Standard Format For Medical Practitioner CV - Updated

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Queensland Health Standard Format for

Medical Practitioner Curriculum Vitae

It is a Queensland Health directive that all Medical Practitioners Curriculum Vitae
adhere to the standard format. This template covers the minimum requirements.
Additional information that is not listed under the headings elo! ma" also e
included !ithin this document.
Please note that once appointed# regardless of the recruitment process# "our emplo"er
!ill require "our CV in this format. $or further information# please see the follo!ing
e%amples. If "ou have an" difficulties completing this template# please contact &'((
((( ()* or email !or+forus, for assistance.
$or special purpose registration purposes# an original signed cop" of this CV fulfils
the Medical -oard of Queenslands requirements. Certified copies of all
qualifications and ridging courses listed in the CV must e ale to e produced to the
Medical -oard of Queensland.
To assist in "our completion of the CV# !e have included the follo!ing e%amples for
the practising histor" section.
Practising History:
/ates March 0((' 1 Present
Position Title Principal House 2fficer# 3mergenc" /epartment 4$ull Time5
6esponsiilities /irectl" responsile for patients !ho attend the
3mergenc" /epartment to assess# treat# stailise# transfer
or admit as required.
Plan treatment and discharge as a part of a
multidisciplinar" team for all in and out patients seen in
the 3mergenc" /epartment.
Clinical handover to the ne%t Medical 2fficer at the end
of each shift.
3ffective participation in all post graduate educational
and qualit" improvement activities.
$acilit"7Hospital 3mergenc" /epartment# 6o"al -risane and 8omens Hospital#
-risane 9orth Health :ervice /istrict
;ocation 4Cit"7:tate7Countr"5 -risane Q;/# Australia
Explanation of Gap:
/ates <anuar" 0((' = March 0(('
3%planation 0 month travel holida" !ith famil"
Preious positions:
/ates $eruar" 0((> = <anuar" 0(('
Position Title Principle House 2fficer# 3mergenc" /epartment 4$ull Time5
6esponsiilities /irectl" responsile for patients !ho attend the 3mergenc"
/epartment to assess# treat# stailise# transfer or admit as required.
$acilit"7Hospital 3mergenc" /epartment# ;ogan Hospital# :outhside Health :ervice
;ocation 4Cit"7:tate7Countr"5 -risane Q;/# Australia
Version ?.(. &>7&(7('
Curriculum Vitae of:
Personal !nformation:
(Please include your mailing address, telephone and email contact)
Qualifications "#tained $Primary % Postgraduate&:
Qualification 'ame of (niersity )
Country of *ualification +ear
,etailed Practising History:
N.B. You must provide a continuous practising history, including internship, rotations
completed and any oservership!attachment completed in an "ustralian #ospital. "ll gaps
in clinical practice must e explained (eg. periods o$ travel!study). "ll overlaps in clinical
practice must e demonstrated as congruent %ith other positions underta&en at that time.
Position Title
Copy tale as re'uired(
Position Title
Version ?.(. &>7&(7('
Current % -ll Preious Medical .icensing -uthorities:
.icensing -uthority Country of /egistration /egistration 'um#er
0ridging Programs:
Program ,ates Facility City)State /esults
Clinical)Procedural S1ills:
Competent "#sered
Please list the names and contact details o$ three re$erees, one pre$eraly eing
your immediate and current supervisor.
/eferee 2 /eferee 3 /eferee 4
Phone 'um#er:

"ther ,ocumentation:
Please include or attach any other pertinent documents!in$ormation here, eg:
). *esearch ! Pulications ! +nvited presentations,
-. *esearch .rants,
/. 0emership o$ 1earned 2ocieties,
3. 4ther "chievements ! "%ards
Verification Statement:
I verif" that the information contained !ithin this Curriculum Vitae is true and correct
as at 5insert date6.
9ame. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ :igned. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
Version ?.(. &>7&(7('

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