All Things Current - Sept. 3, 2014

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All Things Current: What you'll find in your Sept.

3, 2014, edition
As Fannie Mae prepares to consolidate into one downtown location, attention is focused on the
property the company will leae !ehind, includin" its iconic red#!ric$ head%uarters at &'((
)isconsin Ae* +all editions,
Planned redeelopment of the Palisades -afeway has !een delayed amid an .daho firm/s efforts to
ac%uire the "rocery chain, the company says* +Northwest 0urrent, 1eor"etown 0urrent, Dupont
The Petworth adisory nei"h!orhood commission last wee$ wrestled oer how to control the rapid
rise of 2pop#ups,3 lar"e additions to sin"le#family homes that sometimes tower oer nei"h!orin"
structures* +Northwest 0urrent, Dupont 0urrent, Fo""y 4ottom 0urrent,
American 6niersity can now !e"in constructin" its East 0ampus pro7ect after the D*0* Department
of the Enironment found no eidence of chemical munitions contamination on the site* +all
L.86O5 L.0EN-.N1
The owners of Dupont 0ircle/s O9io Martini and 0i"ar 4ar are fi"htin" a decision that would !loc$
them from hain" D:s on their rooftop and otherwise restrict their noise leels* +all editions,
.n a nod to residents concerned a!out noise and par$in" scarcity near their homes, the
1eor"etown adisory nei"h!orhood commission oted last wee$ to protest li%uor license
applications from After Peacoc$ 5oom and the planned ;a$itori restaurant* +1eor"etown 0urrent,
Dupont 0urrent,
Michael D* 4rown outlined his proposals to help stru""lin" youth in an interiew with The 0urrent as
part of a series on at#lar"e D*0* 0ouncil candidates/ policy positions* +all editions,
OT<E5 NE)-
As part of the 1ray administration/s push to ma$e the District more lia!le for seniors, D*0* officials
are as$in" olunteers to wal$ throu"h arious city nei"h!orhoods and assess how well community
amenities sere older residents* +all editions,
A >'?& !eau@#arts home with an Em!assy 5ow address and a fifth#floor party room is aaila!le for
A&,?((,(((* +all editions,
OP.N.ON +all editions,
EditorialB 0ity officials should focus on craftin" the strictest "un control laws that would surie a
court challen"e after a 7ud"e struc$ down a pu!lic hand"un prohi!ition*
EditorialB -oarin" enrollment in the -chool )ithout )alls at Francis#-teens is helpin" settle the
de!ate oer whether the schoolCs controersial mer"er was the ri"ht moe*
-herwoodB .tCs !een a summer of scandal and C-$ins here in )ashin"ton*
)ilson foot!all faltered in its season opener a"ainst 1ood 0ounsel last wee$, as 1on9a"a and -t*
:ohnCs saw wins on the road* +Northwest 0urrent, 1eor"etown 0urrent,
After fallin" to )ilson in the last two D*0* .nterscholastic Athletic Association "irls soccer title
"ames, -chool )ithout )alls has its si"hts set on ta$in" the crown, under the "uidance of first#year
head coach =ia 8uander* +all editions,
National 0athedral field hoc$ey is ready to !uild its late ?(>& momentum into a championship this
season* +Northwest 0urrent, 1eor"etown 0urrent,
AL-O .N T<E 0655ENT
0rime report
Adisory nei"h!orhood commission reports and a"endas
5eports from local citi9ens associations
0alendar of the wee$/s eents
0lassified ads and serice directory
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