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Location: Nepal, Asia
Information Based On Itenery: Day No 2
Boudha: The base of the stupa takes the shape of an msandala
(symbolising earth): on this four tiered base sits the dome
(symbolising water): then comes the spire (symbolizing fire): the
umbrella (symploising air); and the pinnacle (symbolising ether). The
Buddha's watchful eyes gaze out in four directions from the square
base of two normal eyes and the 'nose' is not a nose at all but the
Nepali number one, signifying the oneness of all life. The spire is made up of 13 steps,
representing the 13 stages on the journey to nirvana.

Pashupati Nath: The most important Hindu temple in Nepal. It's one
of the most important Shiva temples on the subcontinent and draws
numerous devotees from all over India, including many colorful
sadhus, those wandering ascetic Hindu holu men. Shiva is the
destriyer and creator of the Hindu Pantheon and appears in many
His 'temple' forms are probably brst known, particularly his appearances in Nepal as the
cruel and destructive Nhairabs, but he also has peaceful incarantion including those of
Mahadev and Pashupati, the lord of the beasts. As the shepherd of both animals and
humans, Shiva as Pashupati shows tis most pleasant and creative side.

Swayambunath: The Buddhist temple of Swayambunath, situated on the top of a hill
west of the city, in one of the most popular and instantly recognizable symbols of
Nepal. The temple is colloquially known as the 'monkey temple' after the large tribe of
handsome monkeys which guards the hill and amuses visitors and devotees with tricks,
including sliding gracefully down the double banisters of the main stairway to the
temple. Geologists believe that the Kathmandu valley was once a lake and legends
relate that the hill one which Swaymabhunath stands was an island in that lake. It is said
that emperor Ashoka paid a visit to the site over 2000 years ago. An inscription indicates
that King Manadeva ordered work done on the site in 460 CE and by the 1200s it was
an important Buddhist center. In 1346 Mughal invaders from Bengal broke open the
stupa to search for gold under the Mallas various improvements
were made and the great stairway to the stupa was construcked by
King Pratap Malla in the 17th century.

Kathmandu Durbar Square: Durbar in Nepal 'palace' and in Patan
and Bhaktapur, as well as Kathmandu, there are Durbar squares in
front of the old palaces. The King no longer lives in the old Royal Palace in Kathmandu:
Explore Kathmandu Valley

the palace was moved north to Narayanhiti about a century ago. At that time it was
on the edge of the city, now it's close to the popular tourist area of Thamel. Clustered
around the central Durbar Square and the old Royal Palace (Hanuman Dhoka),
numerous interesting temples, the Kumari Chowka or Kumari Bahal (House of the Living
Goddess) and Kasthamandap (House of wood). It's easy to spend hours wandering
around Durbar Square and the adjoining Basantapur Square. This is very much the
center of old Kathmandu and watching they would go by from the terraced platforms
of the towering Maju Deval is a wonderful way to get a feel for the city. Although many
of the buildings around the square are very old, the great earthquake of 1934 caused a
great deal of damage and many were rebuilt, not always in their original form.
Based On Itenery No Day:4
Thimi: Thimi is the fourth largest town in the valley outranked only by Kathmandu, Patan
and Bhaktapur. It's a typical Newari town and its capable people (the name of the
town is derived from this Newari expression) operate thriving cottage industries
producing pottery and paper-made masks. They also grow vegetables for the markets
of Kathmandu.

Changu Narayan: The beautiful and historic temple of Changu Naraya Stands on a
hilltop at the eastern end of the valley, about four km north of Bhaktapur. Although the
temple dates from 1702, when it was rebuilt after a fire, its origins go right back to the
4th century and there many important stone images and sculptures dating from the
Lichhavi period.

Bhaktapur: The third of the valley's ancient cities is another century-
long rival of Kathmandu. It has an impressive number of artistic
treasures: it is rightly called "a living museum" as well as the most
medieval city of the valley.
The oldest part of the town is around Tachupal Tole (Dattatraya
Square), to the east. Bhaktapur was the capital of the whole valley
during the 14th to 16th centuries and during that time the focus of the town-shifted
west, to the Durbar Square area. Much of the town's great architecture dates from the
end of the 17th century during the rule of King Bhupatendra Malla.
According To Itenerary No Day 04: Patan Durbar Square, Kirtipur, Chobar
Patan Durbar Square: Patan is separated from Kathmandu only by the Bagmati River
and is the second largest town in bally. It is sometimes referred to as Lalitpur, which
means 'city of beauty' Patan has a long Buddhist history and the four comers of the city
are marked by stupas said to have been erected by the great Buddhist emperor
Ashoka around 250 B.C. Later inscriptions refer to palaces in the 5th century B.C.
although Patan's great building boom took place under the Mallas in the 16th, 17th and
18th centuries. Patan's central Durbar Square is absolutely packed with temples: it's an
architectural feast with a far greater concentration of temples per sq. meter than in
Kathmandu or Bhaktpur. Numerous other temples of widely diverse style as well as
many bahals (Buddhist monasteries) are scattered around this fascinating town.
Lunch at Break

Kirtipur: Strung out along a ridge south- west of Kathmandu, the small town of Kirtipur is
a relatively neglected and timeless backwater despite its proximity to the capital. At
one time it was associated with Patan and then became a mini- kingdom in its own
right. During the 1768 conquest of the valley by Gorkha's King Prithivi NarayanShah it
was clear that Kirtipur, with its superbly defensible hilltop Position, Would be the key to
defeating the Mall kingdoms sot it was here the Gorkha king struck first and hardest.
Kirtipur's ridge is actually two hills, with a lower saddle between them. The Chilanchu
Vihara tops the southern hill and has a central stupa with four smaller stupas, numerous
statues and bells and Buddhist monastery buildings around it.
Chobar: The picture square little village of Chobar tops a hill overlooking the Bagmati
River where it flows through the Chobar Gorge. Although the gorge is a regularly visited
attraction, far fewer people come to Chobar itself. Perhaps they're put off by the steep
hill. The views of Himalaya and town are outstanding.
According To Itenerary No Day :9
Davi's fall: It is also known as Patale Chango, is an awesome waterfall laying 2 km
southwest of Pokhara. During summer and rainy season, the waterfall takes its real form,
with gushing water splashing and making its way through the rocks.
Gupteshwor Cave: Just opposite of Devis's fall, on the other side of the road, there is
Gupteshwor Cave. This cave is popular for the different natural forms made from
limestone deposits. Photography is strictly prohibited inside the cave.
Mahendra Cave and Minstrel (Gaine) Village: This limestone cave is named after King
Mahendra and is situated in Bltulechaur, a village in the northern part of Pokhara valley.
Professional minstrels known as Gaines live in this village.

Day 10: Moning: Boating at Phewatal Lake. Phewa Lake is the most popular destination
for travelers wanting to indulge in recreational boating. It is the second largest lake in
the kingdom and measureroughly 1.5 by 4 km. it's eastern shore, also known as lakeside
or Baidam, is the center of tourist activity in Pokhara. Renting a boat for a couple of
hours and heading out to the lake bordering the forested hill, and taking a swim, can
be the highlight of a warm day. Then hike to World Peace Pagoda: This pagoda is
situated on the top of a hill on the southern shore of Phewa lake. It has four images of
Buddha facing in four directions. The pagoda is an impressive sight and its hilltop
location commands great view. It is a great vantage point, which offers spectacular
views of the Annapurna range and Pokhara town.
Itinerary: Explore Kathmandu Valley Tour- 14 Days
Day 01: Well come to Kathmandu! You will be met by representatives from Samrat Tours
& Travels, who will provide transportation to your hotel welcome drink rest & over night
at hotel in kathmandu.
Day 02: Boudha, Pahupati, Shyambhu and Kathmandu Durbar square:
Day 03: Thimi, Changu Narayan, Bhaktapur:
Day 04: Patan Durbar Square, Kirtipur, Chobar
Day 05: Early Morning breakfast and drive to Chitwan National Park on the way you will
enjoy 2-3 hour Rafting. Overnight at camp.
Day 06:
5:30 A. M. Wake up call

5:45 Tea/coffee
6:00 Elephant ride/ bird watching
8:00 Breakfast
9:00 Canoe ride/ elephant briefing/ swimming and bath
1:00 P.M. Lunch
3:00 Elephant ride/ Nature walk/ canoe ride
7:00 Dinner
Day 07:
5:30 A. M. Wake up call
5:45 Tea/coffee
6:00 Elephant ride/ bird watching
8:00 Breakfast
9:00 Canoe ride/ elephant briefing/ swimming and bath
1:00 P.M. Lunch
3:00 Elephant ride/ Jungle drive/ canoe ride
7:00 Dinner
Day 08: Morning free for packing
8:00 Breakfast
9:00 Departure from the chitwan and drive to Pokhara over night hotel
Day 09: Pokhara Sightseeing
Day 10: Moning: Boating at Phewatal Lake. Phewa Lake is the most popular destination
for travelers wanting to indulge in recreational boating. It is the second largest lake in
the kingdom and measureroughly 1.5 by 4 km. it's eastern shore, also known as lakeside
or Baidam, is the center of tourist activity in Pokhara. Renting a boat for a couple of
hours and heading out to the lake bordering the forested hill, and taking a swim, can
be the highlight of a warm day. Then hike to World Peace Pagoda: This pagoda is
situated on the top of a hill on the southern shore of Phewa lake. It has four images of
Buddha facing in four directions. The pagoda is an impressive sight and its hilltop
location commands great view. It is a great vantage point, which offers spectacular
views of the Annapurna range and Pokhara town.
Day 11: Day hikes Naudada and Sarang kot: Naudada is situated west of Pokhara, High
up on the ridge north of Phewa Lake. From Naudada you can start walking towards
Sarangkot through Kaski kot. In Kaski kot, you will find ruins of the fort of Kaski kings. From
Sarangkot descent down to Bindebashini Temple and then drive back to Hotel.
Day 12: This is your easy day. After having late breakfast you will take flight to
Kathmandu and transfer to hotel.
Day 13: Morning 6:00 o'clock your driver will be outside of the hotel to take you to the
airport for the Mountain flight and will bring you back after the trip and free day for the
Day 14: Drive to Airport for your onward journey.

Samrat Tours & Travels Pvt. Ltd.
GPO Box: 20961, Gairidhara, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Tel: +977-1-4004700 / 4004701/ 4004702
Fax: +977-1-4700226
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