Abroad Business Trip Report

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0 Introduction
From 21
to 24
June, I have gone to USA and spent a week at the country for discussing our
future coa!orations with suppiers of heath suppements" #wo argest suppiers were chosen
and compared" #hey are USA$A %orporation and Shakee %orporation" #his !usiness trip has
two o!&ectives'
1( #o gather information a!out USA$A Incorporated and Shakee %orporation"
2( #o e)amine products from these corporation"
#o gather information a!out Shakee %orporation, I spent the first three days in
%aifornia* a state which har!ors Shakee+s ,ead-uarters" .e managed to hed meeting and site
visit to Shakee+s a!" /n forth day and upward, I traveed to .est 0aey %ity, Utah to meet
e)ecutives at USA$A head-uarters" ,owever, we can+t discuss much as ony short meeting in
Sat 1ake %ity were hed"
2.0 Trip to Shaklee Corporation (21
to 22
June 2011)
/n the first day of my trip 221th June 2311( to Shakee %orporation, a meeting was hed in the
Shakee+s head-uarters in 4easanton, %aifornia" #he o!&ectives of this meeting are'
1( #o discuss !usiness opportunities with Shakee"
2( #o keep good reationship with Shakee %orporation for future !usiness opportunities"
5uring the meeting, I managed to meet %6/ or %hairman of 7oard of Shakee
%orporation, 8oger 7arnett and Shakee Internationa+s 4resident, 7radford 8ichardson"
,owever, I did not have the opportunity to discuss !usiness matter with them as they have to
attend another program"
#herefore, the discussion was ead !y %hief 9arketing /fficer, 9r" 7rad ,arrington"
Surprisingy, other e)ecutive from management team aso participated in this meeting such as
%indy 1atham, #he Senior 0ice 4resident 29arketing( and 1aura ,ughes, Senior 0ice 4resident
2Saes and Fied 5eveopment("
#he meeting started with a presentation a!out Shakee+s founder !y 9r" 7rad ,arrington"
Afterwards, its foowed !y introduction of Shakee %orporation and how they doing !usiness !y
1aura ,ughes" From the presentation, I earned that athough Shakee was a successfu
corporation in United Stated !ut the num!er of its !ranch is sti imited to certain country such
as U"S, %anada, Japan and %hina" #herefore, I proposed to open a !ranch in United :ingdom"
9y -uestion was -uicky answered !y %indy 1atham" According her, despite this
suggestion was a good idea* the corporation has to !e concern a!out the economic crisis that
occurs atey" ,ence, ongterm market monitoring programs need to !e done in the potentia area
to make sure that !ranching is a success"
5uring this trip, I aso gained additiona information a!out this corporation+s condition
for the past ten years" 1ike other !ig companies in the word, Shakee aso has its upside down"
,owever, they manage to keep it sta!e and maintain as one of most trusted heath suppement in
the word" A information a!out Shakee was descri!ed !eow"
2.1 Founder of Shaklee
5r" Forrest %" Shakee was !orn in 1;<4 in a farm in %arcise, Iowa, USA" ,e is such a great
person as he dedicated most of his ife doing research that inspires miions of peope from a
over the word" 7y using his phiosophy and Shakee %orporation, he heped many peope
throughout the word !oth in term of heath and weath"
After spend most of his ife researching a!out the importance of nutrition to human
heath, 5r" Shakee created Shakee+s product in 1<=>+s" #ogether with his two sons, Forrest Jr"
and 8aeigh, they started distri!uting and seing nutritiona suppements" #he corporation saes
pan at that time was !ased on ?oden 8oe and 5r" Shakee+s phiosophy, @#houghtmanshipA"
In his career, 5r" Shakee has !een awarded !y many persona honors incuding specia
recognition from the %aifornia Secretary State" In 1<B=, he was appointed as %hairman 6meritus
of Shakee %orporation, a position he retained ti his death in 1<;= at the age of <1"the
recognition of 5r" Shakee not &ust restricted in nutrition industry, !ut aso in phiosophy and
!usiness" ,is name has appeared in many pu!ications such .ho+s .ho in #he .est, .ho+s
.ho in America, .ho+s .ho in #he .ord and #he Internationa 8egister of 4rofies"
2.2 Shaklee Corporation
In the ate 1<B3s, Shakee %orporation has !ecome a pu!icy traded corporation and was isted
on the $ew Cork Stock 6)change" In $ovem!er 1<;>, this corporation !egan to diversify !y sign
an agreement with 8J8 $a!isco to purchase 7ear %reek %orporation for D12EE miion* a direct
marketing corporation that !est known for its ,arry and 5avid Fruit of #he 9onth %u! 2$ew
Cork #imes, 1<;>(" #hree years ater 2Fe!ruary 1<;<(, Shakee sod its B; percent interest in
Shakee Japan to the Camanouchi 4harmaceutica %orporation for DE=3 miion, whie
maintaining its icensing agreement and continuing to coect royaty payments from the
Japanese operations 2$ew Cork #imes, 1<;<a("
,owever, a month ater Shakee %orporation received an unsoicited ac-uisition proposa
from a group ed !y Irwin 1" Jaco!s, the 9inneapois financier known aso !y his nickname FIrv
the 1i-uidatorF" Anaysts paced the everaged !uyout vaue of Shakee at DE= a share" #he
Jaco!s group had !een aggressivey accumuating Shakee shares, and discosed it currenty hed
a 14"<; percent stake in the San FranciscoG!ased corporation"
As return, Shakee immediatey decared a specia dividend of D23 a share, as a way to
discourage takeover interest in Shakee" 5espite that, the corporation disputed that view"
ShakeeHs antiGtakeover provisions come into pay when an investor reaches 1= percent 2$ew
Cork #imes, 1<;<!(" After a few tense weeks, during which time Jaco!s increased his stake in
Shakee 2$ew Cork #imes, 1<;<c(* Shakee %orporation announced it was !eing ac-uired !y
Camanouchi 4harmaceutica for D2; a share in cash, or a!out DE<= miion"
#he partnership of Camanouchi with Shakee in Japan heped make the transaction
possi!e, and cast Camanouchi as a Fwhite knightF in heping Shakee fend off the hostie
takeover !id !y Jaco!s 2$ew Cork #imes, 1<;<d(" Jaco!s announced he woud not chaenge the
Camanouchi !id

2$ew Cork #imes, 1<;<e( and the dea with Camanouchi was -uicky finaiIed
2$ew Cork #imes, 1<;<f(" #herefore, in 1<;<, Shakee !ecame a privatey hed corporation"
,owever, in Apri 2334, Camanouchi sod Shakee %orporation to American !iionaire
8oger 7arnett, managing partner of Activated ,odings 11%, for DE13 miion" 7ear %reek and
the ,arry and 5avid ine were separated from the corporation and were sod to .asserstein
4erea J %o" for D2>3 miion 2$ew Cork #imes, 2334(" 7arnett !ecame the new %6/ and
%hairman of the 7oard of Shakee %orporation"
2.3 Business ethod
5r" Shakee found out that conversation was the !est way to spread the message of heath,
!ecause itHs !ased on trust in the peope you know" Instead of putting money into advertising and
suppy chains and storefronts, Shakee !eieve that money is !etter spent !y rewarding peope
who share Shakee products with the peope they know"
6ven as !usiness grew, Shakee %orporation has remained focused on the direct saes
approach !ecause it is the persona contact and services that give greater vaue to the customer,
more than any other system of marketing"
2.! Site "isit
/n the second day, I was invited !y 7rad ,arrington to visit !oth Shakee+s 1a!oratory in
%aifornia* one in ,ayward and the other one in Stanford University, 4ao Ato" #his time I was
accompany !y 1aura ,ughes" #he visits o!&ectives are'
1( #o o!served Shakee 1a!oratory condition
2( #o coect information a!out Shakee+s product
#he a!oratory in ,arward is caed #he Forrest %" Shakee 8esearch %enter" #his faciity
was first served as a!oratory in 1<B1, fifteen years after 5r" Shakee founded Shakee products"
It has =2,333 s-uare feet of space to research and deveopment a!oratories to !ring scientificay
!ased superior products to Shakee customers"
#his visit was devoted to give me an e)perience to see and fee how Shakee+s products
were different from other companies+ heath suppement" At the research center, I got warm
wecomed !y 5r" %arsten 8" Smidt, %hief Scientific /fficer from 8esearch and 5eveopment
Unit" First, I saw a short movie a!out history and genera outine a!out #he Forrest %" Shakee
8esearch %enter then foowed !y a faciity tour"
2.!.1 Facilit# Tour
5uring a!out that E hour, 5r" Smidt showed me various modern faciities and components they
have at the research center" First, he !rought me to -uaity contro a!oratories" #hese
a!oratories were set to e)amine the finished product to ensure that fina products foow certain
In the a!, he e)pained in detais a!out every o!&ect that he showed me" For instance'
sta!iity cham!er, a cham!er used to verify the ife of the ta!ets* ta!ets hardness tester, sma
machine that use to test the hardness of ta!ets* disintegration tester* a tu!e that test ta!ets
dissove in condition simiar to our stomach* ,igh 4ressure 1i-uid %hromatography 2,41%(,
most e)pensive instrument to identify raw materias in finished product* Inductive %ouped
4asma Spectrophotometers 2I%4(, a machine that measure -uantity of mineras in finished
product* Infrared Spectrophotometers, use to identify materia for mineras identification*
After the -uaity contro a! visit, 5r" Smidt e)pained how the finished product was
made" First, he !rought me to a vast raw materia storage" #he warehouse is so arge a!out
E>,333 s-uare meters"
,ere they e)pained the detais a!out how they manage such arge warehouse" In this
warehouse, they keep a!out D1= miion inventory of raw materias" 6ectronic !ar code system
was used to identify incoming and outcoming raw materias"
Afterwards, I was !rought to a room caed 4harmacy Area" #his room functioning as
pace for prepare raw materia to !e !ended together" #herefore, every formua has a standard
operation procedure and a !ends must have uniformity regarding the partice siIe" I aso visit a
room where a machine caed 8i!!on 7ender ocated" In the 8i!!on 7ender the !ends raw
materias wi !e !ended again for certain amount of time to make sure the mi)ing of raw
materias is simiar"
And then they !rought me to see the encapsuation machine, toos that make the capsues"
#here are two types of encapsuation machine, high speed fuy automatic encapsuation machine
and semi automatic encapsuation machine" #hey aso showed me the high speed rotary ta!et
compression machine, a machine that design to produce ta!ets"
$e)t hour, 5r" Smidt eads me to the packaging room" ,ere the ta!ets and capsues were
put into !ottes and package using Automatic 4ackaging 1ines" Firsty, the ta!ets were counted
using digita counter to contro the amount of ta!ets go into the !otte" After the !ottes !eing
feed !y correct amount of ta!ets, the !ottes wi capGseaed" 1asty, a!es and e)pire date were
put onto the !ottes so the !ottes coud go into the market"
2.!.2 $iscussion
Finay, after the faciity tour, there was a discussion with severa peope from the corporation
incuding Jamie 9c9anus, %hairman of 9edica Affairs, ,eath Sciences and 6ducation and
1uiI %er-ueira, Senior 6)ecutive of 0ice 4resident of ?o!a /perations"
In this session I have the opportunity to ask an important -uestion" I asked how #he
Shakee different from other products" 9y -uestion has !een answered !y 9c9anus" She repied
that there are at east ten reasons why Shakee+s are different'
First, each product is designed to provide a specific, important heath !enefit* usuay
more than one !enefit" Second, each product is formuated with nutritiona ingredients that have
!een e)tensivey studied to confirm safety and efficacy" Shakee products do not foow trends,
!ut incorporate scientific andKor epidemioogic evidence of need and !enefit" #hird, a
ingredients must !e accepta!e from the standpoint of the Shakee phiosophy, as we as detaied
scrutiny as to their safety" Shakee do not simpy accept the %ertificate of Anaysis that many
other companies accept, !ut rather retest for contaminantsLincuding ead and heavy metas,
pesticides, and more to confirm the %ertificate of Anaysis is accurate"
Shakee has an unwavering commitment to avoid the use of artificia favors, sweeteners,
and added preservatives" #hey use ony nonGgeneticay modified soy protein" Shakee+s products
start with nature" Shakee scientists search the word over to source the finest natura ingredients"
#hen they conduct over E=3 tests on every singe new ingredient for heavy metas, pesticides or
any of hundreds of other harmfu contaminants" And they continue to conduct over ;3,333
-uaity tests annuay to guarantee the purity and safety of each and every product"
#o get technica, Shakee products have no para!ens, tricosan, phthaates, sodium aury
sufate 2S1S(, sodium aury ether sufate 2S16S(, 1,4Gdio)ane, or propyene gyco" #here are no
!anned su!stances, no dyes, no trans fats and no artificia sweeteners or favors"
Shakee+s a!s do not test on animas" 6ven the packaging is safe and free of to)ins
!iopheno, a phthaates and to)ic inks" #hat+s why we are a!soutey sure of this' 6very Shakee
product is 133M safe to use and guaranteed"
Fourth, Shakee empoys advanced deivery systems to enhance !ioavaia!iity and these
systems are tested to confirm their nutrient deivery advantages" Fifth, manufacturers are aso
carefuy chosen" $ot &ust any company can -uaify to manufacture Shakee products" Shakee
has, for many years, foowed the standards for manufacturing that are now referred to as ?ood
9anufacturing 4ractices 2?94s("
Si)th, Shakee has its own research and deveopment a! in ,ayward, %aifornia, and a
second a! !uit in con&unction with the Stanford University in 4ao Ato, %aifornia"
Seventh, Shakee Nuaity Assurance routiney visits manufacturers to confirm that they
-uaity standards are !eing uphed and they onsite a! in ,ayward does additiona -uaity contro
testing" 6ight, Shakee has invested over D2=3 miion in e)haustive product research and
deveopment, and cinica trias" Shakee spends in e)cess of D12 miion per year on research
and testing"
Shakee aso has over 1=3 scientists on staff, and an advisory !oard consisting of doctors,
professors, and scientists from eading industries and universities around the word" #he ist
!eow consist some of Shakee+s %inica Studies'
1( $utrient Intake of 6ite 9ae and Femae $ordic Skiers 26sworth et al", 1<;=("
2( #he %oach and $utritionist G A 4artnership in 4erformance" A %ase Study G Appied
$utrition with the US Ski #eam and 9ount 6verest 6)pedition 2Shrimpton and
/ttaway, 1<;=("
$inth, Shakee products are aso powering medaGwinning athetes for more than E3
years" Shakee powered athetes incuding the U"S" Ski and Snow!oarding #eam, pentathete 6i
7remer, wake!oarder 5arin Shapiro, water skier 9ichee Simpson, swimmer
%ary 4iper, 14?A gofer 8eiey 8ankin, and soft!a payer Jessica 9endoIa rey on
Shakee nutritiona products everyday for optima performance"
In addition, Shakee products fueing word e)porers, incuding a specia rehydration
product 2caed AstroGAde( that has !een made for $ASA Shutte astronauts since 1<<E" Shakee
aso have won the =3 years of providing nonto)ic househod ceaning choices that truy perform"
#enth, Shakee+s product has proof of its effectiveness" Shakee has their own products
cinicay tested !y outside, un!iased sources 2such as Cae University and ,arvard University(
providing scientific proof that these products !reak down and are utiiIed !y human !ody"
/ngoing proof of Shakee+s product performance is aso demonstrated !y over 133
scientific pu!ications and more than <3 in peerGreviewed &ournas such as'
a( #he American Journa of %inica $utrition
!( #he Journa of $utrition
c( #he Journa of the American 5ietetic Association
2.% &roduct
At the end of the meeting, I tried to get information a!out a Shakee+s product" In genera,
Shakee+s products were divided to three sections' 1( heathy !ody* 2( heathy !eauty and E(
heathy home" #he products were descri!ed !eow"
2.%.1 'ealth# (od#
According to Shakee, heath is energy, vitaity and weG!eing" #here are 12 descriptions
containing 2= products that defined the heathy !ody section'
$o" 5escription 4roduct
1" AntiGAging 0ivi)O
2" 6ssentia $utrition 0itaG1ea
Iron Formua
6nergiIing Soy 4rotein Q 0ania
Sustained 8eease 0itaG%#9 =33
%hewa!e 0itaG%O 133 mg
0itaG6 %ompe)P
Rinc %ompe)
Afafa %ompe)
E" Antio)idants %aroto9a)
4" 7one ,eath /ste9atri)O
=" ,eart ,eath /mega?uardO
Fi!er 4anP Unfavored
>" 5igestive ,eath ,er!G1a)O
4eppermintG?inger 4us
B" Immune Support $utriFeronO
;" 1iver ,eath 5#S %ompe)O
<" .omenHs ,eath ?1A %ompe)
13" %hidrenHs $utrition 9ea Shakes
0itaG1eaP for %hidren %hewa!e
11" Sports $utrition 4erformanceP 9a)imum
12" ,eathy .eight %inchO Shake 9i)
%inchO 6nergy #ea 9i)
2.%.2 'ealth# (eaut#
,eathy !eauty was descri!ed !y 4 descriptions that contained 22 products" 9otto of this section
is cean, natura, gente ingredients to pamper your skin and hair"
5escription 4roduct
1" $utri.hite Utimate 4rotection .hitening 1otion
S4F 1=
/vernight 8enewa .hitening %ream
?ente 5eep Foaming %eanser
Soothing 8adiance .hitening
?ente Action 9akeup 8emover
5aiy 5efense .hitening 6ssence
Spot .hitening #reatment
2" 6nfusee
,ydrating %eansing 1otion
4urifying %eansing ?e
,ydrating #oner
4urifying #oner
,ydrating 9oisturiIer
7aancing 9oisturiIer
6ye #reatment
E" 4roSante
$ourishing Scap #reatment
8evitaiIing Shampoo
4urifying Shampoo
8epenishing %onditioner
1ightweight %onditioner
1ong 1asting Finishing Spray
4" 5aiy %are
,er!a 7endP
9utiG4urpose %ream
2.%.3 'ealth# 'oe
Using at works !est for the earth works !est for your home motto, this section focus mainy on
reducing water and air poution through its organic product"
$o" 5escription 4roduct
1" ?et %ean ?et %eanP .ater 4itcher
7asic ,TO /rganic Super %eaning
5ish .ash %oncentrate
Fresh 1aundry %oncentrate 24owder(
Soft Fa!ric %oncentrate
2" AirSource AirSource 9o!ieO
3.0 Trip to )S*+* Incorporated (23
June 2011)
/n the third day, I went to .est 0aey %ity, Utah to meet :evin ?uest, the president of USA$A
,eath Science in $orth America" ,e was accompanied !y 5ougas ,ekking, the chief financing
officer and 8oy #ruett, the chief operation officer" #he meeting started with a !rief introduction
a!out USA$A Incorporated !ackground and products" 5espite that, not much information was
tod" #he summary of USA$A Incorporated was e)pained !eow"
3.1 )S*+* Back,round
USA$A was founded !y an immunoogist and micro!ioogist 9yron .entI" #he company
distri!utes its products through mutieve marketing' distri!utors recruit other distri!utors" #he
products are not avaia!e through retai channes, !ut instead can ony !e o!tained through one
of its independent distri!utors 2referred to as FassociatesF( or !y direct order through the
company" #he company has appro)imatey 22;,333 associates and BB,333 Fpreferred customersF
in its wordwide distri!ution network" In 2313, <3M of product saes was purchased !y
associates, and 13M !y preferred customers" #he company states that, as of 2313, its products are
marketed in the United States, %anada, Austraia, $ew Reaand, United :ingdom, $etherands,
Japan, ,ong :ong, #aiwan, :orea, Singapore, 9e)ico, 9aaysia, #he 4hiippines, and %hina"
3.2 )S*+*-s *.ard
Since its inception in 1<<2, USA$A has achieved many miestones, received severa prestigious
awards, and earned recognition from a host of industry e)perts" #he foowing ists some of the
highights in USA$A+s history of e)ceence'
G First voted @5istri!utor %hoiceA 7est %ompany in NetWork Marketing Today & The
MLM Insider Magazine
G U"S" 4atents awarded for /ivoP
G %hidren+s ,unger Fund partnership !egins
G #hird !estGperforming stock on 9arketwatch"com
G 1isted on 8usse 2333 Inde)
G 5r" 9yron .entI receives Utah 6rnst J Coung 6ntrepreneur of the Cear Award
G $amed a Business Week ,ot ?rowth %ompany for first of two consecutive years
G 1isted on SJ4 Sma %ap >33 Inde)
G #op 23 company on Forbes+ 233 7est Sma %ompanies 1ist for third straight year
G /ne of Utah+s @7est %ompanies to .ork ForA in Utah Business
G U"S" 4atent awarded for SensU sefGpreserving formuas
G $SF Internationa certifies USA$A manufacturing practices and seect products
G 5r" 9yron .entI receives A!ert 6instein Award for /utstanding Achievement in the
1ife Sciences
G Utah @7est of StateA 5ietary Suppements for record fifth year
G Utah @7est of StateA 4ersonaG%are 4roducts for second year
G Utah @7est of StateA /vera in 9erchandising J %onsumer Services
G 0oted @5istri!utor %hoiceA 7est %ompany for 13th year in NetWork Marketing Today &
The MLM Insider Magazine
G NutriSearch Co!arati"e #uide to Nutritional Su!!leentsO 24th ed"( continues to give
USA$A products its highest rating, incuding its first 6ditor+s %hoice Award
3.3 )S*+*-s &roduct
#he product of USA$A was separated !y three groups' 1( $utritionas* 2( 5iet and 6nergy* and
E( 4ersona %are"
3.3.1 +utritionals
#ype 4roduct
6ssentiasO ?reen 7ody 8o)O
9ega A/ wKout 0itamin :
%heated 9inera
/ptimiIers Active %acium 4us
7iomega III 4us
4oy %
4rocosa II
,eathy ,eart 4ack
3.3.2 $iets and 3ner,#
#ype 4roduct
Foods $utrimea 5utch %hocoate
$utrimea French 0ania
$utrimea .id Straw!erry
3.3.3 &ersonal Care
#ype 4roduct
Skin %are ?ente 5aiy %eanser
,ydrating #oner
5aytime 4rotective 6musion wK Sunscreen
$ight 8enewa %rUme
Skin #reatment 4erfecting 6ssence
6ye $ourisher
8ice 7ran 4oisher
$utritious %rUme 9as-ue
7anc 7aance 7rightening 8adiance Serum
7anc 7aance 7rightening 9oist" 9as-ue
3.! $iscussion
/ny a -uestion was raised after the presentation" I asked a!out what is USA$A+s difference
from other product" According to 8oy #ruett, the most significant difference is the use of
$utritiona ,y!rid #echnoogy" 7ased on an advanced ta!eting technoogy used !y the
pharmaceutica industry, USA$AHs innovative $utritiona ,y!rid #echnoogy 2$,#( is a stateG
ofGtheGart approach to formua design and manufacturing" $,# features !iayer ta!eting' the
separation of various formua ingredients into two distinct ta!et ayers"
For the first time, incompati!e ingredients can !e com!ined in a singe ta!et, and key
nutritiona ingredients can !e visuay highighted in distinct ta!et ayers" In addition, USA$AHs
$utritiona ,y!rid #echnoogy opens the door to acceerated innovation in suppement design
and manufacture" #he possi!iity of com!ining two e)isting products into one faciitates human
daiy nutrition routine !y reducing the num!er of ta!ets taken every day"
3.% Contro4ersial
5espite the convincing answer from 8oy #ruett, I sti did not receive satisfactory answers"
#herefore, I do some studies on USA$A Incorporated and its product" Surprisingy, I found out
that USA$A had many repeated crisis" For instance, USA$A was not incuded on For!esH 233
7est Sma %ompaniesA ist, and an artice in the magaIine -uoted industry and government
e)perts who had raised -uestions a!out USA$A+s !usiness practices and products"
5uring 233B, USA$A aso faced another controversy after severa of its e)ecutives were
found to have made fase statements regarding their -uaifications" #he e)ecutives incuded
5enis .aitey, a mem!er of the !oard of directors who had fasey caimed to hod a a masterHs
degree from the $ava 4ostgraduate Schoo* saes associate 1add 9c$amara, who -uit the
companyHs medica advisory !oard after it was discovered that his icense to practice medicine
had !een revoked* the 0ice 4resident of 8esearch and 5eveopment, #imothy .ood, who was
found to have doctorate in forestry, as opposed to !ioogy as he had caimed* and the 6)ecutive
0ice 4resident and %hief Financia /fficer, ?i!ert Fuer, who had continued to use the tite of
%4A, though his %4A icense had e)pired 13 years !efore he &oined USA$A in 1<<>"
/n 9ay 13, 2311, 4 of USA$AHs e)ecutives was officiay resigned their positions at the
company to pursue an unspecified !usiness opportunity" #hey are 4resident and %hief /peration
/fficer, Fred ." %ooper* %hief Financia /fficer, Jeffrey A" Cates* 6)ecutive 0ice 4resident of
Saes* 9ark ," .ison, and 0ice 4resident of Finance, 8iey #immer* #he resignations sent the
company+s share price downward !y the argest daiy percentage 212M( among deciners on the
$ew Cork Stock 6)change that day"
#heir products aso have !een -uestioned" According to natura heath product speciaist
4rof" JeanG1ouis7raIier of the University of 9ontreaHs Facuty of 4harmacy via 8adioG%anadaHs
consumer report show La Facture, USA$A cost two to three times the price of e-uivaent storeG
!ought items, and no evidence that USA$AHs products were of !etter -uaity than their
!.0 Conclusion
In term of sta!iity, Shakee had considera!e advantages compare to USA$A" Shakee+s product
aso has not !een -uestioned for its -uaity" 0isit to their a!oratories aso shown that they reay
care a!out what we caed Nuaity %ontro" Furthermore, Shakee+s e)pertise in the nutrition fied
are aso proof through its pu!ications"
%.0 5ecoendation
,ence, it is ceary that Shakee+s product is !etter" Athough USA$A has wider distri!utions, its
conditions are not sta!e and this might !e affected our company+s reputation if the corporate
were to &oin us" Furthermore, Shakee+s products are more trusted !y many peope in the word"
#herefore, I preferred Shakee to !e our company+s new heath suppiers"
5r" Forrest Shakee* Founded %orporationF" $ew Cork #imes" 1B 5ecem!er 1<;=" 8etrieved
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#imes" 8etrieved 233<G3>G21"
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and /ttaway eds" In' $utrition in Sport' 4roceedings of a $ationa Symposium hed at the
Institute of 5irectors, 1ondon, B>G;E"
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8etrieved 233<G3>G21"
Jaco!s %uts Stake In Shakee to 13"=MF" $ew Cork #imes" 1= 9arch 1<;<" 8etrieved 233<G3>G
Shakee /ffer 5oneF" $ew Cork #imes" 1; Apri 1<;<" 8etrieved 233<G3>G21"
FJapanese 5rug %orporation #o Se 4 Units, Incuding ShakeeF" $ew Cork #imes" E Apri 2334"
8etrieved 233<G3>G21"
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Journa" E Apri 2334" 8etrieved 233<G3>G21"

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