Ai Weiwei

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Lee Thach
Phil 345
Ai Weiwei has captivated Western audiences with his usi!n ! art and dissent a"ainst the
Chinese "!vern#ent$s p!litical% ec!n!#ic% and penal instituti!ns& While his art and su'se(uent
i#pris!n#ent #a) pr!v!*e *e) #!#ents ! critical in(uir) a'!ut hu#an ri"hts% + c!ntend that
his representati!n as a de#!cratic #art)r in A#erican #edia assua"es c!ncern !ver the ,nited
States$ !wn c!#plicit) in China$s hu#an ri"hts a'uses&!rin" the c!ncept ! /vi!lent
capital0 as the #ediatin" relati!nship 'etween Chinese p!litical p!p art and Western patr!na"e%
and appl)in" 'ell h!!*$s c!ncept ! eatin" the !ther t! 1rientalist c!nsu#pti!n% + will investi"ate
in what wa)s A#erican #edia narratives ! Ai Weiwei$s i#pris!n#ent reveal an.iet) t!wards a
risin" Chinese "e!p!litical he"e#!n) while #)sti)in" the ,nited States$ inv!lve#ent in #ass
incarcerati!n and "l!'al hu#an ri"hts a'use&
ACT +: S1 S1RR2
Ai Weiwei is a pr!#inent Bei3in" artist a#!us !r usin" his art installati!ns as a
c!##entar) !n China$s ec!n!#ic e.pansi!n and c!rrupt p!litical s)ste#& The s!n ! p!et Ai
4in"% wh! was e.iled and c!nde#ned t! re5educati!n ca#p durin" the Cultural Rev!luti!n%
Weiwei #!ved t! 6ew 2!r* r!# 1781 t! 1773 where he studied at the Pars!ns Sch!!l !
+n 1773% Ai returned t! China and esta'lished the e.peri#ental artist "r!up% Bei3in" -ast
China$s rapid "l!'ali<ati!n since the earl) 178=s has intr!duced #an) Chinese artists
!n t! the w!rld sta"e and #ade the# p!pular staples in Western c!nsu#pti!n ! art&
Ai earned w!rldwide rec!"niti!n thr!u"h his destructi!n and eace#ent ! ancient
Chinese artiacts& >is ph!t!"raph) series% /9r!ppin" the ,rn%0 displa)s a triple5ra#ed ph!t! !
hi# h!ldin"% then dr!ppin"% then standin" ') the shattered shards ! a >an 9)nast) urn& >is
earlier pr!3ect% /C!ca5C!la ;ase%0 inv!lved paintin" C!ca5C!la !n Chinese vases datin" 'ac* t!
5===53=== B&C&-&
These art pieces pr!vide c!##entar) !n China$s ec!n!#ic e.pansi!n and
"l!'ali<ati!n% which als! inv!lves the wh!lesale destructi!n ! ancient cultural sites t! #a*e wa)
!r new industrial devel!p#ent&
@1L-SW1RT>% C& Listenin" t! and L!!*in" at Ai Weiwei& Sal#a"undi% :=11 P"& :8
Al!i% 9aniel AAi Weiwei literall) s#ashes ChinaBs traditi!ns in art and architectureA& C!rnell ,niversit)& C:==?D&
6apac*% E!nathan Ai Weiwei: Works Beijing 19932003 (2004) P"& 13
Chen"% @eilin" A;i!lent Capital: Fhu 2u 1n GileA he 9ra#a Review 47%3 CT18HD%Gall :==5 P"& 57
9avies% Christie& AAi Weiwei: 9r!ppin" The ,rn% Cera#ic W!r*s 5=== B&C&5A&9& :=1=A /AThe Gla#'!)ant @r& Chinner): An -n"lish Artist +n
+ndia And China&A 6ew Criteri!n 3=&? C:=1:D: 4H548
Iiel% Lauren& 9r!ppin" a >an 9)nast) ,rn C!n Presidential +nau"urati!n Wee*endD The Atlantic Ean 17 :=13
While the Chinese "!vern#ent has a hist!r) ! (uellin" dissent% Ai$s pr!#inent status as
an artist in the West has pr!vided hi# a strate"ic saet) c!ver r!# punitive #easures& >!wever%
this all chan"ed ater the Sichuan 8&= earth(ua*e
that let up t! ?7%=== pe!ple dead
and at least
5 #illi!n pe!ple with!ut h!#es&
The earth(ua*e 'eca#e a#!us !r the hi"h a#!unt !
atalities a#!n" children due t! the rail structure ! the sch!!l 'uildin"s% which ueled suspici!n
! c!rrupt "!vern#ent c!ntract practices and penned the der!"at!r) descripti!n /t!u
A@a"nitude ! SW China earth(ua*e revised t! 8&=A& Jinhua 6ews A"enc)& @a) 18% :==8
ACasualties ! the Wenchuan -arth(ua*eA Cin ChineseD& Sina&c!#& Eune 8% :==8& and A?717? 183H7 K
KA LWenchuan -arth(ua*e has alread) caused ?7%17? atalities and 18%3H7 #issin"M Cin ChineseD& Sina&c!#& Eul) 8% :==8
http://news&sina&c!#&cn/pc/:==85=5513/3:?/?51&ht#l CRetrieved 1:/:4/:=13D
>!!*er% Ea*e C@a) :?% :==8D& AT!ll Rises in China 4ua*eA& New York Times&
Allen, Dniel! (2012)! Ai Weiwei n" #$e Ar# o% &ro#es#! T$e! N#ion, 2012
Ai visited the re"i!n ater the earth(ua*e in !rder t! c!##e#!rate the na#es ! the dead
sch!!lchildren in an art piece& >!wever% when he s!u"ht a list ! the victi#s r!# the Sichuan
P!st54ua*e Rec!nstructi!n 1ice% he was t!ld% /The death t!ll is a secret%0 !r ear that this
w!uld inspire criticis# a"ainst the C!##unist Part) ! China CCCPD& +n resp!nse% Ai 'uilt a 5=
pers!n v!lunteer research tea# t! "! t! ever) t!wn and catal!"ue the na#es ! the dead r!#
parents and sch!!ls&

Ai and his tea# pu'lished !n their 'l!"% the Sichuan -arth(ua*e 6a#es
Pr!3ect% the inal tall): 5%:1: dead students& The Chinese "!vern#ent resp!nded ') pu'lishin" its
!wn tall): 5%335O and shut d!wn Ai$s 'l!"&
As a c!ntinuati!n ! this pr!3ect% Ai revealed his
ne.t installati!n in @unich% Per#an)% titled /S! S!rr)0 as a sarcastic reerence t! the ap!l!"ies
e.pressed ') "!vern#ents and c!rp!rati!ns when their ne"li"ence leads t! tra"ed)&
installed 7%=== children$s 'ac*pac*s c!verin" the wh!le side ! the e.hi'it 'uildin"& ,sin"
dierent c!l!red 'ac*pac*s% Ai spelled !ut a #essa"e he received r!# a parent ! a )!un" "irl
wh! died durin" the earth(ua*e% /She lived happil) !n this earth !r H )ears&0
Ihan Acade#) Ai WeiweiBs ARe#e#'erin"A and the P!litics ! 9issent& S#art>ist!r)& :==7
-nri"ht% R!'ert& Gather C!ura"e: Ai Weiwei: 6ever S!rr)% directed ') Alis!n Ila)#an B!rderc!lu#ns +ssue 1:3 Au"ust :=1:
Ater Ai returned t! China% he was detained ') the p!lice and driven t! a hidden l!cati!n&
>eld !n va"ue char"es ! ta. cri#es% he was *ept in is!lati!n and interr!"ati!n !r tw! and a hal
#!nths& The is!lati!n '!re a heav) wei"ht !n his ps)che% /+ reall) wished s!#e!ne c!uld 'eat
#e& Because at least that$s hu#an c!ntactR But t! dis#iss e#!ti!n% t! 'e cut ! r!# an)
reas!n% !r an"er% !r ear% ps)ch!l!"icall) that$s ver) threatenin"&0

This intensiicati!n ! repressive p!lice p!wers is n!t uni(ue t! AiO 'ecause ! a
leadership transiti!n in the CCP% the advent ! the Ara' Sprin" that #a) inspire de#and !r #!re
p!litical ri"hts% and a li*el) ec!n!#ic d!wnturn 'ecause ! the :=11 Eapanese earth(ua*e% a new
securit) acti!n increased the curtailin" ! press reed!# and the indeinite detain#ent !
Chinese citi<ens&
The pris!ners have little le"al c!unsel% #edical care% !r c!ntact with the
!utside w!rld&
9espite his treat#ent in pris!n% Ai c!ntinues his dissent a"ainst the CCP% and has since
paid a S1&3 #illi!n '!nd !r le"al appeal usin" unds c!llected r!# 3=%=== supp!rters&
Released !n 'ail and !r'idden r!# leavin" Bei3in"% Ai !pened an art e.hi'it in ;enice% +tal)%
detailin" his captivit) thr!u"h wa. sculptures& The sculptures depict hi# eatin"% sleepin"%
deecatin"% under"!in" interr!"ati!n% all the while 'ein" watched ') tw! "uards in "reen
uni!r#s& The details were recreated r!# #e#!r)% and reveal the 'anal and inti#atel) pan!ptic
c!nditi!ns ! the Chinese penal s)ste# un'e*n!wnst t! the "eneral pu'lic&
-ven up!n release%
Gish% +saac St!ne& AThe ;!ice 1 Treas!n&A 6ewswee* 158&:1 C:=11D: 5:& @AS ,ltra 5 Sch!!l -diti!n& We'& :1 9ec& :=1:
Chen"% @eilin" Ai Weiwei: Actin" +s Believin" Gr!#: T9R: The 9ra#a Review ;!lu#e 55% 6u#'er 4% Winter :=11
Liu% @&% V Gish% +& C:=11D& P!rtrait ! the Pula"& 6ewswee*% 158C1/:D
BBC AChinese auth!rities a"ree t! review Ai Weiwei ta. caseA ? Eanuar) :=1: http://www&''c&c!&u*/news/w!rld5asia5china51?43H314
W!n"% -dward AAn Artist 9epicts >is 9e#!nsA 6ew 2!r* Ti#es @a) :?% :=13
the Chinese "!vern#ent c!ntinues t! harass hi#% such as ') installin" surveillance vide!s
!utside ! his studi!% /The) !ll!w )!u ar!und until )!u have n! ener") and 'rea* d!wn& +t$s
ver) successul% +t$s a hundred depart#ents% )!u can$t ind the#R the ta. 'ureau and the c!urt
and the p!lice are the sa#e pers!n with dierent aces&0
Gish% +saac St!ne& AThe ;!ice 1 Treas!n&A 6ewswee* 158&:1 C:=11D: 5:& @AS ,ltra 5 Sch!!l -diti!n& We'& :1 9ec& :=1:
ACT ++: @A9- +6 C>+6A
+n China% @a! Fed!n" is !iciall) declared t! 'e /H= percent c!rrect% 3= percent
@a!$s success!r 9en" Jia!pin" updated Chinese s!cialis# in the 17H=s ') declarin"%
/p!vert) is n!t s!cialis#O t! "r!w rich is "l!ri!us%0 usin" the centrali<ed "!vern#ent t! increase
China$s *n!wled"e ec!n!#) and #anuacturin" sect!r& This ec!n!#ic '!!# l!!sened
"!vern#ent cens!rship% which paved the wa) !r s!#e Chinese artists t! stud)% and ulti#atel)
reappr!priate% Western st)les ! art& 6!w China '!asts iteen 'illi!naires and !ver 3==%===
#illi!naires wh! have% al!n" with Western c!llect!rs% 'ec!#e the new upper class patr!ns !
c!nte#p!rar) Chinese art&
Western patr!ns still re#ain the pri#ar) c!llect!rs and unders ! c!nte#p!rar) Chinese
art% deter#inin" the dierence 'etween success and ailure !r the artists& This #echanis# !
selecti!n insti"ated s!#e Chinese artists t! "ra' Western audience$s attenti!n ') c!##ittin"
sel5har# !r '!dil) vi!lence durin" the per!r#ance act% 'aitin" the #edia int! circulatin" the
i#a"e& 1ne deinin" per!r#ance was d!ne
') Fhan" >uan5 a ell!w Bei3in" -ast
;illa"e resident with Ai Weiwei5 in 1774&
titled Twel(e )*+re" ,e#ers, Fhan" c!vered
his na*ed '!d) with ish !il and h!ne) and
sat in a c!##unal !uth!use as lies swar#ed
Li#% L!uisa& Chinese Re!pen 9e'ate 1ver Chair#an @a!Bs Le"ac)& 6PR& :=11 http://www&npr&!r"/:=11/=?/::/13H:315=8/chinese5re!pen5
Paner!% Ea#es& @ade in China: 1n Fhan" >uan V c!nte#p!rar) art in China& 6ew Criteri!n& 9ec& :==8
!n his '!d)& The deca)in" ur'an landscape% the site ! ilth and waste% and the a'3ecti!n ! his
'!d) c!ntrasted with the e#er"in" narrative ! a #!derni<in" and #etr!p!litan China&
The per!r#ance attracted Western audiences thr!u"h its /vi!lent capital0: artistic
reputati!n and rewards "ained ') vi!lent acti!n ra#ed within the s)#'!lic real# ! art&

6!tin" the p!pularit) ! aesthetic #as!chis# with Western patr!ns% s!#e CCP !icials
enc!ura"ed #aca're per!r#ance art in !rder t! "ain cultural capital& T! the CCP% artists li*e Ai
Weiwei and Fhan" >uan are useul s)#'!ls t! pr!ve that the) t!lerate dissent and creative
visi!n% 'e"rud"in"l) usin" trans"ressive art as a s!t p!wer strate") t! enhance China$s "l!'al
Wu >un"& Transience% Chinese -.peri#ental Art at the -nd ! the Twentieth Centur)% 1777% Pu'lished ') The S#art Art @useu#% Chica"!%
,SA http://www&<han"huan&c!#/Sh!wTe.t&aspTidU:3VsClass+9U1
Chen"% @eilin" A;i!lent Capital: Fhu 2u 1n GileA The 9ra#a Review 47%3 CT18HD%Gall :==5 P"& ?=
Paner!% Ea#es& @ade in China: 1n Fhan" >uan V c!nte#p!rar) art in China& 6ew Criteri!n& 9ec& :==8
/-atin" Pe!ple0 ') Fhu 2u Cph!t!"raphs at a Shan"hai arts estival in :=== depictin"
Fhu 2u eatin" a hu#an etus&D
Artist state#ent% /+ herewith ann!unce #) intenti!n and #) ai# t! eat pe!ple as a pr!test
a"ainst #an*ind$s #!ral idea that he/she cann!t eat pe!ple&0
This relati!n 'etween Western spectat!rs and Chinese artists pr!v!*es tw!
1& Wh) d!es the #echanis# ! selecti!n ') Western patr!ns !cus !n and etishi<e the
#as!chistic su'3ecti!n ! c!nte#p!rar) Chinese artistsT
:& Are A#erican #edia representati!ns ! Ai Weiwei$s i#pris!n#ent and "!vern#ent
harass#ent a c!ntinuati!n ! the /vi!lent capital0 Chinese artists #ust per!r# in !rder
t! "ain rec!"niti!n ') the industriali<ed West and succeed in the art w!rldT
Eean Baudrillard ar"ues that the virtual representati!n ! the suerin" 1ther uncti!ns as
/s)#'!lic dep!sit% as a uel essential t! the #!ral and senti#ental e(uili'riu# ! the West&0

The p!wer d)na#ic 'etween Western spectat!rs and Chinese artists parallel this l!"icO
representati!ns ! the artists$ suerin" are c!nverted int! c!##!dit) value thr!u"h #useu#s% art
aucti!ns% and #edia c!vera"e% in !rder !r audiences t! purchase '!th a si#ulati!n ! aesthetic
"ratiicati!n and ! #!ral/p!litical s!lidarit) with the artists& Western audiences$ desire t!
witness the suerin" artist pr!duces a relati!nship ! #aster)O Western patr!na"e decries% )et
re(uires and insti"ates% the artists$ #iser) in !rder !r the audience$s ps)chic n!urish#ent and
su'se(uent undin" t! pr!ceed&
The 1ther$s destituti!n 'ec!#es hi"h art&
+ c!ntend that A#erican #edia representati!ns ! the vi!lence Ai Weiwei e.periences as
a pris!ner% and the e#pathetic resp!nse t! his art% pli"ht% and c!##entar)% 'uild up!n a c!l!nial
ps)chic n!urish#ent ') presentin" hi# as a de#!cratic #art)r standin" up t! the str!n" ar# !
the Chinese state& A#erican acc!unts ! Chinese hu#an ri"hts a'uses% datin" 'ac* t! the tan*
#an at Tianan#en S(uare% have !ten restricted the disc!urse ! !therness t! the A#erican tr!pe
Baudrillard% Eean /The +llusi!n ! the -nd0 p"& ?? 1774
Chen"% @eilin" A;i!lent Capital: Fhu 2u 1n GileA The 9ra#a Review 47%3 CT18HD%Gall :==5 P"& ?=
@!eller% Susan AC!#passi!n Gati"ue: >!w the @edia Sell 9isease% Ga#ine% War% and 9eathA 1777 P"& 3?
! the de#!cratic #art)r& Rel)in" !n a a#iliar 'inar) relati!n 'etween the Windividual ethics !
her!is#$ versus the he"e#!n) ! the state% this narrative inscri'es individual dissent% and the ris*
! 3uridical spectacle and '!dil) har# that c!#e with dissent% as the a pri!ri c!nditi!n !r #edia
rec!"niti!n and patr!na"e&
C!nte#p!rar) Chinese art that d!es n!t c!ntain disc!ntent !r c!##entar) t!wards
China$s ec!n!#ic e.pansi!n and "l!'ali<ati!n 'ec!#es less c!#petitive in the "l!'al #ar*et& A
S!n"% a Chinese artist% e.plains% /When s!#e'!d) paints a p!litical t)pe ! paintin" it is !ten t!
ta*e a sh!rtcut&0 WT! ta*e a sh!rtcut$ is a p!pular idi!# a#!n" Chinese artists t! descri'e the
increased li*elih!!d ! success and undin" a#!n" Western patr!ns when the art pr!duct
#aintains the p!litical p!p narrative ! /the dissenter versus the state0&
The l!!#in" threat !
cens!rship ') the Chinese "!vern#ent !nl) "enerates #!re #edia attenti!n t! the artists and art
!'3ect& As Jeffrey H. Reiman and Sue Headee descri'e in ,r-ism n" .riminl /+s#i0e
&oli01% /6!t !nl) is cri#e a rati!nal resp!nse t! ec!n!#ic insecurit) in a c!#petitive s!ciet)% it
is als! 'ut !ne !r# that c!#petiti!n ta*es as ec!n!#ic insecurit) "r!ws&0
9ue t! the
precari!us nature ! the art #ar*et 'u''le
c!upled with the #ar*eta'ilit) ! the de#!cratic
#art)r narrative% Chinese artists are presented the ch!ice ! ris*in" le"al punish#ent ') the
Chinese "!vern#ent in !rder t! "ain ec!n!#ic securit) ') Western instituti!ns&
+ c!ntend that the ris* ! le"al sancti!ns c!rrelates int! a #!re pr!ita'le art pr!duct
'ecause i#a"es ! suerin" serve a s)#'!lic r!le in the ad#inistrati!n ! c!l!nial p!wer% as
Baudrillard clariies% /The West is whitewashed in the repr!cessin" ! the rest ! the w!rld as
,LGSTE-R6-% @+C>A-L AL-JA69-R The Wasteland ! Creative Pr!ducti!n: A Case Stud) ! C!nte#p!rar) Chinese Art The
C!penha"en E!urnal ! Asian Studies :7C1DX:=11 P"& 17
,LGSTE-R6-% @+C>A-L AL-JA69-R The Wasteland ! Creative Pr!ducti!n: A Case Stud) ! C!nte#p!rar) Chinese Art The
C!penha"en E!urnal ! Asian Studies :7C1DX:=11 P"& 31
Rei#an% Eere) >& >eadlee% Sue& and Cri#inal Eustice P!lic) P"& 43
Grance :4 -n"lish AChinaBs C!nte#p!rar) Art @ar*et Bu''le >as BurstA Ean :1 :==7
waste and residueR 1ther pe!pleBs destituti!n 'ec!#es !ur adventure pla)"r!und&0
#)th!l!") ! the individual her! prevailin" a"ainst the state serves as a vesti"e !r the /virtues0
! Western de#!crac) Csuch as the ri"ht t! ree speech and cultural capitalD% where Ai$s #edia
representati!n is 'ela'!red with the /whitewashed0 narrative ! A#erican cultural triu#phalis#
!ver Chinese 3uridical repressi!n&
The r!le ! the de#!cratic #art)r c!upled with the ps)chic n!urish#ent ! the #art)r$s
suerin" serves less as a r!'ust deense ! de#!crac) and hu#an ri"hts% and #!re as a sellin"
p!int t! a 'l!c*'uster spectacle& +t sh!uld c!#e as n! surprise that the latest trailer !r T$e 2ke
.se% a d!cu#entar) a'!ut Ai Weiwei% hits ver) si#ilar 'eats t! a >!ll)w!!d pr!duced
p!litical/ps)ch!l!"ical thriller&
An!ea Da"i# n!tes the interpla) 'etween the pris!n5industrial5
c!#ple. and visual representati!ns ! i#pris!n#ent when she (u!tes Pina 9ent% /The hist!r) !
visualit) lin*ed t! the pris!n is als! a #ain rein!rce#ent ! the instituti!n ! the pris!n as a
naturali<ed part ! !ur s!cial landscapeR0
When representati!ns ! Ai$s i#pris!n#ent is
in acc!rdance t! >!ll)w!!d tr!pes% the realit) ! i#pris!n#ent disappears int! the
il#ic 'ac*"r!und ! A#erican s!ciet)& +nstead ! appearin" as a "l!'all) interc!nnected s)ste#
! captivit)% i#pris!n#ent c!#es t! represent an e.ternal !'stacle t! the pr!ta"!nist$s pl!tline
and the audience$s senti#ental res!luti!n& Ai Weiwei$s activis# pla)s li*e ,r! )mi#$ 3oes #o
Ws$ing#on in )ell!wace&
Ai Weiwei n!tes this sel5servin" #echanis# ! d!#inant Western #edia% e.plainin"%
/the West eels ver) sh) a'!ut hu#an ri"hts and the p!litical situati!n& The)$re in need !
Baudrillard% Eean /The +llusi!n ! the -nd0 p"& H1 1774
+9GA :=13 Y Trailer Y Ai Weiwei: The Ga*e Case https://www&)!utu'e&c!#/watchTvUl?:d7LsHls
9avis% An"ela& Are Pris!ns 1's!lete P"& 1H518
+ reer t! R!'ert @& -nt#an$s deiniti!n ! %rming% /selectin" s!#e aspects ! a perceived realit) and #a*in" the# #!re salientR0 Liu% 9a(i
A c!#parative l!!* at the c!vera"e ! the Sichuan earth(ua*e in Chinese and A#erican newspapers& Praduate Theses and 9issertati!ns Praduate
C!lle"e :=1= +!wa State ,niversit)& P" 4
#!ne)& But ever) penn) the) '!rr!wed !r #ade r!# China has reall) c!#e as a result ! h!w
this nati!n sacriiced ever)'!d)$s ri"htsR The Western p!liticians5 sha#e !n the# i the) sa)
the)$re n!t resp!nsi'le !r this&0
Whether thr!u"h '!rr!win" #ass de't% i#p!rtin"
#anuactured "!!ds% c!rp!rate pr!iteerin"% !r thr!u"h patr!na"e/spectat!rship ! Chinese
p!litical p!p art% A#erican audiences purchase a si#ulacru# ! A#erican values C"l!'al #ar*et
inte"rati!n% #ass #anuacturin"% cultural capital% p!litical dissentD all the while #ateriall)
sustainin" China$s auth!ritarian p!litical !r"ani<ati!n% internati!nal he"e#!n)% and hu#an ri"hts
The de#!cratic #art)r narrative tries t! pr!ve that China$s usi!n ! auth!ritarianis#
and capitalis# is /ault)%0 while divertin" an e.a#inati!n !n the wa)s the ,nited States is
undin" China$s /ault)0 s)ste#&
Thr!u"h this narrative tr!pe% Ai Weiwei 'ec!#es the #!del
#in!rit) that e#'!dies what China lac*s and what the ,nited States supp!sedl) !versupplies in
Creed!#% cultural capital% hu#an ri"htsD% rec!nstitutin" a new virtual 1rientalis#&
Gish% +saac St!ne& AThe ;!ice 1 Treas!n&A 6ewswee* 158&:1 C:=11D: 5:& @AS ,ltra 5 Sch!!l -diti!n& We'& :1 9ec& :=1:
Pre" Lind(uist and @ar) @attin"l) Ai Weiwei: Acc!rdin" t! WhatT T$e Brookl1n 4il: .ri#i0l &ers5e0#i(es on Ar#, &oli#i0s, n" .+l#+re
CPrestel ;erla"% :=1:D http://www&'r!!*l)nrail&!r"/:=13/=:/artK'!!*s/ai5weiwei5acc!rdin"5t!5what
Chen"% @eilin" Ai Weiwei: Actin" +s Believin" Gr!#: T9R: The 9ra#a Review ;!lu#e 55% 6u#'er 4% Winter :=11
;arn% 9eric* AThe 6ew 1rientalis#: An +nterview with 9an ;u*!vich% Part +A 1ct!'er :=13 The 6!rth Star http://www&then!rthstar&in!/T
ACT +++: A;A6T PAR9- 1R+-6TAL
+n !rder t! ta*e t! tas* the virtual 1rientalis# ! t!da)$s "l!'ali<ed cli#ate% in which
Western c!nsu#ers appr!priate Asian culture as a ulill#ent ! their de#!cratic% aesthetic% and
spiritual a"enc)% + #ust irst ta*e t! tas* the hist!rical ev!luti!n ! 1rientalist disc!urse 'etween
-ur!pean and Chinese civil s!ciet)% which was 'ased #!re !n a /'enev!lent0 paternalis#&
Western criticis# ! the Chinese pris!n re"i#e dates 'ac* t! the 17
centur) under
-ur!pean i#perialist e.pansi!n& While Chinese pris!n re!r# then was n!t s!lel) tied t!
-ur!pean enli"hten#ent !r the nati!n5state s)ste#% re!r#s in China did ta*e place as part ! a
reacti!n t! a -ur!pean *n!wled"e industr) dedicated t! presentin" China as uncivili<ed&
Writin"s% drawin"s% and ph!t!"raphs ! Chinese penal practices Cincludin" t!rture% e.ecuti!n%
and !!t 'indin"D were repr!duced and s!ld in -ur!pean #ar*ets as e.a#ples ! China$s
/e.!tic0 and /'ar'aric0 3uridical re"i#e&
The inluence ! the c!l!nial "a<e in China$s pris!n
practices is 'est su##ari<ed in this 17
centur) rep!rt r!# "!vern#ent !icials Liu Iun)i and
Fhan" Fhid!n":
/G!rei"ners wh! have c!#e t! China !ten pers!nall) visit the 3ails in the depart#ents
and the districts% and assist as !'servers at le"al pr!ceedin"s& The) 'ec!#e dis"usted and *nit
their e)e'r!ws% and with sc!rn the) c!nsider Call thisD as c!nte#pt !r hu#an 'ein"sR +n
!rei"n c!untries% since the last hundred )ears% the) are ver) precise and careul when 3ud"in"
cri#inal cases& Their punish#ents are li"ht and si#ple% and their pris!ns spaci!us and
c!#!rta'le% and cruelt) never !ccurs&
+wa#ura% Eane ;irtual 1rientalis#: Asian Reli"i!ns and A#erican P!pular Culture 1.!rd ,niversit) Press :=11 P"& H
Tsin% @ichael& 1verlappin" >ist!ries: Writin" Pris!n and Penal Practices in Late +#perial and -arl) Repu'lican China& E!urnal ! W!rld
>ist!r) ;!lu#e :=% 6u#'er 1% @arch :==7 http://#use&3hu&edu&li'5pr!.)&ullert!n&edu/3!urnals/3!urnalK!Kw!rldKhist!r)/v=:=/:=&1&tsin&ht#l
The preect ! Tian3in Preecture% Lin" Gupen"% n!ted the "e!p!litical i#plicati!ns !
pris!n re!r#% /Surr!unded ') the P!wers% we cann!t sta'ili<e !ur !rei"n aairs with!ut
chan"es in !ur d!#estic p!licies% and the #!st i#p!rtant ! d!#estic p!licies is the #atter !
penal practices& And the re!r# ! penal practices cann!t pr!ceed with!ut irst re!r#in" the
With the i#perative that -ur!pe presented the #easurin" stic* !r #!dernit)% China
needed t! 'e inte"rated int! a "l!'al #!ve#ent ! pr!"ress i it wanted t! pr!tect its "e!p!litical
interests and cl!se the distance 'etween the civili<ed West and the uncivili<ed -ast& Sendin"
sch!lars t! stud) Eapanese and -ur!pean pris!n s)ste#s% the 4in" d)nast) i#ple#ented pris!n
re!r#s inspired ') reha'ilitative c!ncepti!ns ! 3ustice% where /the principles ! a #!dern
pris!n is t! #a*e pris!ners repent and t! #a*e "!!d citi<ensR #!ral and intellectual educati!n
is indispensa'le&0
9urin" this ti#e peri!d% -ur!pe was als! re!r#in" its pris!n s)ste#& Mi$%e F&u$au'
traces the hist!rical devel!p#ent ! -ur!pean incarcerati!n practices in Dis0i5line n" &+nis$%
in which he n!tes that thr!u"h!ut the 18
and 17
centur) there was a shit in the wa) s!verei"n
entities resp!nded t! cri#e& While cri#es were !nce punished ') a s!verei"n p!wer thr!u"h
pu'lic displa) ! '!dil) har# Csuch as a pu'lic han"in" under a eudal re"i#eD% n!w cri#e is
answered with a punish#ent ! the s!ul ') a #ultitude ! disciplinar) re"i#es Csuch as a pris!n
sentence under a li'eral de#!crac)D&
While G!ucault is!lates 3uridical p!wer as the precurs!r t!
disciplinar) p!wer% G!ucault ne"lected t! trace h!w the pr!ducti!n ! the -astern 1ther as the
G!ucault% @ichel& 9iscipline and Punish& Sec!nd ;inta"e B!!*s -diti!n& 17H5 P"&1?
uncivili<ed !il t! li'eralis# was a necessar) c!#p!nent t! '!th the devel!p#ent ! the #!dern
Western pris!n s)ste#
and a deinin" 3ustiicati!n !r Western c!l!nialis#&
E!hn Stuart @ills% in his discussi!n ! the 'eneits ! individualit) within li'eralis#%
descri'es China$s c!llectivist p!litical !r"ani<ati!n as /stati!nar)0 c!#pared t! the pr!"ressive
West% and that China$s p!litical s)ste# can !nl) 'e i#pr!ved ') /!rei"ners&0
This te#p!ral
and paternalistic p!siti!nin" 'etween Western c!l!nial p!wers and China initiated the earl) :=

centur) 1pen 9!!r p!lic)& ,nder the "uise ! pr!tectin" China$s s!verei"nt)% the ,S pr!clai#ed
China as a sphere ! inluence% which ca#e with it the ri"ht t! #ediate 'etween c!#petin"
c!l!nial p!wers in the re"i!n CBritain% Russia% EapanD while sae"uardin" res!urces !r A#erican
'usinesses with!ut #uch #eanin"ul input r!# the Chinese "!vern#ent !r pe!ple&
This interventi!nist relati!nship was als! paralleled in ec!n!#ic disc!urse durin" the
sec!nd hal ! the :=
centur)% where China had t! c!##it t! ec!n!#ic re!r#s that #irr!red
Western capitalis# in !rder t! c!#pete !n the w!rld sta"e% lest the) suer the sa#e ate ! their
predecess!rs& >!wever% the p!st517H8 Chinese #ar*et re!r#s revealed that an inhu#ane
incarcerati!n s)ste# and centrali<ed e.ecutive p!wer #a) serve as successul acilitat!rs !r
rapid capital accu#ulati!n&
This was de#!nstrated in 1774 when the Chinese "!vern#ent
released nu#er!us p!litical pris!ners in !rder t! ensure that ,S President Bill Clint!n w!uld
Rus*!la% Tee#u 6egl 7rien#lism: China, The United States, and Modern Law. >arvard ,niversit) Press :=13 P"& 153
;u*!vich% 9aniel G& .$in n" 7rien#lism: Wes#ern 8nowle"ge &ro"+0#ion n" #$e &4. Pu'lished: R!utled"e :=1: P"& ?H
@ill% E!hn Stuart& 1n Li'ert)& Chapter +++: 1 +ndividualit)% as 1ne ! the -le#ents ! Well5Bein" 18?7& http://www&'artle')&c!#/13=/3&ht#l
>u% Shi<han"& )#nle1 8! 9orn'e0k n" #$e 75en Door &oli01, 1919:193; Green(&rd )re## *++, )!. -./-0
@!rris% 9avid& A+#a"in" China&A Art @!nthl) 3?: C:=1:D: 558& Art Gull Te.t C>&W& Wils!nD& We'& :4 9ec& :=13& P"& H58
renew #!st5av!red5nati!n C@G6D tradin" status& Ater China w!n renewal ! the @G6% the
Chinese "!vern#ent su'se(uentl) rearrested #an) ! the pr!#inent dissenters&
This recent interpla) 'etween p!litical pris!ners and ec!n!#ic e.pansi!nis# has
chan"ed the 1rientalist d)na#ic 'etween the ,nited States and China& While 1rientalis#
!ri"inall) descri'ed the -astern 1ther as a'n!r#al% stran"e% and dierent r!# the civili<ed
the #!ti ! the de#!cratic #art)r has c!#plicated this c!l!nial narrative& B) cr!ss5
appl)in" virtual 1rientalis# as an e.a#ple /eatin" the !ther%0 + c!ntend that A#erican #edia
representati!ns ! Ai Weiwei d!es n!t s!lel) pit China as dierent% 'ut als! pits China as alwa)s
tr)in" and ailin" t! #irr!r the West
while etishi<in" p!litical dissenters wh! /e#'!d)0
Western li'eral values&
'ell h!!*s deines eatin" the !ther as dierence that is c!##!diied as a res!urce !r
pleasure and p!wer !ver the 1ther&
Thr!u"h this virtual 1rientalist "a<e% Ai Weiwei$s
per!r#ative dissent and vi!lent capital is c!##!diied !r the c!l!nial appetite ! A#erican
audiences in tw! wa)s& Girst% ') usin" Ai as an avatar t! critici<e China$s ina'ilit) t! #eet the
hu#an ri"hts standards ! the ,nited States% Ai 'ec!#es an aesthetic scape"!at that delects
attenti!n r!# the ,nited States$ !wn (uesti!na'le hu#an ri"hts rec!rd& Sec!nd% the narrative
ra#ew!r* ! the de#!cratic #art)r Cthe art #ust dissent a"ainst the "!vern#ent% the artist #ust
ris* 3uridical a'useD uses Ai$s e#'!di#ent ! Western li'eral values
t! sti#ulate an.iet)
6eier% Ar)eh& T$e 7-%or" 9is#or1 7% T$e &rison: T$e &r0#i0e o% &+nis$men# in Wes#ern )o0ie#1 Ch& 13 C!ninin" 9issent:The P!litical
Pris!ner 1.!rd ,niversit) Press P"& 3H8
+lieva% An"elina& 6!rthwestern ,niversit) Seein" and Bein" Seen: 6e"!tiatin" the Western Pa<e in @ilch! @anchevs*i$s Be!re the Rain
@!rris% 9avid& A+#a"in" China&A Art @!nthl) 3?: C:=1:D: 558& Art Gull Te.t C>&W& Wils!nD& We'& :4 9ec& :=13& 5
Pren"el% Iate& +tBs 6!t All A'!ut >u#an5Ri"hts A'uses& Spi*ed& :=1:
'ell h!!*s% /-atin" the !ther: 9esire and resistance&0 +n Blac* L!!*s: Race and Representati!n & B!st!n: S!uth -nd Press% 177: P"& ::
Ai Weiwei: Actin" +s Believin" @eilin" Chen" T9R: The 9ra#a Review% ;!lu#e 55% 6u#'er 4% Winter :=11 Pu'lished ') The @+T Press pp&
t!wards China$s risin" he"e#!n)& B) #)sti)in" the ,nited States$ c!#plicit) in "l!'al hu#an
ri"hts a'uses while als! p!sitin" Ai Weiwei as an e#'!di#ent ! the 'eneits ! Western li'eral
values !ver Chinese 3uridical values% these para#eters ! aesthetic rec!"niti!n ra#e Western
"!vern#ents and s!cieties as the universal si"niiers ! reed!#% and China as an inherent threat
t! that reed!#& Gr!# the white #an$s 'urden
t! the :
+ra( War
% this narrative is hist!ricall)
acc!#panied with a clai# !r "l!'al #ilitar) p!wer and i#perial adventuris#&
+r!nicall)% Western supp!rt !r i#pris!ned artists li*e Ai Weiwei thr!u"h #useu#
e.hi'iti!ns and #edia c!vera"e uncti!ns as '!th a sensati!nal criticis# ! The CCP$s le"al
s)ste# while e.tendin" the s!t p!wer strate") ! said auth!ritarian re"i#e&
+t #a) 'e a tra"ic
arce that the ,nited States and China have an unsp!*en 'usiness arran"e#ent: China pr!#ises
t! increase le"al pressure !n its artists% which increases the #ar*et value ! the art pr!duct%
which increases the revenue strea# ! the CCP and ulills the ps)ch!l!"ical n!urish#ent !
Western li'eral values& These ec!n!#ic transacti!ns c!#plete the 'l!c*'uster hit: Ai Weiwei
triu#phs !ver the Chinese "!vern#ent% all while the '!dies ! the incarcerated% the #illi!ns !
pris!ners in the ,nited States and China
wh! did n!t pass the auditi!n t! pla) #art)r% are
'anished t! the end credits&
Iiplin"% Rud)ard% The White @anBs Burden% 1877 T$is 5oem, wri##en '1 Bri#in<s im5eril 5oe#, ws res5onse #o #$e Ameri0n #ke o(er o%
#$e &$illi5ines %#er #$e )5nis$:Ameri0n Wr! http://www&!rdha#&edu/halsall/#!d/*iplin"&asp
Bush% Pe!r"e W& 75er#ion =r*i 2ree"om A""ress #o #$e N#ion Speech delivered 17 @arch :==3% 1val 1ice ! the White >!use%
Washin"t!n% 9&C& http://www&a#ericanrhet!ric&c!#/speeches/warinira(/"w'ushira(317=3&ht#
Pan% Chen".in T$e >.$in T$re#> =n Ameri0n )el%:=mgin#ion: T$e Dis0+rsi(e .ons#r+0#ion o% 7#$er s &ower &oli#i0s Alternatives :7
:==4 P"& 313
Paner!% Ea#es& @ade in China: 1n Fhan" >uan V c!nte#p!rar) art in China& 6ew Criteri!n& 9ec& :==8
Lipta*% Ada#& ,&S& pris!n p!pulati!n dwars that ! !ther nati!ns& 62 Ti#es Pu'lished: Wednesda)% April :3% :==8
-P+L1P,-: L-A9 P1+S16+6P
+t is i#p!rtant t! n!te that the c!l!nial relati!nship 'etween the Western spectat!r and the
Chinese artist d!es n!t happen under the artists$ n!ses& 9urin" the :=== art e.hi'iti!n 2+0k 7%%Z
an e.hi'iti!n eaturin" 4? Chinese artists in Bei3in"% Ai Weiwei and Gen" B!i pu'lished in their
curat!rial state#ent that the e.hi'it resisted /the threat ! assi#ilati!n and vul"ari<ati!n&0
Rather% the artists intended t! pr!v!*e /such the#es as cultural p!wer% art instituti!n% art trends%
c!##unicati!ns 'etween the -ast and West% e.!ticis#% p!st5#!dernis#% and p!st5c!l!nialis#%
etc&0 with!ut see*in" appr!val r!# /an) s)ste# ! p!wer disc!urse&0
G!r ever) i#p!sed representati!n% there is a site ! uncann) c!llapse t! such
representati!ns& Baudrillard reers t! this interacti!n as the reven"e ! the #irr!r pe!ple% in
which he descri'es% />ere 'e"ins the "reat reven"e ! !thernessR Behind ever) relecti!n%
ever) rese#'lance% ever) representati!n% a deeated ene#) lies c!ncealed& The 1ther
van(uished% c!nde#ned #erel) t! 'e the Sa#eR wh!se sin"ularit) has 'een !'literatedR But a
'ein" which will !ne da) re'el% and then !ur wh!le s)ste# ! representati!n and values is
destined t! perish in that rev!lt&0
This reven"e ! !therness parallels d!#inant Western an.iet) t!wards China$s
internati!nal he"e#!n)& 9espite -ur!pe and the ,nited States$ de#and !r penal and ec!n!#ic
#!derni<ati!n in China% when China /#irr!red0 Western practices ! #!derni<ati!n% it ca#e !ut
in a !r# that challen"ed d!#inant Western cultural and "e!p!litical securit)& The c!nines !
d!#inant Western representati!ns that de#anded China #ust 'e #!re li*e the West 'ac*ired%
Chen"% @eilin" A;i!lent Capital: Fhu 2u 1n GileA The 9ra#a Review 47%3 CT18HD%Gall :==5 P"& ?1
Baudrillard% Eean& The Perect Cri#e& Pu'lished ;ers! 177? P" 148
/A Stud) in Perspective0
') Ai Weiwei% appeared at
the Guc* 1 e.hi'it in
Cr!# upperlet:
Washin"t!n 9C% Paris%
Tiana#en S(uare% >!n"
where a #!re industrial China Cthe supp!sed usi!n ! capitalis# with Chinese characteristics
is n!w perceived as !ne ! the 'i""est challen"es t! ,S unip!larit)&
+n the c!nte.t ! Ai Weiwei% i d!#inant Western ide!l!") is presented thr!u"h the
#ediu# ! c!nsu#er art% then perhaps c!nsu#er art itsel #a) disrupt the threat ! /assi#ilati!n
and vul"ari<ati!n&0 The d!#inant #edia narrative ! Ai as the #art)r that challen"es the CCP
#a) )et 'ec!#e #utated& Ai has inali<ed a deal t! head an art installati!n in Alcatra< titled A#
6rge: Ai Weiwei on Al0#r?%
which will !cus !n the hist!r) ! i#pris!n#ent !n the island&
B) per!r#in" a "eneal!") ! incarcerati!n in The ,nited States% the de#!cratic #art)r #a)
pr!v!*e the s)ste# that cast hi# in that r!le& Whether this new art e.hi'it will tri""er a cl!ser
e.a#inati!n ! the ethical (uandaries ! the ,S pris!n5industrial5c!#ple. and the ,S$s
entan"le#ent with "l!'al hu#an ri"hts a'use% !r whether this new art installati!n will 'e
c!nined t! a pawn in the s!t p!wer chess "a#e 'etween the ,S and China% re#ains t! 'e seen&
>uan"% 2ashen" .5i#lism wi#$ .$inese .$r0#eris#i0s: @n#re5rene+rs$i5 n" #$e )##e Ca#'rid"e ,niversit) Press :==8
La*e% -li .$in "eeme" 'igges# #$re# #o A!)! Washin"t!n Ti#es @arch 1=% :=11
%''1:22(((.(a#%in!'&n'ime#.$&m2ne(#234**2mar2*42$%ina/deemed/5i!!e#'/'%rea'/'&/u#261a!e7a We'site last chec*ed: 5&11&14
Whitin"% 9a# Ai Weiwei Al0#r? ins#ll#ion %inli?e" ,pdated ::== p#% Thursda)% 9ece#'er 5% :=13 SG Pate

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