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NASA Institute for Advanced Concepts

2nd Annual Meeting

June 6-7, 2000
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Technical Sessions: Building 3 Auditorium
Reception: Building 28 Atrium
NIAC Annual Meeting
Tuesday, June 6, 2000
GSFC Building 3 Auditorium
8:00am - 8:30am Registration
8:30am - 8:45am Welcome and Opening Remarks, Dr. Robert Cassanova, NIAC Director
8:45am - 9:15am Mr. Sam Venneri, Associate Administrator, Aero-Space Technology
9:15am - 10:15am NIAC Advanced Concept Status Reports
n (40 min) Dr. Neville J. Woolf, Steward Observatory, University of Arizona
Very Large Optics for the Study of Extrasolar Terrestrial Planets
n (20 min) Arthur Palisoc, LGarde Incorporated
Large Telescope Using Holographically Corrected Membranes
10:15am - 10:30am Break
10:30am - 12:00pm NIAC Status Reports
n (40 min) Dr. Paul Gorenstein, Smithsonian Institution, Astrophysical Observatory
An Ultra-High Throughput X-Ray Astronomy Observatory with a New
Mission Architecture
n (40 min) Dr. Webster Cash, University of Colorado
X-Ray Interferometry: Ultimate Astronomical Imaging
12:00pm - 1:15pm Lunch (on your own)
1:15pm - 2:55pm NIAC Status Reports
n (40 min) Dr. Ralph L. McNutt, Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab
A Realistic Interstellar Explorer
n (20 min) Dr. Jordan Maclay, Quantum Fields LLC
Feasibility of Communications Using Quantum Correlations
n (40 min) Dr. Steven Dubowsky, MIT
Self-Transforming Robotic Planetary Explorers
2:55pm - 3:10pm Break
3:10pm - 4:50pm NIAC Status Reports
n (20 min) Thomas Vaneck, Physical Sciences Incorporated
A System of Mesoscale Biomimetic Roboswimmers for Exploration
and Search for Life on Europa
n (20 min) Dr. Peter Molnar, Clark Atlanta University
Self-Organized Navigation Control for Manned and Unmanned
Vehicles in Space Colonies
n (20 min) Anthony Colozza, Ohio Aerospace Institute
Planetary Exploration Using Biomimetics
n (20 min) Chris Van Buiten, Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation
Autonomous VTOL Scalable Logistics (AVSLA)
n (20 min) Jason Tyll, GASL Incorporated
Environmentally-Neutral Aircraft Propulsion Using Low Temperature Plasma
5:30pm - 7:00pm Reception, Building 28 Atrium
NIAC Annual Meeting
Wednesday, June 7, 2000
GSFC Building 3 Auditorium
8:00am - 10:00am NIAC Status Reports
n (40 min) Dr. Ilan Kroo, Stanford University
Mesicopter: A Meso-Scale Vehicle
n (40 min) Dr. Kerry Nock, Global Aerospace Corporation
Global Constellation of Stratospheric Scientific Platforms
n (20 min) Dr. Christopher Brown, Dynamac Corporation
Programmable Plants: Development of an In Planta System for the Remote
Monitoring and Control of Plant Function for Life Support
n (20 min) Dr. Penelope Boston, Complex Systems Research Incorporated
Scientific Exploration and Human Utilization of Subsurface Extraterrestrial
Environments: A Feasibility Assessment of Strategies, Technologies & Test Beds
10:00am - 10:20am Break
10:20am - 12:00pm NIAC Status Reports
n (20 min) Dr. James Powell, Plus Ultra Technologies, Incorporated
Development of Self-Sustaining Mars Colonies Utilizing the North Polar Cap
and the Martian Atmosphere
n (40 min) Dr. Robert P. Hoyt, Tethers Unlimited, Incorporated
Moon & Mars Orbiting Spinning Tether Transport (MMOSTT)
n (40 min) John Grant, Boeing
Hypersonic Airplane Space Tether Orbital Launch Study
12:00pm - 1:15pm Lunch (on your own)
1:15pm - 2:55pm NIAC Status Reports
n (40 min) Dr. Robert M. Winglee, University of Washington
The Mini-Magnetospheric Plasma Propulsion, M
n (20 min) Dr. George Maise, Plus Ultra Technologies, Incorporated
Exploration of Jovian Atmosphere Using Nuclear Ramjet Flyer
n (20 min) Bradley Edwards, Los Alamos National Lab
The Space Elevator
n (20 min) Dr. Kerry T. Nock, Global Aerospace Corporation
Cyclical Visits to Mars via Astronaut Hotels
2:55pm - 3:10pm Break
3:10pm - 4:50pm NIAC Status Reports
n (40 min) Dr. Eric E. Rice, Orbital Technologies Corporation
Advanced System Concept for Total ISRU Based Propulsion and
Power Systems for Unmanned and Manned Mars Exploration
n (20 min) Christopher England, Engineering Resource Group
Mars Atmosphere Resource Recovery System (MARRS)
n (20 min) Dr. Alex Ignatiev, University of Texas - Houston
New Architecture for Space Solar Power Systems:
Fabrication of Silicon Solar Cells Using In-Situ Resources
n (20 min) Dr. Douglas OHandley, Orbital Technologies Corporation
System Architecture Development for a Self-Sustaining Lunar Colony

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