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KIC InnoEnergy Student Agreement

Intake 2014-2016

KIC InnoEnergy MSc Program: Energy for Smart Cities

Agreement regarding enrolment in the KIC InnoEnergy Master in Energy for Smart


I. KU Leuven, a member of the consortium for the KIC InnoEnergy MSc program
Energy for Smart Cities, having its registered office in Leuven at Oude Markt 13,
3000 Leuven (Belgium), in this matter duly represented by Prof. Johan Driesen
(hereinafter referred to as the Coordinating Institution);


II. .(NAME),
born in (country), on (date),
with official residence at (city),
holder of a .... passport with number ., hereinafter
referred to as the Student);

The Coordinating Institution and the Student will hereinafter jointly be referred to as the
Parties and each of them individually as Party.


A. The following four partner institutions (each individually referred to as a Partner
Institution and all Partner Institutions collectively hereinafter also referred to as
the "Consortium"), have developed the KIC InnoEnergy master of science (MSc)
program in Smart Cities (the KIC InnoEnergy MSc Program Smart Cities):

KU Leuven in Belgium, Coordinating Institution;
KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden;
INP Grenoble in France;
Technical University of Catalonia - UPC in Spain;

B. Each Partner Institution has appointed a coordinator in respect of the KIC InnoEnergy
Program Smart Cities, which currently are the following individuals (collectively the
"Program Coordinators" and each individually a Program Coordinator):

KU Leuven: Prof. Johan Driesen (;
KTH: Olga Kordas (;
Grenoble INP: Raphael Caire (;
UPC: Andreas Sumper (;

C. The Program Coordinators jointly form the steering committee of the Consortium (the
Steering Committee);

D. The coordinator of the Consortium is Prof. Johan Driesen (Consortium

E. The program director of the KIC InnoEnergy MSc Program Smart Cities is Prof. Johan
Driesen (Program Director);

F. The Student wishes to enrol in the KIC InnoEnergy MSc Program Smart Cities and on
behalf of the Consortium, the Student is hereby given permission to enrol in the KIC
InnoEnergy MSc Program Energy for Smart Cities.

G. The Student shall receive a KIC InnoEnergy Scholarship (the "Scholarship") on and
subject to the provisions set forth in this student agreement (hereinafter referred to
as the Agreement).

The Scholarship consists of:

travel and installation costs (1,000), program participation costs (8,000 per
academic year) and a monthly allowance in the amount of 750/month for a
maximum of 24 months).


1. Definitions and interpretation

1.1. Unless the context requires otherwise, capitalized terms and expressions in this
Agreement are defined terms and expressions which shall have the meaning as
attributed to such words and expressions in this Agreement.

1.2. Whenever used in this Agreement, the words include, includes and including
shall be deemed to be followed by the phrase without limitation.

1.3. Where any obligation is qualified or phrased by reference to use "reasonable
endeavours", "best efforts" or wording of a similar nature, it means the efforts that a
person desirous of achieving a result would use in similar circumstances to ensure
that such result is achieved as expeditious as possible and, regard shall be had,
among other factors, to (i) the price, financial interest and other terms of the
obligation; (ii) the degree of risk normally involved in achieving the expected result;
and (iii) the ability of an unrelated person to influence the performance of the

2. Trajectory and specialisation options

2.1. The Students preferences for enrolling in the KIC InnoEnergy MSc Program Energy
for Smart Cities have been noted and reviewed by a selection committee. The
Student will study the first year at one of the Partner Institutions, where the Student
follows a common program. After the fall semester begins, the Steering Committee
will meet to determine the final mobility paths for the second year of the KIC
InnoEnergy MSc Program Energy for Smart Cities.

2.2. Each Partner Institution may require a separate brief application to supplement the
materials the Student previously submitted. The relevant Program Coordinator will
review all requests for mobility at the Partner Institution. The Steering Committee will
try to honour the Students mobility preferences; however, the Partner Institution
reserves the right to balance Students enrolment at other participating Partner
Institutions. Each Student will follow a set of courses within the chosen area of
specialisation of mobility and carry out his/her final degree project with written
masters thesis or project (site dependent).

2.3. The following itinerary is stipulated for the Student:
Year 1 (course work): at the Partner Institution

Year 2 (course work and Masters Thesis):
the Year 2 location is to be determined by the Steering Committee at the
latest in March of the specific academic year, or at such earlier moment as the
Steering Committee may decide, before the start of the KIC InnoEnergy MSc
Program Smart Cities.

3. Pre-arrival information and requirements

3.1. It is the responsibility of the Student to apply for a Student visa/residence permit for
their first destination well in advance and also to collect documents required for
future visa applications with respect to the available mobility tracks and activities,
such as health certificates, police certificates, copy of high school diploma etc.

3.2. Upon arrival and during the period the Student is enrolled in the KIC InnoEnergy MSc
Program Smart Cities at the relevant Partner Institution the Student shall be obliged
to ensure that the Student complies with all requirements of the relevant Partner
Institution and any and all applicable administrative or legal procedures of the
country in which the Student shall reside.

4. Degree and diploma

4.1. The Student shall be awarded degrees from the Partner Institutions at which it has
successfully completed (a part of) the KIC InnoEnergy MSc program Smart Cities.

4.2. All Partner Institutions have signed letters of intent committing to use their best
efforts to produce double or dual degrees available upon the completion of the KIC
InnoEnergy MSc program Energy for Smart Cities.

4.3. When the Student has successfully completed the academic requirements in order to
obtain degrees from the degree-issuing Partner Institutions, the Student will receive
a joint document describing the KIC InnoEnergy MSc program Energy for Smart Cities
from the coordinating Partner Institution.

5. Language policy

5.1. The medium of instruction for the KIC InnoEnergy MSc program Energy for Smart
Cities is English. All coursework including but not limited to lectures, assignments,
projects, exams, laboratories, and tutorials are conducted entirely in English.

5.2. All the Partner Institutions will offer the Student access to their language centres or
equivalent learning facilities and will encourage the Student to attend extra-curricular
language classes.

6. Registration, participation fee and associated rights

6.1. The student enrols in the KIC InnoEnergy MSc program Energy for Smart Cities upon
issue of a written acceptance notice issued by the Consortium Coordinator of the KIC
InnoEnergy MSc program Smart Cities on behalf of the Steering Committee, which
makes the decisions on admission and selection. However, no rights and obligations
will arise for the Parties until the final decision on enrolment is made by the hosting
Partner Institution and notified in writing to the Student.


6.2. The participation fee for the KIC InnoEnergy MSc program Smart Cities per academic
year (the Participation Fee) amounts to EUR 4,000 for students with citizenship
from an EU or an EEA/EFTA country and EUR 8,000 for students with citizenship from
any other country per academic year and covers the following items:
Access to courses, exercises and laboratory sessions.
The right of attendance to extra-curricular activities organized within the KIC
InnoEnergy MSc program Energy for Smart Cities;
Examination fees (where applicable); and
Administrative services,
in this case the Participation Fee for the Student amounts to EUR 8,000.

6.3. Apart from the Participation Fee, minimal or no extra costs will be billed to the
Student for participating in the KIC InnoEnergy MSc program Energy for Smart Cities

6.4. The Student needs however to cover costs that are not part of the Participation Fee
at the Partner Institution where it is enrolled by itself, inter alia being costs for
books, transcripts, degree certificate, recreation, fees for Student government, library
late fees or re-examination fees, parking etc. The Student must cover by itself other
costs such as local transports, library, accommodation, subsistence, etc.

6.5. Admission to the KIC InnoEnergy MSc program Energy for Smart Cities and, when
applicable, membership of the local student union also gives the Student the right to
the following:
Support from the student services available at the Partner Institution, such as
access to the student employment office, medical and psychotherapeutic
centres, student restaurants/cantinas, student counsellors office, student
accommodation assistance;
Use of the library in accordance with the library regulations of the relevant
Partner Institution;
Use of the information technology infrastructure in accordance with the
specific regulations of the Partner Institution;
Educational support through any of the learning environments at the Partner

7. The Scholarship and the obligations entailed herewith

7.1. The Student must inform the Consortium Coordinator of every other form of financial
support he or she receives (e.g. other scholarships or grants).

7.2. The Student benefitting from a Scholarship cannot benefit from another
scholarship/grant from the European Commission while pursuing the KIC InnoEnergy
MSc program Energy for Smart Cities.

7.3. The Scholarship does not create or entitle an employer-employee relation between
the Partner Institution and the Student, and therefore is not subject to direct

7.4. The Participation Fee will be withheld directly from the Scholarship at the beginning of
each academic year.

7.5. The Participation Fee cost covers the institutional enrolments including the
administrative and academic management of the KIC InnoEnergy MSc Program
Energy for Smart Cities. Any other costs that the Student may additionally be
charged for (e.g. Student union fees) and that may be either compulsory or voluntary
are communicated to the candidate Student during the application phase on the KIC
InnoEnergy MSc Program Energy for Smart Cities website and on the local website of
each organization or institution that may demand such payments.

7.6. The Scholarship is only awarded and will only become due and payable after the
Student has signed this Agreement and after the Students official enrolment.

7.7. The Student will receive for the term of this Agreement the Scholarship, including the
monthly allowance for a maximum of 24 months, being for the academic years
2014/2015 and 2015/2016. The monthly allowance is eligible for periods of academic
activity in relation to the academic year of the Partner Institution where the Student
is enrolled and participation in summer/winter schools organized by the Consortium.
No allowance is paid for vacation periods exceeding four weeks. The monthly
allowance is paid to the Student by the Partner Institution coordinating the KIC
InnoEnergy MSc Program Energy for Smart Cities for the full duration of the Program
regardless of the physical location of the Student, which could be at any of the
Partner Institutions in the KIC InnoEnergy MSc Program Energy for Smart Cities.

7.8. In deviation of article 7.7 the Scholarship can be put on hold or be terminated in
accordance with article 14.

7.9. The Steering Committee can decide that the amount of Scholarship received by the
Student can become eligible for repayment by the Student, in whole or in part, but
only in accordance with articles 14.3 (wilful misconduct, fault or negligence) and 14.4
(early termination by Student without notification).

7.10. The monthly allowances will be paid to a European bank account in the Students
name. The Consortium cannot be held liable for any problems in the transaction or
any losses related to fluctuations in the exchange rate.

8. Common and specific education rules

8.1. As a Student of the KIC InnoEnergy MSc Program Energy for Smart Cities, the
Student shall at all times be bound by all applicable specific education and
examination regulations rules and requirements of the relevant Partner Institution in
which the Student has enrolled or is participating in a particular course, including but
not limited to rules and requirements with regard to courses, projects, thesis,
examination and diploma.

8.2. If and to the extent available (on the KIC InnoEnergy MSc Program Energy for Smart
Cities website or in a handbook) the Student shall also be bound by, in addition to
article 8.1, the Consortiums common rules on individual course selection, final
degree project with written masters thesis, examination and pass/fail criteria,
diploma and (if applicable) scholarships apply.

8.3. If the common rules of the Consortium are not available at the time that the Student
enrols in the program but become available during the time that the Student is
enrolled in the KIC InnoEnergy MSc Program Energy for Smart Cities these rules shall

apply to the Student from the moment that they become available for as long as the
Student is enrolled in the KIC InnoEnergy MSc Program Energy for Smart Cities.

8.4. Partner Institutions have the right to organise attendance controls with regard to the
attendance of the Student to all lectures and laboratories of the KIC InnoEnergy MSc
Program Energy for Smart Cities.

9. The Students obligations with respect to the program

9.1. The Student must use both the movable and immovable goods of the Partner
Institution(s) with great care and must act and behave in accordance with the
regulations enforced within the Partner Institution(s).

9.2. The Student must attend as many lectures and laboratories as possible. Lectures,
laboratories and/or assignments may be compulsory in order to pass a course. The
Student participating in the KIC InnoEnergy MSc Program Energy for Smart Cities
shall take part in all compulsory parts of the program and cooperate with any
attendance controls. The Student must make personal arrangements to secure that
they can participate fully and actively in these activities. The Student is obliged to
obtain all relevant information with regard to all compulsory activities.

9.3. In case of absence of more than one week (during the academic year not including
holiday periods) the Student is expected to inform the Program Representative at the
Partner Institution and ask for approval for this absence. The Student has to provide
a motivation for the absence supported, as much as possible, by evidence. For
medical reasons, a certificate from the doctor will be requested.

9.4. In case of failure of a course (failure includes absence from an exam with or without
legitimate reason), one re-sit is allowed without affecting the future participation in
the KIC InnoEnergy MSc Program Energy for Smart Cities. This re-sit will preferably
take place at the Partner Institution where the course was taught, but will also be
possible at another Partner Institution if agreed with the Partner Institution offering
the re-sit. The latter option may be chosen with respect to practical matters related
to the relocation in connection with the second year of studies and will be decided on
a case by case basis and to the discretion of the Partner Institutions involved. A
Student who fails a course twice will be given due warning that the review of the
academic results during Semester by the Steering Committee is the basis for the
decision regarding the continuation of the KIC InnoEnergy MSc Program Energy for
Smart Cities in accordance with article 12.1 which could lead to early termination in
accordance with article 15.1.

9.5. Minimum requirements in ECTS for second year registration to the KIC InnoEnergy
MSc Program Energy for Smart Cities are 45 ECTS. In addition the Student shall have
to comply with the requirements of the scholarship as set out in this Agreement.

9.6. The Student will participate in the e-portfolio/communication tool developed by KIC

9.7. The Student participating in the KIC InnoEnergy MSc Program Energy for Smart Cities
must participate in the Smart Cities course, the Innovation Summer School, the
Entrepreneurship chapter and in optional internships during the summer or for the
Masters Thesis. The Student is responsible for acquiring the internship and it must be

approved by the Program Coordinator at the current Partner Institution and the
Consortium Coordinator.

9.8. If requested by the Consortium Coordinator the Student is required to report to the
Consortium Coordinator with regard to the progress and achievements during the
KIC InnoEnergy MSc Program Energy for Smart Cities.

10. Student achievements

10.1. Grades are awarded for each course in accordance with the regulations of the Partner
Institution where the Student is studying, except for those cases that are stipulated
in the common rules.

10.2. The Student grants the Partner Institution where he/she is studying during the first
and the second year the right to transfer all information concerning the progress of
the studies to the Consortium management and its administrative units and also to
the KIC InnoEnergy MSc School Office. This includes courses, study results, and all
other facts that are necessary to evaluate the Student's performance.

10.3. Information concerning the passing of the complete KIC InnoEnergy MSc Program
Energy for Smart Cities and the awarding of possible additional degrees of merit will
be made available to the Student by the relevant Partner Institution(s) or, if and to
the extent made available by the Consortium in the specific supplementary
regulations, accessible on the KIC InnoEnergy MSc Program Energy for Smart Cities
website or handbook.

11. Student's warranties

11.1. By signing, the Student declares that he or she fulfills and accepts the following

Type 1 Cat A Scholarship

The Student has citizenship from a non-EU or non-EEA/EFTA member state.
The Student is able to spend his or her study period in at least two of the
consortium partner countries. The mandatory mobility periods cannot be
replaced by virtual mobility, neither can they take place in institutions outside
the consortium.
The Student has not yet benefited from an KIC InnoEnergy master's program
The Student shall not benefit from another Community grant while pursuing
the KIC InnoEnergy MSc Program Energy for Smart Cities.
The Student shall be enrolled as a full-time Student and commit him/herself to
participate in the KIC InnoEnergy MSc Program Energy for Smart Cities in
accordance with this Agreement.

12. Review

12.1. The following shall apply with regard to the review of year 1:

Type 1 Scholarship and Tuition fee waiver


The Steering Committee reviews the Students academic performance each semester
and makes a new decision for the coming semester regarding the Students
continuation to the second year of the KIC InnoEnergy MSc Program Energy for
Smart Cities, the continuation of the payment of the monthly allowance and the
awarding of the fee waiver, based on the previous semesters study results. Minimum
requirements are that the Student has performed an equivalent of 75% of the course
work during the previous semester.

12.2. Notwithstanding article 12.1 and with respect to national laws the Student may
remain at the program and re-take year 1 at his or her own cost and expense. If
successful, the Student may continue the second year at the KIC InnoEnergy MSc
Program Energy for Smart Cities at its own cost and as such graduate as a KIC
InnoEnergy MSc Program Energy for Smart Cities Student. The Student may also
transfer to a local program at the current Partner Institution with respect to fees and
regulations applied at this Partner Institution. A new application and admission to the
local program might be necessary.

13. Early termination by the Student

13.1. In the event that the Student prematurely ceases its participation in the KIC
InnoEnergy MSc Program Energy for Smart Cities for any reason, he or she must
notify the Consortium Coordinator in writing immediately.

13.2. A Student who leaves the KIC InnoEnergy MSc Program Energy for Smart Cities
prematurely but has obtained credits for certain courses will get an official transcript
of records stating the courses it has completed and earned credits for.

14. Early termination by the Consortium and/or repayment

14.1. Early termination by the Consortium can apply to a Student in the following events:

a) In case the Student is denied transfer and the Scholarship for the second
year due to insufficient study results in the first year based on the review
as described in article 12.1, the Student will lose its Scholarship and this
Agreement will be terminated with immediate effect;
b) In the event the Student does not comply with the requirements as set out
in articles 9.2 or 9.3 or 9.7 or 9.8, the Consortium Coordinator will notify
the Student as soon as reasonably possible and invite the Student for a
hearing. Following this hearing the Steering Committee may decide, at its
own discretion, to either put the Scholarship on hold or terminate the
Scholarship and terminate this Agreement with immediate effect;
c) In the event of early termination by the Student from the KIC InnoEnergy
MSc Program Energy for Smart Cities as described in article 13.1 the
Scholarship and this Agreement shall automatically be terminated with
immediate effect;
d) In the event of a breach of the Student of the warranties included in article
11.1 the Steering Committee may decide, at its own discretion, to either
put the Scholarship on hold or terminate the Scholarship and terminate this
Agreement with immediate effect.

14.2. All decisions of discontinuation of the Scholarship are made by the Steering
Committee of the KIC InnoEnergy MSc Program Energy for Smart Cities and executed
by the Consortium Coordinator, after hearing the Student.

14.3. If the Scholarship and the Agreement are terminated in accordance with article 14.1
the Steering Committee can decide, at its sole discretion, to reclaim the Scholarship
partially or in whole provided that the Scholarship shall only becomes eligible for
repayment in the following events:

a) wilful misconduct, fault or negligence of the Student causing the Student not
to fulfil its obligations under this Agreement; or
b) fraud by the Student,

for the avoidance of doubt the study results or the review as mentioned in article 12
shall never be a legitimate ground for repayment of the Scholarship.

14.4. In addition to article 14.3, failure of the Student to notify the Consortium Coordinator
in accordance with article 13.1 shall in any event lead to the obligation of the Student
to repay the amount of Scholarship the Student received during the period the
Student has ceased its participation but did not notify the Consortium Coordinator.

15. Duration

15.1. This Agreement is valid starting from the 2014-2015 academic year and shall be valid
and binding between the Parties for the normal duration of the KIC InnoEnergy MSc
Program Energy for Smart Cities (two academic years), except in the events as set
out of articles [14]

16. Use of Images

16.1. The Student agrees that KIC InnoEnergy SE or any of its affiliated partners can use
its photographs and/or videos free of charge worldwide for the purpose of
disseminating and promoting KIC SE education, entrepreneurship and innovation
related activities. The Student also waives the right to invoke intellectual property
rights vested in the aforementioned photographs and/or videos, for example
copyrights, moral rights and portrait rights. The above applies irrespective of whether
the photograph or video was submitted by the Student itself or if it was made by KIC
SE or any of its affiliated partners.

16.2. If the Student changes its mind, the Student can always request to have its data
deleted by writing to KIC InnoEnergy SE, Hightech Campus 69, 5656 AG Eindhoven,
The Netherlands or

17. Liability and indemnification

17.1. Neither of the Parties shall incur any liability towards the other Party in respect of any
damages resulting from the performance of this Agreement, except in case of intent
or gross negligence.

17.2. The Student will not initiate legal proceedings either by provisionary measure,
preliminary relief, attachment or otherwise against the Consortium or the Partner
Institution for a breach under this Agreement unless he/she has demanded the

Consortium or the Partner Institution with a 20 Business Days notice in writing to
remedy such breach.

18. Annexes

18.1. The following documents constitute an integral part of the present Agreement. These
documents will be sent to the participating Student:
Annex I: Bank detail form
Annex II: Summer Activity plan form, for scholarship payment

19. Notices

19.1. Any notice pursuant to or in connection with this Agreement shall be given in writing
by registered mail, with copy by telefax or email, to the following addresses:

If to the Coordinating Institution:
KU Leuven
Attn: Prof. Johan Driesen
Address: Kasteelpark Arenberg 10 - bus 2445, 3001 Leuven (Heverlee)
Country: Belgium
Fax: +32 16 321985

If to the Student:

19.2. Each of the Parties is entitled to, during the term of this Agreement, notify the other
Party of another address to which any notice should be sent.

19.3. The Parties explicitly choose domicile at the addresses set forth in this Agreement.

20. Miscellaneous

20.1. This Agreement consists of this core text and the Annexes. Should any provision of
this Agreement become invalid, illegal or unenforceable, it shall not affect the validity
of the remaining provisions of this Agreement. In such a case, the Parties concerned
shall be entitled to request that a valid and practicable provision be negotiated which
fulfills the purpose of the original provision.

20.2. No rights or obligations of the Parties arising from this Agreement may be assigned or
transferred, in whole or in part, to any third party without the other Partys prior
formal and written approval.

20.3. Amendments and modifications to the text of this Agreement, unless otherwise
explicitly provided for herein, require a separate agreement between all Parties in
written form; this shall also apply to the provision itself.

20.4. This Agreement may be entered into any number of counterparts and by each of the
Parties on separate counterparts, but shall not be effective until each Party has
executed at least one counterpart. Each counterpart, when executed, shall constitute
an original, but all the counterparts shall together constitute one and the same


21. Declaration and signatures

21.1. The signatories declare that they have read and accepted the conditions laid down in
the present Agreement. This Agreement is signed in two originals at the place and on
the date indicated below, whereby each signatory has received one original copy.

22. Governing law and competent court

22.1. This Agreement is governed exclusively by and construed in accordance with the laws
of Belgium.

22.2. All disputes that may arise in connection with this Agreement or any agreements
resulting from this Agreement shall be submitted to the competent court of Brussels,

KU Leuven

Name: Prof. Johan Driesen
Title: Program Director
Date: .
Place: .


Name: ..
Date: ..
Place: ..

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