Kinetic Sorceress Pt. 04

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Kinetic Sorceress Pt.

Like a rubber band stretched beyond its limits, Mia snapped. She threw her head back and screamed
as her second top horribly her body. Were it not for the huge smile on my face that I was concerned
that she was hurt, but her writhing and grinding on me never stopped. The light orange glow that
surrounded Mia pulse constantly shining brightly, but evenly. She reached down and grabbed her
hips, partly calmed down and partially deliver a loud and clear message that under no circumstances
should I stop thrusting. Mia's long nails dug into my sides. She leaned forward, her pelvis rotates in
a small circle, grinding clitoris in a small circle against me, as if he were squeezing every last ounce
of stimulation to orgasm. Several aftershocks rumbled through Mia, again causing great
monumental vibrations through my cock, which was still hard and saturated in viscous cocktail Mia
juices and my semen; despite the tight fit, streams of fluid leaking around the Mii labia and were
pooling at the base of my penis.
Mia had quickly pushed my hips suggests that the conclusion of her climax. I slowed my forays into
the peace and hips and lips Mia, which was still clamped tightly around me, came to a similar
stopped. After a while, the death grip on my penis was released and we were both completely at
rest, the only sound in the room of our breathing and the occasional dripping of sweat and cum on
lower leaves. Mia put her hands on his chest and looked me in the eye. And he began to laugh.
Joyful, joy, laughter, suggests a deep relief and exhaustion welcome, as the laughter you hear when
a roller coaster vibration stops at the end of the ride. Her laugh was infectious and I joined right, my
chest heaving. Now that the uncontrolled desire to run its course, the sheer insanity of the situation
seemed to suddenly dawned on us. We were floating leg of the Mii bed, with my 20 or so inches of
penis still plunged inside 6 feet and body Mii.
It was not a normal morning, when my definition, or even due to normal were quickly becoming a
thing of my past.
I felt Mia forefinger to push lightly against my chest and I began to slowly sink back to the bed,
while Mia remained hovering over. Inch by inch penis sucking appeared punctuated by occasional
loud dripping fluid, which could cause more breathless laughter from us. When my back finally came
to rest on the bed a few inches of me still contained. Mia stepped effortlessly and surprisingly loud
pop, we were separated. It was the first time we both saw the penis - I still could not think of it as
"my" penis, so it was "" penis - Mia out in his full height, circumference and glory. It was slightly
disconcerting, exaggerated, while Mia seemed erotic pleasure, but which now seemed exaggerated.
I knew that Mia sensed my restlessness. She lifted herself on her side, her hand on his penis cum
slippery, and when came down on the bed beside me, her hand slid down the shaft with the thumb
disappears under her touch. She landed softly on the bed as a loving squeeze gently removed her
hand to reveal the penis, which was the result of my unconscious body enhancements. It still seemed
odd, but it already felt completely foreign. It was again my penis. Sort of.
Mia put her head on my chest with an arm draped over my waist. Known feel of her body pressed
into mine was dropped on its new dimensions. She lazily put his long smooth leg over mine as vines
entwining tree. As much as I like the feeling Mia small frame pressed against me, her elegant new
legs feel seductive. And her rather large breasts, which were pressing against my body also felt solid
and attractive. I lay still savoring the feeling of new points of contact between our bodies. It almost
felt like I was someone else, like I cheated on Mia, but unmistakable aura of heat to cover us remind
me who I was petting and cuddling.
Mia broke the silence. "It seems to me high. Feels your response to me sneaking around you." She
playfully ran her foot up and down my calf.
"I love you any way you want to be," I replied. "Tall, petite, curvy, redhead, blonde, bald for all I
care. I will love you just as you are."
We both suddenly seized. Love. I said it. It was a bit oblique statement, not a straight flat-out "I love
you." But I used the L-word. We talked about love before, but always indirectly in impersonal terms
such as love or love as the purest form of positive energy.
Mia looked at me. She tried to hide the expectant look on her face, but I saw that it was waiting for
the other shoe to drop. I was paralyzed. Was it love? I was in love with Mia and I was still, after
several months of couplehood, still just in awe of her experience and sweep away with it? I have
used the word. No one gave me on the spot, or wrestled it from me. It is easily flowed out of me at
the moment of tenderness. And what about my physical transformation? Mia explained to him that I
have shown that my gratitude for her wanting to be the best version of me in return for a different
and amazing version of yourself that is shared. Is it love?
The silence was deafening and embarrassing. A long time. Too long. I could feel the anxiety building
inside me, unsure what to say. Mia must have sensed it. Silver sparkle in her blue eyes faded almost
imperceptibly, but I saw it. And I did not say anything.
Finally, Mia lowered her eyes and began to rub my stomach with her hands. "These changes are
permanent, you know. If you want to go back. This is the new you."
Grace, at least for the moment, I jumped at the mercy output Mia offered by unpleasant - and damn I
thought it was embarrassing - moment. "Really, how is this possible? Told you that I was tapping on
your energy when I unknowingly made the changes. Does not mean they're leaving now?"
"That's not how it works, what you -. We are - it made no unnatural changes for you." I looked at her
with a look of confusion plain on his face. "You're familiar with the concept of DNA. This is a
blueprint for the human body, for every living thing actually., Your DNA determines the majority of
physical properties that you have throughout your life. Unless, that DNA is manipulated, the plan
remains same. Yet even with this plan, your body changes over time. can get and lose weight, your
hair turns gray, you can injure yourself and you will heal. All these details can vary, but all are in
accordance with the blueprint of your DNA. This, "he gestured up and down over my body, "is in
harmony with your DNA. There is nothing about his current physical form that the plan violated" She
paused to take him to sink in. "When I said that you become the best possible" you "for Me, I was
literal. My energy that flowed into you used your DNA result in re-crafting your body, and because it
was my energy co-mingled with your've changed the version to you, it would be very attractive to
me. "
"But I still do not understand why the changes are permanent," I replied.
"Because your own DNA was used as a guide for changes, only the energy needed to make changes
were not capable of it. Energy flows, there has been a transformation is a new result. Single change
that would require more energy to keep it that which is inconsistent with DNA. Such changes
require constant energy and are therefore only temporary period, the energy is directed at them.
"Her hand slid down my stomach and rested on my softening penis. "Just like your monster cock.,
Your DNA would not allow 20 inches penis, so clear that I must pour energy into that, uh, you." It
seems that he had so much trouble thinking of the beast as part of me as I was. "Do not worry, you
can always bring it back whenever we want." She gave it to me gently patted her hand and went
back to my core, lazily flowing through my nails well defined abs.
"I do." I thought I had it. After a brief pause, I continued. "You said I might want to rethink his new
penis size., If my changes were plugged into your power and represent your desires, what you really
want me to reduce it?"
Mia looked at me - not unkindly - as if I was an idiot. "Did you see what we just did not, did you see
how much I wanted you fills me. So much so I think I grew my penis to mammoth proportions and
had grown to be adapted. Feeling of love that is full, that have so much of you inside of me. So, of
course, my desire is for you to have the biggest penis possible. "I nodded. "But with a 13-inch penis"
- so that's how big it was - "may be an inconvenience for you And because you can always expand if
we want to have a more practical size cock would be cool .."
I must reiterate that I'm a guy. So having said that, with Mia have to grow my penis as you like in
order to amazing sex, my takeaway was, "So how is it that my DNA, I did not have a 13-inch penis to
begin with?" I can be such a jerk.
Mia just laughed. "There are a million things that you can change the fine details of your physical
self from the moment of conception until his dying day. Just because your DNA says you can have a
13-inch penis does not mean that you have one."
Another question seemed pretty clear to me. "What size do you think I should be?"
Mia closed her eyes for a moment, and then sat up, reached down with both hands and wrapped
them around my penis. Golden glow forms around his hands and watched as my penis contract.
When she removed his hand, I looked to be about 10 cm. "That sounds about right," she said,
admiring her work. "But just to be sure ..." Mia leaned forward and sipped his penis into her mouth,
lips comes to rest in my hair. She pulse input to the throat against my cockhead a few times and
then slid his lips up the length of the shaft. My head stepped mouth with exaggerated pop. "Yeah,
that's probably true." She smiled wickedly.
I grabbed her and pulled her to me and kissed her. The first time I felt my whole high frame laying
on me. She felt good, soft but firm. She ran the strength and femininity. And her kisses me melt.
There was no urgency to kissing. It was relaxed and languid and felt so good. I wrapped it around
her shoulders and pulled her against me a little bit more, savoring the feel of her breasts pressing
my chest.
We kissed for two or three minutes, the pace and intensity never changes. It was not a prelude,
though I was certainly aroused. It was an intimate sharing of two lovers celebrate each other. The
idea slipped into the mind, not the drama or fanfare, but gently and effortlessly is not unlike the
kisses we share. It was love.
I broke the kiss and looked into the eyes Mii. "I love you," I said.
"I love you too," she said. She put her head on my chest and I held her tightly. I felt Mia begins to
dwindle in arms, returning to her natural small frame. It made me laugh. At that moment, more than
anything else, I want to keep Mia, Mia only. So I did it. For hours. We lay together, Mia resting on
me, as light as a feather and warm as a blanket, tingling gloss energy wrapped around us.
It was early afternoon by the time we finally broke our embrace. I do not know if we dozed off as
much as you head off to everything but the feeling - the feeling, smell, sight - each other. Rain in the
morning broke, and was replaced by a golden sunset, this time coming from the outside. With a last
firm hug, Mia got out of bed and looked out the window. I got up, put both feet on the floor and
immediately collapsed to the ground. Mia turned and began to howl with laughter. It occurred to me
as I turned legs on the floor to the bed, the weight distribution and the reactions of my new muscle
may be unfamiliar and therefore difficult to control immediately. When my feet hit the floor, my
brain did not notice the familiar feeling of foot arches grudgingly flexible and dividing your weight.
Without this signal from my feet and legs were not sure what to do, like I just stepped into a deep
puddle and instinctively bent to avoid severe blow when my legs finally came to rest (which was not
going to happen, but my legs did not know that). When my legs bent, added muscle from my thighs
caused me to pitch forward. In order to compensate for not knowing the location of their new center
of gravity, my upper body reflexively threw back department, which rotate my waist. The result was
my head back and get thrown to the side of the bed while my legs bent forward and twisted, so I'm
Great. Less than one day a perfect body, and I broke it.
Fortunately, the only damage was to my pride. Mia moved, unsuccessfully tried to suppress a laugh,
and pulled me uncertainly to his feet. With his arm around her waist, Mia calm me down when I
tentatively rocked up and down on the balls of your feet, let my brain to register what "down to
earth" feeling now. I felt like one of those newborn foals I saw the scientific show on television.
As it turned out, one of the characteristics of my body restructuring was that it was pretty
symmetrical and balanced, so if I could get my conscious mind out of the way and let your midbrain
control the use of my motion, I'd be fine. After a few minutes of wire around my bedroom, Mia
disconnects and I started to feel well enough that I could go on my own. Progress was rapid from
there for a half an hour I was able to walk, run, jump and generally do almost everything I could
before, only with much greater ease and much less effort.
"We should really take you for a test drive," he joked Mia.
"I thought you did this morning that anymore," I said, leaping into the air to see how far I can go.
"I was referring to your penis this morning. I think we should adopt the" new Paul "test drive." I
turned and Mia stood there, one hand on my bike - which had called that moment, a special delivery
- and her other hand on a very elegant and shiny bike tour in, what else, a bright orange. She was
wearing a tight black cycling shorts and short-sleeved cycling shirt (and orange), sunglasses and a
white helmet. I looked down and found himself wearing a well worn bicycle shorts and beat lycra
shirt that I wore on the day that I met Mia. "You think?" she asked.
"Yeah, I ..." I began, then stopped. We were once stood on the spot where Mia faux hatchback got a
puncture. The place where we first met. The place where my life changed forever. I looked with awe.
During the four months when Mia was gone, I did not go cycling along this stretch of road. I even
Kilometers of my way to avoid having to go through this place at all. And here I am again.
Mia, of course, recognized the importance of place and let me in my silent reverie. I reached down
and picked up a small lump of clay from the side of the road, absently rubbing it between your
hands. "It's nice to be back here," I said and turned to Mia. "With you." I kept looking around. I'm
not sure what I was looking for. I mean, I thought that some place this material should not look so
plain. "There should be a memorial or plaque or something," I said, only half joking.
Mia waved her hand and embankment on the side of the road for 50 yards in both directions was
covered in orange marigolds.
"Perfect," I said. And she probably did not know I was not referring to the flowers.
"Shall we?" she asked, going on a bike to me. I jumped on my helmet and eccentric mounting my
trusty bike. I was able to quickly adapt to his new weight distribution, but started slowly as well. I
was not sure what to expect from Mia cycling skills and endurance. I should have known better. As
an orange flash, he hurried away from me, legs slightly rotated as they deftly changed the wheels to
be constant cadence and easily. It took me the greater part of half a mile to catch up with her more
because gently on my part not to get out ahead of the learning curve on my new muscle. When I was
finally convinced that I knew what I was doing, I began to pedal and shift in earnest.
I doubt that if my DNA bestowed on me Tour de France cycling skill level, but I sure feel like it
should. Without lifting the saddle legs bent smoothly, and I picked up speed. Tempo, which would
make me six months ago exhausted barely warm-up for me now. I closed the distance between Mia
and I quickly which prompted Mia advance themselves. What a sight we must be:. Small orange
stripe followed by a deafening pile of muscle sitting on a bike saddle
When Mia finally deigned to give me grab it - I still do not know if it was just a well-Fi, or if she gives
unfair support - I stopped beside her and said, "Done before, have you?"
She just smiled innocently and took off again. With me in tow.
Wonderful burn in your legs, which was much slower discover a milder than usual, did wonders for
me. I felt strong and confident. In less than one day, I gathered enough confidence to literally open
yourself up to Mia, so we could join together to share our energy and our physical space, I turned -
albeit unwittingly - in physical form most desirable to her, absolutely satisfied her sexually
inexperienced big penis, and perhaps most impressive for me, confessing his love. It was a good day
to me.
Mia stopped sprint and I quickly caught up and we both got into the easy and smooth pace. After a
few minutes, tread softly, I saw junction and the infamous host came into view on the horizon.
"Hungry?" She asked Mia.
"Starving," I replied.
"That's good. This is your turn to buy here anyway." I was going to plead poverty when Mia showed
me. "Your wallet in your bag. Buying."
We stopped in the parking lot, and neither of us was sweating heavily, leaned our bikes against the
wall, I grabbed that my wallet make up bag, and we went inside. I started to get a lock around my
seat post, when I gave Mia "Are you kidding?" Search. I think that the likelihood of someone stealing
our bikes were very low, and getting away with it at least. Not with Mia.
We went inside a booth in the back where Mia first worked its magic on me was open, a lot of joy for
both of us. We slid down and waited for the waitress to bring us menus. View vague recognition
crossed the waitress' face., We just smiled at her. Returned to his seat at the counter and waited for
us to be ready to order. We ordered two turkey sandwiches, split order of fries and two ice teas.
Mia picked up the straw and swirled it in the glass. "Fond memories of what Paul?" she asked. I
blushed and felt my pulse quicken a bit in memory without body Mia smoking me behave in this
same place months before. "Do not worry, I will not do anything that you will pass this time." She
paused and then added, "If you want me to." She winked at me and slowly her lips turned that
delicious shade of red that she knows drives me wild. I held my breath as she lowered her lips to the
straw is wrapped seductively around him, took a long sip of tea, and ... nothing. "I told you," she said
with a grin around the straw.

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