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I. Changes the sentences into passive voice:

1. Mary types letters in the office.
2. His father ill help yo! to"orro.
#. Science an$ technology have co"pletely change$ h!"an life.
%. Peter &ro'e this &ottle.
(. )hey are learning English in the roo".
*. +othing can change "y "in$.
,. +o one ha$ tol$ "e a&o!t it.
-. I $on.t 'no her telephone n!"&er
/. My st!$ents ill &ring the chil$ren ho"e.
10. )hey sent "e a present last ee'.
11. She gave !s "ore infor"ation.
12. )he chief engineer as instr!cting all the or'ers of the plan.
1#. )hey can.t "a'e tea ith col$ ater.
1%. So"e&o$y has ta'en so"e of "y &oo's aay.
1(. )hey ill hol$ the "eeting &efore May 1ay.
1*. )hey have to repair the engine of the car.
1,. )he &oys &ro'e the in$o an$ too' aay so"e pict!res.
1-. People spen$ a lot of "oney on a$vertising every$ay.
1/. )eacher is going to tell a story.
20. Mary is c!tting a ca'e ith a sharp 'nife.
21. )he chil$ren loo'e$ at the o"an ith a re$ hat.
22. )hey have provi$e$ the victi"s ith foo$ an$ clothing.
2#. People spea' English in al"ost every corner of the orl$.
2%. 2o! "!stn.t !se this "achine after (:#0 p.".
2(. After class3 one of the st!$ents alays erases the chal' &oar$.
II. Change these yes-no questions into passive voice:
2*. 1o they teach English here4
2,. 5ill yo! invite her to yo!r e$$ing party4
2-. Has )o" finishe$ the or'4
2/. 1i$ the teacher give so"e e6ercises4
#0. Have they change$ the in$o of the la&oratory4
#1. Is she going to rite a poe"4
#2. Is she "a'ing &ig ca'es for the party4
##. Are the police "a'ing in7!ires a&o!t the thief4
#%. M!st e finish the test &efore ten4
#(. 5ill &!ses &ring the chil$ren ho"e4
#*. Have yo! finishe$ yo!r ho"eor'4
III. Change these Wh- questions into passive voice:
#,. 5hy $i$n.t they help hi"4
#-. Ho "any ga"es has the tea" playe$4
#/. 5here $o people spea' English4
%0. 5ho are they 'eeping in the 'itchen4
%1. Ho can they open this safe4
%2. 5hat &oo's are people rea$ing this year4
%#. Ho $i$ the police fin$ the lost "an4
%%. 5ho loo' after the chil$ren for yo!4
%(. Ho long have they aite$ for the $octor4
%*. 5hat ti"e can the &oys han$ in their papers4
%,. 5ho len$ yo! this &oo'4
%-. Ho "any "ar's $oes the teacher give yo!4
IV. Change the sentences with two objects into passive voice:
%/. )hey pai$ "e a lot of "oney to $o the 8o&.
(0. )he teacher gave each of !s to e6ercise &oo's.
(1. So"eone ill tell hi" that nes.
(2. )hey have sent eno!gh "oney to those poor &oys.
(#. )hey have given the o"en in "ost co!ntries in the orl$ the right to vote.
V. Chang these sentences with verbs of reporting into passive voice:
(%. )hey thin' that he has $ie$ a nat!ral $eath.
((. So"e people &elieve that 1# is an !nl!c'y n!"&er.
(*. )hey say that 9ohn is the &rightest st!$ent in class.
(,. )hey reporte$ that the Presi$ent ha$ s!ffere$ a heart attac'.
(-. I 'ne that they ha$ tol$ hi" of the "eeting.
(/. )hey $eclare$ that she on the co"petition.
*0. )hey r!"ore$ the "an as still living.
*1. People thin' that 9ac' :on$on.s life an$ riting.s represent the A"erican love of
*2. )hey reporte$ that the troops ere co"ing.
*#. People &elieve$ that the earth stoo$ still.
VI. Changes these sentences with verbs of perception:
*%. I have hear$ her sing this song several ti"es.
*(. People sa hi" steal yo!r car.
**. )he teacher is atching the or'.
*,. He on.t let yo! $o that silly thing again.
*-. People $on.t "a'e the chil$ren or' har$.
*/. )hey "a$e hi" or' all $ay.
,0. )he $etective sa the o"an p!tting the 8eelry in her &ag.
,1. )he terrorists "a$e the hostages lie $on.
,2. Police a$vise $rivers to !se an alternative ro!te.
,#. She helps "e to $o all these $iffic!lt e6ercises.
VII. Give the correct form of the given verbs in brackets:
,%. )oshico ha$ her car ;repair<============ &y a "echanic.
,(. Ellen got Marvin ;type<=============her paper.
,*. 5e got o!r ho!se ;paint<============ last ee'.
,,. 1r >yr$ is having the st!$ents ;rite <================ a co"position.
,-. Mar' got his transcripts ;sen$<================to the !niversity.
,/. Maria is having her hair ;c!t<=============== to"orro.
-0. 5ill Mr. >ron have the porter ;carry<============his l!ggage to his car4
1. :etters are type$ in the office &y Mary.
2. 2o!.ll &e helpe$ &y his father to"orro.
#. )he h!"an life has co"pletely &een change$ ith science an$ technology.
%. )his &ottle as &ro'en &y Peter.
(. English is &eing learnt in the roo".
*. My "in$ can.t &e change$.
,. I ha$n.t &een tol$ a&o!t it.
-. Her telephone n!"&er isn.t 'non.
/. )he chil$ren ill &e &ro!ght ho"e &y "y st!$ents.
10. I as sent a present last ee'.
11. 5e ere given "ore infor"ation.
12. All the or'ers of the plan ere &eing instr!cte$ &y the chief engineer.
1#. )ea can.t &e "a$e ith col$ ater.
1%. So"e of "y &oo's have &een ta'en aay.
1(. )he "eeting ill &e hel$ &efore May 1ay.
1*. )he engine of the car has to &e repaire$.
1,. )he in$o as &ro'en an$ so"e pict!res ere ta'en aay &y the &oys.
1-. A lot of "oney is spent on a$vertising every$ay.
1/. A story is going to &e tol$ &y teacher.
20. A ca'e is &eing c!t ith a sharp 'nife &y Mary.
21. )he o"an ith a re$ hat as loo'e$ at &y the chil$ren.
22. )he victi"s have &een provi$e$ ith foo$ an$ clothing.
2#. English is spo'en in al"ost every corner of the orl$.
2%. )his "achine "!stn.t &e !se$ after (:#0 p.".
2(. After class3 the chal' &oar$ is alays erase$ &y one of the st!$ents.
2*. Is English ta!ght here4
2,. 5ill she &e invite$ to yo! e$$ing party4
2-. Has the or' &een finishe$ &y )o"4
2/. 5ere so"e e6ercises given &y the teacher4
#0. Has the in$o of the la&oratory &een change$4
#1. Is a poe" going to &e ritten4
#2. Are &ig ca'es &eing "a$e for the party4
##. Are in7!ires a&o!t the thief &eing "a$e &y the police4
#%. M!st the test &e finishe$ &efore ten4
#(. 5ill the chil$ren &e &ro!ght ho"e ith &!ses4
#*. Has yo!r ho"eor' &een finishe$4
III. Change these Wh- questions into passive voice:
#,. 5hy asn.t he helpe$4
#-. Ho "any ga"es have &een playe$ &y the tea"4
#/. 5here is English spo'en4
%0. 5ho are &eing 'ept in the 'itchen4
%1. Ho can this &e opene$ safe4
%2. 5hat &oo's are &eing rea$ this year4
%#. Ho as the lost "an fo!n$ &y the police4
%%. >y ho" are the chil$ren loo'e$ after for yo!4
%(. Ho long has the $octor &een aite$ for4
%*. 5hat ti"e can their papers &e han$e$ in &y the &oys4
%,. >y ho" is this &oo' lent4
%-. Ho "any "ar's are given to yo! &y the teacher4
IV. Change the sentences with two objects into passive voice:
%/. I as pai$ a lot of "oney to $o the 8o&.
(0. Each of !s as given to e6ercise &oo's &y the teacher.
(1. He ill &e tol$ that nes.
(2. )hose poor &oys have &een sent eno!gh "oney.
(#. )he o"en in "ost co!ntries in the orl$ have &een given the right to vote.
V. Chang these sentences with verbs of reporting into passive voice:
(%. He is tho!ght to have $ie$ a nat!ral $eath.
((. 1# is &elieve$ to &e an !nl!c'y n!"&er.
(*. 9ohn is sai$ to &e the &rightest st!$ent in class.
(,. )he Presi$ent as reporte$ to have s!ffere$ a heart attac'.
(-. )hey ere 'non to have tol$ hi" of the "eeting.
(/. She as $eclare$ to in the co"petition.
*0. )he "an as r!"ore$ to &e still living.
*1. 9ac' :on$on.s life an$ riting is tho!ght to represent the A"erican love of a$vent!re.
*2. )he troops ere reporte$ to &e co"ing.
*#. )he earth as &elieve$ to stan$ still.
VI. Changes these sentences with verbs of perception:
*%. She has &een hear$ to sing this song several ti"es.
*(. He as seen to steal yo!r car.
**. )he or' is &eing atche$ &y the teacher.
*,. 2o! on.t &e let to $o that silly thing again.
*-. )he chil$ren are "a$e to or' har$.
*/. He as "a$e to or' all $ay.
,0. )he o"an as seen p!tting the 8eelry in her &ag &y the $etective.
,1. )he hostages ere "a$e to lie $on &y the terrorists.
,2. 1rivers are a$vise$ to !se an alternative ro!te &y police.
,#. I a" helpe$ to $o all these $iffic!lt e6ercises.
VII. Give the correct form of the given verbs in brackets:
,%. repaire$
,(. to type
,*. painte$
,,. rite
,-. sent
,/. c!t
-0. carry

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