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A. Provide labor, materials, equipment ,accessories and services, and perform
operations for installation of lighting system including all hardware
necessary for installation whether so detailed under fxture description or
not .
. !or" #ncluded$ %he wor" shall include, but not be limited to, the following$
1. &igh'intensity discharge (&#)* lighting fxtures.
a. +etal'halide.
b. &igh'pressure sodium.
,. -luorescent lighting fxtures.
.. /ompact 0uorescent lighting fxtures.
1. #ncandescent lighting fxtures.
2. )ecorative lighting fxtures.
3. 4ther fxtures per 56+#7A#89: :P9/#-#/A%#47 :&99%:.
;. %he wor" shall include all necessary hardware and accessories to
provide complete wor"able system.
A. +aterials and equipment shall conform to the latest edition of reference
specifcations specifed herein and to applicable codes and requirements of
local authorities having <urisdiction.
1. 9lectrical /ode /ompliance$ /omply with applicable local code
requirements of the authority having <urisdiction as applicable to
installation, and construction of lighting fxtures, poles and standards.
,. /omply with the following standards.
:: A .. : ,.3
:: A .1 : 100
:: A 1.3 : 1.,
:: A 1.; : 2==
: 22 : 2;3
: =1 : 13..
: =1 : ,313
: 31 #9/ 2;3
: 133

16500 -1
A. :ubmit the following in accordance with the requirements specifed under
>:ubmittals> in :ection 1=010.
1. Product )ata$ :ubmit manufacturer?s product data and installation
instructions on each type of lighting fxture and component.
/onfrmation that control gear is suitable for prolonged and continuous
service in an ambient temperature of 20 deg. /. :pecify power factor ,
type and quality of any plastic materials used in the fttings .
,. :hop )rawings$ :ubmit shop drawings for each lighting fxture and
accessory on separate sheets, clearly showing dimensions, mounting
details, light control assemblies, conduit entrances, photometric
information and test reports (prepared by an independent testing
laboratory* for luminance, e@ciency, and comfort levels. :ubmit
details indicating compatibility with ceiling grid system.
a. Provide iso'footcandle (isolux* plot diagram of foot'candles on
horiAontal pavement surface which shows composite values of
illuminance pro<ected from the arrangement of light sources from
exterior roadway, par"ing lot and area fxture locations and
heights. :how on the graphic plots the locations, spacing and
heights of luminaries.
b. :ubmit manufacturer?s data on electrical poles, standards and
hardwareB include certifed dimension drawings for fabricated
poles, standards, and mast arms.
c. :amples$ :ubmit one operating unit for each type of lighting
fxture specifed to the Pro<ect +anager upon request at no cost to
the 4wner. #n the event that alternate ma"e is oCered provide a
sample for comparison unless other ' wise specifed or dictated by
the Pro<ect +anager .
A. 5ighting layout and fxtures confguration based on selected fxtures type
and 9ngineering calculation. %he contractor shall verily the calculations in
light of the approved fxtures type with detailed calculation report to verily
illuminance intensities and quality of lighting as specifed and to the
satisfaction of the Pro<ect +anager.
. %he contractor shall be responsible for coordinating the wor" in this division
with the components of ceiling systems specifed and other wor"s.
/. 5ighting fttings shall be of frst class quality , made by approved
manufacturer and shall be suitable for trouble free operation on the system
voltage at site.
). 5ighting fxtures shall be controlled by switches and dimmers as shown on
layout drawings. 5ighting fxtures in public areas , corridors and par"ing
areas shall be controlled centrally from the building management system in
addition to local switches unless otherwise indicated or shown on the
drawing. Provision shall be provided in the lighting panels for remote control.
All necessary equipment and devices required for the purpose shall be

16500 -2
A. )eliver lighting fxtures, accessories, poles and standards, in
factory'fabricated containers or wrappings, which properly protect fxtures
from damage.
. :tore lighting fxtures, accessories, poles and standards in original
pac"aging. :tore inside well'ventilated area protected from weather,
moisture, soiling, extreme temperatures, humidity, laid 0at and bloc"ed oC
/. &andle lighting fxtures, accessories, poles and standards carefully to
prevent damage, brea"ing, and scoring of fnishes. )o not install damaged
units or componentsB replace with new.
A. +anufacturers$ :ub<ect to compliance with requirements, provide products
of one of the following$
1. 5ighting -ixtures
a. :audi 5ighting /ompany
b. Dumtobel :taC
c. 9rco.
d. 9EA.
e. 4r equal
,. 5amps
a. 4sram.
b. Eeneral 9lectric /o.
c. Philips 5ighting /o.
d. +aAda ' -rance .
e. 4r equal
A. Provide lighting fxtures, of siAes, types and ratings indicatedB including, but
not limited to, housings, lamps, lamp holders, re0ectors, energy e@cient
ballasts, starters and wiring. :hip fxtures factory'assembled, with those
components required for installation. )esign fxtures with concealed hinges
and catches, with metal parts grounded as common unit, and so constructed
as to dampen ballast'generated noise.
. Pendant fxtures shall be furnished with ball or swivel type aligners unless
otherwise noted per fxture type.
/. !here 0uorescent fxtures are mounted in continuous rows, the wires
through the channels shall be ,.2 mm
minimum 0exible heat resistance 120
F G20 volt grade, ;0 degree rated minimum.
). 9nclosures$ -abricate fxture enclosures with a minimum of 1mm thic" cold
rolled sheet steel. 9nclosures may be constructed of other metals, provided
they are equivalent in mechanical strength and acceptable for the purpose.
9. :heet +etal !or"$ :heet metal wor" shall be free from tool mar"s and
dents, and shall have accurate angles bent as sharp as compatible with the
gauges of the required metal. #ntersections and <oints shall be formed true
of adequate strength and structural rigidity to prevent any distortion after

16500 -3
-. &ousings shall be so constructed that electrical components are easily
accessible and replaceable without removing fxtures from their mountings,
or disassembly of ad<acent construction.
E. /astings$ /astings shall be exact replicas of the approved patterns and shall
be free of sand pits, blemishes, scales and rust, and shall be smoothly
fnished. %olerance shall be provided for any shrin"age of the metal castings
in order that the fnished castings will accurately ft in their designated
&. 5amp soc"ets in lighting fxtures shall be suitable for the indicated lamps
and shall be set so that lamps are positioned in optically correct relation to
lighting fxture components. #f ad<ustable soc"et positions are provided,
soc"et should be preset in factory for lamp specifed. #f diCerent soc"et
positions are specifed for same fxtures, soc"ets shall be preset for each
type, and cartons mar"ed accordingly. 5amp holders for 0uorescent fxtures
shall be white polycarbonate and to #9/ 100 , and shall be of standard two '
pin tubular lamps , loc"ing angles shall be .0 deg. to both sides. 9dison
screw lamp holders shall be designed so that only lamp cap ma"es electrical
contract when fully screwed home, and to have means to prevent
unscrewing of the lamp due to vibration or similar cause.
5amp holders for tungsten lamps shall comply with #9/ =1 and #9/ ,.3.
5amp holders shall consist of heat resistant plastic or porcelain 9dison screw
type 911 , 9,G and 910 .
#. &ardware for steel and aluminum fxtures, screws, bolts, nuts, and other
fastening and latching hardware shall be cadmium or equivalent plated
unless otherwise indicated. -or stainless steel fxtures, hardware shall be
stainless steel. -or bronAe fxtures, hardware shall be stainless steel or
H. %emperatures$ -ixtures and ballasts shall operate within the temperature
limits of their design and as specifed by #9/ in the applications and
mounting conditions herein specifed or shown on drawings.
I. Parabolic cones shall be guaranteed against discoloration for a minimum of
ten years, and, in the event premature discoloration, shall be replaced by
the manufacturer, including both materials and the cost of labor.
5. Aluminum re0ectors shall be fnished specular, semi' specular, or diCuse as
required and shall meet or exceed #9/ specifcations. +inimum
requirements of re0ector fnishes for interior and exterior service shall be as
7ormal interior
/ommercial service.
5.0 83 75
Eeneral interior
J 9xterior wor"
Protected by glass
78.0 73.0
9xterior industrial J 10.0 78.0 75.0

16500 -4
commercial 8e0ector
not protected.
+. Plastic for lenses and diCusers shall be formed of colorless 100 percent
virgin acrylic. %he quality of the raw material must exceed #9:, :P#, and #9/
:pecifcations by at least 100 percent which, as a minimum standard, shall
not exceed a yellow'ness factor of . after ,,000 hours of exposure in the
-adeometer or as tested by an independent testing laboratory. Acrylic
plastic lenses and diCusers shall be properly cast, molded or extruded as
specifed, and shall remain free of any dimensional instability, discoloration,,
or loss of light transmittance for at least 12 years.
7. +echanical$ 5enses, louvers, or other light diCusing elements shall be
removable, but positively held so that hinging or other normal motion will
not cause them to drop out.
4. Painted :urface$ :ynthetic enamel, with acrylic al"yd, epoxy, polyester, or
polyurethane base, light stabiliAed, ba"ed on at .20 degrees - minimum,
catalytically or photo chemically polymeriAed after application.
P. !hite -inishes$ +inimum of 32 percent re0ectance.
K. /eiling opening frames shall either be manufactured of non'ferrous metal, or
be suitably dust'proofed after fabrication.
8. 6ndercoat$ 9xcept for stainless steel give ferrous metal surfaces a fve stage
phosphate treatment or other acceptable base bonding treatment before
fnal painting and after fabrication.
:. 6npainted 7on'8e0ecting :urfaces$ :hall be satin fnished and coated with a
ba"ed'on clear lacquer to preserve the surface. !here aluminum surfaces
are treated with an anodic process, the clear lacquer coating may be
%. 6npainted Aluminum :urfaces$ -inish interior aluminum trims and anodiAed
coating of not less 0.0 1, mg. per square mm of a color and surface as
selected by the Pro<ect +anager. -inish exterior aluminum and aluminum
trims with an anodiAed coating of not less than 0.021 mg. per square mm, of
a color and surface fnish as selected by the Pro<ect +anager and as per the
fxtures schedule.
6. Porcelain 9namel :urfaces$ Apply porcelain fnishes smoothly. -inish shall
be not less than G.2 mils thic" of non'yellowing, white, vitreous porcelain
enamel with a re0ectance of not less than 32 percent.
L. !iring$ Provide electrical wiring within fxture suitable for connecting to
branch circuit wiring as follows$
1. &ard wire , 1.2 mm
minimum cross section , heat resistant up to 102

/. PL/ ' ht insulated wire .
!. -luorescent 5amp allasts$ &igh power factor, in complying with #9/ 3,. %wo
lamp type wherever feasible (. lamp ' type not acceptable*, lowest sound
level to #9/ or lower, lowest case temperature rise rating. &igh stable power
delivery to the lamp even at unstable power supply within 1;3 to ,=1 L
1. allasts shall be rated for reliable starting down to 0 degrees
-ahrenheit for fxtures installed outdoors or in unheated areas.

16500 -5
,. 6nless other wise specifed or shown on the 56+#7A#89:
:P9/#-#/A%#47 :&99%:, ballast shall be of rabid start, 9nergy saving
type , electronic 8-# protected , of Philips manufacture or equal
.. )imming$ :uitable for use with dimming system as specifed or as
shown on drawings.
M. &igh'#ntensity )ischarge 5amp allasts$ &#) lamp ballasts, of ratings, types
and ma"es as recommended by lamp manufacturer, which properly mates
and matches lamps to electrical supply by providing appropriate voltages
and impedance for which lamps are designed. )esign ballast to operate
lamp within the lamp?s power trapeAoid requirements.
N. 5amps
1. Provide 0uorescent lamps of energy saving types as indicated. %ubular
0uorescent lamps shall comply with #9/ 31, :, 32. F ::A 3 and
::AF.;. %he color shall be day light unless otherwise indicated.
%he individual tube siAes shall have not less than the following lumens
output after 100 hours life.
23 ! $ 2,00 lumens
.= $ ..20 lumens
13 ! $ 1.20 lumens
,. Provide clearFphosphor coated metal halide lamps in wattage indicated.
5amps shall be self'extinguishing in the event of outer bulb brea"age
or puncture.
.. Provide high'pressure sodium lamps in wattage indicated.
1. Provide incandescent lamps in wattage and types as indicated, rated
,,0 volts =0 &D unless otherwise indicated. 5amps ,00 ! and below
shall have / screw soc"ets and .00! and larger E9: screw type base.
D. 5ighting -ixture %ypes
1. -ixtures must comply with minimum requirements as stated herein.
8eview architectural drawings and specifcations to verify ceiling types,
modules, suspension systems appropriate to installation.
,. -ixture %ype$ 8efer to 56+#7A#89: :P9/#-#/A%#47 :&99%: Appendix #
for each type of fxtures .
AA. 9lectrical Poles and :tandards
1. +etal 5ighting :tandards$ Provide pre'stressed concrete,
raceway'type, lighting poles and standards, of siAes and types
indicated, comprised of shafts and brac"ets, and construct with the
following construction features$
a. +aterial$ 9xtruded aluminum.
b. /onfguration$ Anchor base type with handhole and cover where
indicated. &and hole shall be at 300 mm from fnished 0our level .
c. +etal 5ighting :tandards accessories $ Provide accessories for

16500 -6
metal halide lighting standards, including anchor bolts, as
recommended by lighting standards manufacturer, of siAes and
materials needed to meet erection and loading application
requirements, and to withstand pro<ect site conditions .
d. Painting unless otherwise indicated all aluminum poles and
accessory are painted by epoxy coating electro coating, corrosion
resistant, 6L ' stabiliAed anti ' yellowing and sub<ect to
phosphochromate treatment and have a rough fnish in
polyurethane resin . /olor to the Pro<ect +anager approval.
A. 7oise level$ /ontrol gears for indoor 0uorescent lighting fxtures shall not
exceed .0 d in conditions defned in : ,313 part 1.
A./ Power factor$ -luorescent fxtures and &#) fxtures shall be of the high power
factor type of 0.; minims for 0uorescent fxtures and 0.32 for &#) fxtures.
A.) &armonic )istortion$ :hall not exceed minimum #9/ F : requirement.
A. 9xamine conditions at the <ob site where wor" of this :ection is to be
performed to insure proper arrangement and ft of the wor". :tart of wor"
implies acceptance of <ob site conditions.
A. 9xamine the /ontract )rawings and specifcations in order to insure the
completeness of the wor" required under this :ection.
. Lerify measurements and dimensions at the <ob site and cooperate in the
coordination and scheduling of the wor" of this :ection with the wor" of
related trades, so as not to delay <ob progress.
/. Provide templates as required to related trade for location of items.
A. #nstall lighting fxtures and accessories at locations and heights as indicated,
in accordance with fxture manufacturer?s written instructions, requirements
of the applicable electrical code, #9/ standards, to ensure that lighting
fxtures fulfll requirements.
. Provide fxtures andFor fxture outlet boxes with hangers to properly support
fxture weight. :ubmit design of hangers, method of fastening, other than
indicated or specifed herein, for review by Pro<ect +anager.
/. #nstall 0ush mounted fxtures properly to eliminate light lea"age between
fxture frame and fnished surface, and between fxture frame and fx.
!here fxtures are of the air handling type or installed in
partially'transparent ceilings, construct fxtures to eliminate light lea"s
above the ceiling line.
). Provide plaster frames for recessed fxtures installed in other than
suspended grid type acoustical ceiling systems. race frames temporarily to
prevent distortion during handling.
1. #f ceiling system requires, each recessed and semi'recessed fxture

16500 -7
shall be furnished with a mounting frame or ring compatible with the
ceiling in which they are to be installed. %he frames and rings shall be
one piece or constructed with electrically'welded butt <oints, and of
su@cient siAe and strength to sustain the weight of the fxture.
9. -or air supply type fxtures, retain side slot closures in place for ad<ustment
by alancing /ontractor.
-. -asten fxtures securely to indicated structural supports and ensure that
pendant fxtures are plumb and level. Provide individually mounted pendant
fxtures longer than =10mm with twin stem hangers. Provide stem hanger
with ball aligners and provisions for minimum ,2 mm vertical ad<ustment.
+ount continuous rows of fxtures with an additional stem hanger greater
than number of fxtures in the row.
E. %ighten connectors and terminals, including screws and bolts, in accordance
with equipment manufacturer?s published torque tightening values for
equipment connectors. !here manufacturer?s torquing requirements are not
indicated, tighten connectors and terminals to comply with tightening
torques specifed in 65 :tds 13=A and , and the applicable electrical code.
&. :upport surface mounted fxtures greater than =10 mm in length at a point
in addition to the outlet box fxture stud.
#. Provide yo"es, brac"ets, and supplementary supporting members needed to
mount lighting fxtures to carrier channels or other suitable ceiling members.
H. 8e0ectors, re0ector cones and visible trim of lighting fxtures shall not be
installed until completion of plastering, ceiling tile wor", painting and
general cleanup. %hey shall be carefully handled to avoid scratching or
fngerprinting and shall be, at the time of acceptance by the 4wner, clean.
I. 5enses shall be clean and free of dust.
5. 5ighting fxture locations in mechanical equipment rooms andFor fan lofts are
approximate. /oordinate installation of fxture with installation of
mechanical equipment and mount fxtures at uniform heights to properly
illuminate equipment including gauges and meters. 8un exposed 9+%
conduit to these fxtures.
+. Aim and ad<ust lighting fxtures to the satisfaction of the Pro<ect +anager.
4utdoor lighting fxtures shall be aimed and ad<usted at night.
7. Erounding$ Provide equipment grounding connections for lighting fxtures,
poles and standards as required and as specifed in :ection 1=12,
>Erounding.> %ighten connections to comply with tightening torques
specifed in 65 :td 13=A to ensure permanent and eCective grounds.
A. 6pon completion of installation of lighting fxtures, and accessories and after
building circuitry has been energiAed, apply electrical energy to demonstrate
capability and compliance with requirements. !here possible, correct
malfunctioning units at site, then retest to demonstrate complianceB
otherwise, remove and replace with new units, and proceed with re'testing.
A. /lean lighting fxtures of dirt and construction debris upon completion of
installation. /lean fngerprints and smudges from lenses.

16500 -8
. Protect installed fxtures from damage during remainder of construction

16500 -9

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