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Updated on June 23rd.

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The descriptors sum up schematically the content of the diferent subjects. They do
contain or correspond to the syllabus which you can fnd at

1. Compulsory subjects
102607 Foundations of Psychobiology I 6 !cts" 1
formerly: 26#01 Founda$!ntals of Psychobiology I !" credits#$
%rinciples of genetics and e&olution: chromosomes inheritance' chromosomal
anomalies. %rinciples of (euroscience: neurons and glial cells' e)citability and
neural conducti&ity* synaptic transmission' transmitter substances. %hylogeny and
morphogenesis of the ner&ous system. +eneral organi,ation of the ner&ous system.

102%66 R!s!a&ch $!thods' (&oc!du&!s and d!signs # !cts" -
formerly:26#02 R!s!a&ch )!thods !. credits# * 26#0% +o$(uting A((li!d to
Psychology !. credits#$
/cientifc method. 0thical aspects of research. 1alidity. 0)perimental method.
2nterindi&idual and intraindi&idual &ariability. 3uasi4e)perimental designs. 5ne case
studies. /electi&e method. /election techni6ues of samples and capturing of
information. 2nter&iew designs. 0) post facto design. 5bser&ational method. 7oding and
categori,ation* sampling and recording obser&ations. 8esigning obser&ations.
3uantitati&e &ersus 6ualitati&e methods.
7oncepts of microcomputing. 2nteresting applications in psychology. 5perating
systems. 5bject oriented paradigm. 2nternet. The electronic mail. 8ocumental and
bibliographical search in 2nternet. 8ebates in 2nternet !mailing lists and
newsgroups#. Te)t processing. 8esign of presentations with computer. 7reation of

102%7# ,u$an Social -i$!nsion 6 !cts" -
formerly:26#0. Social Psychology !" credits#$
7onceptions of social psychology. The social and historical construction of
psychological processes. The social nature of human beings. 7ultural &ariability in
the de&elopment of psychological realities. %sycho4sociological theories. 9asic
psycho4sociological processes. /ocial attitudes and changing of attitudes. 2dentity
and social categori,ation. /ocial in:uence. The wor; of the social psychologist.
102%/0 ,isto&y of Psychology 6 !cts" 1
formerly:26#1/ ,isto&y of Psychology !. credits#$
7oncept and method in the <istory of %sychology. 0pistemological changes. The
de&elopment of psychology and its relation to other sciences. %sychological schools*
theories and systems. %sychology in /pain.
102%7% -!0!lo($!ntal Psychology I 6 !cts"1
formerly: 26#0/ -!0!lo($!ntal Psychology I !=*> credits#$
%sychology of de&elopment. 7onte)ts* mechanisms* aspects and stages of the
de&elopment. 8e&elopment of psychological processes: de&elopment of cognition*
de&elopment of communication and language along the &ital cycle. 9iological basis.
The establishment of action and interaction in human de&elopment. 8e&elopmental
aspects of psychomotricity and learning.

102%76 Psychological (&oc!ss!s: )oti0ation and E$otion 6 !cts" -
formerly:26#0# )oti0ation and E$otion !=*> credits#$
?oti&ation. 0motion. %rimary and ac6uired moti&es. 7ogniti&e theories of
moti&ation. 2ntrinsic moti&ation. 0lements of emotion. %hysiological and cogniti&e
theories of emotion. @unctions and e)pressions of emotion.

102%77 Psychological (&oc!ss!s: Att!ntion and P!&c!(tion 6 !cts" 1
formerly:26#10 Att!ntion' P!&c!(tion and )!$o&y !" credits#$
Attention: Theories* models* determining &ariables and classifcation. %erception:
/ensory4percepti&e processes. %sychophysics. ?odalities. /pace perception* time
perception and mo&ement perception. Theories.
102%7/ P!&sonality and Indi0idual -i1!&!nc!s 6 !cts" 1
formerly: 26#12 P!&sonality Psychology !" credits#$
%ersonality and indi&idual diferences. Theoretical approaches. %sychodynamic and
phenomenological perspecti&es. Bearning perspecti&e. 7ogniti&e4social perspecti&e.
0mpirical dimensions. 7urrent problems of personality.
102606 Foundations of Psychobiology II # !cts" -
formerly:26#06 Funda$!ntals of Psychobiology II !=*> credits#$
(eurotransmitters systems. 5ntogenesis of the ner&ous system. @unctional anatomy
of the central ner&ous system: sensory and motor systems* cerebral corte)* limbic
system* autonomous ner&ous system* neuroendocrine system.
SE+34- YEAR:
102602 Psychological (&oc!ss!s: )!$o&y 6 !cts" -
formerly:26#10 Att!ntion' P!&c!(tion and )!$o&y !" credits#$
8efnition and measures. Theories and models of memory. ?emory systems* processes
and representations. Cesearch felds and practical application in attention* perception
and memory.
102%71 -ata Analysis 6 !cts" 1
formerly: 26#07 -ata Analysis !=*> credits#
8escripti&e statistics. +raphic representations. %robability theory and its
applications. Candom &ariable and distribution of probability. 2nferential statistics:
estimation and hypothesis testing. 7omparison of means. 2ntroduction to analysis
of &ariance. 7orrelation and linear regression. Analysis of repeated measures.
10260% Psychological P&oc!ss!s: 5!a&ning and +onditioning 6 !cts" 1
formerly:26#1. +onditioning and 5!a&ning !=*> credits#$
The concept of conditioning and learning. 0licited beha&ior and non associati&e
learning. Associati&e learning: classical conditioning. Associati&e learning:
instrumental conditioning. The control of the stimulus: generali,ation and
discrimination. 7ompared psychology.
102%27 Physiological Psychology I 6 !cts" 1
formerly:26#11 Int&oduction to Physiological Psychology !. credits#$
%hysiological psychology. %rinciples of analysis and information processing in the
ner&ous system. /omatic senses. 1ision. Audition and &estibular sense of balance.
7hemical senses: taste and smell. (er&ous control of mo&ement.
102%2# -!0!lo($!ntal Psychology II 6 !cts" -
formerly:26#1% -!0!lo($!ntal Psychology II !. credits#$
The de&elopment of psychological processes. Afecti&e and social de&elopment
along the &ital cycle. 8e&elopment of emotions and se)uality. The construction of
identity. The social* historical and cultural conte)t of de&elopment. @amily*
friendship and school. Dnowledge of the others and social institutions. /ociali,ation:
age and generations.

102%26 Physiological Psychology II 6 !cts" -
formerly:26#16 Physiological Psychology !" credits#$
7ircadian Chythms. /leep and wa;efulness. <omeostasis and moti&ation:
reinforcement* hunger and thirst* se)ual beha&ior and parenting beha&ior. 0motion
and stress. Bearning and memory. <uman language and communication.
/peciali,ation and laterali,ation of the hemispheres. %sychobiological theories and
mechanisms of consciousness. 0thology.
102%72 Psychological Ass!ss$!nt 6 !cts" -
formerly:26#20 Psychological Ass!ss$!nt !" credits#$
9asic principles. The process of psychological e&aluation. Applied areas. Ceport of
results. 0thical aspects of psychological e&aluation. Techni6ues of collecting
information: the inter&iew* the obser&ation* the self4report* psycho4physiological
records* projecti&e techni6ues. Tests.
102%72 Psycho(athology ac&oss 5if!6S(an 6 !cts" 1
formerly:26#22 Int&oduction to Psycho(athology of +hild&!n and Adults !=*>
%athology of psychological processes. Abnormal psychology. 7onceptual models in
psychopathology. Ta)onomies. Alterations in the de&elopment of mental functions.
0)planatory models. Associated symptoms. 0pidemiology. 8iferential diagnosis.
102%70 Statistical and Psycho$!t&ic )od!ls 6 !cts" -
formerly:26#17 R!s!a&ch -!sign and Analysis P&actic! !=*> credits#$
8esign* conceptual framewor; and hypothesis in research. /election of measure
instruments. /trategies for establishing an e)perimental procedure. 8ata recording.
3uality control of data. 7omputer tools for the statistical treatment of the data.
102602 Social In7u!nc! and 8&ou(s 6 !cts" 1
formerly:26#1# Studi!s of Psychosocial Ph!no$!na and P&oc!ss!s !.
/ignifcance of the social phenomena in human life. 2nterpersonal relations and
intergroups. /ocial thought: social cognition* social representations* attribution and
social e)planations. 7hange and social reproduction. 0n&ironment and beha&ior.
7ollecti&e beha&ior. 8iscourse and social practices.

102%%# 3&ganisational Psychology 6 !cts" -
formerly:26#21 3&ganisational Psychology !=*> credits#$
%sychological approach towards organi,ations. Theoretical frames. Typology and
structures of organi,ations. 2ndi&iduals and groups. 8irection and leadership.
?oti&ation and wor; satisfaction. 2nternal communication. 7limate of organi,ations
and organi,ational cultures. 7on:ict and negotiation. 5rgani,ational strategies for
102%6# Psycho$!t&ics 6 !cts" 1
formerly:26#12 Psycho$!t&ics !=*> credits#$
The measures in psychology. Test design and construction. /tandardi,ation and
norms. 1alidity. Celiability. %sychometric instruments publication.

102%7. Int&oduction to Psychological T&!at$!nt # !cts" 1
formerly:26#22 Int!&0!ntion T!chni9u!s and Psychological T&!at$!nt !=*>
2nter&ention techni6ues and psychological treatment. 2nter&ention process and
therapeutic s;ills. ?ain inter&ention techni6ues: techni6ues of an)iety control and
emotional control* operant techni6ues* self4control procedures* training in social and
technical s;ills of cognition. Cesearch and eEciency of psychological treatments.

102%2/ Educational Psychology # !cts" 1
formerly:26#2. Educational Psychology !. credits# * 26#2% Th!o&y and
)od!ls of School 5!a&ning !. credits#$
0ducational psychology and school psychology. 7ontents and &ariables of school
learning. The educational relation: interactions between teacher* pupils* contents
and conte)ts. The instruction4learning process. /chool learning instruction.
Application of general models of human learning at school. 0ducational models of
educational instruction. /tudy of ade6uacy of diferent learning theories. %rinciples
for impro&ement of educational situations.

102601 Social Psychology of th! +ont!$(o&a&y :o&ld 6 !cts" -
formerly:26#26 8&ou( -yna$ics !. credits#$
The group in social psychology. 8efnition* type* formation and de&elopment of the
groups. /tructure* processes and relations of the groups. Areas and strategies of
group inter&ention. 2ntergroup relations. +roups and change. 8ecision ma;ing and
performance of the group.

10260. Psychological P&oc!ss!s: Thought and 5anguag! # !cts" -
formerly:26#27 Psychology of Thought and 5anguag! !" credits#$
@ormation of concepts. Cepresentation of the Dnowledge. ?echanisms of reasoning
and problem4sol&ing. %roducti&e thought. 8ecision ma;ing. Banguage as a cogniti&e
process. Banguage comprehension and production. The origins of Banguage.
@ormalist and functionalist accounts. Banguage and Thought.

;102%%2 P&acticu$ # !cts" Annual
%rofessional areas in %sychology: <ealth %sychology* 7linical %sychology* For; and
5rganisational %sychology* /ocial %sychology* 0ducational psychology.
;102%%1 Int!&nshi( (Prctiques Externes) 6 !cts" Annual
formerly:26#2/ :o&< !=(!&i!nc! P&acticu$"$
8esign* de&elopment and performance of research or inter&ention projects in the
domains of %sychology: ?ethodology of 9eha&ioral /ciences' %sychobiology'
%ersonality* %sychological Assessment and Treatment' 7ogniti&e processes'
8e&elopmental and 0ducational %sychology' and /ocial %sychology. %rojects are
carried out in e)ternal professional areas.
;102%%0 P&obl!$6bas!d 5!a&ning 6 !cts" Annual
formerly:26#02 P&inci(l!s of Psychology !=*> credits#$
The diferent domains in %sychology: ?ethodology of 9eha&ioral /ciences'
%sychobiology' %sychological Assessment and Treatment' 7ogniti&e processes'
8e&elopmental and 0ducational %sychology' /ocial %sychology.
;10260/ Final R!s!a&ch P&o?!ct 6 !cts" Annual
0laboration of a research* inter&ention or theoretical piece of wor; super&ised by a
2. Optional subjects

)I43R I4 ,EA5T, PSY+,3538Y:
102%#2 ,!alth Psychology: Foundations 6 !cts" 1
formerly: 26#27 Functional Analysis in ,!alth Psychology !. credits#$
9asic principles of functional analysis. Theoretical models of functional analysis.
7ontributions to diferent health problems.
102%#. ,!alth Psychology Int!&0!ntion 6 !cts" -
* 102%#6 A((li!d ,!alth Psychology 6 !cts" 1
formerly:26#2# ,!alth Psychology Int!&0!ntion !. credits#$
7oncept of psychology of the health. %sychological inter&ention in problems of
health ha&ing pain as a central problem. %sychological inter&ention in chronic
illnesses. %roblems of adherence to treatments. %romotion of the health and
pre&ention of illness.
102%#% ,!alth Education 6 !cts" -
formerly:26#62 ,!alth Education !. credits#$
9asic processes in health education. <ealthy beha&ior and lifestyles. %romotion of
health: aspects of the moti&ation and emotional. 0ducational and social areas of
102%#2 St&!ss and ,!alth 6 !cts" 1
formerly:26#2/ St&!ss and Ada(tation P&oc!ss!s !. credits#$
Adaptation and health. %sycho4physiological mechanisms of stress. 7ontrol and
prediction. 7oping strategies. 7ogniti&e processes and stress. /tress and
performance. /tress control.
102%%/ Physical Acti0ity and ,!alth 6 !cts" -
formerly:26#%0 Psychology of Physical Acti0ity and ,!alth !. credits#$
%hysical acti&ity* e)ercise and health. 9enefts and ris;s of physical e)ercise. Acti&e
lifestyle and pre&ention of the sedentarism.%sychological aspects of the prescription
of physical e)ercise. /trategies of moti&ation for the begining and the maintenance
of physical e)ercise.
102%/1 Psychology and Ag!ing 6 !cts" -
formerly:26#72 +linical Psychology and 3ld Ag! !. credits#$
Ageing and o&er4ageing of the population. /ocial dimension of the old age. /tereotypes
and attitudes. %hysical de&elopment* sensory changes and motor changes. %ersonality*
self4esteem and body image. /e)uality. Cetirement* health and functional capacity.
0n&ironment and social relations. @amily and intergenerational relations. /ituations of
fragility and needs of long4duration interactions. 2nitiati&es and ser&ices. %sychological
102%%7 S(o&ts Psychology 6 !cts" ;;;E485IS,6TA>8,T 1
formerly:26#62 +o$(!titi0! S(o&ts Psychology !. credits# * 26#6%
Psychology of S(o&t fo& Schoolchild&!n@ !. credits#$
%sychological training. %sychological ad&ice. %sychology of refereeing and of sports
judgement. %sychology of the direction sports organi,ations. %sychological analysis
of sports shows. @ormation and role of the sport psychologist.
Bearning of sport tas;s. @actors of the moti&ation in school sport. 0motional factors
in sport school. %sychological ad&ice to parents and coaches. %rocess of
sociali,ation through sport.
102%6. A((li!d Social Psychology 6 !cts" 1
formerly:26#%% A((li!d Social Psychology !. credits#$
Applied aspects of social psychology. /ociopolitical conte)t of the historical
de&elopment of the inter&ention psychosocial. (eeds and social problems.
%sychosocial 6uality of life. %sychosocial identifcations and e&aluation. 7ommunity
inter&ention in the feld of the health. +eneral felds of application of social
102%%. Ass!ssing P&!f!&!nc!s and -!cision )a<ing 6 !cts" -
formerly:26#7% E9ui($!nt fo& Studying 3(inions' P&!f!&!nc!s and
-!cisions !. credits#$
5pinions and the preferences in human acti&ities. The decision ma;ing. 06uipment
for the ;nowledge of opinions and preferences. /elf4reports. %lanning of trans&ersal
studies and of follow4up. Techni6ues of se6uentiation for the determination of
&alues. Analysis of the sensiti&ity in the decision ma;ing. 0&aluation of impact of
102%%1 Int!&nshi( (Prctiques Externes) 6 !cts" [see above]
)I43R I4 A->5T +5I4I+A5 PSY+,3538Y:

102%2. Adult Psycho(athology 6 !cts" -ond
@ormerly: 26#.0 Adult Psycho(athology !. credits#$
?ain psychopathological syndromes in adults. 8ementia and delGrium.
/chi,ophrenia and other psychoses. 8epression* distimia and bipolar disorder.
An)iety disorders. /omatic disorders. 8issociati&e disorders. 8isorders of
personality. /e)ual dysfunctions. 8rug addictions.
102%2% Adult +linical Psychological Ass!ss$!nt 6 !cts" 1
@ormerly: 26#.. +linical Psychological Ass!ss$!nt of Adults !. credits#$
7linical e&aluation of adults: methodologies. Techni6ues of %sychoanalytic
e&aluation: psychodynamic inter&iew* projecti&e methods. %sychometric techni6ues
of e&aluation: personality* aptitudes* interests and psychological disorders.
8iagnostic report.
102%22 +ogniti0!6A!ha0io&al T&!at$!nt fo& Adults 6 !cts" -
@ormerly: 26#.7 +ogniti0o6A!ha0iou&al Int!&0!ntion !. credits#$
Application of models and of cogniti&e techni6ues to psychological disorders in
adults. Treatment of an)iety* afecti&e disorders* disorders of the se)ual relation and
couple* alimentary disorders and socially accepted addictions.

102%21 P!&sonality -iso&d!&s 6 !cts" 1st
@ormerly: 26#22 P!&sonality -iso&d!&s !. credits#$
7linical characteristics of the disorders of the personality. 0)planatory models.
7lassifcation and diagnosis. 7o4morbidity and associated symptoms. Therapeutic
102%22 +linical 4!u&o(sychology 6 !cts" 1st semester
@ormerly: 26#./ +linical 4!u&o(sychology !. credits#$
?ain neuropsychological alterations. Amnesia. Apra)ia. Agnosia. Aphasia. @rontal
pathology. 7ogniti&e and beha&ioral alterations associated with neurological
pathologies. 8ementia. Cegeneration and reco&ery of functions. 0&aluation and
neuropsychological inter&ention.
102%%6 Su&0!y -!sign and Analysis 6 !cts" 1
@ormerly: 26#%1 +o$(ut!&is!d E9ui($!nt Ass!ss$!nt and -iagnosis !.
7omputeri,ed concepts about design of measure instruments. 7omputeri,ation of
pen and paper tests. 7omputeri,ed application of tests. 7omputeri,ed adaptati&e
tests. 7omputeri,ation of inter&iews not structured and structured. 0&aluation and
diagnosis through e)pert systems and neural nets.
102%%2 3bs!&0ation T!chni9u!s 6 !cts" -
@ormerly: 26#%2 3bs!&0ation T!chni9u!s !. credits#$
?ethodological foundations of obser&ation. 5bser&ation and systematic record:
coding* categori,ation* sampling and record. ?etrics of obser&ation recording* bias
and instrumentation. 3uality of obser&ation data: reliability* &alidity and accuracy.
Analysis of se6uential data and non se6uential data.
102%/6 Psycho!ndoc&inology 6 !cts" 1
@ormerly: 26#22 Psycho!ndoc&inology !. credits#$
Anatomy and physiology of the endocrine system. ?olecular bases of hormonal
action. Celations between the neuroendocrinal system and the inmune system.
0ndocrine in:uences on the de&elopment of the ner&ous system and of beha&iour.
9eha&ioral disturbances in endocrine pathology. 0ndocrine disturbances in
102%/% Psycho(ha&$acology 6 !cts" -
@ormerly: 26#2% Psycho(ha&$acology !. credits#$
2ntroduction to the psychopharmacology. 7ontribution of the neuropharmacological.
9eha&ioral assessment of drugs. 0)perimental models of drug abuse and of
psychological disorders for preclinical assessment. Addiction: tolerance and
dependence. ?ain addicti&e drugs. ?ain psychopharmacological drugs. (on
psychotropic drugs and beha&iour.

102%/2 Psychog!n!tics 6 !cts"1
@ormerly: 26#26 Psychog!n!tics !. credits#$
?ethods of study in psychogenetics. +enetic bases of the normal beha&iour.
%sychological disorders associated with genetic alterations. +enetic bases of
neurological alterations. +enetic bases of psychiatric disorders. 0thics and genetic
102%%1 Int!&nshi( (Prctiques Externes) !. ects# [see above]
)I43R I4 +,I5- A4- A-35ES+E4T +5I4I+A5 PSY+,3538Y:
102%./ +hild and Adol!sc!nt Psycho(athology 6 !cts" -
@ormerly:26#.1 +hild and Adol!sc!nt Psycho(athology !. credits#$
?ain psychopathological syndromes in children and teenagers. 0motional
psychopathology. 8isorders of the personality and of the beha&ior. 8isorders related
with somatic pathologies. 7hronic mental disorders. /econdary disorders.
102%20 +hild and Adol!sc!nt +linical Psychological Ass!ss$!nt 6 !cts" 1
@ormerly:26#.2 +linical Psychological Ass!ss$!nt of +hild&!n and
Adol!sc!nts !. credits#$
0&aluation of the de&elopment: neonatal beha&ior* &isomotor function* motor
functions* language intelligence* temperament* social s;ills and personality.
/trategies* procedures and e&aluation techni6ues.
102%.7 +ogniti0!6A!ha0io&al T&!at$!nt fo& +hild&!n and Adol!sc!nts 6
!cts" -
@ormerly:26#21 A!ha0iou&al Th!&a(y fo& +hild&!n and Adol!sc!nts !.
0&aluation and conductual treatment of the psychological disorders and problems of
beha&iour of the children and teenagers. 2mpro&ement of the social competence.
Ac6uisition of the sphincter control. 2nter&ention in sleep and nutrition disorders*
and disrupti&e beha&iour. Treatment of the disorders of the communication*
hyperacti&ity* an)iety and depression.
102%.# Int!ll!ctual -isability and -!0!lo($!ntal -iso&d!&s 6 !cts" 1
@ormerly:26#.6 )!ntal -!Bci!ncy !. credits#$
7lassifcation and etiology. 0&aluation and diagnosis. ?ain syndromes. ?ental
defciency and psychopathology. 2nter&ention and pre&ention.
;102%%6 Su&0!y -!sign and Analysis 6 !cts" [see above]
@ormerly: 26#%1 +o$(ut!&is!d E9ui($!nt Ass!ss$!nt and -iagnosis !.
102%%2 3bs!&0ation T!chni9u!s 6 !cts" [see above]
@ormerly: 26#%2 3bs!&0ation T!chni9u!s !. credits#$
102%/6 Psycho!ndoc&inology 6 !cts" [see above]
@ormerly: 26#22 Psycho!ndoc&inology !. credits#$
102%/% Psycho(ha&$acology 6 !cts" [see above]
@ormerly: 26#2% Psycho(ha&$acology !. credits#$
102%/2 Psychog!n!tics 6 !cts" [see above]
@ormerly: 26#26 Psychog!n!tics !. credits#$
102%%1 Int!&nshi( (Prctiques Externes) !. ects# [see above]
;102%/2 +hild&!n and Fa$ili!s in Social -iCculty +ont!=ts 6 !cts" -
@ormerly:26#%6 +hildhood and Fa$ili!s Dith Social P&obl!$s !. credits#$
/ystemic analysis in families. %arado)es and games. /ocial conte)t and family
models. ?altreatment* abuse* neglect: typology and analysis. /ocial conte)ts of
diEculty* e)clusion and psychosocial stress. %sychological inter&ention in children
and families. 0ducational and social tools. %rograms of pre&ention. /ystems of
protection and child rights.
)I43R I4 :3RE A4- 3R8A4ISATI34A5 PSY+,3538Y:
102%// :o&< Psychology 6 !cts" 1
@ormerly:26#61 Social Psychology P&actic!: Int!&0!ntion !. credits#$
Cesearch of inter&ention policies. %lanning* design and de&elopment of inter&ention
and e&aluation. Analysis of social indicators. %articipati&e research4action.
7ommunity inter&ention in the feld of health* education* human resources* wor;*
policy* culture law and en&ironment.
102%/# ,u$an R!sou&c!s Planning and )anag!$!nt 6 !cts" 1
@ormerly:26#%/ ,u$an R!sou&c!s Planning and )anag!$!nt !. credits#$
/trategic planning. 7onsulting frm of processes. 8irection from goals. /ystems of
wor;. Appraisal of places. Appraisal of competences. 8e&elopment of the staf.
/election of staf. @ormation. 7ommunication. /ociali,ation of the staf. 0&aluation of
the performance. 2ncenti&es. For; relationships.
;102%#0 Int!&0!ntion and P&oc!ss +onsultation 6 !cts" -
@ormerly:26#/2 P&os(!cti0!: Psychosocial Foundations and )!thodology
!. credits#$
%rospecti&e* planning and pre&ention. %rospecti&e studies* social change and action.
Analysis of the past and future projects. 1ariables and actors. /trategic planning and
strategic culture. 3ualitati&e and 6uantitati&e methods for the study of the
futuribles. Techni6ues of study and prospecti&e analysis.
102%62 Ti$! $anag!$!nt 6 !cts" -
@ormerly:26#67 Psychology and Ti$! !. credits#$
Anthropological and social dimension. Cegulation of the beha&iour: rhythms and
conditioning. %henomenology: %erception and %sychophysics. @ormality of the time:
e&aluation* temporary hori,on and concept of time. Theories of ac6uisition of the
notion of time. ?ethods and applications.
102%.% Psychosocial R!s!a&ch and EnoDl!dg! 6 !cts" 1
@ormerly:26#60 R!s!a&ch and Psychosocial EnoDl!dg! !. credits#$
7onstruction of ;nowledge and research in social psychology. 0fects and conditions
of the psychosocial ;nowledge. 8esign* goals and theoretical anchorage of research.
Cesearch process. ?ethods and techni6ues. /election of informants and obtaining of
information. 0thics* policy and &alues in the research.
102%%. Ass!ssing P&!f!&!nc!s and -!cision )a<ing 6 !cts" [see above]
formerly:26#7% E9ui($!nt fo& Studying 3(inions' P&!f!&!nc!s and
-!cisions !. credits#$
102%#1 Socio6labou& Audit 6 !cts" -
7oncept and history of audit. 7oncept and history of socio4labour audit. The auditor.
Analysis models and audit phases. /ocio4labour audit types. /ocial responsibility.
?anagement and social balance. The Audit report. 3ualitati&e tools for information
102%#2 St&!ss and ,!alth 6 !cts" [see above]
formerly:26#2/ St&!ss and Ada(tation P&oc!ss!s !. credits#$
;102%61 Psychology of Ad0!&tising 6 !cts" -
formerly: 26#7# Psychology and Ad0!&tising !. credits#
Ad&ertising communication: characteristics of the sources* of the message and of
the recei&er. %sychology of ?ar;eting and Ad&ertising. Theories and e)planatory
models of the persuasion: afecti&e states* emotion and moti&ation. 2nformation and
ad&ertising campaigns. 0&aluation of ad&ertising eEcacy.$
;102%%% Tools fo& Info&$ation )anag!$!nt 6 !cts" 1
formerly: 26#/% +o$(ut!& T!chnologi!s A((li!d to Psychology !. credits#$
Cecord and analysis of 6ualitati&e data through computeri,ed forms with ?/4Acces
!clinical and professional records* tests* and inter&iews* longitudinal and multicentric
studies* etc#. Teledocumentation and bibliographical management. Cesources in the
2nternet for professionals and researchers in %sychology. %rinciples of the computer
simulation of psychological processes. %rinciples and use of artifcial neural nets in
102%%1 Int!&nshi( (Prctiques Externes) !. ects# [see above]
)I43R I4 S3+IA5 PSY+,3538Y A4A5YSIS A4- I4TERFE4TI34:
;102%.2 Analysis and Int!&0!ntion in Social Psychology 6 !cts" 1
formerly:26#/2 Social Psychology Planning: +ultu&! and EnoDl!dg! !.
%lanning* design and de&elopment of the social research in communication*
collecti&e action* culture* human resources and e&aluation' pilot and application in
the areas of communication* collecti&e action* culture* human resources and
102%6% Social and +o$$unity Int!&0!ntion 6 !cts" -
formerly:26#%# Psychosocial Ass!ss$!nt and Int!&0!ntion !. credits#$
Celation theory4practice4reality. 0ndogenous and e)ogenous conceptions of
e&aluation and the psychosocial inter&ention. /ocial demands and inter&ention.
0&aluation of the inter&ention needs. 3ualitati&e and 6uantitati&e e&aluation.
8esign and planning of e&aluation and inter&ention. ?ethods and techni6ues in
e&aluation of programs. 0&aluation of results. Assessment. %articipati&e research4
action. ?onitori,ation and follow4up. 2nno&ation. 2nter&ention felds.
102%.6 Public Action and Social +hang! 6 !cts" -
formerly:26#/. +oll!cti0! Action Psychology !. credits#$
?ass psycho sociology. /ocial mo&ements. 7ollecti&e action. /ocial change.
%sychosocial con:ict. 7ollecti&e beha&ior as a social action. /ocial institutions.
Celations of power and social control. 7ollecti&e memory.
102%6. A((li!d Social Psychology 6 !cts" [see above]
formerly:26#%% A((li!d Social Psychology !. credits#$
102%%% Tools fo& Info&$ation )anag!$!nt 6 !cts" [see above]
formerly: 26#/% +o$(ut!& T!chnologi!s A((li!d to Psychology !. credits#$
102%%7 S(o&ts Psychology 6 !cts" [see above] ;;;E485IS,6TA>8,T
formerly:26#62 +o$(!titi0! S(o&ts Psychology !. credits# * 26#6%
Psychology of S(o&t fo& Schoolchild&!n@ !. credits#$
102%.% Psychosocial R!s!a&ch and EnoDl!dg! 6 !cts" [see above]
@ormerly:26#60 R!s!a&ch and Psychosocial EnoDl!dg! !. credits#$
102%/1 Psychology and Ag!ing 6 !cts" [see above]
formerly:26#72 +linical Psychology and 3ld Ag! !. credits#$
102%62 +ultu&al and +o$$unication Psychology 6 !cts" -
formerly:26#76 +ultu&al Psychology !. credits# H 26#77 Social Psychology of
+o$$unication !. credits#$
9iology and culture. Ini&ersalism and relati&ism. ?odernity and postmodernity.
?ulticulturality4interculturality and di&ersity. 8e&elopment* sociali,ation and
inculturation. 2nterpretation* narrati&e* communication* intercultural dialog. 7ultural
construction of the psychological world. 7ultural practices. /ociocultural change and
con:ict. 2deology and &alues. (ationalism.
7ommunication and daily life. /ocial production of communication. The speech*
con&ersation and ;nowledge action. /ymbolic interaction. 8iscursi&e psychology.
7ommunication and culture. ?ass communication. ?edia construction of reality.
2deology* opinions* &alues and beliefs. Ad&ertising. 7ommunication and company.
Bocal4global. (ew technologies and cybersociety.
102%%1 Int!&nshi( (Prctiques Externes) !. ects# [see above]
)I43R I4 E->+ATI34A5 PSY+,3538Y A4A5YSIS A4- I4TERFE4TI34
102%#/ 5!a&ning St&at!gi!s 6 !cts" 1
formerly:26#71 5!a&ning St&at!gi!s in Educational P&oc!ss!s !. credits#$
7onstruction of the strategic ;nowledge. ?etacogniti&e capacity and learning
strategies. 0&aluation of learning strategies. 8irect education &ersus implicit
education. 0ducation strategic: moulding* selfnterrogation and cooperati&e
learning. The strategies of reading*written composition and mathematical problem4
102%## 5!a&ning and Indi0idual -i1!&!nc!s 6 !cts" ;;;E485IS,6TA>8,T
1st semester
formerly:26#%7 Educational Psychology Int!&0!ntion !. credits#$
Analysis and inter&ention in the teaching4learning process: teacher* student*
contents* conte)t and interactions among them. ?echanisms of information
searching* hierarchy of priorities* decision ma;ing and optimi,ation procedures.
102600 Psychological Analysis of T!aching Acti0iti!s 6 !cts" -
formerly:26#72 P&osocial 3(ti$isation !. credits#$
%rosociality: &alue and methodology. ?ental health and social communal life.
7ollecti&e and comple) %rosociality. %rosocial school. 7ommunication of 6uality.
@ormation of agents and operators of optimi,ation or social change. /;ills of
interpersonal relation. %rosocial 2nitiati&e and creati&ity. Asserti&ity and control of
the &iolence. %rosocial ?odels.
102%#7 Int!llig!nc! and +ogniti0! P&oc!ss!s 6 !cts" ;;;E485IS,6TA>8,T
formerly:26#/0 ,u$an and A&tiBcial Int!llig!nc! !. credits#$
Analysis of intelligence models. 7onceptual frame of the intelligence processes in
humans* animals and artifcial systems. Bin;ing with the rele&ant processes of the
beha&ior and mental functioning: learning and adaptation to en&ironment.
102%67 -!afn!ss and 5!a&ning -iso&d!&s 6 !cts" -
formerly:26#70 Psychic -!0!lo($!nt and 5anguag! -!0!lo($!nt in
P!&sons Dith ,!a&ing P&obl!$s !. credits#$
Typology of the deafness and its implications in the communication with the
en&ironment. 8e&elopment of language. Fritten language ac6uisition. /ocio4afecti&e
de&elopment. 7ogniti&e de&elopment. 2nstruments for e&aluation* diagnosis and
psychoeducational orientation in diferent e&olutionary stages.
102%/. I$ag!s and Sy$bols: A1!cti0! and 8!nd!& R!lationshi(s 6 !cts"
formerly:26#6# +&!ating Sy$bols and Signs !. credits#$
/ystem of symboli,ation in the sociali,ation of the indi&iduals. Tal;* game* image
!graphic illustration* cinema* tele&ision# and drawing. Bearning of the systems of
signs: written language and arithmetic. @unctional aspects of the representation
in&ol&ed in the construction of symbols.
102%6/ S(o<!n and :&itt!n 5anguag! Ac9uisition 6 !cts" 1
formerly:26#6/ 5anguag! Ac9uisition: +o$$unicati0!' Social and
+ogniti0! As(!cts
!. credits#$
/tages in language ac6uisition. Banguage as a formal system. Banguage as a
communicati&e system. @actors in&ol&ed in the ac6uisition process: social* cogniti&e
and communicati&e factors. The role of Adult speech. Banguage use and cogniti&e
abilities. /tages in writing de&elopment. Biteracy de&elopment: The profcient
language user.
102%62 +ultu&al and +o$$unication Psychology 6 !cts" [see above]
formerly:26#76 +ultu&al Psychology !. credits# H 26#77 Social Psychology of
+o$$unication !. credits#$
;102%60 Psychology of )!$o&y: a((li!d a&!as 6 !cts" -
formerly:26#66 )!$o&y Psychology: Fi!lds of A((lication !. credits#$
?emory: functional aspects. ?emory of witnesses. ?emory and ad&ertising.
?emory and old age. Applications in education. 5ther felds of application.
;102%/7 Th! d!0!lo($!nt of A&ain' +ognition and Int!llig!nc! 6 !cts"
formerly:26#2. Int!llig!nc! Aio(sychology !. credits#$
0&olution of the ner&ous system and of intelligence. %sycobiological foundations of
intelligence. (eural arousal systems. %arado)ical sleep. ?oti&ation and emotion.
?odulation of learning and memory. For;ing memory and consciousness.
102%%1 Int!&nshi( (Prctiques Externes) !. ects# [see above]
Please note: Lessons at our Faculty may be offered in Catalan and/or in Spanish.
J75IC/0/ (5T 902(+ 2?%B0?0(T08 @C5? -K114-K1- 5(FAC8/:
26#6. P!&c!(tion' )o0!$!nt and Action !. credits# !-nd /emester#
%erception and control of locomotion. Aspects of &isual attention* cognition and
moti&ation of action. ?atri) of the socially important ;nowledge for action.
0)perimental aesthetic perception. Applications: fatigue of attention* ergonomic
designs* traEc and dri&ing of &ehicles* aeronautics.
26#20 Psychoanalytic Th!&a(y !. credits# !1rst /emester#
@undamental concepts of the psychoanalytic therapy. 8e&elopment of the
therapeutic process and of the therapist4patient interaction. Applications and
deri&ati&e modalities.
26#7/ ,isto&y of Psychology in +atalonia !. credits# !-nd /emester#
%anoramic &iew of the %sychology in /pain* in 0urope and in America. 0&olution of
the scientifc and applied %sychology in 7atalonia. 2nstitutionali,ation and
de&elopment of laboratories and applied institutes. <istoriography and documental
26#7. Psychology of +ou(l!s and Fa$ily R!lations !. credits# !-nd
%sychological &ariables in the study of couples and the families. 7ouple
communication. @amily rules. Celations of power in the couple and in the family.
Bo&e and afection in the couple. /eparation and di&orce. 0lements for optimi,ing
the relations of couple and family.
26#2# R!s!a&ch in Aasic Psychology !. credits# !-nd /emester#
2deas* theories and models for Cesearch in 9asic %sychology. Analysis of research
cases in 0motion* Bearning and 7ognition. 0thical aspects of the Cesearch in 9asic
%sychology. 7ritical analysis of the Cesearch in 9asic %sychology from the
;nowledge based on empirical e&idence.
26#.2 E=(!&t Ass!ss$!nt !. credits# !and /emester#
7haracteristics of e)pert e&aluation. %sychology and law. 0thical and legal
considerations. %rocess. Techni6ues of information collection. The e)pert report.
Areas of inter&ention.
26#%. Ass!ss$!nt T!chni9u!s fo& 4on6E=(!&i$!ntal Studi!s !. credits#
?easures of fre6uency of ris; and efect. @actors of confusion. 2nteraction &ariables.
%redicti&e categoric &ariables in regression models. Bogistical regression. %rediction
and classifcation of subjects. 7ur&esC57. 8ata ?ining: induction of rules* decission
trees* neural nets. Analysis of sur&i&ors. Cegression of proportional ris;s.

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