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One particular action-item with time-value has triggered dissemination of this Blast e-mail before

much else has been accrued in the grist file; Ted Cruz will be speaking on the 17
@ the Constitution
Center @ 7:30 p.m. on the First Amendment [tix are $30]. If he is appearing in the auditorium, seating is
extremely limited; even if he is going to be outside in the lobby, then it may still be sold-out promptly.

Thars lots goin on that day. "The Strategic Importance of the Israel-Azerbaijan
Relationship" will be discussed by both the Israeli Ambassador to Azerbaijan [Rafi
Harpaz] and the Azerbaijani Ambassador to the US [Elin Suleymanov] from 8-10 a.m.;
the center-city location of this briefing will be provided to those who RSVP to the
Republican Jewish Coalition [Scott Feigelstein, 610-667-1263 or].
Also, perhaps for counterbalance, the Dems Neil Oxman will provide An Insider's View
of Political TV Ads @ LADDER 15 [1528 Sansom St.] from 5:30-7:30.; the event is
sponsored by the allegedly] non-partisan Committee of Seventy.

Regarding Illegals, the AFL-CIO Wants Obama to Give 'Affirmative Action' to Illegals [as Union Bosses
Scramble to Save Democrat Agenda] and Boehner said Obama Could Get Immigration Reform 'Next
Year'; meanwhile, the Feds Lost Track of 6000 Foreigners on Student Visas Who Could 'Do Us Harm.' As
was discussed in an earlier Blast e-mail regarding the judicial decision to stop Texas from mandating
enhanced safety @ Abortion Clinics, note that Federal Judges are Against a comparable Requirement
that Saved Joan Rivers' Life [regarding joint-affiliation with a nearby hospital]. {Also, a Home Invasion on
the Texas Border Left a Suspect Shot Dead,}

As the GOP Establishment abandons Jeb Bush [due to his Embrace of Common Core,
which will Damage U.S. History Instruction by Combining it with Language Arts] and
CHRISTIE [who SKIPPED THE BORDER ON MEXICO TRIP], Cruz continues to find himself
the keynoter before ideal audiences [on cruises with well-heeled Conservatives, as well],
positioning himself for POTUS-16. And he seems not to have any axe to grind unlike, for
example, Glenn Beck [whose latest prediction is that Hillary 'Will Be the Next President
of the United States'], who is apparently lobbying for exposure via CNN.

Despite BHOs reassurances ['We will not be intimidated' by ISIS; its a 'Manageable Problem' -- if
'International Community' Comes Together; and We must 'organize' Arab world], the DRUMBEAT
GROWS FOR a Congressional ISIL VOTE; @ 9 a.m. today, Former Congresswoman Jane Harmon told
Chuck Todd on MSNBC that authorization is vital. It seems BHO constantly underestimates enemy and,
recalling last weeks prediction of a major announcement this week by General McInerney, Libyan
JETLINERS were STOLEN that COULD BE USED TO ATTACK U.S. [or the Saudi oil-fields, etc.] ON 9/11.
{LHeal: "CNN freaked-out for a month over one missing airliner; now there are 11."}

Even the WaPo was forced to award the White House 4 Pinocchios For how it chose to
rewrite the ISIS 'JV' claim; Presser-Earnest attempted to spin The Smartest President In
The History Of America out of the "JV" ditch with a whopper that claimed "the president
was not singling out ISIL [Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, another name for the
group], he was talking about the very different threat that is posed by a range of
extremists around the globe." That would be a great answer if it were true. {Also,
FNCs James Rosen caught Jen Psaki [spokeswoman for the State Department] in a
contradiction, claiming it could bomb the Islamic State in Iraq without declaring war.}

Also, know that the Heritage Foundation is not opposed to taking military action in Syria. Dr. James
Carafano [a regular on Fox News] said that Heritage opposed action in 2013 because of the legitimate
concern with the rebels the President was considering supporting and their close ties to ISIS; indeed,
Heritage feels the us-must-stop-giving-ground-in-iraq, as was unambiguously averred. And, again serving
to illustrate the daunting odds against overall Middle East peace, a New Palestinian Poll revealed that
Ismail Haniyeh would beat Mahmoud Abbas and Hamas Would win PA Parliamentary Elections. As is
customary, underreported after the Islamic State Beheaded U.S. Hostage Steven Sotloff was that he
Held Israeli Citizenship and had a Deep Love of Arab Culture; also, according to Debbie Schlussel,
although he supposedly fasted on Yom Kippur and prayed while facing Jerusalem, Steven Sotloff was a
Proud Jewish Supporter of HAMAS, ISIS, and Rebels who Deeply Loved Islam, indeed, who had
Converted to Islam Years Ago and Hated Israel.

{It seems I wasnt alone, for Rabbi Richard A. Block, president of the Central Conference
of American Rabbis, the rabbinic organization of [very-lib, very-Dem] Reform Judaism,
also is unsubscribing to the New York Times; this stiffens my resolve, despite losing the
weekly Sunday-mag x-word and variety puzzles}. Note that The New York Times ran an
op-ed in which columnist Charles M. Blow contended that Republicans are trying to use
the 9/11 attacks to make Americans fear ISIS and "yoke Obama with the ill effects of a
war started by [George W. Bush]."
One immediate problem with this theory is that ISISnow ISis not an ill effect of the
Iraqi War, but of the power vacuum created by Obama's precipitous withdrawal of all
U.S. Troops in 2011.
But Obama knows this, which is why he blamed the troop pull-out on George W. Bush
early last month.
The Washington Times reported that on August 9just two days after authorizing
airstrikes against ISObama "blamed his predecessor, George W. Bush, for the absence
of American troops in Iraq and rejected the assertion that he could have left a small
peacekeeping force in the war-torn country [to prevent the creation of the power
vacuum that opened the door to IS]."
Charles M. Blow does not see this. Instead, he contends that the GOP is trying to shift
blame to protect Bush and to force Obama into going to war with IS.
He draws examples from Fox News to bolster his assertion, such as Judge Jeanine Pirro
saying Obama's lack of leadership toward IS should make Americans "afraid." He also
points to Republicans like Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC), who support using the
military against IS to "stop another 9/11." And he mentions Representative Ileana Ros-
Lehtinen's (R-FL-Dist. 27) warning that, under Obama, "we are getting back to a pre-
9/11 mentality, and that's very dangerous."
Instead of seeing the danger about which Pirro, Graham, and Ros-Lehtinen warn, Blow
sees an attempt to blow things out of proportion and blame our current president for
his lack of action against IS.
Anyone monitoring Breitbart-London would not have found the appearance of Nigel Farage on Fox
News' Hannity Show to be particularly surprising [e.g., 'Cameron is Following My Lead'], for he is the
equivalent of Sarah leading the Tea Party Movement and, indeed, David Cameron's greatest legacy may

be the rise and rise of UKIP [as Farage quipped that there is only a tobacco-papers difference between
the Tories and Labor]. Also, as usual, people decrying Anti-Semitism or Rape Gangs will Never Blame
Islam for, instead, the [evil] cause is Always the 'Far Right.'

Steven Sotloff (in beard)
in Traditional Yemeni Muslim Dress & Keffiyeh

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