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Florida First Ever Democratic Party Platform 2012
Florida Democrats believe in Florida values. We, the people of the great State of Florida,
believe in standing for effective and efficient government that is aimed at providing the
quality public safety, education, and healthcare the people of this state deserve.
Ours is the party that champions the middle class and the basic principle of fairness to
ensure all Floridians are treated equally. And we believe in protecting the states precious
land, water, and air for our children and grandchildren.
lt is our purpose to place before the residents of Florida a document that states the position
of the Democratic Party for the future direction of our state. The following Platform makes
that statement, and offers a promise of a strong and fruitful future for Floridians
We, as Florida Democrats, believe jobs and the
economy are our first priority. Therefore we
pledge to:
Support the creation of jobs for hard-working
Floridians, with wage parity between women
and men.
Preserve and expand Floridas middle class
by creating good paying jobs, by investing in
Floridas crumbling infrastructure, and by
strengthening demand for Florida products
both here and abroad.
Empower small business owners to create
new jobs.
Lead the way by expanding small business job
creation through incentives for employers,
and by reducing unnecessary government
Increase training and apprenticeship oppor-
tunities by working with our Florida labor
unions and public school systems:
We will endeavor to achieve our goals by
expanding training and retraining initiatives for
every Florida worker and returning veteran, and
strengthening public education for our children.
Van Jones You cant get
everything you want just by voting
one time, but you can vote for the
wrong person one time, and you
can lose everything youve got.
We, as Democrats, subscribe to Article IX, Section
1, of the Florida State Constitution, which requires
the state to ... provide a uniform, efficient, safe,
secure and high quality System of free public
schools which allows students to obtain a high
quality education. To fulfill that promise, we
Ensuring full funding by the state for our public
schools, with no unfunded mandates placed
upon local school districts. Education funding
should not be subject to legislative bargaining.
Establishing evaluation measures which
embrace the total educational experience and
paying our teachers the wages they deserve.
Providing universal access to high quality early
childhood education.
Making public schools our top priority with
maintenance and construction funding being
thus designated.
Creating world-class vocational apprenticeship
Investing in high quality affordable and
available higher education, both vocational
and academic.
Creating a comprehensive curriculum for edu-
cating future teachers and quality professional
development for current teachers.
Investing in a high-quality education system is
critical to Floridas economic future.
We, as Democrats, support affordable healthcare,
expanding coverage to all Americans, holding
insurers accountable, and working diligently
to make our healthcare system a viable, quality
System which upholds our Democratic ideals and
protects all Americans.
We believe:
Access to affordable, high quality healthcare is
a right for all Americans.
Healthcare is about care and not insurance.
Health is not a commodity.
Focusing on preventive healthcare will save
lives and money.
Florida veterans have given of their physical,
and in many instances mental, well-being; we
Democrats will fight to ensure they receive the
care required to recover their health.
Women are capable of making decisions about
their own healthcare including, and especially,
in regard to reproductive health.
An investment in the health and well-being of
Americans is an investment in the economic
future and strength of our nation.
We, as Democrats, support the continuation
of strong and reasonable protection of Social
Security as a life wage and as an insurance policy
for the disabled of all ages. We believe:
The Social Security trust fund must be secured
and protected.
Social Security and Medicare reform should
be based on increased revenue, not decreased
Social Security benefits must keep pace with
The application and approval process for
Disability insurance must be streamlined and
The no bid clause in Medicare Part D must
be eliminated.
Social Security is not just for seniors, it is a safety
net for all ages in times of need.
Authorized and Paid for by The Palm Beach County Democratic Party
Elections 2012
Mark Your 2012 Calendar!
General Election
Deadline to register: October 9, 2012
Early Voting: October 27, 2012November 3, 2012
General Election Day: Tuesday, November 6, 2012
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Editor: Dan Isaacson
Assistant Editors: Robin Blanchard, Allen Robbins,
Nancy Morse, Debra Oberlander
Research: Roger Messenger
An educational newsletter to keep
you up-to-date on voter issues.
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Every Dollar Counts!
All donations appreciated, Thank you!
Send your Contributions to:
Palm Beach County Democratic Party
8401 Lake Worth Road #132
Lake Worth, FL 33467
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Absentee Ballot Requests
Made Before January 1, 2011
Have Now Expired
To get your absentee ballot:
By Phone: Right now, before you forget,call your
Florida Supervisor of Elections at 1-866-308-6739
and request an absentee ballot for all the elections
through 2014. Your vote is important!
Democrats believe that:
All people should be treated equally and fairly,
in all levels of government and society, by
fighting discrimination based on race, color,
religion, creed, national origin, sex, age, sexual
orientation, gender identity, disability, and
family status.
Civil rights must be restored to those who have
paid their debt to society.
We must provide equal access and opportunities
to Floridians so they have the expectation of be-
ing able to participate fully in the political process.
Voter suppression laws must be repealed.
The State of Florida must finally ratify the
Equal Rights Amendment.
We are against any law or amendment that
seeks to violate equal protection under the law.
We must provide to all veterans the highest,
most comprehensive social services now, and
in the future. Florida will not forget those who
fought for and defended this country.
In a just society, all persons should have the
right to become citizens under a lawful process.
We must fulfill the promise of the Pledge of
Allegiance: ...and justice for all.
The Florida Democratic Party has brought
together the major aspects of our beliefs and
values in this Platform. We believe that everyone
should have a fair and equal opportunity in a
future that, with hard work, will bring them closer
to the American dream. The Florida Democratic
Party continues to champion efforts to strengthen
our economy, improve our public schools, expand
affordable access to medical care, honor our eldest
citizens, and lead the way to guarantee all people
their civil rights. ##
Vice President
Barack Obama/Joe Biden
U.S. Senate
Bill Nelson
U.S. House of
18 Patrick Murphy
20 Alcee Hastings
21 Ted Deutch
22 Lois Frankel
State Attorney
15 Dave Aronberg
State Senator
25 Joseph Abruzzo
27 Jeff Clemens
34 Maria Sachs
Tax Collector
Anne M. Gannon
Florida House of
81 Kevin Rader
85 David Lutrin
86 Mark Pafford
89 Tom Gustafson
90 Lori Berman
Florida Supreme Court
R. Fred Lewis
Barbara J. Pariente
Peggy A. Quince
District Court of Appeals
4 Burton C. Conner
Carole Y. Taylor
Palm Beach County
1 David Levy
3 Shelley Vana
5 Mary Lou Berger
Palm Beach County
School Board
1 Christine Jax
Special Taxing Districts
Greater Boca Raton
Beach & Park District
Seat 5
Steven M. Engel
Palm Beach Soil &
Water Conservation
Group 2
Drew A. Martin
Northern Improvement
Seat 4
John P. Cohen
Port of Palm Beach
Group 1
Wayne Richards
Group 3
Jean L. Enright
Palm Beach County
Ballot Questions
Question 1. Slot Machines
At Licensed Pari-Mutuel Fa-
cilities In Palm Beach County.
The Democratic Party has no
official position on Question 2.
Palm Beach County Democratic Party
2012 Democrats on the Ballot
One Page Guide To Voting
NOTE: If your district is not listed, either the seat was decided in the Primary, or
there is no Democrat running for that seat in the General election.
The Palm Beach
County Democratic
Party recommends a
YES vote to retain all
The Palm Beach
County Democratic
Party recommends
a NO vote on ALL
State Constitutional
Amendments. Dont
leave them blank!
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9,
10, 11, 12
You may take this Slate Card/Voting Reminder into the
voting booth with you.

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