Scarab Coil Tutorial

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Scarab Coil Tutorial

Posted by kininigin on February 18, 2004

(Edited by life_matrix on August , 200!
"#ote$ %&is 'as originally (osted to t&e )loud*busters forum+ %&is &as been edited to stay )on)ise and to t&e (oint+ ,omments by and
referen)es to ot&ers 'ere remo-ed, as indi)ated by ."/sni(/0.+ 1o'e-er, effort 'as made to kee( inta)t t&e original intention 2 meaning of
3in4s instru)tions+0
%&is is one of t&e )lass*8 or infinity )oils+ 5t is related to t&e lak&o-sky )oil, but 100 times
as (o'erful if built 'ell+ 6&en set u( a((ro(riately, it is e-en suitable for use as a
mobius, and gi-es unri-alled (olarity of (ro7e)tion in t&at )ase+
6&at4s more, it )an t&en )&annel t&e emerging s)arlet ray )lass of et&er, rat&er t&an only
t&e blue orgone -ortex &it&erto a-ailable+ %&at 'ill ultimately lead to a '&ole ne'
generation of intent tools, 'it& t&e (o'er to de*materialise (redatory assets en masse+
6&y s)arab8 6ell, unless someone )omes along 'it& a better &andle, it stands for s)alar
re)e(tion and broad)ast+ 5t mig&t e9ually be resor(tion rat&er t&an re)e(tion+++ or is it
s)arlet array beam8
:n t&e ot&er &and, t&e '&iskery;)rittery look of t&ese t&ings is sure to a((eal to t&e
naturalist or gentleman farmer in all of us, as it4s also a kind of beetle 'it& Egy(tian
mystery )onnotations e-en <*!
Enoug& of t&at+++ &ere4s &o'$
=nless you4re able to assess s)alar out(ut, 5 suggest you follo' t&ese ste(s )losely+
"/sni(/0+++it4s build synergy abo-e all else t&at gets t&e stellar results+ >o, 5 do not
re)ommend t&e 4&al-ing te)&ni9ue4 of t&at (edestrian lak&o-sky )oil, ad-o)ated by t&e
britis&do'serorg arti)le+ ?ou )an do mu)& better t&an t&at 'it& infinity )oils@
54-e found it rat&er effe)ti-e to 'ork in resonant lengt& multi(les for t&is+ 54-e yet to test
exa)tly &o' mu)& im(a)t t&at &as, if any+ Ay resonant lengt& (BC! 5 mean DEEmm or
2D+D.+ ,ut yourself a lengt& of t&in timber to t&at measurement (re)isely and mark eig&t
e9ual se)tions on t&at 4yardsti)k4+ 54ll )all t&ose eig&t&s+
=se enamelled magnet 'ire, &alf millimetre or t&ereabouts+ "Around 24 gauge+0 5f doing
a )b (i(e s)arab, try using D BC for t&e toroid (ortion and an extra &alf BC for t&e
antennae+ 5:6, 4+4 metres or 14 feet fi-e and a 9uarter in)&es+ Fouble t&e 'ire o-er at
t&e &alf'ay (oint+
%ake t&e se(arate strands end and mark an 4eig&t&4 'it& your fingers+
Gently )lam( t&at in a -ise+
Cike'ise, take t&e loo( end and mark an eig&t&+
#o' s&orten t&at by &alf an in)& and bend t&e double 'ire ba)k on itself at t&at (oint+
:(tionally 'ra( a little masking ta(e around t&e end &alf in)& of t&ese four bun)&ed
'ires+ ,lam( t&at &alf in)& in a drill )&u)k and bend t&e loo(y bit to t&e side+ Aest to use
one of t&ose keyless ones+
%&e '&ole (oint being, t&at you 'ant to a-oid t'isting u( t&e antenna (ortions of t&e
final 'ire sto)k, '&ile allo'ing for t&e in*)&u)k (ortion of t&e di-i*u(+
#o' 'it& one end in t&e -ise and t&e ot&er in t&e drill, lig&tly tension t&e lengt& and start
t'isting+ 1o(efully it4s a -ariable s(eed 7ob, so you don4t &a-e to 'orry about bli((ing
t&e trigger+++ to a-oid going too fast+ %&e rotation is anti)lo)k'ise, of )ourse, o((osite to
'&at you do '&en you 'ant to drill a &ole+
A-oid resonan)e * t&e 4standing 'a-e effe)t4 * as t&at (uts ex)essi-e t'ists near t&e
)&u)k+ %ry -arying t&e s(eed and tension+ Al'ays run t&e 'ire a little sla)k, but not
enoug& to 4)url u(4+ Aim for t'ists (er )entimetre in t&e final 'ire sto)k+
#o' release )arefully (mind t&e s(ring*ba)k! and straig&ten out t&e loo( end after
remo-ing any ta(e+ %&ere4s your s)arab;mobius sto)k@
Get a one foot lengt& of 28*H2mm do'el (or a broomsti)k (a)ked 'it& a fe' 'ra(s of
)ardboard, et)! in ot&er 'ords, somet&ing a little t&i)ker t&an your destination (i(es+
>e)ure in a -erti)al (ostion, in a drilled;)lam(ed stand or gri( t&e do'el in a -ise+
1olding t&e loo( end in your left &and and t&e strands in your rig&t, 4lasso4 t&e do'el and
(ull ba)k at t&e &alf'ay (oint of t&e 'ire sto)k+ Aring around t&e front and )ross o-er,
t&e loo( o-er t&e strand end+ %&en lead around t&e ba)k and )ross o-er again, al'ays t&e
strand end first, 'it& t&e loo( end o-er t&e to(+
#i( and tu)k your 'ay u( t&e do'el in t&at fas&ion, kee(ing t&e )ross*o-er (oints
o((osed at 180 degrees, front and ba)k+ >(read ea)& turn out a little from t&e last,
bun)&ing t&em u( only at t&e finis&+ %&at builds a little sla)k into t&e t&ing and t&erefore
fa)ilitates remo-al from t&e 'inding do'el+ %&ere4ll be around 1D turns, all u(+
6&en only t&e (lain ends are left, (us& t&e turns toget&er do'n t&e do'el and t&en sli(
t&e '&ole lot u( and off+ ?ou s&ould be &olding a ni)e little donut sta)k by no'+
6ind a fe' turns of fixing 'ire around '&ere t&e ends )ross t&e last time+ %&at s&ould
se)ure t&ings+++
Fo'se t&e toroid (ortion for (olarity+ Positi-e s&ould be '&at 'as fa)ing do'n on t&e
do'el+ Iark t&e (ositi-e side of t&e )oil+ #ext, )ut t&e loo( and se(arate all four strands+
1olding t&e toroid -erti)ally, do'se ea)& strand, starting 'it& t&e t&e t'o nearest t&e
toroid+ %'o 'ill be negati-e and t'o (ositi-e+ 6it& t&e )oil toroid no' fa)ing (ositi-e
u(, bend t&e t'o negati-es do'n+ ,ut t&em off a )ou(le of millimetres from t&e bend
,ongratulations@ %&at little sorting and (runing 7ob &as 7ust u((ed your s)alar out(ut
nearly 1000J
%ake one BC of t&e same 'ire you used to make t&e sto)k, fold in &alf, and stating
o((osite t&e antennae, 'ind it onto t&e toroid of t&e )oil, first to one side, t&en t&e ot&er+
5t s&ould feel like darning a (air of so)ks, as you get going and (ull some tension on+
%&at )oiling 'ill get you a H0J in)rease, so it4s 'ell 'ort& it+
Finally, bend t&e t'o antennae to t&e (ositi-e side of t&e )oil+ Fo it in a ni)e gentle
&y(erbola (instead of a &ars& -ee! and it4ll get you o-er H0J extra oom(&+ E-eryt&ing
matters &ere <*!
And -oila@ A little s)ary for left*brainers+++ no doubt a )&allenge for t&e dysle)ti) among
us+++ but o-erall, surely a bang*for*t&e*bu)k (o'eru( 'inner@
#o' go and do t&e ot&er fi-e <*!
"/sni(/0++it is a )adu)eus ty(e )oil+ %rouble is, 54m still stu)k on t&e &abit of looking at
t&at as a t'o dimensional t&ing+++"/sni(/0
5 'is& 5 &ad some better (i)s+ %&ere4s only t&is one$
+++'&i)& 5 didn4t t&ink u( to s)rat)&+ 5t4s only an indi)ati-e;s)&emati) kind of t&ing+ %&en
t&ere4s also t&is$
+++'&i)& mig&t gi-e a better )lue as to '&at )rosses o-er '&at+ %&e darker (ortion of
red;blue is meant to re(resent t&e be&ind t&e do'el (art of t&e 'ra(+
"/sni(/0 5 'as asked if 54d )onsidered not trimming t&e t'o negati-e strands+ 1ell yes+
Aeen t&ere, done t&at, tried most t&ings, 5 bet+ At first, 5 too 'as t&inking t&at if t'o of
t&e antennae broad)ast (ositi-e, t&en t&e ot&er t'o must be su)king negati-e, but 5 found
t&ese strands to be al'ays a)ti-e as antennae, broad)asting negati-e and (ositi-e and
t&erefore self*)an)elling, 5 su((ose+ 1o(ing t&ey4ll be su)king leads or '&ate-er and
'anting to solder t&em to ground 7ust doesn4t make it so, unfortunately+
%&e (i)ku( is in t&e toroid of t&e )oil itself+ 5magine an infinite (lane of ingress on t&e
negati-e side and a fairly bundled egress beam on t&e (ositi-e side+ Fo'se t&e negati-e
side from a foot a'ay and get not&ing+ Fo'se t&e (ositi-e side from four feet a'ay and
get a)tion+
5t4s a bit like t&at stargate (ortal <*!
6&at 'e &a-e &ere is already a -ery refined s(e)ies+ Bemember, if you build -ia t&e
&al-ing met&od (like a lak&o-sky! and fail to o(timise, you get only one (er)ent of t&e
(o'er '&i)& t&ese t&ings t&ro' out@
"/sni(/0+++my sense is t&at t&e a'esome (o'er unleas&ed by t&ese t&ings )omes at least in
(art from identifying, sorting and resol-ing all t&e inner tensions Kblus&K and getting t&e
'&ole t&ing )o&erent in a)tion+ 5:6, it4s not terribly useful to 'all(a(er all t&is o-er,
unless it4s medio)rity you 'ant <*!
1a-ing said t&at, 5 'ent and did a )ou(le of )oils, '&ere for t&e first time 5 marked t&e
ends of t&e 'ire (rior to any manufa)turing ste(s+ 5 marked t&e end (ulled off t&e reel,
'&i)& is in-ariably male;(ositi-e, and its )ounter(art after doubling o-er for t'isting,
like so$
6ell, after t&en )om(leting bot& as (er t&e tute, it 'as t&e unmarked t'o ends (after
e-entually )utting t&e loo(! '&i)& turned out to be t&e (ositi-e antennae+++ unex(e)tedly,
it 'ould be fair to say+ 5t mig&t be (ossible to substantiate t&at in bulk if a fe' ot&er
(eo(le test t&eir builds a))ordingly and re(ort ba)k+
5f you t&en )ombine t&at info 'it& '&at 5 stated about t&e bottom*most (art of '&at you
'ind onto t&e do'el be)oming t&e (ositi-e side of t&e )oil toroid, t&en 'e 7ust about
&a-e t&ings at a do'sing*free Lone stage@
Aut 'e need a lot more data on t&e fate of t&e 'ire ends before 'e )an talk about a build
(rin)i(le &ere++++ and t&en t&ere4s al'ays t&e (ossibility of an inad-ertent slig&t de(arture
from t&e build m+o+ sending all t&at to(sy*tur-y any'ay+
Fo'sing t&e end (rodu)t is bullet*(roof+ Iaybe t&ose '&o don4t 9uite trust t&emsel-es
'it& it )an make u( a '&ole bun)& of )oils and t&en &a-e t&em -etted for (runing by a
)onfident do'ser in one fell s'oo(+++ '&ile using t&e abo-e marking suggestion as a
tem(orary measure, and 'orking on t&eir o'n do'sing skills in t&e ba)kground+
Bemember to do'se t&e antenna strands '&ile t&e toroid is &eld -erti)ally, like so$
5f you &a-e it lying do'n, t&en t&ere is too mu)& interferen)e for t&e subtle energy you
'is& to dete)t+ 5:6, don4t do it like t&is$
1a-ing it lying do'n like t&at is t&e 'ay to do'se t&e toroid itself, &o'e-er, rig&t at t&e
outset, before )utting t&e loo(+
"/sni(/0+++it4s t&e latter 'it& t&e 'ire (olarity "ea)& 'ire &as a (ositi-e 2 a negati-e end0+
=nder normal )ir)umstan)es it )an ne-er be t&e former+++ "one 'ire &a-ing bot& ends
(ositi-e or bot& ends negati-e0
At', 5 &o(e t&at e-eryone makes sure t&e (ositi-e;male end of t&eir )b (i(es (bot& t&e
stubs and t&e extensions! fa)es u(+ %&at sort of t&ing really &el(s, '&en t&ere4s no internal
tussle bet'een )om(eting energy (olarities@
"/sni(/0+++54-e not done a )b 'it& s)arabs embedded in t&e base, so 5 )annot )omment on
t&at+ As far as u(grading t&e (i(es is )on)erned, rig&t at t&e ends is definitely best+ 5 e-en
ended u( breaking t&e glue bet'een (i(es and s(a)er to mo-e t&e s(a)er rig&t to t&e to(+
#ot as (retty, but 'orks best+
54-e tried most (la)ements 'it& most of t&e builds 5 do+ >ometimes, &o'e-er, you 'ant to
(ut it into t&e body of t&e build to re- u( t&e internals+
For instan)e, standard trinities used to gi-e around H00,000 bo-is+ Auilt 'it& a s)arab,
t&ey gi-e H*H+ million bo-is+ %&at4s 'it& it affixed at t&e middle+ 5f a se)ond s)arab is
sli((ed 7ust o-er t&e to( (male! end, t&en it goes to o-er 11 million bo-is+ 5 &a-e not tried
one 'it& 7ust t&e 4&at4 unfortunately+
5 must say, 5 found t&ese &ig& bo-is -alues -ery &ard to a))e(t, a)tually, until 5 realised
t&at most of t&at 'as in t&e &ig& energy s)arlet form of life et&er+ 5 'anted to 9uantify
t&at and also t&e relati-e (ositioning on somet&ing like a )b (i(e+ >o 5 did a little
ex(erimenting as follo's$
5 took a (ie)e of in)& )o((er (i(e, 10)m;4. long t&at &ad a basi) out(ut of ,HD0 A=
10G;M0A;0>+ %&e A= stands for bo-is units and t&e follo'ing term is t&e (er)entile
distribution of gold;blue;s)arlet energy+
#ext, 5 took a s)arab '&i)& 7ust slid o-er t&at (i(e and measured it stand*alone+ 5t
returned 1,DD0,000 A= 0G;0A;100>+ 5n ot&er 'ords, not&ing s(e)ial for a s)arab, 7ust
a-erage+ 5 'as one of t&e earlier builds+
5 t&en (la)ed it at t&e bottom of t&e (i(e and determined t&e )ombination+ 5t returned
1,4M,000 A= 0G;8A;M2>+
5 t&en (la)ed it at t&e middle of t&e (i(e and determined t&e )ombination+ 5t returned
1,10,000 A= 0G;MA;M1>+
5 t&en (la)ed it at t&e to( of t&e (i(e and determined t&e )ombination+ 5t returned
2,1D0,000 A= 0G;10A;M0>+
5n ot&er 'ords, if you look at 7ust t&e blue )om(onent of t&e energy * it4s t&e blue t&at
does t&e atmos(&eri) 'ork * it 'ent from 481 A= (M0J of ,HD0! to 21D,000 (10J of
2,1D0,000! in t&at best )ase abo-e+ %&e ot&er (la)ements 'ere )&oking t&e energy ba)k
(total less t&an s)arab alone!+ "/sni(/0
"/sni(/0+++my feeling is t&at number of turns &as in)remental im(a)t only+++ not&ing eart&*
s&attering nor terribly detrimental+
"/sni(/0+++magnet 'ire may be an abbre-iation of s(eaker magnet 'ire+ 5n any )ase, it4s
)o((er 'ire '&i)& &as an amine (olymer )oating or similar to a)t as an insulator+ %&at
means it )an be 'ound tig&tly toget&er to form effi)ient )oils, )&okes, armatures and field
'indings 'it&out s&orting out+ 5f (-) insulation 'ere used instead, t&e resultant extra
s(a)ing * bet'een one 'ire loo( and t&e next * 'ould gi-e mu)& less field intensity and
signifi)ant more bulk of t&e '&ole )oil+
Areaking one or bot& of t&e (ositi-e antennae redu)es (o'er signifi)antly+ 5 t&ink you
(i)ked u( on t&at+ 5t 'ill still 'ork some+ %&e -ariation in energy transdu)ed by t&ese
)oils * from a slo((y or 'rong )onstru)tion to an o(timal tuned resonan)e exam(le * is
"/sni(/0 Pra)ti)e makes (erfe)t <*!"/sni(/0 6&at really does one of t&ese )oils in is if you
(rune it 'rong so t&at you &a-e a negati-e toget&er 'it& a (ositi-e antenna+ %&at4s like
t'o )ars lo)ked bum(er to bum(er+ Cots of s)ree)&ing and tyre smoke, but not mu)&
mo-ement+ 5f anyone &as made a )oil '&i)& seems energeti)ally flat, t&en sus(e)t t&at
o))urren)e for sure+ "/sni(/0
.#ot&ing is no' beyond t&e realms of (ossibility@ 6e are t&e ones 'e &a-e been 'aiting
Additional Images
6&at you need to kno'
%&e magi), )rudely
>omet&ing t&e )at dragged in@
Ay t&e t&roat
6ay to go
%o'erbuster layout
5n)luding s&ell*te)&
"#ote$ All images &osted by P&otobu)ket+)om0

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