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Pediatrics Mnemonics

Gastroschisis: usual location GasTRoscHIsis

usually occurs on the
RIGHT side of the umbilicus.
(Unscramble the letters).
Milk protein: women vs. cows Woman: Whey
Cow: Casein (mostly)
Short stature: dierential !"C#$%G:
!lone (neglected infant)
"one dysplasias (rickets, scoliosis, mucopolysaccharidoses)
Chromosomal (Turner's, Down's)
#elayed growth
$ndocrine (low growth hormone, ushing's, hypothyroid)
G! malabsorption (celiac, rohn's)
"reast eedin&: contraindicated dru&s "R$!ST:
"romocriptine" "en#odia#epines
Radioacti$e isotopes" Ri#atriptan
$rgotamine" $thosu%imide
!miodarone" !mphetamines
Stimulant la%ati$es" Se% hormones
Tetracycline" Tretinoin
Paediatric histor' takin& & 'egin with standard things:
patient name, presenting complaint, history of presenting complaint and past
medical history.
& Then ask "I%I#!:
"irth details and problems
Infection, e%posure to
#e$elopment, normality of
& (nd by customary re$iew of the rest of the standard things: medications,
family history and social history.
!PG!R score components !PG!R:
!ppearance: cyanosis))peripheral, central, none
Pulse: pulse rate
Grimace: response to stimulation
!cti$ity: mo$ement of the baby (muscle tone)
Respiration: respiratory rate
"eckwith(Widemann s'ndrome: eatures H)M):
Macroglossia" Macrosomia
*eonatal resuscitation: successive steps *#o What
Pediatricians Say To, )r "e In$iting
Costly Malpractice*:
Tactile stimulation
Intubate endotracheally
Chest compressions
!PG!R score components & +i$e "'s:
"reathing (respiratory effort)
"eating (heart rate)
"uff (tone)
"othered (response to stimulation)
"lue (cyanosis)
C'stic i+rosis: e,acer+ation o pulmonar' inection C%
Cough (increase in intensity and fre,uent spells)
%e$er (usually low grade, unless se$ere bronchopneumonia is present)
Pulmonary function deterioration
!ppetite decrease
*utrition, weight loss
C' (leukocytosis with left shift)
Radiograph (increase o$eraeration, peribronchial thickening, mucus
$%am (rales or whee#ing in pre$iously clear areas, tachypnea,
!cti$ity (decreased, impaired e%ercise intolerance, increased
Sputum (becomes darker, thicker, and more abundant, forming plugs)
P'loric stenosis -con&ential.: presentation Pyloric
stenosis is - P's:
Palpable mass
Paristalsis $isible
Pro.ectile $omiting (/)0 weeks after birth)
C'anotic heart diseases: / t'pes & 1 T's:
Tetralogy of +allot
Transposition of the great arteries
Truncus arteriosus
Tricuspid atresia, pulmonary aTresia
Total anomalous pulmonary $enous drainage
"reast eedin&: +eneits !"C#$%GH:
& !nfant:
!llergic condition reduced
"est food for infant
Close relationship with mother
#e$elopment of !2, .aws, mouth
& 3other:
%itness: ,uick return to pre)pregnancy body shape
Guards against cancer: breast, o$ary, uterus
Hemorrhage (postpartum) reduced
Pere0 rele, (liciting the P$r$# refle% will
make the baby P$$.
W!GR s'ndrome: components W!GR:
Wilm's tumor
Gential abnormalities
Mental retardation
Haematuria: dierential in children !"C#$%GHI12:
!natomy (cysts, etc)
"ladder (cystitis)
Cancer (4ilm's tumour)
#rug related (cyclophosphamide)
$%ercise induced
%actitious (3unchausen by pro%y)
Haematology (bleeding disorder, sickle cell)
Infection (UT!)
In 1ury (trauma)
2idney stones (hypercalciuria)
3itamin to,icities: neonatal (%cess $itamin !: !nomalies
(%cess $itamin $: $nterocolitis (necroti#ing enterocolitis)
(%cess $itamin 2: 2ernicterus (hemolysis)
Ru+ella: con&enital si&ns *Ru++er #uck'4 I5m so +lue6*
(like the *5ubber Ducky* song):
Ru++er: Ru+ella
#uck': 6atent #uctus 7rteriosus, 89D and pulmonary artery stenosis.
I5m: $'es (cataracts, retinopathy, micropthalmia, glaucoma).
"lue: *"lue+err' 3uffin* rash (e%tramedullary hematopoesis in skin
& 7lso, deafness, growth retardation, and some more.
Pediatric milestones in development 7 year:
)sin&le words
8 years:
)8 word sentences
)understands 8 step commands
9 years:
)9 word combos
)repeats 9 digits
)rides tricycle
: years:
)draws s;uare
)counts :ob.ects
Williams s'ndrome: eatures WI<<I!MS:
Weight (low at birth, slow to gain)
Iris (stellate iris)
<ong philtrum
<arge mouth
Increased a::
!ortic stenosis (and other stenoses)
Mental retardation
Swelling around eyes (periorbital puffiness)
Russell Silver s'ndrome: eatures !"C#$%:
!symmetric limb (hemihypertrophy)
"ossing (frontal)
Clinodactyly" Cafe au lait spots
#warf (short stature)
$%cretion (;U malformation)
%ace (triangular face, micrognathia)
#entition: eruption times o permanent dentition *Mama
Is In Pain, Papa Can Make Medicine*:
<st Molar: = years
<st Incisor: > years
/nd Incisor: ? years
<st Premolar: @ years
/nd Premolar: 7A years
Canine: 77 years
/nd Molar: 78 years
-rd Molar: <=)/1 years
C'anotic heart diseases: / t'pes & Use your fi$e fingers:
7 finger up: Truncus 7rteriosus (7 $essel)
8 fingers up: De%troposition of the ;reat 7rteries (8 $essels
9 fingers up: Tricuspid 7tresia (9>Tri)
: fingers up: Tetralogy of +allot (:>Tetra)
/ fingers up: Total 7nomalous 6ulmonary 8enous 5eturn (/>1 words)
C'anotic con&enital heart diseases 1 T's:
Truncus arteriosus
Transposition of the great arteries
Tricuspid atresia
Tetrology of +allot
Total anomalous pulmonary $enous return
Head circumerence with a&e & 5emember -, ?, and multiples
of 1:
@ewborn 9/ cm
9 mos :A cm
@ mos :/ cm
9 yrs /A cm
@ yrs //cm
Wei&hts o children with a&e *ew+orn 9 kg
= mos = kg (/% birth wt at A mos)
7 yr 7A kg (-% birth wt at < yr)
9 yrs 7/ kg (odd yrs, add 1 kg until << yrs)
/ yrs 8A kg
> yrs 8/ kg
@ yrs 9A kg
77 yrs 9/ kg (add <B kg thereafter)
79 yrs :/ kg
7/ yrs // kg
7> yrs =/kg
Hemol'tic(Bremic S'ndrome -HBS.: components *5emember to
decrease the R!T$ of !8 fluids in these patients*:
Renal failure
!nemia (microangiopathic, hemolytic)
$ncephalopathy (TT6)
Cou&h -chronic.: dierential 4hen cough in nursery, rock
the CCR!#<$C:
Cystic fibrosis
Rings, slings, and airway things (tracheal rings)" Respiratory
!spiration (swallowing dysfunction, T( fistula, gastroesphageal reflu%)
#yskinetic cilia
<ung, airway, and $ascular malformations (tracheomalacia, $ocal cord
$dema (heart failure)
C'stic i+rosis: presentin& si&ns C% P!*CR$!S:
Chronic cough and whee#ing
%ailure to thri$e
Pancreatic insufficiency (symptoms of malabsorption like steatorrhea)
!lkalosis and hypotonic dehydration
*eonatal intestinal obstruction (meconium ileus)" *asal polyps
Clubbing of fingers" Chest radiograph with characteristic changes
Rectal prolapse
$lectrolyte ele$ation in sweat, salty skin
!bsence or congenital atresia of $as deferens
Sputum with 9taph or 6seudomonas (mucoid)
Stur&e(We+er s'ndrome: hallmark eatures Sturge)Weber:
<. Sei#ures
/. 6ortWine stain
Guthrie card: diseases identiied with it *Guthrie
Cards Can Help Predict "ad Metabolism*:
Cystic fibrosis
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
"iotidinase deficiency
Maple syrup urine disease
Croup: s'mptoms - 9's:
Subglottic swelling
Seal)bark cough
!ta,ia(Telan&iectasia -!T.: common si&n !T:
Cere+ral pals' -CP.: most likel' cause CP: Cerebral
Child Premature
& The premature brain is more prone to all the possible insults.
3acterl s'ndrome: components 3!CT$R<:
3ertebral anomalies
!norectal malformation
Cardiac anomaly
Tracheo)esophageal fistula
$%omphalos (aka omphalocele)
Renal anomalies
<imb anomalies
Guthrie card: diseases identiied with it GBTHRI$:
Brine Cmaple syrup urine diseaseD
THyRoid ChypothyroidismD
Inborn $rrors of metabolism Ceg: 6EUD
#uodenal atresia vs. P'loric stenosis: site o o+struction
#uodenal !tresia: #istal to !mpulla of $ater.
Pyloric stenosis: Pro%imal to it.
"iliru+in: phototherap' "i<irBbin
absorbs light ma%imally in the
"<Be range.
Septic !rthritis: most common cause Staphylococcus
!ureus is the most common cause of
Septic !rthritis in the pediatric population.

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