Course Introduction

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Welcome to EGCE 308

Engineering Analysis and Statistics

Course Information
Class Meetings: Mondays and Wednesdays
10:00 am to 11:15 am
Class Room: CS 207
Beena Ajmera
Cell Phone: (714) 200-3200
Office Hours: Mondays 4:00 pm to 5:00pm,
Wednesday 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm or by

Prerequisites: PHYS 226, MATH 250B, or
Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Erwin Kreyzig,
Edition, 2011, John Wiley & Sons, ISBN
Grading Policies:
Homework and Quizzes 40%
Midterm Exam I (September 24, 2014) 20%
Midterm Exam II (November 19, 2014) 20%
Final Exam 20%
(December 15, 2014 12:00 pm 1:50 pm)

Homework is due at the beginning of the class
on the due date.
No credit will be granted for late submissions
unless accompanied with a university
approved excuse.
Homework should be prepared according to
the format and guidelines provided by the
Follow the Honor Code (See Course Syllabus)

Scheduled Exams
Two midterm exams
No makeup exams
Final exam
(December 15, 2014 12:00pm to 1:50pm)
Comprehensive: covers contents from entire class

Students with Special Needs
Contact the instructor
See course syllabus
Course Topics
First-order and second-order Ordinary
Differential Equations (Review)
Laplace Transforms and Inverse Laplace
Linear Algebra (Review)
Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
Fourier Analysis
Probability and Statistics
If time permits, complex analysis

This Course Will Help To
Understand the basics of and solve both
first-order and second-order ordinary
differential equations
Use Laplace Transforms to solve ODEs and
related initial value problems
Understand linear algebra concepts including
vectors, matrices, determinants, systems of
linear equations, vector spaces and the
application of eigenvalue/eigenvector theories
Decompose and solve engineering problems
using Fourier analysis
Use probability and statistic concepts to
correlations and distribution of data

Civil & Environmental Engineering Department
General Rules
Do not miss classes
Be on time
Submit homework on time
Feel free to work in a group, but do not copy
others work
No Cell phones, iPods, etc.
Contact me if you need any help
Cell: (714) 200-3200

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