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E (Mechanical Engineering),
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In the past few years CFBC boiler installation in India is getting more. Among this some plant
personal wants to fire both coal and rice husk because of coal availability and its price. This paper
brought out the problems faced while firing rice husk in CFBC boiler.
About the boiler
The CFBC boiler was supplied by a Chinese company has been operated for a year. Boiler was
designed for 80% Rice husk +20 % Indian coal / 100% Indian coal. Boiler parameters are 75 TPH,
90 Kg/cm2, 515 Deg C & feed water temperature is 190 Deg C.
High fuel consumption while rice husk firing
Since coal price is becoming high, boiler users were forced to use the alternate fuel like biomass and
municipal wastes. Rice husk availability will be high for 3-4 month in a year. During this period we
tried to use more husk but rate of rice husk consumption was high as compared to coal.
Reason for high rice husk consumption
To cross check the boiler efficiency losses were checked and all losses were under control only but
fuel consumption is high. After comparing the combustion, steam & water circuit parameters the
problem was found.
While firing more rice husk furnace inventory is getting low. In CFBC furnace, dust availability
will change the performance.
High flue gas temperature in cyclone outlet zone. It indicates that all rise husk is burning but the
heat values were not used for steam generation.
Action plan to increase furnace inventory while firing more husk
To increase the furnace inventory additional ash feed bunker was added in this sieved bed ash from
nearby power plants was stored. When furnace inventory is getting low ash from additional bunker
was feed to increase the same.
Husk feed chute arrangement by designer
Boiler was designed for both husk & coal but coal feed point is very close to bed and husk feeding
point was given 2 meter above the coal feed opening. This caused for more husk burning in furnace
top and cyclone zone. Because of more husk firing in cyclone zone, cracks were observed in cyclone
outlet cone.

Reason for High Husk feeding point
elevation by designer
In CFBC, furnace bottom will be in positive
side so there may be chance for more back
firing if husk feed chute is very close to
furnace. To avoid the back firing author has
advised to give annular air jacket
arrangement in husk feeding pipe.
Less availability of Secondary air for
Husk burning
As per design, husk feed opening was
provided above the secondary air opening,
so availability of secondary air less for
husk. After reducing the husk feed opening,
SA air was available for better combustion.

Requirement of furnace volume for husk firing
Normally husk has more volatile matters as compared to coal, so it needs more volume to burn in
furnace itself. But designer has given husk feed chute above the coal feed chute from this volume
available for husk will automatically comes low.
Husk feed opening elevation was get down to the elevation of coal feed opening. By this I have
increased the furnace volume to burn the husk in combustor itself.
By this modification, husk has more air to burn better.
After reducing the husk feed point the following observations were made.
Parameters Before modification After modification
Bed temperature while firing
more husk
Low because, more firing in
combustor top and cyclone
Good because, husk feeding
close to bed & its burning in
Cyclone outlet temperature It was in the range of 980-1050
Deg C.
Maintaining within the limit
(930 Deg C Max)
Fuel efficiency with husk firing Poor performance Considerably OK.

While burning the fuel part of heat is utilised to generate the steam and part is utilised to heat the
steam. In CFBC, water wall is the only evaporator, so designer has to select the furnace volume
Cracks developed in cyclone outlet cone

accordingly. By this modification i have increased the combustor volume for husk firing. After this
modification cyclone temperature is under control and considerable amount of fuel consumption
came down.

Photographs and Commends

Photo 01: Low furnace inventory while firing more husk. While firing more husk furnace inventory
is seen with the range of 13-25 mmWC against the minimum requirement of 70-80 mmWC.

Photo 02: High furnace inventory was seen while firing more coal because coal has more ash.

Photo 03: Husk feed opening elevation is 2.5 meter above from coal feed opening. Husk feed
opening elevation was lowered as the elevation of coal feed opening.

Photo 04: Annular air jacket arrangement was given to avoid back firing.
Husk feeding opening
Coal feed opening
Photo 05: New husk feed opening made in the same elevation of coal feed opening.
Photo 06: Cyclone outlet temperature is reaching 1000 Deg C while firing two feeders with husk and
two feeders with coal. This screen shot is before modification.

Photo 07: Cyclone outlet temperature is reaching 925 Deg C while firing two feeders with husk and
two feeders with coal. This screen shot is after modification.

Photo 08: Super heater and economiser zone doors were seen with heavy leakages which leads for
wrong oxygen indication.

Photo 09: Super heater & economiser doors were pulled out and the same was welded with casing

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