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System Calls

System calls provide for a bridge between the process and the operating system.
System calls allow user-level processes to request some services from the
operating system which process itself is not allowed to do. These calls are
usually available as routines written in C and C++.

System calls can be broadly classified into five categories viz.
1. Process Control
2. File Management/Manipulation
3. Device Management/Manipulation
4. Information Maintenance
5. Communications
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System Calls
Type of System Call Example
Process Control
1. End, abort(abort)
2. Load, execute(exec)
3. Create process(fork)
4. Terminate process(exit)
5. Wait for time (wait time/ event)
File Management
1. Create files (create fileA)
2. Delete files(delete fileA)
3. Open files
4. Close files
5. Read/Write files
Device Management
1. Request device
2. Release device
3. Read/Write on device
Information Maintenance
1. Get time (time)
2. Get date (date)
3. Get system version
4. Get user count
1. Create connection
2. Delete connection
3. Send/Receive messages
4. Status information
Each system call needs name of file and often some attributes of the file. A file is
first created, opened, read/written and closed or deleted thereafter.

A process can often require other devices to function properly, such as disk
drives. If these are not available, process will have to wait. We first request
device. Once device is allocated to us, we can read/write on device just as with
files. After we are done, we release it for use by other processes.

These system calls are used for transferring information between user program
and OS. They may also be used to return number of users, system version, free
disk space etc.
Before communication takes place between processes, communication has to be
made. For inter-process communication, we may use Shared Memory model or
Message passing model.
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Process Management
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