Neils Health and Wellness Notes

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The First Task - The Rising and the First Meal

*to be taken within 45 minutes of rising

The Criteria:
o 25-40g of Complete Protein - 25g for Women, 40g for Men
o 1 source of Smart fat
o 1-2 servings of vegetables OR something Green (alkalinizing)
The Main Rules:
Rule 1. Absolutely NO Grains, Starches or Sugars
o There are absolutely no refined, processed, or grain-based carbohydrates in the First Meal.
o This includes not adding ANY sugar of any kind to any meal or beverage, and by extension, Fruit
Juice - freshly pressed or otherwise - is to be avoided.
Rule 2. Absolutely NO Tofu or Soy-derived Products
Now, I am going to give you choice here. It is imperative that you stick to the principles (the three
criterion) of the First Meal and make your own decisions regarding variety and rotating your options.
And remember, please implement this task within 45 minutes of rising.
Choice #1 - The Proper Meal
Lean Meat, Nuts and something Green
Now, just because I use the word proper does not necessarily mean better.
Again the goal here is to develop a habit of eating a meal that will support your efforts, and do so
within 45 minutes of rising. It must be easily implementable.
Protein Choices: Choose One
o A palm-sized portion of lean meat
o chicken
o turkey
o game
o grass-fed beef
o A palm-sized portion of Seafood
o salmon - smoked or fresh
o white fish - any kind
o scallops, shrimp, or other crustacean
o 3 whole eggs (ORGANIC), poached is best, soft-boild a close second - to be used in Strict Moderation
(not for the reason you think)
Smart Fat Choices: Choose One
o a small handful of RAW (or lightly roasted) nuts (Brazil nuts, cashews, almonds, macadamia, walnuts)
o 1 tablespoon natural nut butter - exception, NO peanut butter
o 1/2 avocado
o 1 tsp of Coconut Oil for cooking
Vegetable Choices: Choose One
o 1 cup lightly sauted GREEN vegetable: rapini, broccoli, spinach, kale, et cetera
o 1 cup steamed fibrous GREEN vegetable: rapini, asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, bok choy, et cetera
o 1 cup mixed green salad

Choice #2 - The MyoMeal
The MyoMeal
o 2 tbsp of Chia seeds
o 2 tbsp Hemp seeds
o 2 tbsp of Flax meal (not seeds)
o Choice of Whey or Vegan Protein Powder (Grass-fed Whey, Hemp, fermented/sprouted Brown Rice)
o Add hot, filtered water to adjust to your desired consistency, allow the Chia seeds to absorb all the
o Expert Tip: add cinnamon to improve insulin sensitivity and manage blood sugar
Extras (optional):
o 1 tbsp Cacao nibs or 1 tsp RAW Cacao powder
o small handful of: fresh berries, goji berries, golden berries, currants
o small handful of RAW nuts or seeds: almond, walnut, pumpkin, sunflower
o One TBSP of Whipped (Heavy) Cream - strictly organic - 35% fat
Choice #3 - The Power Shake* - aka Green Drink
o 1-2 scoops of high quality Whey or Vegetarian protein source
o 1/2 cup of Spinach (fresh or frozen) or other green vegetable
o 1 bunch of fresh Mint
o 1/2 cup organic berries (blueberries are best, however please experiment with other berries)
o 1-2 teaspoons organic coconut oil - for medium-chain triglycerides
o a small handful of cashews, walnuts, almonds, or any other RAW nut
o freshly ground cinnamon to taste
o adjust the consistency with filtered water (and/or ice)
The idea is to keep the fruit to a minimum or at very least add an equal amount of vegetables as you
do fruit. This will go a long way in reducing fructose intake and stabilizing insulin and blood sugar
A word on Coffee and Tea
Lastly, high quality coffee with a dash of cinnamon is permitted, as is tea (Green, White, and Black
Tea are excellent choices).
Heavy cream, from an organic source may be added to both.
The Second Task - the CCA and Paleo vs. Neo Carbs

I want you to clearly establish:
Three (3) Free Meals
set a Free Day.
For most of you, your Free Meals will undoubtedly be grain, starch and/or flour-based.
The primary functions of the Free Meal are:
o Teaches work-reward incentive
o Provides the required allowance for social engagements
o Provides a necessary respite from a CCA approach
o Reload glycogen stores
o Intentionally, yes intentionally, spike Insulin levels
o Gain clarity over when and why its appropriate to deviate from the CCA

o Once your Free Meals are decided upon, you must remove ALL grain, starch, flour and sugar-based
foods from your week.
o You must EARN your Free Meals
o Each Free Meal may only be taken on a Training Day - in this sense it is a reward-based system
o The Free Meals must be rotated each week. If you have chosen Pizza as one of your Free Meals, do
NOT eat pizza three times per week
o You are permitted THREE Free Meals per week OR ONE Free Day.
The 10% Rule
Your Three Free Meals will account for approximately 10% of your weeks total meals.
Consider the following:
If we accept that you will most likely eat four times each day, we can forecast a total of 28 meals per
Three Free Meals will account for just over 10% of your weeks total meals, keeping you well on target
of achieving your goal of a leaner, stronger, more capable body.
If you can move through this aspect of your Nutrition Coaching with 90% compliance, you are well on
your way to achieving the radiant health and body you deserve.
o Aim to have your Free Meal during the 60-90 Minute Post-Training Window.
o Drink a large glass of lemon water, or a small glass of Grapefruit juice before having your Free Meal.
o Take 2-3 grams of balanced Fish Oil with your Free Meal - this will help partition calories properly.
o For best results, your Training should be High Volume Hypertrophy/Strength Training - multiple
sets at 70-85% of Maximum Loads
Critical Notes on Nutrition:
o Lean Protein - 20-40g per serving - this is the size of the palm of your hand
o Full Colour-Spectrum Vegetables
o Smart Fats - Nuts, seeds, avocado, coconut, oils
o Alkalizing and Green Drinks
o Minimal fruit - thin-skinned fruit is best
o Very high water intake
The Third Task - Alkalinize and Protect your Liver
Phase I
Toxins and chemicals are neutralized or altered depending upon their make- up. Thus enabling them
to be efficiently processed and destroyed during Phase II.
Nutrient support for Phase I includes but is not limited to:
o Magnesium - chelated form only
o Zinc - chelated form only
o and Vitamin C

Begin the day with Lemon water.
Step 1)
Begin the day with a piece of lemon or lime squeezed into a glass of room temperature or warm
Drink this before eating or drinking anything and wait for at least 25 to 35 minutes before consuming
anything else. The lemon stimulates the gallbladder flushing out any stored bile and performing a mini
Lemon is also alkalinizing once in the system. You may even add a sprinkle of cayenne pepper as this
has blood purifying qualities.
Step 2)
Make a conscious effort to eat more Sulphur-containing foods and Cruciferous vegetables
every day.
Sulphur containing foods are beneficial and supportive. They include:
o garlic
o onions
o eggs
o legumes - Black, Cannellini and Great Northern beans are best
And most importantly, the cruciferous vegetables:
o cabbage
o broccoli
o broccolini
o brussels sprouts
o rapini
o kale
o collard greens
o cauliflower
o bok choy
o mustard greens
Extra points, further liver support can be accomplished by:
o water, water, water!
o eating plenty of RAW, fresh whole foods like green leafy vegetables
o increase Smart Fats - explained in depth in the Fourth Task
o increase your intake of fibre in the form of ground flax meal and hemp seeds
o proper and ample sleep

Supporting and maintaining a healthy liver must include addressing, if not completely eliminating, the
following THREE factors:
1. Liver Destroyers: Alcohol, Pharmaceutical and Recreational Drugs, and all emotional and
psychological stressors and disturbances.
2. Toxins found in household cleaning and body care products*.
*Use natural personal care products such as shampoo and conditioner dont trust it just because it
says natural on the label. Look for DBP, DEP, DEHP, BzBP, and DMPin the ingredients; all are
chemical estrogens.
3. Fluoridated/Chlorinated water.

A high-quality, professional-grade Multi-Vitamin and Nutrient formula* will help your Liver perform
both Phase I and Phase II.
*For Men and post-menopausal Women, it must be free of Iron.
Supplement with:
o Magnesium - chelated form
o Zinc - chelated form
o a food-sourced and buffered Vitamin C
o a hi-potency Bio-Active B-Complex
o Amino Acids: Glycine and Glutamine
For Extra Points:
o Bioflavonoids and HCL for bile production and supplemental amino acids for detoxification
o Milk thistle offers great liver support and may aid in tissue regeneration
o Dandelion root is a gentle detoxifier
o Burdock and Goldenseal root are efficient blood purifiers
All of these herbs can be found in tincture form or capsule. Dandelion root tea is also available.
The Fourth Task - Balancing your Fat Intake
Step 1) Abolish Processed and Hydrogenated Fats and Oils
First order of business: remove all Canola, Soy, Palm, Vegetable, Seed and Corn-based oils
from your kitchen.

Step 2) Take your Fish Oil!
We are incoroporating Fish Oil into the itinital stages of the Coaching Program for the
following reasons:
o Strong Insulin-sensitising effects
o Strong anti-inflammatory effects
When attempting to recalibrate how the body responds to nutrients, it is critical that we encourage a
hormonal environment most conducive to leanness and health. This is why we want to at once 1)
lower inflammation, and 2) increase the bodys sensitivity to insulin.
Fish Oil is extremely effective on both accounts.
Your Directives
Take one gram of Fish Oil for every percentage point of your current body-fat.
A body-fat percentage of 18% will require 18g of Fish Oil every day. This is the first major component
of the Fourth Task.
Step 3) Take Stock of your Cooking Fats
I am going to keep this very simple and suggest strongly that the only fats used for cooking purposes
are the following:
Cooking Fats
o Olive Oil - for low-to-medium temperature cooking
o Coconut Oil - for medium-to-high temperature cooking
o Butter (organic only) and/or Ghee (clarified butter)
The cooking fats listed above have a much higher heat-tolerance and have been subjected to far less
processing than the oils below.
Promptly remove all vegetable, seed, and corn-based cooking oils from your kitchen including
Canola Oil. These oils are highly processed, unstable, oxidisable, and heavily weighted in omega-6
fatty acids, further disrupting the delicate omega-3 to omega-6 balance.
Step 4) Eat more Wild Game and seek out Grass-Fed Beef
Grass-fed beef, and wild game are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids. These animals
(ruminants) have the ability to bio-magnify the omega-3 fats contained within the chloroplasts of
green leaves. Do to the sheer volume of their grass consumption, and their ability to unlock and
intensify the delicate components of their preferred source of nutrition, Grass and Green leaves
(read: not corn or grain), their meat becomes rich in omega-3 fats. Very important.
Please visit Eat Wild for an excellent resource of ethically-minded Farms.
Many farms will ship directly to your door.
This elevation in omega-3s helps to offset the uneven omega-6 to -3 ratio in our own bodies. Be
aware that omega-6 fatty acids are not convertible in the human body to omega-3s, meaning excess
omega-6s do not help balance our omega-3 deficiency.
Incorporate at least one serving of grass-fed beef, wild game, cold-water fish, or RAW nuts into your
diet each day for the next two weeks.
*This is in addition to your body-fat dependent Fish Oil dose
Step 5) Eat more Deep, Cold-Water Fish
Cold Water Fish have been studied to show higher concentrations of omega-3 fatty acids, and much
lower levels of PCBs, dioxins and other environmental toxins, due to there preference for deep, cold
Deep, Cold Water Fish
o Lake Trout
o Rainbow Trout
o Herring
o Arctic Char
Step 6) Eat these Green Leafy Vegetables, certain Beans and Walnuts
We are looking for one of the important antioxidant components of omega-3 fatty acids here. It is
called Aplha Lipoic Acid (ALA).
The folowing is a list of Alpha Lipoic-rich foods.
The Top ALA Foods:
o Broccoli
o Spinach
o Kale
o Cabbage
o Bok Choy
o Great Northern Beans
o Navy Beans
o Walnuts*
o Flax seeds*
*Keep them RAW and you may soak them overnight to improve digestion

Rotate your Proteins
Focus on a variety of protein sources. Here are a few options of acceptable proteins: chicken, turkey,
scallops, bison, buffalo, sirloin, venison, tilapia, cod, salmon, whey protein, whole eggs
Do your best to only consume 1 protein shake a day for post workout. Additional protein shakes are
acceptable for emergency situations only.

Implement the Daily Water intake formula
The MINIMUM water intake you must hit daily:
Body weight in pounds divided by 2 = numbers of ounces per day
The OPTIMAL water intake to strive for daily:
Bodyweight in pounds divided by 2 + 20% = number of ounces per day
Start each day by drinking at least 1 liter of water within 20 minutes of waking up.
Sodas (even diet), coffee, alcohol, fruit juices, vegetable juice and milk DO NOT count as water because
some of these can actually increase your bodies need for water. Do not count your tea intake towards
your daily water intake either.

One freshly squeezed Lemon or Lime per day
If you weigh more than 150 pounds and life deals you a lemon, squeeze the juice out of the entire lemon,
squeeze the juice into a glass of water and drink the solution twice a day. At the end of the day you will
have consumed two whole lemons.
When buying lemons, pick one that is heavy for its size. This means it has a higher mineral content and
youll know because its sweetest.
Pick out certified organic lemons that are tree ripened, not the commercial lemons which are loaded with
pesticides, and in some countries are hit with radiation.

The Colour Spectrum
Your goal for this week is to incorporate one NEW vibrant, deep-coloured vegetable into your diet each
day for the week.
Try to eat it as close to its natural state as possible; which is to say raw, or slightly steamed or
braised. Dress it simply with lemon and olive oil

Neuro-Chemical Harmony with the First Meal
First Meal:
In a ceramic pan, combine and cook the following:
1-2 whole organic eggs
1 tsp of coconut oil
1/2 cup of tomatoes
1 cup of spinach
6-8 oz of extra lean bison or grass-fed beef
Tabasco to taste
Then Ill have a handful (usually 1 or 2 ounces) of mixed nuts. If Im in a restaurant without nuts, I might
ask for half an avocado on the side to bump the fat up.

Early AM workout:
Neural Drive - you know this subject well: Caffeine!
Also, look into Beta-Alanine and the amino acid Arginine. Both serve to increase peripheral blood flow.
Peri-Workout Nutrition - Create a Peri-Training Shake and begin taking this mid-way through your
Males above 15% body fat
- 50-80 grams of protein powder or BCAA powder
- 20 grams of glutamine powder
-1-10 grams of glycine powder
Males between 10-15% body fat
- 50-80 grams of protein powder
- 20-40 grams of carbohydrates
- 1-10 grams of glycine powder
At this point you are probably lean enough that you could have some carbohydrates post-training without
causing any bodyfat storage. The key is having just enough, but not too much and it has to be in the
latter-half of training OR immediately following training.
My preference is some organic high glycemic fruit juice (that is non acidic like grape, blueberry,
blackberry, or pomegranate), and some additional carbohydrate in the form of frozen berries, peaches OR
powder if needed (from rice carbs, maltodextrin, dextrose, glucose, etc).
Males below 10% body fat
- 50-80 grams of protein powder
- 50-150 grams of carbohydrates
- 1-10 grams of glycine
Once you dip below the magical 10% body fat range for a male and 16% for a female, you will probably
actually NEED carbs in your Peri-Training Nutrition to get leaner.
50 grams would be suitable for a male who is just under 10%, and then you can get all the way up to 150
grams for a male who is in the 3-5% body fat range.

Stimulate Post-training Protein Synthesis
In the immediate post-training window, ingest the following:
Step 1. Minimum Protein Requirements:
For Men - take 25-40g of highest-quality protein with 3-7g of the amino acid Leucine.
Step 2.
For those trying to lose body-fat and move toward a leaner body-composition:
Stick with the above recommendations and add 1tsp of Glycine and 1tsp of Glutamine to your post-
training shake.
Step 3.
For those who are already lean and trying to build more muscle (Men <10% body-fat, Women < 16% body-
Employ Step 1. and Step 2. and ADD the following amount of easily digested carbohydrates:
For Men: 3-4g : 1g ratio of CHO to PRO
e.g. A shake with 30 grams of PRO should also contain between 90-120g of CHO.
Protein choices:
Highest Quality Whey - e.g Grass-fed New Zealand Whey
Pea Protein - e.g. Estrogenomics
Brown Rice Protein - e.g. Sun Warrior
CHO choices:
Organic Berries
Red fruit juice - pomegranate, raspberry, cranberry, grape

Boost Recovery
1. Alkalinize your Blood. Eat this everyday this week to help boost your ability to recovery:
One organic green shake each day - preferably in the morning or in the Post-Training window.
Make your own:
The Green Drink is an excellent option.
2. Take an infra-red sauna, dry sauna, or Epsom salt bath at least 2x per week.
3. Control inflammation
Excellent supplements to help mitigate the ravages of Cortisol (stress hormone). Aim for the following
each day:
5-10,000 iu of Vitamin D3
3 grams of Vitamin C
50-125 mg of Zinc
400-800 mg of Magnesium Chelates

The Sleep Ritual
As you approach your rest-time, begin powering-down all systems - this includes your own!
1. A few hours before you plan on going to sleep, light a few candles. Turn off all electric lights.
2. Turn off all electro-magnetic radiative devices: wifi, mobile phones, et cetera
3. Black-out the room. Ensure that no extraneous light is interfering with your sleep.
4. Introduce calming elements to your mind (I will typically listen to an audio-book as I fall asleep).
5. Close the day. Refer to Week 5s Habit - The Three Questions
Extra points: Supplements for Optimal Sleep
15g of Fibre for every 1000 kcal consumed during the day - to help stabilze blood sugar throughout the
10 grams - in some cases more - Fish Oil per day
L-Tryptophan - converts to Melatonin (the sleep hormone).
Magnesium L-Threonate - increases Magnesium concentration in the spinal fluid/column.
400 mg of Phosphotidlyserine (PS) - mitigates cortisol production.
5 grams of Inositol - shown to help restore balance between the brains major neurotransmitters.
Smart Tips:
Avoid all caffeine after 15:00h - caffeine typically has a 6 hour half-life.
Avoid alcohol within 2 hours of your sleep time.

Stand Proud
Keep your chin up, chest (sternum) up, shoulders down and back, abdominals tight and braced.
Lock this position down. Simple and effective.
This general body orientation should be enforced while standing, seated, and even lying prone or supine.
This also holds true while lunging, squatting, hinging (dead-lifting) and performing all other lower-body
Keeping your neck, spine and shoulders in safe alignment will permit optimal signalling of the nervous

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