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What are the Elements of a NO F!" ##$ $ampaign%
#ay #er $lick !nternet marketing is a tr&sted online marketing tool that brings in what e'actly
yo& are looking for. When this techni(&e was la&nched) it was (&ite costly. *&t then things
went good that f&rther made it reasonably priced. ccording to a s&rvey cond&cted in the year
+,,-) this ind&stry had done a b&siness of - billion. .here are certain reasons why ##$ is so
pop&lar among most of the people who strive for ranking and traffic. "et/s disc&ss some of these
points here.
.his service is a ready0to0&se traffic so&rce for &sers that makes getting targeted traffic an easy
1ob indeed. 2o& are paying for advertising to a&diences who are ready to pay for yo&r prod&cts
or services. 2o& need to pay a lot for ##$) b&t it has got great 3O! 43et&rn On !nvestment5
feat&res as yo& are paying for the things that will g&arantee that yo& will get back yo&r money
with a more than marginal profit.
"et me make it a bit simpler for yo&. Say yo& get 6,.7, per click. Now) if a tho&sand visitors
click on yo&r ad) yo& will get 67,,. !t is as simple and as all&ring like that. #ay #er $lick
management company is not only involved in advertising yo&r site. !t also takes care of the
keywords that are involved. .his also helps yo& to get more clicks on yo&r site and helps yo& to
go &p in the listing.
"et &s now disc&ss the top elements of a 8NO F!"9 ##$ campaign....
7st 0 $ampaign Str&ct&re:
fter determining the target demography) yo& need to prepare the proper str&ct&re of yo&r
##$ campaign by c&stomi;ing yo&r ad copy) keywords) landing pages as well as yo&r bid
strategy. <aving a proper str&ct&re wo&ld help yo& in effectively reaching each segment of
yo&r target gro&p. =tili;e ad gro&ps to f&rther narrow down gro&pings within those segments.
+nd 0 !ncl&ding Negative >eywords:
2o& can create a new ad gro&p for the keywords that are not converting as well. $reating this
negative keywords list wo&ld help yo& to ens&re that yo&r ads don?t show in irrelevant
@rd 0 Scr&tini;ing yo&r d $opy:
Aoogle dWords comes with an d #review .ool that s&ggests) whether or not yo&r ad copy
carries the targeted keywords for yo&r targeted location or demography. =sing the tool) yo& can
act&ally swap o&t ad copy that isn?t enticing eno&gh or contains o&tdated promotional te't for
newer versions.
Bth 0 dding E'tensions:
Cake s&re yo& are adding the correct call e'tensions and location e'tensions. .est yo&r phone
n&mbers and do&ble check that correct phone n&mbers and locations are incl&ded in all yo&r
ads. .his becomes especially important if yo&r b&siness has moved or if yo& have m&ltiple
locations or phone n&mbers.
.hese are few of the cr&cial elements/points followed by a rep&ted ##$ services company in
!ndia like Synapse!nteractive. .o know more) or to hire &s for yo&r ##$ re(&irements) simply
call +7DEE0S2N#SE or drop an email at infoFsynapseinteractive.comG
Tel: (+91) 120 433 0500
Fax: (+91) 120 254 6941
(If you are dialing from the USA, please dial 011 first before 91)
Skype: synapse_india

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