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Advanced Texture Editing

By Careless Whisper
Hi everyone and welcome to my Texture editing guide.
This guide will take you through the 3 types of textures
that aom provides .The first one being the standard unit
If a ddt file is set out like this you can convert it with
15-bit, 1-bit alpha [1],5 mip-map levels, Or
8-bit greyscale, no alpha, Which is a default ddt image
format, However if you convert your unit with 8-bit
greyscale, no alpha It will turn out black and white,
which can be a good effect. The head must be
converted with 16-bit no alpha [0] 5 mip-map
levels, r of course the default greyscale format.
The !ottom Half of the !mp is called the mask. In this
case the mask shows where the player colours go .To
change where the player colours go daw white on the
mask. "o in this example the player colours will show on
#ason$s hand, arm, leg, and foot.
%ow we will move onto a different type of texture .The
cinematic texture. There are & general variations of
cinematic texture, here they are,
'inematic textures like these can be converted with
15-bit, 1-bit alpha [1],5 mip-map levels, Or
8-bit greyscale, no alpha.
'inematic textures wrap around the model rather than be
simply placed on it. 'inematic models are very detailed
so it can sometimes be hard to make a cinematic mod
that looks uni(ue.
The mask once again shows where the player colours go.
And last of all 2D textures
)ost &* textures can be converted with
12-bit 4-bit alpha [0] 5 mip-map levels or lo mip-map
With &* textures the mask is used to show what will
"how up in game . "o only the white will show in game.
!y saying that everything you do to the top half you need
to do in white on the bottom half. The paler the white is
the less solid it will show up in game. "o if you did a
pale grey colour it will show up like glass, transparent
but not entirely invisible. This transparent effect can only
be done with textures that have 12-bit 4-bit alpha [0] 5
mip-map levels . If you want to do this with a standard
unit or building you must merge its model to a model
that$s texture has 12-bit 4-bit alpha [0] 5 mip-map levels
using +max. Then you can convert your standard units
texture with the 12-bit 4-bit alpha [0] image format.
nce you have done that, the mask will define
transparency instead of player colours. ,nyway using the
mask in this way is how &* models are made. Try editing
cinematic trees. -sing the mask you can draw an upright
model using simply its texture.
"o here is my new
&* traffic light
,s you rotate the
camera in game you
&* model will also
rotate. "o It will be
impossible to see the back of my traffic light. It is a good
idea to make the backing of the texture a similar colour
to the part you intend to show, encase the mask work is a
bit off centre.
This particular texture can !"#$ be converted with
1% bit 1-bit alpha [0] 1 mip-map levels.
,s convenient as it is you should try not to become
obsessed with making &* mods . because after all
aom is a 3* game. The other flaw &* models have
is that they don$t work with replace texture so you
must use a &e' ()itor To directly set a texture to
the model.
That concludes my a)vance) te't*re ()iting g*i)e.

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