Exam # 2

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1. Refer to the exhibit.

The exhibit shows simplified protocol data units from different OSI
model layers. Which three statements are true about the PDs and the encapsulation
process! "#hoose three.$
PDU #1 is a frame.
PDU #2 is an application layer PDU
PDU #3 is a segment.
PDU #4 is a transport layer PDU.
The order in which these PDUs are created during the encapsulation process is 3, 4,
1, 2.
The order in which these PDUs are created during the encapsulation process is 2, 1, 4, 3.
%. Which three application layer protocols use T#P! "#hoose three.$
&. Which two application layer protocols use the DP protocol! "#hoose two.$
'. What are two functions that occur at the Internet layer of the T#P(IP model! "#hoose
esta&lish'ent o( logical connections &etween source and destination hosts
end)to)end (low control
determination of $est paths through the networ%
de(inition o( the procedures used to inter(ace with the networ* hardware
pac%et switching
%ayer + and %ayer , -S. 'odel (unctions
). Refer to the exhibit. *ll ports on switch * are in the sales +,*- and all ports on switch .
are in the accountin/ +,*-. 0ow many broadcast domains and how many collision
domains exist in the exhibited networ1! "#hoose two.$
3 collision do'ains
3 $roadcast domains
+ &roadcast do'ains
& collision domains
1/ collision do'ains
13 collision do'ains
2. * hi/h3end #atalyst switch that supports both IS, and 45%.16 is to be connected by a lin1
that will carry all +,*- traffic to a #atalyst %725 ,*- switch. What two commands are
re8uired to confi/ure an interface on the hi/h3end #atalyst switch to carry traffic from all
+,*-s to the #atalyst %725 switch! "#hoose two.$
Switch0con(ig)i(1# 'lan all
Switch0con(ig)i(1# switchport access 'lan 3(
Switch0con(ig)i(1# switchport access 'lan all
Switch)config*if+# switchport mode trun%
Switch)config*if+# switchport trun% encapsulation dot1,
Switch0con(ig)i(1# switchport trun% encapsulation isl
2. 3e(er to the e4hi&it. 5ased on the e4hi&ited con(iguration and output, what would &e the
result o( this co''and6
Sw1# telnet 1&2.1-..1.1(
/ll pac%ets will $e dropped.
The Telnet session will succeed.
7n error 'essage that says 8Session ter'inated9 will appear.
7n error 'essage that says 8Password re:uired, &ut none set9 will appear.
4. Refer to the partial de9ice confi/uration that is exhibited. :or which networ1 topolo/y is
the confi/uration appropriate!
Rtr*"confi/$; interface fastethernet 0/0
Rtr*"confi/3if$; no shutdown
Rtr*"confi/3if$; interface fastethernet 0/0.18
Rtr*"confi/3subif$; encapsulation dot1q 18
Rtr*"confi/3subif$; ip address
Rtr*"confi/3subif$; interface fastethernet 0/0.44
Rtr*"confi/3subif$; encapsulation dot1q 44
Rtr*"confi/3subif$; ip address
Rtr*"confi/3subif$; interface fastethernet 0/0.22
Rtr*"confi/3subif$; encapsulation dot1q 22
Rtr*"confi/3subif$; ip address
;. 3e(er to the e4hi&it and the (ollowing error 'essage (ro' the Sw7 switch.
//6226436 <SP7NT3==)2)3=#>?1$?N-N?T3UN@6 3eceiAed B/2.1$ 5PDU on non trun*
!ast=thernet/C1 >%7N1.
//6226436 <SP7NT3==)2)5%-#@?P-3T?TDP=6 5loc*ing !ast=thernet/C1 on >%7N///1.
.nconsistent port type.
#onsidering that the lin* &etween the two switches is good and the correct type, what could
cause this error 'essageE
The Spanning Tree Protocol has &een disa&led on one switch.
The Spanning Tree Protocol has &een disa&led on &oth switches.
The .=== B/2.1$ trun*ing port has a speed 'is'atch on one o( the switches.
The Sw/ port is configured as a trun% port and the Sw0 port is configured as an
access port.
The Sw7 port has .=== B/2.1$ trun*ing ena&led and the Sw5 port has .S% trun*ing
15. * networ1 administrator is confi/urin/ a switch when an error messa/e appears. The
confi/uration commands and error messa/e appear as follows<
Switch"confi/$; interface fastethernet 0/1
Switch"confi/3if$; switchport mode trunk
Command rejected: An interface whose trunk encapsulation is Auto can not be
configured to trunk mode.
What is the problem!
The switch port is con(igured as an access 'ode port.
The switch port does not support trun*ing on this port.
The encapsulation t1pe must $e changed to a compati$le protocol $efore the port
can $e placed in trun% mode.
The no switchport trun% encapsulation auto co''and needs to &e applied to the switch
port &e(ore trun*ing can &e ena&led.
11. Of the protocols that are listed= which one needs to be functionin/ on a lin1 in order for
+TP to operate!
12. 3e(er to the e4hi&it. 3T?1 is con(igured correctly with .P addresses and passwords &ut
none o( the co'puters can ping or telnet to 3T?1. Fhich series o( co''ands would correct
the pro&le'E
3T?10con(ig1# interface fa(31
3T?10con(ig)i(1# no shutdown
SF?10con(ig1# interface fa(324
SF?10con(ig)i(1# switchport mode client
3T?10con(ig1# interface fa(31
3T?10con(ig)i(1# encapsulation trun% dot1, 24
S451)config+# interface fa(324
S451)config*if+# switchport mode trun%
SF?10con(ig1# interface fa(324
SF?10con(ig)i(1# switchport access 'lan 1
13. 3e(er to the e4hi&it. Fhich co''ands are needed to co'plete the switch con(iguration
so that SS" can &e used to telnet (ro' host 7 to SF?1E 0#hoose two.1
S451)config+# username da'id password class
SF?10con(ig1# line 't1 ( 16
SF?10con(ig)line1# login
SF?10con(ig)line1# password cisco
S451)config+# line 't1 ( 16
S451)config*line+# login local
S451)config*line+# transport input ssh
SF?10con(ig1# login ssh
SF?10con(ig1# password class
SF?10con(ig1# login %e1 rsa
SF?10con(ig1# password cisco
SF?10con(ig1# password encr1pted cisco
1'. What three factors contribute to con/estion on an >thernet ,*-! "#hoose three.$
improper placement of enterprise le'el ser'ers
addition of hosts to a ph1sical segment
replace'ent o( hu&s with wor*group switches
increasing use of $andwidth intensi'e networ% applications
creation o( new collision do'ains without (irst adding networ* hosts
'igration to (ull)duple4 =thernet within the %7N
1+. 3e(er to the e4hi&it. Fhat protocol should &e con(igured on SF)7 Port /C1 i( it is to send
tra((ic (ro' 'ultiple >%7Ns to switch SF)5E
Spanning Tree
3.P A2
7888 .(2.12
3apid Spanning Tree
12. Which three STP states were replaced with the RSTP discardin/ state! "#hoose three.$
12. 3e(er to the e4hi&it. Fhat is the role o( the SF3 switchE
designated switch
edge switch
root $ridge
ena&led &ridge
local &ridge
1B. 3e(er to the e4hi&it. 7 switch can &e con(igured (or three di((erent (orwarding 'odes
&ased on how 'uch o( a (ra'e is receiAed &e(ore the (orwarding process &egins. =ach o(
the nu'&ered arrows in the acco'panying graphic signi(ies the point in a (ra'e where a
particular (orwarding 'ode will &egin. Fhich group o( la&els re(lects the se:uence o(
(orwarding 'odes signi(ied &y the nu'&ered arrowsE
1+ fast forward
2+ fragment free
3+ store*and*forward
11 store)and)(orward
21 (rag'ent (ree
31 (ast (orward
11 (rag'ent (ree
21 (ast (orward
31 store)and)(orward
11 (ast (orward
21 store)and)(orward
31 (rag'ent (ree
17. What eliminates switchin/ loops!
hold)down ti'ers
poison reAerse
spanning tree protocol
ti'e to liAe
21. 3e(er to the e4hi&it. Using the 'ost e((icient .P addressing sche'e and >%S, which
address can &e con(igured on one o( the serial inter(acesE
%%. #onsider this router output<
Router; confug
Translatin/ ?confu/@Adomain ser9er "%)).%)).%)).%))$
Translatin/ ?confu/@Adomain ser9er "%)).%)).%)).%))$
"%)).%)).%)).%))$B n1nown command or computer name= or unable to find computer
What command could help with this situation!
ip dhcp serAer
no ip domain*loo%up
no logging synchronous
no show ip nat translations
23. 3e(er to the e4hi&it. Fith >%S, which &it 'as* should &e used to 'ost e((iciently
proAide (or the nu'&er o( host addresses that are re:uired on router 5E
%'. What are the three ran/es of IP addresses that are reser9ed for internal pri9ate use!
"#hoose three.$
2+. 3e(er to the e4hi&it. The networ* ad'inistrator is una&le to access the T!TP serAer
attached to the e'phis router. Fhat are two causes o( this pro&le'E 0#hoose two.1
The de(ault gateway con(igured on the networ* ad'inistratorGs wor*station is not a Aalid
host address.
The default gatewa1 configured on the T!TP ser'er in incorrect.
The .P address o( the T!TP serAer is a su&networ* address.
The .P address o( the S/C/C/ inter(ace o( the "eliopolis router is a &roadcast address.
The 7P addresses for the emphis S(3(31 interface and the "eliopolis S(3(3(
interface are not in the same su$net.
%2. The ISP of the CDE #ompany is mo9in/ to IP92 but CDE wants to continue to use only
IP9' for another year. Which IP9'3to3IP92 transition method would allow the company to
continue usin/ only IP9' addresses!
dual stac*
,to4 tunnel
'anual tunneling
%F. Gi9en the IP address and subnet mas1 of 1F%.12.1&'.)2 %)).%)).%)).%%'= on which
subnetwor1 does this address reside!
%4. What is associated with lin13state routin/ protocols!
low processor oAerhead
poison reAerse
routing loops
split horiHon
shortest*path first calculations
2;. 3e(er to the e4hi&it. Fhich se:uence o( co''ands should &e used to con(igure router 7
(or -SP!E
router osp( 1
networ* 1;2.1,B.1/./
router ospf 1
networ% 1&2.1-..1(.-4 (.(.(.-3 area (
networ% 1&2.1-..1(.1&2 (.(.(.3 area (
router osp( 1
networ* 1;2.1,B.1/.,4 2++.2++.2++.1;2
networ* 1;2.1,B.1/.1;2 2++.2++.2++.2+2
router osp( 1
networ* 1;2.1,B.1/./ area /
&5. What is one reason to use the ip ospf priority command when the OSP: routin/
protocol is in use!
to actiAate the -SP! neigh&oring process
to influence the D:30D: election process
to proAide a &ac*door (or connectiAity during the conAergence process
to strea'line and speed up the conAergence process
&1. The output of the show ip interface brief command indicates that Serial5 is up but
the line protocol is down. What are two possible causes for the line protocol bein/ in the
down state! "#hoose two.$
The cloc* rate is not set on the DT=.
7n incorrect de(ault gateway is set on the router.
7 networ* is 'issing (ro' the routing protocol con(iguration.
The encapsulation on the Serial( interface is incorrect.
;eepali'es are not $eing sent $1 the remote de'ice.
&%. Which router command will 9erify that the router has a path to a destination networ1!
3outer# show ip interfaces $rief
:outer# show ip route
3outer# show cdp neigh$ors
3outer# show running*config
3outer# show protocols
33. 3e(er to the e4hi&it. Fhen trou&leshooting a networ*, it is i'portant to interpret the
output o( Aarious router co''ands. -n the &asis o( the e4hi&it, which three state'ents are
trueE 0#hoose three.1
The missing information for 0lan% 1 is the command show ip route.
The 'issing in(or'ation (or 5lan* 1 is the co''and de$ug ip route.
The 'issing in(or'ation (or 5lan* 2 is the nu'&er 1//.
The missing information for 0lan% 2 is the num$er 12(.
The 'issing in(or'ation (or 5lan* 3 is the letter 3.
The missing information for 0lan% 3 is the letter <.
34. 3e(er to the e4hi&it. !ro' the co''and pro'pt on the host, the co''and telnet
1&2.1-..1.1( is typed. The response that is giAen is this6
Trying 1;2.1,B.1.1/I.-pen
Password re:uired, &ut none set
Fhat is the 'ost li*ely pro&le'E
The router has &een con(igured as a (irewall.
The Telnet serAer process 'ust &e actiAated on the router.
The switch has not &een con(igured to pass Telnet tra((ic.
The ena$le secret co''and has not &een entered on 3tr7.
The password command has not $een entered in line configuration mode on :tr/.
The password and login co''ands need to &e con(igured on the console port o( 3tr7.
3+. 3e(er to the e4hi&it. .( router 5 is to &e con(igured (or =.J3P 7S 1//, which
con(iguration 'ust &e enteredE
50con(ig)router1# networ% 1&2.1-..1(.4 (.(.(.3
50con(ig)router1# networ% 1&2.1-..1(.. (.(.(.3
0)config*router+# networ% 1&2.1-..1(.4 (.(.(.3
0)config*router+# networ% 1&2.1-..1(.. (.(.(.3
0)config*router+#networ% 1&2.1-..1(.12. (.(.(.-3
50con(ig)router1# networ% 1&2.1-..1(.4 (.(.(.3 area (
50con(ig)router1# networ% 1&2.1-..1(.. (.(.(.3 area (
50con(ig)router1#networ% 1&2.1-..1(.12. (.(.(.-3 area (
50con(ig)router1# networ% 1&2.1-..1(.4 (.(.(.3 as 1((
50con(ig)router1# networ% 1&2.1-..1(.. (.(.(.3 as 1((
50con(ig)router1#networ% 1&2.1-..1(.12. (.(.(.-3 as 1((
50con(ig)router1# networ% 1&2.1-..1(.4 (.(.(.3
50con(ig)router1# networ% 1&2.1-..1(.. (.(.(.3
50con(ig)router1# networ% 1&2.1-..1(.-4 (.(.(.-3
50con(ig)router1# networ% 1&2.1-..1(.12. (.(.(.-3
50con(ig)router1# networ% 1&2.1-..1(.1&2 (.(.(.-3
50con(ig)router1# networ% 1&2.1-..1(.4 (.(.(.3 as 1((
50con(ig)router1# networ% 1&2.1-..1(.. (.(.(.3 as 1((
50con(ig)router1# networ% 1&2.1-..1(.-4 (.(.(.-3 as 1((
50con(ig)router1# networ% 1&2.1-..1(.12. (.(.(.-3 as 1((
50con(ig)router1# networ% 1&2.1-..1(.1&2 (.(.(.-3 as 1((
50con(ig)router1# networ% 1&2.1-..1(.4 (.(.(.3 area 1((
50con(ig)router1# networ% 1&2.1-..1(.. (.(.(.3 area 1((
50con(ig)router1# networ% 1&2.1-..1(.-4 (.(.(.-3 area 1((
50con(ig)router1# networ% 1&2.1-..1(.12. (.(.(.-3 area 1((
50con(ig)router1# networ% 1&2.1-..1(.1&2 (.(.(.-3 area 1((
&2. *fter se9eral confi/uration chan/es are made to a router= the copy running
configuration startupconfiguration command is issued. Where will the chan/es be
the con(iguration register
a T!TP serAer
32. 3e(er to the e4hi&it. Two routers haAe &een con(igured to use =.J3P. Pac*ets are not
&eing (orwarded &etween the two routers. Fhat could &e the pro&le'E
=.J3P does not support >%S.
The routers were not con(igured to 'onitor neigh&or adKacency changes.
The de(ault &andwidth was used on the routers.
/n incorrect 7P address was configured on a router interface.
&4. What are two features of a lin13state routin/ protocol! "#hoose two.$
3outers send periodic updates only to neigh&oring routers.
:outers send triggered updates in response to a change.
:outers create a topolog1 of the networ% $1 using information from other routers.
The data&ase in(or'ation (or each router is o&tained (ro' the sa'e source.
Paths are chosen &ased on the lowest nu'&er o( hops to the designated router.
3;. 3e(er to the e4hi&it. 3outers 7 and 5 haAe =.J3P con(igured and auto'atic
su''ariHation has &een disa&led on &oth routers. Fhich router co''and is used to
su''ariHe the attached routes, and to which inter(ace is this co''and appliedE 0#hoose
ip summar1*address eigrp 1 1&2.1-..1(.-4
ip area)range eigrp 1 1;2.1,B.1/.B/ 2++.2++.2++.224
su''ary)address 1;2.1,B.1/.B/ /././.31
ip su''ary)address eigrp 1 1;2.1,B.1/.,4 /././.,3
serial interface on router /
serial inter(ace on router 5
'5. * router has learned about networ1 17%.124.124.5 throu/h static and dynamic routin/
processes. Which route will appear in the routin/ table for this networ1 if the router has
learned multiple routes!
D 1;2.1,B.1,B./C24 L;/C21;+4+,M Aia 1;2.1,B.2//.1, //6//6/;, !ast=thernet/C/
- 1;2.1,B.1,B./C24 L11/C1/12M Aia 1;2.1,B.2//.1, //6//622, !ast=thernet/C/
3 1;2.1,B.1,B./C24 L12/C1M Aia 1;2.1,B.2//.1, //6//612, !ast=thernet/C/
S 1&2.1-..1-..(324 >13(? 'ia 1&2.1-..2((.1
'1. Which se8uence of commands is used to confi/ure a loopbac1 address on a router!
3outer10con(ig1# interface loop$ac% 1
3outer10con(ig)i(1# ip address 1&2.1-..1.1
3outer10con(ig1# interface serial (3(
3outer10con(ig)i(1# loop$ac% 1
3outer10con(ig)i(1# ip address 1&2.1-..1.1
3outer10con(ig1# interface serial (3(
3outer10con(ig)i(1# loop$ac% 1
3outer10con(ig)i(1# ip address 1&2.1-..1.1 266.266.266.(
:outer1)config+# interface loop$ac% 1
:outer1)config*if+# ip address 1&2.1-..1.1
'&. Which encryption standard would most li1ely be used in an 45%.11 standards3based
wireless networ1 en9ironment!
7#DP, which has 'ore &its that are used (or encryption than #DP has
4P/2, which can use the more ad'anced /8S for encr1ption
>TP, which is co'pati&le with all B/2.11)type wireless networ*s
3S7, which has a di((erent algorith' than any o( the older standards
B/2.1N =7P, which is the 'ost power(ul type o( encryption used (or &oth wired and wireless
'2. Which two commands can be used to 9erify the content and placement of access control
lists! "#hoose two.$
show ip route
show processes
show running*config
show cdp neigh&or
show access*lists
'F. Which two 1eywords can be used in an access control list to replace a wildcard mas1 or
address and wildcard mas1 pair! "#hoose two.$
4B. 3e(er to the e4hi&it. N7T with oAerload is con(igured on router 31 and uses the N7T
pool o( addresses 2/;.1,+.2/1.; through 2/;.1,+.2/1.1/. Fhat type o( route would the .SP
need in order (or co''unication to occur &etween hosts in #o'pany 75# and the .nternetE
5ecause the .SP has *nowledge o( the directly connected 2//././.1 networ*, no route is
7 static route (ro' the .SP is needed that uses the networ* nu'&er 122.1,././ and the
'as* 2++.2++././.
7 de(ault route (ro' the .SP is needed that uses either the e4it inter(ace o( S/C/C/ or the
2//././.1 .P address.
7 de(ault route (ro' the .SP is needed that uses either the e4it inter(ace o( S/C/C1 or the
2//././.2 .P address.
/ static route from the 7SP is needed that uses the networ% num$er 2(&.1-6.2(1..and
the mas%
'7. What is the effect of the access control list wildcard mas1! "#hoose two.$
The (irst 2B &its o( a supplied .P address will &e ignored.
The last four $its of a supplied 7P address will $e ignored.
The (irst 32 &its o( a supplied .P address will &e 'atched.
The first 2. $its of a supplied 7P address will $e matched.
The last (iAe &its o( a supplied .P address will &e ignored.
The last (our &its o( a supplied .P address will &e 'atched.
)5. Which three 9alues or sets of 9alues are included when creatin/ an extended access
control list statement! "#hoose three.$
access list nu'&er &etween 1 and ;;
access list num$er $etween 1(( and 1&&
de(ault gateway address and wildcard 'as*
destination address and wildcard mas%
source address and wildcard mas%
source su&net 'as* and wildcard 'as*
destination su&net 'as* and wildcard 'as*
+1. 3e(er to the e4hi&it. Fhich state'ent descri&es the status o( the PPP connectionE
-nly the lin*)esta&lish'ent phase co'pleted success(ully.
-nly the networ*)layer phase co'pleted success(ully.
Neither the lin*)esta&lish'ent phase nor the networ*)layer phase co'pleted success(ully.
0oth the lin%*esta$lishment and networ%*la1er phase completed successfull1.
)%. Which three statements are true re/ardin/ the :rame Relay ,HI! "#hoose three.$
The @7 pro'ides a 'irtual circuit )=<+ status mechanism.
The %. type 'ust always &e 'anually con(igured.
The aAaila&le %. types are #"7P and P7P.
The %. types supported &y #isco routers are #.S#- and .=T!.
The @7 t1pe configured on the router must match the one used on the !rame :ela1
The @7 uses reser'ed D@<7s to eAchange messages $etween the DT8 and D<8.
)&. * networ1 administrator is e9aluatin/ authentication protocols for a PPP lin1. Which
three factors mi/ht lead to the selection of #0*P o9er P*P as the authentication protocol!
"#hoose three.$
esta&lishes identities with a two)way handsha*e
uses a three*wa1 authentication periodicall1 during the session to reconfirm
control &y the re'ote host o( the (re:uency and ti'ing o( login eAents
transmits login information in encr1pted format
uses an unpredicta$le 'aria$le challenge 'alue to pre'ent pla1$ac% attac%s
'a*es authoriHed networ* ad'inistrator interAention a re:uire'ent to esta&lish each
)'. Which three statements are true about PPP! "#hoose three.$
PPP can use s1nchronous and as1nchronous circuits.
PPP can only &e used &etween two #isco deAices.
PPP carries pac*ets (ro' seAeral networ* layer protocols in %#Ps.
PPP uses @<Ps to esta$lish, configure, and test the data lin% connection.
PPP uses @<Ps to agree on format options such as authentication, compression, and
error detection.

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