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Academic Planner

JIB 224

Academic Session 2014/2015




Students need to fill in the date and time of videoconferencing sessions. Please refer to
the videoconferencing time table for the Academic Session 2014/2015 provided.

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E-mail :
Tel : 04-6535207/012 401 5222


Plant physiology looks at the specifics of plants, plant parts, its growth and
development. To begin the topic is plant cells and water, since water is not only
essential for giving support and turgor to the plant, it is also a means of food or
nutrient uptake from the soil. How these nutrients are used in plants growth and
development are framed in the process involving photosynthesis, photo respiration
aided with energy from the sun, hormones, enzymes and other internal and external
factors. Other topics includes the absorption and the transportation (short distance
and long distance) of water, nutrient and organic materials in plants and the
existence and the functions of the hormones auxin, gibberellic acid, cytokinin,
abscisic acid and ethylene.


This is a 4 units course consisting of 3 units of theory and 1 unit of practical work.

Students will use the text book INTRODUCTION TO PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, 4

Edition by Hopkins WG and Huner NP(2009) as the main learning material and one
practical module for carrying out the practical part.

The main areas of this course covered by the text book are:

Chapter 1 - Plant cells and water (pages 1-9)
Chapter 2 - Whole Plant Water Relations (page 19 - 37)
Chapter 3 - Roots, Soils, and Nutrient Uptake (page 39 59)
Chapter 4 - Plant and Inorganic Nutrients (page 61- 76)
Chapter 7 - Energy Conservation in Photosynthesis: Harvesting Sunlight
(page 109 128)
Chapter 8 - Energy Conservation in Photosynthesis: CO
(page 129 149)
Chapter 11 - Nitrogen Assimilation (page 195- 211)
Chapter 12 - Carbon and Nitrogen Assimilation and Plant Productivity
(213 222)
Chapter 15 - Adaptations to the Environment (261- 274)
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Chapter 18 - Hormones I: Auxins (305 - 321)
Chapter 19 - Hormones II: Gibberellins (323 - 337)
Chapter 20 - Hormones III: Cytokinins (339 - 354)
Chapter 21 - Hormones IV: Abscisic Acid, Ethylene, and Brassinosteroids
(355 370)


There will be five video conference sessions that will cover the following topics:

Video Conference 1

Chapter 1 and 2 - Plant cells and water (pages 1-9); Whole Plant Water
Relations (page 19 - 37)

Video Conference 2

Chapter 3 - Roots, Soils, and Nutrient Uptake (page 39 59)

Video Conference 3

Chapter 4 - Plant and Inorganic Nutrients (page 61- 76)

Video Conference 4

Chapter 12 - Carbon and Nitrogen Assimilation and Plant Productivity (213 222)

Video Conference 5

Chapter 15 - Adaptations to the Environment (261- 274)

Video Conference 6

Chapter 18 - Hormones I: Auxins (305 - 321)
Chapter 19 - Hormones II: Gibberellins (323 - 337)
Chapter 20 - Hormones III: Cytokinins (339 - 354)
Chapter 21 - Hormones IV: Abscisic Acid, Ethylene, and Brassinosteroids
(355 370)

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Video Conference 7



I. Practical Work

Practical 1,2 and 4 will be conducted at the regional centres. Students have to hand
in the practical reports to the tutor two weeks after the practical classes. In addition,
two practical classes will be conducted during the intensive course. All practical
reports during the intensive course must be handed in at the end of each practical

II. Assignment

There are TWO written assignments.

Assignment 1 : Answer all the questions:


Chapter 2

1. Explain why transpiration rate tends to be greatest under conditions of low
humidity, bright sunlight, and moderate winds.

2. Describe the anatomy of xylem tissue and explain why it is an efficient system
for the transport of water through the plant.

Chapter 3

3. Describe the colloidal properties of soil. How do the properties of colloids help to
ensure the availability of nutrient elements in the soil?

Chapter 4
4. Explain the difference between autotrophic and heterotrophic nutrition.

Deadline for this assignment: 24 December 2014

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Assignment 2 : The questrion will be given during the intensive course

Deadline for the assignment: 15 Mac 2015

All assignments must be sent to Pusat Pengajian Pendidikan J arak J auh, Universiti
Sains Malaysia by the dates stipulated above. Students must use the cover page
provided or from the e-tugasan portal to allow their assignments to be traced.
Students who wish to have their assignments returned must enclose a self-
addressed stamped envelope.

III. Test

The test will be conducted during intensive course and will cover the topics discussed
in the Video Conference 1, Video Conference 2 Video Conference 3.

Chapter 2 - Whole Plant Water Relations (page 19 - 37)
Chapter 3 - Roots, Soils, and Nutrient Uptake (page 39 59)
Chapter 4 - Plant and Inorganic Nutrients (page 61- 76)
Chapter 7 - Energy Conservation in Photosynthesis: Harvesting Sunlight (page
109 128)
Chapter 8 - Energy Conservation in Photosynthesis: CO
Assimilation (page 129

IV. The contribution of the course work and the final examination

The overall grade will be based on:
(i) Course work:
Practical reports 15%
Assignments 15% 40%
Test 10%

(ii) Final examination 60%

The duration of the final exam is three (3) hours. The questions in the final
examination will cover all aspects of the course. Students will have to answer
40 objective questions and 3 essay questions.

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The Intensive Course will be held from 21 Januari 2015 hingga 10 Februari 2015.
Attendence is compulsory. Students who fail to attend the intensive course will not
be allowed to sit for the final examination.


Practical 3 & 5


Hopkins W.G. and Huner, N.P.A. Introduction to Plant Physiology, 2008, 4th Edition,
Wiley and Sons.

Campbell & Reece. 2005 BIOLOGY. Edisi ke-7. Pearson Education, Inc.,
Publishing, San Francisco.

Devlin, R.M. dan Witham, F.H. 1983. Plant Physiology. Edisi ke-4. Willard Grant
Press, Boston.

Ridge, I. 1991. Plant Physiology. The Open University.

Salibsury, F.B. dan Ross, C. 1969. Plant Physiology.

Teo, C.K.H. 1981. Siri Biologi: Prinsip-Prinsip Fisiologi. Dewan Bahasa dan

Teo, C.K.H. 1981. Siri Biologi: Pengangkutan dalam Tumbuhan . Dewan Bahasa
dan Pustaka.

Ting, I.P. 1982. Plant Physiology. Addison-Wesley Publishing Co. Inc.

Verma, V. (2007). Textbook Of Plant Physiology. Ane Books India. New Delhi

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