amene5, .*o b#t yesterday *ad elt s#rro#nded in a
)ertain se)tion o t*e leadin" )ir)les by an atmos2*ere o
sym2at*y, obser5ed .it* ri"*t *o. s.itly t*in"s .ere
s*itin" to t*e let: T*ey de)ided to lose no more time, and
on t*e 5ery next day distrib#ted a 5ol#mino#s address to
t*e members o t*e 2arty: @'eore *istory, beore t*e
international 2roletariat, beore t*e R#ssian re5ol#tion and
t*e R#ssian .or8in";)lass,A t*ey .rote, @.e *a5e no ri"*t
to sta8e t*e .*ole #t#re at t*e 2resent moment #2on t*e
)ard o armed ins#rre)tion:A
T*eir 2lan .as to enter as a stron" o22osition 2arty into
t*e !onstit#ent 0ssembly, .*i)* @in its re5ol#tionary .or8
)an rely only #2on t*e so5iets:A ?en)e t*eir orm#la:
@!onstit#ent 0ssembly and so5iets H t*at, is, t*e )ombined
ty2e o state instit#tion to.ard .*i)* .e are tra5ellin":A
T*e !onstit#ent 0ssembly .*ere t*e 'ols*e5i8s, it .as
ass#red, .o#ld be a minority, and t*e so5iets .*ere t*e
'ols*e5i8s .ere a maDority H t*at is, t*e or"an o t*e
bo#r"eoisie and t*e or"an o t*e 2roletariat H .ere to be
@)ombinedA in a 2ea)e#l system o d#al T*at *ad
not s#))eeded e5en #nder t*e leaders*i2 o t*e
!om2romisers: ?o. )o#ld it s#))eed .*en t*e so5iets
.ere 'ols*e5i8>
@It is a 2roo#nd *istori) error,A )on)l#ded Pino5ie5 and
9amene5, @to 2ose t*e =#estion o t*e transer o to
t*e 2roletarian 2arty H eit*er no. or at any time: No, t*e
2arty o t*e 2roletariat .ill "ro., its 2ro"ramme .ill
be)ome )lear to broader and broader masses:A
T*is *o2e or a #rt*er #nbro8en "ro.t* o 'ols*e5ism
re"ardless o t*e a)t#al )o#rse o )lass )onli)ts, )ras*ed
*ead on a"ainst LeninJs leitmotif in t*ose days: @T*e
s#))ess o t*e R#ssian and .orld re5ol#tion de2ends #2on
a t.o or t*ree daysJ str#""le:A
It is *ardly ne)essary to ex2lain t*at t*e tr#t* in t*is
dramati) dialo"#e .as .*olly on LeninJs side: 0
re5ol#tionary sit#ation )annot be 2reser5ed at .ill: I t*e
'ols*e5i8s *ad not seiKed t*e in O)tober and
No5ember, in all 2robability t*ey .o#ld not *a5e seiKed it
at all: Instead o irm leaders*i2 t*e masses .o#ld *a5e
o#nd amon" t*e 'ols*e5i8s t*at same dis2arity bet.een
.ord and deed .*i)* t*ey .ere already si)8 o, and t*ey
.o#ld *a5e ebbed a.ay in t*e )o#rse o t.o or t*ree
mont*s rom t*is 2arty .*i)* *ad de)ei5ed t*eir *o2es,
D#st as t*ey *ad re)ently ebbed a.ay rom t*e So)ial
Re5ol#tionaries and Mens*e5i8s: 0 2art o t*e .or8ers
.o#ld *a5e allen into indierentism: anot*er 2art .o#ld
*a5e b#rned #2 t*eir or)e in )on5#lsi5e mo5ements in
anar)*isti) lare;#2s, in "#errilla s8irmis*es, in a Terror
di)tated by re5en"e and des2air: T*e breat*in";s2ell t*#s
oered .o#ld *a5e been #sed by t*e bo#r"eoisie to
)on)l#de a se2arate 2ea)e .it* t*e ?o*enKollern, and
stam2 o#t t*e re5ol#tionary or"anisations: R#ssia .o#ld
a"ain *a5e been in)l#ded in t*e )ir)le o )a2italist states
as a semi;im2erialist, semi;)olonial )o#ntry: T*e
2roletarian re5ol#tion .o#ld *a5e been deerred to an
indeinite #t#re: It .as *is 8een #nderstandin" o t*is
2ros2e)t t*at ins2ired Lenin to t*at )ry o alarm: @T*e
s#))ess o t*e R#ssian and .orld re5ol#tion de2ends #2on
a t.o or t*ree daysJ str#""le:A
'#t no., sin)e t*e 1%t* o t*e mont*, t*e sit#ation in t*e
2arty *ad radi)ally )*an"ed: Lenin .as no lon"er an
isolated @o22ositionistA .*ose 2ro2osals .ere set aside by
t*e !entral !ommittee: It .as t*e ri"*t .in" t*at .as
isolated: Lenin no lon"er *ad to "ain t*e ri"*t o ree
a"itation at t*e 2ri)e o resi"nin" rom t*e !entral
!ommittee: T*e 2arty le"ality .as on *is side: Pino5ie5
and 9amene5, on t*e ot*er *and, )ir)#latin" t*eir
do)#ment atta)8in" a de)ision ado2ted by t*e maDority o
t*e !entral !ommittee, .ere no. t*e 5iolators o
dis)i2line: 0nd Lenin in a str#""le ne5er let #n2#nis*ed
t*e o5ersi"*ts o *is enemy H e5en ar sli"*ter ones t*an
0t t*e session o t*e 1%t*, #2on t*e 2ro2osal o
4KerK*ins8y, a 2oliti)al b#rea# o se5en men .as ele)ted:
Lenin, Trots8y, Pino5ie5, 9amene5, Stalin, Sol8olni8o5,
'#bno5: T*is ne. instit#tion, *o.e5er, t#rned o#t
)om2letely im2ra)ti)able: Lenin and Pino5ie5 .ere still in
*idin"C Pino5ie5, moreo5er, )ontin#ed to .a"e a str#""le
a"ainst t*e ins#rre)tion, and so did 9amene5: T*e 2oliti)al
b#rea# in its O)tober members*i2 ne5er on)e assembled,
and it .as soon s#ddenly or"otten H as .ere ot*er
or"anisations )reated a hoc in t*e .*irl2ool o e5ents:
No 2ra)ti)al 2lan o ins#rre)tion, e5en tentati5e, .as
s8et)*ed o#t in t*e session o t*e 1%t*: '#t .it*o#t
introd#)in" t*e a)t into t*e resol#tion, it .as a"reed t*at
t*e ins#rre)tion s*o#ld 2re)ede t*e !on"ress o So5iets
and be"in, i 2ossible, not later t*an O)tober 1<t*: Not all
ea"erly a"reed to t*at date: It .as ob5io#sly too s*ort or
t*e ta8e;o 2lanned in 3etro"rad: '#t to insist on a delay
.o#ld *a5e been to s#22ort t*e ri"*t .in" and mix t*e
)ards: 'esides, it is ne5er too late to 2ost2oneL
T*e a)t o t*is 2reliminary settin" o t*e date at t*e 1<t*
.as irst made 2#bli) in Trots8yJs re)olle)tions o Lenin in
192&, se5en years ater t*e e5ent: T*e statement .as
soon dis2#ted by Stalin, and t*e =#estion *as be)ome an
a)#te one in R#ssian *istori) literat#re: 0s is 8no.n, t*e
ins#rre)tion a)t#ally o))#rred only on t*e 2<t*, and
)onse=#ently t*e date ori"inally set .as not *eld to, T*e
e2i"one *istorians )onsider it im2ossible t*at t*ere s*o#ld
be a mista8e in t*e 2oli)y o t*e !entral !ommittee, or
e5en a delay in t*e matter o a date: @It .o#ld ollo.,A
.rites Stalin #2on t*is t*eme, @t*at t*e !entral !ommittee
set t*e date o t*e ins#rre)tion or O)tober 1<t* and
ater.ards itsel 5iolated /L1 t*is resol#tion, delayin" t*e
date o t*e ins#rre)tion to O)tober 2<t*: Is t*is tr#e> No, it
is not tr#e:A Stalin )omes to t*e )on)l#sion t*at @Trots8yJs
memory *as betrayed *im:A In 2roo o t*is *e )ites t*e
resol#tion o O)tober 1%t* .*i)* did not set any date:
T*is debated =#estion o t*e )*ronolo"y o t*e ins#rre)tion
is 5ery im2ortant to an #nderstandin" o t*e r*yt*m o
e5ents and demands )larii)ation: T*at t*e resol#tion o
t*e 1%t* )ontained no date is =#ite tr#e: '#t t*is "eneral
resol#tion *ad to do .it* an ins#rre)tion t*ro#"*o#t t*e
.*ole )o#ntry, and .as destined or *#ndreds and
t*o#sands o leadin" 2arty .or8ers: To in)l#de in it t*e
)ons2irati5e date o an ins#rre)tion to be )arried o#t in t*e
next e. days in 3etro"rad, .o#ld *a5e been #nreasonable
in t*e extreme: +e m#st remember t*at o#t o )a#tion
Lenin did not in t*ose days e5en 2#t a date on *is letters:
In t*e "i5en )ase it .as a =#estion o so im2ortant, and
.it*al so sim2le, a de)ision t*at none o t*e 2arti)i2ants
)o#ld *a5e any dii)#lty in rememberin" it H es2e)ially
seein" t*at it .as a =#estion only o a e. days: StalinJs
reeren)e to t*e text o t*e resol#tion s*o.s t*#s a
)om2lete ail#re to #nderstand:
+e are 2re2ared to )on)ede, *o.e5er, t*at t*e reeren)e
o one o t*e 2arti)i2ants to *is o.n memory, es2e)ially
.*en *is statement is dis2#ted by anot*er 2arti)i2ant, is
not s#i)ient or t*e *istori) in5esti"ator: L#)8ily t*e
=#estion is de)ided beyond 2ossible do#bt #2on anot*er
le5el H t*at o an analysis o )onditions and do)#ments:
T*e !on"ress o So5iets .as to o2en on t*e 2%t* o
O)tober: 'et.een t*e session o t*e !entral !ommittee
and t*e date o t*e !on"ress, t*ere remained an inter5al
o ten days: T*e !on"ress .as not to a"itate in a5o#r o to t*e so5iets b#t seiKe it: 0 e. *#ndred dele"ates
all by t*emsel5es, *o.e5er, .ere 2o.erless to )on=#er
t*e 2o.erC it .as ne)essary to seiKe it or t*e !on"ress
and beore t*e !on"ress: @Birst )on=#er 9erens8y and t*en
s#mmon t*e !on"ressA H t*at t*o#"*t *ad stood in t*e
)entre o LeninJs .*ole a"itation sin)e t*e middle o
Se2tember: 0ll t*ose a"reed .it* it in 2rin)i2le .*o stood
or t*e seiK#re o in "eneral: !onse=#ently t*e
!entral !ommittee )o#ld not *el2 settin" itsel t*e tas8 o
attem2tin" to )arry an ins#rre)tion bet.een t*e 1%t* and
2%t* o O)tober: 0nd sin)e it .as im2ossible to oresee
*o. many days t*e str#""le .o#ld last, t*e be"innin" o
t*e ins#rre)tion .as set or t*e 1<t*: @0bo#t t*e a)t#al
date,A .rote Trots8y in *is re)olle)tions o Lenin, @t*ere
.as, as I remember, almost no dis2#te: 0ll #nderstood t*at
t*e date .as a22roximate, and set, as yo# mi"*t say
merely or 2#r2oses o orientation, and t*at it mi"*t be
ad5an)ed or retarded at t*e di)tation o e5ents: '#t t*is
)o#ld be a =#estion o days only, and not more: T*e
ne)essity o a date, and t*at, too, a near one, .as
)om2letely ob5io#s:A
T*is testimony o 2oliti)al lo"i) essentially ex*a#sts t*e
=#estion: '#t t*ere is no la)8 o s#22lementary 2roo:
Lenin insistently and re=#ently 2ro2osed t*at t*e 2arty
a5ail itsel o t*e Nort*ern Re"ional !on"ress o t*e
So5iets or t*e be"innin" o military a)ti5ities: T*e
resol#tion o t*e !entral !ommittee ado2ted t*is idea: '#t
t*e Re"ional !on"ress, .*i)* *ad o2ened on t*e 1%t*, .as
to )lose D#st beore t*e 1<t*:
0t t*e )oneren)e on t*e 1(t*, Pino5ie5, .*ile insistin"
#2on t*e re5o)ation o t*e resol#tion ado2ted six days
beore, made t*is demand: @+e m#st say to o#rsel5es
ran8ly t*at in t*e next i5e days .e .ill not ma8e an
ins#rre)tion:A ?e .as reerrin" to t*e i5e days still
remainin" beore t*e !on"ress o So5iets: 9amene5,
ar"#in" at t*e same )oneren)e t*at @t*e a22ointin" o an
ins#rre)tion is ad5ent#rism,A reminded t*e )oneren)e
t*at @it .as said beore t*at t*e a)tion o#"*t to )ome
beore t*e 2%t*:A Nobody obDe)ted to t*is statement and
nobody )o#ld obDe)t: It .as t*e 5ery delay o t*e
ins#rre)tion .*i)* 9amene5 .as inter2retin" as a ail#re
o LeninJs resol#tion: 0))ordin" to *is .ords, @not*in" *as
been done d#rin" t*is .ee8A to.ards an ins#rre)tion: T*at
is ob5io#sly an exa""eration: T*e settin" o t*e date *ad
)om2elled all to ma8e t*eir 2lans more stri)t and *asten
t*e tem2o o t*eir .or8: '#t it is ind#bitable t*at t*e i5e;
day inter5al indi)ated at t*e session o t*e 1%t* *ad
t#rned o#t too s*ort: T*e 2ost2onement .as already a
a)t: It .as only on t*e 17t* t*at t*e !entral Exe)#ti5e
!ommittee transerred t*e o2enin" o t*e So5iet !on"ress
to t*e 2<t*: T*at 2ost2onement .as as o22ort#ne as
anyt*in" )o#ld be:
Lenin, to .*om in *is isolation all t*ese inner *indran)es
and ri)tions, ine5itably 2resented t*emsel5es in an
exa""erated orm, .as alarmed by t*e delay, and insisted
#2on t*e )allin" o a ne. meetin" o t*e !entral
!ommittee .it* re2resentati5es rom t*e more im2ortant
bran)*es o t*e 2arty .or8 in t*e )a2ital: It .as at t*is
)oneren)e, *eld on t*e 1(t* in t*e o#ts8irts o t*e )ity, in
Lesnoi, t*at Pino5ie5 and 9amene5 ad5an)ed t*e
ar"#ments =#oted abo5e or re5o8in" t*e old date and
a"ainst namin" a ne.:
T*e dis2#te .as reo2ened .it* redo#bled 5i"o#r: Mili#tinJs
o2inion .as: @+e are not ready to stri8e t*e irst blo. :::
0not*er 2ros2e)t arises: 0rmed )onli)t ::: It is "", its
2ossibility is" near: 0nd .e o#"*t to be ready or
t*is )onli)t: '#t t*is 2ros2e)t is a dierent t*in" rom
ins#rre)tion:A Mili#tin o))#2ied t*at deensi5e 2osition
.*i)* .as more )on)isely deended by Pino5ie5 and
9amene5: S*otman, an old 3etro"rad .or8er .*o li5ed
t*ro#"* t*e .*ole *istory o t*e 2arty, *as asserted t*at
at t*is )ity )oneren)e, bot* in t*e 2arty )ommittee and in
t*e Military Re5ol#tionary !ommittee, t*e mood .as ar
less militant t*an in t*e !entral !ommittee: @+e )annot
)ome o#t b#t .e o#"*t to "et ready:A Lenin atta)8ed
Mili#tin and S*otman or t*eir 2essimisti) a22raisal o t*e
)orrelation o or)es: @It is not a =#estion o a str#""le .it*
t*e army, b#t a str#""le o one 2art o t*e army .it*
anot*er ::: T*e a)ts 2ro5e t*at .e *a5e t*e ad5anta"e
o5er t*e enemy: +*y )annot t*e !entral !ommittee
Trots8y .as not 2resent at t*is meetin": 4#rin" t*ose
same *o#rs *e .as )arryin" t*ro#"* t*e So5iet t*e
resol#tion on t*e Military Re5ol#tionary !ommittee: '#t
t*e 2oint o 5ie. .*i)* *ad irmly )rystallised in Smolny
d#rin" t*e 2ast days .as deended by 9rylen8o, .*o *ad
D#st been )ond#)tin" *and in *and .it* Trots8y and
0ntono5;O5seJn8o t*e Nort*ern Re"ional !on"ress o
So5iets: 9rylen8o *ad no do#bt t*at @t*e .ater is boilin"
*ard eno#"*:A To ta8e ba)8 t*e resol#tion in a5o#r o
ins#rre)tion @.o#ld be t*e "reatest 2ossible mista8e:A ?e
disa"reed .it* Lenin, *o.e5er, @on t*e =#estion .*o s*all
be"in it and *o. it s*all be"in>A To set t*e date o t*e
ins#rre)tion deinitely no. is still inex2edient: @'#t t*e
=#estion o t*e remo5al o t*e troo2s is D#st t*at i"*tin"
iss#e #2on .*i)* t*e str#""le is ta8in" 2la)e ::: T*e atta)8
#2on #s is t*#s already a a)t, and t*is .e )an ma8e #se o
::: It is not ne)essary to .orry abo#t .*o s*all be"in, or
t*e t*in" is already be"#n:A 9rylen8o .as ex2o#ndin" and
deendin" t*e 2oli)y laid do.n by t*e Military
Re5ol#tionary !ommittee and t*e -arrison !oneren)e: It
.as alon" t*is road t*at t*e ins#rre)tion )ontin#ed to
Lenin did not res2ond to t*e .ords o 9rylen8o: T*e li5in"
2i)t#re o t*e last six days in 3etro"rad *ad not 2assed
beore *is eyes: Lenin eared delay: ?is attention .as ixed
#2on t*e o#tri"*t o22onents o ins#rre)tion: 0ll by;
remar8s, )onditional orm#la, inade=#ately )ate"ori)al
ans.ers, *e .as in)lined to inter2ret as an indire)t
s#22ort to Pino5ie5 and 9amene5, .*o .ere o22osin" *im
.it* t*e determination o 2eo2le .*o *a5e b#rned t*eir
brid"es be*ind t*em: @T*e .ee8Js res#lts,A ar"#ed
9amene5, @testiy t*at t*e data or an ins#rre)tion are no.
la)8in": +e *a5e no ma)*ine o ins#rre)tion: T*e enemyJs
ma)*ine is ar stron"er and *as 2robably "ro.n still
"reater d#rin" t*is .ee8 ::: T.o ta)ti)s are in )onli)t *ere:
t*e ta)ti) o )ons2ira)y and t*e ta)ti) o ait* in t*e
moti5e or)es o t*e R#ssian re5ol#tion:A O22ort#nists
al.ays belie5e in t*ose moti5e or)es .*ene5er it
be)omes ne)essary to i"*t:
Lenin re2lied: @I yo# )onsider t*at an ins#rre)tion is ri"*t,
it is not ne)essary to ar"#e abo#t )ons2ira)y: I an
ins#rre)tion is 2oliti)ally ine5itable, t*en .e m#st relate
o#rsel5es to ins#rre)tion as to an art:A It .as alon" t*is
line t*at t*e #ndamental and really 2rin)i2led dis2#te in
t*e 2arty too8 2la)e H t*e dis2#te #2on .*ose de)ision,
#2on .*ose resol#tion one .ay or t*e ot*er, de2ended t*e
ate o t*e re5ol#tion: ?o.e5er, .it*in t*e "eneral rame
o LeninJs orm#la, .*i)* #nited t*e maDority o t*e !entral
!ommittee, t*ere arose s#bordinate, b#t 5ery im2ortant,
=#estions: ?o. on t*e basis o t*e ri2ened 2oliti)al
sit#ation are .e to a22roa)* t*e ins#rre)tion> ?o. ind a
brid"e rom t*e 2oliti)s to t*e te)*ni=#e o re5o#tion> 0nd
*o. lead t*e masses alon" t*at brid"e>
,oG, .*o belon"ed to t*e let .in", *ad s#22orted t*e
resol#tion o t*e 1%t*: '#t *e o22osed Lenin in one 2oint:
@It is not tr#e t*at t*e =#estion is no. 2#rely te)*ni)al:
No., too, t*e moment o ins#rre)tion m#st be )onsidered
rom t*e 2oliti)al 2oint o 5ie.:A T*is 5ery last .ee8 *as
s*o.n t*at or t*e 2arty, or t*e So5iet, or t*e masses,
t*e ins#rre)tion *as not yet be)ome a mere =#estion o
te)*ni=#e: Bor t*at 5ery reason .e ailed to 8ee2 to t*e
date set on t*e 1%t*:
LeninJs ne. resol#tion s#mmonin" @all or"anisations and
all .or8ers and soldiers to an all;sided and most 5i"oro#s
2re2aration o armed ins#rre)tion,A .as ado2ted by 2%
5oi)es a"ainst 2, Pino5ie5 and 9amene5, .it* 3
abstainin": T*e oi)ial *istorians )ite t*ese i"#res as
2roo o t*e )om2lete insi"nii)an)e o t*e o22osition: '#t
t*ey sim2liy t*e matter: T*e s*it to t*e let in t*e de2t*s
o t*e 2arty .as already so stron" t*at t*e o22onents o
ins#rre)tion, not darin" to )ome o#t o2enly, elt it to t*eir
interest to remo5e any barrier o 2rin)i2le bet.een t*e t.o
)am2s: I t*e o5ert*ro., in s2ite o t*e date set beore,
*as not been realised by t*e 1(t*, )an .e not brin" it
abo#t t*at in t*e #t#re, too, t*e t*in" .ill be limited to a
2latoni) @)o#rse to.ard ins#rre)tionA> T*at 9alinin .as not
so #tterly alone .as 5ery )learly re5ealed in t*at same
session: T*e resol#tion o Pino5ie5 to t*e ee)t t*at @any
a)tion beore a )oneren)e .it* t*e 'ols*e5i8 se)tion o
t*e !on"ress o So5iets is inadmissible,A .as reDe)ted by
1< 5otes a"ainst (, .it* 3 abstainin": T*is is .*ere yo#
ind t*e real test o o2inions: Some o t*e @deendersA o
t*e resol#tion o t*e !entral !ommittee really .anted to
delay t*e de)ision #ntil t*e !on"ress o So5iets, and #ntil
a ne. )oneren)e .it* t*e 'ols*e5i8s o t*e 2ro5in)es .*o
.ere in t*eir maDority more moderate: O t*ese
@deenders,A )o#ntin" also t*ose abstainin", t*ere .ere 9
men o#t o 2& H more, t*at is, t*an a t*ird: T*at, o )o#rse,
is still a minority, b#t as a *ead=#arters rat*er an
im2ortant one: T*e *o2eless .ea8ness o t*is
*ead=#arters lay in t*e a)t t*at it *ad no s#22ort in t*e ran8s o t*e 2arty or t*e .or8in" )lass:
On t*e next day 9amene5, in a"reement .it* Pino5ie5,
"a5e to -or8yJs 2a2er a de)laration atta)8in" t*e de)ision
ado2ted t*e ni"*t beore: @Not only Pino5ie5 and I, b#t
also a n#mber o 2ra)ti)al )omrades,A H t*#s .rote
9amene5 H @t*in8 t*at to ta8e t*e initiati5e in an armed
ins#rre)tion at t*e 2resent moment, .it* t*e "i5en
)orrelation o so)ial or)es, inde2endently o and se5eral
days beore t*e !on"ress o So5iets, is an inadmissible
ste2 r#ino#s to t*e 2roletariat and t*e re5ol#tion ::: To
sta8e e5eryt*in" ::: on t*e )ard o ins#rre)tion in t*e
)omin" days .o#ld be an a)t o des2air: 0nd o#r 2arty is
too stron", it *as too "reat a #t#re beore it, to ta8e s#)*
a ste2 :::A O22ort#nists al.ays eel @too stron"A to "o into
a i"*t:
9amene5Js letter .as a dire)t de)laration o .ar a"ainst
t*e !entral !ommittee, and t*at, too, #2on a =#estion
#2on .*i)* nobody .as Do8in": T*e sit#ation immediately
be)ame extraordinarily a)#te: It .as )om2li)ated by
se5eral ot*er 2ersonal e2isodes *a5in" a )ommon 2oliti)al
so#r)e: 0t a session o t*e 3etro"rad So5iet on t*e 1$t*,
Trots8y, in to a =#estion raised by t*e enemy,
de)lared t*at t*e So5iet *ad not set t*e date or an
ins#rre)tion in t*e )omin" days, b#t t*at i it be)ame
ne)essary to set one, t*e .or8ers and soldiers .o#ld )ome
o#t as one man: 9amene5, sittin" next to Trots8y in t*e
2rTsidi#m, immediately arose or a s*ort statement: ?e
.anted to si"n *is name to Trots8yJs e5ery .ord: T*at .as
a )#nnin" r#se: +*ereas Trots8y .as D#ridi)ally s)reenin"
a 2oli)y o atta)8 .it* a s2e)io#sly deensi5e orm#la,
9amene5 tried to ma8e #se o Trots8yJs orm#la H .it*
.*i)* *e .as in radi)al disa"reement H in order to s)reen
a dire)tly o22osite 2oli)y:
In order to ann#l t*e ee)t o 9amene5Js manoe#5re,
Trots8y said on t*e same day in a s2ee)* to t*e 0ll;R#ssian
!oneren)e o Ba)tory and S*o2 !ommittees: @0 )i5il .ar is
ine5itable: +e *a5e only to or"anise it as 2ainlessly as
2ossible: +e )an a)*ie5e t*is not by .a5erin" and
5a)illation, b#t only by a st#bborn and )o#ra"eo#s
str#""le or 0ll #nderstood t*at t*ose .ords abo#t
.a5erin"s .ere dire)ted a"ainst Pino5ie5, 9amene5 and
t*eir )ollea"#es:
'esides t*at, Trots8y reerred t*e =#estion o 9amene5Js
s2ee)* in t*e So5iet to in5esti"ation by t*e next session o
t*e !entral !ommittee: In t*e inter5al 9amene5, desirin"
to ree *is *ands or a"itation a"ainst t*e ins#rre)tion,
resi"ned rom t*e !entral !ommittee: T*e =#estion .as
ta8en #2 in *is absen)e: Trots8y insisted t*at @t*e sit#ation
)reated is absol#tely intolerable,A and mo5ed t*at
9amene5Js resi"nation be a))e2ted: E2F
S5erdlo5, s#22ortin" Trots8yJs motion, read a letter o
Lenin brandin" Pino5ie5 and 9amene5 as stri8ebrea8ers
or t*eir de)laration in -or8yJs 2a2er, and demandin" t*eir
ex2#lsion rom t*e 2arty: @9amene5Js tri)8 at t*e session
o t*e 3etro"rad So5iet,A .rites Lenin, somet*in"
2ositi5ely 5ile: ?e is in )om2lete a))ord, says *e, .it*
Trots8yL '#t is it *ard to #nderstand t*at Trots8y )o#ld not,
*ad no ri"*t, to say beore t*e enemy any more t*an *e
did say> Is it *ard to #nderstand t*at ::: a de)ision as to
t*e ne)essity o an armed ins#rre)tion, as to t*e a)t t*at
it is #lly ri2e, as to its all;sided 2re2aration, et): ::: ma8es
it ne)essary in 2#bli) s2ee)*es to s*o#lder o not only t*e
blame, b#t also t*e initiati5e, #2on t*e enemy :::
9amene5Js tri)8 .as 2lain 2etty )*eatin" :::A
+*en sendin" *is indi"nant 2rotest t*ro#"* S5erdlo5,
Lenin )o#ld not yet 8no. t*at Pino5ie5, in a letter to t*e
editors o t*e )entral or"an, *ad anno#n)ed t*at *is 5ie.s
@are 5ery ar rom t*ose .*i)* Lenin )ombats,A and t*at
*e @s#bs)ribes to yesterdayJs de)laration o Trots8y in t*e
3etro"rad So5iet:A L#na)*ars8y: a t*ird o22onent o
ins#rre)tion, )ame o#t in t*e 2ress to t*e same ee)t: To
)om2lete t*e mali)io#s )on#sion, a letter o Pino5ie5Js
2rinted in t*e )entral or"an on t*e 5ery day o t*e session
o t*e !entral !ommittee, t*e 2%t*, .as a))om2anied by a
sym2at*eti) remar8 rom t*e editors: @+e an o#r t#rn
ex2ress t*e *o2e t*at .it* t*e de)laration made by
Pino5ie5 /and also t*e de)laration o 9amene5 in t*e
So5iet1 t*e =#estion may be )onsidered settled: T*e
s*ar2ness o tone o LeninJs arti)le does not alter t*e a)t
t*at in #ndamentals .e remain o one o2inion:A T*at .as
a ne. blo. in t*e ba)8, and moreo5er rom a dire)tion
rom .*i)* no one .as ex2e)tin" it: 0t t*e time .*en
Pino5ie5 and 9amene5 .ere )omin" o#t in a *ostile 2ress
.it* o2en a"itation a"ainst t*e de)ision o t*e !entral
!ommittee in a5o#r o ins#rre)tion, t*e )entral or"an o
t*e 2arty )ondemns t*e @s*ar2nessA o LeninJs tone and
re"isters its solidarity .it* Pino5ie5 and 9amene5 @in
#ndamentals:A 0s t*o#"* at t*at moment t*ere )o#ld be
a more #ndamental =#estion t*an t*e =#estion o
ins#rre)tion 0))ordin" to t*e brie min#tes, Trots8y
de)lared at t*e session o t*e !entral !ommittee: @T*e
letters o Pino5ie5 and L#nn)*ars8y to t*e )entral or"an,
and also t*e remar8 o t*e editors are intolerable:A
S5erdlo5 s#22orted t*e 2rotest:
T*e editors at t*at time .ere Stalin and Sol8olni8o5: T*e
min#tes read: @Sol8olni8o5 states t*at *e *ad no 2art in
t*e de)laration o t*e editors on t*e s#bDe)t o Pino5ie5Js
letter, and )onsiders t*is de)laration an error:A It t*#s
be)ame 8no.n t*at Stalin 2ersonally and alone H a"ainst
t*e ot*er member o t*e editorial board and a maDority o
t*e !entral !ommittee H s#22orted 9amene5 and Pino5ie5
at t*e most )riti)al moment, o#r days beore t*e
be"innin" o t*e ins#rre)tion, .it* a sym2at*eti)
de)laration: T*e indi"nation at t*is .as "reat:
Stalin s2o8e a"ainst t*e a))e2tan)e o 9amene5Js
resi"nation, ar"#in" t*at @o#r .*ole sit#ation is sel;
)ontradi)tory:A T*at is, *e too8 #2on *imsel t*e deen)e
o t*at )on#sion .*i)* t*e members o t*e !entral
!ommittee )omin" o#t a"ainst t*e ins#rre)tion *ad
introd#)ed into 2eo2leJs minds: 9amene5Js resi"nation
.as a))e2ted by < 5otes a"ainst 3: 'y ( 5otes, a"ain .it*
Stalin o22osin", a de)ision .as ado2ted orbiddin"
9amene5 and Pino5ie5 to )arry on a str#""le a"ainst t*e
2oli)y o t*e !entral !ommittee: T*e min#tes read: @Stalin
anno#n)es t*at *e .it*dra.s rom t*e editorial board:A In
order not to )om2li)ate an already dii)#lt sit#ation, t*e
!entral !ommittee re#sed to a))e2t StalinJs resi"nation:
T*is )ond#)t on t*e 2art o Stalin mi"*t seem inex2li)able
in t*e li"*t o t*e le"end .*i)* *as been )reated aro#nd
*im: In reality it #lly )orres2onds to *is s2irit#al mo#ld
and *is 2oliti)al met*ods: +*en a)ed by "reat 2roblems,
Stalin al.ays retreats H not t*ro#"* la)8 o )*ara)ter as in
t*e )ase o 9amene5, b#t t*ro#"* narro.ness o *oriKon
and la)8 o )reati5e ima"ination: ?is s#s2i)io#s )a#tion
almost or"ani)ally )om2els *im at moments o "reat
de)ision and dee2 dieren)e o o2inion to retire into t*e
s*ado., to .ait, and i 2ossible to ins#re *imsel a"ainst
bot* o#t)omes: Stalin 5oted .it* Lenin or t*e
ins#rre)tionC Pino5ie5 and 9amene5 .ere o2enly i"*tin"
a"ainst t*e ins#rre)tion: '#t ne5ert*eless H aside rom t*e
@s*ar2ness o toneA o LeninJs )riti)ism H @in #ndamentals
.e remain o one o2inion:A Stalin made t*is editorial
)omment by no means t*ro#"* li"*t;mindedness: On t*e
)ontrary *e .as )are#lly .ei"*in" t*e )ir)#mstan)es and
t*e .ords: '#t on t*e 2%t* o O)tober *e did not t*in8 it
ad5isable to b#rn irre5o)ably *is brid"e to t*e )am2 o t*e
enemies o t*e #2risin":
T*e testimony o t*ese min#tes, .*i)* .e are )om2elled
to =#ote, not rom t*e ori"inal, b#t rom t*e oi)ial text as
.or8ed #2 by StalinJs se)retariat, not only demonstrates
t*e a)t#al 2osition o t*e i"#res in t*e 'ols*e5i8 !entral
!ommittee, b#t also, in s2ite o its bre5ity and dryness,
#nolds beore #s an a#t*enti) 2anorama o t*e 2arty
leaders*i2 as it existed in reality, .it* all its inner
)ontradi)tions and ine5itable 2ersonal .a5erin"s: Not only
*istory as a .*ole, b#t e5en its 5ery boldest t#rns, are
a))om2lis*ed by 2eo2le to .*om not*in" *#man is alien:
'#t does t*is ater all lessen t*e im2ortan)e o .*at is
I .e .ere to #nold on a s)reen t*e most brilliant o
Na2oleonJs 5i)tories, t*e ilm .o#ld s*o. #s, side by side
.it* "eni#s, s)o2e, in"en#ity, *eroism, also t*e
irresol#tion o indi5id#al mars*als, t*e )on#sion o
"enerals #nable to read t*e ma2, t*e st#2idity o oi)ers,
and t*e 2ani) o .*ole deta)*ments, e5en do.n to t*e
bo.els relaxed .it* ri"*t: T*is realisti) do)#ment .o#ld
only testiy t*at t*e army o Na2oleon )onsisted not o t*e
a#tomatons o le"end, b#t o li5in" Bren)*men born and
bro#"*t #2 d#rin" t*e brea8 bet.een t.o e2o)*s: 0nd t*e
2i)t#re o *#man .ea8nesses .o#ld only t*e more 2lainly
em2*asise t*e "rande#r o t*e .*ole:
It is easier to t*eorise abo#t a re5ol#tion ater.ard t*an
absorb it into yo#r les* and blood beore it ta8es 2la)e:
T*e a22roa)* o an ins#rre)tion *as ine5itably 2rod#)ed,
and al.ays .ill 2rod#)e, )risis in t*e ins#rre)tionary
2arties: T*is is demonstrated by t*e ex2erien)e o t*e
most tem2ered and re5ol#tionary 2arty t*at *istory *as #2
to t*is time 8no.n: It is eno#"* t*at, a e. days beore t*e
battle, Lenin o#nd *imsel obli"ed to demand t*e
ex2#lsion rom t*e 2arty o *is t.o )losest and most
2rominent dis)i2les: T*e re)ent attem2ts to red#)e t*is
)onli)t to @a))identsA o a 2ersonal )*ara)ter *a5e been
di)tated by a 2#rely )*#r)*ly idealisation o t*e 2artyJs
2ast: ,#st as Lenin more #lly and resol#tely t*an ot*ers
ex2ressed in t*e a#t#mn mont*s o 1917 t*e obDe)ti5e
ne)essity o an ins#rre)tion, and t*e .ill o t*e masses o
re5ol#tion, so Pino5ie5 and 9amene5 more ran8ly t*an
ot*ers in)arnated t*e blo)8in" tenden)ies o t*e 2arty, t*e
moods o irresol#tion, t*e inl#en)e o 2etty bo#r"eois
)onne)tions, and t*e 2ress#re o t*e r#lin" )lasses:
I all t*e )oneren)es, debates, 2ersonal =#arrels, .*i)*
too8 2la)e in t*e #22er layer o t*e 'ols*e5i8 2arty d#rin"
O)tober alone *ad been ta8en do.n by a steno"ra2*er,
2osterity mi"*t )on5in)e itsel .it* .*at intense inner
str#""le t*e determination ne)essary or t*e o5ert*ro.
.as )rystalliKed amon" t*e *eads o t*e 2arty: T*e
steno"ra2*i) re2ort .o#ld s*o. at t*e same time *o.
m#)* a re5ol#tionary 2arty *as need o internal
demo)ra)y: T*e .ill to str#""le is not stored #2 in
ad5an)e, and is not di)tated rom abo5e H it *as on e5ery
o))asion to be inde2endently rene.ed and tem2ered:
!itin" t*e assertion o t*e a#t*or o t*is boo8 t*at @t*e
2arty is t*e #ndamental instr#ment o 2roletarian
re5ol#tion,A Stalin as8ed in 192&: @?o. )o#ld o#r
re5ol#tion )on=#er i its O#ndamental instr#mentJ .as no
"ood>A ?is irony did not )on)eal t*e 2rimiti5e alsity o t*is
obDe)tion: 'et.een t*e saints as t*e )*#r)* 2aints t*em
and t*e de5ils as t*e )andidates or saint*ood 2ortray
t*em, t*ere are to be o#nd li5in" 2eo2le: 0nd it is t*ey
.*o ma8e *istory: T*e *i"* tem2er o t*e 'ols*e5i8 2arty
ex2ressed itsel not in an absen)e o disa"reements,
.a5erin"s, and e5en =#a8in"s, b#t in t*e a)t t*at in t*e
most dii)#lt )ir)#mstan)es it "at*ered itsel in "ood
season by means o inner )rises, and made "ood its
o22ort#nity to interere de)isi5eDy in t*e )o#rse o e5ents:
T*at means t*at t*e 2arty as a .*ole .as a =#ite
ade=#ate instr#ment o re5ol#tion:
In 2ra)ti)e a reormist 2arty )onsiders #ns*a8able t*e
o#ndations o t*at .*i)* it intends to reorm: It t*#s
ine5itably s#bmits to t*e ideas and morals o t*e r#lin"
)lass: ?a5in" risen on t*e ba)8s o t*e 2roletariat, t*e
so)ial demo)rats be)ame merely a bo#r"eois 2arty o t*e
se)ond order: 'ols*e5ism )reated t*e ty2e o t*e a#t*enti)
re5ol#tionist, .*o s#bordinates to *istori) "oals
irre)on)ilable .it* )ontem2orary so)iety t*e )onditions o
*is 2ersonal existen)e, *is ideas, and *is moral D#d"ments:
T*e ne)essary distan)e rom bo#r"eois ideolo"y .as 8e2t
#2 in t*e 2arty by a 5i"ilant irre)on)ilability, .*ose
ins2irer .as Lenin: Lenin ne5er tired o .or8in" .it* *is
Ian)et, )#ttin" o t*ose bonds .*i)* a 2etty bo#r"eois
en5ironment )reates bet.een t*e 2arty and oi)ial so)ial
o2inion: 0t t*e same time Lenin ta#"*t t*e 2arty to )reate
its o.n so)ial o2inion, restin" #2on t*e t*o#"*ts and
eelin"s o t*e risin" )lass: T*#s by a 2ro)ess o sele)tion
and ed#)ation H and in )ontin#al str#""le, t*e 'ols*e5i8
2arty )reated not only a 2oliti)al b#t a moral medi#m o its
o.n, inde2endent o bo#r"eois so)ial o2inion and
im2la)ably o22osed to it: Only t*is 2ermitted t*e
'ols*e5i8s to o5er)ome t*e .a5erin"s in t*eir o.n ran8s
and re5eal in a)tion t*at )o#ra"eo#s determination
.it*o#t .*i)* t*e O)tober 5i)tory .o#ld *a5e been
1: 68o8os*it:
2: In t*e min#tes o t*e !entral !ommittee or 19l7,
2#blis*ed in l929, it says t*at Trots8y ex2lained *is
de)laration to t*e So5iet on t*e "ro#nd t*at @it .as or)ed
by 9amene5:A ?ere t*ere is ob5io#sly aa erroneo#s re)ord,
or t*e re)ord .as s#bse=#ently in)orre)tly edited: T*e
de)laration o Trots8y needed no s2e)ial ex2lanationC it
lo.ed rom tbe )ir)#mstan)es: 'y a )#rio#s a))ident t*e
Mos)o. Re"ional !omittee, .*i)* .*olly s#22orted Lenin,
o#nd itsel obli"ed to 2#blis* in t*e Mos)o. 2arty 2a2er
on t*e same day, t*e 1$t*, a de)laration almost 5erbally
identi)al .it* t*e orm#la o Trots8y @+e are not a
)ons2irati5e 2arty and .e do not set t*e date or o#r
a)tions se)retly ::: +*en .e de)ide to )ome o#t, .e .ill
say so in o#r 2rinted or"an :::A It .as im2ossible to re2ly
ot*er.ise to t*e dire)t =#eries o t*e enemy: '#t alt*o#"*,
t*e de)laration o Trots8y .as not, and )o#ld not *a5e
been, or)ed by 9amene5, it .as )ons)io#sly )om2romised
by 9ameneyJs alse solidarity and t*at moreo5er #nder
)ir)#mstan)es .*i)* de2ri5ed Trots8y o t*e 2ossibility o
2#ttin" t*e missin" dots on t*e iJs:
Chapter 43: The ,rt of +ns#rrection
3eo2le do not ma8e re5ol#tion ea"erly any more t*an t*ey
do .ar: T*ere is t*is dieren)e, *o.e5er, t*at in .ar
)om2#lsion 2lays t*e de)isi5e rIle, in re5ol#tion t*ere is
no )om2#lsion ex)e2t t*at o )ir)#mstan)es: 0 re5ol#tion
ta8es 2la)e only .*en t*ere is no ot*er .ay o#t: 0nd t*e
ins#rre)tion, .*i)* rises abo5e a re5ol#tion li8e a 2ea8 in
t*e mo#ntain )*ain o its e5ents, )an no more be e5o8ed
at .ill t*an t*e re5ol#tion as a .*ole: T*e masses ad5an)e
and retreat se5eral times beore t*ey ma8e #2 t*eir minds
to t*e inal assa#lt:
!ons2ira)y is ordinarily )ontrasted to ins#rre)tion as t*e
deliberate #nderta8in" o a minority to a s2ontaneo#s
mo5ement o t*e maDority: 0nd it is tr#e t*at a 5i)torio#s
ins#rre)tion, .*i)* )an only be t*e a)t o a )lass )alled to
stand at t*e *ead o t*e nation, is .idely se2arated bot* in
met*od and *istori) si"nii)an)e rom a "o5ernmental
o5ert#rn a))om2lis*ed by )ons2irators a)tin" in
)on)ealment rom t*e masses:
In e5ery )lass so)iety t*ere are eno#"* )ontradi)tions so
t*at a )ons2ira)y )an ta8e root in its )ra)8s: ?istori)
ex2erien)e 2ro5es, *o.e5er, t*at a )ertain de"ree o
so)ial disease is ne)essary H as in S2ain, or instan)e, or
3ort#"al, or So#t* 0meri)a H to s#22ly )ontin#al
no#ris*ment or a rG"ime o )ons2ira)ies: 0 2#re
)ons2ira)y e5en .*en 5i)torio#s )an only re2la)e one
)li=#e o t*e same r#lin" )lass by anot*er H or still less,
merely alter t*e "o5ernmental 2ersona"es: Only mass
ins#rre)tion *as e5er bro#"*t t*e 5i)tory o one so)ial
rG"ime o5er anot*er: 3eriodi)al )ons2ira)ies are )ommonly
an ex2ression o so)ial sta"nation and de)ay, b#t 2o2#lar
ins#rre)tions on t*e )ontrary )ome #s#ally as a res#lt o
some "ro.t* .*i)* *as bro8en do.n t*e old
e=#ilibri#m o t*e nation: T*e )*roni) @re5ol#tionsA o t*e
So#t* 0meri)an re2#bli)s *a5e not*in" in )ommon .it*
t*e 3ermanent Re5ol#tionC t*ey are in a sense t*e 5ery
o22osite t*in":
T*is does not mean, *o.e5er, t*at 2o2#lar ins#rre)tion
and )ons2ira)y are in all )ir)#mstan)es m#t#ally
ex)l#si5e: 0n element o )ons2ira)y almost al.ays enters
to some de"ree into any ins#rre)tion: 'ein" *istori)ally
)onditioned by a )ertain sta"e in t*e "ro.t* o a
re5ol#tion, a mass ins#rre)tion is ne5er 2#rely
s2ontaneo#s: E5en .*en it las*es o#t #nex2e)tedly to a
maDority o its o.n 2arti)i2ants, it *as been ertilised by
t*ose ideas in .*i)* t*e ins#rre)tionaries see a .ay o#t o
t*e dii)#lties o existen)e: '#t a mass ins#rre)tion )an be
oreseen and 2re2ared: It )an be or"anised in ad5an)e: In
t*is )ase t*e )ons2ira)y is s#bordinate to t*e ins#rre)tion,
ser5es it, smoot*es its 2at*, *astens its 5i)tory: T*e *i"*er
t*e 2oliti)al le5el o a re5ol#tionary mo5ement and t*e
more serio#s its leaders*i2, t*e "reater .ill be t*e 2la)e
o))#2ied by )ons2ira)y in a 2o2#lar ins#rre)tion:
It is 5ery ne)essary to #nderstand t*e relations bet.een
ins#rre)tion and )ons2ira)y, bot* as t*ey o22ose and as
t*ey s#22lement ea)* ot*er: It is es2e)ially so, be)a#se
t*e 5ery #se o t*e .ord )ons2ira)y, e5en in Marxian
literat#re, )ontains a s#2eri)ial )ontradi)tion d#e to t*e
a)t t*at it sometimes im2lies an inde2endent #nderta8in"
initiated by t*e minority, at ot*ers a 2re2aration by t*e
minority o a maDority ins#rre)tion:
?istory testiies, to be s#re, t*at in )ertain )onditions a
2o2#lar ins#rre)tion )an be 5i)torio#s e5en .it*o#t a
)ons2ira)y: 0risin" @s2ontaneo#slyA o#t o t*e #ni5ersal
indi"nation, t*e s)attered 2rotests, demonstrations,
stri8es, street i"*ts, an ins#rre)tion )an dra. in a 2art o
t*e army, 2aralyse t*e or)es o t*e enemy, and o5ert*ro.
t*e old To a )ertain de"ree t*is is .*at *a22ened in
Bebr#ary 1917 in R#ssia, 022roximately t*e same 2i)t#re
is 2resented by t*e de5elo2ment o t*e -erman and
0#stro;?#n"arian re5ol#tions o t*e a#t#mn o 191$: Sin)e
in t*ese e5ents t*ere .as no 2arty at t*e *ead o t*e
ins#rre)tionaries imb#ed t*ro#"* and t*ro#"* .it* t*e
interests and aims o t*e ins#rre)tion, its 5i)tory *ad
ine5itably to transer t*e to t*ose 2arties .*i)* #2
to t*e last moment *ad been o22osin" it:
To o5ert*ro. t*e old is one t*in"C to ta8e t*e
in oneJs o.n bands is anot*er: T*e bo#r"eoisie may .in
t*e in a re5ol#tion not be)a#se it is re5ol#tionary,
b#t be)a#se it is bo#r"eois: It *as in its 2ossession
2ro2erty, ed#)ation, t*e 2ress, a net.or8 o strate"i)
2ositions, a *ierar)*y o instit#tions: X#ite ot*er.ise .it*
t*e 2roletariat: 4e2ri5ed in t*e nat#re o t*in"s o all
so)ial ad5anta"es, an ins#rre)tionary 2roletariat )an )o#nt
only on its n#mbers, its solidarity, its )adres, its oi)ial
,#st as a bla)8smit* )annot seiKe t*e red *ot iron in *is
na8ed *and, so t*e 2roletariat )annot dire)tly seiKe t*e
2o.erC it *as to *a5e an or"anisation a))ommodated to
t*is tas8: T*e )o;ordination o t*e mass ins#rre)tion .it*
t*e )ons2ira)y, t*e s#bordination o t*e )ons2ira)y to t*e
ins#rre)tion, t*e or"anisation o t*e ins#rre)tion t*ro#"*
t*e )ons2ira)y, )onstit#tes t*at )om2lex and res2onsible
de2artment o re5ol#tionary 2oliti)s .*i)* Marx and
En"els )alled @t*e art o ins#rre)tion:A It 2res#22oses a
)orre)t "eneral leaders*i2 o t*e masses, a lexible
orientation in )*an"in" )onditions, a t*o#"*t;o#t 2lan o
atta)8, )a#tio#sness in te)*ni)al 2re2aration, and a darin"
?istorians and 2oliti)ians #s#ally "i5e t*e name o
s2ontaneo#s ins#rre)tion to a mo5ement o t*e masses
#nited by a )ommon *ostility a"ainst t*e old rG"ime, b#t
not *a5in" a )lear aim, deliberated met*ods o str#""le, or
a leaders*i2 )ons)io#sly s*" t*e .ay to 5i)tory: T*is
s2ontaneo#s ins#rre)tion is )ondes)endin"ly re)o"nised
by oi)ial *istorians H at least t*ose o demo)rati) tem2er
H as a ne)essary e5il t*e res2onsibility or .*i)* alls #2on
t*e old rG"ime: T*e real reason or t*eir attit#de o
ind#l"en)e is t*at @s2ontaneo#sA ins#rre)tion )annot
trans)end t*e rame.or8 o t*e bo#r"eois rG"ime:
T*e so)ial demo)rats ta8e a similar 2osition: T*ey do not
reDe)t re5ol#tion at lar"e as a so)ial )atastro2*e, any more
t*an t*ey reDe)t eart*=#a8es, 5ol)ani) er#2tions, e)li2ses
and e2idemi)s o t*e 2la"#e: +*at t*ey do reDe)t H )allin"
it @'lan=#ism,A or still .orse, 'ols*e5ism H is t*e )ons)io#s
2re2aration o an o5ert#rn, t*e 2lan, t*e )ons2ira)y: In
ot*er .ords, t*e so)ial demo)rats are ready to san)tion H
and t*at only e$ post facto H t*ose o5ert#rns .*i)* *and
t*e to t*e bo#r"eoisie, b#t t*ey im2la)ably
)ondemn t*ose met*ods .*i)* mi"*t alone brin" t*e to t*e 2roletariat: 6nder t*is 2retended obDe)ti5ism
t*ey )on)eal a 2oli)y o deen)e o t*e )a2italist so)iety:
Brom *is obser5ations and rele)tions #2on t*e ail#re o
t*e many ins#rre)tions *e .itnessed or too8 2art in:
0#"#ste 'lan=#i deri5ed a n#mber o ta)ti)al r#les .*i)* i
5iolated .ill ma8e t*e 5i)tory o any ins#rre)tion
extremely dii)#lt, i not im2ossible: 'lan=#i demanded
t*ese t*in"s: a timely )reation o )orre)t re5ol#tionary
deta)*ments, t*eir )entralised )ommand and ade=#ate
e=#i2ment, a .ell )al)#lated 2la)ement o barri)ades,
t*eir deinite )onstr#)tion, and a systemati), not a mere
e2isodi), deen)e o t*em: 0ll t*ese r#les, deri5in" rom
t*e military 2roblems o t*e ins#rre)tion, m#st o )o#rse
)*an"e .it* so)ial )onditions and military te)*ni=#e, b#t
in t*emsel5es t*ey are not by any means @'lan=#ismA in
t*e sense t*at t*is .ord a22roa)*es t*e -erman
@2#ts)*ism,A or re5ol#tionary ad5ent#rism:
Ins#rre)tion is an art, and li8e all arts it *as its la.s: T*e
r#les o 'lan=#i .ere t*e demands o a military
re5ol#tionary realism: 'lan=#iJs mista8e lay not in *is
dire)t b#t *is in5erse t*eorem: Brom t*e a)t t*at ta)t#l
.ea8ness )ondemns an ins#rre)tion to deeat, 'lan=#i
inerred t*at an obser5an)e o t*e r#les o ins#rre)tionary
ta)ti)s .o#ld itsel "#arantee t*e 5i)tory: Only rom t*is
2oint on is it le"itimate to )ontrast 'lan=#ism .it*
Marxism: !ons2ira)y does not ta8e t*e 2la)e o
ins#rre)tion: 0n a)ti5e minority o t*e 2roletariat, no
matter *o. .ell or"anised, )annot seiKe t*e
re"ardless o t*e "eneral )onditions o t*e )o#ntry: In t*is
2oint *istory *as )ondemned 'lan=#ism: '#t only in t*is:
?is airmati5e t*eorem retains all its or)e: In order to
)on=#er t*e, t*e 2roletariat needs more t*an a
s2ontaneo#s ins#rre)tion: It needs a s#itable or"anisation,
it needs a 2lan: it needs a )ons2ira)y: S#)* is t*e Leninist
5ie. o t*is =#estion:
En"elsJ )riti)ism o t*e etis*ism o t*e barri)ade .as
based #2on t*e e5ol#tion o military te)*ni=#e and o
te)*ni=#e in "eneral: T*e ins#rre)tionary ta)ti) o
'lan=#ism )orres2onded to t*e )*ara)ter o t*e old 3aris,
t*e semi;*andi)rat 2roletariat, t*e narro. streets and t*e
military system o Lo#is 3*ili22e: 'lan=#iJs mista8e in
2rin)i2le .as to identiy re5ol#tion .it* ins#rre)tion: ?is
te)*ni)al mista8e .as to identiy ins#rre)tion .it* t*e
barri)ade: T*e Marxian )riti)ism *as been dire)ted a"ainst
bot* mista8es: 0lt*o#"* at one .it* 'lan=#ism in
re"ardin" ins#rre)tion as an art, En"els dis)o5ered not
only t*e s#bordinate 2la)e o))#2ied by ins#rre)tion in a
re5ol#tion, b#t also t*e de)linin" rY2&&Cle o t*e barri)ade
in an ins#rre)tion: En"elsJ )riti)ism *ad not*in" in
)ommon .it* a ren#n)iation o t*e re5ol#tionary met*ods
in a5o#r o 2#re 2arliamentarism, as t*e 2*ilistines o t*e
-erman So)ial 4emo)ra)y, in )o;o2eration .it* t*e
?o*enKollern )ensors*i2, attem2ted in t*eir day to
2retend: Bor En"els t*e =#estion abo#t barri)ades
remained a =#estion abo#t one o t*e te)*ni)al elements
o an #2risin": T*e reormists *a5e attem2ted to iner rom
*is reDe)tion o t*e de)isi5e im2ortan)e o t*e barri)ade a
reDe)tion o re5ol#tionary 5iolen)e in "eneral: T*at is abo#t
t*e same as to iner t*e destr#)tion o militarism rom
)onsiderations o t*e 2robable de)line in im2ortan)e o
tren)*es in #t#re .arare:
T*e or"anisation by means o .*i)* t*e 2roletariat )an
bot* o5ert*ro. t*e old and re2la)e it, is t*e so5iets:
T*is ater.ards be)ame a matter o *istori) ex2erien)e,
b#t .as #2 to t*e O)tober re5ol#tion a t*eoreti)al
2ro"nosis H restin", to be s#re, #2on t*e 2reliminary
ex2erien)e o 19%<: T*e so5iets are or"ans o 2re2aration
o t*e masses or ins#rre)tion, or"ans o ins#rre)tion, and
ater t*e 5i)tory or"ans o "o5ernment:
?o.e5er, t*e so5iets by t*emsel5es do not settle t*e
=#estion: T*ey may ser5e dierent "oals a))ordin" to t*e
2ro"ramme and leaders*i2: T*e so5iets re)ei5e t*eir
2ro"ramme rom t*e 2arty: +*ereas t*e so5iets in
re5ol#tionary )onditions H and a2art rom re5ol#tion t*ey
are im2ossible H )om2rise t*e .*ole )lass .it* t*e
ex)e2tion o its alto"et*er ba)8.ard, inert or demoralised
strata, t*e re5ol#tionary 2arty re2resents t*e brain o t*e
)lass: T*e 2roblem o )on=#erin" t*e )an be sol5ed
only by a deinite )ombination o 2arty .it* so5iets H or
.it* ot*er mass or"anisations more or less e=#i5alent to
+*en *eaded by a re5ol#tionary 2arty t*e so5iet
)ons)io#sly and in "ood season stri5es to.ards a )on=#est
o 0))ommodatin" itsel to )*an"es in t*e 2oliti)al
sit#ation and t*e mood o t*e masses, it "ets ready t*e
military bases o t*e ins#rre)tion, #nites t*e s*o)8 troo2s
#2on a sin"le s)*eme o a)tion, .or8s o#t a 2lan or t*e
oensi5e and or t*e inal assa#lt: 0nd t*is means brin"in"
or"anised )ons2ira)y into mass ins#rre)tion:
T*e 'ols*e5i8s .ere )om2elled more t*an on)e, and lon"
beore t*e O)tober re5ol#tion, to re#te a))#sations o
)ons2ira)y and 'lan=#ism dire)ted a"ainst t*em by t*eir
enemies: Moreo5er, nobody .a"ed a more im2la)able
str#""le a"ainst t*e system o 2#re )ons2ira)y t*an Lenin:
T*e o22ort#nists o t*e international so)ial demo)ra)y
more t*an on)e deended t*e old So)ial Re5ol#tionary
ta)ti) o indi5id#al terror dire)ted a"ainst t*e a"ents o
)Karism, .*en t*is ta)ti) .as r#t*lessly )riti)ised by t*e
'ols*e5i8s .it* t*eir insisten)e #2on mass ins#rre)tion as
o22osed to t*e indi5id#al ad5ent#rism o t*e intelli"entsia:
'#t in re#tin" all 5arieties o 'lan=#ism and anar)*ism,
Lenin did not or one moment bo. do.n to any @sa)redA
s2ontaneo#sness o t*e masses: ?e t*o#"*t o#t beore
anybody else, and more dee2ly, t*e )orrelation bet.een
t*e obDe)ti5e and s#bDe)ti5e a)tors in a re5ol#tion,
bet.een t*e s2ontaneo#s mo5ement and t*e 2oli)y o t*e
2arty, bet.een t*e 2o2#lar masses and t*e 2ro"ressi5e
)lass, bet.een t*e 2roletariat and its 5an"#ard, bet.een
t*e so5iets and t*e 2arty, bet.een ins#rre)tion and
'#t i it is tr#e t*at an ins#rre)tion )annot be e5o8ed at
.ill, and t*at ne5ert*eless in order to .in it m#st be
or"anised in ad5an)e, t*en t*e re5ol#tionary leaders are
2resented .it* a tas8 o )orre)t dia"nosis: T*ey m#st eel
o#t t*e "" ins#rre)tion in "ood season and
s#22lement it .it* a )ons2ira)y: T*e intereren)e o t*e in labo#r 2ains H *o.e5er t*is ima"e may *a5e
been ab#sed H remains t*e )learest ill#stration o t*is
)ons)io#s intr#sion into an elemental 2ro)ess: ?erKen
on)e a))#sed *is riend 'a8#nin o in5ariably in all *is
re5ol#tionary enter2rises ta8in" t*e se)ond mont* o
2re"nan)y or t*e nint*: ?erKen *imsel .as rat*er
in)lined to deny e5en in t*e nint* t*at 2re"nan)y existed:
In Bebr#ary t*e =#estion o determinin" t*e date o birt*
*ardly arose at all, sin)e t*e ins#rre)tion lared #2
#nex2e)tedly .it*o#t )entralised leaders*i2: '#t exa)tly
or t*is reason t*e did not "o to t*ose .*o *ad
a))om2lis*ed t*e ins#rre)tion, b#t to t*ose .*o *ad
a22lied t*e bra8es: It .as =#ite ot*er.ise .it* t*e se)ond
ins#rre)tion: T*is .as )ons)io#sly 2re2ared by t*e
'ols*e5i8 3arty: T*e 2roblem o )orre)tly seiKin" t*e
moment to "i5e t*e si"nal or t*e atta)8 .as t*#s laid
#2on t*e 'ols*e5i8 sta:
Moment *ere is not to be ta8en too literally as meanin" a
deinite day and *o#r: 3*ysi)al birt*s also 2resent a
)onsiderable 2eriod o #n)ertainty H t*eir limits interestin"
not only to t*e art o t*e, b#t also to t*e )as#isti)s
o t*e S#rro"ateJs !o#rt: 'et.een t*e moment .*en an
attem2t to s#mmon an ins#rre)tion m#st ine5itably 2ro5e
2remat#re and lead to a re5ol#tionary mis)arria"e, and
t*e moment .*en a a5o#rable sit#ation m#st be
)onsidered *o2elessly missed, t*ere exists a )ertain 2eriod
H it may be meas#red in .ee8s, and sometimes in a e.
mont*s H in t*e )o#rse o .*i)* an ins#rre)tion may be
)arried o#t .it* more or less )*an)e o s#))ess: To
dis)riminate t*is )om2arati5ely s*ort 2eriod and t*en
)*oose t*e deinite moment H no. in t*e more a))#rate
sense o t*e 5ery day and *o#r H or t*e last blo.,
)onstit#tes t*e most res2onsible tas8 o t*e re5ol#tionary
leaders: It )an .it* #ll D#sti)e be )alled t*e 8ey 2roblem,
or it #nites t*e 2oli)y o re5ol#tion .it* t*e te)*ni=#e o
ins#rre)tion H and it is needless to add t*at ins#rre)tion,
li8e .ar, is a )ontin#ation o 2oliti)s .it* ot*er
Int#ition and ex2erien)e are ne)essary or re5ol#tionary
leaders*i2, D#st as or all ot*er 8inds o )reati5e a)ti5ity:
'#t m#)* more t*an t*at is needed: T*e art o t*e
ma"i)ian )an also s#))ess#lly rely #2on int#ition and
ex2erien)e: 3oliti)al ma"i) is ade=#ate, *o.e5er, only or
e2o)*s and 2eriods in .*i)* ro#tine 2redominates: 0n
e2o)* o mi"*ty *istori) #2*ea5als *as no #se or .it)*;
do)tors: ?ere ex2erien)e, e5en ill#mined by int#ition, is
not eno#"*: ?ere yo# m#st *a5e a synt*eti) do)trine
)om2re*endin" t*e intera)tions o t*e )*ie *istori) or)es:
?ere yo# m#st *a5e a materialisti) met*od 2ermittin" yo#
to dis)o5er, be*ind t*e mo5in" s*ado.s o 2ro"ramme
and slo"an, t*e a)t#al mo5ement o so)ial bodies:
T*e #ndamental 2remise o a re5ol#tion is t*at t*e
existin" so)ial str#)t#re *as be)ome in)a2able o sol5in"
t*e #r"ent 2roblems o de5elo2ment o t*e nation: 0
re5ol#tion be)omes 2ossible, *o.e5er, only in )ase t*e
so)iety )ontains a ne. )lass )a2able o ta8in" t*e lead in
sol5in" t*e 2roblems 2resented by *istory: T*e 2ro)ess o
2re2arin" a re5ol#tion )onsists o ma8in" t*e obDe)ti5e
2roblems in5ol5ed in t*e )ontradi)tions o ind#stry and o
)lasses ind t*eir .ay into t*e )ons)io#sness o li5in"
*#man masses, )*an"e t*is )ons)io#sness and )reate ne.
)orrelation o *#man or)es:
T*e r#lin" )lasses, as a res#lt o t*eir 2ra)ti)ally
maniested in)a2a)ity to "et t*e )o#ntry o#t o its blind
alley, lose ait* in t*emsel5esC t*e old 2arties all to
2ie)esC a bitter str#""le o "ro#2s and )li=#es 2re5ailsC
*o2es are 2la)ed in mira)les or mira)le .or8ers: 0ll t*is
)onstit#tes one o t*e 2oliti)al 2remises o a re5ol#tion, a
5ery im2ortant alt*o#"* a 2assi5e one:
0 bitter *ostility to t*e existin" order and a readiness to
5ent#re #2on t*e most *eroi) eorts and sa)rii)es in
order to brin" t*e )o#ntry o#t #2on an #2.ard road H t*is
is t*e ne. 2oliti)al )ons)io#sness o t*e re5ol#tionary
)lass, and )onstit#tes t*e most im2ortant a)ti5e 2remise
o a re5ol#tion:
T*ese t.o #ndamental )am2s, *o.e5er H t*e bi" 2ro2erty
*olders and t*e 2roletariat H do not ex*a#st t*e 2o2#lation
o a )o#ntry: 'et.een t*em lie broad layers o t*e 2etty
bo#r"eoisie, s*" all t*e )olo#rs o t*e e)onomi) and
2oliti)al rainbo.: T*e dis)ontent o t*ese intermediate
layers, t*eir disa22ointment .it* t*e 2oli)y o t*e r#lin"
)lass, t*eir re5ol#tionary initiati5e on t*e 2art o t*e
2roletariat, )onstit#te t*e t*ird 2oliti)al 2remise o a
re5ol#tion: It is 2artly 2assi5e H In t*at it ne#tralises t*e
#22er strata o t*e 2etty bo#r"eoisie H b#t 2artly also
a)ti5e, or it im2els t*e strata dire)tly into t*e
str#""le side by side .it* t*e .or8ers:
T*at t*ese 2remises )ondition ea)* ot*er is ob5io#s: T*e
more de)isi5ely and )onidently t*e 2roletariat a)ts, t*e
better .ill it s#))eed in brin"in" ater it t*e intermediate
layer, t*e more isolated .ill be t*e r#lin" )lass, and t*e
more a)#te its demoralisation: 0nd, on t*e ot*er *and, a
demoralisation o t*e r#lers .ill 2o#r .ater into t*e mill o
t*e re5ol#tionary )lass:
T*e 2roletariat )an be)ome imb#ed .it* t*e )oniden)e
ne)essary or a "o5ernmental o5ert*ro. only i a )lear
2ros2e)t o2ens beore it, only i it *as *ad an o22ort#nity
to test o#t in a)tion a )orrelation o or)es .*i)* is
)*an"in" to its ad5anta"e: only i it eels abo5e it a ar;
si"*ted, irm and )onident leaders*i2: T*is brin"s #s to
t*e last 2remise H by no means t*e last in im2ortan)e H o
t*e )on=#est o t*e re5ol#tionary 2arty as a ti"*tly
.elded and tem2ered 5an"#ard o t*e )lass:
T*an8s to a a5o#rable )ombination o *istori) )onditions
bot* domesti) and international, t*e R#ssian 2roletariat
.as *eaded by a 2arty o extraordinary 2oliti)al )larity and
#nexam2led re5ol#tionary tem2er: Only t*is 2ermitted lat
small and yo#n" )lass to )arry o#t a *istori) tas8 o
#n2re)edented 2ro2ortions: It is indeed t*e "eneral
testimony o *istory H t*e 3aris !omm#ne, t*e -erman
and 0#strian re5ol#tions o 191$, t*e So5iet re5ol#tions in
?#n"ary and 'a5aria, t*e Italian re5ol#tion o 1919, t*e
-erman )risis o 1923, t*e !*inese re5ol#tion o 192<;
1927, t*e S2anis* re5ol#tion o 1931 H t*at #2 to no. t*e
.ea8est lin8 in t*e )*ain o ne)essary )onditions *as been
t*e 2arty: T*e *ardest t*in" o all is or t*e .or8in" )lass
to )reate a re5ol#tionary or"anisation )a2able o risin" to
t*e *ei"*t o its *istori) tas8: In t*e older and more
)i5ilised )o#ntries or)es .or8 to.ard t*e
.ea8enin" and demoralisation o t*e re5ol#tionary
5an"#ard: 0n im2ortant )onstit#ent 2art o t*is .or8 is t*e
str#""le o t*e so)ial demo)rats a"ainst @'lan=#ism,A by
.*i)* name t*ey desi"nate t*e re5ol#tionary essen)e o
Marxism:*standin" t*e n#mber o "reat so)ial and 2oliti)al
)rises, a )oin)iden)e o all t*e )onditions ne)essary to a
5i)torio#s and stable 2roletarian re5ol#tion *as so ar
o))#rred b#t on)e in *istory: in R#ssia in O)tober 1917: 0
re5ol#tionary sit#ation is not lon";li5ed: T*e least stable o
t*e 2remises o a re5ol#tion is t*e mood o t*e 2etty
bo#r"eoisie: 0t a time o national )rises t*e 2etty
bo#r"eoisie ollo.s t*at )lass .*i)* ins2ires )oniden)e
not only in .ords b#t deeds: 0lt*o#"* )a2able o im2#lsi5e
ent*#siasm and e5en o re5ol#tionary #ry, t*e 2etty
bo#r"eoisie la)8s end#ran)e, easily loses *eart #nder
re5erses, and 2asses rom elated *o2e to dis)o#ra"ement:
0nd t*ese s*ar2 and )*an"es in t*e mood o t*e
2etty bo#r"eoisie lend t*eir instability to e5ery
re5ol#tionary sit#ation: I t*e 2roletarian 2arty is not
de)isi5e eno#"* to )on5ert t*e *o2es and ex2e)tations o
t*e 2o2#lar masses into re5ol#tionary a)tion in "ood
season, t*e lood tide is =#i)8ly ollo.ed by an ebb: t*e
intermediate strata t#rn a.ay t*eir eyes rom t*e
re5ol#tion and see8 a sa5io#r in t*e o22osin" )am2: 0nd
D#st as at lood tide t*e 2roletariat dra.s ater it t*e 2etty
bo#r"eoisie, so d#rin" t*e ebb t*e 2etty bo#r"eoisie dra.s
ater it )onsiderable layers o t*e 2roletariat: S#)* is t*e
diale)ti) o t*e )omm#nist and as)ist .a5es obser5able in
t*e 2oliti)al e5ol#tion o E#ro2e sin)e t*e .ar:
0ttem2tin" to "ro#nd t*emsel5es #2on t*e assertion o
Marx t*at no rG"ime .it*dra.s rom t*e sta"e o *istory
#ntil it *as ex*a#sted all its 2ossibilities, t*e Mens*e5i8s
denied t*e le"itima)y o a str#""le or 2roletarian
di)tators*i2 in ba)8.ard R#ssia .*ere )a2italism *ad ar
rom ex*a#sted itsel: T*is ar"#ment )ontained t.o
mista8es, bot* atal: !a2italism is not a national b#t a
.orld;.ide system: T*e im2erialist .ar and its
)onse=#en)es demonstrated t*at t*e )a2italist system
*ad ex*a#sted itsel on a .orld s)ale: T*e re5ol#tion in
R#ssia .as a brea8in" o t*e .ea8est lin8 in t*e system o
.orld;.ide )a2italism:
'#t t*e alsity o t*is Mens*e5i8 )on)e2tion a22ears also
rom a national 2oint o 5ie.: Brom t*e stand2oint o
e)onomi) abstra)tion, it is indeed 2ossible to airm t*at
)a2italism in R#ssia *as not ex*a#sted its 2ossibilities: '#t
e)onomi) 2ro)esses do not ta8e 2la)e in t*e et*er, b#t in a
)on)rete *istori)al medi#m: !a2italism is not an
abstra)tion, b#t a li5in" system o )lass relations re=#irin"
abo5e all t*in"s a state T*at t*e monar)*y, #nder
.*ose 2rote)tion R#ssian )a2italism de5elo2ed, *ad
ex*a#sted its 2ossibilities is not denied e5en by t*e
Mens*e5i8s: T*e Bebr#ary re5ol#tion tried to b#ild #2 an
intermediate state rG"ime: +e *a5e ollo.ed its *istory: in
t*e )o#rse o ei"*t mont*s it ex*a#sted itsel )om2letely:
+*at sort o state order )o#ld in t*ese )onditions
"#arantee t*e #rt*er de5elo2ment o R#ssian )a2italism:
@T*e bo#r"eois re2#bli), deended only by so)ialists o
moderate tenden)ies, indin" no lon"er any s#22ort in t*e
masses ::: )o#ld not maintain itsel: Its .*ole essen)e *ad
e5a2orated: T*ere remained only an external s*ell:A T*is
a))#rate deinition belon"s to Mili#8o5: T*e ate o t*is
e5a2orated system .as ne)essarily, a))ordin" to *is
.ords, t*e same as t*at o t*e )Karist monar)*y: @'ot*
2re2ared t*e "ro#nd or a re5ol#tion, and on t*e day o
re5ol#tion neit*er )o#ld ind a sin"le deender:A
0s early as ,#ly and 0#"#st Mili#8o5 )*ara)terised t*e
sit#ation by 2resentin" a )*oi)e bet.een t.o names:
9ornilo5 or Lenin> '#t 9ornilo5 *ad no. made *is
ex2eriment and it *ad ended in a miserable ail#re: Bor t*e
rG"ime o 9erens8y t*ere .as )ertainly no 2la)e let: +it*
all t*e 5arieties o mood, says S#8*ano5, @t*e one t*in"
#2on .*i)* all #nited .as *ate or t*e 9erens8y rG"ime:A
,#st as t*e )Karist monar)*y *ad to.ard t*e end be)ome
im2ossible in t*e eyes o t*e #22er )ir)le o t*e nobility
and e5en t*e "rand d#8es, so t*e "o5ernment o 9erens8y
be)ame odio#s e5en to t*e dire)t ins2iritors o *is rG"ime,
t*e @"rand d#8esA o t*e )om2romisist #22er )r#st: In t*is
#ni5ersal dissatisa)tion, t*is s*ar2 2oliti)al ner5e;tension
o all )lasses, .e *a5e one o t*e sym2toms o a ri2e
re5ol#tionary sit#ation: In t*e same .ay e5ery m#s)le,
ner5e and ibre o an or"anism is intolerably tensed D#st
beore an abs)ess b#rsts:
T*e resol#tion o t*e ,#ly )on"ress o t*e 'ols*e5i8s, .*ile
.arnin" t*e .or8ers a"ainst 2remat#re en)o#nters *ad at
t*e same time 2ointed o#t t*at t*e battle m#st be Doined
@.*ene5er t*e "eneral national )risis and t*e dee2 mass
ent*#siasm *a5e )reated )onditions a5o#rable to t*e
"oin" o5er o t*e 2oor 2eo2le o t*e )ity and )o#ntry to
t*e side o t*e .or8ers:A T*at moment arri5ed in
Se2tember and O)tober:
T*e ins#rre)tion .as t*en)eort* able to belie5e in its
s#))ess, or it )o#ld rely #2on a "en#ine maDority o t*e
2eo2le: T*is, o )o#rse, is not to be #nderstood in a ormal
sense: I a reerend#m )o#ld *a5e been ta8en on t*e
=#estion o ins#rre)tion, it .o#ld *a5e "i5en extremely
)ontradi)tory and #n)ertain res#lts: 0n inner readiness to
s#22ort a re5ol#tion is ar rom identi)al .it* an ability
)learly to orm#late t*e ne)essity o it: Moreo5er, t*e .o#ld *a5e de2ended to a 5ast de"ree #2on t*e
manner in .*i)* t*e =#estion .as 2resented, t*e
instit#tion .*i)* )ond#)ted t*e reerend#m H or, to 2#t it
more sim2ly, t*e )lass .*i)* *eld t*e
T*ere is a limit to t*e a22li)ation o demo)rati) met*ods:
Mo# )an in=#ire o all t*e 2assen"ers as to .*at ty2e o )ar
t*ey li8e to ride in, b#t it is im2ossible to =#estion t*em as
to .*et*er to a22ly t*e bra8es .*en t*e train is at #ll
s2eed and a))ident t*reatens: I t*e sa5in" o2eration is
)arried o#t s8il#lly, *o.e5er, and in time, t*e a22ro5al o
t*e 2assen"ers is "#aranteed in ad5an)e:
3arliamentary )ons#ltations o t*e 2eo2le are )arried n#t
at a sin"le moment, .*ereas d#rin" a re5ol#tion t*e
dierent layers o t*e 2o2#lation arri5e at t*e same
)on)l#sion one ater anot*er and .it* ine5itable, alt*o#"*
sometimes 5ery sli"*t: inter5als: 0t t*e moment .*en t*e
ad5an)ed deta)*ment is b#rnin" .it* re5ol#tionary
im2atien)e t*e ba)8.ard layers *a5e only be"#n to mo5e:
In 3etro"rad and Mos)o. all t*e mass or"anisations .ere
#nder t*e leaders*i2 o t*e 'ols*e5i8s: In Tambo5
2ro5in)e, .*i)* *as o5er t*ree million 2o2#lation H t*at is,
a little less t*an bot* )a2itals 2#t to"et*er H a 'ols*e5i8
a)tion irst a22eared in t*e So5iet only a s*ort time beore
t*e O)tober re5ol#tion:
T*e syllo"isms o t*e obDe)ti5e de5elo2ment are ar rom
)oin)idin" H day by day H .it* t*e syllo"isms o t*e
t*o#"*t 2ro)ess o t*e masses: 0nd .*en a "reat 2ra)ti)al
de)ision be)omes #n2ost2onable, in t*e )o#rse o e5ents,
t*at is t*e 5ery moment .*en a reerend#m is im2ossible:
T*e dieren)e in le5el and mood o t*e dierent layers o
t*e 2eo2le is o5er)ome in a)tion: T*e ad5an)e layers brin"
ater t*em t*e .a5erin" and isolate t*e o22osin": T*e
maDority is not )o#nted #2, b#t .on o5er: Ins#rre)tion
)omes into bein" at exa)tly t*at moment .*en dire)t
a)tion alone oers a .ay o#t o t*e )ontradi)tions:
0lt*o#"* la)8in" t*e to dra. by t*emsel5es t*e
ne)essary 2oliti)al ineren)es rom t*eir .ar a"ainst t*e
landlords, t*e 2easants *ad by t*e 5ery a)t o t*e
a"rarian ins#rre)tion already ad*ered to t*e ins#rre)tion
o t*e )ities, *ad e5o8ed it and .ere demandin" it: T*ey
ex2ressed t*eir .ill not .it* t*e .*ite ballot, b#t .it* t*e
red )o)8 H a more serio#s reerend#m: +it*in t*ose limits
in .*i)* t*e s#22ort o t*e 2easantry .as ne)essary or
t*e establis*ment o a so5iet di)tators*i2, t*e s#22ort .as
already at *and: @T*e di)tators*i2A H as Lenin ans.ered
t*e do#bters H @.o#ld "i5e land to t*e 2easants and all to t*e 2easant )ommittees in t*e lo)alities: ?o.
)an yo# in yo#r ri"*t mind do#bt t*at t*e 2easant .o#ld
s#22ort t*at di)tators*i2>A In order t*at t*e soldiers,
2easants and o22ressed nationalities, lo#nderin" in t*e
sno.;storm o an ele)ti5e ballot, s*o#ld re)o"nise t*e
'ols*e5i8s in a)tion, it .as ne)essary t*at t*e 'ols*e5i8s
seiKe t*e
'#t .*at )orrelation o or)es .as ne)essary in order t*at
t*e 2roletariat s*o#ld seiKe t*e> @To *a5e at t*e
de)isi5e moment, at t*e de)isi5e 2oint, an o5er.*elmin"
s#2eriority o or)e,A .rote Lenin later, inter2retin" t*e
O)tober re5ol#tion, @H t*is la. o military s#))ess is also
t*e la. o 2oliti)al s#))ess, es2e)ially in t*at seet*in" and
bitter .ar o )lasses .*i)* is )alled re5ol#tion: T*e
)a2itals, or "enerally s2ea8in", t*e bi""est )entres o
trade and ind#stry ::: de)ide to a )onsiderable de"ree t*e
2oliti)al ate o t*e 2eo2le H t*at is, o )o#rse, on )ondition
t*at t*e )entres are s#22orted by s#i)ient lo)al r#ral
or)es, alt*o#"* t*is s#22ort need not be immediate:A It
.as in t*is dynami) sense t*at Lenin s2o8e o t*e maDority
o t*e 2eo2le, and t*at .as t*e sole real meanin" o t*e
)on)e2t o maDority:
T*e enemy demo)rats )omorted t*emsel5es .it* t*e
t*o#"*t t*at t*e 2eo2le" t*e 'ols*e5i8s .ere
mere ra. material, mere *istori) )lay: T*e 2otters .ere
still to be t*ese same demo)rats a)tin" in )o;o2eration
.it* t*e ed#)ated bo#r"eoisie: @!anJt t*ose 2eo2le see,A
as8ed a Mens*e5i8 2a2er, @t*at t*e 3etro"rad 2roletariat
and "arrison .ere ne5er beore so isolated rom all ot*er
so)ial strata>A T*e misort#ne o t*e 2roletariat and t*e
"arrison .as t*at t*ey .ere @isolatedA rom t*ose )lasses
rom .*om t*ey intended to ta8e t*e 2o.erL
'#t .as it really 2ossible to rely #2on t*e sym2at*y and
s#22ort o t*e dar8 masses in t*e 2ro5in)es and at t*e
ront> @T*eir 'ols*e5ism,A .rote S#8*ano5 s)orn#lly, not*in" b#t *atred or t*e )oalition and lon"in" or
land and 2ea)e:A 0s t*o#"* t*at .ere littleL ?atred or t*e
)oalition meant a desire to ta8e t*e rom t*e
bo#r"eoisie: Lon"in" or land and 2ea)e .as t*e )olossal
2ro"ramme .*i)* t*e 2easant and soldier intended to
)arry o#t #nder t*e leaders*i2 o t*e .or8ers: T*e
insi"nii)an)e o t*e demo)rats, e5en t*e most let.ard,
res#lted rom t*is 5ery distr#st H t*e distr#st o @ed#)atedA
s)e2ti)s H in t*ose dar8 masses .*o "ras2 a 2*enomenon
.*olesale, not bot*erin" abo#t details and n#an)es: T*is
intelle)t#al, 2se#do;aristo)rati), s=#eamis* attit#de
to.ard t*e 2eo2le .as orei"n to 'ols*e5ism, *ostile to its
5ery nat#re: T*e 'ols*e5i8s .ere not lily;*anded, literary
riends o t*e masses, not 2edants: T*ey .ere not araid o
t*ose ba)8.ard strata no. or t*e irst time litin"
t*emsel5es o#t o t*e dre"s: T*e 'ols*e5i8s too8 t*e
2eo2le as 2re)edin" *istory *ad )reated t*em, and as t*ey
.ere )alled to a)*ie5e t*e re5ol#tion: T*e 'ols*e5i8s sa.
it as t*eir mission to stand at t*e *ead o t*at 2eo2le:
T*ose a"ainst t*e ins#rre)tion .ere @e5erybodyA H ex)e2t
t*e 'ols*e5i8s: '#t t*e 'ols*e5i8s .ere t*e 2eo2le:
T*e #ndamental 2oliti)al or)e o t*e O)tober re5ol#tion
.as t*e 2roletariat, and t*e irst 2la)e in its ran8s .as
o))#2ied by t*e .or8ers o 3etro"rad: In t*e 5an"#ard o
t*ese .or8ers stood t*e Vybor" distri)t: T*e 2lan o t*e
ins#rre)tion )*ose t*is #ndamental 2roletarian distri)t as
t*e 2oint o de2art#re or its oensi5e:
!om2romisers o all s*ades, be"innin" .it* Marto5,
attem2ted ater t*e re5ol#tion to 2ortray 'ols*e5ism as a
soldier mo5ement: T*e E#ro2ean so)ial demo)rats
"rabbed #2 t*is t*eory .it* deli"*t: '#t #ndamental
*istori) a)ts .ere *ere i"nored: t*e a)t t*at t*e
2roletariat .as t*e irst to )ome o5er to t*e 'ols*e5i8sC
t*at t*e 3etro"rad .or8ers .ere s*" t*e road to t*e
.or8ers o all )o#ntriesC t*at t*e "arrison and ront m#)*
lon"er t*an t*e .or8ers remained b#l.ar8s o
)om2romiseC t*at t*e So)ial Re5ol#tionaries and
Mens*e5i8s )reated all 8inds o 2ri5ile"es or t*e soldier at
t*e ex2ense o t*e .or8er in t*e so5iet system, str#""led
a"ainst t*e armin" o t*e .or8ers and in)ited t*e soldiers
a"ainst t*emC t*at t*e brea8 in t*e troo2s .as bro#"*t
abo#t only by t*e inl#en)e o .or8ersC t*at at t*e de)isi5e
moment t*e leaders*i2 o t*e soldiers .as in t*e *ands o
t*e .or8ersC and inally t*at a year later t*e so)ial
demo)rats o -ermany," t*e exam2le o t*eir
R#ssian )ollea"#es, relied on t*e soldiers in t*eir str#""le
a"ainst t*e .or8ers:
'y a#t#mn t*e Ri"*t !om2romisers *ad )eased e5en to be
able to ma8e s2ee)*es in t*e a)tories and barra)8s: '#t
t*e Lets .ere still tryin" to )on5in)e t*e masses o t*e
madness o ins#rre)tion: Marto5, .*o in t*e str#""le
a"ainst t*e )o#nterre5ol#tionary oensi5e in ,#ly *ad
o#nd a 2at* to t*e minds o t*e masses, .as no. a"ain
ser5in" a *o2eless )a#se: @+e )annot ex2e)tA H *e *imsel
a)8no.led"ed on t*e 1&t* o O)tober, at a meetin" o t*e
!entral Exe)#ti5e !ommittee H @+e )annot ex2e)t t*e
'ols*e5i8s to listen to #s:A Ne5ert*eless be )onsidered it
*is d#ty to @.arn t*e masses:A T*e masses, *o.e5er,
.anted a)tion and not moral admonition: E5en .*ere t*ey
did 2atiently listen to t*eir .ell;8no.n ad5iser, t*ey
@t*o#"*t t*eir o.n t*o#"*ts as beore,A as Mstisla5s8y
a)8no.led"es: S#8*ano5 tells *o. *e made an eort in a
driKKlin" rain to )on5in)e t*e 3#tilo5 men t*at t*ey )o#ld
ix t*in"s #2 .it*o#t an ins#rre)tion: Im2atient 5oi)es
interr#2ted *im: T*ey .o#ld listen or t.o or t*ree min#tes
and interr#2t a"ain: @0ter a e. attem2ts I "a5e it #2,A be
says, @It .as no #se ::: and t*e rain .as driKKlin" do.n on
#s *ea5ier and *ea5ier:A 6nder t*at im2atient O)tober s8y
t*e 2oor Let 4emo)rats, e5en as des)ribed in t*eir o.n
.ritin"s, loo8 li8e .et *ens:
T*e a5o#rite 2oliti)al ar"#ment o t*e @LetA o22onents o
t*e re5ol#tion H and t*is e5en amon" t*e 'ols*e5i8s H .as
a reeren)e to t*e absen)e o i"*tin" ent*#siasm amon"
t*e ran8s: @T*e mood o t*e labo#rin" and soldier
masses, .rite Pino5ie5 and 9amene5 on O)tober 11, @is
ar rom )om2arable e5en to t*e mood .*i)* existed
beore t*e 3rd o ,#ly:A T*is assertion .as not #no#nded:
t*ere .as a )ertain de2ression in t*e 3etro"rad 2roletariat
as a res#lt o .aitin" too lon": T*ey .ere be"innin" to eel
disa22ointed e5en in t*e 'ols*e5i8s: !an it be t*at t*ey
are "oin" to )*eat #s too> On O)tober 1( Ra8*ia, one o
t*e i"*tin" 3etro"rad 'ols*e5i8s, a Binn by birt*, said at a
)oneren)e o t*e !entral !ommittee: @O#r slo"an is
e5idently already "ettin" a little o#t o date, or t*ere
exists a do#bt as to .*et*er .e .ill do t*e t*in" or .*i)*
.e are )allin":A '#t t*is .eariness o .aitin", .*i)* loo8ed
li8e listlessness, lasted only #2 to t*e irst i"*tin" si"nal:
T*e irst tas8 o e5ery ins#rre)tion is to brin" t*e troo2s
o5er to its side: T*e )*ie means o a))om2lis*in" t*is are
t*e "eneral stri8e, mass 2ro)essions, street en)o#nters,
battles at t*e barri)ades: T*e #ni=#e t*in" abo#t t*e
O)tober re5ol#tion, a t*in" ne5er beore obser5ed in so
)om2lete a orm, .as t*at, t*an8s to a *a22y )ombination
o )ir)#mstan)es, t*e 2roletarian 5an"#ard *ad .on o5er
t*e "arrison o t*e )a2ital beore t*e moment o o2en
ins#rre)tion: It *ad not only .on t*em o5er, b#t *ad
ortiied t*is )on=#est t*ro#"* t*e or"anisation o t*e
-arrison !oneren)e: It is im2ossible to #nderstand t*e
me)*ani)s o t*e O)tober re5ol#tion .it*o#t #lly realisin"
t*at t*e most im2ortant tas8 o t*e ins#rre)tion, and t*e
one most dii)#lt to )al)#late in ad5an)e, .as #lly
a))om2lis*ed in 3etro"rad beore t*e be"innin" o t*e
armed str#""le:
T*is does not mean, *o.e5er, t*at ins#rre)tion *ad
be)ome s#2erl#o#s: T*e o5er.*elmin" maDority o t*e
"arrison .as, it is tr#e, on t*e side o t*e .or8ers: '#t a
minority .as a"ainst t*e .or8ers, a"ainst t*e re5ol#tion,
a"ainst t*e 'ols*e5i8s: T*is small minority )onsisted o t*e
best trained elements in t*e army: t*e oi)ers, t*e
D#n8ers, t*e s*o)8 battalions, and 2er*a2s t*e !ossa)8s: It
.as im2ossible to .in t*ese elements 2oliti)allyC t*ey *ad
to be 5an=#is*ed: T*e last 2art o t*e tas8 o t*e
re5ol#tion, t*at .*i)* *as "one into *istory #nder t*e
name o t*e O)tober ins#rre)tion, .as t*ereore 2#rely
military in )*ara)ter: 0t t*is inal sta"e riles, bayonets,
ma)*ine;"#ns, and 2er*a2s )annon, .ere to de)ide: T*e
2arty o t*e 'ols*e5i8s led t*e .ay on t*is road:
+*at .ere t*e military or)es o t*e a22roa)*in" )onli)t>
'oris So8olo5, .*o dire)ted t*e military .or8 o t*e So)ial
Re5ol#tionary 3arty, says t*at in t*e 2eriod 2re)edin" t*e
o5ert#rn, @in t*e re"iments all t*e 2arty or"anisations
ex)e2t t*ose o t*e 'ols*e5i8s *ad disinte"rated, and
)onditions .ere not at all a5o#rable to t*e or"anisation o
ne. ones: T*e mood o t*e soldiers .as tendin" deinitely
to.ard t*e 'ols*e5i8s: '#t t*eir 'ols*e5ism .as 2assi5e
and t*ey la)8ed any tenden)y .*ate5er to.ard a)ti5e
armed mo5ements:A So8olo5 does not ail to add: @One or
t.o re"iments .*olly loyal and )a2able o i"*tin" .o#ld
*a5e been eno#"* to *old t*e .*ole "arrison in
obedien)e:A Literally all o t*em, rom t*e monar)*ist
"enerals to t*e @so)ialisti)A intelli"entsia, .anted only
t*ose @one or t.o re"imentsA and t*ey .o#ld *a5e 2#t
do.n t*e 2roletarian re5ol#tion '#t it is =#ite tr#e t*at t*e
"arrison, alt*o#"* dee2ly *ostile to t*e "o5ernment in its
o5er.*elmin" mass, .as not )a2able o i"*tin" e5en on
t*e side o t*e 'ols*e5i8s: T*e )a#se o t*is lay in t*e
*ostile brea8 bet.een t*e old military str#)t#re o t*e
troo2s, and t*eir ne. 2oliti)al str#)t#re: T*e ba)8bone o a
i"*tin" #nit is its )ommandin" sta: T*e )ommandin"
stas .ere a"ainst t*e 'ols*e5i8s: T*e 2oliti)al ba)8bone
o t*e troo2s .as )om2osed o 'ols*e5i8s: T*e latter,
*o.e5er, not only did not 8no. *o. to )ommand, b#t in
t*e maDority o )ases *ardly 8ne. *o. to *andle a "#n:
T*e soldier )ro.d .as not *omo"eneo#s: T*e a)ti5e
i"*tin" elements .ere, as al.ays, a minority: T*e maDority
o t*e soldiers sym2at*ised .it* t*e 'ols*e5i8s, 5oted or
t*em, ele)ted t*em, b#t also ex2e)ted t*em to de)ide
t*in"s: T*e elements *ostile to t*e 'ols*e5i8s in t*e
troo2s .ere too insi"nii)ant to 5ent#re #2on any initiati5e
.*ate5er: T*e 2oliti)al )ondition o t*e "arrison .as t*#s
ex)e2tionally a5o#rable or an ins#rre)tion: '#t its
i"*tin" .ei"*t .as not lar"e H t*at .as )lear rom t*e
?o.e5er, it .as not ne)essary to dismiss t*e "arrison
entirely rom t*e military )o#nt: 0 t*o#sand soldiers ready
to i"*t on t*e side o t*e re5ol#tion .ere s)attered *ere
and t*ere amon" t*e more 2assi5e mass, and or t*at 5ery
reason more or less dre. it ater t*em: !ertain indi5id#al
#nits, more *a22ily )onstit#ted, *ad 2reser5ed t*eir
dis)i2line and i"*tin" )a2a)ity: Stron" re5ol#tionary n#)lei
.ere to be o#nd e5en in t*e disinte"ratin" re"iments: In
t*e Sixt* Reser5e 'attalion, )onsistin" o abo#t 1%,%%%
men, o#t o i5e )om2anies, t*e irst in5ariably
distin"#is*ed itsel, bein" 8no.n as 'ols*e5i8 almost rom
t*e be"innin" o t*e re5ol#tion and risin" to t*e *ei"*ts in
t*e O)tober 4ays: T*e ty2i)al re"iments o t*e "arrison
did not really exist as re"imentsC t*eir administrati5e
me)*anism *ad bro8en do.nC t*ey .ere in)a2able o
2rolon"ed military eortC b#t t*ey .ere ne5ert*eless a
*orde o armed men a maDority o .*om *ad been #nder
ire: 0ll t*e #nits .ere #nited by a sin"le sentiment:
O5ert*ro. 9erens8y as soon as 2ossible, dis2erse, and "o
*ome and instit#te a ne. land system: T*#s t*at
)om2letely demoralised "arrison .as to rally on)e more in
t*e O)tober 4ays, and rattle its .ea2ons s#""esti5ely,
beore )om2letely "oin" to 2ie)es:
+*at or)e did t*e 3etro"rad .or8ers oer rom a military
2oint o 5ie.> T*is raises t*e =#estion o t*e Red -#ard: It
is time to s2ea8 o t*is in "reater detail, or t*e Red -#ard
is soon to )ome o#t on t*e "reat arena o *istory:
4eri5in" its tradition rom 19%<, t*e +or8ersJ -#ard .as
reborn .it* t*e Bebr#ary re5ol#tion and s#bse=#ently
s*ared t*e 5i)issit#des o its ate: 9ornilo5, .*ile
!ommander o t*e 3etro"rad military distri)t, asserted
t*at d#rin" t*e days o t*e o5ert*ro. o t*e monar)*y,
3%,%%% re5ol5ers and &%,%%% riles disa22eared rom t*e
military stores: O5er and abo5e t*at, a )onsiderable
=#antity o .ea2ons )ame into t*e 2ossession o t*e
2eo2le d#rin" t*e disarmin" o t*e 2oli)e and by t*e *ands
o riendly re"iments: Nobody res2onded to t*e demand to
restore t*e .ea2ons: 0 re5ol#tion tea)*es yo# to 5al#e a
rile: T*e or"anised .or8ers, *o.e5er, *ad re)ei5ed only a
small 2art o t*is blessin":
4#rin" t*e irst o#r mont*s t*e .or8ers .ere not in any
.ay )onronted .it* t*e =#estion o ins#rre)tion: T*e
demo)rati) rG"ime o t*e d#al "a5e t*e 'ols*e5i8s
an o22ort#nity to .in a maDority in t*e so5iets: 0rmed
)om2anies o .or8ers ormed a )onstit#ent 2art o t*e
militia: T*is .as, *o.e5er, more orm t*an s#bstan)e: 0
rile in t*e *ands o a .or8er in5ol5es a totally dierent
*istori) 2rin)i2le t*an t*e same rile in t*e *ands o a
T*e 2ossession o riles by t*e .or8ers alarmed t*e
2ossessin" )lasses rom t*e 5ery be"innin", sin)e it
s*ited t*e )orrelation o or)es s*ar2ly to t*e ad5anta"e
o t*e a)tory: In 3etro"rad, .*ere t*e state a22arat#s
s#22orted by t*e !entral Exe)#ti5e !ommittee .as at irst
an ind#bitable, t*e +or8ersJ Militia .as not m#)* o
a mena)e: In t*e 2ro5in)ial ind#strial re"ions, *o.e5er, a
reinor)ement o t*e +or8ersJ -#ard .o#ld in5ol5e a
)om2lete )*an"e o all relations, not only .it*in t*e "i5en
2lant b#t all aro#nd it: 0rmed .or8ers .o#ld remo5e
mana"ers and en"ineers, and e5en arrest t*em: 62on
resol#tions ado2ted by a a)tory meetin" t*e Red -#ard
.o#ld not inre=#ently re)ei5e 2ay o#t o t*e a)tory
ex)*e=#er: In t*e 6rals, .it* t*eir ri)* tradition o "#erilla
i"*tin" in 19%<, )om2anies o t*e Red -#ard led by t*e
old 5eterans establis*ed la. and order: 0rmed .or8ers
almost #nnoti)eably dissol5ed t*e old "o5ernment and
re2la)ed it .it* so5iet instit#tions: Sabota"e on t*e 2art o
t*e 2ro2erty o.ners and administrators s*ited to t*e
.or8ers t*e tas8 o 2rote)tin" t*e 2lants H t*e ma)*ines,
stores, reser5es o )oal and ra. materials: RIles .ere *ere
inter)*an"ed: t*e .or8er .o#ld ti"*tly "ri2 *is rile in
deen)e o t*e a)tory in .*i)* *e sa. t*e so#r)e o *is In t*is .ay elements o a .or8ersJ di)tators*i2
.ere ina#"#rated in t*e a)tories and distri)ts some time
beore t*e 2roletariat as a .*ole seiKed t*e state
Rele)tin" as al.ays t*e ri"*t o t*e 2ro2erty o.ners, t*e
!om2romisers tried .it* all t*eir mi"*t to o22ose t*e
armin" o t*e 3etro"rad .or8ers or red#)e it to a
minim#m: 0))ordin" to Mini)*e5, all t*e arms in t*e
2ossession o t*e Nar5a distri)t )onsisted o @iteen or
t.enty riles and a e. re5ol5ers:A 0t t*at time robberies
and deeds o 5iolen)e .ere in)reasin" in t*e )a2ital:
0larmin" r#mo#rs .ere s2readin" e5ery.*ere *eraldin"
ne. dist#rban)es: On t*e e5e o t*e ,#ly demonstration it
.as "enerally ex2e)ted t*at t*e distri)t .o#ld be set ire
to: T*e .or8ers .ere *#ntin" or .ea2ons, 8no)8in" at all
doors and sometimes brea8in" t*em in:
T*e 3#tilo5 men bro#"*t ba)8 a tro2*y rom t*e
demonstration o ,#ly 3rd: a ma)*ine;"#n .it* i5e )ases
o )artrid"ebelt: @+e .ere *a22y as )*ildren,A said
Mini)*e5: !ertain indi5id#al a)tories .ere some.*at
better armed: 0))ordin" to Li)*8o5, t*e .or8ers o *is
a)tory *ad $% riles and 2% bi" re5ol5ers: Ri)*es indeedL
T*ro#"* t*e Red -#ard *ead=#arters t*ey "ot t.o
ma)*ine;"#ns: T*ey 2#t one in t*e dinin";room, one in t*e
atti): @O#r )ommander,A says Li)*8o5, 9o)*ero5s8y,
and *is irst assistants .ere Tom)*a8, .*o .as 8illed by
+*ite -#ards in t*e O)tober 4ays near Tsars8oe Selo, and
Eimo5, .*o .as s*ot by +*ite bands near ?amb#r":A
T*ese s)ant .ords enable #s to "lan)e into t*e a)tory
laboratory .*ere t*e )adres o t*e O)tober re5ol#tion and
t*e #t#re Red 0rmy .ere ormin", .*ere t*e Tom)*a8s
and Eimo5s .ere bein" )*osen o#t, tem2ered, and .ere
learnin" to )ommand, and .it* t*em t*ose *#ndreds and
t*o#sands o nameless .or8ers .*o .on t*e,
loyally deended it rom its enemy, and ell s#bse=#ently
on all t*e ields o battle:
T*e ,#ly 4ays introd#)ed a s#dden )*an"e in t*e sit#ation
o t*e Red -#ard: T*e disarmin" o t*e .or8ers .as no.
)arried o#t =#ite o2enly H not by admonition b#t by or)e:
?o.e5er, .*at t*e .or8ers "a5e #2 as .ea2ons .as
mostly old r#bbis*: 0ll t*e 5ery 5al#able "#ns .ere
)are#lly )on)ealed: Riles .ere distrib#ted amon" t*e
most reliable members o t*e 2arty: Ma)*ine;"#ns
smeared .it* tallo. .ere b#ried in t*e "ro#nd:
4eta)*ments o t*e -#ard )losed #2 s*o2 and .ent
#nder"ro#nd, )losely ad*erin" to t*e 'ols*e5i8s:
T*e b#siness o armin" t*e .or8ers .as ori"inally 2la)ed
in t*e *ands o t*e a)tory and distri)t )ommittees o t*e
2arty: It .as only ater t*e re)o5ery rom t*e ,#ly 4ays t*at
t*e Military Or"anisation o t*e 'ols*e5i8s, .*i)* *ad
ormerly .or8ed only in t*e "arrison and at t*e ront, too8
#2 t*e or"anisation o t*e Red -#ard, 2ro5idin" t*e
.or8ers .it* military instr#)tors and in some )ases .it*
.ea2ons: T*e 2ros2e)t o armed ins#rre)tion 2#t or.ard
by t*e 2arty "rad#ally 2re2ared t*e ad5an)ed .or8ers or
a ne. )on)e2tion o t*e #n)tion o t*e Red 0rmy: It .as
no lon"er a militia o t*e a)tories and .or8ersJ distri)ts,
b#t t*e )adres o a #t#re army o ins#rre)tion:
4#rin" 0#"#st, ires in t*e s*o2s and a)tories m#lti2lied:
E5ery ne. )risis is 2re)eded by a )on5#lsion o t*e
)olle)ti5e mind, sendin" ort* .a5es o alarm: T*e a)tory
and s*o2 )omm,ttees de5elo2ed an intense labo#r o
deendin" t*e 2lants rom atta)8s o t*is 8ind: !on)ealed
riles )ame o#t into t*e o2en: T*e 9ornilo5 ins#rre)tion
)on)l#si5ely le"alised t*e Red -#ard: 0bo#t 2<,%%%
.or8ers .ere enrolled in )om2anies and armed H by no
means #lly, to be s#re H .it* riles, and in 2art .it*
ma)*ine;"#ns: +or8ers rom t*e S)*ltDsselber" 2o.der
a)tory deli5ered on t*e Ne5a a bar"e#l o *and "renades
and ex2losi5es H a"ainst 9ornilo5L T*e )om2romisist
!entral Exe)#ti5e !ommittee re#sed t*is "it o t*e
-ree8s l T*e Red -#ards o t*e Vybor" side distrib#ted t*e
"it by ni"*t t*ro#"*o#t t*e distri)t:
@4rill in t*e art o *andlin" a rile,A says t*e .or8er
S8orin8o, @ormerly )arried on in lats and tenements, .as
no. bro#"*t o#t into t*e li"*t and air, into t*e 2ar8s, t*e
bo#le5ards:A @T*e s*o2s .ere t#rned into )am2s,A says
anot*er .or8er, Ra8ito5 ::: @T*e .or8er .o#ld stand at *is
ben)* .it* 8na2sa)8 on *is ba)8 and rile beside *im:A
Very soon all t*ose .or8in" in t*e bomb a)tory ex)e2t t*e
old So)ial Re5ol#tionaries and Mens*e5i8s .ere enrolled in
t*e -#ard: 0ter t*e .*istle all .o#ld dra. #2 in t*e )o#rt
or drill: @Side by side .it* a bearded .or8er yo# .o#ld
see a boy a22renti)e, and bot* o t*em attenti5ely
listenin" to t*e instr#)tor :::A T*#s .*ile t*e old )Karist
army .as disinte"ratin", t*e o#ndation o a #t#re Red
0rmy .as bein" laid in t*e a)tories:
0s soon as t*e 9ornilo5 dan"er 2assed, t*e !om2romisers
tried to slo. #2 on t*e #lilment o t*eir 2romises: To t*e
3%,%%% 3#tilo5 men, or instan)e, only <%% riles .ere
"i5en o#t: Soon t*e "i5in" o#t o .ea2ons sto22ed
alto"et*er: T*e dan"er no. .as not rom t*e ri"*t, b#t t*e
letC 2rote)tion m#st be so#"*t not amon" t*e 2roletarians
b#t t*e D#n8ers:
0n absen)e o immediate 2ra)ti)al aims )ombined .it*
t*e la)8 o .ea2ons )a#sed an ebbin" o .or8ers rom t*e
Red -#ard, b#t t*is only or a s*ort inter5al: T*e
o#ndation )adres *ad been laid do.n solidly in e5ery
2lantC irm bonds *ad been establis*ed bet.een t*e
dierent )om2anies: T*ese )adres no. 8ne. rom
ex2erien)e t*at t*ey *ad serio#s reser5es .*i)* )o#ld be
bro#"*t to t*eir eet in )ase o dan"er:
T*e "oin" o5er o t*e So5iet to t*e 'ols*e5i8s a"ain
radi)ally )*an"ed t*e 2osition o t*e Red -#ard: Brom
bein" 2erse)#ted or tolerated, it no. be)ame an oi)ial
instr#ment o t*e So5iet already rea)*in" or t*e
T*e .or8ers no. oten o#nd by t*emsel5es a .ay to
.ea2ons, as8in" only t*e san)tion o t*e So5iet: Brom t*e
end o Se2tember on, and more es2e)ially rom t*e 1%t*
o O)tober, t*e 2re2aration o an ins#rre)tion .as o2enly
2la)ed on t*e order o t*e day: Bor a mont* beore t*e
re5ol#tion in s)ores o s*o2s and a)tories o 3etro"rad an
intense military a)ti5ity .as in 2ro"ress H )*iely rile
2ra)ti)e: 'y t*e middle o O)tober t*e interest in .ea2ons
*ad risen to a ne. *ei"*t: In )ertain a)tories almost e5ery
last man .as enrolled in a )om2any:
T*e .or8ers .ere more and more im2atiently demandin"
.ea2ons rom t*e So5iet, b#t t*e .ea2ons .ere ininitely t*an t*e *ands stret)*ed o#t or t*em: @I )ame to
Smolny e5ery day,A relates t*e en"ineer, 9oKmin, @and
obser5ed *o. bot* beore and ater t*e sittin" o t*e
So5iet, .or8ers and sailors .o#ld )ome #2 to Trots8y,
oerin" and demandin" .ea2ons or t*e armin" o t*e
.or8ers, ma8in" re2orts as to *o. and .*ere t*ese
.ea2ons .ere distrib#ted, and 2#ttin" t*e =#estion: O'#t
.*en does b#siness be"in>J T*e im2atien)e .as 5ery
"reat :::A
Bormally t*e Red -#ard remained non;2arty: '#t t*e
nearer t*e inal day )ame, t*e more 2rominent .ere t*e
'ols*e5i8s: T*ey )onstit#ted t*e n#)le#s o e5ery
)om2anyC t*ey )ontrolled t*e )ommandin" sta and t*e
)omm#ni)ations .it* ot*er 2lants and distri)ts: T*e non;
2arty .or8ers and Let So)ial Re5ol#tionaries ollo.ed t*e
lead o t*e 'ols*e5i8s:
?o.e5er, e5en no., on t*e e5e o t*e ins#rre)tion, t*e
ran8s o t*e -#ard .ere not n#mero#s: On t*e 1(t*,
6ritK8y, a member o t*e 'ols*e5i8 !entral !ommittee,
estimated t*e .or8ersJ army o 3etro"rad at &6,OO%
bayonets: T*e i"#re is 2robably exa""erated: T*e
reso#r)es o .ea2ons remained still 5ery limited: In s2ite
o t*e im2oten)e o t*e "o5ernment it .as im2ossible to
seiKe t*e arsenals .it*o#t ta8in" t*e road o o2en
On t*e 22nd, t*ere .as *eld an all;)ity )oneren)e o t*e
Red -#ard, its *#ndred dele"ates re2resentin" abo#t
t.enty t*o#sand i"*ters: T*e i"#re is not to be ta8en too
literally H not all t*ose re"istered *ad s*o.n any si"n o
a)ti5ity: '#t at a moment o alarm 5ol#nteers .o#ld 2o#r
into t*e )om2anies in lar"e n#mbers: Re"#lations ado2ted
t*e next day by t*e )oneren)e deined t*e Red -#ard as
@an or"anisation o t*e armed or)es o t*e 2roletariat or
t*e str#""le a"ainst )o#nter;re5ol#tion and t*e deen)e o
t*e )on=#ests o t*e re5ol#tion:A Obser5e t*is: t*at
t.enty;o#r *o#rs beore t*e ins#rre)tion t*e tas8 .as still
deined in terms o deen)e and not atta)8:
T*e basi) military #nit .as t*e tenC o#r tens .as a s=#ad,
t*ree s=#ads, a )om2anyC t*ree )om2anies, a battalion:
+it* its )ommandin" sta and s2e)ial #nits, a battalion
n#mbered o5er <%% men: T*e battalions o a distri)t
)onstit#ted a di5ision: E1F 'i" a)tories li8e t*e 3#tilo5 *ad
t*eir o.n di5isions: S2e)ial te)*ni)al )ommands H sa22ers,
bi)y)les, tele"ra2*ers, ma)*ine;"#nners and artillery men
H .ere re)r#ited in t*e )orres2ondin" a)tories, and
atta)*ed to t*e rilemen H or else a)ted inde2endently
a))ordin" to t*e nat#re o t*e "i5en tas8: T*e entire
)ommandin" sta .as ele)ti5e: T*ere .as no ris8 in t*is:
all .ere 5ol#nteers *ere and 8ne. ea)* ot*er .ell:
T*e .or8in" .omen )reated Red !ross di5isions: 0t t*e
s*o2s man#a)t#rin" s#r"i)al s#22lies or t*e army,
le)t#res .ere anno#n)ed on t*e )are o t*e .o#nded:
@0lready in almost all t*e a)tories,A .rites Tatiana -ra,
@t*e .or8in" .omen .ere re"#larly on d#ty as n#rses .it*
t*e ne)essary irst;aid s#22lies:A T*e or"anisation .as
extremely 2oor in money and te)*ni)al e=#i2ment: 'y
de"rees, *o.e5er, t*e a)tory )ommittees sent material
or *os2ital bases and amb#lan)es: 4#rin" t*e *o#rs o
t*e re5ol#tion t*ese .ea8 n#)lei s.itly de5elo2ed: 0n
im2osin" te)*ni)al e=#i2ment .as s#ddenly o#nd at t*eir
dis2osal: On t*e 2&t* t*e Vybor" distri)t so5iet iss#ed t*e" order: @Immediately re=#isition all a#tomobiles :::
Ta8e an in5entory o all irst;aid s#22lies, and *a5e n#rses
on d#ty in all )lini)s:A
0 "" n#mber o non;2arty .or8ers .ere no. "oin"
o#t or s*ootin" drill and manoe#5res: T*e n#mber o
2osts re=#irin" 2atrol d#ty .as in)reasin": In t*e a)tories
sentries .ere on d#ty ni"*t and day: T*e *ead=#arters o
t*e Red -#ard .ere transerred to more s2a)io#s rooms:
On t*e 23rd at a 2i2e o#ndry t*ey *eld an examination o
t*e Red -#ard: 0n attem2t o a Mens*e5i8 to s2ea8
a"ainst t*e ins#rre)tion .as dro.ned in a storm o
indi"nation: Eno#"*, eno#"* T*e time or ar"#ment is
2assed T*e mo5ement .as irresistible: It .as seiKin" e5en
t*e Mens*e5i8s: @T*ey .ere enrollin" in t*e Red -#ard,A
says Tatiana -ra, @2arti)i2atin" in all d#ties and e5en
de5elo2in" some initiati5e:A S8orin8o tells *o. on t*e
23rd, So)ial Re5ol#tionaries and Mens*e5i8s, old and
yo#n", .ere raternisin" .it* t*e 'ols*e5i8s, and *o.
S8orin8o *imsel Doy#lly embra)ed *is o.n at*er, .*o
.as a .or8er in t*e same a)tory: T*e .or8er 3es8o5oi
says t*at in *is armed deta)*ment, @t*ere .ere yo#n"
.or8ers o sixteen and old men o ity:A T*e 5ariety o
a"es "a5e @"ood )*eer and i"*tin" )o#ra"e:A
T*e Vybor" side .as es2e)ially er5ent in 2re2arin" or
battle: ?a5in" stolen t*e 8eys o t*e dra.brid"es, st#died
o#t t*e 5#lnerable 2oints o t*e distri)t, and ele)ted t*eir
military re5ol#tionary )ommittee, t*e a)tory )ommittees
establis*ed )ontin#o#s 2atrols: 9ay#ro5 .rites .it*
le"itimate 2ride o t*e Vybor" men: @T*ey .ere t*e irst to
"o to battle .it* t*e a#to)ra)y, t*ey .ere t*e irst to
instit#te in t*eir distri)t t*e ei"*t*o#r day, t*e irst to
)ome o#t .it* a 2rotest a"ainst t*e ten minister;
)a2italists, t*e irst to raise a 2rotest on ,#ly 7t* a"ainst
t*e 2erse)#tion o o#r 2arty, and t*ey .ere not t*e last on
t*e de)isi5e day o O)tober 2<t*:A +*at is tr#e is tr#e: T*e
*istory o t*e Red -#ard is to a )onsiderable extent t*e
*istory o t*e d#al +it* its inner )ontradi)tions and
)onli)ts, t*e d#al *el2ed t*e .or8ers to )reate a
)onsiderable armed or)e e5en beore t*e ins#rre)tion: To
)ast #2 t*e "eneral total o t*e .or8ersJ deta)*ments
t*ro#"*o#t t*e )o#ntry at t*e moment o ins#rre)tion is
*ardly 2ossible, at least at t*e 2resent moment: In any
)ase, tens and tens o t*o#sands o armed .or8ers
)onstit#ted t*e )adres o t*e ins#rre)tion: T*e reser5es
.ere almost inex*a#stible:
T*e or"anisation o t*e Red -#ard remained, o )o#rse,
extremely ar rom )om2lete: E5eryt*in" .as done in
*aste, in t*e ro#"*, and not al.ays s8il#lly: T*e Red
-#ard men .ere in t*e maDority little trainedC t*e
)omm#ni)ations .ere badly or"anisedC t*e s#22ly system
.as lameC t*e sanitary )or2s la""ed be*ind: '#t t*e Red
-#ard, re)r#ited rom t*e most sel;sa)rii)in" .or8ers,
.as b#rnin" to )arry t*e Dob t*ro#"* t*is time to t*e end:
0nd t*at .as t*e de)isi5e t*in": T*e dieren)e bet.een
t*e .or8ersJ di5isions and t*e 2easant re"iments .as
determined not only by t*e so)ial in"redients o t*e t.o H
many o t*ose )l#msy soldiers ater ret#rnin" to t*eir
5illa"es and di5idin" t*e landlordsJ land .ill i"*t
des2erately a"ainst t*e +*ite -#ards, irst in "#errilla
bands and ater.ards in t*e Red 0rmy: 'eside t*e so)ial
dieren)e t*ere existed anot*er more immediate one:
+*ereas t*e "arrison re2resented a )om2#lsory
assembla"e o old soldiers deendin" t*emsel5es a"ainst
.ar, t*e di5isions o t*e Red -#ard .ere
)onstr#)ted by indi5id#al sele)tion on a ne. basis and
.it* ne. aims:
T*e Military Re5ol#tionary !ommittee *ad at its dis2osal a
t*ird 8ind o armed or)e: t*e sailors o t*e 'alti) Bleet: In
t*eir so)ial in"redients t*ey are ar )loser to t*e .or8ers
t*an t*e inantry are: T*ere are a "ood many 3etro"rad
.or8ers amon" t*em: T*e 2oliti)al le5el o t*e sailors is
in)om2arably *i"*er t*an t*at o t*e soldiers: In
distin)tion rom t*e none too belli"erent reser5es .*o
*a5e or"otten all abo#t riles, t*ese sailors *a5e ne5er
sto22ed a)t#al ser5i)e:
Bor a)ti5e o2erations it .as 2ossible to )o#nt irmly #2on
t*e armed 'ols*e5i8s, #2on t*e di5isions o t*e Red -#ard,
#2on t*e ad5an)ed "ro#2 o t*e sailors, and #2on t*e
better 2reser5ed re"iments: T*e dierent elements o t*is
)olle)ti5e army s#22lemented ea)* ot*er: T*e n#mero#s
"arrisons la)8ed t*e .ill to i"*t: T*e sailor deta)*ments
la)8ed n#mbers: T*e Red -#ard la)8ed s8ill: T*e .or8ers
to"et*er .it* t*e sailors )ontrib#ted ener"y, darin" and
ent*#siasm: T*e re"iments o t*e "arrison )onstit#ted a
rat*er inert reser5e, im2osin" in its n#mbers and
o5er.*elmin" in its mass:
In )onta)t as t*ey .ere rom day to day .it* .or8ers,
soldiers and sailors, t*e 'ols*e5i8s .ere a.are o t*e dee2
=#alitati5e dieren)e bet.een t*e )onstit#ent 2arts o t*is
army t*ey .ere to lead into battle: T*e 5ery 2lan o t*e
ins#rre)tion .as based to a )onsiderable de"ree #2on a
)al)#lation o t*ese dieren)es:
T*e 2ossessin" )lasses )onstit#ted t*e so)ial or)e o t*e
ot*er )am2: T*is means t*at t*ey .ere its military
.ea8ness: T*ese solid 2eo2le o )a2ital, t*e 2ress, t*e
2#l2it H .*ere and .*en *a5e t*ey e5er o#"*t> T*ey are
a))#stomed to ind o#t by tele"ra2* or tele2*one t*e
res#lts o t*e battles .*i)* settle t*eir ate: T*e yo#n"er
"eneration, t*e sons, t*e st#dents> T*ey .ere almost all
*ostile to t*e O)tober re5ol#tion: '#t a maDority o t*em
too stood aside: T*ey stood .it* t*eir at*ers a.aitin" t*e
o#t)ome o t*e battle: 0 n#mber o t*em ater.ard Doined
t*e oi)ers and D#n8ers H already lar"ely re)r#ited rom
amon" t*e st#dents: T*e 2ro2erty *olders *ad no 2o2#lar
masses .it* t*em: T*e .or8ers, soldiers, 2easants *ad
t#rned a"ainst t*em: T*e )olla2se o t*e !om2romise
3arties meant t*at t*e 2ossessin" )lasses .ere let .it*o#t
an army:
In 2ro2ortion to t*e si"nii)an)e o railroads in t*e lie o
modern states, a lar"e 2la)e .as o))#2ied in t*e 2oliti)al
)al)#lations o bot* )am2s by t*e =#estion o t*e railroad
.or8ers: ?ere t*e *ierar)*i)al )onstit#tion o t*e
2ersonnel lea5es room or an extraordinary 2oliti)al
5arie"ation, )reatin" a5o#rable )onditions or t*e
di2lomats o t*e !om2romisers: T*e lately ormed Vi8K*el
*ad 8e2t a )onsiderably more solid root amon" t*e )ler8s
and e5en amon" t*e .or8ers t*an, or instan)e, t*e army
)ommittees at t*e ront: In t*e railroads only a minority
ollo.ed t*e 'ols*e5i8s, )*iely .or8ers in t*e stations and
yards: 0))ordin" to t*e re2ort o S)*midt, one o t*e
'ols*e5i8 leaders o t*e trade #nion mo5ement, t*e
railroad .or8ers o t*e 3etro"rad and Mos)o. D#n)tions
stood )losest o all to t*e 2arty:
'#t e5en amon" t*e )om2romisist mass o )ler8s and
.or8ers t*ere .as a s*ar2 s*it to t*e let rom t*e date o
t*e railroad stri8e at t*e end o Se2tember: 4issatisa)tion
.it* t*e Vi8K*el, .*i)* *ad )om2romised itsel by tal8in"
and .a5erin", .as more and more e5ident in t*e
ran8s: Lenin remar8ed: @T*e army o railroad and 2ostal
)ler8s )ontin#es in a state o s*ar2 )onli)t .it* t*e
"o5ernment:A Brom t*e stand2oint o t*e immediate tas8s
o t*e ins#rre)tion t*at .as almost eno#"*:
T*in"s .ere less a5o#rable in t*e 2ost and tele"ra2*
ser5i)e: 0))ordin" to t*e 'ols*e5i8, 'o8y, @t*e men in t*e
3ost and Tele"ra2* Oi)es are mostly 9adets:A '#t *ere
too t*e 2ersonnel *ad ta8en a *ostile attit#de
to.ard t*e #22er ran8s: T*ere .as a "ro#2 o mail )arriers
ready at a )riti)al moment to seiKe t*e 3ost Oi)e:
It .o#ld *a5e been *o2eless in any )ase to try to )*an"e
t*e minds o t*e railroad and 2ostal )ler8s .it* .ords: I
t*e 'ols*e5i8s s*o#ld 2ro5e inde)isi5e, t*e ad5anta"e
.o#ld remain .it* t*e 9adets and t*e )om2romisist #22er
)ir)les: +it* a de)isi5e re5ol#tionary leaders*i2 t*e
ran8s m#st ine5itably )arry .it* t*em t*e intermediate
layers, and isolate t*e #22er )ir)les o t*e Vi8K*el: In
re5ol#tionary )al)#lations statisti)s alone are not eno#"*C
t*e )o;ei)ient o li5in" a)tion is also essential:
T*e enemies o t*e ins#rre)tion in t*e ran8s o t*e
'ols*e5i8 2arty itsel o#nd, *o.e5er, s#i)ient "ro#nd or
2essimisti) )on)l#sions: Pino5ie5 and 9amene5 "a5e
.arnin" a"ainst an #nder;estimation o t*e enemyJs
or)es: @3etro"rad .ill de)ide, and in 3etro"rad t*e enemy
*as ::: )onsiderable or)es: <,%%% D#n8ers, ma"nii)ently
armed and" *o. to i"*t, and t*en t*e army
*ead=#arters, and t*en t*e s*o)8 troo2s, and t*en t*e
!ossa)8s, and t*en a )onsiderable 2art o t*e "arrison,
and t*en a 5ery )onsiderable =#antity o artillerys2read
o#t an;.ise aro#nd 3etro"rad: Moreo5er t*e enemy .it*
t*e *el2 o t*e !entral Exe)#ti5e !ommittee .ill almost
)ertainly attem2t to brin" troo2s rom t*e ront :::A T*e list
so#nds im2osin", b#t it is only a list: I an army as a .*ole
is a )o2y o so)iety, t*en .*en so)iety o2enly s2lits, bot*
armies are )o2ies o t*e t.o .arrin" )am2s: T*e army o
t*e 2ossessors )ontained t*e .orm*oles o isolation and
T*e oi)ers )ro.din" t*e *otels, resta#rants and brot*els
*ad been *ostile to t*e "o5ernment e5er sin)e t*e brea8
bet.een 9erens8y and 9ornilo5: T*eir *atred o t*e
'ols*e5i8s, *o.e5er, .as ininitely more bitter: 0s a
"eneral r#le, t*e monar)*ist oi)ers .ere most a)ti5e on
t*e side o t*e "o5ernment: @4ear 9ornilo5 and 9rymo5, in
.*at yo# ailed to do 2er*a2s .it* -odJs *el2 .e s*all
s#))eed :::A S#)* .as t*e 2rayer o oi)er Sine"#b, one o
t*e most 5aliant deenders o t*e +inter 3ala)e on t*e day
o t*e #2risin": '#t in s2ite o t*e 5ast n#mber o oi)ers,
only sin"le indi5id#als .ere really ready to i"*t: T*e
9ornilo5 2lot *ad already 2ro5en t*at t*ese )om2letely
demoralised oi)ers .ere not a i"*tin" or)e:
T*e D#n8ers .ere not *omo"eneo#s in so)ial ma8e;#2, and
t*ere .as no #nanimity amon" t*em: 0lon" .it*
*ereditary i"*ters, sons and "randsons o oi)ers, t*ere
.ere many a))idental elements "at*ered #2 #nder
2ress#re o .ar;needs e5en d#rin" t*e monar)*y: T*e
*ead o an en"ineerin" s)*ool said to an oi)er: @I m#st
die .it* yo# ::: +e are nobles, yo# 8no., and )annot t*in8
ot*er.ise:A T*ese l#)8y "entlemen, .*o did ater all
s#))eed in e5adin" a noble deat*, .o#ld s2ea8 o t*e
demo)rati) D#n8ers as lo.;breeds, as muzhiks* )oarse
st#2id a)es:A T*is di5ision into t*e bl#e blood and t*e
bla)8 2enetrated dee2ly into t*e D#n8er s)*ools, and it is
noti)eable t*at *ere too t*ose .*o )ame o#t most
Kealo#sly in deen)e o t*e re2#bli)an "o5ernment .ere
t*e 5ery ones .*o most mo#rned t*e loss o t*e
monar)*y: T*e demo)rati) D#n8ers de)lared t*at t*ey .ere
not or 9erens8y b#t or t*e !entral Exe)#ti5e !ommittee:
T*e re5ol#tion *ad irst o2ened t*e doors o t*e D#n8er
s)*ools to t*e ,e.s: 0nd in tryin" to *old t*eir o.n .it*
t*e 2ri5ile"ed #22er )ir)les, t*e sons o t*e ,*
bo#r"eoisie be)ame extraordinarily .arli8e a"ainst t*e
'ols*e5i8s: '#t, alas, t*is .as not eno#"* to sa5e t*e
rG"ime H not e5en to deend t*e +inter 3ala)e: T*e
*etero"eneo#sness o t*ese military s)*ools and t*eir
)om2lete isolation rom t*e army bro#"*t it abo#t t*at
d#rin" t*e )riti)al *o#rs t*e D#n8ers be"an to *old
meetin"s: T*ey be"an to as8 =#estions: ?o. are t*e
!ossa)8s be*a5in"> Is anybody )omin" o#t besides #s> Is
it .ort* .*ile any.ay to deend t*e 3ro5isional
-o5ernment> 0))ordin" to a re2ort o 3od5ois8y, t*ere
.ere abo#t 12% so)ialist D#n8ers in t*e 3etro"rad military
s)*ools at t*e be"innin" o O)tober, and o t*ese &2 or &3
.ere 'ols*e5i8s: @T*e D#n8ers say t*at t*e .*ole
)ommandin" sta o t*e s)*ools is )o#nter;re5ol#tionary:
T*ey are bein" deinitely 2re2ared in )ase anyt*in"
*a22ens to 2#t do.n t*e ins#rre)tion :::A T*e n#mber o
so)ialists, and es2e)ially 'ols*e5i8s, .as .*olly
insi"nii)ant, b#t t*ey made it 2ossible or Smolny to 8no.
e5eryt*in" o im2ortan)e t*at .ent on amon" t*e D#n8ers:
In addition to t*at, t*e lo)ation o t*e military s)*ools .as
5ery disad5anta"eo#s: T*e D#n8ers .ere sand.i)*ed in
amon" t*e barra)8s, and alt*o#"* t*ey s2o8e s)orn#lly o
t*e soldiers, t*ey loo8ed #2on t*em .it* a "reat deal o
T*e D#n8ers *ad 2lenty o "ro#nd or )a#tion: T*o#sands o
*ostile eyes .ere .at)*in" t*em rom t*e nei"*bo#rin"
barra)8s and t*e .or8ersJ distri)ts: T*is obser5ation .as
t*e more ee)ti5e in t*at e5ery s)*ool *ad its soldier
"ro#2, ne#tral in .ords b#t in reality in)linin" to.ard t*e
ins#rre)tion: T*e s)*ool storerooms .ere in t*e *ands o
non;)ombatant soldiers: @T*ose s)o#ndrels,A .rites an
oi)er o t*e En"ineerin" S)*ool, @not satisied .it* losin"
t*e 8ey to t*e storeroom so t*at I *ad to "i5e order to
brea8 in t*e door, also remo5ed t*e bree)*;blo)8s rom
t*e ma)*ine;"#ns and *id t*em some.*ere:A In t*ese
)ir)#mstan)es yo# )o#ld *ardly ex2e)t mira)les o *eroism
rom t*e D#n8ers:
'#t .o#ld not a 3etro"rad ins#rre)tion be t*reatened rom
.it*o#t, rom t*e nei"*bo#rin" "arrisons> In t*e last days
o its lie t*e monar)*y *ad ne5er )eased to 2#t its *o2e in
t*at small military rin" s#rro#ndin" t*e )a2ital: T*e
monar)*y *ad missed its "#ess, b#t *o. .o#ld it "o t*is
time> To "#arantee )onditions ex)l#din" e5ery 2ossible
dan"er .o#ld *a5e been to ma8e t*e 5ery ins#rre)tion
#nne)essary: 0ter all, its aim .as to brea8 do.n t*e
obsta)les .*i)* )o#ld not be dissol5ed 2oliti)ally:
E5eryt*in" )o#ld not be )al)#lated in ad5an)e, b#t all t*at
)o#ld be, .as:
Early in O)tober a )oneren)e o t*e so5iets o 3etro"rad
2ro5in)e .as *eld in 9ronstadt: 4ele"ates rom t*e
"arrisons o t*e en5irons o t*e )a2ital H -at)*ina,
Tsars8oe, 9rasnoe, Oranienba#m, 9ronstadt itsel H too8
t*e 5ery *i"*est note set by t*e t#nin";or8 o t*e 'alti)
sailors: T*eir resol#tion .as ad*ered to by t*e de2#ties o
3etro"rad 2ro5in)e: T*e muzhiks .ere 5eerin" s*ar2ly
t*ro#"* t*e Let So)ial Re5ol#tionaries to.ard t*e
0t a )oneren)e o t*e !entral !ommittee on t*e 1(t*, a
2arty .or8er in t*e 2ro5in)e, Ste2ano5, dre. a some.*at
5arie"ated 2i)t#re o t*e state o t*e or)es, b#t
ne5ert*eless .it* a )lear 2redominan)e o 'ols*e5i8
)olo#rs: In Sestrorets8 and 9ol2ino t*e .or8ers are #nder
armsC t*eir mood is militant: In No5y 3eter*o t*e .or8 in
t*e re"iment *as allen oC t*e re"iment is disor"anised:
In 9rasnoe Selo t*e 17(t* re"iment is 'ols*e5i8 /t*e same
re"iment .*i)* 2atrolled t*e Ta#ride 3ala)e on ,#ly &t*1,
t*e 172nd is on t*e side o t*e 'ols*e5i8s, @and, besides,
t*ere is )a5alry t*ere:A In L#"a t*e "arrison o 3%,%%%,
ater"in" o5er to t*e 'ols*e5i8s, is .a5erin" in 2artC
t*e so5iet is still deensist: In -do5 t*e re"iment is
'ols*e5i8: In 9ronstadt t*e mood *as de)linedC t*e
"arrison boiled o5er d#rin" t*e 2re)edin" mont*sC t*e
better 2art o t*e sailors are in t*e a)ti5e leet: In
S)*l#sselb#r", .it*in (% versts o 3etro"rad, t*e so5iet
lon" a"o be)ame t*e sole 2o.erC t*e .or8ers o t*e
2o.der a)tory are ready at any moment to s#22ort t*e
In )ombination .it* t*e res#lts o t*at 9ronstadt
)oneren)e o so5iets, t*is inormation abo#t t*e irst line
reser5es may be )onsidered entirely en)o#ra"in": T*e
radiation o t*e Bebr#ary ins#rre)tion *ad been s#i)ient
to dissol5e dis)i2line o5er a .ide area: 0nd it .as no.
2ossible to loo8 .it* )oniden)e #2on t*e nearby
"arrisons, t*eir )onditions bein" ade=#ately 8no.n in
T*e troo2s o Binland and t*e Nort*ern ront .ere amon"
t*e se)ond line reser5es: ?ere )onditions .ere still more
a5o#rable: T*e .or8 o Smil"a, 0ntono5, 4yben8o *ad
2rod#)ed in5al#able res#lts: 0lon" .it* t*e "arrison o
?elsin"ors t*e leet *ad be)ome a so5erei"n in Binnis*
territory: T*e "o5ernment *ad no more t*ere: T*e
t.o !ossa)8 di5isions =#artered in ?elsin"ors H 9ornilo5
*ad intended t*em or a blo. at 3etro"rad H *ad )ome in
)lose )onta)t .it* t*e sailors and .ere s#22ortin" t*e
'ols*e5i8s, or t*e Let So)ial Re5ol#tionaries, .*o in t*e
'alti) Bleet .ere be)omin" less and less distin"#is*able
rom 'ols*e5i8s:
?elsin"ors .as extendin" its *and to t*e sailors o t*e
Re5al na5al base, .*ose attit#de #2 to t*at time *ad been
indeinite: T*e !on"ress o So5iets o t*e Nort*ern Re"ion,
in .*i)* also a22arently t*e 'alti) Bleet *ad ta8en t*e
initiati5e, *ad #nited t*e so5iets o t*e "arrisons
s#rro#ndin" 3etro"rad in s#)* a .ide )ir)le t*at it too8 in
Mos)o. on one side and 0r)*an"el on t*e ot*er: @In t*is
manner,A .rites 0ntono5, @t*e idea .as realised o
armo#rin" t*e )a2ital o t*e re5ol#tion a"ainst 2ossible
atta)8s rom 9erens8yJs troo2s:A Smil"a ret#rned rom t*e
!on"ress to ?elsin"ors to or"anise a s2e)ial deta)*ment
o sailors, inantry and artillery to be sent to 3etro"rad at
t*e irst si"nal: T*e Binland lan8 o t*e 3etro"rad
ins#rre)tion .as t*#s 2rote)ted to t*e last de"ree: On t*is
side no blo. .as to be ex2e)ted, only stron" *el2: On
ot*er 2ortions o t*e ront, too, t*in"s .ere .*olly
a5o#rable H at least ar more a5o#rable t*an t*e most
o2timisti) o t*e 'ols*e5i8s in t*ose days ima"ined: 4#rin"
O)tober )ommittee ele)tions .ere *eld t*ro#"*o#t t*e
army, and e5ery.*ere t*ey s*o.ed a s*ar2" to t*e
'ols*e5i8s: In t*e )or2s =#artered near 45ins8 t*e @old
reasonable soldiersA .ere )om2letely sno.ed #nder in t*e
ele)tions to e*e re"imental and )om2any )ommitteesC
t*eir 2la)es .ere ta8en by @"loomy, "rey )reat#res ::: .it*
an"ry 2ier)in" eyes and .olis* sno#ts:A T*e same t*in"
*a22ened in ot*er se)tors: @!ommittee ele)tions are in
2ro"ress e5ery.*ere, and e5ery.*ere only 'ols*e5i8s and
deeatists are ele)ted:A T*e "o5ernmental )ommissars
be"an to a5oid ma8in" tri2s to t*eir #nits:
@T*eir sit#ation is no. no better t*an o#rsA +e are =#otin"
'aron '#dber": T.o )a5alry re"iments o *is )or2s, t*e
?#ssar and 6ral !ossa)8s, .*o remained lon"est o all in
t*e )ontrol o t*e )ommanders, and *ad not re#sed to 2#t
do.n m#tino#s #nits, s#ddenly )*an"ed )olo#r and
demanded @t*at t*ey be relie5ed o t*e #n)tion o
2#niti5e troo2s and "endarmes:A T*e t*reatenin" sense o
t*is .arnin" .as )lear to t*e 'aron and to e5erybody else:
@Mo# )anJt )ommand a lo)8 o *yenas, Da)8als and s*ee2
by 2layin" on a 5iolin,A *e .rote: @T*e only sal5ation lies
in a mass a22li)ation o t*e *ot iron :::A 0nd *ere ollo.s
t*e tra"i) )onession: @::: a t*in" .*i)* .e *a5enJt "ot and
is no.*ere to be "otten:A
I .e do not )ite similar testimony abo#t ot*er )or2s and
di5isions, it is only be)a#se t*eir )*ies .ere not as
obser5ant as '#dber", or t*ey did not 8ee2 diaries, or
t*ese diaries *a5e not yet )ome to li"*t: '#t t*e )or2s
standin" near 45ins8 .as distin"#is*ed in not*in" b#t t*e
tren)*ant style o its )ommander rom t*e ot*er )or2s o
t*e <t* 0rmy, .*i)* in its t#rn .as b#t little in ad5an)e o
t*e ot*er armies:
T*e )om2romisist )ommittee o t*e <t* 0rmy, .*i)* *ad
lon" been *an"in" in t*e air, )ontin#ed to send
tele"ra2*i) t*reats to 3etro"rad to t*e ee)t t*at it .o#ld
restore order in t*e rear .it* t*e bayonet: @0ll t*at .as
mere /ra&&aocio and *ot air,A .rites '#dber": T*e
)ommittee .as a)t#ally li5in" its last days: On t*e 23rd it
ailed o re;ele)tion: T*e 2resident o t*e ne. 'ols*e5i8
)ommittee .as 4o)tor S8lians8y, a ma"nii)ent yo#n"
or"aniser .*o soon de5elo2ed *is talent .idely in t*e
.or8 o )reatin" t*e Red 0rmy, and .*o died s#bse=#ently
an a))idental deat* .*ile )anoein" on one o t*e
0meri)an la8es:
T*e assistant o t*e "o5ernment !ommissar o t*e
Nort*ern ront re2orts to t*e +ar Minister on t*e 22nd o
O)tober t*at t*e ideas o 'ols*e5ism are ma8in" "reat
*ead.ay in t*e army, t*at t*e mass .ants 2ea)e, and t*at
e5en t*e artillery .*i)* *as *eld o#t to t*e 5ery last
moment *as be)ome @*os2itable to deeatist 2ro2a"anda3
T*is too is no #nim2ortant sym2tom: @T*e 3ro5isional
-o5ernment *as no a#t*orityA H re2orts its o.n dire)t
a"ent t*ree days beore t*e re5ol#tion:
To be s#re, t*e Military Re5ol#tionary !ommittee did not
t*en 8no. o all t*ese do)#ments: '#t .*at it did 8no.
.as am2ly s#i)ient: On t*e 23rd, re2resentati5es o
5ario#s #nits at t*e ront iled 2ast t*e 3etro"rad So5iet
and demanded 2ea)e: Ot*er.ise, t*ey ans.ered, t*ey
.o#ld mar)* to t*e rear and @destroy all t*e 2arasites .*o
.ant to 8ee2 on i"*tin" or anot*er ten years:A SeiKe t*e, t*e ront men said to t*e So5iet, Jt*e tren)*es .ill
s#22ort yo#:A
In t*e more remote and ba)8.ard ronts, t*e So#t*;
.estern and R#manian, 'ols*e5i8s .ere still rare
s2e)imens, )#riosities: '#t t*e mood o t*e soldiers *ere
.as t*e same as else.*ere: E"enia 'os* tells *o. in t*e
2nd !or2s o t*e -#ards, =#artered in t*e 5i)inity o
P*merin8a, amon" (%,%%% soldiers, t*ere .as one yo#n"
)omm#nist and t.o sym2at*isers: T*is did not 2re5ent t*e
)or2s rom )omin" o#t in s#22ort o t*e ins#rre)tion in t*e
O)tober days:
To t*e 5ery last *o#r t*e "o5ernment )ir)les rested t*eir
*o2e in t*e !ossa)8s: ?#t t*e less blind amon" t*e
2oliti)ians o t*e ri"*t )am2 #nderstood t*at *ere too
t*in"s .ere in a 5ery bad .ay: T*e !ossa)8 oi)ers .ere
9ornilo5ists almost to a man: T*e ran8;and;ile .ere
tendin" more and more to t*e let: In t*e "o5ernment t*ey
did not #nderstand t*is, ima"inin" t*at t*e )oolness o t*e
!ossa)8 re"iments to t*e +inter 3ala)e .as )a#sed by
inD#red eelin"s abo#t 9aledin: In t*e lon" r#n, *o.e5er, it
be)ame )lear e5en to t*e Minister o ,#sti)e, Malianto5i)*,
t*at @only t*e !ossa)8 oi)ersA .ere s#22orters o
9aledin: T*e ran8;and;ile !ossa)8s, li8e all t*e soldiers,
.ere sim2ly "oin" 'ols*e5i8:
O t*at ront .*i)* in t*e early days o Mar)* *ad 8issed
t*e *ands and eet o liberal 2riests, *ad )arried 9adet
ministers on its s*o#lders, "ot dr#n8 on t*e s2ee)*es o
9erens8y, and belie5ed t*at t*e 'ols*e5i8s .ere -erman
a"ents H o t*at t*ere .as not*in" let: T*ose rosy ill#sions
*ad been dro.ned in t*e m#d o t*e tren)*es, .*i)* t*e
soldiers re#sed to "o on 8neadin" .it* t*eir lea8y boots:
@T*e enou'ment is a22roa)*in",A .rote '#dber" on t*e
5ery day o t*e 3etro"rad ins#rre)tion, @and t*ere )an be
no do#bt o its o#t)ome: On o#r ront t*ere is not one
sin"le #nit ::: .*i)* .o#ld not be in t*e )ontrol o t*e
1: Otryad:
Chapter 44: The Con-#est of the
0ll is )*an"ed and yet all remains as beore: T*e
re5ol#tion *as s*a8en t*e )o#ntry, dee2ened t*e s2lit,
ri"*tened some, embittered ot*ers, b#t not yet .i2ed o#t
a t*in" or re2la)ed it: Im2erial St: 3etersb#r" seems
dro.ned in a slee2y let*ar"y rat*er t*an dead: T*e
re5ol#tion *as st#)8 little red la"s in t*e *ands o t*e
)ast;iron mon#ments o t*e monar)*y: -reat red
streamers are *an"in" do.n t*e ronts o t*e "o5ernment
b#ildin"s: '#t t*e 2ala)es, t*e ministries, t*e
*ead=#arters, seem to be li5in" a lie entirely a2art rom
t*ose red banners, tolerably aded, moreo5er, by t*e
a#t#mn rains: T*e t.o;*eaded ea"les .it* t*e s)e2tre o
em2ire *a5e been torn do.n .*ere 2ossible, b#t otener
dra2ed or *astily 2ainted o5er: T*ey seem to be l#r8in"
t*ere: 0ll t*e old R#ssia is l#r8in", its Da.s set in ra"e:
T*e sli"*t i"#res o t*e militia;men at t*e street )orners
remind one o t*e re5ol#tion t*at *as .i2ed o#t t*e old
@3*arao*s,J .*o #sed to stand t*ere li8e li5e mon#ments:
Moreo5er R#ssia *as no. or almost t.o mont*s been
)alled a re2#bli): 0nd t*e !KarJs amily is in Tobols8: Mes,
t*e Bebr#ary .*irl.ind *as let its tra)es: '#t t*e )Karist
"enerals remain "enerals, t*e senators senatorialise, t*e
2ri5y )o#n)illors deend t*eir di"nity, t*e Table o
3re)eden)e is still in ee)t: !olo#red *at;bands and
)o)8ades re)all t*e b#rea#)rati) *ierar)*yC yello. b#ttons
.it* an ea"le still distin"#is* t*e st#dent: 0nd yet more
im2ortant H t*e landlords are still landlords, no end o t*e
.ar is in si"*t, t*e 0llied di2lomats are im2#dently Der8in"
oi)ial R#ssia alon" on a strin":
0ll remains as beore and yet nobody 8no.s *imsel: T*e
aristo)rati) =#arters eel t*at t*ey *a5e been mo5ed o#t
into t*e ba)8yardC t*e =#arters o t*e liberal bo#r"eoisie
*a5e mo5ed nearer t*e aristo)ra)y: Brom bein" a 2atrioti)
myt*, t*e R#ssian 2eo2le *a5e be)ome an a.#l reality:
E5eryt*in" is" and s*a8in" #nder oot: Mysti)ism
lares #2 .it* s*ar2ened or)e in t*ose )ir)les .*i)* not
lon" a"o .ere ma8in" #n o t*e s#2erstitions o t*e
'ro8ers, la.yers, ballerinas are )#rsin" t*e on)omin"
e)li2se o 2#bli) morals: Bait* in t*e !onstit#ent 0ssembly
is e5a2oratin" day by day: -or8y in *is ne.s2a2er is
2ro2*esyin" t*e a22roa)*in" do.nall o )#lt#re: T*e li"*t
rom ra5in" and *#n"ry 3etro"rad to a more 2ea)e#l and
.ell;ed 2ro5in)e, on t*e in)rease e5er sin)e t*e ,#ly 4ays,
no. be)omes a stam2ede: Res2e)table amilies .*o *a5e
not s#))eeded in "ettin" a.ay rom t*e )a2ital, try in 5ain
to ins#late t*emsel5es rom reality be*ind stone .all and
#nder iron roo: '#t t*e e)*oes o t*e storm 2enetrate on
e5ery side: t*ro#"* t*e mar8et, .*ere e5eryt*in" is
"ettin" dear and not*in" to be *adC t*ro#"* t*e
res2e)table 2ress, .*i)* is t#rnin" into one yel2 o *atred
and earC t*ro#"* t*e seet*in" streets .*ere rom time to
time s*ootin"s are to be *eard #nder t*e .indo.sC and
inally t*ro#"* t*e ba)8 entran)e, t*ro#"* t*e ser5ants,
.*o are no lon"er *#mbly s#bmissi5e: It is *ere t*at t*e
re5ol#tion stri8es *ome to t*e most sensiti5e s2ot: T*at
obstre2ero#sness o t*e *o#se*old sla5es destroys #tterly
t*e stability o t*e amily rG"ime:
Ne5ert*eless t*e e5eryday ro#tine deends itsel .it* all
its mi"*t: S)*oolboys are still st#dyin" t*e old text;boo8s,
#n)tionaries" #2 t*e same #seless 2a2ers, 2oets
s)ribblin" t*e 5erses t*at nobody reads, n#rses tellin" t*e
airy;tales abo#t I5an !Kare5i)*: T*e nobilityJs and
mer)*antsJ da#"*ters, )omin" in rom t*e 2ro5in)es, are
st#dyin" m#si) or *#ntin" *#sbands: T*e same old )annon
on t*e .all o t*e 3eter and 3a#l ortress )ontin#es to
anno#n)e t*e noon *o#r: 0 ne. ballet is "oin" on in t*e
Mariins8y T*eatre, and t*e Minister o Borei"n 0airs,
Teres*)*en8o, stron"er on )*oreo"ra2*y t*an di2loma)y,
inds time, .e may ass#me, to admire t*e steel toes o t*e
ballerina and t*#s demonstrate t*e stability o t*e rG"ime:
T*e remnants o t*e old ban=#et are still 5ery 2lenti#l and
e5eryt*in" )an be *ad or bi" money: T*e -#ard oi)ers
still )li)8 t*eir s2#rs a))#rately and "o ater ad5ent#res:
+ild 2arties are in 2ro"ress in t*e 2ri5ate dinin";rooms o
ex2ensi5e resta#rants: T*e s*#ttin";o o t*e ele)tri)
li"*ts at midni"*t does not 2re5ent t*e lo#ris*in" o
"amblin";)l#bs .*ere )*am2a"ne s2ar8les by )andleli"*t,
.*ere ill#strio#s 2e)#lators s.indle no less ill#strio#s
-erman s2ies, .*ere monar)*ist )ons2irators )all t*e bets
o Semiti) sm#""lers, and .*ere t*e astronomi)al i"#res
o t*e sta8es 2layed or indi)ate bot* t*e s)ale o
deba#)*ery and t*e s)ale o inlation:
!an it be t*at a mere tram;)ar, r#n;do.n, dirty, dilatory,
dra2ed .it* )l#sters o 2eo2le, leads rom t*is St:
3etersb#r" in its deat*;a"ony into t*e .or8ersJ =#arters so
2assionately and tensely ali5e .it* a ne. *o2e> T*e bl#e;
and;"old )#2ola o Smolny !on5ent anno#n)es rom aar
t*e *ead=#arters o t*e Ins#rre)tion: It is on t*e ed"e o
t*e )ity .*ere t*e tram;line ends and t*e Ne5a des)ribes
a s*ar2 t#rn so#t*, se2aratin" t*e )entre o t*e )a2ital
rom t*e s#b#rbs: T*at lon" "rey t*ree story b#ildin", an
ed#)ati5e barra)8 or t*e da#"*ters o t*e nobility, is no.
t*e stron"*old o t*e so5iets: Its lon" e)*oin" )orridors
seem to *a5e been made or tea)*in" t*e la.s o
2ers2e)ti5e: O5er t*e doors o many o t*e rooms alon"
t*e )orridors little enamelled tablets are still 2reser5ed:
@Tea)*erJs Room,A @T*ird -rade,A @Bo#rt* -rade,A @-rade
S#2er5isor:A '#t alon"side t*e old tablets, or )o5erin"
t*em, s*eets o 2a2er *a5e been ta)8ed #2 as best t*ey
mi"*t, bearin" t*e mysterio#s *iero"ly2*i)s o t*e
re5ol#tion: TK;9 3;S;R, S;4 Mens*e5i8i, S;4 'ols*e5i8i, Let
S;R, 0nar)*ist;!omm#nists, 4es2at)*in" Room o t*e TK;I;
9, et):, et): T*e obser5ant ,o*n Reed noti)es a 2la)ard on
t*e .alls: @!omrades, or t*e sa8e o yo#r o.n *ealt*,
obser5e )leanliness:A 0las, nobody obser5es )leanliness,
not e5en nat#re: O)tober 3etro"rad is li5in" #nder a
)ano2y o rain: T*e streets, lon" #ns.e2t, are dirty:
Enormo#s 2#ddles are standin" in t*e )o#rt o Smolny: T*e
m#d is )arried into t*e )orridors and *alls by t*e soldiersJ
boots: '#t nobody is loo8in" do.n no. #nderoot: 0ll are
loo8in" or.ard:
Smolny is more and more irmly and im2erio#sly "i5in"
)ommands, or t*e 2assionate sym2at*y o t*e masses is
litin" *er #2: ?o.e5er, t*e )entral leaders*i2 "ras2s
dire)tly only t*e to2most lin8s o t*at re5ol#tionary system
.*i)* as a )onne)ted .*ole is destined to a)*ie5e t*e
)*an"e: T*e most im2ortant 2ro)esses are ta8in" 2la)e
belo., and some*o. o t*eir o.n a))ord: T*e a)tories
and barra)8s and t*e )*ie or"es o *istory in t*ese days
and ni"*ts: 0s in Bebr#ary, t*e Vybor" distri)t o)#ses t*e
basi) or)es o t*e re5ol#tion: '#t it *as today a t*in" it
la)8ed in Bebr#ary H its o.n or"anisation o2en
and #ni5ersally re)o"nised: Brom t*e d.ellin"s, t*e a)tory
l#n)*;rooms, t*e )l#bs, t*e barra)8s, all t*reads lead to
t*e *o#se n#mbered 33 Samsone5s8y 3ros2e)t, .*ere are
lo)ated t*e distri)t )ommittee o t*e 'ols*e5i8s, t*e
Vybor" So5iet, and t*e military *ead=#arters: T*e distri)t
militia is #sin" .it* t*e Red -#ard: T*e distri)t is .*olly in
t*e )ontrol o t*e .or8ers: I t*e "o5ernment s*o#ld raid
Smolny, t*e Vybor" distri)t alone )o#ld re;establis* a
)entre and "#arantee t*e #rt*er oensi5e:
T*e enou'ment .as a22roa)*in" )lose, b#t t*e r#lin"
)ir)les t*o#"*t, or 2retended to t*in8, t*at t*ey *ad no
s2e)ial )a#se or anxiety: T*e 'ritis* Embassy, .*i)* *ad
its o.n reasons or" e5ents in 3etro"rad .it*
some attention, re)ei5ed, a))ordin" to t*e R#ssian
ambassador in London, reliable inormation abo#t t*e
)omin" ins#rre)tion: To t*e anxio#s in=#iries o '#)*anan
at t*e ine5itable di2lomati) l#n)*eon, Teres*)*en8o
re2lied .it* .arm ass#ran)e: @Not*in" o t*e 8indA is
2ossibleC t*e "o5ernment *as t*e reins irmly in *and: T*e
R#ssian Embassy in London o#nd o#t abo#t t*e re5ol#tion
in 3etro"rad rom t*e des2at)*es o a 'ritis* tele"ra2*
T*e mine o.ner, 0#erba)*, 2ayin" a 5isit d#rin" t*ose
days to t*e de2#ty;minister, 3al)*ins8y, in=#ired in
2assin" H ater a )on5ersation abo#t more serio#s matters
H as to t*e @dar8 )lo#ds on t*e 2oliti)al *oriKon:A ?e
re)ei5ed a most reass#rin" T*e next storm in a
series, and not*in" moreC it .ill 2ass o5er and all .ill be
)lear H @slee2 .ell:A 3al)*ins8y *imsel .as "oin" to 2ass
one or t.o slee2less ni"*ts beore *e "ot arrested:
T*e more #n)eremonio#sly 9erens8y treated t*e
!om2romise leaders, t*e less did *e do#bt t*at in t*e *o#r
o dan"er t*ey .o#ld )ome 2#n)t#ally to *is aid: T*e
.ea8er t*e !om2romisers "re., t*e more )are#lly did
t*ey s#rro#nd t*emsel5es .it* an atmos2*ere o ill#sion:
Ex)*an"in" .ords o ne#tral en)o#ra"ement bet.een
t*eir 3etro"rad t#rrets and t*eir #22er;)r#st or"anisations
in t*e 2ro5in)es and t*e ront, t*e Mens*e5i8s and So)ial;
Re5ol#tionaries )reated a sim#la)r#m o 2#bli) o2inion,
and t*#s dis"#isin" t*eir o.n im2oten)e, ooled not so
m#)* t*eir enemy as t*emsel5es:
T*e )#mbersome and "ood;or;not*in" state a22arat#s,
re2resentin" a )ombination o Mar)* so)ialist .it* )Karist
b#rea#)rat, .as 2ere)tly a))ommodated to t*e tas8 o
sel;de)e2tion: T*e *al;ba8ed Mar)* so)ialist dreaded to
a22ear to t*e b#rea#)rat a not .*olly mat#re statesman:
T*e b#rea#)rat dreaded lest *e s*o. a la)8 o res2e)t to
t*e ne. ideas: T*#s .as )reated a .eb o oi)ial lies, in
.*i)* "enerals, distri)t attorneys, ne.s2a2er;men,
)ommissars, aies-e-camp, lied t*e more, t*e nearer t*ey
stood to t*e seats o T*e )ommander o t*e
3etro"rad military distri)t made )omortin" re2orts, or t*e
reason t*at 9erens8y, a)ed by an #n)omortin" reality,
*ad "reat need o t*em:
T*e traditions o t*e d#al .or8ed in t*e same
dire)tion: +ere not t*e )#rrent orders o t*e military
*ead=#arters, .*en )o#ntersi"ned by t*e Military
Re5ol#tionary !ommittee, im2li)itly obeyed> T*e 2atrollin"
s=#ads t*ro#"*o#t t*e )ity .ere illed o#t by t*e troo2s o
t*e "arrison in t*e #s#al order H and .e m#st add, it *ad
been lon" sin)e t*e troo2s *ad "one t*eir 2atrol d#ty .it*
s#)* Keal as no.: 4is)ontent amon" t*e masses> '#t
@sla5es in re5oltA are al.ays dis)ontented: Only t*e s)#m
o t*e "arrison and t*e .or8ersJ distri)ts .ill ta8e 2art in
m#tino#s attem2ts: T*e soldiersJ se)tions are a"ainst
*ead=#arters> '#t t*e military de2artment o t*e !entral
Exe)#ti5e !ommittee is or 9erens8y: T*e .*ole or"anised
demo)ra)y, .it* t*e ex)e2tion o t*e 'ols*e5i8s, s#22orts
t*e "o5ernment: T*#s t*e rosy Mar)* nimb#s *ad t#rned
into a "rey 5a2o#r, *idin" t*e a)t#al traits o t*in"s:
It .as only ater t*e brea8 bet.een Smolny and
*ead=#arters t*at t*e "o5ernment tried to ado2t a more
serio#s attit#de to.ard t*e sit#ation: T*ere is, o )o#rse,
no immediate dan"er, t*ey said, b#t t*is time .e m#st
a5ail o#rsel5es o t*e o22ort#nity to 2#t an end to t*e
'ols*e5i8s: 'esides, t*e bo#r"eois 0llies .ere brin"in"
e5ery 2ress#re to bear on t*e +inter 3ala)e: On t*e ni"*t
o t*e 2&t* t*e "o5ernment s#mmoned #2 its )o#ra"e and
2assed a resol#tion: to instit#te le"al 2ro)eedin"s a"ainst
t*e Military Re5ol#tionary !ommitteeC to s*#t do.n t*e
'ols*e5i8 2a2ers ad5o)atin" ins#rre)tionC to s#mmon
reliable military deta)*ment rom t*e en5irons and rom
t*e ront: T*e 2ro2osal to arrest t*e Military Re5ol#tionary
!ommittee as a body, alt*o#"* ado2ted in 2rin)i2le, .as
2ost2oned in exe)#tion: Bor so lar"e an #nderta8in", t*ey
de)ided, it .as ne)essary to se)#re in ad5an)e t*e
s#22ort o t*e 3re;3arliament:
T*e r#mo#r o t*e "o5ernmentJs de)ision s2read
immediately t*ro#"* t*e to.n: In t*e b#ildin" o t*e main
*ead=#arters alon" side t*e +inter 3ala)e, t*e soldiers o
t*e 3a5lo5s8y re"iment, one o t*e most reliable #nits o
t*e Military Re5ol#tionary !ommittee, .ere on sentry d#ty
d#rin" t*e ni"*t o t*e 2&t*: !on5ersations .ent on in
t*eir 2resen)e abo#t s#mmonin" t*e D#n8ers, abo#t litin"
t*e brid"es, abo#t arrests: 0ll t*at t*e 3a5lo5tsi mana"ed
to *ear and remember t*ey immediately 2assed on to
Smolny: T*ose in t*e re5ol#tionary )entre did not al.ays
8no. *o. to ma8e #se o t*e )omm#ni)ations o t*is sel;
)onstit#ted Intelli"en)e Ser5i)e: '#t it #lilled an
in5al#able #n)tion: T*e .or8ers and soldiers o t*e .*ole
)ity .ere made a.are o t*e intentions o t*e enemy, and
reinor)ed in t*eir readiness to resist:
Early in t*e mornin" t*e a#t*orities be"an t*eir
2re2arations or a""ressi5e a)tion: T*e military s)*ools o
t*e )a2ital .ere ordered to ma8e ready or battle: T*e
)r#iser #urora moored in t*e Ne5a, its )re. a5o#rable to
t*e 'ols*e5i8s, .as ordered to 2#t o#t and Doin t*e rest o
t*e leet: Military deta)*ments .ere )alled in rom
nei"*bo#rin" 2oints: a battalion o s*o)8 troo2s rom
Tsars8oe Selo, t*e D#n8ers rom Oranienba#m, t*e artillery
rom 3a5lo5s8: T*e *ead=#arters o t*e Nort*ern ront .as
as8ed to send reliable troo2s to t*e )a2ital immediately: In
t*e .ay o dire)t meas#res o military 2re)a#tion, t*e" orders .ere "i5en: to in)rease t*e "#ard o t*e
+inter 3ala)eC to raise t*e brid"es o5er t*e Ne5aC to *a5e
all a#tomobiles ins2e)ted by t*e D#n8ersC to )#t Smolny
o#t o t*e tele2*one system: T*e Minister o ,#sti)e,
Malianto5i)*, "a5e an order or t*e immediate arrest o
t*ose 'ols*e5i8s released #nder bail .*o *ad a"ain
bro#"*t t*emsel5es to attention by anti;"o5ernmental
a)ti5ity: T*is blo. .as aimed 2rimarily at Trots8y: T*e
i)8leness o t*e times is .ell ill#strated by t*e a)t t*at
Malianto5i)* H as also *is 2rede)essor, Par#dny H *ad
been Trots8yJs deen)e )o#nsel in t*e trial o t*e St:
3etersb#r" So5iet o 19%<: T*en, too, it *ad been a
=#estion o t*e leaders*i2 o t*e So5iet: T*e indi)tments
.ere identi)al in t*e t.o )ases, ex)e2t t*at t*e ormer
deenders .*en t*ey be)ame a))#sers, added t*e little
2oint abo#t -erman "old:
?ead=#arters de5elo2ed a 2arti)#larly e5eris* a)ti5ity in
t*e s2*ere o ty2o"ra2*y: 4o)#ment ollo.ed do)#ment:
No )omin";o#t .ill be 2ermittedC t*e "#ilty .ill be *eld
stri)tly res2onsibleC deta)*ments o t*e "arrison not to
lea5e t*eir barra)8s .it*o#t orders rom *ead=#artersC @all
)ommissars o t*e 3etro"rad So5iet to be remo5edAC t*eir
ille"al a)ti5ities to be in5esti"ated* a 5ie. to )o#rt
martial:A In t*ese ormidable orders it .as not indi)ated
.*o .as to )arry t*em o#t or *o.: 6nder t*reat o
2ersonal liability t*e )ommander demanded t*at o.ners
o a#tomobiles 2la)e t*em at t*e dis2osal o *ead=#arters* a 5ie. o 2re5entin" #nla.#l seiK#res,A b#t nobody
mo5ed a in"er in res2onse:
T*e !entral Exe)#ti5e !ommittee .as also 2rolii) o
.arnin"s and orbiddin"s: 0nd t*e 2easant exe)#ti5e
)ommittee, t*e )ity d#ma, t*e )entral )ommittees o t*e
Mens*e5i8s and So)ial;Re5ol#tionaries ollo.ed in its
ste2s: 0ll t*ese instit#tions .ere s#i)iently ri)* in literary
reso#r)es: In t*e 2ro)lamations .*i)* 2lastered t*e .alls
and en)es, t*e tal8 .as in5ariably abo#t a *and#l o
l#nati)s, abo#t t*e dan"er o bloody en)o#nters, abo#t t*e
ine5itability o )o#nter;re5ol#tion:
0t i5e;t*irty in t*e mornin" a "o5ernment )ommissar .it*
a deta)*ment o D#n8ers s*o.ed #2 at t*e 'ols*e5i8
2rintin";2lant, and ater mannin" t*e exits, 2resented an
order o *ead=#arters or t*e immediate s#22ression o
t*e )entral or"an and t*e soldiersJ 2a2er: H +*at>
?ead=#arters> 4oes t*at still exist> No orders are
re)o"nised *ere .it*o#t t*e san)tion o t*e Military
Re5ol#tion !ommittee: '#t t*at did not *el2: T*e
stereoty2es .ere smas*ed, t*e b#ildin" sealed: T*e
"o5ernment *ad s)ored its irst s#))ess:
0 .or8er and a .or8in";"irl rom t*e 'ols*e5i8 2rintin";
2lant ran 2antin" to Smolny and t*ere o#nd 3od5ois8y
and Trots8y: I t*e !ommittee .o#ld "i5e t*em a "#ard
a"ainst t*e D#n8ers, t*e .or8ers .o#ld brin" o#t t*e 2a2er:
0 orm .as soon o#nd or t*e irst to t*e
"o5ernment oensi5e: 0n order .as iss#ed to t*e Lito5s8y
re"iment to send a )om2any immediately to t*e deen)e
o t*e .or8ersJ 2ress: T*e messen"ers rom t*e 2rintin";
2lant insisted t*at t*e (t* battalion o sa22ers be also
ordered o#t: t*ese .ere near nei"*bo#rs and loyal riends:
Tele2*ono"rams .ere immediately sent to t*e t.o
addresses: T*e Lito5tsi and t*e sa22ers )ame o#t .it*o#t
delay: T*e seals .ere torn rom t*e b#ildin", t*e mo#lds
a"ain 2o#red, and t*e .or8 .ent on: +it* a e. *o#rsJ
delay t*e ne.s2a2er s#22ressed by t*e "o5ernment )ame
o#t #nder 2rote)tion o t*e troo2s o a )ommittee .*i)*
.as itsel liable to arrest: T*at .as ins#rre)tion: T*at is
*o. it de5elo2ed:
4#rin" t*is same time t*e )r#iser #urora *ad addressed a
=#estion to Smolny: S*all .e "o to sea or remain in t*e
Ne5a> T*e 5ery same sailors .*o *ad "#arded t*e +inter
3ala)e a"ainst 9ornilo5 in 0#"#st .ere no. b#rnin" to
settle a))o#nts .it* 9erens8y: T*e "o5ernment order .as
2rom2tly )o#ntermanded by t*e !ommittee and t*e )re.
re)ei5ed Order No:121$: @In )ase o an atta)8 on t*e
3etro"rad "arrison by t*e )o#nter;re5ol#tionary or)es, t*e
)r#iser #urora is to 2rote)t *ersel .it* t#"s, steam;boats,
and )#tters:A T*e )r#iser ent*#siasti)ally )arried o#t t*is
order, or .*i)* it *ad only been .aitin":
T*ese t.o a)ts o resistan)e, s#""ested by .or8ers and
sailors, and )arried o#t, t*an8s to t*e sym2at*y o t*e
"arrison, .it* )om2lete im2#nity, be)ame 2oliti)al e5ents
o )a2ital im2ortan)e: T*e last remnants o t*e etis*ism
o a#t*ority )r#mbled to d#st: @It be)ame instantly )lear,A
says one o t*e 2arti)i2ants, @t*at t*e Dob .as doneLA I
not yet done, it .as at least 2ro5in" m#)* sim2ler t*an
anyone *ad ima"ined yesterday:
0n attem2t to s#22ress t*e 2a2ers, a resol#tion to
2rose)#te t*e Military Re5ol#tionary !ommittee, an order
remo5in" )ommissars, t*e )#ttin";o#t o SmolnyJs
tele2*ones H t*ese 2in;2ri)8s .ere D#st s#i)ient to )on5i)t
t*e "o5ernment o 2re2arin" a )o#nter;re5ol#tionary coup
('tat: 0lt*o#"* an Ins#rre)tion )an .in on t*e oensi5e,
it de5elo2s better, t*e more it loo8s li8e sel;deen)e: 0
2ie)e o oi)ial sealin";.ax on t*e door o t*e 'ols*e5i8
editorial;rooms H as a military meas#re t*at is not m#)*:
'#t .*at a s#2erb si"nal or battleL Tele2*ono"rams to all
distri)ts and #nits o t*e "arrison anno#n)ed t*e e5ent:
@T*e enemy o t*e 2eo2le too8 t*e oensi5e d#rin" t*e
ni"*t: T*e Military Re5ol#tionary !ommittee is leadin" t*e
resistan)e to t*e assa#lt o t*e )ons2irators:A T*e
)ons2irators H t*ese .ere t*e instit#tions o t*e oi)ial
"o5ernment: Brom t*e 2en o re5ol#tionary )ons2irators
t*is term )ame as a s#r2rise, b#t it .*olly )orres2onded to
t*e sit#ation and to t*e eelin"s o t*e masses: !ro.ded
o#t o all Its 2ositions, )om2elled to #nderta8e a belated
deen)e, in)a2able o mobilisin" t*e ne)essary or)es, or
e5en indin" o#t .*et*er it *ad s#)* or)es, t*e
"o5ernment *ad de5elo2ed a s)attered, #nt*o#"*t;o#t,
#n)oordinated a)tion, .*i)* in t*e eyes o t*e masses
ine5itably loo8ed li8e a male5olent attem2t: T*e
!ommitteeJs tele2*ono"rams "a5e t*e )ommand: @Ma8e
t*e re"iment ready or battle and a.ait #rt*er orders:A
T*at .as t*e 5oi)e o a so5erei"n T*e )ommissars
o t*e !ommittee, t*emsel5es liable to remo5al by t*e
"o5ernment, )ontin#ed .it* redo#bled )oniden)e to
remo5e t*ose .*om t*ey t*o#"*t it ne)essary to remo5e:
T*e #urora in t*e Ne5a meant not only an ex)ellent
i"*tin" #nit in t*e ser5i)e o t*e ins#rre)tion, b#t a radio;
station ready or #se: In5al#able ad5anta"eL T*e sailor
9#r8o5 *as remembered: @+e "ot .ord rom Trots8y to
broad)ast ::: t*at t*e )o#nter;re5ol#tion *ad ta8en t*e
oensi5e:A ?ere too t*e deensi5e orm#lation )on)ealed a
s#mmons to ins#rre)tion addressed to t*e .*ole )o#ntry:
T*e "arrisons "#ardin" t*e a22roa)*es to 3etro"rad .ere
ordered by radio rom t*e #urora to *old #2 t*e )o#nter;
re5ol#tionary e)*elons, and, in )ase admonitions .ere
inade=#ate, to em2loy or)e: 0ll re5ol#tionary
or"anisations .ere 2la)ed #nder obli"ation @to sit
)ontin#ally, a))#m#latin" all 2ossible inormation as to t*e
2lans and a)ti5ities o t*e )ons2irators:A T*ere .as no la)8
o 2ro)lamations, *o.e5er, t*e .ord .as not di5or)ed
rom t*e deed, b#t .as a )omment on it:
Some.*at belatedly t*e Military Re5ol#tionary !ommittee
#ndertoo8 a more serio#s ortii)ation o Smolny: In lea5in"
t*e b#ildin" at t*ree oJ)lo)8 on t*e ni"*t o t*e 2&t*, ,o*n
Reed noti)ed ma)*ine;"#ns at t*e entran)es and stron"
2atrols "#ardin" t*e "ates and t*e adDa)ent street )orners:
T*e 2atrols *ad been reinor)ed t*e day beore by a
)om2any o t*e Lito5s8y re"iment and a )om2any o
ma)*ine;"#nners .it* t.enty;o#r ma)*ine;"#ns: 4#rin"
t*e day t*e "#ard in)reased )ontin#ally: @In t*e Smolny
re"ion,A .rites S*lia2ni8o5, @I sa. a amiliar 2i)t#re,
remindin" me o t*e irst days o t*e Bebr#ary re5ol#tion
aro#nd t*e Ta#ride 3ala)e:A T*e same m#ltit#de o
soldiers, .or8ers and .ea2ons o all 8inds: Inn#merable
)ords o ire.ood *ad been 2iled #2 in t*e )o#rt H a 2ere)t
)o5er a"ainst rile;ire: Motor;tr#)8s .ere brin"in" #2
oodst#s and m#nitions: @0ll Smolny,A says Ras8olni8o5, )on5erted into an armed )am2: !annon .ere in
2osition o#t in ront o t*e )ol#mns: Ma)*ine;"#ns
alon"side t*em ::: 0lmost on e5ery ste2 t*ose same
Omaxims,J loo8in" li8e toy;)annon: 0nd t*ro#"* all t*e
)orridors ::: t*e, lo#d, *a22y tram2 o .or8ers,
soldiers, sailors and a"itators:A S#8*ano5, a))#sin" t*e
or"anisers o t*e ins#rre)tion H not .it*o#t o#ndation H o
ins#i)ient military 2re)a#tion, .rites: @Only no., in t*e
aternoon and e5enin" o t*e 2&t*, did t*ey be"in to brin"
#2 armed deta)*ments o Red -#ards and soldiers to
Smolny to deend t*e *ead=#arters o t*e ins#rre)tion :::
'y t*e e5enin" o t*e 2&t* t*e deen)e o Smolny be"an
to loo8 li8e somet*in":A
T*is matter is not .it*o#t im2ortan)e: In Smolny, .*en)e
t*e )om2romisist Exe)#ti5e !ommittee *ad mana"ed to
steal a.ay to t*e *ead=#arters o t*e "o5ernment sta,
t*ere .ere no. )on)entrated t*e *eads o all t*e
re5ol#tionary or"anisations led by t*e 'ols*e5i8s: ?ere
assembled on t*at day t*e all im2ortant meetin" o t*e
!entral !ommittee o t*e 'ols*e5i8s to ta8e t*e inal
de)ision beore stri8in" t*e blo.: Ele5en members .ere
2resent: Lenin *ad not yet t#rned #2 rom *is re#"e in t*e
Vybor" distri)t: Pino5ie5 also .as absent rom t*e session:
0))ordin" to t*e tem2eramental ex2ression o
4KerK*ins8y, *e .as @*idin" and ta8in" no 2art in t*e
2arty .or8:A
9amene5, on t*e ot*er *and, alt*o#"* s*arin" t*e 5ie.s
o Pino5ie5, .as 5ery a)ti5e in t*e *ead=#arters o t*e
ins#rre)tion: Stalin .as not 2resent at t*e session:
-enerally s2ea8in" *e did not a22ear at Smolny, s2endin"
*is time in t*e editorial oi)e o t*e )entral or"an: T*e
session, as al.ays, .as *eld #nder t*e )*airmans*i2 o
S5erdlo5: T*e oi)ial min#tes o t*e session are s)ant, b#t
t*ey indi)ate e5eryt*in" essential: Bor )*ara)terisin" t*e
leadin" 2arti)i2ants in t*e re5ol#tion, and t*e distrib#tion
o #n)tions amon" t*em, t*ey are irre2la)eable:
It .as a =#estion o ta8in" #ll 2ossession o 3etro"rad in
t*e next t.enty;o#r *o#rs: T*at meant to seiKe t*ose
2oliti)al and te)*ni)al instit#tions .*i)* .ere still in t*e
*ands o t*e "o5ernment: T*e !on"ress o So5iets m#st
*old its session #nder t*e So5iet T*e 2ra)ti)al
meas#res o t*e no)t#rnal assa#lt *ad been .or8ed o#t, or
.ere bein" .or8ed O#t, by t*e Military Re5ol#tionary
!ommittee and t*e Military Or"anisations o t*e
'ols*e5i8s: T*e !entral !ommittee .as to #nderline t*e
inal 2oints:
Birst o all a 2ro2osal o 9amene5 .as ado2ted: @Today no
member o t*e !entral !ommittee )an lea5e Smolny
.it*o#t a s2e)ial resol#tion:A It .as de)ided o5er and
abo5e t*at, to 8ee2 on d#ty *ere members o t*e
3etro"rad !ommittee o t*e 2arty: T*e min#tes read
#rt*er: @Trots8y 2ro2oses t*at t*ey 2la)e at t*e dis2osal
o t*e Military Re5ol#tionary !ommittee t.o members o
t*e !entral !ommittee or t*e 2#r2ose o establis*in"
)omm#ni)ations .it* t*e 2ostal and tele"ra2* .or8ers
and t*e railroad .or8ersC a t*ird member to 8ee2 t*e
3ro5isional -o5ernment #nder obser5ation:A It .as
resol5ed to dele"ate 4KerK*ins8y to t*e 2ostal and
tele"ra2* .or8ers, '#bno5 to t*e railroad .or8ers: 0t irst,
and ob5io#sly at S5erdlo5Js s#""estion, it .as 2ro2osed to
allot t*e .at)* o5er t*e 3ro5isional -o5ernment to
3od5ois8y: T*e min#tes read: @ObDe)tions to 3od5ois8yC
S5erdlo5 is a22ointed:A Mili#tin, .*o 2assed as an
e)onomist, .as a22ointed to or"anise t*e s#22ly o ood
or t*e 2eriod o t*e ins#rre)tion: Ne"otiations .it* t*e
Let So)ial;Re5ol#tionaries .ere entr#sted to 9amene5,
.*o *ad t*e re2#tation o a s8il#l alt*o#"* too yieldin"
2arliamentary: @Mieldin",A o )o#rse, only rom a 'ols*e5i8
)riterion: @Trots8y 2ro2osesA H .e read #rt*er H @t*at a
reser5e *ead=#arters be establis*ed in t*e 3eter and 3a#l
ortress, and t*at one member o t*e !entral !ommittee
be sent t*ere or t*at 2#r2oseA It .as resol5ed: @To
a22oint Las*e5i)* and 'la"onra5o5 or "eneral
obser5ationC to )ommission S5erdlo5 to 8ee2 in )ontin#al
to#)* .it* t*e ortress:A B#rt*er: @To s#22ly all members
o t*e !entral !ommittee .it* 2asses to t*e ortress:A
0lon" 2arty lines all t*reads .ere *eld in t*e *ands o
S5erdlo5, .*o 8ne. t*e )adres o t*e 2arty as no one else
did: ?e 8e2t Smolny in to#)* .it* t*e 2arty a22arat#s,
s#22lied t*e Military Re5ol#tionary !ommittee .it* t*e
ne)essary .or8ers, and .as s#mmoned into t*e
!ommittee or )o#nsel at all )riti)al moments: Sin)e t*e
!ommittee *ad a too broad, and to some extent l#id,
members*i2, t*e more )ons2irati5e #nderta8in"s .ere
)arried o#t t*ro#"* t*e *eads o t*e Military Or"anisation
o t*e 'ols*e5i8s, or t*ro#"* S5erdlo5, .*o .as t*e
#noi)ial b#t all t*e more real @"eneral se)retaryA o t*e
O)tober ins#rre)tion:
T*e 'ols*e5i8 dele"ates arri5in" in t*ose days or t*e
So5iet !on"ress .o#ld )ome irst into t*e *ands o
S5erdlo5, and .o#ld not be let or one #nne)essary *o#r
.it*o#t somet*in" to do: On t*e 2&t* t*ere .ere already
t.o or t*ree *#ndred 2ro5in)ial dele"ates in 3etro"rad,
and t*e maDority o t*em .ere in)l#ded one .ay or
anot*er in t*e me)*ani)s o t*e ins#rre)tion: 0t t.o
oJ)lo)8 in t*e aternoon, t*ey assembled at a )a#)#s in
Smolny to *ear a re2ort rom t*e !entral !ommittee o t*e
2arty: T*ere .ere .a5erers amon" t*em .*o, li8e Pino5ie5
and 9amene5, 2reerred a .aitin" 2oli)yC t*ere .ere also
ne.)omers .*o .ere merely not s#i)iently reliable:
T*ere )o#ld be no tal8 o ex2o#ndin" beore t*is )a#)#s
t*e .*ole 2lan o t*e ins#rre)tion: +*ate5er is said at a
lar"e meetin" ine5itably "ets abroad: It .as still
im2ossible e5en to t*ro. o t*e deensi5e en5elo2e o t*e
atta)8 .it*o#t )reatin" )on#sion in t*e minds o )ertain
#nits o t*e "arrison: '#t it .as ne)essary to ma8e t*e
dele"ates #nderstand t*at a de)isi5e str#""le *ad already
be"#n, and t*at it .o#ld remain only or t*e !on"ress to
)ro.n it:
Reerrin" to re)ent arti)les o Lenin, Trots8y demonstrated
t*at @a )ons2ira)y does not )ontradi)t t*e 2rin)i2les o
Marxism,A i obDe)ti5e relations ma8e an ins#rre)tion
2ossible and ine5itable: @T*e 2*ysi)al barrier on t*e road
to m#st be o5er)ome by a blo. :::A ?o.e5er, #2 till
no. t*e 2oli)y o t*e Military Re5ol#tionary !ommittee *as
not "one beyond t*e 2oli)y o sel;deen)e: O )o#rse t*is
sel;deen)e m#st be #nderstood in a s#i)iently broad
sense: To ass#re t*e 2#bli)ation o t*e 'ols*e5i8 2ress
.it* t*e *el2 o armed or)es, or to retain t*e #urora in
t*e .aters o t*e Ne5a H @!omrades, is t*at not sel;
deen)e> H It is deen)eLA I t*e "o5ernment in tends to
arrest #s, .e *a5e ma)*ine;"#ns on t*e roo o Smolny in
2re2aration or s#)* an e5ent: @T*at also, )omrades, is a
meas#re o deen)e:A '#t *o. abo#t t*e 3ro5isional
-o5ernment> says one o t*e .ritten =#estions: +*at i
9erens8y tries not to s#bmit to t*e !on"ress o So5iets>
T*e s2o8esman re2lied: I 9erens8y s*o#ld attem2t not to
s#bmit to t*e !on"ress o So5iets, t*en t*e resistan)e o
t*e "o5ernment .o#ld *a5e )reated @not a 2oliti)al b#t a
2oli)e =#estion:A T*at .as in essen)e almost exa)tly .*at
0t t*at moment Trots8y .as )alled o#t to )ons#lt .it* a
de2#tation D#st arri5ed rom t*e )ity d#ma: In t*e )a2ital,
to be s#re, it .as still =#iet, b#t alarmin" r#mo#rs .ere on
oot: T*e mayor 2#t t*ese =#estions: 4oes t*e So5iet
intend to ma8e an ins#rre)tion, and *o. abo#t 8ee2in"
order in t*e )ity> 0nd .*at .ill be)ome o t*e d#ma itsel
i it does not re)o"nise t*e re5ol#tion> T*ese res2e)ted
"entlemen .anted to 8no. too m#)*: T*e .as:
T*e =#estion o is to be de)ided by t*e !on"ress o
So5iets: +*et*er t*is .ill lead to an armed str#""le
@de2ends not so m#)* #2on t*e so5iets as #2on t*ose
.*o, in )onli)t .it* t*e #nanimo#s .ill o t*e 2eo2le, are
retainin" t*e state o in t*eir *ands:A I t*e
!on"ress de)lines t*e, t*e 3etro"rad So5iet .ill
s#bmit: '#t t*e "o5ernment itsel is ob5io#sly see8in" a
)onli)t: Orders *a5e been iss#ed or t*e arrest o t*e
Military Re5ol#tionary !ommittee: T*e .or8ers and
soldiers )an only re2ly .it* r#t*less resistan)e: +*at
abo#t lootin" and 5iolen)e rom )riminal "an"s> 0n order
o t*e !ommittee iss#ed today reads: @0t t*e irst attem2t
o )riminal elements to brin" abo#t dist#rban)es, lootin",
8niin" or s*ootin" on t*e streets o 3etro"rad, t*e
)riminals .ill be .i2ed o t*e a)e o t*e eart*:A 0s to t*e
)ity d#ma, it .ill be 2ossible in )ase o a )onli)t to em2loy
)onstit#tional met*ods H dissol#tion and a ne. ele)tion:
T*e dele"ation .ent a.ay dissatisied: '#t .*at *ad t*ey
as a matter o a)t ex2e)ted>
T*at oi)ial 5isit o t*e !ity Bat*ers to t*e )am2 o t*e
rebels .as only too )andid a demonstration o t*e
im2oten)e o t*e r#lin" "ro#2s: @Remember, )omrades,A
said Trots8y #2on ret#rnin" to t*e 'ols*e5i8 )a#)#s, @t*at
a e. .ee8s a"o .*en .e .on t*e maDority, .e .ere only
a trade;name H .it*o#t a 2rintin" 2ress, .it*o#t a
treas#ry, .it*o#t de2artments H and no. t*e )ity d#ma
sends a de2#tation to t*e arrested Military Re5ol#tionary
!ommitteeA or inormation as to t*e destiny o t*e )ity
and t*e state:
T*e 3eter and 3a#l ortress, .on o5er 2oliti)ally only
yesterday, is today )om2letely ta8en 2ossession o by t*e
Military Re5ol#tionary !ommittee: T*e ma)*ine;"#n )re.,
t*e most re5ol#tionary #nit, is bein" bro#"*t into i"*tin"
trim: 0 mi"*ty .or8 o )leanin" t*e !olt ma)*ine;"#ns is
in 2ro"ress H t*ere are ei"*ty o t*em: Ma)*ine;"#ns are
set #2 on t*e ortress .all to )ommand t*e =#ay and t*e
Troits8y brid"e: T*e sentry "#ard at t*e "ates is reinor)ed:
3atrols are sent o#t into t*e s#rro#ndin" distri)ts: '#t in
t*e *eat o t*ese mornin" *o#rs it s#ddenly be)omes
8no.n t*at .it*in t*e ortress itsel t*e sit#ation is not
ass#red: T*e #n)ertainty lies in a bi)y)le battalion:
Re)r#ited, li8e t*e )a5alry, rom .ell;to;do and ri)*
2easants, t*e bi)y)le men, )omin" rom t*e intermediate
)ity layers, )onstit#ted a most )onser5ati5e 2art o t*e
army: 0 t*eme or idealisti) 2sy)*olo"ists: Let a man ind
*imsel, in distin)tion rom ot*ers, on to2 o t.o .*eels
.it* a )*ain H at least in a 2oor )o#ntry li8e R#ssia H and
*is 5anity be"ins to s.ell o#t li8e *is tyres: In 0meri)a it
ta8es an a#tomobile to 2rod#)e t*is ee)t:
'ro#"*t in rom t*e ront to 2#t do.n t*e ,#ly mo5ement,
t*e bi)y)le battalion *ad Kealo#sly stormed t*e 3ala)e o
9s*esins8aia, and ater.ard been installed in 3eter and
3a#l as one o t*e most reliable deta)*ments: It .as
learned t*at at yesterdayJs meetin" .*i)* settled t*e ate
o t*e ortress, t*e bi)y)le men *ad not been 2resent: T*e
old dis)i2line still *eld in t*e battalion to s#)* an extent
t*at t*e oi)ers *ad s#))eeded in 8ee2in" t*e soldiers
rom "oin" into t*e ortress )o#rt: !o#ntin" on t*ese
bi)y)le men, t*e )ommandant o t*e ortress *eld *is )*in
*i"*, re=#ently "ot into tele2*one )onne)tion .it*
9erens8yJs *ead=#arters, and e5en 2roessed to be abo#t
to arrest t*e 'ols*e5i8 )ommissar: T*e sit#ation m#st not
be let indeinite or an extra min#te: 62on an order rom
Smolny, 'la"onra5o5 )onronts t*e enemy: t*e )olonel is
s#bDe)ted to *o#se arrest, t*e tele2*ones are remo5ed
rom all oi)ersJ a2artments: T*e "o5ernment sta )alls
#2 ex)itedly to 8no. .*y t*e )ommandant is silent, and in
"eneral .*at is "oin" on in t*e ortress: 'la"onra5o5
res2e)t#lly re2orts o5er t*e tele2*one t*at t*e ortress
*en)eor.ard #lils only t*e orders o t*e Military
Re5ol#tionary !ommittee, .it* .*i)* it be*o5es t*e
"o5ernment in t*e #t#re to "et in )onne)tion:
0ll t*e troo2s o t*e ortress "arrison a))e2ted t*e arrest
o t*e )ommandant .it* )om2lete satisa)tion, b#t t*e
bi)y)le men bore t*emsel5es e5asi5ely: +*at lay
)on)ealed be*ind t*eir s#l8y silen)e a *idden *ostility or
t*e last .a5erin"s> @+e de)ided to *old a s2e)ial meetin"
or t*e bi)y)le men,A .rites 'la"onra5o5, @and in5ite o#r
best a"itational or)es, and abo5e all Trots8y, .*o *ad
enormo#s a#t*ority and inl#en)e o5er t*e soldier
masses:A 0t o#r oJ)lo)8 in t*e aternoon t*e .*ole
battalion met in t*e nei"*bo#rin" b#ildin" o t*e %ir)ue
Moerne: 0s "o5ernmental o22onent, X#artermaster;
-eneral 3oradelo5, )onsidered to be a So)ial;
Re5ol#tionary, too8 t*e loor: ?is obDe)tions .ere so
)a#tio#s as to seem e=#i5o)alC and so m#)* t*e more
destr#)ti5e .as t*e atta)8 o t*e !ommitteeJs
re2resentati5es: T*is s#22lementary oratori)al battle or
t*e 3eter and 3a#l ortress ended as mi"*t *a5e been
oreseen: by all 5oi)es ex)e2t t*irty t*e battalion
s#22orted t*e resol#tion o Trots8y: One more o t*e
2otential bloody )onli)ts .as settled beore t*e i"*tin"
and .it*o#t bloods*ed: T*at .as t*e O)tober ins#rre)tion:
S#)* .as its style:
It .as no. 2ossible to rely #2on t*e ortress .it* tran=#il
)oniden)e: +ea2ons .ere "i5en o#t rom t*e arsenal
.it*o#t *indran)e: 0t Smolny, in t*e Ba)tory and S*o2
!ommittee room, dele"ates rom t*e 2lants stood in line to
"et orders or riles: T*e )a2ital *ad seen many =#e#es
d#rin" t*e .ar years H no. it sa. rile;=#e#es or t*e irst
time: Tr#)8s rom all t*e distri)ts o t*e )ity .ere dri5in"
#2 to t*e arsenal: @Mo# .o#ld *ardly *a5e re)o"nised t*e
3eter and 3a#l ortress,A .rites t*e .or8er S8orin8o: @ItJs
reno.ned silen)e .as bro8en by t*e )*#""in"
a#tomobiles, s*o#ts, and t*e )rea8 o .a"ons: T*ere .as
a s2e)ial b#stle in t*e store*o#ses ::: ?ere too t*ey led by
#s t*e irst 2risoners, oi)ers and D#n8ers:A
T*e meetin" in t*e %ir)ue Moerne *ad anot*er res#lt:
T*e bi)y)le men .*o *ad been "#ardin" t*e +inter 3ala)e
sin)e ,#ly .it*dre., anno#n)in" t*at t*ey .o#ld no lon"er
)onsent to 2rote)t t*e "o5ernment: T*at .as a *ea5y
blo.: T*e bi)y)le men *ad to be re2la)ed by D#n8ers: T*e
military s#22ort o t*e "o5ernment .as more and more
red#)in" itsel to t*e oi)ersJ s)*ools H a t*in" .*i)* not
only narro.ed it extremely, b#t also )on)l#si5ely re5ealed
its so)ial )onstit#tion:
T*e .or8ers o t*e 3#tilo5 .*ar H and not t*ey alone H
.ere insistently #r"in" Smolny to disarm t*e D#n8ers: I
t*is meas#re *ad been ta8en ater )are#l 2re2aration, in
)o;o2eration .it* t*e non;)ombatant #nits o t*e s)*ools,
on t*e ni"*t o t*e 2<t*, t*e )a2t#re o t*e +inter 3ala)e
.o#ld *a5e oered no dii)#lties .*ate5er: I t*e D#n8ers
*ad been disarmed e5en on t*e ni"*t o t*e 2(t*, ater t*e
)a2t#re o t*e +inter 3ala)e, t*ere .o#ld *a5e been no
attem2ted )o#nter;ins#rre)tion on t*e 29t* o O)tober: '#t
t*e leaders .ere still in many dire)tions re5ealin" a
@ma"nanimo#s s2iritA H in reality an ex)ess o o2timisti)
)oniden)e H and did not al.ays listen attenti5ely eno#"*
to t*e sober 5oi)e o t*e ran8s: In t*is LeninJs
absen)e, too, .as elt: T*e masses bad to )orre)t t*ese
omissions and mista8es, .it* #nne)essary losses on bot*
sides: In a serio#s str#""le t*ere is no .orse )r#elty t*an
to be ma"nanimo#s at an ino22ort#ne time:
0t an aternoon session o t*e 3re;3arliament, 9erens8y
sin"s *is;son": 4#rin" re)ent days, *e says, t*e
2o2#lation o R#ssia, and es2e)ially o t*e )a2ital, *as
been in a )onstant state o alarm: @!alls or ins#rre)tion
a22ear daily in t*e 'ols*e5i8 2a2ers:A T*e orator =#otes
t*e arti)les o t*e .anted state )riminal, Vladimir 6liano5
Lenin: T*e =#otations are brilliant and irre#tably 2ro5e
t*at t*e abo5e;named indi5id#al is in)itin" to ins#rre)tion:
0nd .*en> 0t a moment .*en t*e "o5ernment is D#st
ta8in" #2 t*e =#estion o transerrin" t*e land to t*e
2easant )ommittees, and o meas#res to brin" t*e .ar to
an end: T*e a#t*orities *a5e so ar made no *aste to 2#t
do.n t*e )ons2irators, .is*in" to "i5e t*em t*e
o22ort#nity to )orre)t t*eir o.n mista8es: @T*at is D#st
.*at is .ron"LA )omes rom t*e se)tion .*ere Mili#8o5 is
leader: '#t 9erens8y is #nabas*ed: @I 2reer in "eneral,A *e
says, @t*at a "o5ernment s*o#ld a)t more, and t*#s
more )orre)tly, and at t*e ne)essary moment more
de)isi5ely:A Brom t*ose li2s t*e .ords *a5e a stran"e
so#nd 0t any rate: @0ll days o "ra)e are no. 2astAC t*e
'ols*e5i8s *a5e not only not re2ented, b#t t*ey *a5e
)alled o#t t.o )om2anies, and are inde2endently
distrib#tin" .ea2ons and )artrid"es: T*is time t*e
"o5ernment intends to 2#t an end to t*e la.lessness o
t*e rabble: @I )*oose my .ords deliberately: rabble:A T*is
ins#lt to t*e 2eo2le is "reeted on t*e ri"*t .it* lo#d
a22la#se: ?e, 9erens8y, *as already "i5en orders, *e says,
or t*e ne)essary arrests: @S2e)ial attention m#st be "i5en
to t*e s2ee)*es o t*e 3resident o t*e So5iet, 'ronstein;
Trots8y:A 0nd be it 8no.n t*at t*e "o5ernment *as more
t*an ade=#ate or)esC tele"rams are )omin" in )ontin#ally
rom t*e ront demandin" de)isi5e meas#res a"ainst t*e
'ols*e5i8s: 0t t*is 2oint 9ono5alo5 *ands t*e s2ea8er t*e
tele2*ono"ram rom t*e Military Re5ol#tionary !ommittee
to t*e troo2s o t*e "arrison, instr#)tin" t*em to @ma8e
t*e re"iment ready or battle and a.ait #rt*er orders:A
0ter readin" t*e do)#ment 9erens8y solemnly )on)l#des:
@In t*e lan"#a"e o t*e la. and o D#di)ial a#t*ority t*at is
)alled a state o ins#rre)tion:A Mili#8o5 bears .itness:
@9erens8y 2rono#n)ed t*ese .ords in t*e )om2la)ent tone
o a la.yer .*o *as at last s#))eeded in "ettin" e5iden)e
a"ainst *is o22onent:A @T*ose "ro#2s and 2arties .*o
*a5e dared to lit t*eir *ands a"ainst t*e state,A *e
)on)l#des, @are liable to immediate, de)isi5e and
2ermanent li=#idation:A T*e entire *all, ex)e2t t*e
extreme let, demonstrati5ely a22la#ded: T*e s2ee)*
ended .it* a demand: t*at t*is 5ery day, in t*is session,
an be "i5en to t*e =#estion, @!an t*e "o5ernment
#lil its d#ty .it* )oniden)e in t*e s#22ort o t*is loty
assembla"e>A +it*o#t a.aitin" t*e 5ote, 9erens8y
ret#rned to *ead=#arters H )onident, a))ordin" to *is o.n
a))o#nt, t*at an *o#r .o#ld not 2ass beore *e .o#ld
re)ei5e t*e needed de)ision: Bor .*at 2#r2ose it .as
needed remains #n8no.n:
?o.e5er, it t#rned o#t ot*er.ise: Brom t.o to six oJ)lo)8
t*e Mariins8y 3ala)e .as b#sy .it* a)tional and inter;
a)tional )oneren)es, stri5in" to .or8 o#t a orm#la: T*e
)onerees did not #nderstand t*at t*ey .ere .or8in" o#t a
orm#la or t*eir o.n #neral: Not one o t*e )om2romisist
"ro#2s *ad t*e )o#ra"e to identiy itsel .it* t*e
"o5ernment: 4an said: @+e Mens*e5i8s are ready to
deend t*e 3ro5isional -o5ernment .it* t*e last dro2 o
o#r bloodC b#t let t*e "o5ernment ma8e it 2ossible or t*e
demo)ra)y to #nite aro#nd it:A To.ards e5enin" t*e let
a)tion o t*e 3re;3arliament, .orn o#t .it* t*e sear)* or
a sol#tion, #nited on a orm#la borro.ed by 4an rom
Marto5, a orm#la .*i)* laid t*e res2onsibility or
ins#rre)tion not only on t*e 'ols*e5i8s, b#t also on t*e
"o5ernment, and demanded immediate transer o t*e
land to t*e Land !ommittees, inter)ession .it* t*e 0llies
in a5o#r o 2ea)e ne"otiations, et): T*#s t*e a2ostles o
moderation tried at t*e last moment to )o#ntereit t*ose
slo"ans .*i)* only yesterday t*ey *ad been deno#n)in"
as dema"o"y and ad5ent#rism: 6n=#aliied s#22ort to t*e
"o5ernment .as 2romised by t*e 9adets and !ossa)8s H
t*at is, by t*ose t.o "ro#2s .*o intended to t*ro.
9erens8y o5er at t*e 5ery irst o22ort#nity H b#t t*ey .ere
a minority: T*e s#22ort o t*e 3re;3arliament )o#ld *a5e
added little to t*e "o5ernment, b#t Mili#8o5 is ri"*t: t*is
re#sal o s#22ort robbed t*e "o5ernment o t*e last
remnants o its a#t*ority: ?ad not t*e "o5ernment itsel
only a e. .ee8s beore determined t*e )om2osition o
t*e 3re;3arliament>
+*ile t*ey .ere see8in" a sal5ation orm#la in t*e
Mariins8y 3ala)e, t*e 3etro"rad So5iet .as assemblin" in
Smolny or 2#r2oses o inormation: T*e s2o8esman
)onsidered it ne)essary to remind t*e So5iet t*at t*e
Military Re5ol#tionary !ommittee *ad arisen @not as an
instr#ment o ins#rre)tion, b#t on t*e basis o
re5ol#tionary sel;deen)e:A T*e !ommittee *ad not
2ermitted 9erens8y to remo5e t*e re5ol#tionary troo2s
rom 3etro"rad, and it *ad ta8en #nder its 2rote)tion t*e
.or8ersJ 2ress: @+as t*is ins#rre)tion>A T*e #urora stands
today .*ere s*e stood last ni"*t: @Is t*is ins#rre)tion>A +e
*a5e today a semi;"o5ernment, in .*i)* t*e 2eo2le do not
belie5e, and .*i)* does not belie5e in itsel, be)a#se it is
in.ardly dead: T*is semi;"o5ernment is a.aitin" t*at* o t*e *istori) broom t*at .ill )lear t*e s2a)e or an
a#t*enti) "o5ernment o t*e re5ol#tionary 2eo2le:
Tomorro. t*e !on"ress o So5iets .ill o2en: It is t*e d#ty
o t*e "arrison and t*e .or8ers to 2#t all t*eir or)es at
t*e dis2osal o t*e !on"ress: @I, *o.e5er, t*e "o5ernment
attem2ts to em2loy t*e t.enty;o#r *o#rs remainin" to it
in 2l#n"in" a 8nie into t*e ba)8 o t*e re5ol#tion t*en .e
de)lare on)e more: T*e 5an"#ard o t*e re5ol#tion .ill blo. .it* blo. and iron .it* steel:A T*is o2en
t*reat .as at t*e same time a 2oliti)al s)reen or t*e
ort*)omin" ni"*t atta)8: In )on)l#sion Trots8y inormed
t*e meetin" t*at t*e Let So)ial;Re5ol#tionary a)tion o
t*e 3re;3arliament, ater todayJs s2ee)* rom 9erens8y
and a mo#se;riot amon" t*e !om2romise a)tions, *ad
sent a dele"ation to Smolny to ex2ress its readiness to
enter oi)ially into t*e sta o t*e Military Re5ol#tionary
!ommittee: In t*is s*it o t*e Let So)ial Re5ol#tionaries
t*e So5iet Doy#lly .el)omed a rele)tion o dee2er
2ro)esses: t*e .idenin" s)o2e o t*e 2easant .ar and t*e
s#))ess#l 2ro"ress o t*e 3etro"rad ins#rre)tion:
!ommentin" on t*is s2ee)* o t*e 3resident o t*e
3etro"rad So5iet, Mili#8o5 .rites: @3robably t*is .as
Trots8yJs ori"inal 2lan H *a5in" 2re2ared or battle, to
)onront t*e "o5ernment .it* t*e O#nanimo#s .ill o t*e
2eo2leJ as ex2ressed in t*e !on"ress o So5iets, and t*#s
"i5e t*e ne. t*e a22earan)e o a le"al ori"in: '#t
t*e "o5ernment 2ro5ed .ea8er t*an *e ex2e)ted, and t*e ell into *is *ands o its o.n a))ord beore t*e
!on"ress *ad time to assemble and ex2ress itsel:A +*at
is tr#e *ere, is t*at t*e .ea8ness o t*e "o5ernment
ex)eeded all ex2e)tations: '#t rom t*e be"innin" t*e 2lan
*ad been to seiKe t*e beore t*e !on"ress o2ened:
Mili#8o5 re)o"nises t*is, by t*e .ay, in a dierent
)onne)tion: @T*e a)t#al intentions o t*e leaders o t*e
re5ol#tion,A *e says, @.ent m#)* #rt*er t*an t*ese
oi)ial anno#n)ements o Trots8y: T*e !on"ress o So5iets
.as to be 2la)ed beore a fait accompli:A
T*e 2#rely military 2lan )onsisted ori"inally o
"#aranteein" a #nited a)tion o t*e 'alti) sailors and t*e
armed Vybor" .or8ers: T*e sailors .ere to )ome by
railroad and detrain at t*e Binland station, .*i)* is in t*e
Vybor" distri)t, and t*en rom t*is base by .ay o a #rt*er
assimilation o t*e Red -#ard and #nits o t*e "arrison, t*e
ins#rre)tion .as to s2read to ot*er distri)ts o t*e )ity, and
*a5in" seiKed t*e brid"es, to ad5an)e into t*e )entre or
t*e inal blo.: T*is s)*eme H nat#rally deri5in" rom t*e
)ir)#mstan)es, and orm#lated, it seems, by 0ntono5 H
.as dra.n #2 on t*e ass#m2tion t*at t*e enemy .o#ld be
able to 2#t #2 a )onsiderable resistan)e: It .as D#st t*is
2remise t*at soon ell a.ay: It .as #nne)essary to start
rom a limited base, be)a#se t*e "o5ernment 2ro5ed o2en
to atta)8 .*ere5er t*e ins#rre)tionists o#nd it ne)essary
to stri8e a blo.:
T*e strate"i) 2lan #nder.ent )*an"es in t*e matter o
dates also, and t*at in t.o dire)tions: t*e ins#rre)tion
be"an earlier and ended later t*an *ad been indi)ated:
T*e mornin" atta)8s o t*e "o5ernment )alled o#t by .ay
o sel;deen)e an immediate resistan)e rom t*e Military
Re5ol#tionary !ommittee: T*e im2oten)e o t*e
a#t*orities, t*#s re5ealed, im2elled Smolny d#rin" t*e
same day to oensi5e a)tions H 2reser5in", to be s#re, a
*al;.ay, semi;dis"#ised and 2re2aratory )*ara)ter: T*e
main blo. as beore .as 2re2ared d#rin" t*e ni"*t: in t*at
sense t*e 2lan *eld "ood: It .as trans"ressed, *o.e5er, in
t*e 2ro)ess o #lilment H b#t no. in an o22osite
dire)tion: It *ad been 2ro2osed to o))#2y d#rin" t*e ni"*t
all t*e )ommandin" s#mmits, and irst o all t*e +inter
3ala)e .*ere t*e )entral *ad ta8en re#"e: '#t
time;)al)#lations are e5en more dii)#lt in ins#rre)tion
t*an in re"#lar .ar: T*e leaders .ere many *o#rs late .it*
t*e )on)entration o or)es, and t*e o2erations a"ainst t*e
2ala)e, not e5en be"#n d#rin" t*e ni"*t, ormed a s2e)ial
)*a2ter o t*e re5ol#tion endin" only on t*e ni"*t o t*e
2(t* H t*at is, a .*ole t.enty;o#r *o#rs late: T*e most
brilliant 5i)tories are not a)*ie5ed .it*o#t d#ds:
0ter 9erens8yJs s2ee)* at t*e 3re;3arliament t*e
a#t*orities tried to broaden t*eir oensi5e: T*e railroad
stations .ere o))#2ied by deta)*ments o D#n8ers: 3i)8ets
.ere 2osted at t*e bi" street;)rossin"s and ordered to
re=#isition t*e 2ri5ate a#tomobiles not t#rned o5er to
*ead=#arters: 'y t*ree oJ)lo)8 in t*e aternoon t*e
brid"es .ere raised, ex)e2t or t*e 45ortso5y .*i)*
remained o2en #nder *ea5y "#ard or t*e mo5ement o
t*e D#n8ers: T*is meas#re, ado2ted by t*e monar)*y at all
)riti)al moments and or t*e last time in t*e Bebr#ary
4ays, .as di)tated by ear o t*e .or8ersJ distri)ts: T*e
raisin" o t*e brid"es .as re)ei5ed by t*e 2o2#lation as an
oi)ial anno#n)ement o t*e be"innin" o t*e ins#rre)tion:
T*e *ead=#arters o t*e distri)ts )on)erned immediately
ans.ered t*is military a)t o t*e "o5ernment in t*eir o.n
.ay by sendin" armed deta)*ments to t*e brid"es:
Smolny *ad only to de5elo2 t*eir initiati5e: T*is str#""le
or t*e brid"es ass#med t*e )*ara)ter o a test or bot*
sides: 3arties o armed .or8ers and soldiers bro#"*t
2ress#re to bear on t*e D#n8ers and !ossa)8s, no.
2ers#adin" and no. t*reatenin": T*e "#ard inally yielded
.it*o#t *aKardin" a strai"*t;o#t i"*t: Some o t*e brid"es
.ere raised and lo.ered se5eral times:
T*e #urora re)ei5ed a dire)t order rom t*e Military
Re5ol#tionary !ommittee: @+it* all means at yo#r
)ommand restore mo5ement on t*e Ni8olae5s8y 'rid"e:A
T*e )ommander o t*e )r#iser at irst re#sed to )arry o#t
t*e order, b#t, ater a symboli) arrest o *imsel and all *is
oi)ers, obediently bro#"*t t*e s*i2 to t*e brid"e: !ordons
o sailors s2read o#t alon" bot* =#ays: 'y t*e time t*e
#urora *ad dro22ed an)*or beore t*e brid"e, relates
9or8o5, t*e tra)8s o t*e D#n8ers .ere already )old: T*e
sailors t*emsel5es lo.ered t*e brid"e and 2osted "#ards:
Only 45ortso5y 'rid"e remained se5eral *o#rs in t*e
*ands o t*e "o5ernment 2atrols:*standin" t*e maniest ail#re o its irst
ex2eriments, indi5id#al bran)*es o t*e "o5ernment tried
to deal #rt*er blo.s: 0 deta)*ment o militia a22eared in
t*e e5enin" at a bi" 2ri5ate 2rintin";2lant to s#22ress t*e
ne.s2a2er o t*e 3etro"rad So5iet, Worker and Soldier:
T.el5e *o#rs beore, t*e .or8ers o t*e 'ols*e5i8 2ress
*ad r#n or *el2 in a li8e )ase to Smolny: No. t*ere .as no
need o it: T*e 2rinters, to"et*er .it* t.o sailors .*o
*a22ened by, immediately )a2t#red t*e a#tomobile
loaded .it* 2a2ersC a n#mber o t*e militia Doined t*em on
t*e s2otC t*e ins2e)tor o militia led: T*e )a2t#red 2a2er
.as s#))ess#lly deli5ered at Smolny: T*e Military
Re5ol#tionary !ommittee sent t.o s=#ads o t*e
3reobraK*entsi to 2rote)t t*e 2#bli)ation: T*e ri"*tened
administration t*ere#2on t#rned o5er t*e mana"ement o
t*e 2rintin";2lant to t*e so5iet o .or8er;o5erseers:
T*e le"al a#t*orities did not e5en t*in8 o 2enetratin"
Smolny to ma8e arrests: it .as too ob5io#s t*at t*is .o#ld
be t*e si"nal or a )i5il .ar in .*i)* t*e deeat o t*e
"o5ernment .as ass#red in ad5an)e: T*ere .as made,
*o.e5er, as a 8ind o administrati5e )on5#lsion, an
attem2t to arrest Lenin in t*e Vybor" distri)t, .*ere,
"enerally s2ea8in", t*e a#t*orities .ere araid e5en to
loo8 in: Late in t*e e5enin" a )ertain )olonel .it* a doKen
D#n8ers a))identally entered a .or8ersJ )l#b instead o t*e
'ols*e5i8 editorial rooms lo)ated in t*e same *o#se: T*e
bra5e boys *ad or some reason ima"ined t*at Lenin
.o#ld be .aitin" or t*em in t*e editorial rooms: T*e )l#b
immediately inormed t*e distri)t *ead=#arters o t*e Red
-#ard: +*ile t*e )olonel .as .anderin" aro#nd rom one
storey to anot*er, arri5in" on)e e5en amon" t*e
Mens*e5i8s, a deta)*ment o Red -#ards, r#s*in" #2,
arrested *im alon" .it* *is D#n8ers, and bro#"*t t*em to
t*e *ead=#arters o t*e Vybor" distri)t, and t*en)e to t*e
3eter and 3a#l ortress: T*#s t*e lo#dly 2ro)laimed
)am2ai"n a"ainst t*e 'ols*e5i8s, meetin" ins#2erable
dii)#lties at e5ery ste2, t#rned into dis)onne)ted D#m2s
and small ane)dotes, e5a2orated, and )ame to not*in":
4#rin" t*is time t*e Military Re5ol#tionary !ommittee .as
.or8in" day and ni"*t: Its )ommissars .ere on )ontin#al
d#ty in t*e military #nits: T*e 2o2#lation .as notiied in
s2e)ial 2ro)lamations .*ere to t#rn in )ase o )o#nter;
re5ol#tionary attem2ts or 2o"roms: ?el2 .ill be "i5en on
t*e instant:A 0 s#""esti5e 5isit to t*e tele2*one ex)*an"e
rom t*e )ommissar o t*e 9e8s"olms8y re"iment 2ro5ed
s#i)ient to "et Smolny*ed ba)8 into t*e system:
Tele2*one )omm#ni)ations, t*e s.itest o all, "a5e
)oniden)e and re"#larity to t*e de5elo2in" o2erations:
!ontin#in" to 2lant its o.n )ommissars in t*ose
instit#tions .*i)* *ad not yet )ome #nder its )ontrol, t*e
Military Re5ol#tionary !ommittee 8e2t broadenin" and
reinor)in" its bases or t*e )omin" oensi5e: 4KerK*ins8y
t*at aternoon *anded t*e old re5ol#tionist 3est8o5s8y a
s*eet o 2a2er in t*e orm o )redentials a22ointin" *im to
t*e oi)e o )ommissar o t*e )entral tele"ra2* station:
'#t *o. s*all I "et 2ossession o t*e tele"ra2* station> H
as8ed t*e ne. )ommissar in some s#r2rise: T*e
9e8s"olms8y re"iment is s#22lyin" sentries t*ere and it is
on o#r sideL 3est8o5s8y needed no #rt*er ill#mination:
T.o 9e8s"olmsti, standin" by t*e )omm#tator .it* riles,
2ro5ed s#i)ient to attain a )om2romise .it* t*e *ostile
tele"ra2* oi)ials, amon" .*om .ere no 'ols*e5i8s:
0t nine oJ)lo)8 in t*e e5enin" anot*er )ommissar o t*e
Military Re5ol#tionary !ommittee, Star8, .it* a small
deta)*ment o sailors #nder t*e )ommand o t*e ormer
Gmi"rG Sa5in, also a seaman, o))#2ied t*e "o5ernment
ne.s a"en)y and t** de)ided not only t*e ate o
t*at instit#tion, b#t also to a )ertain de"ree *is o.n ate:
Star8 be)ame t*e irst So5iet dire)tor o t*e a"en)y,
beore bein" a22ointed So5iet ambassador to 0"*anistan:
+ere t*ese t.o modest o2erations a)ts o ins#rre)tion, or
.ere t*ey only e2isodes in t*e t.o; system H
transerred, to be s#re, rom t*e )om2romisist to t*e
'ols*e5i8 rails> T*e =#estion may 2er*a2s reasonably be
re"arded as )as#isti), b#t or t*e 2#r2ose o )amo#la"in"
an ins#rre)tion it *ad a )ertain im2ortan)e: T*e a)t is t*at
e5en t*e intr#sion o armed sailors into t*e b#ildin" o t*e
ne.s a"en)y *ad still a sort o *al;.ay )*ara)ter: it .as
not yet a =#estion o seiKin" t*e instit#tion, b#t only o
establis*in" a )ensors*i2 o5er des2at)*es: T*#s ri"*t #2
to t*e e5enin" o t*e 2&t*, t*e #mbili)al )ord o @le"alityA
.as not )on)l#si5ely se5ered: T*e mo5ement .as still
dis"#isin" itsel .it* t*e remnants o t*e t.o;
In .or8in" o#t t*e 2lans o t*e ins#rre)tion, Smolny rested
"reat *o2es on t*e 'alti) sailors as a i"*tin" deta)*ment
)ombinin" 2roletarian resol#tion .it* stri)t military
trainin": T*e arri5al o t*e sailors in 3etro"rad *ad been
dated in ad5an)e to )oin)ide .it* t*e !on"ress o So5iets:
To )all t*e 'alti) sailors in earlier .o#ld *a5e meant to
ta8e o2enly t*e road o ins#rre)tion: O#t o t*is arose a
dii)#lty .*i)* s#bse=#ently t#rned into a delay:
4#rin" t*e aternoon o t*e 2&t*, t.o dele"ates rom t*e
9ronstadt So5iet, t*e 'ols*e5i8 Blero5s8y and t*e
0nar)*ist Mar)*#8, .*o .as 8ee2in" ste2 .it* t*e
'ols*e5i8s, arri5ed in Smolny or t*e !on"ress: In one o
t*e rooms o Smolny t*ey ran into !*#dno5s8y, .*o *ad
D#st ret#rned rom t*e ront, and .*o, all#din" to t*e mood
o t*e soldiers, s2o8e a"ainst ins#rre)tion in t*e near
#t#re: @0t t*e *ei"*t o t*e ar"#ment,A relates Blero5s8y,
@Trots8y )ame into t*e room, !allin" me aside, *e ad5ised
me to ret#rn immediately to 9ronstadt: OE5ents are
mat#rin" so ast t*at e5eryone m#st be at *is 2ost :::J In
t*is )#rt order I elt 8eenly t*e dis)i2line o t*e ad5an)in"
ins#rre)tion:A T*e ar"#ment .as )#t s*ort: T*e
im2ressionable and *ot;*eaded !*#dno5s8y laid aside *is
do#bts in order to ta8e 2art in" #2 t*e 2lans o t*e
i"*t: On t*e *eels o Blero5s8y and Mar)*#8 .ent a
tele2*ono"ram: @T*e armed or)es o 9ronstadt are to
)ome o#t at da.n or t*e deen)e o t*e !on"ress o
T*ro#"* S5erdlo5 t*e Military Re5ol#tionary !ommittee
sent a tele"ram t*at ni"*t to ?elsin"ors, to Smil"a, t*e
2resident o t*e re"ional !ommittee o t*e So5iets: @Send
re"#lations:A T*at meant: Send immediately 1,<%% )*osen
'alti) sailors armed to t*e teet*: 0lt*o#"* t*e sailors
)o#ld rea)* 3etro"rad only d#rin" t*e next day, t*ere .as
no reason to 2ost2one military a)tionC t*e internal or)es
.ere ade=#ate: Mes, and a 2ost2onement .as im2ossible:
O2erations *ad already be"#n: I reinor)ements s*o#ld
)ome rom t*e ront to *el2 t*e "o5ernment, t*en t*e
sailors .o#ld arri5e in time to deal t*em a blo. in t*e
lan8 or rear:
T*e ta)ti)al 2lans or t*e )on=#est o t*e )a2ital .ere
.or8ed o#t )*iely by t*e sta o t*e Military Or"anisation
o t*e 'ols*e5i8s: Oi)ers o t*e "eneral sta .o#ld *a5e
o#nd many a#lts in t*em, b#t military a)ademi)ians do
not )#stomarily ta8e 2art in t*e 2re2aration o a
re5ol#tionary ins#rre)tion: T*e essentials at any rate .ere
ta8en )are o: T*e )ity .as di5ided into military di5isions,
ea)* s#bordinate to t*e nearest *ead=#arters: 0t t*e most
im2ortant 2oints )om2anies o t*e Red -#ard .ere
)on)entrated in )o;ordination .it* t*e nei"*bo#rin"
military #nits, .*ere )om2anies on d#ty .ere a.a8e and
ready: T*e "oal o ea)* se2arate o2eration, and t*e or)es
or it, .ere indi)ated in ad5an)e: 0ll t*ose ta8in" 2art in
t*e ins#rre)tion rom to2 to bottom H in t*is lay its,
in t*is also at times its 0)*illesJ *eel H .ere imb#ed .it*
absol#te )oniden)e t*at t*e 5i)tory .as "oin" to be .on
.it*o#t )as#alties:
T*e main o2eration be"an at t.o oJ)lo)8 in t*e mornin":
Small military 2arties, #s#ally .it* a n#)le#s o armed
.or8ers or sailors #nder t*e leaders*i2 o )ommissars,
o))#2ied sim#ltaneo#sly, or in re"#lar order, t*e railroad
stations, t*e li"*tin" 2lant, t*e m#nition and ood stores,
t*e .ater.or8s, 45ortso5y 'rid"e, t*e Tele2*one
Ex)*an"e, t*e State 'an8, t*e bi" 2rintin";2lants: T*e
Tele"ra2* Station and t*e 3ost Oi)e .ere )om2letely
ta8en o5er: Reliable "#ards .ere 2la)ed e5ery.*ere:
Mea"re and )olo#rless is t*e re)ord o t*e e2isodes o t*at
O)tober ni"*t: It is li8e a 2oli)e re2ort: 0ll t*e 2arti)i2ants
.ere s*a8in" .it* a ner5o#s e5er: T*ere .as no time to
obser5e and re)ord and no one to do it: T*e inormation" in at *ead=#arters .as not al.ays Dotted do.n,
and i so it .as done )arelessly: Notes "ot lost: S#bse=#ent
re)olle)tions .ere dry and not al.ays a))#rate, sin)e t*ey
)ame or t*e most 2art rom a))idental 2eo2le: T*ose
.or8ers, sailors, and soldiers .*o really ins2ired and lead
t*e o2eration too8 t*eir 2la)es soon ater at t*e *ead o
t*e irst deta)*ments o t*e Red 0rmy, and t*e maDority
laid do.n t*eir li5es in t*e 5ario#s t*eatres o t*e )i5il .ar:
In t*e attem2t to determine t*e se=#en)e o se2arate
e2isodes, t*e in5esti"ator r#ns into a 5ast )on#sion,
.*i)* is still more )om2li)ated by t*e a))o#nts in t*e
ne.s2a2ers: 0t times it seems as t*o#"* it .as easier to
)a2t#re 3etro"rad in t*e a#t#mn o 1917 t*an to re)o#nt
t*e 2ro)ess o#rteen years later:
To t*e irst )om2any o t*e sa22er battalion, t*e stron"est
and most re5ol#tionary, .as "i5en t*e tas8 o seiKin" t*e
nearby Ni8olae5s8y railroad station: In less t*an a =#arter
o an *o#r t*e station .as o))#2ied by stron" "#ards
.it*o#t a blo.: T*e "o5ernment s=#ad sim2ly e5a2orated
in t*e dar8ness: T*e 8eenly )old ni"*t .as #ll o
mysterio#s mo5ements and s#s2i)io#s so#nds:
S#22ressin" a s*ar2 alarm in t*eir *earts, t*e soldiers
.o#ld )ons)ientio#sly sto2 all 2assers;by, on oot or in
5e*i)les, meti)#lo#sly ins2e)tin" t*eir do)#ments: T*ey
did not al.ays 8no. .*at to do: T*ey *esitated H most
oten let t*em "o: '#t )oniden)e in)reased .it* e5ery
*o#r: 0bo#t six in t*e mornin" t*e sa22ers *eld #2 t.o
tr#)8loads o D#n8ers H abo#t sixty men H disarmed t*em,
and sent t*em to Smolny:
T*at same sa22er battalion .as dire)ted to send ity men
to "#ard t*e ood .are*o#ses, t.enty;one to "#ard t*e Station, et): Order ollo.ed order, no. rom
Smolny, no. rom t*e distri)t: Nobody oered a m#rm#r o
obDe)tion: 0))ordin" to t*e re2ort o t*e )ommissar, t*e
orders .ere )arried o#t @immediately and exa)tly:A T*e
mo5ement o t*e soldiers a)=#ired a 2re)ision lon"
#nseen: ?o.e5er ri)8ety and )r#mbly t*at "arrison .as H
"ood only or s)ra2;iron in a military sense H on t*at ni"*t
t*e old soldierly drill re;a.o8e, and or one last moment
tensed e5ery ner5e and m#s)le in t*e ser5i)e o t*e ne.
!ommissar 6ralo5 re)ei5ed t.o a#t*orisations: one, to
o))#2y t*e 2rintin";2lant o t*e rea)tionary 2a2er
Russkaia 'olia, o#nded by 3roto2o2o5 a little .*ile
beore *e be)ame t*e last Minister o t*e Interior o
Ni)*olas IIC t*e ot*er, to "et a troo2 o soldiers rom t*e
Semeno5 -#ard re"iment .*i)* t*e "o5ernment or old
timesJ sa8e .as still )onsiderin" its o.n: T*e Semeno5tsi
.ere needed or t*e o))#2ation o a 2rintin" 2lant: T*e
2rintin";2lant .as needed to iss#e t*e 'ols*e5i8 2a2er in
lar"e ormat and .it* a bi" )ir)#lation: T*e soldiers *ad
already lain do.n to slee2: T*e )ommissar briely told
t*em t*e obDe)t o *is 5isit: @I *adnJt sto22ed tal8in" .*en
a s*o#t o O?#rra*LJ .ent #2 on all sides: T*e soldiers .ere
D#m2in" o#t o t*eir b#n8s and )ro.din" aro#nd me in a
)lose )ir)le:A 0 tr#)8 loaded .it* Semeno5tsi a22roa)*ed
t*e 2rintin";2lant: T*e .or8ers o t*e ni"*t;s*it =#i)8ly
assembled in t*e rotary;2ress room: T*e )ommissar
ex2lained .*y *e *ad )ome: @0nd *ere, as in t*e barra)8s,
t*e .or8ers ans.ered .it* s*o#ts o O?#rra*L Lon" li5e t*e
So5ietsLJA T*e Dob .as done: In m#)* t*e same manner
t*e ot*er instit#tions .ere seiKed: It .as not ne)essary to
em2loy or)e, or t*ere .as no resistan)e: T*e
ins#rre)tionary masses lited t*eir elbo.s and 2#s*ed o#t
t*e lords o yesterday:
T*e )ommander o t*e distri)t re2orted t*at ni"*t to
"eneral *ead=#arters and t*e *ead=#arters o t*e
Nort*ern ront o5er t*e military .ire: @T*e sit#ation in
3etro"rad is ri"*t#l: T*ere are no street demonstrations
or disorders, b#t a re"#lated seiK#re o instit#tions,
railroad stations, also arrests, is in 2ro"ress ::: T*e D#n8ersJ
2atrols are s#rrenderin" .it*o#t resistan)e ::: +e *a5e no
"#arantee t*at t*ere .ill not be an attem2t to seiKe t*e
3ro5isional -o5ernment:A 3ol8o5ni8o5 .as ri"*t: t*ey *ad
no "#arantee o t*at:
In military )ir)les t*e r#mo#r .as "oin" ro#nd t*at a"ents
o t*e Military Re5ol#tionary !ommittee *ad stolen rom
t*e des8 o t*e 3etro"rad )ommandant t*e 2ass.ord or
t*e sentries o t*e "arrison: T*at .as not at all
im2robable: T*e ins#rre)tion *ad many riends amon" t*e 2ersonnel o all instit#tions: Ne5ert*eless t*is tale
abo#t stealin" t*e 2ass.ord is a22arently a le"end .*i)*
arose in t*e *ostile )am2 to ex2lain t*e too *#miliatin"
ease .it* .*i)* t*e 'ols*e5i8 2atrols "ot 2ossession o
t*e )ity:
0n order .as sent o#t t*ro#"* t*e "arrison rom Smolny
d#rin" t*e ni"*t: Oi)ers not re)o"nisin" t*e a#t*ority o
t*e Military Re5ol#tionary !ommittee to be arrested: T*e
)ommanders o many re"iments led o t*eir o.n a))ord,
and 2assed some ner5o#s days in *idin": In ot*er #nits t*e
oi)ers .ere remo5ed or arrested: E5ery.*ere s2e)ial
re5ol#tionary )ommittees or stas .ere ormed and
#n)tioned *and in *and .it* t*e )ommissars: T*at t*is
im2ro5ised )ommand did not stand 5ery *i"* in a military
sense, "oes .it*o#t sayin": Ne5ert*eless it .as reliable,
and t*e =#estion *ere .as de)ided 2rimarily in t*e
2oliti)al )o#rt:
It is ne)essary to add, *o.e5er, t*at .it* all t*eir la)8 o
ex2erien)e t*e stas o )ertain #nits de5elo2ed a
)onsiderable military initiati5e: T*e )ommittee o t*e
3a5lo5s8y re"iment sent s)o#ts into t*e 3etro"rad distri)t
*ead=#arters to ind o#t .*at .as "oin" on t*ere: T*e
)*emi)al reser5e battalion 8e2t )are#l .at)* o its
restless nei"*bo#rs, t*e D#n8ers o t*e 3aylo5s8y and
Vladimirs8y s)*ools, and t*e st#dents o t*e )adet )or2s:
T*e )*emi)al men rom time to time disarmed D#n8ers in
t*e street and t*#s 8e2t t*em )o.ed: -ettin" into
)onne)tion .it* t*e soldier 2ersonnel o t*e 3a5lo5s8y
s)*ool, t*e sta o t*e )*emi)al battalion sa. to it t*at t*e
8eys o t*e .ea2ons .ere in t*e *ands o t*e soldiers:
It is dii)#lt to determine t*e n#mber o or)es dire)tly
en"a"ed in t*is no)t#rnal seiK#re o t*e )a2ital H and t*is
not only be)a#se nobody )o#nted t*em or noted t*em
do.n, b#t also be)a#se o t*e )*ara)ter o t*e o2erations:
Reser5es o t*e se)ond and t*ird order almost mer"ed
.it* t*e "arrison as a .*ole: '#t it .as only o))asionally
ne)essary to *a5e re)o#rse to t*e reser5es: 0 e.
t*o#sand Red -#ards, t.o or t*ree t*o#sand sailors H
tomorro. .it* t*e arri5als rom 9ronstadt and ?elsin"ors
t*ere .ill be abo#t treble t*e n#mber H a s)ore o inantry
)om2anies: s#)* .ere t*e or)es o t*e irst and se)ond
order .it* .*ose aid t*e ins#rre)tionists o))#2ied t*e
"o5ernmental *i"* 2oints o t*e )a2ital:
0t 3:2% in t*e mornin" t*e )*ie o t*e 2oliti)al
administration o t*e +ar Ministry, t*e Mens*e5i8 S*er,
sent t*e" inormation by dire)t .ire to t*e
!a#)as#s: @0 meetin" o t*e !entral Exe)#ti5e !ommittee
to"et*er .it* t*e dele"ates to t*e !on"ress o So5iets is in
2ro"ress .it* an o5er.*elmin" maDority o 'ols*e5i8s:
Trots8y *as re)ei5ed an o5ation: ?e *as anno#n)ed t*at *e
*o2es or a bloodless 5i)tory o t*e ins#rre)tion, sin)e t*e is in t*eir *ands: T*e 'ols*e5i8s *a5e be"#n a)ti5e
o2erations: T*ey *a5e seiKed t*e Ni8olae5s8y 'rid"e and
2osted armo#red )ars t*ere: T*e 3a5lo5s8y re"iment *as
2osted 2i)8ets on Milliony Street near t*e +inter 3ala)e, is
sto22in" e5erybody, arrestin" t*em, and sendin" t*em to
Smolny Instit#te: T*ey *a5e arrested Minister 9artas*ey
and t*e "eneral administrator o t*e 3ro5isional
-o5ernment, ?al2erin: T*e 'alti) railroad station is also in
t*e *ands o t*e 'ols*e5i8s: I t*e ront does not
inter5ene, t*e "o5ernment .ill be #nable to resist .it* t*e
or)es on *and:A
T*e Doint session o t*e Exe)#ti5e !ommittees abo#t .*i)*
Lie#tenant S*erJs )omm#ni)ation s2ea8s, o2ened in
Smolny ater midni"*t in #n#s#al )ir)#mstan)es:
4ele"ates to t*e !on"ress o So5iets brimmed t*e *all in
t*e )a2a)ity o in5ited "#ests: Reinor)ed "#ards o))#2ied
t*e entran)es and )orridors: Tren)*)oats, riles, ma)*ine;
"#ns illed t*e .indo.s: T*e members o t*e Exe)#ti5e
!ommittees .ere dro.ned in t*is many;*eaded and
*ostile mass o 2ro5in)ials: T*e *i"* or"an o t*e
@demo)ra)yA loo8ed already li8e a )a2ti5e o t*e
ins#rre)tion: T*e amiliar i"#re o t*e 2resident, !*eidKe,
.as absent: T*e in5ariable s2o8esman, Tseretelli, .as
absent: 'ot* o t*em, ri"*tened by t*e t#rn o e5ents,
*ad s#rrendered t*eir res2onsible 2osts, and abandonin"
3etro"rad, let or t*eir -eor"ian *omeland: 4an remained
as leader o t*e !om2romise blo): ?e la)8ed t*e sly "ood
*#mo#r o !*eidKe, and li8e.ise t*e mo5in" elo=#en)e o
Tseretelli: '#t *e ex)elled t*em bot* in obstinate s*ort;
si"*tedness: 0lone in t*e 2residentJs )*air t*e So)ial
Re5ol#tionary, -otK, o2ened t*e session: 4an too8 t*e
loor amid an #tter silen)e .*i)* seemed to S#8*ano5
lan"#id H to ,o*n Reed @almost t*reatenin":A T*e
s2o8esmanJs *obby .as a ne. resol#tion o t*e 3re;
3arliament, .*i)* *ad tried to o22ose t*e ins#rre)tion .it*
t*e dyin" e)*o o its o.n slo"ans: @It .ill be too late i yo#
do not ta8e a))o#nt o t*is de)ision,A )ried 4an, tryin" to
ri"*ten t*e 'ols*e5i8s .it* t*e ine5itable *#n"er and t*e
de"eneration o t*e masses: @Ne5er beore *as t*e
)o#nter;re5ol#tion been so stron" as at t*e "i5en
moment,A *e said H t*at is, on t*e ni"*t beore O)tober 2<,
1917: T*e ri"*tened 2etty;bo#r"eois )onronted by "reat
e5ents sees not*in" b#t dan"ers and obsta)les: ?is sole
re)o#rse is t*e 2at*os o alarm: @In t*e a)tories and
barra)8s t*e 'la)8 ?#ndred 2ress is enDoyin" a ar more
)onsiderable s#))ess t*an t*e so)ialist 2ress:A L#nati)s
are leadin" t*e re5ol#tion to r#in D#st as in 19%< @.*en
t*is same Trots8y stood at t*e *ead o t*e 3etro"rad
So5iet:A '#t no, *e )ried, t*e !entral Exe)#ti5e !ommittee
.ill not 2ermit an ins#rre)tion: @Only o5er its dead body
.ill t*e *ostile )am2s )ross t*eir bayonets:A S*o#ts rom
t*e ben)*es: @Mes, itJs been dead a lon" timeLA T*e entire
*all elt t*e a22ro2riateness o t*at ex)lamation: O5er t*e
)or2se o !om2romise t*e bayonets o t*e bo#r"eoisie and
t*e 2roletariat *ad already )rossed: T*e 5oi)e o t*e orator
is dro.ned in a *ostile #2roar, *is 2o#ndin" on t*e table is
#tile, *is a22eals do not mo5e, *is t*reats do not ri"*ten:
Too lateL Too lateL
Mes, it is an ins#rre)tionL Re2lyin" in t*e name o t*e
Military Re5ol#tionary !ommittee, t*e 'ols*e5i8 2arty, t*e
3etro"rad .or8ers and soldiers, Trots8y no. t*ro.s o t*e
last =#alii)ation: Mes, t*e masses are .it* #s, and .e are
leadin" t*em to t*e assa#ltL @I yo# do not .ea8en t*ere
.ill be no )i5il .ar, or t*e enemy is already )a2it#latin",
and yo# )an ass#me t*e 2la)e o master o t*e R#ssian
land .*i)* o ri"*t belon"s to yo#:A T*e asto#nded
members o t*e !entral Exe)#ti5e !ommittee o#nd no
stren"t* e5en to 2rotest: 62 to no. t*e deensi5e
2*raseolo"y o Smolny *ad 8e2t #2 in t*em, in s2ite o all
t*e a)ts, a "limmerin" s2ar8 o *o2e: No. t*at too .as
extin"#is*ed: In t*ose *o#rs o dee2 ni"*t t*e ins#rre)tion
lited its *ead *i"*:
T*at session so ri)* in e2isodes )losed at o#r oJ)lo)8 in
t*e mornin": T*e 'ols*e5i8 s2ea8ers .o#ld a22ear in t*e
trib#ne only to ret#rn immediately to t*e Military
Re5ol#tionary !ommittee, .*ere rom all )orners o t*e
)ity ne.s #niormly a5o#rable .as 2o#rin" in: T*e 2atrols
in t*e streets .ere doin" t*eir .or8, t*e "o5ernment
instit#tions .ere bein" o))#2ied one ater t*e ot*erC t*e
enemy .as oerin" no resistan)e any.*ere:
It *ad been ass#med t*at t*e )entral Tele2*one Ex)*an"e
.o#ld be s2e)ially .ell ortiied, b#t at se5en in t*e
mornin" it .as ta8en .it*o#t a i"*t by a )om2any rom
t*e 9e8s"olms8y re"iment: T*e ins#rre)tionists )o#ld no.
not only rest easy abo#t t*eir o.n )omm#ni)ations, b#t
)ontrol t*e tele2*one )onne)tions o t*e enemy: T*e
a22arat#s o t*e +inter 3ala)e and o )entral
*ead=#arters .as 2rom2tly )#t o#t:
0lmost sim#ltaneo#sly .it* t*e seiK#re o t*e Tele2*one
Ex)*an"e a deta)*ment o sailors rom t*e Marine -#ard,
abo#t orty stron", seiKed t*e b#ildin" o t*e State 'an8 on
t*e E8aterinins8y !anal: T*e ban8 )ler8 RalKe5i)* re)alls
t*at t*e sailors @.or8ed .it* ex2edition,A immediately
2la)in" sentries at ea)* tele2*one to )#t o 2ossible *el2
rom o#tside: T*e o))#2ation o t*e b#ildin" .as
a))om2lis*ed*o#t any resistan)e, in s2ite o t*e
2resen)e o a s=#ad rom t*e Semeno5s8y re"iment:A T*e
seiK#re o t*e ban8 *ad to some extent a symboli)
im2ortan)e: T*e )adres o t*e 2arty *ad been bro#"*t #2
on t*e Marxian )riti)ism o t*e 3aris !omm#ne o 1$71,
.*ose leaders, as is .ell 8no.n, did not 5ent#re to lay
*ands on t*e State 'an8: @No .e .ill not ma8e t*at
mista8e,A many 'ols*e5i8s *ad been sayin" to t*emsel5es
lon" beore O)tober 2<: Ne.s o t*e seiK#re o t*e most
sa)red instit#tion o t*e bo#r"eois state s.itly s2read
t*ro#"* t*e distri)ts, raisin" a .arm .a5e o Doy:
In t*e early mornin" *o#rs t*e +arsa. railroad station .as
o))#2ied, also t*e 2rintin";2lant o t*e Stock (%chan)e
Ne"s and 45ortso5y 'rid"e #nder 9erens8yJs 5ery
.indo.s: 0 )ommissar o t*e !ommittee 2resented t*e
soldier 2atrol rom t*e Volins8y re"iment in 9resty 3rison
.it* a resol#tion demandin" t*e liberation o a n#mber o
2risoners a))ordin" to t*e lists o t*e So5iet: T*e 2rison
administration tried in 5ain to "et instr#)tions rom t*e
Minister o ,#sti)e: *e .as too b#sy: T*e liberated
'ols*e5i8s, amon" t*em t*e yo#n" 9ronstadt leader,
Ros*al, immediately re)ei5ed military a22ointments:
In t*e mornin", a 2arty o D#n8ers .*o *ad let t*e +inter
3ala)e in a tr#)8 in sear)* o 2ro5isions, and been *eld #2
by t*e sa22ers at Ni8olae5s8y station, .ere bro#"*t to
Smolny: 3od5ois8y relates t*e": @Trots8y told t*em
t*at t*ey .ere ree on )ondition t*at t*ey "i5e a 2romise
not to ta8e #rt*er a)tion a"ainst t*e So5iet, and
t*at t*ey mi"*t "o ba)8 to t*eir s)*ool and "et to .or8:
T*e yo#n"sters, .*o *ad ex2e)ted a bloody end, .ere
#ns2ea8ably s#r2rised at t*is:A To .*at extent t*eir
immediate liberation .as .ise, remains in do#bt: T*e
5i)tory .as not yet inally a)*ie5ed: T*e D#n8ers .ere t*e
)*ie or)e o t*e enemy: On t*e ot*er *and, .it* t*e
.a5erin" moods in t*e military s)*ools, it .as im2ortant
to 2ro5e by exam2le t*at a s#rrender to t*e mer)y o t*e
5i)tor .o#ld not t*reaten t*e D#n8ers .it* 2#nis*ment:
T*e ar"#ments in bot* dire)tions seemed abo#t e=#al:
Brom t*e +ar Ministry, not yet o))#2ied by t*e
ins#rre)tionists, -eneral Le5its8y sent .ord by dire)t .ire
to -eneral 4#8*onin at *ead=#arters: @T*e troo2s o t*e
3etro"rad "arrison ::: *a5e "one o5er to t*e 'ols*e5i8s:
T*e sailors and a li"*t;armed )r#iser *a5e )ome rom
9ronstadt: T*ey *a5e lo.ered t*e raised brid"es: T*e
.*ole to.n is )o5ered .it* sentry "#ards rom t*e
"arrison: '#t t*ere *as been no )omin";o#t: /L1 T*e
Tele2*one Ex)*an"e is in t*e *ands o t*e "arrison: T*e
troo2s in t*e +inter 3ala)e are deendin" it only in a
ormal sense, sin)e t*ey *a5e de)ided not to )ome o#t
a)ti5ely: T*e "eneral im2ression is t*at t*e 3ro5isional
-o5ernment inds itsel in t*e )a2ital o a *ostile state
.*i)* *as inis*ed mobilisation b#t not yet be"#n a)ti5e
o2erations:A In5al#able military and 2oliti)al testimonyL To
be s#re, t*e "eneral anti)i2ates e5ents .*en *e says t*e
sailors *a5e arri5ed rom 9ronstadt: t*ey .ill arri5e a e.
*o#rs later: T*e brid"e .as really let do.n by t*e )re. o
t*e #urora: T*e *o2e ex2ressed in )on)l#sion t*at t*e
'ols*e5i8s, @*a5in" lon" been a)t#ally in a 2osition to "et
rid o #s ::: .ill not dare )ome into )onli)t .it* t*e o2inion
o t*e army at t*e ront,A is rat*er naU5e: ?o.e5er, t*ese
ill#sions abo#t t*e ront .ere abo#t all t*at t*e rear
"enerals *ad let, or t*e rear demo)rats eit*er: 0t any rate
t*at ima"e o t*e 3ro5isional -o5ernment indin" itsel in
t*e )a2ital o a *ostile state .ill "o into t*e *istory o t*e
re5ol#tion ore5er as t*e best 2ossible ex2lanation o t*e
O)tober e5ent:
Meetin"s .ere )ontin#o#s in Smolny: 0"itators, or"anisers,
leaders o a)tories, re"iments, distri)ts, .o#ld a22ear or
an *o#r or t.o, sometimes or a e. min#tes, to "et ne.s,
to )*e)8 #2 on t*eir o.n a)ti5ities and ret#rn to t*eir
2osts: 'eore room 1$, t*e =#arters o t*e 'ols*e5i8
a)tion o t*e So5iet, t*ere .as an indes)ribable Dam: Tired
to deat*, t*ose arri5in" .o#ld oten all aslee2 ri"*t in t*e
assembly ball, leanin" t*eir #nbearably *ea5y *eads
a"ainst a .*ite )ol#mn, or a"ainst t*e .alls in t*e
)orridors, .it* bot* arms aro#nd t*eir riles H or
sometimes t*ey .o#ld sim2ly stret)* o#t in 2iles on t*e
dirty .et loor: Las*e5i)* .as re)ei5in" t*e military
)ommissars and "i5in" t*em t*eir last instr#)tions: In t*e
=#arters o t*e Military Re5ol#tionary !ommittee on t*e
t*ird loor, re2orts )omin" in rom all sides .o#ld be
)on5erted into orders: ?ere beat t*e *eart o t*e
T*e distri)t )entres re2rod#)ed t*e 2i)t#re o Smolny on a
smaller s)ale: In t*e Vybor" distri)t O22osite t*e
*ead=#arters o t*e Red -#ard on Samsone5s8y 3ros2e)t
a .*ole )am2 .as )reated: t*e street .as Dammed #ll o
.a"ons, 2assen"er;)ars and tr#)8s: T*e instit#tions o t*e
distri)t .ere s.armin" .it* armed .or8ers: T*e so5iet, t*e
d#ma, t*e trade #nions, t*e a)tory and s*o2 )ommittees
H e5eryt*in" in t*is distri)t H .ere ser5in" t*e )a#se o t*e
ins#rre)tion: In t*e a)tories and barra)8s and 5ario#s
instit#tions t*e same t*in" .as *a22enin" in a smaller
.ay as t*ro#"*o#t t*e .*ole )a2ital: t*ey .ere )ro.din"
o#t some and ele)tin" ot*ers, brea8in" t*e last t*reads o
t*e old ties, stren"t*enin" t*e ne.: T*e ba)8.ard ones
.ere ado2tin" resol#tions o s#bmission to t*e Military
Re5ol#tionary !ommittee: T*e Mens*e5i8s and So)ial;
Re5ol#tionaries timidly s*ran8 aside alon" .it* t*e a)tory
administrations and t*e )ommandin" sta o t*e troo2s: 0t
)ontin#o#s meetin"s res* inormation .as "i5en o#t,
i"*tin" )oniden)e 8e2t #2 and ties reinor)ed: T*e *#man
masses .ere )rystallisin" alon" ne. axesC a re5ol#tion
.as a)*ie5in" itsel:
Ste2 by ste2 .e *a5e tried to ollo. in t*is boo8 t*e
de5elo2ment o t*e O)tober ins#rre)tion: t*e s*ar2enin"
dis)ontent o t*e .or8er masses, t*e )omin" o5er o t*e
so5iets to t*e 'ols*e5i8 banners, t*e indi"nation o t*e
army, t*e )am2ai"n o t*e 2easants a"ainst t*e landlords,
t*e lood;tide o t*e national mo5ement, t*e "" ear
and distra)tion o t*e 2ossessin" and r#lin" )lasses, and
inally t*e str#""le or t*e ins#rre)tion .it*in t*e 'ols*e5i8
2arty: T*e inal a)t o t*e re5ol#tion seems, ater all t*is,
too brie, too dry, too b#siness;li8e H some*o. o#t o
)orres2onden)e .it* t*e *istori) s)o2e o t*e e5ents: T*e
reader ex2erien)es a 8ind o disa22ointment: ?e is li8e a
mo#ntain )limber, .*o, t*in8in" t*e main dii)#lties are
still a*ead, s#ddenly dis)o5ers t*at *e is already on t*e
s#mmit or almost t*ere: +*ere is t*e ins#rre)tion> T*ere
is no 2i)t#re o t*e ins#rre)tion: T*e e5ents do not orm
t*emsel5es into a 2i)t#re: 0 series o small o2erations,
)al)#lated and 2re2ared in ad5an)e, remain se2arated one
rom anot*er bot* in s2a)e and time: 0 #nity o t*o#"*t
and aim #nites t*em, b#t t*ey do not #se in t*e str#""le
itsel: T*ere is no a)tion o "reat masses: T*ere are no
dramati) en)o#nters .it* t*e troo2s: T*ere is not*in" o
all t*at .*i)* ima"inations bro#"*t #2 #2on t*e a)ts o
*istory asso)iate .it* t*e idea o ins#rre)tion:
T*e "eneral )*ara)ter o t*e re5ol#tion in t*e )a2ital
s#bse=#ently mo5ed Masary8, amon" many ot*ers, to
.rite: @T*e O)tober re5ol#tion ::: .as anyt*in" b#t a
2o2#lar mass mo5ement: T*at re5ol#tion .as t*e a)t o
leaders .or8in" rom abo5e and be*ind t*e s)enes:A 0s a
matter o a)t it .as t*e most 2o2#lar mass;ins#rre)tion in
all *istory: T*e .or8ers *ad no need to )ome o#t into t*e
2#bli) s=#are in order to #se to"et*er: t*ey .ere already
2oliti)ally and morally one sin"le .*ole .it*o#t t*at: T*e
soldiers .ere e5en orbidden to lea5e t*eir barra)8s
.it*o#t 2ermission: #2on t*at 2oint t*e order o t*e
Military Re5ol#tionary !ommittee ell in .it* t*e order o
3ol8o5ni8o5: '#t t*ose in5isible masses .ere mar)*in"
more t*an e5er beore in ste2 .it* t*e e5ents: T*e
a)tories and barra)8s ne5er lost )onne)tion or a min#te
.it* t*e distri)t *ead=#arters, nor t*e distri)ts .it*
Smolny: T*e Red -#ard deta)*ments elt at t*eir ba)8 t*e
s#22ort o t*e a)tories: T*e soldier s=#ad ret#rnin" to t*e
barra)8s o#nd t*e ne. s*its ready: Only .it* *ea5y
reser5es be*ind t*em )o#ld re5ol#tionary deta)*ments "o
abo#t t*eir .or8 .it* s#)* )oniden)e:
T*e s)attered "o5ernment 2atrols, in )ontrast, bein"
)on5in)ed in ad5an)e o t*eir o.n isolation, reno#n)ed t*e
5ery idea o resistan)e: T*e bo#r"eois )lasses *ad
ex2e)ted barri)ades, lamin" )onla"rations, lootin", ri5ers
o blood: In reality a silen)e rei"ned more terrible t*an all
t*e t*#nders o t*e .orld: T*e so)ial "ro#nd s*ited
noiselessly li8e a re5ol5in" sta"e, brin"in" or.ard t*e
2o2#lar masses, )arryin" a.ay to limbo t*e r#lers o
0s early as ten oJ)lo)8 on t*e mornin" o t*e 2<t*, Smolny
)onsidered it 2ossible to broad)ast t*ro#"* t*e )a2ital and
t*ro#"*o#t t*e .*ole )o#ntry a tri#m2*ant
anno#n)ement: @T*e 3ro5isional -o5ernment is
o5ert*ro.n: T*e state *as 2assed into t*e *ands o
t*e Military Re5ol#tionary !ommittee:A In a )ertain sense
t*is de)laration .as 5ery 2remat#re: T*e "o5ernment still
existed, at least .it*in t*e territory o t*e +inter 3ala)e:
?ead=#arters existedC t*e 2ro5in)es *ad not ex2ressed
t*emsel5esC t*e !on"ress o So5iets *ad not yet o2ened:
'#t t*e leaders o an ins#rre)tion are not *istoriansC in
order to 2re2are e5ents or t*e *istorians t*ey *a5e to
anti)i2ate t*em: In t*e )a2ital t*e Military Re5ol#tionary
!ommittee .as already )om2lete master o t*e sit#ation:
T*ere )o#ld be no do#bt o t*e san)tion o t*e !on"ress:
T*e 2ro5in)es .ere a.aitin" 3etro"radJs initiati5e: In order
to "et )om2lete 2ossession o t*e it .as ne)essary
to a)t as a In a 2ro)lamation to t*e military
or"anisations o t*e ront and rear, t*e !ommittee #r"ed
t*e soldiers to .at)* 5i"ilantly o5er t*e )ond#)t o t*e
)ommandin" sta, to arrest oi)ers not ad*erin" to t*e
re5ol#tion, and not to sto2 at t*e #se o or)e in )ase o
attem2ts to t*ro. *ostile di5isions a"ainst 3etro"rad:
T*e )*ie )ommissar o *ead=#arters, Stan8e5i)*, *a5in"
arri5ed t*e ni"*t beore rom t*e ront and not .is*in" to
remain .*olly ina)ti5e, 2la)ed *imsel at t*e *ead o a
*al;)om2any o military en"ineerin" st#dents in t*e
mornin", and #ndertoo8 to )lean t*e 'ols*e5i8s o#t o t*e
Tele2*one Ex)*an"e: It .as in t*is .ay t*at t*e D#n8ers
irst o#nd o#t .*o *ad 2ossession o t*e tele2*one
)onne)tions: @T*ere is a model o ener"y or yo#,A
ex)laimed oi)er Sine"#b, "rindin" *is teet*: @'#t .*ere
did t*ey "et s#)* leaders*i2>A T*e sailors o))#2yin" t*e
tele2*one b#ildin" )o#ld easily *a5e s*ot do.n t*e
D#n8ers t*ro#"* t*e .indo.s: '#t t*e ins#rre)tionists .ere
stri5in" .it* all t*eir mi"*t to a5oid bloods*ed, and
Stan8e5i)* *ad "i5en stri)t orders not to o2en ire lest t*e
D#n8ers be a))#sed o s*ootin" at t*e 2eo2le: T*e
)ommandin" oi)er t*o#"*t to *imsel: @On)e order is
restored, .*o .ill dare to 2ee2>A and )on)l#ded *is
meditations .it* an ex)lamation: @4amned )lo.nsLA T*is
is a "ood orm#la or t*e attit#de o t*e oi)ers to t*e
"o5ernment: On *is o.n initiati5e Sine"#b sent to t*e
+inter 3ala)e or *and "renades and sti)8s o 2yroxyle: In
t*e inter5al a monar)*ist lie#tenant "ot into an ar"#ment
at t*e "ates o t*e Ex)*an"e .it* a 'ols*e5i8 ensi"n: Li8e
t*e *eroes o ?omer t*ey ex)*an"ed mi"*ty e2it*ets
beore t*e battle: Bindin" t*emsel5es bet.een t.o ires H
or t*e time only .ordy ones H t*e tele2*one "irls "a5e
ree rei"n to t*eir ner5es: T*e sailors let t*em "o *ome:
@+*atJs t*is> +omen> ::: T*ey led .it* *ysteri)al s)reams
t*ro#"* t*e "ates: @T*e deserted Mors8aia,A relates
Sine"#b, s#ddenly enli5ened .it* r#nnin" and
D#m2in" s8irts and *ats:A T*e sailors mana"ed some*o.
to *andle t*e .or8 o t*e*board: 0n armo#red )ar
rom t*e Reds soon entered t*e )o#rt o t*e Ex)*an"e,
doin" no dama"e to t*e ri"*tened D#n8ers: T*ey on t*eir
side seiKed t.o tr#)8s and barri)aded t*e "ates o t*e
Ex)*an"e rom t*e o#tside: 0 se)ond armo#red )ar
a22eared rom t*e dire)tion o t*e Ne5s8y, and t*en a
t*ird: It all )ame do.n to manoe#5res and attem2ts to
ri"*ten ea)* ot*er: T*e str#""le or t*e Ex)*an"e .as
de)ided .it*o#t 2yroxyle: Stan8e5i)* raised t*e sie"e
ater ne"otiatin" a ree 2assa"e or *is D#n8ers:
+ea2ons in "eneral are still ser5in" merely as an external
si"n o t*ey are not bein" bro#"*t into a)tion: On
t*e road to t*e +inter 3ala)e a *al;)om2any o D#n8ers
r#ns into a )re. o sailors .it* riles )o)8ed: T*e enemies
only meas#re ea)* ot*er .it* t*eir eyes: Neit*er side
.ants to i"*t: t*e one t*ro#"* )ons)io#sness o stren"t*,
t*e ot*er o .ea8ness: '#t .*ere )*an)e oers, t*e
ins#rre)tionists H es2e)ially t*e .or8ers H 2rom2tly disarm
t*e enemy: 0 se)ond *al;)om2any o t*ose same
en"ineerin" D#n8ers .as s#rro#nded by Red -#ards and
soldiers, disarmed by t*em .it* t*e *el2 o armo#red )ars,
and ta8en 2risoner: E5en *ere, *o.e5er, t*ere .as no
)onli)tC t*e D#n8ers did not 2#t #2 a i"*t: @T*#s ended,A
says t*e initiator o it, @t*e sole attem2t, so ar as I 8no.,
at a)ti5e resistan)e to t*e 'ols*e5i8s:A Stan8e5i)* *as in
mind, o )o#rse, o2erations o#tside t*e +inter 3ala)e
'y noon t*e streets aro#nd t*e Mariins8y 3ala)e .ere
o))#2ied by troo2s o t*e Military Re5ol#tionary
!ommittee: Members o t*e 3re;3arliament .ere D#st
assemblin" or a meetin": T*e 2rTsidi#m made an
attem2t to "et t*e latest ne.sC t*eir *earts san8 .*en
t*ey learned t*at t*e tele2*ones o t*e 2ala)e *ad been
)#t o#t: T*e !o#n)il o Elders .ent into session to de)ide
.*at to do: T*e de2#ties m#rm#red mean.*ile in t*e
)orners: 058sentie5 oered )onsolation: 9erens8y *as
"one to t*e ront, and .ill be ba)8 soon and ix e5eryt*in":
0n armo#red )ar dre. #2 at t*e entran)e: Soldiers o t*e
Lito5s8y and 9e8s"olms8y re"iments and sailors o t*e
Marine -#ard entered t*e b#ildin", ormed in line on t*e
stair)ase, and o))#2ied t*e irst *all: T*e )ommander o
t*e deta)*ment s#""ested to t*e de2#ties t*at t*ey lea5e
t*e 2ala)e at on)e: @T*e im2ression )reated .as
a22allin",A testiies Nabo8o5: T*e members o t*e 3re;
3arliament de)ided to dis2erse, @tem2orarily s#s2endin"
t*eir a)ti5ities:A Borty;ei"*t ri"*t .in" members 5oted
a"ainst s#bmittin" to 5iolen)e, =#ite e5idently"
t*ey .o#ld be in a minority: T*e de2#ties 2ea)e#lly
des)ended t*e ma"nii)ent stair.ay bet.een t.o ro.s o
riles: 0n eye;.itness testiies: @In all t*is t*ere .as no
attem2t at dramati)s:A @Ordinary, meanin"less, obt#se,
mali)io#s 2*ysio"nomies,A .rites t*e liberal 2atriot,
Nabo8o5, o t*ese R#ssian soldiers and sailors: 4o.n
belo. at t*e entran)e t*e soldiers ins2e)ted t*eir 2a2ers
and let t*em all t*ro#"*: @0 sortin" o members and some
arrests *a5e been ex2e)ted,A .rites Mili#8o5 *imsel let
o#t .it* t*e ot*ers: @'#t t*e re5ol#tionary *ead=#arters
*ad ot*er t*in"s to .orry abo#t:A It .as not only t*at: T*e
re5ol#tionary sta *ad little ex2erien)e: T*e instr#)tions
read: 0rrest members o t*e "o5ernment i o#nd: '#t
none .ere o#nd: T*e members o t*e 3re;3arliament .ere
reely released, amon" t*em some .*o soon be)ame
or"anisers o t*e )i5il .ar:
T*is 2arliamentary *ybrid, .*i)* ended its existen)e
t.el5e *o#rs in ad5an)e o t*e 3ro5isional -o5ernment,
*ad li5ed in t*e .orld or ei"*teen days: T*at .as t*e
inter5al bet.een t*e .it* o t*e 'ols*e5i8s rom t*e
Mariins8y 3ala)e to t*e streets and t*e entry o t*e armed
street or)es into t*e Mariins8y 3ala)e ::: O all t*e
2arodies o 2o2#lar re2resentation in .*i)* *istory is so
ri)*, t*is !o#n)il o t*e R#ssian Re2#bli) .as 2er*a2s t*e
most abs#rd:
0ter lea5in" t*e #nl#)8y b#ildin", t*e O)tobrist S*idlo5s8y
.ent strollin" t*ro#"* t*e to.n to see t*e i"*ts H or
t*ese "entlemen belie5ed t*at t*e 2eo2le .ere "oin" to
rise in t*eir deen)e: '#t no i"*tin" .as to be seen:
Instead, a))ordin" to S*idlo5s8y, t*e 2#bli) in t*e streets H
t*e sele)t )ro.d, t*at is, alon" t*e Ne5s8y 3ros2e)t H .ere
to t*e last man la#"*in": @?a5e yo# *eard abo#t it> T*e
'ols*e5i8s *a5e seiKed t*e +ell, t*at .onJt last
more t*an t*ree days: ?a, *a, *aLA S*idlo5s8y de)ided to
remain in t*e )a2ital @d#rin" t*e 2eriod .*i)* so)ial
r#mo#r desi"nated or t*e r#le o t*e 'ols*e5i8s:A
T*e Ne5s8y 2#bli) *ad be"#n to la#"*, it may be
remar8ed, only to.ards e5enin": In t*e mornin" s#)* a
mood o alarm *ad 2re5ailed t*at *ardly anybody in t*e
bo#r"eois distri)ts dared "o into t*e streets at all: 0t abo#t
nine oJ)lo)8 a Do#rnalist, 9niK*ni8, ran o#t on
9amenoWstro5s8y 3ros2e)t in sear)* o ne.s2a2ers, b#t
)o#ld ind no stands: In a little "ro#2 o )itiKens *e learned
t*at t*e 'ols*e5i8s *ad o))#2ied t*e tele2*one, t*e
tele"ra2*, and t*e 'an8 d#rin" t*e ni"*t: 0 soldier 2atrol
listened to t*em and as8ed t*em not to ma8e so m#)*
noise: @'#t e5en .it*o#t t*at e5erybody .as #n#s#ally
s#bd#ed:A 0rmed deta)*ments o .or8ers .ere "oin" by:
T*e tram)ars mo5ed as #s#al H t*at is, @T*e
s)ar)ity o 2assers;by o22ressed me,A .rites 9niK*ni8
abo#t t*e Ne5s8y: Bood )o#ld be *ad in t*e resta#rants,
b#t or t*e most 2art in ba)8 rooms: 0t noon t*e )annon
rom t*e .alls o 3eter and 3a#l, no. saely o))#2ied by
t*e 'ols*e5i8s, t*#ndered o#t neit*er lo#der nor more
"ently t*an #s#al: T*e .alls and en)es .ere 2asted o5er
.it* 2ro)lamations .arnin" a"ainst ins#rre)tion, b#t ot*er
2ro)lamations .ere already ma8in" t*eir .ay, anno#n)in"
t*e 5i)tory o t*e ins#rre)tion: T*ere .as no time yet to
2aste t*em #2C t*ey .ere tossed o#t rom a#tomobiles:
,#st o t*e 2ress, t*ese *andbills smelled o res* in8s as
t*o#"* o t*e e5ents t*emsel5es:
!om2anies o t*e Red -#ard *ad emer"ed rom t*eir
distri)ts: T*e .or8er .it* a rile, t*e bayonet abo5e *at or
)a2, t*e rile;belt o5er a )i5ilian )oat H t*at is t*e essential
ima"e o t*e 2<t* o O)tober: !a#tio#sly and still
diidently, t*e armed .or8er .as brin"in" order into t*e
)a2ital )on=#ered by *im, T*e tran=#illity o t*e street
instilled tran=#illity in t*e *eart: T*e 2*ilistines be"an to
dribble do.n rom t*eir *o#ses: To.ards e5enin" t*ey elt
e5en less anxio#s t*an d#rin" t*e 2re)edin" days:
'#siness, to be s#re, *ad )ome to an end in t*e
"o5ernmental and so)ial instit#tions, b#t many stores
remained o2en: Ot*ers .ere )losed rat*er t*ro#"*
ex)essi5e )a#tion t*an ne)essity: !an t*is be ins#rre)tion>
Is an ins#rre)tion li8e t*is> T*e Bebr#ary sentries *a5e
merely been re2la)ed by t*ose o O)tober:
'y e5enin" t*e Ne5s8y .as e5en #ller t*an #s#al o t*at
2#bli) .*i)* .as "i5in" t*e 'ols*e5i8s t*ree days o lie:
T*e soldiers o t*e 3a5lo5s8y re"iment, alt*o#"* t*eir
2atrols .ere reinor)ed by armo#red )ars and e5en anti;
air)rat "#ns, *ad already )eased to ins2ire ear: To be
s#re, somet*in" serio#s .as "oin" on aro#nd t*e +inter
3ala)e and t*ey .o#ld not let yo# t*ro#"* t*ere, b#t still
an ins#rre)tion )o#ld not 5ery .ell all be )on)entrated on
+inter 3ala)e s=#are: 0n 0meri)an Do#rnalist sa. old men
in ri)* #r )oats s*a8e t*eir "lo5ed ists at t*e 3a5lo5tsi,
and *andsomely dressed .omen s)ream ab#se in t*eir
a)es: @T*e soldiers ar"#ed eebly .it* embarrassed
"rins:A T*ey .ere ob5io#sly at a loss on t*at ele"ant
Ne5s8y, not yet )on5erted into t*e @3ros2e)t o t*e
T.enty;Bit* o O)tober:A
!la#de 0net, t*e oi)ial Bren)* Do#rnalist in 3etro"rad, .as
sin)erely s#r2rised t*at t*ese abs#rd R#ssians s*o#ld
ma8e a re5ol#tion not at all as *e *ad read abo#t it in t*e
old boo8s: @T*e )ity is =#iet:A ?e )alls #2 *is riends on t*e
tele2*one, re)ei5es 5isitors, and at noon lea5es t*e *o#se:
T*e soldiers .*o blo)8 *is road on Moi8a Street mar)* in
2ere)t order @as #nder t*e old rG"ime:A T*ere are
inn#merable 2atrols on Milliony Street: T*ere is no
s*ootin" any.*ere: T*e immense s=#are o t*e +inter
3ala)e at t*is noon *o#r is still almost em2ty: T*ere are
2atrols on Mors8aia and Ne5s8y: T*e soldiers )arry
t*emsel5es in military style, and are dressed
irre2roa)*ably: 0t irst "lan)e it seems )ertain t*at t*ese
are "o5ernment troo2s: On Mariins8y S=#are, .*en)e 0net
intends to ma8e *is .ay into t*e 3re;3arliament, *e is
sto22ed by soldiers and sailors: @Mi"*ty 2olite, I ass#re
yo#:A T.o streets leadin" #2 to t*e 2ala)e are barri)aded
.it* a#tomobiles and .a"ons H *ere, too, an armo#red
)ar: T*ese are all #nder Smolny: T*e Military Re5ol#tionary
!ommittee *as sent o#t 2atrols t*ro#"* t*e to.n, 2osted
sentries, dissol5ed t*e 3re;3arliament, ta8en )ommand o
t*e )a2ital, and establis*ed t*erein a state o order
@#nseen sin)e t*e re5ol#tion be"an:A In t*e e5enin" t*e
Danitress inorms *er Bren)* lod"er t*at tele2*one
n#mbers *a5e been sent o5er rom So5iet *ead=#arters,
by .*i)* at any moment *e )an s#mmon military *el2 in
)ase o atta)8, s#s2i)io#s sear)*;2arties, et): @0s a a)t
t*ey ne5er "#arded #s better:A
0t 2:3< in t*e aternoon H t*e orei"n Do#rnalists loo8ed at
t*eir .at)*es, t*e R#ssians .ere too b#sy H an emer"en)y
session o t*e 3etro"rad So5iet .as o2ened .it* a re2ort
by Trots8y, .*o in t*e name o t*e Military Re5ol#tionary
!ommittee anno#n)ed t*at t*e 3ro5isional -o5ernment no
lon"er existed: @T*ey told #s t*at an ins#rre)tion .o#ld
dro.n t*e re5ol#tion in torrents o blood ::: +e do not
8no. o a sin"le )as#alty,A T*ere is no exam2le in *istory
o a re5ol#tionary mo5ement in5ol5in" s#)* "i"anti)
masses bein" so bloodless: @T*e +inter 3ala)e is not yet
ta8en, b#t its ate .ill be settled in t*e )o#rse o t*e next
e. min#tes:A T*e" t.el5e *o#rs .ere to s*o.
t*at t*is 2redi)tion .as too o2timisti):
Trots8y said: @Troo2s *a5e been mo5ed a"ainst 3etro"rad
rom t*e rontC it is ne)essary at on)e to send )ommissars
o t*e so5iets to t*e ront, and t*ro#"*o#t t*e )o#ntry, to
ma8e 8no.n t*at t*e re5ol#tion *as o))#rred:A Voi)es rom
t*e small ri"*t se)tor: @Mo# are anti)i2atin" t*e .ill o t*e
!on"ress o So5iets:A T*e s2ea8er ans.ered: @T*e .ill o
t*e !on"ress *as been anti)i2ated by t*e )olossal a)t o
an ins#rre)tion o t*e 3etro"rad .or8ers and soldiers: It
no. remains only to de5elo2 o#r 5i)tory:A
Lenin, .*o a22eared *ere 2#bli)ly or t*e irst time ater
emer"in" rom #nder"ro#nd, briely o#tlined t*e
2ro"ramme o t*e re5ol#tion: To brea8 #2 t*e old
"o5ernmental a22arat#sC to )reate a ne. system o
administration t*ro#"* t*e so5ietsC to ta8e meas#res or
t*e immediate )essation o .ar, relyin" #2on re5ol#tionary
mo5ements in ot*er )o#ntriesC to abolis* t*e landlordsJ
2ro2erty ri"*ts and t*#s .in t*e )oniden)e o t*e
2easantsC to establis* .or8ersJ )ontrol o5er 2rod#)tion:
@T*e t*ird R#ssian re5ol#tion,A *e said, @m#st in t*e end
lead to t*e 5i)tory o so)ialism:A
Chapter 4.: The Capt#re of the
Winter Palace
9erens8y .as in a "reat state o ex)itement .*en *e met
Stan8e5i)* arri5in" .it* *is re2ort rom t*e ront: ?e *ad
D#st ret#rned rom a m#tiny o t*e !o#n)il o t*e Re2#bli)
.*ere t*e ins#rre)tion o t*e 'ols*e5i8s *ad been
)on)l#si5ely ex2osed H Ins#rre)tionL 4onJt yo# 8no. t*at
.e *a5e an armed ins#rre)tion> H Stan8e5i)* la#"*ed:
+*y t*e streets are 2ere)tly =#ietC s#rely t*at isnJt t*e
.ay a real ins#rre)tion o#"*t to loo8> '#t any.ay .e m#st
2#t an end to t*ese e5erlastin" dist#rban)es H To t*is
9erens8y *eartily a"reed, *e .as only .aitin" or t*e
resol#tion o t*e 3re;3arliament:
0t nine in t*e e5enin" t*e "o5ernment assembled in t*e
Mala)*ite !*amber o t*e +inter 3ala)e to .or8 o#t
met*ods or a @resol#te and inal li=#idationA o t*e
'ols*e5i8s: Stan8e5i)*, ret#rnin" rom t*e Mariins8y
3ala)e .*ere *e *ad been sent to *#rry t*in"s #2,
re2orted .it* indi"nation t*e 2assin" o t*e resol#tion o
semi;non;)oniden)e: E5en t*e str#""le a"ainst
ins#rre)tion t*e resol#tion o t*e 3re;3arliament 2ro2osed
to entr#st not to t*e "o5ernment, b#t to a s2e)ial
)ommittee o 2#bli) saety: 9erens8y *otly anno#n)ed t*at
#nder t*ose )ir)#mstan)es @*e .o#ld not remain a min#te
lon"er at t*e *ead o t*e "o5ernment:A T*e !om2romise
leaders .ere immediately s#mmoned to t*e 2ala)e by
tele2*one: T*e 2ossibility o 9erens8yJs resi"nation
s#r2rised t*em no less t*an t*eir resol#tion *ad s#r2rised
9erens8y: 058sentie5 2resented t*eir ex)#ses: t*ey *ad,
yo# 8no., re"arded t*e resol#tion @as 2#rely t*eoreti)al
and a))idental, and *ad not belie5ed it .o#ld lead to
2ra)ti)al ste2s:A Moreo5er t*ey no. t*emsel5es sa. t*at
t*e resol#tion .as @2er*a2s not =#ite *a22ily .orded:A
T*ose 2eo2le ne5er missed an o22ort#nity to s*o. .*at
t*ey .ere .ort*:
T*is no)t#rnal )on5ersation o t*e demo)rati) leaders .it*
t*e *ead o t*e State seems absol#tely #nbelie5able on
t*e ba)8"ro#nd o t*e de5elo2in" ins#rre)tion: 4an, one o
t*e )*ie "ra5edi""ers o t*e Bebr#ary rG"ime, demanded
t*at t*e "o5ernment immediately, by ni"*t, 2laster t*e
to.n .it* 2osters anno#n)in" t*at it *ad 2ro2osed
immediate 2ea)e ne"otiations to t*e 0llies: 9erens8y
re2orted t*at t*e "o5ernment *ad no need o s#)*
)o#nsels: It is =#ite 2ossible to belie5e t*at t*e
"o5ernment .o#ld *a5e 2reerred a s*ar2 di5isionC b#t
4an )o#ld not oer t*at: 9erens8y, o )o#rse, .as
attem2tin" to t*ro. t*e res2onsibility or t*e ins#rre)tion
#2on *is interlo)#tors: 4an ans.ered t*at t*e "o5ernment
.as exa""eratin" e5ents #nder t*e inl#en)e o its
@rea)tionary sta:A 0t any rate t*ere .as no need o
resi"nin": t*e disa"reeable resol#tion *ad been ne)essary
in order to brea8 t*e mood o t*e masses: T*e 'ols*e5i8s
.ill be )om2elled @not later t*an tomorro.A to dissol5e
t*eir *ead=#arters, i t*e "o5ernment ollo.s 4anJs
s#""estion: @0t t*at 5ery moment,A adds 9erens8y in
des)ribin" t*is )on5ersation .it* le"itimate irony, @t*e
Red -#ard .as o))#2yin" t*e "o5ernment b#ildin"s one
ater anot*er:A
T*is so .ei"*ty )oneren)e .it* *is Let riends *ad *ardly
ended .*en 9erens8yJs riends rom t*e Ri"*t a22eared in
t*e orm o a dele"ation rom t*e !o#n)il o t*e !ossa)8
Troo2s: T*e oi)ers 2retended t*at t*e )ond#)t o t*e
t*ree !ossa)8 re"iments in 3etro"rad de2ended #2on t*eir
.ills, and 2resented 9erens8y .it* )onditions diametri)ally
o22osite to t*ose o 4an: No )on)essions to t*e So5ietC
t*is time t*e settlement .it* t*e 'ols*e5i8s m#st be
)arried t*ro#"* to t*e end, and not *andled as in ,#ly
.*en t*e !ossa)8s s#ered in 5ain: 9erens8y, *imsel
desirin" not*in" better, 2romised e5eryt*in" t*ey as8ed
and a2olo"ised to *is interlo)#tors or t*e a)t t*at #2 to
no." to )onsiderations o 2r#den)e *e *ad not
arrested Trots8y, t*e 2resident o t*e So5iet o 4e2#ties:
T*e dele"ates de2arted, ass#rin" *im t*at t*e !ossa)8s
.o#ld do t*eir d#ty: 0n order .as iss#ed rom
*ead=#arters to t*e !ossa)8 re"iment: @In t*e name o
reedom, *ono#r and t*e "lory o t*e *omeland )ome to
t*e *el2 o t*e !entral Exe)#ti5e !ommittee, t*e
3ro5isional -o5ernment, and sa5e R#ssia rom r#inA T*at
bi"oted "o5ernment .*i)* *ad so Dealo#sly deended its
inde2enden)e o t*e !entral Exe)#ti5e !ommittee .as
)om2elled to *ide *#mbly be*ind its ba)8 at a moment o
dan"er: 'esee)*in" )ommands .ere also sent to t*e
military s)*ools in 3etro"rad and t*e en5irons: T*e
railroads .ere instr#)ted: @to des2at)* e)*elons o troo2s
)omin" to.ard 3etro"rad rom t*e ront a*ead o all ot*er
trains, )#ttin" o 2assen"er trai) i ne)essary:A
+*en t*e "o5ernment dis2ersed at t.o oJ)lo)8 in t*e
mornin", *a5in" done all it )o#ld, t*ere remained .it*
9erens8y in t*e 2ala)e only *is 5i)e;minister, t*e liberal
Mos)o. mer)*ant, 9ono5alo5: T*e )ommander o t*e
distri)t, 3ol8o5ni8o5, )ame to t*em .it* a 2ro2osal to
or"anise .it* t*e *el2 o t*e loyal soldiers an immediate
ex2edition or t*e seiK#re o Smolny: 9erens8y a))e2ted
t*is admirable 2lan .it*o#t *esitation, b#t rom t*e .ords
o t*e )ommander it .as absol#tely im2ossible to ma8e
o#t #2on D#st .*at or)es *e .as )o#ntin": Only no. did
9erens8y realise, a))ordin" to *is o.n )onession, t*at t*e
re2orts o 3ol8o5ni8o5 d#rin" t*e last ten or t.el5e days
abo#t *is )om2lete 2re2aredness or t*e str#""le .it* t*e
'ols*e5i8s .ere @based on absol#tely not*in":A 0s t*o#"*
9erens8y *ad no ot*er so#r)es or an a22raisal o t*e
2oliti)al and military sit#ation b#t t*e se)retarial re2orts o
a medio)re )olonel .*om *e *ad 2la)ed H nobody 8no.s
.*y H at t*e *ead o t*e distri)t: 4#rin" t*e a""rie5ed
meditations o t*e *ead o t*e "o5ernment t*e )ommissar
o t*e )ity "o5ernment, Ro"o5s8y, bro#"*t a series o
)omm#ni)ations: 0 n#mber o s*i2s rom t*e 'alti) Bleet
*a5e entered t*e Ne5a in i"*tin" array: some o t*em
*a5e )ome as ar as t*e Ni8olae5s8y 'rid"e and o))#2ied
itC deta)*ments o t*e ins#rre)tionaries are ad5an)in" on
45ortso5y 'rid"e: Ro"o5s8y )alled 9erens8yJs s2e)ial
attention to t*e )ir)#mstan)es t*at @t*e 'ols*e5i8s are
)arryin" o#t t*eir .*ole 2lan in )om2lete order, meetin"
no.*ere t*e sli"*test resistan)e on t*e 2art o t*e
"o5ernment troo2s:A ,#st .*at troo2s .ere meant by t*e
.ord @"o5ernmentA .as not =#ite )lear in any )ase rom
t*e manJs re2ort:
9erens8y and 9ono5alo5 r#s*ed rom t*e 2ala)e to
*ead=#arters: @+e m#st not lose anot*er min#te,A t*ey
)ried: T*e im2ressi5e red b#ildin" .as brim#l o oi)ers:
T*ey *ad )ome *ere not on t*e b#siness o t*eir troo2s,
b#t to *ide rom t*em: !i5ilians #n8no.n to anybody .ere
also 2o8in" t*eir noses in amon" t*is military )ro.d: 0
ne. re2ort rom 3ol8o5ni8o5 inally )on5in)ed 9erens8y
t*at it .as im2ossible to rely #2on t*e )ommander or *is
oi)ers: T*e *ead o t*e "o5ernment de)ided to "at*er
aro#nd *is o.n 2erson @all t*ose loyal to t*eir d#ty:A
Rememberin" t*at *e .as t*e member o a 2arty H as
ot*ers remember only on t*eir deat* beds abo#t t*e
)*#r)* H 9erens8y )alled #2 t*e So)ial Re5ol#tionaries on
t*e tele2*one and demanded t*at t*ey send i"*tin"
)om2anies immediately: 'eore t*is #nex2e)ted a22eal to
t*e armed or)es o t*e 2arty )o#ld "i5e any res#lts,
*o.e5er H s#22osin" it )o#ld do so at all H it .o#ld
ine5itably, as Mili#8o5 says, @re2el rom 9erens8y all t*e
Ri"*t +in" elements, .*o e5en .it*o#t t*at .ere
#nriendly eno#"*:A 9erens8yJs isolation, 2lainly eno#"*
ex2osed already in t*e 9ornilo5 ins#rre)tion, ass#med *ere
a more atal as2e)t: @T*e lon" *o#rs o t*at ni"*t dra""ed
tort#rin"ly,A says 9erens8y, re2eatin" *is a#tobio"ra2*i)
Reinor)ements arri5ed rom no.*ere: T*e !ossa)8s *eld
sittin"s: Re2resentati5es o t*is re"iment said t*at,
"enerally s2ea8in", t*ey mi"*t )ome o#t H .*y not> H b#t
or t*is it .as ne)essary to *a5e ma)*ine;"#ns, armo#red
)ars, and, abo5e all, inantry: 9erens8y, .it*o#t a t*o#"*t,
2romised t*em armo#red )ars .*i)* .ere "ettin" ready to
abandon *im, and inantry o .*i)* *e *ad none: In *e .as told t*at t*e re"iments .o#ld soon de)ide
all =#estions and @be"in to saddle t*eir *orses:A T*e
i"*tin" or)es o t*e So)ial Re5ol#tionaries "a5e no si"ns
o lie: 4id t*ey indeed still exist> +*ere in a)t .as t*e
bo#ndary bet.een t*e real and t*e s2e)tral> T*e oi)ers
assembled in *ead=#arters ado2ted a @more and more
)*allen"in"A attit#de to.ard t*e )ommander;in;)*ie and
*ead o t*e "o5ernment: 9erens8y e5en asserts t*at t*ere
.as tal8 amon" t*e oi)ers o arrestin" *im: T*e
*ead=#arters b#ildin" .as, as beore, #n"#arded: Oi)ial
ne"otiations .ere )arried on beore o#tsiders in t*e
inter5als bet.een ex)ited 2ri5ate )on5ersations: T*e mood
o *o2elessness and disinte"ration soa8ed t*ro#"* rom
*ead=#arters into t*e +inter 3ala)e: T*e D#n8ers be"an to
"et ner5o#s: T*e armo#red )ar )re.s be)ame ex)ited:
T*ere is no s#22ort belo., t*ere is no *ead abo5e: In s#)*
)ir)#mstan)es )an anyt*in" b#t destr#)tion ollo.>
0t i5e oJ)lo)8 in t*e mornin" 9erens8y s#mmoned to
*ead=#arters t*e "eneral dire)tor o t*e +ar Ministry,
Mani8o5s8y: 0t t*e Troits8y 'rid"e -eneral Mani8o5s8y .as
sto22ed by 2atrols and ta8en to t*e barra)8s o t*e
3a5lo5s8y re"iment, b#t t*ere ater brie ex2lanation *e
.as set ree: T*e "eneral )on5in)ed t*em, .e may
ass#me, t*at *is arrest mi"*t #2set t*e .*ole
administrati5e me)*anism and entail dama"e to t*e
soldiers at t*e ront: 0t abo#t t*e same time t*e
a#tomobile o Stan8e5i)* .as sto22ed near t*e +inter
3ala)e, b#t t*e re"imental )ommittee released *im also:
@T*ese .ere ins#rre)tionaries,A relates Stan8e5i)*, @b#t
t*ey be*a5ed 5ery irresol#tely: I tele"ra2*ed abo#t it rom
my *o#se to t*e +inter 3ala)e, b#t re)ei5ed tran=#illisin"
ass#ran)es t*at t*is *ad been a mista8e:A T*e real
mista8e .as t*e release o Stan8e5i)*: In a e. *o#rs *e
.ill try, as .e 8no., to "et t*e tele2*one station a.ay
rom t*e 'ols*e5i8s:
9erens8y demanded rom *ead=#arters in Mo"*ilie5 and
rom t*e sta o t*e Nort*ern ront at 3s8o5 t*e immediate
des2at)* o loyal re"iments: 4#8*onin ass#red *im o5er
t*e dire)t .ire t*at all meas#res *ad been ta8en or t*e
des2at)* o troo2s to 3etro"rad, and t*at )ertain #nits
o#"*t already to be arri5in": '#t t*e #nits .ere not
arri5in": T*e !ossa)8s .ere still @saddlin" t*eir *orses:A
T*e sit#ation in t*e )ity .as "ettin" .orse rom *o#r to
*o#r: +*en 9erens8y and 9ono5alo5 ret#rned to t*e 2ala)e
to rest a little, a )o#rier *anded t*em an #r"ent
)omm#ni)ation 0ll t*e 2ala)e tele2*ones .ere )#t oC
45ortso5y brid"e #nder 9erens8yJs 5ery .indo.s, .as
o))#2ied by 2i)8ets o sailors: T*e s=#are in ront o t*e
+inter 3ala)e remained deserted as beore: @O t*e
!ossa)8s neit*er *ide nor *air .as to be seen:A 9erens8y
a"ain r#s*ed o5er to *ead=#arters, b#t *ere, too, *e "ot
#n)omortin" ne.s: T*e D#n8ers *ad re)ei5ed rom t*e
'ols*e5i8s a demand t*at t*ey abandon t*e 2ala)e, and
.ere "reatly ex)ited: T*e armo#red )ars *ad bro8en order
ino22ort#nely ex2osin" t*e @lossA o )ertain im2ortant
#nits: T*ere .as still no ne.s o t*e e)*elons rom t*e
ront: T*e )lose a22roa)*es to t*e 2ala)e and
*ead=#arters .ere absol#tely #n"#arded: I t*e 'ols*e5i8s
*ad not yet 2enetrated t*is ar it .as only t*ro#"* la)8 o
inormation: T*e b#ildin", brimmed .it* oi)ers sin)e
e5enin", *ad been ra2idly 5a)ated: E5eryone .as sa5in"
*imsel in *is o.n .ay: 0 dele"ation rom t*e D#n8ers
a22eared: T*ey .ere ready to do t*eir d#ty in t*e #t#re
@only i t*ere is *o2e o t*e arri5al o some sort o
reinor)ement:A '#t reinor)ements .ere D#st exa)tly .*at
.ere la)8in":
9erens8y *astily s#mmoned *is ministers to *ead=#arters:
T*e maDority o t*em *ad no a#tomobiles: T*ese im2ortant
instr#ments o lo)omotion, .*i)* im2art a ne. tem2o to
modern ins#rre)tion, *ad eit*er been seiKed by t*e
'ols*e5i8s or )#t o rom t*e ministers by )ordons o
ins#rre)tionaries: Only 9is*8in arri5ed, and some time
later Malianto5i)*: +*at s*o#ld t*e *ead o t*e
"o5ernment do> -o o#t at on)e to meet t*e e)*elons and
brin" t*em or.ard no matter .*at t*e obsta)les mi"*t
be: Nobody )o#ld t*in8 o anyt*in" else:
9erens8y ordered o#t *is @ma"nii)ent o2en to#rin";)ar:A
'#t *ere a ne. a)tor entered into t*e )*ain o e5ents,
demonstratin" t*e indestr#)tible solidarity #nitin" t*e
"o5ernments o t*e Entente in .eal and .oe: @In .*at
manner I do not 8no., b#t t*e ne.s o my de2art#re *ad
rea)*ed t*e 0llied embassies:A T*e re2resentati5es o
-reat 'ritain and t*e 6nited States *ad immediately
ex2ressed t*e desire t*at .it* t*e *ead o t*e "o5ernment
in ma8in" *is "et;a.ay rom t*e )a2ital, @t*ere s*o#ld "o
an a#tomobile )arryin" t*e 0meri)an la":A 9erens8y
*imsel t*o#"*t t*e 2ro2osal ex)essi5e, and .as e5en
embarrassed, b#t a))e2ted it as an ex2ression o t*e
solidarity o t*e 0llies:
T*e 0meri)an ambassador, 4a5id Bran)is, "i5es a dierent
a))o#nt H not so m#)* li8e a !*ristmas story: 0))ordin" to
*im an a#tomobile )ontainin" a R#ssian oi)er ollo.ed
t*e 0meri)an a#tomobile to t*e embassy, and t*e oi)er
demanded t*at t*ey t#rn o5er t*e embassy a#tomobile to
9erens8y or a Do#rney to t*e ront: Ta8in" )o#nsel
to"et*er, t*e oi)ials o t*e embassy arri5ed at t*e
)on)l#sion t*at sin)e t*e a#tomobile *ad already been
2ra)ti)ally @seiKedA H .*i)* .as not at all tr#e H t*ere .as
not*in" let b#t to bo. to t*e or)e o )ir)#mstan)e: T*e
R#ssian oi)er H in s2ite, t*ey say, o 2rotests rom t*e
di2lomati) "entlemen H re#sed to remo5e t*e 0meri)an
la": 0nd no .onder: it .as only t*at )olo#r#l bit .*i)*
made t*e a#tomobile in5iolable: Bran)is a22ro5ed t*e
a)tion o t*e embassy oi)ials, b#t told t*em @to say
not*in" abo#t it to anybody:A
'y D#xta2osin" t*ese t.o testimonies, .*i)* interse)t .it*
t*e line o tr#t* at dierent an"les, a s#i)iently )lear
2i)t#re )an be made to emer"e: It .as not t*e 0llies, o
)o#rse, .*o im2osed t*e a#tomobile #2on 9erens8y, b#t
*e *imsel .*o re=#ested it: b#t sin)e di2lomats are
obli"ed to 2ay a )ertain *oma"e to t*e *y2o)risy o non;
intereren)e in domesti) aairs it .as a"reed t*at t*e
a#tomobile *ad been @seiKed,A and t*at t*e embassy *ad
@2rotestedA a"ainst t*e mis#se o t*e la": 0ter t*is
deli)ate matter *ad been arran"ed, 9erens8y too8 a seat
in *is o.n a#tomobileC t*e 0meri)an )ar ollo.ed as a
reser5e: @It is needless to say,A says 9erens8y #rt*er,
@t*at t*e .*ole street H bot* t*e 2assers;by and t*e
soldiers H immediately re)o"nised me: I sal#ted as al.ays,
a little )arelessly and .it* an easy smile:A In)om2arable
2i)t#reL !arelessly and smilin" H t*#s t*e Bebr#ary rG"ime
2assed into t*e 9in"dom o S*ades: 0t t*e "ates o t*e
)ity e5ery.*ere stood 2i)8ets and 2atrols o armed
.or8ers: 0t si"*t o t*e madly lyin" a#tomobile t*e Red
-#ards r#s*ed into t*e *i"*.ay, b#t did not 5ent#re to
s*oot: In "eneral, s*ootin"s .ere still bein" a5oided:
Maybe, too, t*e little 0meri)an la" *eld t*em ba)8: T*e
a#tomobile s#))ess#lly r#s*ed on:
0nd does t*is mean t*at t*ere are no troo2s in 3etro"rad
2re2ared to deend t*e 3ro5isional -o5ernment> as8ed t*e
astonis*ed Malianto5i)*, .*o *ad #2 to t*at moment
d.elt in t*e 8in"dom o t*e eternal tr#t*s o la.: I 8no.
not*in", 9ono5alo5 ans.ered, s*r#""in" *is s*o#lders: ItJs
2retty bad, *e added: 0nd .*at are t*ese troo2s t*at are
on t*eir .ay> insisted Malianto5i)*: 0 bi)y)le battalion, it
seems: T*e minister si"*ed: T*ere .ere 2%%,%%% soldiers
in 3etro"rad and in t*e en5irons: T*in"s .ere "oin" badly
.it* t*e rG"ime, i t*e *ead o t*e "o5ernment *ad to ly
o .it* an 0meri)an la" at *is ba)8 to meet a bi)y)le
T*e ministers .o#ld *a5e si"*ed dee2er i t*ey *ad 8no.n
t*at t*is t*ird bi)y)le battalion sent rom t*e ront *ad
sto22ed at 3eredols8aia and tele"ra2*ed t*e 3etro"rad
So5iet to 8no. or D#st .*at 2#r2ose it .as bein" sent: T*e
Military Re5ol#tionary !ommittee tele"ra2*ed t*e
battalion a brot*erly "reetin" and as8ed t*em to send
t*eir re2resentati5es immediately: T*e a#t*orities so#"*t
and did not ind t*e bi)y)le men, .*ose dele"ates arri5ed
t*at same day in Smolny:
It *ad been 2ro2osed in t*e 2reliminary )al)#lations to
o))#2y t*e +inter 3ala)e on t*e ni"*t o t*e 2<t*, at t*e
same time .it* t*e ot*er )ommandin" *i"* 2oints o t*e
)a2ital: 0 s2e)ial trio *ad been ormed already as early as
t*e 23rd to ta8e t*e lead in seiKin" t*e 2ala)e, 3od5ois8y
and 0ntono5 bein" t*e )entral i"#res: T*e en"ineer
Sado5s8y, a man in military ser5i)e, .as in)l#ded as a
t*ird, b#t soon ell a.ay, bein" 2reo))#2ied .it* t*e
aairs o t*e "arrison: ?e .as re2la)ed by !*#dno5s8y,
.*o *ad )ome .it* Trots8y in May rom t*e )on)entration
)am2 in !anada, and *ad s2ent t*ree mont*s at t*e ront
as a soldier: Las*e5i)* also too8 an im2ortant 2art in t*e
o2erations H an old 'ols*e5i8 .*o *ad done eno#"*
ser5i)e in t*e army to be)ome a non;)ommissioned oi)er:
T*ree years later Sado5s8y remembered *o. 3od5ois8y
and !*#dno5s8y =#arrelled #rio#sly in *is little room in
Smolny o5er t*e ma2 o 3etro"rad and t*e best orm o
a)tion a"ainst t*e 2ala)e: It .as inally de)ided to
s#rro#nd t*e re"ion o t*e 2ala)e .it* an #ninterr#2ted
o5al, t*e lon"er axis o .*i)* s*o#ld be t*e =#ay o t*e
Ne5a: On t*e ri5erside t*e )ir)le s*o#ld be )losed #2 by
t*e 3eter and 3a#l ortress, t*e #urora, and ot*er s*i2s
s#mmoned rom 9ronstadt and t*e na5y: In order to
2re5ent or 2aralyse t*e attem2ts to stri8e at t*e rear .it*
!ossa)8s and D#n8er deta)*ments, it .as de)ided to
establis* im2osin" lan8 deen)es )om2osed o
re5ol#tionary deta)*ments:
T*e 2lan as a .*ole .as too *ea5y and )om2li)ated or
t*e 2roblem it aimed to sol5e: T*e time allotted or
2re2aration 2ro5ed inade=#ate: Small in)o;ordinations and
omissions )ame to li"*t at e5ery ste2, as mi"*t be
ex2e)ted: In one 2la)e t*e dire)tion .as in)orre)tly
indi)ated, in anot*er t*e leader )ame late, *a5in" misread
t*e instr#)tions: in a t*ird t*ey *ad to .ait or a res)#in"
armo#red )ar: To )all o#t t*e military #nits, #nite t*em
.it* t*e Red -#ards, o))#2y t*e i"*tin" 2ositions, ma8e
s#re o )omm#ni)ations amon" t*em all and .it*
*ead=#arters H all t*is demanded a "ood many *o#rs more
t*an *ad been ima"ined by t*e leaders =#arrellin" o5er
t*eir ma2 o 3etro"rad:
+*en t*e Military Re5ol#tionary !ommittee anno#n)ed at
abo#t ten oJ)lo)8 in t*e mornin" t*at t*e "o5ernment .as
o5ert*ro.n, t*e extent o t*is delay .as not yet )lear e5en
to t*ose in dire)t )ommand o t*e o2eration: 3od5ois8y
*ad 2romised t*e all o t*e 2ala)e @not later t*an t.el5e
oJ)lo)8:A 62 to t*at time e5eryt*in" *ad r#n so smoot*ly
on t*e military side t*at nobody *ad any reason to
=#estion t*e *o#r: '#t at noon it t#rned o#t t*at t*e
besie"in" or)e .as still not illed o#t, t*e 9ronstadters
*ad not arri5ed, and t*at mean.*ile t*e deen)e o t*e
2ala)e *ad been reinor)ed: T*is loss o time, as almost
al.ays *a22ens, made ne. delays ne)essary: 6nder
#r"ent 2ress#re rom t*e !ommittee t*e seiK#re o t*e
2ala)e .as no. set or t*ree oJ)lo)8 H and t*is time
@)on)l#si5ely:A !o#ntin" on t*is ne. de)ision, t*e
s2o8esman o t*e Military Re5ol#tionary !ommittee
ex2ressed to t*e aternoon session o t*e So5iet t*e *o2e
t*at t*e all o t*e +inter 3ala)e .o#ld be a matter o t*e
next e. min#tes: '#t anot*er *o#r 2assed and bro#"*t no
de)ision: 3od5ois8y, *imsel in a state o .*ite *eat,
asserted o5er t*e tele2*one t*at by six oJ)lo)8 t*e 2ala)e
.o#ld be ta8en no matter .*at it )ost, ?is ormer
)oniden)e, *o.e5er, .as la)8in": 0nd indeed t*e *o#r o
six did stri8e and t*e enou'ment *ad not be"#n: 'eside
t*emsel5es .it* t*e #r"in"s o Smolny, 3od5ois8y and
0ntono5 no. re#sed to set any *o#r at all: T*at )a#sed
serio#s anxiety: 3oliti)ally it .as )onsidered ne)essary t*at
at t*e moment o t*e o2enin" o t*e !on"ress t*e .*ole
)a2ital s*o#ld be in t*e *ands o t*e Military Re5ol#tionary
!ommittee: T*at .as to sim2liy t*e tas8 o dealin" .it*
t*e o22osition at t*e !on"ress, 2la)in" t*em beore an
a))om2lis*ed a)t: Mean.*ile t*e *o#r a22ointed or
o2enin" t*e !on"ress *ad arri5ed, *ad been 2ost2oned,
and arri5ed a"ain, and t*e +inter 3ala)e .as still *oldin"
o#t: T*#s t*e sie"e o t*e 2ala)e, t*an8s to its delay,
be)ame or no less t*an t.el5e *o#rs t*e )entral 2roblem
o t*e ins#rre)tion:
T*e main sta o t*e o2eration remained in Smolny, .*ere
Las*e5i)* *eld t*e t*reads in *is *ands: T*e ield
*ead=#arters .as in t*e 3eter and 3a#l ortress, .*ere
'la"onra5o5 .as t*e res2onsible man: T*ere .ere t*ree
s#bordinate *ead=#arters, one on t*e #urora, anot*er in
t*e barra)8s o t*e 3a5lo5s8y re"iment, anot*er in t*e
barra)8s o t*e sailors: In t*e ield o a)tion t*e leaders
.ere 3od5ois8y and 0ntono5 H a22arently .it*o#t any
)lear order o 2riority:
In t*e =#arters o t*e "eneral sta a trio .as also bendin"
o5er t*e ma2: t*e )ommander o t*e distri)t !olonel
3ol8o5ni8o5, t*e )*ie o *is sta -eneral 'a"rat#ni, and
-eneral 0lexeie5, es2e)ially in5ited in as a *i"* a#t*ority:*standin" t*is so .ell =#aliied )ommandin" sta
t*e 2lans o t*e deen)e .ere in)om2arably less deinite
t*an t*ose o t*e atta)8: It is tr#e t*at t*e inex2erien)ed
mars*als o t*e ins#rre)tion did not 8no. *o. to
)on)entrate t*eir or)es ra2idly and deal a 2#n)t#al blo.:
'#t t*e or)es .ere t*ere: T*e mars*als o t*e deen)e
*ad )lo#dy *o2es in 2la)e o or)es: maybe t*e !ossa)8s
.ill ma8e #2 t*eir mindsC maybe loyal #nits .ill be o#nd
in t*e nei"*bo#rin" "arrisonC maybe 9erens8y .ill brin"
troo2s rom t*e ront: T*e eelin"s o 3ol8o5ni8o5 are
8no.n rom *is ni"*t tele"rams to *ead=#arters: *e
t*o#"*t t*at t*e "ame .as #2: 0lexeie5, still less in)lined
to o2timism, soon abandoned t*e rotten s*i2:
4ele"ates rom t*e military s)*ools .ere bro#"*t into
*ead=#arters or t*e 2#r2ose o 8ee2in" in to#)*, and an
attem2t .as made to raise t*eir s2irits .it* ass#ran)es
t*at troo2s .o#ld soon arri5e rom -at)*ina, Tsars8oe and
t*e ront: ?o.e5er t*ey did not m#)* belie5e in t*ese
misty 2romises, and a de2ressin" r#mo#r be"an to )ree2
t*ro#"* t*e s)*ools: @T*ere is a 2ani) in *ead=#arters,
nobody is doin" anyt*in":A 0nd it .as so: !ossa)8 oi)ers
)omin" to *ead=#arters to 2ro2ose t*at t*ey seiKe t*e
armo#red )ars in t*e Mi8ailo5s8y Ridin" 0)ademy o#nd
3ol8o5ni8o5 sittin" on t*e .indo.;seat in a )ondition o
)om2lete 2rostration: SeiKe t*e ridin" a)ademy> @SeiKe it:
I *a5e nobody: I )anJt do anyt*in" alone:A
+*ile t*is lan"#id mobilisation o t*e s)*ools or t*e
deen)e o t*e +inter 3ala)e .as "oin" on, t*e ministers
assembled at a meetin": T*e s=#are beore t*e 2ala)e and
its adDa)ent streets .ere still ree rom ins#rre)tionists: On
t*e )orner o Mors8aia and Ne5s8y armed soldiers .ere
*oldin" #2 2assin" a#tomobiles and eDe)tin" t*eir
2assen"ers: T*e )ro.d .as ma8in" =#eries: @0re t*ese
soldiers o t*e "o5ernment or t*e Military Re5ol#tionary
!ommittee>A T*e ministers *ad or t*is on)e t*e #ll
beneit o t*eir o.n #n2o2#larity: Nobody .as interested
in t*em and *ardly anybody re)o"nised t*em on t*eir .ay:
T*ey all assembled ex)e2t 3ro8o2o5i)* .*o .as
a))identally arrested in a )ab H and .as, by t*e .ay,
released a"ain d#rin" t*e day:
T*e old ser5ants still remained in t*e 2ala)e, *a5in" seen
m#)* and )eased to be s#r2rised, alt*o#"* not yet )#red
o ri"*t: Stri)tly trained, dressed in bl#e .it* red )ollars
and "old braids, t*ese reli)s o t*e old 8e2t #2 an
atmos2*ere o order and stability in t*e l#x#rio#s b#ildin":
T*ey alone 2er*a2s on t*is alarmin" mornin" still "a5e t*e
ministers an ill#sion o
Not beore ele5en oJ)lo)8 in t*e mornin", did t*e
"o5ernment inally de)ide to 2la)e one o its members at
t*e *ead o t*e deen)e: -eneral IKni8o5s8y *ad already
re#sed t*is *ono#r, oered to *im by 9erens8y at da.n:
0not*er military man in t*e sta o t*e "o5ernment,
0dmiral Verdere5s8y, .as still less materially in)lined: It
t*#s ell to a )i5ilian to )a2tain t*e deen)e H t*e Minister
o 3#bli) !*arities, 9is*8in: 0n order o t*e senate
)onirmin" *is a22ointment .as immediately dra.n #2
and si"ned by all: T*ose 2eo2le *ad 2lenty o time to
o))#2y t*emsel5es .it* b#rea#)rati) andan"les:
Moreo5er it ne5er o))#rred to any o t*em t*at 9is*8in as
a member o t*e 9adet 3arty .as do#bly *ated by t*e
soldiers bot* ront and rear: 9is*8in in t#rn sele)ted as *is
assistants 3al)*ins8y and R#t*enber": 0n a22ointee o t*e
)a2italists and 2rote)tor o lo)8;o#ts, 3al)*ins8y enDoyed
t*e *atred o t*e .or8ers: T*e en"ineer R#t*enber" .as
an aie-e-camp o Sa5in8o5, and Sa5in8o5 e5en t*e all;
embra)in" 2arty o t*e So)ial Re5ol#tionaries *ad ex2elled
as a 9ornilo5ist: 3ol8o5ni8o5, #nder s#s2i)ion o treason,
.as dis)*ar"ed: In *is 2la)e t*ey a22ointed -eneral
?a"rat#ni .*o diered rom *im in not*in":
0lt*o#"* t*e )ity tele2*ones o t*e +inter 3ala)e and
*ead=#arters *ad been )#t o, t*e 2ala)e remained in
)onne)tion .it* t*e more im2ortant instit#tions by its o.n
.ire H 2arti)#larly .it* t*e +ar Ministry .*i)* *ad a dire)t
.ire to *ead=#arters: E5idently some o t*e )ity a22arat#s
also *ad not been )#t o#t in t*e *#rry o t*e moment: In a
military sense, *o.e5er, t*e tele2*one )onne)tions "a5e
not*in" to t*e "o5ernment, and in a moral sense t*ey
dama"ed rat*er t*an im2ro5ed its sit#ation or it robbed
t*em o t*eir ill#sions:
Brom mornin" on, t*e leaders o t*e deen)e 8e2t
demandin" lo)al reinor)ements .*ile a.aitin"
reinor)ements rom t*e ront: !ertain 2eo2le in t*e )ity
tried to *el2 t*em: 0 4o)tor Beit .*o too8 an a)ti5e 2art in
t*is, a member o t*e !entral !ommittee o t*e So)ial
Re5ol#tionary 3arty, told some years later at a le"al
2ro)eedin" abo#t t*e @astonis*in" li"*tnin";li8e )*an"e in
t*e mood o t*e military #nits:A Mo# .o#ld learn, *e said,
rom t*e most reliable so#r)es o t*e readiness o t*is or
t*at re"iment to )ome to t*e deen)e o t*e "o5ernment,
b#t as soon as yo# )alled t*e barra)8s dire)tly on t*e
tele2*one, one #nit ater anot*er .o#ld latly re#se: @T*e
res#lt is 8no.n to yo#,A said t*e old Narodni8: @Nobody
)ame o#t and t*e +inter 3ala)e .as )a2t#red:A T*e a)t o
t*e matter is t*at no li"*tnin";li8e )*an"es in t*e "arrison
too8 2la)e, b#t t*e remainin" ill#sions o t*e "o5ernmental
2arties did )r#mble to t*e "ro#nd .it* li"*tnin" s2eed:
T*e armo#red )ars #2on .*i)* t*ey .ere es2e)ially
)o#ntin" in t*e +inter 3ala)e and *ead=#arters, .ere
di5ided into t.o "ro#2s: 'ols*e5i8s and 2a)iists: None o
t*em .as in a5o#r o t*e "o5ernment: On t*e .ay to t*e
+inter 3ala)e a *al;)om2any o en"ineerin" D#n8ers ran
into t.o armo#red )ars .*i)* t*ey a.aited .it* a eelin"
o *o2e and ear: 0re t*ey riends or enemies> It t#rned
o#t t*at t*ey .ere ne#tral, and *ad )ome into t*e street
.it* t*e 2#r2ose o 2re5entin" )onli)ts bet.een t*e t.o
sides: O#t o t*e six armo#red )ars in t*e +inter 3ala)e
only one remained to "#ard t*e 2ala)e 2ro2ertyC t*e ot*er
i5e de2arted: In 2ro2ortion as t*e ins#rre)tion s#))eeded
t*e n#mber o 'ols*e5i8 armo#red )ars in)reased, and t*e
ne#tral army melted a.ay: S#)* is t*e ate o 2a)iism in
any serio#s str#""le:
Noon is a22roa)*in": T*e 5ast s=#are beore t*e +inter
3ala)e is 5a)ant as beore: T*e "o5ernment *as nobody to
ill it .it*: T*e troo2s o t*e !ommittee do not o))#2y it,
be)a#se t*ey are absorbed in )arryin" o#t t*eir too
)om2li)ated 2lan: Military #nits, .or8ersJ deta)*ments,
armo#red )ars, are still assemblin" or t*is .ide
en)ir)lement: T*e 2ala)e distri)t be"ins to loo8 li8e a
2la"#e s2ot .*i)* is bein" en)ir)led ar a.ay to a5oid
dire)t )onta)t .it* t*e ine)tion:
T*e )o#rt o t*e 2ala)e o2enin" on t*e s=#are is 2iled #2
.it* lo"s o .ood li8e t*e )o#rt o Smolny: 'la)8 t*ree;in)*
ield "#ns are set #2 to let and ri"*t: Riles are sta)8ed #2
in se5eral dierent 2la)es: T*e small "#ard o t*e 2ala)e
)lin"s )lose to t*e b#ildin": In t*e )o#rt and t*e irst story,
t.o s)*ools o ensi"ns rom Oranienba#m and 3eter*o
are =#artered H not t*e .*ole s)*ool by any means H and a
s=#ad rom t*e !onstantino5s8y 0rtillery S)*ool .it* six
4#rin" t*e aternoon a battalion o D#n8ers rom t*e
en"ineerin" s)*ool arri5ed, *a5in" lost *al a )om2any on
t*e road: T*e 2i)t#re 2resented .*en t*ey arri5ed )o#ld in
no .ise *a5e in)reased t*e i"*tin" s2irit o t*e D#n8ers
.*i)*, a))ordin" to Stan8e5i)*, .as inade=#ate e5en
beore: Inside t*e 2ala)e t*ey o#nd a la)8 o 2ro5isions:
E5en o t*is nobody *ad t*o#"*t in time: 0 tr#)8load o
bread *ad been seiKed, it t#rned o#t, by 2atrols o t*e
!ommittee: Some o t*e D#n8ers did sentry d#tyC t*e rest
lay aro#nd ina)ti5e, #n)ertain and *#n"ry: No leaders*i2
.*ate5er made itsel elt: In t*e s=#are beore t*e 2ala)e,
and on t*e =#ay on t*e ot*er side, little "ro#2s o
a22arently 2ea)e#l 2assers;by be"an to a22ear, and t*ey
.o#ld snat)* t*e riles rom t*e D#n8er sentries,
t*reatenin" t*em .it* re5ol5ers:
@0"itatorsA also be"an to a22ear amon" t*e D#n8ers: ?ad
t*ey "otten in rom t*e o#tside> No, t*ese .ere still
e5idently internal tro#ble;ma8ers: T*ey s#))eeded in
startin" a erment amon" t*e Oranienba#m and 3eter*o
st#dents: T*e )ommittees o t*e s)*ool )alled a
)oneren)e in t*e +*ite ?all, and demanded t*at
re2resentati5es o t*e "o5ernment )ome in and ma8e an
ex2lanation: 0ll t*e ministers )ame in, .it* 9ono5alo5 at
t*eir *ead: T*e ar"#ment lasted a .*ole *o#r: 9ono5alo5
.as *e)8led and sto22ed tal8in": T*e Minister o
0"ri)#lt#re, Maslo5, made a s2ee)* as an old re5ol#tionist:
9is*8in ex2lained to t*e D#n8ers t*at t*e "o5ernment *ad
de)ided to stand irm as lon" as 2ossible: 0))ordin" to
Stan8e5i)* one o t*e D#n8ers .as abo#t to ex2ress *is
readiness to die or t*e "o5ernment, b#t @t*e ob5io#s
)oolness o t*e rest o *is )omrades *eld *im ba)8:A T*e
s2ee)* o t*e ot*er ministers 2rod#)ed a)t#al irritation
amon" t*e D#n8ers, .*o interr#2ted, s*o#ted and e5en, it
seems, .*istled: T*e bl#e;bloods ex2lained t*e )ond#)t o
t*e maDority o t*e D#n8ers by t*eir lo. so)ial ori"in: @T*ey
.ere all rom t*e 2lo#"*, *al;illiterate, i"norant beasts,
)attle :::A
T*e meetin" in t*e besie"ed 2ala)e ended ne5ert*eless in
)on)iliation: T*e D#n8ers, ater t*ey *ad been 2romised
a)ti5e leaders*i2 and )orre)t inormation abo#t .*at .as
*a22enin", a"reed to stay: T*e )*ie at t*e en"ineerin"
s)*ool, a22ointed )ommander o t*e deen)e, ran *is
2en)il o5er t*e 2lan o t*e 2ala)e, .ritin" in t*e names o
t*e #nits: T*e or)es on *and .ere distrib#ted in i"*tin"
2ositions: T*e maDority o t*e D#n8ers .ere stationed on
t*e irst loor .*ere t*ey )o#ld train t*eir "#ns on +inter
3ala)e S=#are t*ro#"* t*e .indo.s: '#t t*ey .ere
orbidden to ire irst: 0 battalion o t*e en"ineerin" s)*ool
.as bro#"*t o#t into t*e )o#rtyard to )o5er t*e artillery:
S=#ads .ere a22ointed or barri)ade .or8: 0
)omm#ni)ation s=#ad .as armed .it* o#r men rom ea)*
#nit: T*e artillery s=#ad .as dire)ted to deend t*e "ate in
)ase o a brea)*: Bortii)ations o ire.ood .ere laid #2 in
t*e )o#rt and beore t*e "ates, Somet*in" li8e order .as
establis*ed: T*e sentries elt more )onident:
0 )i5il .ar in its irst ste2s beore real armies *a5e been
ormed and beore t*ey are tem2ered, is a .ar o na8ed
ner5es: 0s soon as little a)ti5ity de5elo2ed on t*e side o
t*e D#n8ers, H t*eir )learin" o t*e s=#are .it* "#n ire
rom be*ind t*e barri)ades H t*e or)es and e=#i2ment o
t*e deen)e .ere enormo#sly o5erestimated in t*e
atta)8in" )am2: In s2ite o t*e dissatisa)tion o t*e Red
-#ard and t*e soldiers, t*e leaders no. de)ided to
2ost2one t*e assa#lt #ntil t*ey *ad )on)entrated t*eir
reser5esC t*ey .ere )*iely a.aitin" t*e arri5al o t*e
sailors rom 9ronstadt:
T*e delay o a e. *o#rs t*#s )reated bro#"*t some small
reinor)ements to t*e besie"ed: 0ter 9erens8yJs 2romise
o inantry to t*e !ossa)8 dele"ation t*e !o#n)il o t*e
!ossa)8 Troo2s *ad "one into session, t*e re"imental
)ommittees *ad "one into session, and t*e "eneral
assembly o t*e re"iments *ad "one into session:
4e)ision: T.o s=#adrons and t*e ma)*ine;"#n )re. o t*e
6rals8y re"iment, bro#"*t in rom t*e ront in ,#ly to )r#s*
t*e 'ols*e5i8s, s*o#ld immediately enter t*e +inter
3ala)e, t*e rest not #ntil t*e 2romise .as a)t#ally #lilled
t*at is, not #ntil ater t*e arri5al o inantry
reinor)ements: '#t e5en .it* t*e t.o s=#adrons t*is .as
not a))om2lis*ed .it*o#t ar"#ment: T*e !ossa)8 yo#t*
obDe)ted: T*e @old menA e5en *ad to lo)8 t*e yo#n" ones
#2 in t*e stable, .*ere t*ey )o#ld not *inder t*em rom
e=#i22in" t*emsel5es or t*e mar)*: Only at t.ili"*t,
.*en t*ey .ere no lon"er ex2e)ted, did t*ese bearded
6raltsi a22ear in t*e 2ala)e: T*ey .ere met li8e sa5io#rs:
T*ey t*emsel5es, *o.e5er, loo8ed s#l8y: T*ey .ere not
a))#stomed to i"*t abo#t 2ala)es: Mes, and it .as not
=#ite )lear .*i)* side .as ri"*t:
Some time later t*ere arri5ed #nex2e)tedly orty o t*e
9ni"*ts o St: -eor"e #nder )ommand o a sta )a2tain on
a )or8 le": 3atrioti) )ri22les a)tin" as t*e last reser5es o
demo)ra)y ::: '#t e5en so t*ey elt better: Soon )ame also
a s*o)8 )om2any o t*e +omenJs 'attalion: +*at
en)o#ra"ed t*em most o all .as t*at t*ese
reinor)ements *ad made t*eir .ay t*ro#"* .it*o#t
i"*tin": T*e )ordon o t*e besie"in" or)es )o#ld not, or
did not dare, deny t*em a))ess to t*e 2ala)e: X#ite
ob5io#sly, t*ereore, t*e enemy .as .ea8: @-lory be to
-od t*e t*in" is be"innin" to 2#ll itsel to"et*er,A said t*e
oi)ers, )omortin" t*emsel5es and t*e D#n8ers: T*e ne.
arri5als re)ei5ed t*eir military allotments, re2la)in" t*ose
.*o .ere tired: ?o.e5er, t*e 6raltsi "lan)ed .it* no "reat
a22ro5al #2on t*ose @.en)*esA .it* riles: +*ere is t*e
real inantry>
T*e besie"ers .ere ob5io#sly losin" time: T*e
9ronstadters .ere late H not, to be s#re, t*ro#"* t*eir o.n
a#lt: T*ey *ad been s#mmoned too late: 0ter a tense
ni"*t o 2re2aration t*ey *ad be"#n to embar8 at da.n:
T*e destroyer #mur and t*e )r#iser 0astre/ *ad made
strai"*t or 3etro"rad: T*e old armo#red )r#iser Tzaria
Svo/oi, ater landin" marines at Oranienba#m, .*ere it
.as 2ro2osed to disarm t*e D#n8ers, .as to an)*or at t*e
entran)e to t*e Mors8oy !anal, in order, in )ase o need,
to bombard t*e 'alti) railroad: Bi5e t*o#sand sailors and
soldiers disembar8ed early in t*e mornin" rom t*e Island
o 9otlin in order to embar8 on t*e so)ial re5ol#tion: In t*e
oi)ersJ )abin a solemn silen)e rei"ns: T*ese oi)ers are
bein" ta8en alon" to i"*t or a )a#se .*i)* t*ey *ate: T*e
)ommissar o t*e deta)*ment, t*e 'ols*e5i8, Blero5s8y,
anno#n)ed to t*em: @+e do not )o#nt #2on yo#r
sym2at*y, b#t .e demand t*at yo# be at yo#r 2osts ::: +e
.ill s2are yo# any #nne)essary #n2leasantness:A ?e
re)ei5ed t*e brie na5al @0ye, aye, sirLA 0ll too8
t*eir 2la)es: T*e )ommander as)ended t*e brid"e:
62on arri5in" in t*e Ne5a a tri#m2*al *#rra*: t*e sailors
are "reetin" t*eir o.n: 0 band stri8es #2 on t*e #urora,
an)*ored in midstream: 0ntono5 addresses t*e ne.
arri5als .it* a brie "reetin": @T*ere is t*e +inter 3ala)e
+e m#st ta8e it:A In t*e 9ronstadt deta)*ment t*e most
resol#te and bold )*oose t*emsel5es o#t a#tomati)ally:
T*ese sailors in bla)8 blo#ses .it* riles and )artrid"e
belts .ill "o all t*e .ay: T*e disembar8ation on
9onno"5ardeis8y 'o#le5ard ta8es b#t a e. moments:
Only a military .at)* remains on t*e s*i2:
T*e or)es are no. more t*an ade=#ate on t*e Ne5s8y:
T*ere are stron" o#t2osts on t*e brid"e o t*e
E8aterinins8y !anal and on t*e brid"e o t*e Moi8a
armo#red a#tomobiles and Penit* "#ns aimed at t*e
+inter 3ala)e: On t*is side o t*e Moi8a t*e .or8ers *a5e
set #2 ma)*ine;"#ns be*ind s)reens:
0n armo#red )ar is on d#ty on Mors8aia: T*e Ne5a and its
)rossin"s are in t*e bands o t*e atta)8ers: !*#dno5s8y
and Ensi"n 4as*8e5i)* are ordered to send troo2s rom
t*e -#ard re"iments to *old Mars Bield: 'la"onra5o5 rom
t*e ortress, ater )rossin" t*e brid"e, is to "et into )onta)t
.it* t*e troo2s on Mars Bield: T*e sailors D#st arri5ed are
to 8ee2 in )onta)t .it* t*e ortress and t*e )re. o t*e
#urora: 0ter artillery ire t*e storm is to be"in:
0t t*e same time i5e s*i2s o .ar arri5e rom t*e 'alti)
battle leet: a )r#iser, t.o destroyers, and t.o smaller
5essels: @?o.e5er s#re .e may *a5e been o .innin" .it*
t*e or)es on *and,A .rites Blero5s8y, @t*is "it rom t*e
na5y raised e5erybodyJs s2irits:A 0dmiral Verdero5s8y,
loo8in" rom t*e .indo.s o t*e Mala)*ite ?all, )o#ld
2robably see an im2osin" m#tino#s lotilla, dominatin" not
only t*e 2ala)e and t*e s#rro#ndin" distri)t b#t also t*e
2rin)i2al a22roa)*es to 3etro"rad:
0bo#t o#r oJ)lo)8 in t*e aternoon 9ono5alo5 s#mmoned
to t*e 2ala)e by tele2*one t*e 2oliti)al leaders standin"
)lose to t*e "o5ernment: T*e besie"ed ministers *ad need
at least o moral s#22ort: O all t*ose in5ited only Nabo8o5
a22eared: T*e rest 2reerred to ex2ress t*eir sym2at*y by
tele2*one: Minister Tretia8o5 )om2lained a"ainst 9erens8y
and a"ainst ate: T*e *ead o t*e ministry *as led lea5in"
*is )ollea"#es .it*o#t deen)e: '#t 2er*a2s
reinor)ements .ill )ome> 3er*a2s: ?o.e5er, .*y arenJt
t*ey *ere> Nabo8o5 ex2ressed *is sym2at*y, "lan)in"
stealt*ily at *is .at)*, and *astened to ta8e *is are.ell:
?e "ot o#t D#st in time: S*ortly ater six t*e +inter 3ala)e
.as at last solidly s#rro#nded by t*e troo2s o t*e Military
Re5ol#tionary !ommittee: T*ere .as no lon"er any
2assa"e eit*er or reinor)ements or or indi5id#als:
Brom t*e dire)tion o 9onno"5ardeis8y 'o#le5ard, t*e
0dmiralty X#ay, Mors8aia Street, Ne5s8y 3ros2e)t, Mars
Bield, Milliony Street and 45ortso5y X#ay, t*e o5al o t*e
besie"ers t*i)8ened and )ontra)ted: Im2osin" )ordons
extended rom t*e iron en)es o t*e +inter 3ala)e "arden,
still in t*e *ands o t*e besie"ed, rom t*e ar)* bet.een
3ala)e S=#are and Mors8aia Street, rom t*e )anal by t*e
?ermita"e, rom t*e )orners o t*e 0dmiralty, and t*e
Ne5s8y near by t*e 2ala)e: 3eter and 3a#l ortress ro.ned
t*reatenin"ly rom t*e ot*er side o t*e ri5er: T*e #urora
loo8ed in rom t*e Ne5a .it* *er six;in)* "#ns: 4estroyers
steamed ba)8 and ort* 2atrollin" t*e ri5er: T*e
ins#rre)tion loo8ed at t*at moment li8e a military
manoe#5re in t*e "rand style:
On 3ala)e S=#are, )leared by t*e D#n8ers t*ree *o#rs
beore, armo#red a#tomobiles no. a22eared and o))#2ied
t*e entran)es and exits: T*e old 2atrioti) names .ere still
5isible on t*e armo#r #nder t*e ne. desi"nations 2ainted
*astily in red: 6nder t*e 2rote)tion o t*ese steel monsters
t*e atta)8ers elt more and more )onident on t*e s=#are:
One o t*e armo#red )ars a22roa)*ed t*e main entran)e
o t*e 2ala)e, disarmed t*e D#n8ers "#ardin" it, and
.it*dre. #n*indered:
In s2ite o t*e )om2lete blo)8ade no. at last establis*ed,
t*e besie"ed still 8e2t in to#)* .it* t*e o#tside .orld by
tele2*one: To be s#re, as early as i5e oJ)lo)8 a )om2any
o t*e 9e8s"olms8y re"iment *ad already o))#2ied t*e
+ar Ministry, t*ro#"* .*i)* t*e +inter 3ala)e *ad 8e2t in
to#)* .it* *ead=#arters: '#t e5en ater t*at an oi)er still
remained a22arently or some *o#rs at t*e a22arat#s o
t*e So#t*;.estern ront, lo)ated in an atti) )*amber o t*e
ministry .*ere t*e )a2tors ne5er t*o#"*t o loo8in":
?o.e5er, as beore, t*is )onta)t .as o no *el2: T*e
ans.ers rom t*e Nort*ern ront *ad be)ome more and
more e5asi5e: T*e reinor)ements *ad not t#rned #2: T*e
mysterio#s bi)y)le battalion ne5er arri5ed: 9erens8y
*imsel seemed to *a5e disa22eared li8e a di5er: T*e )ity
riends )onined t*emsel5es to brieer and brieer
ex2ressions o sym2at*y: T*e ministers .ere si)8 at *eart:
T*ere .as not*in" to tal8 abo#t, not*in" to *o2e or: T*e
ministers disa"reed .it* ea)* ot*er and .it* t*emsel5es:
Some sat still in a 8ind o st#2or, ot*ers a#tomati)ally
2a)ed #2 and do.n t*e loor: T*ose in)lined to
"eneralisation loo8ed ba)8 into t*e 2ast, see8in" a )#l2rit:
?e .as not *ard to ind: t*e demo)ra)yL It .as t*e
demo)ra)y .*i)* *ad sent t*em into t*e "o5ernment, laid
a mi"*ty b#rden on t*em, and at t*e moment o dan"er
let t*em .it*o#t s#22ort: Bor t*is on)e t*e 9adets .ere
#lly at one .it* t*e so)ialists: Mes, t*e demo)ra)y .as to
blameL To be s#re, in ormin" t*e !oalition bot* "ro#2s
*ad t#rned t*eir ba)8 to an instit#tion as near to t*em as
t*e 4emo)rati) !oneren)e: Inde2enden)e o t*e
demo)ra)y *ad indeed been t*e )*ie idea o t*e !oalition:
'#t ne5er mind: .*at does a demo)ra)y exist or, i not to
res)#e a bo#r"eois "o5ernment .*en it "ets into tro#ble>
T*e Minister o 0"ri)#lt#re Maslo5, a Ri"*t So)ial
Re5ol#tionary, made a note .*i)* *e *imsel des)ribed as
a dyin" #tteran)e: ?e solemnly 2romised to die .it* a
)#rse to t*e demo)ra)y #2on *is li2s: ?is )ollea"#es
*astened to )omm#ni)ate t*is ate#l intention to t*e
4#ma by tele2*one: ?is deat*, to be s#re, remained only a
2roDe)t, b#t t*ere .as no la)8 o )#rses ri"*t on *and:
62 abo5e near t*e )*ambers o t*e )ommandant t*ere
.as a dinin";room .*ere t*e )o#rt ser5ants ser5ed t*e
oi)er "entlemen a @di5ine dinner and .ine:A One )o#ld
or"et #n2leasantness or a time: T*e oi)ers i"#red o#t
seniorities, made en5io#s )om2arisons, and )#rsed t*e
ne. or its slo. 2romotions: T*ey "a5e it to
9erens8y es2e)ially: yesterday at t*e 3re;3arliament *e
.as" to die at *is 2ost, and today *e beats it o#t o
to.n dressed #2 as a sister o mer)y: !ertain o t*e
oi)ers demonstrated, to t*e members o t*e "o5ernment
t*e olly o any #rt*er resistan)e: T*e ener"eti)
3al)*ins8y de)lared s#)* oi)ers 'ols*e5i8s, and tried
e5en to arrest t*em:
T*e D#n8ers .anted to 8no. .*at .as "oin" to *a22en
next, and demanded rom t*e "o5ernment ex2lanations
.*i)* it .as not in a 2osition to "i5e: 4#rin" t*is ne.
)oneren)e bet.een t*e D#n8ers and t*e ministers, 9is*8in
arri5ed rom sta *ead=#arters, brin"in" an #ltimat#m
si"ned by 0ntono5 and deli5ered rom t*e 3eter and 3a#l
ortress to t*e X#artermaster;-eneral, 3oradelo5, by a
bi)y)le man: S#rrender and disarm t*e "arrison o t*e
+inter 3ala)eC ot*er.ise ire .ill be o2ened rom t*e "#ns
o t*e ortress and t*e s*i2s o .arC t.enty min#tes or
rele)tion: T*is 2eriod *ad seemed small: 3oradelo5 *ad
mana"ed to extra)t anot*er ten min#tes: T*e military
members o t*e "o5ernment, Mani8o5s8y and
Verdere5s8y, a22roa)*ed t*e matter sim2ly: Sin)e it is
im2ossible to i"*t, t*ey said, .e m#st t*in8 o
s#rrenderin" H t*at is, a))e2t t*e #ltimat#m: '#t t*e
)i5ilian ministers remained obstinate: In t*e end t*ey
de)ided to ma8e no to t*e #ltimat#m, and to
a22eal to t*e )ity d#ma as t*e only le"al body existin" in
t*e )a2ital: T*is a22eal to t*e d#ma .as t*e last attem2t
to .a8e #2 t*e )ons)ien)e o t*e demo)ra)y:
3oradelo5, )onsiderin" it ne)essary to end t*e resistan)e,
as8ed or *is dis)*ar"e: *e la)8ed @)oniden)e in t*e
)orre)tness o t*e )o#rse )*osen by t*e 3ro5isional
-o5ernment:A T*e *esitations o t*e oi)er .ere 2#t an
end to beore *is resi"nation )o#ld be a))e2ted: In abo#t
*al an *o#r a deta)*ment o Red -#ards, sailors and
soldiers, )ommanded by an ensi"n o t*e 3a5lo5s8y
re"iment, o))#2ied t*e sta *ead=#arters .it*o#t
resistan)e, and arrested t*e aint;*earted X#artermaster;
-eneral: T*is seiK#re o t*e *ead=#arters mi"*t *a5e been
)arried o#t some time beore sin)e t*e b#ildin" .as
)om2letely #ndeended rom .it*in: '#t #ntil t*e arri5al o
armo#red )ars on t*e S=#are t*e besie"ers eared a sortie
o D#n8ers rom t*e 2ala)e .*i)* mi"*t )#t t*em o:
0ter t*e loss o *ead=#arters t*e +inter 3ala)e elt still
more or2*aned: Brom t*e Mala)*ite Room, .*ose .indo.s
o2ened on t*e Ne5a, and seemed, as it .ere, to in5ite a
e. s*ells rom t*e #urora, t*e ministers remo5ed
t*emsel5es to one o t*e inn#merable a2artments o t*e
2ala)e .it* .indo.s on t*e )o#rt: T*e li"*ts .ere 2#t o#t:
Only a lonely lam2 b#rned on t*e table, its li"*t s*#t o
rom t*e .indo.s by ne.s2a2ers:
+*at .ill *a22en to t*e 2ala)e i t*e #urora o2ens ire>
as8ed t*e ministers o t*eir na5al )ollea"#e: It .ill be a
2ile o r#ins, ex)laimed t*e admiral readily, and not
.it*o#t a eelin" o 2ride in *is na5al artillery: Verdere5s8y
2reerred a s#rrender, and .as not #n.illin" to ri"*ten
t*ese )i5ilians o#t o t*eir #ntimely bra5ery: '#t t*e
#urora did not s*oot: T*e ortress also remained silent:
Maybe t*e 'ols*e5i8s ater all .ill not dare )arry o#t t*eir
-eneral 'a"rat#ni, a22ointed in 2la)e o t*e ins#i)iently
steadast 3ol8o5ni8o5, )onsidered t*is t*e a22ro2riate
moment to anno#n)e t*at *e re#sed any lon"er to o))#2y
t*e 2ost o )ommander o t*e distri)t: 0t 9is*8inJs order
t*e "eneral .as demoted @as #n.ort*y,A and .as
re=#ested immediately to lea5e t*e 2ala)e: On emer"in"
rom t*e "ates t*e ormer )ommander ell into t*e *ands
o t*e sailors, .*o too8 *im to t*e barra)8s o t*e 'alti)
)re.: It mi"*t *a5e "one badly .it* t*e "eneral, b#t t*at
3od5ois8y, ma8in" t*e ro#nds o *is ront beore t*e inal
atta)8, too8 t*e #n*a22y .arrior #nder *is .in":
Brom t*e adDa)ent streets and =#ays many noti)ed *o.
t*e 2ala)e .*i)* *ad D#st been "limmerin" .it* *#ndreds
o ele)tri) li"*ts .as s#ddenly dro.ned in dar8ness:
0mon" t*ese obser5ers .ere riends o t*e "o5ernment:
One o t*e )ollea"#es o 9erens8y, Redemeister, *as
.ritten: @T*e dar8ness in .*i)* t*e 2ala)e .as dro.ned
2resented an alarmin" eni"ma:A T*e riends did not ta8e
any meas#res to.ard sol5in" t*is eni"ma: +e m#st
)oness, *o.e5er, t*at t*e 2ossibilities .ere not "reat:
?idin" be*ind t*eir 2iles o ire.ood t*e D#n8ers ollo.ed
tensely t*e )ordon ormin" on 3ala)e S=#are, meetin"
e5ery mo5ement o t*e enemy .it* rile and ma)*ine;"#n
ire: T*ey .ere ans.ered in 8ind: To.ards ni"*t t*e irin"
be)ame *otter: T*e irst )as#alties o))#rred: T*e 5i)tims,
*o.e5er, .ere only a e. indi5id#als: On t*e s=#are, on
t*e =#ays, on Milliony, t*e besie"ers a))ommodated
t*emsel5es to t*e sit#ation, *id be*ind 2roDe)tions,
)on)ealed t*emsel5es in *ollo.s, )l#n" alon" t*e .alls:
0mon" t*e reser5es t*e soldiers and Red -#ards .armed
t*emsel5es aro#nd )am2 ires .*i)* t*ey *ad 8indled at
ni"*tall, ab#sin" t*e leaders or "oin" so slo.:
In t*e 2ala)e t*e D#n8ers .ere ta8in" #2 2ositions in t*e
)orridors, on t*e stair.ay, at t*e entran)es, and in t*e
)o#rt: T*e o#tside sentries )l#n" alon" t*e en)e and
.alls: T*e b#ildin" .o#ld *old t*o#sands, b#t it *eld
*#ndreds: T*e 5ast =#arters be*ind t*e s2*ere o deen)e
seemed dead: Most o t*e ser5ants *ad s)attered, or .ere
*idin": Many o t*e oi)ers too8 re#"e in t*e b#et,
.*ere t*ey )om2elled t*ose ser5ants .*o *ad not yet
made t*eir "eta.ay to set o#t )ontin#al batteries o .ines:
T*is dr#n8en deba#)* o t*e oi)ers in t*e a"onisin"
2ala)e )o#ld not remain a se)ret to t*e D#n8ers, !ossa)8s,
)ri22les and .omen soldiers: T*e enou'ment .as
2re2arin" not only rom .it*o#t b#t rom .it*in:
0n oi)er o t*e artillery s=#ad s#ddenly re2orted to t*e
)ommandent o t*e deen)e: T*e D#n8ers *a5e let t*eir
.ea2ons in t*e entran)e and are "oin" *ome, in
obedien)e to orders re)ei5ed rom t*e )ommandant o t*e
!onstantino5s8y s)*ool: T*at .as a trea)*ero#s blo.L T*e
)ommandant tried to obDe)t: nobody b#t *e )o#ld "i5e
orders *ere: T*e D#n8ers #nderstood t*is, b#t ne5ert*eless
2reerred to obey t*e )ommandant o t*e s)*ool, .*o in
*is t#rn .as a)tin" #nder 2ress#re rom t*e )ommissar o
t*e Military Re5ol#tionary !ommittee: 0 maDority o t*e
artillery men, .it* o#r o t*e six "#ns, abandoned t*e
2ala)e: ?eld #2on t*e Ne5s8y by a soldier 2atrol, t*ey
attem2ted to resist, b#t a 2atrol o t*e 3a5lo5s8y re"iment,
arri5in" D#st in time .it* an armo#red )ar, disarmed t*em
and sent t*em to its barra)8s .it* t.o o t*e "#ns: T*e
ot*er t.o .ere set #2 on t*e Ne5s8y and t*e brid"e o5er
t*e Moi8a and aimed at t*e +inter 3ala)e:
T*e t.o s=#adrons o t*e 6raltsi .ere .aitin" in 5ain or
t*e arri5al o t*eir )omrades: Sa5in8o5, .*o .as )losely
asso)iated .it* t*e !o#n)il o t*e !ossa)8 Troo2s, and *ad
e5en been sent by it as a dele"ate to t*e 3re;3arliament,
attem2ted .it* t*e )o;o2eration o -eneral 0lexeie5 to "et
t*e !ossa)8s in motion: '#t t*e )*ies o t*e !ossa)8
!o#n)il, as Mili#8o5 D#stly obser5es @)o#ld as little )ontrol
t*e !ossa)8 re"iment as t*e sta )o#ld t*e troo2s o t*e
"arrison:A ?a5in" )onsidered t*e =#estion rom all sides,
t*e !ossa)8 re"iment inally anno#n)ed t*at t*ey .o#ld
not )ome o#t .it*o#t inantry, and oered t*eir ser5i)es to
t*e Military Re5ol#tionary !ommittee or t*e 2#r2ose o
"#ardin" t*e "o5ernment 2ro2erty: 0t t*e same time t*e
6raltsy re"iment de)ided to send dele"ates to t*e +inter
3ala)e to )all its t.o s=#adrons ba)8 to t*e barra)8s: T*is
s#""estion ell in admirably .it* t*e ne. =#ite .ell;
deined mood o t*e 6rals8yJs @old men:A T*ere .as
nobody b#t stran"ers aro#nd: D#n8ers H amon" t*em a
n#mber o ,e.s H in5alid oi)ers H yes, and t*en t*ese
emale s*o)8 troo2s: +it* an"ry and ro.nin" a)es t*e
!ossa)8s "at*ered #2 t*eir saddle;ba"s: No #rt*er
ar"#ments )o#ld mo5e t*em: +*o remained to deend
9erens8y> @Mids and .en)*es ::: '#t t*e R#ssian 2eo2le
*as stayed o5er t*ere .it* Lenin:A It t#rned o#t t*at t*e
!ossa)8s .ere in to#)* .it* t*e besie"ers, and t*ey "ot
ree 2asses t*ro#"* an exit till t*en #n8no.n to t*e
deenders, It .as abo#t nine oJ)lo)8 in t*e e5enin" .*en
t*e 6raltsi let t*e 2ala)e: Only t*eir ma)*ine;"#ns t*ey
a"reed to lea5e or t*e deen)e o a *o2eless )a#se:
'y t*is same entran)e too, )omin" rom t*e dire)tion o
Milliony Street, 'ols*e5i8s *ad beore t*is "ot into t*e
2ala)e or t*e 2#r2ose o demoralisin" t*e enemy: Otener
and otener mysterio#s i"#res be"an to a22ear in t*e
)orridors beside t*e D#n8ers: It is #seless to resist: T*e
ins#rre)tionists *a5e )a2t#red t*e )ity and t*e railroad
stationsC t*ere are no reinor)ementsC in t*e 2ala)e t*ey
@only 8ee2 on lyin" t*ro#"* inertia :::A +*at are .e to do
next> as8ed t*e D#n8ers: T*e "o5ernment re#sed to iss#e
any dire)t )ommands: T*e ministers t*emsel5es .o#ld
stand by t*eir old de)isionC t*e rest )o#ld do as t*ey
2leased: T*at meant ree e"ress rom t*e 2ala)e or t*ose
.*o .anted it: T*e "o5ernment *ad neit*er .ill nor idea
letC t*e ministers 2assi5ely a.aited t*eir ate: Milianto5i)*
s#bse=#ently related: @+e .andered t*ro#"* t*e "i"anti)
mo#setra2, meetin" o))asionally, eit*er all to"et*er or in
small "ro#2s, or brie )on5ersations H )ondemned 2eo2le,
lonely, abandoned by all ::: 0ro#nd #s 5a)an)y, .it*in #s
5a)an)y, and in t*is "re. #2 t*e so#lless )o#ra"e o 2la)id
0ntono5;O5seZn8o *ad a"reed .it* 'la"onra5o5 t*at ater
t*e en)ir)lement o t*e 2ala)e .as )om2leted, a red
lantern s*o#ld be raised on t*e la"2ole o t*e ortress: 0t
t*is si"nal t*e #urora .o#ld ire a blan8 5olley in order to
ri"*ten t*e 2ala)e: In )ase t*e besie"ed .ere st#bborn
t*e ortress s*o#ld be"in to bombard t*e 2ala)e .it* real
s*ells rom t*e li"*t "#ns: I t*e 2ala)e did not s#rrender
e5en t*en, t*e #urora .o#ld o2en a real ire rom its six;
in)* "#ns: T*e obDe)t o t*is "radation .as to red#)e to a
minim#m t*e 5i)tims and t*e dama"e, s#22osin" t*ey
)o#ld not be alto"et*er a5oided: '#t t*e too )om2li)ated
sol#tion o a sim2le 2roblem t*reatened to lead to an
o22osite res#lt: T*e dii)#lty o )arryin" t*is 2lan o#t is
too ob5io#s: T*ey are to be"in .it* a red lantern: It t#rns
O#t t*at t*ey *a5e none on *and: T*ey lose time *#ntin"
or it, and inally ind it: ?o.e5er, it is not so sim2le to tie
a lantern to a la"2ole in s#)* a .ay t*at it .ill be 5isible
in all dire)tions: Eorts are rene.ed and t.i)e rene.ed
.it* a d#bio#s res#lt, and mean.*ile t*e 2re)io#s time is
sli22in" a.ay:
T*e )*ie dii)#lty de5elo2ed, *o.e5er, in )onne)tion .it*
t*e artillery: 0))ordin" to a re2ort made by 'la"onra5o5
t*e bombardment o t*e )a2ital *ad been 2ossible on a
momentJs noti)e e5er sin)e noon: In reality it .as =#ite
ot*er.ise: Sin)e t*ere .as no 2ermanent artillery in t*e
ortress, ex)e2t or t*at r#sty;m#KKled )annon .*i)*
anno#n)es t*e noon *o#r, it .as ne)essary to lit ield
"#ns #2 to t*e ortress .alls: T*at 2art o t*e 2ro"ramme
*ad a)t#ally been )arried o#t by noon: '#t a dii)#lty
arose abo#t indin" "#nners: It *ad been 8no.n in
ad5an)e t*at t*e artillery )om2any H one o t*ose .*i)*
*ad not )ome o#t on t*e side o t*e 'ols*e5i8s in ,#ly H
.as *ardly to be relied on: Only t*e day beore it *ad
mee8ly "#arded a brid"e #nder orders rom *ead=#arters:
0 blo. in t*e ba)8 .as not to be ex2e)ted rom it, b#t t*e
)om2any *ad no intention o "oin" t*ro#"* ire or t*e
so5iets: +*en t*e time )ame or a)tion t*e ensi"n
re2orted: T*e "#ns are r#styC t*ere is no oil in t*e
)om2ressorsC it is im2ossible to s*oot: Very li8ely t*e "#ns
really .ere not in s*a2e, b#t t*at .as not t*e essen)e o
it: T*e artillerists .ere sim2ly dod"in" t*e res2onsibility,
and leadin" t*e inex2erien)ed )ommissars by t*e nose:
0ntono5 das*es #2 on a )#tter in a state o #ry: +*o is
sabota"in" t*e 2lan> 'la"onra5o5 tells *im abo#t t*e
lantern, abo#t t*e oil, abo#t t*e ensi"n: T*ey bot* start to
"o #2 to t*e )annon: Ni"*t, dar8ness, 2#ddles in t*e )o#rt
rom t*e re)ent rains: Brom t*e ot*er side o t*e ri5er
)omes *ot rile ire and t*e rattle o ma)*ine;"#ns: In t*e
dar8ness 'la"onra5o5 loses t*e road: S2las*in" t*ro#"*
t*e 2#ddles, b#rnin" .it* im2atien)e, st#mblin" and
allin" in t*e m#d, 0ntono5 bl#nders ater t*e )ommissar
t*ro#"* t*e dar8 )o#rt: @'eside one o t*e .ea8ly
"limmerin" lanterns,A relates 'la"onra5o5 0ntono5
s#ddenly sto22ed and 2eered in=#irin"ly at me o5er *is
s2e)ta)les, almost to#)*in" my a)e: I read in *is eyes a
*idden alarm:A 0ntono5 *ad or a se)ond s#s2e)ted
trea)*ery .*ere t*ere .as only )arelessness:
T*e 2osition o t*e "#ns .as inally o#nd: T*e artillery
men .ere st#bborn: R#st ::: !om2ressors ::: Oil: 0ntono5
"a5e orders to brin" "#nners rom t*e na5al 2oly"on and
also to ire a si"nal rom t*e anti=#e )annon .*i)*
anno#n)ed t*e noon *o#r: '#t t*e artillery men .ere
s#s2i)io#sly lon" mon8eyin" .it* t*e si"nal )annon: T*ey
ob5io#sly elt t*at t*e )ommanders too, .*en not ar;o at
t*e tele2*one b#t ri"*t beside t*em, *ad no irm .ill to
resort to *ea5y artillery: E5en #nder t*e 5ery )l#msiness o
t*is 2lan or artillery ire t*e same t*o#"*t is to be elt
l#r8in": Maybe .e )an "et alon" .it*o#t it:
Somebody is r#s*in" t*ro#"* t*e dar8ness o t*e )o#rt: 0s
*e )omes near *e st#mbles and alls in t*e m#d, s.ears a
little b#t not an"rily, and t*en Doy#lly and in a )*o8in"
5oi)e )ries o#t: @T*e 2ala)e *as s#rrendered and o#r men
are t*ere:A Ra2t#ro#s embra)es: ?o. l#)8y t*ere .as a
delayL @,#st .*at .e t*o#"*t @T*e )om2ressors are
immediately or"otten: '#t .*y *a5enJt t*ey sto22ed
s*ootin" on t*e ot*er side o t*e ri5er> Maybe some
indi5id#al "ro#2s o D#n8ers are st#bborn abo#t
s#rrenderin": Maybe t*ere is a mis#nderstandin"> T*e
mis#nderstandin" t#rned o#t to be "ood ne.s: not t*e
+inter 3ala)e .as )a2t#red, b#t only t*e "eneral sta: T*e
sie"e o t*e 2ala)e )ontin#ed:
'y se)ret a"reement .it* a "ro#2 o D#n8ers o t*e
Oranienba#m s)*ool t*e irre2ressible !*#dno5s8y "ets
into t*e 2ala)e or ne"otiations: t*is o22onent o t*e
ins#rre)tion ne5er misses a )*an)e to das* into t*e irin"
line: 3al)*ins8y arrests t*e darede5il, b#t #nder 2ress#re
rom t*e Oranienba#m st#dents is )om2elled to release
bot* !*#dno5s8y and a n#mber o t*e D#n8ers: T*ey ta8e
a.ay .it* t*em a e. o t*e !a5aliers o St: -eor"e: T*e
#nex2e)ted a22earan)e o t*ese D#n8ers on t*e s=#are
t*ro.s t*e )ordons into )on#sion: '#t t*ere is no end o
Doy#l s*o#tin", .*en t*e besie"ers 8no. t*at t*ese are
s#rrenderin" troo2s: ?o.e5er only a small minority
s#rrenders: T*e remainder )ontin#e to ire rom be*ind
t*eir )o5er: T*e s*ootin" o t*e atta)8ers *as in)reased:
T*e bri"*t ele)tri) li"*t in t*e )o#rt ma8es a "ood mar8 o
t*e D#n8ers: +it* dii)#lty t*ey s#))eed in 2#ttin" o#t t*e
li"*t: Some #nseen *and a"ain*es on t*e li"*t: T*e
D#n8ers s*oot at t*e li"*t, and t*en ind t*e ele)tri)ian and
ma8e *im* o t*e )#rrent:
T*e +omenJs 'attalion s#ddenly anno#n)e t*eir intention
to ma8e a sortie: 0))ordin" to t*eir inormation t*e )ler8s
in -eneral ?ead=#arters *a5e "one o5er to Lenin, and
ater disarmin" some o t*e oi)ers *a5e arrested -eneral
0lexeie5 H t*e sole man .*o )an sa5e R#ssia: ?e m#st be
res)#ed at any )ost: T*e )ommandant is 2o.erless to
restrain t*em rom t*is *ysteri)al #nderta8in": 0t t*e
moment o t*eir sortie t*e li"*ts a"ain s#ddenly lare #2 in
t*e *i"* ele)tri) lanterns on ea)* side o t*e "ate: See8in"
an ele)tri)ian t*e oi)er D#m2s #rio#sly #2on t*e 2ala)e
ser5ants: in t*ese ormer la)8eys o t*e )Kar *e sees
a"ents o re5ol#tion: ?e 2#ts still less tr#st in t*e )o#rt
ele)tri)ian: @I .o#ld *a5e sent yo# to t*e next .orld lon"
a"o i I *adnJt needed yo#:A In s2ite o re5ol5er t*reats,
t*e ele)tri)ian is 2o.erless to *el2: ?is*;board is
dis)onne)ted: Sailors *a5e o))#2ied t*e ele)tri) station
and are )ontrollin" t*e li"*t: T*e .omen soldiers do not
stand #2 #nder ire and t*e "reater 2art o t*em s#rrender:
T*e )ommandant o t*e deen)e sends a )or2oral to re2ort
to t*e "o5ernment t*at t*e sortie o t*e .omenJs battalion
*as @led to t*eir destr#)tion,A and t*at t*e 2ala)e is
s.armin" .it* a"itators: T*e ail#re o t*e sortie )a#ses a
l#ll lastin" a22roximately rom ten to ele5en: T*e
besie"ers are b#sied .it* t*e 2re2aration o artillery ire:
T*e #nex2e)ted l#ll a.a8ens some *o2es in t*e besie"ed:
T*e ministers a"ain try to en)o#ra"e t*eir 2artisans in t*e
)ity and t*ro#"*o#t t*e )o#ntry: @T*e "o5ernment in #ll
attendan)e, .it* t*e ex)e2tion o 3ro8o2o5i)*, is at its
2ost: T*e sit#ation is )onsidered a5o#rable ::: T*e 3ala)e
is #nder ire, b#t only rile ire and .it*o#t res#lts: It is
)lear t*at t*e enemy is .ea8:A In reality t*e enemy is all; b#t )annot ma8e #2 *is mind to #se *is
T*e "o5ernment sends o#t t*ro#"* t*e )o#ntry
)omm#ni)ations abo#t t*e #ltimat#m, abo#t t*e #urora,
abo#t *o. it, t*e "o5ernment, )an only transer t*e
to t*e !onstit#ent 0ssembly, and *o. t*e irst assa#lt on
t*e +inter 3ala)e *as been re2#lsed: @Let t*e army and
t*e 2eo2le A '#t D#st *o. t*ey are to t*e
ministers do not s#""est:
Las*e5i)* meantime *as sent t.o sailor "#nners to t*e
ortress: To be s#re, t*ey are none too ex2erien)ed, b#t
t*ey are at least 'ols*e5i8s, and =#ite ready to s*oot rom
r#sty "#ns .it*o#t oil in t*e )om2ressors: T*at is all t*at is
demanded o t*em: 0 noise o artillery is more im2ortant
at t*e moment t*an a .ell;aimed blo.: 0ntono5 "i5es t*e
order to be"in: T*e "radations indi)ated in ad5an)e are
)om2letely ollo.ed o#t: @0ter a si"nal s*ot rom t*e
ortress,A relates Blero5s8y, @t*e #urora t*#ndered o#t:
T*e boom and las* o blan8 ire are m#)* bi""er t*an
rom a loaded "#n: T*e )#rio#s onloo8ers D#m2ed ba)8
rom t*e "ranite 2ara2et o t*e =#ay, ell do.n and
)ra.led a.ay :::A !*#dno5s8y 2rom2tly raises t*e
=#estion: ?o. abo#t 2ro2osin" to t*e besie"ed to
s#rrender: 0ntono5 as 2rom2tly a"rees .it* *im: 0"ain an
interr#2tion: Some "ro#2 o .omen and D#n8ers are
s#rrenderin": !*#dno5s8y .ants to lea5e t*em t*eir arms,
b#t 0ntono5 re5olts in time a"ainst t*is too bea#ti#l
ma"nanimity: Layin" t*e riles on t*e side.al8 t*e
2risoners "o o#t #nder )on5oy alon" Milliony Street:
T*e 2ala)e still *olds o#t: It is time to *a5e an end: T*e
order is "i5en: Birin" be"ins H not re=#ent and still less
ee)t#al: O#t o t*irty;i5e s*ots ired in t*e )o#rse o an
*o#r and a *al or t.o *o#rs, only t.o *it t*e mar8, and
t*ey only inD#re t*e 2laster: T*e ot*er s*ells "o *i"*,
ort#nately not doin" any dama"e in t*e )ity: Is la)8 o s8ill
t*e real )a#se> T*ey .ere s*ootin" a)ross t*e Ne5a .it* a
dire)t aim at a tar"et as im2ressi5e as t*e +inter 3ala)e:
t*at does not demand a "reat deal o artistry: +o#ld it not
be tr#er to ass#me t*at e5en Las*e5i)*Js artillerymen
intentionally aimed *i"* in t*e *o2e t*at t*in"s .o#ld be
settled .it*o#t destr#)tion and deat*> It is 5ery dii)#lt
no. to *#nt o#t any tra)e o t*e moti5e .*i)* "#ided t*e
t.o nameless sailors: T*ey t*emsel5es *a5e s2o8en no
.ord: ?a5e t*ey dissol5ed in t*e immeas#rable R#ssian
land, or, li8e so many o t*e O)tober i"*ters, did t*ey lay
do.n t*eir *eads in t*e )i5il .ars o t*e )omin" mont*s
and years>
S*ortly ater t*e irst s*ots, 3al)*ins8y bro#"*t t*e
ministers a ra"ment o s*ell: 0dmiral Verdere5s8y
re)o"nised t*e s*ell as *is o.n H rom a na5al "#n, rom
t*e #urora: '#t t*ey .ere s*ootin" blan8 rom t*e )r#iser:
It *ad been t*#s a"reed, .as t*#s testiied by Blero5s8y,
and t*#s re2orted to t*e !on"ress o So5iets later by a
sailor: +as t*e admiral mista8en> +as t*e sailor mista8en>
+*o )an as)ertain t*e tr#t* abo#t a )annon s*ot ired in
t*e t*i)8 o ni"*t rom a m#tino#s s*i2 at a )KarJs 2ala)e
.*ere t*e last "o5ernment o t*e 2ossessin" )lasses is
"oin" o#t li8e an oilless lam2:
T*e "arrison o t*e 2ala)e .as "reatly red#)ed in n#mber:
I at t*e moment o t*e arri5al o t*e 6raltsi, t*e )ri22les
and t*e .omenJs battalion, it rose to a t*o#sand and a
*al, or 2er*a2s e5en t.o t*o#sand, it .as no. red#)ed to
a t*o#sand, and 2er*a2sJ )onsiderably less: Not*in" )an
sa5e t*e day no. b#t a mira)le, 0nd s#ddenly into t*e
des2airin" atmos2*ere o t*e +inter 3ala)e t*ere b#rsts H
not, to be s#re, a mira)le, b#t t*e ne.s o its a22roa)*:
3al)*ins8y anno#n)es: T*ey *a5e D#st tele2*oned rom t*e
!ity 4#ma t*at t*e )itiKens are "ettin" ready to mar)*
rom t*ere or t*e res)#e o t*e "o5ernment: @Tell
e5erybody,A *e "i5es orders to Sine"#b, @t*at t*e 2eo2le
are )omin":A T*e oi)er r#ns #2 and do.n stairs and
t*ro#"* t*e )orridors .it* t*e Doy#l ne.s: On t*e .ay *e
st#mbles #2on some dr#n8en oi)ers i"*tin" ea)* ot*er
.it* ra2iers H s*eddin" no blood, *o.e5er: T*e D#n8ers lit
#2 t*eir *eads: 3assin" rom mo#t* to mo#t* t*e ne.s
be)omes more )olo#r#l and im2ressi5e: T*e 2#bli) men,
t*e mer)*antry, t*e 2eo2le, .it* t*e )ler"y at t*eir *ead,
are mar)*in" t*is .ay to ree t*e belea"#ered 2ala)e: T*e
2eo2le .it* t*e )ler"yL @T*at .ill be stri8in"ly bea#ti#lLA
0 last remnant o ener"y lares #2: @?#rra*L Lon" li5e
R#ssiaLA T*e Oranienba#m D#n8ers, .*o by t*at time *ad
=#ite de)ided to lea5e, )*an"ed t*eir minds and stayed:
'#t t*e 2eo2le .it* t*e )ler"y )ome 5ery T*e
n#mber o a"itators in t*e 2ala)e is "": In a min#te
t*e #urora .ill o2en ire: T*ere is a .*is2erin" in t*e
)orridors: 0nd t*is .*is2er 2asses rom li2 to li2: S#ddenly
t.o ex2losions: Sailors *a5e "ot into t*e 2ala)e and eit*er
t*ro.n or dro22ed rom t*e "allery t.o *and "renades,
li"*tly .o#ndin" t.o D#n8ers: T*e sailors are arrested and
t*e .o#nded bo#nd #2 by 9is*8in, a 2*ysi)ian by
T*e inner resol#tion o t*e .or8ers and sailors is "reat, b#t
it *as not yet be)ome bitter: Lest t*ey )all it do.n on t*eir
*eads, t*e besie"ed, bein" t*e in)om2arably .ea8er side,
dare not deal se5erely .it* t*ese a"ents o t*e enemy
.*o *a5e 2enetrated t*e 2ala)e: T*ere are no exe)#tions:
6nin5ited "#ests no. be"in to a22ear no lon"er one by
one, b#t in "ro#2s: T*e 2ala)e is "ettin" more and more
li8e a sie5e: +*en t*e D#n8ers all #2on t*ese intr#ders,
t*e latter 2ermit t*emsel5es to be disarmed: @+*at
)o.ardly s)o#ndrelsLA says 3al)*ins8y s)orn#lly: No, t*ese
men .ere not )o.ardly: It re=#ired a *i"* )o#ra"e to ma8e
oneJs .ay into t*at 2ala)e )ro.ded .it* oi)ers and
D#n8ers: In t*e labyrint* o an #n8no.n b#ildin", in dar8
)orridors, amon" inn#merable doors leadin" nobody 8ne.
.*ere, and t*reatenin" nobody 8ne. .*at, t*e darede5ils
*ad not*in" to do b#t s#rrender: T*e n#mber o )a2ti5es
"ro.s: Ne. "ro#2s brea8 in: It is no lon"er =#ite )lear .*o
is s#rrenderin" to .*om, .*o is disarmin" .*om: T*e
artillery )ontin#es to boom:
+it* t*e ex)e2tion o t*e distri)t immediately adDoinin"
t*e +inter 3ala)e, t*e lie o t*e streets did not )ease #ntil
late at ni"*t: T*e t*eatres and mo5in";2i)t#re *o#ses
.ere o2en: To t*e res2e)table and ed#)ated strata o t*e
)a2ital it .as o no )onse=#en)e a22arently t*at t*eir
"o5ernment .as #nder ire: Redemeister on t*e Troits8y
'rid"e sa. =#ietly a22roa)*in" 2edestrians .*om t*e
sailors sto22ed: @T*ere .as not*in" #n#s#al to be seen:A
Brom a)=#aintan)es )omin" rom t*e dire)tion o t*e
3eo2leJs ?o#se Redemeister learned, to t*e t#ne o a
)annonade, t*at !*alia2in *ad been in)om2arable in .on
%arlos: T*e ministers )ontin#ed to tram2 t*e loors o t*eir
@It is )lear t*at t*e atta)8ers are .ea8AC maybe i .e *old
o#t an extra *o#r reinor)ements .ill still arri5e: Late at
ni"*t 9is*8in s#mmoned 0ssistant;Minister o Binan)e
9*r#s*)*e5, also a 9adet, to t*e tele2*one, and as8ed *im
to tell t*e leaders o t*e 2arty t*at t*e "o5ernment
needed at least a little bit o *el2 in order to *old o#t #ntil
t*e mornin" *o#rs, .*en 9erens8y o#"*t inally to arri5e
.it* t*e troo2s: @+*at 8ind o a 2arty is t*is,A s*o#ts
9is*8in indi"nantly, @t*at )anJt send #s t*ree *#ndred
armed menLA 0nd *e is ri"*t: +*at 8ind o a 2arty is it>
T*ese 9adets .*o *ad assembled tens o t*o#sands o
5otes at t*e ele)tions in 3etro"rad, )o#ld not 2#t o#t t*ree
*#ndred i"*ters at t*e moment o mortal dan"er to t*e
bo#r"eois rG"ime: I t*e ministers *ad only t*o#"*t to *#nt
#2 in t*e 2ala)e library t*e boo8s o t*e materialist
?obbes, t*ey )o#ld *a5e read in *is dialo"#es abo#t )i5il
.ar t*at t*ere is no #se ex2e)tin" or demandin" )o#ra"e
rom store;8ee2ers .*o *a5e "otten ri)*, @sin)e t*ey see
not*in" b#t t*eir o.n momentary ad5anta"e ::: and
)om2letely lose t*eir *eads at t*e mere t*o#"*t o t*e
2ossibility o bein" robbed:A '#t ater all ?obbes .as
*ardly to be o#nd in t*e )KarJs library: T*e ministers, too,
.ere *ardly #2 to t*e 2*iloso2*y o *istory: 9is*8inJs
tele2*one )all .as t*e last rin" rom t*e +inter 3ala)e:
Smolny .as )ate"ori)ally demandin" an end: +e m#st not
dra" o#t t*e sie"e till mornin", 8ee2 t*e )ity in a tension,
ras2 t*e ner5es o t*e !on"ress, 2#t a =#estion;mar8
a"ainst t*e .*ole 5i)tory: Lenin sends an"ry notes: !all
ollo.s )all rom t*e Military re5ol#tionary !ommittee:
3od5ois8y tal8s ba)8: It is 2ossible to t*ro. t*e masses
a"ainst t*e 2ala)e: 3lenty are ea"er to "o: '#t *o. many
5i)tims .ill t*ere be, and .*at .ill be let o t*e ministers
and t*e D#n8ers> ?o.e5er, t*e ne)essity o )arryin" t*e
t*in" t*o#"* is too im2erio#s: Not*in" remains b#t to
ma8e t*e na5al artillery s2ea8: 0 sailor rom 3eter and 3a#l
ta8es a sli2 o 2a2er to t*e #urora: O2en ire on t*e 2ala)e
immediately: No., it seems, all .ill be )lear: T*e "#nners
on t*e #urora are ready or b#siness, b#t t*e leaders still
la)8 resol#tion: T*ere is a ne. attem2t at e5asion: @+e
de)ided to .ait D#st anot*er =#arter o an *o#r,A .rites
Blero5s8y, @sensin" by instin)t t*e 2ossibility o a )*an"e
o )ir)#mstan)es:A 'y @instin)tA *ere it is ne)essary to
#nderstand a st#bborn *o2e t*at t*e t*in" .o#ld be
settled by mere demonstrati5e met*ods: 0nd t*is time
instin)tA did not de)ei5e: To.ards t*e end o t*at =#arter
o an *o#r a ne. )o#rier arri5ed strai"*t rom t*e +inter
3ala)e: T*e 2ala)e is ta8enL
T*e 2ala)e did not s#rrender b#t .as ta8en by storm H
t*is, *o.e5er, at a moment .*en t*e o resistan)e
o t*e besie"ed *ad already )om2letely e5a2orated:
?#ndreds o enemies bro8e into t*e )orridor H not by t*e
se)ret entran)e t*is time b#t t*ro#"* t*e deended door H
and t*ey .ere ta8en by t*e demoralised deenders or t*e
4#ma de2#tation: E5en so t*ey .ere s#))ess#lly
disarmed: 0 )onsiderable "ro#2 o D#n8ers "ot a.ay in t*e
)on#sion: T*e rest H at least a n#mber o t*em H still
)ontin#ed to stand "#ard: '#t t*e barrier o bayonets and
rile;ire bet.een t*e atta)8ers and deenders is inally
bro8en do.n:
T*at 2art o t*e 2ala)e adDoinin" t*e ?ermita"e already
illed .it* t*e enemy: T*e D#n8ers ma8e an attem2t to
)ome at t*em rom t*e rear: In t*e )orridors
2*antasma"ori) meetin"s and )las*es ta8e 2la)e: 0ll are
armed to t*e teet*: Lited *ands *old re5ol5ers: ?and;
"renades *an" rom belts: '#t nobody s*oots and nobody
t*ro.s a "renade: Bor t*ey and t*eir enemy are so mixed
to"et*er t*at t*ey )annot dra" t*emsel5es a2art: Ne5er
mind: t*e ate o t*e 2ala)e is already de)ided:
+or8ers, sailors, soldiers are 2#s*in" #2 rom o#tside in
)*ains and "ro#2s, lin"in" t*e D#n8ers rom t*e
barri)ades, b#rstin" t*ro#"* t*e )o#rt, st#mblin" into t*e
D#n8ers on t*e stair)ase, )ro.din" t*em ba)8, to22lin"
t*em o5er, dri5in" t*em #2stairs: 0not*er .a5e )omes on
be*ind: T*e s=#are 2o#rs into t*e )o#rt: T*e )o#rt 2o#rs
into t*e 2ala)e, and loods #2 and do.n stair.ays and
t*ro#"* )orridors: On t*e beo#led 2ar=#ets, amon"
mattresses and )*#n8s o bread, 2eo2le, riles, *and;
"renades are": T*e )on=#erors ind o#t t*at
9erens8y is not t*ere, and a momentary 2an" o
disa22ointment interr#2ts t*eir #rio#s Doy: 0ntono5 and
!*#dno5s8y are no. in t*e 2ala)e: +*ere is t*e
"o5ernment> T*at is t*e door H t*ere .*ere t*e D#n8ers
stand roKen in t*e last 2ose o resistan)e, T*e *ead
sentry r#s*es to t*e ministers .it* a =#estion: 0re .e
)ommanded to resist to t*e end> No, no, t*e ministers do
not )ommand t*at: 0ter all, t*e 2ala)e is ta8en: T*ere is
no need o bloods*ed: +e m#st yield to or)e: T*e
ministers desire to s#rrender .it* di"nity, and sit at t*e
table in imitation o a session o t*e "o5ernment: T*e
)ommandant *as already s#rrendered t*e 2ala)e,
ne"otiatin" or t*e li5es o t*e D#n8ers, a"ainst .*i)* in
any )ase nobody *ad made t*e sli"*test attem2t: 0s to
t*e ate o t*e "o5ernment, 0ntono5 re#ses to enter into
any ne"otiations .*ate5er:
T*e D#n8ers at t*e last "#arded doors .ere disarmed: T*e
5i)tors b#rst into t*e room o t*e ministers: @In ront o t*e
)ro.d and tryin" to *old ba)8 t*e on2ressin" ran8s strode
a rat*er small, #nim2ressi5e man: ?is )lot*es .ere in
disorder, a .ide;brimmed *at as8e. on *is *ead,
eye"lasses balan)ed #n)ertainly on *is nose, b#t *is little
eyes "leamed .it* t*e Doy o 5i)tory and s2ite a"ainst t*e
)on=#ered:A In t*ese anni*ilatin" stro8es t*e )on=#ered
*a5e des)ribed 0ntono5: It is not *ard to belie5e t*at *is
)lot*es and *is *at .ere in disorder: It is s#i)ient to
remember t*e no)t#rnal Do#rney t*ro#"* t*e 2#ddles o
t*e 3eter and 3a#l ortress: T*e Doy o 5i)tory mi"*t also
do#btless *a5e been read in *is eyesC b#t *ardly any s2ite
a"ainst t*e )on=#ered in t*ose eyes H I anno#n)e to yo#,
members o t*e 3ro5isional -o5ernment, t*at yo# are
#nder arrest H ex)laimed 0ntono5 in t*e name o t*e
Military Re5ol#tionary !ommittee: T*e )lo)8 t*en 2ointed
to 2:1% in t*e mornin" o O)tober 2(: H T*e members o
t*e 3ro5isional -o5ernment s#bmit to or)e and s#rrender
in order to a5oid bloods*ed H ans.ered 9ono5alo5: T*e
most im2ortant 2art o t*e rit#al .as t*#s obser5ed:
0ntono5 s#mmoned t.enty;i5e armed men, )*oosin"
t*em rom t*e irst deta)*ments to brea8 into t*e 2ala)e,
and t#rned o5er to t*em t*e deen)e o t*e ministry: 0ter" #2 a min#te o t*e 2ro)eedin", t*e arrestees .ere
led o#t into t*e s=#are: In t*e )ro.d, .*i)* *ad made its
sa)rii)e o dead and .o#nded, t*ere .as in tr#t* a lare
#2 o s2ite a"ainst t*e )on=#ered: @4eat* to t*emL S*oot
t*emLA Indi5id#al soldiers tried to stri8e t*e ministers: T*e
Red -#ards =#ieted t*e intem2erate ones: 4o not stain t*e
2roletarian 5i)toryL 0rmed .or8ers s#rro#nded t*e
2risoners and t*eir )on5oy in a solid rin": @Bor.ardLA T*ey
*ad not ar to "o H t*ro#"* Milliony and a)ross t*e Troits8y
'rid"e: '#t t*e ex)itement o t*e )ro.d made t*at s*ort
Do#rney lon" and #ll o dan"er: Minister Ni8itin .rote later
5ery tr#ly t*at b#t or t*e ener"eti) inter)ession o
0ntono5 t*e )onse=#en)es mi"*t *a5e been @5ery
serio#s:A To )on)l#de t*eir misad5ent#re, t*e 2ro)ession
.*ile on t*e brid"e .as ired on by a))ident and t*e
arrestees and t*eir )on5oy *ad to lie do.n on t*e
2a5ement: '#t *ere too, nobody .as inD#red: Somebody
.as e5idently s*ootin" in t*e air as a .arnin":
In t*e narro. =#arters o t*e "arrison )l#b o t*e ortress,
li"*ted .it* a smo8y 8erosene lam2 be)a#se t*e
ele)tri)ity *ad re#sed to #n)tion t*at day, orty or ity
men are )ro.ded: 0ntono5, in t*e 2resen)e o t*e
)ommissar o t*e ortress, )alls t*e roll o t*e ministers:
T*ere are ei"*teen o t*em, in)l#din" t*e *i"*est
assistants: T*e last ormalities are )on)l#dedC t*e
2risoners are distrib#ted in t*e rooms o t*e *istori)
Tr#bets8oy 'astion: None o t*e deenders *ad been
arrested: t*e oi)ers and D#n8ers .ere 2aroled on t*eir
.ord o *ono#r t*at t*ey .o#ld not ta8e any a)tion
a"ainst t*e so5iet Only a e. o t*em 8e2t t*eir
Immediately ater t*e )a2t#re o t*e +inter 3ala)e
r#mo#rs .ent ro#nd in bo#r"eois )ir)les abo#t t*e
exe)#tion o D#n8ers, t*e ra2in" o t*e .omenJs battalion,
t*e lootin" o t*e ri)*es o t*e 2ala)e: 0ll t*ese ables *ad
lon" a"o been re#ted .*en Mili#8o5 .rote t*is in *is
istory: @T*ose o t*e +omenJs 'attalion .*o *ad not
died #nder ire .ere seiKed t*e 'ols*e5i8s, s#bDe)ted
d#rin" t*at e5enin" and ni"*t to t*e ri"*t#l attentions o
t*e soldiers, to 5iolen)e and exe)#tion:A 0s a matter o
a)t t*ere .ere no s*ootin"s and, t*e mood o bot* sides
bein" .*at it .as at t*at 2eriod, t*ere )o#ld not *a5e
been any s*ootin"s: Still less t*in8able .ere a)ts o
5iolen)e, es2e)ially .it*in t*e 2ala)e .*ere alon"side o
5ario#s a))idental elements rom t*e streets, *#ndreds o
re5ol#tionary .or8ers )ame in .it* riles in t*eir *ands:
0ttem2ts at lootin" .ere a)t#ally made, b#t it .as D#st
t*ese attem2ts .*i)* re5ealed t*e dis)i2line o t*e 5i)tors:
,o*n Reed, .*o did not miss one o t*e dramati) e2isodes
o t*e re5ol#tion, and .*o entered t*e 2ala)e on t*e *eels
o t*e irst )ordons, tells *o. in t*e basement stores a
"ro#2 o soldiers .ere 2ryin" dra.ers o2en .it* t*e b#tts
o t*eir "#ns and dra""in" o#t )ar2ets, linen, )*ina,
"lass.are: It is 2ossible t*at re"#lar robbers .ere .or8in"
in t*e dis"#ise o soldiers, as t*ey did in5ariably d#rin" t*e
last years o t*e .ar, )on)ealin" t*eir identity in
tren)*)oats and papakhi: T*e lootin" *ad D#st be"#n .*en
somebody s*o#ted: @!omrades, 8ee2 yo#r *ands o, t*at
is t*e 2ro2erty o t*e 2eo2le:A 0 soldier sat do.n at a
table by t*e entran)e .it* 2en and 2a2er: t.o Red -#ards
.it* re5ol5ers stood be*ind *im: E5eryone "oin" o#t .as
sear)*ed, and e5ery obDe)t stolen .as ta8en ba)8 and
listed: In t*is .ay t*ey re)o5ered little stat#es, bottles o
in8, da""ers, )a8es o soa2, ostri)* eat*ers: T*e D#n8ers
.ere also s#bDe)ted to a )are#l sear)*, and t*eir 2o)8ets
t#rned o#t to be #ll o stolen /ric-a-/rac: T*e D#n8ers .ere
ab#sed and t*reatened by t*e soldiers, b#t t*at .as as ar
as it .ent: Mean.*ile a 2ala)e "#ard .as ormed .it* t*e
sailor 3ri8*od8o at t*e *ead: Sentries .ere 2osted
e5ery.*ere: T*e 2ala)e .as )leared o o#tsiders: In a e.
*o#rs !*#dno5s8y .as a22ointed )ommandant o t*e
+inter 3ala)e:
'#t .*at *ad be)ome o t*e 2eo2le, ad5an)in" .it* t*e
)ler"y at t*eir *ead to liberate t*e 2ala)e> It is ne)essary
to tell abo#t t*is *eroi) attem2t, t*e ne.s o .*i)* *ad or
a moment so to#)*ed t*e *earts o t*e D#n8ers: T*e )ity
d#ma .as t*e )entre o t*e anti;'ols*e5i8 or)esC its
b#ildin" on t*e Ne5s8y .as boilin" li8e a )a#ldron: 3arties,
a)tions, s#b;a)tions, "ro#2s, remnants and mere
inl#ential indi5id#als .ere t*ere dis)#ssin" t*is )riminal
ad5ent#re 2 t*e 'ols*e5i8s: Brom time to time t*ey .o#ld
)all #2 t*e ministry lan"#is*in" in t*e 2ala)e, and tell
t*em t*at #nder t*e .ei"*t o #ni5ersal )ondemnation t*e
ins#rre)tion m#st ine5itably ex2ire: ?o#rs .ere de5oted to
dissertations on t*e moral isolation o t*e 'ols*e5i8s:
Mean.*ile t*e artillery be"an to s2ea8: T*e minister
3ro8o2o5i)*, arrested in t*e mornin" b#t soon released,
)om2lained to t*e d#ma .it* a .ee2in" 5oi)e t*at *e *ad
been de2ri5ed o t*e 2ossibility o s*arin" t*e ate o *is
)omrades: ?e aro#sed .arm sym2at*y, b#t t*e ex2ression
o t*is sym2at*y #sed #2 time:
Brom t*e "eneral )on#sion o ideas and s2ee)*es a
2ra)ti)al 2lan is at last 2rod#)ed, and .ins stormy
a22la#se rom t*e .*ole meetin": T*e d#ma m#st mar)*
in a body to t*e +inter 3ala)e in order to die t*ere, i
ne)essary, .it* t*e "o5ernment:
T*e So)ial Re5ol#tionaries, Mens*e5i8s and !o;o2erators
are all ali8e seiKed .it* a .illin"ness eit*er to sa5e t*e
ministers or all by t*eir sides: T*e 9adets, not "enerally
in)lined to ris8y #nderta8in"s, t*is time de)ide to lay do.n
t*eir *eads .it* t*e rest: Some 2ro5in)ials a))identally
t#rnin" #2 in t*e *all, t*e d#ma Do#rnalists, and one man
rom t*e "eneral 2#bli), re=#est 2ermission in more or less
elo=#ent lan"#a"e to s*are t*e ate o t*e d#ma: T*e
2ermission is "ranted:
T*e 'ols*e5i8 a)tion tries to oer a 2rosai) 2ie)e o
ad5i)e: +*y .ander t*ro#"* t*e streets in t*e dar8
see8in" deat*> 'etter )all #2 t*e ministers and 2ers#ade
t*em to s#rrender beore blood is s*ed: '#t t*e demo)rats
are indi"nant: T*ese a"ents o ins#rre)tion .ant to tear
rom o#r *ands not only t*e, b#t o#r ri"*t to a
*eroi) deat*: Mean.*ile t*e members de)ided, in t*e
interest o *istory, to ta8e a 5ote by roll )all: 0ter all, one
)annot die too late H e5en t*o#"* t*e deat* be "lorio#s:
Sixty;t.o members o t*e d#ma ratiy t*e de)ision yes,
t*ey are a)t#ally "oin" to die #nder t*e r#ins o t*e +inter
3ala)e: To t*is t*e o#rteen 'ols*e5i8s t*at it is
better to )on=#er .it* Smolny t*an to die in t*e +inter
3ala)e, and immediately set o or t*e meetin" o t*e
So5iet !on"ress: Only t*ree Mens*e5i8;Internationalists
de)ide to remain .it*in t*e .alls o t*e d#ma: T*ey *a5e
no.*ere to "o and not*in" to die or:
T*e members o t*e d#ma are D#st on t*e 2oint o settin"
o#t on t*eir last Do#rney .*en t*e tele2*one rin"s and
ne.s )omes t*at t*e .*ole o t*e Exe)#ti5e !ommittee o
t*e 3easantsJ 4e2#ties is )omin" to Doin t*em: 6nendin"
a22la#se: No. t*e 2i)t#re is )om2lete and )lear: T*e
re2resentati5es o one *#ndred million 2easants, to"et*er
.it* t*e re2resentati5es o all )lasses o t*e )ity
2o2#lation are "oin" to die at t*e *ands o an insi"nii)ant
"an" o t*#"s: T*ere is no la)8 o s2ee)*es and a22la#se:
0ter t*e arri5al o t*e 3easantsJ 4e2#ties t*e )ol#mn
inally set o#t alon" t*e Ne5s8y: 0t t*e *ead o t*e )ol#mn
mar)* t*e b#r"omaster, S)*reider, and t*e minister
3ro8o2o5i)*: 0mon" t*e mar)*ers ,o*n Reed noti)ed t*e
So)ial Re5ol#tionary, 058sentie5, 2resident o t*e 3easant
Exe)#ti5e !ommittee, and t*e Mens*e5i8 leaders,
9*in)*#8 and 0bramo5i)*, t*e irst o .*om .as
)onsidered Ri"*t, t*e se)ond Let: 3ro8o2o5i)* and
S)*reider ea)* )arried a lantern: it *ad been so a"reed by
tele2*one .it* t*e ministers, in order t*at t*e D#n8ers
s*o#ld not ta8e riends or enemies: 3ro8o2o5i)* )arried
besides t*is an #mbrella, as did many ot*ers: T*e )ler"y
.ere not 2resent: T*e )ler"y *ad been )reated o#t o
misty ra"ments o t*e *istory o t*e at*erland by t*e
none too o2#lent ima"ination o t*e D#n8ers: '#t t*e
2eo2le also .ere absent: T*eir absen)e determined t*e
)*ara)ter o t*e .*ole s)*eme: T*ree or o#r *#ndred
@re2resentati5esA and not one man o t*ose .*om t*ey
re2resentedL @It .as a dar8 ni"*t,A remembers t*e So)ial
Re5ol#tionary, PenKino5, @and t*e li"*ts on t*e Ne5s8y
.ere not b#rnin": +e mar)*ed in a re"#lar 2ro)ession and
only o#r sin"in" o t*e Marseillaise .as to be *eard:
!annon s*ots reso#nded in t*e distan)e: t*at .as t*e
'ols*e5i8s )ontin#in" to bombard t*e +inter 3ala)e:A
0t t*e E8aterinins8y !anal a 2atrol o armed sailors .as
stret)*ed o#t a)ross t*e Ne5s8y, blo)8in" t*e .ay or t*is
)ol#mn o t*e demo)ra)y: @+e are "oin" or.ard,A
de)lared t*e )ondemned, @+*at )an yo# do to #s>A T*e
sailors ans.ered ran8ly t*at t*ey .o#ld #se or)e: @-o
*ome and lea5e #s alone:A Someone o t*e mar)*ers
s#""ested t*at t*ey die ri"*t t*ere on t*e s2ot: '#t in t*e
de)ision ado2ted by a roll )all 5ote in t*e d#ma t*is
5ariant *ad not been oreseen: T*e minister 3ro8o2o5i)*
)lambered #2 on some sort o ele5ation and @.a5in" *is
#mbrellaA H rains are re=#ent in t*e a#t#mn in 3etro"rad H
#r"ed t*e demonstrators not to lead into tem2tation t*ose
dar8 and de)ei5ed 2eo2le .*o mi"*t a)t#ally resort to
arms: @Let #s ret#rn to t*e d#ma and tal8 o5er met*ods o
sa5in" t*e )o#ntry and t*e re5ol#tion:A
T*is .as tr#ly a .ise 2ro2osal: To be s#re, t*e ori"inal 2lan
.o#ld t*en remain #n#lilled: '#t .*at )an yo# do .it*
armed r#ians .*o .ill not 2ermit t*e leaders o t*e
demo)ra)y to die a *eroi) deat*> @T*ey stood aro#nd or a
.*ile, "ot )*illy and de)ided to "o ba)8,A .rites
Stan8e5i)* mo#rn#lly: ?e too .as a mar)*er in t*is
2ro)ession: +it*o#t t*e Marseillaise no. H on t*e )ontrary
in a "l#m silen)e H t*e 2ro)ession mo5ed ba)8 alon" t*e
Ne5s8y to t*e d#ma b#ildin": T*ere at last it .o#ld s#rely
ind @met*ods o sa5in" t*e )o#ntry and t*e re5ol#tion:A
+it* t*e )a2t#re o t*e +inter 3ala)e t*e Military
Re5ol#tionary !ommittee )ame into #ll 2ossession o t*e
)a2ital: '#t D#st as t*e nails and *air )ontin#e to "ro. on a
)or2se, so t*e o5ert*ro.n "o5ernment )ontin#ed to s*o.
si"ns o lie t*ro#"* its oi)ial 2ress: The erald o* the
!rovisional +overn&ent, .*i)* on t*e 2&t* *ad
anno#n)ed t*e retirement o t*e 3ri5y !o#n)illors .it*
t*eir #niorm and 2in)e;neK, *ad s#ddenly disa22eared on
t*e 2<t* H an e5ent .*i)*, to be s#re, nobody noti)ed: '#t
on t*e 2(t* it a22eared a"ain as i not*in" *ad *a22ened:
On t*e irst 2a"e it )arried a r#bri): @In )onse=#en)e o t*e
s*#ttin" o o t*e ele)tri) )#rrent t*e iss#e o O)tober 2<
did not a22ear:A In all ot*er res2e)ts ex)e2t only t*e
ele)tri) )#rrent, t*e "o5ernmental lie .as "oin" on in d#e
order, and t*e erald o a "o5ernment no. lo)ated in t*e
Tr#bets8oy 'astion anno#n)ed t*e a22ointment o a doKen
ne. senators: In its )ol#mn o @administrati5e inormationA
a )ir)#lar o t*e Minister o t*e Interior, Ni8itin, ad5ised t*e
)ommissars o t*e 2ro5in)es @not to be inl#en)ed by alse
r#mo#rs o e5ents in 3etro"rad .*ere all is tran=#il:A T*e
minister .as not ater all so ar .ron": T*e days o t*e
re5ol#tion .ent by 2ea)e#lly eno#"*, b#t or t*e
)annonadin", .*ose ee)t .as only a)o#sti): '#t D#st t*e
same t*e *istorian .ill ma8e no mista8e i *e says t*at on
O)tober 2<t* not only .as t*e ele)tri) )#rrent s*#t o in
t*e "o5ernment 2rintin" 2lant, b#t an im2ortant 2a"e .as
t#rned in t*e *istory o man8ind:
Chapter 4/: The October
3*ysi)al analo"ies .it* re5ol#tion )ome so nat#rally t*at
some o t*em *a5e be)ome .orn;o#t meta2*ors:
@Vol)ani) er#2tion,A @birt* o a ne. so)iety,A @boilin"
2oint:A ::: 6nder t*e sim2le literary ima"e t*ere is
)on)ealed *ere an int#iti5e "ras2 o t*e la.s o diale)ti) H
t*at is, t*e lo"i) o e5ol#tion:
0rmed ins#rre)tion stands in t*e same relation to
re5ol#tion t*at re5ol#tion as a .*ole does to e5ol#tion, it
is t*e )riti)al 2oint .*en a))#m#latin" =#antity t#rns .it*
an ex2losion into =#ality: '#t ins#rre)tion itsel a"ain is not
a *omo"eneo#s and indi5isible a)t: it too *as its )riti)al
2oints, its inner )rises and a))elerations:
0n extraordinary im2ortan)e bot* 2oliti)al and t*eoreti)al
atta)*es to t*at s*ort 2eriod immediately 2re)edin" t*e
@boilin" 2ointA H t*e e5e, t*at is, o t*e ins#rre)tion:
3*ysi)s tea)*es t*at t*e steady in)rease o tem2erat#re
s#ddenly )omes to a sto2C t*e li=#id remains or a time at
t*e same tem2erat#re, and boils only ater absorbin" an
additional =#antity o *eat: E5eryday lan"#a"e also )omes
to o#r aid *ere, desi"natin" t*is )ondition o 2se#do;
tran=#il )on)entration 2re)edin" an ex2losion as Jt*e l#ll
beore t*e storm:A
+*en an #n=#aliied maDority o t*e .or8ers and soldiers
o 3etro"rad *ad )ome o5er to t*e 'ols*e5i8s, t*e boilin"
tem2erat#re, it seemed, .as rea)*ed: It .as t*en t*at
Lenin 2ro)laimed t*e ne)essity o immediate ins#rre)tion:
'#t it is stri8in" to obser5e t*at somet*in" .as still la)8in"
to t*e ins#rre)tion: T*e .or8ers, and es2e)ially t*e
soldiers, *ad to absorb some additional re5ol#tionary
T*e )ontradi)tion bet.een .ord and deed is #n8no.n to
t*e masses, b#t t*e 2assin" o5er rom .ord to deed H
e5en to a sim2le stri8e, and so m#)* t*e more to
ins#rre)tion H ine5itably )alls o#t inner ri)tions and
mole)#lar re"ro#2in"s: some mo5e or.ard, ot*ers *a5e
to )ro.d ba)8: !i5il .ar in "eneral is distin"#is*ed in its
irst ste2s by an extraordinary inde)isi5eness: 'ot* )am2s
are as t*o#"* st#)8 ast in t*e same national soilC t*ey
)annot brea8 a.ay rom t*eir o.n en5ironment .it* its
intermediate "ro#2in"s and moods o )om2romise:
T*e l#ll beore t*e storm in t*e ran8s 2rod#)ed a
s#dden *esitation amon" t*e "#idin" "ro#2s: T*ose
or"ans and instit#tions .*i)* *ad been ormed in t*e
)om2arati5ely tran=#il 2eriod o 2re2aration H or
re5ol#tion *as li8e .ar its 2ea)e#l 2eriod, its days o )alm
H 2ro5ed e5en in t*e most tem2ered 2arty inade=#ate, or
at least not .*olly ade=#ate, to t*e tas8s o ins#rre)tion: 0
)ertain re)onstr#)tion and s*itin" abo#t is #na5oidable at
t*e )riti)al moment: Bar rom all t*e dele"ates o t*e
3etro"rad So5iet .*o 5oted or a so5iet "o5ernment .ere
really imb#ed .it* t*e idea t*at an armed ins#rre)tion *ad
be)ome t*e tas8 o t*e day: In order to )on5ert t*e So5iet
into a ma)*ine o ins#rre)tion, it .as ne)essary .it* as
little dist#rban)e as 2ossible to brin" t*em o5er to t*is
ne. )o#rse: In t*e )ir)#mstan)es o a mat#red )risis t*is
did not re=#ire mont*s, or e5en many .ee8s, '#t D#st in
t*ose last days it .as most dan"ero#s to all o#t o ste2, to
"i5e orders or a D#m2 some days beore t*e So5iet .as
ready to ma8e it, to brin" )on#sion into oneJs o.n ran8s,
to )#t o t*e 2arty rom t*e So5iet e5en or 2& *o#rs:
Lenin more t*an on)e re2eated t*at t*e masses are ar to
t*e let o t*e 2arty, D#st as t*e 2arty is to t*e let o t*e
!entral !ommittee: 022lied to t*e re5ol#tion as a .*ole
t*is .as 2ere)tly tr#e: '#t t*ese )orrelations too, *a5e
t*eir dee2 in.ard os)illations: In 02ril, in ,#ne, and
es2e)ially at t*e be"innin" o ,#ly, t*e .or8ers and
soldiers .ere im2atiently 2#s*in" t*e 2arty alon" t*e 2at*
to.ard de)isi5e a)tion: 0ter t*e ,#ly raids t*e masses
be)ame more )a#tio#s: T*ey .anted a re5ol#tion as
beore, and more t*an beore, b#t *a5in" badly b#rnt
t*emsel5es on)e, t*ey eared anot*er ail#re: T*ro#"*o#t
,#ly, 0#"#st and Se2tember, t*e 2arty .as daily *oldin"
ba)8 t*e .or8ers and soldiers, .*om t*e 9ornilo5ists on
t*eir 2art .ere )*allen"in" into t*e streets .it* all t*eir
mi"*t: T*e 2oliti)al ex2erien)e o t*ose last mont*s *ad
"reatly de5elo2ed t*e in*ibitory )entres not only o t*e
leaders, b#t o t*e led: T*e #nbro8en s#))ess o t*e
a"itation *ad no#ris*ed in its t#rn t*e inertia o t*e time;
bidin" attit#de: 0 ne. 2oliti)al orientation .as not eno#"*
or t*e masses: t*ey *ad need o a 2sy)*olo"i)al
readD#stment: 0n ins#rre)tion ta8es in broader masses, t*e
more t*e )ommands o t*e re5ol#tionary 2arty #se .it*
t*e )ommand o )ir)#mstan)es:
T*e dii)#lt 2roblem o 2assin" rom t*e 2oliti)al
2re2aration to t*e a)t#al te)*ni=#e o ins#rre)tion arose
t*ro#"*o#t t*e .*ole )o#ntry in dierent orms, b#t in
essen)e it .as e5ery.*ere t*e same: M#ralo5 tells *o. in
t*e Mos)o. military or"anisation o t*e 'ols*e5i8s o2inion
as to t*e ne)essity o a seiK#re o .as #nanimo#sC
*o.e5er @t*e attem2t to de)ide )on)retely *o. t*is
seiK#re s*o#ld be )arried o#t remained #nresol5ed:A T*e
last )onne)tin" lin8 .as la)8in":
4#rin" t*ose days .*en 3etro"rad .as #ll o t*e transer
o t*e "arrison, Mos)o. .as li5in" in an atmos2*ere o
)ontin#al stri8e )onli)ts: On t*e initiati5e o a a)tory
)ommittee t*e 'ols*e5i8 a)tion o t*e so5iet 2#t or.ard
a 2lan to settle e)onomi) )onli)ts by means o de)rees:
T*e 2re2aratory ste2s too8 a "ood deal o time: Only on
t*e 23rd o O)tober .as Revolutionary .ecree -o"1
ado2ted by t*e so5iet bodies: It 2ro5ided t*at: +or8ers
and )ler8s in a)tories and s*o2s s*all *en)eort* be
em2loyed and dis)*ar"ed only .it* t*e )onsent o t*e
s*o2 )ommittees: T*is meant t*at t*e so5iet *ad be"#n to
#n)tion as a state T*e ine5itable resistan)e o t*e
"o5ernment .o#ld, a))ordin" to t*e desi"n o t*e
initiators, #nite t*e masses more )losely ro#nd t*e so5iet
and lead to an o2en )onli)t: T*is idea ne5er )ame to t*e
test be)a#se t*e re5ol#tion in 3etro"rad "a5e Mos)o.,
to"et*er .it* all t*e rest o t*e )o#ntry, a ar more
im2erati5e moti5e or ins#rre)tion H t*e ne)essity o
)omin" 2rom2tly to t*e s#22ort o t*e ormed
so)iety "o5ernment:
T*e atta)8in" side is almost al.ays interested in seemin"
on t*e deensi5e: 0 re5ol#tionary 2arty is interested in
le"al )o5erin"s: T*e )omin" !on"ress o So5iets, alt*o#"*
in essen)e a So5iet o re5ol#tion, .as ne5ert*eless or t*e
.*ole 2o2#lar mass ind#bitably endo.ed, i not .it* t*e
.*ole so5erei"nty, at least .it* a "ood *al o it: It .as a
=#estion o one o t*e elements o a d#al ma8in" an
ins#rre)tion a"ainst t*e ot*er: 022ealin" to t*e !on"ress
as t*e so#r)e o a#t*ority, t*e Military Re5ol#tionary
!ommittee a))#sed t*e "o5ernment in ad5an)e o
2re2arin" an attem2t a"ainst t*e so5iets: T*is a))#sation
lo.ed lo"i)ally rom t*e .*ole sit#ation: Insoar as t*e
"o5ernment did not intend to )a2it#late .it*o#t a i"*t, it
)o#ld not *el2 "ettin" ready to deend itsel: '#t by t*is
5ery a)t it be)ame liable to t*e a))#sation o )ons2ira)y
a"ainst t*e *i"*est or"an o t*e .or8ers, soldiers and
2easants: In its str#""le a"ainst t*e !on"ress o So5iets
.*i)* .as to o5ert*ro. 9erens8y, t*e "o5ernment lited
its *and a"ainst t*at so#r)e o rom .*i)* 9erens8y
*ad iss#ed:
It .o#ld be a serio#s mista8e to re"ard all t*is as D#ridi)al
*air;s2littin" o no interest to t*e 2eo2le: On t*e )ontrary,
it .as in D#st t*is orm t*at t*e #ndamental a)ts o t*e
re5ol#tion rele)ted t*emsel5es in t*e minds o t*e
masses: It .as ne)essary to ma8e #ll #se o t*is
extraordinary ad5anta"eo#s tie;#2: In t*#s "i5in" a "reat
2oliti)al "oal to t*e nat#ral disin)lination o t*e soldier to
2ass rom t*e barra)8s to t*e tren)*es, and in mobilisin"
t*e "arrison or t*e deen)e o t*e So5iet !on"ress, t*e
re5ol#tionary leaders did not bind t*eir *ands in t*e
sli"*test de"ree re"ardin" t*e date o t*e ins#rre)tion: T*e
)*oi)e o t*e day and *o#r de2ended #2on t*e #rt*er
)o#rse o t*e )onli)t: T*e reedom to manoe#5re
belon"ed to t*e stron"est:
@Birst )on=#er 9erens8y and t*en )all t*e !on"ress,A Lenin
8e2t re2eatin", earin" t*at ins#rre)tion .o#ld be re2la)ed
.it* )onstit#tional by;2lay: Lenin *ad ob5io#sly not yet
a22re)iated t*e ne. a)tor .*i)* *ad intr#ded into t*e
2re2aration o t*e ins#rre)tion and )*an"ed its .*ole
)*ara)ter, t*e s*ar2 )onli)t bet.een t*e 3etro"rad
"arrison and t*e "o5ernment: I t*e !on"ress o So5iets
.as to de)ide t*e =#estion o 2o.erC i t*e "o5ernment
.anted to dismember t*e "arrison in order to 2re5ent t*e
!on"ress rom be)omin" t*e 2o.erC i t*e "arrison .it*o#t
a.aitin" t*e !on"ress o So5iets *ad re#sed to obey t*e
"o5ernment, .*y t*is meant t*at in essen)e t*e
ins#rre)tion *ad be"#n, and be"#n .it*o#t .aitin" or t*e
!on"ress, alt*o#"* #nder )o5er o its a#t*ority: It .o#ld
*a5e been .ron" 2oliti)ally, t*ereore, to se2arate t*e
2re2aration o t*e ins#rre)tion rom t*e 2re2aration or t*e
!on"ress o So5iets:
T*e 2e)#liarities o t*e O)tober re5ol#tion )an best be
#nderstood by )ontrastin" it .it* t*e Bebr#ary re5ol#tion:
In ma8in" t*is )om2arison it is not ne)essary, as in ot*er
)ases, to ass#me )onditionally t*e identity o a .*ole
series o )ir)#mstan)es: T*ey are in reality identi)al: T*e
s)ene is 3etro"rad in bot* )ases: t*e same arena, t*e
same so)ial "ro#2in"s, t*e same 2roletariat, and t*e same
"arrison: T*e 5i)tory in bot* )ases .as attained by t*e
"oin" o5er o a maDority o t*e reser5e re"iments to t*e
side o t*e .or8ers: '#t .it*in t*e rame.or8 o t*ese
#ndamental traits .*at an enormo#s dieren)eL T*e t.o
3etro"rad re5ol#tions, *istori)ally )om2letin" ea)* ot*er in
t*e )o#rse o ei"*t mont*s, seem in t*eir )ontrastin" traits
almost 2redestined to 2romote an #nderstandin" o t*e
nat#re o ins#rre)tion in "eneral:
T*e Bebr#ary ins#rre)tion is )alled s2ontaneo#s: +e *a5e
introd#)ed in t*eir d#e 2la)e all t*e ne)essary limitations
to t*is des)ri2tion: '#t it is tr#e in any )ase t*at in
Bebr#ary nobody laid o#t t*e road in ad5an)e, nobody
5oted in t*e a)tories and barra)8s on t*e =#estion o
re5ol#tion, nobody s#mmoned t*e masses rom abo5e to
ins#rre)tion: T*e indi"nation a))#m#lated or years bro8e
to t*e s#ra)e #nex2e)tedly, to a )onsiderable de"ree,
e5en to t*e masses t*emsel5es:
It .as =#ite ot*er.ise in O)tober: Bor ei"*t mont*s t*e
masses *ad been li5in" an intense 2oliti)al lie: T*ey *ad
not only been )reatin" e5ents, b#t learnin" to #nderstand
t*eir )onne)tions: 0ter ea)* a)tion t*ey *ad )riti)ally
.ei"*ed its res#lts: So5iet 2arliamentarism *ad be)ome
t*e daily me)*ani)s o t*e 2oliti)al lie o t*e 2eo2le:
+*en t*ey .ere de)idin" by a 5ote =#estions o stri8es, o
street maniestations, o t*e transer o re"iments to t*e
ront, )o#ld t*e masses or"o an inde2endent de)ision on
t*e =#estion o ins#rre)tion>
Brom t*is in5al#able and sole s#bstantial )on=#est o t*e
Bebr#ary re5ol#tion t*ere arose, *o.e5er, ne. dii)#lties:
It .as im2ossible to s#mmon t*e masses to battle in t*e
name o t*e So5iet .it*o#t raisin" t*e =#estion ormally in
t*e So5iet H t*at is, .it*o#t ma8in" t*e 2roblem o
ins#rre)tion a s#bDe)t o 2#bli) debate, and t*at too, .it*
t*e 2arti)i2ation o re2resentati5es o t*e *ostile )am2:
T*e ne)essity o )reatin" a s2e)ial, and to t*e extent
2ossible a dis"#ised, so5iet or"an or t*e leaders*i2 o t*e
ins#rre)tion .as ob5io#s: '#t t*is too demanded
demo)rati) 2ro)ed#res, .it* all t*eir ad5anta"es and all
t*eir delays: T*e resol#tion on t*e Military Re5ol#tionary
!ommittee ado2ted on t*e 9t* o O)tober .as )arried o#t
only on t*e 2%t*: '#t t*at .as not t*e )*ie dii)#lty: To
ta8e ad5anta"e o t*e maDority in t*e So5iet and )om2ose
t*e !ommittee o 'ols*e5i8s alone, .o#ld *a5e 2ro5o8ed
dis)ontent amon" t*e non;2arty men, to say not*in" o
t*e Let So)ial Re5ol#tionaries and )ertain "ro#2s o
anar)*ists: T*e 'ols*e5i8s in t*e Military Re5ol#tionary
!ommittee .o#ld s#bmit to t*e de)isions o t*eir 2arty H
alt*o#"* not al.ays .it*o#t resistan)e H b#t it .as
im2ossible to demand dis)i2line o t*e non;2arty men and
t*e Let So)ial Re5ol#tionaries: To "et an a priori resol#tion
o ins#rre)tion at a deinite date rom t*em .as not to be
t*o#"*t o: 0nd moreo5er it .as extremely im2r#dent
e5en to 2#t t*e =#estion to t*em: 'y means o t*e Military
Re5ol#tionary !ommittee, t*ereore, it .as 2ossible only
to dra. t*e masses into ins#rre)tion, s*ar2enin" t*e
sit#ation rom day to day and ma8in" t*e )onli)t
+o#ld it not *a5e been sim2ler in t*at )ase to s#mmon
t*e ins#rre)tion dire)tly in t*e name o t*e 2arty> T*is
orm o a)tion #ndo#btedly *as .ei"*ty ad5anta"es: '#t
its disad5anta"es are *ardly less ob5io#s: In t*ose millions
#2on .*om t*e 2arty le"itimately )o#nted it is ne)essary
to distin"#is* t*ree layers: one .*i)* .as already .it* t*e
'ols*e5i8s on all )onditionsC anot*er, more n#mero#s,
.*i)* s#22orted t*e 'ols*e5i8s in so ar as t*ey a)ted
t*ro#"* t*e so5ietsC a t*ird .*i)* ollo.ed t*e so5iets in
s2ite o t*e a)t t*at t*ey .ere dominated by 'ols*e5i8s:
T*ese t*ree layers .ere dierent not only in 2oliti)al le5el,
b#t to a )onsiderable de"ree also in so)ial in"redients:
T*ose standin" or t*e 'ols*e5i8s as a 2arty .ere abo5e
all ind#strial .or8ers, .it* t*e *ereditary 2roletarians o
3etro"rad in t*e ront ran8: T*ose standin" or t*e
'ols*e5i8s in so ar as t*ey *ad a le"al so5iet )o5er, .ere
a maDority o t*e soldiers: T*ose standin" or t*e so5iets,
inde2endently and re"ardless o t*e a)t t*at an o5er2l#s
o 'ols*e5i8s dominated t*em, .ere t*e more
)onser5ati5e "ro#2s o .or8ers H ormer Mens*e5i8s and
So)ial Re5ol#tionaries, .*o dreaded to brea8 a.ay rom
t*e rest o t*e masses H t*e more )onser5ati5e 2arts o t*e
army e5en in)l#din" t*e !ossa)8s, and t*e 2easants .*o
*ad reed t*emsel5es rom t*e leaders*i2 o t*e So)ial
Re5ol#tionary 2arty and .ere ad*erin" to its let lan8:
It .o#ld be an ob5io#s mista8e to identiy t*e stren"t* o
t*e 'ols*e5i8 2arty .it* t*e stren"t* o t*e so5iets led by
it: T*e latter .as m#)* "reater t*an t*e ormer: ?o.e5er,
.it*o#t t*e ormer it .o#ld *a5e been mere im2oten)e:
T*ere is not*in" mysterio#s in t*is: T*e relations bet.een
t*e 2arty and t*e So5iet "re. o#t o t*e disa))ord
ine5itable in a re5ol#tionary e2o)* bet.een t*e )olossal
2oliti)al inl#en)e o 'ols*e5ism and its narro.
or"anisational "ras2: 0 le5er )orre)tly a22lied ma8es t*e
*#man arm )a2able o litin" a .ei"*t many times
ex)eedin" its li5in" or)e, b#t .it*o#t t*e li5in" arm t*e
le5er is not*in" b#t a dead sti)8:
0t a Mos)o. re"ional )oneren)e o t*e 'ols*e5i8s at t*e
end o Se2tember, one o t*e dele"ates re2orted: @In
Me"ore5s8 t*e inl#en)e o t*e 'ols*e5i8s is #ndi5ided :::
'#t t*e 2arty or"anisation as s#)* is .ea8: It is in
)om2lete ne"le)tC t*eir is neit*er re"#lar re"istration nor
members*i2 d#es:A T*is dis2ro2ortion bet.een inl#en)e
and or"anisation, alt*o#"* not e5ery.*ere so mar8ed,
.as a "eneral 2*enomenon: 'road masses 8ne. o t*e
'ols*e5i8 slo"ans and t*e so5iet or"anisation: T*e t.o
#sed )om2letely in t*eir minds in t*e )o#rse o
Se2tember and O)tober: +*at t*e 2eo2le .ere .aitin" or
.as t*at t*e so5iets s*o#ld s*o. t*em .*en and *o. to
)arry o#t t*e 2ro"ramme o t*e 'ols*e5i8s:
T*e 2arty itsel systemati)ally ed#)ated t*e masses in t*is
s2irit: In 9ie5, .*en t*e r#mo#r .ent ro#nd t*at an
ins#rre)tion .as 2re2arin", t*e 'ols*e5i8 Exe)#ti5e
!ommittee immediately )ame o#t .it* a denial: @No
a)tion .it*o#t t*e s#mmons o t*e So5iet m#st ta8e
2la)e ::: Not a ste2 .it*o#t t*e So5ietLA In denyin" on t*e
1$t* o O)tober t*e r#mo#rs o an ins#rre)tion alle"ed to
*a5e been a22ointed or t*e 22nd, Trots8y said: @T*e
So5iet is an ele)ti5e instit#tion and ::: )annot ma8e a
de)ision .*i)* is #n8no.n to t*e .or8ers and soldiers :::A
Re2eated daily and reinor)ed by 2ra)ti)al a)tion, s#)*
orm#la entered into t*e les* and blood o t*e masses:
0))ordin" to t*e re2ort o Ensi"n 'ereKin, at an O)tober
military )oneren)e o t*e 'ols*e5i8s in Mos)o. t*e
dele"ates .ere sayin": @It is *ard to 8no. .*et*er t*e
troo2s .ill )ome o#t at t*e s#mmons o t*e Mos)o.
)ommittee o t*e 'ols*e5i8s: 0t t*e s#mmons o t*e
So5iet t*ey mi"*t all )ome o#t:A Ne5ert*eless e5en in
Se2tember t*e Mos)o. "arrison *ad 5oted 9% 2er )ent
'ols*e5i8: 0t a )oneren)e o O)tober 1(t* in 3etro"rad,
'o8y made t*is re2ort in t*e name o t*e 2arty )ommittee:
In t*e Mos)o. distri)t @t*ey .ill )ome o#t at t*e s#mmons
o t*e So5iet, b#t not o t*e 2artyAC in t*e Ne5s8y distri)t
@all .ill ollo. t*e So5iet:A Volodars8y t*ere#2on
s#mmarised t*e state o mind in 3etro"rad in t*e"
.ords: @T*e "eneral im2ression is t*at nobody is ea"er to
"o into t*e streets, b#t all .ill a22ear at t*e )all o t*e
So5iet:A Ol"a Ra5i)* )orre)ted *im: @Some say also at t*e
)all o t*e 2arty:A 0t a 3etro"rad -arrison !oneren)e on
t*e 1$t*, dele"ates re2orted t*at t*eir re"iments .ere
a.aitin" t*e s#mmons o t*e So5iet to )ome o#t: Nobody
mentioned t*e 2arty,*standin" t*at t*e 'ols*e5i8s
stood at t*e *ead o many #nits: T*#s #nity in t*e barra)8s
)o#ld be 2reser5ed only by #nitin" t*e sym2at*eti), t*e
.a5erin", and t*e semi;*ostile #nder t*e dis)i2line o t*e
So5iet: T*e "renadier re"iment e5en de)lared t*at it .o#ld
)ome o#t only at t*e )ommand o t*e !on"ress o So5iets:
T*e 5ery a)t t*at a"itators and or"anisers in estimatin"
t*e state o mind o t*e masses al.ays all#ded to t*e
distin)tion bet.een t*e So5iet and t*e 2arty, s*o.s .*at
"reat si"nii)an)e t*is =#estion *ad rom t*e stand2oint o
t*e s#mmons to ins#rre)tion:
T*e )*a#e#r Mitre5i)* tells *o. in a s=#ad o motor;
tr#)8s, .*ere t*ey did not s#))eed in )arryin" a resol#tion
in a5o#r o ins#rre)tion, t*e 'ols*e5i8s 2#t t*ro#"* a
)om2romise 2ro2osal: @+e .ill not )ome o#t eit*er or t*e
'ols*e5i8s or t*e Mens*e5i8s, b#t ::: .e .ill )arry o#t
.it*o#t delay all t*e demands o t*e Se)ond !on"ress o
So5iets:A T*ese 'ols*e5i8s .ere a22lyin" on a small s)ale
to t*e motor;tr#)8 s=#ad t*e same en5elo2in" ta)ti)s
.*i)* .ere bein" a22lied at lar"e by t*e Military
Re5ol#tionary !ommittee: Mitre5i)* is not ar"#in" b#t
tellin" a story H t*e more )on5in)in" *is testimonyL
0ttem2ts to lead t*e ins#rre)tion dire)tly t*ro#"* t*e
2arty no.*ere 2rod#)ed res#lts: 0 *i"*ly interestin" 2ie)e
o testimony is 2reser5ed re"ardin" t*e 2re2aration o t*e
#2risin" in 9ines*ma, a )onsiderable )entre o t*e textile
ind#stry: 0ter ins#rre)tion in t*e Mos)o. re"ion *ad been
2la)ed on t*e order o t*e day, t*e; 2arty )ommittee in
9ines*ma ele)ted a s2e)ial trio to ta8e an in5entory o t*e
military or)es and s#22lies, and 2re2are or armed
ins#rre)tion H )allin" t*em or some reason @t*e
4ire)tory:A @+e m#st say, *o.e5er,A .rites one o t*e
members o t*is dire)tory, @t*at little a22ears to *a5e
been done by t*e ele)ted trio: E5ents too8 a some.*at
dierent )o#rse ::: T*e re"ional stri8e .*olly too8
2ossession o #s, and .*en t*e de)isi5e e5ents )ame, t*e
or"anisational )entre .as transerred to t*e stri8e
)ommittee and t*e so5iet:A On t*e modest 2ro5in)ial s)ale
t*e same t*in" .as re2eated *ere .*i)* o))#rred in
T*e 2arty set t*e so5iets in motion, t*e so5iets set in
motion t*e .or8ers, soldiers, and to some extent t*e
2easantry: +*at .as "ained in mass .as lost in s2eed: I
yo# re2resent t*is )ond#)tin" a22arat#s as a system o
)o";.*eels H a )om2arison to .*i)* Lenin *ad re)o#rse at
anot*er 2eriod on anot*er t*eme H yo# may say t*at t*e
im2atient attem2t to )onne)t t*e 2arty .*eel dire)tly .it*
t*e "i"anti) .*eel o t*e masses H omittin" t*e medi#m;
siKed .*eel o t*e so5iets H .o#ld *a5e "i5en rise to t*e
dan"er o brea8in" t*e teet* o t*e 2arty .*eel, and
ne5ert*eless not settin" s#i)iently lar"e masses in
T*e o22osite dan"er .as, *o.e5er, no less real H t*e
dan"er o lettin" sli2 a a5o#rable sit#ation as a res#lt o
inner ri)tions in t*e so5iet system: S2ea8in" t*eoreti)ally,
t*e most a5o#rable o22ort#nity or an ins#rre)tion
red#)es itsel to s#)* and s#)* a 2oint in time: T*ere )an
be no t*o#"*t o 2ra)ti)ally li"*tin" #2on t*is ideal 2oint:
T*e ins#rre)tion may de5elo2 .it* s#))ess on t*e risin"
)#r5e a22roa)*in" t*is ideal )#lmination H b#t also on t*e
des)endin" )#r5e, beore t*e )orrelation o or)es *as yet
radi)ally )*an"ed: Instead o a @momentA .e *a5e t*en a
se)tion o time meas#red in .ee8s, and sometimes
mont*s: T*e 'ols*e5i8s )o#ld *a5e seiKed t*e in
3etro"rad at t*e be"innin" o ,#ly: '#t i t*ey *ad done so
t*ey )o#ld not *a5e *eld it: 'e"innin" .it* t*e middle o
Se2tember t*ey )o#ld *o2e not only to seiKe t*e
b#t also to 8ee2 *old o it: I t*e 'ols*e5i8s *ad delayed
t*e ins#rre)tion beyond t*e end o O)tober t*ey .o#ld
2robably H alt*o#"* ar rom s#rely H *a5e still been able
or a )ertain time to ma8e #2 or t*e omission: +e may
ass#me )onditionally t*at or a 2eriod o t*ree or o#r
mont*s H Se2tember to 4e)ember a22roximately H t*e
2oliti)al 2remises or a re5ol#tion .ere at *and: T*e t*in"
*ad ri2ened b#t not yet allen a2art: +it*in t*ese bo#nds,
.*i)* are easier to establis* ater t*e a)t t*an in t*e
)o#rse o a)tion, t*e 2arty *ad a )ertain reedom o )*oi)e
.*i)* "a5e rise to ine5itable and sometimes s*ar2
disa"reements o a 2ra)ti)al )*ara)ter:
Lenin 2ro2osed to raise t*e ins#rre)tion in t*e days o t*e
4emo)rati) !oneren)e: 0t t*e end o Se2tember *e
)onsidered any delay not only dan"ero#s b#t atal:
@+aitin" or t*e !on"ress o So5iets,A *e .rote at t*e
be"innin" o O)tober, @is a )*ildis* toyin" .it* ormalities
H a s*ame#l toyin" .it* ormalities, betrayal o t*e
re5ol#tion:A It is not li8ely, *o.e5er, t*at anybody amon"
t*e 'ols*e5i8 leaders .as "#ided in t*is =#estion by
ormal )onsiderations: +*en Pino5ie5, or exam2le,
demanded a 2reliminary )oneren)e .it* t*e 'ols*e5i8
a)tion o t*e So5iet !on"ress, *e .as not see8in" a
ormal san)tion, b#t sim2ly )o#ntin" on t*e 2oliti)al
s#22ort o t*e 2ro5in)ial dele"ates a"ainst t*e !entral
!ommittee: '#t t*e a)t is t*at t*e de2enden)e o t*e
2arty on t*e So5iet H .*i)*, in its t#rn, .as a22ealin" to
t*e !on"ress o So5iets H introd#)ed an element o
indeiniteness into t*e ins#rre)tion .*i)* "reatly and =#ite
D#stly alarmed Lenin:
T*e =#estion .*en to s#mmon t*e ins#rre)tion, .as
)losely bo#nd #2 .it* t*e =#estion .*o s*o#ld s#mmon it:
T*e ad5anta"es o s#mmonin" it in t*e name o t*e So5iet
.ere only too )lear to Lenin, b#t *e #nderstood sooner
t*an ot*ers .*at dii)#lties .o#ld arise alon" t*at road:
?e )o#ld not b#t ear, es2e)ially rom a distan)e, t*at t*e
*inderin" elements .o#ld 2ro5e still stron"er in t*e so5iet
s#mmits t*an in t*e !entral !ommittee, .*ose 2oli)y
e5en .it*o#t t*at *e )onsidered irresol#te: Lenin
a22roa)*ed t*e =#estion .*o s*o#ld be"in, t*e So5iet or
t*e 2arty, as a )*oi)e bet.een t.o 2ossible alternati5es,
b#t in t*e irst .ee8s *e .as de)idedly in a5o#r o t*e
inde2endent initiati5e o t*e 2arty: In t*is t*ere .as not
t*e s*ado. o a t*o#"*t o )ontrastin" t*e t.o 2lans in
2rin)i2le: It .as a =#estion o t.o a22roa)*es to an
ins#rre)tion restin" #2on one and t*e same basis, in one
and t*e same sit#ation, or one and t*e same "oal: '#t
ne5ert*eless t*ese .ere t.o dierent a22roa)*es:
LeninJs 2ro2osal to s#rro#nd t*e 0lexandrin8a and arrest
t*e 4emo)rati) !oneren)e lo.ed rom t*e ass#m2tion
t*at t*e ins#rre)tion .o#ld be *eaded not by t*e so5iets,
b#t by t*e 2arty a22ealin" dire)tly to t*e a)tories and
barra)8s: It )o#ld not *a5e been ot*er.ise: To )arry s#)* a
2lan t*ro#"* by .ay o t*e So5iet .as absol#tely
#nt*in8able: Lenin .as )learly a.are t*at e5en amon" t*e
*eads o t*e 2arty *is 2lan .o#ld meet resistan)eC *e
re)ommended in ad5an)e t*at t*ey s*o#ld @not stri5e
ater n#mbers,A in t*e 'ols*e5i8 a)tion o t*e !oneren)e:
+it* determination #2 abo5e, t*e n#mbers .o#ld be
"#aranteed by t*e ran8s: LeninJs bold 2lan *ad t*e
ind#bitable ad5anta"es o s.itness and #nex2e)tedness,
b#t it laid t*e 2arty too bare, in)#rrin" t*e ris8 t*at .it*in
)ertain limits it .o#ld set itsel o5er a"ainst t*e masses:
E5en t*e 3etro"rad So5iet, ta8en #na.ares, mi"*t at t*e
irst ail#re lose its still #nstable 'ols*e5i8 maDority:
T*e resol#tion o O)tober 1%t* 2ro2osed to t*e lo)al
or"anisations o t*e 2arty to de)ide all =#estions
2ra)ti)ally rom t*e 2oint o 5ie. o an a22roa)*in"
ins#rre)tion: T*ere is not a .ord in t*e resol#tion o t*e
!entral !ommittee abo#t t*e so5iets as or"ans o t*e
ins#rre)tion: 0t t*e )oneren)e o t*e 1(t*, Lenin said:
@Ba)ts s*o. t*at .e *a5e t*e ad5anta"e o5er t*e enemy:
+*y )annot t*e !entral !ommittee be"in>A T*is =#estion
on LeninJs li2s .as by no means r*etori)al: It meant: +*y
lose time a))ommodatin" o#rsel5es to t*e )om2li)ated
so5iet transmission i t*e !entral !ommittee )an "i5e t*e
si"nal immediately: ?o.e5er, t*is time t*e resol#tion
2ro2osed by Lenin )on)l#ded .it* an ex2ression o
@)oniden)e t*at t*e !entral !ommittee and t*e So5iet .ill
indi)ate in "ood season t*e a5o#rable moment and
ex2edient met*ods o a)tion:A T*e mention o t*e So5iet
to"et*er .it* t*e 2arty, and t*e more lexible orm#lation
o t*e =#estion o date, .ere t*e res#lt o LeninJs *a5in"
elt o#t t*ro#"* t*e 2arty leaders t*e resistan)e o t*e
T*e next day in *is 2olemi) .it* Pino5ie5 and 9amene5,
Lenin s#mmed #2 as ollo.s t*e debates o t*e day
beore: @0ll a"reed t*at at t*e s#mmons o t*e so5iets and
or t*e deen)e o t*e so5iets t*e .or8ers .ill )ome o#t as
one man:A T*is meant: E5en i not all are in a"reement
.it* *im, Lenin, t*at yo# )an iss#e t*e s#mmons in t*e
name o t*e 2arty, all are a"reed t*at yo# )an do it in t*e
name o t*e so5iets:
@+*o is to seiKe t*e>A .rites Lenin on t*e e5enin"
o t*e 2&t*: @T*at is no. o no im2ortan)e: Let t*e Military
Re5ol#tionary !ommittee ta8e it, or Osome ot*er
instit#tion,J .*i)* .ill de)lare t*at it .ill s#rrender t*e only to t*e "en#ine re2resentati5es o t*e interests
o t*e 2eo2le:A @Some ot*er instit#tionA en)losed in
mysterio#s =#otation;mar8s H t*at is a )ons2irati5e
desi"nation or t*e !entral !ommittee o t*e 'ols*e5i8s:
Lenin *ere rene.s *is Se2tember 2ro2osal t*at a)tion be
ta8en dire)tly in t*e name o t*e !entral !ommittee H t*is
time in )ase so5iet le"ality s*o#ld *inder t*e Military
Re5ol#tionary !ommittee rom 2la)in" t*e !on"ress
beore t*e a))om2lis*ed a)t o an o5ert*ro.:
0lt*o#"* t*is .*ole str#""le abo#t dates and met*ods o
ins#rre)tion )ontin#ed or a .ee8, not all t*ose .*o too8
2art in it .ere )learly a.are o its sense and si"nii)an)e:
@Lenin 2ro2osed t*e seiK#re o t*ro#"* t*e so5iets
.*et*er in Lenin"rad or Mos)o., and not be*ind t*e ba)8
o t*e so5iets,A .rote Stalin in 192&: @Bor .*at 2#r2oses
did Trots8y re=#ire t*is more t*an stran"e le"end abo#t
Lenin>A 0nd a"ain: @T*e 2arty 8no.s Lenin as t*e "reatest
Marxist o o#r times ::: stran"e to any tin"e o 'lan=#ism:A
+*ereas Trots8y @"i5es #s not t*e "reat Lenin, b#t some
sort o a 'lan=#ist :::A Not only a 'lan=#ist b#t a
d.arL In reality t*e =#estion in .*ose name to raise an
ins#rre)tion, and in t*e *ands o .*at instit#tion to seiKe
t*e, is not in t*e least 2re;determined by any
do)trine: +*en t*e "eneral )onditions or a re5ol#tion are
at *and, ins#rre)tion be)omes a 2ra)ti)al 2roblem o art, a
2roblem .*i)* )an be sol5ed by 5ario#s met*ods: T*is
2art o t*e disa"reements in t*e !entral !ommittee .as
analo"o#s to t*e =#arrel o t*e oi)ers o a "eneral sta
ed#)ated in t*e same military do)trine and a22raisin"
ali8e t*e strate"i) sit#ation, b#t 2ro2osin" dierent .ays
o sol5in" t*eir most immediate H extraordinarily
im2ortant, to be s#re, b#t ne5ert*eless 2arti)#lar H
2roblem: To mix in *ere t*e =#estion o Marxism and
'lan=#ism is only to re5eal a la)8 o #nderstandin" o
bot*: 3roessor 3o8ro5s8y denies t*e 5ery im2ortan)e o
t*e alternati5e: So5iet or 2arty: Soldiers are no ormalists,
*e la#"*s: t*ey did not need a !on"ress o So5iets in order
to o5ert*ro. 9erens8y: +it* all its .it s#)* a orm#lation
lea5es #nex2lained t*e 2roblem: J+*y )reate so5iets at all
i t*e 2arty is eno#"*> @It is interestin",A )ontin#es t*e
2roessor, @t*at not*in" at all )ame o t*is as2iration to do
e5eryt*in" almost le"ally, .it* so5iet le"ality, and t*e at t*e last moment .as ta8en not by t*e So5iet, b#t
by an ob5io#sly Oille"alJ or"anisation )reated a hoc:A
3o8ro5s8y *ere )ites t*e a)t t*at Trots8y .as )om2elled
@in t*e name o t*e Military Re5ol#tionary !ommittee,A
and not t*e So5iet, to de)lare t*e "o5ernment o 9erens8y
non;existent: 0 most #nex2e)ted )on)l#sionL T*e Military
Re5ol#tionary !ommittee .as an ele)ted or"an o t*e
So5iet: T*e leadin" rIle o t*e !ommittee in t*e o5ert#rn
did not in any sense 5iolate t*at so5iet le"ality .*i)* t*e
2roessor ma8es #n o b#t o .*i)* t*e masses .ere
extremely Dealo#s: T*e !o#n)il o 3eo2leJs !ommissars
.as also )reated a hoc: '#t t*at did not 2re5ent it rom
be)omin" and remainin" an or"an o t*e so5iet,
in)l#din" 3o8ro5s8y *imsel in its sta as de2#ty 3eo2leJs
!ommissar o Ed#)ation:
T*e ins#rre)tion .as able to remain on t*e "ro#nd o
so5iet le"ality, and to a )ertain de"ree e5en .it*in t*e
limits o t*e tradition o t*e d#al, t*an8s mainly to
t*e a)t t*at t*e 3etro"rad "arrison *ad almost .*olly
s#bmitted to t*e So5iet beore t*e re5ol#tion: In
n#mberless memoirs, anni5ersary arti)les and early
*istori) essays, t*is a)t, )onirmed by maniold
do)#ments, .as ta8en as ind#bitable: @T*e )onli)t in
3etro"rad de5elo2ed abo#t t*e =#estion o t*e ate o t*e
"arrison,J says t*e irst boo8 abo#t O)tober H a boo8
.ritten #2on t*e basis o res* re)olle)tions by t*e a#t*or
o t*e 2resent .or8 in t*e inter5als bet.een sessions o
t*e 'rest;Lito5s8 )oneren)e, a boo8 .*i)* or se5eral
years ser5ed t*e 2arty as a textboo8 o *istory: @T*e
#ndamental =#estion abo#t .*i)* t*e .*ole mo5ement in
O)tober .as b#ilt #2 or"anisedA H t*is is t*e still more
deinite ex2ression o Sado5s8y, one o t*e dire)t
or"anisers o t*e #2risin" H .as t*e =#estion o t*e
transer o t*e 3etro"rad "arrison to t*e Nort*ern ront:A
Not one o t*e )losest leaders o t*e ins#rre)tion t*en
ta8in" 2art in a )olle)ti5e )on5ersation .it* t*e immediate
2#r2ose o re5i5in" and establis*in" t*e )o#rse o e5ents,
too8 it into *is *ead to obDe)t to t*is statement o
Sado5s8y or )orre)t it: Only ater 192& did it s#ddenly
be)ome 8no.n t*at Trots8y *ad o5erestimated t*e
si"nii)an)e o t*e 2easant "arrison to t*e detriment o t*e
3etro"rad .or8ers H a s)ientii) dis)o5ery .*i)* most
*a22ily s#22lements t*e a))#sation t*at *e
#nderestimated t*e 2easantry: S)ores o yo#n" *istorians
.it* 3roessor 3o8ro5s8y at t*eir *ead *a5e ex2lained to
#s in re)ent years t*e im2ortan)e o t*e 2roletariat in a
2roletarian re5ol#tion, *a5e .axed indi"nant t*at .e do
not s2ea8 o t*e .or8ers .*en .e are tal8in" abo#t t*e
soldiers, *a5e arrai"ned #s or analysin" t*e real )o#rse o
e5ents instead o re2eatin" )o2yboo8 2*rases: 3o8ro5s8y
)ondenses t*e res#lts o t*is )riti)ism In t*e"
)on)l#sion: @In s2ite o t*e a)t t*at Trots8y 5ery .ell
8no.s t*at t*e armed ins#rre)tion .as de)ided #2on by
t*e 2arty ::: and it .as 2ere)tly )lear t*at t*e 2retext to
be o#nd or t*e a)tion .as a se)ondary matter,
ne5ert*eless or *im t*e 3etro"rad "arrison stands at t*e
)entre o t*e .*ole 2i)t#re ::: as t*o#"*, i it *adnJt been
or t*at, t*ere .o#ld *a5e been no t*o#"*t o an
ins#rre)tion:A Bor o#r *istorian t*e @de)ision o t*e 2artyA
re"ardin" t*e ins#rre)tion is alone si"nii)ant, and *o. t*e
ins#rre)tion too8 2la)e in reality is @a se)ondary matter:A 0
2retext *e says, )an al.ays be o#nd: 3o8ro5s8y "i5es t*e
name o 2retext to t*e met*od by .*i)* t*e troo2s .ere
.on o5er H to t*e sol#tion, t*at is, o t*e 5ery 2roblem
.*i)* s#mmarises t*e ate o e5ery ins#rre)tion: T*e
2roletarian re5ol#tion .o#ld #ndo#btedly *a5e ta8en 2la)e
e5en .it*o#t t*e )onli)t abo#t t*e transer o t*e "arrison
H in t*at t*e 2roessor is ri"*t: '#t t*at .o#ld *a5e been a
dierent ins#rre)tion and .o#ld *a5e demanded a
dierent ex2osition: +e *a5e in 5ie. t*e e5ents .*i)*
a)t#ally *a22ened:
One o t*e or"anisers and ater.ard a *istorian o t*e Red
-#ard, Mala8*o5s8y, insists t*at it .as t*e armed .or8ers
in distin)tion to t*e semi;2assi5e "arrison .*i)* s*o.ed
initiati5e, determination and end#ran)e in t*e ins#rre)tion:
@T*e Red -#ard deta)*ments d#rin" t*e O)tober
re5ol#tion,A *e .rites, @o))#2ied t*e "o5ernmental
instit#tions, t*e 3ost Oi)e, t*e tele"ra2*, and t*ey .ere
in t*e ront ran8 d#rin" t*e battles, et): :::A 0ll t*at is
ind#bitable: It is not dii)#lt to #nderstand, *o.e5er, t*at
i t*e Red -#ard .as able to sim2ly @o))#2yA t*ese
instit#tions, t*at is only be)a#se t*e "arrison .as at one
.it* t*emC it s#22orted or at least did not *inder t*em:
T*is de)ided t*e ate o t*e ins#rre)tion:
T*e 5ery broa)*in" o s#)* a =#estion as .*o .as more
im2ortant to t*e ins#rre)tion, t*e soldiers or t*e .or8ers,
s*o.s t*at .e are on so miserably lo. a t*eoreti) le5el
t*at t*ere is *ardly room or ar"#ment: T*e O)tober
re5ol#tion .as a str#""le o t*e 2roletariat a"ainst t*e
bo#r"eoisie or, b#t t*e o#t)ome o t*e str#""le
.as de)ided in t*e last analysis by t*e muzhik: T*at
"eneral s)*ema, .*i)* 2re5ailed t*ro#"*o#t t*e )o#ntry,
o#nd its most 2ere)t ex2ression in 3etro"rad: +*at *ere
"a5e t*e re5ol#tion t*e )*ara)ter o a brie blo. .it* a
minim#m n#mber o 5i)tims, .as t*e )ombination o a
re5ol#tionary )ons2ira)y, a 2roletarian ins#rre)tion, and
t*e str#""le o a 2easant "arrison or sel;2reser5ation:
T*e 2arty led t*e #2risin"C t*e 2rin)i2al moti5e or)e .as
t*e 2roletariatC t*e armed deta)*ments o .or8ers .ere
t*e irst o t*e ins#rre)tionC b#t t*e *ea5y;.ei"*t 2easant
"arrison de)ided t*e o#t)ome o t*e str#""le:
It is #2on D#st t*is =#estion t*at a )ontrastin" o t*e
Bebr#ary .it* t*e O)tober re5ol#tion is most
indis2ensable: On t*e e5e o t*e o5ert*ro. o t*e
monar)*y t*e "arrison re2resented or bot* sides a "reat
#n8no.nC t*e soldiers t*emsel5es did not yet 8no. *o.
t*ey .o#ld rea)t to an ins#rre)tion o t*e .or8ers: Only a
"eneral stri8e )o#ld )reate t*e ne)essary arena or mass
en)o#nters o t*e .or8ers .it* t*e soldiers, or t*e tryin";
o#t o t*e soldiers in a)tion, or t*e )omin" o5er o t*e
soldiers to t*e side o t*e .or8ers: In t*is )onsisted t*e
dramati) )ontent o t*e i5e Bebr#ary days:
On t*e e5e o t*e o5ert*ro. o t*e 3ro5isional -o5ernment
t*e o5er.*elmin" maDority o t*e "arrison .ere standin"
o2enly on t*e side o t*e .or8ers: No.*ere in t*e .*ole
)o#ntry .as t*e "o5ernment so isolated as in its o.n
residen)e: No .onder it str#""led to "et a.ay: '#t in 5ain:
t*e *ostile )a2ital .o#ld not let "o: +it* its #ns#))ess#l
attem2t to 2#s* o#t t*e re5ol#tionary re"iments t*e
"o5ernment )on)l#si5ely destroyed itsel:
To ex2lain t*e 2assi5e 2oli)y o 9erens8y beore t*e
#2risin" solely by *is 2ersonal =#alities, is merely to slide
o5er t*e s#ra)e o t*in"s: 9erens8y .as not alone: T*ere
.ere 2eo2le in t*e "o5ernment li8e 3al)*ins8y not la)8in"
in ener"y: T*e leaders o t*e Exe)#ti5e !ommittee .ell
8ne. t*at t*e 5i)tory o t*e 'ols*e5i8s meant 2oliti)al
deat* or t*em: 0ll o t*em, *o.e5er, Dointly and sin"ly,
t#rned o#t to be 2aralysed, ell li8e 9erens8y into a 8ind o
*ea5y *al;slee2 H t*at slee2 in .*i)*, in s2ite o t*e
dan"er *an"in" o5er *im, a man is 2o.erless to lit a *and
to sa5e *imsel:
T*e raternisation o t*e .or8ers and soldiers in O)tober
did not "ro. o#t o o2en street en)o#nters as in Bebr#ary,
b#t 2re)eded t*e ins#rre)tion: I t*e 'ols*e5i8s did not
no. )all a "eneral stri8e, it .as not be)a#se t*ey .ere
#nable, b#t be)a#se t*ey did not eel t*e need: T*e
Military Re5ol#tionary !ommittee beore t*e #2risin"
already elt itsel master o t*e sit#ationC it 8ne. e5ery
2art o t*e "arrison, its mood, its inner "ro#2in"sC it .as
re)ei5in" re2orts e5ery day H not or s*o., b#t ex2ressin"
t*e a)t#al a)tsC it )o#ld at any time send a
2leni2otentiary )ommissar, a bi)y)le man .it* an order, to
any re"imentC it )o#ld s#mmon to its oi)e by tele2*one
t*e )ommittee o t*e #nit, or "i5e orders to t*e )om2any
on d#ty: T*e Military Re5ol#tionary !ommittee o))#2ied in
relation to t*e troo2s t*e 2osition o a "o5ernmental
*ead=#arters, not t*e *ead=#arters o )ons2irators:
To be s#re, t*e )ommandin" s#mmits o t*e state
remained in t*e *ands o t*e "o5ernment: '#t t*e material
o#ndation .as remo5ed rom #nder t*em: T*e ministries
and t*e *ead=#arters .ere *an"in" o5er an em2ty s2a)e:
T*e tele2*ones and tele"ra2* )ontin#ed to ser5e t*e
"o5ernment H so did t*e State 'an8: '#t t*e "o5ernment
no lon"er *ad t*e military or)es to retain 2ossession o
t*ese instit#tions: It .as as t*o#"* t*e +inter 3ala)e and
Smolny *ad )*an"ed 2la)es: T*e Military Re5ol#tionary
!ommittee *ad 2la)ed t*e 2*antom "o5ernment in s#)* a
2osition t*at it )o#ld do not*in" at all .it*o#t brea8in" #2
t*e "arrison: '#t e5ery attem2t o 9erens8y to stri8e at t*e
troo2s only *astened *is end:
?o.e5er, t*e tas8 o t*e re5ol#tion still remained
#na)*ie5ed: T*e s2rin" and t*e .*ole me)*anism o t*e
.at)* .ere in t*e *ands o t*e Military Re5ol#tionary
!ommittee, b#t it la)8ed t*e *ands and a)e: 0nd .it*o#t
t*ese details a )lo)8 )annot #lil its #n)tion: +it*o#t t*e
tele"ra2* and tele2*one, .it*o#t t*e ban8 and
*ead=#arters, t*e Military Re5ol#tionary !ommittee )o#ld
not "o5ern: It *ad almost all t*e real 2remises and
elements o, b#t not t*e itsel:
In Bebr#ary t*e .or8ers *ad t*o#"*t, not o seiKin" t*e
ban8s and t*e +inter 3ala)e, b#t o brea8in" t*e
resistan)e o t*e army: T*ey .ere i"*tin" not or
indi5id#al )ommandin" s#mmits, b#t or t*e so#l o t*e
soldier: On)e t*e 5i)tory .as .on in t*is ield, all
remainin" 2roblems sol5ed t*emsel5es: ?a5in"
s#rrendered its "#ard battalions, t*e monar)*y no lon"er
made an attem2t to deend eit*er its )o#rt or its
In O)tober t*e "o5ernment o 9erens8y, *a5in" irre5o)ably
lost t*e so#l o t*e soldier, still )l#n" to t*e )ommandin"
s#mmits: In its *ands t*e *ead=#arters, t*e ban8s, t*e
tele2*one, .ere only t*e a[ade o +*en t*ey
s*o#ld )ome into t*e *ands o t*e so5iets, t*ey .o#ld
"#arantee t*e )on=#est o )om2lete S#)* .as t*e
sit#ation on t*e e5e o t*e ins#rre)tion, and it de)ided t*e
orms o a)ti5ity d#rin" t*e last t.enty;o#r *o#rs:
4emonstrations, street i"*ts, barri)ades H e5eryt*in"
)om2rised in t*e #s#al idea o ins#rre)tion H .ere almost
entirely absent: T*e re5ol#tion *ad no need o sol5in" a
2roblem already sol5ed: T*e seiK#re o t*e "o5ernmental
ma)*ine )o#ld be )arried t*ro#"* a))ordin" to 2lan .it*
t*e *el2 o )om2arati5ely small armed deta)*ments
"#ided rom a sin"le )entre: T*e barra)8s, t*e ortress, t*e
store*o#ses, all t*ose enter2rises in .*i)* .or8ers and
soldiers #n)tioned, )o#ld be ta8en 2ossession o by t*eir
o.n internal or)es: '#t t*e +inter 3ala)e, t*e 3re;
3arliament, t*e distri)t *ead=#arters, t*e ministries, t*e
military s)*ools, )o#ld not be )a2t#red rom .it*in: T*is
.as tr#e also o t*e tele2*one, t*e tele"ra2*, t*e 3ost
Oi)e and t*e State 'an8: T*e .or8ers in t*ese
instit#tions, alt*o#"* o little .ei"*t in t*e "eneral
)ombination o or)es, ne5ert*eless r#led .it*in t*eir o#r
.alls, and t*ese .ere, moreo5er, stron"ly "#arded .it*
sentries: It .as ne)essary to 2enetrate t*ese b#rea#)rati)
*i"* 2oints rom .it*o#t: 3oliti)al )on=#est .as *ere
re2la)ed by or)ible seiK#re: '#t sin)e t*e 2re)edin"
)ro.din";o#t o t*e "o5ernment rom its military bases
*ad made resistan)e almost im2ossible, t*is military
seiK#re o t*e inal )ommandin" *ei"*ts 2assed o as a
"eneral r#le .it*o#t )onli)ts:
To be s#re, t*e t*in" .as not ater all settled .it*o#t
i"*tin": T*e +inter 3ala)e *ad to be ta8en by storm: '#t
t*e 5ery a)t t*at t*e resistan)e o t*e "o5ernment )ame
do.n to a deen)e o t*e +inter 3ala)e, )learly deines t*e
2la)e o))#2ied by O)tober 2<t* in t*e .*ole )o#rse o t*e
str#""le: T*e +inter 3ala)e .as t*e last redo#bt o a
rG"ime 2oliti)ally s*attered d#rin" its ei"*t mont*sJ
existen)e, and )on)l#si5ely disarmed d#rin" t*e 2re)edin"
t.o .ee8s:
!ons2iratorial elements H #nderstandin" by t*is term, 2lan
and )entralised leaders*i2 H o))#2ied an insi"nii)ant
2la)e in t*e Bebr#ary re5ol#tion: T*is res#lted rom t*e
mere .ea8ness and s)atteredness o t*e re5ol#tionary
"ro#2s #nder t*e 2ress o )Karism and t*e .ar: So m#)*
t*e "reater .as t*e tas8 laid #2on t*e masses: T*e
ins#rre)tionaries .ere not *#man lo)#sts: T*ey *ad t*eir
2oliti)al ex2erien)e, t*eir traditions, t*eir slo"ans, t*eir
nameless leaders: '#t .*ile t*e s)attered elements o
leaders*i2 in t*e ins#rre)tion 2ro5ed ade=#ate to
o5ert*ro. t*e monar)*y, t*ey .ere ar rom ade=#ate to
"i5e t*e 5i)tors t*e r#its o t*eir 5i)tory:
T*e tran=#illity o t*e O)tober streets, t*e absen)e o
)ro.ds and battles, "a5e t*e enemy a 2retext to tal8 o
t*e )ons2ira)y o an insi"nii)ant minority, o t*e
ad5ent#re o a *and#l o 'ols*e5i8s: T*is orm#la .as
re2eated #nn#mbered times in t*e days, mont*s, and
e5en years," t*e ins#rre)tion: It is ob5io#sly .it* a
5ie. to mendin" t*e re2#tation o t*e 2roletarian
re5ol#tion t*at Marosla5s8y .rites o t*e 2<t* o O)tober:
@T*i)8 masses o t*e 3etro"rad 2roletariat s#mmoned by
t*e Military Re5ol#tionary !ommittee stood #nder its
banners and o5erlo.ed t*e streets o 3etro"rad:A T*is
oi)ial *istorian only or"ets to ex2lain or .*at 2#r2ose
t*e Military Re5ol#tionary !ommittee *ad s#mmoned
t*ese masses to t*e streets, and D#st .*at t*ey did .*en
t*ey "ot t*ere:
Brom t*e )ombination o its stron" and .ea8 2oints *as
"ro.n #2 an oi)ial idealisation o t*e Bebr#ary re5ol#tion
as an all;national re5ol#tion, in )ontrast to t*e O)tober one
.*i)* is *eld to be a )ons2ira)y: '#t in reality t*e
'ols*e5i8s )o#ld red#)e t*e str#""le or at t*e last
moment to a @)ons2ira)y,A not be)a#se t*ey .ere a small
minority, b#t or t*e o22osite reason H be)a#se t*ey *ad
be*ind t*em in t*e .or8ersJ distri)ts and t*e barra)8s an
o5er.*elmin" maDority, )onsolidated, or"anised,
T*e O)tober re5ol#tion )an be )orre)tly #nderstood only i
yo# do not limit yo#r ield o 5ision to its inal lin8: 4#rin"
t*e last days o Bebr#ary t*e )*ess "ame o ins#rre)tion
.as 2layed o#t rom t*e irst mo5e to t*e last H t*at is to
t*e s#rrender o t*e enemy: 0t t*e end o O)tober t*e
main 2art o t*e "ame .as already in t*e 2ast: 0nd on t*e
day o ins#rre)tion it remained to sol5e only a rat*er
narro. 2roblem: mate in t.o mo5es: T*e 2eriod o
re5ol#tion, t*ereore, m#st be )onsidered to extend rom
t*e 9t* o O)tober, .*en t*e )onli)t abo#t t*e "arrison
be"an, or rom t*e 12t*, .*en t*e resol#tion .as 2assed
to )reate a Military Re5ol#tionary !ommittee: T*e
en5elo2in" manoe#5re extended o5er more t*an t.o
.ee8s: T*e more de)isi5e 2art o it lasted i5e to six days H
rom t*e birt* o t*e Military Re5ol#tionary !ommittee to
t*e )a2t#re o t*e +inter 3ala)e: 4#rin" t*is .*ole 2eriod
*#ndreds o t*o#sands o .or8ers and soldiers too8 dire)t
a)tion, deensi5e in orm, b#t a""ressi5e in essen)e: T*e
inal sta"e, .*en t*e ins#rre)tionaries at last t*re. o t*e
=#alii)ations o t*e d#al .it* its d#bio#s le"ality
and deensi5e 2*raseolo"y, o))#2ied exa)tly t.enty;o#r
*o#rs: rom 2 oJ)lo)8 on t*e ni"*t o t*e 2<t* to 2 oJ)lo)8
on t*e ni"*t o t*e 2(t*: 4#rin" t*is 2eriod t*e Military
Re5ol#tionary !ommittee o2enly em2loyed arms or t*e
)on=#est o t*e )ity and t*e )a2t#re o t*e "o5ernment: In
t*ese o2erations, "enerally s2ea8in", as many or)es too8
2art as .ere needed to sol5e t*e limited 2roblem H *ardly
more t*an 2< or 3% t*o#sand at t*e most:
0n Italian a#t*or .*o .rites boo8s not only abo#t The
(unuchs, Ni)hts, b#t also abo#t t*e *i"*est 2roblems o
state, 5isited so5iet Mos)o. in 1929, mis#nderstood .*at
little *e learned at se)ond or tent* *and, and #2on t*is
basis *as )reated a boo8: -ou. d,/tat0 The Techni1ue
o* Revolution: T*e name o t*is .riter, Mala2arte, ma8es
it easy to distin"#is* *im rom a )ertain ot*er s2e)ialist in
state ins#rre)tions )alled 'ona2arte:
In )ontrast to @t*e strate"y o LeninA .*i)* .as bo#nd #2
.it* t*e so)ial and 2oliti)al )onditions o R#ssia in 1917,
@Trots8yJs ta)ti)s,A a))ordin" to Mala2arte, @.ere not
bo#nd #2 .it* t*e "eneral )onditions o t*e )o#ntry:A To
LeninJs o2inions abo#t t*e 2oliti)al 2remises o a
re5ol#tion t*e a#t*or ma8es Trots8y re2ly: @Mo#r strate"y
demands too many a5o#rable )ir)#mstan)es: an
ins#rre)tion needs not*in", it is sel;s#i)ient:A It .o#ld be
*ard to ima"ine a more sel;s#i)ient abs#rdity: Mala2arte
many times re2eats t*at it .as not t*e strate"y o Lenin
t*at .on in O)tober, b#t t*e ta)ti)s o Trots8y: 0nd t*ese
ta)ti)s still t*reaten t*e tran=#illity o t*e E#ro2ean states:
@T*e strate"y o Lenin does not )onstit#te an immediate
dan"er to t*e "o5ernments o E#ro2e: T*e real and,
moreo5er, 2ermanent dan"er to t*em is t*e ta)ti)s o
Trots8y:A 0nd still more )on)retely: @3#t 3oin)arG in
9erens8yJs 2la)e, and t*e 'ols*e5i8sJ state re5ol#tion o
O)tober 1917 .o#ld s#))eed D#st as .ell:A It .o#ld be
#tile to try to ind o#t .*at is t*e #se o LeninJs strate"y,
.*i)* de2ends #2on *istori) )onditions, i Trots8yJs ta)ti)s
.ill sol5e t*e same 2roblem in any )ir)#mstan)es: It
remains to add t*at t*is remar8able boo8 *as already
a22eared in se5eral lan"#a"es: T*e statesmen are
e5idently learnin" rom it *o. to re2#lse a state
re5ol#tion: +e .is* t*em all s#))ess:
0 )riti)ism o t*e 2#rely military o2erations o O)tober
2<t* *as not yet been made: +*at exists in so5iet
literat#re #2on t*is t*eme is not )riti)al, b#t 2#rely
a2olo"eti) in )*ara)ter: !om2ared .it* t*e .ritin"s o t*e
E2i"ones, e5en S#8*ano5Js )riti)ism, in s2ite o all its
)ontradi)tions is a5o#rably distin"#is*ed by an attenti5e
attit#de to a)ts:
In D#d"in" t*e or"anisation o t*e O)tober #2risin":
S#8*ano5 *as 2resented in t*e )o#rse o t.o years t.o
5ie.s diametri)ally o22osed to ea)* ot*er: In *is .or8 on
t*e Bebr#ary re5ol#tion *e says: @I .ill .rite some day,
rom 2ersonal reminis)en)es, a des)ri2tion o t*e O)tober
re5ol#tion, .*i)* .as )arried t*ro#"* li8e a 2ie)e o m#si)
2layed rom notes:A Marosla5s8y re2eats t*is )omment o
S#8*ano5 .ord or .ord: @T*e ins#rre)tion in 3etro"rad,A
*e says, .ell 2re2ared and 2layed t*ro#"* by t*e
2arty as t*o#"* rom notes:A !la#de 0net, a *ostile and
not 2roo#nd, b#t ne5ert*eless attenti5e, obser5er, s2ea8s
e5en more em2*ati)ally: @T*e state re5ol#tion o
No5ember 7 2ermits only e)stati) 2raise: Not one mis;
ste2, not one ritC t*e "o5ernment .as o5ert*ro.n beore
it )o#ld say Oo#)*LJA On t*e ot*er *and, in *is 5ol#me
de5oted to t*e O)tober re5ol#tion S#8*ano5 tells *o.
Smolny @stealt*ily eelin" its .ay, )a#tio#sly, and .it*o#t
systemA #ndertoo8 t*e li=#idation o t*e 3ro5isional
T*ere is exa""eration in bot* t*ese )omments: '#t rom a
broader 2oint o 5ie. it may be )on)eded t*at bot*
a22raisals, *o.e5er t*ey )ontradi)t ea)* ot*er, ind some
s#22ort in t*e a)ts: T*e 2lanned )*ara)ter o t*e O)tober
re5ol#tion "re. )*iely o#t o obDe)ti5e relations, o#t o t*e
mat#rity o t*e re5ol#tion as a .*ole, t*e 2la)e o))#2ied
by 3etro"rad in t*e )o#ntry, t*e 2la)e o))#2ied by t*e
"o5ernment in 3etro"rad, o#t o t*e .*ole 2re)edin" .or8
o t*e 2arty, and inally o#t o t*e )orre)t 2oliti)al
leaders*i2 o t*e re5ol#tion: '#t t*ere remained t*e
2roblems o military te)*ni=#e: ?ere t*ere .ere no e.
2arti)#lar ailin"s, and i yo# Doin t*em all to"et*er it is
2ossible to )reate t*e im2ression o a Dob done blindly:
S#8*ano5 *as se5eral times )alled attention to t*e military
deen)elessness o Smolny itsel d#rin" t*e last days
beore t*e ins#rre)tion: It is tr#e t*at as late as t*e 23rd
t*e *ead=#arters o t*e re5ol#tion .as little better
deended t*an t*e +inter 3ala)e: T*e Military
Re5ol#tionary !ommittee ass#red its in5iolability 2rimarily
by stren"t*enin" its bonds .it* t*e "arrison, and by t*#s
bein" able to ollo. all t*e military mo5ements o t*e
enemy: More serio#s meas#res o a te)*ni)al military
)*ara)ter .ere #nderta8en by t*e !ommittee
a22roximately t.enty;o#r *o#rs beore t*e "o5ernment
#ndertoo8 t*em: S#8*ano5 eels s#re t*at d#rin" t*e 23rd
and t*e ni"*t o t*e 2&t* t*e "o5ernment, *ad it s*o.n
some initiati5e, )o#ld *a5e )a2t#red t*e !ommittee: @0
"ood deta)*ment o <%% men,A *e says, @.o#ld *a5e been
eno#"* to li=#idate Smolny and e5erybody in it:A 3ossibly:
'#t in t*e irst 2la)e, or t*is t*e "o5ernment .o#ld *a5e
re=#ired determination and darin", =#alities in)onsistent
.it* its nat#re: In t*e se)ond 2la)e, it .o#ld *a5e *ad to
*a5e t*at @"ood deta)*ment o <%% men:A +*ere .ere
t*ey to "et it> Ma8e it #2 o#t o oi)ers> +e *a5e
obser5ed t*em to.ards t*e end o 0#"#st in t*e )*ara)ter
o )ons2irators: t*ey *ad to be *#nted #2 in t*e ni"*t
)l#bs: T*e i"*tin" )om2anies o t*e !om2romisers *ad
disinte"rated: In t*e military s)*ools e5ery a)#te =#estion
2rod#)ed )onli)tin" "ro#2s: T*in"s .ere still .orse .it*
t*e !ossa)8s: To )reate a deta)*ment by t*e met*od o
indi5id#al sele)tion rom 5ario#s #nits .o#ld *a5e in5ol5ed
"i5in" onesel a.ay ten times beore t*e t*in" )o#ld be
?o.e5er, e5en t*e existen)e o s#)* a deta)*ment .o#ld
still not *a5e settled t*in"s: T*e irst s*ot in t*e re"ion o
Smolny .o#ld *a5e reso#nded in t*e .or8ersJ distri)ts and
barra)8s .it* a s*o)8in" re5erberation: Tens o t*o#sands
o armed and *al;armed men .o#ld *a5e r#n to t*e *el2
o t*e t*reatened )entre o t*e re5ol#tion at any *o#r o
t*e day or ni"*t: 0nd inally, e5en t*e )a2t#re o t*e
Military Re5ol#tionary !ommittee .o#ld not *a5e sa5ed
t*e "o5ernment: 'eyond t*e .alls o Smolny t*ere
remained Lenin, and in )omm#ni)ation .it* *im t*e
!entral !ommittee and t*e 3etro"rad )ommittee: T*ere
.as a se)ond *ead=#arters in t*e 3eter and 3a#l ortress,
a t*ird on t*e #urora, and ea)* distri)t *ad its
*ead=#arters: T*e masses .o#ld not *a5e been .it*o#t
leaders*i2: 0nd t*e .or8ers and soldiers in s2ite o t*eir
slo.ness to mo5e .ere determined to )on=#er at any )ost:
It is ind#bitable, *o.e5er, t*at s#22lementary meas#res o
military 2re)a#tion mi"*t and s*o#ld *a5e been ta8en
some e. days earlier: In t*is res2e)t S#8*ano5Js )riti)ism
is D#st: T*e military a22arat#s o a re5ol#tion #n)tions
)l#msily, .it* delays and omissions, and t*e "eneral
leaders*i2 too m#)* in)lined to 2#t 2oliti)s in t*e 2la)e o
te)*ni=#e: LeninJs eyes .ere m#)* la)8in" in Smolny:
Ot*ers *ad not yet learned:
S#8*ano5 is also ri"*t in assertin" t*at it .o#ld *a5e been
ininitely easier to )a2t#re t*e +inter 3ala)e on t*e ni"*t
o t*e 2<t*, or t*e mornin" o t*at day, t*an d#rin" t*e
se)ond *al o it: T*e 2ala)e, and also t*e nei"*bo#rin"
*ead=#arters b#ildin", .ere deended by t*e #s#al
deta)*ment o D#n8ers: a s#dden atta)8 .o#ld almost
)ertainly *a5e been s#))ess#l: 9erens8y *ad "ot a.ay
#n*indered t*at mornin" in an a#tomobile: T*is alone
2ro5ed t*at t*ere .as no serio#s re)onnoitrin" in 2ro"ress
in re"ard to t*e +inter 3ala)e: ?ere ob5io#sly .as a bad
T*e tas8 o 8ee2in" .at)* o5er t*e 3ro5isional
-o5ernment *ad been laid #2on S5erdlo5 H too late to be
s#re, on t*e 2&t*L H .it* Las*e5i)* and 'la"onra5o5 as
assistants: It is do#bt#l i S5erdlo5, ex2lodin" in 2ie)es
e5en .it*o#t t*at, e5er o))#2ied *imsel .it* t*is
additional b#siness at all: It is e5en 2ossible t*at t*e 5ery
de)ision, alt*o#"* ins)ribed in t*e min#tes, .as or"otten
in t*e *eat o t*ose *o#rs:
In t*e Military Re5ol#tionary !ommittee, in s2ite o
e5eryt*in", t*e military reso#r)es o t*e "o5ernment, and
2arti)#larly t*e deen)es o t*e +inter 3ala)e, .ere
o5erestimated: 0nd e5en *ad t*e dire)t leaders o t*e
sie"e 8no.n t*e inner or)es o t*e 2ala)e, t*ey mi"*t still
*a5e eared t*e arri5al o reinor)ements at t*e irst alarm:
D#n8ers, !ossa)8s, s*o)8;battalions: T*e 2lan or )a2t#rin"
t*e 2ala)e .as .or8ed o#t in t*e style o a lar"e
o2eration: +*en )i5il and semi;)i5il 2eo2le #nderta8e t*e
sol#tion o a 2#rely military 2roblem, t*ey are al.ays
in)lined to ex)essi5e strate"i) in"en#ities: 0nd alon" .it*
t*eir s#2erl#o#s 2edantry, t*ey )annot b#t 2ro5e
extraordinarily *el2less in )arryin" t*em o#t:
T*e mis;ste2s in t*e )a2t#re o t*e 3ala)e are ex2lained to
a )ertain de"ree by t*e 2ersonal =#alities o t*e 2rin)i2al
leaders: 3od5ois8y, 0ntono5;O5seWn8o and !*#dno5s8y,
are men o *eroi) mo#ld: '#t ater all t*ey are ar rom
bein" men o system and dis)i2lined t*o#"*t: 3od5ois8y,
*a5in" been too im2et#o#s in t*e ,#ly 4ays, *ad be)ome
ar more )a#tio#s and e5en s)e2ti)al abo#t immediate
2ros2e)ts: '#t in #ndamentals *e remained tr#e to
*imsel: !onronted .it* any 2ra)ti)al tas8 .*ate5er, *e
in)lined or"ani)ally to brea8 o5er its bo#nds, to broaden
o#t t*e 2lan, dra" in e5erybody and e5eryt*in", "i5e a
maxim#m .*ere a minim#m .as eno#"*: In t*e element
o *y2erbole )ontained in t*e 2lan it is easy to see t*e
im2ress o *is s2irit: 0ntono5;O5seWn8o .as nat#rally an
im2#lsi5e o2timist, ar more a2t at im2ro5isation t*an
)al)#lation: 0s a ormer 2etty oi)er *e 2ossessed a
)ertain amo#nt o military inormation: 0n Gmi"rG d#rin"
t*e -reat +ar, *e *ad )ond#)ted in t*e 3aris 2a2er Nashe
Slovo a re5ie. o t*e military sit#ation, and re=#ently
re5ealed a "it or "#essin" o#t strate"y: ?is
im2ressionable amate#rism in t*is ield )o#ld not,
*o.e5er, )o#nterbalan)e t*e ex)essi5e li"*ts o
3od5ois8y: T*e t*ird o t*ese military )*ies, !*#dno5s8y,
*ad s2ent some mont*s as an a"itator on an ina)ti5e ront
H t*at .as t*e .*ole o *is military trainin": 0lt*o#"*
"ra5itatin" to.ard t*e ri"*t .in", !*#dno5s8y .as t*e
irst to "et into t*e i"*t and al.ays so#"*t t*e 2la)e
.*ere it .as *ottest: 3ersonal darin" and 2oliti)al a#da)ity
are not al.ays, as is .ell 8no.n, in 2ere)t e=#ilibri#m:
Some days ater t*e re5ol#tion !*#dno5s8y .as .o#nded
near 3etro"rad in a s8irmis* .it* 9erens8yJs !ossa)8s, and
some mont*s later *e .as 8illed in t*e 68raine: It is )lear
t*at t*e tal8ati5e and im2#lsi5e !*#dno5s85 )o#ld not
ma8e #2 or .*at .as la)8in" in t*e ot*er t.o leaders: No
one o t*em *ad an eye to detail, i only or t*e reason
t*at no one o t*em *ad e5er learned t*e se)rets o t*e
trade: Beelin" t*eir o.n .ea8ness in matters o
re)onnoitrin", )omm#ni)ations, manoe#5rin", t*ese Red
martials elt obli"ed to roll #2 a"ainst t*e +inter 3ala)e
s#)* a s#2eriority o or)es as remo5ed t*e 5ery 2ossibility
o 2ra)ti)al leaders*i2: 0n in)on"r#o#s "rande#r o 2lan is
almost e=#i5alent to no 2lan at all: +*at *as been said
does not in t*e least mean, *o.e5er, t*at it .o#ld *a5e
been 2ossible to ind in t*e sta o t*e Military
Re5ol#tionary !ommittee, or aro#nd it, any more able
military leaders: It .o#ld )ertainly *a5e been im2ossible to
ind more de5oted and selless ones:
T*e str#""le or t*e +inter 3ala)e be"an .it* t*e
en5elo2in" o t*e .*ole distri)t on a .ide )ir)le:" to
t*e inex2erien)e o t*e )ommanders, t*e interr#2tion o
)omm#ni)ations, t*e #ns8il#lness o t*e Red -#ard
deta)*ments, and t*e listlessness o t*e re"#lar #nits, t*is
)om2li)ated o2eration de5elo2ed at an extraordinarily
slo. 2a)e: 4#rin" t*ose same *o#rs .*en t*e
deta)*ments .ere "rad#ally illin" #2 t*eir )ir)le and
a))#m#latin" reser5es be*ind t*em, )om2anies o D#n8ers,
t*e !ossa)8 s=#adrons, t*e 9ni"*ts o St: -eor"e, and t*e
+omenJs 'attalion made t*eir .ay into t*e 2ala)e: 0
resistin" ist .as bein" ormed sim#ltaneo#sly .it* t*e
atta)8in" rin": Mo# may say t*at t*e 5ery 2roblem arose
rom t*e too ro#ndabo#t .ay in .*i)* it .as bein" sol5ed:
0 bold atta)8 by ni"*t and a darin" a22roa)* by day .o#ld
*ardly *a5e )ost more 5i)tims t*an t*is 2rolon"ed
o2eration: T*e moral ee)t o t*e 0#roraJs artillery mi"*t
at any rate *a5e been tried o#t t.el5e or e5en t.enty;o#r
*o#rs sooner t*an it .as: T*e )r#iser stood ready in t*e
Ne5a, and t*e sailors .ere not )om2lainin" o any la)8 o
"#n;oil: '#t t*e leaders o t*e o2eration .ere *o2in" t*at
t*e 2roblem )o#ld be sol5ed .it*o#t a battle, .ere
sendin" 2arliamentaries, 2resentin" #ltimat#ms and t*en
not li5in" #2 to t*eir dates: It did not o))#r to t*em to
examine t*e artillery in t*e 3eter and 3a#l ortress in "ood
season or t*e sim2le reason t*at t*ey .ere )o#ntin" on
"ettin" alon" .it*o#t it:
T*e #n2re2aredness o t*e military leaders*i2 .as still
more )learly re5ealed in Mos)o., .*ere t*e )orrelation o
or)es *ad been )onsidered so a5o#rable t*at Lenin e5en
insistently ad5ised be"innin" t*ere: @T*e 5i)tory is s#re
and t*ere is nobody to i"*t:A In reality it .as in Mos)o.
t*at t*e ins#rre)tion too8 t*e orm o extended battles
lastin" .it* inter5als or ei"*t days: @In t*is *ot .or8,A
.rites M#ralo5, one o t*e )*ie leaders o t*e Mos)o.
Ins#rre)tion, @.e .ere not al.ays and in e5eryt*in" irm
and determined: ?a5in" an o5er.*elmin" n#meri)al
ad5anta"e, ten to one, .e dra""ed t*e i"*t o#t or a
.*ole .ee8 :::" to a la)8 o ability to dire)t i"*tin"
masses, to t*e #ndis)i2line o t*e latter, and to a )om2lete
i"noran)e o t*e ta)ti)s o t*e street i"*t bot* on t*e 2art
o t*e )ommanders and on t*e 2art o t*e soldiers:A
M#ralo5 *as a *abit o namin" t*in"s .it* t*eir real
names: no .onder *e is no. in Siberian exile: '#t in t*e
2resent instan)e in re#sin" to load o t*e res2onsibility
#2on ot*ers, M#ralo5 lays #2on t*e military )ommand a
lionJs s*are o t*e blame .*i)* belon"s to t*e 2oliti)al
leaders*i2 H 5ery s*a8y in Mos)o. and re)e2ti5e to t*e
inl#en)e o t*e )om2romisist )ir)les: +e m#st not lose
si"*t, eit*er, o t*e a)t t*at t*e .or8ers o old Mos)o.,
textile and leat*er .or8ers, .ere extremely ar be*ind t*e
3etro"rad 2roletariat: In Bebr#ary no ins#rre)tion in
Mos)o. *ad been ne)essary: t*e o5ert*ro. o t*e
monar)*y *ad rested entirely .it* 3etro"rad: In ,#ly a"ain
Mos)o. *ad remained 2ea)e#l: T*is o#nd its ex2ression
in O)tober: t*e .or8ers and soldiers la)8ed i"*tin"
T*e te)*ni=#e o ins#rre)tion )arries t*ro#"* .*at 2oliti)s
*as not a))om2lis*ed: T*e "i"anti) "ro.t* o 'ols*e5ism
*ad #ndo#btedly .ea8ened t*e attention 2aid to t*e
military side o t*in"s: T*e 2assionate re2roa)*es o Lenin
.ere .ell o#nded eno#"*: T*e military leaders*i2 2ro5ed
in)om2arably .ea8er t*an t*e 2oliti)al: !o#ld it indeed
*a5e been ot*er.ise> Bor a n#mber o mont*s still, t*e
ne. re5ol#tionary "o5ernment .ill s*o. extreme
a.8.ardness in all t*ose )ases .*ere it is ne)essary to
resort to arms:
E5en so, t*e military a#t*orities o t*e "o5ernmental )am2
in 3etro"rad "a5e a 5ery latterin" D#d"ement o t*e
military leaders*i2 o t*e re5ol#tion: @T*e ins#rre)tionaries
are 2reser5in" order and dis)i2line,A stated t*e +ar
Ministry o5er t*e dire)t .ire to *ead=#arters immediately
ater t*e all o t*e +inter 3ala)e: @T*ere *a5e been no
)ases at all o destr#)tion or 2o"roms: On t*e )ontrary,
2atrols o ins#rre)tionists *a5e detained strollin"
soldiers ::: T*e 2lan o t*e ins#rre)tion .as #ndo#btedly
.or8ed o#t in ad5an)e and )arried t*ro#"* inlexibly and
*armonio#sly:A Not alto"et*er @rom t*e notesA as
S#8*ano5 and Marosla5s8y *a5e .ritten, nor yet alto"et*er*o#t system,A as t*e ormer *as s#bse=#ently
airmed: Moreo5er, e5en in t*e )o#rt o t*e most a#stere
)riti) s#))ess is t*e best 2raise:
Chapter 40: The Con$ress of the
"o%iet 1ictatorship
In Smolny on t*e 2<t* o O)tober t*e most demo)rati) o
all 2arliaments in t*e .orldJs *istory .as to meet: +*o
8no.s H 2er*a2s also t*e most im2ortant:
?a5in" "ot ree o t*e inl#en)e o )om2romisist
intelle)t#als, t*e lo)al so5iets *ad sent #2 or t*e most
2art .or8ers and soldiers: T*e maDority o t*em .ere
2eo2le .it*o#t bi" names, b#t .*o *ad 2ro5ed t*emsel5es
in a)tion and .on lastin" )oniden)e in t*eir o.n lo)alities:
Brom t*e a)ti5e army it .as almost ex)l#si5ely ran8;and;
ile soldiers .*o *ad r#n t*e blo)8ade o army )ommittees
and *ead=#arters and )ome *ere as dele"ates: 0 maDority
o t*em *ad be"#n to li5e a 2oliti)al lie .it* t*e
re5ol#tion: T*ey *ad been ormed by an ex2erien)e o
ei"*t mont*s: T*ey 8ne. little, b#t 8ne. it .ell: T*e
o#t.ard a22earan)e o t*e !on"ress 2ro)laimed its ma8e;
#2: T*e oi)ersJ )*e5rons, t*e eye;"lasses and ne)8ties o
intelle)t#als to be seen at t*e irst !on"ress *ad almost
)om2letely disa22eared: 0 "rey )olo#r 2re5ailed
#ninterr#2tedly, in )ost#mes and in a)es: 0ll *ad .orn o#t
t*eir )lot*es d#rin" t*e .ar: Many o t*e )ity .or8ers *ad
2ro5ided t*emsel5es .it* soldiersJ )oats: T*e tren)*
dele"ates .ere by no means a 2retty 2i)t#re: lon"
#ns*a5en, in old torn tren)*;)oats, .it* *ea5y papakhi E1F
on t*eir dis*e5elled *air, oten .it* )otton sti)8in" o#t
t*ro#"* a *ole, .it* )oarse .eat*er;beaten a)es, *ea5y
)ra)8ed *ands, in"ers yello.ed .it* toba))o, b#ttons torn
o, belts *an"in" loose, and lon" #noiled boots .rin8led
and r#sty: T*e 2lebeian nation *ad or t*e irst time sent
#2 an *onest re2resentation made in its o.n ima"e and
not reto#)*ed:
T*e statisti)s o t*is !on"ress .*i)* assembled d#rin" t*e
*o#rs o ins#rre)tion are 5ery, in)om2lete: 0t t*e moment
o o2enin" t*ere .ere (<% dele"ates .it* 5otes: 39% ell to
t*e lot o t*e 'ols*e5i8s H by no means all members o t*e
2arty, b#t t*ey .ere o t*e les* and blood o t*e masses,
and t*e masses *ad no roads let b#t t*e 'ols*e5i8 road:
Many o t*e dele"ates .*o *ad bro#"*t do#bts .it* t*em
.ere mat#rin" ast in t*e red;*ot atmos2*ere o
?o. )om2letely *ad t*e Mens*e5i8s and So)ial
Re5ol#tionaries s=#andered t*e 2oliti)al )a2ital o t*e
Bebr#ary re5ol#tion 0t t*e ,#ne !on"ress o So5iets t*e
!om2romisers *ad a maDority o (%% 5otes o#t o t*e
.*ole n#mber o $32 dele"ates: No. t*e )om2romisist
o22osition o all s*ades made #2 less t*an a =#arter o t*e
!on"ress: T*e Mens*e5i8s, .it* t*e national "ro#2
ad*erin" to t*em, amo#nted to only $% members H abo#t
*al o t*em @Lets:A O#t o 1<9 So)ial Re5ol#tionaries H
a))ordin" to ot*er re2orts 19% H abo#t t*ree;it*s .ere
Lets, and moreo5er t*e Ri"*t )ontin#ed to melt ast
d#rin" t*e 5ery sittin" o t*e !on"ress: To.ard t*e end t*e
total n#mber o dele"ates, a))ordin" to se5eral lists,
rea)*ed 9%%: ?#t t*is i"#re, .*ile in)l#din" a n#mber o
ad5isory members, does not on t*e ot*er *and in)l#de all
t*ose .it* 5otes: T*e re"istration .as )arried on
intermittentlyC do)#ments *a5e been lostC t*e inormation
abo#t 2arty ailiations .as in)om2lete: In any )ase t*e
dominant 2osition o t*e 'ols*e5i8s in t*e !on"ress
remains ind#bitable:
0 stra.;5ote ta8en amon" t*e dele"ates re5ealed t*at <%<
so5iets stood or t*e transer o all to t*e so5ietsC
$( or a "o5ernment o t*e @demo)ra)yAC << or a
)oalitionC 21 or a )oalition, b#t .it*o#t t*e 9adets:
0lt*o#"* elo=#ent e5en in t*is orm, t*ese i"#res "i5e an
exa""erated idea o t*e remains o t*e !om2romisersJ
inl#en)e: T*ose or demo)ra)y and )oalition .ere so5iets
rom t*e more ba)8.ard distri)ts and least im2ortant
Brom early in t*e mornin" o t*e 2<t* )a#)#ses o t*e
a)tions .ere *eld in Smolny: Only t*ose attended t*e
'ols*e5i8 )a#)#s .*o .ere ree rom i"*tin" d#ties: T*e
o2enin" o t*e !on"ress .as delayed: t*e 'ols*e5i8
leaders .anted to inis* .it* t*e +inter 3ala)e irst: '#t
t*e o22osin" a)tions, too, .ere in no *#rry: T*ey
t*emsel5es *ad to de)ide .*at to do, and t*at .as not
easy: ?o#rs 2assed: S#b;a)tions .ere dis2#tin" .it*in t*e
a)tions: T*e s2lit amon" t*e So)ial Re5ol#tionaries too8
2la)e ater a resol#tion to .it*dra. rom t*e !on"ress *ad
been reDe)ted by 92 5otes a"ainst (%: It .as only late in
t*e e5enin" t*at t*e Ri"*t and Let So)ial Re5ol#tionaries
be"an to sit in dierent rooms: 0t $ oJ)lo)8 t*e
Mens*e5i8s demanded a ne. delay: t*ey *ad too many
o2inions: Ni"*t )ame on: T*e o2erations at t*e +inter
3ala)e .ere dra""in" o#t: '#t it be)ame im2ossible to
.ait lon"er: It .as ne)essary to say some )lear .ord to t*e
aro#sed and .at)*#l nation:
T*e re5ol#tion *ad ta#"*t t*e art o illin" s2a)e:
4ele"ates, "#ests, "#ards, Dammed into t*e
)ommen)ement *all o t*e noble maidens, ma8in" room
or more and more: +arnin"s o t*e dan"er o t*e loorJs
)olla2sin" *ad no ee)t, nor did a22eals to smo8e a little
less: 0ll )ro.ded )loser and smo8ed t.i)e as m#)*: ,o*n
Reed .it* dii)#lty o#"*t *is .ay t*ro#"* t*e noisy )ro.d
aro#nd t*e doors: T*e *all .as not *eated, b#t t*e air .as
*ea5y and *ot:
,ammin" t*e entries and t*e side exits, sittin" on all t*e
.indo. sills, t*e dele"ates no. 2atiently a.ait t*e
2residentJs "on": Tseretelli, !*eidKe, !*erno5 H none o
t*em is on t*e 2latorm: Only leaders o t*e se)ond ran8
*a5e )ome to t*eir #neral: 0 s*ort man in t*e #niorm o a
military do)tor o2ens t*e session at 1%:&% in t*e e5enin"
in t*e name o t*e Exe)#ti5e !ommittee: T*e !on"ress, *e
says, assembles in s#)* @ex)e2tional )ir)#mstan)esA t*at
*e, 4an, obeyin" t*e dire)tions o t*e !entral Exe)#ti5e
!ommittee, .ill rerain rom ma8in" a 2oliti)al s2ee)*: ?is
2arty riends are no. indeed #nder ire in t*e +inter
3ala)e @.*ile loyally #lillin" t*eir d#ty as ministers:A T*e
last t*in" t*ese dele"ates are ex2e)tin" is a blessin" rom
t*e !entral Exe)#ti5e !ommittee: T*ey loo8 #2 at t*e
2latorm .it* *ostility: I t*ose 2eo2le still exist 2oliti)ally,
.*at *a5e t*ey "ot to do .it* #s and o#r b#siness>
In t*e name o t*e 'ols*e5i8s a Mos)o. dele"ate,
05anesso5, mo5es t*at t*e 2rTsidi#m be ele)ted #2on a
2ro2ortional basis: 1& 'ols*e5i8s, 7 So)ial Re5ol#tionaries,
3 Mens*e5i8s and 1 Internationalist: T*e Ri"*t
immediately de)lines to enter t*e 2rTsidi#m: Marto5Js
"ro#2 sits ti"*t or t*e time bein"C it *as not de)ided:
Se5en 5otes "o o5er to t*e Let So)ial Re5ol#tionaries: T*e
!on"ress .at)*es t*ese introd#)tory )onli)ts .it* a
05anesso5 anno#n)es t*e 'ols*e5i8 )andidates or t*e
2rTsidi#m: Lenin, Trots8y, Pino5ie5, 9amene5, Ry8o5,
No"in, S8lians8y, 9rylen8o 0ntono5;O5seWn8o, RiaKano5,
M#rano5, L#na)*ars8y, 9ollontai, St#)*8a: @T*e
2rTsidi#m,A .rites S#8*ano5, @)onsisted o t*e 2rin)i2al
'ols*e5i8 leaders and six /in reality se5en1 Let So)ial
Re5ol#tionaries:A Pino5ie5 and 9amene5 .ere in)l#ded in
t*e 2rTsidi#m as a#t*oritati5e 2arty names in s2ite o
t*eir a)ti5e o22osition to t*e ins#rre)tionC Ry8o5 and
No"in as re2resentati5es o t*e Mos)o. So5ietC
L#na)*ars8y and 9ollontai as 2o2#lar a"itators o t*at
2eriodC RiaKano5 as a re2resentati5e o t*e trade #nionsC
M#rano5 as an old .or8er;'ols*e5i8 .*o *ad )arried
*imsel )o#ra"eo#sly d#rin" t*e trial o t*e de2#ties o t*e
State 4#maC St#)*8a as *ead o t*e Lettis* or"anisationC
9rylen8o and S8lians8y as re2resentati5es o t*e armyC
0ntono5;O5seWn8o as a leader o t*e 3etro"rad battles:
T*e absen)e o S5erdlo5Js name is ob5io#sly ex2lained by
t*e a)t t*at *e *imsel dre. #2 t*e list, and in t*e
)on#sion nobody )orre)ted it: It is )*ara)teristi) o t*e
2arty morals o t*e time t*at t*e .*ole *ead=#arters o
t*e o22onents o t*e ins#rre)tion t#rned #2 in t*e
2rTsidi#m: Pino5ie5, 9amene5, No"in, Ry8o5,
L#na)*ars8y, RiaKano5: O t*e Let So)ial Re5ol#tionaries
only t*e little ra"ile and )o#ra"eo#s S2iridono5a, .*o *ad
ser5ed lon" years at *ard labo#r or assassinatin" t*e
s#bd#er o t*e Tombo5s8 2easants, enDoyed an all;R#ssian
reno.n: T*e Let So)ial Re5ol#tionaries *ad no ot*er
@name:A T*e Ri"*ts, on t*e ot*er *and, *ad no. little or
not*in" b#t names let:
T*e !on"ress "reeted its 2rTsidi#m .it* ent*#siasm:
+*ile t*e a)tions *ad been assemblin" and )onerrin",
Lenin .it* *is ma8e;#2 still on, in .i" and bi" s2e)ta)les,
.as sittin" in t*e 2assa"e;.ay in t*e )om2any o t.o or
t*ree 'ols*e5i8s: On t*e .ay to a meetin" o t*eir a)tion
4an and S8obele5 sto22ed still: O22osite t*e table .*ere
t*e )ons2irators .ere sittin", stared at Lenin, and
ob5io#sly re)o"nised *im: Time, t*en, to ta8e t*e ma8e;#2
o: '#t Lenin .as in no *#rry to a22ear 2#bli)ly: ?e
2reerred to loo8 ro#nd a little and "at*er t*e t*reads into
*is *ands .*ile remainin" be*ind t*e s)enes: In *is
re)olle)tions o Lenin 2#blis*ed in 192&, Trots8y .rites:
@T*e irst session o t*e Se)ond !on"ress o So5iets .as
sittin" in Smolny: Lenin did not a22ear *ere: ?e remained
in one o t*e rooms o Smolny in .*i)*, as I remember,
t*ere .as or some reason no #rnit#re, or almost none:
Later somebody s2read blan8ets on t*e loor and 2#t t.o
)#s*ions on t*em, Vladimir Ily)* and I too8 a rest t*ere
lyin" side;by;side: '#t in D#st a e. min#tes I )alled: O4an
is tal8in" and yo# m#st *im:J Ret#rned ater my
re2ly, I a"ain lay do.n beside Vladimir Ily)*, .*o o )o#rse
*ad no t*o#"*t o "oin" to slee2: +as t*at indeed
2ossible> E5ery i5e or ten min#tes somebody .o#ld r#n in
rom t*e assembly *all to tell #s .*at .as "oin" on:A
T*e 2residentJs )*air is o))#2ied by 9amene5, one o
t*ose 2*le"mati) ty2es desi"ned by nat#re *ersel or t*e
oi)e o )*airman: T*ere are t*ree =#estions, *e
anno#n)es, on t*e order o t*e day: or"anisation o a
"o5ernmentC .ar and 2ea)eC )on5o)ation o t*e
!onstit#ent 0ssembly: 0n #n#s#al, d#ll, alarmin" r#mble
brea8s into t*e noise o t*e meetin" rom o#tside: T*is is
3eter and 3a#l ortress ratiyin" t*e order o t*e day .it*
artillery ire: 0 *i"* tension )#rrent r#ns t*ro#"* t*e
!on"ress, .*i)* no. s#ddenly eels and realises .*at it
really is: t*e )on5ention o a )i5il .ar:
LoKo5s8y, an o22onent o t*e ins#rre)tion, demanded a
re2ort rom t*e 3etro"rad So5iet: '#t t*e Military
Re5ol#tionary !ommittee .as a little be*ind *and:
Re2lyin" artillery testiied t*at t*e re2ort .as not ready:
T*e ins#rre)tion .as in #ll": T*e 'ols*e5i8 leaders
.ere )ontin#ally .it*" to t*e rooms o t*e Military
Re5ol#tionary !ommittee to re)ei5e )omm#ni)ations or
"i5e orders: E)*oes o t*e i"*tin" .o#ld b#rst #2 t*ro#"*
t*e assembly li8e ton"#es o lame: +*en 5otes .ere
ta8en *ands .o#ld be raised amon" bristlin" bayonets: 0
bl#e;"rey a)rid toba))o smo8e *id t*e bea#ti#l .*ite
)ol#mns and )*andeliers:
T*e 5erbal battles o t*e t.o )am2s .ere extraordinarily
Im2ressi5e a"ainst a ba)8"ro#nd o )annon;s*ots: Marto5
demanded t*e loor: T*e moment .*en t*e balan)e is still
os)illatin" is *is moment H t*is in5enti5e statesman o
eternal .a5erin"s: +it* *is *oarse t#ber)#lar 5oi)e Marto5
ma8es instant reDoinder to t*e metalli) 5oi)e o t*e "#ns:
@+e m#st 2#t a sto2 to military a)tion on bot* sides ::: T*e
=#estion o is be"innin" to be de)ided by
)ons2iratorial met*ods: 0ll t*e re5ol#tionary 2arties *a5e
been 2la)ed beore a fail accompli ::: 0 )i5il .ar t*reatens
#s .it* an ex2losion o )o#nter;re5ol#tion: 0 2ea)e#l
sol#tion o t*e )risis )an be obtained by )reatin" a
"o5ernment .*i)* .ill be re)o"nised by t*e .*ole
demo)ra)y:A 0 )onsiderable 2ortion o t*e !on"ress
a22la#ds: S#8*ano5 remar8s ironi)ally: @E5idently many
and many a 'ols*e5i8, not *a5in" absorbed t*e s2irit o
t*e tea)*in"s o Lenin and Trots8y, .o#ld *a5e been "lad
to ta8e t*at )o#rse:A T*e Let So)ial Re5ol#tionaries and a
"ro#2 o 6nited Internationalists s#22ort t*e 2ro2osal o
2ea)e ne"otiations: T*e Ri"*t +in", and 2er*a2s also t*e
)lose asso)iates o Marto5, are )onident t*at t*e
'ols*e5i8s .ill reDe)t t*is 2ro2osal: T*ey are .ron": T*e
'ols*e5i8s send L#na)*ars8y to t*e trib#ne, t*e most
2ea)e;lo5in", t*e most 5el5ety o t*eir orators: @T*e
'ols*e5i8 a)tion,A *e says, @*as absol#tely not*in"
a"ainst Marto5Js 2ro2osal:A T*e enemy are astonis*ed:
@Lenin and Trots8y in t*#s "i5in" .ay a little to t*eir o.n
masses,A )omments S#8*ano5, @are at t*e same time
)#ttin" t*e "ro#nd rom #nder t*e Ri"*t +in":A Marto5Js
2ro2osal is ado2ted #nanimo#sly: @I t*e Mens*e5i8s and
So)ial Re5ol#tionaries .it*dra. no.,A r#ns t*e )omment
in Marto5Js "ro#2, @t*ey .ill b#ry t*emsel5es:A It is
2ossible to *o2e, t*ereore, t*at t*e !on"ress @.ill ta8e
t*e )orre)t road o )reatin" a #nited demo)rati) ront:A
Vain *o2eL 0 re5ol#tion ne5er mo5es on dia"onals:
T*e Ri"*t +in" immediately 5iolates t*e D#st;a22ro5ed
initiation o 2ea)e ne"otiations: T*e Mens*e5i8 9*aras*, a
dele"ate rom t*e 12t* 0rmy .it* a )a2tainJs star on *is
s*o#lders, ma8es a statement: @T*ese 2oliti)al *y2o)rites
2ro2ose t*at .e de)ide t*e =#estion o Mean.*ile
it is bein" de)ided be*ind o#r ba)8s ::: T*ose blo.s at t*e
+inter 3ala)e are dri5in" nails in t*e )oin o t*e 2arty
.*i)* *as #nderta8en s#)* an ad5ent#re :::A T*e )a2tainJs
)*allen"e is ans.ered by t*e !on"ress .it* a "r#mble o
Lie#tenant 9#)*in, .*o *ad s2o8en at t*e State
!oneren)e in Mos)o. in t*e name o t*e ront, tries *ere
also to .ield t*e a#t*ority o t*e army or"anisations: @T*is
!on"ress is #ntimely and e5en #na#t*orised:A @In .*ose
name do yo# s2ea8>A s*o#t t*e tattered tren)*;)oats,
t*eir )redentials .ritten all o5er t*em in t*e m#d o t*e
tren)*es: 9#)*in )are#lly en#merates ele5en armies: '#t
*ere t*is de)ei5es nobody: 0t t*e ront as at t*e rear t*e
"enerals o )om2romise are .it*o#t soldiers: T*e "ro#2
rom t*e ront, )ontin#es t*e Mens*e5i8 lie#tenant,
@de)lines to ass#me any res2onsibility or t*e
)onse=#en)es o t*is ad5ent#re:A T*at means a )om2lete
brea8 .it* t*e re5ol#tion: @?en)eort* t*e arena o
str#""le is transerred to t*e lo)alities:A T*at means #sion
.it* t*e )o#nter;re5ol#tion a"ainst t*e so5iets: 0nd so t*e
)on)l#sion: @T*e ront "ro#2 ::: .it*dra.s rom t*is
One ater anot*er t*e re2resentati5es o t*e Ri"*t mo#nt
t*e trib#ne: T*ey *a5e lost t*e 2aris*es and )*#r)*es, b#t
t*ey still *old t*e belries, and t*ey *asten or t*e last
time to 2o#nd t*e )ra)8in" bells: T*ese so)ialist and
demo)rats, *a5in" made a )om2romise by *oo8 and )roo8
.it* t*e im2erialist bo#r"eoisie, today latly re#se to
)om2romise .it* t*e 2eo2le in re5olt: T*eir 2oliti)al
)al)#lations are laid bare: T*e 'ols*e5i8s .ill )olla2se in a
e. days, t*ey are t*in8in": +e m#st se2arate o#rsel5es
rom t*em as =#i)8ly as 2ossible, e5en *el2 to o5ert*ro.
t*em, and t*#s to t*e best o o#r ability ins#re o#rsel5es
and o#r #t#re:
In t*e name o t*e Ri"*t Mens*e5i8 a)tion, 9*in)*#8, a
ormer 2resident o t*e Mos)o. So5iet and a #t#re So5iet
ambassador in 'erlin, reads a de)laration: @T*e military
)ons2ira)y o t*e 'ols*e5i8s ::: .ill 2l#n"e t*e )o#ntry into
)i5il dissension, demolis* t*e !onstit#ent 0ssembly,
t*reaten #s .it* a military )atastro2*e, and lead to t*e
tri#m2* o t*e )o#nter;re5ol#tion:A T*e sole .ay o#t:
@O2en ne"otiations .it* t*e 3ro5isional -o5ernment or
t*e ormation o a restin" on all layers o t*e
demo)ra)y:A ?a5in" learned not*in", t*ese 2eo2le 2ro2ose
to t*e !on"ress to )ross o t*e ins#rre)tion and ret#rn to
9erens8y: T*ro#"* t*e #2roar,", and e5en *issin",
t*e .ords o t*e re2resentati5e o t*e Ri"*t So)ial
Re5ol#tionaries are *ardly distin"#is*able: T*e de)laration
o *is 2arty anno#n)es @t*e im2ossibility o .or8 in
)ollaborationA .it* t*e 'ols*e5i8s, and de)lares t*e 5ery
!on"ress o So5iets, alt*o#"* )on5o8ed and o2ened by
t*e )om2romisist !entral Exe)#ti5e !ommittee, to be
.it*o#t a#t*ority:
T*is demonstration o t*e Ri"*t +in" does not )o.
anybody, b#t )a#ses alarm and irritation: T*e maDority o
t*e dele"ates are too si)8 and tired o t*ese bra""in" and
narro.;minded leaders .*o ed t*em irst .it* 2*rases
and t*en .it* meas#res o re2ression: !an it be t*at t*e
4ans, 9*in)*#8s and 9#)*ins still ex2e)t to instr#)t and
)ommand #s> 0 Lettis* soldier, 3eterson, .it* a t#ber)#lar
l#s* on *is )*ee8s and b#rnin" *atred in *is eyes,
deno#n)es 9*aras* and 9#)*in as im2ostors: @T*e
re5ol#tion *as *ad eno#"* "abL +e .ant a)tionL T*e s*o#ld be in o#r *ands: Let t*e im2ostors lea5e t*e
)on"ress H t*e army is t*ro#"* .it* t*emLA T*is 5oi)e
tense .it* 2assion relie5es t*e mind o t*e !on"ress:
.*i)* *as re)ei5ed not*in" so ar b#t ins#lts: Ot*er
rontline soldiers r#s* to t*e s#22ort o 3eterson: @T*ese
9#)*ins re2resent t*e o2inions o little "an"s .*o *a5e
been sittin" in t*e army )ommittees sin)e 02ril: T*e army
lon" a"o demanded ne. ele)tions:A @T*ose .*o li5e in t*e
tren)*es are im2atiently a.aitin" t*e transer o to
t*e so5iets:A
'#t t*e Ri"*ts still *old t*e belries: 0 re2resentati5e o
t*e '#nd de)lares t*at @all t*at *as *a22ened in 3etro"rad
is a misort#ne:A and in5ites t*e dele"ates to Doin t*e
members o t*e d#ma .*o *a5e de)ided to mar)*
#narmed to t*e +inter 3ala)e in order to die .it* t*e
"o5ernment: @-ibes .ere to be *eard in t*e "eneral
#2roar,A .rites S#8*ano5: @some )oarse and some
2oisono#s:A T*e #n)t#o#s orator *as ob5io#sly mista8en
*is a#dien)e: @Eno#"* rom yo#LA @4esertersLA s*o#t t*e
dele"ates, "#ests, Red -#ards and sentries at t*e door to
t*e .it*" dele"ates: @,oin 9ornilo5LA @Enemies o
t*e 2eo2leLA
T*e .it* o t*e Ri"*ts did not lea5e any 5a)ant
s2a)e: E5idently t*e ran8;and;ile dele"ates *ad re#sed to
Doin t*e oi)ers and D#n8ers or a str#""le a"ainst t*e
.or8ers and soldiers: Only abo#t 7% dele"ates H t*at is, a
little more t*an *al o t*e Ri"*t +in" a)tion H .ent o#t:
T*e .a5erers too8 t*eir 2la)e .it* t*e intermediate
"ro#2s .*o *ad de)ided not to lea5e t*e !on"ress:
+*ereas beore t*e o2enin" o t*e !on"ress t*e So)ial
Re5ol#tionaries o all tenden)ies *ad n#mbered not o5er
19% men, d#rin" t*e next e. *o#rs t*e n#mber o Let
So)ial Re5ol#tionaries alone rose to 1$%: T*ey .ere Doined
by all t*ose .*o *ad not yet de)ided to Doin t*e 'ols*e5i8s
alt*o#"* ready to s#22ort t*em:
T*e Mens*e5i8s and So)ial Re5ol#tionaries .ere =#ite
ready to remain in a 3ro5isional -o5ernment or some sort
o a 3re;3arliament #nder any )ir)#mstan)es: !an one
ater all brea8 .it* )#lt#red so)iety> '#t t*e so5iets H t*at
is only t*e 2eo2le: T*e so5iets are all ri"*t .*ile yo# )an
#se t*em to "et a )om2romise .it* t*e bo#r"eoisie, b#t
)an one 2ossibly t*in8 o toleratin" so5iets .*i)* *a5e
s#ddenly ima"ined t*emsel5es masters o t*e )o#ntry>
@T*e 'ols*e5i8s .ere let alone,A .rote t*e So)ial
Re5ol#tionary, PenKino5, s#bse=#ently, @and rom t*at
moment t*ey be"an to rely only #2on )r#de 2*ysi)al
or)e:A Moral 2rin)i2le #ndo#btedly slammed t*e door
alon" .it* 4an and -otK: Moral 2rin)i2le .ill mar)* in a
2ro)ession o 3%% men .it* t.o lanterns to t*e +inter
3ala)e, only to r#n into t*e )r#de 2*ysi)al or)e o t*e
'ols*e5i8s and H ba)8 do.n:
T*e motion ado2ted by t*e !on"ress in a5o#r o 2ea)e
ne"otiations .as let *an"in" in t*e air: I t*e Ri"*ts *ad
admitted t*e 2ossibility o )om2romisin" .it* a 5i)torio#s
2roletariat, t*ey .o#ld *a5e been in no *#rry to brea8 .it*
t*e !on"ress: Marto5 )o#ld not *a5e ailed to #nderstand
t*is: Ne5ert*eless *e )l#n" to t*e idea o a )om2romise H
t*e t*in" #2on .*i)* *is .*ole 2oli)y al.ays stands or
alls: @+e m#st 2#t a sto2 to t*e bloods*ed :::A *e be"ins
a"ain: @T*ose are only r#mo#rsLA 5oi)es )all o#t: @It is not
only r#mo#rs t*at .e *ear,A *e ans.ers: @I yo# )ome to
t*e .indo.s yo# .ill *ear )annon;s*ots:A T*is is
#ndeniable: +*en t*e !on"ress =#iets do.n, s*ots are
a#dible .it*o#t "oin" to t*e .indo.s:
Marto5Js de)laration, *ostile t*ro#"* and t*ro#"* to t*e
'ols*e5i8s, and lieless in its ar"#ments, )ondemns t*e
re5ol#tion as @a))om2lis*ed by t*e 'ols*e5i8 2arty alone
by t*e met*od o a 2#rely military 2lot,A and demands t*at
t*e !on"ress s#s2end its labo#rs #ntil an a"reement *as
been rea)*ed .it* all t*e so)ialists 2arties: To try to ind
t*e res#ltant o a 2arallelo"ram o or)es in a re5ol#tion is
.orse t*an tryin" to )at)* yo#r o.n s*ado.L
0t t*at moment t*ere a22eared in t*e !on"ress t*e
'ols*e5i8 a)tion o t*e )ity d#ma, t*ose .*o *ad re#sed
to see8 a 2roblemati) deat* #nder t*e .alls o t*e +inter
3ala)e: T*ey .ere led by ,oG, s#bse=#ently t*e irst
So5iet ambassador at 'erlin: T*e !on"ress a"ain )ro.ded
#2, "i5in" its riends a Doy#l .el)ome:
'#t it .as ne)essary to 2#t #2 a resistan)e to Marto5: T*is
tas8 ell to Trots8y: @No. sin)e t*e exod#s o t*e Ri"*ts,A
)on)edes S#8*ano5, @*is 2osition is as stron" as Marto5Js
is .ea8:A T*e o22onents stand side by side in t*e trib#ne,
*emmed in on all sides by a solid rin" o ex)ited
dele"ates: @+*at *as ta8en 2la)e,A says Trots8y, is an
ins#rre)tion, not a )ons2ira)y: 0n ins#rre)tion o t*e
2o2#lar masses needs no D#stii)ation: +e *a5e tem2ered
and *ardened t*e re5ol#tionary ener"y o t*e 3etro"rad
.or8ers and soldiers: +e *a5e o2enly or"ed t*e .ill o t*e
masses to ins#rre)tion, and not )ons2ira)y ::: O#r
ins#rre)tion *as )on=#ered, and no. yo# 2ro2ose to #s:
Reno#n)e yo#r 5i)tory: ma8e a )om2romise: +it* .*om> I
as8: +it* .*om o#"*t .e to ma8e a )om2romise> +it*
t*at 2iti#l *and#l .*o D#st .ent o#t> ::: ?a5enJt .e seen
t*em t*ro#"* and t*ro#"*: T*ere is no lon"er anybody In
R#ssia .*o is or t*em: 0re t*e millions o .or8ers and
2easants re2resented in t*is !on"ress, .*om t*ey are
ready no. as al.ays to t#rn o5er or a 2ri)e to t*e mer)ies
o t*e bo#r"eoisie, are t*ey to enter a )om2romise .it*
t*ese men> No, a )om2romise is no "ood *ere: To t*ose
.*o *a5e "one o#t, and to all .*o made li8e 2ro2osals, .e
m#st say, OMo# are 2iti#l isolated indi5id#alsC yo# are
ban8r#2tsC yo#r rIle is 2layed o#t: -o .*ere yo# belon"
rom no. on H into t*e r#bbis*;)an o *istoryLJA
@T*en .e .ill "oLA )ries Marto5 .it*o#t a.aitin" t*e 5ote
o t*e !on"ress: @Marto5 in an"er and ae)tation,A re"rets
S#8*ano5: @be"an to ma8e *is .ay rom t*e trib#ne
to.ards t*e door: 0nd I be"an to "at*er to"et*er my
a)tion or a )oneren)e in t*e orm o an emer"en)y
session :::A It .as not .*olly a matter o ae)tation: T*e
?amlet o demo)rati) so)ialism, Marto5, .o#ld ma8e a
ste2 or.ard .*en t*e re5ol#tion ell ba)8 as in ,#lyC b#t
no. .*en t*e re5ol#tion .as ready or a ti"erJs lea2,
Marto5 .o#ld all ba)8: T*e .it* o t*e Ri"*ts *ad
de2ri5ed *im o t*e 2ossibility o 2arliamentary
manoe#5rin", and t*at 2#t *im instantly o#t o *is
element: ?e *astened to abandon t*e !on"ress and brea8
.it* t*e ins#rre)tion: S#8*ano5 re2lied as best *e )o#ld:
T*e a)tion s2lit in *al: Marto5 .on by 1& 5otes a"ainst
Trots8y introd#)ed a resol#tion H an a)t o indi)tment
a"ainst t*e !om2romisers: T*ey 2re2ared t*e r#ino#s
oensi5e o ,#ne 1$C t*ey s#22orted t*e "o5ernment o
treason to t*e 2eo2leC t*ey s)reened t*e de)e2tion o t*e
2easants on t*e land =#estionC t*ey )arried o#t t*e
disarmin" o t*e .or8ersC t*ey .ere res2onsible or t*e
2#r2oseless dra""in" o#t o t*e .arC t*ey 2ermitted t*e
bo#r"eoisie to dee2en t*e e)onomi) r#in o t*e )o#ntryC
*a5in" lost t*e )oniden)e o t*e masses, t*ey resisted t*e
)allin" o a so5iet )on"ressC and inally, indin" t*emsel5es
in a minority, t*ey bro8e .it* t*e so5iets:
?ere a"ain t*e order o t*e day is s#s2ended or a
de)laration: Really t*e 2atien)e o t*e 'ols*e5i8
2rTsidi#m *as no bo#nds: T*e 2resident o t*e exe)#ti5e
)ommittee o t*e 2easant so5iet *as )ome to s#mmon t*e
2easants to abandon t*is @#ntimelyA )on"ress, and "o to
t*e +inter 3ala)e @to die .it* t*ose .*o .ere sent t*ere
to do o#r .ill:A T*is s#mmons to die in t*e r#ins o t*e
+inter 3ala)e is "ettin" 2retty tiresome in its monotony: 0
sailor D#st arri5ed rom t*e #urora, ironi)ally anno#n)es
t*at t*ere are no r#ins, sin)e t*ey are only irin" blan8s
rom t*e )r#iser: @3ro)eed .it* yo#r b#siness in 2ea)e,A *e
says: T*e so#l o t*e !on"ress inds rest in t*e admirable
bla)8;bearded sailor, in)arnatin" t*e sim2le and im2erio#s
.ill o t*e ins#rre)tion: Marto5 .it* *is mosai) o t*o#"*ts
and eelin"s belon"s to anot*er .orld: T*at is .*y *e
brea8s .it* t*e !on"ress:
Still anot*er s2e)ial de)laration H t*is time *al riendly:
@T*e Ri"*t So)ial Re5ol#tionaries,A says 9am8o5, @*a5e
"one o#t, b#t .e, t*e Lets, *a5e remained:A T*e !on"ress
.el)omes t*ose .*o *a5e remained: ?o.e5er, e5en t*ey
)onsider it ne)essary to a)*ie5e a #nited re5ol#tionary
ront, and )ome o#t a"ainst Trots8yJs s*ar2 resol#tion
s*#ttin" t*e door a"ainst a )om2romise .it* t*e moderate
?ere too t*e 'ols*e5i8s made a )on)ession: Nobody e5er
sa. t*em beore, it seems, in s#)* a yieldin" mood: No
.onderC t*ey are t*e masters o t*e sit#ation and t*ey
*a5e no need to insist #2on t*e orms o .ords: 0"ain
L#na)*ars8y ta8es t*e trib#ne: @T*e .ei"*t o t*e tas8
.*i)* *as allen #2on #s is not s#bDe)t to any do#bt,A *e
says: 0 #nion o all t*e "en#inely re5ol#tionary elements
o t*e demo)ra)y is ne)essary: '#t *a5e .e, t*e
'ols*e5i8s, ta8en any ste2s .*ate5er to re2el t*e ot*er
"ro#2s> 4id .e not ado2t Marto5Js 2ro2osal #nanimo#sly>
Bor t*is .e *a5e been ans.ered .it* a))#sations and
t*reats: Is it not ob5io#s t*at t*ose .*o *a5e let t*e
!on"ress @are )easin" e5en t*eir )om2romisist .or8 and
o2enly "oin" o5er to t*e )am2 o t*e 9ornilo5ists>A
T*e 'ols*e5i8s did not insist #2on an immediate 5ote on
Trots8yJs resol#tion: T*ey did not .ant to *inder t*e
attem2ts to rea)* an a"reement on a so5iet basis: T*e
met*od o tea)*in" by obDe)t;lesson )an be s#))ess#lly
a22lied e5en to t*e a))om2animent o artilleryL 0s beore
.it* t*e ado2tion o Marto5Js 2ro2osal, so no. t*e
)on)ession o 9am8o5 only re5ealed t*e im2oten)e o
t*ese )on)iliatory labo#r 2ains: ?o.e5er, in distin)tion
rom t*e Let Mens*e5i8s, t*e Let So)ial Re5ol#tionaries
did not =#it t*e !on"ress: t*ey .ere eelin" too dire)tly
t*e 2ress#re o t*e 5illa"es in re5olt:
0 m#t#al eelin";o#t *as ta8en 2la)e: T*e 2rimary
2ositions *a5e been o))#2ied: T*ere )omes a 2a#se in t*e
e5ol#tion o t*e !on"ress: S*all .e ado2t t*e basi)
de)rees and )reate a so5iet "o5ernment> It is im2ossible:
t*e old "o5ernment is still sittin" t*ere in t*e semi;
dar8ness o a )*amber in t*e +inter 3ala)e, t*e only lam2
on t*e table )are#lly barri)aded .it* ne.s2a2ers: S*ortly
ater t.o oJ)lo)8 in t*e mornin" t*e 2rTsidi#m de)lares a
*al;*o#r re)ess:
T*e red mars*als em2loyed t*e s*ort delay a))orded to
t*em .it* )om2lete s#))ess: 0 ne. .ind .as" in
t*e atmos2*ere o t*e !on"ress .*en its sittin" .as
rene.ed: 9amene5 read rom t*e trib#ne a tele2*ono"ram
D#st re)ei5ed rom 0ntono5: T*e +inter 3ala)e *as been
)a2t#red by t*e troo2s o t*e Re5ol#tionary Military
!ommitteeC .it* t*e ex)e2tion o 9erens8y t*e .*ole
3ro5isional -o5ernment .it* t*e di)tator 9is*8in at its
*ead is #nder arrest: 0lt*o#"* e5erybody *ad already
learned t*e ne.s as it 2assed rom mo#t* to mo#t*, t*is
oi)ial )omm#ni)ation )ras*ed in *ea5ier t*an a )annon
sal#te: T*e lea2 o5er t*e abyss di5idin" t*e re5ol#tionary
)lass rom *as been made: 4ri5en o#t o t*e 3ala)e
o 9s*esins8aia in ,#ly, t*e 'ols*e5i8s *a5e no. entered
t*e +inter 3ala)e as r#lers: T*ere is no ot*er no. in
R#ssia b#t t*e o t*e so5iets: 0 )om2lex tan"le o
eelin"s brea8s loose in a22la#se and s*o#tin": tri#m2*,
*o2e, b#t also anxiety: T*en )ome ne. and more )onident
b#rsts o a22la#se: T*e deed is done: E5en t*e most
a5o#rable )orrelation o or)es )ontains )on)ealed
s#r2rises, b#t t*e 5i)tory be)omes ind#bitable .*en t*e
enemyJs sta is made 2risoner:
9amene5 im2ressi5ely reads t*e list o t*ose arrested: T*e
better 8no.n names brin" *ostile or ironi) ex)lamations
rom t*e !on"ress: Es2e)ially bitter is t*e "reetin" o
Teres*)*en8o .*o *as "#ided t*e orei"n destinies o
R#ssia: 0nd 9erens8y> 9erens8y> It *as be)ome 8no.n
t*at at ten oJ)lo)8 t*is mornin" *e .as oratin" .it*o#t
"reat s#))ess to t*e "arrison o -at)*ina: @+*ere *e .ent
rom t*ere is not exa)tly 8no.nC r#mo#r says to t*e ront:A
T*e ello.;tra5ellers o t*e re5ol#tion eel bad: T*ey
oresee t*at no. t*e stride o t*e 'ols*e5i8s .ill be)ome
more irm: Somebody rom t*e Let So)ial Re5ol#tionaries
obDe)ts to t*e arrest o t*e so)ialist ministers: 0
re2resentati5e o t*e 6nited Internationalists oers a
.arnin" H @lest t*e Minister o 0"ri)#lt#re Maslo5, t#rn #2
in t*e same )ell in .*i)* *e sat #nder t*e monar)*y:A ?e
is ans.ered by Trots8y, .*o .as im2risoned d#rin" t*e
ministry o Maslo5 in t*e same @9restyA as #nder Ni)*olas:
@3oliti)al arrest is not a matter o 5en"ean)eC it is
di)tated ::: by )onsiderations o ex2edien)y: T*e
"o5ernment ::: s*o#ld be indi)ted and tried, irst o all or
its ind#bitable )onne)tion .it* 9ornilo5 ::: T*e so)ialist
ministers .ill be 2la)ed only #nder *o#se arrest:A It .o#ld
*a5e been sim2ler and more a))#rate to say t*at t*e
seiK#re o t*e old "o5ernment .as di)tated by t*e
demands o t*e still #ninis*ed str#""le: It .as a =#estion
o t*e 2oliti)al be*eadin" o t*e *ostile )am2, and not o
2#nis*ment or 2ast sins:
'#t t*is 2arliamentary =#ery as to t*e arrests .as
immediately )ro.ded o#t by anot*er ininitely more
im2ortant e2isode: T*e 3rd 'i)y)le 'attalion sent by
9erens8y a"ainst 3etro"rad *ad )ome o5er to t*e side o
t*e re5ol#tionary 2eo2leL T*is too a5o#rable ne.s
seemed #nbelie5able, b#t t*at .as exa)tly .*at *ad
*a22ened: T*is sele)ted military #nit, t*e irst to be
)*osen o#t rom t*e .*ole a)ti5e army, ad*ered to t*e
ins#rre)tion beore e5er rea)*in" t*e )a2ital: I t*ere *ad
been a s*ade o restraint in its Doy at t*e arrest o t*e
ministers, t*e !on"ress .as no. seiKed .it* #nalloyed
and irre2ressible ra2t#re:
T*e 'ols*e5i8 )ommissar o Tsars8oe Selo to"et*er .it* a
dele"ate rom t*e bi)y)le battalion as)ended t*e trib#ne:
T*ey *ad bot* D#st arri5ed to ma8e a re2ort to t*e
!on"ress: @T*e "arrison o Tsar8oe Selo is deendin" t*e
a22roa)*es to 3etro"rad:A T*e deensists .it*dre. rom
t*e so5iet: @0ll t*e .or8 rested #2on #s alone:A Learnin" o
t*e a22roa)* o t*e bi)y)le men, t*e So5iet o Tsars8oe
Selo 2re2ared to resist, b#t t*e alarm *a22ily t#rned o#t to
be alse: @0mon" t*e bi)y)le men are no enemies o t*e
!on"ress o So5iets:A 0not*er battalion .ill soon arri5e at
Tsars8oe, and riendly "reetin" is already in 2re2aration
t*ere: T*e !on"ress drin8s do.n t*is re2ort in "reat "#l2s:
T*e re2resentati5e o t*e bi)y)le men is "reeted .it* a
storm, a .*irl.ind, a )y)lone: T*is 3rd 'attalion, *e
re2orts, .as s#ddenly sent rom t*e So#t*;.estern ront to
t*e Nort* #nder tele"ra2*i) orders @or t*e deen)e o
3etro"rad:A T*e bi)y)le men ad5an)ed* eyes
blindolded,A only )on#sedly "#essin" .*at .as #2: 0t
3eredols8 t*ey ran into an e)*elon o t*e <t* 'i)y)le
'attalion, also mo5in" on t*e )a2ital: 0t a Doint meetin"
*eld ri"*t t*ere at t*e station, it be)ame )lear t*at
@amon" all t*e bi)y)lists t*ere is not one man to be o#nd
.*o .o#ld )onsent to ta8e a)tion a"ainst *is brot*ers:A It
.as Dointly de)ided not to s#bmit to t*e "o5ernment:
@I tell yo# )on)retely,A says t*e bi)y)le soldier, @.e .ill not
"i5e t*e to a "o5ernment at t*e *ead o .*i)*
stand t*e bo#r"eoisie and t*e landlordsLA T*at .ord
@)on)retely,A introd#)ed by t*e re5ol#tion into t*e
e5eryday lan"#a"e o t*e 2eo2le, so#nded ine at t*is
?o. many *o#rs .as it sin)e t*ey .ere t*reatenin" t*e
!on"ress rom t*at same trib#ne .it* 2#nis*ment rom
t*e ront> No. t*e ront itsel *ad s2o8en its @)on)reteA
.ord: S#22ose t*e army )ommittees do sabota"e t*e
!on"ress: S#22ose t*e ran8;and;ile soldier mass only
s#))eeds in "ettin" its dele"ates t*ere rat*er as an
ex)e2tion: S#22ose in many re"iments and di5isions t*ey
*a5e not yet learned to distin"#is* a 'ols*e5i8 rom a
So)ial Re5ol#tionary: Ne5er mindL T*e 5oi)e rom
3eredols8 is t*e a#t*enti), #nmista8able, irre#table 5oi)e
o t*e army: Brom t*is 5erdi)t t*ere is no a22eal: T*e
'ols*e5i8s, and t*ey only, *ad #nderstood in time t*at t*e
soldier;)oo8 o t*e bi)y)le battalion ininitely better
re2resented t*e ront t*an all t*e 9*aras*es and 9#)*ins
.it* t*eir .ilted )redentials: 0 2ortento#s )*an"e o))#rred
*ere in t*e mood o t*e dele"ates: @T*ey be"an to eel,A
.rites S#8*ano5, @t*at t*in"s .ere "oin" to "o smoot*ly
and .ell, t*at t*e *orrors 2romised on t*e Ri"*t .o#ld not
ater all be so terrible, and t*at t*e leaders mi"*t be
)orre)t in e5eryt*in" else too:A
T*e #n*a22y Mens*e5i8s sele)ted t*is moment to dra.
attention to t*emsel5es: T*ey *ad not yet, it seems,
.it*dra.n: T*ey *ad been )onsiderin" in t*eir a)tion
.*at to do: O#t o a desire to brin" ater *im t*e .a5erin"
"ro#2s, 9a2elins8y, .*o *ad been a22ointed to inorm t*e
)on"ress o t*e de)ision ado2ted, inally s2o8e alo#d t*e
most )andid reason or brea8in" .it* t*e 'ols*e5i8s:
@Remember t*at t*e troo2s are ridin" to.ards 3etro"radC
.e are t*reatened .it* )atastro2*e:A @+*atL 0re yo# still
*ere>A H t*e =#estion .as s*o#ted rom all )orners o t*e
*all: @+*y, yo# .ent o#t on)eLA T*e Mens*e5i8s mo5ed in
a tiny "ro#2 to.ards t*e entran)e, a))om2anied by
s)orn#l are.ells: @+e .ent o#t,A "rie5es S#8*ano5,
@)om2letely #ntyin" t*e *ands o t*e 'ols*e5i8s, t#rnin"
o5er to t*em t*e .*ole arena o t*e re5ol#tion:A It .o#ld
*a5e made little dieren)e i t*ey *ad stayed: In any )ase
t*ey .ent to t*e bottom: T*e .a5es o e5ents )losed
r#t*lessly o5er t*eir *eads:
It .as time or t*e !on"ress to address a maniesto to t*e
2eo2le, b#t t*e session )ontin#ed to )onsist only o s2e)ial
de)larations: E5ents sim2ly re#sed to it into t*e order o
t*e day: 0t <:17 in t*e mornin" 9rylen8o, sta""erin" tired,
made *is .ay to t*e trib#ne .it* a tele"ram in *is *and:
T*e 12t* 0rmy sends "reetin"s to t*e !on"ress and
inorms it o t*e )reation o a military re5ol#tionary
)ommittee .*i)* *as #nderta8en to stand "#ard in t*e
Nort*ern ront: 0ttem2ts o t*e "o5ernment to "et armed
*el2 *a5e bro8en a"ainst t*e resistan)e o t*e army: T*e
)ommander;in;)*ie o t*e Nort*ern ront, -eneral
!*eremisso5, *as s#bmitted to t*e !ommittee: T*e
)ommissar o t*e 3ro5isional -o5ernment, Voitins8y, *as
resi"ned, and a.aits a s#bstit#te: 4ele"ations rom t*e
e)*elons mo5ed a"ainst 3etro"rad *a5e one ater anot*er
anno#n)ed to t*e Military Re5ol#tionary !ommittee t*eir
solidarity ::: .it* t*e 3etro"rad "arrison: @3andemoni#m,A
says Reed, @men .ee2in", embra)in" ea)* ot*er:A
L#na)*ars8y at last "ot a )*an)e to read a 2ro)lamation
addressed to t*e .or8ers, soldiers and 2easants: '#t t*is
.as not merely a 2ro)lamation: 'y its mere ex2osition o
.*at *ad *a22ened and .*at .as 2ro2osed, t*is *astily
.ritten do)#ment laid do.n t*e o#ndations o a ne. state
str#)t#re: @T*e a#t*ority o t*e )om2romisist !entral
Exe)#ti5e !ommittee is at an end: T*e 3ro5isional
-o5ernment is de2osed: T*e !on"ress ass#mes t*e
:::A T*e So5iet -o5ernment 2ro2oses immediate 2ea)e: It
.ill transer t*e land to t*e 2easants demo)ratise t*e
army, establis* )ontrol o5er 2rod#)tion, 2rom2tly s#mmon
t*e !onstit#ent 0ssembly, "#arantee t*e ri"*t o t*e
nations o R#ssia to sel;determination: @T*e !on"ress
resol5es: T*at all in t*e lo)alities "oes o5er to t*e
so5iets:A E5ery 2*rase as it is read t#rns into a sal5o o
a22la#se: @SoldiersL 'e on yo#r "#ardL Rail.ay .or8ersL
Sto2 all e)*elons sent by 9erens8y a"ainst 3etro"radL :::
T*e ate o t*e re5ol#tion and t*e ate o t*e demo)rati)
2ea)e is in yo#r *andsLA
?earin" t*e land mentioned, t*e 2easants 2ri)8ed #2 t*eir
ears: 0))ordin" to its )onstit#tion t*e !on"ress
re2resented only so5iets o .or8ers and soldiersC b#t t*ere
.ere dele"ates 2resent rom indi5id#al 2easant so5iets:
T*ey no. demanded t*at t*ey be mentioned in t*e
do)#ment: T*ey .ere immediately "i5en a ri"*t to 5ote:
T*e re2resentati5e o t*e 3etro"rad 2easant so5iet si"ned
t*e 2ro)lamation* bot* *ands and bot* eet:A 0
member o 058sentie5Js Exe)#ti5e !ommittee, 'ereKin,
silent #ntil no., stated t*at o#t o ($ 2easant so5iets
re2lyin" to a tele"ra2*i) =#estionnaire, one;*al *ad
ex2ressed t*emsel5es or a So5iet "o5ernment, t*e ot*er
*al or t*e transer o to t*e !onstit#ent 0ssembly:
I t*is .as t*e mood o t*e 2ro5in)ial so5iets, *al
)om2osed o "o5ernmental #n)tionaries, )o#ld t*ere be
any do#bt t*at a #t#re 2easant )on"ress .o#ld s#22ort
t*e So5iet>
+*ile solidiyin" t*e ran8;and;ile dele"ates, t*e
2ro)lamation ri"*tened and e5en re2elled some o t*e
ello.;tra5ellers by its irre5o)ableness: Small a)tions and
remnants a"ain iled t*ro#"* t*e trib#ne: Bor t*e t*ird
time a "ro#2 o Mens*e5i8s, ob5io#sly t*e most let.ard
no., bro8e a.ay rom t*e !on"ress: T*ey .it*dre., it
seems, only in order to be in a 2osition to sa5e t*e
'ols*e5i8s: @Ot*er.ise yo# .ill destroy yo#rsel5es and #s
and t*e re5ol#tion:A T*e 2resident o t*e 3olis* So)ialist
2arty, La2ins8y, alt*o#"* *e remained at t*e !on"ress in
order to @deend *is 2oint o 5ie. to t*e end,A "a5e
essential ad*eren)e to t*e de)laration o Marto5: @T*e
'ols*e5i8s .ill not be able to .ield t*e .*i)* t*ey
are ass#min":A T*e 6nited ,* +or8ers 2arty abstained
rom t*e 5ote H li8e.ise t*e 6nited Internationalists: ?o.
m#)*, t*o#"*, did all t*ese @#nitedA amo#nt to
alto"et*er> T*e 2ro)lamation .as ado2ted almost
#nanimo#sly, only t.o dissentin", .it* t.el5e abstainin"L
T*e dele"ates *ad *ardly stren"t* let to a22la#d:
T*e session inally )ame to an end at abo#t six oJ)lo)8: 0
"rey and )old a#t#mn mornin" .as da.nin" o5er t*e )ity:
T*e *ot s2ots o t*e )am2;ires .ere adin" o#t in t*e
"rad#ally li"*tenin" streets: T*e "reyin" a)es o t*e
soldiers and t*e .or8ers .it* riles .ere )on)entrated and
#n#s#al: I t*ere .ere astrolo"ers in 3etro"rad, t*ey m#st
*a5e obser5ed 2ortento#s si"ns in t*e *ea5ens:
T*e )a2ital a.o8e #nder a ne. T*e e5eryday
2eo2le, t*e #n)tionaries, t*e intelle)t#als, )#t o rom t*e
arena o e5ents, r#s*ed or t*e 2a2ers early to ind o#t to
.*i)* s*ore t*e .a5e *ad tossed d#rin" t*e ni"*t: '#t it
.as not easy to ma8e o#t .*at *ad *a22ened: To be s#re,
t*e 2a2ers re2orted t*e seiK#re by )ons2irators o t*e
+inter 3ala)e and t*e ministers, b#t only as a 2assin"
e2isode: 9erens8y *as "one to *ead=#artersC t*e ate o
t*e "o5ernment .ill be de)ided by t*e ront: Re2orts o
t*e So5iet !on"ress re2rod#)e only t*e de)larations o t*e
Ri"*t +in", en#merate t*ose .*o .it*dre., and ex2ose
t*e im2oten)e o t*ose .*o remained: T*e 2oliti)al
editorials, .ritten beore t*e seiK#re o t*e +inter 3ala)e,
ex#de a )lo#dless o2timism:
T*e r#mo#rs o t*e street do not .*olly )oin)ide .it* t*e
tone o t*e ne.s2a2ers: +*ate5er yo# say, t*e ministers
are ater all lo)8ed #2 in t*e ortress: Reinor)ements rom
9erens8y are not yet in si"*t: B#n)tionaries and oi)ers
)oner anxio#sly: ,o#rnalists and la.yers rin" ea)* ot*er
#2: Editors try to )olle)t t*eir t*o#"*ts: T*e";room
ora)les say: @+e m#st s#rro#nd t*e #s#r2ers .it* a
blo)8ade o #ni5ersal )ontem2t:A Store8ee2ers donJt 8no.
.*et*er to do b#siness or rerain: T*e ne. a#t*orities "i5e
orders to do b#siness: T*e resta#rants o2enC t*e tram)ars
mo5eC t*e ban8s lan"#is* .it* e5il orebodin"sC t*e
seismo"ra2* o t*e Sto)8 Ex)*an"e des)ribes a )on5#lsi5e
)#r5e: O )o#rse t*e 'ols*e5i8s .ill not *old o#t lon", b#t
t*ey may do dama"e beore t*ey t#mble:
T*e rea)tionary Bren)* Do#rnalist, !la#de 0net, .rote on
t*is day: @T*e 5i)tors are sin"in" a son" o 5i)tory: 0nd
=#ite ri"*tly too: 0mon" all t*ese blabbers t*ey alone
a)ted ::: Today t*ey are rea2in" t*e *ar5est: 'ra5oL Bine
.or8:A T*e Mens*e5i8s estimated t*e sit#ation =#ite
ot*er.ise @T.enty;o#r *o#rs *a5e 2assed sin)e t*e
O5i)toryJ o t*e 'ols*e5i8s,A .rote 4anJs 2a2er, @and t*e
*istori) ates *a5e already be"#n to ta8e t*eir )r#el
re5en"e ::: 0ro#nd t*em is an em2tiness )reated by
t*emsel5es ::: T*ey are isolated rom all ::: T*e entire
)leri)al and te)*ni)al ma)*inery re#ses to ser5e t*em :::
T*ey are slidin" at t*e 5ery moment o t*eir tri#m2* into
t*e abyss:A
T*e liberal and )om2romisist )ir)les, en)o#ra"ed by t*e
sabota"e o t*e #n)tionaries and t*eir o.n li"*t;
mindedness, belie5ed stran"ely in t*eir o.n im2#nity:
T*ey s2o8e and .rote o t*e 'ols*e5i8s in t*e lan"#a"e o
t*e ,#ly 4ays: @?irelin"s o +il*elmA H @t*e 2o)8ets o t*e
Red -#ard #ll o -erman mar8sA H @-erman oi)ers in
)ommand o t*e ins#rre)tion:A T*e ne. "o5ernment *ad
to s*o. t*ese 2eo2le a irm *and beore t*ey be"an to
belie5e in it: T*e more #nbridled 2a2ers .ere detained
already on t*e ni"*t o t*e 2(t*: Some ot*ers .ere
)onis)ated on t*e" day: T*e so)ialist 2ress or t*e
time bein" .as s2ared: it .as ne)essary to "i5e t*e Let
So)ial Re5ol#tionaries, and also some elements o t*e
'ols*e5i8 2arty, a )*an)e to )on5in)e t*emsel5es o t*e
"ro#ndlessness o t*e *o2e or )oalition .it* t*e oi)ial
T*e 'ols*e5i8s de5elo2ed t*eir 5i)tory amid sabota"e and
)*aos: 0 2ro5isional military *ead=#arters, or"anised
d#rin" t*e ni"*t, #ndertoo8 t*e deen)e o 3etro"rad in
)ase o an atta)8 rom 9erens8y: Military tele2*one men
.ere sent to t*e )entral ex)*an"e .*ere a stri8e *ad
be"#n: It .as 2ro2osed to t*e armies t*at t*ey )reate t*eir
o.n military re5ol#tionary )ommittees: -an"s o a"itators
and or"anisers, reed by t*e 5i)tory, .ere sent to t*e ront
and to t*e 2ro5in)es: T*e )entral or"an o t*e 2arty .rote:
@T*e 3etro"rad So5iet *as a)tedC it is t*e t#rn o t*e ot*er
Ne.s )ame d#rin" t*e day .*i)* *as es2e)ially dist#rbed
t*e soldiers: 9ornilo5 *as es)a2ed: 0s a matter o a)t, t*e
loty )a2ti5e, .*o *ad been li5in" in 'y8*o5, "#arded by
Te8intsi, loyal to *im, and 8e2t in to#)* .it* all e5ents by
9erens8yJs *ead=#arters, de)ided on t*e 2(t* t*at t*in"s
.ere ta8in" a serio#s t#rn, and .it*o#t t*e sli"*test
*indran)e rom anybody abandoned *is 2retended 2rison:
T*e )onne)tions bet.een 9erens8y and 9ornilo5 .ere t*#s
a"ain ob5io#sly )onirmed in t*e eyes o t*e masses: T*e
Military Re5ol#tionary !ommittee s#mmoned t*e soldiers
and t*e re5ol#tionary oi)ers by tele"ram to )a2t#re bot*
ormer )ommanders;in;)*ie and deli5er t*em in
0s *ad t*e Ta#ride 3ala)e in Bebr#ary, so no. Smolny
be)ame t*e o)al 2oint or all #n)tions o t*e )a2ital and
t*e state: ?ere all t*e r#lin" instit#tions *ad t*eir seat:
?ere orders .ere iss#ed and *it*er 2eo2le )ame to "et
t*em: ?en)e a demand .ent o#t or .ea2ons, and *it*er
)ame riles and re5ol5ers )onis)ated rom t*e enemy:
0rrested 2eo2le .ere bro#"*t in *ere rom all ends o t*e
)ity: T*e inD#red be"an to lo. in see8in" D#sti)e: T*e
bo#r"eois 2#bli) and its ri"*tened )ab;dri5ers made a
"reat yo8e;s*a2ed deto#r to a5oid t*e Smolny re"ion:
T*e a#tomobile is a ar more "en#ine si"n o 2resent;day
so5erei"nty t*an t*e orb and s)e2tre: 6nder t*e rG"ime o
d#al t*e a#tomobiles *ad been di5ided bet.een t*e
"o5ernment, t*e !entral Exe)#ti5e !ommittee and 2ri5ate
o.ners: No. all )onis)ated motors .ere dra""ed into t*e
)am2 o t*e ins#rre)tion: T*e Smolny distri)t loo8ed li8e a
"iant military "ara"e: T*e best o a#tomobiles smo8ed in
t*ose days rom t*e lo.;"rade 2etrol: Motor;)y)les
)*#""ed im2atiently and t*reatenin"ly in t*e semi;
dar8ness: 0rmo#red;)ars s*rie8ed t*eir sirens: Smolny
seemed li8e a a)tory, a railroad and station o t*e
0 steady lood o 2eo2le 2o#red alon" t*e side.al8s o t*e
adDoinin" streets: 'onires .ere b#rnin" at t*e o#ter and
inner "ates: 'y t*eir .a5erin" li"*t armed .or8ers and
soldiers .ere belli"erently ins2e)tin" 2asses: 0 n#mber o
armo#red;)ars stood s*a8in" .it* t*e a)tion o t*eir o.n
motors in t*e )o#rt: Not*in" .anted to sto2 mo5in",
ma)*ines or 2eo2le: 0t ea)* entran)e stood ma)*ine;"#ns
ab#ndantly s#22lied .it* )artrid"e;belts: T*e endless,
.ea8ly li"*ted, "loomy )orridors e)*oed .it* t*e tram2in"
o eet, .it* ex)lamations and s*o#ts: T*e arri5in" and
de2artin" 2o#red #2 and do.n t*e broad stair)ase: 0nd
t*is solid *#man la5a .o#ld be )#t t*ro#"* by im2atient
and im2erati5e indi5id#als: Smolny .or8ers, )o#riers,
)ommissars, a mandate or an order lited *i"* in t*eir
*and, a rile on a )ord sl#n" o5er t*eir s*o#lder, or a
2ortolio #nder t*eir arm:
T*e Military Re5ol#tionary !ommittee ne5er sto22ed
.or8in" or an instant: It re)ei5ed dele"ates, )o#riers,
5ol#nteer inormers, de5oted riends, and s)o#ndrels: It
sent )ommissars to all )orners o t*e to.n, set
inn#merable seals #2on orders and )ommands and
)redentials H all t*is in t*e midst o interse)tin" in=#iries,
#r"ent )omm#ni)ations, t*e rin"in" o tele2*one bells and
t*e rattle o .ea2ons: 3eo2le #tterly ex*a#sted o t*eir
or)e, lon" .it*o#t slee2 or eatin", #ns*a5en, in dirty
linen, .it* inlamed eyes, .o#ld s*o#t in *oarse 5oi)es,
"esti)#late antasti)ally, and i t*ey did not all *al dead
on t*e loor, it seemed only t*an8s to t*e s#rro#ndin"
)*aos .*i)* .*irled t*em abo#t and )arried t*em a.ay
a"ain on its #n*arnessed .in"s:
0d5ent#rers, )roo8s, t*e .orst o;s)o#rin" o t*e old
rG"ime, .o#ld sni abo#t and try to "et a 2ass to Smolny:
Some o t*em s#))eeded: T*ey 8ne. some little se)ret o
administration: +*o *as t*e 8ey to t*e di2lomati)
)orres2onden)e, *o. to .rite an order on t*e treas#ry,
.*ere to "et "asoline or a ty2e.riter, and es2e)ially
.*ere t*e best )o#rt .ines are 8e2t: T*ey did not all ind
t*eir )ell or b#llet immediately:
Ne5er sin)e t*e )reation o t*e .orld *a5e so many orders
been iss#ed H by .ord o mo#t* by 2en)il, by ty2e.riter,
by .ire, one" ater t*e ot*er H t*o#sands and
myriads o orders, not al.ays iss#ed by t*ose *a5in" t*e
ri"*t, and rarely to t*ose )a2able o )arryin" t*em o#t: '#t
D#st *ere lay t*e mira)le H t*at in t*is )raKy .*irl2ool t*ere
t#rned o#t to be an inner meanin": 3eo2le mana"ed to
#nderstand ea)* ot*er: T*e most im2ortant and ne)essary
t*in"s "ot done: Re2la)in" t*e old .eb o administration,
t*e irst t*reads o t*e ne. .ere str#n", T*e re5ol#tion
"re. in stren"t*:
4#rin" t*at day, t*e !entral !ommittee o t*e 'ols*e5i8s
.as at .or8 in Smolny: It .as de)idin" t*e 2roblem o t*e
ne. "o5ernment o R#ssia: No min#tes .ere 8e2t H or t*ey
*a5e not been 2reser5ed: Nobody .as bot*erin" abo#t
#t#re *istorians, alt*o#"* a lot o tro#ble .as bein"
2re2ared or t*em ri"*t t*ere: T*e e5enin" session o t*e
!on"ress .as to )reate a )abinet o ministers: M;i;n;i;s;t;e;
r;s> J+*at a sadly )om2romised .ordL It stin8s o t*e *i"*
b#rea#)rati) )areer, t*e )ro.nin" o some 2arliamentary
ambition: It .as de)ided to )all t*e "o5ernment t*e So5iet
o 3eo2leJs !ommissars: t*at at least *ad a res*er so#nd:
Sin)e t*e ne"otiations or a )oalition o t*e @entire
demo)ra)yA *ad )ome to not*in", t*e =#estion o t*e
2arty and 2ersonal sta o t*e "o5ernment .as sim2liled:
T*e Let So)ial Re5ol#tionaries min)ed and obDe)ted:
?a5in" D#st bro8en .it* t*e 2arty o 9erens8y, t*ey
t*emsel5es *ardly 8ne. .*at t*ey .anted to do: T*e
!entral !ommittee ado2ted t*e motion o Lenin as t*e
only t*in8able one: to orm a "o5ernment o 'ols*e5i8s
Marto5 8no)8ed at t*e door o t*is session in t*e )a2a)ity
o inter)essor or t*e arrested so)ialist ministers: Not so
lon" a"o *e *ad been inter)edin" .it* t*e so)ialist
ministers or t*e im2risoned 'ols*e5i8s: T*e .*eel *ad
made =#ite a siKeable t#rn: T*ro#"* one o its members
sent o#t to Marto5 or ne"otiations H most 2robably
9amene5 H t*e !entral !ommittee )onirmed t*e
statement t*at t*e so)ialist ministers .o#ld be transerred
to *o#se arrest: 022arently t*ey *ad been or"otten in t*e
r#s* o b#siness, or 2er*a2s *ad t*emsel5es de)lined
2ri5ile"es, ad*erin" e5en in t*e Tr#bets8oy 'astion to t*e
2rin)i2le o ministerial solidarity:
T*e !on"ress o2ened its session at nine oJ)lo)8 in t*e
e5enin": @T*e 2i)t#re on t*e .*ole .as b#t little dierent
rom yesterday H .ea2ons, less o a Dam:A S#8*ano5,
no. no lon"er a dele"ate, .as able to ind *imsel a ree
seat as one o t*e 2#bli): T*is session .as to de)ide t*e
=#estions o 2ea)e, land and "o5ernment: Only t*ree
=#estions: end t*e .ar, "i5e t*e land to t*e 2eo2le,
establis* a so)ialist di)tators*i2: 9amene5 be"an .it* a
re2ort o t*e .or8 done by t*e 2rTsidi#m d#rin" t*e day
t*e deat* 2enalty at t*e ront introd#)ed by 9erens8y
abolis*edC )om2lete reedom o a"itation restoredC orders
"i5en or t*e liberation o soldiers im2risoned or 2oliti)al
)on5i)tions, and members o land )ommitteesC all t*e
)ommissars o t*e 3ro5isional -o5ernment remo5ed rom
oi)eC orders "i5en to arrest and deli5er 9erens8y and
9ornilo5: T*e !on"ress a22ro5ed and ratiied t*ese
0"ain some remnants o remnants too8 t*e loor, to t*e
im2atient disa22ro5al o t*e *all: One "ro#2 anno#n)ed
t*at t*ey .ere .it*" @at t*e moment o t*e 5i)tory
o t*e ins#rre)tion and not at t*e moment o its deeat:A
Ot*ers bra""ed o t*e a)t t*at t*ey *ad de)ided to
remain: 0 re2resentati5e o t*e 4onetK miners #r"ed
immediate meas#res to 2re5ent 9aledin rom )#ttin" t*e
nort* o rom )oal: Some time m#st 2ass, *o.e5er, beore
t*e re5ol#tion learns to ta8e meas#res o s#)* s)o2e:
Binally it be)omes 2ossible to ta8e #2 t*e irst 2oint on t*e
order o t*e day:
Lenin, .*om t*e !on"ress *as not yet seen, is "i5en t*e
loor or a re2ort on 2ea)e: ?is a22earan)e in t*e trib#ne
e5o8es a t#m#lt#o#s "reetin": T*e tren)* dele"ates "aKe
.it* all t*eir eyes at t*is mysterio#s bein" .*om t*ey *ad
been ta#"*t to *ate and .*om t*ey *a5e learned .it*o#t
seein" *im to lo5e: @No. Lenin, "ri22in" t*e ed"es o t*e
readin";stand, let little .in8in" eyes tra5el o5er t*e )ro.d
as *e stood t*ere .aitin", a22arently obli5io#s to t*e lon";
rollin" o5ation, .*i)* lasted se5eral min#tes: +*en it
inis*ed, *e said sim2ly, O+e s*all no. 2ro)eed to
)onstr#)t t*e so)ialist order:JA
T*e min#tes o t*e !on"ress are not 2reser5ed: T*e
3arliamentary steno"ra2*ers, in5ited in to re)ord t*e
debates, *ad abandoned Smolny, alon" .it* t*e
Mens*e5i8s and So)ial Re5ol#tionaries: T*at .as one o
t*e irst e2isodes in t*e )am2ai"n o sabota"e: T*e
se)retarial notes *a5e been lost .it*o#t a tra)e in t*e
abyss o e5ents: T*ere remain only t*e *asty and
tendentio#s ne.s2a2er re2orts, .ritten to t*e t#ne o t*e
artillery or t*e "rindin" o teet* in t*e 2oliti)al str#""le:
LeninJs s2ee)*es *a5e s#ered es2e)ially:" to *is deli5ery and t*e )om2li)ated )onstr#)tion o *is
senten)es, t*ey are not easily re)orded e5en in more
a5o#rable )onditions: T*at initial statement .*i)* ,o*n
Reed 2#ts in t*e mo#t* o Lenin does not a22ear in any o
t*e ne.s2a2er a))o#nts: '#t it is .*olly in t*e s2irit o t*e
orator: Reed )o#ld not *a5e made it #2: ,#st in t*at .ay
Lenin m#st s#rely *a5e be"#n *is s2ee)* at t*e !on"ress
o So5iets H sim2ly, .it*o#t #n)tion, .it* inlexible
)oniden)e: @+e s*all no. 2ro)eed to )onstr#)t t*e
so)ialist order:A
'#t or t*is it .as irst o all ne)essary to end t*e .ar:
Brom *is exile in S.itKerland Lenin *ad t*ro.n o#t t*e
slo"an: !on5ert t*e im2erialist .ar into a )i5il .ar: No. it
.as time to )on5ert t*e 5i)torio#s )i5il .ar into 2ea)e: T*e
s2ea8er be"an immediately by readin" t*e drat o a
de)laration to be 2#blis*ed by t*e "o5ernment still to be
ele)ted: T*e text *ad not been distrib#ted, te)*ni)al
e=#i2ment bein" still 5ery .ea8: T*e )on"ress dran8 in
e5ery .ord o t*e do)#ment as 2rono#n)ed:
@T*e .or8ersJ and 2easantsJ "o5ernment )reated by t*e
re5ol#tion o O)tober 2&;2<, and restin" #2on t*e so5iets
o .or8ersJ, soldiersJ and 2easantsJ de2#ties, 2ro2oses to
all t*e .arrin" 2eo2les and t*eir "o5ernments to o2en
immediate ne"otiations or a D#st, demo)rati) 2ea)e:A ,#st
)onditions ex)l#de annexations and indemnities: 'y
annexations is to be #nderstood t*e or)e#l a))ession o
alien 2eo2les or t*e retention o t*em a"ainst t*eir .ill,
eit*er in E#ro2e or in remote lands o5er t*e seas:
@?* t*e "o5ernment de)lares t*at it by no means
)onsiders t*e abo5e indi)ated )onditions o 2ea)e
#ltimati5e H t*at is, it a"rees to examine any ot*er
)onditions,A demandin" only t*e =#i)8est 2ossible o2enin"
o ne"otiations and t*e absen)e o any se)re)y in t*eir
)ond#)t: On its 2art t*e so5iet "o5ernment abolis*es
se)ret di2loma)y and #nderta8es to 2#blis* t*e se)ret
treaties )on)l#ded beore O)tober 2<, 1917: E5eryt*in" in
t*ose treaties dire)ted to.ard t*e a))r#in" o 2roit and
2ri5ile"e to t*e R#ssian landlords and )a2italists, and t*e
o22ression o ot*er 2eo2les by t*e -reat R#ssians, @t*e
"o5ernment de)lares #n)onditionally and immediately
ann#lled:A In order to enter #2on ne"otiations, it is
2ro2osed to )on)l#de an immediate armisti)e, or not less
t*an t*ree mont*s at least: T*e .or8ersJ and 2easantsJ
"o5ernment addresses its 2ro2osals sim#ltaneo#sly to
@t*e "o5ernments and 2eo2les o all .arrin" )o#ntries :::
es2e)ially t*e )ons)io#s .or8ers o t*e t*ree most
ad5an)ed )o#ntries,A En"land, Bran)e and -ermany,
)onident t*at it is t*ey .*o .ill @*el2 #s s#))ess#lly )arry
t*ro#"* t*e b#siness o liberatin" t*e toilers and t*e
ex2loited masses o t*e 2o2#lation rom all sla5ery and all
Lenin limited *imsel to brie )omments on t*e text o t*e
de)laration: @+e )annot i"nore t*e "o5ernments, or t*en
t*e 2ossibility o )on)l#din" 2ea)e .ill be delayed ::: b#t
.e *a5e no ri"*t not to a22eal at t*e same time to t*e
2eo2le: T*e 2eo2le and t*e "o5ernments are e5ery.*ere
at 5arian)e, and .e o#"*t to *el2 t*e 2eo2le interere in
t*e matter o .ar and 2ea)e:A @+e .ill, o )o#rse, deend
in all 2ossible .ays o#r 2ro"ramme o 2ea)e .it*o#t
annexations or indemnitiesA b#t .e o#"*t not to 2resent
o#r )onditions in t*e orm o an #ltimat#m, as t*at .ill
ma8e it easier or t*e "o5ernments to re#se to ne"otiate:
+e .ill )onsider also e5ery ot*er 2ro2osal: @!onsider does
not mean t*at .e .ill a))e2t it:A
T*e maniesto iss#ed by t*e !om2romisers on Mar)* 1&
2ro2osed to t*e .or8ers o ot*er )o#ntries to o5ert*ro.
t*e ban8ers in t*e name o 2ea)eC *o.e5er t*e
!om2romisers t*emsel5es not only did not demand t*e
o5ert*ro. o t*eir o.n ban8ers, b#t entered into lea"#e
.it* t*em: @No. .e *a5e o5ert*ro.n t*e "o5ernment o
t*e ban8ers:A T*at "i5es #s a ri"*t to s#mmon t*e ot*er
2eo2les to do t*e same: +e *a5e e5ery *o2e o 5i)tory: @It
m#st be remembered t*at .e li5e not in t*e de2t*s o
0ri)a, b#t in E#ro2e .*ere e5eryt*in" )an be)ome =#i)8ly
8no.n:A T*e "#arantee o 5i)tory Lenin sees, as al.ays, in
)on5ertin" t*e national into an international re5ol#tion:
@T*e .or8ersJ mo5ement .ill "et t*e #22er *and and lay
do.n t*e road to 2ea)e and so)ialism:A
T*e Let So)ial Re5ol#tionaries sent #2 a re2resentati5e to
2resent t*eir ad*eren)e to t*e de)laration: Its @s2irit and
meanin" are )lose and #nderstandable to #s:A T*e 6nited
Internationalists .ere or t*e de)laration, b#t only on
)ondition t*at it be iss#ed by a "o5ernment o t*e entire
demo)ra)y: La2ins8y, s2ea8in" or t*e 3olis* Let
Mens*e5i8s, .el)omed @t*e *ealt*y 2roletarian realismA o
t*e do)#ment: 4KerK*ins8y or t*e so)ial demo)ra)y o
3oland and Lit*#ania, St#)*8a or t*e so)ial demo)ra)y o
Lat5ia, 9a2s#8ass or t*e Lit*#anian so)ial demo)ra)y,
ad*ered to t*e de)laration .it*o#t =#alii)ation: T*e only
obDe)tion .as oered by t*e 'ols*e5i8, Eremee5, .*o
demanded t*at t*e 2ea)e )onditions be "i5en t*e
)*ara)ter o an #ltimat#m H ot*er.ise @t*ey may t*in8
t*at .e are .ea8, t*at .e are araid:A
Lenin de)isi5ely, e5en ier)ely, obDe)ted to t*e #ltimati5e
2resentation o t*e )onditions: In t*at .ay, *e said, .e .ill
only @ma8e it 2ossible or o#r enemies to )on)eal t*e
.*ole tr#t* rom t*e 2eo2le, to *ide t*e tr#t* be*ind o#r
irre)on)ilability:A Mo# say t*at @o#r not 2resentin" an
#ltimat#m .ill s*o. o#r im2oten)e:A It is time to *a5e
done .it* bo#r"eois alsities in 2oliti)s: @+e need not be
araid o tellin" t*e tr#t* abo#t o#r .eariness :::A T*e
#t#re disa"reements o 'rest;Lito5s8 "leam o#t or a
moment already in t*is e2isode:
9amene5 as8ed all .*o .ere or t*e 2ro)lamation to raise
t*eir dele"atesJ )ards: JOne dele"ate,A .rites Reed, @dared
to raise *is *and a"ainst, b#t t*e s#dden s*ar2 o#tb#rst
aro#nd *im bro#"*t it s.itly do.n:A T*e a22eal to t*e
2eo2les and "o5ernments .as ado2ted #nanimo#sly: T*e
deed .as doneL 0nd it im2ressed all t*e 2arti)i2ants by its
)lose and immediate ma"nit#de:
S#8*ano5, an attenti5e alt*o#"* also 2reD#di)ed obser5er,
noti)ed more t*an on)e at t*at irst session t*e
listlessness o t*e !on"ress: 6ndo#btedly t*e dele"ates H
li8e all t*e 2eo2le, indeed H .ere tired o meetin"s,
)on"resses, s2ee)*es, resol#tions, tired o t*e .*ole
b#siness o mar8in" time: T*ey *ad no )oniden)e t*at
t*is !on"ress .o#ld be able and 8no. *o. to )arry t*e
t*in" t*ro#"* to t*e end: +ill not t*e "i"anti) siKe o t*e
tas8 and t*e ins#2erable o22osition )om2el t*em to ba)8
do.n t*is time too> 0n inl#x o )oniden)e *ad )ome .it*
t*e ne.s o t*e )a2t#re o t*e +inter 3ala)e, and
ater.ard .it* t*e )omin" o5er o t*e bi)y)le men to t*e
ins#rre)tion: '#t bot* t*ese a)ts still *ad to do .it* t*e
me)*ani)s o ins#rre)tion: Only no. .as its *istori)
meanin" be)omin" )lear in a)tion: T*e 5i)torio#s
ins#rre)tion *ad b#ilt #nder t*is )on"ress o .or8ers and
soldiers an indestr#)tible o#ndation o T*e
dele"ates .ere 5otin" t*is time not or a resol#tion, not or
a 2ro)lamation, b#t or a "o5ernmental a)t o
immeas#rable si"nii)an)e:
Listen, nationsL T*e re5ol#tion oers yo# 2ea)e: It .ill be
a))#sed o 5iolatin" treaties: '#t o t*is it is 2ro#d: To
brea8 #2 t*e lea"#es o bloody 2redation is t*e "reatest
*istori) ser5i)e: T*e 'ols*e5i8s *a5e dared to do it: T*ey
alone *a5e dared: 3ride s#r"es #2 o its o.n a))ord: Eyes
s*ine: 0ll are on t*eir eet: No one is smo8in" no.: It
seems as t*o#"* no one breat*es: T*e 2rTsidi#m, t*e
dele"ates, t*e "#ests, t*e sentries, Doin in a *ymn o
ins#rre)tion and brot*er*ood: @S#ddenly, by )ommon
im2#lse,A H t*e story .ill soon be told by ,o*n Reed,
obser5er and 2arti)i2ant, )*roni)ler and 2oet o t*e
ins#rre)tion H @.e o#nd o#rsel5es on o#r eet, m#mblin"
to"et*er into t*e smoot* litin" #nison o t*e
2nternationale: 0 "riKKled old soldier .as sobbin" li8e a
)*ild: 0lexandra 9ollontai ra2idly .in8ed t*e tears ba)8:
T*e immense so#nd rolled t*ro#"* t*e *all, b#rst .indo.s
and doors and soared into t*e =#iet s8y:A 4id it "o
alto"et*er into t*e s8y> 4id it not "o also to t*e a#t#mn
tren)*es, t*at *at)*;.or8 #2on #n*a22y, )r#)iied E#ro2e,
to *er de5astated )ities and 5illa"es, to *er mot*ers and
.i5es in mo#rnin"> @#rise ye prisoners of starvation3 #rise
ye +retche of the earth3A T*e .ords o t*e son" .ere
reed o all =#alii)ations: T*ey #sed .it* t*e de)ree o
t*e "o5ernment, and *en)e reso#nded .it* t*e or)e o a
dire)t a)t: E5eryone elt "reater and more im2ortant in
t*at *o#r: T*e *eart o t*e re5ol#tion enlar"ed to t*e .idt*
o t*e .*ole .orld: @+e .ill a)*ie5e eman)i2ation: T*e
s2irit o inde2enden)e, o initiati5e, o darin", t*ose Doyo#s
eelin"s o .*i)* t*e o22ressed in ordinary )onditions are
de2ri5ed H t*e re5ol#tion *ad bro#"*t t*em no. ::: .it*
o#r o.n *andLA T*e omni2otent *and o t*ose millions
.*o *ad o5ert*ro.n t*e monar)*y and t*e bo#r"eoisie
.o#ld no. stran"le t*e .ar: T*e Red -#ard rom t*e
Vybor" distri)t, t*e "rey soldier .it* *is s)ar, t*e old
re5ol#tionist .*o *ad ser5ed *is years at *ard labo#r, t*e
yo#n" bla)8;bearded sailor rom t*e #urora H all 5o.ed to
)arry t*ro#"* to t*e end t*is @last and de)idin" i"*t:A @+e
.ill b#ild o#r o.n ne. .orldLA +e .ill b#ildL In t*at .ord
ea"erly s2o8en rom t*e *eart .as in)l#ded already t*e
#t#re years o t*e )i5il .ar and t*e )omin" i5e;year
2eriods o labo#r and 2ri5ation: @+*o .as not*in" s*all be
allLA 0ll I t*e a)t#alities o t*e 2ast *a5e oten been
t#rned into son", .*y s*all not a son" be t#rned into t*e
a)t#ality o t*e #t#re> T*ose tren)*)oats no lon"er
seemed t*e )ost#mes o "alley;sla5es: T*e papakhi .it*
t*eir *oles and torn )otton too8 a ne. as2e)t abo5e t*ose
"leamin" eyes: @T*e ra)e o man s*all rise a"ainLA Is it
2ossible to belie5e t*at it .ill not rise rom t*e misery and
*#miliation, t*e blood and ilt* o t*is .ar>
@T*e .*ole 2rTsidi#m, .it* Lenin at its *ead, stood and
san" .it* ex)ited enra2t#red a)es and s*inin" eyes:A
T*#s testiies a s)e2ti), "aKin" .it* *ea5y eelin"s #2on
an alien tri#m2*: @?o. m#)* I .anted to Doin it,A
)onesses S#8*ano5, @to #se in one eelin" and mood .it*
t*at mass and its leadersL '#t I )o#ld not:A T*e last so#nd
o t*e ant*em died a.ay, b#t t*e !on"ress remained
standin", a #sed *#man mass en)*anted by t*e
"reatness o t*at .*i)* t*ey *ad ex2erien)ed: 0nd t*e
eyes o many rested on t*e s*ort, st#rdy i"#re o t*e man
in t*e trib#ne .it* *is extraordinary *ead, *is *i"*
)*ee8bones and sim2le eat#res, altered no. by t*e
s*a5ed beard, and .it* t*at "aKe o *is small, sli"*tly
Mon"ol eyes .*i)* loo8ed strai"*t t*ro#"* e5eryt*in": Bor
o#r mont*s *e *ad been absent: ?is 5ery name *ad
almost se2arated itsel rom any li5in" ima"e: '#t no: ?e
.as not a myt*: T*ere *e stood amon" *is o.n H *o.
many no. o @*is o.nA H *oldin" t*e s*eets o a messa"e
o 2ea)e to t*e 2eo2les o t*e .orld in *is *and: E5en
t*ose nearest, t*ose .*o 8ne. .ell *is 2la)e in t*e 2arty,
or t*e irst time #lly realised .*at *e meant to t*e
re5ol#tion, to t*e 2eo2le, to t*e 2eo2les: It .as *e .*o
*ad ta#"*t t*emC it .as *e .*o *ad bro#"*t t*em #2:
SomebodyJs 5oi)e rom t*e de2t* o t*e *all s*o#ted a
.ord o "reetin" to t*e leader: T*e *all seemed only to
*a5e a.aited t*e si"nal: Lon" li5e LeninL T*e anxieties
end#red, t*e do#bts o5er)ome, 2ride o initiati5e, tri#m2*
o 5i)tory, "i"anti) *o2es H all 2o#red o#t to"et*er in one
5ol)ani) er#2tion o "ratit#de and ra2t#re: T*e s)e2ti)al
obser5er dryly remar8s: @6ndo#bted ent*#siasm o mood:
T*ey "reeted Lenin, s*o#ted *#rra*, t*re. t*eir )a2s in
t*e air: T*ey san" t*e 4uneral March in memory o t*e
5i)tims o t*e .ar H and a"ain a22la#se, s*o#ts, t*"
o )a2s in t*e air:A
+*at t*e !on"ress ex2erien)ed d#rin" t*ose min#tes .as
ex2erien)ed on t*e next day, alt*o#"* less )om2a)tly, by
t*e .*ole )o#ntry: @It m#st be said,A .rites Stan8e5i)*, in
*is memoirs, @t*at t*e bold "est#re o t*e 'ols*e5i8s, t*eir
ability to ste2 o5er t*e barbed;.ire entan"lements .*i)*
*ad or o#r years di5ided #s rom t*e nei"*bo#rin"
2eo2les, )reated o itsel an enormo#s im2ression:A 'aron
'#dber" ex2resses *imsel more )r#dely b#t no less
s#))in)tly in *is diary: @T*e ne. "o5ernment o !omrade
Lenin .ent o .it* a de)ree or immediate 2ea)e ::: T*is
.as no. an a)t o "eni#s or brin"in" t*e soldier masses
to *is side: I sa. t*is in t*e mood o se5eral re"iments
.*i)* I made t*e ro#nds o todayC t*e tele"ram o Lenin
on an immediate t*ree mont*sJ armisti)e and t*en 2ea)e,
)reated a )olossal im2ression e5ery.*ere, and e5o8ed
stormy Doy: +e *a5e no. lost t*e last )*an)e o sa5in" t*e
ront:A 'y sa5in" t*e ront .*i)* t*ey *ad r#ined, t*ose
men *ad lon" )eased to mean anyt*in" b#t sa5in" t*eir
o.n so)ial 2ositions:
I t*e re5ol#tion *ad *ad t*e determination to ste2 o5er
t*e barbed;.ire entan"lements in Mar)* and 02ril, it mi"*t
still *a5e soldered t*e army to"et*er or a time H 2ro5ided
t*e army .as at t*e same time red#)ed to *al or a t*ird
its siKe H and t*#s )reated or its orei"n 2oli)y a 2osition
o ex)e2tional or)e: '#t t*e *o#r o )o#ra"eo#s a)tion
str#)8 only in O)tober, .*en to sa5e e5en a 2art o t*e
army or e5en a s*ort 2eriod .as #nt*in8able: T*e ne.
"o5ernment *ad to load #2on itsel t*e debt, not only or
t*e .ar o )Karism, b#t also or t*e s2endt*rit
li"*tmindedness o t*e 3ro5isional -o5ernment: In t*is
dread#l, and or all ot*er 2arties *o2eless, sit#ation, only
'ols*e5ism )o#ld lead t*e )o#ntry o#t on an o2en road H
*a5in" #n)o5ered t*ro#"* t*e O)tober re5ol#tion
inex*a#stible reso#r)es o national ener"y:
Lenin is a"ain in t*e trib#ne H t*is time .it* t*e little
s*eets o a de)ree on land: ?e be"ins .it* an indi)tment
o t*e o5ert*ro.n "o5ernment and t*e )om2romisist
2arties, .*o by dra""in" o#t t*e land =#estion *a5e
bro#"*t t*e )o#ntry to a 2easant re5olt: @T*eir tal8 abo#t
2o"roms and anar)*y in t*e )o#ntry rin"s alse .it*
)o.ardly de)eit: +*ere and .*en *a5e 2o"roms and
anar)*y been )a#sed by Oreasonable meas#res>J T*e drat
o t*e de)ree *as not been m#lti"ra2*ed or distrib#tion:
T*e s2ea8er *as t*e sole ro#"* drat in *is *ands, and it is
.ritten so badlyA H S#8*ano5 remembers H @t*at Lenin
st#mbles in t*e readin", "ets mixed #2, and inally sto2s
entirely: Somebody rom t*e )ro.d Dammed aro#nd t*e
trib#ne )omes to *is *el2: Lenin ea"erly yields *is 2la)e
and t*e #nde)i2*erable 2a2er:A T*ese ro#"* s2ots did not,
*o.e5er, in t*e eyes o t*at 2lebeian 2arliament diminis*
by an iota t*e "rande#r o .*i)* .as ta8in" 2la)e:
T*e essen)e o t*e de)ree is )ontained in t.o lines o t*e
irst 2oint: @T*e landlordJs 2ro2erty in t*e land is ann#lled
immediately and .it*o#t any indemnity .*ate5er: T*e
landlord, a22ana"e, monastery and )*#r)* estates .it* all
t*eir "oods and )*attels are "i5en in )*ar"e o t*e to.n
land )ommittees and )o#nty so5iets o 2easant de2#ties
#ntil t*e !onstit#ent 0ssembly: T*e )onis)ated 2ro2erty is
2la)ed as a national 2ossession #nder t*e 2rote)tion o t*e
lo)al so5iets: T*e land o t*e ran8;and;ile 2easants and
ran8;and;ile !ossa)8s is 2rote)ted a"ainst )onis)ation:A
T*e .*ole de)ree does not )ome to more t*an t*irty lines:
It smas*es t*e -ordian 8not .it* a *ammer: To t*e
#ndamental text )ertain broader instr#)tions are adDoined,
borro.ed .*olly rom t*e 2easants t*emsel5es: In
Izvestia o t*e 3easant So5iet t*ere *ad been 2rinted on
0#"#st 19 a s#mmary o 2&2 instr#)tions "i5en by t*e
ele)tors to t*eir re2resentati5es at t*e Birst !on"ress o
3easant 4e2#ties:*standin" t*at it .as t*e So)ial
Re5ol#tionaries .*o 2re2ared t*ese )ollated instr#)tions,
Lenin did not *esitate to atta)* t*e do)#ment in its
entirety to *is de)ree @or "#idan)e in )arryin" o#t t*e
"reat land transormation:A
T*e )ollated instr#)tions read: @T*e ri"*t to 2ri5ate
2ro2erty in t*e land is ann#lled or e5er:A @T*e ri"*t to #se
t*e land is a))orded to all )itiKens ::: desirin" to )#lti5ate it
.it* t*eir o.n labo#r:A @?ired labo#r is not 2ermitted:A
@T*e #se o t*e land m#st be e=#alised H t*at is, t*e land
is to be di5ided amon" t*e toilers a))ordin" to lo)al
)onditions on t*e basis o standards eit*er o labo#r or
6nder a )ontin#ation o t*e bo#r"eois rG"ime, to say
not*in" o a )oalition .it* t*e landlords, t*ese So)ial
Re5ol#tionary instr#)tions remained a lieless 6to2ia,
.*ere t*ey did not be)ome a )ons)io#s lie: E5en #nder t*e
r#le o t*e 2roletariat, t*ey did not be)ome realisable in all
t*eir se)tions: '#t t*e destiny o t*e instr#)tions radi)ally
)*an"ed .it* a )*an"e in t*e attit#de to.ard t*em o t*e
"o5ernmental T*e .or8ersJ state "a5e t*e
2easants a 2eriod in .*i)* to try o#t t*eir sel;
)ontradi)tory 2ro"ramme in a)tion:
@T*e 2easants .ant to 8ee2 t*eir small 2ro2erties,A .rote
Lenin in 0#"#st, @standardise t*em on a basis o e=#ality,
and 2eriodi)ally re;e=#alise t*em: Let t*em do it: No
reasonable so)ialist .ill brea8 .it* t*e 2easant 2oor on
t*at "ro#nd: I t*e lands are )onis)ated, t*at means t*at
t*e r#le o t*e ban8s is #ndermined H i t*e e=#i2ment is
)onis)ated, t*at means t*at t*e r#le o )a2ital is
#ndermined: T*e rest ::: .it* a transer o 2oliti)al
to t*e 2roletariat ::: .ill be s#""ested by 2ra)ti)e:A
0 "reat many 2eo2le, and not only enemies b#t riends,
*a5e ailed to #nderstand t*is ar;si"*ted, and to a )ertain
extent 2eda"o"i)al, a22roa)* o t*e 'ols*e5i8 3arty to t*e
2easantry and its a"rarian 2ro"ramme: T*e e=#al
distrib#tion o t*e land H obDe)ted Rosa L#xembo#r" or
exam2le H *as not*in" in )ommon .it* so)ialism: T*e
'ols*e5i8s, it "oes .it*o#t sayin", *ad no ill#sion #2on
t*is 2oint: On t*e )ontrary, t*e 5ery )onstr#)tion o t*e
de)ree bears .itness to t*e )riti)al 5i"ilan)e o t*e
le"islator: +*ereas t*e )ollated instr#)tions say t*at all
t*e land, bot* t*at o t*e landlords and t*e 2easants, @is
)on5erted into national 2ro2erty,A t*e basi) de)ree does
not )ommit itsel at all as to t*e ne. orm o 2ro2erty in
t*e land: E5en a none too 2edanti) D#rist .o#ld be
*orriied at t*e a)t t*at t*e nationalisation o t*e land, a
ne. so)ial 2rin)i2le o .orld;*istori) im2ortan)e, is
ina#"#rated in t*e orm o a list o instr#)tions adDoined to
a basi) la.: '#t t*ere .as no rea)tionary slo5enliness
*ere: Lenin .anted as little as 2ossible to tie t*e *ands o
t*e 2arty and t*e so5iet a priori in a still #nex2lored
*istori) realm: ?ere a"ain *e #nited #nexam2led a#da)ity
.it* t*e "reatest )a#tion: It still remained to determine in
ex2erien)e *o. t*e 2easants t*emsel5es .o#ld
#nderstand t*e )on5ersion o t*e land into @t*e 2ro2erty o
t*e .*ole 2eo2le:A ?a5in" made so lon" a das* or.ard, it
.as ne)essary to ortiy t*e 2ositions also in )ase a retreat
s*o#ld be)ome ne)essary: T*e distrib#tion o t*e
landlordJs land amon" t*e 2easants, .*ile not in itsel a
"#arantee a"ainst bo#r"eois )o#nter;re5ol#tion, made
im2ossible in any )ase a e#dal;monar)*i) restoration:
It .o#ld be 2ossible to s2ea8 o so)ialist 2ers2e)ti5es only
ater t*e establis*ment and s#))ess#l 2reser5ation o t*e
2roletarian 0nd t*is )o#ld 2reser5e itsel
only by "i5in" determined )o;o2eration to t*e 2easant in
)arryin" o#t *is re5ol#tion: I t*e distrib#tion o t*e land
.o#ld stren"t*en t*e so)ialist "o5ernment 2oliti)ally, it
.as t*en .*olly D#stiied as an immediate meas#re: T*e
2easant *ad to be ta8en as t*e re5ol#tion o#nd *im: Only
a ne. rG"ime )o#ld re;ed#)ate *im H and not at on)e, b#t
in t*e )o#rse o a "eneration, .it* t*e *el2 o a ne.
te)*ni=#e and a ne. or"anisation o ind#stry: T*e de)ree
to"et*er .it* t*e instr#)tions meant t*at t*e di)tators*i2
o t*e 2roletariat ass#med an obli"ation not only to ta8e
an attenti5e attit#de to.ard t*e interests o t*e land
labo#rer, b#t also to be 2atient o *is ill#sions as a 2etty
2ro2rietor: It .as )lear in ad5an)e t*at t*ere .o#ld be a
n#mber o sta"es and t#rnin";2oints in t*e a"rarian
re5ol#tion: T*e )ollated instr#)tions .ere anyt*in" b#t t*e
last .ord: T*ey re2resented merely a startin";2oint .*i)*
t*e .or8ers a"reed to o))#2y .*ile *el2in" t*e 2easants
to realise t*eir 2ro"ressi5e demands, and .arnin" t*em
a"ainst alse ste2s:
@+e m#st not i"nore,A said Lenin in *is s2ee)*, @t*e
resol#tions o t*e ran8s o t*e 2eo2le, e5en t*o#"*
.e are not in a"reement .it* t*em ::: +e m#st "i5e #ll
reedom to t*e )reati5e )a2a)ity o t*e 2o2#lar masses:
T*e essen)e o t*e t*in" is t*at t*e 2easantry s*o#ld *a5e
#ll )oniden)e t*at t*ere are no more landlords in t*e
)o#ntry, and let t*e 2easants t*emsel5es de)ide all
=#estions and b#ild t*eir o.n lie:A O22ort#nism> No: it
.as re5ol#tionary realism:
'eore e5en t*e a22la#se .as o5er, a Ri"*t So)ial
Re5ol#tionary, 3iany8*, arri5ed rom t*e 3easantsJ
Exe)#ti5e !ommittee and too8 t*e loor .it* a #rio#s
2rotest on t*e s#bDe)t o t*e so)ialist ministers bein"
#nder arrest: @4#rin" t*e last days,A )ried t*e orator
2o#ndin" t*e table as t*o#"* beside *imsel, @a t*in" is on
oot .*i)* *as ne5er *a22ened in any re5ol#tion: O#r
)omrades, members o t*e Exe)#ti5e !ommittee, Maslo5
and SalaK8in, are lo)8ed #2 in a 2rison: +e demand t*eir
immediate releaseLA @I one *air alls rom t*eir *eads :::A
t*reatened anot*er messen"er in a military )oat: To t*e
!on"ress t*ey bot* seemed li8e 5isitors rom anot*er
0t t*e moment o t*e ins#rre)tion t*ere .ere abo#t $%%
men in 2rison in 45ins8, )*ar"ed .it* 'ols*e5ism, in Mins8
abo#t (,%%%, in 9ie5 <3< H or t*e most 2art soldiers: 0nd
*o. many members o t*e 2easant )ommittees .ere
#nder lo)8 and 8ey in 5ario#s 2arts o t*e )o#ntryL Binally
a "ood s*are o t*e dele"ates to t*is 5ery !on"ress,
be"innin" .it* t*e 2rTsidi#m, *ad 2assed t*ro#"* t*e
2risons o 9erens8y sin)e ,#ly: No .onder t*e indi"nation
o t*e riends o t*e 3ro5isional -o5ernment )o#ld not
2l#)8 at any *eart;strin"s in t*is assembly: To )om2lete
t*eir bad l#)8 a )ertain dele"ate, #n8no.n to anybody, a
2easant rom T5er, .it* lon" *air and a bi" s*ee2s8in
)oat, rose in *is 2la)e, and *a5in" bo.ed 2olitely to all
o#r 2oints o t*e )om2ass, adD#red t*e !on"ress in t*e
name o *is ele)tors not to *esitate at arrestin"
058sentie5Js exe)#ti5e )ommittee as a .*ole: @T*ose are
not 2easantsJ de2#ties, b#t 9adets: ::: T*eir 2la)e is in
2rison:A So t*ey stood a)in" ea)* ot*er, t*ese t.o
i"#res: T*e So)ial Re5ol#tionary 3iany8*, ex2erien)ed
2arliamentarian, a5o#rite o ministers, *ater o
'ols*e5i8s, and t*e nameless 2easant rom T5er .*o *ad
bro#"*t Lenin a *earty sal#te rom *is ele)tors: T.o so)ial
strata, t.o re5ol#tions: 3iany8* .as s2ea8in" in t*e name
o Bebr#ary, t*e T5er 2easant .as i"*tin" or O)tober: T*e
!on"ress "a5e t*e dele"ate in a s*ee2s8in )oat a 5eritable
o5ation: T*e emissaries o t*e Exe)#ti5e !ommittee .ent
a.ay s.earin":
@T*e resol#tion o Lenin is "reeted by t*e So)ial
Re5ol#tionary a)tion as a tri#m2* o t*eir ideas,A
anno#n)es 9ale"ae5, b#t in 5ie. o t*e extraordinary
im2ortan)e o t*e =#estion .e m#st ta8e it #2 in )a#)#s: 0
Maximalist, re2resentati5e o t*e extreme let .in" o t*e
disinte"rated So)ial Re5ol#tionary 2arty, demands an
immediate 5ote: @+e o#"*t to "i5e *ono#r to a 2arty
.*i)* on t*e 5ery irst day and .it*o#t any blabber brin"s
s#)* a meas#re to lie:A Lenin insisted t*at t*e
intermission s*o#ld be at any rate as s*ort as 2ossible:
@Ne.s so im2ortant to R#ssia s*o#ld be in 2rint by
mornin": No ilib#sterin"LA T*e de)ree on land .as not
only, indeed, t*e o#ndation o t*e ne. rG"ime, b#t also a
.ea2on o t*e re5ol#tion, .*i)* *ad still to )on=#er t*e
)o#ntry: It is not s#r2risin" t*at Reed re)ords at t*at
moment an im2erati5e s*o#t brea8in" t*ro#"* t*e noise o
t*e *all: @Biteen a"itators .anted in room 17 at on)eL To
"o to t*e rontLA 0t one oJ)lo)8 in t*e mornin" a dele"ate
rom t*e R#ssian troo2s in Ma)edonia enters a )om2laint
t*at t*e 3etersb#r" "o5ernments one ater t*e ot*er *a5e
or"otten t*em: S#22ort or 2ea)e and land rom t*e
soldiers in Ma)edonia is ass#redL ?ere is a ne. test o t*e
mood o t*e army H t*is time rom a ar )orner o so#t*;
eastern E#ro2e: 0nd *ere 9amene5 anno#n)es: T*e Tent*
'i)y)le 'attalion, s#mmoned by t*e "o5ernment rom t*e
ront, entered 3etro"rad t*is mornin", and li8e its
2rede)essors *as ad*ered to t*e !on"ress o So5iets: T*e
.arm a22la#se testiies t*at no amo#nt o t*ese
)onirmations o its .ill seem ex)essi5e to t*e
0ter t*e ado2tion, #nanimo#sly and .it*o#t debate, o a
resol#tion de)larin" it an aair o *ono#r o t*e lo)al
so5iets not to 2ermit ,* or any ot*er 2o"roms on t*e
2art o t*e )riminal element, a 5ote is ta8en on t*e drat o
t*e land la.: +it* one 5ote o22osed and ei"*t abstainin",
t*e )on"ress ado2ts .it* a ne. b#rst o ent*#siasm t*e
de)ree 2#ttin" an end to serdom, t*e 5ery o#ndation
stone o t*e old R#ssian )#lt#re: ?en)eorl* t*e a"rarian
re5ol#tion is le"alised, and t** t*e re5ol#tion o t*e
2roletariat a)=#ires a mi"*ty basis:
0 last 2roblem remains: t*e )reation o a "o5ernment:
9amene5 reads a 2ro2osal dra.n #2 by t*e !entral
!ommittee o t*e 'ols*e5i8s: T*e mana"ement o t*e
5ario#s bran)*es o t*e state lie is allotted to
)ommissions .*o are to )arry into a)tion t*e 2ro"ramme
anno#n)ed by t*e !on"ress o So5iets @in )lose #nion .it*
t*e mass or"anisation o .or8in" men and .omen, sailors,
soldiers, 2easants and )leri)al em2loyees:A T*e
"o5ernmental is )on)entrated in t*e *ands o a
)olle"i#m )om2osed o t*e 2residents o t*ese
)ommissions, to be )alled t*e So5iet o 3eo2leJs
!ommissars: !ontrol o5er t*e a)ti5ities o t*e "o5ernment
is 5ested in t*e !on"ress o So5iets and its !entral
Exe)#ti5e !ommittee:
Se5en members o t*e !entral !ommittee o t*e 'ols*e5i8
3arty .ere nominated to t*e irst !o#n)il o 3eo2leJs
!ommissars: Lenin as *ead o t*e "o5ernment, .it*o#t
2ortolioC Ry8o5 as 3eo2leJs !ommissar o t*e InteriorC
Mili#tin as *ead o t*e 4e2artment o 0"ri)#lt#reC No"in as
)*ie o !ommer)e and Ind#stryC Trots8y as *ead o t*e
4e2artment o Borei"n 0airsC Lomo5 o ,#sti)eC Stalin,
2resident o a !ommission on t*e 0airs o t*e
NationalitiesC Military and na5al aairs .ere allotted to a
)ommittee )onsistin" o 0ntono5;O5seWn8o, 9rylen8o and
4yben8oC t*e *ead o t*e !ommissariat o Labo#r is to be
S*lia2ni8o5C t*e )*ie o t*e 4e2artment o Ed#)ation,
L#na)*ars8yC t*e *ea5y and #n"rate#l tas8 o Minister o
3ro5isions is laid #2on T*eodoro5i)*C t*e 3osts and
Tele"ra2* #2on t*e .or8er, -lebo5C t*e 2osition o
3eo2leJs !ommissar o !omm#ni)ations is not yet allotted,
t*e door bein" let o2en *ere or an a"reement .it* t*e
or"anisations o t*e railroad .or8ers:
0ll iteen )andidates, o#r .or8ers and ele5en intelle)t#als
*a5e be*ind t*em years o im2risonment, exile and
emi"rant lie: Bi5e o t*em *a5e been im2risoned e5en
#nder t*e rG"ime o t*e demo)rati) re2#bli): T*e #t#re
2rime minister *ad only t*e day beore emer"ed rom t*e
demo)rati) #nder"ro#nd: 9amene5 and Pino5ie5 did not
enter t*e !o#n)il o 3eo2leJs !ommissars: T*e ormer .as
sele)ted or 2resident o t*e ne. !entral Exe)#ti5e
!ommittee, t*e latter or editor o t*e oi)ial or"an o t*e
so5iets: @0s 9amene5 read t*e list o !ommissars,A .rites
Reed, t*ere .ere @b#rsts o a22la#se ater ea)* name,
LeninJs and Trots8yJs es2e)ially:A S#8*ano5 adds also t*at
o L#na)*ars8y:
0 lon" s2ee)* a"ainst t*e 2ro2osed sta o t*e
"o5ernment .as made by a re2resentati5e o t*e 6nited
Internationalists: 05ilo5, on)e a 'ols*e5i8, a litt'rateur
rom -or8yJs 2a2er: ?e )ons)ientio#sly en#merated t*e
dii)#lties standin" beore t*e re5ol#tion in t*e s2*ere o
domesti) and orei"n 2oliti)s: +e m#st @)learly realise :::
.*it*er .e are "oin" ::: 'eore t*e ne. "o5ernment stand
all t*e old =#estions: o bread and o 2ea)e: I it does not
sol5e t*ese 2roblems it .ill be o5ert*ro.n:A T*ere is little
"rain in t*e )o#ntryC it is in t*e *ands o t*e .ell;to;do
2easantsC t*ere is not*in" to "i5e in ex)*an"e or "rainC
ind#stry is on t*e de)lineC #el and ra. material are
la)8in": To )olle)t t*e "rain by or)e is a dii)#lt, lon" and
dan"ero#s tas8: It is ne)essary, t*ereore, to )reate a
"o5ernment .*i)* .ill *a5e t*e sym2at*y not only o t*e
2oor b#t also o t*e .ell;to;do 2easantry: Bor t*is a
)oalition is ne)essary:
@It .ill be still *arder to obtain 2ea)e:A T*e "o5ernments
o t*e Entente .ill not t*e 2ro2osal o t*e )on"ress
or an immediate armisti)e: E5en .it*o#t t*at t*e 0llied
ambassadors are 2lannin" to lea5e: T*e ne. "o5ernment
.ill be isolated: its 2ea)e initiati5e .ill be let *an"in" in
t*e air: T*e 2o2#lar masses o t*e .arrin" )o#ntries are
still ar rom re5ol#tion: T*e )onse=#en)es may be t.o:
eit*er extermination o t*e re5ol#tion by t*e troo2s o t*e
?o*enKollern or a se2arate 2ea)e: T*e 2ea)e terms in
bot* )ases )an only be t*e .orst 2ossible or R#ssia:
T*ese dii)#lties )an be met only by @a maDority o t*e
2eo2le:A T*e #nort#nate t*in" is t*e s2lit in t*e
demo)ra)y: t*e let *al .ants to )reate a 2#rely 'ols*e5i8
"o5ernment in Smolny, and t*e ri"*t *al is or"anisin" in
t*e )ity d#ma a !ommittee o 3#bli) Saety: To sa5e t*e
re5ol#tion it is ne)essary to orm a "o5ernment rom bot*
0 re2resentati5e o t*e Let So)ial Re5ol#tionaries, 9arelin,
s2o8e to t*e same ee)t: It is im2ossible to )arry o#t t*e
2ro"ramme ado2ted .it*o#t t*ose 2arties .*i)* *a5e
.it*dra.n rom t*e !on"ress: To be s#re @t*e 'ols*e5i8s
are not to blame or t*eir .it* '#t t*e 2ro"ramme
o t*e )on"ress o#"*t to #nite t*e entire demo)ra)y: @+e
do not .ant to ta8e t*e road o isolatin" t*e 'ols*e5i8s, or
.e #nderstand t*at .it* t*e ate o t*e 'ols*e5i8s is
bo#nd #2 t*e ate o t*e .*ole re5ol#tion: T*eir r#in .ill
be t*e r#in o t*e re5ol#tion: I t*ey, t*e Let So)ial
Re5ol#tionaries, *a5e ne5ert*eless de)lined t*e in5itation
to enter t*e "o5ernment, t*eir 2#r2ose is a "ood one: to
8ee2 t*eir *ands ree or mediation bet.een t*e
'ols*e5i8s and t*e 2arties .*i)* *a5e abandoned t*e
!on"ress: In s#)* mediations ::: t*e Let So)ial
Re5ol#tionaries see t*eir 2rin)i2al tas8 at t*e 2resent
moment:A T*e Let So)ial Re5ol#tionaries .ill s#22ort t*e
.or8 o t*e ne. "o5ernment in sol5in" #r"ent 2roblems:
0t t*e same time t*ey 5ote a"ainst t*e 2ro2osed
"o5ernment: H In a .ord t*e yo#n" 2arty *as "ot mixed #2
as badly as it 8no.s *o.:
@Trots8y rose to deend a "o5ernment o 'ols*e5i8s only,A
.rites S#8*ano5, *imsel .*olly in sym2at*y .it* 05ilo5
and *a5in" ins2ired 9arelin be*ind t*e s)enes: @?e .as
5ery )lear, s*ar2, and in m#)* absol#tely ri"*t: '#t *e
re#sed to #nderstand in .*at )onsisted t*e )entre o t*e
ar"#ment o *is o22onents :::A T*e )entre o t*e ar"#ment
)onsisted o an ideal dia"onal: In Mar)* t*ey *ad tried to
dra. it bet.een t*e bo#r"eoisie and t*e )om2romisist
so5iets: No. S#8*ano5 dreamed o a dia"onal bet.een
t*e )om2romisist demo)ra)y and t*e di)tators*i2 o t*e
2roletariat: '#t re5ol#tions do not de5elo2 alon"
@T*ey *a5e tried to ri"*ten #s more t*an on)e .it* a
2ossible isolation o t*e Let +in",A said Trots8y: @Some
days ba)8 .*en t*e =#estion o ins#rre)tion .as irst
o2enly raised, t*ey told #s t*at .e .ere *eaded or
destr#)tion: 0nd in reality i yo# D#d"ed t*e "ro#2in" o
or)es by t*e 2oliti)al 2ress, t*en ins#rre)tion t*reatened
#s .it* ine5itable r#in: 0"ainst #s stood not only t*e
)o#nter;re5ol#tionary bands, b#t also t*e deensists o all
5arieties: T*e Let So)ial Re5ol#tionaries, only one .in" o
t*em )o#ra"eo#sly .or8ed .it* #s in t*e Military
Re5ol#tionary !ommittee: T*e rest o))#2ied a 2osition o
.at)*#l ne#trality: 0nd ne5ert*eless e5en .it* t*ese
#na5o#rable )ir)#mstan)es and .*en it seemed t*at .e
.ere abandoned by all, t*e ins#rre)tion tri#m2*ed :::
@I t*e real or)es .ere a)t#ally a"ainst #s, *o. )o#ld it
*a22en t*at .e .on t*e 5i)tory almost .it*o#t bloods*ed:
No, it is not .e .*o are isolated, b#t t*e "o5ernment and
t*e so )alled demo)rats: +it* t*eir .a5erin", t*eir
)om2romisin", t*ey *a5e erased t*emsel5es rom t*e
ran8s o t*e a#t*enti) demo)ra)y: O#r "reat s#2eriority as
a 2arty lies in t*e a)t t*at .e *a5e ormed a )oalition .it*
t*e )lass or)es, )reatin" a #nion o t*e .or8ers and
2oorest 2easants:
@3oliti)al "ro#2in"s disa22ear, b#t t*e #ndamental
interests o t*e )lasses remain: T*at 2arty )on=#ers .*i)*
is able to eel o#t and satisy t*e #ndamental demands o
a )lass ::: +e 2ride o#rsel5es #2on t*e )oalition o o#r
"arrison, )*iely )om2osed o 2easants, .it* t*e .or8in"
)lass: T*is )oalition *as been tried by ire: T*e 3etro"rad
"arrison and 2roletariat .ent *and in *and into t*at "reat
str#""le .*i)* is t*e )lassi) exam2le in t*e *istory o
re5ol#tions amon" all 2eo2les:
@05ilo5 *as s2o8en o t*e 5ast dii)#lties .*i)* stand
beore #s: To remo5e t*ose dii)#lties *e 2ro2oses t*at .e
orm a )oalition: '#t *e ma8es no attem2t to lay bare *is
orm#la and tell #s .*at )oalition: 0 )oalition o "ro#2s, or
)lasses, or sim2ly a )oalition o ne.s2a2ers> :::
@T*ey tell #s t*e s2lit in t*e demo)ra)y is a
mis#nderstandin": +*en 9erens8y is sendin" s*o)8 troo2s
a"ainst #s, .*en .it* t*e )onsent o t*e !entral Exe)#ti5e
!ommittee .e are de2ri5ed o t*e tele2*one at t*e most
)riti)al moment o o#r str#""le .it* t*e bo#r"eoisie, .*en
t*ey deal #s blo. ater blo. H is it 2ossible to tal8 o
@05ilo5 says to #s: T*ere is little bread, .e m#st *a5e a
)oalition .it* t*e deensists: 4o yo# ima"ine t*at t*is
)oalition .ill in)rease t*e =#antity o bread> T*e 2roblem
o bread is t*e 2roblem o a 2ro"ramme o a)tion: T*e
str#""le .it* e)onomi) )olla2se demands a deinite
system rom belo., and not 2oliti)al "ro#2in"s on to2:
@05ilo5 s2ea8s o a #nion .it* t*e 2easantry: '#t a"ain o
.*at 2easantry is *e tal8in"> Today and ri"*t *ere, a
re2resentati5e o t*e 2easants o T5er 2ro5in)e demanded
t*e arrest o 058sentie5: +e m#st )*oose bet.een t*is
T5er 2easant and 058sentie5 .*o *as illed t*e 2risons
.it* members o t*e 2easant )ommittees: 0 )oalition .it*
t*e kulak elements o t*e 2easantry .e irmly reDe)t in t*e
name o a )oalition o t*e .or8in" )lass and t*e 2oorer
2easant: +e are .it* t*e T5er 2easants a"ainst
058sentie5: +e are .it* t*em to t*e end and inse2arably:
@+*oe5er no. )*ases t*e s*ado. o )oalition is totally
)#ttin" *imsel o rom lie: T*e So)ial Re5ol#tionaries .ill
lose s#22ort amon" t*e masses to t*e extent t*at t*ey
5ent#re to o22ose o#r 2arty: E5ery "ro#2 .*i)* o22oses
t*e 2arty o t*e 2roletariat, .it* .*om t*e 5illa"e 2oor
*a5e #nited, )#ts *imsel o rom t*e re5ol#tion:
@O2enly and beore t*e a)e o t*e .*ole 2eo2le .e raised
t*e banner o ins#rre)tion: T*e 2oliti)al orm#la o t*is
ins#rre)tion .as: 0ll to t*e so5iets H t*ro#"* t*e
!on"ress o So5iets: T*ey tell #s: Mo# did not a.ait t*e
!on"ress .it* yo#r #2risin": +e t*o#"*t o .aitin", b#t
9erens8y .o#ld not .ait: T*e )o#nter;re5ol#tionists .ere
not dreamin": +e as a 2arty )onsidered t*is o#r tas8: to
ma8e it "en#inely 2ossible or t*e !on"ress o So5iets to
seiKe t*e I t*e !on"ress *ad been s#rro#nded .it*
D#n8ers, *o. )o#ld it *a5e seiKed t*e> In order to
a)*ie5e t*is tas8, a 2arty .as needed .*i)* .o#ld .ren)*
t*e rom t*e *ands o t*e )o#nter;re5ol#tion and
say to yo#: O?ere is t*e and yo#J5e "ot to ta8e itLJ
/Stormy an prolon&e applause1*standin" t*at t*e deensists o all s*ades sto22ed
at not*in" in t*eir str#""le a"ainst #s, .e did not t*ro.
t*em o#t: +e 2ro2osed to t*e !on"ress as a .*ole to ta8e
t*e ?o. #tterly yo# distort t*e 2ers2e)ti5e, .*en
ater all t*at *as *a22ened yo# tal8 rom t*is trib#ne o
o#r irre)on)ilability: +*en a 2arty s#rro#nded .it* a )lo#d
o "#n2o.der smo8e, )omes #2 to t*em and says, OLet #s
ta8e t*e to"et*erLJ t*ey r#n to t*e )ity d#ma and
#nite t*ere .it* o2en )o#nter;re5ol#tionistsL T*ey are
traitors to t*e re5ol#tion .it* .*om .e .ill ne5er #nite
@OBor t*e str#""le or 2ea)eJ, says 05ilo5, O.e m#st *a5e a
)oalition .it* t*e !om2romisers:J 0t t*e same time *e
a)8no.led"es t*at t*e 0llies do not .ant to ma8e 2ea)e :::
T*e 0llied im2erialists la#"*ed, says 05ilo5, at t*e
oleomar"arine dele"ate S8obele5: Ne5ert*eless i yo# orm
a blo) .it* t*e oleomar"arine demo)rats, t*e )a#se o
2ea)e is ass#redL
@T*ere are t.o roads in t*e str#""le or 2ea)e: One road is
to o22ose to t*e 0llied and enemy "o5ernments t*e moral
and material or)e o re5ol#tion: T*e ot*er is a blo) .it*
S8obele5, .*i)* means a blo) .it* Teres*)*en8o and
)om2lete s#bDe)tion to 0llied im2erialism: In o#r
2ro)lamation on 2ea)e .e address o#rsel5es
sim#ltaneo#sly to t*e "o5ernments and t*e 2eo2les: T*at
is 2#rely ormal symmetry, O )o#rse .e do not t*in8 to
inl#en)e t*e im2erialist "o5ernments .it* o#r
2ro)lamations, alt*o#"* as lon" as t*ey exist .e )annot
i"nore t*em: +e rest all o#r *o2e on t*e 2ossibility t*at
o#r re5ol#tion .ill #nleas* t*e E#ro2ean re5ol#tion: I t*e
re5oltin" 2eo2les o E#ro2e do not )r#s* im2erialism, t*en
.e .ill be )r#s*ed H t*at is ind#bitable: Eit*er t*e R#ssian
re5ol#tion .ill raise t*e .*irl.ind o str#""le in t*e .est,
or t*e )a2italists o all )o#ntries .ill )r#s* o#r
re5ol#tion :::A
@T*ere is a t*ird road,A says a 5oi)e rom t*e ben)*es:
@T*e t*ird road,A ans.ers Trots8y, @is t*e road o t*e
!entral Exe)#ti5e !ommittee H on t*e one *and sendin"
dele"ates to t*e .est E#ro2ean .or8ers, and on t*e ot*er
ormin" a #nion .it* t*e 9is*8ins and 9ono5alo5s: T*at is
a road o lies and *y2o)risy .*i)* .e .ill ne5er enter:
@O )o#rse .e do not say t*at only t*e day o ins#rre)tion
o t*e E#ro2ean .or8ers .ill be t*e day t*at t*e 2ea)e
treaty is si"ned: T*is also is 2ossible: t*at t*e bo#r"eoisie,
ri"*tened by an a22roa)*in" ins#rre)tion o t*e
o22ressed, .ill *asten to ma8e 2ea)e: T*e dates are not
set: T*e )on)rete orms )annot be oretold: It is im2ortant
and it is ne)essary to deine t*e met*od o str#""le, a
met*od identi)al in 2rin)i2le bot* in orei"n and domesti)
2oliti)s: 0 #nion o t*e o22ressed *ere and e5ery.*ere H
t*at is o#r road:A
T*e dele"ates o t*e !on"ress, says ,o*n Reed, @"reeted
*im .it* an immense )r#sadin" a))laim, 8indlin" to t*e
darin" o it, .it* t*e t*o#"*t o )*am2ionin" man8ind:A 0t
any rate it )o#ld not *a5e entered t*e minds o any
'ols*e5i8 at t*at time to 2rotest a"ainst 2la)in" t*e ate o
t*e So5iet Re2#bli), in an oi)ial s2ee)* in t*e name o
t*e 'ols*e5i8 3arty, in dire)t de2enden)e #2on t*e
de5elo2ment o t*e international re5ol#tion:
T*e dramati) la. o t*is !on"ress .as t*at ea)*
si"nii)ant a)t .as )on)l#ded or e5en interr#2ted, by a
s*ort intermission d#rin" .*i)* a i"#re rom t*e ot*er
)am2 .o#ld s#ddenly a22ear #2on t*e sta"e and 5oi)e a
2rotest, or a t*reat, or 2resent an #ltimat#m: 0
re2resentati5e o t*e Vi8K*el, t*e exe)#ti5e )ommittee o
t*e railroad .or8ersJ #nion, no. demanded t*e loor
immediately and on t*e instant: ?e m#st needs t*ro. a
bomb into t*e assembly beore t*e 5ote .as ta8en on t*e
=#estion o T*e s2ea8er H in .*ose a)e Reed sa.
im2la)able *ostility H be"an .it* an a))#sation: ?is
or"anisation, @t*e stron"est in R#ssia,A *ad not been
in5ited to t*e )on"ress ::: @It .as t*e !entral Exe)#ti5e
!ommittee t*at did not in5ite yo#,A .as s*o#ted at *im
rom all sides: '#t *e )ontin#ed: 0nd be it 8no.n t*at t*e
ori"inal de)ision o t*e Vi8K*el to s#22ort t*e !on"ress o
So5iets *as been re5o8ed: T*e s2ea8er *astened to read
an #ltimat#m already distrib#ted by tele"ra2* t*ro#"*o#t
t*e )o#ntry: T*e Vi8K*el )ondemns t*e seiK#re o by
one 2artyC t*e "o5ernment o#"*t to be res2onsible beore
t*e @entire re5ol#tionary demo)ra)yAC #ntil t*e )reation o
a demo)rati) "o5ernment only t*e Vi8K*el .ill )ontrol t*e
railroad lines: T*e s2ea8er adds t*at )o#nterre5ol#tionary
troo2s .ill not be admitted to 3etro"radC b#t in "eneral t*e
mo5ement o troo2s .ill *en)eort* ta8e 2la)e only at t*e
dire)tion o t*e old !entral Exe)#ti5e !ommittee: In )ase
o re2ressions dire)ted a"ainst t*e railroad .or8ers, t*e
Vi8K*el .ill de2ri5e 3etro"rad o ood:
T*e !on"ress bristled #nder t*e blo.: T*e )*ies o t*e
railroad #nion .ere tryin" to )on5erse .it* t*e
re2resentati5es o t*e 2eo2le as one "o5ernment .it*
anot*erL +*en t*e .or8ers, soldiers, and 2easants ta8e
t*e administration o t*e state into t*eir *ands, t*e Vi8K*el
2res#mes to "i5e )ommands to t*e .or8ers, soldiers, and
2easantsL It .ants to )*an"e into 2etty )as* t*e
o5ert*ro.n system o d#al In t*#s attem2tin" to
rely not #2on its n#mbers, b#t #2on t*e ex)e2tional
si"nii)an)e o railroads in t*e e)onomy and )#lt#re o t*e
)o#ntry, t*ese demo)rats o t*e Vi8K*el ex2osed t*e .*ole
railty o t*e )riterion o ormal demo)ra)y #2on t*e
#ndamental iss#es o a so)ial str#""le: Tr#ly re5ol#tion
*as a "eni#s or ed#)ationL
0t any rate t*e moment or t*is blo. .as not badly )*osen
by t*e !om2romisers, T*e a)es o t*e 2rTsidi#m .ere
tro#bled: Bort#nately t*e Vi8K*el .as by no means
#n)onditional boss on t*e railroads: In t*e lo)al distri)ts
t*e railroad .or8ers .ere members o t*e )ity so5iets:
E5en *ere at t*e )on"ress t*e #ltimat#m o t*e Vi8K*el
met resistan)e: @T*e .*ole mass o t*e railroad .or8ers o
o#r distri)t,A said t*e dele"ate rom Tas*8ent, @*a5e
ex2ressed t*emsel5es in a5o#r o t*e transer o to
t*e so5iets:A 0not*er dele"ate rom railroad .or8ers
de)lared t*e Vi8K*el a @2oliti)al )or2se:A T*at do#btless
.as exa""erated: Relyin" #2on t*e rat*er n#mero#s #22er
layers o railroad )ler8s, t*e Vi8K*el *ad 2reser5ed more
lie or)e t*an t*e ot*er *i"*er;#2 or"anisations o t*e
!om2romisers: '#t it belon"ed ind#bitably to t*e same
ty2e as t*e army )ommittees or t*e !entral Exe)#ti5e
!ommittee: Its star .as s.itly allin": T*e .or8ers .ere
e5ery.*ere distin"#is*in" t*emsel5es rom t*e )leri)al
em2loyeesC t*e )ler8s .ere o22osin" t*emsel5es to
t*e *i"*er: T*e im2#dent #ltimat#m o t*e Vi8K*el .o#ld
#ndo#btedly *asten t*ese 2ro)esses: No, t*e station
masters )anJt *old ba)8 t*e lo)omoti5e o t*e O)tober
@T*ere )an be no =#estionin" t*e le"al ri"*ts o t*is
!on"ress,A de)lared 9amene5 .it* a#t*ority: @T*e =#or#m
o t*e !on"ress .as establis*ed not by #s, b#t by t*e old
!entral Exe)#ti5e !ommittee ::: T*e !on"ress is t*e
*i"*est or"an o t*e .or8ers and soldier masses:A 0
sim2le ret#rn to t*e order o t*e dayL
T*e !o#n)il o 3eo2leJs !ommissars .as ratiied by an
o5er.*elmin" maDority: 05ilo5Js resol#tion, a))ordin" to
t*e ex)essi5ely "enero#s estimate o S#8*ano5, "ot 1<%
5otes, )*iely Let So)ial Re5ol#tionaries: T*e !on"ress
t*en #nanimo#sly )onirmed t*e members*i2 o t*e ne.
!entral Exe)#ti5e !ommittee: o#t o 1%1 members H (2
'ols*e5i8s, 29 Let So)ial Re5ol#tionaries: T*e !entral
Exe)#ti5e !ommittee .as to )om2lete itsel in t*e #t#re
.it* re2resentati5es o t*e 2easant so5iets and t*e re;
ele)ted army or"anisations: T*e a)tions .*o *ad
abandoned t*e !on"ress .ere "ranted t*e ri"*t to send
t*eir dele"ates to t*e !entral Exe)#ti5e !ommittee on t*e
basis o 2ro2ortional re2resentation:
T*e a"enda o t*e !on"ress .as )om2letedL T*e So5iet
"o5ernment .as )reated: It *ad its 2ro"ramme: T*e .or8
)o#ld be"in: 0nd t*ere .as no la)8 o it: 0t <:1< in t*e
mornin" 9amene5 )losed t*e !onstit#ent !on"ress o t*e
So5iet rG"ime: To t*e stationsL ?omeL To t*e rontL To t*e
a)tories and barra)8sL To t*e mines and t*e ar;o
5illa"es In t*e de)rees o t*e So5iet, t*e dele"ates .ill
)arry t*e lea5en o t*e 2roletarian re5ol#tion to all )orners
o t*e )o#ntry:
On t*at mornin" t*e )entral or"an o t*e 'ols*e5i8 3arty,
a"ain #nder t*e old name !ravda, .rote: @T*ey .anted
#s to ta8e t*e alone, so t*at .e alone s*o#ld *a5e
to )ontend .it* t*e terrible dii)#lties )onrontin" t*e
)o#ntry ::: So be itL +e ta8e t*e alone, relyin" #2on
t*e 5oi)e o t*e )o#ntry and )o#ntin" #2on t*e riendly
*el2 o t*e E#ro2ean 2roletariat: '#t *a5in" ta8en t*e, .e .ill deal .it* t*e enemies o re5ol#tion and its
sabote#rs .it* an iron *and: T*ey dreamed o a
di)tators*i2 o 9ornilo5 ::: +e .ill "i5e t*em t*e
di)tators*i2 o t*e 2roletariat :::A
1: Tall #r *ats:
0 remar8able )onse)#ti5eness o sta"es is to be obser5ed
in t*e de5elo2ment o t*e R#ssian re5ol#tion H and t*is or
t*e 5ery reason t*at it .as an a#t*enti) 2o2#lar
re5ol#tion, settin" in motion tens o millions: E5ents
s#))eeded ea)* ot*er as t*o#"* obeyin" la.s o
"ra5itation: T*e )orrelation o or)es .as t.i)e 5eriied at
e5ery sta"e: irst t*e masses .o#ld demonstrate t*e
mi"*t o t*eir assa#lt, t*en t*e 2ossessin" )lasses,
attem2tin" re5en"e, .o#ld re5eal t*eir isolation t*e more
In Bebr#ary t*e .or8ers and soldiers o 3etro"rad rose in
ins#rre)tion H not only a"ainst t*e 2atrioti) .ill o all t*e
ed#)ated )lasses, b#t also )ontrary to t*e re)8onin"s o
t*e re5ol#tionary or"anisations: T*e masses demonstrated
t*at t*ey .ere #n)on=#erable: ?ad t*ey t*emsel5es been
a.are o t*is, t*ey .o#ld *a5e be)ome t*e "o5ernment:
'#t t*ere .as not yet a stron" and a#t*oritati5e
re5ol#tionary 2arty at t*eir *ead: T*e ell into t*e
*ands o t*e 2etty;bo#r"eois demo)ra)y tinted .it* a
2rote)ti5e so)ialist )olo#ration: T*e Mens*e5i8s and So)ial
Re5ol#tionaries )o#ld ma8e no ot*er #se o t*e )oniden)e
o t*e masses b#t to s#mmon to t*e *elm t*e liberal
bo#r"eoisie, .*o in t*is t#rn )o#ld only 2la)e t*e
sli22ed to t*em by t*e !om2romisers at t*e ser5i)e o t*e
interests o t*e Entente:
In t*e 02ril days t*e indi"nation o t*e re"iments and
a)tories a"ain .it*o#t t*e s#mmons o any 2arty H
bro#"*t t*em o#t on t*e streets o 3etro"rad to resist t*e
im2erialist 2oli)y o t*e "o5ernment .is*ed on t*em by
t*e !om2romisers: T*is armed demonstration attained an
a22earan)e o s#))ess: Mili#8o5, t*e leader o R#ssian
im2erialism, .as remo5ed rom t*e "o5ernment: T*e
!om2romisers entered t*e "o5ernment, s#2eri)ially as
2leni2otentiaries o t*e 2eo2le, in reality as )all;boys o
t*e bo#r"eoisie:
+it*o#t *a5in" de)ided one o t*e 2roblems .*i)* *ad
e5o8ed t*e re5ol#tion, t*e )oalition "o5ernment 5iolated in
,#ne t*e de a)to armisti)e t*at *ad been establis*ed on
t*e ront, t*" t*e troo2s into an oensi5e: 'y t*is a)t
t*e Bebr#ary rG"ime, already mar8ed by t*e de)linin" tr#st
o t*e masses in t*e !om2romisers, dealt itsel a atal
blo.: T*e 2eriod o2ened o dire)t 2re2aration or t*e
se)ond re5ol#tion: 0t t*e be"innin" o ,#ly t*e
"o5ernment, *a5in" all t*e 2ossessin" and ed#)ated
)lasses be*ind it, .as 2rose)#tin" e5ery re5ol#tionary
maniestation .*ate5er as treason to t*e at*erland and
aid to t*e enemy: T*e oi)ial mass or"anisations H t*e
so5iets, t*e so)ial;2atrioti) 2arties H .ere str#""lin"
a"ainst a demonstration .it* all t*eir T*e
'ols*e5i8s or ta)ti)al reasons .ere tryin" to restrain t*e
.or8ers and, soldiers rom )omin" into t*e streets:
Ne5ert*eless t*e masses )ame o#t: T*e mo5ement 2ro5ed
#nrestrainable and #ni5ersal: T*e "o5ernment .as
no.*ere to be seen: T*e !om2romisers *id: T*e .or8ers
and soldiers 2ro5ed masters o t*e sit#ation in t*e )a2ital:
T*eir oensi5e .ent to 2ie)es, *o.e5er," to t*e
inade=#ate readiness o t*e 2ro5in)es and t*e ront:
0t t*e end o 0#"#st all t*e or"ans and instit#tions o t*e
2ossessin" )lasses stood or a )o#nter;re5ol#tionary
o5ert#rn: t*e di2lomats o t*e Entente, t*e ban8s, t*e
lea"#es o landed 2ro2rietors and ind#strialists, t*e 9adet
3arty, t*e stas, t*e oi)ers, t*e bi" 2ress: T*e or"aniser
o t*e o5ert#rn .as no ot*er t*an t*e s#2reme
)ommander;in;)*ie .it* t*e oi)er;a22arat#s o an army
o millions to rely on: Military deta)*ments s2e)ially
sele)ted rom all ronts .ere t*ro.n a"ainst 3etro"rad
#nder 2reten)e o strate"i) )onsiderations and by se)ret
a"reement .it* t*e *ead o t*e "o5ernment:
In t*e )a2ital e5eryt*in", it seemed, .as 2re2ared or t*e
s#))ess o t*e enter2rise: t*e .or8ers *ad been disarmed
by t*e a#t*orities .it* t*e *el2 o t*e !om2romisersC t*e
'ols*e5i8s .ere #nder a steady rain o blo.sC t*e more
re5ol#tionary re"iments *ad been remo5ed rom t*e )ityC
*#ndreds o s2e)ially sele)ted oi)ers .ere )on)entrated
in s*o)8 bri"ades H .it* t*e oi)er s)*ools and !ossa)8
deta)*ments t*ey s*o#ld )onstit#te an im2ressi5e or)e:
0nd .*at *a22ened> T*e 2lot, 2atronised it .o#ld seem
by t*e "ods t*emsel5es, barely )ame in )onta)t .it* t*e
re5ol#tionary 2eo2le .*en it s)attered in d#st:
T*ese t.o mo5ements, at t*e be"innin" o ,#ly and t*e
end o 0#"#st, relate to ea)* ot*er as a t*eorem and its
)on5erse: T*e ,#ly 4ays demonstrated t*e mi"*t o t*e
sel;de2endent mo5ement o t*e masses: T*e 0#"#st 4ays
laid bare t*e )om2lete im2oten)e o t*e r#lin" "ro#2s:
T*is )orrelation si"naliKed t*e ine5itability o a ne.
)onli)t: T*e 2ro5in)es and t*e ront .ere mean.*ile" )loser to t*e )a2ital: T*is 2redetermined t*e
O)tober 5i)tory:
@T*e ease .it* .*i)* Lenin and Trots8y o5ert*re. t*e last
)oalition "o5ernment o 9erens8y,A .rote t*e 9adet,
Nabo8o5, @re5ealed its in.ard im2oten)e: T*e de"ree o
t*is im2oten)e .as an amaKement at t*at time e5en to
.ell;inormed 2eo2le:A Nabo8o5 *imsel seems *ardly
a.are t*at it .as a =#estion o *is im2oten)e, t*at o *is
)lass, o *is so)ial str#)t#re:
,#st as rom t*e armed demonstration o ,#ly t*e )#r5e
rises to t*e O)tober ins#rre)tion, so t*e mo5ement o
9ornilo5 seems a dress;re*earsal o t*e )o#nter;
re5ol#tionary )am2ai"n #nderta8en by 9erens8y in t*e last
days o O)tober: T*e sole military or)e a"ainst t*e
'ols*e5i8s o#nd at t*e ront by t*e demo)rati)
)ommander;in;)*ie ater *is li"*t #nder )o5er o t*e little
0meri)an la", .as t*at same T*ird !a5alry !or2s .*i)*
t.o mont*s beore *ad been desi"nated by 9ornilo5 or
t*e o5ert*ro. o 9erens8y *imsel: T*e )ommander o t*e
)or2s .as still t*e !ossa)8 -eneral, 9rasno5, militant
monar)*ist 2la)ed in t*is 2ost by 9ornilo5: 0 more
a22ro2riate )ommander or t*e deen)e o demo)ra)y .as
not to be o#nd:
Moreo5er not*in" .as let o t*e )or2s b#t its name: It *ad
been red#)ed to a e. !ossa)8 s=#adrons, .*o ater an
#ns#))ess#l attem2t to ta8e t*e oensi5e a"ainst t*e
Reds near 3etro"rad, raternised .it* t*e re5ol#tionary
sailors and t#rned 9rasno5 o5er to t*e 'ols*e5i8s:
9erens8y .as obli"ed to ta8e li"*t H bot* rom t*e
!ossa)8s and t*e sailors: T*#s ei"*t mont*s ater t*e
o5ert*ro. o t*e monar)*y t*e .or8ers stood at t*e *ead
o t*e )o#ntry: 0nd t*ey stood irmly:
@+*o .o#ld belie5e,A .rote one o t*e R#ssian "enerals,
Paless8y, ex2ressin" *is indi"nation at t*is, @t*at t*e
Danitor or .at)*man o t*e )o#rt b#ildin" .o#ld s#ddenly
be)ome !*ie ,#sti)e o t*e !o#rt o 022eals> Or t*e
*os2ital orderly mana"er o t*e *os2italC t*e barber a bi"
#n)tionaryC yesterdayJs ensi"n t*e )ommander;in;)*ieC
yesterdayJs la)8ey or )ommon labo#rer b#r"omasterC
yesterdayJs train oiler )*ie o di5ision or station
s#2erintendentC yesterdayJs lo)8smit* *ead o t*e
@+*o .o#ld belie5e it>A T*ey *ad to belie5e it: It .as
im2ossible not to belie5e it, .*en ensi"ns ro#ted t*e
"enerals: .*en b#r"omasters, rom t*e ran8s o )ommon
labo#r 2#t do.n t*e resistan)e o yesterdayJs lords, train
oilers re"#lated trans2ort, and lo)8smit*s as dire)tors
re5i5ed ind#stry:
T*e )*ie tas8 o a 2oliti)al rG"ime, a))ordin" to an En"lis*
a2*orism, is to 2#t t*e ri"*t 2eo2le in t*e ri"*t 2ositions:
?o. does t*e ex2eriment o 1917 loo8 rom t*is 2oint o
5ie.> 4#rin" t*e irst t.o mont*s R#ssia .as r#led,
t*ro#"* ri"*t o monar)*i) s#))ession, by a man
inade=#ately endo.ed by nat#re .*o belie5ed in saintsJ
m#mmies and s#bmitted to Ras2#tin: 4#rin" t*e next
ei"*t mont*s t*e liberals and demo)rats attem2ted rom
t*eir "o5ernmental *i"* 2la)es to 2ro5e to t*e 2eo2le t*at
t*e re5ol#tion *ad been a))om2lis*ed in order t*at all
s*o#ld remain as beore: No .onder t*ose 2eo2le 2assed
o5er t*e )o#ntry li8e .a5erin" s*ado.s lea5in" no tra)e:
Brom t*e 2<t* o O)tober t*e man at t*e *ead o R#ssia
.as Lenin, t*e "reatest i"#re in R#ssian 2oliti)al *istory:
?e .as s#rro#nded by a sta o assistants .*o, as t*eir
most s2ite#l enemies a)8no.led"e, 8ne. .*at t*ey
.anted and *o. to i"*t or t*eir aims: +*i)* o t*ese
t*ree systems, in t*e "i5en )on)rete )onditions, 2ro5ed
)a2able o 2#ttin" t*e ri"*t 2eo2le in t*e ri"*t 2ositions>
T*e *istori) as)ent o *#manity, ta8en as a .*ole, may be
s#mmarised as a s#))ession o 5i)tories o )ons)io#sness
o5er blind or)es H in nat#re, in so)iety, in man *imsel:
!riti)al and )reati5e t*o#"*t )an boast o its "reatest
5i)tories #2 to no. in t*e str#""le .it* nat#re: T*e
2*ysi)o;)*emi)al s)ien)es *a5e already rea)*ed a 2oint
.*ere man is )learly abo#t to be)ome master o matter:
'#t so)ial relations are still ormin" in t*e manner o t*e
)oral islands: 3arliamentarism ill#mined only t*e s#ra)e o
so)iety, and e5en t*at .it* a rat*er artii)ial li"*t: In
)om2arison .it* monar)*y and ot*er *eirlooms rom t*e
)annibals and )a5e;d.ellers, demo)ra)y is o )o#rse a
"reat )on=#est, b#t it lea5es t*e blind 2lay o or)es in t*e
so)ial relations o men #nto#)*ed: It .as a"ainst t*is
dee2er;s2*ere o t*e #n)ons)io#s t*at t*e O)tober
re5ol#tion .as t*e irst to raise its *and: T*e So5iet
system .is*es to brin" aim and 2lan into t*e 5ery basis o
so)iety, .*ere #2 to no. only a))#m#lated )onse=#en)es
*a5e rei"ned:
Enemies are "lee#l t*at iteen years ater t*e re5ol#tion
t*e So5iet )o#ntry is still b#t little li8e a 8in"dom o
#ni5ersal .ell;bein": S#)* an ar"#ment, i not really to be
ex2lained as d#e to a blindin" *ostility, )o#ld only be
di)tated by an ex)essi5e .ors*i2 o t*e ma"i) o
so)ialist met*ods: !a2italism re=#ired a *#ndred years to
ele5ate s)ien)e and te)*ni=#e to t*e *ei"*ts and 2l#n"e
*#manity into t*e *ell o .ar and )risis: To so)ialism its
enemies allo. only iteen years to )reate and #rnis* a
terrestrial 2aradise: +e too8 no s#)* obli"ation #2on
o#rsel5es: +e ne5er set t*ese dates: T*e 2ro)ess o 5ast
transormations m#st be meas#red by an ade=#ate s)ale:
'#t t*e misort#nes .*i)* *a5e o5er.*elmed li5in"
2eo2le> T*e ire and bloods*ed o t*e )i5il .ar> 4o t*e
)onse=#en)es o a re5ol#tion D#stiy in "eneral t*e
sa)rii)es it in5ol5es> T*e =#estion is teleolo"i)al and
t*ereore r#itless: It .o#ld be as .ell to as8 in a)e o t*e
dii)#lties and "ries o 2ersonal existen)e: Is it .ort*
.*ile to be born> Melan)*oly rele)tions *a5e not so ar,
*o.e5er, 2re5ented 2eo2le rom bearin" or bein" born:
E5en in t*e 2resent e2o)* o intolerable misort#ne only a
small 2er)enta"e o t*e 2o2#lation o o#r 2lanet resorts to
s#i)ide: '#t t*e 2eo2le are see8in" t*e .ay o#t o t*eir
#nbearable dii)#lties in re5ol#tion:
Is it not remar8able t*at t*ose .*o tal8 most indi"nantly
abo#t t*e 5i)tims o so)ial re5ol#tions are #s#ally t*e 5ery
ones .*o, i not dire)tly res2onsible or t*e 5i)tims o t*e
.orld .ar, 2re2ared and "loriied t*em, or at least
a))e2ted t*em> It is o#r t#rn to as8: 4id t*e .ar D#stiy
itsel> +*at *as it "i5en #s> +*at *as it ta#"*t>
It .ill *ardly 2ay no. to 2a#se #2on t*e assertions o
inD#red R#ssian 2ro2rietors t*at t*e re5ol#tion led to t*e
)#lt#ral de)line o t*e )o#ntry: T*at aristo)rati) )#lt#re
o5ert*ro.n by t*e O)tober re5ol#tion .as in t*e last
analysis only a s#2eri)ial imitation o *i"*er .estern
models: Remainin" ina))essible to t*e R#ssian 2eo2le, it
added not*in" essential to t*e treas#re;store o *#manity,
T*e O)tober re5ol#tion laid t*e o#ndation o a ne. )#lt#re
ta8in" e5erybody into )onsideration, and or t*at 5ery
reason immediately a)=#irin" international si"nii)an)e:
E5en s#22osin" or a moment t*at" to #na5o#rable
)ir)#mstan)es and *ostile blo.s t*e So5iet rG"ime s*o#ld
be tem2orarily o5ert*ro.n, t*e inex2#"nable im2ress o
t*e O)tober re5ol#tion .o#ld ne5ert*eless remain #2on
t*e .*ole #t#re de5elo2ment o man8ind:
T*e lan"#a"e o t*e )i5ilised nations *as )learly mar8ed
o t.o e2o)*s in t*e de5elo2ment o R#ssia: +*ere t*e
aristo)rati) )#lt#re introd#)ed into .orld 2arlan)e s#)*
barbarisms as czar, po&rom, knout, O)tober *as
internationalised s#)* .ords as 5olshevik, soviet and
piatiletka: T*is alone D#stiies t*e 2roletarian re5ol#tion, i
yo# ima"ine t*at it needs D#stii)ation:
T23 3N1
Note to the ,ppendices 4and ,ppendi5
'esides o#r *istori) reeren)es on t*e t*eory o 2ermanent
re5ol#tion, .e *a5e transerred into t*is a22endix t.o
inde2endent )*a2ters: Some Le&ens of the 5ureaucracy,
and Socialism in a Separate %ountry6 T*e )*a2ter on
@le"endsA is dedi)ated to t*e )riti)al restoration o a series
o a)ts and e2isodes o t*e O)tober re5ol#tion distorted
by t*e e2i"one *istorians: One o t*e in)idental aims o
t*is )*a2ter is to ma8e it im2ossible or laKy minds,
instead o .or8in" o5er t*e a)t#al material, to =#iet
t*emsel5es .it* t*e )*ea2 a priori )on)l#sion t*at @t*e
tr#t* is 2robably some.*ere in t*e middle:A
T*e )*a2ter Socialism in a Separate %ountry6 is dedi)ated
to t*e most im2ortant =#estion )on)ernin" t*e ideolo"y
and 2ro"ramme o t*e 'ols*e5i8 2arty: T*e =#estion *ere
*istori)ally ill#mined by #s, not only still 2reser5es all its
t*eoreti)al interest, b#t *as in re)ent years a)=#ired a
irst;)lass 2ra)ti)al im2ortan)e:
+e *a5e se2arated t*ese t.o )*a2ters rom t*e "eneral
text, o .*i)* t*ey orm an inte"ral 2art, only or t*e
beneit o t*e reader not a))#stomed to )on)ern *imsel
.it* se)ondary dis2#tes or t*eoreti)al 2roblems: I
*o.e5er a tent*, or e5en a *#ndredt*, o t*e readers o
t*is boo8 ta8e t*e tro#ble to read attenti5ely t*is
a22endix, t*e a#t*or .ill eel ab#ndantly re.arded or t*e
"reat labo#r *e *as 2erormed: It is t*ro#"* t*o#"*t#l,
.or8;lo5in" and )riti)al minds t*at t*e tr#t* in t*e lon"
r#n ma8es its .ay to broader )ir)les:
,ppendi5 &! "#pplementary 3ssay: "ome
*e$ends of the B#rea#cracy
T*e )on)e2tion o t*e O)tober re5ol#tion de5elo2ed in t*is
boo8 .as set ort* by t*e a#t*or more t*an on)e d#rin"
t*e early years o t*e So5iet rG"ime, alt*o#"* to be s#re
only in its "eneral eat#res: In order to delineate *is
t*o#"*t more )learly *e sometimes "a5e it a =#antitati5e
ex2ression: t*e tas8 o t*e o5ert#rn, *e .rote, .as @t*ree;
=#arters i not nine;tent*sA )om2leted beore t*e 2<t* o
O)tober by t*e met*od o @silentA or @dryA ins#rre)tion: I
yo# do not "i5e t*ese i"#res more im2ortan)e t*an
i"#res )o#ld 2retend to in s#)* a matter, t*e idea itsel
remains absol#tely #n=#estionable: '#t sin)e t*e
re5al#ation o 5al#es be"an, o#r )on)e2tion *as been
bitterly )riti)ised in t*is 2arti)#lar:
@I on t*e 9t* o O)tober a nine;tent*s O5i)torio#sJ
ins#rre)tion .as already an a))om2lis*ed a)t,A .rote
9amene5, @t*en *o. s*all .e estimate t*e intelle)t#al
)a2a)ities o t*ose .*o .ere sittin" in t*e !entral
!ommittee o t*e 'ols*e5i8s, and on t*e 1%t* o O)tober
de)idin" in *eated debates .*et*er to ma8e an
ins#rre)tion or not, and i so .*en> +*at s*all .e say o
t*e 2eo2le .*o assembled on t*e 1(t* o O)tober ::: and
a"ain and a"ain estimated t*e )*an)es or an
ins#rre)tion> ::: O* yes, it seems t*at it .as already
a))om2lis*ed on t*e 9t* o O)tober OsilentlyJ and Ole"ally H
so silently indeed t*at neit*er t*e 2arty nor t*e !entral
!ommittee 8ne. abo#t it:A T*is s#2eri)ially so ee)ti5e
ar"#ment, .*i)* is )anonised in t*e e2i"one literat#re and
*as 2oliti)ally o#tli5ed its a#t*or, is in reality an
im2ressi5e 2ilin" #2 o mista8es:
On t*e 9t* o O)tober t*e ins#rre)tion )o#ld not 2ossibly
*a5e been a @nine;tent*sA a))om2lis*ed a)t, or on t*at
day t*e =#estion o t*e transer o t*e "arrison *ad D#st
been raised in t*e So5iet and it .as im2ossible to 8no.
*o. t*e t*in" .o#ld de5elo2 in t*e #t#re: It .as or t*is
reason t*at on t*e next day, t*e 1%t*, .*en insistin" on
t*e im2ortan)e o t*is =#estion o t*e transer o t*e
troo2s, Trots8y *ad not yet s#i)ient "ro#nds to demand
t*at t*e )onli)t bet.een t*e "arrison and its )ommand
orm t*e basis o t*e .*ole 2lan: Only d#rin" t*e next t.o
.ee8s o st#bborn day;by;day .or8 did t*e )*ie tas8 o
t*e ins#rre)tion H t*e irm .innin" o5er to t*e 2eo2leJs
side o t*e "o5ernment troo2s H be)ome @t*ree;=#arters i
not nine;tent*sA a))om2lis*ed: T*is .as not so on t*e
1%t*, nor yet e5en on t*e 1(t* o O)tober, .*en t*e
!entral !ommittee too8 #2 or a se)ond time t*e =#estion
o ins#rre)tion and .*en 9rylen8o did =#ite deinitely
2resent as a 8ey;note t*e =#estion o t*e "arrison: '#t
e5en i t*e re5ol#tion *ad been nine;tent*s 5i)torio#s on
t*e 9t* H as 9amene5 erroneo#sly 2resents o#r t*o#"*t H
t*is a)t )o#ld *a5e been reliably as)ertained, not by
"#essin", b#t only by a)tion H t*at is, by ma8in" an
ins#rre)tion: T*e @intelle)t#al )a2a)ityA o t*e members o
t*e !entral !ommittee .o#ld not, e5en in t*at 2#rely
*y2ot*eti)al )ase, *a5e been in t*e least )om2romised by
t*eir 2arti)i2ation in *eated debates on t*e 1%t* and 1(t*
o O)tober: ?o.e5er, e5en s#22osin" t*at t*e members o
t*e !entral !ommittee )o#ld *a5e #n=#estionably ass#red
t*emsel5es by an a priori )al)#lation t*at t*e 5i)tory .as
a)t#ally nine;tent*s .on, it .o#ld still *a5e remained
ne)essary to a))om2lis* t*e last tent*, and t*at .o#ld
*a5e demanded D#st as m#)* attention as t*o#"* it .ere
ten;tent*s: ?o. many @almostA .on battles and
ins#rre)tions does *istory 2resent H battles and
ins#rre)tions .*i)* led to deeat only be)a#se t*ey .ere
not 2#s*ed t*ro#"* in "ood season to t*e )om2lete deeat
o t*e enemyL 0nd inally H 9amene5 is in"enio#s eno#"*
to or"et t*is too H t*e s2*ere o a)ti5ity o t*e Military
Re5ol#tionary !ommittee .as 3etro"rad only: ?o.e5er
im2ortant t*e )a2ital may *a5e been, t*e rest o t*e
)o#ntry did ne5ert*eless exist: 0nd rom t*is 2oint o 5ie.
t*e !entral !ommittee *ad s#i)ient "ro#nd or )are#lly
.ei"*in" t*e )*an)es o t*e ins#rre)tion, not only on t*e
1%t* and t*e 1(t*, b#t also on t*e 2(t* H t*at is, ater t*e
5i)tory in 3etro"rad:
9amene5, in t*e ar"#ment .e are dis)#ssin", )omes to
t*e deen)e o Lenin: 0ll t*e e2i"ones deend t*emsel5es
#nder t*is im2osin" 2se#donym: ?o. )o#ld Lenin, *e as8s,
*a5e o#"*t so 2assionately or an ins#rre)tion, i it .as
already nine;tent*s a))om2lis*edL '#t Lenin *imsel .rote
at t*e be"innin" o O)tober: @It is =#ite 2ossible t*at ri"*t
no. .e mi"*t seiKe t*e .it*o#t an ins#rre)tion:A In
ot*er .ords, Lenin 2ost#lated t*at t*e @silentA re5ol#tion
*ad already ta8en 2la)e beore t*e 9t* o O)tober, and
moreo5er not by nine b#t by ten;tent*s: ?e #nderstood
*o.e5er, t*at t*is o2timisti) *y2ot*esis )o#ld only be
5eriied in a)tion: Bor t*at reason Lenin said in t*e same
letter: @I .e )annot seiKe .it*o#t an ins#rre)tion,
t*en .e m#st ma8e an ins#rre)tion immediately:A It .as
t*is =#estion t*at .as dis)#ssed on t*e 1%t* and 1(t*,
and on ot*er days:
T*e re)ent So5iet *istories *a5e )om2letely erased rom
t*e O)tober re5ol#tion t*e extremely im2ortant and
instr#)ti5e )*a2ter abo#t t*e disa"reements bet.een
Lenin and t*e !entral !ommittee H bot* #2on t*e basi)
matter o 2rin)i2le in .*i)* Lenin .as ri"*t, and also #2on
t*ose 2arti)#lar, b#t 5ery im2ortant, =#estions #2on .*i)*
t*e !entral !ommittee .as ri"*t: 0))ordin" to t*e ne.
do)trine, neit*er Lenin nor t*e !entral !ommittee )o#ld
ma8e a mista8e, and )onse=#ently t*ere )o#ld *a5e been
no )onli)t bet.een t*em: In t*ose )ases .*ere it
be)omes im2ossible to deny t*at t*ere .as a
disa"reement, it is, in obedien)e to a "eneral 2res)ri2tion,
laid at t*e door o Trots8y:
T*e a)ts s2ea8 ot*er.ise: Lenin insisted #2on raisin" in
ins#rre)tion in t*e days o t*e 4emo)rati) !oneren)e: Not
one member o t*e !entral !ommittee s#22orted *im: 0
.ee8 later Lenin 2ro2osed to Smil"a to or"anise an
ins#rre)tionary *ead=#arters in Binland, and stri8e a blo.
at t*e "o5ernment rom t*at 2oint .it* t*e sailors: 0"ain
ten days later *e insisted t*at t*e Nort*ern !on"ress
be)ome t*e startin" 2oint o an ins#rre)tion: Nobody at
t*e !on"ress s#22orted t*is 2ro2osal: 0t t*e end o
Se2tember Lenin )onsidered t*e 2ost2onement o t*e
ins#rre)tion or t*ree .ee8s, #ntil t*e !on"ress o So5iets,
atal: Ne5ert*eless t*e ins#rre)tion, deerred to t*e e5e o
t*e !on"ress, .as a))om2lis*ed .*ile t*e !on"ress .as in
session: Lenin 2ro2osed t*at t*e str#""le be"in in Mos)o.,
ass#min" t*at t*ere it .o#ld be resol5ed .it*o#t a i"*t:
0s a matter o a)t, t*e ins#rre)tion in Mos)o.,*standin" t*e 2re)edin" 5i)tory in 3etro"rad, lasted
ei"*t days and )ost many 5i)tims:
Lenin .as no a#tomaton o inallible de)isions: ?e .as
@onlyA a man o "eni#s, and not*in" *#man .as alien to
*im, t*erein in)l#ded t*e )a2a)ity to ma8e mista8es: Lenin
said t*is o t*e attit#de o e2i"ones to t*e "reat
re5ol#tionists: @0ter t*eir deat*s, attem2ts are made to
)on5ert t*em into *armless i)ons, to )anonise t*em, so to
s2ea8, to render a )ertain *oma"e to t*eir names in order
t*#s t*e more saely to betray t*em in a)tion: T*e 2resent
e2i"ones demand t*at Lenin be a)8no.led"ed inallible in
order t*e more easily to extend t*e same do"ma to
t*emsel5es: E1F
+*at )*ara)terised Lenin as a statesman .as a
)ombination o bold 2ers2e)ti5es .it* a meti)#lo#s
estimation o tiny a)ts and sym2toms: LeninJs isolation
did not 2re5ent *im rom deinin" .it* in)om2arable
2enetration t*e #ndamental sta"es and t#rns o t*e
mo5ement, b#t it de2ri5ed *im o t*e 2ossibility o ma8in"
timely estimates o e2isodi) a)tors and tem2orary
)*an"es: T*e 2oliti)al sit#ation .as in "eneral so
a5o#rable to an ins#rre)tion as to admit se5eral dierent
2ossibilities o 5i)tory: I Lenin *ad been in 3etro"rad and
*ad )arried t*ro#"* at t*e be"innin" o O)tober *is
de)ision in a5o#r o an immediate ins#rre)tion .it*o#t
reeren)e to t*e !on"ress o So5iets, *e .o#ld
#ndo#btedly *a5e "i5en t*e )arryin" o#t o *is o.n 2lan a
2oliti)al settin" .*i)* .o#ld *a5e red#)ed its
disad5anta"eo#s eat#res to a minim#m: '#t it is at least
e=#ally 2robable t*at *e .o#ld *imsel in t*at )ase *a5e
)ome ro#nd to t*e 2lan a)t#ally )arried o#t:
+e *a5e "i5en in a se2arate )*a2ter o#r estimate o t*e
rIle o Lenin in t*e "eneral strate"y o t*e re5ol#tion: To
2oint o#r idea in re"ard to LeninJs ta)ti)al 2ro2osals .e
.ill add t*at .it*o#t LeninJs 2ress#re, .it*o#t *is #r"in"s,
*is s#""estions, *is 5ariant 2lans, it .o#ld *a5e been
ininitely more dii)#lt to "et o5er on to t*e road to.ard
ins#rre)tion: ?ad Lenin been in Smolny d#rin" t*e )riti)al
.ee8s, t*e "eneral leaders*i2 o t*e ins#rre)tion H and
t*at not only in 3etro"rad b#t Mos)o. H .o#ld *a5e been
on a )onsiderably *i"*er le5el: '#t Lenin as an @Gmi"rG,A
)o#ld not ta8e t*e 2la)e o Lenin in Smolny:
Lenin *imsel elt most 8eenly o all t*e inade=#a)y o *is
ta)ti)al orientation: ?e .rote on Se2tember 2&t* in
Rabochy !ut: @T*e "ro.t* o a ne. re5ol#tion is
ob5io#sly in 2ro"ress H .e 8no. little #nort#nately o t*e
breadt* and ra2idity o t*is "ro.t*:A T*ese .ords are bot*
a re2roa)* to t*e 2arty leaders and a )om2laint o *is o.n
la)8 o inormation: +*en re)allin" in *is letter t*e most
im2ortant r#les o ins#rre)tion Lenin did not or"et to add:
JT*is is all a22roximate o )o#rse and merely or
ill#stration:A On t*e $t* o O)tober, Lenin .rote to t*e
Nort*ern Re"ional !on"ress o So5iets: @I .ill try to a22ear
.it* my ad5i)e rom t*e sidelines In )ase t*e 2robable
ins#rre)tion o t*e .or8ers and soldiers o 3etersb#r" :::
soon ta8es 2la)e, b#t it *as not yet ta8en 2la)e:A Lenin
be"an *is 2olemi) a"ainst Pino5ie5 and 9amene5 .it*
t*ese .ords: @0 2#bli)ist set some.*at aside by t*e .ill o
destiny rom t*e main line o *istory )onstantly in)#rs t*e
ris8 o )omin" in late or bein" #ninormed, es2e)ially .*en
*is .ritin"s are delayed in 2#bli)ation:A ?ere a"ain a
)om2laint a"ainst *is isolation to"et*er .it* a re2roa)* to
t*e editors .*o *ad delayed t*e 2#bli)ist o t*ose arti)les
.*i)* t*ey D#d"ed too in)isi5e, or *ad t*ro.n o#t t*e
2ri)8liest 2assa"es: 0 .ee8 beore t*e ins#rre)tion Lenin
.rote in a )ons2irati5e letter to t*e members o t*e 2arty:
@0s to t*e raisin" o t*e =#estion o ins#rre)tion no., so
near to t*e 2%t* o O)tober, I )annot D#d"e from a
istance D#st *o. m#)* o t*e t*in" *as been s2oiled by
t*e stri8e;brea8in" 2erorman)e /o Pino5ie5 and
9amene51 in t*e non;2arty 2ress:A T*e .ords @rom a
distan)eA are #nderlined by Lenin *imsel:
'#t *o. does t*e e2i"one s)*ool ex2lain t*e disa))ord
bet.een t*e ta)ti)al 2ro2osals o Lenin and t*e a)t#al
)o#rse o t*e ins#rre)tion in 3etro"rad> It "i5es to t*e
)onli)t an anonymo#s and ormless )*ara)terC or it 2asses
by t*e disa"reements alto"et*er, de)larin" t*em #n.ort*y
o attentionC or it tries to re#te a)ts indestr#)tibly
establis*edC or it 2#ts t*e name Trots8y .*ere Lenin .as
tal8in" abo#t t*e !entral !ommittee as a .*ole or t*e
o22onents o ins#rre)tion .it*in t*e !entral !ommitteeC
or, inally, it )ombines all t*ese met*ods, not bot*erin"
abo#t .*et*er t*ey are m#t#ally )onsistent or not:
@T*e )ond#)t o t*e O)tober ins#rre)tion,A .rites Stalin,
@may be )onsidered a model o /'ols*e5i81 strate"y: To
trans"ress t*is re=#irement /t*e )orre)t )*oi)e o t*e
moment1 leads to a dan"ero#s mista8e )alled Oloss o
tem2o,J .*en t*e 2arty alls be*ind t*e )o#rse o e5ents
or r#ns a*ead, "i5in" rise to a dan"er o ail#re: T*e
attem2t o one "ro#2 o t*e )omrades to be"in t*e
ins#rre)tion .it* t*e arrest o t*e 4emo)rati) !oneren)e
in 0#"#st 1917 m#st be )onsidered an exam2le o t*is loss
o tem2o,J an exam2le o *o. not to )*oose t*e moment
o ins#rre)tion:A T*e desi"nation @one "ro#2 o t*e
)omradesA in t*ese lines means Lenin: Nobody b#t Lenin
2ro2osed t*at t*e ins#rre)tion be"in .it* t*e arrest o t*e
4emo)rati) !oneren)e, and nobody s#22orted *is
2ro2osal: Stalin re)ommends t*e ta)ti)al 2lan o Lenin as
@an exam2le o *o. not to )*oose t*e moment o
ins#rre)tion:A '#t t*e anonymo#s orm o *is a))o#nt
2ermits Stalin at t*e same time to deny latly t*at t*ere
.as any disa"reement bet.een Lenin and t*e !entral
Marosla5s8y *as a still sim2ler .ay o "ettin" o#t o t*e
dii)#lty: @It is not a =#estion o 2arti)#lars, o )o#rse,A *e
.rites, @it is not a =#estion .*et*er t*e ins#rre)tion be"an
in Mos)o. or 3etro"rad:A T*e t*in" is t*at t*e .*ole
)o#rse o e5ents demonstrated @t*e )orre)tness o LeninJs
line, t*e )orre)tness o t*e line o o#r 2arty:A T*is
in"enio#s *istorian sim2liies *is tas8 to an extraordinary
de"ree: T*at O)tober 5eriied t*e strate"y o Lenin, and
demonstrated in 2arti)#lar *o. im2ortant *ad been *is
02ril 5i)tory o5er t*e r#lin" strat#m o @old 'ols*e5i8s,A is
ind#bitable: '#t i in a "eneral .ay t*ere is no =#estion
abo#t .*ere to be"in, .*en to be"in, and *o. to be"in,
t*en, to be s#re, not*in" is let o t*e e2isodi)
disa"reements .it* Lenin H or or t*at matter o ta)ti)s in
In ,o*n ReedJs boo8 t*ere is a story t*at on t*e 21st o
O)tober t*e leaders o t*e 'ols*e5i8s *eld a @se)ond
*istori) )oneren)eA at .*i)*, as Reed .as told, Lenin
said: @T*e 2&t* o O)tober is too soon to a)t: +e m#st
*a5e an 0ll;R#ssian basis or t*e ins#rre)tion, and on t*e
2&t* not all t*e dele"ates .ill *a5e )ome to t*e !on"ress:
On t*e ot*er *and, t*e 2(t* .ill be too late to a)t ::: +e
m#st a)t on t*e 2<t*, t*e day o t*e o2enin" o t*e
!on"ress:A Reed .as an extraordinarily 8een obser5er,
able to trans)ribe #2on t*e 2a"es o *is boo8 t*e eelin"s
and 2assions o t*e de)idin" days o t*e re5ol#tion: It .as
or t*is reason t*at Lenin in *is day desired t*at t*e
in)om2arable )*roni)le o Reed be distrib#ted in millions
o )o2ies in all t*e )o#ntries o t*e .orld: '#t .or8 done in
t*e *eat o e5ents, notes made in )orridors, on t*e streets,
beside )am2ires, )on5ersations and ra"mentary 2*rases
)a#"*t on t*e .in", and t*at too .it* t*e need o a
translator H all t*ese t*in"s made 2arti)#lar mista8es
#na5oidable: T*is story o a session o O)tober 21st is one
o t*e most ob5io#s mista8es in ReedJs boo8: T*e
ar"#ment abo#t t*e need o an @0ll;R#ssian so5iet
o#ndationA or t*e ins#rre)tion )o#ld not 2ossibly belon"
to Lenin, or Lenin more t*an on)e des)ribed t*e r#nnin"
ater s#)* a o#ndation as not*in" more or less t*an
@)om2lete idio)y or )om2lete betrayal:A Lenin )o#ld not
*a5e said t*at t*e 2&t* .as too early, or e5er sin)e t*e
end o Se2tember *e *ad )onsidered inadmissible a
2ost2onement o t*e ins#rre)tion or one #nne)essary day:
It mi"*t )ome too late, *e said, b#t @in t*at matter it is
no. im2ossible to be 2remat#re:A ?o.e5er, aside rom
t*ese 2oliti)al )onsiderations H de)isi5e eno#"* in
t*emsel5es H ReedJs story is re#ted by t*e sim2le a)t
t*at on t*e 21st t*ere .as no @se)ond *istori) )oneren)eA
o any 8ind: S#)* a )oneren)e )o#ld not ail to lea5e
tra)es in t*e do)#ments and memories o t*e ot*er
2arti)i2ants: T*ere .ere only t.o )oneren)es .it* Lenin
2resent: on t*e 1%t* and t*e 1(t*: Reed )o#ld not *a5e
8no.n t*is: '#t t*e do)#ments sin)e 2#blis*ed lea5e no
2la)e or t*e @*istori) sessionA o O)tober 21st: T*e
e2i"one *istorians *a5e not *esitated, *o.e5er, to in)l#de
t*e ob5io#sly erroneo#s testimony o Reed in all t*e
oi)ial 2#bli)ations: 'y t*is means t*ey *a5e a)*ie5ed a
s2e)io#s )alendar;)oin)iden)e o LeninJs dire)ti5es .it*
t*e a)t#al )o#rse o e5ents: To be s#re, in doin" t*is t*e
oi)ial *istorians 2#t Lenin in t*e 2osition o
in)om2re*ensibly and *o2elessly )ontradi)tin" *imsel:
'#t essentially, yo# m#st #nderstand, t*ey are not *ere
)on)erned abo#t Lenin: T*e e2i"ones *a5e sim2ly
)on5erted Lenin into t*eir o.n *istori) 2se#donym, and
are #n)eremonio#sly ma8in" #se o *im in order to
establis* t*eir o.n inallibility e$ post facto:
'#t t*e oi)ial *istorians "o e5en art*er t*an t*is in t*e
b#siness o dri5in" a)ts into t*e re=#ired line o mar)*:
T*#s Marosla5s8y .rites in *is *istory o t*e 2arty: @0t t*e
session o t*e !entral !ommittee on t*e 2&t* o O)tober,
t*e last session beore t*e ins#rre)tion, Lenin .as
2resent:A T*e oi)ially 2#blis*ed min#tes, )ontainin" a
)om2lete list o t*ose 2resent, testiy t*at Lenin .as
absent: @Lenin and 9amene5 .ere dele"ated to ne"otiate
.it* t*e Let So)ial Re5ol#tionaries,A .rites Marosla5s8y:
T*e min#tes say t*at t*is tas8 .as allotted to 9amene5
and 'ereKin: '#t it o#"*t to be ob5io#s .it*o#t any
min#tes t*at t*e !entral !ommittee .o#ld not *a5e 2#t
#2on Lenin t*is se)ondary @di2lomati)A tas8: T*at de)isi5e
session o t*e !entral !ommittee too8 2la)e in t*e
mornin": Lenin did not arri5e at Smolny #ntil ni"*t: 0
member o t*e 3etro"rad )ommittee, S5es*ni8o5, relates
*o. Lenin @.ent o#t some.*ere in t*e e5enin" /o t*e
2&t*1 lea5in" a note in *is room statin" t*at *e *ad "one
at s#)* and s#)* a time: +*en .e learned t*is .e .ere
ri"*tened to deat* or Ily)*:A Only @late in t*e e5enin"A
did it be)ome 8no.n in t*e distri)t t*at Lenin *ad "one to
t*e Military Re5ol#tionary !ommittee:
Most s#r2risin" o all, *o.e5er, is t*e a)t t*at Marosla5s8y
i"nores a 2oliti)al and *#man do)#ment o irst;)lass
im2ortan)e: a letter to t*e leaders o t*e distri)ts .ritten
by Lenin d#rin" t*e *o#rs .*en t*e o2en ins#rre)tion *ad
already essentially be"#n: @!omradesL I am .ritin" t*ese
lines on t*e e5enin" o t*e 2&t* ::: +it* all my I
.ant to )on5in)e t*e )omrades t*at e5eryt*in" no. *an"s
#2on a t*read, t*at =#estions are no. in order .*i)* .ill
not be de)ided by )oneren)es, not by )on"resses /e5en
t*o#"* )on"resses o so5iets1 b#t solely by t*e 2eo2le, by
t*e mass, by t*e str#""le o t*e armed masses: It is
ne)essary at any 2ossible )ost t*is 5ery e5enin", t*is 5ery
ni"*t, to arrest t*e "o5ernment, disarmin" /5an=#is*in" i
t*ey resist1 t*e D#n8ers, et): :::A Lenin eared to s#)* an
extent t*e irresol#tion o t*e !entral !ommittee, t*at *e
.as tryin" at t*e 5ery last moment to or"anise a 2ress#re
on it rom belo.: @It is ne)essary,A *e .rites, @t*at all
distri)ts, all re"iments, all or)es mobilise on t*e instant
and send dele"ations immediately to t*e Military
Re5ol#tionary !ommittee, to t*e !entral !ommittee o t*e
'ols*e5i8s, .it* t*is insistent demand: In no )ase lea5e
t*e in t*e *ands o 9erens8y and !o: #ntil t*e 2<t*,
not in any )ase H b#t settle t*e t*in" today .it*o#t ail,
t*is e5enin" or ni"*t:A +*ile Lenin .as .ritin" t*ese lines,
t*e re"iments and distri)ts *e .as s#mmonin" to mobilise
or 2ress#re on t*e Military Re5ol#tionary !ommittee .ere
already mobilised by t*e Military Re5ol#tionary !ommittee
or t*e seiK#re o t*e )ity and t*e o5ert*ro. o t*e
"o5ernment: Brom t*is letter H e5ery line o .*i)* =#i5ers
.it* anxiety and 2assion H it is at least e5ident t*at Lenin
)o#ld not *a5e 2ro2osed on t*e 21st to deer t*e
ins#rre)tion #ntil t*e 2<t*, nor *a5e been 2resent at t*e
mornin" session o t*e 2&t* .*en it .as de)ided to ta8e
t*e oensi5e immediately:
T*ere is in t*is letter ne5ert*eless a 2#KKlin" element:
?o. )o#ld it *a22en t*at Lenin, in *idin" in t*e Vybor"
distri)t, did not 8no. #ntil e5enin" abo#t a de)ision o
s#)* ex)e2tional im2ortan)e> Brom t*e a))o#nt o
S5es*ni8o5 H as also rom ot*er so#r)es H it is e5ident t*at
)omm#ni)ations .it* Lenin .ere 8e2t #2 d#rin" t*at day
t*ro#"* Stalin: It )an only be ass#med t*at, not *a5in"
a22eared at t*e mornin" session o t*e !entral
!ommittee, Stalin also did not 8no. #ntil e5enin" o t*e
de)ision ado2ted:
T*e immediate )a#se o LeninJs alarm may *a5e been t*e
r#mo#rs )ons)io#sly and 2ersistently )ir)#lated d#rin"
t*at day rom Smolny, t*at #ntil t*e de)ision o t*e
!on"ress o So5iets no de)isi5e ste2s .o#ld be ta8en: On
t*e e5enin" o t*at day, at an emer"en)y session o t*e
3etro"rad So5iet, Trots8y said, in *is re2ort on t*e
a)ti5ities o t*e Military Re5ol#tionary !ommittee @0n
armed )onli)t today or tomorro. is not in)l#ded in o#r
2lan H on t*e t*res*old o t*e 0ll;R#ssian !on"ress o
So5iets: +e t*in8 t*at t*e !on"ress .ill )arry o#t o#r
slo"an .it* "reater and a#t*ority: '#t i t*e
"o5ernment .ants to #se t*at s2an o lie .*i)* still
remains to it H 2&, &$ or 72 *o#rs H in order to ta8e t*e
oensi5e a"ainst #s, .e .ill .it* a )o#nter;
oensi5e, blo. or blo., steel a"ainst iron:A S#)* .as t*e
leitmotif o t*at .*ole day: T*ese deensi5e
anno#n)ements *ad or t*eir 2#r2ose to l#ll at t*e last
moment beore t*e blo. t*e none too li5ely 5i"ilan)e o
t*e enemy: It .as in all 2robability t*is manoe#5re .*i)*
"a5e 4an *is "ro#nds or ass#rin" 9erens8y on t*e ni"*t o
t*e 2<t* t*at t*e 'ols*e5i8s *ad no intention at all o
ma8in" an immediate ins#rre)tion: '#t on t*e ot*er *and,
Lenin too, i one o t*ese sedati5e de)larations rom
Smolny *a22ened to rea)* *im, may, in *is state o
tension and distr#st, *a5e ta8en a military tri)8 or "ood
R#ses orm a ne)essary element o t*e art o .ar: It is a
bad r#se, *o.e5er, .*i)* may in)identally de)ei5e oneJs
o.n )am2: ?ad it been a =#estion o s#mmonin" masses
.*olesale into t*e streets, t*ose .ords abo#t t*e next @72
*o#rsA mi"*t *a5e 2ro5en a atal a)t: '#t on t*e 2&t* t*e
#2risin" no lon"er *ad need o any "eneral re5ol#tionary
s#mmons: T*e armed deta)*ments desi"nated or t*e
seiK#re o t*e 2rin)i2al 2oints o t*e )a2ital .ere #nder
arms and a.aitin" rom t*e )ommanders, .*o .ere in
tele2*one )omm#ni)ation .it* t*e nearest re5ol#tionary
*ead=#arters, t*e si"nal to atta)8: In t*ese )ir)#mstan)es
t*e do#ble;ed"ed r#se o t*e re5ol#tionary *ead=#arters
.as entirely in 2la)e:
+*ene5er t*e oi)ial in5esti"ators r#n into an #n2leasant
do)#ment t*ey )*an"e its address: T*#s Ma8o5le5 .rites:
@T*e 'ols*e5i8s did not s#rrender to O)onstit#tional
ill#sions,J b#t reDe)ted t*e 2ro2osals o Trots8y to
a))ommodate t*e ins#rre)tion ne)essarily to t*e Se)ond
!on"ress o So5iets, and seiKed t*e beore t*e
o2enin" o t*e !on"ress o So5iets:A ,#st .*at 2ro2osal o
Trots8y is *ere s2o8en o, .*ere and .*en it .as
)onsidered, .*at 'ols*e5i8s reDe)ted it H o t*is t*e a#t*or
*as not*in" to say, and not a))identally: +e s*o#ld sear)*
in 5ain amon" t*e min#tes, or amon" any memoirs
.*ate5er, or any indi)ation o a 2ro2osal o Trots8y to
@a))ommodate t*e ins#rre)tion ne)essarily to t*e Se)ond
!on"ress o So5iets:A T*e "ro#nd o t*is assertion o
Ma8o51e5 is a sli"*tly )on5entionalised mis#nderstandin"
lon" a"o ex2lained a.ay by no ot*er t*an Lenin *imsel:
0s is e5ident rom memoirs 2#blis*ed lon" a"o, Trots8y
*ad more t*an on)e sin)e t*e be"innin" o Se2tember
2ointed o#t to t*ose o22osed to ins#rre)tion t*at
a22ointin" t*e date or t*e !on"ress o So5iets .as or t*e
'ols*e5i8s e=#i5alent to a22ointin" t*e ins#rre)tion: T*is
did not mean, o )o#rse, t*at t*e #2risin" m#st not o))#r
ex)e2t #2on t*e de)ision o t*e !on"ress o So5iets H
t*ere )o#ld be no tal8 o s#)* )*ildis* ormalism: It .as a
=#estion o t*e o#tside date, o t*e im2ossibility o
deerrin" it to an indeinite time ater t*e )on"ress:
T*ro#"* .*om and in .*at orm t*ese dis2#tes in t*e
!entral !ommittee rea)*ed Lenin, is not )lear rom t*e
do)#ments: 0n inter5ie. .it* Trots8y, .*o .as too m#)*
in 5ie. o t*e enemy, .o#ld *a5e been too "reat a ris8 or
Lenin, In *is attit#de o )a#tion at t*at time *e may
t*ereore *a5e eared t*at Trots8y .o#ld 2la)e *is
em2*asis #2on t*e !on"ress and not #2on t*e
ins#rre)tion, or in any )ase t*at *e .o#ld not 2#t #2 t*e
ne)essary resistan)e to t*e @)onstit#tional ill#sionsA o
Pino5ie5 and 9amene5: Lenin may *a5e been anxio#s also
abo#t t*e ne. members o t*e !entral !ommittee little
8no.n to *im, t*e ormer MeK*rayontsi /or #sionists1,
,oG and 6ritK8y: T*ere is dire)t e5iden)e o t*is in a
s2ee)* o Lenin at a session o t*e 3etro"ard )ommittee
on No5ember 1st ater t*e 5i)tory: @T*e =#estion .as
raised at t*e session /o O)tober 1%t*1 abo#t an oensi5e:
I *ad ears o o22ort#nism rom t*e side o t*e
internationalist;#sionists, b#t t*ese .ere dissi2atedC in
o#r 2arty, *o.e5er, /)ertain old1 members /o t*e !entral
!ommittee1 did not a"ree: T*is "rie5ed me dee2ly:A
0))ordin" to *is o.n .ords, Lenin be)ame )on5in)ed on
t*e 1%t* t*at not only Trots8y, b#t also ,oG and 6ritK8y,
.*o .ere #nder Trots8yJs immediate inl#en)e, .ere
de)isi5ely in a5o#r o ins#rre)tion: T*e =#estion o dates
in "eneral .as raised or t*e irst time at t*at session:
+*en, t*en, and by .*om, .as @a 2ro2osal o Trots8yA not
to be"in t*e ins#rre)tion .it*o#t a 2reliminary de)ision o
t*e !on"ress o So5iets reDe)ted> 0s t*o#"* .it* a s2e)ial
5ie. to enlar"e still #rt*er t*e radi#s o )on#sion, t*e
oi)ial in5esti"ators, .it* t*eir reeren)es to an
a2o)ry2*al de)ision o O)tober 21st, attrib#te, as .e *a5e
seen, exa)tly t*e same 2ro2osal to Lenin:
0t t*is 2oint Stalin b#rsts into t*e ar"#ment .it* a ne.
5ersIon .*i)* re#tes Ma8O5le5, b#t alon" .it* *im also
m#)* more: It seems, a))ordin" to Stalin, t*at t*e
2ost2onement o t*e ins#rre)tion to t*e day o t*e
!on"ress H t*at is, to t*e 2<t* H met no intrinsi) obDe)tion
rom Lenin, b#t t*e t*in" .as s2oiled by t*e 2#bli)ation in
ad5an)e o t*e date o ins#rre)tion: ?ere let #s "i5e t*e
loor, *o.e5er, to Stalin *imsel: @T*e mista8e o t*e
3etro"rad So5iet in o2enly desi"natin" and 2#blis*in"
abroad t*e date o t*e ins#rre)tion /O)tober 2<t*1 )o#ld
not be )orre)ted ex)e2t by an a)t#al ins#rre)tion beore
t*is le"al date o ins#rre)tion:A T*is assertion is disarmin"
in its in)onsisten)y: 0s t*o#"* in t*ose dis2#tes .it* Lenin
it .as a =#estion o )*oosin" bet.een t*e 2&t* and 2<t*
o O)toberL 0s a matter o a)t Lenin .rote almost a mont*
beore t*e ins#rre)tion: @To .ait or t*e !on"ress o
So5iets is )om2lete idio)y or it means lettin" .ee8s 2ass:
'#t .ee8s and e5en days no. de)ide e5eryt*in":A +*ere,
and .*en, and rom .*i)* side, did t*e So5iet 2#blis*
abroad t*e date o t*e ins#rre)tion> It is dii)#lt e5en to
in5ent moti5es .*i)* mi"*t ind#)e it to 2erorm so
nonsensi)al an a)t: In reality it .as not t*e ins#rre)tion,
b#t t*e o2enin" o t*e !on"ress o So5iets, .*i)* .as
2#bli)ly and in ad5an)e set or t*e 2<t*, and t*is .as done
not by t*e 3etro"rad So5iet b#t by t*e )om2romisist
!entral Exe)#ti5e !ommittee: Brom t*is a)t, and not rom
a 2retended indis)retion o t*e So5iet, )ertain ineren)es
.ere to be dra.n by t*e enemy: T*e 'ols*e5i8s, i t*ey do
not intend to retire rom t*e s)ene, m#st attem2t to seiKe
t*e at t*e moment o t*e !on"ress: @It lo.ed rom
t*e lo"i) o t*in"s,A .e .rote s#bse=#ently, @t*at .e
a22ointed t*e ins#rre)tion or O)tober 2<t*: T*e t*in" .as
so #nderstood by t*e .*ole bo#r"eois 2ress:A Stalin *as
)on5erted *is )on#sed re)olle)tion o t*is @lo"i) o t*in"sA
into an @indis)reetA 2#blis*in" abroad o t*e day o t*e
ins#rre)tion: It is t*#s t*at *istory is bein" .ritten:
On t*e se)ond anni5ersary o t*e re5ol#tion t*e a#t*or o
t*is boo8, reerrin" in t*e sense D#st ex2lained, to t*e a)t
t*at @t*e O)tober ins#rre)tion .as, so to s2ea8, a22ointed
in ad5an)e or a deinite date, or O)tober 2<t*, and .as
a))om2lis*ed #2on exa)tly t*at date,A added: +e s*o#ld
see8 in 5ain in *istory or anot*er exam2le o an
ins#rre)tion .*i)* .as a))ommodated in ad5an)e by t*e
)o#rse o t*in"s to a deinite date: T*at assertion .as
erroneo#s: T*e ins#rre)tion o 0#"#st 1%, 1792, .as also
a22ointed a22roximately a .ee8 in ad5an)e or a deinite
date, and also not t*ro#"* indis)retion b#t t*ro#"* t*e
lo"i) o e5ents:
On 0#"#st 3 t*e Le"islati5e 0ssembly resol5ed t*at t*e
2etitions o t*e 3aris se)tions demandin" t*e o5ert*ro. o
t*e 8in" s*o#ld be ta8en #2 on t*e 9t*: @In t*#s namin"
t*e day o t*e debate,A .rites ,a#rGs, .*o *as obser5ed
many t*in"s .*i)* es)a2e t*e attention o t*e old
*istorians, @it also named t*e day o t*e ins#rre)tion:A
4anton, t*e leader o t*e se)tions, too8 a deensi5e
2osition: @i a re5ol#tion brea8s o#t,A *e insistently
de)lared, @it .ill be an to t*e trea)*ery o t*e
"o5ernment:A T*is *andin" o5er o t*e =#estion by t*e
se)tions to t*e )onsideration o t*e Le"islati5e 0ssembly
.as by no means a @)onstit#tional ill#sionA It .as merely a
met*od o 2re2arin" an ins#rre)tion, and t** a le"al
)o5er or it: T*e se)tions, as is .ell 8no.n, rose in s#22ort
o t*eir 2osition at t*e si"nal o t*e ire "on" .it* arms in
t*eir *ands:
T*e traits o similarity in t*ese t.o re5ol#tions se2arated
by an inter5al o 12< years, are by no means a))idental:
'ot* ins#rre)tions too8 2la)e not at t*e be"innin" o a
re5ol#tion, b#t in its se)ond sta"e, a a)t .*i)* made
t*em 2oliti)ally ar more )ons)io#s and deliberate: In bot*
eases t*e re5ol#tionary )risis *ad rea)*ed a *i"* sta"e o
mat#rityC t*e masses .ere .ell a.are o t*e
irre5o)ableness and )lose a22roa)* o t*e #2risin": T*e
demand or #nity o a)tion or)ed t*em to )on)entrate
t*eir attention #2on a deinite @le"alA date as t*e o)#s o
t*e a22roa)*in" e5ents: T*e leaders s#bordinated
t*emsel5es to t*is lo"i) o t*e mass mo5ement: +*en
already in )ommand o t*e 2oliti)al sit#ation, .it* t*e
5i)toryalready almost in t*eir *ands, t*ey ado2ted .*at
seemed to be a deensi5e 2osition: 3ro5o8in" a .ea8ened
enemy, t*ey laid #2on *im in ad5an)e t*e res2onsibility
or t*e a22roa)*in" )onli)t: It is in t*is .ay t*at
ins#rre)tion ta8es 2la)e at a @date a22ointed in ad5an)e:A
T*ese assertions o Stalin, so stri8in" in t*eir
ina22ro2riateness H a n#mber o t*em *a5e been )ited in
t*e 2re)edin" )*a2ters H s*o. *o. little *e *as t*o#"*t
o5er t*e e5ents o 1917 in t*eir inner )onne)tion, and
.*at s#mmary tra)es t*ey *a5e let in *is memory: ?o.
s*all .e ex2lain t*is> It is .ell 8no.n t*at 2eo2le ma8e
*istory .it*o#t #nderstandin" its la.s, D#st as t*ey di"est
ood .it*o#t #nderstandin" t*e 2*ysiolo"y o di"estion:
'#t it .o#ld seem t*at t*is o#"*t not to a22ly to 2oliti)al
leaders H abo5e all to leaders o a 2arty a)tin" on a
2ro"ramme "ro#nded in s)ien)e: ?o.e5er, it is a a)t t*at
many re5ol#tionists, *a5in" ta8en 2art in a re5ol#tion in
2rominent 2ositions, re5eal 5ery soon ater an inability to
)om2re*end t*e inner meanin" o t*e t*in" .*i)*
*a22ened .it* t*eir dire)t 2arti)i2ation: T*e extraordinary
ab#ndant literat#re o e2i"onism "i5es t*e im2ression t*at
t*ese )olossal e5ents roll o5er *#man brains and )r#s*
t*em as a steam roller .o#ld )r#s* arms and le"s: To a
)ertain de"ree t*is is tr#eC an ex)essi5e 2sy)*i)al tension
does =#i)8ly )ons#me 2eo2le: 0not*er )ir)#mstan)e,
*o.e5er, is ar more im2ortant: 0 5i)torio#s re5ol#tion
radi)ally )*an"es t*e sit#ation o yesterdayJs
re5ol#tionists: It l#lls t*eir s)ientii) )#riosity, re)on)iles
t*em to r#bber;stam2 2*rases, mo5es t*em to estimate
2ast days #nder t*e inl#en)e o t*e ne. interests: T*#s a
.eb o b#rea#)rati) le"end more and more t*i)8ly
obliterates t*e real )oni"#ration o e5ents:
In 192& t*e a#t*or o t*is boo8, in *is .or8 entitled
Lessons of Octo/er, tried to ex2lain .*y Lenin in leadin"
t*e 2arty to ins#rre)tion .as )om2elled to str#""le so
5iolently a"ainst t*e ri"*t .in" re2resented by Pino5ie5
and 9amene5: Stalin obDe)ted to t*is: @+ere t*ere
disa"reements at t*at time in o#r 2arty> Mes, t*ere .ere:
'#t t*ese .ere ex)l#si5ely 2ra)ti)al in )*ara)ter, not
.it*standin" t*e assertions o Trots8y, .*o is tryin" to
dis)o5er a Ori"*tJ and OletJ .in" o t*e 2arty :::A @Trots8y
asserts t*at in t*e 2erson o 9amene5 and Pino5ie5 .e
*ad in O)tober a ri"*t .in" o o#r 2arty ::: ?o. did it
*a22en t*at t*e disa"reement .it* 9amene5 and Pino5ie5
lasted only a e. days> ::: T*ere .as no s2lit and t*e
disa"reements lasted only a e. days be)a#se, and only
be)a#se, .e *ad in t*e 2erson o 9amene5 and Pino5ie5
Leninist;'ols*e5i8s:A 4id not Stalin in exa)tly t*e same
.ay se5en years earlier H i5e days beore t*e ins#rre)tion
H a))#se Lenin o ex)essi5e s*ar2ness, and assert t*at
Pino5ie5 and 9amene5 stood #2on t*e )ommon "ro#nd o
@'ols*e5ismA> T*ro#"*o#t all StalinJs Ki";Ka"s t*ere is a
)ertain t*read o )onsisten)y, res#ltin" not rom a t*o#"*t;
o#t 2*iloso2*y b#t rom t*e "eneral mo#ld o *is
)*ara)ter: Se5en years ater t*e re5ol#tion, D#st as on t*e
e5e o t*e ins#rre)tion *e )on)ei5es t*e de2t* o t*e
disa"reements in t*e 2arty in t*e same 5a"#e .ay:
T*e to#)*stone o a re5ol#tionary 2oliti)al leader is t*e
=#estion o t*e state: In t*eir letter a"ainst t*e
ins#rre)tion o O)tober 11t* Pino5ie5 and 9amene5 .rote:
@+it* )orre)t ta)ti)s .e )an .in a t*ird, yes and more
t*an a t*ird, o t*e seats in t*e !onstit#ent 0ssembly :::
T*e !onstit#ent 0ssembly 2l#s t*e So5iet, t*at is t*e
)ombined ty2e o state instit#tion to.ard .*i)* .e are
tra5ellin":A T*e @)orre)t ta)ti)sA meant a ren#n)iation o
t*e )on=#est o by t*e 2roletariat: T*e @)ombined
ty2eA o state meant a )ombination o t*e !onstit#ent
0ssembly, in .*i)* t*e bo#r"eois 2arties .o#ld )onstit#te
t.o;t*irds, .it* t*e so5iets, .*ere t*e 2arty o t*e
2roletariat .as in )ommand: T*is ty2e o )ombined state
s#bse=#ently ormed t*e basis o ?ilerdin"Js idea o
in)l#din" t*e so5iets in t*e +eimar )onstit#tion: -eneral
Lisin"en, )ommandant o t*e Mar8 o 'randenb#r", in
orbiddin" t*e ormation o so5iets on No5ember 7, 191$,
on t*e "ro#nd t*at @instit#tions o t*is 8ind )onli)t .it*
t*e existin" state order,A s*o.ed at least a "reat deal
more 2enetration t*an t*e 0#stro;Marxists and t*e
-erman Inde2endent 3arty:
Lenin "a5e .arnin" in 02ril t*at t*e !onstit#ent 0ssembly
.o#ld sin8 into a s#bordinate 2la)e: ?o.e5er, neit*er *e
*imsel nor t*e 2arty as a .*ole e5er d#rin" t*e year 1917
ormally reno#n)ed t*e idea o demo)rati) re2resentation,
it bein" im2ossible to de)lare )onidently in ad5an)e *o.
ar t*e re5ol#tion .o#ld "o: It .as ass#med t*at *a5in"
seiKed t*e, t*e so5iets .o#ld s#))eed soon eno#"*
in .innin" t*e army and t*e 2easants so t*at t*e
!onstit#ent 0ssembly H es2e)ially ater a broadenin" o
t*e ele)torate /Lenin 2ro2osed in 2arti)#lar to t*e
5otin" a"e to 1$1 H .o#ld "i5e a maDority to t*e
'ols*e5i8s, and merely s#22ly a ormal san)tion to t*e
so5iet rG"ime: In t*is sense Lenin sometimes s2o8e o a
@)ombined ty2eA o state H t*at is, o an a))ommodation o
t*e !onstit#ent 0ssembly to t*e so5iet di)tators*i2: T*e
t*in" a)t#ally de5elo2ed alon" dierent lines: In s2ite o
LeninJs insisten)e, t*e !entral !ommittee )o#ld not ma8e
#2 its mind ater t*e )on=#est o to 2ost2one or a
e. .ee8s t*e )all or t*e !onstit#ent 0ssembly H alt*o#"*
.it*o#t t*is it .as im2ossible eit*er to broaden t*e
ele)torate or, .*at is most im2ortant, "i5e t*e 2easants a
)*an)e to re;deine t*eir relation to t*e So)ial
Re5ol#tionaries and t*e 'ols*e5i8s: T*e !onstit#ent
0ssembly )ame into )onli)t .it* t*e So5iet and .as
dissol5ed: T*e *ostile )am2s re2resented in t*e
!onstit#ent 0ssembly entered #2on a )i5il .ar .*i)*
lasted or years: In t*e system o so5iet di)tators*i2 not
e5en a se)ondary 2la)e .as o#nd or demo)rati)
re2resentation: T*e =#estion o t*e @)ombined ty2eA .as
.it*dra.n in a)t: T*eoreti)ally, *o.e5er, it retained all its
im2ortan)e, as .as s#bse=#ently 2ro5en by t*e
ex2eriment o t*e Inde2endent 3arty in -ermany:
In 192& .*en Stalin, obedient to t*e demands o an inner;
2arty str#""le irst attem2ted to ma8e an inde2endent
a22raisal o t*e 2ast, *e )ame to t*e deen)e o Pino5ie5Js
@)ombined state,A s#22ortin" *imsel in t*is .it* a
reeren)e to Lenin: @Trots8y does not #nderstand ::: t*e
2e)#liarities o 'ols*e5i8 ta)ti)s .*en *e snorts at t*e
t*eory o a )ombination o t*e !onstit#ent 0ssembly .it*
t*e so5iets as ?ilerdin"ism,A .rote Stalin in *is
)*ara)teristi) manner: @Pino5ie5, .*om Trots8y is ready to
t#rn into a ?ilerdin"ist, .*olly and )om2letely s*ares t*e
2oint o 5ie. o Lenin:A T*is means t*at se5en years ater
t*e t*eoreti)al and 2oliti)al battles o 1917, Stalin *ad
)om2letely ailed to #nderstand t*at .it* Pino5ie5 as .it*
?ilerdin" it .as a =#estion o brin"in" into a))ord and
re)on)ilin" t*e 2o.ers o t.o )lasses, t*e bo#r"eoisie
t*ro#"* t*e !onstit#ent 0ssembly and t*e 2roletariat
t*ro#"* t*e so5iets, .*ereas .it* Lenin it .as =#estion o
)ombinin" t.o instit#tions ex2ressin" t*e o one
and t*e same )lass, t*e 2roletariat: T*e idea o Pino5ie5,
as Lenin ex2lained at t*e time, .as o22osed to t*e 5ery
o#ndation o t*e Marxian tea)*in" abo#t t*e state: @+it*
t*e in t*e *ands o t*e so5iets,A .rote Lenin a"ainst
Pino5ie5 and 9amene5 on O)tober 17t*, @t*e O)ombined
ty2eJ .o#ld be a))e2ted by e5erybody: '#t to dra" in
#nder t*e title O)ombined ty2eJ a re#sal to transer t*e to t*e so5iets ::: is it 2ossible to ind a
2arliamentary ex2ression or t*at>A +e see, t*en, t*at in
order to e5al#ate t*is idea o Pino5ie5, .*i)* Stalin
de)lares to be @a 2e)#liarity o 'ols*e5i8 ta)ti)sA
s#22osedly not #nderstood by Trots8y, Lenin o#nd it
dii)#lt e5en to ind a 2arliamentary ex2ression, alt*o#"*
*e .as not distin"#is*ed by an ex)essi5e s=#eamis*ness
in t*ese matters: 0 little o5er a year later Lenin .rote,
a22lyin" t*e same t*o#"*t to -ermany: @T*e attem2t to
)ombine t*e di)tators*i2 o t*e bo#r"eoisie .it* t*e
di)tators*i2 o t*e 2roletariat is a )om2lete ren#n)iation
bot* o Marxism and o so)ialism in "eneral:A !o#ld Lenin
indeed *a5e .ritten ot*er.ise>
T*e @)ombined ty2eA o Pino5ie5 .as essentially an
attem2t to eternalise t*e d#al H t*at is, a re5i5al o
t*e ex2eriment )om2letely ex*a#sted by t*e Mens*e5i8s:
0nd i Stalin in 192& .as still standin" on t*e same "ro#nd
.it* Pino5ie5 on t*is =#estion, it means t*at in s2ite o *is
ad*eren)e to t*e t*eses o Lenin, *e *as ne5ert*eless
remained at least *al;.ay tr#e to t*at 2*iloso2*y o d#al .*i)* *e *imsel de5elo2ed in *is re2ort o Mar)*
29, 1917: @T*e rIles *a5e been di5ided: T*e So5iet *as in
a)t ta8en t*e initiati5e in t*e re5ol#tionary transormation
::: T*e 3ro5isional -o5ernment *as in a)t ta8en t*e rIle o
ortiier o t*e )on=#ests o t*e re5ol#tionary 2eo2le:A T*e
m#t#al relations bet.een t*e bo#r"eoisie and t*e
2roletariat are *ere deined as a sim2le di5ision o labo#r:
4#rin" t*e last .ee8 beore t*e ins#rre)tion Stalin .as
ob5io#sly manoe#5rin" bet.een Lenin, Trots8y and
S5erdlo5, on t*e one *and, and 9amene5 and Pino5ie5 on
t*e ot*er: T*at editorial de)laration o t*e 2%t* .*i)*
deended t*e o22onents o ins#rre)tion a"ainst LeninJs
blo.s, )o#ld not H es2e)ially rom t*e 2en o Stalin H *a5e
been a))idental: in =#estions o intra;2arty manoe#5rin"
*e .as a 2ast master: ,#st as in 02ril, ater LeninJs arri5al,
Stalin )a#tio#sly 2#s*ed 9amene5 or.ard, and *imsel
.aited on t*e sidelines in silen)e beore a"ain Doinin"
battle, so no. on t*e e5e o t*e ins#rre)tion *e .as
ob5io#sly ma8in" ready, in )ase o 2ossible ail#re, a
retreat alon" t*e 9amene5 and Pino5ie5 line: Stalin mo5ed
alon" t*at road #2 to t*e limit beyond .*i)* it .o#ld *a5e
entailed a brea8 .it* t*e maDority o t*e !entral
!ommittee: T*at 2ros2e)t ri"*tened *im: 0t t*e session
o t*e 21st Stalin re2aired *is *al;destroyed brid"e to t*e
let .in" o t*e !entral !ommittee by mo5in" t*at Lenin
2re2are t*e t*eses #2on #ndamental =#estions or t*e
!on"ress o So5iets and t*at Trots8y ma8e t*e 2oliti)al
re2ort: 'ot* t*ese motions .ere #nanimo#sly ado2ted:
?a5in" t*#s ins#red *imsel on t*e let, Stalin at t*e last
moment .it*dre. into t*e s*ado.: *e .o#ld .ait: 0ll t*e
ne.est *istorians, be"innin" .it* Marosla5s8y, )are#lly
steer aro#nd t*e a)t t*at Stalin .as not 2resent at t*e
session o t*e !entral !ommittee in Smolny on t*e 2&t*,
and did not ta8e #2on *imsel any #n)tion in t*e
or"anisation o t*e ins#rre)tionL Ne5ert*eless t*is a)t,
indis2#tably establis*ed by t*e do)#ments, )*ara)terises
better t*an anyt*in" else t*e 2oliti)al 2ersonality o Stalin
and *is met*ods:
Sin)e 192& inn#merable eorts *a5e been made to ill #2
t*e 5a)ant s2a)e re2resentin" O)tober in t*e 2oliti)al
bio"ra2*y o Stalin: T*is *as been done by means o t.o
2se#donyms: t*e @!entral !ommitteeA and t*e @2ra)ti)al
)entre:A +e s*all not #nderstand eit*er t*e me)*ani)s o
t*e O)tober leaders*i2, or t*e me)*ani)s o t*e latest
e2i"one le"ends, #nless .e no. .e a22roa)* a little more
)losely t*e 2ersonal sta o t*e !entral !ommittee o t*at
Lenin, t*e re)o"nised leader, a#t*oritati5e or all b#t, as
t*e a)ts s*o., ar rom a @di)tatorA in t*e 2arty, or a
2eriod o o#r mont*s *ad ta8en no dire)t 2art in t*e .or8
o t*e !entral !ommittee, and #2on a n#mber o ta)ti)al
=#estions .as in s*ar2 o22osition to it: T*e most
2rominent leaders in t*e old 'ols*e5i8 n#)le#s, standin"
at a "reat distan)e rom Lenin b#t also rom t*ose .*o
)ame ater t*em, .ere Pino5ie5 and 9amene5: Pino5ie5
.as in *idin" as .ell as Lenin: 'eore O)tober Pino5ie5
and 9amene5 *ad )ome into determined o22osition to
Lenin and t*e maDority o t*e !entral !ommittee: T*at
remo5ed t*em bot* rom t*e ran8s: o t*e old 'ols*e5i8s,
S5erdlo5 *ad )ome s.itly to t*e ront, b#t *e .as t*en
still a ne.)omer in t*e !entral !ommittee: ?is or"anisin"
talent de5elo2ed #lly only later d#rin" t*e years o t*e
)onstr#)tion o t*e so5iet state: 4Kers*ins8y, .*o *ad
re)ently Doined t*e 2arty, .as distin"#is*ed by *is
re5ol#tionary tem2erament, b#t made no 2reten)e to
inde2endent 2oliti)al a#t*ority: '#8*arin, Ry8o5, and No"in
.ere li5in" in Mos)o.: '#8*arin .as )onsidered a "ited
b#t #nreliable t*eoreti)ian: Ry8o5 and No"in .ere
o22onents o t*e ins#rre)tion: Lomo5, '#bno5 and Mili#tin,
.ere *ardly )o#nted #2on by anybody in de)idin" bi"
=#estionsC moreo5er Lomo5 .as .or8in" in Mos)o.,
Mili#tin .as on t*e road: ,oG and 6ritK8y *ad been )losely
asso)iated in t*eir Gmi"rG 2ast .it* Trots8y, and .ere
.or8in" in a"reement .it* *im: T*e yo#n" Smil"a .as
.or8in" in Binland: T*is )om2osition and inner sit#ation o
t*e !entral !ommittee s#i)iently ex2lains .*y #ntil
LeninJs ret#rn to dire)t leaders*i2 t*e 2arty *ead=#arters
did not 2lay and )o#ld not 2lay e5en in t*e sli"*test
de"ree t*e rIle it .as to ass#me s#bse=#ently: T*e
min#tes s*o. t*at t*e most im2ortant =#estions H t*at
abo#t t*e !on"ress o So5iets, t*e "arrison, t*e Military
Re5ol#tionary !ommittee H .ere not dis)#ssed in ad5an)e
in t*e !entral !ommittee and did not iss#e rom its
initiati5e, b#t arose in Smolny o#t o t*e 2ra)ti)al a)ti5ity
o t*e So5iet, and .ere .or8ed o5er in t*e )ir)le o so5iet
leaders H otenest .it* t*e 2arti)i2ation o S5erdlo5:
Stalin, "enerally s2ea8in", did not s*o. #2 in Smolny: T*e
more de)isi5e t*e 2ress#re o t*e re5ol#tionary masses
be)ame and t*e "reater t*e s)o2e ass#med by e5ents, t*e
more Stalin .o#ld 8ee2 in t*e ba)8"ro#nd, t*e 2aler .o#ld
be)ome *is 2oliti)al t*o#"*t, t*e .ea8er *is initiati5e: It
.as so in 19%<C it .as so in t*e all o 1917: T*e same
t*in" *as been re2eated s#bse=#ently e5ery time "reat
*istori) =#estions *a5e arisen on t*e .orld arena: +*en it
be)ame )lear t*at t*e 2#bli)ation o t*e min#tes o t*e
!entral !ommittee or 1917 only laid bare an O)tober "a2
in t*e bio"ra2*y o Stalin, t*e b#rea#)rati) *istorians
)reated t*e le"end o t*e @2ra)ti)al )entre:A 0n
ex2lanation o t*is story H .idely 2o2#larised d#rin" t*ese
last years H be)omes a ne)essary element o any )riti)al
*istory o t*e O)tober re5ol#tion:
0t t*e )oneren)e o t*e !entral !ommittee in Lesny on
t*e 1(t* o O)tober, one o t*e ar"#ments a"ainst or)in"
t*e ins#rre)tion .as to 2oint o#t t*at @.e *a5e not yet
e5en a )entre:A 0t LeninJs s#""estion t*e !entral
!ommittee de)ided strai"*t.ay, at t*at *asty sittin" in a
ba)8 )orner, to ma8e "ood t*e la)8: T*e min#tes read:
@T*e !entral !ommittee or"anises a military re5ol#tionary
)entre )onsistin" o t*e" members: S5erdlo5,
Stalin, '#bno5, 6ritK8y and 4KerK*ins8y: T*is )entre
be)omes a )onstit#ent 2art o t*e re5ol#tionary So5iet
)ommittee:A T*is resol#tion, .*i)* e5erybody *ad
or"otten, .as irst dis)o5ered in t*e ar)*i5es m 192&: It
be"an to be =#oted as a most im2ortant *istori)
do)#ment: T*#s Marosla5s8y .rote: @T*is or"an /and no
ot*er1 "#ided all t*e or"anisations .*i)* too8 2art in t*e
ins#rre)tion /t*e re5ol#tionary military #nits, t*e Red
-#ard1:A T*ose .ords @and no ot*erA re5eal ran8ly
eno#"* t*e "oal o t*is .*ole e$ post facto )onstr#)tion:
'#t Stalin *as .ritten still more ran8ly: @In t*e sta o t*e
2ra)ti)al )entre s#mmoned to lead t*e ins#rre)tion,
Trots8y, stran"ely eno#"* ::: .as not in)l#ded:A In order to
be in a 2osition to de5elo2 t*is idea, Stalin .as )om2elled
to omit t*e se)ond *al o t*e resol#tion: @T*is )entre
be)omes a )onstit#ent 2art o t*e re5ol#tionary So5iet
)ommittee:A I yo# bear in mind t*at t*e Military
Re5ol#tionary !ommittee .as *eaded by Trots8y, it is not
*ard to #nderstand .*y t*e !entral !ommittee .as
)ontent .it* namin" t*e ne. .or8ers .*o .ere to *el2
t*ose already standin" in t*e )entre o t*e .or8: Neit*er
Stalin nor Marosla5s8y *as e5er ex2lained, moreo5er, .*y
t*e @2ra)ti)al )entreA .as irst remembered in 192&:
'et.een t*e 1(t* and 2%t* o O)tober, as .e *a5e seen,
t*e ins#rre)tion )on)l#si5ely too8 t*e so5iet road: T*e
Military Re5ol#tionary !ommittee rom t*e moment o its
birt* *ad t*e dire)t leaders*i2 not only o t*e "arrison, b#t
o t*e Red -#ard, .*i)* rom O)tober 13t* on .as s#bDe)t
to t*e 3etro"rad Exe)#ti5e !ommittee: No 2la)e remained
or any ot*er dire)tin" )entre: Neit*er in t*e min#tes o
t*e !entral !ommittee, nor in any ot*er material .*ate5er
relatin" to t*e se)ond *al o O)tober, )an yo# dis)o5er
t*e sli"*test tra)e o t*e a)ti5ity o t*is s#22osedly so
im2ortant instit#tion: Nobody ma8es a re2ort o its
labo#rsC no tas8s are allotted to it: its 5ery name is ne5er
2rono#n)ed by anybody, alt*o#"* its members are
2resent at sessions o t*e !entral !ommittee, and ta8e
2art in t*e de)ision o =#estions .*i)* o#"*t to )ome
dire)tly .it*in t*e )om2eten)e o a @2ra)ti)al )entre:A
S5es*ni8o5, a member o t*e 3etro"rad )ommittee o t*e
2arty, .*o .as almost )ontin#ally on )omm#ni)ation d#ty
in Smolny d#rin" t*e se)ond *al o O)tober, m#st at least
*a5e 8no.n .*ere to "o or 2ra)ti)al dire)tions #2on t*e
2roblems o t*e ins#rre)tion: ?ere is .*at *e .rites: @T*e
Military Re5ol#tionary !ommittee .as born: rom t*e
moment o its birt* t*e 5ario#s elements o t*e
re5ol#tionary a)ti5ity o t*e 2roletariat a)=#ired a "#idin"
)entre:A 9ay#ro5, .ell 8no.n to #s rom t*e Bebr#ary
days, tells *o. t*e Vybor" distri)t tensely a.aited t*e
si"nal rom Smolny: @0t ni"*tall /o t*e 2&t*1 )ame t*e o t*e Military Re5ol#tionary !ommittee H 2re2are
t*e Red -#ard or battle:A 9ay#ro5 at t*e moment o
startin" t*e o2en ins#rre)tion 8ne. not*in" o any ot*er
)entre: One )o#ld )ite to t*e same ee)t t*e memoirs o
Sado5s8y, 3od5ois8y, 0ntono5, Me8*onos*in, 'la"onra5o5
and ot*er dire)t 2arti)i2ants in t*e #2risin": Not one o
t*em remembers t*at @2ra)ti)al )entreA .*i)* a))ordin"
to Marosla5s8y is s#22osed to *a5e "#ided all t*e
or"anisations: 0nd inally e5en Marosla5s8y )onines
*imsel in *is *istory to a bare statement o t*e )reation o
t*e )entre: o its a)ti5ity *e *as not a .ord to say: T*e
)on)l#sion ollo.s o itsel: 0 dire)tin" )entre o .*i)*
t*ose .*o .ere dire)ted 8no. not*in", does not exist in
t*e eyes o *istory:
'#t still more dire)t e5iden)e o t*e i)titio#sness o t*e
@2ra)ti)al )entreA )an be add#)ed: 0t a session o t*e
!entral !ommittee on t*e 2%t* o O)tober, S5erdlo5 read a
de)laration o t*e Military Or"anisation o t*e 'ols*e5i8s,
)ontainin", as is e5ident rom t*e debate, a demand t*at
t*e leaders o t*e Military Or"anisation be bro#"*t in .*en
=#estions o t*e ins#rre)tion .ere bein" de)ided: ,oG
mo5ed t*at t*is demand be reDe)ted: @E5erybody .*o
.ants to .or8 )an Doin t*e re5ol#tionary )entre #nder t*e
So5iet:A Trots8y oered a milder orm#lation o ,oGJs
motion: @0ll o#r or"anisations )an Doin t*e re5ol#tionary
)entre and t*ere ta8e #2 in o#r a)tion all =#estions
interestin" t*em:A T*e de)ision, .*i)* .as ado2ted in t*is
orm, s*o.s t*at t*ere .as b#t one re5ol#tionary )entre,
t*at ailiated .it* t*e So5iet H t*at is, t*e Military
Re5ol#tionary !ommittee: I any ot*er )entre or leadin"
t*e ins#rre)tion *ad existed, somebody o#"*t at least to
*a5e remembered abo#t its existen)e: '#t nobody
remembered it H not e5en S5erdlo5, .*ose name stood
irst on t*e sta o t*e @2ra)ti)al )entre:A
T*e min#tes o O)tober 2&t* are, i 2ossible, still more
instr#)ti5e #2on t*is 2oint: 4#rin" t*e *o#rs immediately
2re)edin" t*e seiK#re o t*e )ity, not only .as t*ere no
tal8 o t*e @2ra)ti)al )entreA o t*e ins#rre)tion, b#t t*e
5ery resol#tion )reatin" it *ad so )om2letely 2assed into
obli5ion in t*e .*irl.ind o t*e ei"*t days inter5enin",
t*at, #2on a motion o Trots8y, S5erdlo5, 4KerK*ins8y and
'#bno5, .ere a22ointed to be @at t*e dis2osal o t*e
Military Re5ol#tionary !ommitteeA H t*ose 5ery members
o t*e !entral !ommittee, .*o, a))ordin" to t*e de)ision
o O)tober 1(t*, s*o#ld already and .it*o#t t*is motion
*a5e be)ome a 2art o t*e sta o t*e Military
Re5ol#tionary !ommittee: T*e 2ossibility o s#)* a
mis#nderstandin" is ex2lained by t*e a)t t*at t*e !entral
!ommittee, *a5in" barely emer"ed rom its #nder"ro#nd
existen)e, .as still in or"anisation and met*ods ar rom
t*e all;, all;embra)in" )*an)ellery o re)ent years:
T*e main 2art o t*e e=#i2ment o t*e !entral !ommittee
.as )arried by S5erdlo5 in *is side;2o)8et:
In t*ose *ot times no e. e2isodi) instit#tions .ere
)reated d#rin" t*e last moments o a session and
immediately dro.ned in obli5ion: 0t t*e session o t*e
!entral !ommittee on O)tober 7t* t*ere .as )reated @a
b#rea# o inormation on t*e str#""le .it* t*e
)o#nterre5ol#tion:A T*at .as t*e )i2*er;desi"nation o t*e
irst or"an )reated or .or8in" on t*e 2roblems o t*e
ins#rre)tion: 0s to its 2ersonnel t*e min#tes read: @T*ree
are ele)ted rom t*e !entral !ommittee to t*e b#rea#:
Trots8y, S5erdlo5, '#bno5, and t*ey are dire)ted to )reate
t*e b#rea#:A 4id t*is irst @2ra)ti)al )entreA o t*e
ins#rre)tion exist> Ob5io#sly not, sin)e it *as let no
tra)es: T*e 2oliti)al b#rea# )reated at t*e session o t*e
1%t* also 2ro5ed #n5iable and re5ealed itsel in absol#tely
not*in": do#bt#l i it met e5en on)e: In order t*at t*e
3etro"rad or"anisation o t*e 2arty, t*e dire)t leader o
t*e .or8 in t*e distri)ts, s*o#ld not be)ome se2arated
rom t*e Military Re5ol#tionary !ommittee, Trots8y, at t*e
s#""estion o Lenin, .*o li8ed a system o do#ble or tri2le
ins#ran)e, .as in)l#ded or t*e )riti)al .ee8 in t*e *i"*est
administrati5e or"an o t*e 3etro"rad )ommittee:
?o.e5er, t*is de)ision also remained only a 2a2er one:
ne5er one session .as *eld .it* Trots8y 2resent: T*e so;
)alled @2ra)ti)al )entreA met t*e same ate: 0s an
inde2endent instit#tion it .as ne5er intended to exist b#t
it did not exist e5en as an a#xiliary or"an:
O t*e i5e men a22ointed to t*e sta o t*e @)entre,A
4KerK*ins8y and 6ritK8y entered )om2letely into t*e .or8
o t*e Military Re5ol#tionary !ommittee only ater t*e
o5ert#rn: S5erdlo5 2layed an immense rIle in )onne)tin"
t*e Military Re5ol#tionary !ommittee .it* t*e 2arty: Stalin
too8 no 2art at all in t*e .or8 o t*e Military Re5ol#tionary
!ommittee and ne5er a22eared at its meetin"s: In t*e
inn#merable do)#ments and testimonies o .itnesses and
2arti)i2ants, as also in t*e most re)ent memoirs, StalinJs
name is not on)e to be met .it*:
In t*e oi)ial )om2endi#m o t*e *istory o t*e re5ol#tion
a s2e)ial 5ol#me is de5oted to O)tober, "ro#2in", on t*e
basis o days, all t*e a)t#al inormation rom ne.s2a2ers,
min#tes, ar)*i5es, memoirs o 2arti)i2ants, et):*standin" t*at t*is )om2endi#m .as 2#blis*ed in
192<, .*en t*e re5ision o t*e 2ast .as already in #ll", t*e index at t*e ba)8 o t*e boo8 a))om2anies
StalinJs name .it* only one n#mber, and .*en .e o2en
t*e boo8 at t*e )orres2ondin" 2a"e .e ind a"ain t*is
same text o t*e de)ision o t*e !entral !ommittee abo#t
t*e @2ra)ti)al )entre,A .it* t*e mention o Stalin as one o
its i5e members: +e s*o#ld see8 in 5ain in t*at 5ol#me H
)ro.ded as it is .it* e5en t*ird;)lass materials H or any
inormation as to D#st .*at .or8 Stalin did in O)tober,
.*et*er on t*e sta"e o t*e @)entreA or o it:
To deine t*e 2oliti)al 2*ysio"nomy o Stalin in one .ord,
*e .as al.ays a @)entristA in 'ols*e5ism: T*at is, *e
tended or"ani)ally to o))#2y an intermediate 2osition
bet.een Marxism and o22ort#nism: '#t t*is .as a )entrist
.*o eared Lenin: 0ny ra"ment o StalinJs orbit #2 to
192& )an al.ays be ex2lained as a 2rod#)t o t.o or)es:
*is o.n )entrist )*ara)ter and t*e re5ol#tionary 2ress#re
o Lenin: T*e .ort*lessness o )entrism s*o#ld re5eal itsel
most #lly #nder t*e test o "reat *istori) e5ents: @O#r
sit#ation is sel;)ontradi)tory,A said Stalin on O)tober 2%t*
in D#stii)ation o Pino5ie5 and 9amene5: In reality t*e sel;
)ontradi)tory )*ara)ter o )entrism made it im2ossible or
Stalin to o))#2y any inde2endent 2osition in t*e
re5ol#tion: On t*e ot*er *and, t*ose traits .*i)* 2aralysed
*im at t*e "reat t#rnin" 2oint o *istory H .at)*#l .aitin"
and em2iri)al manoe#5rin" H m#st ne)essarily ass#re *im
a "en#ine as)endan)y .*en t*e mass mo5ement be"ins
to ebb and t*e #n)tionary )omes to t*e ront .it* *is Keal
to )onsolidate .*at *as been attained H t*at is, 2rimarily
to ins#re *is o.n 2osition a"ainst ne. dist#rban)es: T*e
#n)tionary, r#lin" in t*e name o a re5ol#tion, *as need o
re5ol#tionary 2resti"e: in *is )a2a)ity as an @old
'ols*e5i8,A Stalin 2ro5ed t*e most s#itable in)arnation o
t*is 2resti"e ima"inable: In )ro.din" o#t t*e masses t*e
)olle)ti5e #n)tionary says to t*em: @It is .e .*o did t*is
or yo#:A ?e be"ins to ta8e a ree *and not only .it* t*e
2resent, b#t also .it* t*e 2ast: T*e #n)tionary;*istorian
ma8es o5er *istory, re2airs bio"ra2*ies, )reates
re2#tations: It .as ne)essary to b#rea#)ratise t*e
re5ol#tion beore Stalin )o#ld be)ome its )ro.n:
In t*e 2ersonal destiny o Stalin, .*i)* *as o#tstandin"
interest or a Marxian analysis, .e *a5e a ne. rera)tion o
t*e la. o all re5ol#tions: t*e de5elo2ment o a rG"ime
)reated by an #2risin" ine5itably 2asses t*ro#"* 2eriods
o ebb and lo. meas#red by years, and in t*is 2ro)ess t*e
2eriods o moral rea)tion brin" to t*e ront t*ose i"#res
.*o by reason o all t*eir #ndamental =#alities did not
2lay, and )o#ld not 2lay, a leadin" rIle in t*e times o t*e
re5ol#tionary oensi5e:
T*e b#rea#)rati) re5ision o t*e *istory o t*e 2arty and
t*e re5ol#tion is ta8in" 2la)e #nder StalinJs dire)t
s#2er5ision: T*e si"n;2osts o t*is .or8 )learly mar8 o
t*e sta"es in t*e de5elo2ment o t*e so5iet ma)*ine: On
t*e (t* o No5ember 191$ /ne. style1, Stalin .rote in an
anni5ersary arti)le in !ravda: @T*e ins2irer o t*e
re5ol#tion rom be"innin" to end .as t*e !entral
!ommittee o t*e 2arty *eaded by !omrade Lenin:
Vladimir Ily)* .as t*en li5in" in 3etro"rad in a )ons2irati5e
a2artment in t*e Vybor" distri)t: On t*e e5enin" o
O)tober 2&t* *e .as s#mmoned to Smolny or t*e "eneral
leaders*i2 o t*e mo5ement: 0ll t*e .or8 o 2ra)ti)al
or"anisation o t*e ins#rre)tion .as )ond#)ted #nder t*e
immediate leaders*i2 o t*e 2resident o t*e 3etro"rad
So5iet, !omrade Trots8y: It is 2ossible to de)lare .it*
)ertainty t*at t*e 2assin" o t*e "arrison to t*e side
o t*e So5iet, and t*e s8il#l dire)tion o t*e .or8 o t*e
Military Re5ol#tionary !ommittee, t*e 2arty
2rin)i2ally and irst o all to !omrade Trots8y: !omrades
0ntono5 and 3od5ois8y .ere !omrade Trots8yJs )*ie
Neit*er t*e a#t*or o t*is boo8 nor, .e m#st ima"ine,
Lenin, .*o .as re)o5erin" rom a So)ial Re5ol#tionary
b#llet, "a5e attention in t*ose days to t*is retros2e)ti5e
distrib#tion o rIles and merits: T*e arti)le stood ort* in a
ne. li"*t only some years later .*en it re5ealed t*e a)t
t*at Stalin *ad already, in t*ose dii)#lt a#t#mn mont*s o
191$, been 2re2arin", still .it* extraordinary )a#tion, a
ne. 2i)t#re o t*e 2arty leaders*i2 in O)tober: @T*e
ins2irer o t*e re5ol#tion rom be"innin" to end .as t*e
!entral !ommittee o t*e 2arty *eaded by !omrade
Lenin:A T*at 2*rase is a 2olemi) a"ainst t*ose .*o
)onsidered H and =#ite ri"*tly H t*at t*e real ins2irer o t*e
ins#rre)tion .as Lenin, a)tin" to a )onsiderable de"ree in
)onli)t .it* t*e !entral !ommittee: 0t t*at 2eriod Stalin
.as still #nable to )on)eal *is o.n O)tober .a5erin"s
ot*er.ise t*an #nder t*e im2ersonal 2se#donym o t*e
!entral !ommittee: ?is t.o" statements H t*at
Lenin .as li5in" in a )ons2irati5e a2artment in 3etro"rad,
and t*at *e .as )alled to Smolny on t*e e5enin" o t*e
2&t* or t*e "eneral leaders*i2 o t*e mo5ement H .ere
desi"ned to .ea8en t*e im2ression 2re5ailin" in t*e 2arty
t*at t*e leader o t*e ins#rre)tion *ad been Trots8y: T*e
s#bse=#ent 2*rases dedi)ated to Trots8y so#nd in t*e
2oliti)al a)o#sti)s o today li8e a 2ane"yri)C in reality t*ey
.ere t*e 5ery least t*at Stalin )o#ld say: T*ey .ere .*at
*e .as )om2elled to say in order to dis"#ise *is 2olemi)al
*ints: T*e )om2lex )onstr#)tion and )are#l deensi5e
)olo#rin" o t*is @D#bileeA arti)le t*emsel5es )on5ey no
bad im2ression o t*e "eneral o2inion 2re5ailin" in t*e
2arty at t*at time:
In t*is arti)le, by t*e .ay, t*ere is absol#tely no mention
o t*e 2ra)ti)al )entre: On t*e )ontrary, Stalin
)ate"ori)ally asserts t*at @all t*e .or8 o 2ra)ti)al
or"anisation o t*e ins#rre)tion .as )ond#)ted #nder t*e
immediate leaders*i2 o ::: Trots8y:A '#t Trots8y, .e re)all,
.as not a member o t*e @2ra)ti)al )entre:A +e *a5e
*eard, *o.e5er, rom Marosla5s8y t*at it .as @t*is or"an
/and no ot*er1 .*i)* "#ided all t*e or"anisations .*i)*
too8 2art in t*e ins#rre)tion:A T*e sol#tion o t*is sel;
)ontradi)tion is sim2le: In 191$ t*e e5ents .ere still too
res* in t*e minds o all, and t*e attem2t to is* #2 o#t o
t*e min#tes t*at resol#tion abo#t a @)entreA .*i)* ne5er
existed )o#ld not *a5e been s#))ess#l:
In 192& .*en m#)* .as already or"otten, Stalin
ex2lained in t*e" manner .*y Trots8y .as not a
member o t*e @2ra)ti)al )entreA: @+e m#st say t*at
Trots8y 2layed no s2e)ial rIle in t*e O)tober re5ol#tion
and )o#ld not *a5e done so:A In t*at year Stalin latly
de)lared it to be t*e tas8 o t*e *istorians to destroy @t*e
le"end o t*e s2e)ial rIle o Trots8y in t*e O)tober
ins#rre)tion:A ?o. t*en does Stalin re)on)ile t*is ne.
5ersion .it* *is o.n arti)le o 191$> Very sim2ly: ?e *as
orbidden anybody to =#ote *is ormer arti)le: ?istorians
.*o try to steer a middle )o#rse bet.een t*e Stalin o
191$ and t*e Stalin o 192& are 2rom2tly ex2elled rom
t*e 2arty:
T*ere exists *o.e5er more a#t*oritati5e testimonies t*an
t*is irst anni5ersary arti)le o Stalin: In t*e notes to t*e
oi)ial edition o t*e .or8s o Lenin, #nder t*e .ord
Trotsky .e read: @0ter t*e 3etro"rad So5iet .ent
'ols*e5i8 *e .as ele)ted its 2resident and in t*at )a2a)ity
or"anised and led t*e ins#rre)tion o O)tober 2<t*:A T*#s
t*e @le"end o t*e s2e)ial rIleA .as irmly establis*ed in
t*e )olle)ted .or8s o Lenin d#rin" t*e lie o t*eir a#t*or:
In t*e oi)ial reeren)e boo8s yo# )an ollo. rom year to
year t*is 2ro)ess o re5isin" t*e *istori) material: T*#s in
192<, .*en t*e )am2ai"n a"ainst Trots8y .as already in
#ll", t*e oi)ial yearboo8, The -o&&unist
Al&anac, )o#ld still .rite: @In t*e O)tober re5ol#tion
Trots8y too8 t*e most a)ti5e and leadin" 2art: In O)tober
1917 *e .as ele)ted 2resident o t*e 3etro"rad
Re5ol#tionary !ommittee .*i)* or"anised t*e armed
ins#rre)tion:A In t*e edition o 192(, in 2la)e o t*is t*ere
o))#rs a brie ne#tral remar8 @In O)tober 1917 .as
2resident o t*e Lenin"rad Re5ol#tionary !ommittee:A
Sin)e 1927 t*e Stalin s)*ool *as 2#t or.ard a brand;ne.
story .*i)* *as been in)or2orated in all t*e so5iet
textboo8s: 'ein" an o22onent o @so)ialism in one
)o#ntry,A Trots8y m#st *a5e been essentially an o22onent
o t*e O)tober re5ol#tion, b#t by "ood l#)8 t*ere existed
t*e @2ra)ti)al )entreA .*i)* )arried t*e t*in" t*ro#"* to a
*a22y endin"L T*e in"enio#s *istorian *as only ne"le)ted
to ex2lain .*y t*e 'ols*e5i8 So5iet ele)ted Trots8y
2resident, and .*y t*e same So5iet, "#ided by t*e 2arty,
2la)ed Trots8y at t*e *ead o t*e Military Re5ol#tionary
Lenin .as not )red#lo#s H es2e)ially in matters .*i)*
in5ol5ed t*e ate o t*e re5ol#tion: Mo# )o#ld ne5er set *im
at rest .it* 5erbal ass#ran)es: 0t a distan)e *e .as
in)lined to inter2ret e5ery sym2tom in a bad sense: ?e
inally belie5ed t*at t*e t*in" .as bein" ri"*tly )ond#)ted
.*en *e sa. it .it* *is o.n eyes H t*at is, .*en *e
arri5ed in Smolny: Trots8y tells abo#t t*is in *is
re)olle)tions 2#blis*ed in 192&: @I remember t*e
enormo#s im2ression it made #2on Lenin .*en *e learned
t*at I *ad )alled o#t a )om2any o t*e Lito5s8y re"iment
.it* a .ritten order to "#arantee t*e 2#bli)ation o o#r
2arty and so5iet 2a2ers ::: Lenin .as in ra2t#re, and
ex2ressed *is eelin" in ex)lamations, la#"*ter, and
r#bbin" o *is *ands: 0ter.ard *e be)ame more silent,
rele)ted a moment and said: O+ell, .ell H it )an be done
t*at .ay too: ,#st ta8e t*e I #nderstood t*at only
at t*at moment *ad *e inally be)ome re)on)iled to t*e
a)t t*at .e *ad re#sed to seiKe t*e by .ay o a
)ons2irati5e 2lot: 62 to t*e last *o#r *e .as earin" t*at
t*e enemy .o#ld )#t o o#r road and )at)* #s #na.are:
Only no. ::: did *e eel at rest and inally san)tion t*e
)o#rse .*i)* e5ents .ere ta8in":A
T*is story too .as s#bse=#ently dis2#ted: Ne5ert*eless it
*as indestr#)tible s#22ort in t*e obDe)ti5e sit#ation: On
t*e e5enin" o t*e 2&t* Lenin ex2erien)ed a last "#st o
alarm, .*i)* seiKed *im .it* s#)* or)e t*at *e made a
belated attem2t to mobilise t*e soldiers and .or8ers or
2ress#re #2on Smolny: ?o. 5iolently *is mood m#st *a5e
)*an"ed .*en in Smolny a e. *o#rs later *e o#nd o#t
t*e a)t#al sit#ationL Is it not ob5io#s t*at *e )o#ld not *el2
mar8in" t*e end o *is anxiety, *is dire)t and indire)t
re2roa)*es addressed to Smolny, at least .it* a e.
2*rases, a e. .ords> T*ere .as no need o )om2li)ated
ex2lanations: To ea)* o t*e t.o meetin" a)e to a)e in
t*at not alto"et*er ordinary moment, t*e so#r)es o t*e
mis#nderstandin" .ere 2ere)tly #nderstandable: 0nd no.
t*ey .ere dissol5ed: No #se ret#rnin" to t*em: One 2*rase
.as eno#"*: @It )an be done t*at .ayLA T*at meant:
@Maybe I sometimes .ent too ar in #r"en)y and s#s2i)ion,
b#t I "#ess yo# #nderstand :::A +*o .o#ldnJt #nderstandL
Lenin .as not in)lined to sentimentality: One 2*rase rom
*im, @It )an be done t*at .ay,A .it* a s2e)ial 8ind o
smile, .as 2lenty eno#"* to set aside t*e in)idental
mis#nderstandin"s o yesterday and irmly tie t*e 8nots o
LeninJs mood on t*e 2<t* re5eals itsel .it* #tter )larity in
t*e resol#tion introd#)ed by *im t*ro#"* Volodars8y, in
.*i)* t*e ins#rre)tion is des)ribed as @in rare de"ree
bloodless and in rare de"ree s#))ess#l:A T*e a)t t*at
Lenin too8 #2on *imsel t*is a22raisal o t*e ins#rre)tion,
s)anty in .ords as al.ays .it* *im, b#t 5ery *i"* in
s#bstan)e, .as not an a))ident It .as D#st *e *imsel, t*e
a#t*or o @ad5i)e rom t*e sidelines,A .*om *e )onsidered
most ree to 2ay a trib#te not only to t*e *eroism o t*e
masses, b#t to t*e ser5i)es o t*e leaders: It is *ardly
2ossible to do#bt t*at Lenin *ad additional 2sy)*olo"i)al
moti5es or t*is: ?e *ad )ontin#ally eared t*e too slo.
)o#rse ta8en by Smolny, and *e *astened no. to be t*e
irst to re)o"nise its ad5anta"es as re5ealed in a)tion:
Brom t*e moment Lenin a22eared in Smolny *e nat#rally
too8 *is 2la)e at t*e *ead o all t*e .or8, 2oliti)al,
or"anisational, and te)*ni)al: On t*e 29t* an ins#rre)tion
o D#n8ers too8 2la)e in 3etro"rad: 9erens8y .as mo5in"
a"ainst 3etro"rad at t*e *ead o a n#mber o !ossa)8
s=#adrons: T*e Military Re5ol#tionary !ommittee .as
)onronted .it* a tas8 o deen)e: Lenin "#ided t*is .or8:
In *is re)olle)tions Trots8y .rites: @0 s#))ess is as
disarmin" as a deeat: Ne5er to lose si"*t o t*e
#nderlyin" t*read o e5entsC ater ea)* s#))ess to say to
yo#rsel, ONot*in" is yet attained, not*in" is yet ass#redJC
i5e min#tes beore a de)isi5e 5i)tory to )arry on .it* t*e
same 5i"ilan)e, t*e same ener"y and t*e same *i"*
2ress#re, as i5e min#tes beore t*e be"innin" o an
armed a)tionC i5e min#tes ater t*e 5i)tory, and beore
t*e irst tri#m2*ant )ries *a5e died a.ay, to say to
yo#rsel, OT*e )on=#est is not yet ass#red, .e m#st not
lose a min#teJ H s#)* .as t*e a22roa)*, s#)* .as t*e
manner o a)tion, s#)* t*e met*od o Lenin, s#)* t*e
or"ani) s#bstan)e o *is 2oliti)al )*ara)ter, *is
re5ol#tionary s2irit:A
T*e abo5e;mentioned session o t*e 3etro"rad )ommittee
on No5ember 1st, .*ere Lenin s2o8e o *is #nD#stiied
ears in re"ard to t*e MeK*rayontKi, .as de5oted to t*e
=#estion o a )oalition "o5ernment .it* t*e Mens*e5i8s
and So)ial Re5ol#tionaries: T*e ri"*t .in", Pino5ie5,
9amene5, Ry8o5, L#nar)*ars8y, RiaKano5, Mili#tin and
ot*ers insisted #2on a )oalition ater t*e 5i)tory: Lenin and
Trots8y s2o8e de)isi5ely a"ainst any )oalition .*i)* s*o#ld
extend beyond t*e rame o t*e Se)ond !on"ress o
So5iets: @T*e disa"reements,A de)lared Trots8y, @.ere
2retty dee2 beore t*e ins#rre)tion H in t*e !entral
!ommittee and .ide )ir)les o o#r 2arty ::: T*e same t*in"
.as said t*en as no. ater t*e 5i)torio#s ins#rre)tionL +e
.ill *a5e, yo# see, no te)*ni)al ma)*inery: T*e )olo#rs
.ere laid on t*i)8 t*en in order to ri"*ten #s, D#st as t*ey
are no., in order to 2re5ent o#r ma8in" #se o t*e
5i)tory:A ?and an *and .it* Lenin, Trots8y .a"ed a"ainst
t*e 2artisans o )oalition t*e same str#""le .*i)* *e *ad
.a"ed beore a"ainst t*e o22onents o ins#rre)tion: Lenin
said at t*at same session: @0n a))ord> I )anJt tal8 abo#t it
serio#sly: Trots8y lon" a"o said t*at a #nion .as
im2ossible: Trots8y #nderstood t*is, and sin)e t*at time
t*ere *as been no better 'ols*e5i8:A
0mon" t*e more im2ortant )onditions o an a))ord t*e
So)ial Re5ol#tionaries and Mens*e5i8s 2#t or.ard a
demand or t*e remo5al rom t*e "o5ernment o t*e t.o
i"#res most *ate#l to t*em H @t*ose 2rimarily "#ilty o
t*e O)tober ins#rre)tion, Lenin and Trots8y:A T*e attit#de
o t*e !entral !ommittee and t*e 2arty to t*is demand
.as s#)* t*at 9amene5, t*e extreme 2artisan o an a))ord
H 2ersonally ready, e5en or t*is )on)ession H )onsidered it
ne)essary to de)lare at t*e session o t*e !entral
Exe)#ti5e !ommittee o No5ember 2nd: @It is 2ro2osed to
ex)l#de Lenin and Trots8yC t*at 2ro2osal .o#ld be*ead o#r
2arty, and .e do not a))e2t it:A
T*e re5ol#tionary 2oint o 5ie. H or ins#rre)tion and
a"ainst )oalition .it* t*e !om2romisers H .as )alled in t*e
.or8ersJ distri)ts @t*e 2oint o 5ie. o Lenin and Trots8y:A
T*ese .ords, as do)#ments and min#tes testiy, be)ame
an e5ery day ex2ression: 0t t*e moment o )risis .it*in
t*e !entral !ommittee a lar"e )oneren)e o .omen
.or8ers in 3etro"rad #nanimo#sly ado2ted a resol#tion
*ailin" @t*e 2oli)y o t*e !entral !ommittee o o#r 2arty,
led by Lenin and Trots8y:A 0s early as No5ember 1917
'aron '#dber" .rites in *is diary o @T*e ne. d##m5irs,
Lenin and Trots8y:A +*en in 4e)ember a "ro#2 o So)ial
Re5ol#tionaries de)ided to @)#t o t*e *ead o t*e
'ols*e5i8s,A @it .as )lear to t*em,A a))ordin" to 'oris
So8olo5, one o t*e )ons2irators, t*at @t*e most 2erni)io#s
and im2ortant 'ols*e5i8s are Lenin and Trots8y H it is .it*
t*em .e m#st be"in:A 4#rin" t*e years o t*e )i5il .ar
t*ose t.o names .ere al.ays s2o8en inse2arably, as
t*o#"* t*ey .ere one 2erson: 3ar5#s, on)e a re5ol#tionary
Marxist and ater.ard a mali)io#s enemy o t*e O)tober
re5ol#tion, .rote in 1919C @Lenin and Trots8y H t*at is a
)olle)ti5e name or all t*ose .*o o#t o idealism *a5e
ta8en t*e 'ols*e5i8 road :::A Rosa L#xemb#r", .*o
se5erely )riti)ised t*e 2oli)y o t*e O)tober re5ol#tion,
a22lied *er )riti)ism ali8e to Lenin and Trots8y: S*e .rote:
@Lenin and Trots8y .it* t*eir riends .ere t*e first to "i5e
an exam2le to t*e .orld 2roletariat: 0nd t*ey still remain
t*e only ones .*o )an ex)laim .it* ?#tten: 2 are this3A:
In O)tober 191$ at t*e tri#m2*al session o t*e !entral
Exe)#ti5e !ommittee Lenin read a =#otation rom H t*e
orei"n bo#r"eois 2ress: @T*e Italian .or8ers,A *e said,
@are a)tin" as t*o#"* t*ey .o#ld let nobody b#t Lenin and
Trots8y tra5el in Italy:A S#)* testimonies are inn#merable:
T*ey re)#r as a leitmotif t*ro#"*o#t t*e irst years o t*e
so5iet rG"ime and t*e !omm#nist International:
3arti)i2ants and obser5ers, riends and enemies, t*ose
near and t*ose ar a.ay, *a5e tied to"et*er t*e a)ti5ities
o Lenin and Trots8y in t*e O)tober re5ol#tion .it* so irm
a 8not t*at t*e e2i"one *istorians .ill not s#))eed eit*er
in #ntyin" it or )*o22in" it a2art:
1: 4#rin" t*e T*ird !on"ress o t*e !omm#nist
International in order to soten *is blo.s at )ertain @#ltra;
Lets,A Lenin reerred to t*e a)t t*at *e *imsel *ad made
@#ltra;LetA mista8es, es2e)ially .*ile an Gmi"rG, in)l#din"
one d#rin" *is last @emi"rationA in Binland in 1917, .*en
*e deended a less ex2edient 2lan o ins#rre)tion t*an t*e
one a)t#ally )arried o#t: T*is reeren)e to *is o.n mista8e
.as made by Lenin, #nless o#r memory de)ei5es #s, also
in a letter to t*e )ommission o t*e )on"ress on -erman
aairs: 6nort#nately t*e ar)*i5es o t*e !omm#nist
International are not a))essible to #s, and t*e de)laration
o Lenin in =#estion *as e5idently not been 2#blis*ed:
,ppendi5 No6): "ocialism in a "eparate
@T*e ind#strially more de5elo2ed )o#ntry s*o.s t*e less
de5elo2ed only t*e ima"e o its o.n #t#re:A T*is
statement o Marx .*i)* ta8es its de2art#re
met*odolo"i)ally not rom .orld e)onomy as a .*ole b#t
rom t*e sin"le )a2italist )o#ntry as a ty2e, *as be)ome
less a22li)able in 2ro2ortion as )a2italist e5ol#tion *as
embra)ed all )o#ntries re"ardless o t*eir 2re5io#s ate
and ind#strial le5el: En"land in *er day re5ealed t*e #t#re
o Bran)e, )onsiderably less o -ermany, b#t not in t*e
least o R#ssia and not o India: T*e R#ssian Mens*e5i8s,
*o.e5er, too8 t*is )onditional statement o Marx
#n)onditionally: 'a)8.ard R#ssia, t*ey said, o#"*t not to
r#s* a*ead, b#t *#mbly to ollo. t*e 2re2ared models: To
t*is 8ind o @MarxismA t*e liberals also a"reed:
0not*er no less 2o2#lar orm#la o Marx H @No so)ial
ormation disa22ears beore all t*e 2rod#)ti5e or)es *a5e
de5elo2ed or .*i)* it *as roomA H ta8es its de2art#re, on
t*e )ontrary, not rom t*e )o#ntry ta8en se2arately, b#t
rom t*e se=#en)e o #ni5ersal so)ial str#)t#res /sla5ery,
mediT5alism, )a2italism1: T*e Mens*e5i8s, *o.e5er,
ta8in" t*is statement rom t*e 2oint o 5ie. o t*e sin"le
state, dre. t*e )on)l#sion t*at R#ssian )a2italism *as still
a lon" road to tra5el beore it .ill rea)* E#ro2ean or
0meri)an le5el: '#t 2rod#)ti5e or)es do not de5elo2 in a
5a)##mL Mo# )annot tal8 o t*e 2ossibilities o a national
)a2italism, and i"nore on t*e one *and t*e )lass str#""le
de5elo2in" o#t o it, or on t*e ot*er its de2enden)e #2on
.orld )onditions: T*e o5ert*ro. o t*e bo#r"eoisie by t*e
2roletariat "re. o#t o a)t#al R#ssian )a2italism, t*ereby
red#)in" to not*in" its abstra)t e)onomi) 2ossibilities: T*e
str#)t#re o ind#stry, and also t*e )*ara)ter o t*e )lass
str#""le in R#ssia .ere determined to a de)isi5e de"ree
by international )onditions: !a2italism *ad rea)*ed a 2oint
on t*e .orld arena .*ere it )eased to D#stiy its )osts o
2rod#)tion H #nderstandin" t*ese not in t*e )ommer)ial
b#t t*e so)iolo"i)al sense: Taris, militarism, )rises, .ars,
di2lomati) )oneren)es and ot*er s)o#r"es, s.allo. #2
and s=#ander so m#)* )reati5e ener"y t*at in s2ite o all
a)*ie5ements in te)*ni=#e t*ere remains no room or t*e
#rt*er "ro.t* o 2ros2erity and )#lt#re:
T*e s#2eri)ially 2aradoxi)al a)t t*at t*e irst 5i)tim to
s#er or t*e sins o t*e .orld;system .as t*e bo#r"eoisie
o a ba)8.ard )o#ntry, is in reality =#ite a))ordin" to t*e
la.s o t*in"s: Marx *ad already indi)ated its ex2lanation
or *is e2o)*: @Violent o#tb#rsts ta8e 2la)e sooner in t*e
extremities o t*e bo#r"eois or"anism t*an t*e *eart,
be)a#se *ere re"#lation is more 2ossible:A 6nder t*e
monstro#s b#rdens o im2erialism t*at state m#st
ne)essarily all irst .*i)* *as not yet a))#m#lated a lar"e
national )a2ital, b#t to .*i)* .orld )om2etition oers no
s2e)ial 2ri5ile"es: T*e )olla2se o R#ssian )a2italism .as a
lo)al a5alan)*e in a #ni5ersal so)ial ormation: @0 )orre)t
a22raisal o o#r re5ol#tion,A said Lenin, @is 2ossible only
rom an international 2oint o 5ie.:A
+e *a5e attrib#ted t*e O)tober re5ol#tion in t*e last
analysis not to t*e a)t o R#ssiaJs ba)8.ardness, b#t to
t*e la. o )ombined de5elo2ment: T*e *istori)al diale)ti)
8no.s neit*er na8ed ba)8.ardness nor )*emi)ally 2#re
2ro"ressi5eness: It is all a =#estion o )on)rete
)orrelations: T*e 2resent;day *istory o man8ind is #ll o
@2aradoxes,A not so )olossal as t*e arisin" o a 2roletarian
di)tators*i2 in a ba)8.ard )o#ntry, b#t o similar *istori)
ty2e: T*e a)t t*at t*e st#dents and .or8ers o ba)8.ard
!*ina are ea"erly assimilatin" t*e do)trine o materialism,
.*ile t*e labo#r leaders o )i5ilised En"land belie5e in t*e
ma"i) 2oten)y o )*#r)*ly in)antations, 2ro5es beyond a
do#bt t*at in )ertain s2*eres !*ina *as o#tstri22ed
En"land: '#t t*e )ontem2t o t*e !*inese .or8ers or t*e
mediT5al d#ll;.ittedness o Ma)donald, does not 2ermit
t*e ineren)e t*at in *er "eneral de5elo2ment !*ina is
*i"*er t*an -reat 'ritain: T*e e)onomi) and )#lt#ral
s#2eriority o t*e latter )an be ex2ressed in exa)t i"#res:
T*e im2ressi5eness o t*ese i"#res does not *o.e5er,
2re)l#de t*e 2ossibility t*at t*e .or8ers o !*ina may .in
t*e beore t*e .or8ers o -reat 'ritain: 0
di)tators*i2 o t*e !*inese 2roletariat in its t#rn .ill be ar
rom entailin" t*e b#ildin" o so)ialism .it*in t*e
bo#ndaries o t*e -reat !*inese +all: S)*olasti),
2edanti)ally, sin"le;tra)8, or too s*ort national )riteria are
no "ood in o#r e2o)*: +orld de5elo2ment or)ed R#ssia
)#t o *er ba)8.ardness and *er 0siatieness: O#tside t*e
.eb o t*is de5elo2ment, *er #rt*er destiny )annot be
T*e bo#r"eois re5ol#tions .ere dire)ted in similar de"ree
a"ainst e#dal 2ro2erty relations and a"ainst t*e
2arti)#larism o t*e 2ro5in)es: Nationalism stood beside
liberalism on t*ere liberatin" banners: +estern *#manity
lon" a"o .ore o#t s#)* baby;s*oes: T*e 2rod#)ti5e or)es
o o#r time *a5e o#t"ro.n not only t*e bo#r"eois orms o
2ro2erty, b#t also t*e bo#ndaries o national states:
Liberalism and nationalism *a5e be)ome in li8e de"ree
etters #2on .orld e)onomy: T*e 2roletarian re5ol#tion is
dire)ted bot* a"ainst 2ri5ate 2ro2erty in t*e means o
2rod#)tion and a"ainst t*e national s2littin";#2 o .orld
e)onomy: T*e str#""le o t*e eastern 2eo2les or
inde2enden)e is in)l#ded in t*is .orld 2ro)ess and .ill
s#bse=#ently mer"e .it* it: T*e )reation o a national
so)ialist so)iety, i s#)* a "oal .ere in a "eneral .ay
attainable, .o#ld mean an extreme red#)tion o t*e
e)onomi) o men: '#t or t*at 5ery mason it is
#nattainable: Internationalism is not an abstra)t 2rin)i2le
b#t t*e ex2ression o an e)onomi) a)t: ,#st as liberalism
.as national, so so)ialism is international: Startin" rom
t*e .orld.ide di5ision o labo#r, t*e tas8 o so)ialism is to
)arry t*e international ex)*an"e o "oods and ser5i)es to
its *i"*est de5elo2ment:
No re5ol#tion *as e5er any.*ere .*olly )oin)ided .it* t*e
)on)e2tions o it ormed by its 2arti)i2ants, nor )o#ld it do
so: Ne5ert*eless t*e ideas and aims o t*ose en"a"ed in
t*e str#""le orm a 5ery im2ortant )onstit#ent element o
a re5ol#tion: T*is is es2e)ially tr#e o t*e O)tober
re5ol#tion, or ne5er in all t*e 2ast *a5e t*e )on)e2tions o
a re5ol#tion in t*e minds o re5ol#tionists a22roa)*ed so
)losely to t*e a)t#al essen)e o t*e e5ents as in 1917:
0 .or8 on t*e O)tober re5ol#tion .o#ld remain #ninis*ed
i it did not .it* all 2ossible *istori) a))#ra)y t*e
=#estion: *o. did t*e 2arty in t*e 5ery *eat o t*e e5ents
re2resent to itsel t*e #rt*er de5elo2ment o t*e
re5ol#tion, and .*at did t*e 2arty ex2e)t rom it> T*is
=#estion a)=#ires a "reater si"nii)an)e, t*e more 2ast
days be)ome dar8ened by t*e 2lay o ne. interests:
3oli)ies are al.ays see8in" s#22ort in t*e 2ast, and i t*ey
do not "et it as a 5ol#ntary oerin" t*ey not inre=#ently
#nderta8e to extra)t it by or)e: T*e 2resent oi)ial 2oli)y
o t*e So5iet 6nion rests #2on t*e t*eory o @so)ialism in a
se2arate )o#ntryA as t*e alle"ed traditional 5ie.2oint o
t*e 'ols*e5i8 2arty: T*e yo#n"er "enerations, not only o
t*e !omm#nist International b#t indeed o all ot*er
2arties, are bein" bro#"*t #2 in t*e )on5i)tion t*at t*e
so5iet .as .on in t*e name o t*e )reation o an
inde2endent so)ialist so)iety in R#ssia: ?istori) reality *as
not*in" in )ommon .it* t*is myt*: 62 to 1917 t*e 2arty
ne5er admitted e5en t*e idea t*at t*e 2roletarian
re5ol#tion mi"*t be a)*ie5ed in R#ssia beore it .as
a)*ie5ed in t*e .est: Bor t*e irst time in t*e 02ril
)oneren)e, #nder 2ress#re o )ir)#mstan)es t*en
)om2letely laid bare, t*e 2arty re)o"nised as its tas8 t*e
seiK#re o 0lt*o#"* o2enin" a ne. )*a2ter in t*e
*istory o 'ols*e5ism, t*is re)o"nition *ad not*in" in
)ommon .it* t*e 2ers2e)ti5e o an inde2endent so)ialist
so)iety: On t*e )ontrary, t*e 'ols*e5i8s )ate"ori)ally
reDe)ted as a )ari)at#re t*e idea im2#ted to t*em by t*e
Mens*e5i8s o )reatin" a @2easant so)ialismA in a
ba)8.ard )o#ntry: T*e di)tators*i2 o t*e 2roletariat in
R#ssia .as or t*e 'ols*e5i8s a brid"e to a re5ol#tion in
t*e .est: T*e 2roblem o a so)ialist transormation o
so)iety .as 2ro)laimed to be in its 5ery essen)e
Only in 192& did a )*an"e o))#r #2on t*is #ndamental
=#estion: It .as t*en irst 2ro)laimed t*at t*e b#ildin" o
so)ialism is .*olly realisable .it*in t*e limits o t*e So5iet
6nion inde2endently o t*e e5ol#tion o t*e rest o
man8ind, i only t*e im2erialists do not o5ert*ro. t*e
so5iet by military inter5ention: T*is ne. t*eory .as
immediately endo.ed .it* retroa)ti5e or)e: I in 1917 H
de)lared t*e e2i"ones H t*e 2arty *ad not belie5ed in t*e
2ossibility o )reatin" an inde2endent so)ialist so)iety in
R#ssia, it .o#ld *a5e *ad no ri"*t to ta8e t*e In
192( t*e !omm#nist International oi)ially )ondemned
t*e non;a))e2tan)e o t*e t*eory o so)ialism in a
se2arate )o#ntry, extendin" t*is )ondemnation to t*e
.*ole 2ast, be"innin" .it* t*e year 19%<:
T*ree series o ideas .ere t*en)eort* de)lared *ostile to
1: denial o t*e 2ossibility o t*e So5iet 6nionJs
maintainin" itsel or an indeinite len"t* o time
in a )a2italist en5ironment /2roblem o military
2: denial o t*e 2ossibility o its o5er)omin" .it* its
o.n, and .it*in its national bo#ndaries,
t*e )ontradi)tion bet.een )ity and )o#ntry
/2roblem o e)onomi) ba)8.ardness and a"rarian
3: denial o t*e 2ossibility o )reatin" a s*#t;in
so)ialist so)iety /2roblem o t*e .orld.ide
di5ision o labo#r1:
It .ill be 2ossible, a))ordin" to t*e ne. s)*ool, to deend
t*e in5iolability o t*e So5iet 6nion e5en .it*o#t
re5ol#tions in ot*er )o#ntries by .ay o t*e @ne#tralisation
o t*e bo#r"eoisie:A T*e )ollaboration o t*e 2easantry in
t*e s2*ere o so)ialist )onstr#)tion m#st be a)8no.led"ed
as ass#red: 4e2enden)e #2on .orld e)onomy *as been
li=#idated by t*e O)tober re5ol#tion and t*e e)onomi)
s#))esses o t*e so5iets: 0 re#sal to a))e2t t*ese t*ree
2ro2ositions is @Trots8yismA H a do)trine in)om2atible .it*
T*e tas8 o t*e *istorian *ere be)omes one o ideolo"i)al
restoration: ?e m#st di" o#t t*e "en#ine 5ie.s and aims
o t*e re5ol#tionary 2arty rom #nder s#bse=#ent 2oliti)al
a))#m#lations: 4es2ite t*e brieness o t*e 2eriods
s#))eedin" ea)* ot*er, t*is tas8 is 5ery m#)* li8e t*e
de)i2*erin" o a 2alim2sest, or t*e )onstr#)tions o t*e
e2i"one s)*ool are by no means al.ays s#2erior to t*ose
t*eolo"i)al in"en#ities or .*ose sa8e t*e mon8s o t*e
se5ent* and ei"*t* )ent#ries destroyed t*e 2ar)*ment
and 2a2yr#s o t*e )lassi)s:
In "eneral, t*ro#"*o#t t*is boo8 .e *a5e a5oided
b#rdenin" t*e text .it* inn#merable =#otations, b#t t*e
2resent essay," to t*e essen)e o its tas8, .ill *a5e
to s#22ly t*e reader .it* t*e "en#ine texts, and t*at too,
on a s#i)ient s)ale to ex)l#de t*e 5ery idea o t*eir
*a5in" been artii)ially sele)ted: +e m#st let 'ols*e5ism
s2ea8 .it* its o.n ton"#e: 6nder t*e rG"ime o t*e Stalin
b#rea#)ra)y it is de2ri5ed o t*is 2ossibility:
T*e 'ols*e5i8 2arty .as rom t*e day o its birt* a 2arty o
re5ol#tionary so)ialism: '#t it ne)essarily sa. its
immediate *istori) tas8 in t*e o5ert*ro. o )Karism and
t*e ina#"#ration o a demo)rati) str#)t#re: T*e 2rin)i2al
)ontent o t*e re5ol#tion .as to be a demo)rati) sol#tion
to t*e a"rarian 2roblem: T*e so)ialist re5ol#tion .as
2#s*ed a.ay into a s#i)iently remote or at least
indeinite #t#re: It .as )onsidered irre#table t*at t*is
re5ol#tion mi"*t ta8e its 2la)e 2ra)ti)ally #2on t*e order
o t*e day only ater t*e 5i)tory o t*e 2roletariat in t*e
.est: T*is 2ost#late, or"ed by R#ssian Marxism in its
str#""le .it* Narodni8ism and anar)*ism, .as one o t*e
solidest 2ossessions o t*e 2arty: T*ere ollo.ed )ertain
*y2ot*eti)al )onsiderations: In )ase t*e demo)rati)
re5ol#tion ass#mes a mi"*ty s)o2e in R#ssia, it may "i5e a
dire)t im2et#s to t*e so)ialist re5ol#tion in t*e .est, and
t*is .ill enable t*e R#ssian 2roletariat to )ome to
ater.ard .it* a s.iter 2a)e: T*e "eneral *istori)
2ers2e)ti5e remained #n)*an"ed e5en in t*is more
a5o#rable 5ersion: T*e )o#rse o de5elo2ment .as only
a))elerated and t*e dates bro#"*t near:
It .as in t*e s2irit o t*ese 5ie.s t*at Lenin .rote in
Se2tember 19%<: @Brom t*e demo)rati) re5ol#tion .e .ill
immediately be"in to 2ass o5er, and in t*e exa)t meas#re
o o#r stren"t*, t*e stren"t* o a )ons)io#s and or"anised
2roletariat, .e .ill be"in to 2ass o5er to t*e so)ialist
re5ol#tion: +e stand or a )ontin#o#s re5ol#tion: +e .ill
not sto2 *al;.ay:A T*is =#otation, s#r2risin" as it may be,
*as been em2loyed by Stalin in order to identiy t*e old
2ro"nosis o t*e 2arty .it* t*e a)t#al )o#rse o e5ents in
1917: It only remains in)om2re*ensible .*y t*e )adres o
t*e 2arty .ere ta8en #na.ares by t*e @02ril t*esesA o
In reality t*e str#""le o t*e 2roletariat or .as to
de5elo2 H a))ordin" to t*e old )on)e2tion H only ater t*e
a"rarian 2roblem *ad been sol5ed .it*in t*e rame.or8 o
a bo#r"eois;demo)rati) re5ol#tion: T*e tro#ble .as t*at
t*e 2easantry, satisied in t*eir land *#n"er, .o#ld *a5e
no im2#lse to s#22ort a ne. re5ol#tion: 0nd sin)e t*e
R#ssian .or8in" )lass, bein" an ob5io#s minority in t*e
)o#ntry, .o#ld not be able to .in t*e .it* its o.n
or)es, Lenin =#ite )onsistently )onsidered it im2ossible to
tal8 o a di)tators*i2 o t*e 2roletariat in R#ssia beore t*e
5i)tory o t*e 2roletariat in t*e .est:
@T*e )om2lete 5i)tory o t*e 2resent re5ol#tion,A .rote
Lenin in 19%<, @.ill be t*e end o t*e demo)rati) o5ert#rn
and t*e be"innin" o a de)isi5e str#""le or t*e so)ialist
re5ol#tion: 0 realisation o t*e demands o t*e
)ontem2orary 2easantry, t*e )om2lete s*atterin" o t*e
rea)tion, t*e .innin" o a demo)rati) re2#bli), .ill be t*e
)om2lete end o t*e re5ol#tionism o t*e bo#r"eoisie, and
e5en o t*e 2etty bo#r"eoisie: It .ill be t*e be"innin" o
t*e real str#""le o t*e 2roletariat or so)ialism:A 'y 2etty
bo#r"eoisie is *ere meant 2rimarily t*e 2easantry:
6nder t*ese )onditions .*en)e arises t*e slo"an
@)ontin#o#sA re5ol#tion> Lenin ans.ers as ollo.s: T*e
R#ssian re5ol#tionists, standin" on t*e s*o#lders o a
.*ole series o re5ol#tionary "enerations in E#ro2e *a5e
t*e ri"*t to @dreamA t*at t*ey .ill s#))eed in @a)*ie5in"
.it* a )om2leteness ne5er beore seen t*e .*ole
demo)rati) transormation, all o o#r minim#m 2ro"ramme
::: 0nd i t*at s#))eeds H t*en ::: t*en t*e re5ol#tionary
)onla"ration .ill set ire to E#ro2e ::: T*e E#ro2ean
.or8er .ill rise in *is t#rn and s*o. #s O*o. it is doneJC
t*en t*e re5ol#tionary risin" o E#ro2e .ill *a5e a
retroa)ti5e ee)t #2on R#ssia and t*e e2o)* o se5eral
re5ol#tionary years .ill be)ome an e2o)* o se5eral
re5ol#tionary de)ades:A T*e inde2endent )ontent o t*e
R#ssian re5ol#tion, e5en in its *i"*est de5elo2ment, does
not trans)end t*e bo#ndaries o a bo#r"eois;demo)rati)
re5ol#tion: Only a 5i)torio#s re5ol#tion in t*e .est )an
o2en t*e era o t*e str#""le or e5en or t*e
R#ssian 2roletariat: T*at )on)e2tion .as #lly in or)e in
t*e 2arty #2 to 02ril 1917:
I yo# t*ro. aside e2isodi) a))#m#lations, 2olemi)al
exa""erations and indi5id#al mista8es, t*e essen)e o t*e
dis2#te abo#t t*e =#estion o 2ermanent re5ol#tion rom
19%< till 1917 red#)es itsel, not to t*e =#estion .*et*er
t*e R#ssian 2roletariat ater .innin" t*e )o#ld b#ild
a national so)ialist so)iety H abo#t t*is not one R#ssian
Marxist e5er #ttered a 2ee2 #ntil 192& H b#t to t*e
=#estion .*et*er a bo#r"eois re5ol#tion really )a2able o
sol5in" t*e a"rarian 2roblem .as still 2ossible in R#ssia, or
.*et*er or t*e a))om2lis*ment o t*is .or8 a di)tators*i2
o t*e 2roletariat .o#ld be needed:
+*at 2art o *is earlier 5ie.s did Lenin re5ise in *is 02ril
t*eses> ?e did not or a moment reno#n)e eit*er t*e
do)trine o t*e international )*ara)ter o t*e so)ialist
re5ol#tion, or t*e idea t*at t*e transer to t*e so)ialist
road )o#ld be realised in ba)8.ard R#ssia only .it* t*e
dire)t )o;o2eration o t*e .est: '#t Lenin did *ere or t*e
irst time de)lare t*at t*e R#ssian 2roletariat," to t*e
5ery ba)8.ardness o t*e national )onditions, mi"*t )ome
to beore t*e 2roletariat o t*e ad5an)ed )o#ntries:
T*e Bebr#ary re5ol#tion 2ro5ed 2o.erless to sol5e eit*er
t*e a"rarian 2roblem or t*e national 2roblem: T*e
2easantry and t*e o22ressed 2eo2les o R#ssia in t*eir
str#""le or demo)rati) "oals .ere obli"ed to s#22ort t*e
O)tober re5ol#tion: Only be)a#se t*e R#ssian 2etty;
bo#r"eois demo)ra)y .as #nable to )arry o#t t*at *istori)
.or8 2erormed by its older sister in t*e .est, did t*e
R#ssian 2roletariat "ain a))ess to t*e beore t*e
.estern 2roletariat: In 19%<, 'ols*e5ism intended only
ater t*e a)*ie5ement o t*e demo)rati) tas8s to 2ass o5er
to t*e str#""le or di)tators*i2 o t*e 2roletariat: In 1917
t*e di)tators*i2 o t*e 2roletariat "re. o#t o t*e non;
a)*ie5ement o t*e demo)rati) tas8s:
'#t t*e )ombined )*ara)ter o t*e R#ssian re5ol#tion did
not sto2 t*ere: T*e )on=#est o by t*e .or8in" )lass
a#tomati)ally remo5ed t*e di5idin" line bet.een
@2ro"ramme;minim#mA and @2ro"ramme;maxim#m:A
6nder t*e di)tators*i2 o t*e 2roletariat H b#t only t*ereL H
t*e "" o5er o demo)rati) into so)ialist 2roblems
be)ame ine5itable,*standin" t*at t*e .or8ers o
E#ro2e *ad not yet s#))eeded in s*" #s @*o. it is
T*is )*an"e o re5ol#tionary order bet.een .est and east,
.it* all its im2ortan)e or t*e ate o R#ssia and t*e .*ole
.orld, *as ne5ert*eless a *istori)ally limited im2ort: No
matter *o. ar t*e R#ssian re5ol#tion s8i22ed a*ead, its
de2enden)e #2on t*e .orld re5ol#tion *as not
disa22eared nor e5en de)reased: T*e 2ossibility o a
"ro.t* o demo)rati) into so)ialist reorms is dire)tly
)reated by a )ombination o domesti) )onditions H )*ie
amon" t*em t*e interrelation o t*e 2roletariat and t*e
2easantry: '#t in t*e last instan)e t*e limits o so)ialist
transormation are determined by t*e )ondition o
e)onomy and 2oliti)s on t*e .orld arena: No matter *o.
"reat t*e national s2#rt, it does not ma8e 2ossible a D#m2
o5er t*e 2lanet:
In its )ondemnation o @Trots8yism,A t*e !omm#nist
International *as atta)8ed .it* s2e)ial or)e t*e o2inion
t*at t*e R#ssian 2roletariat, *a5in" )ome to t*e *elm and
not meetin" s#22ort rom t*e +est, @.ill )ome into *ostile
)onli)ts ::: .it* t*e broad masses o t*e 2easantry .it*
.*ose )o;o2eration it )ame to :::A E5en i yo#
)onsider t*at t*e *istori) ex2eriment *as )om2letely
re#ted t*is 2ro"nosis H orm#lated by Trots8y in 19%<,
.*en not one o *is 2resent )riti)s e5en admitted t*e idea
o a di)tators*i2 o t*e 2roletariat in R#ssia H e5en in t*at
)ase, it remains an indis2#table a)t t*at t*is 5ie. o t*e
2easantry as an #nreliable and trea)*ero#s ally .as a
)ommon 2ro2erty o all R#ssian Marxists in)l#din" Lenin:
T*e a)t#al tradition o 'ols*e5ism *as not*in" in )ommon
.it* t*e do)trine o 2re;determined *armony o interest
bet.een .or8ers and 2easants: On t*e )ontrary t*e
)riti)ism o t*is 2etty;bo#r"eois t*eory .as al.ays a most
im2ortant element in t*e lon" str#""le o t*e Marxists .it*
t*e Narodni8s:
@On)e t*e e2o)* o demo)rati) re5ol#tion in R#ssia is
2ast,A .rote Lenin in 19%<, @t*en it .ill be ridi)#lo#s e5en
to tal8 o t*e O#nited .illJ o 2roletariat and 2easantry :::A
T*e 2easantry, as a land;o.nin" )lass .ill 2lay t*e same
trea)*ero#s, #nstable rIle in t*is str#""le /or so)ialism1
t*at t*e bo#r"eoisie is no. 2layin" in t*e str#""le or
demo)ra)y: To or"et t*at is to or"et so)ialism, to de)ei5e
onesel and ot*ers abo#t t*e "en#ine interests and tas8s
o t*e 2roletariat:A
In .or8in" o#t or *is o.n #se in 19%< a s)*eme o t*e
)orrelation o )lasses d#rin" t*e )o#rse o t*e re5ol#tion,
Lenin )*ara)terised in t*e" .ords t*e sit#ation
.*i)* m#st be ormed ater t*e li=#idation o landlord
2ro2rietors*i2: @T*e 2roletariat is already str#""lin" to
2reser5e t*e demo)rati) )on=#ests or t*e sa8e o t*e
so)ialist re5ol#tion: T*is str#""le .o#ld be almost
*o2eless or t*e R#ssian 2roletariat alone, and its deeat
.o#ld be ine5itable ::: i t*e E#ro2ean so)ialist 2roletariat
did not )ome to t*e *el2 o t*e R#ssian 2roletariat ::: 0t
t*at sta"e t*e liberal bo#r"eoisie and t*e .ell;to;do /2l#s
a 2art o t*e middle1 2easantry .ill or"anise a )o#nter;
re5ol#tion: T*e R#ssian 2roletariat 2l#s t*e E#ro2ean
2roletariat .ill or"anise t*e re5ol#tion: In t*ese
)ir)#mstan)es t*e R#ssian 2roletariat may .in a se)ond
5i)tory: T*e )a#se is t*en not lost: T*e se)ond 5i)tory .ill
be t*e so)ialist re5ol#tion in E#ro2e: T*e E#ro2ean
.or8ers .ill s*o. #s O*o. it is done:JA
4#rin" a22roximately t*e same days Trots8y .rote: @T*e
)ontradi)tion in t*e sit#ation o a .or8ersJ "o5ernment in
a ba)8.ard )o#ntry .it* t*e 2easant 2o2#lation an
o5er.*elmin" maDority )an ind its sol#tion only on an
international s)ale, in t*e arena o t*e .orld re5ol#tion o
t*e 2roletariat:A It is t*ese .ords t*at Stalin s#bse=#ently
=#oted in order to s*o. @t*e 5ast "#l se2aratin" t*e
Leninist t*eory o t*e di)tators*i2 o t*e 2roletariat rom
t*e t*eory o Trots8y:A T*e =#otations testiy *o.e5er t*at,
in s2ite o ind#bitable dieren)es bet.een t*e
re5ol#tionary )on)e2tions o Lenin and Trots8y at t*at
time, it .as exa)tly #2on t*e =#estion o t*e @#nstableA
and @trea)*ero#sA rIle o t*e 2easantry t*at t*eir 5ie.s
already in t*ose ar days essentially )oin)ided:
In Bebr#ary 19%( Lenin .rites: @+e s#22ort t*e 2easant
mo5ement to t*e end, b#t .e o#"*t to remember t*at t*is
is t*e mo5ement o anot*er )lass, not t*at )lass .*i)* )an
and .ill a)*ie5e t*e so)ialist re5ol#tion:A @T*e R#ssian
re5ol#tion,A *e de)lares in 02ril 19%(, @*as eno#"* or)es
o its o.n to )on=#er: '#t it *as not eno#"* or)es to
retain t*e r#its o its 5i)tory ::: or in a )o#ntry .it* an
enormo#s de5elo2ment o small;s)ale ind#stry, t*e small;
s)ale )ommodity 2rod#)ers, amon" t*em t*e 2easants,
.ill ine5itably t#rn a"ainst t*e 2roletarian .*en *e "oes
rom reedom to.ard so)ialism ::: In order to 2re5ent a
restoration, t*e R#ssian re5ol#tion *as need, not o a
R#ssian reser5eC it *as need o *el2 rom o#tside: Is t*ere
s#)* a reser5e in t*e .orld> T*ere is: t*e so)ialist
2roletariat in t*e .est:A
In 5ario#s )ombinations b#t #ndamentally .it*o#t )*an"e
t*ese t*o#"*ts are )arried tro#"* all t*e years o t*e
rea)tion and t*e .ar: T*ere is no need to m#lti2ly
exam2les: T*e 2artyJs )on)e2tion o t*e re5ol#tion m#st
*a5e re)ei5ed its most inis*ed and s#))in)t orm in t*e
*eat o t*e re5ol#tionary e5ents: I t*e t*eoreti)ians o
'ols*e5ism .ere beore t*e re5ol#tion already in)linin"
to.ards @so)ialism in a se2arate )o#ntry,A t*is t*eory
.o#ld ne)essarily *a5e )ome to #ll bloom in t*e 2eriod o
t*e dire)t str#""le or 4id it 2ro5e so in reality> T*e
year 1917 .ill "i5e t*e
+*en de2artin" or R#ssia ater t*e Bebr#ary re5ol#tion,
Lenin .rote in a are.ell letter to t*e S.iss .or8ers: @T*e
R#ssian 2roletariat )annot .it* its o.n or)es 5i)torio#sly
a)*ie5e t*e so)ialist re5ol#tion: '#t it )an ::: im2ro5e t*e
sit#ation in .*i)* its )*ie, its reliable ally, t*e E#ro2ean
and 0meri)an so)ialist 2roletariat, .ill enter t*e de)isi5e
T*e resol#tion o Lenin ratiied by t*e 02ril )oneren)e
reads: @T*e 2roletariat o R#ssia, ta8in" a)tion in one o
t*e most ba)8.ard )o#ntries o E#ro2e amon" t*e masses
o a 2etty;2easant 2o2#lation, )annot set itsel t*e "oal o
an immediate realisation o t*e so)ialist transormation:A
0lt*o#"* in t*ese initial lines irmly )lin"in" to t*e
t*eoreti)al tradition o t*e 2arty, t*e resol#tion does,
*o.e5er, ta8e a de)isi5e ste2 on a ne. road: It de)lares:
T*e im2ossibility o an inde2endent so)ialist
transormation in 2easant R#ssia does not in any )ase "i5e
#s t*e ri"*t to reno#n)e t*e )on=#est o, not only
or t*e sa8e o demo)rati) tas8s, b#t also in t*e name o
@a series o 2ra)ti)ally ri2ened ste2s to.ards so)ialism,A
s#)* as t*e nationalisation o land, )ontrol o5er t*e ban8s
and so ort*: 0nti;)a2italist meas#res may re)ei5e a
#rt*er de5elo2ment t*an8s to t*e 2resen)e o @t*e
obDe)ti5e 2remises o a so)ialist re5ol#tion ::: in t*e more
*i"*ly de5elo2ed o t*e ad5an)ed )o#ntries:A T*is m#st be
o#r startin" 2oint: @To tal8 only o R#ssian )onditions,A
ex2lains Lenin in *is s2ee)*, @is a mista8e ::: +*at tas8s
.ill rise beore t*e R#ssian 2roletariat in )ase t*e .orld;
.ide mo5ement brin"s #s a)e to a)e .it* a so)ial
re5ol#tion H t*at is t*e 2rin)i2al =#estion ta8en #2 in t*is
resol#tion:A It is )lear t*at t*e ne. 2oint o de2art#re
o))#2ied by t*e 2arty in 02ril 1917, ater Lenin *ad .on
*is 5i)tory o5er t*e demo)rati) limitedness o t*e @old
'ols*e5i8s,A is as dierent rom t*e t*eory o so)ialism in
a se2arate )o#ntry as *ea5en is rom eart*L
In all or"anisations o t*e 2arty .*ate5er, .*et*er in t*e
)a2ital or t*e 2ro5in)es, .e meet *en)eort* t*e same
orm#lation o t*e =#estion: In t*e str#""le or .e
m#st remember t*at t*e #rt*er ate o t*e re5ol#tion as a
so)ialist re5ol#tion .ill be determined by t*e 5i)tory o t*e
2roletariat o t*e ad5an)ed )o#ntries: T*is orm#la .as
o22osed by nobody H .as, on t*e )ontrary, t*e
2res#22osition o all dis2#tes as a 2ro2osition e=#ally
a)8no.led"ed by all:
0t t*e 3etro"rad )oneren)e o t*e 2arty on ,#ly 1(t*,
9*aritono5, one o t*ose 'ols*e5i8s .*o *ad )ome .it*
Lenin on t*e @sealed train,A de)lared: @+e are sayin"
e5ery.*ere t*at i t*ere is no re5ol#tion in t*e .est, o#r
)a#se .ill be lost:A 9*aritono5 is not a t*eoreti)ianC *e is
an a5era"e 2arty a"itator: In t*e min#tes o t*at same
)oneren)e .e read: @3a5lo5 )alls attention to t*e "eneral
2ro2osition ad5an)ed by t*e 'ols*e5i8s t*at t*e R#ssian
re5ol#tion .ill lo#ris* only .*en it s*all be s#22orted by
t*e .orld re5ol#tion .*i)* is )on)ei5able only as a
so)ialist re5ol#tion:A Tens and *#ndreds o 9*aritono5s and
3a5lo5s .ere de5elo2in" t*e #ndamental idea o t*e 02ril
)oneren)e: It ne5er )ame into t*e *ead o anybody to
o22ose or )orre)t t*em:
T*e sixt* !on"ress o t*e 2arty, ta8in" 2la)e at t*e end o
,#ly, deined t*e di)tators*i2 o t*e 2roletariat as a
)on=#est o by t*e .or8ers and 2oorest 2easants:
@Only t*ese )lasses ::: .ill in reality 2romote t*e "ro.t* o
t*e international 2roletariat re5ol#tion, .*i)* is to 2#t an
end not only to t*e .ar b#t also to )a2italist sla5ery:A T*e
s2ee)* o '#8*arin .as b#ilt #2on t*e idea t*at a .orld;
.ide so)ialist re5ol#tion is t*e sole .ay o#t o t*e existin"
sit#ation: @I t*e re5ol#tion in R#ssia )on=#ers beore a
re5ol#tion brea8s o#t in t*e .est, .e .ill *a5e to ::: 8indle
t*e ire o t*e .orld;.ide so)ialist re5ol#tion:A Stalin too
.as at t*at time )om2elled to 2ose t*e =#estion in m#)*
t*e same .ay: @T*e moment .ill )ome .*en t*e .or8ers
.ill rise and #nite ro#nd t*em t*e 2oor layers o t*e
2easantry, raise t*e banner o t*e .or8ersJ re5ol#tion, and
o2en an era o so)ialist re5ol#tion in t*e .est:A
0 Mos)o. re"ional )oneren)e .*i)* met at t*e be"innin"
o 0#"#st 2ermits #s best o all to "lan)e into t*e
laboratory o t*e 2arty t*o#"*t: In t*e 2rin)i2al re2ort,
settin" ort* t*e de)isions o t*e sixt* !on"ress,
So8olni8o5, a member o t*e !entral !ommittee, said: @It
is ne)essary to ex2lain t*at t*e R#ssian re5ol#tion m#st
ta8e t*e oensi5e a"ainst .orld im2erialism or be
destroyed, be stran"led by t*at same im2erialism:A 0
n#mber o dele"ates ex2ressed t*emsel5es to t*e same
ee)t: Vitolin: @+e m#st "et ready or a so)ial re5ol#tion
.*i)* .ill be t*e stim#l#s to t*e de5elo2ment o so)ial
re5ol#tion in .estern E#ro2e:A 4ele"ate 'yelens8y: @I yo#
de)ide t*e =#estion .it*in national limits, t*en .e *a5e no
.ay o#t: So8olni8o5 *as said ri"*tly t*at t*e R#ssian
re5ol#tion .ill )on=#er only as an international
re5ol#tion ::: In R#ssia t*e )onditions are not yet ri2e or
so)ialism, b#t i t*e re5ol#tion be"ins in E#ro2e t*en .e
.ill ollo. .estern E#ro2e:A St#8o5: @T*e 2ro2osition t*at
t*e R#ssian re5ol#tion .ill )on=#er only as an international
re5ol#tion )annot be s#bDe)t to do#bt ::: T*e so)ialist
re5ol#tion is 2ossible only on a "eneral .orld s)ale:A
0ll are in a"reement #2on t*ree #ndamental 2ro2ositions:
t*e .or8ersJ state )annot stand #nless it o5ert*ro.s
im2erialism in t*e .estC in R#ssia t*e )onditions are not
yet ri2e or so)ialismC t*e 2roblem o so)ialist re5ol#tion is
international in essen)e: I alon"side t*ese 5ie.s, .*i)*
.ere to be )ondemned in se5en or ei"*t years as *eresy,
t*ere *ad existed in t*e 2arty ot*er 5ie.s no. re)o"nised
as ort*odox and traditional, t*ey .o#ld )ertainly *a5e
o#nd ex2ression in t*at Mos)o. )oneren)e, and in t*e
)on"ress o t*e 2arty .*i)* 2re)eded it: '#t neit*er t*e
2rin)i2al s2ea8er nor t*ose .*o too8 2art in t*e debate H
nor t*e ne.s2a2er re2orts H s#""est by a .ord t*e
2resen)e in t*e 2arty o 'ols*e5i8 5ie.s o22osin" t*ese
@Trots8yistA ones:
0t t*e "eneral )ity )oneren)e in 9ie5 2re)edin" t*e 2arty
)on"ress, t*e 2rin)i2al s2ea8er, -oro5itK, said: @T*e
str#""le or t*e sal5ation o o#r re5ol#tion )an be .a"ed
only on an international s)ale: T.o 2ros2e)ts lie beore #s:
I t*e re5ol#tion )on=#ers, .e .ill )reate t*e transitional
state to so)ialism, i not, .e .ill all #nder t*e o
international im2erialism:A 0ter t*e 2arty )on"ress, at t*e
be"innin" o 0#"#st, 3iata8o5 said at a ne. )oneren)e in
9ie5: @Brom t*e 5ery be"innin" o t*e re5ol#tion .e *a5e
asserted t*at t*edestiny o t*e R#ssian 2roletariat is
)om2letely de2endent #2on t*e )o#rse o t*e 2roletarian
re5ol#tion in t*e .est ::: +e are t*#s enterin" t*e sta"e o
2ermanent re5ol#tion:A !ommentin" on 3iata8o5Js re2ort,
-oro5itK, already 8no.n to #s, de)lared: @I am in )om2lete
a))ord .it* 3iata8o5 in *is deinition o o#r re5ol#tion as
2ermanent:A 3iata8o5: @::: T*e sole 2ossible sal5ation or
t*e R#ssian re5ol#tion lies in a .orld re5ol#tion .*i)* .ill
lay do.n t*e o#ndation or t*e so)ial o5ert#rn:A '#t
2er*a2s t*ese t.o s2ea8ers re2resented a minority> No:
Nobody o22osed t*em #2on t*is #ndamental =#estion: In
t*e ele)tions or t*e 9ie5 )ommittee t*ese t.o re)ei5ed
t*e lar"est n#mber o 5otes:
+e may, t*en, )onsider it #lly establis*ed t*at at a
"eneral 2arty )oneren)e in 02ril, at t*e )on"ress o t*e
2arty in ,#ly, and at )oneren)es in 3etro"rad, Mos)o. and
9ie5, t*ose 5ery 5ie.s .ere set ort* and )onirmed by t*e
5otin" .*i)* .ere later to be de)lared in)om2atible .it*
'ols*e5ism: More t*an t*at: not one 5oi)e .as raised in
t*e 2arty .*i)* mi"*t be inter2reted as a 2resentiment o
t*e #t#re t*eory o so)ialism in a se2arate )o#ntry, e5en
to t*e de"ree t*at in t*e 3salms o 9in" 4a5id oretastes
*a5e been dis)o5ered o t*e "os2el o !*rist:
On t*e 13t* o 0#"#st, t*e )entral or"an o t*e 2arty
ex2lained: @B#ll to t*e so5iets, alt*o#"* ar rom as
yet meanin" Oso)ialism,J .o#ld in any )ase brea8 t*e
resistan)e o t*e bo#r"eoisie and H in de2enden)e #2on
t*e existin" 2rod#)ti5e or)es and t*e sit#ation in t*e .est
H .o#ld "#ide and transorm t*e e)onomi) lie in t*e
interests o t*e toilin" masses: ?a5in" t*ro.n o t*e
etters o )a2italist "o5ernment, t*e re5ol#tion .o#ld
be)ome 2ermanent H t*at is, )ontin#o#s: It .o#ld a22ly
t*e state, not in order to )onsolidate t*e rG o
)a2italist ex2loitation, b#t in order to o5er)ome it: Its inal
s#))ess on t*is road .o#ld de2end #2on t*e s#))esses o
t*e 2roletariat re5ol#tion in E#ro2e ::: S#)* .as and
remains t*e sole 2ers2e)ti5e o t*e #rt*er de5elo2ment o
t*e re5ol#tion:A T*e a#t*or o t*is arti)le .as Trots8y, .*o
.rote it in 9resty 2rison: T*e editor o t*e 2a2er t*at
2#blis*ed it .as Stalin: T*e si"nii)an)e o t*e =#otation is
deined already in t*e mere a)t t*at t*e term @2ermanent
re5ol#tionA *ad been #sed in t*e 'ols*e5i8 2arty #2 to
1917 ex)l#si5ely to desi"nate t*e 2oint o 5ie. o Trots8y:
0 e. years later Stalin .ill de)lare: @Lenin str#""led
a"ainst t*e t*eory o 2ermanent re5ol#tion to t*e end o
*is days:A Stalin *imsel at any rate did not str#""le: t*e
arti)le a22eared .it*o#t any editorial )omment .*ate5er:
Ten days later Trots8y .rote a"ain in t*e same 2a2er:
@Internationalism or #s is not an abstra)t idea ::: b#t a
dire)tly "#idin", dee2ly 2ra)ti)al 2rin)i2le: 0 2ermanent
de)isi5e s#))ess is #nt*in8able or #s o#tside t*e
E#ro2ean re5ol#tion:A 0"ain Stalin did not obDe)t:
Moreo5er t.o days later *e *imsel re2eated it: @Let t*em
8no. /t*e .or8ers and soldiers1 t*at only in #nion .it* t*e
.or8ers o t*e .est, only ater s*a8in" loose t*e
o#ndations o )a2italism In t*e .est, )an .e )o#nt #2on
t*e tri#m2* o t*e re5ol#tion in R#ssiaLA 'y @t*e tri#m2*
o t*e re5ol#tionA is meant not t*e b#ildin" o so)ialism H
o t*at t*ere .as still no tal8 at all H b#t only t*e .innin"
and *oldin" o
@T*e bo#r"eoisie,A .rote Lenin in Se2tember, @is s*o#tin"
abo#t t*e ine5itable deeat o t*e )omm#ne in R#ssia H
t*at is, t*e deeat o t*e 2roletariat i it .ins t*e
+e m#st not be ri"*tened by t*ese s*o#ts: @?a5in"
)on=#ered t*e, t*e 2roletariat o R#ssia *as e5ery
)*an)e o *oldin" it and brin"in" R#ssia t*ro#"* to t*e
5i)torio#s re5ol#tion in t*e .est:A T*e 2ers2e)ti5e o t*e
re5ol#tion is *ere deined .it* #tter )learness: to *old t*e #ntil t*e be"innin" o t*e so)ialist re5ol#tion in
E#ro2e: T*is orm#la .as not *astily t*ro.n o#t: Lenin
re2eats it rom day to day: ?e s#ms #2 *is 2ro"ramme
arti)le, ,ill the 5olshevik 5e #/le to Hol the State 7o+er6
in t*ese .ords: @T*ere is no on eart* .*i)* )an
2re5ent t*e 'ols*e5i8s, i t*ey do not let t*emsel5es be
ri"*tened and s#))eed in seiKin" t*e, rom *oldin"
it #ntil t*e 5i)tory o t*e .orld;.ide so)ialist re5ol#tion:A
T*e Ri"*t +in" o t*e 'ols*e5i8s demanded a )oalition
.it* t*e !om2romisers, )itin" t*e a)t t*at t*e 'ols*e5i8s
@aloneA )o#ld not *old t*e Lenin ans.ered t*em on
No5ember 1 H t*at is, ater t*e re5ol#tion: @T*ey say t*at
.e alone .ill not *old t*e, et): '#t .e are not
alone: 'eore #s is all E#ro2e: +e m#st be"in:A In t*is
dialo"#e o Lenin .it* t*e Ri"*t +in", it be)omes
es2e)ially )lear t*at t*e idea o t*e inde2endent )reation
o a so)ialist so)iety in R#ssia ne5er e5en )ame into t*e
*ead o any o t*e dis2#tants:
,o*n Reed tells *o. at one o t*e 3etro"rad meetin"s at
t*e Ob#8*o5s8y a)tory a soldier rom t*e R#manian ront
s*o#ted @+e .ill *old on .it* all o#r mi"*t #ntil t*e
2eo2les o t*e .*ole .orld rise to *el2 #s:A T*is orm#la
did not all rom t*e s8y, and it .as not t*o#"*t o eit*er
by t*e nameless soldier or by Reed: It .as "rated into t*e
masses by 'ols*e5i8 a"itators: T*e 5oi)e o t*e soldier
rom t*e R#manian ront .as t*e 5oi)e o t*e 2arty, t*e
5oi)e o t*e O)tober re5ol#tion:
T*e .eclaration of Ri&hts of the Toilers an the E$ploite
7eoples H t*e #ndamental state 2ro"ramme introd#)ed in
t*e name o t*e so5iet into t*e !onstit#ent
0ssembly H 2ro)laimed t*e tas8 o t*e ne. str#)t#re to be
@t*e establis*ment o a so)ialist or"anisation o so)iety
and t*e 5i)tory o so)ialism in all )o#ntries ::: T*e so5iet .ill 2ro)eed resol#tely alon" t*is road #ntil t*e
)om2lete 5i)tory o t*e international .or8ersJ ins#rre)tion
a"ainst t*e yo8e o )a2ital:A T*is Leninist .eclaration of
Ri&hts, not ormally ann#lled to t*is day, )on5erted t*e
2ermanent re5ol#tion into a #ndamental la. o t*e So5iet
I Rosa L#xember", .*o in *er 2rison .as" .it*
2assionate and Dealo#s attention t*e deeds and .ords o
t*e 'ols*e5i8s, *ad )a#"*t in t*em a s*ado. o national
so)ialism, s*e .o#ld *a5e so#nded t*e alarm at on)e: In
t*ose days s*e .as 5ery sternly H in t*e essen)e
mista8enly H )riti)isin" t*e 2oli)ies o t*e 'ols*e5i8s: '#t
no: ?ere is .*at s*e .rote abo#t t*e "eneral line o t*e
2arty: @T*e a)t t*at t*e 'ols*e5i8s in t*eir 2oli)y *a5e
steered t*eir )o#rse entirely to.ards t*e .orld re5ol#tion
o t*e 2roletariat is 2re)isely t*e most brilliant testimony
to t*eir 2oliti)al ar;si"*tedness, t*eir 2rin)i2led irmness
and t*e bold s)o2e o t*eir 2oli)yA
It is D#st t*ese 5ie.s, .*i)* Lenin .as de5elo2in" rom day
to day, .*i)* .ere 2rea)*ed in t*e )entral or"an o t*e
2arty #nder StalinJs editors*i2, .*i)* ins2ired t*e
s2ee)*es o a"itators "reat and small, .*i)* .ere
re2eated by soldiers rom ar;o se)tors o t*e ront, .*i)*
Rosa L#xemb#r" )onsidered t*e *i"*est testimony to t*e
2oliti)al arsi"*tedness o t*e 'ols*e5i8s H it is D#st t*ese
5ie.s .*i)* t*e b#rea#)ra)y o t*e !omm#nist
International )ondemned in 192(: @T*e 5ie.s o Trots8y
and *is ollo.ers #2on t*e #ndamental =#estion o t*e
)*ara)ter and 2ers2e)ti5es o o#r re5ol#tion,A says a
resol#tion o t*e Se5ent* 3len#m o t*e !omm#nist
International, @*a5e not*in" in )ommon .it* t*e 5ie.s o
o#r 2arty, .it* Leninism:A T*#s t*e e2i"ones o
'ols*e5ism *a5e done a.ay .it* t*eir o.n 2ast:
I anybody really str#""led in 1917 a"ainst t*e t*eory o
2ermanent re5ol#tion, it .as t*e 9adets and
!om2romisers: Mili#8o5 and 4an ex2osed t*e
@re5ol#tionary ill#sions o Trots8yismA as t*e )*ie )a#se o
t*e )olla2se o t*e re5ol#tion o 19%<: In *is introd#)tory
s2ee)* at t*e 4emo)rati) !oneren)e, !*eidKe s)o#r"ed
t*e eort @to 2#t o#t t*e ire o t*e )a2italist .ar by
)on5ertin" t*e re5ol#tion into a so)ialist and .orld
re5ol#tion:A On t*e 13t* o O)tober, 9erens8y said in t*e
3re;3arliament: @T*ere is no. no more dan"ero#s enemy
o t*e re5ol#tion, t*e demo)ra)y and all t*e )on=#ests o
reedom, t*an t*ose .*o ::: #nder t*e "#ise o dee2enin"
t*e re5ol#tion and )on5ertin" it into a 2ermanent so)ial
re5ol#tion, are 2er5ertin", and it seems *a5e already
2er5erted, t*e masses:A !*eidKe and 9erens8y .ere
enemies o t*e 2ermanent re5ol#tion or t*e same reason
t*at t*ey .ere enemies o t*e 'ols*e5i8s:
0t t*e se)ond !on"ress o So5iets, at t*e moment o t*e
seiK#re o, Trots8y said: @I t*e 2eo2le o E#ro2e do
not rise and )r#s* im2erialism, .e .ill be )r#s*ed H t*at is
ind#bitable: Eit*er t*e R#ssian re5ol#tion .ill raise t*e
.*irl.ind o str#""le in t*e .est, or t*e )a2italists o all
)o#ntries .ill stran"le o#r re5ol#tion:A @T*ere is a t*ird
road,A s*o#ted a 5oi)e rom t*e ben)*es: +as t*is 2er*a2s
StalinJs 5oi)e> No, it .as t*e 5oi)e o a Mens*e5i8: It .as
some years beore 'ols*e5i8s dis)o5ered t*at @t*ird road:A
0s a res#lt o inn#merable re2etitions in t*e international
Stalinist 2ress, it is )onsidered in a "reat 5ariety o 2oliti)al
)ir)les almost establis*ed t*at t.o )on)e2tions lay at t*e
bottom o t*e 'rest;Lito5s8 disa"reements: One *ad as its
2oint o de2art#re t*e 2ossibility not only o *oldin" o#t,
b#t o b#ildin" so)ialism .it* t*e inner or)es o R#ssiaC
t*e ot*er rested its *o2e ex)l#si5ely on an ins#rre)tion in
E#ro2e: In reality t*is )ontrast o 5ie.s .as )reated some
years later, and its a#t*or did not ta8e t*e tro#ble to brin"
*is in5ention into t*e most s#2eri)ial a))ord .it* t*e
*istori) do)#ments: To be s#re, t*is .o#ld *a5e been no
easy tas8: 0ll t*e 'ols*e5i8s .it*o#t a sin"le ex)e2tion
.ere at one in t*e 'rest 2eriod in t*in8in" t*at i a
re5ol#tion did not brea8 o#t in E#ro2e in t*e 5ery near
#t#re, t*e So5iet Re2#bli) .as doomed to destr#)tion:
Some )o#nted t*e time in .ee8s, ot*ers in mont*s:
nobody )o#nted it in years:
@Brom t*e 5ery be"innin" o t*e R#ssian re5ol#tion :::,A
.rote '#8*arin on ,an#ary 2$, 191$, @t*e 2arty o t*e
re5ol#tionary 2roletariat *as de)lared: eit*er t*e
international re5ol#tion, #nleas*ed by t*e re5ol#tion in
R#ssia, .ill stran"le t*e .ar and )a2ital, or international
)a2ital .ill stran"le t*e R#ssian re5ol#tion:A '#t .as not
'#8*arin: .*o t*en *eaded t*e ad5o)ates o re5ol#tionary
.ar .it* -ermany, attrib#tin" t*e 5ie.s o *is a)tion to
t*e .*ole 2arty> ?o.e5er nat#ral s#)* a s#22osition may
be, it is latly )ontradi)ted by t*e do)#ments:
T*e min#tes o t*e !entral !ommittee or 1917 and t*e
be"innin" o 191$ H 2#blis*ed in 1929 H in s2ite o
abrid"ements and a tendentio#s editin", oer in5al#able
testimony #2on t*is =#estion too: @0t t*e session o
,an#ary 11, 191$, !omrade Ser"eie5 /0rtem1 2oints o#t
t*at all t*e orators are a"reed #2on t*e a)t t*at o#r
so)ialist re2#bli) is t*reatened .it* destr#)tion in t*e
ail#re o a so)ialist re5ol#tion in t*e .est:A Ser"eie5 stood
or t*e 2osition o Lenin H t*at is, or si"nin" t*e 2ea)e:
Nobody )ontradi)ted Ser"eie5: 0ll t*ree o t*e )ontendin"
"ro#2s )om2eted in a22ealin" to one and t*e same
"eneral 2remise: +it*o#t a .orld re5ol#tion .e .ill not
2#ll t*ro#"*:
Stalin, to be s#re, introd#)ed a s2e)ial note into t*e
debate: ?e based t*e ne)essity o si"nin" a se2arate
2ea)e #2on t*e a)t t*at: @T*ere is no re5ol#tionary
mo5ement in t*e .est, t*ere are no a)ts, t*ere is only a
2otentiality, and .e )anJt i"#re on 2otentialities:A
0lt*o#"* still ar rom t*e t*eory o so)ialism in a se2arate
)o#ntry, *e ne5ert*eless )learly re5ealed in t*ese .ords
*is or"ani) distr#st o t*e international mo5ement: @+e
)annot i"#re on 2otentialities:A Lenin immediately dre.
aside @in )ertain 2artsA rom t*is Stalinist s#22ort: @It is
tr#e t*at t*e re5ol#tion in t*e .est *as not yet be"#n,A *e
said: @?o.e5er, i in 5ie. o t*is .e s*o#ld )*an"e o#r
ta)ti)s, t*en .e s*o#ld be traitors to international
so)ialism:A I *e, Lenin, a5o#red an immediate se2arate
2ea)e, it .as not be)a#se *e did not belie5e in t*e
re5ol#tionary mo5ement in t*e .est, and still less be)a#se
*e belie5ed in t*e 5iability o an isolated R#ssian
re5ol#tion: @It is im2ortant or #s to *old o#t #ntil t*e
)omin" o a "eneral so)ialist re5ol#tion, and .e )an
a)*ie5e t*is only by si"nin" t*e 2ea)e:A T*e meanin" o
t*e 'rest )a2it#lation .as s#mmed #2 or Lenin in t*e
.ords @breat*in" s2ell:A
T*e min#tes testiy t*at ater t*is .arnin" rom Lenin,
Stalin so#"*t an o22ort#nity to )orre)t *imsel: @Session o
Bebr#ary 23, 191$: !omrade Stalin: ::: +e also are sta8in"
o#r 2lay #2on a re5ol#tion, b#t yo# are re)8onin" in
.ee8s, and E.eF in mont*s:A Stalin *ere re2eats ver/atim
t*e orm#la o Lenin: T*e distan)e bet.een t*e t.o .in"s
in t*e !entral !ommittee on t*e =#estion o t*e .orld
re5ol#tion .as t*e distan)e bet.een .ee8s and mont*s:
+*en deendin" t*e si"nin" o t*e 'rest 2ea)e at t*e
se5ent* !on"ress o t*e 2arty in Mar)* 191$, Lenin said:
@It is absol#tely tr#e t*at .it*o#t a -erman re5ol#tion .e
.ill 2eris*: +e .ill 2eris* 2er*a2s not in 3etersb#r" nor in
Mos)o., b#t in Vladi5osto8, or some ot*er remote 2la)e
.*it*er .e .ill *a5e to retreat b#t in any )ase, #nder all
2ossible or )on)ei5able e5ent#alities, i t*e -erman
re5ol#tion does not be"in, .e 2eris*:A It is not only a
=#estion o -ermany, *o.e5er: @International
im2erialism ::: .*i)* re2resents a "i"anti) a)t#al :::
)o#ld in no )ase and #nder no )onditions li5e side by side
.it* t*e So5iet Re2#bli): ?ere a )onli)t .o#ld be
ine5itable: ?ere ::: is t*e "reatest *istori) 2roblem ::: t*e
ne)essity o e5o8in" an international re5ol#tion:A In t*e
se)ret de)ision ado2ted, .e read: @T*e !on"ress sees t*e
most reliable "#arantee o t*e )onsolidation o t*e
so)ialist re5ol#tion .*i)* *as .on t*e 5i)tory in R#ssia
only in its )on5ersion into an international .or8ersJ
Some days later Lenin made a re2ort to t*e !on"ress o
So5iets: @+orld.ide im2erialism and t*e tri#m2*al mar)*
o a so)ial re5ol#tion )annot li5e side by side:A On 02ril 23
*e said at a session o t*e Mos)o. so5iet: @O#r
ba)8.ardness *as 2#s*ed #s or.ard, and .e s*all 2eris*
i .e )annot *old o#t #ntil .e meet a mi"*ty s#22ort on
t*e 2ort o t*e ins#rre)tionary .or8ers o ot*er )o#ntries:A
@+e m#st retreat /beore im2erialism1 e5en to t*e 6rals,A
*e .rites in May 191$, @or t*at is t*e sole )*an)e o
.innin" time or t*e mat#rin" o t*e re5ol#tion in t*e .est
Lenin .as )learly a.are o t*e a)t t*at t*e dra""in" o#t
o t*e ne"otiations at 'rest .o#ld ma8e *arder t*e
)onditions o 2ea)e, b#t *e 2#t t*e re5ol#tionary
international tas8s *i"*er t*an t*e @nationalA ones: On
,#ne 2$, 191$,*standin" e2isodi) disa"reements
.it* Trots8y on t*e s#bDe)t o si"nin" t*e 2ea)e, Lenin said
at a Mos)o. )oneren)e o trade #nions: @+*en it )ame to
t*e 'rest ne"otiations, t*e ex2os#res o !omrade Trots8y
)ame o#t beore t*e .*ole .orld, and did not t*is 2oli)y
brin" it abo#t t*at in t*e enemy;)o#ntry ::: in .artime an
enormo#s re5ol#tionary mo5ement bro8e o#t>A 0 .ee8
later in a re2ort o t*e !o#n)il o 3eo2leJs !ommissars to
t*e it* !on"ress o So5iets, *e ret#rns to t*e same
=#estion: @+e #lilled o#r d#ty beore all t*e 2eo2les :::
t*ro#"* o#r 'rest dele"ation *eaded by !omrade Trots8y:A
0 year later Lenin re)alled: @In t*e e2o)* o t*e 'rest
2ea)e ::: t*e So5iet 2la)ed t*e .orld di)tators*i2 o
t*e 2roletariat and t*e .orld re5ol#tion *i"*er t*an any
national sa)rii)es, no matter *o. *ea5y t*ey mi"*t be:A
@+*at meanin",A as8ed Stalin, .*en time *ad erased rom
*is memory t*e ne5er 5ery deinite distin)tions bet.een
ideas H @+*at meanin" )an Trots8yJs assertion t*at
re5ol#tionary R#ssia )o#ld not stand in t*e a)e o a
)onser5ati5e E#ro2e *a5e> It )an *a5e only one meanin":
Trots8y does not eel t*e in.ard mi"*t o o#r re5ol#tion:A
In reality t*e .*ole 2arty .as #nanimo#s in t*e )on5i)tion
t*at @beore t*e a)e o a )onser5ati5e E#ro2eA t*e So5iet
Re2#bli) )o#ld not stand: '#t t*at .as only t*e re5erse
side o a )on5i)tion t*at a )onser5ati5e E#ro2e )o#ld not
stand beore t*e a)e o re5ol#tionary R#ssia: In ne"ati5e
orm it ex2ressed an #n)on=#erable ait* in t*e
international o t*e R#ssian re5ol#tion: 0nd
#ndamentally t*e 2arty .as not mista8en: !onser5ati5e
E#ro2e did not at any rate .*olly stand: T*e -erman
re5ol#tion, e5en betrayed as it .as by t*e so)ial
demo)ra)y, .as still stron" eno#"* to trim t*e )la.s o
L#dendor and ?omann: +it*o#t t*is o2eration t*e
So5iet Re2#bli) )o#ld *ardly *a5e a5oided destr#)tion:
'#t e5en ater t*e destr#)tion o -erman militarism, no
)*an"e .as made in t*e "eneral a22raisal o t*e
international sit#ation: @O#r eorts .ill ine5itably lead to a
.orld;.ide re5ol#tion,A said Lenin at a session o t*e
!entral Exe)#ti5e !ommittee at t*e end o ,#ly 191$:
@T*in"s stand in s#)* a .ay t*at, *a5in" "otten o#t o t*e
.ar .it* one allian)e, E.eF immediately ex2erien)ed t*e
assa#lt o im2erialism rom t*e ot*er side:A In 0#"#st,
.*en )i5il .ar .as s2readin" on t*e Vol"a .it* t*e
2arti)i2ation o t*e !Ke)*o;Slo5a8s, Lenin said at a
meetin" in Mos)o.: @O#r re5ol#tion be"an as a #ni5ersal
re5ol#tion ::: T*e 2roletarian masses .ill "#arantee t*e
So5iet Re2#bli) a 5i)tory o5er t*e !Ke)*o;Slo5a8s and t*e
2ossibility o *oldin" o#t #ntil t*e .orld;.ide so)ialist
re5ol#tion brea8s o#t:A To *old o#t #ntil t*e o#tbrea8 o
re5ol#tion in t*e .est H s#)* as beore is t*e orm#la o
t*e 2arty:
In t*ose same days Lenin .rote to t*e 0meri)an .or8ers:
@+e are in a besie"ed ortress #ntil ot*er armies o t*e
international so)ialist re5ol#tion )ome to o#r aid:A ?e
ex2ressed *imsel still more )ate"ori)ally in No5ember:
@T*e a)ts o .orld *istory *a5e s*o.n t*at t*e )on5ersion
o o#r R#ssian re5ol#tion into a so)ialist re5ol#tion .as not
an ad5ent#re b#t a ne)essity, or t*ere .as no ot*er
)*oi)e: 0n"lo;Bren)* and 0meri)an im2erialism .ill
ine5itably stran"le t*e inde2enden)e and reedom o
R#ssia #nless .orld;.ide so)ialist re5ol#tion, #nless
.orld.ide 'ols*e5ism, )on=#ers:A To re2eat t*e .ords o
Stalin, Lenin ob5io#sly did not eel t*e @inner mi"*t o o#r
T*e irst anni5ersary o t*e re5ol#tion is 2ast: T*e 2arty
*as *ad time to loo8 ro#nd: 0nd ne5ert*eless in *is re2ort
to t*e ei"*t* !on"ress o t*e 2arty in Mar)* 1919: Lenin
a"ain de)lares: @+e li5e not only in a state b#t in a system
o states, and t*e existen)e o t*e So5iet Re2#bli) side by
side .it* im2erialist states or an extended 2eriod is
#nt*in8able: In t*e end eit*er one or t*e ot*er .ill
)on=#er:A On t*e t*ird anni5ersary, .*i)* )oin)ided .it*
t*e ro#t o t*e +*ites, Lenin re)alled and "eneralised: @I
on t*at ni"*t /t*e ni"*t o t*e O)tober re5ol#tion1
someone *ad told #s t*at in t*ree years ::: t*is .o#ld be
o#r 5i)tory, nobody, not e5en t*e most )o)8s#re o2timist,
.o#ld *a5e belie5ed it: +e 8ne. t*en t*at o#r 5i)tory
.o#ld be a 5i)tory only .*en o#r )a#se s*o#ld )on=#er
t*e .*ole .orld, or .e be"an o#r .or8 )o#ntin"
ex)l#si5ely #2on .orld re5ol#tion:A More #nassailable
testimony )o#ld not be as8ed: 0t t*e moment o t*e
O)tober re5ol#tion @t*e most )o)8s#re o2timistA not only
did not dream o )reatin" national so)ialism, b#t did not
belie5e in t*e 2ossibility o deendin" t*e re5ol#tion
.it*o#t dire)t *el2 rom o#tsideL @+e be"an o#r .or8
)o#ntin" ex)l#si5ely #2on .orld re5ol#tion:A In order to
"#arantee t*e 5i)tory in a t*ree yearsJ i"*t o5er le"ions o
enemies, neit*er t*e 2arty nor t*e Red 0rmy *ad need o
t*e myt* o so)ialism in a se2arate )o#ntry:
T*e .orld sit#ation too8 a more a5o#rable orm t*an
)o#ld *a5e been ex2e)ted: T*e masses re5ealed an
extraordinary )a2a)ity or sa)rii)es in t*e name o t*e
ne. "oals: T*e leaders s8il#lly made #se o t*e
)ontradi)tions o im2erialism d#rin" t*e irst and most
dii)#lt 2eriod: 0s a res#lt t*e re5ol#tion re5ealed more
stability t*an @t*e most )o)8s#re o2timistA *ad
anti)i2ated: '#t e5en so, t*e 2arty .*olly 2reser5ed its
ormer international 2osition:
@I it *adnJt been or t*e .ar,A Lenin ex2lained in ,an#ary
191$, @.e .o#ld *a5e seen a #nion o t*e )a2italists o
t*e .*ole .orld, a )onsolidation on t*e basis o t*e
str#""le a"ainst #s:A @+*y t*ro#"*o#t .ee8s and
mont*s ::: ater O)tober did .e "et a )*an)e to 2ass so
easily rom tri#m2* to tri#m2*>A *e as8ed at t*e se5ent*
!on"ress o t*e 2arty: @Only be)a#se a s2e)ially ormed
international )onD#n)t#re tem2orarily 2rote)ted #s rom
im2erialism:A In 02ril, Lenin said at a session o t*e !entral
Exe)#ti5e !ommittee: @+e "ot a breat*in" s2ell only
be)a#se t*e im2erialist .ar still )ontin#ed in t*e .est, and
in t*e Bar East im2erialist ri5alry is ra"in" .ider and .iderC
t*is alone ex2lains t*e existen)e o t*e So5iet Re2#bli):A
T*is ex)e2tional )ombination o )ir)#mstan)es )o#ld not
last or e5er: @+e *a5e no. 2assed rom .ar to 2ea)e,A
said Lenin in 192%: @'#t .e *a5e not or"otten t*at .ar
.ill )ome a"ain: So lon" as bot* )a2italism and so)ialism
remain, .e )annot li5e in 2ea)e: Eit*er t*e one or t*e
ot*er in t*e lon" r#n .ill )on=#er: T*ere .ill be a #neral
)*ant eit*er or t*e So5iet Re2#bli) or or .orld )a2italism:
T*is is a moratori#m in a .ar:A
T*e transormation o t*e ori"inal @breat*in" s2ellA into a
2rolon"ed 2eriod o #nstable e=#ilibri#m .as made
2ossible not only by t*e str#""le o )a2italist "ro#2in"s,
b#t also by t*e international re5ol#tionary mo5ement: 0s a
res#lt o t*e No5ember re5ol#tion in -ermany, t*e -erman
troo2s .ere )om2elled to abandon t*e 68raine, t*e 'alti)
States and Binland: T*e 2enetration o t*e s2irit o re5olt
into t*e armies o t*e Entente )om2elled t*e Bren)*,
En"lis* and 0meri)an "o5ernments to .it*dra. t*eir
troo2s rom t*e so#t*ern and nort*ern s*ores o R#ssia:
T*e 2roletarian re5ol#tion in t*e .est .as not 5i)torio#s,
b#t on its road to 5i)tory it 2rote)ted t*e So5iet state or a
n#mber o years:
In ,#ly 1921, Lenin s#mmarised t*e sit#ation: @+e *a5e
"ot a )ertain e=#ilibri#m, alt*o#"* extremely ra"ile,
extremely #nstable, ne5ert*eless s#)* an e=#ilibri#m t*at
a so)ialist re2#bli) )an exist H o )o#rse not or lon" H in a
)a2italist en5ironment:A T*#s 2assin" rom .ee8s to
mont*s, rom mont*s to years, t*e 2arty only by de"rees
assimilated t*e idea t*at a .or8ersJ state mi"*t or a
)ertain time H @o )o#rse not or lon"A H 2ea)e#lly
)ontin#e to exist in a )a2italist en5ironment:
One not #nim2ortant )on)l#sion lo.s rom t*e abo5e data
=#ite irre#tably: I a))ordin" to t*e "eneral )on5i)tion o
t*e 'ols*e5i8s t*e So5iet state )o#ld not lon" *old o#t
.it*o#t a 5i)tory o t*e 2roletariat in t*e .est, t*en t*e
2ro"ramme o b#ildin" so)ialism in a se2arate )o#ntry is
ex)l#ded 2ra)ti)ally by t*at a)t aloneC t*e 5ery =#estion
is .it*dra.n, so to s2ea8, in its 2reliminary )onsideration:
It .o#ld be, *o.e5er, a )om2lete mista8e to ass#me as
t*e e2i"one s)*ool *as attem2ted to s#""est in re)ent
years, t*at t*e sole obsta)le seen by t*e 2arty on t*e road
to a national so)ialist so)iety, .as t*e )a2italist armies:
T*e t*reat o armed inter5ention .as in reality 2ra)ti)ally
ad5an)ed to t*e ront ran8, b#t t*e .ar dan"er itsel .as
merely t*e most a)#te ex2ression o t*e te)*ni)al and
ind#strial 2redominan)e o t*e )a2italist nations: In t*e
last analysis t*e 2roblem red#)ed itsel to t*e isolation o
t*e So5iet Re2#bli) and to its ba)8.ardness:
So)ialism is t*e or"anisation o a 2lanned and *armonio#s
so)ial 2rod#)tion or t*e satisa)tion o *#man .ants:
!olle)ti5e o.ners*i2 o t*e means o 2rod#)tion is not yet
so)ialism, b#t only its le"al 2remise: T*e 2roblem o a
so)ialist so)iety )annot be abstra)ted rom t*e 2roblem o
t*e 2rod#)ti5e or)es, .*i)* at t*e 2resent sta"e o
*#man de5elo2ment are .orld.ide in t*eir 5ery essen)e:
T*e se2arate state, *a5in" be)ome too narro. or
)a2italism, is so m#)* t*e less )a2able o be)omin" t*e
arena o a inis*ed so)ialist so)iety: T*e ba)8.ardness o a
re5ol#tionary )o#ntry, moreo5er, in)reases or it t*e
dan"er o bein" t*ro.n ba)8 to )a2italism: In reDe)tin" t*e
2ers2e)ti5e o an isolated so)ialist de5elo2ment, t*e
'ols*e5i8s *ad in 5ie., not a me)*ani)ally isolated
2roblem o inter5ention, b#t t*e .*ole )om2lex o
=#estions bo#nd #2 .it* t*e international e)onomi) basis
o so)ialism:
0t t*e se5ent* !on"ress o t*e 2arty, Lenin said: @I R#ssia
2asses no. H and s*e ind#bitably is 2assin" H rom a OTilsit
3ea)eJ to a national boom ::: t*en t*e o#t)ome o t*is
boom is not a transition to t*e bo#r"eois state b#t a
transition to t*e international so)ialist re5ol#tion:A S#)*
.as t*e alternati5e: eit*er an international re5ol#tion or a
slidin" ba)8 H to )a2italism: T*ere .as no 2la)e or
national so)ialism: @?o. many transitional sta"es t*ere
.ill yet be to so)ialism, .e do not and )annot 8no.: T*at
de2ends #2on .*en t*e E#ro2ean so)ialist re5ol#tion
be"ins on a real s)ale:A
In 02ril o t*e same year, .*en )allin" or a re;ormation o
t*e ran8s or 2ra)ti)al .or8, Lenin .rote: @+e )an "i5e
serio#s )o;o2eration to t*e so)ialist re5ol#tion in t*e .est,
delayed or a n#mber o reasons, only to t*e de"ree t*at
.e s#))eed in sol5in" t*e or"anisational 2roblem .*i)*
stands beore #s:A T*is irst a22roa)* to e)onomi)
)onstr#)tion is immediately in)l#ded in t*e international
s)*eme: it is a =#estion o @)o;o2eration to t*e so)ialist
re5ol#tion in t*e .est,A and not o )reatin" a sel;s#i)ient
so)ialist 8in"dom in t*e east:
On t*e t*eme o t*e )omin" *#n"er, Lenin said to t*e
Mos)o. .or8ers: @In all o#r a"itation .e m#st ::: ex2lain
t*at t*e misort#ne .*i)* *as allen #2on #s is an
international misort#ne, t*at t*ere is no .ay o#t o it b#t
t*e international re5ol#tion:A In order to o5er)ome t*e
amine .e m#st *a5e a re5ol#tion o t*e .orld 2roletariat
H says Lenin: In order to )reate a so)ialist so)iety a
re5ol#tion in a se2arate )o#ntry is eno#"* H t*e
e2i"ones: S#)* is t*e s)o2e o t*e disa"reementL +*o is
ri"*t> Let #s not or"et any.ay t*at, in s2ite o t*e
s#))esses o ind#strialisation, *#n"er is not yet )on=#ered
to t*is day:
T*e !on"ress o t*e !o#n)ils o 3eo2leJs E)onomy, in
4e)ember 191$, orm#lated t*e 2lan o so)ialist
)onstr#)tion in t*e" .ords: @T*e di)tators*i2 o
t*e .orld;2roletariat is be)omin" *istori)ally ine5itable :::
T*is is determinin" t*e de5elo2ment bot* o t*e .*ole
.orld so)iety and o ea)* )o#ntry in 2arti)#lar: T*e
establis*ment o t*e di)tators*i2 o t*e 2roletariat and o
t*e so5iet orm o "o5ernment in ot*er )o#ntries .ill ma8e
2ossible t*e ina#"#ration o t*e most )lose e)onomi)
relations bet.een )o#ntries, an international di5ision o
labo#r in 2rod#)tion, and inally t*e or"anisation o
international e)onomi) or"ans o administration:A T*e a)t
t*at s#)* a resol#tion )o#ld be ado2ted by a )on"ress o
t*e state bodies )onronted .it* 2#rely 2ra)ti)al 2roblems
H )oal, ire.ood, s#"ar;beets H 2ro5es better t*an anyt*in"
else *o. inse2arably t*e 2ers2e)ti5e o t*e 2ermanent
re5ol#tion dominated t*e )ons)io#sness o t*e 2arty
d#rin" t*at 2eriod:
In t*e AB- o* -o&&unis&, t*e 2arty text;boo8
)om2osed by '#8*arin and 3reobraK*ens8y, .*i)* .ent
t*ro#"* a "reat many editions, .e read: @T*e )omm#nist
re5ol#tion )an be 5i)torio#s only as a .orld re5ol#tion ::: In
a sit#ation .*ere t*e .or8ers *a5e .on only in a sin"le
)o#ntry, e)onomi) )onstr#)tion be)omes 5ery dii)#lt :::
Bor t*e 5i)tory o )omm#nism t*e 5i)tory o t*e .orld
re5ol#tion is ne)essary:A
In t*e s2irit o t*ese same ideas '#8*arin .rote in a
2o2#lar bro)*#re re2rinted many times by t*e 2arty and
translated into orei"n lan"#a"es: @T*ere rises beore t*e
R#ssian 2roletariat s*ar2ly as ne5er beore t*e 2roblems
o international re5ol#tion ::: T*e 2ermanent re5ol#tion in
R#ssia "ro.s into a E#ro2ean re5ol#tion o t*e 2roletariat:A
In a .ell;8no.n boo8 o Ste2ano5;S85ortKo5, entitled
(lectri*ication, iss#ed #nder t*e editors*i2 o Lenin and
.it* an introd#)tion by *im, in a )*a2ter .*i)* t*e editor
re)ommends .it* s2e)ial ent*#siasm to t*e attention o
t*e reader, it says: @T*e 2roletariat o R#ssia ne5er
t*o#"*t o )reatin" an isolated so)ialist state: 0 sel;
s#i)ient Oso)ialistJ state is a 2etty;bo#r"eois ideal: 0
)ertain a22roa)* to t*is is t*in8able .it* an e)onomi) and
2oliti)al 2redominan)e o t*e 2etty;bo#r"eoisieC in
isolation rom t*e o#tside .orld it see8s a means o
)onsolidatin" its e)onomi) orms, .*i)* are )on5erted by
t*e ne. te)*ni=#e and t*e ne. e)onomy into 5ery
#nstable orms:A T*ese admirable lines, .*i)* .ere
#ndo#btedly "one o5er by t*e *and o Lenin, )ast a )lear
beam o li"*t #2on t*e most re)ent e5ol#tion o t*e
In *is t*eses on t*e national and )olonial =#estions at t*e
se)ond !on"ress o t*e !omm#nist International, Lenin
deines t*e "eneral tas8 o so)ialism, risin" abo5e t*e
national sta"es o t*e str#""le, as @t*e )reation o a #nited
.orld.ide e)onomy, re"#lated a))ordin" to a "eneral 2lan
by t*e 2roletariat o all nations, as a .*ole t*e tenden)y
to.ards .*i)* is already re5ealed .it* )om2lete )larity
#nder )a2italism, and #ndo#btedly .ill re)ei5e #rt*er
de5elo2ment and #ll a)*ie5ement #nder so)ialism:A In
relation to t*is *eritable and 2ro"ressi5e tenden)y, t*e
idea o a so)ialist so)iety in a se2arate )o#ntry is rea)tion:
T*e )ondition or t*e arisin" o a di)tators*i2 o t*e
2roletariat and t*e )onditions or t*e )reation o a so)ialist
so)iety are not identi)al, not o li8e nat#re, in )ertain
res2e)ts e5en anta"onisti): T*e )ir)#mstan)e t*at t*e
R#ssian 2roletariat irst )ame to by no means
im2lies t*at it .ill irst )ome to so)ialism: T*at
)ontradi)tory #ne5enness o de5elo2ment .*i)* led to t*e
O)tober re5ol#tion did not disa22ear .it* its a)*ie5ement:
It .as laid do.n in t*e 5ery o#ndation o t*e irst .or8ersJ
@T*e more ba)8.ard t*e )o#ntry .*i)* is )om2elled, as a
res#lt o t*e Ki"Ka"s o *istory, to be"in t*e so)ialist
re5ol#tion,A said Lenin in Mar)* 191$, @t*e *arder or it
.ill be t*e transition rom t*e old )a2italist to t*e so)ialist
relations:A T*is idea inds its .ay t*ro#"* t*e s2ee)*es
and arti)les o Lenin rom year to year: @Bor #s it is easy to
be"in a re5ol#tion and *arder to )ontin#e it,A *e says in
May o t*e same year: @In t*e .est it is *arder to be"in a
re5ol#tion, b#t it .ill be easier to )ontin#e:A In 4e)ember,
Lenin de5elo2ed t*e same t*o#"*t beore a 2easant
a#dien)e, one .*i)* inds it *ardest o all to trans)end
national bo#ndaries: @T*ere /in t*e .est1 t*e transition to
a so)ialist e)onomy ::: .ill "o aster and be a)*ie5ed more
easily t*an .it* #s ::: In #nion .it* t*e so)ialist 2roletariat
o t*e .*ole .orld t*e R#ssian labo#rin" 2easantry .ill
o5er)ome all *andi)a2s:A @In )om2arison .it* t*e
ad5an)ed )o#ntries,A *e re2eats in 1919, @it .as easier or
R#ssians to be"in t*e "reat 2roletarian re5ol#tion, b#t it
.ill be *arder or t*em to )ontin#e it, and )arry it t*ro#"*
to de)isi5e 5i)tory in t*e sense o t*e )om2lete
or"anisation o a so)ialist so)iety:A @Bor R#ssia,A Lenin
a"ain insisted on t*e 27t* o 02ril, 192%, @::: it .as easy to
be"in t*e so)ialist re5ol#tion, .*ereas to )ontin#e it and
)arry it t*ro#"* to t*e end .ill be *arder or R#ssia t*an
or t*e E#ro2ean )o#ntries: I *ad to 2oint o#t t*is
)ir)#mstan)e at t*e be"innin" o 191$, and t*e t.o years
ex2erien)e sin)e t*en *a5e #lly )onirmed t*is
T*e a"es o *istory li5e in t*e orm o dierent le5els o
)#lt#re: Time is needed to o5er)ome t*e 2ast H not ne.
a"es, b#t de)ades: @T*e )omin" "eneration, alt*o#"*
more de5elo2ed, .ill *ardly ma8e t*e )om2lete transition
to so)ialism,A said Lenin at a session o t*e !entral
Exe)#ti5e !ommittee on 02ril 29t*, 191$: 0lmost t.o
years later at a )on"ress o 0"ri)#lt#ral !omm#nes *e
named a still more remote date: @+e )annot no.
introd#)e a so)ialist order: -od "rant t*at in t*e time o
o#r )*ildren, or 2er*a2s o#r "rand)*ildren, it .ill be
establis*ed *ere:A T*e R#ssian .or8ers too8 t*e road
earlier t*an t*e rest, b#t t*ey .ill arri5e later at t*e "oal:
T*is is not 2essimism, b#t *istori) realism:
@+e, t*e 2roletariat o R#ssia, are in ad5an)e o any
En"land or any -ermany in o#r 2oliti)al str#)t#re :::A .rote
Lenin in May 191$, @and at t*e same time be*ind t*e most
ba)8.ard o .est E#ro2ean states ::: in t*e de"ree o o#r
2re2aration or t*e material;2rod#)ti5e ina#"#ration o
so)ialismA T*e same t*o#"*t is ex2ressed by *im in t*e
orm o a )ontrast bet.een t.o states: @-ermany and
R#ssia in)arnated in 191$ most ob5io#sly o all t*e
material realisation o t*e e)onomi) 2rod#)ti5e, so)io;
ind#strial )onditions o so)ialism on t*e one side, and t*e
2oliti)al )onditions on t*e ot*er:A T*e elements o t*e
#t#re so)iety are s2lit #2, so to s2ea8, amon" dierent
)o#ntries: To )olle)t and s#bordinate t*em one to anot*er
is t*e tas8 o a series o national re5ol#tions b#ildin" into a
.orld re5ol#tion:
T*e idea o t*e sel;s#i)ient )*ara)ter o t*e so5iet
e)onomy Lenin la#"*ed o#t o )o#rt in ad5an)e: @+*ile
o#r So5iet R#ssia remains a solitary s#b#rb o t*e .*ole
)a2italist .orld,A *e said in 4e)ember, 192%, at t*e ei"*t*
!on"ress o So5iets, @d#rin" t*at time to t*in8 o o#r
)om2lete e)onomi) inde2enden)e ::: .o#ld be an #tterly
ridi)#lo#s antasy and 6to2ianism:A On t*e 27t* o Mar)*,
1922, at t*e ele5ent* !on"ress o t*e 3arty, Lenin "a5e
.arnin": +e are )onronted .it* @a test .*i)* is bein"
2re2ared by t*e R#ssian and international mar8et, to
.*i)* .e are s#bordinate, .it* .*i)* .e are bo#nd #2,
rom .*i)* .e )annot brea8 a.ay: T*is is a serio#s test,
or *ere t*ey may beat #s e)onomi)ally and 2oliti)ally:A
T*is idea o t*e de2enden)e o so)ialist e)onomy #2on
.orld e)onomy, t*e !omm#nist International no.
)onsiders @)o#nterre5ol#tionary:A So)ialism )annot de2end
#2on )a2italismL T*e E2i"ones *a5e been in"enio#s
eno#"* to or"et t*at )a2italism, li8e so)ialism, rests #2on
a .orld.ide di5ision o labo#r .*i)* is to re)ei5e its
*i"*est de5elo2ment #nder so)ialism: E)onomi)
)onstr#)tion in an isolated .or8ersJ state, *o.e5er
im2ortant in itsel, .ill remain abrid"ed, limited,
)ontradi)tory: it )annot rea)* t*e *ei"*ts o a ne.
*armonio#s so)iety:
@T*e a#t*enti) rise o a so)ialist e)onomy in R#ssia,A
.rote Trots8y in 1922, @.ill be)ome 2ossible only ater t*e
5i)tory o t*e 2roletariat in t*e most im2ortant )o#ntries o
E#ro2e:A T*ese .ords *a5e be)ome an indi)tmentC
ne5ert*eless t*ey ex2ressed in t*eir time t*e "eneral
t*o#"*t o t*e 2arty: @T*e .or8 o )onstr#)tion,A said
Lenin in 1919, @de2ends entirely #2on *o. soon t*e
re5ol#tion is 5i)torio#s in t*e most im2ortant )o#ntries o
E#ro2e: Only ater t*is 5i)tory )an .e serio#sly #nderta8e
t*e b#siness o )onstr#)tion:A T*ose .ords ex2ress not a
la)8 o )oniden)e in t*e R#ssian re5ol#tion, b#t a ait* in
t*e nearness o t*e .orld re5ol#tion: '#t no. also, ater
t*e )olossal e)onomi) s#))esses o t*e 6nion, it remains
tr#e t*at t*e @a#t*enti) rise o a so)ialist e)onomy,A is
2ossible only on an international basis:
Brom t*e same 2oint o 5ie. t*e 2arty loo8ed #2on t*e
2roblem o t*e )olle)ti5isation o a"ri)#lt#ral ind#stry: T*e
2roletariat )annot )reate a ne. so)iety .it*o#t brin"in"
t*e 2easantry to so)ialism t*ro#"* a series o transitional
sta"es, t*e 2easantry bein" a )onsiderable H in a n#mber
o )o#ntries a 2redominant H 2art o t*e 2o2#lation, and a
8no.n maDority on t*e eart* as a .*ole: T*e sol#tion o
t*is most dii)#lt o all 2roblems de2ends in t*e last
analysis #2on t*e =#antitati5e and =#alitati5e )orrelations
bet.een ind#stry and a"ri)#lt#re: T*e 2easantry .ill t*e
more 5ol#ntarily and s#))ess#lly ta8e t*e road o
)olle)ti5isation, t*e more "enero#sly t*e to.n is able to
ertilise t*eir e)onomy and t*eir )#lt#re:
4oes t*ere exist, *o.e5er, eno#"* ind#stry or t*e
transormation o t*e )o#ntry>: T*is 2roblem, too, Lenin
)arried beyond t*e national bo#ndaries: @I yo# ta8e t*e
=#estion on a .orld s)ale,A *e said at t*e nint* !on"ress
o t*e So5iets, @s#)* a lo#ris*in" lar"e;s)ale ind#stry as
mi"*t s#22ly t*e .orld .it* all 2rod#)ts does exist on t*e
eart* ::: +e 2#t t*at at t*e basis o o#r )al)#lations:A T*e
)orrelation o ind#stry and a"ri)#lt#re, in)om2arably less
a5o#rable in R#ssia t*an in t*e )o#ntries o t*e .est,
remains to t*is day t*e basis o t*e e)onomi) and 2oliti)al
)rises .*i)* t*reaten at )ertain moments t*e stability o
t*e so5iet system:
T*e 2oli)y o so;)alled @military )omm#nismA H as is )lear
rom t*e abo5e H .as not based #2on t*e idea o b#ildin"
a so)ialist so)iety .it*in t*e national bo#ndaries: Only t*e
Mens*e5i8s, ma8in" #n o t*e so5iet, attrib#ted
s#)* 2lans to it: Bor t*e 'ols*e5i8s t*e #rt*er destinies o
t*e S2artan rG"ime im2osed by t*e r#in and t*e )i5il .ar,
stood in dire)t de2enden)e #2on t*e de5elo2ment o
re5ol#tion in t*e .est: In ,an#ary 1919, at t*e *ei"*t o
military )omm#nism, Lenin said: @+e .ill deend t*e
o#ndations o o#r )omm#nist 2oli)y in 2rod#)tion and .e
.ill )arry t*em t*ro#"* #ns*a8en to t*e time o t*e
)om2lete and .orld.ide 5i)tory o )omm#nism:A To"et*er
.it* t*e .*ole 2arty Lenin .as mista8en: It be)ame
ne)essary to )*an"e t*e 2oli)y in 2rod#)tion: 0t 2resent
.e may )onsider it establis*ed t*at, e5en i t*e so)ialist
re5ol#tion in E#ro2e *ad ta8en 2la)e d#rin" t*e irst t.o or
t*ree years ater O)tober, a retreat alon" t*e line o t*e
Ne. E)onomi) 3oli)y .o#ld *a5e been ine5itable D#st t*e
same: '#t on a retros2e)ti5e a22raisal o t*e irst sta"e o
t*e di)tators*i2, it be)omes es2e)ially )lear to .*at a
de"ree t*e met*ods o military )omm#nism and its
ill#sions .ere )losely inter.o5en .it* t*e 2ers2e)ti5e o
2ermanent re5ol#tion:
T*e dee2 internal )risis at t*e end o t*e t*ree years o
)i5il .ar in5ol5ed t*e t*reat o a dire)t brea8 bet.een t*e
2roletariat and t*e 2easantry, bet.een t*e 2arty and t*e
2roletariat: 0 radi)al re)onsideration o t*e met*ods o t*e
so5iet be)ame ne)essary: @+e *a5e to satisy
e)onomi)ally t*e middle 2easant, and ado2t reedom o
trade,A Lenin ex2lained: @Ot*er.ise it .ill be im2ossible to
2reser5e t*e o t*e 2roletariat in R#ssia in 5ie. o
t*e delay o t*e international re5ol#tion:A +as not t*e
transition to t*e NE3 a))om2anied, *o.e5er, by a brea8 in
2rin)i2le o t*e bond bet.een domesti) and international
Lenin "a5e a "eneral estimate o t*e ne. sta"e t*en
o2enin" in *is t*eses or t*e t*ird !on"ress o t*e
!omm#nist International: @Brom t*e 2oint o 5ie. o t*e
.orld.ide 2roletariat re5ol#tion as a sin"le 2ro)ess, t*e
si"nii)an)e o t*e e2o)* R#ssia is 2assin" t*ro#"* lies in
its 2ra)ti)al ex2erimental test o t*e 2oli)y in relation to
t*e 2etty;bo#r"eois mass o a 2roletariat *oldin" t*e state ?is 5ery deinition o t*e rame.or8 o t*e Ne.
E)onomi) 3oli)y, )leanly remo5es t*e =#estion o so)ialism
in one )o#ntry:
No less instin)ti5e are t*ose lines .*i)* Lenin .rote or *is
o.n #se in t*e days .*en t*e ne. met*ods o ind#stry
.ere bein" )onsidered and .or8ed #2: @1% to 2% years o
)orre)t relations .it* t*e 2easantry and 5i)tory on a .orld
s)ale is "#aranteed /e5en .it* t*e delay o t*e 2roletarian
re5ol#tions, .*i)* are ""1:A
T*e "oal is set: to a))ommodate o#rsel5es to t*e ne.,
more 2rolon"ed 2eriod .*i)* may be ne)essary or t*e
mat#rin" o t*e re5ol#tion in t*e .est: In t*is sense and
only t*is, Lenin ex2ressed *is )oniden)e t*at: @Brom
R#ssia o t*e NE3 .ill )ome a so)ialist R#ssia:A
It is not eno#"* to say t*at t*e idea o international
re5ol#tion .as not *ere re5isedC to a )ertain de"ree it
re)ei5ed a dee2er and more distin)t ex2ression: @In t*e
)o#ntries o de5elo2ed )a2italism,A said Lenin at t*e tent*
!on"ress o t*e 3arty, ex2lainin" t*e *istori) 2osition o
t*e NE3, @t*ere is a )lass o *ired a"ri)#lt#ral labo#rers
.*i)* *as been ormin" itsel in t*e )o#rse o some
de)ades ::: +*ere t*is )lass is s#i)iently de5elo2ed, t*e
transition rom )a2italism to so)ialism is 2ossible: +e *a5e
em2*asised H in a .*ole series o .ritin"s, in all o#r
s2ee)*es, in all o#r 2ress, t*e a)t t*at in R#ssia t*e
sit#ation is not li8e t*is H t*at in R#ssia .e *a5e a minority
o .or8ers in ind#stry and an enormo#s maDority o 2etty
lando.ners: In s#)* a )o#ntry t*e so)ial re5ol#tion )o#ld
a)*ie5e its inal s#))ess only on t.o )onditions: irst, on
)ondition o its timely s#22ort by a so)ial re5ol#tion in one
or se5eral ad5an)ed )o#ntries ::: T*e ot*er )ondition is an
a"reement bet.een ::: t*e 2roletariat .*i)* *olds t*e
state and t*e maDority o t*e 2easant 2o2#lation :::
Only an a"reement .it* t*e 2easants )an sa5e t*e
so)ialist re5ol#tion in R#ssia #ntil t*e re5ol#tion be"ins in
ot*er )o#ntries:A 0ll t*e elements o t*e 2roblem are *ere
#nited in one: 0 #nion .it* t*e 2easantry is ne)essary or
t*e 5ery existen)e o t*e So5iet 2o.erC b#t it does not
re2la)e t*e international re5ol#tion, .*i)* )an alone
)reate t*e e)onomi) basis o a so)ialist so)iety:
0t t*e same tent* !on"ress a s2e)ial re2ort .as made on
The Soviet Repu/lic in a %apitalist Environment, di)tated
by t*e delay o t*e re5ol#tion in t*e .est: 9amene5 .as
2#t or.ard as s2o8esman or t*e !entral Exe)#ti5e
!ommittee: @+e ne5er set o#rsel5es t*e tas8,A *e said, as
o somet*in" #n=#estioned by all, @to )reate a )omm#nist
str#)t#re in a sin"le isolated )o#ntry: +e ind o#rsel5es,
*o.e5er, in a 2osition .*ere it is ne)essary to *old t*e
o#ndation o t*e )omm#nist str#)t#re, t*e o#ndation o
t*e so)ialist state, t*e so5iet 2roletarian re2#bli)
s#rro#nded on all sides by )a2italist relations: !an .e #lil
t*is tas8> I t*in8 t*at t*is =#estion is s)*olasti): To t*is
=#estion in s#)* a sit#ation no s*o#ld be made:
T*e =#estion stands t*#s: ?o. in t*e "i5en relations )an
.e *old t*e So5iet, and *old it #2 to t*at moment
.*en t*e 2roletariat in t*is or t*at )o#ntry s*all )ome to
o#r aid>A I t*e idea o t*e s2o8esman, .*o *ad
#ndo#btedly more t*an on)e "one o5er *is o#tline .it*
Lenin, .as in )ontradi)tion .it* t*e tradition o
'ols*e5ism, .*y did t*e )on"ress not raise a 2rotest> ?o.
did it *a22en t*at t*ere .as not one dele"ate to 2oint o#t
t*at on t*e 5ery basi) =#estion o t*e re5ol#tion, 9amene5
.as de5elo2in" 5ie.s *a5in" @not*in" in )ommonA .it*
t*e 5ie.s o 'ols*e5ism> ?o. .as it t*at nobody in t*e
.*ole 2arty noti)ed t*is *eresy>
@0))ordin" to Lenin,A Stalin airms, @t*e re5ol#tion inds
its or)e irst o all amon" t*e .or8ers and 2easants o
R#ssia itsel: Trots8y *as it t*at t*e ne)essary or)es )an
be o#nd only on t*e arena o: t*e .orld re5ol#tion o t*e
2roletariat:A To t*is man#a)t#red )ontrast, as to many
anot*er, Lenin made *is in ad5an)e: @Not or one
min#te *a5e .e or"otten, nor .ill .e or"et,A *e said on
May 1&, 191$, at a session o t*e !entral Exe)#ti5e
!ommittee: @t*e .ea8nesses o t*e R#ssian .or8in" )lass
in )om2arison .it* ot*er deta)*ments o t*e international
2roletariat ::: '#t .e m#st remain at o#r 2ost #ntil o#r ally
)omes, t*e international 2roletariat:A On t*e t*ird
anni5ersary o t*e O)tober re5ol#tion, Lenin )onirmed
t*is: @+e al.ays sta8ed o#r 2lay #2on an international
re5ol#tion and t*is .as #n)onditionally ri"*t ::: +e al.ays
em2*asised t*e a)t t*at in one )o#ntry it is im2ossible to
a))om2lis* s#)* a .or8 as a so)ialist re5ol#tion:A In
Bebr#ary 1921, Lenin de)lared at a )on"ress o t*e
.or8ers in t*e needle trades: @+e *a5e al.ays and
re2eatedly 2ointed o#t to t*e .or8ers t*at t*e #nderlyin"
)*ie tas8 and basi) )ondition o o#r 5i)tory is t*e
2ro2a"ation o t*e re5ol#tion at least to se5eral o t*e
more ad5an)ed )o#ntries:A No: Lenin is too m#)*
)om2romised by *is st#bborn desire to ind or)es in t*e
.orld arena: yo# )annot .as* *im .*iteL
,#st as Trots8y is 2la)ed in o22osition to Lenin, so Lenin
*imsel is 2la)ed in o22osition to Marx H and .it* t*e same
o#ndation: I Marx ass#med t*at t*e 2roletarian re5ol#tion
.o#ld be"in in Bran)e b#t be )om2leted only in En"land,
t*is is ex2lained, a))ordin" to Stalin, by t*e a)t t*at Marx
did not yet 8no. t*e la. o #ne5en de5elo2ment: In reality
t*e Marxist 2ro"nosis )ontrastin" t*e )o#ntry o
re5ol#tionary initiati5e .it* t*e )o#ntry o so)ialist
a))om2lis*ment, .as based .*olly #2on t*e la. o
#ne5en de5elo2ment: In any )ase Lenin *imsel, .*o
2ermitted no reti)en)e #2on bi" 2roblems, ne5er and
no.*ere re)orded *is disa"reement .it* Marx and En"els
in re"ard to t*e international )*ara)ter o t*e re5ol#tion:
Exa)tly t*e o22ositeL I @t*in"s *a5e t#rned o#t ot*er.ise
t*an Marx and En"els ex2e)ted,A Lenin said at t*e t*ird
!on"ress o t*e So5iets, it is only in relation to t*e *istori)
se=#en)e o t*e )o#ntries: T*e )o#rse o e5ents *as
allotted to t*e R#ssian 2roletariat @t*e *ono#rable rIle o
5an"#ard o t*e international so)ial re5ol#tion, and .e
no. see )learly *o. t*e de5elo2ment o t*e re5ol#tion,
.ill 2ro)eed #rt*erC t*e R#ssian be"an H t*e -erman, t*e
Bren)*men, t*e En"lis*men .ill )arry it t*ro#"*, and
so)ialism .ill )on=#er:A
+e are #rt*er admonis*ed by an ar"#ment rom t*e
stand2oint o state 2resti"e: 0 denial o t*e t*eory o
national so)ialism H a))ordin" to Stalin H @leads to t*e
#n)ro.nin" o o#r )o#ntry:A T*is 2*raseolo"y alone,
intolerable to a Marxian ear, "i5es a.ay t*e de2t* o t*e
brea8 .it* 'ols*e5i8 tradition: It .as not @#n)ro.nin"A
t*at Lenin eared b#t national bi"otry: @+e are one o t*e
re5ol#tionary deta)*ments o t*e .or8in" )lass,A *e
ta#"*t in 02ril 191$ at a session o t*e Mos)o. So5iet,
@ad5an)ed to t*e ront not be)a#se .e are better t*an
ot*ers, b#t 2re)isely be)a#se .e .ere one o t*e most
ba)8.ard )o#ntries in t*e .orld ::: +e .ill arri5e at
)om2lete 5i)tory only to"et*er .it* all t*e .or8ers o
ot*er )o#ntries, t*e .or8ers o t*e .*ole .orld:A
T*e a22eal to sober sel;5al#ation be)omes a leitmotif in
LeninJs s2ee)*es: @T*e R#ssian re5ol#tion,A *e says on
,#ne &, 191$, .as d#e not to t*e s2e)ial merits o t*e
R#ssian 2roletariat, b#t to t*e )o#rse ::: o *istori) e5ents,
and t*is 2roletariat .as 2la)ed tem2orarily in t*e irst
2osition by t*e .ill o *istory and made or a time t*e
5an"#ard o t*e .orld re5ol#tion:A @T*e irst rIle o))#2ied
by t*e 2roletariat o R#ssia in t*e .orld labo#r
mo5ement,A said Lenin at a )oneren)e o Ba)tory
!ommittees on ,#ly 23, 191$, @is ex2lained not by t*e
ind#strial de5elo2ment o t*e )o#ntry H D#st t*e o22osite,
by t*e ba)8.ardness o R#ssia ::: T*e R#ssian 2roletariat is
)learly a.are t*at t*e ne)essary )ondition and
#ndamental 2remise o its 5i)tory is t*e #nited a)tion o
t*e .or8ers o t*e .*ole .orld, or o se5eral )o#ntries
ad5an)ed in )a2italist relations:A T*e O)tober re5ol#tion
.as e5o8ed not only by t*e ba)8.ardness o R#ssia, and
t*is Lenin .ell #nderstood: '#t *e )ons)io#sly bent t*e
sti)8 too ar in order to strai"*ten it:
0t a )on"ress o t*e !o#n)ils o 3eo2leJs E)onomy H t*e
or"ans es2e)ially )alled to b#ild so)ialism H Lenin said on
May 2(, 191$C @+e do not s*#t o#r eyes to t*e a)t t*at
.e alone, .it* o#r o.n or)es, )o#ld not a)*ie5e t*e
so)ialist re5ol#tion in one )o#ntry, e5en t*o#"* it .ere a
"ood deal less ba)8.ard t*an R#ssia:A 0nd *ere,
anti)i2atin" t*e #t#re 5oi)e o b#rea#)rati) bi"otry, *e
ex2lained: @T*is )annot )a#se a dro2 o 2essimism,
be)a#se, t*e tas8 .*i)* .e *a5e set o#rsel5es is a tas8 o
.orld.ide *istori) dii)#lty:A
0t t*e sixt* !on"ress o t*e So5iets on No5ember $, *e
said: @T*e )om2lete 5i)tory o t*e so)ialist re5ol#tion is
#nt*in8able in one )o#ntry, b#t demands t*e most a)ti5e
)o;o2eration at least o se5eral ad5an)ed )o#ntries,
amon" .*i)* R#ssia )annot be n#mbered :::A Lenin not
only denies R#ssia t*e ri"*t to *er o.n so)ialism, b#t
demonstrati5ely "i5es *er a se)ondary 2la)e in t*e
b#ildin" o so)ialism by ot*er )o#ntries: +*at a )riminal
@#n)ro.nin"A o o#r )o#ntryL
In Mar)* 1919, at a !on"ress o t*e 3arty, Lenin 2#lls #2
on t*e too mettlesomeC @+e *a5e a 2ra)ti)al ex2erien)e in
ta8in" t*e irst ste2s in t*e destr#)tion o )a2italism in a
)o#ntry .it* a s2e)ial relation bet.een 2roletariat and
2easantry: Not*in" more: I .e s.ell o#rsel5es o#t li8e a
ro", and 2# and blo., t*is .ill be #tterly la#"*able to
t*e .*ole .orld: +e s*all be mere bra""arts:A +ill
anybody be oended by t*is> On t*e 19t* o May, 1921,
Lenin ex)laimed: @4id any one o t*e 'ols*e5i8s at any
time e5er deny t*at t*e re5ol#tion )an )on=#er in a inal
orm only .*en it )om2rises all or at least se5eral o t*e
more ad5an)ed )o#ntriesLA In No5ember 192%, at a
Mos)o. 2ro5in)ial )oneren)e o t*e 2arty, *e a"ain
reminded *is a#dien)e t*at t*e 'ols*e5i8s *ad neit*er
2romised nor dreamed o @ma8in" o5er t*e .*ole .orld
.it* t*e or)es o R#ssia alone ::: S#)* madness .e ne5er
rea)*ed, b#t .e al.ays said t*at o#r re5ol#tion .ill
)on=#er .*en t*e .or8ers o all )o#ntries s#22ort it:A
@+e *a5e not,A *e .rites at t*e be"innin" o 1922,
@)om2leted e5en t*e o#ndation o a so)ialist e)onomy:
T*is )an still be ta8en ba)8 by t*e *ostile or)es o a dyin"
)a2italism: +e m#st be )learly a.are o t*is, and o2enly
a)8no.led"e it: Bor t*ere is not*in" more dan"ero#s t*an
ill#sions and t#rned *eads, es2e)ially in *i"* 2la)es: 0nd
t*ere is absol#tely not*in" Oterrible,J not*in" oerin" a
le"itimate )a#se or t*e sli"*test dis)o#ra"ement, in
re)o"nisin" t*is bitter tr#t*C or .e al.ays *a5e ta#"*t
and re2eated t*is 0'! tr#t* o Marxism, t*at or t*e
5i)tory o so)ialism t*e )ombined eorts o t*e .or8ers o
se5eral ad5an)ed )o#ntries are ne)essary:A
0 little o5er t.o years later Stalin .ill demand a
ren#n)iation o Marxism #2on t*is basi) =#estion: 0nd
#2on .*at "ro#nd> On t*e "ro#nd t*at Marx remained
i"norant o t*e #ne5enness o e5ol#tion H i"norant, t*at is,
o t*e most elementary la. o t*e diale)ti) o nat#re as
.ell as so)iety: '#t .*at is to be said o Lenin *imsel, .*o
a))ordin" to Stalin is s#22osed to *a5e irst @dis)o5eredA
t*is la. o #ne5enness as a res#lt o t*e ex2erien)e o
im2erialism, and .*o ne5ert*eless st#bbornly *eld ast to
t*e @0'! tr#t* o Marxism>A +e s*o#ld see8 in 5ain or any
ex2lanation o t*is:
@Trots8yismA H a))ordin" to t*e indi)tment and senten)e o
t*e !omm#nist International H @deri5ed and )ontin#es to
deri5e rom t*e 2ro2osition t*at o#r re5ol#tion in and o
itsel /L1 is not in essen)e so)ialisti), t*at t*e O)tober
re5ol#tion is only t*e si"nal, im2et#s and startin";2oint or
a so)ialist re5ol#tion in t*e .est:A Nationalisti)
de"eneration *ere mas8s itsel .it* 2#re s)*olasti)ism:
T*e O)tober re5ol#tion @in and o itselA does not exist: It
.o#ld *a5e been im2ossible .it*o#t t*e .*ole 2re)edin"
*istory o E#ro2e, and it .o#ld be *o2eless .it*o#t its
)ontin#ation in E#ro2e and t*e .*ole .orld: @T*e R#ssian
re5ol#tion is only one lin8 in t*e )*ain o international
re5ol#tionA /Lenin1: Its stren"t* lies exa)tly .*ere t*e
E2i"ones see its @#n)ro.nin":A Exa)tly be)a#se, and only
be)a#se, it is not a sel;s#i)ient .*ole b#t a @si"nal,A
@im2et#s,A @startin";2oint,A @lin8A H exa)tly or t*at reason
does it a)=#ire a so)ialist )*ara)ter:
@O )o#rse t*e inal 5i)tory o so)ialism in one )o#ntry is
im2ossible,A said Lenin at t*e t*ird !on"ress o So5iets in
,an#ary 191$, @b#t somet*in" else is 2ossible: a li5in"
exam2le, a "ettin" to .or8 H some.*ere in one )o#ntry H
t*at is .*at .ill set ire to t*e toilin" masses in all
)o#ntries:A In ,#ly at a session o t*e !entral Exe)#ti5e
!ommittee: @O#r tas8 no. is ::: to *old ast ::: t*is tor)* o
so)ialism so t*at it may )ontin#e to s)atter as many
s2ar8s as 2ossible to t*e in)reasin" )onla"ration o t*e
so)ial re5ol#tion:A 0 mont* later at a .or8ersJ meetin":
@T*e /E#ro2ean1 re5ol#tion is "" ::: and .e m#st *old
t*e So5iet #ntil it be"ins: O#r mista8es m#st ser5e
as a lesson to t*e .estern 2roletariat:A 0 e. days later at
a )on"ress o ed#)ational .or8ers: @T*e R#ssian re5ol#tion
is only an exam2le, only a irst ste2 in a series o
re5ol#tions:A In Mar)* 1919, at a )on"ress o t*e 2arty:
@T*e R#ssian re5ol#tion .as in essen)e a dress;
re*earsal ::: o t*e .orld.ide 2roletarian re5ol#tion:A Not a
re5ol#tion @in and o itselA b#t a tor)*, a lesson, an
exam2le only, a irst ste2 only, only a lin8L Not an
inde2endent 2erorman)e, b#t only a dress;re*earsalL
+*at a st#bborn and r#t*less @#n)ro.nin"AL
'#t Lenin did not sto2 e5en *ereC @I it s*o#ld *a22en,A *e
said on No5ember $, 191$, @t*at .e .ere s#ddenly s.e2t
a.ay ::: .e .o#ld *a5e t*e ri"*t to say, .it*o#t
)on)ealin" o#r mista8es, t*at .e #sed t*e 2eriod o time
t*at ate "a5e #s .*olly or t*e so)ialist .orld re5ol#tion:A
?o. ar t*is is, bot* in met*od o t*in8in" and in 2oliti)al
2sy)*olo"y, rom t*e bi"oted sel;)om2la)en)e o t*e
E2i"ones, ima"inin" t*emsel5es an eternal belly;b#tton o
t*e eart*:
0 lie #2on a #ndamental =#estion, i 2oliti)al interest
)om2els yo# to )lin" to it, leads to inn#merable res#ltin"
mista8es and "rad#ally re5ises all yo#r t*in8in": @O#r
2arty *as no ri"*t to de)ei5e t*e .or8in" )lass,A said
Stalin at a 2lenary session o t*e Exe)#ti5e !ommittee o
t*e !omm#nist International in 192(: @It o#"*t to say
ran8ly t*at a la)8 o )oniden)e in t*e 2ossibility o
b#ildin" so)ialism in o#r )o#ntry .ill lead to a ren#n)iation
o, and t*e 2assin" o o#r 2arty rom t*e 2osition o
a r#lin" to t*at o an o22osition 2arty:A T*e !omm#nist
International *as )anonised t*is 5ie. in its resol#tion: @T*e
denial o t*is 2ossibility /t*e 2ossibility o a so)ialist
so)iety in a se2arate )o#ntry1 on t*e 2art o t*e
o22osition, is not*in" b#t a denial o t*e 2remises or a
so)ialist re5ol#tion in R#ssia:A T*e @2remisesA are not t*e
"eneral )ondition o .orld e)onomy, not t*e inner
)ontradi)tions o im2erialism, not t*e )orrelation o )lasses
in R#ssia, b#t a "#arantee "i5en in ad5an)e or t*e
2ossibility o realisin" so)ialism in a se2arate )o#ntryL
To t*is teleolo"i)al ar"#ment ad5an)ed by t*e E2i"ones in
t*e a#t#mn o 192(, .e may re2ly .it* t*e same
)onsiderations .it* .*i)* .e ans.ered t*e Mens*e5i8s in
t*e s2rin" o 19%<: @On)e t*e obDe)ti5e de5elo2ment o
t*e )lass str#""le )onronts t*e 2roletariat at a )ertain
moment o t*e re5ol#tion .it* t*e alternati5e: eit*er ta8e
#2on yo#rsel t*e ri"*ts and obli"ations o state or
s#rrender yo#r )lass 2osition H t*e so)ial demo)ra)y .ill
2la)e t*e )on=#est o state on t*e order o t*e day:
In doin" t*is it .ill not in t*e least i"nore de5elo2mental
2ro)esses o a dee2er 8ind, 2ro)esses o "ro.t* and
)on)entration o 2rod#)tion: '#t it says: +*en t*e lo"i) o
t*e )lass str#""le, restin" in t*e last analysis #2on t*e
)o#rse o e)onomi) de5elo2ment, im2els t*e 2roletariat
to.ards di)tators*i2 beore t*e bo#r"eoisie *as #lilled its
e)onomi) mission ::: t*is means only t*at *istory *as 2#t
#2on t*e 2roletariat a tas8 )olossal in its dii)#lty: 3er*a2s
t*e 2roletariat .ill e5en be)ome ex*a#sted in t*e str#""le
and all #nder its .ei"*t H 2er*a2s: '#t it )annot re#se
t*ese tas8s t*ro#"* ear o )lass de"eneration and o
2l#n"in" t*e .*ole )o#ntry into barbarism:A To t*is .e
)o#ld add not*in" at t*e 2resent time:
@It .o#ld be an irre2arable mista8e,A .rote Lenin in May
191$, @to de)lare t*at on)e t*e la)8 o )orres2onden)e
bet.een o#r e)onomi) and o#r 2oliti)al or)es is
or"anised, Oit ollo.sJ t*at .e s*o#ld not *a5e seiKed t*e ::: Only O2eo2le in a "lass )aseJ reason t*at .ay,
or"ettin" t*at t*ere .ill ne5er be a O)orres2onden)e,J t*at
t*ere )annot be, eit*er in t*e e5ol#tion o nat#re or in t*e
e5ol#tion o so)iety, t*at only by .ay o a .*ole senses o
attem2ts H ea)* one o .*i)* ta8en se2arately .ill be one;
sided, .ill s#er rom a )ertain la)8 o )orres2onden)e H
)an )om2lete so)ialism be )reated o#t o t*e re5ol#tionary
)o;o2eration o t*e 2roletarians o all )o#ntries:A T*e
dii)#lties o t*e international re5ol#tion .ill be o5er)ome
not by 2assi5e ada2tation, not by a ren#n)iation o,
not by a national .at)*in" and .aitin" or t*e #ni5ersal
ins#rre)tion, b#t by li5e a)tion, by o5er)omin"
)ontradi)tions, by t*e dynami) o str#""le and t*e
extendin" o its radi#s:
I yo# ta8e serio#sly t*e *istori) 2*iloso2*y o t*e
E2i"ones, t*e 'ols*e5i8s o#"*t to *a5e 8no.n in ad5an)e
on t*e e5e o O)tober, bot* t*at t*ey .o#ld *old o#t
a"ainst a le"ion o enemies, and t*at t*ey .o#ld 2ass o5er
rom military )omm#nism to t*e NE3C also t*at in )ase o
need t*ey .o#ld b#ild t*eir o.n national so)ialism: In a
.ord, beore seiKin" t*e t*ey o#"*t to *a5e )ast
t*eir a))o#nts a))#rately, and made s#re o a )redit
balan)e: +*at *a22ened in reality .as little similar to t*is
2io#s )ari)at#re:
In a re2ort at t*e 2arty )on"ress in Mar)* 1919, Lenin said:
@+e oten *a5e to "ro2e o#r .ay alon"C t*is a)t be)omes
most ob5io#s .*en .e try to ta8e in .it* one "lan)e .*at
.e *a5e been t*ro#"*: '#t t*at did not #nner5e #s a bit,
e5en on t*e 1%t* o O)tober, 1917, .*en de)idin" t*e
=#estion abo#t t*e seiK#re o +e *ad no do#bt t*at
it .as #2 to #s, a))ordin" to !omrade Trots8yJs ex2ression,
to ex2eriment H to ma8e t*e trial: +e #ndertoo8 a Dob
.*i)* nobody in t*e .orld *ad e5er beore #nderta8en on
s#)* a s)ale:A 0nd #rt*er: @+*o )o#ld e5er ma8e a
"i"anti) re5ol#tion," in ad5an)e *o. to )arry it
t*ro#"* to t*e end> +*ere )o#ld yo# "et s#)* 8no.led"e>
It )annot be o#nd in boo8s, No s#)* boo8s exist: O#r
de)ision )o#ld only be born o t*e ex2erien)e o t*e
T*e 'ols*e5i8s did not see8 any ass#ran)e t*at R#ssia
.o#ld be able to )reate a so)ialist so)iety: T*ey *ad no
need o it: T*ey *ad no #se or it: It )ontradi)ted all t*at
t*ey *ad learned in t*e s)*ool o Marxism: @T*e ta)ti)s o
t*e 'ols*e5i8s,A .rote Lenin a"ainst 9a#ts8y, @.ere t*e
only international ta)ti)s, or t*ey .ere based not on t*e
)o.ardly ear o t*e .orld re5ol#tion, not one 3*ilistine
la)8 o )oniden)e in it :::A T*e 'ols*e5i8s @)ontrib#ted t*e
maxim#m 2ossible in one )o#ntry to t*e de5elo2ment,
s#22ort, stim#l#s, o re5ol#tion in all )o#ntries:A +it* s#)*
a ta)ti) it .as im2ossible to mar8 o#t in ad5an)e an
inallible line;o;mar)*, and still less 2ossible to "#arantee
yo#rsel a national 5i)tory: '#t t*e 'ols*e5i8s 8ne. t*at
dan"er .as an element o re5ol#tion, as o .ar: T*ey .ent
to meet dan"er .it* o2en eyes:
3la)in" beore t*e .orld 2roletariat as an exam2le and a
re2roa)* t*e manner in .*i)* t*e bo#r"eoisie boldly ris8s
.ar in t*e name o its interests, Lenin branded .it* *atred
t*ose so)ialists .*o @are araid to be"in t*e i"*t #ntil
t*ey are O"#aranteedJ an easy 5i)tory ::: 'oot;li)8ers o
international so)ialism, la)8eys o bo#r"eois morality .*o
t*in8 t*is .ay deser5e tri2le )ontem2t:A Lenin, as is .ell
8no.n, did not sto2 to )*oose *is .ords .*en *e .as
)*o8in" .it* indi"nation:
@'#t .*at s*all .e do,A Stalin *as 8e2t on in=#irin", @i t*e
international re5ol#tion is destined to be delayed> Is t*ere
any li"*t a*ead or o#r re5ol#tion> Trots8y does not "i5e
any li"*t:A T*e E2i"ones demand *istori) 2ri5ile"es or t*e
R#ssian 2roletariat: it m#st *a5e a road;bed laid do.n or
an #ninterr#2ted mo5ement to.ards so)ialism, re"ardless
o .*at *a22ens to t*e rest o *#manity: ?istory, alas, *as
2re2ared no s#)* road;bed: @I yo# loo8 at t*in"s rom a
.orld.ide *istori) s)ale,A said Lenin at t*e se5ent*
!on"ress o t*e 3arty, @t*ere is not t*e sli"*test do#bt t*at
t*e #ltimate 5i)tory o o#r re5ol#tion, i it s*o#ld remain
solitary .o#ld be *o2eless:A
'#t e5en in t*is )ase it .o#ld not *a5e been r#itless:
@E5en i t*e im2erialists s*o#ld o5ert*ro. t*e 'ols*e5i8 tomorro.,A said Lenin in May 1919, at a tea)*ersJ
)on"ress, @.e .o#ld not re"ret or one se)ond t*at .e
too8 t*e 0nd not one o t*e )lass;)ons)io#s .or8ers
::: .o#ld re"ret it, or .o#ld do#bt t*at o#r re5ol#tion *ad
ne5ert*eless )on=#ered:A Bor Lenin t*o#"*t o 5i)tory only
in terms o an international s#))ession o de5elo2ment in
str#""le: @T*e ne. so)iety ::: is an abstra)tion .*i)* )an
ta8e li5in" body not ot*er.ise t*an t*ro#"* a series o
dierin" in)om2lete )on)rete attem2ts to )reate t*is or
t*at so)ialist state:A T*is s*ar2 distin)tion, and in some
sense )ontrast, bet.een @so)ialist stateA and @ne.
so)ietyA oers a 8ey to t*e inn#merable ab#ses
2er2etrated by t*e E2i"one literat#re #2on t*e texts o
Lenin ex2lained .it* t*e #tmost sim2li)ity t*e meanin" o
t*e 'ols*e5i8 strate"y at t*e end o t*e it* year ater t*e
)on=#est o @+*en .e be"an at t*e time .e did
t*e international re5ol#tion, .e did t*is not .it* t*e
)on5i)tion t*at .e )o#ld anti)i2ate its de5elo2ment, b#t
be)a#se a .*ole series o )ir)#mstan)es im2elled #s to
be"in t*is re5ol#tion: O#r t*o#"*t .as: Eit*er t*e
international re5ol#tion .ill )ome to o#r aid, and in t*at
)ase o#r 5i)tories are .*olly ass#red, or .e .ill do o#r
modest re5ol#tionary .or8 in t*e )ons)io#sness t*at in
)ase o deeat .e *a5e ne5ert*eless ser5ed t*e )a#se o
t*e re5ol#tion, and o#r ex2eriment .ill be o *el2 to ot*er
re5ol#tions: It .as )lear to #s t*at .it*o#t t*e s#22ort o
t*e international .orld re5ol#tion a 5i)tory o t*e
2roletarian o5ert#rn .as im2ossible: E5en beore t*e
re5ol#tion, and li8e.ise ater it, o#r t*o#"*t .as:
immediately, or at any rate 5ery =#i)8ly, a re5ol#tion .ill
be"in in t*e ot*er )o#ntries, in )a2italisti)ally more
de5elo2ed )o#ntries H or in t*e )ontrary )ase .e .ill *a5e
to 2eris*: In s2ite o t*is )ons)io#sness .e did e5eryt*in"
to 2reser5e t*e so5iet system in all )ir)#mstan)es and at
.*ate5er )ost, sin)e .e 8ne. t*at .e .ere .or8in" not
only or o#rsel5es, b#t or t*e international re5ol#tion: +e
8ne. t*is, .e re=#ently ex2ressed t*is )on5i)tion beore
t*e O)tober re5ol#tion, exa)tly as .e did immediately
ater it and d#rin" t*e )on)l#sion o t*e 'rest;Lito5s8
3ea)e: 0nd, "enerally s2ea8in", t*is .as ri"*t:A T*e dates
*a5e s*ited, t*e 2attern o e5ents *as ormed itsel in
many res2e)ts #nex2e)tedly, b#t t*e #ndamental
orientation remains #n)*an"ed:
+*at )an be added to t*ese .ords> @+e be"an ::: t*e
international re5ol#tion:A I a re5ol#tion in t*e .est does
not be"in immediately, or at any rate 5ery =#i)8lyA H
ass#med t*e 'ols*e5i8s H @.e .ill *a5e to 2eris*:A '#t in
t*at )ase too, t*e )on=#est o .ill *a5e been
D#stiied: ot*ers .ill learn rom t*e ex2erien)e o t*ose
.*o 2eris*ed: @+e are .or8in" not only or o#rsel5es b#t
or t*e international re5ol#tion:A T*ese ideas, sat#rated
t*ro#"* and t*ro#"* .it* internationalism, Lenin
ex2o#nded to t*e !omm#nist International: 4id anybody
o22ose *im> 4id anybody oer a *int o t*e 2ossibility o a
national so)ialist so)iety> Nobody: Not one sin"le .ordL
Bi5e years later, at t*e se5ent* 3len#m o t*e Exe)#ti5e
!ommittee o t*e !omm#nist International, Stalin
de5elo2ed ideas exa)tly o22osite to t*ese: T*ey are
already 8no.n to #s: I t*ere is not @)oniden)e in t*e
2ossibility o b#ildin" so)ialism in o#r )o#ntry,A t*en t*e
2arty m#st 2ass o5er @rom t*e 2osition o a r#lin", to t*at
o an o22osition 2arty :::A +e m#st *a5e a 2reliminary
"#arantee o s#))ess beore ta8in" t*e 2o.ers it is
2ermitted to see8 t*is "#arantee only in national
)onditionsC .e m#st *a5e )oniden)e in t*e 2ossibility o
b#ildin" so)ialism in 2easant R#ssiaC t*en .e )an "et
alon" =#ite .ell .it*o#t )oniden)e in t*e 5i)tory o t*e
.orld 2roletariat: Ea)* o t*ese lin8s in a )*ain o
reasonin" sla2s in t*e a)e t*e tradition o 'ols*e5ism:
To )o5er #2 t*eir brea8 .it* t*e 2ast, t*e Stalin s)*ool
*a5e tried to ma8e #se o )ertain lines o Lenin, .*i)*
seem t*e least #ns#itable: 0n arti)le o 191< on The
Unite States of Europe t*ro.s o#t in)identally t*e remar8
t*at t*e .or8in" )lass in ea)* se2arate )o#ntry o#"*t to
.in t*e and enter #2on t*e so)ialist )onstr#)tion
.it*o#t .aitin" or t*e ot*ers: I be*ind t*ese indis2#table
lines t*ere l#r8ed a t*o#"*t abo#t a national so)ialist
so)iety, *o. )o#ld Lenin so #ndamentally *a5e or"otten
it d#rin" t*e years", and so st#bbornly *a5e
)ontradi)ted it at e5ery ste2> '#t t*ere is no #se resortin"
to obli=#e ineren)es .*en .e *a5e dire)t statements: T*e
2ro"ramme t*eses drated by Lenin in t*e same year,
191<, t*e =#estion a))#rately and dire)tly: @T*e
tas8 o t*e 2roletariat o R#ssia is to )arry t*ro#"* to t*e
end t*e bo#r"eois;demo)rati) re5ol#tion in R#ssia, in order
to 8indle t*e so)ialist re5ol#tion in E#ro2e: T*is se)ond
tas8 *as no. )ome extremely near to t*e irst, b#t it
remains ne5ert*eless a s2e)ial and a se)ond tas8, or it is
a =#estion o dierent )lasses )o;o2eratin" .it* t*e
2roletariat o R#ssia: Bor t*e irst tas8 t*e )ollaborator is
t*e 2etty;bo#r"eois 2easantry o R#ssia, or t*e se)ond
t*e 2roletariat o ot*er )o#ntries:A No "reater )larity )o#ld
be demanded:
T*e se)ond attem2t to =#ote Lenin is no better o#nded:
?is #ninis*ed arti)le abo#t )o;o2eration says t*at in t*e
So5iet Re2#bli) .e *a5e on *and @all t*at is ne)essary and
eno#"*A in order .it*o#t ne. re5ol#tions to a))om2lis*
t*e transition to so)ialism: ?ere it is a =#estion, as is
2ere)tly )lear rom t*e text, o t*e 2oliti)al and le"al
2remises o so)ialism: T*e a#t*or does not or"et to
remind *is readers t*at t*e 2rod#)ti5e and )#lt#ral
2remises are inade=#ate: In "eneral Lenin re2eated t*is
t*o#"*t many times: @+e ::: la)8 t*e )i5ilisation to ma8e
t*e transition dire)tly to so)ialism,A *e .rote in an arti)le
o t*e same 2eriod, t*e be"innin" o 1923, @alt*o#"* .e
*a5e t*e 2oliti)al 2remises or it:A In t*is )ase as in all
ot*ers, Lenin started rom t*e ass#m2tion t*at t*e
2roletariat o t*e .est .o#ld )ome to so)ialism alon" .it*
t*e R#ssian 2roletariat and a*ead o it: T*e arti)le on )o;
o2eration does not )ontain a *int to t*e ee)t t*at t*e
So5iet Re2#bli) mi"*t *armonio#sly and by reormist
meas#res )reate its o.n national so)ialism, instead o
ta8in" its 2la)e t*ro#"* a 2ro)ess o anta"onisti) and
re5ol#tionary de5elo2ment in t*e .orld so)ialist so)iety:
'ot* =#otations, introd#)ed e5en into t*e text o t*e
2ro"ramme o t*e !omm#nist International, .ere lon" a"o
ex2lained in o#r -riticis& o* the !ro)ra&&e, and o#r
o22onents *a5e not on)e attem2ted to deend t*eir
distortions and mista8es: T*e attem2t .o#ld be too
In Mar)* 1923 H in t*e same last 2eriod o *is )reati5e
.or8, H Lenin .rote: @+e stand ::: at t*e 2resent moment
beore t*e =#estion: s*all .e s#))eed in *oldin" o#t .it*
o#r 2etty and 5ery 2etty 2easant 2rod#)tion, .it* o#r
r#ined )ondition, #ntil t*e .est E#ro2ean )a2italist
)o#ntries )om2lete t*eir de5elo2ment to so)ialism>A +e
see a"ain: t*e dates *a5e s*ited, t*e .eb o e5ents
)*an"ed, b#t t*e international o#ndation o t*e 2oli)y
remains #ns*a8en: T*at ait* in t*e international
re5ol#tion H a))ordin" to Stalin a @distr#st in t*e inner
or)es o t*e R#ssian re5ol#tionA H .ent .it* t*e "reat
internationalist to *is "ra5e: Only ater 2innin" Lenin do.n
#nder a ma#sole#m, .ere t*e E2i"ones able to nationalise
*is 5ie.s:
Brom t*e .orld.ide di5ision o labo#r, rom t*e
#ne5enness o de5elo2ment o dierent )o#ntries, rom
t*eir m#t#al e)onomi) de2enden)e, rom t*e #ne5enness
o dierent as2e)ts o )#lt#re in t*e dierent )o#ntries,
rom t*e dynami) o t*e )ontem2orary 2rod#)ti5e or)es,
it ollo.s t*at t*e so)ialist str#)t#re )an be b#ilt only by a
system o e)onomi) s2iral, only by ta8in" t*e inner
dis)ords o a se2arate )o#ntry o#t into a .*ole "ro#2 o
)o#ntries, only by a m#t#al ser5i)e bet.een dierent
)o#ntries, and a m#t#al s#22lementation o t*e dierent
bran)*es o t*eir ind#stry and )#lt#re H t*at is, in t*e last
analysis, only on t*e .orld arena:
T*e old 2ro"ramme o t*e 2arty, ado2ted in 19%3, be"ins
.it* t*e .ords: @T*e de5elo2ment o ex)*an"e *as
establis*ed s#)* )lose bonds bet.een t*e 2eo2les o t*e
)i5ilised .orld t*at t*e "reat liberatin" mo5ement o t*e
2roletariat m#st be)ome, and lon" a"o *as be)ome,
international :::A T*e 2re2aration o t*e 2roletariat or t*e
)omin" so)ial re5ol#tion is deined as t*e tas8 o t*e
@international so)ial demo)ra)y:A ?o.e5er, @on t*e road to
t*eir )ommon inal "oal ::: t*e so)ial;demo)rats o 5ario#s
)o#ntries are obli"ed to set t*emsel5es dissimilar
immediate tas8s:A In R#ssia t*e o5ert*ro. o )Karism is
s#)* a tas8: T*e demo)rati) re5ol#tion .as t*#s re"arded
in ad5an)e as a national ste2 to an international so)ialist
T*e same )on)e2tion lies at t*e bottom o o#r 2ro"ramme
ado2ted by t*e 2arty ater t*e )on=#est o In a
2reliminary dis)#ssion o t*e drat o t*is 2ro"ramme at
t*e Se5ent* !on"ress, Mili#tin 2ro2osed an editorial
)orre)tion in t*e resol#tion o Lenin: @I 2ro2ose,A *e said,
@t*at .e insert t*e .ords Ointernational so)ialist re5ol#tionJ
.*ere it says \t*e era o so)ial re5ol#tion no. be"#nJ ::: I
t*in8 it is #nne)essary to ar"#e t*is ::: O#r so)ial
re5ol#tion )an )on=#er only as an international re5ol#tion:
It )annot )on=#er in R#ssia alone, lea5in" t*e bo#r"eois
str#)t#re in t*e s#rro#ndin" )o#ntries ::: I 2ro2ose t*at t*is
be inserted to a5oid mis#nderstandin":A T*e )*airman
S5erdlo5: @!omrade Lenin a))e2ts t*is amendment, a 5ote
is t*ereore #nne)essary:A 0 tiny e2isode o 2arliamentary
te)*ni=#e /@#nne)essary to ar"#eA and @a 5ote is
#nne)essary,A1re#tes t*e alse *istorio"ra2*y o t*e
e2i"ones more )on5in)in"ly 2er*a2s t*an t*e most
2ainsta8in" in5esti"ationL T*e )ir)#mstan)e t*at Mili#tin
*imsel, li8e S85ortKo5;Ste2ano5 .*om .e =#oted abo5e,
and li8e *#ndreds and t*o#sands o ot*ers, soon ater
)ondemned *is o.n 5ie.s #nder t*e name o
@Trots8yism,A ma8es no )*an"e in t*e a)ts: -reat *istori)
)#rrents are stron"er t*an *#man ba)8bones: T*e
loodtide lits #2 and t*e ebbtide s.ee2s a.ay .*ole
2oliti)al "enerations: Ideas, on t*e ot*er *and, are able to
li5e e5en ater t*e 2*ysi)al and s2irit#al deat* o t*ose
.*o )arried t*em: 0 year later, at t*e ei"*t* !on"ress o
t*e 3arty .*i)* ratiied t*e ne. 2ro"ramme, t*e same
=#estion .as a"ain ill#mined in a s*ar2 ex)*an"e o
retorts bet.een Lenin and 3odbels8y: T*e Mos)o.
dele"ate 2rotested a"ainst t*e a)t t*at in s2ite o t*e
O)tober o5ert#rn t*e 2ro"ramme still s2o8e o t*e so)ial
re5ol#tion in t*e #t#re tense, @3odbels8y,A says Lenin,
@atta)8s t*e a)t t*at in one o t*e 2ara"ra2*s t*e
2ro"ramme s2ea8s o t*e )omin" so)ial re5ol#tion ::: ?is
ar"#ment is ob5io#sly in)onse=#ent, or in o#r 2ro"ramme
.e are tal8in" abo#t t*e so)ial re5ol#tion on a .orld
s)ale:A Tr#ly t*e *istory o t*e 2arty *as not let t*e
E2i"ones a sin"le #nill#mined )orner to *ide in:
In t*e 2ro"ramme o t*e !omm#nist Mo#t* ado2ted in
1921, t*e same =#estion is 2#t or.ard in an es2e)ially
2o2#lar and sim2le orm: @R#ssia,A says one 2ara"ra2*,
@alt*o#"* 2ossessin" enormo#s nat#ral reso#r)es is
ne5ert*eless in t*e matter o ind#stry a ba)8.ard )o#ntry
in .*i)* a 2etty;bo#r"eois 2o2#lation 2redominates: It )an
)ome to so)ialism only t*ro#"* t*e so)ialist .orld
re5ol#tion, t*e e2o)* or t*e de5elo2ment o .*i)* .e
*a5e no. entered:A Ratiied in its day by t*e 3olitb#ro,
.it* t*e 2arti)i2ation not only o Lenin and Trots8y b#t also
o Stalin, t*is 2ro"ramme .as in #ll or)e in t*e a#t#mn o
192( .*en t*e Exe)#ti5e !ommittee o t*e !omm#nist
International )on5erted t*e non;a))e2tan)e o so)ialism in
a se2arate )o#ntry into a mortal sin:
In t*e t.o years ens#in", *o.e5er, t*e E2i"ones .ere
)om2elled to ile a.ay in t*e ar)*i5es t*e 2ro"ramme
do)#ments o t*e Lenin e2o)*: T*eir ne. do)#ments,
2at)*ed to"et*er o#t o ra"ments, t*ey )alled t*e
2ro"ramme o t*e !omm#nist International: +*ereas .it*
Lenin in t*e @R#ssianA 2ro"ramme t*e tal8 is o
international re5ol#tion, .it* t*e E2i"ones in t*e
international 2ro"ramme t*e tal8 is o @R#ssianA so)ialism:
,#st .*en and *o. did t*e brea8 .it* t*e irst o2enly
re5eal itsel> T*e *istori) date is easy to indi)ate, sin)e it
)oin)ides .it* a t#rnin";2oint in t*e bio"ra2*y o Stalin: 0s
late as 02ril 192&, t*ree mont*s ater t*e deat* o Lenin,
Stalin .as modestly ex2o#ndin" t*e traditional 5ie.s o
t*e 2arty: @To o5ert*ro. t*e o t*e bo#r"eoisie and
establis* t*e o t*e 2roletariat in one )o#ntry,A *e
.rote in *is !roble&s o* 2eninis&, @does not mean to
"#arantee t*e )om2lete 5i)tory o so)ialism: T*e )*ie tas8
o so)ialism H t*e or"anisation o so)ialist 2rod#)tion H lies
still a*ead: !an t*is tas8 be a))om2lis*ed> Is it 2ossible to
attain t*e inal 5i)tory o so)ialism in one )o#ntry, .it*o#t
t*e )ombined eorts o t*e 2roletarians o se5eral
ad5an)ed )o#ntries: No, it is not: T*e eorts o one
)o#ntry are eno#"* or t*e o5ert*ro. o t*e bo#r"eoisie H
t*is is .*at t*e *istory o o#r re5ol#tion tells #s: Bor t*e
inal 5i)tory o so)ialism, or t*e or"anisation o so)ialist
2rod#)tion, t*e eorts o one )o#ntry, es2e)ially a 2easant
)o#ntry li8e R#ssia, are not eno#"* H or t*is .e m#st *a5e
t*e eorts o t*e 2roletarians o se5eral ad5an)ed
)o#ntries:A Stalin )on)l#des *is ex2osition o t*ese
t*o#"*ts .it* t*e .ords: @S#)* in "eneral are t*e
)*ara)teristi) eat#res o t*e Leninist t*eory o t*e
2roletarian re5ol#tion:A
'y a#t#mn o t*e same year, #nder t*e inl#en)e o t*e
str#""le .it* Trots8yism, it .as s#ddenly dis)o5ered t*at
R#ssia is t*e 5ery )o#ntry, in distin)tion rom ot*ers, .*i)*
.ill be able to b#ild t*e so)ialist so)iety .it* *er o.n
or)es, i s*e is not *indered by inter5ention: In a ne.
edition o t*e same .or8, Stalin .rote: @?a5in"
)onsolidated its, and ta8in" t*e lead o t*e
2easantry, t*e 2roletariat o t*e 5i)torio#s )o#ntry )an and
m#st b#ild a so)ialist so)iety:A !an and m#stL Only in order
@#lly to "#arantee t*e )o#ntry a"ainst inter5ention ::: is
t*e 5i)tory o t*e re5ol#tion ne)essary ::: at least in
se5eral )o#ntries:A T*e 2ro)lamation o t*is ne.
)on)e2tion, .*i)* allots to t*e .orld 2roletariat t*e rIle o
border 2oli)e, ends .it* t*ose same .ords: @S#)* in
"eneral are t*e )*ara)teristi) eat#res o t*e Leninist
t*eory o t*e 2roletarian re5ol#tion:A In t*e )o#rse o one
year, Stalin *as im2#ted to Lenin t.o dire)tly o22osite
5ie.s #2on a #ndamental 2roblem o so)ialism:
0t a 2lenary session o t*e !entral !ommittee in 1927,
Trots8y said abo#t t*ese t.o )ontradi)tory o2inions o
Stalin: @Mo# may say t*at Stalin made a mista8e and
ater.ard )orre)ted *imsel: '#t *o. )o#ld *e ma8e s#)* a
mista8e #2on s#)* a =#estion> I it .ere tr#e t*at Lenin
already in 191< "a5e o#t t*e t*eory o b#ildin" so)ialism
in a se2arate )o#ntry /.*i)* is #tterly #ntr#e1, i it .ere
tr#e t*at s#bse=#ently Lenin only reinor)ed and
de5elo2ed t*is 2oint o 5ie. /.*i)* is #tterly #ntr#e1 H
t*en *o., .e m#st as8, )o#ld Stalin t*in8 #2 or *imsel
d#rin" t*e lie o Lenin, d#rin" t*e last 2eriod o *is lie,
t*at o2inion #2on t*is most im2ortant =#estion .*i)* inds
its ex2ression in t*e Stalinist =#otation o 192&> It a22ears
t*at #2on t*is #ndamental =#estion Stalin *ad al.ays
been a Trots8yist, and only ater 192& )eased to be one: It
.o#ld be .ell i Stalin )o#ld ind at least one =#otation
rom *is o.n .ritin"s s*" t*at beore 192& *e said
somet*in" abo#t t*e b#ildin" o so)ialism in one )o#ntry:
?e .ill not ind itLA T*is )*allen"e remained #nans.ered:
+e s*o#ld not, *o.e5er, exa""erate t*e a)t#al de2t* o
t*e )*an"e made by Stalin: ,#st as in t*e =#estion o .ar,
o o#r relation to t*e 2ro5isional "o5ernment, or t*e
national =#estion, so on t*e "eneral 2ers2e)ti5es o t*e
re5ol#tion: Stalin *ad t.o 2ositions: one inde2endent,
or"ani), not al.ays ex2ressed, or at least ne5er .*olly
ex2ressed, and t*e ot*er )onditional, 2*raseolo"i)al,
borro.ed rom Lenin: 'et.een t.o 2eo2le belon"in" to
one and t*e same 2arty it .o#ld be im2ossible to ima"ine
a dee2er "#l t*an t*at .*i)* se2arated Stalin rom Lenin,
bot* #2on #ndamental =#estions o re5ol#tionary
)on)e2tion and in 2oliti)al 2sy)*olo"y: StalinJs o22ort#nist
)*ara)ter is dis"#ised no. by t*e a)t t*at *is rests
#2on a 5i)torio#s 2roletarian re5ol#tion: '#t .e *a5e seen
t*e inde2endent 2osition o Stalin in Mar)* 1917: ?a5in"
be*ind *im an already a))om2lis*ed bo#r"eois re5ol#tion,
*e set t*e 2arty t*e tas8 o @2#ttin" bra8es on t*e s2littin"
a.ayA o t*e bo#r"eoisie H t*at is, o a)t#ally resistin" t*e
2roletarian re5ol#tion: I t*at re5ol#tion .as a)*ie5ed, it is
not *is a#lt: '#t to"et*er .it* all t*e b#rea#)ra)y Stalin
*as ta8en *is stand #2on t*e basis o a))om2lis*ed a)t:
On)e t*ere is a di)tators*i2 o t*e 2roletariat, t*ere m#st
be so)ialism too: T#rnin" inside o#t t*e ar"#ment o t*e
Mens*e5i8s a"ainst t*e 2roletarian re5ol#tion in R#ssia,
Stalin, .it* *is t*eory o so)ialism in a se2arate )o#ntry,
be"an to barri)ade *imsel a"ainst international
re5ol#tion: 0nd sin)e *e *as ne5er t*o#"*t any =#estion o
2rin)i2le t*ro#"* to t*e end, it )o#ld not b#t seem to *im
t*at @in essen)eA *e al.ays t*o#"*t as *e t*o#"*t in t*e
a#t#mn o 192&: 0nd sin)e *e moreo5er ne5er "ot into
)ontradi)tion .it* t*e 2re5ailin" o2inion o t*e 2arty, it
)o#ld not b#t seem to *im t*at t*e 2arty too @in essen)eA
t*o#"*t as *e did:
T*e initial s#bstit#tion .as #n)ons)io#s: It .as not a
=#estion o alsii)ation, b#t o ideolo"i)al s*eddin": '#t in
2ro2ortion as t*e do)trine o national so)ialism )ame #2
a"ainst a .ell;armed )riti)ism, t*ere .as need o an
or"anised, and 2redominantly s#r"i)al, intereren)e on t*e
2art o t*e ma)*ine: T*e t*eory o national so)ialism .as
t*en de)reed: It .as 2ro5en by t*e met*od o )ontraries H
by t*e arrest o t*ose .*o did not a"ree .it* it: 0t t*e
same time t*e era .as o2ened o systemati) rema8in" o
t*e 2artyJs 2ast: T*e *istory o t*e 2arty .as t#rned into a
2alim2sest: T*is destr#)tion o 2ar)*ments still )ontin#es,
and moreo5er .it* steadily in)reasin" #ry:
T*e de)isi5e a)tor, *o.e5er, .as not re2ressions nor
alsii)ations: T*e tri#m2* o t*e ne. 5ie.s )orres2ondin"
to t*e sit#ation and interests o t*e b#rea#)ra)y, *as
rested #2on obDe)ti5e )ir)#mstan)es H tem2orary b#t
extremely T*e 2ossibility *as o2ened beore t*e
So5iet Re2#bli) o 2layin" bot* in orei"n and domesti)
2oliti)s a ar more si"nii)ant rIle t*an anybody beore t*e
re5ol#tion )o#ld *a5e estimated: T*e isolated .or8er state
*as not only *eld its o.n amon" a le"ion o enemies, b#t
*as ele5ated itsel e)onomi)ally: T*is .ei"*ty a)t *as
ormed t*e so)ial o2inion o t*e yo#n"er "eneration, .*o
*a5e not yet learned to t*in8 *istori)ally H t*at is, to
)om2are and oresee:
T*e E#ro2ean bo#r"eoisie "ot too badly b#rned in t*e last
.ar to li"*tly #nderta8e anot*er: 0 ear o re5ol#tionary
)onse=#en)es *as so ar 2aralysed t*e 2lans o military
inter5ention: '#t t*e a)tor o ear is an #nstable one: T*e
t*reat o a re5ol#tion *as ne5er yet re2la)ed t*e re5ol#tion
itsel: 0 dan"er .*i)* remains lon" #nrealised loses its
ee)t: 0t t*e same time t*e irre)on)ilable anta"onism
bet.een t*e .or8ersJ state and t*e .orld o im2erialism
2#s*es to.ards t*e s#ra)e: Re)ent e5ents *a5e been so
elo=#ent t*at t*e *o2e o a @ne#tralisationA o t*e .orld
bo#r"eoisie #2 to t*e )om2letion o t*e so)ialist str#)t#re,
*as been abandoned by t*e 2resent r#lin" a)tionC to a
)ertain de"ree it *as e5en been )on5erted into its
T*e ind#strial s#))esses attained d#rin" t*ese 2ea)e#l
years are an im2eris*able demonstration o t*e
in)om2arable ad5anta"es o a 2lanned e)onomy: T*is a)t
in no .ise )ontradi)ts t*e international )*ara)ter o t*e
re5ol#tion: so)ialism )o#ld not be realised in t*e .orld
arena, .ere not its elements and its 2oints o s#22ort
2re2ared in se2arate )o#ntries: It is no a))ident t*at t*e
enemies o t*e t*eory o national so)ialism .ere t*e 5ery
2rota"onists o ind#strialisation, o t*e 2lannin" 2rin)i2le,
t*e Bi5e Mear 3lan, and )olle)ti5isation: Ra8o5s8y, and .it*
*im t*o#sands o ot*er 'ols*e5i8s, are 2ayin" or t*eir
i"*t or a bold ind#strial initiati5e .it* years o exile and
2rison: '#t t*ey too, on t*e ot*er *and, *a5e been t*e irst
to rise a"ainst an o5erestimation o t*e res#lts attained,
a"ainst national )om2la)en)y: On t*e ot*er *and, t*e
mistr#st#l and s*ort;si"*ted @2ra)ti)als,A .*o ormerly
t*o#"*t t*at t*e 2roletariat o ba)8.ard R#ssia )o#ld not
)on=#er t*e, and ater t*e )on=#est o
denied t*e 2ossibility o broad ind#strialisation and
)olle)ti5isation, *a5e ta8en s#bse=#ently exa)tly t*e
o22osite 2osition: T*e s#))esses attained a"ainst t*eir
o.n ex2e)tations, t*ey *a5e sim2ly m#lti2lied into a
.*ole series o Bi5e Mear 3lans, s#bstit#tin" t*e
m#lti2li)ation table or a *istori) 2ers2e)ti5e: T*at is t*e
t*eory o so)ialism in a se2arate )o#ntry:
In reality t*e "ro.t* o t*e 2resent so5iet e)onomy
remains an anta"onisti) 2ro)ess: In stren"t*enin" t*e
.or8ersJ state, t*e e)onomi) s#))esses are by no means
leadin" a#tomati)ally to t*e )reation o a *armonio#s
so)iety: On t*e )ontrary, t*ey are 2re2arin" a s*ar2enin"
o t*e )ontradi)tions o an isolated so)ialist str#)t#re on a
*i"*er le5el: R#ral R#ssia needs, as beore, a m#t#al
ind#strial 2lan .it* #rban E#ro2e: T*e .orld.ide di5ision
o labo#r stands o5er t*e di)tators*i2 o t*e 2roletariat in
a se2arate )o#ntry, and im2erati5ely di)tates its #rt*er
road: T*e O)tober re5ol#tion did not ex)l#de R#ssia rom
t*e de5elo2ment o t*e rest o *#manity, b#t on t*e
)ontrary bo#nd *er more )losely to it: R#ssia is not a
"*etto o barbarism, nor yet an 0r)adia o so)ialism: It is
t*e most transitional )o#ntry in o#r transitional e2o)*:
@T*e R#ssian re5ol#tion is only one lin8 in t*e )*ain o
international re5ol#tion:A T*e 2resent )ondition o .orld
e)onomy ma8es it 2ossible to say .it*o#t *esitation:
!a2italism *as )ome ar )loser to t*e 2roletarian
re5ol#tion t*an t*e So5iet 6nion to so)ialism: T*e ate o
t*e irst .or8ersJ state is inse2arably bo#nd #2 .it* t*e
ate o t*e liberatin" mo5ement in t*e .est and east: '#t
t*is lar"e t*eme demands inde2endent in5esti"ation: +e
*o2e to ret#rn to it:
,ppendi5 No63: 2istoric (eferences on
the Theory of 9Permanent
In t*e 022endix to t*e irst 5ol#me o t*is *istory .e "a5e
extended ex)er2ts rom a series o arti)les .ritten by #s in
Mar)* 1917 in Ne. Mor8, and rom o#r more re)ent
2olemi) arti)les a"ainst 3roessor 3o8ro5s8y: In bot* )ases
t*e matter )on)erned .as an analysis o t*e mo5in" or)es
o t*e R#ssian, and 2artly also o t*e international,
re5ol#tion: It .as #2on t*e basis o t*is 2roblem t*at t*e
#ndamental 2rin)i2led "ro#2in"s *ad )rystallised
t*emsel5es in t*e R#ssian re5ol#tionary )am2 e5er sin)e
t*e be"innin" o t*e )ent#ry: In 2ro2ortion as t*e
re5ol#tionary tide rose, t*ey a)=#ired more and more t*e
)*ara)ter o a strate"i) 2ro"ramme, and t*en inally a
dire)tly ta)ti)al )*ara)ter: T*e years 19%3 to 19%( .ere a
2eriod o intensi5e )rystallisation o 2oliti)al tenden)ies in
t*e R#ssian so)ial demo)ra)y: It .as at t*at time t*at o#r
.or8, Su&&aries and !ers.ectives .as .ritten: It .as
.ritten in se)tions and or dierent 2#r2oses: 0n
im2risonment in 4e)ember 19%< 2ermitted t*e a#t*or to
ex2o#nd more systemati)ally t*an beore *is 5ie.s on t*e
)*ara)ter o t*e R#ssian re5ol#tion and its 2ros2e)ts: T*is
)olle)ted .or8 a22eared as a boo8 in t*e R#ssian
lan"#a"e in 19%(: In order t*at t*e ex)er2ts rom it "i5en
belo. may ta8e a 2ro2er 2la)e in t*e mind o t*e reader,
.e m#st remind *im a"ain t*at in 19%&;< no one o t*e
R#ssian Marxists deended, or e5en #ttered, t*e t*o#"*t o
t*e 2ossibility o b#ildin" a so)ialist so)iety in a sin"le
)o#ntry in "eneral, and 2arti)#larly in R#ssia: T*is
)on)e2tion .as irst ex2ressed in 2rint only t.enty years
later, in t*e a#t#mn o 192&: In t*e 2eriod o t*e irst
re5ol#tion, as also in t*e years bet.een t*e t.o
re5ol#tions, t*e dis2#te )on)erned t*e dynami)s o t*e
bo#r"eois re5ol#tion, and not t*e )*an)es and 2ossibilities
o a so)ialist re5ol#tion: 0ll t*e 2resent 2artisans o t*e
t*eory o so)ialism in one )o#ntry, .it*o#t a sin"le
ex)e2tion, .ere d#rin" t*at 2eriod )oninin" t*e 2ros2e)ts
o t*e R#ssian re5ol#tion to a bo#r"eois;demo)rati)
re2#bli), and #ntil 02ril 1917 t*ey .ere )onsiderin"
im2ossible not only t*e b#ildin" o national so)ialism, b#t
also t*e )on=#est o by t*e 2roletariat o R#ssia
beore t*e di)tators*i2 o t*e 2roletariat s*o#ld be
ina#"#rated in more ad5an)ed )o#ntries:
'y @Trots8yism,A in t*e 2eriod rom 19%< to 1917, .as
meant t*at re5ol#tionary )on)e2tion a))ordin" to .*i)*
t*e bo#r"eois re5ol#tion in R#ssia .o#ld not be able to
sol5e its 2roblems .it*o#t 2la)in" t*e 2roletariat in
Only in t*e a#t#mn o 192& did @Trots8yismA be"in to
mean t*e )on)e2tion a))ordin" to .*i)* t*e R#ssian
2roletariat, *a5in" )ome to, .o#ld not be able to
b#ild a national so)ialist so)iety .it* its o.n or)es alone:
Bor t*e )on5enien)e o t*e reader .e s*all 2resent t*e
dis2#te s)*emati)ally in t*e orm o a dialo"#e in .*i)*
t*e letter T si"niies a re2resentati5e o t*e JTrots8yistA
)on)e2tion, and t*e letter S means one o t*ose R#ssian
@2ra)ti)alsA .*o no. stands at t*e *ead o t*e so5iet
T30 T*e R#ssian re5ol#tion )annot sol5e its demo)rati)
2roblem, abo5e all t*e a"rarian 2roblem, .it*o#t 2la)in"
t*e .or8in" )lass in
S30 '#t does not t*at mean t*e di)tators*i2 o t*e
T30 6n=#estionably:
S30 In ba)8.ard R#ssia> 'eore it *a22ens in t*e ad5an)ed
)a2italist )o#ntries>
T30 Exa)tly so:
S30 '#t yo# are i"norin" t*e R#ssian 5illa"e H t*at is, t*e
ba)8.ard 2easantry st#)8 in t*e m#d o semi;serdom:
T30 On t*e )ontrary, it is only t*e de2t* o t*e a"rarian
2roblem t*at o2ens t*e immediate 2ros2e)t o a
di)tators*i2 o t*e 2roletariat in R#ssia:
S30 Mo# reDe)t, t*en, t*e bo#r"eois re5ol#tion>
T30 No, I only try to s*o. t*at its dynami) leads to t*e
di)tators*i2 o t*e 2roletariat:
S30 '#t t*at means t*at R#ssia is ri2e or t*e b#ildin" o
T30 No, it does not: ?istori) e5ol#tion *as no s#)* 2lanned
and *armonio#s )*ara)ter: T*e )on=#est o by t*e
2roletariat in ba)8.ard R#ssia lo.s inexorably rom t*e
)orrelation o or)es in t*e bo#r"eois re5ol#tion: +*at
#rt*er e)onomi) 2ros2e)ts .ill be o2ened by t*e
di)tators*i2 o t*e 2roletariat de2ends #2on t*e domesti)
and .orld )onditions #nder .*i)* it is ina#"#rated: It "oes
.it*o#t sayin" t*at R#ssia )annot arri5e at so)ialism
inde2endently: '#t on)e *a5in" o2ened an era o so)ialist
transormation, s*e )an s#22ly t*e im2et#s to a so)ialist
de5elo2ment o E#ro2e and t*#s arri5e at so)ialism in t*e
.a8e o t*e ad5an)ed )o#ntries
S30 +e m#st a)8no.led"e t*at Trots8y @e5en beore t*e
re5ol#tion o 19%< ad5an)ed t*e ori"inal and no.
es2e)ially amo#s t*eory o 3ermanent Re5ol#tion,
assertin" t*at t*e bo#r"eois re5ol#tion o 19%< .o#ld "o
dire)tly o5er into a so)ialist re5ol#tion and 2ro5e t*e irst
o a series o national re5ol#tions:A /T*e =#otation is rom
t*e notes to t*e %omplete ,orks of Lenin, 2#blis*ed
d#rin" *is lie:1
S30 0nd so yo# deny t*at o#r re5ol#tion )an arri5e at
T30 I t*in8, as beore, t*at o#r re5ol#tion )an and s*o#ld
lead to so)ialism ater *a5in" a)=#ired an international
S30 Mo# do not belie5e, t*en, in t*e inner or)es o t*e
R#ssian re5ol#tion>
T30 Stran"e t*at t*is did not 2re5ent me rom oreseein"
and 2rea)*in" t*e di)tators*i2 o t*e 2roletariat .*en yo#
reDe)ted it as 6to2ian:
S30 '#t yo# none t*e less deny t*e so)ialist re5ol#tion in
T30 6ntil 02ril 1917 yo# a))#sed me o reDe)tin" t*e
bo#r"eois re5ol#tion: T*e se)ret o yo#r t*eoreti)al
)ontradi)tions lies in t*e a)t t*at yo# "ot .ay be*ind t*e
*istori) 2ro)ess and no. yo# are tryin" to )at)* #2 and
2ass it: To tell t*e tr#t*, t*is also is t*e se)ret o yo#r
ind#strial mista8es:
T*e reader s*o#ld *a5e al.ays beore *im t*ese t*ree
*istori) sta"es in t*e de5elo2ment o re5ol#tionary
)on)e2tions in R#ssia, i *e .is*es )orre)tly to D#d"e t*e
a)t#al iss#es in t*e 2resent str#""le o a)tions and "ro#2s
in R#ssian )omm#nism:
(%cer.ts *ro& the Article o* the 4ear 56789
"#mmaries and Perspecti%es
"ection 4: (e%ol#tion and the proletariat
T*e 2roletariat .ill "ro. and stren"t*en to"et*er .it* t*e
"ro.t* o )a2italism: In t*is sense t*e de5elo2ment o
)a2italism is t*e de5elo2ment o t*e 2roletariat to.ard
di)tators*i2: '#t t*e day and *o#r .*en t*e .ill
2ass to t*e *ands o t*e .or8in" )lass de2end dire)tly not
#2on t*e le5el obtained by t*e 2rod#)ti5e or)es, b#t #2on
relations in t*e )lass str#""le, #2on t*e international
sit#ation, and inally #2on a series o s#bDe)ti5e a)tors H
traditions, initiati5es, 2re2aredness or i"*tin" :::
In a )o#ntry e)onomi)ally more ba)8.ard t*e 2roletariat
may )ome to sooner t*an in a )o#ntry
)a2italisti)ally ad5an)ed :::
T*e idea o some sort o a#tomati) de2enden)e o t*e
2roletarian di)tators*i2 #2on t*e te)*ni)al or)es and
reso#r)es o a )o#ntry is a 2reD#di)e deri5ed rom an
extremely o5er;sim2liied @e)onomi)A materialism: S#)* a
5ie. *as not*in" in )ommon .it* Marxism:
T*e R#ssian re5ol#tion, a))ordin" to o#r 5ie., .ill )reate
)onditions in .*i)* t*e may /and .it* t*e 5i)tory o
t*e re5ol#tion m#st1 2ass to t*e 2roletariat beore t*e
2oliti)ians o bo#r"eois liberalism "et a )*an)e to de5elo2
t*eir statesmanly "eni#s to t*e #ll:
Marxism is abo5e all a met*od o analysis H not analysis o
texts b#t analysis o so)ial relations: Is it tr#e in re"ard to
R#ssia t*at t*e .ea8ness o )a2italisti) liberalism
ne)essarily means a .ea8ness o t*e labo#r mo5ement>
T*e n#mbers o t*e ind#strial 2roletariat, t*eir
)on)entration, t*eir )#lt#re, t*eir 2oliti)al .ei"*t,
#ndo#btedly de2end #2on t*e de"ree o de5elo2ment o
)a2italist ind#stry: '#t t*is de2enden)e is not dire)t:
'et.een t*e 2rod#)ti5e or)es o t*e )o#ntry and t*e
2oliti)al or)e o its )lasses at ea)* "i5en moment 5ario#s
so)io2oliti)al a)tors o national and international
)*ara)ter inter5ene, and t*ey dis2la)e, and e5en
)om2letely )*an"e t*e orm o, t*e 2oliti)al ex2ression o
e)onomi) relations:*standin" t*at t*e 2rod#)ti5e
or)es o ind#stry in t*e 6nited States are ten times *i"*er
t*an o#rs, t*e 2oliti)al rIle o t*e R#ssian 2roletariat, its
inl#en)e #2on t*e 2oli)y o t*e )o#ntry, and t*e
2ossibility o its )omin" inl#en)e #2on .orld 2oliti)s, is
in)om2arably *i"*er t*an t*e rIle and si"nii)an)e o t*e
0meri)an 2roletariat:

"ection .: The Proletariat in Poer and the
In t*e e5ent o a de)isi5e 5i)tory o t*e re5ol#tion t*e .ill )ome into t*e *ands o t*at )lass .*i)* 2layed
t*e leadin" rIle in t*e str#""le H in ot*er .ords, into t*e
*ands o t*e 2roletariat: +e add at on)e as sel;e5ident
t*at t*is does not ex)l#de t*e entry into t*e "o5ernment
or re5ol#tionary re2resentati5es o non;2roletarian so)ial
"ro#2s ::: T*e .*ole =#estion is, .*o .ill s#22ly t*e
)ontent o t*e "o5ernment 2oli)y> +*o .ill )onsolidate in
t*e "o5ernment a *omo"eneo#s maDority> It is one t*in"
.*en re2resentati5es o t*e demo)rati) layers o t*e
2eo2le 2arti)i2ate in a "o5ernment .*i)* is .or8in";)lass
in its maDority: It is anot*er t*in" .*en re2resentati5es o
t*e 2roletariat 2arti)i2ate, in t*e )*ara)ter o more or less
res2e)ted *osta"es, in a deinitely bo#r"eois;demo)rati)
"o5ernment: T*e 2roletariat )annot 2er2et#ate its
.it*o#t broadenin" t*e base o t*e re5ol#tion: Many strata
o t*e toilin" masses, es2e)ially in t*e )o#ntry, .ill be irst
dra.n into t*e re5ol#tion and a)=#ire 2oliti)al or"anisation
only ater t*e 5an"#ard o t*e re5ol#tion, t*e )ity
2roletariat, stands at t*e *elm o state:
::: T*e )*ara)ter o o#r so)io;*istori) relations, .*i)*
t*ro.s t*e .*ole .ei"*t o t*e bo#r"eois re5ol#tion #2on
t*e s*o#lders o t*e 2roletariat, .ill not only )reate
enormo#s dii)#lties or t*e .or8ersJ "o5ernment, b#t .ill
also, at least in t*e irst 2eriod o its existen)e, "i5e it
2ri)eless ad5anta"es: T*is .ill ex2ress itsel in t*e
relations bet.een t*e 2roletariat and t*e 2easantry:
T*e R#ssian re5ol#tion does not 2ermit, and or a lon"
time .ill not 2ermit, t*e )reation o any sort o bo#r"eois;
)onstit#tional order .*i)* mi"*t sol5e t*e most
elementary 2roblems o demo)ra)y ::: In )onse=#en)e o
t*is t*e ate o t*e most elementary re5ol#tionary
interests o t*e 2easantry H e5en o t*e entire 2easantry
as a )aste H is bo#nd #2 .it* t*e ate o t*e .*ole
re5ol#tion H t*at is, .it* t*e ate o t*e 2roletariat: T*e
2roletariat in .ill a22ear to t*e 2easantry as an
eman)i2ator )lass:
'#t 2er*a2s t*e 2easantry itsel .ill )ro.d o#t t*e
2roletariat and o))#2y its 2la)e> T*at is im2ossible: 0ll t*e
ex2erien)e o *istory 2rotests a"ainst t*is ass#m2tion: It
s*o.s t*at t*e 2easantry is )om2letely in)a2able o
2layin" an inepenent 2oliti)al rIle:
T*e R#ssian bo#r"eoisie .ill s#rrender all re5ol#tionary
2ositions to t*e 2roletariat: It .ill *a5e to s#rrender also
t*e re5ol#tionary leaders*i2 o t*e 2easantry: In t*e
sit#ation .*i)* .ill be )reated by a transer o to
t*e 2roletariat t*e 2easantry .ill *a5e not*in" let to do
b#t ad*ere to t*e rG"ime o .or8ersJ demo)ra)y: -ranted
e5en t*at t*ey .ill do t*is .it* no more )ons)io#sness
t*an t*ey *a5e in ad*erin" to t*e bo#r"eois rG"imeL '#t
.*ereas e5ery bo#r"eois 2arty ater .innin" t*e Votes o
t*e 2easants ma8es *aste to #se its in order to rob
t*em and de)ei5e t*em o all t*eir *o2es and ait* in
2romises, and t*en .*en .orst )omes to .orst yields its
2la)e to anot*er )a2italist 2arty, t*e 2roletariat, relyin"
#2on t*e 2easantry, .ill brin" all its or)es into 2lay to
raise t*e )#lt#ral le5el o t*e 5illa"e and de5elo2 in t*e
2easantry a 2oliti)al )ons)io#sness:

"ection /: The Proletarian (;$ime
T*e 2roletariat )an )ome to only .*ile relyin" #2on
a national a.a8enin", #2on a #ni5ersal 2o2#lar ins2iration:
T*e 2roletariat .ill enter t*e "o5ernment as a
re5ol#tionary re2resentati5e o t*e nation, as t*e
re)o"nised leader o t*e 2eo2le in t*eir str#""le .it*
absol#tism and e#dal barbarism: '#t *a5in" )ome to, t*e 2roletariat .ill o2en a ne. e2o)* H an e2o)* o
re5ol#tionary le"islation, o airmati5e 2oliti)s H and *ere
t*e 2reser5ation o its rIle as re)o"nised s2o8esman o t*e
nation is by no means "#aranteed:
Ea)* day .ill dee2en t*e 2oli)y o t*e 2roletariat in,
and more and more deine its )lass )*ara)ter: 0nd
t** t*e re5ol#tionary bond bet.een t*e 2roletariat
and t*e nation .ill be bro8en: T*e )lass dismemberment o
t*e 2easantry .ill a22ear in 2oliti)al orm: T*e anta"onism
bet.een its )onstit#ent 2arts .ill in)rease in t*e same
de"ree t*at t*e 2oli)y o t*e .or8ersJ "o5ernment deines
itsel and rom bein" a "eneral demo)rati) 2oli)y be)omes
a )lass 2oli)y:
T*e destr#)tion o e#dal serdom .ill *a5e t*e s#22ort o
t*e entire 2easantry as a b#rdened )aste ::: '#t le"islati5e
meas#res In deen)e o t*e a"ri)#lt#ral 2roletariat not only
.ill .in no s#)* a)ti5e sym2at*y rom t*e maDority, b#t
.ill )ome #2 a"ainst t*e a)ti5e resistan)e o t*e minority:
T*e 2roletariat .ill ind itsel obli"ed to )arry t*e )lass
str#""le into t*e )o#ntry, and t*#s destroy t*at
)omm#nity o interests .*i)* is #ndo#btedly to be o#nd
in e5ery 2easantry, alt*o#"* .it*in )om2arati5ely narro.
limits: T*e 2roletariat .ill be obli"ed, in t*e 5ery earliest
moments o its r#le, to see8 s#22ort in o22osin" t*e r#ral
2oor to t*e r#ral ri)*, t*e a"ri)#lt#ral 2roletariat to t*e
2easant bo#r"eoisie:
On)e t*e is in t*e *ands o a re5ol#tionary
"o5ernment .it* a so)ialist maDority, at t*at moment t*e
dieren)e bet.een minim#m and maxim#m 2ro"ramme
loses bot* its si"nii)an)e in 2rin)i2le and its dire)tly
2ra)ti)al si"nii)an)e: 0 2roletarian "o5ernment )annot
2ossibly restrain itsel .it*in t*e limits o t*is distin)tion:
Enterin" t*e "o5ernment not as im2otent *osta"es b#t as
a r#lin", t*e re2resentati5es o t*e 2roletariat .ill
by t*is 5ery a)t destroy t*e bo#ndary bet.een minim#m
and maxim#m 2ro"ramme: T*at is, t*ey .ill 2la)e
)olle)ti5ism on t*e order o t*e day: 0t .*at 2oint t*e
2roletariat .ill be sto22ed in t*is dire)tion de2ends #2on
t*e )orrelation o or)es, b#t not at all #2on t*e ori"inal
intentions o t*e 2arty o t*e 2roletariat:
T*at is .*y t*ere )an be no tal8 o any s2e)ial orm o
2roletarian di)tators*i2 in a bo#r"eois re5ol#tion, namely
a demo)rati) di)tators*i2 o t*e 2roletariat /or o t*e
2roletariat and t*e 2easantry1: T*e .or8in" )lass )annot
"#arantee t*e demo)rati) )*ara)ter o its di)tators*i2
.it*o#t trans"ressin" t*e limits o its demo)rati)
2ro"ramme: 0ny ill#sions on t*is 2oint .o#ld be absol#tely
On)e t*e 2arty o t*e 2roletariat ta8es t*e, it .ill
i"*t or it to t*e end: +*ile one means o .a"in" t*is
str#""le or t*e 2reser5ation and 2er2et#ation o its
.ill be a"itation and or"anisation, es2e)ially in t*e
)o#ntry, anot*er means .ill be a )olle)ti5ist 2oli)y:
!olle)ti5ism .ill be)ome not only an ine5itable ineren)e
rom t*e 2osition o t*e 2arty in, b#t also a means
o 2reser5in" its 2osition .*ile relyin" #2on t*e 2roletariat
+*en t*e idea .as orm#lated in t*e so)ialist 2ress o an
#ninterr#2ted re5ol#tion, lin8in" #2 t*e li=#idation o
absol#tism and o )i5il serdom .it* a so)ialist re5ol#tion,
t*an8s to m#lti2lyin" so)ial )las*es, #2risin"s o ne.
layers o t*e masses, #n)easin" atta)8s o t*e 2roletariat
#2on t*e 2oliti)al and e)onomi) 2ri5ile"es o t*e r#lin"
)lasses, o#r @2ro"ressi5eA 2ress raised a #nanimo#s *o.l
o indi"nation:
T*e more radi)al re2resentati5es o t*at same
demo)ra)y ::: not only )onsidered antasti) t*e 5ery idea
o a .or8ersJ "o5ernment in R#ssia, b#t also denied t*e
2ossibility o a so)ialist re5ol#tion in E#ro2e in t*e )omin"
*istori) e2o)*: T*e ne)essary @2remisesA are not yet at
*and: Is t*is tr#e> It is not, o )o#rse, a =#estion o settin"
t*e date o a so)ialist re5ol#tion, b#t o "i5in" it a 2la)e in
t*e a)t#al *istori) 2ers2e)ti5e :::
/?ere ollo.s an analysis o t*e "eneral 2remises o a
so)ialist e)onomy and t*e 2roo t*at at t*e 2resent time H
t*e be"innin" o t*e 2%t* )ent#ry H t*ese 2remises, i yo#
ta8e t*e =#estion on a E#ro2ean and .orld s)ale, are
already at *and:1
::: +it*in t*e )losed bo#ndaries o se2arate states a
so)ialist 2rod#)tion )o#ld not in any )ase be introd#)ed H
bot* or e)onomi) and 2oliti)al reasons:

"ection 8: , Wor<ers= >o%ernment in (#ssia
and "ocialism6
+e *a5e s*o.n abo5e t*at t*e obDe)ti5e 2remises o a
so)ialist re5ol#tion *a5e already been )reated by t*e
e)onomi) de5elo2ment o t*e ad5an)ed )a2italist
)o#ntries: '#t .*at )an be said in t*is res2e)t abo#t
R#ssia> !an .e ex2e)t t*at t*e transer o to t*e
R#ssian 2roletariat .ill be t*e be"innin" o a
transormation o o#r national e)onomy #2on so)ialist
T*e 3arisian .or8ers, as Marx said, did not demand
mira)les o t*e !omm#ne: No., too, yo# )annot ex2e)t
instantaneo#s mira)les o t*e di)tators*i2 o t*e
2roletariat: T*e state is not omni2otent: It .o#ld be
abs#rd to ima"ine t*at t*e 2roletariat *as only to re)ei5e
t*e and it .ill re2la)e )a2italism by so)ialism .it* a
e. de)rees: 0n e)onomi) str#)t#re is not a 2rod#)t o t*e
a)ti5ity o t*e state: T*e 2roletariat )an only em2loy t*e
state .it* all its mi"*t in order to 2romote
e)onomi) e5ol#tion in t*e dire)tion o )olle)ti5ism, and
s*orten its road:
T*e so)ialisation o 2rod#)tion be"ins in t*ose bran)*es
.*i)* oer t*e least dii)#lties: 4#rin" t*e irst 2eriod
so)ialised 2rod#)tion .ill ta8e t*e orm o oases #nited
.it* 2ri5ate ind#strial enter2rises by t*e la.s o
)ommodity )ir)#lation: T*e broader t*e ield already
seiKed by so)ialised ind#stry t*e more ob5io#s .ill be its
ad5anta"es, t*e solider .ill t*e ne. 2oliti)al rG"ime eel,
and t*e more bold .ill be t*e #rt*er ind#strial
#nderta8in"s o t*e 2roletariat: In t*ese #nderta8in"s t*e
2roletariat .ill be, able to, and .ill, rely not only #2on t*e
national 2rod#)ti5e or)es, b#t also #2on international
te)*ni=#e, D#st as in its re5ol#tionary 2oliti)s it .ill rely not
only #2on t*e ex2erien)e o national )lass relations, b#t
also #2on t*e .*ole *istori) ex2erien)e o t*e
international 2roletariat:
T*e 2roletarian rG"ime .ill be )om2elled rom t*e 5ery
irst to #nderta8e t*e sol#tion o t*e a"rarian 2roblem,
.it* .*i)* is bo#nd #2 t*e ate o t*e immense mass o
t*e 2o2#lation o R#ssia: In sol5in" t*is 2roblem, as in
sol5in" all ot*ers, t*e 2roletariat .ill ta8e as its 2oint o
de2art#re t*e #ndamental eort o its e)onomi) 2oli)y: to
)on=#er as lar"e a ield as 2ossible or t*e or"anisation o
so)ialist ind#stry: 0nd t*e orms and tem2o o t*is 2oli)y
rn t*e a"rarian 2roblem .ill *a5e to be determined bot*
by t*ose material reso#r)es in t*e )ommand o t*e
2roletariat, and by t*e ne)essity o so de2loyin" its
a)ti5ities as not to 2#s* 2ossible allies into t*e ran8s o
t*e )o#nter;re5ol#tion:
'#t *o. ar )an t*e so)ialist 2oli)y o t*e .or8in" )lass "o
in t*e ind#strial )onditions o R#ssia> Only one t*in" )an
be said .it* )ertainty: It .ill r#n into 2oliti)al obsta)les
lon" beore it )omes #2 a"ainst t*e te)*ni)al
ba)8.ardness o t*e )o#ntry: +it*o#t dire)t state s#22ort
rom t*e E#ro2ean 2roletariat t*e .or8in" )lass o R#ssia
)annot remain in and )annot )on5ert its tem2orary
r#le into a 2rolon"ed so)ialist di)tators*i2 :::
3oliti)al @o2timismA may ta8e t.o, orms: It may
exa""erate its o.n or)es and t*e ad5anta"eo#s as2e)ts
o t*e re5ol#tionary sit#ation, and set itsel tas8s .*ose
sol#tion is not 2ermitted by t*e "i5en )orrelation o or)es:
'#t it may, on t*e ot*er *and, o2timisti)ally set a bo#nd to
its re5ol#tionary tas8s beyond .*i)* t*e lo"i) o t*e
sit#ation .ill ine5itably 2#s* #s:
+e may set a bo#nd to all t*e 2roblems o t*e re5ol#tion
by assertin" t*at o#r re5ol#tion is bo#r"eois in its
obDe)ti5e aims, and t*ereore in its ine5itable res#lt, and
.e may t*#s s*#t o#r eyes to t*e a)t t*at t*e )*ie a"ent
o t*is bo#r"eois re5ol#tion .ill be t*e 2roletariat, and t*e
2roletariat .ill be 2#s*ed to.ard t*e by t*e .*ole
)o#rse o t*e re5ol#tion :::
Mo# may l#ll yo#rsel .it* t*e t*o#"*t t*at t*e so)ial
)onditions o R#ssia are not yet ri2e or a so)ialist
e)onomy, and t** yo# may ne"le)t to )onsider t*e
a)t t*at t*e 2roletariat, on)e In, .ill ine5itably be
)om2elled by t*e .*ole lo"i) o its sit#ation to introd#)e
an e)onomy o2erated by t*e state:
T*e "eneral so)iolo"i)al deinition, @bo#r"eois re5ol#tion,A
does not by any means sol5e t*ose 2oliti)o;ta)ti)al
2roblems, )ontradi)tions and dii)#lties .*i)* .ill be 2#t
or.ard by t*e me)*ani)s o t*e "i5en bo#r"eois
+it*in t*e rame.or8 o t*e bo#r"eois re5ol#tion at t*e
end o t*e 1$t* )ent#ry, .*ose obDe)ti5e tas8 .as to
establis* t*e r#le o )a2ital, a di)tators*i2 o t*e
Sansculottes 2ro5ed 2ossible: In a re5ol#tion at t*e
be"innin" o t*e 2%t* )ent#ry: .*i)* is also bo#r"eois in
its immediate obDe)ti5e tas8s, t*ere a22ears in t*e near
2ers2e)ti5e t*e ine5itability, or at t*e 5ery least t*e
2robability, o a 2oliti)al r#lers*i2 o t*e 2roletariat: T*at
t*is r#lers*i2 s*all not 2ro5e a mere 2assin" @e2isode,A as
)ertain realisti) 2*ilistines *o2e;t*e 2roletariat itsel .ill
see to t*is: '#t it is not too early no. to 2ose t*e =#estion:
M#st t*is di)tators*i2 o t*e 2roletariat ine5itably be
s*attered a"ainst t*e bo#ndaries o t*e bo#r"eois
re5ol#tion> May it not, #2on t*e "i5en .orld;*istori)
o#ndations, o2en beore itsel t*e 2ros2e)t o a 5i)tory to
be a)*ie5ed ater s*atterin" t*ese limited bo#ndaries>
/?ere ollo.s a de5elo2ment o t*e t*o#"*t t*at t*e
R#ssian re5ol#tion may, and in all 2robability .ill, #nleas*
a 2roletarian re5ol#tion in t*e .est, .*i)* in its t#rn .ill
"#arantee t*e so)ialist de5elo2ment o R#ssia:1
It s*o#ld be added t*at d#rin" t*e irst years o t*e
existen)e o t*e !omm#nist International t*e abo5e;
=#oted .or8 .as oi)ially 2#blis*ed in orei"n lan"#a"es
as a t*eoreti) inter2retation o t*e O)tober re5ol#tion:

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