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Table of Contents

ONERS OVERVIEW....................................................................................... 6
MULTI BUSINESS, REGION, STORE ............................................................6
SECURITY ACCESS ...............................................................................6
STORE MANAGER......................................................................................... 6
ITEM MASTER.....................................................................................7
ITEM CODE........................................................................................7
SELLING PRICE ...................................................................................7
PURCHASE INFORMATION.......................................................................8
STOCK LEVEL .....................................................................................8
VENDOR LIST .....................................................................................8
COST AND MARGIN...............................................................................8
ITEM TYPE .........................................................................................8
BARCODE ..........................................................................................9
NON MERCHANDISE .............................................................................9
BRAND .............................................................................................9
ITEM PRICE CHECKING..........................................................................9
BARCODE SEARCH................................................................................9
PRINT TO ..........................................................................................9
ITEM GROUP ......................................................................................9
ITEM LISTING...................................................................................10
SELF SCAN ......................................................................................10
CATEGORY MANAGEMENT ......................................................................... 10
PROMOTION MANAGEMENT ...................................................................... 10
ITEM PROMOTION..............................................................................10
PURCHASE ON PURCHASE PROMO...........................................................11
MULTI BUY PROMO............................................................................11
TIME PROMO....................................................................................11
BLANKET PROMO...............................................................................11
BRAND PROMO .................................................................................11
RAFFLE PROMO.................................................................................11
STORE WIDE PROMO ..........................................................................11
FREE GOODS....................................................................................11
CONCESSIONAIRE / CONSIGNMENT .........................................................11
PRICE CHANGE MANAGEMENT .................................................................. 11
PRICE CHANGE SCHEDULE....................................................................11
NEW VENDOR AND NEW ITEM LISTING MANAGEMENT ........................... 11
INTERFACES............................................................................................... 12
HAND HELD TERMINAL INTERFACE .........................................................12
HAND HELD POCKET PC WITH WIFI ....................................................... 29
DIGITAL SCALE INTERFACE...................................................................12
HOME DELIVERY........................................................................................ 12
HOME DELIVERY ...............................................................................12
MINI WHOLESALE...................................................................................... 12
CUSTOMER LOYALTY MANAGEMENT ......................................................... 13
MEMBERS POINTS AND REDEMPTION .......................................................13
MATRIX GRID FOR FASHION / SHOE ........................................................ 14
ITEM MATRIX ...................................................................................14
PURCHASE & RECEIVING MANAGEMENT .................................................. 14
TYPES OF PURCHASES .........................................................................14
Local Purchases.............................................................................14
Central Purchases ..........................................................................14
Head Office Allocation ....................................................................14
Quick PO.......................................................................................15
Matrix PO......................................................................................15
Hand Held Terminal .......................................................................15
Supplier ........................................................................................15
Approval .......................................................................................15
PO Status......................................................................................15
RECEIVING ......................................................................................15
Without PO ...................................................................................15
Exception Receiving .......................................................................15
Fast Receiving ...............................................................................15
Matrix PO......................................................................................15
Label Printing ................................................................................15
SUPPLIER PERFORMANCE .....................................................................15
RETURNS ........................................................................................15
LABELS PRINTING MANAGEMENT............................................................. 16
Item Selection...............................................................................16
DIGITAL SCALE INTERFACE MANAGEMENT .............................................. 16
DEPT SCALE I/F (OPTIONAL FEATURE)....................................................16
LOSS PREVENTION .................................................................................... 17

LOSS PREVENTION .............................................................................17
SALES ADJUSTMENT ...........................................................................18
INVENTORY MANAGEMENT ....................................................................... 18
MULTI LOCATION ..............................................................................18
SHOP FLOOR LOCATION ......................................................................18
Stock Transfers..............................................................................18
Receiving location..........................................................................18
Multi Location stock balance ...........................................................18
ITEM MOVEMENT...............................................................................18
INTER STORE TRANSFER......................................................................18
STOCK TAKE ....................................................................................19
STOCK TAKE STATUS ..........................................................................19
PHYSICAL COUNT ENTRY .....................................................................19
STOCK TAKE CONSOLIDATION................................................................19
HAND HELD TERMINAL........................................................................19
STOCK ADJUSTMENT...........................................................................19
CUSTOMER SELF SERVICE ......................................................................... 19
CUSTOMER SERVICE KIOSK ..................................................................20
POS CONFIGURATION ............................................................................... 20
TENDER ..........................................................................................21
CUSTOMER ORDER .............................................................................22
CONCESSIONAIRE ..............................................................................22
CLOSING REPORTS .............................................................................22
NON MERCHANDISE ...........................................................................22
POS SECURITY .................................................................................23
POS USER.......................................................................................23
POS MENU......................................................................................23
KEYBOARD SETTING ...........................................................................23
RECEIPT PRINT LINES..........................................................................23
PRINTER SETTINGS ............................................................................23
TABLE SETTINGS ...............................................................................23
ELECTRONIC JOURNAL ........................................................................23
CASH MANAGEMENT ...........................................................................23
REMARKS ........................................................................................23
PAY IN/OUT ....................................................................................23
CUSTOMER RETURN ...........................................................................24
SPOT CHECK ....................................................................................24
TENDER REPORT ...............................................................................24
CASH LIFT.......................................................................................24
END OF SHIFT ..................................................................................24
CUSTOMER DISPLAY ...........................................................................24
TAXES ............................................................................................25
REPORTING................................................................................................ 25
SIGNBOARD .....................................................................................26
DAILY REPORT..................................................................................26
WEEKLY REPORT ...............................................................................26
MONTHLY REPORT .............................................................................26
TOP ITEM........................................................................................26
SUPPLIER SALES................................................................................26
SUPPLIER PERFORMANCE .....................................................................26
NON MERCHANDISE SALES....................................................................26
ADDITIONAL CHARGE..........................................................................26
POS CONSOLIDATED SALES & TENDERS...................................................27
TENDER TRANSACTION ........................................................................27
TENDER BALANCING ...........................................................................27
DISCOUNT TRANSACTIONS ...................................................................27
QUEUE MANAGEMENT .........................................................................27
CASHIER PERFORMANCE ......................................................................27
DAILY HOURLY SALES .........................................................................27
WEEKLY HOURLY SALES .......................................................................27
DAILY CONCESSIONAIRE......................................................................27
MONTHLY CONCESSIONAIRE .................................................................28
CUSTOMER ORDER.............................................................................28
SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION ....................................................................... 28
REVENUE CENTRE..............................................................................28
SYSTEM SECURITY .............................................................................28
SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION....................................................................28
STORE OPERATIONS.................................................................................. 29
NETWORK & TECHNICAL INFRASTRUCTURE ............................................ 29
OFFLINE .........................................................................................29
SALES UPDATE..................................................................................29


Tool for Store Operations Management and HQ Merchandise Management. It enables HQ and StoreManagement to :
effectively and efficiently response to competition,
closely monitoring store profitability,
monitor and control stock level,
Monitors, manages and controls in the context of Loss Prevention. majority of retail requirements are configurable at store
or from HQ
Retail Operations Users are tightly packed busy schedules and workloads, this System provides a tool that an effective
retail environment will need.

Multi Business, region, store

Manages various business formats from the HQ Merchandise system, i.e. The business units, store formats can be
classified into business, regions and stores, where each outlet can carry their own range of merchandise from different
vendors, buying at different
prices, selling at different prices and having promotions at individual outlets.
The choice of controlling these business requirements can be made from head Office or authorized at outlets.
New merchandise can be listed and initiated from outlet with unique needs but approved by HQ.
New item barcode, cost and selling prices can be initiated at outlet and update to HQ
Allocate stock qty from HQ imported or HQ purchase stock
Consolidate Store requested stock qty, approve, amend or reject qty, then send single
PO to vendor where vendor will delivery according to delivery instructions
Manage and monitor store performance
Manage and monitor vendor performance,

Security Access

Access rights to the modules are controlled by the associated privileges given to each user.
Changes to the Office system can be made directly from the Office system or apply the changes from the Head Office
Merchandise through a series of communications protocol defined by the Retailers.


Quick glance of all items is viewed with Browse View in which user can easily redefinewhat field columns to display and is
able to sort these fields in ascending and descending order.
Stock Item code can be manually input by user or auto generated by user predefinedcode number and length.
Search products by entering product name.
Search products by entering part product code.
Search products by scanning barcodes

Item Code

Auto generate item code by predefined criteria and length

Auto generate item code embedded with Department, Category and Sub Category codes
as part of Item code by predefined criteria and length
Manual assign item code

Selling Price

Handle multiple selling price level for various group of customers, e.g. Trade customers, VIP members, Loyalty customers,
Handle multiple pricing for the same item selling in the same premises but in different locations, e.g. Restaurant, Retail,
Bar Pub, etc.
Selling in piece but received in weight

Purchase Information

Maintain item stock Unit of Measurement in Pack and Unit. The UOM information is used in Purchasing, Receiving, Stock
Taking, Stock Balance, etc throughout all the modules. Eg. Balance of 3 cartons 6 packs of Master Milk. (12 packs=1 ctn)
Buying by the carton pack or by per order quantity.
Allow primary supplier or multiple suppliers for each Stock Item. The choice to allow multi suppliers can be defined at
Department Category level.
Stock Purchases are definable by :
Auto Purchase generation based on stock level and suggested order quantity.
Manual Purchase on demand.
Order taking using hand held terminal
Fixed ordering schedule by day of the week
Replace stocks based on what have been sold

Stock Level

With each item settings on the minimum and maximum stock level allowable for each store, the System can help to
prevent overstock or under stock situations.
Each item can use auto Purchase function in PO Planner to generate Purchase Order to suppliers on item stock that needs
stock replenishment or order to the maximum stock allowed.
A single Item can be defined to sell at Unit level or Pack Level while the inventory balance is maintained at the item level.
Eg. 1 pack of 6 cans of San Miguel beer at $ 6.00 and each can of beer is sold at $ 1.00. The stock balance of San Miguel
beer can show 18 packs and 3 cans left.

Vendor List

For each stock item, all vendors supplying this product are listed. The cost from eachvendor may differ. However, if the
stock item is fixed to a Primary vendor, only this vendor can supply to this store.
All items supplied by each vendor are also shown and grouped under that vendor.

Cost and margin

Stocks are maintained with Unit Cost and Pack Cost as well as average unit cost.
Stock margin is definable by Margin $ or Margin % computed from Unit cost or compute margin from Cost and Retail Price.
Recommended Selling Price is computed from Department suggested margin %
Store can change cost price and margin to items at category level as allowed by HQ.
Certain stock pricing can be controlled by HQ or determined by store to whom they purchase from. The margin can be
recalculated to product the selling price within the allowed margin percentage defined by HQ.

Item type

Stock Item can be defined to do the followings :

To maintain inventory stock balance
A normal item or item sold by weight or by length. Can handle item sold by length such as curtains, table cloth,
etc at the POS.
Handle item sold by weight at POS, from the information obtained from the weighing scale showing either the
price amount due to pay or the actual weight of the item. The System can handle both methods of defining the
weight item.
Weigh by fixed price, eg. Spring chicken at $4.50 each, regardless of weight and size
No further discounts from promotions, customer loyalty, trade discounts, etc are applicable for lowest priced item.
Allow what stock is to be purchased from suppliers or receive delivery from Distribution Centre only.
Capture Expiry date at POS for Items requiring expiry date.

Capture Batch number at POS for Items requiring batch input

Capture Serial Number at POS for Items requiring Serial number input.
Define whether the item is for retailing or for internal consumptions.
Define whether the item is Returnable from customer or to suppliers
Define whether the item is a Recipe which in turn is another recipe
Define whether the item is a Production Item such as chicken buns and the production quantity is tracked in the
inventory after production
Define whether the item is a Combo item where all child items inventory are deducted after sales of the Combo
Define whether the item is a Transformation item, such as a cow carcass where the carcass is cut into 5 primal
parts and subdivided into further products. Each level of the products inventories is tracked and carries different
retail prices.
Physically delete after specified days and only when the stock balance is 0.


Each stock item may contain multiple barcodes of any symbology.

Support Unit Barcode for item selling as loose unit such as can of Coke
Support outer Pack Barcode for item selling as Pack such as pack of 6 can of Cokes
Support barcode with weight embedded or price embedded
All barcodes sales inventories are updated to only one item code.

Non Merchandise

Define Service charge item (user define) e.g. Stamps, phone cards, photo development,
gift wrappings, etc. These merchandise are not tax applicable, and the sales captured at POS are reported separately.


Items are defined to order from preferred suppliers or from alternate suppliers, which is further dependant on Item
The System shows Items supplied by all vendors as well as all items supplied by each vendor.
Vendors can be local or foreign suppliers with foreign currencies and exchange rate linked to it.
Individual and specific Purchase Order formats pertaining to particular group of suppliers can be defined and printed


Brands name can be defined and linked to Items.

Brands performance indication is available to review sales performance by Brand.
Brand promotion applicable for all items under that Brand within a give period.

Item Price

A Stock Item can be retrieved by scanning the product barcode and check the Item
information from a remote workstation to ensure the Item has been listed and registered in the Item Database.

Barcode Search

After receiving a stock at the receiving bay and before the item is put on the shelf, the product barcode can be scanned to
ensure that the product barcode is registered.

Print to

This indicates the bar counter, caf or kitchen printer where the order of this item is confirmed and printed for the chef to
prepare. Used in Food & Beverage environment.


Provides item information for shelf arrangement, such as Lane, Bay, Row, Facing, etc.
This information can be selected and print on Shelf Labels
The data can also be interface to Space Management Program

Item Group

When 2 quarters and 1 whole Watermelon are sold, the quantity sold is 1.5 Melon, instead of 3 pieces sold. Inventory
balance is at Whole Melon.
If 3 slices of Cake sold from a Cake cut into 8 slices, quantity sold is 3/8 Cake instead of 3 whole cakes sold. Inventory
balance is at Whole Cake.
This information eliminates the confusion in Stock Balance and Stock Take.

Item Listing

List Item Stock Balances, Cost Price, Selling Price, Item Margin, etc by various sorting order such as Department, Brand,
Range, Vendor, etc.
Item Movement List by Department
Non Moving Items since a specific date and sorting order by Department, Brand, Vendor, etc.
Exception listing
Negative stock balances
Over Stock Items
Under Stock Items
Cost greater than selling price

Self Scan

Ability to interface to Customer Self Scan Device.

Category Management

Each Stock Item linked a Category Structure. When there is a Category restructuring the item is relinked to another
Category without any hassle. No need to delete and recreate the item.
Upto six levels of Category Structure, default is three levels.
At the Category structure level, there are many definitions in which user can configure
and define themselves :
Allowing multiple vendors for an item.
Allowing over receiving for an item.
Measure the sales target performance for the Department managers
Special Receipts printing requirements
Discounts allowable for customer to buy items in that Category
Discounts allowable for Employee to buy items in that Category

Monitor and track shrinkages of specific categories such as Perishables items.

Category can be opened to store to amend cost and selling price to enable competition.

Promotion Management

Many types of Promotions applicable for most retailers are available. Classified group of
promotions are :
Item Promotion,
Purchase on Purchase Promotion,
Multi Buy Promotion,
Time Promotion,
Blanket Promotion,
Brand Promotion,
Raffle Promotion, etc.
Most of the promotions can be configured to be effective only when certain criteria are met, such as :
minimum transaction spent,
minimum quantity purchased and
maximum quantity or
Promotion packages allowed for each transaction.
The cashiers does not need to sort out the items before scanning, the Systems POS will handle the tasks automatically
and removes the stress of handling the POS system.
The Systems POS will also prompt the cashiers of the Promotional Bundling items when one promotion item is scanned. So
that the customer can be reminded of the ongoing promotion.

Item Promotion

Configuring discounts for to certain group of customers

Buy item X and Item Y get Item Z free. All items can be at different prices
Buy any 3 different items or same item out of a group 10 different items. All items can be same or different prices.
Buy 2 item X and get Item Y at $1.00
Buy 4 Item X get $5 off
Buy 3 Item X for $21.50, Normal price at $9.00 each
Buy 2 Item X or more @ each $3.50
Can impose minimum qualifying qty for the promotion basket
Can impose maximum qty allowed for the promotion basket
Can impose minimum qualifying transaction amount for the promotion basket
Promotion description is printed on receipt
Promotion alert prompt description shown on cashier display to advice customer of the promotion

Purchase on Purchase Promo

Buy Item A and get Item C free

Multi Buy Promo

Buy 1 Item X at $5,

buy 2 Item X at $4 each,
buy 5 Item X at $3 each and
buy above 10 Item X at $2.00 each

Time Promo

Happy hour promotion, able to handle multiple time frame within the same day of the same item

Blanket Promo

Buy Item X in Category A and get Item Y in Category B at half price

Buy Item X in Category A and get Item Y in Category B free

Brand Promo

All items under Nestle or P&G at 20% discount

Brand promotion for only items among other items with the same brand in a transaction.
Limited for minimum amount spent in the same transaction.

Raffle Promo

Lucky draw for every 50 customer within the store

Mystery gift for every 100 customer or 1,000,000 customer within the store
Raffle promotion by revenue centre

Store Wide promo

Allow % off all transactions in store

Free Goods

System supports sale of Free Goods (I.e. Sale and cost price equal zero dollars)

Concessionaire and Consignment Management

Concessionaire /Consignment

Suppliers providing concess items and sales through the POS checkouts are able to track on the sales amount and sold
quantities for each concessionaire.
Concess Reports detailing the periodic sales figure, quantities sold and deduct the tax withhold amount, basic rental fee,
three level commission fees due to the landlord based on sales performance to work out the amount payable to the
Consignment goods are also tracked to identify the sales performance of the consignment goods.
Generate secured encrypted price on barcodes on price tag so as to minimize the total number of SKUs for consess and
consign items and not to allow suppliers to meddle with the database. At the same time, track each sales transactions.

rice Change Man

Price Change Schedule

All item price changes are listed here. The list can be printed in full list or 1 day or 2 days in advance of the effective dates
to the POS and enable operations ample time to prepare the store for the price changes.
Selling Price can be determined from HQ and populate to all.
To allow rapid response to competition at shop floor, specific items price can be edited at store level and update to HQ

New Vendor and New Item Listing Management

HQ Initiate
New Item and New Vendor are listed at Head Office and respective outlets will receive new vendor and new products
Store Initiate
Remote stores can list new vendors and new products from their outlets and obtain approval from Head Office
Approved new products and vendor are updated back to the outlets

Hand Held Terminal Interface

Full Item Master data is exportable to Hand Held Terminal for Price Verification at the Shop Floor.
Capture stock code, stock barcode and quantity to order for Stock Ordering
Stock receiving based on outstanding Purchase Order
Capture missing shelf labels stock to print shelf labels
Capture stock code, barcode and stock balance quantity in each stock location during stock take
Stock returns

Hand Held Pocket PC with WiFi

To the Office System

Stock Take
Purchase Order
Labels Receiving
Price Checking
Stock Balance Checking
Returns Inward
Returns Outward
To Wholesale Stock Take
Purchase Order
Stock Balance Checking
Returns Inward
Returns Outward
Self Scan Queue Buster
Dining Menu Ordering
Fastfood Delivery
Digital Scale Interface

Ability to send weight items data to digital scales via Ethernet LAN connection.

Home Delivery
Home Delivery

Home delivery service provided by the retailer can use the Home Delivery notes to handle deliveries to the customers.
Cashier can select items for delivery and customer can sign the confirmed delivery items, and fill in the delivery
Items for delivery is move to delivery section or pick from storage area and printed on delivery order for delivery.
Dial & Delivery
Delivery arranged for members who dial and order departmental and grocery items.
Fast Food Delivery
Delivery arrangement for food & beverage
Delivery drivers, turnaround time performance analysis

Mini Wholesale
Provide items at wholesale price for cash & carry customers and trade customer
Customer order and pick list generated at store to hand pick the stock
Invoice generated at the point of sales

Customer Loyalty Management

Members points and redemption

Customers database information is maintained for use in Home Delivery Service and Loyalty Programme.

New Member Application Form filled in by customer and submit to HQ forapproval. Once approved, the
outlet will be updated with the new membership electronically.
Electronic Membership Application Approval input the Retail Outlet and submits electronically to HQ for
approval. Once approved, the outlet will be updated with the new membership electronically.
Electronic membership renewal Renewal available at outlets
Each customer can apply for unlimited number membership types
Customer family can apply for Principal and Supplementary cards
Customer Benefits
Point accumulation from purchase transaction amount based on the preset dollar to point conversion formula.
Point accumulation automatically integrated to OneRS POS system at the point of sales transaction.
Previously accumulated Points redeemable at the point of purchases based on the preset dollar to point conversion
Point redemption automatically integrated to OneRS POS system at the point of sales transaction and the redeemed points
are deducted from customer balance.
Privilege purchased discount for VIP members at Transaction or Item level

Purchase Voucher convertible from points accumulated and Vouchers transferable.

Soon to be expired points convertible to Purchase Vouchers for Customer.
Where to redeem

Customer Redemption available at :

POS Checkout
Outlet Administration Office
Where toaccumulate

Member Sales Transactions and Accumulation of points can be done at :

Automatically at the POS Checkout
Outlet Administration Office

Different Promotional period for Different Membership Type

Different Promotional activities for Different Membership Type
Different Promotional discounts for Different Membership Type
Customer Communications

Customer Mailing List

Membership Listing
Membership Balance Points
Loyalty Performance

Membership Spending Summary

Membership Transaction detail listing
Transaction analysis
Points Redemption
Transaction listing by individual outlet/store
Top Spender
Supplementary Member Report
Item Sales Analysis
Top Item Sales Summary
Top Item Sales by individual outlet/store
Member statistic
Weekly Spending Analysis. Consolidate or by individual outlet/store
Yearly spending analysis. Consolidate or by individual outlet/store


Item Matrix

Maintain Color & sizes Matrix Grid tying to Master Item for Shoes, Fashion, etc.
All grid items have their own specific item and barcode and maintain their own inventory balance.
View Matrix Grid inventory at detail matrix grid level
Purchase Ordering can view stock balance in matrix grid format and define the required qty in grid form as Purchase Order
to supplier
Stock Receiving comes in matrix grid format for ease of reference to PO and Color &


Purchase & Receiving Management

Types of Purchases

In Stock Purchasing and Receiving, concurrently the System can support :

Local Supplier Purchases
Central Purchases from Head Office
Head Office Stock Allocations

Local Purchases

Automatic purchase replenishment when stock reaches reorder level or to fill up to maximum stock level.

Central Purchases

Purchase Requisition made to Head Office where these PR is verified and approved before consolidating to central
distribution or suppliers.
Rejected PR is sent to stores.
Approved PR or Qty modified PR is updated to Stores and awaiting for receiving.

Head Office Allocation

Seasonal stock purchase by HQ and allocate to Stores for sales. Store will receive HQ PO status and awaits for stock
Reordering Method
Reordering products by reorder level
Maximum Reordering
By hand held device
Just in Time Off Take Formula to replenish stock by the time the stock arrives on formula based on balance stock, delivery
lead time, purchase processing lead time, etc.

Quick PO

Allows Quick ordering to minimize data input.

Duplicate previous Purchase Order to repeat order
Standard PO template for regular orders.

Matrix PO

Purchases by Matrix quantities chart.

Hand Held Terminal

Able to support purchase order entry and processing via Portable Data Entry Terminal.
Ability to use Portable Data Entry Terminal for receiving


Preferred Supplier and alternate supplier management by Departments

Purchase cost of the specific supplier is retrieved for the PO
Promotional Purchase cost by the supplier is taken if the PO date is within the promotion date range Promo free goods
- Free goods to company (print in Loss Prevent)
- Free goods to customer (print in Loss Prevent)


PO approval process by Managers only is definable

PO Status

PO Status at a glance :
Outstanding receive
Partial received
Full received
Confirmed PO


System can define to handle partial receive or allow full receive

Partial Receive Multi stock deliveries allowable against a single PO. A Receipt
Note is generated for each receiving.
Full Receive If Full Received is defined, a PO will be closed after a single delivery, regardless whether all stock has been
received or not.

Without PO

Stock Receiving without a corresponding PO is definable which allows user to receive stocks in advance.

Exception Receiving

Stock receiving made easier by receiving with quantity exception only.

Fast Receiving

To minimize data entry and speed up receiving.

Matrix PO

Receiving by Matrix quantities chart.

Label Printing

Item Labels and Tag Labels can be printed to attach barcode printer based on the system description, selling price and
Number of Labels printed will be based on the item quantities received.

Supplier Performance

Supplier Performance measurements, Receiving against purchases over a given period.

Supplier returns are registered with specific reasons.
Return Note generated and inventory updated.


Labels Printing is for printing of shelf labels when a price change has been applied or for new store opening.

Item Selection

Selection of individual Item is definable to select by Item Code and Barcode.

Items under a certain category are selectable for label printing.
Further Item selection filtering :
Include or exclude weight and length items
Select all or price changed items
Select all items after a specific date.

Weighing Scale is for interfacing to Digital weighing scales, which are Ethernet enabled to
download, weigh item price changes to the scales.

Dept Scale I/F

(Optional Feature)

Extracts all affected dept scale data.

The Systems Back Office interface to back end scales via Interfacing drivers
Download all scale data to dept scales
Prints downloaded scale items


Functions in Loss Preventions enable retailers with a tool to monitor and keep track of the shrinkages, the patterns and
possible trends of pilferage.


Yield Management of perishable items

Yield percentage is defined for perishable items
Detail and Summary of Yield Performance to measure the profitability of these items.


Register, track and measure perishable item disposal.

Detail and summary reports to measure the disposal cost against potential sales lost.


Manufacturing of in-house production of cakes, breads, buns, etc, where produced stock quantity is added to the stock.
Ingredients used for the production are deducted from the inventory.
Sales of the produced cakes, bread or buns deduct the inventory.

Loss Prevention

POS transactions that needs constant monitoring such as below are available :
Number of Item discounts given and total amount discounted
Open of times cash drawer has been opened for non cash transactions
Number of times Item sold without scanning, velocity keys, fast keys
Number of times the POS terminal has been closed
Number of times the POS terminal has been opened
Number of post voided transactions
Number of price overridden items
Number of times POS Reports are printed
Number of reprinted POS receipts
Number of Customer returns and total amount returned
Number of suspended transactions
Number of training mode are engaged
Number of transaction cancelled
Number of transaction discounts and amount given
The above summary listings are available by Store, by Revenue Centre, by POS or by

Sales Adjustment

Use by authorised user to make daily sales adjustments to its actual status due to mistakes by cashiers.
Adjustments applicable to individual pos or cashier, or by Dept.
Applicable to tender payment type

Inventory Management
Multi Location

Allows multi location within the store.

Shop Floor Location

Default location for shop floor sales.

Stock Transfers

Stock transfer between location and between branches.

Receiving location

Default stock receiving location but also allows stock allocation to other stock locations.

Multi Location Stock Balance

Stock balance in multiple locations for each item.

Item Movement

Item transaction movement in the stores is available for view and print. The detail types
of transactions available are:
Item Sales transaction
Stock Receiving
Item Production
Customer Return
Return to Supplier
Transfer in from other outlets
Transfer out to other outlets
Stock Adjustments for expired, damage, disposal, internal consumptions, etc.
Detail listing of the above available by date range.

Transform Manage various level of stock inventory of the carcass after being dissected into the respective portion
Manage related items and track inventory like return bottles, tables and chairs
Production Manage in-house production of confectionery, cakes and track inventory
Inter Store Transfer
Stock transfer between outlets is managed by issuing Stock Transfer In and Stock Transfer Out Notes.
Transfer of stock to and from Warehouse
Transfer stock quantities are updated to the stock inventory accordingly.
Stock Issuing store generate a file which can be picked up by the receiving store before the transferred stock arrives.
The receiving store can load the transferred file and receive the stock without re-entering all data again.

Stock Take

Able to perform stock take during business hours without disrupting normal business operations.
Allows Stock Taking while continuing business as usual concurrently.
All system stocks, transition stocks and physical counted stock are reconciled before posting to system stock balances.
Schedule stock take locally

Stock Take Status

Enable the OneRS to proceed to stock take mode.

Physical Count Entry

Print stock list prior to the stock take

All stock system balance, item descriptions and item codes are available for printing which helps the stock takers in their
Stock take staff input counted quantity into the Physical count screen by stock and stock take locations.
Ability to use Portable Data Entry Terminal for stock counting and can be interfaced to the system.
Physical count list printed for cross checking or for stock recount.
Multiple stock take data input
Physical stock count entry

Stock take consolidation

System stock balance, transit stock balance, physical count stock balance, stock variances and stock cost are viewed and
printed for consolidation.
Stock adjustments made based on recommended variances
Physical stock adjustment posting to update actual stock

Hand Held Terminal

The process of stock take can be made easier by using Hand Held Terminal interfacing.

Stock Adjustment Stock Adjustment allows user to make adjustment to stock balance such
Return expired stock
Return or write off damaged stock
Adjustment for disposed perishable stock
Used for internal consumptions
Write Off
Many more
Adjustment Notes are generated for the adjustment transactions created.
System supports reason codes for inventory adjustments
Produce report summarizing inventory adjustments


Display Store Stock-On-Hand for all or selected product(s)

Received item
Transfer in / out items and quantities
Inventory adjustments can be restricted to certain users.
Customer Return stock updated to inventory
Supplier Return stock deducted to inventory
Goods Return Note printed for Supplier Return


Customer Service Kiosk

Allows customer to browse and search shop floor by various search criteria :
Product name, title, etc
Manufacturer, publisher, etc
Classification type,
Promotion activities
Language, etc
Current available top performing items
Item location at shop floor

POS Configuration

Systems handles multi lingual product descriptions, such as Chinese, English, Thai, etc.
Supports configurating preset buttons for some products on the POS keyboards centrally from the back office
Configuration of Department open sales (eg. Items without barcode) centrally from the back office.
Allows sales of items without barcode to be recorded.
Supports cash reconciliation by cashier
Supports cash reconciliation by POS terminal
Float Entry (Standard default float amount or cashier enter float)
For convenience stores, the cashier may work before and after End of Day. System must
allow for one cashier reconciliation in this case, but still assign the sales to the correct
days. E.g. 24 hrs operations.
Pay-outs/receipts (petty cash) management and restricted to certain users
Record cash lifts on system
Support and set multiple tender types centrally
Allow setting split payments using multiple tender types for dining establishments
Ability to define and configure new tender types in the system
Supports different tender types for different stores.
Unlimited number of tender types can be configured and used
Accepts Gift Voucher as redemption
Define over tender
Define under tender
Define balance
Supports dual receipts
Convert to total KG sales for weigh items sold
Convert to total meter length sold for textile items


Supports unlimited types of tenders, common tenders as follows :

Gift Vouchers as a separate tender type
Credit card / Debit cards multiple
Credit Sales customer take stock and paying at end of month through accounting system
Foreign Currency multiple
Electronic Fund Transfer multiple
Validation Slips
Cash Back
System configured not to allow change to be given centrally
Cash Change definable : If a customer spends $19.50 and tenders a $20 Gift Voucher (i.e. no change is not given), the
system tracks the discrepancy
Individual Gift Vouchers redemption number available for tracking
Ability to frank Gift Voucher on Slip Printer with details such as time, date, and cashier
Two levels of cash amount allowable for each cash drawer, beyond which the POS is forced to execute cash pick up by
authorized staff.
Cash pick - first warning amount threshold
Cash pick - Freeze amount threshold
Foreign Currency exchange rate definable
Cheque formatting
Many of the tenders transaction and action can set for authorised staff only
Minimum transactions amount set for the type of tenders
Maximum transactions amount allowed for the type of tender
Maximum price override amount defined for the cashier
Discount applicable for the tender
Customer Signature line definable to print on the receipt
Validation print line definable to print on the receipt
Allow under tender
Allow over tender
Allow Open drawer for non cash transactions
Card authorization can be restricted to authorized staff only
Credit cards transaction can select the type of information to be printed on the receipt :
Card number, card holder name, expiry date, trace number, etc
Types of denomination definable for Gift Vouchers, eg. $50, $100, etc.
Support Fast Tendering buttons such $5, $10 and $50
Supports rounding down to nearest 5c,10c, $10, $100, $1000 amount
Sales reports show gross sales (i.e. $6.99) and cashier / tendering reports show net
sales (i.e. $6.95)


Able to define various discounts type used

Discount by $ amount, eg. S10
Discount by %, eg, 5%
Discount by transaction level : eg. 10%
Trade discounts : Sub contractor is 20%
Associates discounts : Mall Tenants is 10%
Member discount : 30% off
Discount by entering the discount percentage at line items
Discount by entering the discount percentage for the total
Discount by entering the discount dollar amount for line items
Discount by entering the discount dollar amount for the total
Discount - Customer @ item / @ transaction level
Discount - Transaction (over item discount)
Discount - store (with promo from & to date)
Discount - Sub Category
Discount Brand
Discount Employee
Discount Associates
Discount - Customer @ store level
Discount authorisation definable for senior staff only
Minimum transaction amount needed to qualify for discount definable
Able to define Validation needed
Able to define Customer Signature line on receipt

Customer order

For Ordering of stock items in advanced such as Christmas Roast Turkey, roast ham, gift hampers and collect on Christmas
eve. (Layaway)
Place a request for an item not usually available, such as a special book, Music CD or Camera.
Prints customer receipt for deposit
Able to define to print Transaction barcode on receipt so as to enable scanning of receipt barcode to retrieve transaction.
Ability to print single receipt, dual receipt or detail receipts
Define to print customer signature line
Order number length, Prefix and Suffix are definable for this type of transactions
Casher prompt for each step
Order Deposit by absolute dollar amount or % of transaction amount
Expiry date of the order definable such as all Turkey orders expired on 27th Dec
Prompt for collection Date, customer name, hand phone no, telephone no, email address
Cancellation Fee applicable for any cancellation
Layaway deposit minimum amount
Layaway cancel fee
Layaway number of days
Layaway adjustment security
Layaway write off - security
Layaway report security
Layaway / special order policy print to customer
Deposit report
Customer delivery information :
Customer delivery service fee - POS
The Systems Merchandise and list of total no of customers
Show total of customers on list


Define vendors supplying concessionary or consignment items

Tax amount withhold from sales amount collected on behalf concess and consign vendors.
Basic rental fee applied for each concessionaire
Three levels of sales commission due from the sales of each concessionaire or consignment vendors.
Detail listing of Concessionaire and Consignment vendors available for sales reconciliation

Closing reports

Two major closing are End of Shift (X-Read) and End of Day (Z-Read)
The types of required reports for these two POS closing can be selected from a list of pull down report lists.
Arrange sequentially, the EOS and EOD jobs will print only the selected reports

Non Merchandise

Configuration for sales of merchandise which are unique in nature, such as Stamps, Car park coupons, Gift Vouchers. Some
may not be taxable at the point of sales.
Merchandise Group of this merchandise definable
Needs senior authority for sales
Ability to prompt amount or default amount
Ability to allow editable amount
Ability to allow discount
Allow employee discounts
Specific Tax class applicable definable
Signature line printable on receipt
Validation Line printable on receipt
Reference number of Merchandise definable

POS security

POS User are classified into groups and each group have their specific access rights and privileges to perform each
functional tasks

POS user

Each POS user are attached to their specific groups and the access rights are inherited from the group

POS Menu

The POS Screen menu options are definable, eg. Main Menu, Sub Menu, Functions, etc.
Detail settings of the menu and functions are :
Sequential arrangement of the functional buttons
Font of the function text
Color of the function text
Functional Button Text are editable

Keyboard setting

Used for defining the Function Keys on the Keyboards and tie to a specific
Also used for defining the keys on programmable keyboard.
Set department keys

Receipt print lines

Configurable titles, unlimited header and footer lines. Maintain centrally

All print lines editable
Support for graphics
System has standard receipt formats for Standard Transactions
System allows some user defining of receipt layout and options.
Receipt Logos

Printer settings

Multiple printer setup and configurations available, such as Bar Counter, Cashier, Ordering, Kitchen, etc.

Multi Language settings

Various printer behaviour such as skip no of lines for which print definable, font size, etc.

Table settings Define the number and arrangement of tables and sitting location in a dining establishment
Electronic Journal

Supports Electronic Journal Roll (EJR)

Search EJR for transaction at store
Search EJR for transaction at head office
EJR numbers transaction sequentially

Cash Management Define Cash Pickup, Float and Balancing Authorized access level.
Remarks Text remarks of special customer request in Dining establishment
Pay In/Out

Supports Cash Pay-outs with reason code (ie for petty cash items)
Supports Cash Pay-ins (ie for vending machine in the Systems Merchandise)
Supports Cash Loan with Security

Customer Return

Supports Customer Return

Supports Customer exchange
Maintain Return Stock in inventory

Spot Check

System supports Cashier Spot Check (ie mid shift reconciliation, and then end of shift reconciliation).
System can track discrepancies for mid and end of shift reconciliation
Chief cashier can adjust discrepancies out of the cashier's float if discrepancies are found in Spot Check.

Tender Report

Monthly report that lists by cashier by day the amount a cashier was either over or under, or if they balanced, and can
calculate the cashier accuracy based on (# of days cashier till balanced / # of days cashier worked)
Calculates "cashier incentive payment" based on monthly sales processed by cashier multiplied by user defined
percentage (ie $100,000 * 0.05% = $50)
Export the employee number and cashier incentive payment to payroll system

Cash Lift

System records amount of cash withdrawn from cash draw.

System prints receipt with cashier number and cash lift amount

End of Shift

System provides a cashier report at the end of shift (including summary of tender types, money declared, pay-ins, payouts, number of voids, Post voids, returns, discounts, coupons etc ...)
System supports Money Declaration
End Of Shift / End Of Day deposit
Sales/totals reconcile
Petty cash records

End of Day

End of day process can be authorized by Manager, Supervisor only

System provides a total report at the end of day - by cashier / by terminal
System electronically sends summary of chief cashiers actual banking information to
head office
Print End of Day History Report (Journal)
Sales Summary / Reporting
Item changes / Promotions update
Sales data extraction and upload
Print only Sales Summary
Print Tender / Cash Balancing
Cash balancing against system or by blind balancing
X Reads - Cashier Report
Z Reads - End Of Day Reports
Cash Balance by cashier or by terminal

Customer Display

User definable customer display message to appear at various stages

Scroll " Welcome to CK S&S, The Great People"
Closed message "CLOSED"
Sign off message "Next Lane Please"
Locked message Next Lane Please


User define Bagger ID and name

Bagger name printed on customer receipt who helped the customer to pack the items into bag
Able to trace to the bagger, cashier and POS number if discrepancies found by the customer


All taxes are user definable and configurable.

System supports GST / VAT by item
Service charge calculation, eg 10%
CESS calculation for entertainment 1%



Concentration of all Reports in the Reporting Modules

Specific reports pertaining to their functions are in the same functional module
All reporting formats are editable and are protected by password that changes daily
All reports can be either viewed on screen or printed
Ability to view all reports before printing
Summary level and detail level reporting available
Supports reporting by Product Hierarchy (ie Group, Department, Class)
Reports can be run at any time of the day
All reports can be run for user defined Date range (ie sales from 23/4 to 26/4)
User can configure what report to be printed during the end-of-day process
Access to reports can be restricted to certain users
Export feature allows data to be exported to Microsoft Excel format, which lets user
define to their specific format required.
Customers spending analysis
Hourly sales value analysis by department
Department analysis report
Department scanning report
Weigh/scale item Sales report
Price incorrect Give away report
Top 100 Best selling report (Date Range)
Bottom 100 worse selling report (Date Range)
Zero Qty sales report (Date Range)
Inactive PLU Report non moving items
Stock balance
List items sales with stock bal in descending order
- Items vs sales amt , items vs qty
List items sales with stock bal in ascending order
- Items vs sales amt , items vs qty
Purchase historical price/date of suppliers by item
Low stock level
On Hand stock by item
On Hand stock by category/classification
On Hand stock in branches/warehouse/location
Inventory Information / History
Sales - hit parade reports (ie top sellers)

Signboard View online sales performance by individual POS or Department sales performance.
Daily Report Daily department gross profit report, Month to Date and Year To Date
Daily Item sales listed by Total store, by Sub Category, or Revenue Centre
Able to view all or Selected items only
Daily Department sales by :
Total store
Revenue Center
Sub Category
Date range
To enhance effective operational management, reports shows
Normal cost and sales
Promotion cost and sales
Normal and promotion margin
Sales quantity

Weekly Report

Weekly listing from Monday to Sundays sales

Shows Sales transactions amount and no of transactions
List by :
Total store
Revenue Center
Sub Category

Monthly Report

Monthly detail listing by day of month by :


Top Item

Top Sales listing by hierarchy of Sales amount, sales quantity or gross profit margin
Number of top items selectable
Sales listing criteria by :
Total Store sales
Revenue Centre
Date range

Supplier Sales

Suppliers sales performance by date and vendor

Individual Supplier in specific date range by
- Cost
- Profit
- Item qty sold and not sold
- Total qty of goods supplier

Supplier Performance

Supplier delivery performance by sales against stock receiving

Non merchandise sales

Keeps track of non merchandise sales amount and quantities such as Stamps, Gift vouchers, etc.

Additional Charge

Keeps track of addition charges sales and services, such as :

Additional sauce
Wrapping services
Delivery services

POS Consolidated Sales & tenders

Listing of various types of tenders collected within a date range

Tender transaction

Shows all tenders sales including credit card transactions by detail listing of cards

Tender balancing

Daily or monthly tender balancing of all tenders type to show :

Over tender
Short tender
By daily totals
By shift totals
Daily pickup report
Cash Reconciliation report (registers)

Discount transactions
List all discounts given by :
Store total
Revenue center
Sales Representative

Queue Management

System provides a report on the productivity of the cashiers and provides estimates to the ideal number of cashiers

Cashier Performance

List all activities perform by cashier and measure their productivity by :

Number and % of scanned items
Number and % of open department items
Number and % of keyed items
Total work hours against total productive hours
Listing sorted by :
Store total
Revenue center

Daily Hourly sales

Sales listing grouped into 60 mins, 30 mins and 15 mins

Shows total transactions, quantities and sale amount
Hourly productivity report

Weekly hourly sales

Shows hourly performance from Monday to Sunday

Daily Concessionaire

Shows Concessionaire and Consignment sales with :

Total quantity sold
Total amount of sales
Within a given period
Deduct tax amount withhold
Deduct rental fee
Deduct commission amount due 3 levels of commission based on sales
Compute amount payable to concessionaire or consignment vendors

Monthly Concessionaire

List Concessionaire and consignment sales by day of week

Customer Order

List customer order list by :

By Item
By order number
By date of order
By date of collection
By cancellation

Attendance List Staff attendance by clocking in and out from the POS


Revenue Centre

Supports POS Checkout that represents a separate Revenue by itself. Eg. A Caf within aSupermarket Premises.
Reports sales for Revenue Centres

System Security

Logon via user id and password (Management/Supervisor/Cashier-User Group)

Logoff via user id and (optional) password
User id and password are a minimum of five characters
System allows multiple authority levels to control user access
Automatic sign-off when idle after defined time
Passwords can not be viewed by any user
Manager can only reset password (and not view them)
Obvious passwords are not allowed ie (QWERTY or 1234)
Change Password with nn days validity
Cashier sign on (Y/N-auto sign off after nnn secs)

System Administration

Set date and time with security

System designs to support both Business date and System date
Reset / clean up / change business date-new store
System tracks End of Day Process to prevent unauthorized EOD process.
Set screen layouts
Set tax tables
Auto generate reference numbers - PPPMMDDHHMMSS
View Electronic Journal
Clean up at Office station

EOD End of day process - Manager, Supervisor

Consolidate and print POS Sales Summary

POS Tender / Cash Balancing Report
Automated Database update from Office station
Transaction audit log
Prints Normal / Promo price changes report - with specials on / off
Extracts changes and apply to POS
Database update
Upload to Office / Office / Merchandise
Download Office / Office / Merchandise
Auto Backup files
Support communications between HQ and stores
Purge historical data

Network &




POS Standalone capability (when Office station or network failed)

Auto update to Office station when network is up

Loss Prevention The last screen transaction will appear to ensure proper completion of the last task when sudden power
to the POS is
cut, especially during tendering

Sales Update

All suspended transaction are checked and purge during End Of Day Procedure.
All POS transactions update back office Office server in real time
On-line transaction update to Office station
On-line update POS/Cashiers status to Office station

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