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Welcome to English Speaking!


Miss Goodwin Facebook: La Misi via email
English Speaking (6-10) William Caxton College Quito, Ecuador, 2014 - 2015

The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled. Plutarch

Course Overview

In English Speaking (6-10) we will focus on sharpening your verbal abilities and confidence communicating in
conversation. We will use technology to aid our studies, do both group and individual work, homework,
projects, and evaluations of both ourselves and our peers with the goal of improving our language capabilities.

Learning Objectives

Students will learn new vocabulary and utilize it in conversation while simultaneously improving their abilities
to manipulate sentence structure appropriately. Students will improve pronunciation and intonation and use
appropriate manners and discursive markers in conversation.


One notebook, one red Dry Erase marker, one black Dry Erase marker, two glue sticks, scissors, pencils, pens.

Grading Criteria

Individual Assignments 20% Projects 20% Tests 20%
Classwork & Participation 20% Homework 20%

I expect excellence and punctuality.

Makeup Policy

I believe it is my job to teach students to be responsible members of society. Therefore, students have a
limited time to make up assignments 48 hours with a note from a parent or doctor.


Extensions will be granted for extenuating circumstances per parent-teacher or student-teacher discussions
and on an individual basis. I ask that parents and students please bring any foreseeable issues up with me as
early as possible. I do understand that nobody can help it if there is an emergency!

Office Hours

I have office hours once per week in which parents may stop in to confer with me about student progress and
behavior. I am also available via Facebook message if students or parents would like to contact me via my
teacher page La Misi corresponding to email I ask that you do not send me
messages asking about homework assignments. They will be given during class time and will generally be
available online. Ask your peers if you need immediate assistance.

Classroom Creed

Do we bend the rules in service to a greater good?
And if we do, what does it say about us? Altar

1. Stay your blade from the flesh of an innocent.

Everyone here is an equal; be respectful of your peers and criticize no one.

2. Hide in plain sight.

Blend with the scholars! Work hard, focus, and stay on task in class; do not waste time. It is the most
valuable thing you will ever lose.

3. Never compromise the brotherhood.

Do not distract or interrupt others. Do not speak when someone else is speaking. Do not cheat.

Penalty for Disobedience:

Students will be warned reasonably and given an opportunity to redeem inappropriate actions before I
consider further consequences for poor behavior. I regularly make phone calls home, send emails, and speak
with the Inspector and Vice Principal when necessary.

Contact information

Student _______________________________________________ Cell Phone: _________________________

Email: _________________________________________________ Home Phone: _______________________

Parent/guardian ________________________________________ Cell Phone: _________________________

Email: _________________________________________________ Home Phone: _______________________

Parent/guardian ________________________________________ Cell Phone: _________________________

Email: _________________________________________________ Home Phone: _______________________

I hereby avow that I have read the contents of this syllabus and understand them to the best of my ability.

Student Signature __________________________________________ Date: ________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature: __________________________________ Date: ________________________

I reserve the right to alter this syllabus based on the needs of the learning community.

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